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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1902)
TStl,tvsTTT,11-JW-'T, m m m-i g PAGES 11 TO 20. EDITORIAL SHEET. LvrviinvA''Ai"iii','u,ii4,,uritf ESTA1JLIS1IED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1002. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. i The Omaha ' Sunday Bee. WIS S Remnant Day, tho Greatest of tho Season. Ws will put on sale BOO remnants. 1M, 2, 2M and I yard lengths, at lets than bait pries. Don't fall to take advantage ot thla salo. (0-Inch turkey red damask, regu lar 25o, for 16c BS-lnch turkey red damask, regular 35o, for 22 Via. 60-Inch turkey red damask, regular 40c, for S2Mc El-Inch bleached damask, regular 85c, for lc 68-inch unbleached damask, regular too, for 82Mc. 60-lncb unbleached damask, tegular 60a, for 12 Vic. 64 -loch bleached damask, regular 66c, for 49o. 71- Inch bleached damask, regular $1.00, for 72Mc. 72- lnch haf-bleached, regular 98c, for T2Mu 64-lnch mercerised damask, regular 90c, Cor 69c HAPKIHA. Bleached napkins, regular 75o, for 49c. Bleached napkins, regular $1.26, for 98c Bleached napkins, regular $1.60, for $1.23. Half-bleached napkins, regular $1.60, for $1.49. End of the Season Salo THB GREATEST ASSORTMENT OP CHOICB BARGAINS EVER OFFERED EV ERT PIECE OF BUMMER WASH FABRICS IN OUR GREAT MAIN FLOOR WASH . GOODS DEPARTMENT NOW ON BALE AT THE WELL KNOWN HATDEN CLEAR ING SALE PRICES. ' Selling all our colored French 81.00 and 81.26 grenad'nes, at Selling all cur embroidered silk and linen wide novelties, 11.76 and 82 grades, at, yard , Selling all our finest embroidered swlss, $2.50 grade, at, yard Selling French figured Swisses, -50c 50c 35c 25c km: grade, at, yard ,. Selling fancy 49-lnch embroidered swlsa, 76c grade, at, yard GREAT BARGAINS IN WASHABLE DRESS SKIRTINGS. MADRAS FOR MEN'S SHIRTINGS, PLAIN LINENS FOR UNDERSKIRTS, ETC. j Remarkable Silk Bargains for. Monday . Strong attractions In Omaha's Biggest Silk Department. A stock ot FINE BLACK BILKS from one of America's leading mills, bought at a very low figure, goes on sale Monday, making a fitting climax ' to the greatest July clearing silk sale on record. , 60 rOR BLACK PEAV DB SOIH SILK $1 25 FOR YARD-WIDE BLACK MOIRE FROM MILL PURCHASE, WOBTrr$T.OT7 'VELOURS WUKTH $rP-Fbf Skirts and Elegant silk for skirts or - dresses Is this Peau de Sole. ' No mussing, no out ting, finished alike on both sides, all pure silk, 20 inches wlds and sold tCflf. for $1.00; on sale Monday... UIC $1.00 FOR YARD WIDE BLACK TAFFETA FROM MILL PURCHASE, WORTH $2.00 Fine grade Rustle Taffeta, full 88 Inches wide, among the most reliable taffetas made; sell for $2.00, and on I AA sals Monday for IsUU $1.25 FOR BEST 86-lnch BLACK TAFFETA MADE, AND WORTH $2.60 Over 60 pieces of extra fine 8-inch Taffeta, In el her soft or hard finish; among this lot you will find the celebrated Moussellne Glove Finish French Black, I sJJ" worth $2.60; Monday only sU 12.60, $2.00 and $1.60 BLACK GRENADINES FROM BIG PURCHASE, FOR 6C Black Grenadine In all sorts of patterns, checks, plat's, stripes and figures, all 41 to 44 Inches wide, worth up to $2.60, all placed on sale Monday at G9c only , Thousands of Yaris of Fine Silks on Bargain Squares Mondaj I Black and colored Taffetas In 18 and 27-Inch widths. Wash Silks In all plain olors and corded, fine novelties In corded Taffeta Brocades and Fancy Bilks, fins Foulards In very best qualities, ehoiee Bilks tor 'dresses snd linings or trimming, swell Crepe do Cbene. weaves of silk, worth 76e up to snd divided Into three lots for i Hail Orders that are sent In at once Llonday in tho Bargain Room Monday ws will put another line of wash goods from ths high grade dress goods department on sale In the bargain room. New goods, worth from 19o to 69c s yard, will be closed out at 2 Via, 6a, 7Mc and lOo a yard. In order to make room tor oir fall stock, now fast arriving, we make these prices In order that they will sail fast. Don't miss this sale. NO DSXLER3. PEDDLERS OR MANUFACTURERS 80LD TO IN THIS ROOM. StJa FMlarai. too mercerised cotton foulards, all the new shades, on sals Monday at. a yard Oc rOUUKD SILKS. We will elose eat the remainder of our foulard silks, worth from 69 to dir 15c, Monday at, s yard e&ww U GOODS FOR lOo. 19c, 26c, S9e snd 69e batistes, Swisses, muslins, fancy whits Oxfords, with lace . stripes and checks, French. Irish and Scotch dimities, lines colored batistes, all will go Monday I fl f st. a yard IliW lOo, IS 1-Se, IB AND lfee AT Be. They consist of French Irish and Scotch dimities, organdies. 38-Inch percales, Dublin duck and white long cloth, not s yard ever sold for less than 10c, f! on sale Monday at a yard UW lOo, IB l-J, 1 AHO 1o AT l-ato. They consist ot sll the above lines French and Irish dimities, organdies, and thou sands of pieces takes from the regular stock. Tbey ara culled from the stock ss the poorer colors, and in order to close them out quick we will put them on one counter at, 9' A a yard sV2W H AM MOCKS. WE ARE CLOSING1 OUT ALL OUR HAMMOCKS, REGARDLE6S OF COST. CHUiilET MCTS. Complete amateur set. 4 balls, $9e; ( balls. lc. and balls, vac. Pfo'MSlosal sets. I balls. $1.4; bells. $!.. and 9 balls. $1.98. $2.76 for the best professional set aiade. EXTRA SPECIALS The host THo yard wide bleached muslin. tor all day Monday at . f I a yard I Monday will bo Tablo Linen MCiLIlf AMD BHKETIKQ. Bleached muslin, regular 6Mo, for 4c t'nbleached muslin, regular Ic, for 4Mc 9-4 unbleached sheeting, regular 20c, for 15c 8- 4 bleached sheeting, regular 20c, for lHc. ' 9- 4 bleached sheeting, regular 22c, for 18Hc 42-lnch pillow casing, regular 12He, tor 10c. 45-tnch ptUow casing, regular ISMe, for HMc 1 pair pillow cases for lBc . white: dress goods. 1,000 yards 40-lncb lawn, regular 12V4e, for 10c. 10,000 yards 40-tnch lawn, regular 20o, for 16c Warp welt pique, regular 25c, for 16c Mercerised cheviot, regular 60c, for 35c. Madras, In satin stripes, regular 60o, for 85c Persian lawn, 26c, 85c and 60c. French batiste, 48-inch wide, 49c, tOo and 66a. English long eloth, 12 yard bolt for 85c Wash Dross Goods (Selling colored linens for waist .aIC ings, too quality, at, yard I9c .... 19c Selling silk ginghams, (plaids) 60c quality, at, yard Selling piques, foulards, linen suitings and printed swlss, worth I Cm 80c to SOc, at, yard 136 Selling all our Egyptian tissues, cords, ba tistes and lappet mulls, !0 sold at Uo to 25o, at, yard .. ..IU6 Jackets Moire Velours are among the leading styles for fall. We have secured a limited quantity of this beautiful silk In 36-lnch width, worth $2.60, on sale for 1.25 SPECIALS THAT WILL GO WITH A. RUSH. DON'T DELAY AND MEET WITH DISAPPOINTMENT, BUT COMB AT ONCE AND GET BARGAIN. BLACK TAFFETA, purs silk, 18 Inches wide; worth 9c, on sale 001 for .UUW MH "J V BLACK JAPANESE WASH SILK, wide, worth TDo, on sals for : BLACK WASH TAFFETA, 19 Inches, worth , worth 49c $1.00, on sale Monday for WHITE WASH SILK, fine grade pure silk. 24 Inches wide, on sale for , 20c BLACK AND WHITE WASH 6ILK, 20 LK, 20 22c Inches wide, worth 60c, on sale Monday tor Herastlch Silks, silk Poplins and many othe diu,. C9c, 39c, 25c will be filled. The best yard wlds unbleached muslin, tor all day Monday st, f7 a yard USC Only 10 yards to a customer. 1 Turkey red table damask, regular I t M 25o grade, at IsViW 12Mo ginghams st , CLOTHING. "uaw Boys wool knoe pants sulU st Boys' sll wool knee pants suits at, s suit. $196 and llUU Boys' long pants crash suits at 50c 50c Men'a odd crash coats and vests st 25c and Children's double-breasted knee pants wash suits, at a suit. 50c 26c and Boys' knee pants at 29c and .. 25c ......... ( Boys wssh pasts at, s pair, lo and riRKISHItiS Ladles' $1.00 corsets at Ladles' and children's 16o ...9c ...3Dc -....5c 5c stockings st Men's 2&c .......... .. , . neckties st Men's 16c suspenders at , Gc Ladies' and children's 26e . 10c .25c 39c underwear at .. Ladles' 60c snualln . .... ....... underwear at Men's $LM madras shirt waists st Men's The colored assess rod L.25e shins st pjnv lliis The biggest reductions of the year are made for the next few days. You will find the new juices made for this. sale on highest quality best merchandise in every department. ALMOST START L1NGLY LOV. The reason: Every dollar's worth of summer goods must be closed out at once. Kot a dollar's worth reserved." UaytWs gigantic stocks and vast assortments enable you to find just what you want, at prices that delight shrewd, economical buyers. Keep Your Bo Eye Tho Linen Sale, tho Silk Sale, tho Garnet Sale Are very much' out of the ordinary and especially worthy of attention. Variety affording best selection; quality, insuring satisfaction; vaJue, meaning the best for your money. All combine in this great Ilayden clearing sale to make it the banner bargain event of all the great sales held invOmaha. . (Agents ever Phenomenal Price Cutting For Monday we have made very start ling reductions on Oxfords and slippers. The cost has not been considered. Prices cut almost In two. A chance not often met with. Come In Monday and shoe your family at a big saving over the former price. Women s linen snoes or Oxfords worth $1.60. st Boys' or youths' linen shoes worth $1.25, at Child's tan or black shoes worth 96o, at Women's hand turned Juliets 2M to 4M. worth v $2.60, at Women's Oxfords, tan or black, worth up to $2.60, at - .85 .86 .49 .79 89 Men's sample shoes worth up to $6.00, at : l.X Women's vlcl kid shoes, worth tp to $3.00, at 1.96 'Women's vlcl kid Oxfords, worth up v to $3.00. at 1.4S Hisses! patent ool eulaJs worth,. up . to $160, at : 1.00 Child's patent solonlali. Worth p to $1.36.; at l...:.!-. 90 Misses' patent, strap sandals, worth up to $l.D0; at. .90 Child's patent '"strap sandals, worth up to $1.25,' at - 75 Women's patent colonial sandals, worth up to t $2.50, at. 1.60 A .full line of Grover shoes carried In stock. Just the thing this hot weather tor tired feet. Just like glove. Straw Hat Clearing Sale 1 To reduce stock we sell children's, boys' and men's straws, worth 15c, at 15c The better grades st 25c and 26 c. Duck caps at 26c Men's felts. In Panamas, pashas, derbys, all colors snd shapes, at from 75c to $8.00. Boys' hats at from 40c to $1.29. Tarn 'o Shanters at 26o and 60c, worth 76c and $1.00. v Full line of VALISES and TRUNKS. Qrand Millinery Sale The most popular felt outing hats are shown in greatest variety at Hayden Bros. Theee are absolutely the most chlo and stylish hats ever shown by us. Call and try them on. They are most becoming and we are selling them st most astonishingly low prices. All trimmed hats we are now closing out at about one-fourth their value, or about 26c on the dollar of former price. They must be disposed of no matter what the loss. They Include ths very finest 1m ported pattern hats as well as our own special designs. Sheet Music When In need of anything In ths way of sheet muslo or books give us s call, as we. keep our stock up with everything there is any possible demand for, and quote you the lowest prices possible. We have 'Just re ceived a nice new lot of sheet muslo we will place on sale tomorrow at 15 and 19c per copy, regular prices 26o and 86o each. We have almost everything In the way of Instruction books at greatly reduced prices. Honday at tho Drug Counter Blackberry cordial, 10c Large bottle Florida water, 15e. 25o an oc perfume at, per oc., 10c Root beer, $ bottles for 26c Iron sanitary tooth powder, 15c. Peptone Bitters, 49c. Prof. Manchester's Foot Salve, 19c Dr. Ross's Kidney Cure, (5c Optical Dept. Perfect fitting frames, 11a out quality crystal lessee; satisf actios guaranteed; careful examination free by qualified retrao- tloniet. Our prloes are tho lowest. rui IfU OT EKD OF JULY CLEARING SALE BARGAIN PRICES. on These Sales Repaid 20 Fold in Savings. Laco Sale,-the Wash Goods Salo, tho for Buttenckr patterns). Wonderful Piano Bargains Monday morning we will place on sale the largest assortment of high grade pianos that has ever been shown under our 'roof. Our eastern piano buyer has Just recently closed three of the largest contracts for spot cash that have ever been recorded In the history of the piano business. This being the quiet season with the manufac turer as well as the dealers, he agreed to take the entire output of three of the largest factories In the east for the next thirty days. These pianos were purchased at a remarkable low nrice by paying down "the spot cash, thus enabling the factories to run full blast during the most of their quiet season. Customers who expect to purchase a piano any way soon will find a real treat In store for them In the way of low prices In our large music annex for the next thirty days. All week we have had pen and teams hauling and unboxing these pianos, and by Monday morning will be ready for Inspection and delivery. Never before have we been In such s position to offer our army of buyers such flattering inducements to purchase a piano. Instru ments embodying every practical Improve ment taught for over seventy-two years of successful experience In the art of piano building, all the different styles, different woods that pianos are fjut up In will be shown here this week. Prices will be so low that they win remain In the minds of our competitors for years to come. In con nection with this large stock you will find ear regular stock of pianos to select from. Chlckeiing, Fischer, "Decker, Krell, Weg man. Conover, Cable, Haines, Keller, Jacob Doll, Kingsbury. Franklin and Wellington. New pianos from $95 to $1,200. New pianos for rent. Pianos tuned, moved and re paired. ' Call and Inspect the wonderful self-playing Play no."- The Garpet Sale Grand special rug and carpet sale. Prices that (positively cannot be equaled In any other place.- An opportunity to buy sea sonable goods st traction of tneir real value. 9x12' Smyrna and Brussels rugs, the ones that sell regularly at $16.00, sale price $9.98 9x12 Brussels rugs, regular $20.00 rugs, go at 12.98 One lot ot 9x12 Smyrna rugs slightly, soiled, always sell tor $25.00, sale.. 14.98 9x12 Axmlnster rugs, worth $30.00. at. 19.60 Wilton rugs, 9x12, would be s bargain st $35.00. on sale at 25.00 Special prloes on all art squares, s 9x12 art square, at 3.96 Wall Paper and Paints Never 'before have we shown such bar gains as we are now ahowlng in our wall paper department. Everything goes at one-half Its actual value. Fine whits blanks at, per roll 2e Fine gilt paper at. per roll 8Vic Fine dark red, greens and blues , 6c Only two rooms at the above prices to a customer. The best grade of ready mixed paints on tho market at, per gallon, 98c. " Also varnishes, stains, enamels snd brushes, sll st greatly reduced prices. Flannel Dept Two cases extra heavy shaker and cotton flannal per yard, 4c Two cases white wool flannel, per yard. 12Ho, 15o and 20c Linen and wool, 28c, worth 40c Bed Spreads ' Two cases tuff size extra heavy Mar elites patterns, each, 69c. . Three cases full size beautiful patterns. extra heavy bed spreads, worth $2.26, for Monday, each, $1-26. One case full size 'fringed cut corners, extra good bargain; each, $1.69, worth $2. 50. T China Dept Fine China oatmeal bowls and fruit dishes, finely decorated, 25o values... 6c Decorated Staffordshire soup bowls.... 6c Etched water tumblers 2o Decorated cuspidors ....10c Decorated lamps, large size, globes, brass mountings, $3.00 values $1.29 10,000' pieces of decorated dinner ware, plates, pitchers, platters, vegetable dishes, cups and saucers, etc, each ....10c Imported decorated Bohemian vases.... 10c Plain white cups, saucers and plates, ' each lc Large size potato dishes 2a Decorated toilet aets 1.8119 100-pleco decorated dinner set ........$4(9 rn n i and You Will Hardware, Stoves and llousefurnishings GREAT CUT IN SUMMER GOODS. GASOLINE STOVES We have THE IN SURANCE, as safe as gas. Then we have some Danglers, Reliables, New Ideal, all FIRST-CLASS, which we will sell at s GREAT REDUCION IN , PRICE to close them out. Don't want to send one back to the warehouse. ALL MUST BE SOLD. 2-burner stove 1 A ft for fcitJ REFRIGERATORS We have about 75 refrigerators and ice boxes that must be closed out; will-make s. special tow prl this week; we have all sixes "I Rll up from I ifJU STEEL RANGES We carry the M. A D., the BUCK, the STEWARD, the STANDARD, the HOME, all first-class. We can sell you' VERY HEAVY PLAIN HOME, worth elsewhere Ol Cfi $35.00. for ..tillUU This is a range that will weigh over 600 pounds and will wear a lifetime; has sll the latest Improvements, but not much nickel. YOU NEED THEM ALL. Economy cobbler 43o Tip table spoons ...... ........ ...... 15o Steel frame wringer . .. .. 98o Crumb brush and scraper ...... lOo A regular 75c lawn sprinkler ...... .... 39o 25o pocket knives lOo Hardwood hose reel ,. 49o Universal food chopper Decorated bread' box ... Gal. wash tubs S-ptece garden set 98o 89o 89o 19o 20o butcher knlfo Shoe brush Pound wall coffee mill , . .. .. lOo lOo 89o Large leatherette lunch box ... . . . . Wo 6o 4-lnch rubber hoee Fancy oak towel rollers Comb, coat and pants hangers. lOo 8o Gasoline oven 95o 15o 25c carpet brooms THE DIXIE IRONING BOARD hardwood frame, braced with BRASS RODS, - the only board made tbat don't wiggle, a regular $2.00 board, special 98c Monday Grocery Bargains 22-lbs. best granulated sugar ., a A ... $1. 00 Good cracked rice, per pound .. .$tte California rolled oats, 4 pounds for .... 15c Whole wheat flour, per lb 3c Large cans mustard sardines 7c 1-lb. can cove oysters ....8Vsc Tall cans blood red salmon , .. 10c Oval cans mackerel snd tomato sauce 17e 8-lb. cans baked beans 9c bottles assorted pickles ...... 25c bottles pure tomato catsup 25c William's root beer, per bottle 84c Soda crackers, per lb is Ginger snaps, XXX 4c Fruit Sale Large Juicy lemons, per dozen lOe California plums, per dozen 6Vic California apples, per dozen 7Hc Fancy free stone peaches, per dozen... ,10c Cheese and Heats Wisconsin full cream cheese Wisconsin brick cream cheese.., Sap sago or swltzer cheese, each Hammond's bologna sausage Sliced minced ham Pickled pig's feet, per lb 6-lb. cans pure lard Potted meats, assorted, each , Teas and Coffees For one day, Java and Mocha .... '. For one day, 85c Family Blend Java For one day, 23c Rio-coffee , New crop tea sittings , tOo sun dried or uncQlored Us, only .. 28c .. 15c .. 10c .lCHc ...8&c I (Li mm SI.00 Black Silk Over Laces Only 29 Cents' Per Yard. Just the thing for summer dresses, all ilk, worth $1.00 to $1.60, on sal Monday morning at 29o and 89c a yard. Oht we are in the lace business right, and If you are looking for new, stylish, up-to- date goods at the very lowest prices, you must com and see us. t cents Two and one-half cants surely seems a Bargains Monday, Embroideries We are the loaders when you want a big bargain In embroideries. Monday, 16a embroideries, 5c ( . . Monday, 26o embroideries, 10c Laco Bargains Never such bargain before as wo will offer on Monday. Bo tor black silk gallon laces. That's Just one of the starters In Monday's big laco sale. 12 yards tor Bo of fine val. laces. That's Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments MOST . IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THB CLOSING DATS OF JULY. Our cloak buyer has gone east to secure the new things snd left positive Instruc tions to close out ovary garment possible. We want you to call snd investigate this great sals. Accumulations of odd lots, broken alses. goods that wars bought cheap when mak ing big purchases during the last few months MUST NOW BE TURNED INTO CASH AT THB EARLIEST POSSIBLE MOMENT to make room for midsummer goods which our buyer Is sure to secure on his trip. VASH VAISTS BY 60 dozen $1.00 wash waists at only 25c 100 dozen women's white and colored waists, In sll the new materials, all the new styles, snort ana long sleeves open back snd front, they have sold up to $2.00; clearing sale price only 49c. WOMEN'S TAILOR-fMDE SUITS 1 Special Monday Prices. ' 'All suits that sold up ss high as $12.60; ale price, $7.60. 100 women's fins suits that sold at $25.00, YGHEN'S .' Monday wo put on sals 100 dozen wrap pers. In light and dark colors, ' ths $1.60 quality, aA only 69o. Also 60 dozen percale and lawn wrappers WOMEN'S SKIRTS, CLEARING SALE PRICES . 25 dozen women's linen dress skirts, 25 distinct styles, worth up to $8.00, clear- tucked all over, with 15-inch flounce, tor only 69c 200 women's dress and outing skirts lrt all ths new styles and materials, clearing sale price only $2.98. 4 tables women's outing snd dress skirts. Great Sale on Ladies' Ladles' black, white and colored parasols reduced from $1.60 and $2.00 QR on sale ft 30w Ladles' fine parasols, in all the newest designs, assorted colors and styles, re duced from $300 and $5.00 f Oft on sale at Wli30 Ladles' fine silk parasols, chiffon trimmed, plain tucked silks and fancy patterns patterns! 52.98 reduoed from lo.uO and $7.uu on sale at We are showing a beautiful line of boys' niaxlras shirt waists, from 4 to 15 years, worth 75o to $1.00- AQm on sale at 191 Boys' waists in madras and fine percales, collars attached and detached A Of on sale at r36 Ladies' sleeveless ribbed vests Ifl worth 26o at IUC Ladles' combination suits, lisle thread, new braid style, lace trimmed OCa worth 60c at C9G Ladles' umbrella lisle thread drawers lace trimmed 4C worth 6oc at..-. LUM Ladles' corset covers snd drawers, made of fine oambrlo OK worth 60c at..... 36 Ladles' embroidered and lacs trimmed corset covers and drawers QOf worth 75o at uali Great Sale en Hen's Furnishings & Underwear Men's linen mesh underwear regular price $2.60 on sale at. Men's $2.00 and $2 60 shirt waists, in white or colors at 98c .$1.00 All h non'a aiimmer underwear that sold up to ll.uo to do ciosea oui 'jka Wc. 25c and WUW Men's $1.00 colored laundered shirts, n all the new styles at 49c Furniture The bedroom suits, consisting of bed,, dresser snd commode, which ws otter at $11.90, la not of the flimsy kind, but Is s good, substantial suite, well made of hard wood and nicely carved and finished. The dresser hss two Urge and two small draw ers fitted with locks snd has a good, large Villi lixi mirror. It Is not entirely satisfactory can be returned st our expense. The couches ws are selling at $2.95, $4.76 and $6.00 ara all covered In the best grade of velours, nicely tufted snd ths very best spiral steel springs Is need. Oar S snd 6 piece yorkar snttss are ta 10 I , , mim m , , ,r? 6c A- j 69c f stH' sue - 4Srr- , L I Ssasswl ' " ' fJ m mm ridiculous price for a lady to pay for dress trimming lace, but on Monday, ws have collected all odds and and of broken sets of the fine wash laces and Inserting, running from three to twelve yard pieces, and worth from 10c to 20o per yard, and lust for a sensational Iaoo sale, will plac them on sale Monday morning at 8:30, at two and one-halt cents per yard. You think ot it. We don't want to. Monday, lOo embroideries, for IHc Monday, 60o embroideries, for 16c. Monday, 750 embroideries, for 15a. another bargain that you never before have been offered by any bouse In America. . These are only a sample of the lace em-. ' broidery bargains we have for you on Mon day morning. THE THOUSANDS 75 dozen lawn snd India linen whit waists, In 25 dlBtlnct styles, sold elsewhere ' as high as $3.00, sale price, 95c. 1 200 fine white waists. Imported designs, that sold ss high as $9.00, clearing sals price only $2 60. (Sizes 32 to 44.) leaie price, iib.uo. A. tew flife imported sample suits " that sold at $40.00, $50.00 and $60.00 on salo now at only $30.00. , . WRAPPERS I In Ifght and dark colors, the $160 quality, at only 69c. 40 dozen women's fine French percale and lawn wrappers, the $2 quality, at 98c lng sale price only $4.95. 60 silk skirts worth up to $10.00, for only $8.60. v 25 olegantajillk raglans, satin lined, ths $25.00 quality, for $15.00. Children's wash dresses, at 60c, 75o snd $1.00. , . Furnishings & Underwear Ladles' gowns, corset covers and drawers, hemstitched tucks, trimmed with laco and embroidered regular Mtom twe at , 4a C Ladles' fine cambric skirls with lawn ruffle of torchon, Valenciennes or em- l QQ broidery, worth $3.00 at r)lsfO Ladles' straight front'full gored IQ. batiste corset, worth -75e at.. ....... tfG Ltnll.s- and misses' batlnte and ventilated elrdles, in white, pink and in. blue-at..: StsC Dr. Warner's summer- corsets for stout figures, sizes 20 to 86 . g QQ The La Grecque Lattice corset for slender and medium figures st Ladies' black and fancy -colored stockings at Ladles' 60c lisle thread $1.50 ... 10c ...19c stockings All the fancy colored stockings that, sold up to 60c lfl on sale at 196 Boys' school stockings at The Shawknlt stocking for ' boys or girls at , Ladles' $1.00 stockings, In plain and fancy colors at 10c 25c 50c Men's $1.60 madras shirt waists 4 (a in all colors at 6 Men's 25o colored socks in all oltes-t 10c Men's $2.00 white and colored negligee shirts, In the best makes and newest flO. colors at 9 06 Clearing Sale This la the last week of our great furniture clearing sale. Former great reductions In prices are followed this . week by still lower prices, as our floor space must be cleared for our fall furniture which Is now striving. So far In our great furniture sale no house In Omaha has been able to equal our goods and prices, and ths 1 prices we make for this week are so low that anyone who Is In need of sny kind ot furniture oan savs st least one-half the purchaso price by attending" this sale. very best bargains ever offered In Omaha. The Iron beds which we offer at $1.75, $2.60 and $2.25 cannot be had elsewhere for twice that figure. Ws have about four hundred odd chairs snd rockers which we will close out this week at about one-half regular prices. We have s large variety of kitchen, din ing room and parlor furnlturs In this sale. All st s very low price. All goods are packed and delivered at depot la Omaha tree ot charge. ' Wo have ths largest snd best selectloa of ylctsres In Omaha, 1 -