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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1902)
TIIF OMAHA DAILY I1EE: SUNDAY, 'JULY 2?, 1002. iEARING " THE OLD FIGURES UsMtment tarni for this Year Show lubtUntial Increase. COMPARATIVE TABLES OF VALUATION lerernor Snrace Aiioimm II Will Not Take I'p PoUee Board UU tr tntll Middle of Ret Week. LINCOLN, Julr 2 (Special.) It Is In Masting to not th fluctuation In the tal uktlon of til able property In Nebraska a letermlned by the assessors or tax-levying luthorltles. In 1867 the assessed valuation the state was $20,069,222. Ten year later t was over (71,000,000, and In 1867, twenty rears later. It wa over $160,000,000, while !hl yenr, a ahown by tb returni. It I 479,977,814. It should be borne In nilnd that 2j assessed valuation la only a fraction of 3i real, ranging in different counties from me-flfth to one-tenth. Following li a com- illation of the assessed valuation sine 187: fear. Valuation. Tear. IM7 f20,r.222.00 1RW.. lum 9; I.MI HI lkM.- 42,123, 6. 56 time the following ticket wai named: For tat aenator, Dr. J. 8. McCleery; for rep resentative, J. Q. Vreeland, Blue Springe, J. H. Van Steen and A. Relmund, Beatrice; for county attorney, F. B. Sheldon. Dele gates were selected for the state conven tion and Horace Langdon waa elected chairman of the county central committee. term Damage la fiali Caaaty. WEST POINT, Neb., July 26. (Special.) Another severe electrical storm and heavy rain Interfered seriously with har vesting operations In this county last night. A strong wind accompanied the storm and did great damage to the ripened grain, laying It flat In many fields. About one-third of the harvest Is done at thla time, and with floe weather for the next few daya will be finished In six days more, but the prospects are for more rain, which will be very harmful to uncut grain. Corn Is In splendid condition, never looked bet ter, and with no untoward weather will yield a crop above the average. , W.709.828.S2 . SO.&13.S68 00 . 69.873.818 W . 78.239.6S2.84 . 80,754,044 17 . 75,467.398.81 . 74.178.646.48 . 71.3U.578.90 . 74,3X9.5:t6.!7 . 75,3f.,TWI.87 , 80,4!9.618.f , 83.142,4ft6 99 . 98,537.475.11 .110,548.644.58 ...123,616,886.90 18 1SS7 18K8 m9 H 1891 1N9J 1893.... 1MM 1895 1S96 1x97 1S98 8ii9 ISMlO.'..... 19tl 19U2 Valuation. $133,418,699.83 143.932.570 51 160.5o6.2S6.2iV , 176,012,820.45 , 18 '.763.53 41 , 14.770.304.54 , 13.138,236 28 . 186.432.376.71 , 194.738.124.78 , 183,717. 49K.78 , 171.4tW,27.48 . 167.078.270 37 , 165,193.736 42 , 167,810,764.79 . 169.1O5.9O5.10 . 171.747.593.41 . 174.439.095.49 , 179,77,3147 Carpenter Take Us Drop. HASTINGS, Neb.,' July 26. (Special Tel- er.ri.m.) George Spaeth, a carpenter em ployed In building the new wing to the chronic Insane asylum, fell off a scaffold last evening and dropped a distance of thirty feet. He struck on his head, but fortunately he landed on pile of looae dirt, which was the cause of saving his life. In falling his head struck a piece of the scaffold and be sustained severe In juries about the head. Mr. Spaeth haa sev eral bad gashea cut In his head and face, but be la not Injured Internally nor la he Injured severely. Postpone Action ea Poltect Board. Rata Retard Tbreablaa. DAVID CITT. Neb., July 26. (Special.) The wet weather has somewhat delayed threshing, but some has been done. ' The wheat is making from twenty-two to twenty-Are bushels per acre and Is of good It was snnounced In the governor's office quality. Most of the wheat will be stacked today that no action would be taken In the Oats are about all cut and In the shock Omaha Fir and Police commission matter and will make about one-half crop. The Until about the middle or latter part of prospects for a heavy yield of corn la ex- tost week. The governor will be engaged cellent. As a rule the corn has been well with the Board of Eauallzatlon all day Mon- cultivated, is free from weeds and Is mak- lay. and pcaslbly Tuesday. After h:a work Ing a rapid growth. n this board Is completed he will take up ' th commission case, but before making tb appointments will go to Omaha and listen to the petition of Interested tax P7ers. Oovernor Savage has been given the first piece of steel punched from the keel plate it the battleship Nebraska. It Is circular In form, mounted on an elegant base of wood and silver. The piece wa punched from the plate to make room for the Inser tion of a heavy ateel rod. On the outside edge of the metal I Inscribed: "U. 8. Bat lleshlp Nebraska, Moran Bros. Company Builders, Seattle." In tha center Is en graved the following: "Keel laid July 4, 1902, with the assistance of Erra P. Sav age, governor of Nebraska, and staff, Length. 441 feet Breadth, 76 feet. Dis placement, 14,950 tons. Horse-power, 19, Spike Peaetrate Maa'a Hand. TECUMSE8, Neb., July 26. (Special.) J. W. Robb, aon of Mayor Washington Robb of Tecumseh, Is suffering the effects of having a spike run through his hand. A number of planks were standing up against the barn and Mr. Robb wa near with hia hand on the fence. In some manner one of the timbers, In which there was a spike, fell so as to drive the In strument clear through Mr. Robb' palm. GOVERNOR POSTPONES TRIP Announcement Mad After a Conference with Baniom and Mercer. Reach Lincoln on midnight' train Mercer Doe Rot Want Conference with Omaha Taaaayer as Ha Hope fa Get Credit tor Sens ing: tha Hew Board. LINCOLN, July 26. (Special Telegram.) The unheralded visit of D. H. Mercer and Frank Ransom during the early hours' this morning may be significant In connection with the Indefinite poatponement of Oov ernor Savage's trip to Omaha to confer with Interested persons regarding the Fire and Police commission appointments, especially aa the two men were In close consultation with the governor while here.' They came on the train arriving here at 12:40 a. m. They were Joined down town by the gov ernor and together the three went to the Elks' clubrooms, where they remained while the reports of the Jeffrlee-Fltxslmmons prize' fight were coming In. After the knock out they went to the Lincoln hotel, where they remained in uninterrupted conference for over an hour. The midnight visitors left the city on tha 7:45 train, returning to Omaha. "That waa all a pipe dream," said a man close to the governor, speaking of the re port In The Bee that Oovernor Savage would arrive In Omaha at t o'clock this afternoon. "He didn't Intend to go any of the time." Notwithstanding the declaration of Gov ernor Savage and his friends to the con trary, there are good grounds for the as sertton that the meeting of the early morn ing was prearranged, but on short notice, and that It was all because of the gov ernor's expressed intention to listen to Omaha taxpayers before making the ap pointments. Tha reason Mercer I Inter esting himself In the case la self-evident for with a commission whose appointment he has dictated or Influenced he will be In a position to exercise authority over the commission's creatures. One msn almost hysterically remarked when he heard of the court's decision declaring It to be the duty of the governor to make the appoint ments, "that will save Mercer If he can name the men for the commission." tecumseh Chautauqua OPENS! CORNISH REFUTES A SLANDER York Land Values Advance, LUSHTON, Neb., July 26. (Special.) Owing to the raise In value of York county farm lands It is nearly Impossible to get a York county farmer to put a price on hia land. They are afraid that be will not get what It la worth, as lands are advanc- Oroa.d. la Splendid Conditio, a.d Goad Attendance at taltlal Praa-rani. TECUMSEH, Neb., July 26. (Special Telegram.) The 1902 session of the Te cumseh Chsutauqua opened tonight with very flattering prospecta. The grounds are In splendid condition - and quite little tented city haa sprung up. Not withstanding the threatening elementa to night, fully BOO people turned out to the opening meeting. Manager John Dundas addreeaed the as. sembly on the Chautauqua question, as did also Superintendent A. B. Whltmer. Each was of the opinion that he had come to stay In Tecumseh and that the Initial effort would be - crowned with success. The Tecumseh military band was present and rendered a splendid program. ' A long list of attractions Is scheduled for tomorrow and tbs assembly will con tinue until August J. . MOTHER IS AFTER HER BABY AAA Bt.1 10 liint. up hnnr. Thla (a thill "'B auu vuu luuiuiuvu. io vut-ic w.n first punching made In conatructlon of vea- to HO per acre advance within mm uiami haa from it. a. s. Hertford. I ---- -. Food Commlaaloa Permits. Permits, as required under the Food com' mission law, were issued to the following: Kern A Co.. Omaha, wholesale dealers In butter and cheese; Klrsohbaum A Sons, Omaha, wholesale dealer In butter and cheese: Hargreavea Broo., Lincoln, whole sale dealers In vinegar and cheese; Mar tlnaburg Creamery company, Martlnsburg, craamarr: Deklota Grocery company, Lin- ' coin, -retail dealer In Imitation butter; R. A. Pauly, Sutton, wholeaale dealer In Tlnegar; Rlverton Creamery company, Rlv- crton, creamery. Governor Savage has - appointed these delegates to represent Nebraska at the '.- Transmiaslsslppt -.Commercial congresa. : which will be held In St. Paul, Minn., from 'August 10 to 22: Jcaeph Larbach, Fair. bury: N. D. Jackaon, Nellgh; S. J. Alexan der. Lincoln; P. H. Schwab, Sutton,- J. H. Arenda. Syracuse; H. M. Buahnell, Lln- coin; H. T. Shumway, Wakefield; Joseph Hayden, Omaha; W. R. Bennett, Omaha, Mel Uhl. Omaha: W. J. Broatch, Omaha; A. T. Cully. Loup City; C. Nlcolal, Sar gent. Article of Incorporation of these new Institutions have been recorded in the sec- retarv of atate's office: B. O. Drake ft Co., Beatrice; capital stock, $100,000; Inveatment business; In corporators, B. Q. Drake, H. M, Drake and W. Robertson. . i ' The Wlgglns-Poage Land and Improv. rnent company, Gothenburg; capital stock, il R. 000: incorporators. M. L. Poage, J. M. Pa. I N. Poace. C. F. Wlgglna, B. J. Wtrclna and F. B. Wlggina. Tha Twentv-on Cattle company. New- castls, Wyo.; Incorporstors, Nelll Balrd, Ada Baled and John F. Batrd. Workmen Will Picnic at Surprise. DAVID CITY. Neb.. July 26. (Special.) The Ancient Order of United Workmen of Butler county will hold its annual picnic at Surprise on August 27. Rev. H. H. Har mon of this city and Grand Master Work man Jaskalek will be the principal apeakers. Cash prizes will be given the best Degree of Honor drill team. Entries are open to all Degree of Honor teams In the state. Deatraetlv? Work of I.lwhtnln;. ARLINGTON. Neb., July 26. (Special.) William Kruger, living four miles north of .Arlington, loat ' hia barn and contents, together with Six head of valuable boraes. last evening during ths storm. Lightning struck the barn, killing the horses and setting the barn on fire. Total loss, about 12,000, with no insurance.' ' Kackolls Connty Woman Assert Wa Taken Away by Her Brother. It Bala p.t Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb.,' July 26. (Special.) A fine rain fell In this vicinity last night, the rainfall amounting to a quarter of an Inch. While crops are not suffering particularly for want of moisture, the rain was wel comed. - Bobbers Make Hani at Plnttsmoath. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., July ' 26. (Spe cial.) Sneak thieves entered the home of M. A. Ooodspeed yesterday, while the family were away and atole a 15 bill and .21 In allvVr. No clus to tb perpetrators has been obtained. F.lke' Carnival at Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb., July 26. (Special.) The Elka lodge of this city la planning to hold a big street fair here this fall. TOPEKA. Kan., July 26. (Special Tele gram.) Elmer Crone and wife of NuckolU coun:y, Nebraska, today filed an application In the supreme court to secure the custody of their 15-montbs'-old baby, Irene Crone, who Is living with Mr. and Mrs. S. A Young at Great B?nd, Kan. ' In the petition Mrs. Crone says she waa In Omaha at the time- of the baby's birth and that when the little one was 6 days old her trot her, R. R. Redden, came and took It away from her against her wishes, snd that the haa not seen It since, but thst it is at Great Bend. They ataert that the Youngs bava no settled home ano have no legal right to lb child. Mr. Crone, In his affidavit giving hi rea sons for asking the supreme court to take Jurisdiction of the case, says thst Judge Clark of the district court of Barton county Is out of the state and that'the Younga are neighbors of the probata Judge. '. He aay that' Mis. Young has-been talking to the wife of the probate Judge and. that she In turn hss talked to the Judge to Influence blm In favor of letting Mr. and Mrs. Young keep the baby. Mr. and Mr. Young, too, are well acquainted In Great Bend, while Mr. and Mrs. Crone are not and for that reason Mr. Crone says he wanta the .application heard away from auch Influence. Justice Smith, to whom ths . application was presented, allowed the writ, making It returnable on October 6. ' Adam Connty Soaked. HASTINGS. Neb., July 26. (Special.) A rainfall of three inches soaked .Adams county soil last night and '.his morning. There was quite an electrical storm tor an hour and a halt, - during which tlms soma damage was done. " Mickey sib Active Campaigner. OSCEOLA, Neb.,' July 26. (Special.) Hon. John H. Mickey, republican candidate for governor, Is busily engaged in cam paigning. Denies that Ea Em Erer Repudiated a Eepnblican Platform. PARTY PLEDGES ARE BEING REDEEMED Declines to Be IMaeed la a False Llaht by World-Herald aad Its Follow ing of Mongrel Pol. Itlclana. Bridges Destroyed by gtorm. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., July 26. (Spe cial.) A heavy electrical storm passed over this county last night and three more bridges near Avoca were washed out. Tbs precipitation was not so , heavy her. SOUTH DAKOTA NEWS. Splendid Yield In Yankton. TANKTON, 8. D., July 26. (Special.) Threahlng In Yankton county haa begun In a amall way and returns Indicate splen did yields of all kinds of grain. J. H, Hoxlng of Violin has threshed forty acres of rye, which went thirty bushels to the acre. Oat harvest Is well under way and the yield will be large with no poor fields to cut down the average. Spring, wheat harvesting is Just beginning and the crop 111 be a record breaker,' although there i a smaller acreage than ususl. The hot weather of the last few weeks haa brought cefti forward, so that that also will be an up-to-the-limlt crop. Lively Horse Sale' at Pierre. PIERRE, 8. D., July 26- (Special.) At the horse sale In this city Wednesday the bidding was more lively than at any former sale, and the horses went through the yard rapidly. Over 200 horses were disposed of In a short afternoon and at very satis factory prices. Rangers brought as high aa $80 In carlots, while the demand for any good stuff which came Into the selling ring was spirited. On account of probable heat tin August the sale of that month haa been poatponed and the next sale, day, will ,be September 17. Red Mea Prepare for Bnrbecne. YANKTON, 8. D., July 26. (Special.)- Preparations for' the Redmen's . clambake and barbecue to be held August. 14, are going forward rapidly. The day will the biggest single day in South Dakota ledge- dam. Excursion rates have been secured on all lines running Into Yankton so. low that they are aure to Induce . crowds to attend. Miles May Be Snmed for Sheriff. STUROIS, S. D., July 26.r-(Spoclal.)-rE. C. Miles of Blackbawk has been, mentioned as a candidate for sheriff of Meade county on tha republican ticket thla fall and has announced that he a candidate for .the nomination before the republican county convention. , , . . Criminal Caae Are Many. 8TTJRGIS, 8. D., July 26-(SpepIaI.) Meade county circuit, court , will con. vene In . this city next Monday, the 28th, . Judge William O. Rice. presiding. . There are, up to the present time, thirty crim inal' Informations on file and sight 'civil actions, are to be brought before tha Jury. OMAHA, July 26. To the Editor of The Bee: A local newspaper charges me with having two years sgo repudiated the re publican platform, for which I voted as a delegate from thla district In the national republican convention. Tbe charge Is false. I should be Judged by what I ssld, and not by the headlines that were written by the World-Herald. The platform declared specifically that the pledge to Cuba should be kept. Any republican campaign speaker who argued otherwise two years sgo repudiated the platform of hia party. Any republican speaker who argued that China was to be divided by the powers of Europe and that It wa necessary for our commercial In tereats to obtain sovereignty over a por lion of China In the expected division, has been proved to be out Nof harmony with republican policies. Any republican who argued in favor of the colonial system in the Philippines snd sympathised with the restrictions upon the elective franchise which baa been adopted by the democratic party - In the southern state, repudiated that plank In the republican national plat form which In effect condemned the demo cratic party for disfranchising the laboring population of tbe south who happened to be colored. President Roosevelt himself. in his Decoration day address, has trested the question of the permsnent government of the Philippine Islands as an open one and said that it ahould not be determined until after a stable government la formed. Freedom la Philippines. i Meanwhile, all the legislation In refer ence to the Islands haa tended toward giv ing them local self-government and en couraging them to participate In political affairs. More freedom In the Ajnerlcan sense haa been given to the Philippines in the short space of four years than was ever given by any other conquering people to their subjects In a century. Every person who Knows me, knows that my love Tor and belief in freedom makea me aympathlze with the present course ana willing to assist in Its fruition. It is not the manner, but the end, we seek. "That In the end freedom In the American aenae will be obtained through the republican party always It champion I have no doubt Many political Issues existed long before the Spanish war and will exist after Phil ippine affaire have passed Into history. Who ever knew of a republican being con demned by his fellows because he loved freedom and believed that only In the bet terment of the conditions of the poor can aoclety improve? I care not whether tho poor are the tolling masses of the norm, the disfranchised laborers of the south or the helpless subjects of othcx nations. Par ticipation In and responsibility for the af fair of government la the only policy that ever developed Individuality and charactr? In any people. Such deceptions as are beln; practiced agalnat me are refuted by the act of Presi dent Roosevelt In selecting Mr. Llttleflcld to prepare tbe bill for the regulation of trusts and monopolies. .Why did' not -ths president choose our congressman, who ought, to be equipped by teu years of office tor such work, instead of a man who had been but two term in office and had be come prominent as an anti-imperialist re publican? The president recognizee ' that the aentlments and Instincts that made Mr. Llttlefield oppose the Beverldge wing of the republican party were not based so much on mere sentimentality as the effect IN fURSUITOF ASSASSIN Mna Wha Killed Chief at Police Wll math Pnahlae; Hia War lata the Monntalna. PHILIPPIA, W.' Vs., July 26 The real assassin of Chief of Police Wllmoth has been located and officers with bloodhounds are on the trail. With the daring and desperation of Tracy, the negro murderer la terroiirlng the people and steadily puahlng hi wsy up the mountains. HI name Is not known and the only point of identity Is hia re ported confession to another negro, whom he was trying to take with him. He waa located by the authorltlea on the Roaring creek and Charleston railroad, about thirty mile northwest of Womela dorf. A large posse Is on his trail, and It he Is taken hs will probably share the hor rible fate of his compsnlona. He Is well armed, and Is expected to make a daring fight for liberty. Negroea continue to leave. WHEAT GROWING IN SHOCKS ' Damage fromiRaln aad. Wind la Many j Seetlan of Hew (York Irreparable. . CANANPAfrtUA. N. T.. July 24. Another terrific storm visited this taction last night, doing great damage to crops and property that had not already miffered. Ed ward Chamberlain waa struck by lightning snd Instantly killed. 1 Canandalgua laks haa risen still higher. The damage on hundreds ot farms Is simply Irreparable. From every rrt of the coun try com report that -wheat la sprouting In the shock and that a aerloua blight haa struck the applo trees. Change an Hia UraMt Waatern. DENVER, July .-A. K. Welhy haa re. signed as general stipn-lntendnnt of the Kio Uranrta Western road, effective August 1, and will bo succeeded by Joaeph 11. Young, a granilson of Hrlghnm Young, who nerved ten years am nuperintendent of the Utah division of tho Oregon 8hort Line. It Pays to Trade With Us Juet four days left to complete the greatest July we have ever known. Commencing Monday Lace Curtain Reductions See East Window. 150 pairs of 60-inch by 3J-yards Nottingham Lace Curtains, Irish Point and Brussels patterns; worth from f3.50 to 3.00 per pair, will ,be placed on sale Monday at 98 cents each. Rug Specials We will place on -sale ninety-five all wool Smyrna rugs, size 26x52, all new patterns, worth $2.50, for $1.25. Twenty-five 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, no seams, all woven in one piece, worth $ 15.00, for $10.00. Furniture Temptations All summer goods slaughtered. (See west" window. In this line you will find all the latest ideas offered this season in-summer and porch furniture. On sale for four days as a special discount of 25 per cent. SHIVERICK FURNITURE CO., fiSIHSS Want Carnival at Aberdeen ABERDEEN. S. D-, July 2. (Special.) Ths business men of Aberdeen are discuss Ing th proposition Of holdlna a earnlval here this fall. The sentiment is strongly "Pon tne reat P'ODiems t.dbi conirom u. In favor of the proposition and a formal home. Those who love rreedom and De call has been Issued for a meeting of ciU- ,leve ,n tne equality of all men before the seas on Friday. law as Dotn rigni ana expeaiem wm m found the truest friend of the people in Notice. those serious problems that threaten equal Bankers, merchants and business men In ,tT of opportunity in our society. general, f take notice that one Charles H. Mason, claiming to represent the Consoli dated Adjustment ' company of Chicago la not an accredited representative of tne com pany in question, nor Is he in Its employ In any capacity. A liberal reward will be paid for Information as to his present ad- dress or Held of operation: CONSOLIDATED ADJUSTMENT CO.. By U. M. Bhaver, Prealdent, Chicago. Woman's Work in Club and Charity Saeeeaatnl Inatltnte at Ord. ORD. Neb.. July . (Special.) The nor mal Institute held her tor tb past four weeks has been one of th most Interest- ln educational bodlea ever convened In thla nart of th state. Tb Intereat dls- The following resolution has been them $5,000 short of tb necessary amount. played wss largely due to th professional adopted by the aubcommitte of ways and It waa then that Mlas Anthony took a spirit Infused Into th work by th In- means of the Continental Memorial hall part In the work and In thres days had structors E. L Rous of th Plattsmouth commute of the Daughters of tb Amer- accompliabed the task, $1,000 having been schools, Paul Opas of ths Ord schools and lean Revolution: subscribed by her sister and $1,500 by her- Grace Orevea of th Fremont schools. A oermanant teachers' organisation waa planned, to meet four time each year. The ofllcere elected are: Prealdent, Paul Ooss of Ord; vice president. Belie Thorn gat of North Loup; aecretary and treas urer, Lilian Johnson of Mlra Creek. The county waa divided into three sections, sach of which will hold local meetings under the supervision of a local manager. Poller of President. President Roosevelt recognizes that In the building of the Isthmian canal and the government of distant possessions during the period of pacification there Is grave danger that the frauda that attended the building of the Union Pacific railway will be repeated and that Individual selfishness may corrupt distant officers and draw sus picion upon our pure motives In th Is lands. Honesty and merit In the public service has been the hobby of his life. Never did our country stand mora In need of such a man with such a hobby. Ha knows that hia truest friends and support ers will be the men who long ago foresaw such dangers. When tbe Interests that Univeraity of Illinois, Northwestern unl verslty. University of Chicago, University of Wisconsin, Ypsllantl Stats Normal School. Unlveraltv af InitUn M..n. u. Resolved, That each state regent be re- self, and the University of Rochester was lyoks' college and th University of Ne- r . - sues oangora- ytuou ww iu" iftL,),V.,?rt"yj:f "". have always and are now supporting Mr. Heavy Yield of Wheat. LOUP CITY. Neb.. July it. (Special.) The first threahlng of winter wheat In this vicinity waa completed yesterday by George Truelaen, who threshed 1,075 bushels from twenty-eight acres, being more than thirty-eight buihela to the acre. BEATRICE. Neb.. July Z. (Special.) The wheat crop on th Cott ranch, cast of thla city, waa harvested yeaterday, and from a field of sixty acres 1.623 bushels were threshed. This Is a ytpld of nearly thirty bushels to ths acre. The wheat tests sixty-two pounds to th buahel. auested to urae all her chapter regents to lsue ft smalt nox io eacn memoer aaaing that she deposit therein 1 cent per day for th Continental Memorial Hall fund. The boxea to be opened on January 17. th anniversary of Washington's wedding day, when It la desired to find In each box tea rents. 1 ne amount ao ooueciea io be credited to chapters and reported at tha Continental congresa to te neia In February, 1901 The chapter treasurer will forward amounis oy treasurer and she eral. Theae boxes can be obtained from W. Lyle Forteacue, Oermantown, Philadelphia, Pa. State regents can order them In pack age of 1.000 at 1 cent each. opened to women. Miss Garrett, the donor of the medallion. Is a large stockholder in the Baltimore ft Ohio, 'of which her father was president, and Is a warm personal friend aad admirer of Miss Anthony. braska. Th substantial financial, condition of the committee I Indicated by tbe fact that when the prospects for the yesr 1901 were considered, a budget of $22,000 was adopted, though that sum did not entirely cover the needs. Instead of raising ths $22,000, cams in in response to tbe re Th announcement by Mrs. Jane L Stan- y check to th atate ford of her Intention of erecting a Toung queats and tbe books were cfosed for tho to th treasurer gen- Women's Christian association building on year with all bills paid and $118.23 In the ms campus or Lieiana Btanrora, Jr., unlver- treasury, slty has com as a most agreeable surprise , io association workers. Tbe lack of ade quate, suitable quarters haa been one of the greateat hlnderances In ths college asso ciation work. Thla will be th flrat college association building that haa ever been erected and It Is hoped thst it will prov . grsph Is taken from the introduction, set- The Introduction of household eeonomlcs Into the curriculum of the University of Tb Professional Women's league of New Tork ha just Issued a prospectus of ths woman exhibition to be given under Its auspices at Madison Square Garden, Octo ber to IS. 1903. The following nara Mercer shall look with fear upon President Roosevelt's honesty and strenuoslty the masses of republicans will be glad to know' that there are men Ilk Mr. Llttlefield who will support and hold up ths hands of the president as a matter of conviction and not for spoils. B J. CORNISH. aonth Dakota Streams Stacked. HURON, S. D., July 2. (Special.) Fif teen cans of .fish from tbe government hatchery at Bellevue, la., arrived her laat evening and were deposited In the Jim river. In Pearl creek and In Lake Byron. They were bass and crappies. Bom of tha tass deposited two years sine are larg and well developed and It 1 believed that they are fast increasing in numbers. Crop Expert Finds Cora Retarted. ABERDEEN, S. D., July 2. (Special.) John Inglia, the noted crop expert, la her Wisconsin has so extended the interest In but the beginning of an effort to provide tin. ; forth the object snd ch.Vact Prahibltlealata Nans Ticket. BEATRICE. Neb., July 2 (Special.) The Gag county prohibition convention was held In tbs city yesterday, at which YoungHair That means rich hair, heavy hair, no gray hair. Is yours thin, short, grayi? Just re member, Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color It had years ago. It stops falling of the half, also. , Has been tested for 50 years. r "About year ago my hair nearly all came out. i thought I would try Ayer'a Hair Vigor. 1 used only on bottle of It, and now my hair has com In real thick and a little curly." Mr. Liizi M. Smith, Saratoga, N. T tm aJUsraulats. J. C AYU CO lawau, I that aubject among clubwomen f the state tbat a chair of household economics haa been endowed In Downer College for Women at Milwaukee, largely through th efforts of the Milwaukee College Endowment as sociation, one of the influential women' organisatlona of Wisconsin and a hostess of the Milwaukee biennial mealing. One of the women baa given $5,000 to establish a lcaq fund from which any girl wishing to take the course Io houaehold economics and unable to afford It, may draw, returning the money without Intereat, when she la able. The fund has been tncreaaed to $10.- 000 and haa already been drawn upon by a number of students. Through tha generosity of Mary1 E. Gar rett of Bryn Mawr, Rochester univeraity ta to be formally presented with a hronz medallion of Susan B. Anthony, at th open ing of th next college year. Tha medal lion, which Is ths work of Miss Leila Ush-tr of Boston and Is considered the finest sculp tured likeness of Mist Anthony In existence, mill probably be placed In the women's studyroom of the university as that Is Miss Anthony's wish. This presentation la the outgrowth of an Incident of three ycara ago. Previous to tn college year of law Rochester naa shaken by tbe coeducational movement ant the truateea of Rochester university offered to admit women to that institution If the women of that city would raise $100,000 to meet the increase of expeaae. Later th aum waa reduced to $",4,000, but in spits of th effort of th women the week pre vious to th opening of tb tall term Lmud ouo oi tne greateat needs of tb work. enternriae: k "It la nlanned to maka thla ' exhibition an interesting and Instructive me Becretanai institute or the Amer- show of all that ths sex hs accomplished, icau cofnmuiee, ioung women's unrlstlsn U accomplishing and seems In a fair way aaauoauoa, wii, pe neia in Milwaukee tbi to accomplish, artistically, scientifically. yesr, instead or at Association bouse, Chi- professionally, Industrially, politically and cago. aa usual, ins reaaon ror this Chang domestically. By means of an enterprise Is that the exceptionally complete equip- comprehending the expenditure of a large went oi ion new aniwauKee association sum of money and the utilization of In- Duiiaing win greatiy lacuitai tne work, telligently directed energy, the league The date set for the Institute la from hopes to be able to make beneath on root July 33 to August 20. Th Milwaukee asso- an adeouat reoreaentatlon of th. v.rlo.,. He Dnda the conditions very favorable tor a good yield of small grain. Corn, he re ports as being backward everywhere ex cept In Kanaaa. elation building. Is on of th finest In- the country snd was ths gift of Miss Sarah Plankington of Milwaukee, Its cost being $75,000. Tbe World's conference of Toung Women's Christian sssoclatlons will be held July 24 to Auguat In Geneva, Swltx erland. - Mlrti Carrie B. WHeon, head real dent of Association house, th Toung Women's Christian association settlement at 474 Weat North avenue, Chicago, I In Europe now, expecting to be present at tb . meeting. The annual report of th America com mittee. Young Women' Christian atsocla tlon, recently Issued, Includes much of In terest, and is an Indication of a acueial adf.acfscst cf Us -asrt. Th student department reports that the following fourteen colleges have had student general secretariat dur ing th whole or part of th school year, "beginning September 1, 101: Uni versity of California, Leland Stanford, jr., American School cf Osteopathy, Univer aity of Kansas, Iowa Stat Normal scax4 pursuits of women in every known country and In every century. Such an exhibition was opened to the publie In 1900 at Earl's Court, London, where II proved wonderfully successful, snd th league confidently he Ilevea that, counting on tb progress msde slnco then and upon the superiority of ' condition In the United States, there will be comparatively little difficulty la sur passing the results achieved In England. Ths exhibition Is for purposes of enumer ation and description, divided into five sections. The Industrial section will in clude all things actually being accom pllshed and In process of accomplishment at the garden. The commercial aectlon U supposed to be composed of such goods and products as were completed and ready fur u uci CuuikLC3 tu tli CXiiibitlOu, The educational aectlon -will include the demonstrations and shows of the applied and fin arts of literature and science history and athletisa. Tbe national sec tlon will Include the streets of all nations and ths amusement sacttoa will b tb street la Vcnlca. FORECAST OF JHE WEATHER Pair and Warmer Bandar aad Fair Msadsy is Promts tor Nebraska. WASHINGTON, July Westher fore- caat: For Nebraska, North and South Dakota- Fair and warmer Sunday. Monday, fair. For Illinois Fair Sunday and Monday; fresh west to northwest winds. For Iowa, Miasourl and Kansas Fair Sunday and Monday. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, July 26. umctal record or tern- reruture and precipitation compared wltn the corresponding day of the last three yeara: 180S. 1901. 1900. 139a Maximum temperature .. 76 1"0 87 83 Mlnim-im temperature ... S3 79 (7 70 Mean temperature ., 7 to Tl 7 precipitation 01 .00 .00 .00 Record o temperature and precipitation at Omaha for thla day and since March 1, - V The way to buy Diamond "C" Soap is by thevbox. ' It's eponomical that is one reason. .Another reason is that' we now give a certificate! in exchange for 50 Diamond C" soap wrappers which en titles you to a share of stock in the Omaha Auditorium Company. Certificate also gives you a chance to win a prize in the Voting Contest, capital prize in which sis $5,000 in gold. ' , , j 100 wrappers in a box two certificates. : ' These in addition to the premiums which are always, given with v t Premium Store, 304 South I Cih; St. Normal temperature Iiericleney for the day ... Total exceaa alnre March Normal precipitation Itttflctency tor th da 76 1S2 .14 inch .Uliuh ay Total rainfall alnre March 1. .. .17 M Inches Pendency sine March 1 74 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1901.. 4 67 Inches pendency fur cor. period. 19u0.. 1.68 loch T Indicate Uac of precipitation AO BACK $45 VIA July 29, August 2 to 10. Standard Sleepers and Tourist Cars Daily. 6pe cial Train will leave Omaha 7 p. m., Lincoln 8:30 p. m., Fairbury, 10:00 p. m., August 4. For itinejary, Bleeping Car Berths, etc., call it or address City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam Street, Otnalia.