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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1898)
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A atf rate of 2ti cent8 will rub nt thu txposttton Iatc lolay ( , flfl ( the woricing- men will have on opportunity to demon- Rtrnto their npjrcclatlon of the concession by cotitIn out In full force to swell the Undny crowd. As children vl11 ho odmitted ftr 15 centI4 they enit hrtn their families nn ( Epend the afternoon and cvmIng on thu grounds without Incurring any con- sidotable CXIOZISC. hundreds o men with ninahl Incomefi iiitvo complained that they could not afforil to pay O cents for a halt day's relaxation , but with thu concession that Is In force today they will have no excuse for staying away. Nowhicro , can they siefld their Sabbath Inure Dnjoyabiy pi I and npproprlntely than among the beauties or the exposition. There they can find a grateful relict ( coin the heat and dust and enjoy the . . ' ( luxury of delightful music and beautiful "J surroundings. At a cost that i within the reach of every man who earns a living they can experience a day of pleasant recreation - tion and go hionic Sunday night refreshed anl invigoratcd It Is for the beneilt of this class of PeoPle that the concession is fllalO afll whether it Will ho contiIlne(1 or not depends altogether on the extent to which it Is taketi advantage of. r . The religious services that were to have been hetd ut the Auditorium this afternoon - ornoon have beeii called off. General han- ager Chackson had extcnded an invitation to fey. 3ohn McQuoid of the First Methodist - odist church to conduct the ecrv1cs , but accoulit of a previous engagement the courtesy could not ho accepted. Rev. Mc- Quold will probably Preach at the grounds next Sunday , however , and during the remainder - mainder of the exposition the Sunday after- nooll service will be a periunnont feature. /emon tile religious events that vhhl ap- peul to the churchgoIng classes will be a sermon by itev. T. DeWitt Talmage , vhich Is among the Prollabihities. The date has not becn c1eetcd , but General Mannger Ciarkson IS now corresponding with this xtbtod ( Ilvine alid It is practically assured that IIC will preach pL the expositloa at lctist. otice before It cloe. In thu absence of tile Antlitorhim services the usual band concerts will occupy , a large proportion of the afternoon and evening. : Phlnney'l ; band vhhl give tile usual collctrt n front of the government building in the afternoon , and a particularly interesting program vhll be rendered from the band stand In the tvc ing. In view of the fact that the working classe * are expected to ConstitUte R cotisidorablo proportion of the audtollce the bulk of tile program will COIl- sist of SClCCtiOIlS that are not above the rnusicai understanding of the ordinary In- dtvlduzti. Tile objection ot some of the expositIon oflichals to tile reduced Sunday admission Un the ground that It would depopulate the ' grounds on tile preceding day was not Jus- tilled yesterday. There were apparently LS mally people On the grounds as usual j and there was no imlication that the an- .z \ nounccment of the reduced rate had caused thu slightest slump in thu atttmdallce. Thin People who come to ( lie grounds to see the exhibits and iflako an intelligent study of the profltzbie. feattlees were there as usual. Among ycsterdays vIsItors was I'residont. Clark E. Carr of the IllinoIs commissIon , who was ac- coinpanied iy Mrs. Cnrr. President Carr says that the beauty and general complete- floss of the exposition show a marlicti advancement - vancement sliico his iirevious visit anti that there is iio thaw apparent in aiiy feature. -i- "The exposition is canstalitly growing in interest - terest , " he said , "arid It coiiiinands atten- t tlon in every junrtor. It surptisses every oxpectatlon and It is bound to be a ire- Inundous siIeCCSs. ' President antI Mrs. Carr returned to Galesburg last night. iut will COUlCI iack later on and stay at least a couple of Weeks. ZOUIjtS COU.V1'Y' $ (0 ( ) I ) SIIOW'ING. trIeii1urai lx1hhIt .ittrut.s the Al- teittloil ( If ' \V'o can't raise such grains , grasses and % 'egetnhics In our country. " The foregoIng remark was made yesterday by a couple of 511011 from the state of Washington. At the time they wore standing in the .Agrlcui- tural building , gazing In wonder and as- toniahmont at the floilgins county exhibit. They were inunediately taken in charge by Superintendent \\'aish and shown through the exhibit. After looking it over for nearly an hour. they frankly admItted that whlio they vero strong advocates of Wash- Sngton aild Its resources , louglas county could make a better agricultural showing thiaii any of ( ho Pacific coast states. The 1)ouglas county agricultural exhibIt Is one of the things of which exposition vlsitoru hover tire. This no doubt is duo to tile tact that everything is kept fresh ' pad trim. The vegetables arc renewed 1111cc 1111100 a Ti csday , Thursdays and Saturlays. Peter Magnus df Vest Omaha furnishes most of the materIal at this time. ' 4' great many additions have been made to thu Douglas county vegetable exhibit sInce the opening of the oxpohtiou. Many of ( be old vegetables have been thrown cut , anti those of ( hits year's growing sub- tltutud , This Is IurtictIillriY true with the potatoes , boots , turilips , cabbage and scores of other hroIucts. ) JuBI 110W Superintendent Walsh Is hiowlnr sonic rare green vegetables - tables , such as okra , wbteh Is a soup stock , oyster pistil , carrots , parsnips , oniops , cabbage - bage , cauliflower , squash and PufliRkins , ( Joe thing that attracts much attention Is tIle exhIbit of % veet Potatoes made by Theodore \Vthhlams of V.'est . Omaha , They are the biggest ever seen , and while they bavo not beell eoaxet by artiticial means Into growIng , one of tiieiti lies kept right on untIl it tipped the scales at thirteen hounds , Vatted vegetables are becoming a great fad in the Douglas county exhibit. Thu plants liars bee'n hiiaee.t in inrko pots , showing the vines as they appear whea in ; ii perfectly healthy state. 1ntead of throwing the rejected vegetables away , the superIntendent sends U them to the llo5phtfli , thits furnishing the institutions ucarly a8 much as they require for the use of their patients. thtlGO'S ) ' .tl.tJ.thlI.t ilSLit.tLS , It lbs IluIticliest IiMIIny , In Ihie 3IIiii , hhuiil.lliig. of the smaller exhibits in ( ho Mines buiidlng that of Oregon Is one of the itch- ot In the value of Its spcclmcna and It pro- seats a creditable exposition of the mineral resources of that state. Its principal tea- turn Is ( lie large display o gold ere in its Various combinations with other metals and ( hits includes specimens from nearly every mine tn Oregon , There ale some floe ppecimLas of crc from such famous mines as the "Copper Queen , " "Last " " ' others that Chance , "Cyclone , and , are more or less familiar to the newspaper reader , and the variety of formation that Is displayed is scarcely surpassed iy nay other cxhilblt.In tim building. Some of the inoit attractive specimens are a conltihl3atiOfl of gold and copper and some ores are also pro- scnte l In which nickel Is found in combina- tlori with gold. Sonic of the purest copper ore in ( ho buIldIng - Ing is contributed by the Appirgate district nnd this Is an Interesting feature of the cx- hihiit. There is also a large showing of fico milling and low grade arcs. iii addition tea a varied display of the various less familiar minerals ( lint are found In the state. These Incude cinnabar In varIous combinations , hydro-sliicon , mIneral paint , himeatone , kohin and gypsum. There Is on big ehunk of 5011(1 jasper which was PICkCLI tip on the beach in Curry county anti a i.maIl diplay of Iron mostly in combination with copper. The exhlhiit contains an excptionaily good display of building stones and mnrbh.'a. . The Cornier Include various kInds o nandatone and granite , several of whIch are susceptible of 'hIgh hohishi and ornamental .ffocts. 'rher Is also a small showing of tnick of excellent - lent qualIty and durability. I'ExA's ' 1'ItOMlE fIii O hAND. 51 uvernur ClilhlerMun ' % ' 1i1 ileniL a Lflfl- Star ielegnhtIi. Thursday , August 18 , vhll be Texas ( lay at the exposItion , an. . ! Governor Culberson of that state will head a distinguished tide- gotten of Texans who will visit Omaha at thittt time. The railroads will make a rate of one fare for thil round trip for the bene- lit of the Texans , and the PeoPle of the Lone Star state expect to make their day one of the events of the exposition. 'rho Houston 1)aliy Post of Jill ) ' 20 , In writIng of thu exposition und Texas ilay , says : The exposition can star.d a comparison as regards beauty and excellence with thio World's fairs at Chicago and Paris. It ox- cecils in mnny ways ( ho effort at Atlanta , ahid the big success accomplished at Nash- yule.Viien one considers , however , that tills cxiiosition Is located on the western balfics of the Missouri river and gathers its main support from a section which was considered tile frontier but a generation ago It is a marvelous creation. The exhibit which represents the state of Texas has ilocil placed in position at the western end of the Agricultural building through tile efforts of the Houston flusIns league and ( lie Sail AlitOllio and Aransas r'ass Railway Immigration itesociatton , and this exhibit , under the care of Prof. Attwater , a thoroughly capable man , Is at- tiactlng more attention than any other ox- hiibit on the entire ground. The people of Nebraska , and especially those of the city of Opnhia , have keen cx- tremely courtonus to visitors from Texas. A delegation of Houston and South Texas business men attended the xposItton last week. and not only the officers of the ex- posttion company but the newspapers and business men dId everything in their power to make the visit of the Texans not. only pleasant hUt profitable. NOVIIL'I'IES iN MIJSI.tL LINI. New PenureM A.i.It.i to ? .tzilce Pro- rnnlN More 1nterestIni. The executive commttteo has authorized a more elaborate dIsplay of fireworks in connection wIth the presentation of the do- ecriptivo fantaslo , "From Battlefield to Fireside , " at the Plaza concert Monday night.Vith the addItIon of the exposition chorus the production will be decIdedly more effective than betore and It has struck so popular a chord that it wIll probably - ably be repeatcl every Monday night as long na Phiiiney's band Is here. At thlo next grand court concert , wbich i'Ill occur Thursday evening , the lialiti wIll bo stationed on tile third boat landing from the east end of tile lagoon. This will afford - ford a greater opportunity to seat tile peO- pie and will bring the band and chorus somewhat closer together than last week. One of tile features that wIll ho introduced - duced at one of tile court concerts will ho a ornot solo frOnl a gondola some cllstanco up the lagoon. The soloist will begin to play willIe ( ho boat is vest of the bridge anti the craft will be slowly propelled toward - ward tile audience. It Is belIeved that the novelty can bo made effective In the oven- ( OOD A't'TINiACI LAST NIlL'I' . Concert by i'li Inue' . . Build LI Lelle1hiii At traction , Evidently a considerable proportion of ( ho Omaha people WeI'ti cot willing to miss the pleasure of an evenIng at tbe expositIon merely because they could get In the next ( lay for half price. Thu crowd on the grounds last night W115 fully up to the usual Saturday - day night standard and It was a practical repudiation of thin stock argument of those bo have OppOsed a reduced admission on Sunday cii the theory that It would ruIn thu Saturday attendance. The usual enjoyable concert was gIven by I'hinney'a band and It received the hearty approval of a big nUdlnco , The action of the nRUiagCIntlUt In limiting the space to ho cccuplel by the reserved seats has given a largely Increased latitude to the people who do not wIsh to pay for them , but a few nioro seats otitside ( lie reserved space would have found occupants last nlgbt. The Midway - way attractions were fairly patronized , ni- tllougii the close atmosphere had a tendency to induce the bulk of the people to remaIn - maIn out Ir ( lie open , where they could receive - coivo the benefit of vhat little breeze was stIrrIni , MAiCis i'thIlLiC ii IS S.t'i'ISFACTION. Mlsuur1 , ( , , 'rltcs of Ills VIsIt to the 1ti.isIlltli. Cditor A. F. McCohlum of the Independent - ent , vubiished at New Cnxnbrin , Mo , , visIted the exposition last week anti tipon his return - turn 'oino wrote a two column article , (10. serlptivo of the great show. lie is loud In hits liratse of everything In connection with the exposition , anti In speakIng of the Nebraska - braska fruit oxhlbit be says ; "F'ruit was elegantly displayed by many of tue states and especIally so by Nebraska , Missouri , Iowa , Kansas , Arkansas and Illinois , Tile fact that Nebraska Is In the lead Is due probably to those engaged In that 1mb of Industry taking more Interest in them than some of the others have taken. " 'Fht % TO Gl't' ht.t'VI1S FoIL Itill ) MEN. hiiJ 'rwI fl-ill Conic If Ihie Effort Shall lie SII'ilVlSflIl. Freti T. Cumintug has taken hold of the matter of bringIng the lied Men to Omaha on August 8. and yesterday opened Il tcie- graphIc COmflltlniCatlOfl with Nashville , 'rcnii. , for the purpose of securing a $10 $ rate for the round trip. lie has assurance that ( Continucd on Fourth Jage. ) - - - BROOIE [ ON TIlE WAY Sthrt. from Ohiokamanga to Sail for Island of Porto Rico , SOLDIERS LOADED ON SPECIAL TRAINS Movement of Large Body of Troops is Now 'Well Under Way , ARTILLERY IS TO GET AWAY TODA Remainder of Pirst Corps Expected to Poll Early in the Week. CAMP TO BE FILLED WITH NEW REC 3lxtia Corps to lie Orgallled (1 Itegliucilts Mui.tereil lIe Under tite SceoliL CiLil for 'oi.iittcci' . CI1ICKA MAUGA PAI1KJuly 23.-General Ilrooko and staff heft this afternoon on a si'cclni ' train for Newport News , whiotico they go to Porto Rico. The train was made Ill ) of a private ear , occupied hy General I3rooko , two Pullman sleepers and two baggage - gage coaches. It goes over the Queen & Crescent by way of Lexington , iCy. , and RIchmond , Va. The departure of General Ilrooku leaves Major General J. F. Wade Iii colcimand of Camp Thomas. Eariy ( ada ) ' thin reserve hospital corps , reserve ambulance corps , the signal comps , Troop It of the Sixth Uimitod States cavalry , and Company F , Eighth United States Infantry , left Oil special trains for Newport News. The several commands marched five mIles to Rosavihie. wilero they were loaded en speclni traIns. Tomorrow morning four light batteries of artillery , A of IllInoIs , Li of l'ennsyl- vanla , A of Missouri and the Twenty-seventh Indiana , will leave for Newport News. The wiioic of the First corps , wIth the exception of the two brIgades of the FIrst division , which are now eliroute , leaves next week for l'orto RIco. The regIments are as follows : Fifth IllinoIs , Third WIsconsin , FIrst Ken- tuelcy , Sixteenth Pennsylvania , Second \Vis- conain , Third Kentucky , Thirty-first Michigan - gan , One hundred and Sixtieth Indiana , FIrst Georgia , Sixth Ohio , One Hundred anti Flfty-elglmth Indiana- First West VIrginia , Second Ohio , First PennsylvanIa , Fourteenth - toenth MInnesota , Seventeenth Minnesota , First South Carolina , Fifth Pennsylvania , Eighth Massachusetts , Twenty-flrst Kansas , Twelfth New York , Ninth Pennsylvania , Second Missouri and First New Hampshire. Orgnnie $ NOW Corp. . . . It Is aflflOUllcCi hero that immediately after the several regiments have heft Chickamauga - amauga park the organIzation of the Sixth corps , to be commanded by Major General .lnnles II. Wilson. wIll be begun and corn- pletod. The corps will consist of twonty- seven regiments from the second call for volunteers , numbering In all 36,000. While the flrst Is moving the park officials , It Is understood , wiil perfect the saiiltary condi- tlons at the park , clean oft the grounds and have everything in good shape for the vol- unteers. It Is stated that there will be an offleliti examinatIon of au the wells and springs at the park net heretofore analyzed. so that if there are any woil not whole- 501110 , atd it Is not believed there are , steps wIll be taken at once to fill theta up and have them abandoned. The medIcal omcers at Camp Thomas are unusuaiiy busy now. Orders have been issued - sued from corps headquarters directIng that tIte medlelti officers give the men a thor- ough course of Instructions in administering - ing to the wounded In hattie. They wIll be Instructed first in aid to the wounded and thio applicatIon of medical bandages. Tills work has been practiced moro or less over the camp , but an order has been Issued directing that at least four lessons a week be given. acii man before leaving for tim front Is provIded wIth a full medIcal case called "First aid to the wounded. " It consIsts of bandages and mcdiai appliances such as are to be ilsed In stopping the flow of blood from a bullet wound , etc. All over the First corps are a number of men who are not physically able to endure the hardships of war. These men are to be discharged at once. An examinatIon hoard from each of the division hospitals will at once be appointed to examine and Inquire Into the health of time men. Thin work wIlt not delay the departure of tile corps , as It is so divided up that it can be ( lone rapidly - idly as well as thoroughly. GARCIA LETTER IS A FAKE % 'ns Prepared ly it Nt'ivspnprr Cur- resi.oiiil cut niui * lie Cimiisiie Lender Neer nw It. ( Copyright , 1SS , by Press PublIshIng Co. KINGSTON , July 23.-New ( York World Cablegram-SpecIal Telegram.The ) Cuban junta here absolutely denies the story about discord between General Shatter and Gen- cml Garcia whIch threatened future dIm- cultles. The Cubans here yesterday chartered - terod the Royal Mali steamer Dee to convey - vey 300 promInent refugees back to Santiago - tiago , but when the story about Garcia was received the departure of the flco was de. hayed until the junta could communicate with Santiago. An answer to queries made as to the truth of the story was received today , statIng that the whole thIng was a canard and that Garcia was at Saningo and maintaining the best. of terms with ( lie AmerIcans. SANTIAGO , July 3.-It now turns out that the letter alleged to have been addressed - dressed by General Garcia to GenraI Slial- icr , complainIng of the treatment accorded tile Cubans and advIsing General Shatter of General Garcia a resignatIon. was prepared by a newspaper corrcpondent named Arms. who lies been actIng on the staff of General Castlhlo , It is not clear that Gemieral Garcia over saw time letter , WASHINGTON , July 23.-It is stated pea- ltively at thu War department that the letter which General Garcia Is represented to have addressed to General Shatter an- nounclng his withdrawal from further cooperation - operation wIth tile American troops has not yet reached the \Var department. The otli- cUlls are inclined to believe that if the let- tcr really exists , anti of that they have i'ttle ' doubt , It wlil reach Wusblngton only through the malls front Santiago. No word iias reached the department from any oMciai source relative to the reported - ported attack by Garcia's Cubans upon the body .It Svanish soldiers who were march- Ingt Into Samitlago to surrender to Shatter. If this Is true it may affect the attitude of the United States governumellt towaiti the Cubans , There Is a decIded dispositIon to refuse to discuss the matter at the War department. 1lii.ror % % 'iiI Iiini'i IiiNttri 'VrIp , ( Copyright , 3SS , by Associated Press. ) JIERLIN , July 23.-The arrangements ( or Emperor Wiiilssn's trip east in October bao not finally settled , At the otlico of the court moralist the correspondent of of the AssocIated Press here was informed that the program for his majesty's journey will not ho settled until after the em- peror's return from his northern trip , and It was added that the statements hitherto hublished On the subject are all faulty. It Is not even certain that the empress will accompany him , and in any case ( lie tin- penal party on the Iloheuzolicra will ho quito small. ASTOR IS BADLY WORRIED , Corruptilili of hIist.lite CLI ) ' Elltnr by 1101)10) ' Ilises htiit Much Uncniiiie.s. d S. yrlghit , ISiS , by Press I'uhiishinr Co. ) ONDON , July 23.-ew ( York World Ca- I. kranl-SPCcISI Teiegratn.-Wilhlam ) Wal- .t Astor has gone to Mnrlenbad under ductor' advice to undergo a cure. lie accompanied by his datlghmter , ills llcalth said by. friends to be run down and ho S siliTerlng frolll acute ( iyspepsin. The ro- ent disagreeable disclosure of the corrup- tion of l'is late city editor by lioolcy has worried him Intensely and he looks forward - ward wIth horror to the whole matter being raked up anew in the course of hlooiey's hlmikruptcy : proceedIngs. lie imad aiways been especially anxIous ( lint tile financial columns of l'ail Mail should be above suspicion anti his Instructions for guIdance of the cIty editor are to ho put In evIdence to show lie had taken every precautIon to Insure the honesty of ( lint department. The rumor of lila reported en- gagenlont to Mrs. Ogdemi Goclet is denied by her as absolutely groundless. Time simIlar report affectIng William K. Vanderbilt and the duchess of Manchester Is said to ho equally groundless. Time duciless' health Is by no macails robust , as she suffers from a troublesome nervous disease. Tile ( iuchcss , moreover , Is very alIxtous nbout time llealth of 11cr beautiful survivIng twin daughter , Lady Alice Men- tague. TJmc latter Is suffering now from in- fluemiza amid at the outset of tile attack this week her condition , owing to the extreme delicacy of her constItutIon , causeti acute anxIety. Lady Alice Montagmmo is emie of the loveliest girls ili England. She Is extremely vivactomis amid citnrnming , but of fragile ilealth. She will go to the seaside imniedi- ately she convalesces and has been ordered to 51)011(1 time whole vintcr abroad. The duke of Marlborough Is suffering nguln from throat affection and has ieft England to undergo ( lie same cure as last year at fleyal. lie recently cancelled SOnIC public speaking engagements owing to his throat , whichi it Is feared vIii seriously hamper him In his public career unless a riormnanent euro \ffected. . lie is devoting himself to the work of time Tory Primrose league , allowing decided nptitude for affairs. but as a speaker he Is far less spirited and effective than his cousin , Winslow Churchill. Lady Randolph's son. The latter leaves at the end of the month for service in the Soudan campaign anti has been empioying the Interval here since hIs return from the Afridi war In addressing tory audiences in different parts of the county. His mother Intends him to cater PariIamemit at the next. general cloction three years hence. fly the way , the duchess of Marlborough's state of health has rendered It unadvlsabie ( lint she should accompany tile duki ) abroad and having gone to Blenheim during his absence an tpteresting event is expected there In September. LIPTON WILL TAKE A WIFE Millionnire I'rovlslon enler of Lou- don in About to Launch Forth hitto Matrinion- . ( Copyright. iSiS , by Press Publlhmlll ; ( LONDON , Juiy 23-Ncw ( York World Ca- blegram-Spectal Telegramn.-Tho ) engago- meat is nimnounced of Sir Thomas Lipton , ( ho millionaire cwovision dealer , to Nellie Paudei Phillips , eldest unmarried daughter of Sir Faudel PhIllIps , Lord Mayor of Len- don. Last year Phillips was married to tile sister of Sir Edward Lawson. proarletor of the Daily Telegraph. The mamnihies on toth , sides are Jews , while Lipton Is a Catholic. Fatmdci Phillips Is a wholesale dry goods merchant of very great wealth. and hIs ( laughter is both good looking and said to be brIght and clever. Lipton was brought Into close relatIons with the Faufiei Phillips family durIng the latter's mayoralty , over his famous gift of 125.000 to tile Princess of Waies childrens' dinner fund , and thus attachments sprang up between hiiui and MIss Nellie PilIlhIps , who Is 24 years of age. age.The The announcement of this engagement , which Is not authoritatively confirmed , causes some discomfiture In smart society , wimero Lipton lately has been much sought after for his millions and his reputatIon as time iteemiest business man In London , There Is little doubt he might have marrIed into one of England's moat aristocratic families , and It was generally reported a short time sInce that a marriage was being arranged for imtni with Latly Jeune's daugh- ( or. Lady Jeuno is a sister of the duchess of Wellington ani noted for her emmtertaln- ments , at whIch most noted persona In all walks of life freely mingle. WORK OF PRESS CENSORS I'gmIers I'rohiibltest froni I'ul.lislilimg tile levlnrntlulms of imiy ( Ion- ersti or Ollicer , ( CopyrIght , ISIS , by Press Publishing Co. ) MADflII ) , ( vIa the Frontier ) , July 21 , - ( New York World Cablegram-Special Tele- gramn-Tbe ) government has instructed tile military censora in Madrid anti the provinces to prohibit papers lmmbulsiming time ( Icchllia- tiona of any general or omeer. TIle authcirl- ties had to do so because In military cIrcles several generals , including Weyler , Pola- Yleja. Lacimambre , Lopu , Domingucs and Carleja publicly censured Cervera and Torah for uot having properly used tim forces on- .iur them both to prolong resistance and in- diet more losses and dimeultles upon the enemy , which was in anythIng but an easy position near SantIago. Sagarta and the liberals are much annoyed to see the people anti nutllom'Itlcs of I3arc.m- boa , Saragossa and MadrId make so much of I'olavIejn on his way to MadrId. Parti- tans of the government believe aim Intrigue Itt eli foot In court anti military cIreleB to (0mm ft coalition cabinet uniter Pniavioja , on whom the mlmmisterlals press a cbai- lengo to play hIs cards on the table , 11th advent Into office would displease \\'eylcr as much as Aacar- raga , Canipos anti the other mnarslials , but Is supposed to be the pet scheme of the regent lioriehf. who dreads unpopular peace nego- tlatlona ON LOOKOUT FOR WATSON Var SIIIIIN of YIirIouN t'Etl.ims S'Ili Gtithior Ut 'l'lIliIier to \'lit'Ii 'I'llilJgs , TANGIER. Morocco , July 23.-It is Un- ( lerstood that , In vIew of the Impending die- patch of the squadron of ships commanded Jiy Conlulodore Watson to SpanIsh yatore , a number of war ships belonging to various nations viii arrive hero shortly , Co ASIIOBE SUNDAY American F1otilhi Will Make Its Landing on Porto Rico Today , EXACT DESTINATIfJN IS KEPT A SECRET War Department Will Soon POMOsi Itself of Direct Cable , DIFFICULTIES IN GETIING TROOPS OFF rit Division Under Brooke Will Clear from 1owport News Monday. DOUBT REPORTS ABOUT THE CUBANS % 'Ilr Dej.nrtn.ent hits unit No . % l1iec. fri.nt Sliafter Coiiecriiiig.r liNsiI- sfneii.n of Niitlvcs-Firthier 110111) rs for lvivc' , WASHINGTON , July 23.-Gemlcrnt Miles' exputhitiomi Iii all Probability Is now In tin' Mommi passage betweemi linyti anti I'orto Rico and vill ho in sight of time ilmndimig point Ill tue mnuinlng.Vhiiit' this in tue expeetattoit of Secretary Alger , fur prim. dentlai reasons time War tiepartmmmeimt tIe- cliiies to niako amiy colnmuent as to thu ac- .turacy of the guesses that have been made In tIme effort to ascertain jtlst what point has beemi selected for tile inuillmig Place. There is likely to be a lapse of a day or two between the arrIval of time expeditIon mtmmti the notification of the fact to thu de- uaitnment unless somime muerelmallt vessel crossing to St. Thomuas should sIght. the Anmerican ilotilla. After that , however , the departmmicnt will be in ( lie closest comnmu- nication with General Miles , for It will possess itself of a cable connecting General Miles' hmcadquarters directly with thu do- Partment. The l'orto flican expedItion has been do. layed a few days beyond time dates fixed for Its departure , hut iii vIew of time dilflcul- ties In lmamldling large bodies of men and the supplies for them this In hot surpris- lag , Thus Schwaml's troops got away only today from Tanmpa , though it was believed they started yesterday , whIle the mnost numerous - merous detachrnemmt of time whole oxpedi- ( Ion. tile F'lrst division , under General Brooke , wilt not be able to clear from Newport - port News before Monday. Still , it Is believed - lieved they will arrive at Porto RIco In good season nnd it will certaimmiy facilitate all orderly and comfortable iammdlag of the troops to have tliemn laud In detachments. Instead of in one vast army , as In the case of Shatter's army at Santiago. Doubt Iteports AbOUt the Culpans , Doubt is cast upon reports of recent cx- citing events among the Cubamma at or near Santiago , owhmig to tim failure of General Shatter to make any report upon theta and inasmucim us be has made less Important subjects matter for dispatches , it is hard to understand why ho should fail to muon- tioa an event of such importance as the reported attack by Garcia upoa Spanish troops on their way to surrender to Shatter. There has been no report from Shatter today , but there Is believed to be the continuance - tinuanco of an Inhmrovernent ) In the situn- ( ion from yesterday and the day before as to the health of the camp. The War do- partmnent Is now , wbulo keeping a chose watch upon Geacral Miles' expedition , Iooktmig wIth Interest for reports from Gea- oral Shatter telling of the engagement preceding - ceding amid leading up to the surrender of Santiago. It was reported today that Colonel J. J , Astor of Shatter's staff is returning to Washington bringing with him ( ho full capitulations. signed by the commissioners , and It was expected that Shafters preced- lag reports would accompany them. How. ever , up to the close of 0111cc hours , s'hich today to time relief of the hard-worketi clerks , was 3 o'clock for the first time in mamiy momiths , the omcer did not appear ammd the department does not kmlow where he Is. Shafter'H itemport. Some of time papers imavo come from Sam qomi , but to ( lie great disnppointnient of ( i.e Navy department time report was closed on the day before the famous naval battle. Some points of interest contained In thiomxm wIll be given to the public In the comiree of n day or two , but they will relate oimiy to the several fights between the squadron and the shore batteries. It is ( lie purpose of tile War department to begin the execution of the plans devised by Secretary Alger for the creation of reserve - servo camps and boards of strff omcers are now eimgagcd in various localitIes looking after ammitable camp sites and making pro- himinary arrangements for acquiring the right to use those places amld nmrangitlg for water ammpplles. The Intention is not to be caugllt through any commtingency with large Ilumuhars of troops at central points in the midst of an epidemic of any kind , with tie place to remove them. It was for this reason that Fernandina vas selected sonic time ago as ono of these rescevo camps anti within time last two days time value of this policy has beemm imrnply Justified , as otherwise there would have been mio suitable place to which to remove the troops from Tampa. 0mm of the reserve - serve etminpa Is lIkely to lie located In time valley of the Potomac , about forty miles above \'amtliington , and will be very con- ventent for the reception of troops fronm Camp Alger In case It Is deemed necessary for the health of ( lie soldiers to remove them. Time 3tato department today completed the engrossment of the Joint resolution adopted by congress extending tile thanks of that branch of time government to Admiral Dewey for lila achmievelnenta In tile Philippines. They were transmmiitted to the Navy depart.- mcmmt , which will forward them to time ad. mimi along s'1thm the degree of L.L , I ) . , con- ( erred on him by tbe University of Penn- sylvania. , td IleeN iruI Slilifter. Important itd'Iccm froiti limo front and of the depart'ire of tin. . troops ( or Porto Itico reached the iVar iiepmtrtmnelmt late tonight , There were two chispatcitems from General Shatter. One animounced the practical acquiescence In time Salmtiago surrender of ( Ito three ronmuinllmg garrisons in that die- trict , Guantanorno , Sagua and Jiaracoa , Sunday or Monday olilcers wlli be jointly sent out by tlte American and Spanish coni. mnandera to receive the surrender of timeso points. The other dispatch from Gcaerl Shatter told of time death of three men of yellow fever today , and the sanme number day before - fore yesterday , and aonounceii also that thierc , were IOO soitliers sick with fever , of whom 150 have genuine yellow fever , I're- cautions have heemm taken by the authorities at Santiago to check the epidemic mind a general shifting of time troops took itlaco today to get them away from the infected secttoa , Official announcement also came of the de- THE BEE BULLETIN. Weather Forecast for Nebrnslcmi- l'air ; Cooler Northerly Winds. Page. . t 1 ( 'ut Hi.osItIuli llntc. 'i'nhlly. ltlnI.Start. . for tue i'r.mltt , 31 lION tlny , , , 'I',1it3. Siitimi St Villtg for l'i'liOO. : , i I'orto II ion i'reiinrllia ta l'igItl. Simnhlm n LIt' iiglttine ihtm. ii NvlirlMitl % ? ( ' % lN , I lerep.t' iii OtrIlkfl 'nhitn4 limit , Ciilillthitt or lInito ( ' .idtle. .4 'iVic ( if 'Ii'lIN lit f4mtiitiligim. ; ; l'nImIlIMti' , SChoOl 'l'Iiolr lieiegnte5. , pinmis for ii lliiii' Ciltrest. . 'I'atles ut FIM1I't'lii'li , V Iiiton St reet l'tvItii tltiJnhmiCil. (1 Iiimmgs ) nf Onmnbn's Sti cli SOt. l'lnmiM fill. ( I lflhlIllt' $ ' , , l'gtrndo , . inllgel'M ut liimperInit.iiit . iithliIOM Ut t lit' A lite htonmim. S Ctiiiiit'il iilmiff , , l.oenl iIatters. I ) a N.'tvs iiii.t Cu.i.teimt , l'rgret. of Crieket 'I'ohiriiitliei t. hiiipe hhimli ltei'iird ( if ii Dity. 10 Simm'tilig hiCiOtV iii the 'eei. I t 'itli the 'liol' ' . itiith % 'ii.'eimneii. il In the Ilomimimili ut % V.iiitii. 11 ; hero of 'i'wott ) ' Weiil Iita , OrigI ii iii' 11iiermm IIet.itnrice to "A ( 'ilIii ( ry ( e'.tt'leci. " AmImeVlOfl I ii t I.e 1"sir i'ltNt II , " . sli t.s Of lllii imi m'e , " U4 1il Itil'lIl I IIIII1 t'llmlli'lit , It ) un liii I ii ANMeIlI I liii'i Culisent ion. O1Jti' ( 1011)4 (0 hmuiit'rlnl Iiii. .l NelmeaNkil 1' Ii. iic C'i It et' m ru. : I ) Imol I'Ili'N M imiern I ' , 'im1t ii. lii Iot of ( lit' muuleii. ( iie . ' 'l'Pllle. : i C.iI utlt Of Oiminimn's Colnlulcrellti nud II.mituit'tii1 Noacs , , .u I . t lie ' .Vorld uC .tIilllNeIiii9it. ii I Xciv Ull luiii I'imi.I l1L lirulitli. ColtipariMoli lit ititi I ' . ny hubs. 'Felt , lieroture itt Oinnhau * t hhtti , 1)e. hour. a . in . . . . . . 71 1 im. lit . . . . . . .7 ( I a. n . . . . . . 7 ! 2 ii , lii . . . . . . " 7 7 a. in . . . . . . 78 8 ii. iii . . . . . . MS S a. iii . . . . . . .i ml. lii . . . . . . MM I ) a. iii . . . . . . 711 lI m. . iii . . . . . . 5mb 10 ii. lit . . . . . . s : B p. ni . . . . . . .MM I I a. iii . . . . . . . : s 7 m. . . . . . . lii iii . . . . . . . . . $4 't'ODA a' t'i' 'i'it H liXt'OSiTION. Al lIt. ' Iro.iiuulsi EiiIilii Suiiu1iti-Aliii IMPSiOhi , 2 Cents. 8 p. iii. , i'i ! I iuiie"s mlniiul , ( uvcrnmimont hiiuIluIhuig. 8 L' . Iii. , Iii iillO"Pi miuiliti , ( Irnuul I'i.izut. IlartUre of live transports froni i'ort Tampa for Porte lulco , A second instahlmmlent of lids portion of tile expedition will leave tomnor- row morning and overtake these transports on time higll seas. This expedition is under tile commirnand of General Schwamm and comm- prlses seventy-three officers and 2iS23 enlisted - listed men. They probably will reach tile pOllmt ot debarkation , joining the other portions - tions of the Porto Rican expeditionary force next Friday , possibly Timurstiny. SailIng a possible nine kimot an llour , It Is expected they will coyer the 1,200 miles distance in six days at least. The War department autllorlties say time situation yesterday among the troops , as shown by tonight's dIspatch , Is less serious than they had expected. With 27.000 rnemm before Sammltago , the otilcials say that with tile conditiomis conaidered , the proportion of victims anti of sIck Is less than have been expected , Adjutant General Corhin said tonIght - nIght that the men were largely affected by ehaustioa and over-exposure. "There is not , " he said , "one regiment that Is not infected , anti for that reasoim none of the Inca from the conmmnanci at Santiago svlii be taken on the Porto RIcan expedition. Itemort nit 'Yemlo'n' F'CeI ? Situatloim. At midnight the War department made public the following dispatch from General Shatter regarding time yellow fever aitun- tion : "SANTIAGO DE CUBA , July 23.-Adjim- tnnt General , Waslllngtou : The following men died at the yellow fever hospital at Stboney today : Jack Dongno , civilian ; liert Louis , bandsman Seventh itmfantry PrIvate Frederick A. Percival , Comnpnmmy F , Thirty- third Michigan. On the 21st : Sergeant J. l3mitton , Troop C , First cavalry ; William J , howe , teamster ; Patrick Sullivan , Corn- pany E , Seventh Infantry "No deaths at the trout have been reported - ported as yet. Complete report wilt be seat in morning. The situation Is not alarming , timough there are many sick with fever , nbout IOO ( exact number will be given Iii morning ) , Only a small part of those sick are down with yellow fever , about 10 vcr cemit-150 in all. Slight changes of all the troops have been amatie to get them on fresh ground and the artti- lery and cavalry have been moved about three miles. SIIAFTER , "Major General ComnmnammdIimg , " GN , SHAFTER IS HEARD FROM Iteiurts blunt lit' % 'iii l't'vIve hit' Surreuiuler of OtU ) ) 51,11mm luurils ut ( iuiijuliismuumui. , , WISIIINGTON , July 23.-Tho War the- partmeumt tommight received the following from Geimeral Shatter : "SANTIAGO DE CUBA , July 23.-C:25 : p m-ileadquarterut Fifth Army Corps , Samm- tiago do Cimba , July 23.-ltuljutant General , Washington ; Colonel of engineers of time Spanish army has just arrived from Quail- talmamimo , lie henrtl from time French consul there that Santingo Imati surrendered and tjioy had been Included , Not crediting it ho was sent here to verity the fact. They will ho very glad to accept terms of surrender ; very short of ma. tions and I shah have to begin feeding them ot once , lie tolls inn there are 6,000 men at that Id000. Aimi now feeding 6,000 well irisommera hero and 1,600 sick in hospital. Expect 2,000 Inca in tolnorrow fromn San Luls and h'almns. Will send on oflicer tomorrow or mmext day , with one of General Torol's to receive surrender at flummrmtaimtmnmo and then go to Sagna nuud Barncoa to receive surrender there , Think nunmber of prisoners will be fully up to estimate-22u0O or 22,000 , SIIAFTER , "Major General Commnamuding. " Are iil Iiuiuiw aveli , CINCINNATI , July 23.-Time sick almtl wounded soldiers ( lint reutcimed Fort 'rhomnas from Tampa yesterday are reported today as doing seii , 'Jim remalima of Private iammiei Crowley , Company F' . Slxty-nlumthi New York , Wore burled today , as no word caine from his friends. There are now 37 Ia time Fort Tlmomtms hospitals. 01' the 130 arriviumg csterday , tour were wounded , eigity have typhiolti fever and the others bowel trouble. ; w.m to iii ts ( I ( ) u't'lu a 'isut'i s , .1 ti I New York-Saiied-hlekla , for Copen. hageil ; American , for Loa'oti ' ! ; Ummmbriii , for Liverpool ; Emmma , for Naples ; La Navarre , for liavro , Itotterdam , for itottertlain , SteuIu-Arrlvcd--Tlmlngyaila , froni New York. Antwerp-Satled-.iVestc.'mmiand , ( or Nel % York , Havre-SaIled--La Tommrzmine , 'r Now York , iiteiiieil-Salied-Krenlgon , for New York I'lmiiadelpiuia-SaIlod-hlelgonltmnl. for Liv. crpooi Ant werp-ArrIvetl-Nedcrlaud , from Pull- adeiphin , Llvorpool-Arrivcd-Campauia , ( roam Now York , PLAYING FOR PEACE Spain Working on the Quiet to Brhig Things toalload , INTERESTING TIlE BIG EUROPEAN POWERS Negotiations Are Bciug Carried on by Duke .Almodovar. SAGASTA IS LET INTO THE SECRET No One Else in Madrid Knows 'Vhat Is Going On. MEANTIME PEOPLE ARE KEPT IN DARR Nnthilimn lii lie ihituIt I'mmhtiti tutu toitiet htii ; lt'eisite is A'rulltt- ililuitl In tlit' I'lnims Nut' oil m'oit , ( Copyrigilt , 1S9S , by I'resn Piubiilling CO. MADRID , July 22 ( vIa tite Frouttel- ) ( New 'York'orid Cubiegranm-SPCCial Tel- egraill-t'etico ) miegotiatiomie are being comi- ducted by Duke Ahimlodovar through the SpanIsh anibassatior at Paris with the to- operatIon of ( ho l3paniBh * ainbttsriulora at Vionima , Berlin , St. l'eterabtmrg mtimd litlIlle TIte only liersOil at Madritl acquainted 'itht tile miegotiations is Sagastit. Thu uiuke goes along cautiously with ( ho titniost secrecy , as tile nil important qmmestloml Is to keep the vcoilo 1mm tiio dark until soinethmlmmg tie- cisive Is done. Tile goverlmlllemlt nulls lrtim- cipahly to avoid paying an indemnlmit ) ' and to continue to retmilmi tile Phiilppltmeii with- mit coimdltiomis disagreeable for Iipnnhiiim commimeree and religions orilera. SIlalIm is willing to give ohm Porte Rico it ullaveitinile. ) because the vatican and time powers insist on sacrifices for imeace , The gtmvernllmemlt expects tlimlt ( his parleying vIii ( ' 01110 to a iictmti In a. few days. The nrgotiatiotms will decide wimether Sagasta remains in ofilco anti commstrtlcts a cabinet or makes way for i'olavieja. Jardens has bcell tile scemmo of a demonstration - stration of military symupathy toi' Weyler , many getterals anti flelti oiilcers surrountllag him and his son mmecomnpammyimmg ( hem titlr- imlg the pronlenmlde coimeert ummtlcr time eyes of several thousand vcrsomms of the elite so- cicty , Including several mniiilsterb. LONDON , July 23.-Now ( York World Ca. blegram-Speclni Telcgranl.-Aftcr ) a lull for seIne days there has been again a re- vivai of imeace rtmmuors from EUrtliloltil capt- tale , hut in authoritative diplonimmtle. quar- tern hero amid iii Paris inquiry by corre- spondenta elicit notimlng but professions of absolute ignorance of anything 1mm time shape of definite overttmres. It Is polntcti out ( hint time recent Intelligence of Aguismaldo's atlon and Garcia's severance from Simaftem' are Calculated - culated to give a fresh lease of life to the influence of the war pmtrty in Madrid , At the annie time financial .iiffleuitkmi . , It Is bo- hieved , will impose before long an inmpastm- bin bar to tIme contlmmuancO of th war by Spain , tlmmd Sagastn. seenis to ho working steadily anti cautiously for ieace. l'clice lttuuiiors lii Gtri.iii ii y. BERLIN , July 23.-"So far as time Unitctt States embassy here Is concerned nothing Is knowlm Of ammy negotIations or cnmmm.ntmuiea- tiona whatever between the UnIted States and Gerniamm governments relatIve to nay Spanish coionies , " said Andrew V.'hIte , time United States ambassador , In an Interview - view with time correspondent lwro of time AssocIated Press. "Besides , " coimtinued Mr. While , "thmero has been no question at any ( mmmi between tills embassy anti the Gernisim fomIgn omcu relative to the desire for a coahImg station in the I'hllippimmos , nor for the Imosseasion of any of ( ho islands there , nor lisa there been any notice of Germanys wish to secure - cure any other Spanish eoiommiea. To cx- iress simch vishes , which we are ummaware of , would be at thu present. mommiont , above all , too premature. There have beemi iniportamut negotiations begun between time UnIted States and Germany , hut it Is too early to talk about that now , " From ammotlmer source the corremtpon'lent ot time Associated Press hears thin negotlallomni to which Mr. White referred utro the tariff bill. lie was unable to obtaIn an afllrrna- (10mm of this at the Germnami foreigim oflie. Emperor Wiiiimtmn is kept continually Informed - formed of all events connected with tue war between Spain and the United States , anti of the developments at Washington , Madrid anti Berlin. Regular reports are soul to hmimmm to points oa the Norwegian coast , where hitt makes stops while Oii lila tour to NorWay - Way , A large batch of dispatches , cntaiiming the latest news of the war , was Sent. this week by speciai courier to Igormnuhlon. ! % Vlslii' Iiittii' Suuuui Smuu'e.i y Suceess Baron von Buelow , time minister for foreIgn affairs , is absent on summer leave , but ho Is eximected back In a fortmmlght. The tone of the German press this week is loss friendly to the United States thman the week bef&re and time latest. developments In thu war 1mm many cases have hmeen conmmentci upon 1mm a rather sarcastic spirit , Time liberal press has adopted , generally speak- immg , a fair anti more neutral tone , The Yes- si8Ciltm Zeitung jrlnted an editorial In which It , Intimated ( hint It. wished the UnIted States speedS'mmuccess and referreui to time unbroken friendship existing for so nmammy 'cars be. tween the two eouimtriemm. " Otifer liberal papers of importance , like time Madgeiiurg Zeitummg and Limo \S'esimer Zeltung , express timemimuteives in thu same vein , Ito- fcrrlmmg to the ( allure of the late sugar conference - feronco ammd to the agreement between France amid time Untted States rgarding tariff reductions - tions , the Kreuz Zeltung says : "Slmould America refuse to grant those tariff reductions to Germany and the other European states. nut well , in spite' of the most favored nation treaties. ibm . will hu serious complIcations. To refuse ( hits to Germammy would be time all amore unfair , since America was nmatie to share , tviiea we con- eluded ommr commercial treaties of 1892 , iii tim. . , large titmetioims ( lint were then In force wIthout being uurhed to grant. us any equivalent - lent , " CAMAIIIL3ACKHOME AGAIN Siti ii isis , % ii ttiP , mmi t I. II is Uulujtdroi of Vni. Ill 1ss , Arrives mit ( usruugemmp , - ' .1. ( Ct'r'righmt , lSIS , I ) Picas Publisimlng Co. ) Gl1iitAlTAR , British Spain , July 23- . ( New York S'orld Cablegram-Special Telos granm.-Adnmirui ) Camara's squadron Imaut am. . rlved at Cartagemma , Spain's stronghold ox time Mediterranean , It is now reported that time British first-elites battleship lllustriou has been ordered to 'rangier , mit the Atiantio emmtramce to time Straits of ( lbraltar , where it. will aait ( lie British Methiterranean fleet , Time Bpaimteim transport General Valde has arrived at Algeciras whim supplies log the Spaulmtb troSPs in ( bet dletrIcL t I