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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1898)
- - - . - - . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C-- r------- r ----v------- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - _ . - . - - - - ' - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - _ . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . - . _ _ . - . . . - _ . , . - _ - - _ . . , . . . . _ -------y _ _ , . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEBa -4 ESTABL1SIE1) 1 t.LNE 11 9 , : is'ri. SA'J1Ufl1)AY MORNiNG- , JULY 23 , 1 S9S-TW.ELYE PA ( ES. SING-JI COPV 11.SrE O.ETS. DRA\V \ llOIE CRO\VDS \ xpositon ! Management Planning to Give ' ' Omaha People a Chance , ' AEDUCED RATES FOR THREE OCCASIONS wo Bunday anI One Evening When Half Price Will Rule. SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAMS INCUBATING Director Kelly Devising More Noveltie8 for Outdoor PorformanceB. tFFORTS IN TillS LINE ARE POPULAR 5cccN1 Attnhied ( Bt r11I,1fl ) . itliti 'J'IilrNaIfly flnciillrllgeM the 1)Ircctur to ' 1r for Mnrc lit t1tt % 'n ) of i'iihlie t1I11rcJIiI4)I ) . During the net two weo1s the efforts of the cxoettton rnanaement will bo largely directed towar ( ncreaslng the size of tim evening nnti Sunday crOwds. The dmcutty of Inducing large numbers of people to turn out In the ( lay time just atthia ttnio Is npparent anti for tliI reason no special dnyH have been icliedtiled for the remainder of July. But there will ho special even- logs galore. The entertainment on these occasions wUl be largely In the hands ot iftiperintondent T. J. Kelly of the Music department. Re has evolved a iiumber of original Ideas that vIil furnish a basis for IelIghttul relaxation. Special and unique musical features conlinel with on occa- , \ stonat popular rate of admission arc ox- 4 octed to make the evenings notable. \ This tiolicy baB already received ouffl- t dent endorsement to make its wisdom manifest. The descriptive specialty that Was rendered by Pbtnneys band Tuesday right brought out a crowd of auditors that fniry vcnt wild with enthusiasm ami the antiphonal concert Thursday evening was one of the most enjoyable successes of the month. These entertainments demonstrateS the drawing power of really novel attrac- -S , ' , lions aliti similar entertainments will ho COfltinhIC(1 Indefinitely. Superintendent Kelly is making a tremendous effort to pop- , 'Jlarize the exposition music , anl so far ho ' has been extraordinarily successful. In this connection the decision of the board of directors to give the experiment ' of a reduceti admission a nioru thorough trial is generally endorsed. It is believed that something of this kind is necessary during the dull portion of the season and that It yiii bring out a large class of peo- 1 pie who bavo hitherto been compelled to stay at home because they could not afford - ford to pay t0 cents for an evenings en- F joyment. Tim only criticism that Is made l by exposition patrons is that the evening 25 cent rate should have been inaugurated for a full week Instead of for a single , . evening in order to give tile policy U more thorough test. I The Mexican exhibit as arrived and is being installed in International ball. This Is the last exhibit to be received. The work of installation legan this morning and It u-Ill ho completed about the ftrst of the ; tnontb. ? E % ' 'dEXIC ( ) tS .t UINING COtN'VItY. Cunin IsMIotter Lecon 'I'nlks tbout ( lie 'I'vrrl tury iiiiii I ( U tlviiIligeM. Among the superintendents of exhibits in the Mines builditig are a number of old . timers. who have literally grown Ul with the mineral development of the transmis' sissippi country. They have irospected over all the monerni bearing regions of the I west and given a chunk of rock they cannot - not only give a theoretical explanation of I _ its composition but they caii tell at a glance timost ! the exact locality from which \ it came. Without 'xeeption they are en- ' thuslastic bootnors of the states they represent - resent nid they are never tired of enter- taming 'visitors with practical object lessons on the mineral wealth that lies utuler the inouatains of the west. One of these is Commissioner J , J. Leeson , who is In charge at the Nev Mexico exhibit and who Is a firm believer in the future of his state. lie says : "Now Mexico is very likely to witness , in the next year , a remarkable advancement in gold mining , and even now the tide has set in. bringing with it not only men of 'wide experience in lulling , but those who have the menus to bring the to the surface. New Mexico has an area of i22OO , square miles , with a poptllation of Some 270,000. It was sottlel in 1553 by the Spaniards ; belongeil to the Spanish crown . ' until 1821. and front that time on it formed a Part of the Itepublic of Mexico until the treaty of Guadalupe i1 Ilidalgo in 1846 , wheli it became a part of the United States. Prior to 1821 , or during the time that this ( territory belonged to the crown of Spain , numerous grants of land , more or less extensive - tensive , soiietimea including hundrela' of thousands of acres , vero made by thi Span- shi crow ! : to individual settlers of Spanish origin , and the confusion as to titles re- ulting from these ancient grants , the vngtlOflCSa of the description of their bound. aries in s'liat was tliexi an allnost valueless - less country , has led to serious complica- lions , bilL by an net of congress a court of private land claims has been created , and through the energetic work of this otirt most nil of the titles hiay or are being satisfactorily adjusted , ' 'Tills territory baa some eighty-five : nln- Ing districts , which are scattered widely and coyer a large section of country , tIits BhoWillg that the mineral wealth is by no means conilned in any one special place but largely leVClOlCl over a great extent of territory. The mines workeil for years are not only holding their record as steady wealth vroducers. but with every foot of ' devebopIflent adding more nail more to tile wealth of the territory and nation , nod britigiiig into Irolnillent notice the ihifferent sections of the territory more particularly lulaptoil to liming. thy exalnining any ordinary - dinary flUtl ) of the western states it vili be seen that all the most. valuable recent do. vcIopmcnt8 of mineral in southern Colorado sm on zt veil defined line following tile Rocky Mountain system into antI across - Now Ioxico , anti that the line extends % hrougb central west and eooutliwest ior- lions of the territory wttbout a break of any : onstdcrablo length. That conditions along this extent of country , almost 400 miles in icngth , 10 many respects resemble the gold aml silvcr bearing formation of Crude , Crip- PlO Creek , ltosita , Silver Cliff , Leadvillo nail the great San Juan country of Colorado , cannot o doubted , and in the coming years It. i not unlikely this section of Now Mex. Ice amy develop many places as Productive of wealth as tim Colorado districts named at tile exposition , "New MexIco presents , among others , the favorable propositions of low grade , and large bodies of free hilling ores. Most of the mining sections hava aleudy been vros- slootech sutflclently to enable a practical man to form a judgment an to whore and how to Invest , New Mexico is blessed with a climate - mate unsurpassed anywhere in the United States. No excessive heat during the sum- flier months and not cold In the winter , so that 0110 can work as weli In the months of 1)ecoinber and January an in Juno and July , Th altitude of most of the mining districts Is from 6,000 to 7,000 feet above sea level. " IISMUitl ilClNl ilil ; hIl.tIVJ'.Y. iIiilIiIt Iii tIIC Agrlcislfiirni ilnihliti Noun , . Iti'nl . for I llnP'ct $ Iii. So far as the Missouri exhibit in tue Agricultural building is concerned , it Is a case whore order Is coining out of chaos and that at a rapid rate. The details ar all In the hands of L. F' . Luthy , who repro- seats the State hioarl of Agriculture. 511(1 J , I. Crumbo , state commissioner of agri- cut d live stock , I3oth of these men ar " whole of their time togo ' go : i 1 inspection and : ' . j'o1.J ' , do of ten Tile lTlCfl in charge or"t tissouri cx- hibit are laboring under great many disad- vantages. In the first 1)15cc ) the state leg- lalatura made no appropriation for an cx- hibit. The matter , however , was taken up by sonic of time most imrominent businessmen mon and farmers and after the matter was presented , the governor aPPointed a corn- mission , The next timing was to secure funds , and while a number of subscriptions caine in early , it was weeks before enough was subscribed to insure the success of the llndcrtaking. After it was certain that Missouri would be on hand at tile expOsition - sition , the work of gathering the exhibit was undertaken , That was early this spring and before ft creditable showing CoUld ho mu1o it ns necessary to wait un- tul time growing crop matured. That time now has arrived and time men in charge of time work are bending every energy to have their state properly represented. On thing that wilt be in Missouri's fa- vet will be the fact that when the exhibit is completed , everything will ho new and fresh. There 'vil1 be nothing in the grainer or vegetable line that will be from the , cold storage warehouses. The Missouri space is being decorated in an artistic manner with sheaves of grain and stalks and ears of corn , Vegetables , mammoth : in size , are being arranged about the wails and in the corners. Tak- tag it all In all , It Is going to be one ot the most attractive exhibits in the build- log , In addition to the exhibits Missouri will hmairo a parlor that will be used for a lomlnging room , where all will be welcome. Time wnlls of thus room arc decorated In an artistic manner ; the floor is covered with nmattlng and CflSY chairs are numerous. WAN'V ANOTIIUIt AIEU ISSION GA'Fti , flillir Tract ExliIiit.irs l'citIuii for ii Cilliligi' Ill fliitrnnee. The exhibitors and the managers of state buildings on the Bluff tract are trying to secure the location of an admission gate on Shcrnan avenue. just iii time rear of the Gcorgia building. They have all signed a tctition asking that a gate be located at this point and Will imrescnt time same to the executive conunittee at the next meetilig. They contend that as the gates are now located - cated timey do not have a fair show 1mm catch- log time people who visit the grounds. People on the Bluff tract who are in liarg of the sttto bmliidlngs say that under the present management People are taken to thc gates under the viaduct and there no- lomm1ed from the cars. They timen go througim the main court and those who arc on the grounds for only a day seldom get on the limiT tract. Ihy imaving a gate In the rear of the Georgia bulidimmg , it is contended , that .visitors would thus be given amm op. porttlnity of getting oft the cars there , go- log through the state and Horticultural buildings and then spending the balance of time day upon time grammd court. They also contentt that. th gate at time soutlmwest corner of time Bluff tract Is of no use in its present location , as it is not patronized , If this was moved up to the iocatt im ( le'31g- nated they say timat it would be serviceable and satisfactory to nil. AUdit C ilillill It dee l reli. Time Tranemnississippi audtt and Investigation - gation committee 1101(1 its first meeting at time Commercial National bank and appointed - pointed Tholnas Kilpatrick chairman. Time announcement Is made that tile ) ' will meet agaIn on the cnd 1lc * of time Sorvl building on the exposition grounds on Man- day , July 25 , pronmmtly at 1 o'clock , and will ho glad to meet ammy one who baa citlmcr complaints to make or charges to prefer , and the same will be investigated at once. Verbal complaints to be made at time ameeting before the board aimd not to inthls'idual members. WrItten conmplaints to 1)0 signed amid adlressed to the cimairnman , 'rhommias ICilpatrick , All statements made , wiletimer verbal or written , will 1w consld- ered confidential , If anyone knows of any fraild or injustice in coanection with the managenment of the exposition it Is his legal duty to report at oimco so that time ( acts may be clearly ascertained. OtInliinu's , lIxIiIIiIt. Rapid progress is being made o' time Ok- ialmonma exhibit in 'the Agricmmlturu buiidiimg , but it will not ho completel for some days yet , -owing to thto fact timn a large nllmher of limo exhibits have not yet arrived , Corn. mmmlssionor St , Cialr has returned to his imonme at KingfIsher for time purpose of brilmgln , .p a carload of eximibits , As soon as timeso ar- nYc and are put llm place tIme exhibit iii be ready for public inspection , The Oklahoma exlmlblt will contain a tIne collection of grains , grasses , woods anti rnimm- orals. It will be sornewimat short on fruit , owing to the ( act tlmnt. fruit trees have not imail timne to reach time bearing vpint since time settlenmont of tim territory , Time exhibit is 1mm cimarge of Secretary ( loloble , assistant managing editor of time State Cupital , pub- iisllCd at Gutimrio. Gaul fl'UlIl t lie mc liil I hi ? . One of the latest additions to time cximlbit in the Mines building is quantity of gold tlOnm Kiondike , IL is in nuggets anti dust and has a tendency to bring on the ( ever tilat abatetl some niontlms ago , The nuggets are tine specimmiens , one of thorn weighing up 5O , running $18 to time ounce. Time coal exhibit in the Mines building imas also been auglmmemmted by a large quantity seimt 1mm frommi time mines In time vicinity of Kenmmerer and Diamnondviile , Wyo , In this eximibit timero are alt kinds of the coal produced - duced in time state , lilll'mit 11)11111 (4lti'i'tltill Att'rlisit II , The executive committee of time Traims. mississippi lducational convention imeld a meeting yesterday afternoon at the 0111cc of Supcrlntemmdent I'earse with all time mmmcm- bera present except State Superintemmdent Jackson. Reports of time various commmmit. tees were received and a number of bills ordered paid. Tile committee will have an- oilier meeting at tue call of time chairman to vass on bills VillCim may be presented , after which time accotmuts will be audited by a separate committee and the business of the convention concluded. % 'urd fritii hit , Lit , ' lioii ( , \\'ord has been received from \\'ashing. ton of Ilme shipment of time boat that will imu used by the life savimmg crow. It ougbt ( Continued on Fifth I'ac , ) Gk1RCIL LEAVES iN A hUFF Cuban Leader Tenders ills Roaignatlon to General Gonicz , LEAVES WITh TROOPS FOR TIlE INTERIOR Writes Cmmr ( Letter to Shnfter , In S'hli'll lie Ciiiiiiilniis of Trent- Illell t Aecoriicil II Ins hy . .tstmcrienn General. NRV 'OltK , July 22.-A dispatch from Santiago gives time following as being a hotter - ter sent by General Garcia to General Shatter : Sir-On May 12 tim government of the republic of Cuba ordered me as commnander of the Cuban army In time east to co-operate with the American army , following time plans and obeying the orders of Its cam- mmailer. I have done my best , sir , to fimlihhi time wishes of my government , aimd I have been one of your most faithful subordinates , honoring ln3'sehf in carrying out your or- dora as far as niy powers have aliowod mc to do It , Time city of Santiago surrendered to time American army anti imews of that imnportnnt event was given to Inc by imersons eimtlrely foreign to your staff. I have not been lmon- oreti with a single word from yourself In- formnimmg me about time negotiations ( or peace or the terms of the cnpitmmlatlon by the Spaniards , Time important ceremony of the surrender of time Spanish army anti time tnk- Ing possession of the city by yourself took place later anti I only knew of both events by pimblic reports. 4' I was imeither honored , sir , with a kind word from yotm immviting myself or any om- cer of may staff to represent tIme Cuban army on that memorable occasion. Finally , I know that you have left in power at Santiago the same Spanislm authorities - ities that for timrce years I have fought as the enemies of the independence of Cuba. I beg to say that these authorities have never been elected at Santiago by the rca- idonts of the city , but were appointed by royal decrees of tbn queen of Spain , I would agree , sir. tlmat limo army under your cornmaad should have tnltemm posses- ston of the city , the garrison 50(1 ( the forts , I would give may warm co-operation to any measure you may have deemed best under American mniiitary law to hold time city for your army and to preserve public order un- Ui the time conmes to fulfill the solemnht pledge of the people of the United States to esttmbhisim in Cuba a free anti Independent government , But when the question arisca of appointing authmnritles in Santiago ile Cuba , tInder the peculiar circumnstanccs of our tlmirty ycars' strife against Spanisim rule , I cammnot see but with the deepest regret that such authorities are not elected ly the Cuban neonle. hut are the same ones so- iected by thequcen ofSpaln , anti hence ame ministers to defend agalnBt time Ctmbamm the Spanish sovereignty. A rumnor too absurd to believe , ganeral , ascribes the reason of your 'neasl1re , and of the orders forbidding my army to go into Santiago for fear of massacres and revemmge against th Spaniards. Allow mne , sir , to protest agaimmst the shadow of an Idea , We arc not savages , ! gnoring time rules of civilized warfare. We are a poor , ragged army , as ragged anti az jn.or as wima thit army of your forefathers in their noble var for independence. but as dlii time heroes of Saratoga and Yorktown , we respect too deeply our cause to disgrace it with bar- harlem anti cowardice. In view of all these reasons , I sincerely regret tp be unable to fultIil any longer the ordcrs of my govcrl meat anti therefore I have today tendered to the commander-in-chief of time Cuban army , Major General Maximo Gomox , my resignation as comnmander of this iicctlon of our army. Awaiting his rcsoimmtion , I withdraw my force to the interior. Very respectfully yours , CALIXTO GARCIA. ilsciisseil Ji ( lie Cabinet , WASHINGTON , July 22.-Time letter wrib- ten b Garcia was reati and discussed at some length at the cabinet meeting totlay and the opinion was expressed that it was evidently based omm a wrong commeeption of the motives of our Imeople. Timose , it was said , houhd long ago imave been fully cx- piainetl to him and to all of time Cuban leaders. it it was true , as imad been reported - ported , a mnenmber of the cabinet said Garcia was not Invited to participate in time core- monies attemmding the raising of the Anieri- can flag over Santiago , it was a mnistake. Everything reasommablo , lie said , simouid be done to win anti keep time friendsimip of time insurgent Cubans anti they shouti be made to know timat the only purpose of the Uniteti States in waging war against Spain wait to secure to au the people of Cuba rciief from time oppression of Spanish rule and a satisfactory government eatablisimed by time people thonmselves. Of course , it was added , It is not the irmtention of this government to drive the Spaniards out anti timen turn the Island over to time insurgents or any otimer particular - ticular class or faction. This govermmmnent hati never Immtimatcd such a purpose , but on time contrary It \VfS vcli ummderstood timat a stable government , for anti by all the people of Cuba bati been time only purpose anti end sotmgimt to be attained , Tile lie- tails in the establishment of smmch a govern- rnetmt , it was said , hmavo never been discussed - cussed by the cabinet at any great length , hut timore could be no very great difference of opinion as to the general plan. All tile people of the Island , it do- clureti , bust be given an opportunity to express thmt'ir views mis to time elmarncter of time constitution under which they were to live. imnd as to time maca who would make antlexecute the law , Time insurgent Cubans certainly couitt not Con8istentiy ask for macro timan timis. ClIblimis % Iit Cilt Oil. Secretary Alger states there is no foun. ilation to the report timat Cubans have been cut off ( room rations , Up to time present timmme not a word line been Imeard from ( len. oral Shatter concerning time letter General Garcia imas written imimmm , and pending any report time cabinet will not discuss time question. Coimiltienco Is felt that. all friction will be removed. CAN SAVE TWO OF THE SHIPS l'rollllt .tet lull IsNcceswnr , as a Gsilc , ,1iI ( olIIlIcte Their NEW YORK , July 22.-Liemmtenant Ilobson , wimo took the Merrimac into time cimannel at Smmmmtiago , arrived here today on time United States cruiser St. Patmi , anti proceedeti at once to Wasimington. It is possible that hjob. son is time bearer of Admiral Sanmpson's ro- Imort of the naval engagement off Santiago , When ilobson loft a ferryboat at time foot of Whitehall street it took but. a few mo- mnents to learn his Identity , nail a crowd boon gatimeretl to cimeer him , Accompammyimmg Lieutenant Ilobson was Commgressrnan .1. 'Vi' . W'adswortlm of ( ] eneseo , N. Y. , who was at the surremmtlor of Santiago - tiago , anti also came as a passenger on the St. I'aul , Lieutenaimt Ilobson saul timat ime had Immspectetl time wrecketi Spanish . 'war ships almti imo Is certalmm if vronmpt action Is taken lhmut two of them , time Cristobal Colon atmti Maria Teresa , can be saved. The Oquemmdo is a total wreck. Time Vhzcaya is not , ciulte as bad as time Oquentlo anti tonic of ltii tttmns , may be secured. "SiloUitI a gale sprhg up , " added IAeqtenaat hiobson , "all thin 'ork of time wreckers would go for naugimt and time Colon and the Teresa would be lost to u. That Is why I am hurryimmg \Vasbingon to eximlain to the omciuis thefe the ncemtsity of making contracts at once for the raising of the war ships , They doubtless will do so when they antler- stand the situatio arms I cnn explain it , " BLANCO PLJTSON BRAVE FRONT Aiitmomltiees the Vnli of Snmitingo is of Little I nmlitrnimee ( mum MU I. tnry I'immt ( , f hAVANA , July 22-Captain General i3lanco has issued time following proclarna- tion , announcing time capitulation of Santiago - tiago , lt is dated Havana , July 17 : After three months' heroic defense antI many bloody combats , owing to a scarcity of ammunition Slid Victuals. time earrison of Santiago do Cuba has been forcti to cap- ittmlato under honorable conditions anti wttlm nh the honors of war. 'l'hmis occurred on limo day of July 16 , when it Wfl8 recognizeti by the brave Spanish general of the division who was acting commmmmmnder of the place that resistalico was useless and that ime could not longer haiti the place. Notwithstanding - standing that reinforcements had been pos- sibie , and that altimough ime should receive such from Manznnliio , and although ho should cover further losses and biootly combats , and nlthnugim Ime miglmt lnmt the city 1mm a better condition of cielense , ito was stilt face to face with time fact that relmm- forcements would only make furtimer immroatts upon the already greatly consumneti anti nearly exhammstetl store of provisions oT time Spanish garrison. The city wns thins placed in a very lamentable condition. The situa- lion wits anticipated , but it caused great depression to the SpanIsh forces. Time occupation of thccity of Santiago imy the nmilitnry forces ot time Americans is lacking in strategic tiflporanco , owing to time fact that the city Imail prCViOtlsly been closely blockaded for a long timmme by tue American simips and will bare ilttle or imo effect on the development qt the Spanish campaigmm , wimich is to decide Spain's fate. The Spanish army i. 1ntactand eager for glory. It is willing to meas'urp arms with the Americans anti In this tarmy time king of Spain , the Spanish 'government , anti the whole country places the trust. of'defisc at any cost of the integrity ofSpanlsim tern- tory and the imonor of Spain's Immaculito flag. This army is sure to be triumnpimant anti victorious at time last , imi pplte of so many dammgers anti impedihIen , and tmdf it will show ommce lnoCe 'tiq , intiomnUnb1i' Spanishm bravery and Well lumnwn military talents of otmr people is the hope and cx- pectatioa of your gcneral-Im-ehief. I3LANCO. NO MORE TRANSPORTS NEEDED Thee NOW Available .Vi1l lnke Mnmmihn IixpcditiomN. P0(111 1llC. . teen 'I'llotlsnmlil amen. SAN FRANCISCO , July 22.-The transport Rio do , Tanelro will receive its complement of 1,000 troops today and will be In readiness to sail for Manila on Saturday. Anotimer 1,000 will depart on time steamer St. I'aul on next Tuesday or Wednesday. The big simlps Arizona and Scandia can each take 1,500 men. If they are sent to Manila with troops the number of men sent. to Manila will amount to IP,000. General Merritt's friends say ho will be satisfied witim that number In spite of the tact that 3,000 troops belonging t the Pimlhippine expeditionary force will b& left here when these steamers depart. Quartermaster Long imas received instructions to charter nO more vessels. but General Merriam has not received orders to discontintme sending troops to the Philippines. The removal of , Lho ditemt hospital , fron Camp Merritt to Presidio-'means more than its location on a better site'as here they will be quartered in comfortable brick btmildings. The Army anti Navy Christian commission tent at Camp Merritt , accommotlating 1,000 persons , has boon iocatoti with the Kansas regiment. The commission will locate another - other tent witimin the lines of the First New York regimemit. Colonel Barbour of the New 'lorlc volunteers - teers is in poor health anti will go to the country to recuperate. The steamer Arizomma , purchased by the government for use as a transport , is likely to cause trouble for Uncle Sam if a change of crew is not mmmdc. Other than the officers - ficers , who are in charge , the crew Colt- slats of eighty-five Chinese , anti time labor organizations are considerably agitated re- garmiing thm. A notest will be made against the retention of time coohics and a demand will be made that white men be enmployed in all departemnts. NEW YORKERS FOR HONOLULU hinitni bit , pf Iliiglmieers ill A.l.hlt Inn to Infsmiitr to Comprise the Gn r r I H I ) lb. WASHINGTON , July 22.-Arrangements are being nerfecteti at. the \Var department for the estabhishmncmmt of a military garrison at Honolulu , Orders were issueti today for a battalion ot time Seconti regiment of volumi- toer engineers to proeceml to Honolulu in company witim the First regiment New York volunteer infantry , Colonel Barber commanti- Ing , wimicim is to constitute the first garrison of United States troops stationed on this newly annexed territory of time United States. The Second regiment of volunteer engineers was largely recruited on the l'aciflc coast and is now quartered at San Francisco. It is in conmmand of Colonel \Viilard Young , upon whonm will devolve the selection of time battalion to be transferred to honolulu , It Is expected that time troops will sail for that port in a few days. ltFiCFil'lIS NI ) % YOhIl ) F'IIOM llLACO , SliltiliNli Consilerhiw Ienims of Re- stnrlig Cilmllllimll bitt , , , . MADRID , July 22.-It Is saiti in official circles that no dispatches imavo been re- celved recently from Captain General Bhmmnco , The Spanisim govenmmment is con- sitlening means of restoriimg communication with Cuba. ( hIlillilK iii Sn ill Iiigii l'rntest I 1mg , SANTIAGO DFI CULIA , July 21-Do. ( iayeti in Transmnisaion.-Tho ) city is quiet ammd ordinary husimmess is heing resumed , From various points in time province Span. isim troops commtinuo to arrive tlaiiy , amid are sent to camp to await embarkation , the date of which lmims imot yet been decided. General Wood , time military goverimor , has ordered all the simops to open , and hereafter - after there will be music in time plaza every Sunday anti Thursday , There will Ime re- joicimmgs whmen the paymaster arrives , Time Cubans nra protesting agalmmst time continuatIon of Spaniards in oiilcial losi- tions on time ground that time commquercti are vested witim autimority over timeniselves wimo'aro time allies of time United States , time conquerors , Timey contemplate utldressimmg an ohhlciai protest to General Simaftor. li.uln li'ns iiig &iiiguiii. ( Copyniglmt , ISS , by Press l'ubiishilmrf Cii. ) KEY WEST , Fin. , July 22.Nes''ork ( World Cablegram-Special Telegram.- ) TimoBo Interviewed on the captured sloop Doimmingo Atmrehlo say Sauga do Tanamo Is poorly garrflonetl and on account of late reports ( rome Santiago hmi.'Opie are deserting from the town and going to Gibara , where food is plentiful. Large numbers of troops were gathered 1mm time surrountling country aimd dispatched toward Santiago , The in- surgOnts have closed upon the town amid inhabitants cannot v nture out ( or vegeta- bk's. The day they ( t company of sal. dlers was captured by the insurgents , who liberated them mmli after disarming them , COVERN1ENT FOR FREE CUBA Loyal Cubans Desire to Imitate the Uthted States Constitution. ABSOLUTE FREEDOM AS TO RELIGION Gonica nhtil lhiPl Ofliecra hlne No Ie- Niti In IiereIMe Civil Plitietiflils -'l'hiinle OIlii'Iitis Siiiill'.t lie iiicetctl , . . , ( Copyright , 1811 , by Press Ptihhishimig Ca ) ON HOAR ! ) Thil UNITRI ) STATiCS ST1IAMSIIIP N1AGA1tA , En Route ( Saim- tiago , July 22 ( via Key \Vest-New ) ( York World Cablegraln-Speclal Telegralmm.-11e ) sides Colonels Labordo and Fernando Men- tIca I have met Colonel flenabe ihosmm , wimo has been ( ho chief of staff of General Go. rnoz , lie has svokcn quite freely concernimmg time prcsemit Cuban republic cmiii the prospective - pective govermmmmmemmt tinder now commtlitions. Gomnez , imis officers anti soldiers , who imave done their best to secure time immdepemtticmmco of Cuba , have no dcsiru to exorcise civil functions. They express their lmrcfcrcmmce to have clvii leaders elected. " \Vo have , " Colonel liosa declares , plenty of imighly educated amen , sonic in Cuba and soimmo temporarily living in thin Uniteti States amid elsewimere , who nrc no- turning or anxious to returmi to Cuba. The wimolo talk of Cuban leaders , wherever fotmuti , that is , these loyal to free Cuba , is to imavo a constitution as imearly like that of time UnitetI States as is practicable. "hostility to freedom and independence has come ( rota ieilgious , fanatical attach- nment to Spain. The nc' moon , the think- log men of Cuba , want absolute freedom In matters of religion , so that any class of Christians or of religiommlats may be an- restricted in their rites anti ceremonies anti 1mm timelr tcachimmgs as time people in any tate of the United States. The thinking bubans hope that time President will give every 'opportunity , not to timeir leaders , not to lidt composes time army , however lie- sorvimmg these may be , but to time people , to q'cpress their wish at time polls , for conven- Lions , for desirable constittmtional bodies. Time government of the people , by the Imeo- pie , Is time universal expression , but the Cubans are very jealous of interference of Spanish influence. Timey cannot trust Cu- haims who have been flghtiimg agaiimst tbenm and against the Ummlteii States. Time true Cubans wilt not vote to put any such amen into aim official or representative position , "With regard to time cniticismmm by our of. licers , soldiers anti nmany imatniotic citizens that abled-hodieti Cubans are seen everywhere - where along our coast , partictmlarly in Tammmpa and Key \Vest. who ought to be with Garcia anti Gomez In the fighting against time Spaniards , tIme answer is that all umm- married men sufficiently able-bodied have gone or will go. Time nmrried macn , cape- daily those s'itim large fanmilies , are unwill- lag to leave their ( amities in the Uniteti States , whore timero is no support for them. Moreover , all Cubans. have taxed themselves - selves for some years to the axtent of one- tcmmth of their incomne , and often considerably - ably inane , to sustain the ravolutiomm , so timat. the patriotic work has becim syatemnatic and continuous. " The patriotic ardor , says Gomez's staff of- ficr , is intense , hut the leaders have tried to so regulate It that it shall not be sul- cidal. 0 , 0. hOWARD , Major General , United States Army. GOING BACK TO THE FARMS EIidims of Ciabimims froimm mnmitlngn is lixmccleii to hlegin " .VhtliIn a Pev lna's. SANTIAGO DR CUBA , July 21.-Delaycd ( In Transmission.-The ) Frencim cruiser Rigault do Genoumihly arrived imere timis afternoon - noon wltim supplies for time relief of the French citizens of Santiago. A large exodtms of Cubans Is expecteti during the tmext five days , as timey are returning to the cultivation - tion of the country , that work beimmg the chief source of limo wealtlm of the island , The greater part of Garcia's army leaves here at daybreak tomorrow. Time Danish steamer hiratton , the first 'essel outside of the government and Red Cross ships to enter timis port witim provisions , arrived imere at b o'clock this morning , having on board A. P. Azovodo , the owner of its cargo , wimo rent to Gen- orai Shafter's imeatlquartcns in order to inquire - quire about the customs duties. He was told he must pay full duty on foreign pro- ( IUCO under a foreign flag , at the rates in force utmder time Spanish regime. It Is not known whether a bounty wihi he allowed on Americaim bottonms , General Shnfter for the present limiting himself to time state. mont that the duties will be assessed on the same basis as time Spanish tariff , Notwithstammdlng General Garcia's bitter complaint that lie had been ignored anti time restoration of time Spanisim civil authority iii the city of Santiago was much offensive to him , and that in conseqtmence of this lmo had been forced to tender imis resignation as a general ha time Cuban nrmimy , lie 'is going on whim his preparations for a contest witim time Spmmnisim forces at Ilolguin and Mumm- zanihio quite as though nothmilmg imati Imap- imeneti. Tommorrow General Garcia will Issue , - sue a decree authorizing oil Cubans whn imavo been driven from their plantations and country imnmnes by time Spaniards anti wlmo have taken refuge in time cities anti towns , to return to time country anti go to work on their ( armns anti plantations , assuring them of protcctlomm by his forces. lie has atided like permission to timose in imis ranks wimo were recruited froni time fields at time outbreak of the war. Altogether It must be confessed tlmat General Garcia's commdumct Is immexpllcabie , Ills permission to time mnen 1mm imis ranks to go back to work on the farms iii commstrtmeti to mean an effort to ilistianti his fortes. But. this amay not be altogether justiuleti. It is certain a great. many of thenm will comm. tinuo to fight. WORK OF PRESS CENSORS l'mhmers l'roh , Ilmi teifrnii l'ubl iNhmiimg E him 1)ei'liirnt hums of .t Ii , ermil or ( ) ili't'r ! , ( Copyrlgimt , ISIS. by liross Publi miming Ca. ) MADIIID , ( 'ta time Frontier ) , July 21- ( New York World Cablvgranm-Special Toic- granm-Tlmo ) gnvernnmont imums instructed time military cemmeors in Madrid anti time provinces to prohibit papers publialming the licciama. tions of any general or officer , Thmo autlmnri- ties hail to do so because in military circles several generals , Including Weyler , Poia- vieja , Lacimammmbrc , Lopez , Donmingucs anti Carleja publicly censured Cervertm otiti Torah ( or not having properly used limo forces an- der them imotim to prolong resistance anti Ic- filet more losses and difficuities upon time enemy , whicim was in amiytimlng but an easy position imear Santiago , Sagarta amid time liberals are much annoyed to see the imeople and authorities o' flarcim. iona , Saragossa and Matirid make so much of l'olavieja 0mm imimm way to Madrid , I'arti- sans of time govermmlnemmt believe an Intrigue Is on foot In court. and military cinches to forum a coalition cabinet under Poiavic'jn , on TEMPERATURE AT OMAHA hour , li'glhitmr. h-i mi. iii , . , , 71 t Ii. tim. . . , . . b4) ) fl a. iii , , . , 71 2 ii. lim , . . , . . SI v n , iii . . . . . . 7 1 8 Ii. mmi , . . . . . . S tm. lit , , . . . , 711 .1 iiin. . . . . . . 511 1) it , iii . . . . . , 74 i p , in , II ) a. iii . . . . . , : ; ii i , _ in , I 1 ml. mit , . , , . , 7 ? ' 1' ii. in . . . . . . .Mu n.m mu. . . . . . . . . 7 $ S p. lit . , , , . , ' 41 I ) I' . lii . . . . . . St whoni the mninisteriais press a chmml- lengo to play his cards on the table , this advent Into 0111cc wotmhit displease Weyler as mnmmch as Azcmir. nasa , Canipos and time other mnnrshnls , hut is rnmpposed to he the pet scimenme of time regent herself , who dreads unpopular vence LIege. tiatloas , SENATOR THURSTON RETURNS Goes hlnt'k 1) % 'mtsiulngt on i'l ens.t vItht liii' lIepul.lii'zmmm . Outlook Itt Nelrmtln , I WASIIINOTON , Jumli' 22.-Speciai ( Tele- granm.-Scnator ) Thmurston retturnctt to Wasi.- ington today after a sluont visit to Omah.i. Time senator ncconipanietl by Gemmeral Cowiim called upon President McKinley tlmis afternoon - noon , Gemmeral Coivln thnnkimmg time presilemut for the nonuimmation of his 80mm to so resPonsible - sPonsible a Place In the army. Senator Tlmumrston says tlmat everywhere lie hiss been there are indications of republican success in the fall eiectlomms and Imo does not iteM- tab to say timat the republicans of Ncbramik.m vili elect their ftmht state ticket if wisdom is simowmi 1mm the selection of candidates , Ito viil renmain in Washimmgtomm for sevciai days lookimmg after matters connected with the departmmmemmts , A letter was reCeived at the office of Au- jutamit General Corbimi today from Henry Allen , son of Senator Ailen , acceptimmg the nomnlimation of the presitlemit to be sccommti lieutemmant In timb Second Immmnmuno regiment now at Covtngton , La. , under comnmamm'i ' of Colonel I ) . L. hood. Allen said imo lmatl been dischargcii as second lieutenant of Commmpaimy L , Second Nebraska , and would leave to join his miew coimmmnand July 18. It is non' untlemstood that the immutmo regiments wili ho sent to Cuba to relieve the forces at Saim lingo. Max J , hiaehr left ( or St. I'anl , Nob. , greatly elated over his nomination by the president to be consul at Keith , Germany , which was amatie today. Assistant Postmaster General heath today - day , imm taking Up aliowammees for clerk hire for the year for the postomces , gave Omnaimn $15,221 , aim immereaso of $700. Time depart- imment also mmllowcd l'ostnmaster Martin three tenmjmormiry clerks at $500 , to commtlnuo until time cloco of the exposition , Martin's state- macnt of the remmmnrkable increase in time btmsincss of time Omnaha olilco warranting , this increase in the force , Thealmmry of \v. A. Kohley has also been increased from $1,000 to $1,200. BOLD SANTA FE ROBBERS Shut lo'uvii Engineer nitul Pireimimmn 'It1moitt UtterIng IL bungle Vord-Got No Moitoy. hOUSTON , Tex. , Jmmly 22.-Details of the lmoltlup on time Santa Fe , ncir Port Worth last night , show it to have been one of limo boitlest evem executed in Texas. The train reached Saginaw about mid. night. Two inca crawletl over time louder and without a i'ord opened flre on time en- gimmeer and fireman. Fireman W. VI''imit - nmaker was struck In time head and breast ammi fell to the hoar of the cab dead. En- gimmecr Josepim Williams was shot In the left leg anti so badly hurt timat Ime was Unable - able to obey time commammd of time bantilts to start time emmgine. The robbers then threw time emmgineer amid time body of the firemnaim to time ground , where they were nfterwarti fotmimti by Limo relief force , anti took change of the train , whIch they calm to witimimi three nmlles of Fort Worth. Hero they were joincti by the otimer robbors. The four imica went to time express car and demanded - mandod admnission , hut time mnessenger. Ilnwr.rd , reftmseti to opeim time door. A stick of dynamite was placed mmnder time car with time fuse hlglmted anti the batmmiits retreated to avoid time explosion. Time fuse failed to expiotle time clmnrge and before it coultl be fixed fotmr officers had reached time scene numli openetl fire , but the bammdlts escmmiteti. Somno muevetmty simotmu were excimangeti , one oiilcer being imit. A reward of 1,000 for each mann has been offered , and several nesses are in pursuit. The dead flrcmamm was buried today. OLD GLORY FLOATS ON MORRO Stmtrs 111111 StrIpes oiv ( immirl , ( lie Film- Irmiuice tui ( lie liarloir mit SmmiiImmgo. ( Cop'righmt , 1198 , by PresS Pubhiuhlng ; Co. ) SANTIAGO , July 22.-Now ( York World Cablegram-Special Teiegram.-Tho ) governor - ernor permits the use of the cable for time first. tlmo aimmee the surrender. The change In atloministration of the affairs of time town vas accomplIshed witimotmt disorder or ( rio- (10mm. Omily American troops nrc allowed In time city policing anti elealming. Thu troops have nioveti their camps to imigimer lmoaltmtter grotmtmti arid limo sick rate lIt tlimlnishmliig. Time macmm are hard worked and anxious to accompany the Porto Rico expedition. Only a few , aimout 800 , will go , Wootl is miirecting limo administration of city affairs , restoring artier and encouraging trading , Spanislm troops are still awaiting deportation but. mmot amixioUs to go. Tonal is tilapiriteti and Mimi life losses were heavy. TIme ofhiciel report of Sitafter was forwarmietl to Alger a clay or two ago. Supplies - plies for the nrmny anti reconcentradotu have been isimileil. Refugees have returned to time city ammd are being fetl , Food is very scarce anti costly. A cargo of ( realm immeat imums nr- riveil anti time army is enjoying its first Imearty meal. Quarantine against yellow over is very strict. General Simafter is wIth tile troops , The lIed Cross steamer State of 'l'exas imas sailed for New York , 'l'lmo imresitlent's proclamation creating a military government satisfies time rosldemmts , vomemm irmcltmded. General Wimeoler's munugim- icr has arrived to care for sick relatives. A goycruimnen I. postofflco immms been estahiisimetl at Santiago , Three lmmmnmircd bags of zmmmmli voro reccivetl today and a big American flag placed over Morro. lest nuys ii builmilmiMlI Crum Iser , W'ASIIINGTON , July 22.-The following message bus been received mit time Navy elepartimmemmt : l'IAYA , July 22-EximedutiOfl to Nipo has been entirely uecestul , altimougim time mutes imut ; mint lit'emm remnoved for wammt of time. The Simmimmish cruiser Jorge Juan , liefendumig time place , wus destroyed without lobs Oil our part , rhmo Aimnapolim' unit \\'uajm after- vard proceotletl frommi Nipo to assIst in time lantilimg of time general of time army on arrival - rival at Ionto Rico. SAMI'130N. 'I'll I rd % . 'lrmislcui mit Jiutmlt5gim si I Ic , JACKSONVILLFJ , Via. , July 22.-The Third regiment of Nebraska olunteera ur- rived here today oim six special transports over the llant systcnm rallroatl , Thin regi- meat vihi be encamped at Panama I'ark , fIve malIce ( rain ( be city. IN GORGEOUS AllAY Cabinet of Philippine Island Ropubilo Wit Wear Good Clothes. STYLES OF CANES REGULATED BY RULES Aguinaldo to Wear Gohi Breatplato anI Carry Gold Whistle. OTHER OFFICERS BEDECKED IN SILVER Men ot the Second Philippine Eipcditlon Disembark. PROTECTED B ? GUNS OF CRUISER BOSTON ImtsiirgemltN Arc ( arn.lumnhiy tiettlnW 'l'lmcir . % rtiiIer I tile .et bit nnit Shall 1.1. ' .tloimt , ( Ito , bunmilimugo .tflmtir. - . - ( Copyriglmt , ISS , by Press Ptmliiisimimig Co. ) MANilA , Jumly 22.-Via ( Hong Kong.- ) ( Non' York World Cabiegrmimmi-Spe- c bit Telegram.Time ) ummsurgemmts coim- hone active. There was Imeavy ilgimtimmg in tlmo neighbonimootl of Malato Saturday nIght. Fifteen rebels 'were killed and six waummtleti. Time lmmttor cro brought to limo California camnp for treat- macmit. Aguinnido Imas issued a proclnma- ( Iou naming hlahiiommmero Aguinnido secretary of war anti hiublic avorks , Leandro Iimarrtt secretary of time interior , ManinmmnmL Trina secretary of ngricultumre , All citizens nra called upon to take the oatim of allegiance to tue new govermimemit , The proclamnatiomm imumnorotmsly fixes time style of canes to ito worn by the officials , The liresitient will wear a golti breastplate anti carry a gold whistle. Alt time members of time cabimmet will wear a muinmilar brcastpiato in silver , Time Cormornn , time Germnmin cruiser , is expected to rettmrim from Hong Kong iii a day or two bringing atlvicemi from Berhimm on time commduct of time German fleet , it is now believed that the German immcltlemmt is closed R. W. IIARIEN , LONDON , July 22.-New ( York \\'orid Cafliegrani-Special Telegram.-Tho ) Stantl- ard's Berlin dispatcim says : Kaiser , time lCmtiecnin Augusta anti Princess Wilhelm are mmos. the only German war ships off Manila , Time Irene line lmcea in lCiao Clmou bay simmca the l4tlm immstammt. Time Cormnnran loft Hong Kong yestenlay for Manila. It is iiOssibl , however , timnt time ( leflor anti Arconum , which are udder orders for Simanghai anti Nagu- saki , wilt go to Manila. LONDON , July 22.-Now ( York Woriti Cablegram-Special Telegrammi.-The ) Cimron- ide's Slmanghmai dlapatciu says : I ant mmml- thentlcahly Infonnmed that time relations ho- tween time Germans anti Americans at Mantis - ntis are very friendly. Troomis Go Ashore , MANILA , ( Via 1ong Kong ) July 22.-- The dIsembarkation of time Anmerlcan troops composIng time inconti expedItion is beimmg pusimcti with the utimmost energy. The Colorado - orado regiment is already In time fleiti near I'arnnajo , and time other reimemita vihi be traimsferrcd without. any loss of ttni - from the transports to time camp 1mm natIve boats. Time lJnited States cruiser Boston Mis im on detailed to cover the landing parties. It. now occupies a position ninmost witimia range of time guns of Fort Mnlatum , 'bmiclm is ommiy a short tliatammce from Mummila : lireper , Time brigade conimmiandeti by Gemmermml Aumder- son Is still at Cavite , but his troops mire ready to move. Time arrival Imero of the United States mommitor Monte'oy is nnxiotmAly expected. Time Monterey with time collier Brutims left San FrancIsco for Manila on June Ii , immmt. is believed to imavo bcemm delayed for its sailing was again reporteti from San Frau- clsco omm Juno 7. It. arrived at Honolulu aim June 24 , anti loft there again out Jumne 29. , i ililersoju hiemiril Promii , WASHINGTON , July 22.-TIme following cablegram immm just been receiveti mit. the War department : HONG KONG , July 22-Secretary of Limo Navy : Following Is ( or time secretary of war to time athjutarmt general : Agumiumnlio declares dictatorship and martial law over all the islanils. Time people expect Immde. Pemuietmco. Rcconmmemmd China ponies. ANDRIISON , Colonel Anderson was the senior army officer at time Pimuhipiminetu wimemm time ii lapmutcim was gemmt , rmrobaily several days heforu its hong Koimg date. The reference to Cimina pommies means timtmt. Colommel Anderson desires tlmnt lcirmtl of cavalry anlnmnis. alANIIA , July 19.-Via ( hong Kong , Jimly 22.-Time ) Insurgents are gradually getting artillery iumti , ctioim against. Pammulo , Santa Mosco and Mmmiata. The fighting is liemami- tory. Time Spaniords imave been ilrlveum front time trenches outside Malata anti limo insur- gemmts arc mmtroimgly entrencimci near time walls of time forts. Time Imusumrgents immtve begmmmm to bommmhar.l . Mainta fort amid have strumck ( liii telegrapim company's cable house , It. is said on nenml-ofilcial Spuinisim autlmonity in Mmuniia that the recent news from Cuba is "A vile Rngiislm fabrication , ' ' that ' 'in reality the Snaniartis have imeen victorious , " timat. "Au- miral Camarats umquaulron has conieti at Simmg- npore , anti is oxpecteti hero on July 25 , " IIONI KONG , Jumly 22-Letters received hero from Cuvite , dated July 19 , dIffer ( rota time advlccs received direct from Manila , TIme formmmor any time insurgents have been repulsed acar Mnlatao anti that they are now' mumaklng less progress. Timero Is also saul to lie mmmocim discussion amommg tbmenm , owing to ahiegcui bribery upon ( ho Imart of priests. ftgmmlnaltlo , it Is furtimer said , re- fmuscs to ie ) suimcmrtiinate to time Unitetl States. lie does not ccclii to realize imis position , tie evidenced by imhm oppoimmtnment of a cabinet. , his declaration of Inmiependence anti time for- mel imoisting of the Insurgent flag , About 3,500 AmerIcans , It also appears from time letters front Cavito , have been landed halt way bet.wecrm Manila antI Cavite , aimli limo cruIser Boston luas gone to support thorn tIm CflO of an emnergommcy , N1V YORIC , July 22--A special to the Journal , dated Cavlto , July 19 , vIa hong Kong , July 22 , says : Time entire roginmoumt. of FIrst. California volunteers ativammced today - day to Jmmnbo , only two miles from the Span- lab lines surrourniimmg Manila. 'limo Cailfor- ala troops hmavo imeeim tlmrowa out by Genernl Anderson to form time atlrummmeo of time attack In force. South Maumiitt is to lie capturc'i ' first , Time Colorado anti Utah batteries are being iantleti at Parmmnguo , ullrectly front the ships , 'Fimo Tontiu I'cnneyivnnin volun. teers , witim time rest of time artillery , will inoti at. Maiabon , Jutit nortim of Manila , hlrlgathier General Frammeis V. Green , formerly - merly coloimel of limo Seventy-first. regiment of New York , is in conmtnand of time advance , General Andcrsomm rounainuxmg In Cavlte , ( 'rim iser ( ( , I mm psi Iulmm a t SI. Nii'ilums , MOl4Ii ST , NlCOidmS , ilayti , July 22.- The United States cruiser Coluttibin ar- dyed lmt'no at 11 o'clock this mrniag. it 'vIta reported it came froimm Jamaica arni was on Its vuy to l'orto Rico ,