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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1902)
TITE OMAIfA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1002. SOCIETY STILL SLUMBERS IfidummM Somnolence Comet Over th Omaha Smart Ttlka, WEEK DEVOID OF NOTEWORTHY THINGS KbowIb Oae Fled Occasion for Whispered ConTer.atloa) la a Mild Flirtation that Hae "lara S Been' Checked. If possible, last week wn even more un eventful than the week previous, but so ciety, what there ! left of It. ha gotten need to that thla aummer and appreciate mall things. Out at .the. Country club the Hat of girla baa dwindled down until by tha cloae of the wji It will not exceed lialf a doaen, which etate of affairs prom ises, or at leant ahould promise, something Interesting, considering .that moat of the young men are atlll here. It was the ball game by all odds that look Brat place In fashionable Interest laat week and the Monday gams saw the larg est, most enthusiastic gathering that has assembled for soma time. It has been years, not since the days ot the old St. iMarya avenue grounds, in tact, since the 'Woman have taken such an Interest In the game, and for the last month the Monday ad Friday games have attracted an al most equal attendance of men and women. There haa been a quiet little flirtation going on out at the Country club and. In fact, everywhere else where society has assembled in numbers, for several months past. To be sura, there Is nothing es pecially unuaual or startling In this fact, s society Is prone to that sort of thing, and privileged, likewise, but it sometimes dappens that a dearth of other thlnga In tereatlng, together with soma unusual 'featare, lends to an affair ot this kind an Interest even for society, and thla happens to bo one of those cases. In fact, society lias only recently made the discovery that It Is really a flirtation and that makes it all the mora Interesting. She la from out jot town and a comparatively recent acqui sition to tha list ot charming young ma Irons that are Just beginning to be eleglble as chapei'onea. He la of that aet that the bias and some of Hie other experienced tone have so uncharitably dubbed tha "Kindergarteners." They met two years go, when she had younger sister visit log her. She has been "kind" to him since and he has been "one of her boys," and that haa been all there was to It until re cently, when some one, one of the experi enced ones, discovered symptoms that re minded him of a time when ha "needed advice," and since then society Individu ally and In groups baa dona Its duty to uch an extent that she Is not speaking to soma ot her former friends, while he, poor boy, Is growing a mustache. I V The week at tha Field club began with the Sunday evening tea given by Mra. T. J. O'Brien for Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Murphy, Mr. and Mra. J. P. McQrath and John Welsh. Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Mc Grath gava a) seven-courso dinner for Mr. nd Mra. R. EL Welsh and Miss Dacy. Mr.1 and Mrs. Arthur Meti gave a dinner Jn ' jonor of Miss Fycke of 8t. Louis and Mr. Arthur Smith of Omaha, at which the guests were Miss Penney of St. ' Louis and Mr. and Mra. Fred Mets and Mr. and Mrs. jpharles Mets. Mr. Thomas Crelgh gava a course ..dinner for Mlaa Hoagland, Miss Jackson. Miss Franklin of New York city, Mr. E. A. George and Mr. Paul Hoagland. k At tha Field club bowling Is leaping to Immediate popularity since the new alleys wera provided. A, Monday evening party 'consisted ot Dr. and Mrs. J. Boyd, Miss Kane and Mr. F. P. Rooney, and Wednes day evening Mr. H. Dooley bad friends at tha alleys. Mr. Art Scrlbner holda the blnepla record 'with nine atralgbt and JW. C. Sherwood the tenpln record with k score of 258. Soma vsry good records bavs been made by tha women also. ! The Bee receives correspondence from bkobojl, la., telling of the growing rep resentation that Omaha haa there, of the tool days and glorious nights, of the par ties and the salla, of the burglars who called In tha night and tha respectable persons who called still later through force of circumstances. Wednesday night the Omaha beach crowd entertained at Major B. D. Slaughter' cottage, taffy pull ing, plagpong and dancing being tha .order of entertainment. At Plka'a Point beach are Mrs. J. ES. Baum and family, Mrs. . Phillip Potter and two sons, Mrs. Fred pavta and family, Mrs. D. O. Patterson and family, tha Misses Alice and Rosabella French, who ara at tha Davis cottage: Mu" Clara Funk, who Is visiting Mrs. J. B. Baum, and Messrs.' Charles Shlverlck, Rob-art-Burns, Frank Wllhelm. Tom Davis and Walter Roberta. J. D. , Foster and H. B. " Boyles arrived at- "The Inn" at 5 a. m, rhursday with heavy eyes and a demand (or rooms for their families and them pelves. Wednesday night soma prowler j Interrupted In an effort to enter tha poster cottage uninvited. Weddings and Ei(frmati. I Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Estabrook of 624 bearbora avenue, Chicago, have announced lbs aagagemeat of their daughter Blanch peuel and Mr. Carl O. Roebllng of Trenton, jt. J. The wedding la to take place In No vember. A very pretty wedding was aolemniied t the rectory ot St. Peter's church at I 'clock on Wedneaday afternoon, Father Iheara officiating, the contracting parties ; being Mlts Margaret A. Fleharty and Mr. ' (llmon Berkhaus. The bride waa attended y Miss Anne Winter, Mr. Callahan acting a best man. Following the marriage service THE ALL PURPOSE FOOD USED IN PIES, PUDDINGS AND BREAKFAST FOOD And many other tasty dishca. 99 per cent ot nutriment. BEST HOT WEATHER FOOD. All Grocers Sell Per-fo ....15c reception was held at tha home of Mrs. Hrston of 21 Pacific street. Mr. and Mrs. Berkbaus (eft lata In tha afternoon for Pueblo, where ther .will .make their home. An event of Interest In Jewish circles was the marriage of Mlaa Cora Epleaberger, daughter of Mrs.: Morris Splraberger, and Mr. Louie Wolf, which waa quietly solemn I red on Wednesday evening at Metropol itan club. In the pretence ot about forty relatives and frlenda. Rabbi Simon offi ciated. The wedding waa followed by aa elaborate supper and later by dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf left that evening for the rat to be absent about a fortnight and will be at home after September 1 at 1120 South Thirtieth street.' Among tha out-of-town guests who were present wera: Mr. and Mrs. Slnbetmer, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Sples brrger and Miss Florence Slhbelmer of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Well of Keo kuk, la., Mr. and Mrs. H. Marks of St. Joseph and Mr. M. Bptesberger of Wabash, Iod. Social Chit-chat. Mr. Mosler Colpetaer spent Isst Sundaj in Omaha.. Mr. Oarelaaen la spending his vacation on a ranch in Wyoming. . Mr. John L. Kennedy Is registered at tha .Waldorf-Astoria in New Tork. Hiss Bache expects to be the gueat of her sister after the first week in August. Mr. Harry Cartan expects to go to 8wsmpscott, Mass., the 1st ot August, Mies Kste McHugh sod Mies Duffle ara summering at Excelsior, Lake Mlnnetonka. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hoyt will leave on Friday for a month's stay at Spirit Lake. Mr. C. E. Yost expects to go to Watklna' Olenn, N. V., this week to join Mrs. Tost. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKeen have taken the house at 604 South Twenty-fifth ave nue. Senator Dietrich waa the guest of Mr. George Holdrege while In the city last week. Mrs. E. L. Lomax and Mlaa Lomax ex pect to leave for Charlevoix the early part ot the week, Mra. Charlea Keller and children are ex pected homo from Cbarlottevllle, Va., the middle ot the week. The members of Metropolitan club, with their families, will hold their annual plcnlo at Krug's park on Tuesday. Mr. Gerald Wharton left on Saturday for Bt. Paul, Minn., where he expects to ee tabllah himself In buVlneas. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bowman have bought the residence at 1009 Georgia avenue and expect to make it their home, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Page and daughter have gone to Magnolia, Mass., where they will pass tho rest ot the summer, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conpell, who have been In the east for the past two weeks, are expected borne New Tork this week. Mr. Charlea Clapp has returned from California, and next week Mr. and Mrs, Clapp expect to move Into their new home at 119 North Thirty-fourth street. Mrs. Edward Rosewater haa returned from Cleveland, O., where ahe haa beep visiting for .the last few weeks. Miss Rosewater, who accompanied her, will not return for a week or two. Mrs." H. T. Lemlat and Mr. Russell will leave on Wedneaday for Boston and the Berkshire hills, where Mr. Lemlat will Join them In August, and together they will spend th remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Hoxie Clarke have 4aken passage on Pottsdam of tha Holland-Amer lean Una and will, sail from New York on August 9. They will remain abroad but ten days, returning to America by the same boat. ' Mrs. Kllpatrlck and Mlaa Kllpatrlck have been entertaining quite ' a company ot Omaha people of late at their summer place at Lake Placid, N. T.. among them being the Misses Crounse, Miss Frederlcka Wes sells and Dr. Brldgea. Mr. and Mrs. John French and Mr. Her bert French expect to go to Lake Okoboll this week, where they will join the Misses French, who have been at the lake for the laat two weeks with Mr. 'and Mra. Fred Davla and family. Mr. and Mr. French xpect to spend the remainder of the sum mer there. An Informal dance ts scheduled for next Friday evening at tha'boathous at Man' awa, to which the younger set are looking forward with pleasure. Those Informal af fair over the river are steadily gaining la popularity and have interfered materially this season with the completeness of some of the gatherings on thla aid. , Oat-af-Tewa rfaeata. Mrs. William B. Sterling 1 tha guest of Mra. George Bldwell. . Miss Mae Rothschild I entertaining Mlas Elma Wolf of Chicago. . s Mtsa Lulu Peyoko of Kansas City la the guest of Mrs. Arthur Mets. . Mlaa Mabel Baum of Denver Is the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baum, Jr. Mr. B. M. Bartlett haa hadVas hi gueat for the past week Mr. Edmund J. Bennett of Denver. Mrs. W. J. Gardner and son, Dean Gard ner, of Renfrow, Okl., are visiting Mrs, P. II. Updike. Miss, Richie of Chicago, who' haa been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Sprague, ha returned home. Mrs. Harry Beeman, who has been Mrs. Daiton Rlsley's guest, has returned to ber home In Orlando, Fla. , Miss Evans ot Kansas City, who visited Miss Coad last summer, 1 her guest again, having come last week. . Mr. Louis Morrl of Cleveland, O., Is vlstttag at the home of hie uncle, Mr. Max Morrla on Park avenue. Mrs. James Smith and Miss Esther Miller of St. Lou I a wera tha guests laat week of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. fry. Mies Delta Oauer ot New Orleans Is pending the week tha guest cf Miss Martha Harding of Windsor Place. Mrs. Spencer of Lawrence, Kan., who has been visiting her son, Mr. John B. Spencer, haa returned to her home. Mlaa Anna Towler of Washington, D. C, visiting her alater, Mrs. Wiley Jones, on South Twenty-eighth street. Mra. Carrie B. Peloubet and Mrs. Ed ward Hanr of Washington. D. C, are guesta thla week of Mrs. A. B. Bryaon ot 2022 St. Marys avenue. Mrs. A. B. McCrea, the landarape archi tect of Chicago, with her daughter, Miss Dot, Is visiting her cousin, Mr. D. V. Sboles, 1120 South Tbtrty-first street. Moveaaeat mm Whereaheat. Mra. Howard Smith ha returned from Chlllcothe, O. Mr. Marls 8. Nettletoa Is at home at 1411 Capitol avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carmlchet expect to visit Denver soon. Miss Lydla McCagua Is visiting frlenda In Tscoma, Wash. Mrs. Herbert C. Herring I visiting friend In Chicago. Mis Anna Burress haa gone to Chicago for a few weeks' visit. Miss Helen Powell Is spending a fort night at Bkldmore,, Mo. Judge and Mr. Blabaugh are visiting frlenda In Oscaloosa, la. Mis Stella Blade haa returned from a visit to Colorado Springs. Mrs. E. Buckingham ha returned from trip to Salt Lake City. Mra. W. F. Wapplch ha goo to Minne apolis to vlalt her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bberradln are enjoying a ten days' trip to Niagara Falls. Miss Nathalie Merrlam la expected home from Waco, Tex., on Wednesday. mis Heien Kanm has returned from a Tlslt with friends In Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Hopper are spending Sunday with frlenda at Olenwood, la. Mrs. W. L. Coaklsy Is spending tha warm weather visiting friend lo Wisconsin. amis rayette uoie cas returned from a month'a visit with friends In Mlohlgan, Mr. and Mra. L. K. Hutton have gone to Tellowatona park for a two weeks' outing Mrs. L. Walker of Lo Angele I visiting at tha noma of Mr. and Mra. S. P. Gould Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodrich are enjoying a Ashing trip among the Minnesota lakes, Mr. and Mr. Henry Homan returned from trip out into the state on Monday, Mrs. Ernest Arthur ha gone to Des Molnea to apend tha remainder of the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Degea went to Chicago on Friday, expecting to be abaent about a week. Mr. and Mr. Victor White are at horn from a trip to Sheridan, Wyo., and Dome Lake. Rev, and Mrs. Edward Hart Jenks have taken the house at 131 South Twenty-fifth street. Mr. and Mr. R. H. Olmstsd left on Wednesday for a brief visit In Denver and Manttou. Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Steel have re turned from their wedding tour through the east. Mrs. Charles Crquhart left on Saturday for Illlnoia to vlalt her parent, Mr. and Mra. Davi. Mr. and Mr. Thomas W. Allen have taken apartment at 2111 Dougla street for the aummer. Miss Hester Lame, who ha been spend' lag the aummer In the west, I expected back August 1.' Mr. and Mrs. Oscar P. Goodman and little daughter expect to go to Colorado soon to spend some time. i Mr. Wllber Emerson spent laat week visiting Denver, Colorado Springs and other mountain resorts. Mrs. John Francis and daughter, Miss Clara Francis, have returned from Glen wood 8prtnge, Colo. 1 Mr. Joseph Mandelberg la in Baltimore, Md., where he waa called to attend the funeral of hi mother. Mr. J. M. Rose and daughter, Miss Lil lian, have returned from a trip to Denver and Colorado Springs. Miss Terrlll and Mlas Lou Terrlll will all on Die Bluecher July 29, expecting to apend August In Parts. Mr. and Mrs. W. Morrla McKay left laat evening for Colorado and New Mexico, to be abaent tor a month. Mr. and Mr. B. T. Lladsey went to New Tork on Tuesday evening and will be ab aent about a fortnight. Mrs. Isaao Congdon ha gone to Mr. Hunt' ranch near Bridgeport, Neb., where he Join Mlas Congdon. Mlas Mercer and Miss Brown expect to leave thla week for Neenah, Wis., where they will visit frluends. ' Miss Laura Fisher of Florence, Wis., pent Sunday In Omaha, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Pinto. The Misses Crounse left laat week for Lake Placid, N. T., where they will be the guest ot Miss Kllpatrlck. Mrs. J. F. MawHlnney haa gone to the Berkshire Hill and will pnd tha re mainder ot the summer there. Mrs. Anna Maxwell of thla city left yes terday for a two months' visit with friends and relatives at Little Rock, Ark. Mr. C. W. Morton and family returned oa Friday from Sprague' Lodge, Colo., where they have been spending the sum mer. Miss Nellie Elgutter Is the guest of Miss Leola Brandeia at the Brendela summer home at Fort Calhoun. Mr. and Mra. Henry Thompson and aoa have gone to Colorado to spend several week at the mountain resorts. Mlas Riley and Mies Campion of St. Paul are visiting Mrs. L. C. Melady, (20 North Twenty-third street. South Omaha. Mrs. Herman Kountia and Mlas Cotton left for Charlevoix on Wedneaday and will apend the remainder of tha summer there. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Gould and family have returned from a two weeks' visit on the Gould ranch In the weetern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson have re turned from Oshkosb, where they have spent the last month vlsHlng Mr. Jackson's par ents. Mr. aad Mr. Howard Baldrlg and son Maloomb have goae en a camplag trip to the Yellowstoae with Major Hiram Crtt tendea. ' Mlaa Shelly Moore ot Council Bluffs has returned to ber home, having been the gueat for aeveral days ot Mrs. O. D. Kip linger. Mrs., T. B. McPhersoa and children, ae eompaaled by Miss McPherson, have gone to New York to apend the remainder of the summer. Mre. William J. Broatch will leave thla week for Philadelphia, where she. will Join her daughter, and together they will visit Atlsntle City. Mr. W. 8. Poppletoa, accompanied by hla slater. Mrs. Myroa Leaned, latt oa Monday for a trip to New Tork and the Atlaatle coast. Mr. O. D. Klpllager returned last week from a visit to Llewellya, Neb., where he wee the gueat of Mr. Fox oa hla reach near that- place. Mr. Fes returned with Mr. Klpllnger and has been his guest dur ing the week. Miss Dacy left on Thursday tor the eaat to sail for Europe, where she will spend the next six weeks touring Germany, Aui trla and France. Mrs. C. Will Hamilton, Mra. Cummlng and Mra. Hamilton have gone to Swamp scott, Maae., where they will Join the Mtaaes Hamilton. Miss Gertrude Harris, daughter of Mr. aad Mra. J. H. Harris, went to Chicago on Tuesday, expecting to epend the month vleltlng frlenda there. Mr. Morrla Levy. accompanied by hla daughter, Mlaa Joeephloe Levy, has gone to the St. George ranch, near Sidney, Neb., for a short visit. Mrs. Harry Woodard, Mrs, Frsnk Stand- Ish and Misa Kate Johnson returned on Tuesday from an outing of several weeks at Madison Lake, Kin. Mr. and Mra. Charlea E. Ford and chil dren aalled on Northland from Chicago oa Saturday for Charlevoix, Harbor Point and other northern polnta. Mrs. W. S. Rector and daughter, Ml Vlvlsa of Chicago, spent several days In Omaha last week. Mrs. Rector having been called to Nebraska City by the death of ber grandmother. Among those who bad guests at dinner at the Country club lsst evening were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorie Bldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler. Mr. Morris Rosenthal returned from a month's visit to California on Wedneadsy. Mrs. Rosenthal and children are now in Ban Francisco and exoect to remain on the coast until fall. Miss Mount has returned from a week' tay on her father's ranch In the western part of the state and Is entertaining Miss Leah Irvine of Sioux City, who came the early part of the week to be her guest. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levi of Nebraska City are expected the early part of the week to apend some time with Mrs. Levi's parents, Mr. and Mr. H. Rehfeld. They will be accompanied by Miss Lena Rehfeld, who has been their guest for the last tew weeks. Pleasaree Past. Mrs. Frank J. Hoel entertained an In. formal kenslngton en Saturday afternoon. Mra. Eugene DuvaL waa hostess at a verv pretty luncheon on Thursday, given com plimentary to Miss Grace Hayward. Mis Mabelle Crawford waa the gueat of honor at a dinner given by Mr. and Mra. J. 8. Whltzell on Wednesday evening. For their guest, Mlas Mabelle Crawford of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Whelp ton entertained Informally on last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mra. J. B. Rahm entertained a dinner party at the Country club on Friday evening in honor of Mrs. I. O. Rhodes of Bait Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas gave one ot the larger dinner parties of the week at their home in Council Bluffs, their guests being chieny from among Omaha'a young people. Mra. A. J. Love was hostess at an In formal afternoon on Wednesday In compli ment to ber gueat, Mrs. Alene Shane Devln of Chicago, at her home near the Country club. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly entertained a party of frlenda at an Informal studio affair on Tuesday evening In compliment to Miss Mabelle Crawford ot Chicago, who la Mra. Sherman Whelpton' guest. The members ot the P. L. S. club, com posed ot girls of the class ot 1900, Omaha High achool, will hold their annual re union on Friday evening at the home of Miss Jessie Fearon, 911 South Thirty-sixth Street. , Mr. L. M. Cobn entertained the mem bera of the Wolf-Splesberger bridal party and the wedding guesta from out of town at an elaborate dinner at Metropolitan club on Monday evening. Covers were laid for twenty-six guests. Mrs. George Strsln. Mrs. Scrlbner. Mrs. Barnum, Mra. Erlckaon, Mrs. Rfce and Mrs. Loomls were Mrs. F. P. Loomls's guests at a very pretty luncheon on Thursday. The rooms were profusely trimmed .with out flowers, an effective arrangement ot roses making the table especially pretty.' One of the very smartest of the mid summer affaire waa the progreaalve dinner given on Wedneaday evening, of which Mre. Charlea Vrquhart, Mra. W. P. Mlkesell, Mrs. H. L. Whitney, Mrs. 3. W. Munn and Mrs. W. E. Pa line tier were hostesses, Though most elaborate In Its detaila, Its progressive feature relieved the affair ot that formality which attends the dinner party and rendered It most enjoyable. The Drat three coursee were served at the home of Mr. and Mra. J. W. Munn at 2208 Poppleton avenue; where a quantity of nasturtiums and marguerites were used In effective decoration.. The guesta were seated at two tables, each prettily trimmer with the same flowers. At 8 o'clock the party adjourned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Whitney at Thirty-third street and Woolworth avenue, where the other courses were served. Here two tables were again employed, aweet peas being strewn over tha cloth and used as a centerpiece, Later In the evening the party went to the Field club, where they danced until a late hour. Musical In pursuance of the theme of last Sunday's discussion in this column aa to midsummer thoughts for musto students. It has occurred to me that a short talk on "detail" might not be amiss. How often does one think that the dstly study ot the technical part of one's educa tlon ean be slighted. One Is inclined to think that the attention to breathing detail, In singing, or the various little things which co-operate in the production ot good tone, is a thing which must possibly be constant, during the first few weeks ot study, and can then be abandoned. The same, .in connec tloa with Instrumental work. The alow. stesdy development of the technique may perchance bo a neceasity at the beginning. but after a while It can be diapenaea with, And the reault ia always deplorable In both caeca. If you, aa a alnger, were to give a few minute dally to the careful, thoughtful, mental effort to realise Juat what you are trying to do, in your breathing, and If you ahould give the earn time to a realisation of what "relax" meana to you personally, your voice would be much more amenable to con trol, your eaay compaaa would be greatly incraaaed and the hardneaa In your tone would be eliminated in favor ot a velvety amoothneas. While oa thla subject let me euggest that ths most Insidious, most subtle foe to eaay singing is unconscious . breath preaaure, Watch for it and exterminate It; you can feet rid of it If you will carefully think it ever, with concentrate'! mental energy. As to inatrumentallani. the sams negll geoce of routine worka tha aame untoward reaults. There is a growing tendency to Ignore the efficacy ot the "ten-hours-a dav" oractlclna and to emphaalie the im oortance of tVouchtful. Intense graap of the basic principles ot technique in daily Study. Tims, without thought, is wasted. Ths absorbing of a principle requires thought, not .time messurement. By eternal practice one may perhaps stumble upon the Idea to be grasped. But thousht. concentrated and constant, will bring an intelligent development which wl'.l be sure, solid and subatsntlsl. Dive deep Into the sea of thought. If you want to bring up the treasures. New, let us look at this subject of rou tine In musio from another atsndpolnt. A young womsn will spend twenty min utes or so every dsy In dresnlng her hair or In the joys of manicuring, etc. (I state this on the authority of the society editor personally I know nothing upon that sub ject) The aame person will, however, think It terrible hardship to be eroected by a teacher to spend that ssme time on the study of those details which the student of music approaches first, but with which he should keep up a dally acquaintance. Let .us all now that we have leisure- begin to look Into the routine, the detail. the first simplicities, and see how fsr we ave strayed. ' The twenty-minute period to which I al lude Is, of count, an extra time for the one special purpose ot reviewing "first thoughts." The object, however, ot thla article Is to plesd for the regulsr dally renewal ot the simple thing taught In one' earliest student day. "But," saya the one-wbo-objects, "what Is the use of all this thought on the early lessons? Are we alwaya to be hampered by having to see that we elt right, stand properly, breathe ao, do auch a thing with the fingers?" The answer Is, yes, it you call that ham pering. But why dress your hair? Ah, the result repays you, does It? And yet, you expect results In the lofty mission which you have assumed as a disciple of the great art of music, without dally attention to the gear." While we are at it, we might as well earry the discussion further. I have men tioned the necessity ot the "first thought" period dally, la addition to the other work. Just as Is In the Illustration used, the hair, dressing Is done In private, and Is done whether one ts going to a swell function, or the ordinary household meal. So should it bs with study. One should not expect to get results by polishing up the work Just before a concert. Still another thought and then I will leave the subject for you to continue. What would you think of a young woman who cornea to your reception, dinner or theater party with hair unkempt, uncombed or unbfushed, or the young man who came unabaven or with his hair In ends and knots? Yet, figuratively speaking, we see singer and player do that very thing. (Sometimes, regret to say, we see It literally.) For Instance, it is disgusting to any singer of taste nowadays to see a so-called artist dleplsy the whole physiological pro cess of breathing. It la no less offensive to see a pianist turn himself or herself Into an acrobat. If a pianist is obliged to "do stunts" with the body when he or she plays, then It Is time to provide a trapeze for the or ganist, because he haa two or three key boards, a pedal-board of about thirty keys, a heavy swell-treadle, three or four rows of stop-handlea on his right and left and number of "composition pedals" for bringing together certain combination ot tops. Yet I am confident in my assertion that the average professional organlat makes far less unnecessary body motion than the average professional pianist. I hope to see the day when singing and playing of the type mentioned ia charac terised by the critics a "vulgar," for that I the only epithet fit and aulted thereto. Mr. Stelnhauser. the well known musi cian and orchestral leader, haa just fin; lahed the composition of a very effective concert number entitled the "Gipsy Girl's Dream." I have bad a glance at the man uscrlpt and If glvea promise of being most Interesting to the public. It opens with an effective bit ot "slumber musio" sug gested by ' the "shimmering" ot the vio lins over a horn and a 'cello solo. There is gipsy dance music which la thoroughly faithful In Its portraiture, and a xlther solo in "amaroso" style. Ia addition to theae there are birds, chimes, etc., adding much pleasing variety. The composition wUl be heard at one of the Omaha aum mer resorts In the near future. Mrs. Allen P. Ely. contralto, will eing the offertory solo at Kountze Memorial church thia morning. Mr.' Karl Steckelberg. violinist, will pla) three cumbera at the Flrat Methodist Epla copal church this morning. THOMAS J. KELLY. Mlas Paulson, piano. 2811 Izard, resi dence. Jortalltr Statistics. Th. following births and deaths were re- Sorted at the office of the Board of Health urlng the twenty-four houre ending Sat urday noon: Births Peter Anderson, 2S21 Ohio street, girl; James Brown. WO Florence boulevard, rirlr fluarrm C. B.nlth. 1248 Park wild avenue. girl; Joseph Pop!. Flfty-eecond and Mili tary avenue, girl; Joseph Gorman, 2115 Military avenue, boy; Cbrla Peteraon, S611 Center street, noy. troot e1 a vears: Verner Warner. 2824 Nortn Tweniy-iounn street, ansa monm; Gertrude Kurs, Thirty-second and Ban croft atreeta, aged 60 yeara; Josephine F. Walkup, 2814 Emmett street, aa-ed 7 month; William Skinner. 1807 North Twentieth atreet, aged 62 yeara. Mr. Kelly Will be found In his studio, Davldge Block, on TUESDAYS) 9:30 a.m. to 5 FRIDAYS J THURSDAYS !git0 - ARTISTIC SINGING BRASS BAND laatnswta. Drama. UalforM. I la HmIf' "Ova Urnkn iMmnu airs oa m4 biltatnauaiitlM. rkMOM loM, 4UI IljuMruivn. MU frmi It !, Bill kliMK a ImumIih foe lUauw twii. Bvi'lH U lMI Bnti laat n4M Ib arUa. IY0 a MtALY. 87 teams It., Cklest. TM trt B M. BMta a.iryift to aM, COPLEY L "HiSelliWatciii." j NOTICE Will sell II at a bargain If taken B at once, on pair uia- a mond screw earrings, I weighing JV karat. Al 2155.16.; KVcV. Is like a good old friend the longer the acquaintance, the more lasting the friendship. We mean always to deserve that sort of recognition. Soros is unknown to Omahans a abort period since, now the most popular shoe sold because of last ing merit and fullest measure of value. Porosis Shoes and Oxfords In 100 different weights and styles. $3.50 Always. . To insure a correct Jit tpe Insist on measuring the foot. Sorosis Shoes so fitted save the feet. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St.. OMAHA. Frank Wilcox. Manager. Send for our New Catalogue, con taining alao Sorosis Trite Btorlea. 3? ist Sale ' Our fine stock of ladles' Colored Shirt Waists will be divided In two lots- Lot 1 Choice $1.00. Lot I Choice $1.75. Don't mlas this chance to get clean, stylish, this yesr's waists at a frac tion of their real value. PIANOLA "MUSIC resembles poetry; In each are nameleaa graces, which no methods teach and which a master's hand alone can reach." Poe. By . aid of the Pianola YOU have the "MASTER'S HAND." New Genuine Pianola $250 Used Genuine Pianolas, $190 to'... $225 Other Piano Players, new J 200 Other Piano Players, used $150 to $175 SOLD ON EAST PAYMENTS. Pianola Parlors Third Floor. Ele vator. SGHHOLLER k MUELLER Sole Agents, 1313 Farnam St Omaha. 9 , Tfifft TV WffW 11 ABBS Idlewild Butter. 24c Fresh from the churn, made every day. If you want the best snd purest butter on the market, ask your grocer or phone us and we will deliver from our milk wagons. Do not forget the brand. Idlewild is tamped on all our wrappera. We Invite your in spection, to visit th most perfect creamery flant in th west 'hoar us for cream, whipping cream, milk, butter milk, cottage cheese and guaran teed eggs. Ilcbraska-lova Creamery Co., Teatk sat Howard tta. Phone 174. IfipCOFIELD U IxaimstnTca 1810 Pearl I. la Monday n-'C-SCQFIELD U IxooiimyiTca .5X0 Woaarlats TisjreeA, frlM HOSPE'S HANDSOME PIANO WAREROOMS Containing ihoVcrld Winners Knabe Pianos. Krantch Bach Piano. KTmball Planoa. Hallet it Davl Planoa. Rich case. Rich woods. Great variety. Such aa mahogany, walnut, rosewood, oak, ebony and butternut, i Our" all mualo room contain all of tha leading and many of the medium priced planoa. We always have "bargain, soma In new piano, eome slightly used, and others In econd-hnd Inatruoenta, la Grand. Uptight and Square Planoa. A line Kimball Grand Piano, in San Domingo mahogany case, look new, playa like new and I aa good a new for halt price. Cash or term. ' On fin $350 Mahogany Hoape Upright Piano, slightly shopworn, up-to-date case, fully warranted. In elegant shape, for only $215. Cash or terms. One nearly new Arlon Piano, In .'Hun garian ash case, large else, duet muala desk, roll fallboard, perfect In every way, for $175. One big Upright Rosewood Cssed Guild Piano, used piano, $145. On small pay ment. Two fin . high grade Kimball PI anos, la oak and walnut ease, nearly new, at one-third off the new piano prices. Easy pay ments. Fully guar anteed. Many bargains In New Planoa, In ma hogany, walnut and oak cases, odd styles, to close out, $155. $165, $175. Any of these aa good as regularly aold for $200, $225, $250. We eell on $5, $8 and $7 monthly payments. All the $5 monthly payment plan pianos are sold at not to exceed $155. Our Organ salesrooma are transferred to the second floor, where the most complete line of the latest and best new organs are offered, at from $40 up. Used Organs, from $10 up, on small payment. PIANO PLAYERS. v The newest and greatest variety of Piano Players. The leading one, the "Apollo," to match any piano, as well as others, In cluding the "Angelus," the Kimball and Pianolas. Lowest prices, easy terms. Big stock of Music for sal. Visit our new Music Room. A. HOSPE, 1B13-181B Doaglas treet. Headquarters for Edison Phonographs $10.00 to $75.00 With the largeat and most complete stock of records west of Chicago. We aell for cash or $5.00 down and $1.60 per week. Ball Bearlnsr Wheeler Wllaoa Sewing machines at popular price and eaay term. ecoad-IIaad Sewlasr Machlaea fl.OO to 15.00. We rent marhlnee at 75c per week. We aell needles and repair and aell parts of any machine manufactured. Bicycles cheap in order to close out our large stock. Nebraska Cycle Co Coraver loth aad Harner, 834 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. 612 N. 24tn St., South Omaha, Neb, ' 'Phone 1M3. 'Phone BO 18. GEO. E. MICKEL, MANAGER. Puzzle Patent For Salo Inquire ot Catharine T. Till. Iowa. . Dukes, Esther SEALSKIN JACKETS Whypsy two profits? Buy goods of home MAKERS snd put the extra money in tho choice of the aklna. We have the choice of all th new skin and are superior to local dealers. New styles In. AlLARAl'OH BON Y CO., 0 Karkack 0loek. Oaaaba, hah. . ops t ; i - - - .... r ----- i '. r 1 1 L, ... ..-w....-.. Buy Tho Sunday Bee