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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1898)
_ w _ _ _ w _ _ nr'wrnfl7 , . - - _ _ _ . . , - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - I . - - - -I---- : : - - - - . - VA , - - - . ' . e' : TIVE OMAJT4 DATTY nii. SA'rlYflDAY - - , r1IIT 28 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jj * FRO\I'fJ1ic : \ .WflU ! ) . ' _ _ , , 1aci San LW and Palm Have , . VjiresOro.qd ' . u1 DENSEJGNORANCE OF RECENT EVENTS , . . - . - p. , 1Ciao' : ifluItr ot CrrnM 1)If'Stt. 81111 1urtiV , , lIrrctItIPr 'Fill CiJIt1 lo 1.ny 1)wn 'VieIr tr1IIt. VASIt1f4lTON , July 22-The War de. yflrtmw1LJ1na'poted t1i foIIowIng SANT1UO , July 22.-AdJutant General orbtn , , WsuijiI ton 3ent two cfl snnlli ottits lnit IA uixut4 Silky tcrcIvc'e'r.endcr of jin1lt , tro' . at PtImaB , They .had not . okrCreras tiuct or ef. to stir- for thcrnceves. ) 'A detachment d dmccr itfIni1 chfd In Ineirgiu nhd i tUrhud tl11 ! tUQflhIfl nparent1y iaUnfled , Tiiere yare oeral cveni of 1rLerest , t not at mortanco , nttho.War LLnd Navy d - partmcnts todaP CenernI Andorsnn , at Cn'Itc , 'entn 1tiag aytflg tuW ) AguIn- nIIo 'lthd (1Lcarel ( a dI ttorsliIp nitd nar- iFal 1a * eve * 11& P1iItIpplncs-4itnet1tIng hnt gate th ? cabinet tootI ( Ot konlt1ratlon at Ith I-egular netItig today. 'I'here ' w no dIspnstt1ontQ'freo ; fiy rsuo with thc lusurgent. cfiat at thin tttiie , but It. th petty r VC1i unle 8tood thaL1io wflInot , to comzltt ; th Unltvl Stake oycriihef.Ii ; ; , he .ftitUc trctsxien1 of tle Lion. , The vialt of the German'ejnass dbr to . the pre&dent unl to the .crata y3 o ct.ate % vasa tiasrH tor'ttle tielet tuiat le'IIaCttIILl ' ( 9 innQ some roprc ntatIofl op that suli- ; t et nd periittpjtsvelI 'on' tIt1tisttbn di ) enco ; , i flctcdby ! t'he proftam1tild down by Watsoii jir jecti by to ittropeai . vatra. , t so , no omelal cOIflltflrtIOfl vae obtalbablo and "tt friendly stt ° wnt tle oul ) ' exIInnntton offered by Secrethr'Day for the appearance of the Grmi eiibassa' , r In the ( log &I In WaIiIngkoi. It would ao bo t1rprl3lt1g It It shou1d dc. . vqIop that Htrnn Europetin lntlt1enccvere. brougltt to ijuar utde { lie Nav de- l1atnnt frri d1sntching W'nts 'a fl tt V to 1uropc , but o far they appear to lii'o ti'etn Inetfcctitn , tin ft is iifllcIalIy tatt'd , tht the dclature P tle ftdUIP.n ' V not bandOtied. V -V V MIIIM t with ; Jeluy. I V \IttioUgh GinraV1ilIeB ! rportCd by cable tflY frOm Moth St. tiCOlaB , . Ilayti , that le V : % vlt n vln alaiig eii ; " wttb tlte fltt dctucliiiient 01 the military expeditlob . ngtlnst PortO 1tlco the body of hli3 dig- pa cli prccdLng t1iI Mateitieni gq at ' flrt to the ap1)rclleIIton that , lik , . .hcitti ; V $ nt santiago , . Ueuerat ' threteriEU witI1 'a ' cstIyliVlahdlng his expedition oii } 'orto Rican soil , ovlhg to the abcuco of lighters and tugs. It wa V imid at the War department later on that come of these tght rs wore already oti their V frqni New Orleans and New York , and that no sensible delay WOUll arisO 'On that aebre it , . JhoL bri ep r. froi i\&niITal SP.mPOI docInrl3g V th eic qssof. pedition t -jipe rrn1ly VIora importaut than app..r's c. -surface. Nipe Ilca on the north ,4'V coutt:9c. : Cuba , almost directly acrosa the ' . , Ialid from Siiogo , . It. lB purpos d t ) : ctaj1lh a bat& thcrV4lkl1 vIU save at , V ltast .tvo days' tilde lb ttliig aupplica into C'qb s compared with the Santiago muLl. itwii12 also form a good point of operation . against Ilolguin , not far dhtnnt , and It it that . . - nj ) ! hMul must bo lttt0updd4I1b CiI\n \ Nle , In coxndcJon tjti , Sji. . ) an effective tneane. Of OIag fltl. V _ 'tieVar ' department hCSV V9F yes. t3don ins. jfo4ne that ( l neral Shatter Cubiu aJ1e1 ) tutt the American lIne&fdr the' asoia : 'aoI oU Iii a printed lette1iGbhet(1 , ( i1ar. V eta. but it Is acarcely Uapbtedttnt , V he cae , for the friction has beeii growing memo pronounced every lay since the fail of Santiago , an(1 It IS feared that a severance V f relatlofls cannot be longer avoided. That V the Cuban junta is still hopeful of avoithug such a measure is evidenced by tli c7anfl- ( lance shown by Senor Quesada , one of the Cub.rn 1ation here , In p.ji amicable act- tlemcnt..t 'The event of the day waa the a rvni tt tb Nary department of LIeutonit IIotubo , thj hero of the Mer- : rimac. Tb. & oifltta1s weio not informed 'f liia approa'cItig ! 1sit , ecept through the nenspapvrs , C1quontIy When Iu rcached the raiivayjftlan , ( lure at 2O : o'clock this afternoon tiiena'aaiifroiflclal ( hero to mc'et him and hls'teepI'tlo 'rtruly ( leInocL'attc. V lie succeqq'd"ti "efCUi',1fjlV , bsorvatIoii as ho irnsscd tbigh'dti1n alied , coat and V iinbmeIla foh19ved by a por- tom , proudly c4V"iy1n Id'baggage , hut before - fore tic , enierg'd ( moiu tVlO tathon some one spicit him 1t ! moment thc station resounded : tth'vOcRerous bouting. The Lry of "ItObw1)ti , Uobs u.ang " out and the crowdc1eaed bbtbtn shaking his hand an us1ii1 until ho was rescued b ttt police arid Ecortcd to his carriage , 1Ietopped long iiougiL to an- . C V byspepsii Is wcaknoss of the stomach. It Is thu source of untold misery. It nay be cured by toning and strengthening the stomch and eurlthiugawl purifying the ? . fany V th n ? atd&havo benonred'b th1s medi- ClItahtj1'TIe ; t1Ut .110W they' ( dan cat lng1heIsh without Iod ; SarsapiIa by C. T. Hood & CO l4d bdrsts. i , Mx for 5. Uq UoQD'e. HQod'tIjhIa euro , UhIyemuls , oeuits. - .VV. _ ; ; _ . V ; The Omaha DaIly Bee \ , * [ XPOSITION . ! ! ' PIIOTOOQAJR % ' ! [ ; : * coiiro. . . This coupon unti io cents win $ obtain thrce photogrnviii-cs ' ot the Exposition , : l1' MAlL , 2c 1TRA. I ' I 1lsflum , TheOmaha Bee I Map oIiba Coupon ; Present this Cupon with , I lOc 'foi' ' F I A Map ofCub. A Map ottho West Indies , And a Map of the World , By Mull 1 cents. 'notlnc' ttat all tii ! t n the formel the % of the Merrlmse rt' safe and in the beL of health aru thnt after he had idade hb ; report to the Navy l1epnrtmnLVhox1. 1cled to return Immediately' to : Y"ork. The officer was driven ImmedIatcy to'thn , rkny nt1 ? 4ftv , : cu1 and after brushing hrdseltUt lie dtO0V OVer to the Nary Cc- partment. ( time he carried with hi under his arm a large , ofilolal en'elope , iiich bore In the corner the Inscription orth Atlantic Spiadron. " As he ap- rproaohe4 the 001cc of the secreta bf the navy there- ensued another dcmonstr.tion. 4. large crowd hail gathered about ta door- % ay and the hearty weicoma it. gave the younF oflcer ( brought blushes to his cheeks. Secretary Long came out ot his private ornee and grasping liobson wLth both J'ands sail . % % ith sincerty ! 'Lieutenant , I am giail-ver3' glad-to see you , " 'Flin ha ilrew hui Iito bis , vheto the 1icutcnnt introdu dtd AsSt5tniit ccretary and \ tftSVlrCLted by Captain Crownibahlciti , CtptaIn Bradford mud' pension VCoIumt3- tper Lvqn , wIOliAflpOed.Vtd ! drop in , 31e p nt IMhr an ; ] i iJjn ojeencejviLlt the scrptrya\it1JMi t6' , Uio'cltib to fet. Sectetiiry Lorigs1 ted th e1Ibbsbn diiI bring' the lung' XlCCtCd ) report from /ul- mtra n1npso31 , aud his ) lrptiier officeron the1 dstmttctibn't the threta fleet. The exact purpose of his vlst was , er- iilaiticl V b tile following 'oidcr. Under which LIeutnAtit 'flobsoo bail tome te tile UniLet , States : * United States 1lagshIp New York , FIrst- Vrato Oft Santiago de Cuba1 , July 17 , 189j : Sir-You will proceed north in the St. Patti to New York , thence you will proceed tb SahIngton nd report to the secretary ci the uavy and ticqunint' hin with tIt' object of your visit , ins sei forth in ray Iettq to hIm of this tt& . regarding 'tlte ' Work upbn' the Cristobal Coirni. . Ixplftin ? to him fuiij the pesition and conditioii of that ship null receive his Instructions regardIng. It 2 , Ho as expeditious na tossIbiu In bringing - ing the matter to a. termination , in 'rdor that , 11 It is practicable to do so , this flre ahIl ) thay be s&vett to the UnIteU Shtbs V a. When this 4ttItp Is completed yot' w1l ask for orders froni t1ie sccretary 'of the nnyy Otherwise you * viII return to duty o1IVoard this ship. Very respectfully , V w. T. SAMPBO , AtItniral , U' . N. , ( Jommatldrr-In- Chfet IlflitC(1 ( States Naval Iorce North Atlantic Squadron. Nn'a3 Conitructor' U. P. Ilobsat * , U. S. N. , United States Steamsllp..New'orh. . DECEIVEPOBTO RICANS SitiihIsIi 1'e1L 'I'hstn4he Uiiited Slittc * , t ' Y1lI Be TorMe 4)I)5)reNIor1I 1titl l1te 'SjinitIzrdi. ' I NnW YOIUC , July 22.-In regard to the reported antagonism of the Porte Rican junta In this bity to the aftnexation of the island by the United States , the Herald has secureil th fofloing expression of opinloh by Dr. Julio Henna of this city , who has beefi named Iresident'of the Porto Rican , ubIIe sinCe the junta was organized In 189Fi : "I have always been personally an an- nexntlonlst , and although I am the president of a revolutionary junta , I should be pleased to see my country annexed to the United States. All I have ever asked the United States authorities to do Is to be taken there Ih ordarto issue a manifesto Informing the Pdrto 'RIt1ns that the United States Is hot gollig tiierfon avar of conqUest , but t6 'frco them from the Spanish yoke , giving them as much liberty as thiey desire under the Stars and StrIpes. - "In this way I thlnka great deal ot blood shed could be avoided. The I'orto Ricans are deceived by the Spanish government as to the Intention of the United States. Tihe dre under the Impression that they are going to' ' f ) * * brs off dhdcr the United Staths titair andez"Spaln. fly giving , the uatiys , a 'chance to vote as they please. I be11evenine tbntbs of the population would vote for an- nexatlon. V "As to the other stories published regard. log the junta In some of the papers , they are too ridiculous to deserve attention. Some day the work of the junta vlil be pubilshc4 and thesowbo desoro pratsewilt receive It. " V SJt1t Mipourl h1istrrctl In. V ST. LOUIS. : Iuly , 2.-ThL Sixth MissourI Infantry , raised under the second call , wIth the full quota of men , has become part of the . volunteer forces of the United States , the last company being mustered In today. Ely night tim regiment will be fully equipped and uniformed. Colonel Letcher ltarjle , mann , a lieutenant In the rigtthir iomy , commands the regiment , and among the line officers is Captain Robert h. Lee , who , In addition tb being a namesake , In a rela- tiva of the famots confederate geoeral. V In addition to the Sixth Missouri , at CampV M F. . Bell , Jefcraoa Barracks , therq are. yo. . other r g1nient. The Seventh UnIted Statta yoluiiteer Infantry , IiitnU es hih bee'h n1ustered lii' with It's 1n11 quotrt of tadil , hiLve becn' ' arrtied niuf formed. anti are now fast becoming profl- 'dient ' In iiriil , Nearly 300 men Viavo al-i VpCfldy V been recrulted for th Third Vvolun. taer regiment of cqgtnecrs Fifty-seven uro . from Waslihthtoil , D. ' C. , and the remainder' trbnl Ltftle Rock , Meniphis and Sh Louis Colonel I ) vlil DI U. haiiard of South Caro- ' lipa will Comutahid this rsglm nt. Sani Smail , the noted southern evangelIst , bus : been appolutem ) haplaIn. , V Blockade itminiiers cnuFllt. k blkAnLEsroN , July 2.-TWDVr ries were brought into Charleston harbor today , Th , OIlnde RodrIguez of Havre caine in from San Juan. The Frenchman was male- lug a seconhi attempt at ; ruuulng the , blockade - ade on Sunday last at San J nn ghd was luuled UI ) by a shot train tbq New Orlepus. Lieutenant Russell and a , ptzq crQy we& lUt aloarmi and brouht the ship to CharIo-l tton. 'Time second brizo in 'port Is thb small ltrltlsh steamner Newfoundland , capttmi'ed1 t ) ) time Mayflower off Clenfuegos while attempting - : tempting to run the Cuban blockade. The hip mns also ft cargo of liroviBlons anti nl4piber p1 pasnimmgors. LIbel. proceedlngsj ' , n iflStiiUtel anti thoprizo ommis- , , somvlll . copveno in a fuss' days , L'Eftrt IN ilms.1e 'l'o.hiy. jiIATTANOOGI , July 22-Major eq-1 eTaI Joln IL , lirooke and his staff eave Camp Thomas for Newport News thepee o Porto Rico tomorrow. The : eglment8 to go trou lerm t9 Porto Rico have bemi deqidetI but th U t 1L iot yet been matte pubuic. Im : . V % r , c4mci for I ) , * , Ele I , V ' dAlLi , July 22-tvia Hong Io- Two VUrltish atwers , Cyrus anti Nranza , ' Ihave mfrrlved hero with coal for the Mneri- can fleet , 'l'IIE SOIJ'I'lt CItOS'flS Ct IdFOltI.t , Olmmnlims 3lnii lukeNmIi'rPd let 101 * hI ti the Future of Our V'rult SIIP1)l. There was a time wIlJn California fruits of nil kinds ruled the markets of the west , but since the south turned Its attention to .ruiL raising affairs have been takIng a dii- brunt turn. This year it is generally nit- ZUIttUd that soutberu peaches will cut a big figure Ia compotltiou with Callfortmias. "No doubt of tIm" kaki Mr. Branch of Branch & Cit. , wb fl asked regarding the matter , " "this Is true , and especially so in case of the lIberta ! , a fancy pen'h which e arrly- Ing eq our market in good cgudRou , and sellIng u such pjces 10 render it a , formidable rival to CaIIfopia and Coloradu PtCii9 Two at' three cars are on the market - ket 1imi weel ? at Yel'y ow prices and we have another arVfor next. week already on the way whlcfl wIll ito VtjUb eli at lower iricel , thougir tbecIty linti couutry demand will no doubt enmpty the car promptly , The trade jB'gettlnw bettee acquaiutseUivi&'time lIberta and-it rowa Iu popuIaxIty.'Vej I imavo also a car of California peaches titto h Monday and can therefore giva the purchaser - chaser lila choice. But cur prediction Is h that the south , with lt * good lcach crop , I wilt be rlabt In it this summer , , IVISII1ATIIER ? 'To Cabinet MIfl ; . V ffl Er1y Poaco. . VV PrV LONDON SEES NO SUCH SlGNS.I1 'THSKY 1il'-uneriye.l I'IAnM In Induce IhIlr4 $ Font , ( ) % ) ifleryune-OnI ) lIeeimare Is for Spain V 'rnke the liit1iti'e , MADRID , July 22-The minister of public Instruction , Senor Gafliazo , is authority fo the statement that peace , hnorahli. to tub Spanisti army , wIlt shqrtly be concluded , ' The newspapers. today express the opImhioflV that the thifllctilti Innegotlatingqeace "With : bo Inreased by the exacting dethnmida of thie , AmericaAs. " V _ Al ! lighis at or near St. ' Seulstlnn , yhitli 15 a orttfled city mdtuateit on gt small bnin iwltt on the ilay of illsca ) ' , have beenex- tiflguIsheh ( in view of the possibility of ad Aliierlcsn ttack , V LoNbo ; , July 2.Inquirtematte V In omelet circles hero fall to onflmni.tlietate' meat of the Spanish minister , littegraihitI from Madrid today , to the effect tht pcacm will , horti be concluded , : ' 1 I The statement made by Senor Gamazo , tht * Sianlsh' minister of publld lmtstvmttou , to the effect that. peace , honorable to the SpanIsh nrnmy , will ehortly bei concluded , Is re- gardeil In London more as an indicatiob of Personal opinion or lippe than as reilect- Jng an , tCfWVLt decIsIon of IiecabIue. NoL2iinghowing any move In the , direI.jptm of peacq has bccn received here from.nn' quarter likely to be well lnforinmd on U e subject. The Sranish ambassador , C\mnt \ ltascpn , who was qut'stkmed on the subJh'ct , a'id : "We have no mews fron Madrid anti \e ba"e po rasou to believe any etich 1e- cided step has b en 'taken us Seqoc. Qama * ' stntenmon woull lndlcae. " , . . V At. .1 o'cioc ) tiits afterpoon. a pi'p'nu'itnt oiflctil , p1 , the Ilmitinli foi ign ornee nidto , a reprosenthtlvo , of the Asaoclat d 'rcims : , have absolutei ioth Ing conflrrna.tory' Senor tlamazo3 nlieked staternefl't , > c 'N1 we lad , and we hope It is .trtte bt ne1 as h are hdvls , d , tli signs do , iio th pt ptIoti for early nate. . V V "I'Utt.vo ! 't m th'hlll , ' ( lfdt uiIId' will b'e jrdmlneittiy Cbnflbtcd 'with 1bi' fllbfr IeflCe ncgcmtiations abtnliitelyiotblug 'th oteflrred thus , far up tf'wliIc1i tc ba'e tl' Idea. ' As ft trphta1 prlnC1ddLmi thm1i * ttt1'l , V V V pf I the rencq of a , butltrit pye , rti1lsttilc 'uplss iivlted by otboilY'ienS , ' $ imnlmi ' 1'hrov , Omit , lhe1em's , V is khown that the Spanish nmba.ssatlor have been sounding the other ambassador at all the courts of Europe , with je bbjecl of Inducing concerted representatlona at \Vashltigton to stop the war , and tlitfre , Is reason to believe that Great h3ltainut ho longer demurring at- thIs and pOiat1ag out the tmsleesness * of such a course.V On the other hand , it is said that rep- resentattons to stop the war have been made at MadrId , hut. judging from the re- suits , they have not been sufficiently strong to Induce Spain to come to its senses' . isrecognlzed by all Cxdept Spainthnt th4 UnIted States will listemttoiug- gostlona upon the iart of the thuterted iowers. , ' , , , , ' ' VIVtf , I "In this mnttar , " ona of the' anibns5adorm said to n' roprescntativeof' ' the Associateti Presh , 'Spain' knows , the irrc4ucIbI mint mum ipon which ' tbo UniteeL Statea Uwil discuss peace. What. is It ' wattIngfor Spain seems to forget that. thoi Unttd States can. &top the war.tba moment It iIkes Now that. It has no paIsboet to reckom with , , It can , take orto RLco. the , CanryisIammds at its leleurcand tlniy dal ! with Cuba In the cool weaher 'I'hen ' Sid1n' will consider the A'rneiitn terfzqss ) ! ridiculous than now. , " V , , PARIS , July 22.-Thq , Matin today pubs tishes apaeagraph. saing that. . wile oath lag deflnto ISV knOWn , It lx rLtU9p't.tha Senor Leon y , cmiIio ( the Spanih mnaa , 1 lor to JarIs ) , boon tdstiutcd.totp , propc Gqerl Iornce ambassador to France , with the yiy ° pi opening secret peace negotiatloqa , Up to 3 o'clock this afternoon there had been no meeting between Senor Castillo and General Porter , although it. is said possibly such a meeting may develop from thesttu ation. Any negotiations , however , will be kept. absolutely secret until they have reached a stage when they will assume an official character , General Porter , the American ambassador , said to a reporter of the Associated Press : "You can deny 'in tbp most emphatic nina- nor that any peace negotiations have been opened up' to LJ pretent moment. I cannot - not conce1v4tXit'calLtIme ; Matln story. " : ' OBJECT Count Itetni ft I n g i'iiIltvpIts , 'Vou'i.l 'Uenii Truik ( , NEW ypni : : ply2-CotmTt Henry von Rhodemi , Khosel. oC h1aiivir'G tinany , who married l3ertha A' O6klcOti 'in Washing- tonvlilo , N. Y. . hist'itpy , hits 'uat returned from a trip tbroall. , WhertV leId concern- lug the reiatinq ; weniiWaflY ; nnd the Iftates , h'e4&Imf .th'etmntry must not take the I'hillppines. Germany , he said , would lIke to see Cuba nod Porto 'Itico in' our' hande'but It would object td' our permanent possession of any Asiatic territory. Cotmn 'pn-Rhoden IChosel mid Germany had' rLnite comnmerclai interests in the PhilijiloOa % bjtq. nay other nation , If these IBiaqlfl iJQCaIp.o possessions of this country , ho saIdJb Aurlcan tariff would ruin German cqnimtirc .ind manufacturing , Germany. be declrem , , would object to such an extension of terrIthr > only by diplomatic means , the yastGermipi element In this country making w' Impossibility. PresIdent McKInloyl1U'ount consIders a keen thiplonhit ; also dmirai Dewey , who warm quitp'rlgbt In calh1ng4ho attention of Admiral Von DlCdrcb to tc blockade of Manila , Germany would , have done the same thing , he said , un4er similar circum- stances. The count thought Itussia , France , England anti 'Japan 'Would also object to the estnbliamment ! ot , Ametan interests in Asia because those countri would lose in a commercial W' , TimeYisIso fear that Amen- can influence would seek extension , "Lot Americh , have * JlawatiIP said the count , but as liOOJ3a5 SlhPV tizke8. he Philip. pines diplomatic' difficulties wii $ surely arise , 'The other powers will ndt VLtllVo this country to keep thorn , " Count 'on Rboth'n lChosol declared that only persons in Germany who hayc financial interests In Spanish ihOnds or are narrow minded favor the Spanish. FiNGINEIIItS 1QUAL "I'O iillhitiEVCY. Meet lime RCqhiIP1mfleitM of time NIV ) Iiieidt'nt (4) the IVar' , ' \'ASiiINGTON , July 22.-Chief Engineer Melyiiio of the navy is not oimiy keepIng abmenat of the cuistan requlnemnents of vessels in time or war , but lso Is keep. log time cngimmer work ad as to' wake It of permanent value. The Key \Vet station was of IItIe account wiie tite war began , but gradually it has been built , up until now the Engineering bureau hail a trge estab- libhnlent there with 100 men in service and material tq make speedy repatr6 without the delay nciUeut VtQ sendJng ships north. A step of Vrmnebt advxmmlao to the navy is the pnd'1ding of distilling ships , These carry a large apparatus for transforming ordinary sea water Into Ialatable drinking vaer , Ordinarily a tank steamer carrying fresh water has comparatively a small capacity , probably 3,000 to 000 gallons , but by the process of dIstiIIine , one pound of 'coal' will 'tt'nnsforin t'enty pound' ' of sod water into fresh drInking vntcr , The ( hi5tiii lint 1ilhs' ( thcrfb'lo chmniy wa amnhe of coid 1dI. tlmelr hi'stilIh' , qppnmatus , ns Lb twlrnty , timeg ita ! tchi' w'lter , 'the Iris 'and the flaitThow i Tfnw VbClfl fllt(1 * t ttii , i1istiIiini mar'lmlntry. The cnglnoenIft banch has rccentiy corn- 'i tttl its \vorks \ 'dii bo three old , Siflglo turteteit monltits "Manhattan , Cnnormictms' and Mahopic , League island navy yar4 , was done in a curious fashion fim frder to save time , OrdinarIly 'the putting In 0 ! tiqt' boilers , such as were needeil for dli three of these monitors , s'ould linvo reqttlred the tearing up of time Iron decks and some elaborate reconstruction , 'to obviate this the boilers and machinery were nitule tip in small sections and PaS8e down the sniohostacks , The work Is now flnlatwd clti the decks in as good condi- Lion as imfore. . \s another war expedient , Chief Enginetr Melvihie hi as adopted the nina of having duptlcdtes rnac for nil important , parts of seam.aimocimUiery ( on tim war vesselS , ao'thttt w'hCn a brenkolcurs , it can be re mcdiot in Abort ordor. , The supply ship Vttlcan , imlpii recently went to Santiago , carrIed a large assortment' Of these extra pitrts amd Is ready to nV any emergCncy. MUSTER IS ABOUT COMPLETE All lint ' ' time 80111101's Are Now In tii Sc mv Ice. WASHINGTON , Jul'22.-A consolidated statonw'nt prepared by Major John A. 1Jphtt' . son , . assiStant flljtitaflt general , shows that of the 277,600 mcmi authorized by congress to bmemmltmMln ( tiit regular hnd voiuitt'eI' srvIee , 2179 up to this Limo have been mustered into the ervk'c. Of the 23,031 yet 'required to complete the nuthdrlzeit quota of ho ai'nmy , 13,303 nrc regularA , S,0O are , volunteers under the second call , 62 are irnmtiits , antI 811 are engineers. T.b authorized arength of the regular , avimyIp 6iotio' On AiHi 30 It oontuiimed 2iOm4d. ' ' Since' that ttiuo 23,102' recruIts obtititted from a lmobablo 7OOO ( appllcanta by a limited ntmmnber of recruiting omcers for the most 'part strangers In the cnuflti'y canvassed , , ana durIng a period of ccmpeti Lion by statduthorItIes for tht'aiptamz. In tim opin1ou of the ouiltinib in'th' ' ? ; WtF departmnet the returns of time regular atmmd' enllxtflieute. wilt show an hthrqase a thIs oampet1thni .ccnses The Atrengtl , ot IVh rogplar imjirtoday , less recenL casualties , est1rnatedmtOOO , is 47,6P2. The authorIzed strength o te volunteer nrn is h1toO. Of this number 125,000 were included Inth presldent'slli'st call for troopsnht of , .wlilch have been ropruited , mustered , and jut In the field ; ' , * OO were the econd imll , 07,000 mf whIch have been mustered Into the eert'ce ; 3,000 were to cbustftute three special regiments of cavalry ; 10,000 were imnrnunes , amid 3,000 were onineers. 01 tlo s'oluqteers under time second 'call , 35,000 thus tarenllsted have boon among complete orga'nizntlons already in the field and 32,000 constitute new organizations. Time three special cavalry regiments , coni- mantled by Colonels Roosevelt , Torroy and Grlgshy. have been recruited to their full strength , 'fhlul : 'there nrc hundreds of up. foe' 'cI1x vncnncies that may occur In them , ( V V I 'C0ngrcs"iitmhorizdll the hlItrnn't of 1fis 000 yIiowfqyer ' impiunes and .ot this nuni bpr P,133 , layo'beea hmlustcrcfl Into 'the service , All of4h'e tcnregirnqilts 'are cdm. plate otcept ' ; , lgith Cnd Touth1 and they imrobubly will not ho recruited tu tOIL , atrength.uVf "htb 3oo : ngine4r authorized by special act of congress1 2,649 h&I' * bean 'nhlStFCt0FhQ ist rcglment p'tiu1 ib ' men ; lie 'mSeobmmda flfty.'thurik * ofllcrs and 1,100 men , mmd tli 'TMFd ° fiub-tire * offleers mmd ' ILI4sVetpectedV th t the 'thIrd reimant"wil1' bm % r Omalfd io 'its full stedgthutn fe dtms. : : " ' ' " Tl' 6utti g ; uusteit , , equippingnrn t1 preseni great 3QQ,0004'mnen , in'm less 'than iminet days-nearly. having VtO ( urtdefto a trlCt exarni'rtalion--is 'regrdui jjr : arrar ime a a 'v'omulerful ' i'cl4dVc. ( Oiiie Vreprsetttiflg the great armies at Etiropan nations haye been amazed at the work accomplished , and admit frankly that Europe contains little of such fighting material us can be found In abundance in the 1ThitedStates - V - ' DEATH RECORD. Olil St-ttler ( ) f'Ofltii Dakota. : AKTON , S. U. , July 22-pecIal ( Tel. ipmn-Iidn' ) Johmn' Samuag , VOUO o time old aqttler inV South IlPkota , and a , pinneer this sectlon , , dteul , mjuddcnhy tothuy Qe lieafpilprc atbls1bome east OfVthi V' V lie ) vas , electfl O , the 4lrst logsjp- : FP heb' t1te , 1)aioVta , ives oranpizvaV 1nt9 a territory. I-to. posmuesaril one of the finest farms , in le Jamnes river vqlley. ihNSlOYS'.FQlt ) 'I'IhSPIiLt ! % Wl'ElitNS. Nurri'vhrs of lniVt : ; War 'Jieniemnimered ,1' ' ' t 4' l1itGcnrmII ! ( o'ermmmmieiiL ' ' ' WAS1IINttON July t Pensions have boon Issued as follows : bsmo' ( of July 11 , $ t38 : 'V . V Nebrcskui : Induvnse-Rdbert ' Fuller , VVOmaha $6 to 10 ; William W , Mallory Edgar - gar , , 12 ' 1o424 , P i ' e' 3"r ( V Iowa.Qrginai-JQhn 7qer. Wzwcrly , $61 RobertM. Oiy4on Fntrtfle1le 6S ; LewiS Kiingman , highland , $12. Incroaso- Iavid. ILGault , Giiinan1$17 to $20 ; II. Cool ? , Maquoketa , $4 to $30 ; Henry Par- islm , Eddyvllle. $12 to $ t7 Jerse Smoitim , 'Lau- moos , $8 to $10. Reissums-Qeomge Sawor , 5entral CItr. $0 thltarheiS Meadows , Ben- uoiq , $17 ; ' 1ohn7 , Lowmrtm , Otturna , $21. .QIigfla1j5'ItJoW5 , V etc-Lydia J. llodeon , , $ g ; JIastprEvnns , Woudhine , $ B/ Coornmlo , lnerono--Durjmomn Davis , Her- 'man , 12 to $50. briginal widows , etc.- fletho' _ .tol'ai , Rochey F rd , i. j 'S htlm ' Dakotn Otiglnal wIdow's , c.- ' Rrh M , ' B vIor , Varmmss'orthm , ' $8. I ( . ' /.IlifllfliCfl1. $ % ' % V4ShIlNOTQN , July Lr-SpecLnh ( Tole- 1grazm-WiltJnm ) R , ' Wade 'was toda' mi-h imointed poatmasteri at Gilbert ; Aur6ra county , fl. D , V Cameron W , Garbutt of Sheridan , Wyo , , an ( leorge Robb of 'Iowa , were appblntel ( forest Buponintonctents at $2,000 cacti year ; alsq Charles DelonCy of Evanston , Wyo. , , forct * sipofyisor at V per day. V olowurug iii 'ffyomimg ) worq appoujted ranmers howard Vhl re ch , Dome Lake ; I'eter EnIers , Shell aite , , end .toy J. Heck , Buffalo. O i'iII9lLtTI3 1Vj IS IN siciij'r. I'rcsiilcnt Van Ilormme of Cnm.nil In ii ) _ cifle SilyN l'emiee ' 1lI ill. JlcstoreI , CIIIOAGO , July 22.-SIr William Van home , inesident of the CanadIan Pacific road , passed through Chicago today on his way east from St. PauL tvliern he ha1 hpi'n in conference with J , J , 11111 , president of the Great Northern road , on thu trariseon- tinental peisenger rate var , Unofflciaihy it Is stated'that an agneemilent was reached the practical result of which vlil be the cemzu- tlbn of war and a restoration of mates un a basis which has been entirely sAtlatactor ) to the American cites ( , , , V S V .1uit Affix tIme h4iiiliiji , V NE\T YORK , Jul'y 22-The ' Vest Union Telegraph company VU5 ordered show cause OLV pjjpinJ t rnt.of the su- promc eu'mrt ' why prdiptoy'vtit o miai4 danpjs hould notltc commuunding SOd tli.4 reciting thb compflnto receive 'anil-4rans- mit a telegram or 4 fom' tmauimission at its'Brbkiyn otft& * ithout timu cent war revenue stump required , The court od pneaentatiouat tJi ( * i1rby , p1aintItt's attorney dIsrdizki' 'tb'u % irbceOdln withoub hearing the defendant , the requirenment ot the law , that the sender pay for and attach the revenue stamp to the message , being positive and certain , as decided by the corn- - missioner of Internal revenue July 14 , 189 $ , START F'llO1 C11IC1(1IAUCV ( One Brgado Leave8Thero to Jotn the Poxt.o . Rictin Ezpodition MORE ARE TO FOLLOW THEM AT ONCE Ileilef in thir Camp ( lint liii' ihiutire First Corms \'ill .teeomi.paims ( leuernl Urooke-Con talus 8atOt ) ) Mcli. Ch1IOCAMAUOA PARK , July 22.-Three regitneilts , , the 1ourth Ohio , Third Illinois and Fourth Pennsylvania , composing the Second Lltigmute , 1irst ( tlvision , FIrst corps , commanded by Brigadier ( heneral unlace , left Camup Thomas this nurmmlng for Newport News. Time. Third Illinois broke camp at 5 o'clock and muarcheti Lb ltossvitio , and the other two regiments followed an baum' apart , 4t flossville time three rcgtnmtmnts loaded on CincItimatt Southern trains. At Newport KcVvs. trahapnrts are expicLthi to he in wait Ing , and it is probable timat the command wilt get. Into Porte Rico in a very short times ' Time next command to huavo will be four light batteries of artillery , A of Iliinois 1) OtV I'endsyIvniia A of Missouri and the if&tyitveiitii Indiana. It Is probable that they will kayo eithe- tomorrow or Sunta. Accompanying them or following in short order ; vlll be the' signal corps and the me- somve : hospital and ambulance corps. it lii how generally ioliCved ) lmnro that , General IlrookevIll stucccfed in taking the wimol of tilCitgtCorp5 wIth him to i'orto Rico. Tlim 'k , io't "t 'officially given out , imuit there is Vi1Lh1 , to' " be tIttlq doubt of Its correctness , Tile corps numbers about. 35,000. Colommel , Culver , Fifth Illinois , is now in command of the Third brigade , First dlvi" sion , First nrmny cdrps It is umtilemstobd that a brigadier general vIll be assigned to'coM- humnuh he brig de. ' lmeCtiqttanopta police lmave recelycd from Golueral Brooke descriptions of a number of soldiers who have dcmerted from various meg- irnentsat Camp Thomas and they are doing all timeb chn to assist thb amni offlc ra In npiulmehdini thermm. . 'Tb notorious "midway" at Lytle is to be cleaned tip toddy. , A large force of hands Is at work today shoveling out trash nnifrn. mnensevagon Iqads of rubbish. This is mmot because of 'ammy scruples or sense of duty on the part of the bccUpantm4 of thb stleet , but because they have to iiloan up. (1qnrnI ( Urook4 liua , tui' n otder whIch thCiOV 15 no , 'y. f e'auing , viiie1m dlradts that Lytlo be cleaped up and that tt onie. lie gave the V Occupapte until tonight. to have the rubbish removdd and the ground In front and behind tlmefr pl'emIsos In perfectly cleazi eomulltion , Jr b 'tonIght the'midway' Is not leane1 imp General lirooke will placb a twnvoimt guard ari4imti the entrance to time stieot anti no sqlicrs ; 'ili be allowed to enter. The mid- \'tay forsoniq timmue has been In bad commditlon amid haS doubtless caused considerable Iek- ness. Captnid Gedth * , detailed by the NorwegIan government to Witness the movements of Ummited States troops during the war , is at Camp Thomas. He has just returned front Santiago , iwherc.he witnessed VtlIO attack on the city , He % VIll accompany General Hrookh'hi expedItion to I'orto Rico. I ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V REOPENSFIGHT OVER ESTATVE jeiru qf 4tmlu1reJ,1)miv1s Not Satis- V V , Iie.PwhtIi' Disimfilnitinmi sit One aliliifi Dollars , BITTE MOflt July 2g.-rn a tmling nado by Jhclp _ Dellavcn in thO UnIted States 'court Ibday tim entire Andrew S. Davis ebttlIttgatEoq Is reopened after the matter Vh ! 4hougkt to have been amicably ar- mnngdll and nearly $1,000,000 ot the property divided' among the heirs , 4 TII 'suit Tn brought by Edwin DavlB , a hrothdrVot AmtllrcW .i , 'Davis , against Irvin J. fr lialf , tie etate , alleging he v'n i&omfseIl , that.far fighting the claims of a npmber of plieged clitidren and of bringing about a division of the property. Time will , which is alleged to have been forged , after a long fight was admitted to probate by the relatives of the dead man. The court ordered - dered a lnrtial distribution and nearly a million was distributed. Irwin Davis' suit was pending itt the time in the federal court , The defendants sought to knock it out of court on demurrer. It was this de- nmuirrerV Juilgo DoHaven overruled , ThIs ai- Iowa time suit to be tried upon its merits. If Erwin DavIs wins , those who have re- ceiveul shares 'out of time estate and the administrator and his bondsmen will be me- ponsibIiity for the money alrendy divided. rANsVBuILDsTEEL PLANT l'umiqiuiLse a 'J.'ractofmroiiimd in Vicin- V 11' of CiiritgosVli1 Be s V' flj Coiieern. CI1CGO , .Ittiy 22.-A company of Gem- ; m1c. cip.italIsts pod steel manufacturers hues bcguuthe conntrumctioit of an Immeimso steel plant upon ground purchased fromu the Pullman - man comnpan2' , just ouitsido the limits of Pullmah , and will tmndertake the production of gteel upon a large scale , Twenty acres gi gbund eve to he covered with buildings , Tbu.nqw'plant will ha one of the largest Vatcel , producing workS in America , and means Vtho active competition of time German manufactmmrers with American producers upon their own ground. The company Is sflid to be operating sImIlar imiants in Gem- nany , Austria and Wales. ; V'i. 1iiiq ¶ 'Qumlct hi.iiu1per lilc' , , CMICAOO , , July 22.-The Aristocratic suburb of La Grange has bad a peculiar experience - perience w'ttii time war reveiuue tax , At the annual meeting of time Fashionable Music hall association a lively factIonal commtest arose over the control of the Lit Grange club building and the matter being put to veto was apparently settled by time supposed minority usuexpectedly producing a large Inumber lof Proxies. After time result was announced a quiet member arose and aslce4 to see time proxies. He caused a semmamution by declaring the vote a nullity , time liroxics not being stamped. In time contusion the rneetmmg $ adjournel and a decision as to who owns the swell club building of time suburb appears to be postponed a year till time imeat cmnnumel meeting , all on accotmnt of the sub- Felice of the small , but necessary , war rev- otlue stamps. Moeliiellla of Oezin Y.'sHclM , .Iiily .h2 , At Liverpoal-Amnived-'hiovic , tram New York , SaiIed'-Nornalic , for New York. At GenoaArrivedKaiserS'ilbelin II , front New York. 4t Queenstown-Arrlvcd-Canmpmunio , from New York , At PhiladelPhin-Arrlved-Missoumri , from London. At Southempton-Arnived-lcemmington , from Now York for Antwerp , DAKOtA GRAIN FIELDS SWPT hail in ( ns' ( 'onp- * , imrllt Inlentn , Coni islet ci y letrmys 2.Itt ) ) ) , tcre of' Crohis , CASSELTON , N , DJhl' 22-About 2- (100 acres of gmnhii was tottuily tlttoyetl by luaU Inst. cvenhmmg 1mm CaSe county. The time- eat point nt the atbem was two milm math- west at Casseiton , The storm wont over three toWnsbip In tim shape of a crescent. From statements made by time farmers , there niumet immuve been a meeting of two ccii- nmate storms mmii famous in time line of the first storm stiffered great damage. At Cuis- aelton the ciommdsi wore not threatening and scarcely any rain foil. Arnomig the Principal losers one : 0. lal- Vrymplc , , 4.409 acrs Fowier liroc , , 3,200 acres ; H. J. Green , 1,100 acres ; J. 11 Tram- mmmcli , 3.200 neri's ; 1' . J. Langer , 1,000 litres ; J , Ditnmcr , 1,000 acres , There are fully a dozen farmers vlmo lost a section amid mammy halt sections of graimi were totally destroycti. It Is estimated that 10 lien cept of the farmer8VflCO Insured , Sonic farmuer may lose their farms In consequence of the storm , EX-CONFEDERATES ADJOURN COml'mltiml Gi4cloChnt'itOmi ( eat Vegmr-1'Diuu.'glmer . 'tf the C.ii. feiicrimc" is Chtcred. . ATLANTA , July * _ Th1o next n'nnumat ma" union of hme Ummited OohteIermtteetcratma VIil be lucId In Ctmai'lekon , S. ( I. fly a vote of 1,051 to 810 the cdum'ention today uicctdemi the contcet between the Smith Carolina city and LotuimmilIlo Iii the fOrnier't favor. 'rho entry cmi Miss Winnie Davis tas the signal of a remarkable dernanstration. " Mls Dhvis was escorted to tire front at the rtage by Gcu1rai Gordon , who immtrodticetl hemas "tIme child of our inihioi'tai chieftain amid our owlu child , " By uimanimoums vote it was decided to coim- demumi the expreaslon "war of mohellioii , " V being applied to the struggle of 1S61-65 nail 10 urge tlub ulcislgnation of it an time "Civil wot' between ( he states. " This wna immiuni- nously nlOitQd , The convention then aCt- jutmrnetl sine 41e. , V . NATIONAL OARSMEN COMPETE C'iLflIUhIOuiNll III Prircu 4irr lI'Iled He- vccn 'L'oriitlO , W'ireci'icr V nsiL l'iiilid'Iphlu. V V V PJ IILADRLPIIIA , Jimi y 22-TIme twomtth' alxth annual regatta of time Nntlonal Asso- nation , of Anmateur Qursrnen opened lucre today tmmuder favorable , auspices. 'l'oilay'd events conItcd of mi races , two trial heats In intermnedlnte singles and hinais ' iii tlmo senior eaied-oared , twuiof double , senIor four and interniediate eight-oared V such. Ommo championship erizo svent to Toronto alil to Worceiter , Muss. , amid time other two to Phuiladepiuia cress's. Stim- marten : Intermediate single sculls , heeL heat , two ( jminhity : .1. MeC. Ijinder , Malta float club , Philadelphia , \voim lit , M. invts. Harlem Boat club , New York , second F' . Marsh , Ienimylvnnia Boat club , l'hilndeiplmia , third. 'rime : 0:59. : Intermediate simmgie sculls , second lieit , i two to qualify : A. ICubik , SprIngfield I ( Mass. ) Boat club , won : S. II'cst , Mills- I tree float club , Chiehiemt , % 1am ; . , eec'onil : . I ( ; , Wolf Union Boat club , New York , third , Ttme : i6ivi. : Sehior .lomibles , final , heat : E. 11. 'ron Rycic , 1mw , and C , It. Lewis , stroke , Mnsa- chimautta Bout club , 'iVoroester , , Mnss , , won ; ic. , v. Marsh , bow. immid E. ir , tinmmaglmun , stroke , Peimnul'lvania Boat club , l'hiiailei- phia , ecdhmil ; F. 11. tnrgerum , bo' , anul D. Ilalsteaml , Htroko , Cresc'emit Boat climb , Phhlttdt'lpiuia , third Time : 9J : , Somilor paired-oared sctmila , final : 11. G , Srott , bow , and 3. 0. Fxley , stroke , Pennsylvania - sylvania Boat climb , I'hilaclelphla , won ; F , D. Thompson , how' , and Jumen Wright , stroke , Argonaut Bout cltmb , Toronto , ace- end , : 9a9. : V ' ' " " 'V Senior foimr-oared shell , fimmf : ArgCtnaut float club , Toronto , von ; And Boat clttb , Baltinmore , aecond ; Weetomn font club , St. Louis , third. Time : 0:02 , Intermediate eight-oared sheila , flumal : Fairmotmnt float club , Phileudelphin , watt ; Pcnnsyit'nnia Ijoat. u'lmb , iiuiiadelphia , eec- onri ; Uttlon float club , ew York , third. Time : 8:02 : 3-5. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. H. W. 01dm of San Frammcinco Is in Omaha. J. H. McConnell Is absent on a short southern trip. A. M. Johnson , , a banker front Curtis , Nob. , is in time city. T. N. Pritohett of New Orleans Is among the exposition visitors. C , I , . McKean and C. J. Howell of Denver are guests at the Barker. 3. Iii. Siusher , a merchant of Cripple Creek , Cola. , i In time city. C. II. Semen 1mm in Oxminima in the interest of the Iitmffalo Bill \ ' 1ld'est show. Mrs. C. C. Siauighmtur and MIss Slaughter of Dallas , Tex , , are Omaha visitors. William J. Robimmsop and wife of Eagle Grove , In. , are etOpjmlng At the Barker. H , 111. Duer nnfi Fred GlIb or Kansas City are In Omaha tmmkimmg in time dxposition. IV. T. Evans , attorney for time flock Island at Topeka , nmay lie Jound lit the Alilard. Mi Mrmuil Stetsoim of Chicago hmius been time guest of Mrs. Kate It. Ryan of Walnut 11111. V H. C. Townsend , general passengOr ngemit of time Missouri I'aclflo railway , is nt time Millard , V J , A. Harris , a stockmnnn Of Cascade , Mont , , amiti Mm , Harris are talelog in time expositiomm. Mrs. Merritt Green and son , Merritt , of Pittsimurg , are vIsIting Dr. and Mrs. J. 11. Ralph this veek. V Mrs. James , Gray mmd daughter , Mrs. II. IC. Simpson of Washlmmgtoii , are visiting relatives 1mm Omaha , \v. A. IV Gibbon , formerly a tiromnimiemut business ntamm of Omrmnlma and now of Si , Louts , is visiting lucre , accompanicil by lmi wVle Mrs. E , L. lfniglmt of Albany , N. V. , and MIss lee Marslmall of Towaumda , Pa. , are gtiests of time family of W. K , Marshall of this city , 0. H. Miller and wife of Groton , S. fl,1 and I ) , 1)ougbty and sister of Deltn , Coio. , are visiting the exposition amid stopping at time Barker , Bir.sell Wilson of Chicago , C. W. Numanmi and 'IV. F. Numanu at Sehmuyler , Neb. . rind W. L. Montgomery of Chamberlain , 13 , U. , are mit time Millard , H. J , Moore mmmiii Sammi Fry of Chicago , U. \v , Bock of Oraumfi Island , JC , C , Page at Mihs'aukoo amid , It , A , Tayjor of Sioux city , lii. , are traveling inca stopping at the flarker. Grace Cnruss' heldon , a well known newspaper - paper womnmm o Buffalo , N. Y. , who ias wrltteim for many of the best eastern newspapers - papers , has beemi in Omaha toe several days iVIsitilig the eximoiiitIon mmd leaves today aim her bomimowurd trip. Nebraskans at thmo hotels : W , 5 , I'uittor- soil , Stockholm ; \V , fl , 'ndmmworth , indiami- elal Miss Carrie Dlsmter , Fred Ihostroin , Liii- coin ; L. F , Arinatrommg , Elm Creek ; J. P. Carr , Leximigton ; Fl. I , Walker , Eirnwood ; \v. C , lirooks , Beatrice ; Chmamincey W. NIe- maim , \Vmmlttenmar I. Nleman , Selmuyicr ; Mrs. Iii. E. Sanford , TccUrnseb ; Alex hurst , David City. L AllthciTiis' r : : THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " Dottled only at the Spring , near Neucnahr , Ithenlsli Prussia. , , I 'f ' A Philadelphia party who refilled Apollinaris bottles VbarIng the genuine labels , and also used counterfells of the Apollinaris labels , was recently imprisoned In Moyamensing Jail , Philadelphia. _ t H ( ' 54iti li'l' ! . - - - . , - , . .t , ) . . , - Tji TROCAEflV f Telephmommo 2217 , S Lentim & W'llhinmtu , 1'rop , and Mgre. g' \V , W COLE. Act. Manager. \'IIIIK ; ? , * ( vi'rit ai.'i'lcti3 TCNWHT- ALL WEEK Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. AN IXTRAORIINARY ) COMPANY ' ( ' ) I mmci. . ta I ICceen ( rlii.i'e. THE 4 OLIFS C Stmiremime u ) ei ( ) Art ist. Ramza & Ariio Comedy .t-tibttt 'i'iin 'I'll lN1i SVAII'I ' , iI3tattL2S IilhltSN , AL ) lh3ititiIS. PlEhinhi .tNI ) SAI.INA. .NI ) ( ) 'Vhhlhlt tilt ; l'HA'l'llitlhS. V The' Trn'nuhero Clint iemma Oreimct ra Tirectlnim Franz ttleimimnmi. ( 'imnim. ubf 11111 Inehu " . % 'eclc. llcfm'cshimmmu.mtts Cmiriidmt imml.t 'Fiiitt re , - _ V V TonI JlIt CIiVEtorcVS tialety Nuw' I1I1L'i135(11141 "hi 6iy ? ris" fit , l.'iuum t I fuil I ii Il i's , ale ( mu cii mer mm itl ii l , vi 1 lug lnboi.n , jMte ; iit'him. . lyi'i , , t Iiatli j " 1,11 in" miii.1 lla % ' % . hlihi. V V lOc-20c-30c r ' 'Ph - I t l'msuOmm .t : fluarca. , Va LIO reig1i aOfl iminnamers. Tel. tnt. 0. II. 'nwhwitrti , Auiiumsetmmerit Iirvhtor , 'l's ) I ) . 1'-2 i:1s : ) 'I'm ) S I t ; u'r.-s siss : , 'rimijI 'tUlVA RI ) r"LCIC t.0 , V 1'ltESENTING V I Long Branch. Next \Veek-Alltlue Cmmmmforts of home. R I DE 'WW ATTh Y A - - .A A L ? V VVVt1' JIIII , . , . MERRY--GO--ROUND & ' I 5th and Cispitol A t'c. ' Capture the Brass Ring amid hide Again FlLliE. : .15)5. ) itt'NCilttE' . I.isiit' , ' mui.t Malinger , Wait EIRET WILSIIIRL OSTRICH [ ARM Attgust 1st ' AIGHTIN VENICE. , A. Gondola ride fat' ri beututliuul s'low ci the Grand Court and Electric Fountain -the lOfltmhtr' nniusenient. . , : v ( ) 'I'iO i't'rlorniuui , . ' , , AlIke . AAC'S ITTtMiei : ) ANIMAl. 5110W' ON 'FlIP. h1IWAY . . . . . . . . OO83 .V V 8 SWEPT JIY COOl BREh/ES. j TilE PLACId FOR SOCIITY. 6rmd VH1c V ' ' , , . CON'l'INUOUS VAtJIFhV5lIa. V cc cccccccccccc C42CoCclo SOLJTIIEICN , V CitLh1V)1tNIA ' 1 The liggest. best , most novel exhibition on tYcet Midwny. AdrnIsiomi only 10 cents. herd of mmenriy 100 Giant Os- S triclues , dozen4 of Ostrich clil'lml only ii few itays old. 'l'hme mod V $ ) gorgeous plumage emu earth , Ostrich eggs , Ostrich nests , etC. ' V _ EIDWIN l'rop. I ' ii THE CUBAN ATOMI CHIQUITA ; 'rime Living Doll. 'I'lmc Vent tii'o of THEMWWAY , Do Not Forget to Visit the UINS [ ThATR , Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss House on West Midway. V iiiiiEit CIIMItS , JINRIKISIJAS CAM1' STOOLS , HEATS FOR FIRE , V WORKS. CONCERTS , l'I'C. alc Stand No. 1 , 'Schley , " Aduniiiistrntloim Arch Stand No , 2 , "Dewt.y , " Wpu , Midway. V Stand No. 3 , "hlobuon , " North vIaduct Stand No. 4 , "Srmniatomm , " South viaduct. 01' 'Pimommu CUMMINS , [ xpostion Orotinds , STREETS OF ItL L NATIONS. ] temidozi'ous of Sociiitv l'eoplo , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VISIT JAPANESE TEA GARDEN 0111110 STORE1 Not MuSIc IItli-Itit Mt'l.vt y. - isoI'IctS. -HOTEL BARICJI- 13Th ANI ) JONES 15'J'ILEE'i'8 , QAIAIIA , 140 OtJ'VHIIH ltOOAltiV 4'imnerlramm Plan V V VV $ i10 anti $200 er ilay Furoiemlmm l'ian .V , V. VVV SOc to lVO ( ) PCI' slay F'ItANIC ISARN lit , Malinger HA.tI 114t ( JAIAN , Chi'f ( 'leek. THI3 BRUNSWICK Car. 111th & Jackson Stis , J , C. Griffin l'rop , 150 Booms-All modern hmnhirot'emnc'zmts , RittesAmnem'i'amm Piasm , $200 ho I3VIU per day , European Plan , $100 per day Imnul upwards , Car hue to and ( forms nil depots , iIrgct cur hue to jimain entrance of Expositioji. ifiJRRAY ii 0TEL , hitim and linimmey St. .Arnerlcnn PJan-3 to 4 dollars per 'lay. Street cars from depots and from hold to Exposition Grounds in fIfteen niinutets. Ii. Hiii.O\VAY , Manager THE MILLARD lath mind lnutglna Sfs , , Onmolin. ( 'EN'l'IIALI4Y IOCATEt ) . -.tMlltl'i % . ' At1) IhLltiHAN i'iS- ' .1. IJ. ) iAitiHL4 .s : 05lN , i'rul'I.