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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1898)
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Thia waa calcu- atCl ( (0 coer every branch of busineas in Which Inhoier are eniploycd and to rhow the actunl amount of capithi Invested In . manufacturing concerns , so that the statla. tical tablea ould ho of eomc value in show. log the resources and capabilitIes of thc state. The assessors were to make the9o , reports to the county clerks , 'who would In turn use them in making n ( till county report to the commissioner of labor. The nssesors found thrir vork Practically dqubled , with. - out. ahi ) extra coinpenatIon being paid , ant ( many of thorn failed to gather the required . statisticH. Some counties have made no c- ports , while the figures roceIsed from others are tar from complete. In some instances the absessors ( cli Into tIin error of reporting the amount of capltal. In manufocturing concerns at the assesBed valuation , which In ustially about one-sixth the actual amount. Per Instance , in on county where It Is known that over $50,000 is invested in brick factbries , the county clerk reports to the labor bureau an investment of only .4 8)OO ) , while the worth of manufactured inn- teritil on hand is reported on the saflie ro- duccd scale. An effort Is being mndo to have these many errors corrctcd , but It is evident iiow that. the tables to he issued by ' the bureau must necessarily be far from complete. v. . . IlU4Me $ Ul'cpIaiItmg . --A At tb popoeratic county convention e - cently held In Custer county flcjrescnja. tivo Instmnn was renominated , while his colleague , Mr.'ebb , was turned down in favor of a now. man. A gentleman from Custer county who was lii Lincoln today , - , c explained the reason for the downfall of , l Mr.ebb. . lie maIl that the populist voters in the county had learned to a certainty that Webb carried novoral railroad passes - and they 8eizcd the opportunity to show their disapproval of the pass system among omeebolders. The Custer county people are ' ; I fully cognizant of the faet that the pres- 4 oat state omcials all ride on passes , as some of the special train junketing parties - liavo passed through that county and it is ' I said that if the present Statchouno crowd , , Q . is rononmlnatel the Custer county pos will again show their disapproval at the imolis. It Is also learned that Mr.'ebb , con. mmidertng lilniseif to have been Used as a ' ucapegoat , has started on a crusade against all time other pass-holding ohilcials , time news of which Is causing much consterna. tion among the popocratic bosBes. Stitte IiimiMe tMIlI1) . The following notaries barb been corn- missioned timla week : J. b. Role , Ewing ; J , F Cochran , Omaha ; J. E. Jones , ltuskln ; David Leach , Wood Lake ; F. W. l3urdtck , Wayne ; eiias thCoy , PaYnee City ; J. G. Sutton , nioonifleid ; W. A. liuckhin , Long lilac ; J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow ; M. L. Sears , Omaha ; hugh O'Noiii , Chelsea ; G. , v. Iewey , Itandoipli ; J. \Vehrmnan. . son ; James A. Ebersoie Ch ries A. Lucko. 1\h mtyeiy. 'rmnoit. ( , Tiio Farm LamuVcompany of Omaha flied articles of Incorporation tOmmy with a capt. tai stock of t5OOOO. the object being to enter into a general real estate brokerage bmmsirioss. The incorporators are A , IL Ilcckcr , Charles McArthur and Wliiiarn Stui1 , The requisition of the governor of Kansas was honored tojay for the return of. George Cummins aimd 1Ienr Gibson to Jcweii county'to answer the charge of burglary and . larceny. According to the petition Curn- ruins and Gibson broke into a store at Burr Oak , stele some siivervaro amid then 110(1 to this state. They were tracked to Webster county in this state and are under arrest there. The state trcasurer has made a call for $35,000 general fund warrants to come in I July 28 , time numbers being from 40,8Pi. to r 41,2ril , and inciuding all numbers not yet . . sent In. LtiieOiiL LO'fli Notes. ILlgar howard of Papiiiion Is in the city 4 today. k Omaha people at the hotels : At the Lin- ( ieiiM. Jutison , Leo hlerdman , Victor White , IlarryE. Ruth , II. J. Smith , II. it. Gould. At the Lincoln-B. F. Jordan , J George tanford , M. F. King. Lee Ilerdnrnii caine down from Omaha this morning and miulo the joyful ant - t , jmouncenient in nil the state offices that Dr. Peabody had captured the Douglas county f delegation antI would come to the state con- ventlomi as a Cull-fledged candidate for gay- ernor. ) Time business men imavo a move on foot to pave 0 street nod a petition Is being circulated - lated to got the consent of the necessary ' three-lifthl of the proPerty owners along time street. Good jirogress is being made with the petitloli anil it is believed the imavig will be put dovn betoro cold weather sets iii. ' The street is the one along which most . ) f the business houses are located and was SJPOF : ' . NEvk , . TilE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF EMS Is due not only to the originality und hlniphleU.y of tla comnbinatton , but also to the cayn and skill with wlmlelt It hi manufactured by bcientitlc procemse3 . kno(9 tIme CAI.wOhtNIA. FIG Suui' Co. only , and we wish to IIUpICSS upon nfl time iniportaiicc of purehnsng the true mmmiii original renwtly. As the geimuilme Syrup of Figs Is ninnufuctured by the tiu.IroIiNlA Fin Svuuv Co. nnly , a knowedgo ] of that fact sII1 assibt One lit avoiding the worthless rnitations manufactured byother par- tici. Time high stantilug of the CALl- POItlA. Via Sviiui Co. with time Inelt- cat professton , tuul thu satisfaction which the genuIne Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families. makes the name of thp Comnpammy a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in udvunee of all other laxatives , as it. acts on the icltliwys , liver and ) bo'eis without irritating or weaken- lug thumn1 aud It ilocs not gripe nor imauseate. ci oriler to got its beneficial effects , please remember the name of time Coin pany- . CALIFORNIA I1G SYRUP CO. sAN vncisou , LUUXIVILLE.Kmr. ZW 'I 4 r 4I I formerly paved with cedar block. The propetty owners am , liIJed In their prter- enceA for lt'lCk or niptiftit paving , but It Is evident at the presept tIme thnt those who deslr imrick are in ( h mnorlt. Judge CornlBh of the district epurt ns occupied nil day today In hearing the nru- ment in the tonternit case brought by the Nebraska Telc'phono company against the attorney general and time secretaries of the hoard of Tranportatlon. The decision has not yet been mantle. The health omeer reports that there Is but one contagious diBense card up In the city , that one being at the residence of .1. 3. McCoy , 1120 T street , where there Is a case of diphtheria. The scarlet fever card was removed from time residence of I'ost- master II. M. Bushnell this morning. At the shoot of time Lincoln Gun club last evening the climb trophy was won by Forey toore , who had seventeen dead birds out of twenty. and mime out of ten in the shoot-off. in the events of the shoot Moore made a total score of 102 out of 110 bluerocks shot at , Other imiemnhmers of the club made scores almost equally good , The young people of the First Congregational - tional church held a "campfire" this evening for the purpose of raising money to buy literature for the soldiers now In camp. On the program were addresses by Ii. Ii. Wil son on "The Law and the Soidier' Albert Watkins on "The Press anti time Soldier. " and Rev. Finlayson on "The Church anti the Sd ml Icr. " sr.tliI' "r r ON STAI'i PA'EitS. ielriiskn Ncel ot l'ny on ; eiioti Id1141 ice415 05 L1COLN , July 22.-SpocIal.-Tho ( ) state oflicers have been mmmcii troubled since the 1st of July in deciding what documents iia tiled by them should bear revenue stammmps , and in a miumber of cases the Treas- tiry department has been asked for Informna- tion , In answer to one of these queries the foliowing letter has been received front Corn- missioner Scott : WASIIIr4OTON. July 15.-J. E. Itouta , . Esti , , Collector Internal Itevomnie , Omaha Sir-This office has received , immicier tlate of time 6th inst. , a letter frommi J. V. Wolfe , state commissioner of Public Lands amid Buildings in your city , enclosing a copy of his letter to you of the 30th nit. , and of your oniwcr thereto under date of time -itli Inst. lie asks for a ruling upon the In- ciuirlcs lresentcl and you will please Inform - form him in accordance with the terms of this letter. lie statc that It is the buslnos'm of his lepartmnent , oil trnhnif of the state of Nebraska - braska , to hae gcnrai superv1mion of time cducatlonni lainis , nhtl that whelm full pity- meat is made tmpn any tract of land a deed Is Issued therefor ; that the vacant lands are subject to ienstm nnd these lease contracts may i Un twenty-five years If Jhc lessee sees fit to keep the pnyrnnts up , subject to for- fciture for nonpayment within nine months after the date of lsstme. lie asks whether the deeds , lease contracts nod certified copies of the same tnust b. tnmped , and If so , in what amount , In ( lie conduct of his supervision of educational - cational lands of the sta.e , Commissioner Wolfe appears to act entt'ei3' for , and on behalf of , the state of Nebraska. The legal instruments which he may have occasion ti. execute in the various preeses arrangln ; for selling or ienstag time Iropcrty of the state are issued in the ecrclso : emily of a function strictly belonging to him In his ordinary governmental capacity , anti they are exempt from the stamnr. taxes Impc.sed by the act of June 13 , 1S93. Iii your letter to Mr.Vife you refer to mortgages which many be used in connection with the disposal of these lands. It may be well to amId for Corn'nirtonerVolfe'a information that any mortgages or notes ar- companyimig the same , it such instruments are received by time state tram persoi to whom state lammds may be sold , arc subject to thin stamp tax provided by time act. Respectfully , N. 13. SCOTT , Commissioner. - Clii Imns (0 Ijitse IICB'n AsnititeiI , PAI'ILLIO , Nob. , July 22.-Specini.--- ( ) Last Saturday evening Miss Susie Key , a young woman living about mmix mnhlos south- cast of town , claimed that one George Russell - sell , wjthout her consent. bad feloniously assaulted liar , Miss Key ias known Itusseii for several yearn and claims that she has refused scv- oral offers of marriage from him. She charges that the alleged assault was made On the road near South Omaha , where , she says , Russell terrorized her with a razor and accomplished hts object under promniso of marriage. Russell escaped but was cap- turcd at South Omaha last night and his preliminary exanmination set for Monday. 'Lruii Helii tip lv 'i'rnmnli , . BLAIR , Nob. , July 22.-Special--ThO ( ) northbound local freight on the St. Paul road , which arrives in Biair at 10 a. in. , was held bore yesterday for four hours by about 100 trumps. The trainmen flnaiiy had orders to pull out with the tramps on time train. The passenger train pulled out having on board two United States nrnr- slials. When about three miles north of town the freight traimi was stopped and when the marshals showed up the tramps abandcned time train amid scattered into the cornflelds. This is the first hold-up by tranmps at Blair this season , They claimed they were going to the harvest fields. Ilre.t , Notes. FREMONT , Nob. , July 22.-Spccial- ( ) Time woatlmer hero has been very dry for the last two weeks and rain is mmeeded to help out the corn , Wheat is harvested and much of it Is being threshed in the field. Winter wheat is turning out from thirty-five to forty bushels per acre. The oats crop is only fair. Time few acres of beets anti chicory planted In this vicimilty arc doing well. Time managers of the hemp miii are looking for better lrices for hemp amid twine the corning - ing seasomi , as there wilt of course 1)0 less of the Manila Product On time nmarhet. Time miii here will work up about the same acreage - ago as usual. Ott 'Vrmit'le o f 'l'ii ic.'s. JOhNSTOWN , Neb. , July 22.-Speciai- ( Thin omen who committed time robbery here , reported yesterday , were tracked to Thomas' On time east side of Long Lake , There the lIrmer camno impoit a tough looking bmmmm'l ' of five men armed wlthm revoivors and one Winchester , Timey got near enough to Identity time stolen buggy nmmd harness and then prtimientiy hacked out of what prom- iseci to be a dangerous simot , Ifeip not be- big procurahlo iii the neighiborhooti they vostetl to Ainewortli and at 3 o'clock this morning Simerift Murray started omit to at- cod a capture if possible. 1,11111 to Ilest , FREMONT , Nab. , Jimly 22.-Speciai- ( ) The funeral of Mrs. C. hawkins of this city was held from time residence of her sister , Mrs , 1" . E , Bird. this afternoon and was largely attended. Mrs. lLmirhcimms died \Vednestlay , evening of paralysis after a long J.css. She was a imativo of North Caroina anti hiimti resided south of this city in mundcrs coummty for about thmtrty years , Sim leaves a hmusband amid four chIldren , Shoiwas a elster of W' . II. Mend amid Mrs. F. Biril of thiI city , 1istititt' , at GINE\'A , Nab. , July 22-SrmeeIal-U ( ) , Soimn , superintendent of the " 'aymie city schboi , commtlticts the Iostitut now iii sea- I _ ° it hero nod is instructor in didactics , liLiematIcs and civics. Mrs , B. F , Tucker , Crmeriy of Lincohim , no\v of Dead'ood , S I ) . . has charge of the primary work. Prof. icermi , auperintemmdent of David City ecliools , tias chmam'go of the classes lii history and science. State Simlmerintemuieimt Jackson Italkemi to time tenchiermi during time session. limit lh'iimoerat Ic l'rimnmi ru's , TECUMSF.II. Nob. , July 22.-Speclnl ( Tciegramn-Thto ) Nemaha precinct demo. eratle primaries were hotly commtestetl to. day , The issue was whmether Colonel C. W. l'onl , late editor of the Journal , should have the delegation to the county comiven- tlomi tomorrow 1mm support of liii canditlacy for the stito scnmtc. Time oppoaltiun won. time 'rote standing 77 to 54. CONDITION OF' TIlE TRADES Excpthig a Slgbtlicactlon Waf Doc Not. Disturb Btishies. - A ' ! I1 " : : ' PIItNOMENAL MOVEMENT OF' GRAIN l'rochnmntioii Oieiiflrr SnntIno to Trade Causes a to Open Up Nc iIuMIflcs Ii ) ' Maiiy : NEW YOIt , July 22.-fl. U , Dun & Co. in their Weekly Review of Trade will say : A state of war does not disturb busIncss but reaction after a plienonmenal movement of gralmi causes relative loss , which many mnistake for decrease in the volume of trade. So mnuch busimiess has been acquired and shipped during time Inst twelve months that a decrease was imevittmhie anti Granger anti I'acItlo roittis show a loss in earnIngs , even compared witlm 1892 , though miot mccii yet comnparetl with last 'eat. After the surrentl. . * at Santiago barely a week of rest has preceded the sailing of the Porto htlco expedition , but. meanwhile the lrcsidetmt's vrocinnmntlon opening Santiago to trade ott terms singularly favorable to Inhabitants anti the rush to build tip bus- incas In eastern Cuba , are resulting In efforts on the hart of ninny firms. This brimigs home to time Cubans the meaning of the change , Time conditions show that a ItaPer dollar is as gooti as gold , which , for tlmem , is a bug step forward , In the stagmmnnt summer emason , with bus- ines larger than ever bafore , the greit manufacturers nearly nih share time gain , Once before , in lS9 , 'xltim mum extraortltnarliy anmali nioverpent prior tr. July , the ship- meats of hoots and 'hoes as larger than this year , but iii no other year have shilm- mnents iii three weeke of , luly been large. h'rInl cloth 'orlts tft l'aIl River have in part combined to curtail protitmc.tion , half time pindies of that city liavlmmr been stopped for a month , but in other branelmes of the cotton goods trade no such heroic : measures seem necessary. 'There is an increased miemnaul for woolen goods , thmugh in some lines disppointin , but the number of establishments at work Increases , though the maths are not yet as- miured of satisfactory prices. Only 5P53,200 pounds of wool were soul iast week and In three weeks only 12,89,000 at the three duet markets. of which 8.629.700 pojitids were domestic , against 14,124,700 inst and 23,3475O 1mm time same week of 1892 , 13- 501,000 pounths being domestic , The iron manufacturers seem to be at the verge of anotimer revolutIon , since Bessemer pig Is bold by curtailment of production In time Shenango and Mahoning valleys at $1O.2i at Plttsbimrg , anti yet some steel works have made eno'nmous sales of bliietB -100,000 tons to the Great Wire association at pi'Ieea unknown , 20,000 tons to various parties at Chicago at l5.75 amid 20,000 tons at Plttsbnrg at $14.75. The demnmmd for structurah forms keeps nil thie works busy and includes for the week 1,500 tons at Cbl- cmtgo in three contracts and 7,800 at Pitts- bueg in four others , while the plate mills are oerywhere crowded , shsots and cast iipe being in better demand than hereto- fore. Time weakness in cast pipe , which usually requires nearly 700,000 tons of pig In a year , may presently be curtailed. Heavy sales of lake copper have fixed the price at 1l'cemmts and the output for the last half year has been 120,430 tons Amer- lean , as against 40SSO tons foreign , although - though three years ago the foreign output considerably exceeded the American. Tin at 15.i1 cemmts and lead at 3.92m , cents are hotim a shade weaker. \\.Ith abatement of foreign needs anti prospects of excellent crops in ninny foreign countries , wheat line declined during time week 3 cents , notwithstanding exports from Atlammtic ports amounting to 1,397O1P bushm- eis , lloumr included , against 1,516,997 last year , and from Pacific ports 57,755 bushels , against 89,523 last year. Total exports for three weeks Imave been 7,391,259 bushels , flour included , against 5- i94'S8 inst year. Corn siI goes abroad in 4atonismlrig ] 'quantity , all he cirEdmstanees considered , exports having been in three weeks 5,177,847 bushels , against 0,635,395 last year. The price hmas not changed , in spite of the declinti iii wheat The closing of some New Englanti mlii3 has doubtless affected the price of cotton to some extent , and yet the crop reports ne suiliciontly favorable to depress prices an eIghth during time vcek without other muflu- ences. The coiiaise of a strong pool to adVance - Vance prices and control the market is also reported. Failures for the week have been 207 in the United States , against 227 last 'ear , and seventeemi in Canada , against tuv.ty-cigbt last year. % 'tL1JME OF' 'J'ItAlI IS INCREASED. General Comiilllions Are Better Than itt This 'I'Iiiie Last 'Year. NEW YORK , July 22.-Brafistreet's to- mimorrow will say : Midsummer conditions still govern most lines of trade anti manufacture , but the vol- time of bimsiness , as imidicated hj bank cieurimmgs , shows litic decrease and is vvi- dently considerably in advance of previous years at this time. 4 feature in trade this week is the better demand reported for wool east and vest , largely confined , it is title , to a few grades of wool. ThmI ap- iearalmce of activity has given a decidedly more hmopeful tone to this business , vhich , however , is yet refiecteti In time mnanufac- turing branch. Eastermu wool markets arc relatively the lowest In time woriti anti stocks held now , it is claimed , cannot be replaced at higher prices. Immdicatiorms that important developments many shortly b witnessed iii time iromm trade accumumlate. ThIs is partly time result of expected good orders from railroads for rails , a larger export business and a vol- ummie of small orders for various classes of steel. Time statistical position of pig Iron has been strengthened by the ctmrtaiiment of production amid the reduction of stocks , following a lroductiomm of an average of nearly 1,000,000 tons ier mnontlm lnco Jan- nary , but some shatling , epeclaily of the southermi hon prices , inmparts an air of irregularity - regularity to the trade. Reports of ad. winces 1mm prices by time I3essemcr iron coma- blue have not mmmatcrinhlzed amid this is uwalteti with Interest. Old wheat supplies are rapidly decreas- lag , while the miew crop muovemmient , while Iti excess of last year , does not reach the proportions cxpectd. Time shipping of to- tiny's wheat to California is otmo effect of the shortage of supplies reported. Another feature of the business situation Is the active preiaration immimktng 1mm th coast eimlppiimg tratle for the large busIness with \Vest hmmdian ioints wimlch lit expected to develop - velop as a result of nmilitarynmmd mmaval op- erattons. The renewal of sullulmgs tmy coast- uvlse ' anti time practical tilsappear- taco of war risks nrm ncconilman'ing lea- turea , Cotton is at time lowest price over paiti at this season of time year , partly on good crop reports and mis the result 'of time an noumiceul int ntlon of a simmmtdown by Fail River mills , For the latter reason print cloths are firma , amid cloths are lirafly held Ut previous qumotations. Coffee , ttiouglm well munintahmmeti , is very low in lricc omm reports of another very hmtrgn crop followIng those of recent years. while world's stocks arm reported heavy. Rather mnore mmttemitton is given Klondike reported arrivals of as a result of heavy gold amid the seasomi's output , which Is es- timnateti at $30,000,000 , being current , Advices - vices from Alaska are not wholly favor- able. It is raported that large mitmmnbers of ummsueeessful Prosht'ctOrs ) are amuxiouti to get out of the country. Follpwlmmg time. usual semi.ammmitmal crop of small business failures , failures have again ilropped to tmorimiai summer lirovnrttons , the total number for the week just closed be. 188 , 50 tower than last week , 32 fewer than lii this week a year ago 92 fewer than In ISDO , St less titan In 38I3 amid 4t less than tim 1804. Cereal xiots continue of a saisfactory voluitie , wheatshmpmnentB for time flour ; iimciuded as wheat , aggregatitig 2,303.409 bumihmels , , as against 2,9iOS2 busimels last week niuti compared 'itim 1,975,828 bushels In time corresponding wck of 1897 , 3,073780 busbls iii 1890 , l,26Z,096 bushelS in istt : and 3388,000 bushels In 1894. Corn exports are still in excess of last week , aggregating 2,822,128 bushels. as against 2.82.248 bushels last wet1 , S,572 itmisimeimu In this wecic a 'ar ago , 1,888,433 bushels In 189G , 70,094 bishel * in 15 and 26,00 bushels in 1894. 1'hililcia CI.EAiIiftl 110USD TOPAI. . .Aggrennte of flimsiness Trnnsnctinns 1i ( lie Assorlateti ilnnk , , NE % ? TOitlc , ittly 2-Tho follow. lag table , compileul by llradstreet's , shows the bank clearings at eighty- mime cities for time week ended July 21 , with the percentage of Increase r.nd decrease as compared with the correapoadlng 'week last year : CITIES. AmoUnt. Inc. Dcc. New York . , , . . , , . . , . , $ GTG.eip,1231 ; 4,9 lb'mston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93t0m3,745 , , . , , , 9,7 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9fr3r,6 22.8. . . . . . . . Pimliatleipimia . . . , , . , . , , 08,805,731 9.3 St. both-i , . , , , . . . . . , . . , . 20C22,03 , . . . . . Plttsburg , . , , , . , , . , ls , s3,3l9 : . . . . . 20.4 Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,322,061 5.i . . San Francisco i3,33l,7G , , . , , , 3,2 Cincinnati . , , , , . . . , , , , , 12,7Xi0 6,1. . l'CaImsmlm4 CitY . . . . . . . . . . 18,1 New Orienmis . . . . . . . . . . f,53,3i4 1,7 Itimmneapoils , . , , , . . . . , & , , . . . . . . . Detroit ' . . , , , . , . , . . , . , , , . f,22i,99i 7.1. . . . . . . Cle'eland . , , , , . . . . , , 7SI0,05 . . . . . . . . Louisville , . . . , . , . . , , Gs63STS , , . . . . . . Provitlenec . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,4p ; 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . OMAhA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,64d7r 32.4 Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . " , , , : 25.8. . , lit , l'aut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,545,490 3.0 Buffalo , . . , . . , , . . , . . , , , 3,829,631 , , . . , 2.3 Intilannpoll . , , . . , , , , , 5SiG,7i7 22,9 Columbus , 0 , . . , , . . . . . , 3,566,1K 12,2 Savannah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,65474.12.0 1)enver . . , , , . , , . . . . , , 2,445 , 1S9 17.1 Hartford , , , . , . . . , , . . , 2,93lG4u . . . . . . . ltlcimrnoimd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2ThiC.2 ? 28.6 . . . . . . 2lt'nmphis . . . . . . . . . . . . , . iS90,43t . . . . . . . \'nsimingtoim . . . . . . . . . . 2,202,735 21.6. . I'eorks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i,21ri')0.10.4 , ) . itoiU'm4ter' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,607313 10,1 New Haven . . . . . . . . . . . l,420,1TT 3,1. . . . . . . W'orcester . , , , . , , . . , . , . 1,507,513 3,3 , Atlammtn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,127,421 1. . . . . . . . Salt 1nke City . , . , , , 1,384,021 11,6 Springfield , Mass ] , IIS41 12.8 . Fort \'orth . . . . . . . . . . 1,240,997 , , . . . . . . Portlamid , Me. . . . . . . . . . . 1,597T2 20,8. . Portland , Ore . , , . . , . , , . 1,319,039 30,9. . . . . . . St. Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,618,512 150,5 Los Angeles . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,311,601 10,6 . . . Norfolk . , . . . . , , , , , . , . , S3l4 2. ' . ) , , . , , . Syracuse , . , , . . . , . , , 1,230m,35 21.7 Des Zuloimieq . . . . . . . . . . . , 23.0 . Nashville . , , . . . . . . , . , , . 1,025iIS 7.4. . . . . . . W'limlngton , Dci. . . . . . , . Fall River , . . . , . . , , , , , . 032,212 , , , , , , 11.2 Scratmton . . . . . . . . , . . , , , S.OS96 . , _ . . . . . . . . . Grand Rapids 095,150. . . . . . . . . . Augusta , Ga. . . . . . . . . . . , 14.0 Lowell , . . , . , , , . , , , . , , , 802,142 23. . . . . . . . Dayton , 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Seattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,102,830 . . . . . . . Tacoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,944 16.4. . Spokane , , . , , . , , . . . . , , 9O0,22 42.4 . Sioux City , , . , , . . . . , , , 742,660 52.3. . . . . . . . New hledfortl & 5SIrM Knoxville , Tenn , . , . . , 331i84 Toneka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C15.iS 37.6 . . . Dirmnhmighamn 'li' ) 251 7 8 1Vlchita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .427,366 14,4 l3lnghamton . . . . , 120Pth ) . . . Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . & 6,321 . . . Lexingtomm , Ky 354,975 . . . . JackKomiville , F'lmt , . . . . . 217,601 135. . . Kaltmnmazeo . . . . . . . . . . . , 33.9. 2.0 Akron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TiO,200 2l.fl. . . . . . Bay City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1..2. . . . . , Chattanooga 340,262 . . . . . . itockfori , . . . . . . . . . . . , 3,1 . . . . . Canton , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 1.3 Springfield , 0 . , . _ . . . , 1SS,2h2 . . . . . . . Fargo , N' . . . . . . . . . . . . , 20.2. . . . . . . . . . Sioux Falls , S. D 91,249 71.4 . . . . . . I-hastings , Neb . S9,523 . . . . . . . Frornont , Neb , . . . . . . Davenport . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 25.1. . . . . . . . . Toledo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gl3Ir.3 21,6. . . . . . . . . . 'Galveston . . . . . . . . . . . . , 76,4S5..7.8 . llouston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . Yoummgstown . . 337f59 . . . . . . . 'Macon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 17,7. . . . 'Evans'ihie . . . . . . . . . . . , 24.1. . . 'I1eiena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .746,060. . . . . Totals U. S.$1152SS9,653 . . . . . . . Totals outside N. Y. , . . 476,041,530 5.0. . _ _ DOMINIONOF _ CANADA. Montreal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7.6 . . . . . . Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . Winnipeg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . Ilalifn't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,235,010 . . Iinnmiiton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . : , . . St. Joimn , N. 13 . .703,414 30.1. . , . . . ioi. . . Totai . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! $24,531,0235.O. . . . . . . . Not included In totUis because containing other items than clearings. 'Not included In totai because of no comparison for inst year. ltE'iEW OF TilE STOCK MAHICET. Speculatively , Uradtreet Says it has flerim an Extramieiy Dull Week , NEW 'YORK , July 2-J3radstreet's Fl- nancial Review tomorrow will say : This has been , speculatively , an extremely dumIl week. The market. for' several days has been reduced to dimensions of less than 150,000 shares a day. Commission business has been at a standstill and time operations of the professional clement , large and email , have been on a restricted scale. It has been , in aimort , a ease of amidaurn- mar dullness of time most pronounced kind. The war news haa been less effective than ever , so tar as arousing the spirit of speculation - ulation is concerned , though at the beginning - ginning of the week there was some no- cession of bearishness on time reports concerning - cerning yellow fever among the troops in Cuba and Florida , while the idea that Spain would sue for peace anti the allegation that I flermany hind assummeti a satisfactory at tittule In regard to' our opetatIon in the I'hiilppincs imtl a share in creating time stronger untlertono which finally asserted it- self. self.The market was dull and heavy In the cathy hart of the week , but on Wednesday it became firmer In tomme , with a slight adVance - Vance in time general list anti seine more markctl appreciation in some of the itiJtts- trials , This was In a measure founded ott the drift of the war developments. but It would io seem to have grown omit of the favorable impression created by the progress - ress of time crops and tIme harvest , by the reporteti success of the efforts to restore nnti maintain hIgher rates , in vIew of the large tonnage in sight for time ntmtmtnn % months , anti by the weakening or toreign exchange rates , mainly on lirosPective large foreign purchases of our lmrodtmcts. These , of active an- as well as the Indications tumnai trade anti the abuntiance of capital in the country , have apparently protiuced large titian- ft more confident tcnmper nimiong cliii iaterests , though the absence of any pumbiic speculative participation is a bar to progress in time direction of nmanipumlntion for hmigumer prices. Current earilitigs have also made less favorabie comparisons with the results of last year , which tends to checjt active spoctmiation in railroad properties - erties , though it is understooti that preparations - tions are being matle for active traflic on a large scale as soon as the present crops begIn to move , While time feeling of the professional ciement , wliicim at present mo- nopolisea the mnrirket , Is bearish for the muo is ndorhying semmtiniemmt to imient , there an time effect that prices are likely to Improve in the future. STAGE EMPLOYES ARE HAPPY Transacting Mieii Regular flusineNs ltit No Slgmi' of F'rIeLDmL or Vii llenNiimi times's. The alliance of stage employes has StOppCl all its wrangling anti fighting And the storm vimich at first threalemmed to do- 1)050 sonme of time ameers frOmmi their posi- ttons lmas now all blown over and time dde- gates are as friemitily anti sociable as If cverythimmg had always gone smoothly. During - ing time long sessions which are nccessitntc.i because of time heavy business the mnemhers emmtivcn time time by cracking jokes at one another and the fist-slinking unfriendliness of a few days ago is a timIng of the iast. Time bali is decorated with all sorts of signs gatimereti fromn the , iiitereimt hotels and business - ness houscs of the city anti at first sight of time viace one is bewildered 'with the array. Suspemmtletl from 1)0105 rIght mmdci' time prcsitleiit'S chair are several. Otmo member with artistic talents drew a grotesque likeness - ness of Secretary hart and placed it In full view of time conventiomi , Long sessions were heiti yesterday afternoon - noon and evemmiag in which more routine business was transncted. Time question of the Boston strike was again reverted to and the advisability of revoking the charter from the Baltimore local because of its not calling out members in Boston during time strike was discussed , but not acted aim sled- nitoly. Montreal , Canada , was admitted as a local of the alliance and the name of National Alliance of Theatrical Stage Emnployes was changed to National Alliance of Stage Em- ployes of the United States anti Cammada and the subject of making the association an International alliance was dropped. The offices of secretary and treasurer were made one with one man to act for both. It was resolved to allow all road men who went out with the union on a strike one-half of their regular wages. A motion was put before time convention to change tbo form of rule , btmt was lost. home rule has governed the alliance since its formation and no outside power has or will now have the right to govern it during strikes or other affairs connected with the stage empioyes. IumnrrIae License's. A marriage license was issued yesterday by County Judge Baxter as follows : Name and Address Age. William H. Adams. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Ellen M. Kinney , Ilolton , ICan. . . . . . . . . . 20 IacIC of llnr'est liammils. YANKTON , S. D. , July 22.-Special ( Tel- egram.-Farrners ) throughout the Dakota's and Nebraska have auddniy fotmnd themselVes - solVes short of help for time harvest fieths through the loss of men who have joined the array. The crop of grain Is very heavy and in some immstances It is feared timat considerable loss will be sustained. Boys of AU Ages- . And statlomms In life hare been s'ear- lag out' Drec L. Simooman's boys' 1.5O SimCP. ( fimese malmy years--yes , they wear omit-we can't tell flslm stories like aim American F'lsherles society nina cam'J' lmumt you' i'Amm lult up your liit dollar that . . ( hey w'on't wear omit till long utter "tIme other fellem"a" (10-the fact is , we have never mimade timis ( lelartrnent pay w'ln'mm , . . C It eomnes : 10 profIt-these smimime 1.5O lies to 1)0 ) 501(1 at imstmal shoe store nt tie w'ould 2.OO bring easy enough-but that's not our wqyIIg value for little . muommey nmakes muany friends-amid ( lint . nc'cotmnts for our big business-Sunday ' - - - - - ' ' Di'ox and his dog do time Midway , ' j' "I Drexel Shoe Co. , Omb' Up-to-dnle Thee Houa , . - 119 FARNAM STREE'r , Our Niggar Boy- wriii lend time camel Sunsla ' attmi'u1ny _ _ _ _ _ ' ' . 'o 'mviii lead all our voiiitihe coimipeti. tom's In selling granite iron Itroseivimig kettles-sticim prices as these tin It-lOc-- I ' -l 5c-1 -2lc-2lc-32c-3Se 1111(1 42e _ _ _ for limo 'very hmu'gest-yomm will have to see 'lmat 'vt give you to fully npprL'- elate imil that you itt'o gettIng-lImo in- titmimed ones are stIll clmemmpei'-Se-lOc- I 2e-14e mmmiii 1 iJc-O ur gimara imteed law'mm hose at 1tc ) Imas proveim a. gl'eat tnmccess- vt , hmts'e one at 120-lt'm no hetter-a . lithe lai'gertlmnt's ' all-our 8c , hose wi' Ca n't gunran tt.eWe lmimve I hun bemt iaw'n sprinkler ever mitdo at only tIde-- it large spray aimd 110 water 'nstlng , A. C RAYMER , WE DETivEit YOUR PURCIIAS1. 1514 Fariiam St , c- _ _ _ _ - Its a Heaut- lmtt Stoeeimr cigar ut tils iIiIs : ( lad- nil' it. , ioy fum' ever-say , mmiokeii dese i cigai'tt beets lmittexm tie imipe all hmohle- 1 Simimi ftlierm got milled ( iii imltttuii do Pillm ) .1 -hut yt'r ( lofl't lieu'e mit ho one get tnn pulled fur HimlOkI'li ( In live cent Stoe ' " clgar-tuim' vvt' don't have her Imavo a I'V't mill to simlOke oimc' , neither-just one uI 01 $ ticimi quk't , easy siimoI's dat ym'r t'.xltoct (1,1 ' tt'r git only vld it teim cent cigar-It yem' dealer ton't sell tie Stoeclur ser immid ( ltt'ttt'i' ehttimgtu deneu'm-fmir all do ltH4t 4lo y / ( lenitl'tt m4eli tie Slooehi'r-aui' ' : imit tt't' lniy tiC tIe best , don't. yt'r'i-sec inc r , Qu. tie , ilIlw'zm3' Senility , . /h'Y I .lJKF I . / _ ) Wo0L A'4.iL U" - 14QtDOUGLAS. Front ( lie landj'Ic 2a 7't , the land ij' ! f/se Fre. ' ' 1I1 ; NOT ONLY PURE , BUT PUREST . . .TIjAT'S \ JAPAN TEA CLEANEST , MOST WHOLESOME. / / Officially Inspcctcd at Port of Shipment. .g4 np fJap , : Tea "invigorate : In 1 n . the , Po'ning rreshes al night , " J . , -geadal oil /lfles . - . -trt - - : ' I . OLD flY D5T OROCER9 ' , t BOY HARVEST HAND KILLED % 'hli ic ' . 'nilnce oflttsieicUSle000 , lo. , l'itlis l1iisier nmm tnmniitt Freight Truiti , Tim tramp situation along time line of time Omaha road reman % practically unchanged. As yet the travelers have not comnnmenced to hold tip trauma , but Umiy are catmaing tIme officials of time road much , tioubic' . To- kanmali comns to ho their congregating place and 150 of theta were theme yestertln. Of this nummiber about 100 moved omit yes- tertlay nnti tramped to Oaklnntl , imero it Is thought they vihi make their miext stand. If any traintu are helti up the railroad oh- chils expect it to occur at this point. There is one poor fellow who will not bother railroads or railroail property again. His mmmc is Willie Wallace , a boy IS years of age , whose parents reside at lntlepeati- once , Mo. , amid are said to be weli-tp-do people. Ho anti his two friends , lticimnrd Smnith amid Leroy DoLong , imeigimhom boys , left honmo three weck ago and started to s ork in time harvest fields. They labored in time southern part of time state anti hiatt worked their way np na far as Florence , Frommi that town they wailteti up as far as time big cut north of town , along time line of time Omaha road , where tlmey wmiteml : for freight train No. 18 , which left Omumihma. at about 0 o'clock last mmigimt. As the triami pttlletl into the cut the three boys Jtmmmmpetl for time brakebeammi of one of the cars. Smmiith and IeLong lantled on the beam , but \Valiaco slipped anti fell ott time track and vas dragged for some distanco. Time train vmis stoppeti as soon as the trainmen di's. covered time accitlent anti tIme boy wns picked imp and taken to Caihoun , where it was discovered that his feet hntl been crushed from time ankles down , his skull fractured anti his chest crushed iii. At Calhoun the citizens purchased tickets for time three boys and they were all sent. back to Omaha. Front the time of tIme accident 'Vailaco was tmmmeommcious and was bareiy breathing. IJimon his arrival here he was taken to the Methodist hospital atmtl his parents anti- fled. lie died at 10:30 : last night. No biamo is attached to the railroad of- ficiala or the men In charge of the train. Clme'eimiie'M Ne'ms' Public Building. CHEYENNE , 'Wyo. , July 22.-Special.--- ( ) Ground was broken today for the new public building which the government viil erect in Cheyenne. Word was received today that ti.e contract of the local contractors , Messrs. Bradley & Keofe , imad beemi approved by the department , and work on the excavation was conmnmeneed at once under the supervision of C. W. Murdock , superintentlent of construction - struction , The buiitlimmg , under time present plans , will cost $150,000 , and will be corn- plcted in fifteen months. CInrgcsi yIit Arson. TEKAMAII , Neb. , July 22.-Spccial.- ( ) Sheriff Langford brought in a young tel- low wimo bas been making his imotno with George Kelly east of this city for some timne. and lodged him in time county jail hero to await his hearing on a cimargo of settiimg fire to a barn cii time ArIzona hot- talus east of here on last Wednesday , Iturt it. ii lIttitun ) ' . PAPIImLION , Nd , . , Judy 22-SpeCIAl. ( ) \\'imilo retmmrmming from tIme Platte river late last mmlght Joimmi Jowett's teRn ) ran away , tlmromu'Ing him out anti quite badly bruising imimmi. No seriotms injuries were received. 1it , irosiiest , CRAWFORD , Neim. , Jul13' 22-Spccimui ( Teicgrnrn.-Lesiio ) Mooney , time 8-year-old aoh of'Frntik 1) . Mooney , waS drowned hero today while piaying 1mm the Crawford Ir- rigittlon canal drop , TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Fnir full Cooler % % 'ctuthier , with 'nrin- imle , Sstitlms'ri' Iiusl's for ' ? ic- liru'siLn is i'roiti ln'sl , WASI11GTON , ; ; 1722Forecast for Saturday : For Nobraka mmmiii Somitim Dalmotn-Fair ' cooler In western portion ; southerly winds , becoming variable. For Ioua-Fnir : sotmtimeriy wlmmds. For Missouri-FaIr weather ; higher tern- lierature ; northerly wimmds , becommmtng south- erly. erly.For For Kaimsas-Fair weather ; high tempera- tmmre ; southerly winds. t For Wyoming amid 'Montann-Simowers nad thunder stornms ; cooler ; northerly winds. Iot'ni lle'ust. OFFICE OF' TIlE WltA'11IER BUREAU , OMAhA , July 22.-Ommnmimn. recorti of immi- perature muimti rElitifahi commtparemi with the corresponding tiny of time lnt three years : 189S. 1897. 1816. 1193. Maximum temperature . SS 90 'TP 7 shinimmmmn tenimermtture . . 70 03 04 62 Aortige tenmimerattmro 79 76 72 67 Rainfall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ° ' .01 Record of temuperitture auth preciiItatioti at Ommiima. for this day amid since Mardi 1 , 1898 : , Normal for tIme tiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 . Excess for time day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Accumtmimmttd cxee'm4 ' since Mardi . . . . . . Nornmal rmmimmfmtii for time . . . . . . . . . inch DoI1cIenc for the tiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 mcii Totmtl rainfall since March 1..17.11 imicimes 1)eficietmcy simice March 1. . . . . . . . . 1.09 itmeimes Deficiency correttm'g lwrlotl 1897. . . 6.02 immchex Deficiency corresp'g period iSIG..10 hick iLeport's fruits Station , lit 1 I ) . 1i , , Seventy-fifth Meridian time. - - - . ' 1 t , ' uae . hi a at STATIONS AND STATE OF WEAThER. : . . ' . 0 : a1 ; : ' : . , . ' . - ' : ' Omaha , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Nortlm Plnttc , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 91 .00 Salt Lake , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 , Q .00 Clmeyenne , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 ii .00 Rapid City , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 ' .00 l-hmmron , pnmt cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 92 .24 Cliicmtgo , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 72 72 .00 Wihliston , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 80 ,00 St. Louis , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 90 .00 St. PattI , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 88 .00 Dmtveimport , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 S8 .00 lialemma , raimmimig' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 82 T Kftmmsaet City , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 86 .00 hjavre , ; mnrt ciotitly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 86 .00 Illsmrmrck , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 l .00 Galveston , part cloudy . 86 92 .00 T imuilentemi trace of preelpitatloim. L. A. WELSh , Local Forecast Ofliclal , This One only $45O- $ Time "lmmtllemmtor" nina , In ( lesci'hlin ) : time great Kimball Ilammo factory , says them are 1,32i empioyes at worm on I umii time-also mmmchilmmery hint tuives tIme lfliOt ) of mis mmmmy : immore-ueli unlomni- lag lumber and coal fm'omn s'essels : tt time extensive shippIng docks amid rail- m oatl freight ctrs ) : msslug thui'oulghm time time lo'tur courts of time iig ) iuihthImm : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mmimd stopplmmg only mug enough to take on Ume : is iInmmos amid 40 organs-tIme _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( liy's : output-for slmilmelmt to all ltm't : _ _ _ _ of' time ci'iilzed world-Is It aimy wommder we are proud of hmciimg time Nabrnkmt m'cpresentati'e of time Klmnhmihl lilano- 'v ( furnish time music Sunday ' A. HOSPL , _ A MUSIC , AI [ 1513 Douglas is - Who Develops Your Plate- . We have just secured tue services at a thmolstlghm1y eonmleteilt ) iimotOgrfllldr ) nil imi'O lIOtY In'elaI'ei ) ( to ( leVi'IOi ) ; tmnl 1n'Iut yoiit 1)11111's ) 01' fIlms-our chmmmrgeM \.lll lt ) ) "t'PIY immotlermte : imiul 'e 'iII ' gtmmm'mtntee : omit' s'oi'lc to lie euqmmi to ahmy-- Omit' stock of ( hie1milemi1 $ ( or time 'tinnteiir wimo wislicti to deveiop anti li'iIit thick' ! own work lii coimmpit'to lim nil details-- \s.e ( 'flui furnish , 'oum imii , ' itnil evei'ytimlng rTi' . i'eqmilm'ed-you slmotmld tl'y' us cii your lmext Om'lL'l'-F'L'C ( ( ? Inst u'tict to thioo _ d w'lsimllig to leam'n-Siiiidny w'e'il. photo. gi'mplt : time ml1t1\'iiy. ' TheAloe &PenfoldCo Amnatesir Pimoto $ npph Iou.e , . . . 3404 Farnarn Street , ) MARJt Oisoalt. l3mmxton Hotel. - _ _ - - _ ' Talk is Cheap- " ' limit vimnt iwnpie w'mimt : no'admmyH Is 8011011 antI jmi' s'ortlm-w'o's'e hro'eti limiec' tliiimgs since w'c eammmtu to Omimimima oven 10 yeimr $ : mgo-anml 'mve've ' beeim ilent. isterlimg In ammo idmictu all hint tiimie-olme- jipmt we kitos' this , ( t111 clmOm4eIi li'Ott'- sloii , ( rein A to Z-lhmtms we have ito cx- imeri iimelml 14 I 0 I l'y-'i'VO-Oui I' ss'olit 311tH imi'iiys stonil limit temt and provemi itself tin' hest--'i'hlrt'tt-lmr lu'U'cs mire lme ) lois'- tst. for first clmmss ss'ork-so you gt't the host for thmmm least mimommey fuoin time Imaimmis : of ( 'ouhin'tcflt l'OiiOthmmtt's ) ( fllOiie3' Iim yomii' 11tCkCt-SVltlI immoimy m4liveti imild ito vmuhim 51 113' iii't'ti . 'omi ionic fiti I ? - . ttke : the t'Il'S'lttOl' to thu ti llooz'-hmiiiy atteudaumt-\\'e i'itltm Ike t'ninel iftiuduy. : BAILEY , 13 Year. 3I rlonr Patton 111k. ' , , , . Eper1ejms1r. , ZUib simid ifaruaw. .