Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1898)
" ' . ' , ' " ' ' ' ' . 'v - - - - - . - . - - - _ _ . - - - - r"T' ' - -----r----- - - - - . - - - - - . - . - - - - - ' . . . . . . . . * . - - - - - - - - - - - - - S-- - ' p ' 1 . OMATIA DAILY BE1 : 3fltTDAY , : TULY , ISOS .1 'p ' SPECIAL NOTICES mr l1iec , tqpIIfliflM .4. . vIIL hie nIeu until 12 iii. fI' l1u i'seilsig nu1 tinUl Hi8 ( ) fo ziturIiig ftftiI SILIISInV edition , , . 1Iitfrs 1 1-t ii tjri1 flrut Inertnnl U * 1 ltfrd Nothing lnkeii fir 1ep , timli 2o for Ilie flrt jptcr- * Iii. TIeu , , nd crtIiieiieiit ? Diflit bt run AiIrlpcr ( , , , Jby requeMitlig 1 % lIfl- Iperi'it rIir'k , cnn Iin ntiut't nd- 1reNur,1 ID V. iinherciI hitter In Rte flf 'I'Iin 1Ic ! ( . ND tti1dreIeI1 wilt J , q1.IIereI1 on prenelatntllIL of 1 1I&e OItrck only. SI'IUATION5 ! ti'Efl. - - - T11'EVRITINQ und copying. 2GBecb1dg. . . 1IJt.I , . % .tNi II-MAI.1 A1i1sML : : for cigars : * I2 a month and clii llrnH expeiiinCn unneces- nary C , C. 1hOP & COW , St. L0u19Mo. : LEI3MIN to ; : j omcc pec1aIt1e In ] Can9nH OflI Nebra5ka line Kide IIne ; ttentS make 5.OOa day : UBe(1 ( by a1 mer- 'thints. Z1ode1 .M ! . Co. , IJnx 13 , SoUth Iiond , lad. fl-4Z7 Jy 2G' - Ab1SM1N to uIt toIlet 8on to (1etIorn on tImo. 3100 monthly 1111(1 ( OIOfltO8 expert- elico unneceary. LotiI Ernst Co. 3t. LonI , Mo. _ B-Ms1-2i WANTED , at once1 flrHt-clasa barber : nc other need ItpJIy. AIIres A.V. . Stark , I'iunktnton 1Iotc1 Itarber nhnp , Mllsvnu- kee. it-M2)9 ) 25' _ VAN'F1t ' ) , aIernnn , * eItIng ftirnttnretn NOUr.IHka and Dakota , to hrtndlu hUe o baby cLLrrlngeI. Apply hnmeIIatuIy to F. Ilardy , ( arO of hardy ConiIany. , J3-303-21' - . COOPIR to Iioopltitter tubs. Omnha l3ut- - ter Tub Co. , 26th and 11. P. Ity. 13-307-23 W'ANTED , competent lIfe Inurruice man to mtl2Iago agancy for one t)1 ) the Iargot companies In the UnIted Statei. .Aao cx- pcrI'nced soIIcItor. Ad1re $ or app'y ' to E. 1 ! . Ltuflcroft , Cl7 lien J3nIIdtni. . . . J-.M314 21' hELl' . 100 GIRLS for ahi kinds or work : $3 to fl Canadlitit 0111cc. 1522. 1)out1aa. C-12 GOOD gIrl tnhelpeook anti chambcrnaId. Lange hotel , 001 5. 13ti ) St. C-43 . - , \ 1 EMPLOYMENT. bureau , 1522Do1ge : teISTO , C-MOOO A14 . ' LADh1 . nn1 gentlemen out of employment , call and learn qur work nod nmmko $3 to $6 per day. Creighton block , room 7 ½ C-M571 80' - ; W'ANTID-A first cimiss iI11Inery tImmer tt lieroixhelmor , 203 S. 15th St. C-1SI--22 WANTED , good girl for general houmowork. 702 5. 29th St. C-M297 23' , \VANTED , mmhout 20 1IldlC3.1tRy ; work br good people. Apply Womau' Exchange , , 1t20 DougIaH St. C-M311 22' JW ' l'O1L ltE'1'-UOUSE. 1' ChOICE houses and cottagea all over city ; to $75. Fidelity. 1st floor , N. Y. Life. ' D-513 iioUSEs. lltniewa & Co. , lOS N. 15th St. D-514 I hOUSES , etores. Bemts. Paxton block. D-515 - MOVING houHehold goodg nnd pIanos. , Om. Van & Storage Co.,1511 ½ Farnani. 'fel. 1559. . D-5lG _ 1URN1TUflE nnl loneho1d of a 7 and 13- room modern flat for sale ; barain ; ; good location , rent low. Bemis , l'axton bik. D-517 7-ItOOM modern house with stable , largo ' iIiady groundm. UemnI. Paxton 131k. . . D-2Sj. - FOR IIENT , four-room cottage an .7 acres L 2' , m1lem west postotlice. F. I ) . Wead. D-M5T ? - 0I 'll.Ell 131D0 , or telephone 717. t-77t- riw COTTAGES. 420 Board Trade. . D-503-- . . ' . FOIt 1IENT , 714 N. 2Etli aye , 0 rooms , $12.0. 2503 N. 2th st. , 7 room8. $15.00. 1912 Mtmomt mit. , 1 roonn , $12.00. GARV1N BROS. . 1613 FAItNAM ST. D-M10I 6-ROOM modern fiat. 1112 south iiti. - . . D-141 : BEAUTIFUL three-roomliat , No. 1402 N. 2bth St. Apply 2518 CaidweIt t. D-215 . ' S\5.-roomn . furnished cottage , Los Au- , geles , - Citi. , $25.00 luor month. Apply 1512 Davenport , Omaha. D-M31 $ 28' dd \ I'U fl II t1'V-FUIt1ShIIfl ROOMS , t 3 IOCiMS , 1417 Douglas ; one bed In room , E-M062 _ _ _ FU1tN1S11Il ) rooms , 603 N.lagroe ; ry mutoro . . - , . 13-t65Jy9' ThREE rooms , housekeeping. 1112 South 11th. _ . E-M476 ROOMS . . : near all car lines. 1811 Callftrnla. E-b65 ; Jy-20 FURNIS11ID rooms , taring exposutlout grounds , board If deiirod , 3814 N , 20th St. E-630 A2' . N1ELY Curimi5lucd roonflIl reasonable ; tour blockmi from iO5tOtl1CC. 1511 Caiw. E-I745 - visi'rons to tha TrmtuusmnisudsIppt auud In- tet'nn tionul ExpoItiomi s'1mJuimu to Hecuiro comlortabtu ( IuartCr can save thou antI oxpenmue by writtuig to or calling UDOO time Olliclal Infornuittion liurenu , . 1319 Farnaum St. , time only authorized agency of the Expot4ItIim mnnnmtgemnetmt , Strangers on arrival In Omaha taut take street caru direct fpni any tlepot. 0111cc open miny aut1 night , _ 1i4lGANTLiV furnished rooum , bath , ide- ijimono ; trnmusiommts ; Iricc reasonable. room I , Davidgo tutulluling , J3IghtocumIm antI Farnanu street , opian4ttu city hail. Cars tpdehlote And eximsition. Tel , 2076. Mrs. Jofrlcs , - COOL 1100MB , 6 biocic from I' . 0. 522 N , 19th St. E-930 25' L1J1tN1S11ED rooms , uttnbio for imuse. kCEmI1Tg 2 rooms , 3.50 a vok : , tnglo 1om , s : a wetk ; centr of the cIty. ApPlY - PlY Oil piemise , 1702Vcbster St. : . E-M270 29' v3sro1tt4 withitng flrt.cia room in hrivitto family vnn mecurtm same by calling at S. \ % ' corner 17th and Vapltol Ave , , vemut at' POstollire , 13-AI3Ii--23 V NVE\T , chan , airy rooms reagonnble.521 N , - E-M2742G' 1123 CAI4S , modern tarnished rnonmH. . E-M291 27' SEVI.JOOM lititfor rent ; furniture for smile , ZeFLtf1anm _ , blat A. E-M300 21' FOit 1113N'L' , flatthrctm rooms furnished , ( It 1U18 ½ 1Iovard St. Inquire at ruttaurant , 1687. E-M315 _ fly vii.ic , 1314 Capitol Ave. 'rraimsemt1s Iken , Ji-M31O \ViLL lurnisbed mooms , cenrn1 location , lurivate tainlIy 10c a 4.Iay up. 1612 Dtiveim. iort. L-M317 Al' FVIINISIIIOI ) 1IOOflS ANZ ) UO.tlIll , t T1111 MIOItItIAM , ilrst-clauss family hotel. 25th anil Dodo Sis , TAK11 mJQwn tthtt "for sale" or "for rent" biSn in your window , lice reaches move ntomIe ; In ut day thmtn will iass your window In a uumontim : And Ihe ) ' consult thesu eoluimmmn lmcii V they vaufl to buy os . _ _ _ t4 TIlE ilose , 2020 Ijarney ; coos vooms , frau bathm ; transients taken' rates rcttonnbie. V V _ ' F-310 ThIn 13FNEt"1T hOUSE. list and l'lnkfle ) ' Sts. . 0 dutntZly urnlshetl rooms ; one murmunre from tIme Ast'h of the States ; - uvorytluing new ' end tlrmtt-cinss ; lemma reasonable. V ELEGANT cool moouns. with lImt class imoirtl , three blocks from P. 0 , l ( 'op. 1101 UVC , V-M2S1 21' iii.3AStNT : ; : aoutii rooms , stmmle or en suIt , with board , 2102 Cuss F-154.23 i Ms and board neuz exposition. 191.0 - Binimey , F-M291 27' VthllSitIii ) I1IJOMS tl ) ] IOA1LI ) , ( Continued. ) OU1D1 , exposition tickets anti Samntogr hotel tare. nil for I2.f0 er day ; adjoins thu gmound , Sherman avanuc ear line laqts , the house : $ umtntr resort style ; rnmilles solicited ; modern , cool , homelike - like ; baths , gas , piano and ltbiry. Tote- 1)11000 1835. Double tariora hammocks , yOst s'erandaul. park , seats n the Street ears ; tam mltuqt : jolly people and a. 1)CI ) bear.Vrltn or 'lhlOflo this minute' spa- vial otTer Is for those who do. F-Z242 FU1t41S11ED room with board : renponabte rates , Mrs. C. E , Todd , 217 Douia5 , F-999 28' MItB. Codso , 202 N lSth.Tranaients taktn , l-253 Jy22' - TIlE ALBANY , 2101 Douglas : family hotel' Imermanant boarders accepted at and 30 Per month. 1-M28g A3' - JOIt iti'V-t IU1tNIShlED It OOM. T111UE rooms fu'nishac1 or unfurnislied , witlu or without board : near cxposltlofl Improvements , 2120 N. 24th St. St.QM81G Q-M81G 22' VOlt hiroNT-sToligs A1) OFFICES. FOR RENT , the 4.story brick building at Dli Famnam lIt. This building has a. flre- Proof cement basement , wakr oh all floors. gas , etc. Apply at the ofllco of 'Flu , 13cc. 1-910 WIIOI4ESALE store and warehouse ; track- ago ; excellent shipping faclilttru. . C. E. Benson , 310 Itamgo Bidsc , l-M253 A20' Ac.1lNAT13n , AflENTS and branch managers : aatary or coutumnisslon. hunter Tailoring Co. , CIa- cinnati , 0. , J-M9I7 Oct11' AUIN'1'S make $0 10 $10 .a ilay selling the clInimCst and most 1rnrfet water th1er ever Invented , itetalls at $1.50. llig luroilt to agents. Exciummtvei' territory. SenOca Filter Co. . Seneca. Mo. .J-M313 22' ' VATlfl-T ( ) I1ENT. wAN'rED. Two mitce furnIshmd rooms ( toil board for man and slfo : vicinity Ilatma- com park ; permanent. V 51 , lIce. IVC.30V5 22' WANTED TO REST , Modern 5 , 6 or 7- room cottage , Address V G2 , 13cc' . K-301 W'ANTED , three beds anilcot In prIvate house for five nights , commencing July 30. GIve prIce anti particulars. Address 214 Grant avenue , Denver. IC-IdIOt 22' , STOILAGE. - PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 903. 11W Jones , general storage and forwardIng M-25 oi. ; Van & Storage , 151114 Farn'mn , Tel. 1&9. M-526 VANTED-TO ll1JY. IF YOU are In need of anything try the Want Columns of The Bee ; tiley wIll bring y.u what you want. N-SC ? 50 CI1EAP2d-hand Dicycles , Omaha III- cycle Co. N-M811 22 V FAT1MEI1S , imighc-st price paid for butter , eggs , spring chickens , etc. hotel Doulo- yard , 20th & Ames Ave , N--141-22 Ffl. SALE-FUIINITUI1E. FOIt sale at a bargain. 500 pIllows and 500 mttttrcsses ; new Ililovs , 25 cents imp : new mattresses , 75 cents up , 1408-10 1)odgc. 0-Mill Jy25 - FOR SAL1-FurnItur& of fiat , 4(12 ( 'N. 16th St. , 2d floor. 0-306-24' FOR. SALE-ROUSES , W.tGOS , ETC. FOR SALE , fine carriage team , 5 years old ; weight , 2,400 lbs. l'rlce , $500.00. U 56 , Bee. I'-M279 26' FR SALE-)1 I SCEI4LANEOUS. 100 KINDS miporal waters. Sherman & I\IcConncll Drug Co , , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Q-M251--AlS GETcut prices on hogind poultry Zence. I3awtlUst br sweeping nears , etc. 1eI. 4b5 , tii Douglas. Q-C16 FOR SALE , ten 11.LP.A.N.S. for S cents at druggists ; one gives relict. Q-528 TIlE Spanish possessions In both the east and west , In map form , with nearly 200 Thotdgraphic reproductions of the Amen- can and Spanish navies , naval command- cr5 , etc. All for 25 cents , at The lIce 0111cc , if ordered by mail address Navy I'hotograph Department , Omaha lIce , Q-8G9 i1IkV13 2 Remington typewriters that I will sell cheap. Fraic E. Moores City hail. 4-211 HOG , Imotultry andlawn fences : all wine ; Is best. Wire Workp. 11th and Ilarnoy , , Q-529 - COT & mattress for $1.50 , Lewis. 1114 Dodge. Q-290 Jy29 - STA MI'S COINS-Bought , selL Marten- San. 404 N , 16th. Q-M575 30 FQIVt SALE , Smith Premier and RemIngton typewriter ; SeCOflI hand , Typewriters rented and repmmired. J. J. Derlght & Co. , 1116 F'nrnnm st. Q-M891 A9 FOR SALE , furnished room house ; bet location in city omit ! finely furnished ; big chance to make big money. Address U 53 , lIce. Q-M298 _ FOil SAIii , mmelm young Jersey cow. Caller or address itermnan Ilerwee , 2619 ThIrd avenue , corner 27th street , Council Diulls , Q-M301 23 . MiSCELLANEOUS. TWENTY-FIVE centswlhlbuy the latest publication Illustrating the U. S. and Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ; nimost 200 photographIc reproductIons , with a large map of the East anti West Indies , tit the 0111cc qf 'Fima Jlc'e , IC ordered - dered by mmiii , address Navy Photograph DepartrrientOmmtha lIce. /tNTI-IIONOPOI4Y Garbage Co. , cleans ccaspools & privy vaults , 621 N 16. Tel , 1779. R-243A17' . CLMIt'O'A'I'a. LOST artIcIem found ; missing friends traced ; life readings ; lucky belts. 611 N. 20th. 5-MIGS 99' _ , 9IASSAGEhIA'l'IiS , ETC. IIA'rlIs , ladles only , Mrs. 1'ontr , 203 Doug , blk , T-M859 A9 L1EDICA'1'iD baths , mnmusage ; also vapor baths , Mmo. Itrisson , fronm l'ai'ls , 307 N , 12th , T-Ml2 A15' IditS. Dli. LEON , electric masumago bath vanlors ; meatful nod curative , 417 5. 11th1 upstairs , T-M236 21' MADAME SMITh , I1B North 15th street , massage ammdbnths ; room 2. T-298.28' LAURA ELLISON , baths , massage and unugnetic treatment , 119 N , 16th , room 12 , upstairs. T-M2S9 1t0' ! MAUI ) STUART of Ctmtcagobatli and inns- V sage pmmuiom , 1522 Douglas , room 10 , flush. 10011 block , T-M323 23' i'EIISONAL. _ _ _ _ cE'zco.319 lIeu buildhuug. 30 RUPTURE cured for $30. No detention from tmuslncss ; (1 ( years in Omaha , Cull or write for circulara , Emnuimo Ruptur.m Cure , , 932-933 New York Life bldg , , Omaha , 2.eb. U-SR - IIATHS , massage , Mme , Post , 8l p.15th. A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cuba and another of the entire W'est Indies , showing Cuba. I'omto Itico , hlayti , San Domlngu Martinique tnd nil time other ' % 'cst in.lan Jalauids ; 10 ceflt. , at TIme lIce olilce. Iby nmnil , 14 cents. Address Cuban Mut ) Dei.i. , Omahalilee. EIiis' ; : Turkish baths. Mme , l'ost , 319 % , 15th. _ U-534. QE'L'your ahoes half-soled and heeled while you wait 15 miumuteum , for t.0 coats.Vork guaranteed,710 N , itltlm St. lT-294.Jy22' AGREAT PhySiCian'S curesexually veak men for $1.00 ; prticulums 2o. Box 263 , Omaha , tJ-732 4' jiLES ; curettin 7 to 10 days. . without pain ; 000 treatment does ihms work call or bend for cimeulmirs. 'Jima Empire l'iio Curu , 933 New York Life buIlding. U-M013 I'IIlISONAI , , iContlnued. ) , _ HOW to become lawful , law- yert' , dentists .br pharmacists. Lock box 190 , Chicago , UM163 AG' SUPE1tI'LUOUS hair moles , etc. , perma' neatly removed by electricity' reterepC's , Mrs. Cron'n , specIalist , r , i6. Creiehtofl bItt. . U-M512 80' - MANLY vigor restnred : Mormon secret ; circular , for stamps. Box 321 Omaha. iJ-1tI25 2' . TIW OMAhA SO'IATa CT.UD . isthme honorable - able uimeditim through which ladies amut gentlemen can secure introductions for social advantages or matrimony ; vnrties out of city desiring a correspondent nil- dress , 'with stmtlnp , Allie Tumnoy , Mgr. 1 , . 620 5. 13th. U-Zt1966 _ - 3 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL EMDATII , WANTED. choice farm and city lonna. IL C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. iiooo.oo : special fund to loan on first class improved Omaha property , or for build- log purposes. FidelIty Trust Company , W-3G & % PER cent money. ] Iemis , Paxtnn BlIc , V W-441 l 000 antI upwanitstolonn on Iniproveil iroflerty.v , Farnamn Smith & Ce. , 1320 Farnam St. \V-2 l7 - C PER cent city and farm loans. Clarvin Bros. , 3613 Famnam St. , W-438 ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 NYL , ; quick money at. low rates for choice famn haimilS in Iowa , Northern Missouri , East- em Nebraska. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 . 16th. V W-510 MILLIONS eastern money for investment ; send for circulars , Investors' Directory , N , Y. W-997 . MONEY TO LQAN-CII4tTT13LS. sin 'ro $10 000 TO JOAN ON IIOUfIEUOLD FURNiTURE AND PrA. NOS ItORSES , WAGONS AND CAR- RIA5ES , WAREhOUSE R16CIVT1 , etc. , at lO'es rates in Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs , No removal of goods ; strictly confldential ; you can pay the loan oil at. any time erIn In any amounts.V V OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 806 South 16th TIlE OLDEST LAREST AND ONLY IN- C0RP0RATID LOAN COMI'ANY IN OMAI-IA. X-542 MONE1Y loaned salaried people hiob1ini permanent poitlons , with responsible concerns tipon their own name , without security : easy payments. Tolmnn , 11. 706 , N. Y. Life bldg. X-543 - IIUSINESS ChANCES. ; T exposition grounds , a fine hotel ; what have y to exchange ? Call Saratoga hotel , 24th andArnes , Y-M99 IF' YOU Want to buy , sell , trade or meat anything call room 512 , Brown Block. Y-2l9 23' LUNCIatand for sale , $150 , near exposl- tbon grounds , J. J , Gibson , 514 1st Na- tionaLbank. Y.-239 22 V CLOThING and gents' furnishIng goods ; stock invoice , $ I.OOQ.u' ' ) ; new itrat-class goods ; will trade for good hotel in good town , 612 Brown lJl'k. Y-M275 26' WILL trade splendid residence property in best county seat town In Iowa , 3 lots , 10- room house , outbuildings , barn , etc. , worth cash 4,000.00 , for stood stock of merchandise. 512 Brown 131 lc. Y-M276 26' - WANTED , to buy for cash , stock of gen- ePab mdse. , or good grocery ; give full particulars - ticulars , 0 59 , DeC. Y-M280 28' WANTED. to communicate with manufacturers - turers wishing to Introduce their goads in European countries , China and. Japan. F. Krebs , 116 LaSahle Ave. , Chicago. Y--2.1312 22' WANTED , to exchange scholarship in best shorthand school in the city for prInting. Address U 3. lIeu , "j' Y-M309 2 FOR EXCHANGE , FOR SALE OR TRADE , team and two- seated buggy , for single horse and buggy. Old Nebraska teed table , 10th and Leav. Z-2 4--30' unworth Sta - - - _ FOR SALE or exchange clean general Stock of merchandise ; also improve&cat- tIe ranch and farming lands In TeXaS , Olson , Fmankfort , md. Z-M3l9. 23' _ _ _ volt SALE-1113A1. ESTATE , FOLLOWING ( lesirable property : business lot corner , GOxiSO ft. , in So. Omaha , laved. Business lot , GOxlSO ft. , improved , South Omaha street paved. Tract (2 ( ? lots ) , ROth St. Tract (20 ( lbts ) , 80th St. For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. , I1E-.647 HOUSES , iota , farms , lando , loans : als ro Insuratuce. Bemis , Paxton block. RE-643 - BEST farm near Omaha at half appraised value. John Sizer , 2502 Blonde at. , Omaha , RE-399 July 29' hAVE you some lots to sell ? Now is time time to dispose of them let the people know that you want to c1ipose of them , 'Time lIce reaches the people who have the money. IIE-866 FOIl SALE , desirable residence lots , 124x 130 , in ilrst.class iocatIon tori minutes' walk ( room . cotmrt house ; cheap for cash. , Address 0. 61 , Ileo , flE-M707 $300.00 FOR 6 full-sized Iota on electric car line. J , M. Frenzer. Opp. old F. 0. ItE-I.1792 A FINE little farm. Two miles from Valley , containing 40 acres , with first class improvements , or- chrirda , fences , buildings , etc. A most desirable - sirable PropertY and cheap at 2,400. Thu owner will take Omaha Property ftS part payment , FIDFL1TY TRUST CO. , 1st Floor N , Y. Life Bldg. . 0. II , PAYNE , Pros. H , H. HARDER , Sce'yREMIOS SEVEN-ROOM house and full lot , near paved street ; good zicigliborhood ; $1000. 11 42 , lICe. RE-AIIM 22' LANDS. LANDS. FOR SALB OR EXCHANOE-20,000 acres of clear lands in North Dakota , South Dakota , Wisconsin and Minnesota , in any parts to suit purchaser , or will exchange mmmc forO malta or Council Bluffs prop- , Address U 55 lIce ' arty , , RE-257-2L' TIIA'l' fine tract (8 ( large lots ) at southwemt corner 33t1 street and Woolworth ave. and running throtigh to Pine Street. ' * 001- worth avenue is graded and harked , Only I block from car and Hanscom park. SplendId nelglmtorhuoocl , Choice gmoimnil for building a number good houses , Submit - mit proposItions for imurcimase. George U , Wallace , sole agent , 313 Brown lllocic. RE-1t1213 iTlIWEST corner Eighth and Leaven. worth , C6xl32 , two story brick building , track to rear of lot ; price $12,500 : inquire of owncr ( In promises , RF1-283-31' SIIOItTIIAXI ) AND 'l'Yl'EWltl'FING. _ VAN SAN'it3 hmooi , 717 N. Y , Life , The school whose stmidentmi get employment , Conducted by an experienced reporter. G50 _ _ _ _ _ _ V AT OMAlIABus. College , 16th & 1oug1t , . ' ShORT-hAND , , taught by court reporters. Boylea' School , 403.5.7 lIeu bldg. LOST. LOST , gent's gold wnth , mLitbe by James 1hn. No , 10100' left in cIoet at Union Pacific depot ; liberal reward for return to U , P. tIcket chico , L0ST-79i V 'Vl'EVItlTEltM. TYPE\VPITI3RS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Smith.l'remier , Tylewriter Cc , , 1625 1amnnm St. ; Telephone 12.34. 554 REMINGTON Standar Typewriter antI Vsupplies. _ 11319 Fmtmnanm. 121-Alt' liIC'CLIIS , ; iv wheei , $10 to $25 ; secondhand wheels , $5 to $11 , Omaha Bicycle Co. , 1 & Chicago 532 V AUCTION. J , 11. M3XCY & C. , auctioneers , room 416. 1urbvc' block , want your auction ale of real estate , merchandise , furniture , live stocks , etc -50 l'UiINITUIIII I'ACiCED. M. S. WALICL.IN , 2111 CumIng , Tel , 13.11 , - $45'a - _ _ - - _ -'a - - - - - ST.t'VtlAflt. AI1TISTIC flgturas ornaments , Oonnctl & Co. , 317 5 , 10th ht. 260-Jy'l' . _ _ _ 'IOLIN M.t3CICI. C. CASE , ' 1olln5 repaired , 4i6 $ lmeelyj3IIc. 122-Alt IILECT1IOTYI'INO. 11. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Dodge. V Dodge.M451Jy27 -M451-Jy27 - l'flI''ATE ItOSl'ITAL _ 3 _ _ _ ) R , LIEIEI1 , cancers , female diseases , 1912 Lotvenwclrtlm , -M266 A19 MIJRIC4tL , LADIES , If cmmnt tell a doctor yotmr trouble nddress P. 0 , Box 59 , Omaha , Nob. , for Information. M-S03 A9' V STI3NOt1IIAPIIIII1S , WE SOLICIT anti tumult for stenographers free , The Smith-PremIer Typewriter Co. TeIelhono 12S1. 559 STAMMERING MiI ) STUTT1JIIING. SCHOOL for cure at these defects , Julia E. Vaughan. SOS N , Y , Life bldg. M-$90 A9 ' V llILtXOS TIJNI3I ) . PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Rose , 11.21 Dodge. 777-A-il' - V V iIAVWNlIltOIUlltS.V ir , MAROWITZ loans money , $ IS N : lGth. ' 5.i3 r V -'V. SUES&CO. , ( 'L ® . .PATENT ' _ _ _ ' 4 p LAWYLHS ANDS 01 lllOItS . . , _ _ , / hoe bidg , Omaha Nob. Invent- - . - / e Send foruurfnio - I'OSTOFFICB No'r1c12. ( Should be reatl daily by all Intorsted , as changes many occur at any time. ) Foreign ummalls for the week ending July 23 , 1S8 , wIll close ( PROMPTLY in all cases ) at thu General I'ostollice os follows : I'AR- CELS 1'OS'I' MAILS close clue hour earlier than closing time shown below. Tmnnr-Atlnmitiu Malls. SATURDAY-At 5:30 : a. at for EUROPE ( except Spain ) , per s. s tjmbria1 via Quecustowu ( letters for France , Swltzet' . land , Italy , Turkey , Egypt amid British India must be directed "per Umnbnia" ) ; at 7 a. in. for IPALt , per s. a. Ems , vIa NapleS ( letters must be directed "per , Ems" ) : at'7 a. m. fat FRAI'CE , S\VITZ- EttAND JTALYYTUltlCEY , EGYPT dti flitl'iISfl ' INDIA , per s , 5. La No- varre , via Havre ( ietters for other parts of Europe ( except Spain ) must' be di- recteil "per La Navarre" ) ; at S a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per a. a. Rotterdam - dam , via Rotterdam ( letteru must be directed - rected "per Rotterdam" ) ; at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per a. mm. Ethiopia , vl Glasgow ( letters must be directed "per Ethiopia" ) ; at 30:30 : a. m. for EUROPE ( except Spain ) , per s. a. Chester , via Quceustown ( letters must be . directed "ier Chester' ) ' ; at 11 a. in. for NORWAY direct , per s , s. lickla ( letters must lie directed "per Hekla" ) . After the lcsIng of the Supplementary Transatlantic Mailc named above , additional - tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the aenian. English. French and German steamers and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer , Mails or South stud Central Anierlen , V 'West Indies , Etc.V FRIDAT-At 11 a. m. for BRAZIL , per s. a , Dalecarlia , via Pernqmbuco ( letters for North Brazil must be directed "per Dale- carlla" ) , V SATURDAY-At 10 a. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : a , m. ) for FORT1NE ISLAND , JAMAICA - MAICA , SAVANILLA and QRI3YTOWN , per , a. a. Athos ( letters for Costa Ripa must be directeil "per Atbos" ) : at ' 10 a' ' fli V ( supplementary 10:30 : a , m , ) tor.CAI'E HAITI and SANTA MARTHA , per ii. a. Holstein ; at 10:30 a. m. for NASSAU , N. P. , CAMPIICHE CIIIAPAS , TA- I3ASCO and YUCATA per a. a. Ithaka ( letters 'for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per Itlinka" ) ; at 11 a. m. ( supplementary 11:30 : a , m , ) , for VI6NE- ZUELA and CUItACAO , also SAVAN- ILL.i' . . and CARTHAGENA , via Curncao , lien S .s. Abydos ; at 8:30 : p. mu. for NEWFOUNDLAND - FOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney : at 8:90 : p. m. for ST. PIERliE- MIQUIILON , per steamer from N9rth & ) ' . _ . . . V 'MaiIW''tr ' NO'c.roundttind . ( , by rail to Hall. tax. and thence by steamer. close at this omca daily at 8:30 : p , in. Mails jar Mi- I quelon , b , ' rail to flotton. and thopce by steamer. close at this oiflce daIly at 8:30 : p. in. Sta1i for MexIco Cit1. overland , unles specially addressed for ' 1ospttch by steamer , close at this ffic' daily at 2:30 : a , in , anti 2:30 : P. ma. "itegletered malt V close5at Vp m.prevlous day , Traize-Pacille Mnils Mails for China , Japan and HawaIi , per a. a. Gaelic ( from San Francisco ) , close lucre daily up to July 20th at 6:30 : p. ma , Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , Nosy Zealand , hawaii and Fiji Islands , er a , a , Warrlmoo ( ( mom Vancouver ) , close lucre daily titter July 81Ji anti up to July " 21st at 6:20 : a. m. Malls for the Society Islands , ship City of aitiVth : ( ; San Francisco ) , close hero daily up to July 25th at 6:30 : n. m. Mails for China ttncl Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per a. 13. Empress of India ( from Vancouver ) , close lucre daily up to July " 25th at 8:30 : p. m Mails for China and Japan , per S. 5. Tacoma ( from Tacoma ) , close here daily up to August ' 9th at 6:30 : p. m , Mails for Australia ( except thoSe for . West Australia , which are forwarded via Europe ) , Now Zealand , hawaii , iriji and Samoan Islands , per a. a. Maripmmzi ( from San Francisco ) . close lucre 'daily up to Augizuit " 6th at 7 , t. nu. , 11 a , in , and 6:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York of a. S. Etruria with British malls for Australia ) . Trans-Pacific mails are forwarded to port of sailIng daily and the schedule of Is arranged on tha presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. "Regis. tered mall closes at 8 p. rn previous any. . CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Poatomflco , New York , N. Y. , July 15 , 1898 , RAILWAY TIME CARD , ChICAGO , ROCK ISLAND . , & I'aciiie Raiiroad--"Tbio _ _ _ _ Great flock Island Rout. ? ' City Ticket Ofilde , 1323 . Fnraam Street. 'rolephono 428 , Depot , Tenth npd . Mason Streets , Telephone _ _ _ _ _ CII. Leave , Arrive. Rocky Mountaill Limited , east . . . . 1:3) : ama ' 1:25 : am Rocky Mountain LImited , . . . . , 5:20 : am 6:15 : am * hiCugo & lIt , l'atul V Vestibuled E x - press , , . , . . , . . , , . . , . p :00 : pa C 1:25 : pm Lincoln , Colorado I Spriuig. . . , ? uc'blo , Dens'er and weit 1:30 : pm 4:25 : pm , ioa Moines A Rock Is'and . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7:00 : pm j1:25 : am /tlluntio Exprcss , ' for Des .oifles . and eastern points ' 7:20 : am ' 8:50 : pm Colorado Flyer , . , , , ' 7:00 : ilium " 8:50 : znj I S Iaily. ' 4 Daily exceot PQa VVVPMAHA 1 _ ; ; ; ; Arthur xoaU-Unalma Eastern & 1taIIrotjd"rhe ST. , " 3ansaa LOUIS ' City RAIL. l5oni & RoUto"'bicltet Olflce , 1115 Farnam fitreoL Tote. Phone 322. Be an , Tenth and uson Streets , Telephone 2L jlt. LoUis Cnnon Leave. Arrive , iansit Ball Express , . , , . 4:35 : pn 11:90 : am City & Quincy Lonl . , , . 740 am 0oG : Kansas pm City Ex. V lmress , . , Port Artl1'ti"jj 7:0 : am oress S Daily . . . . . . . , ' , , . . ' $ : SOpm WABASU RAILROAD : Ticket Otilco , 1415 Fampam Street. Telcphoe III , Depot , 'rnth , end Mamon Streoto. Telephone 02 $ , Leave , Arrive. 8t Louis "Canon Ball" Express. . . . . 4:30 : pm ' 11:10 : am Daily , . u.tilV. ' TIME CARl ) , ( Contlnue& ) V _ .pyr _ UNION DACIPIC - "TItE 'fl4'4lr ' flverlnnd ltoute"-Oencrah of. ? flees , N. W. Corner NiPtim and A1rttL k V'nmnam Streets , City 'rieket JlW' , QtPce 1303 Farnam Street. 1WT'Tc'lc'p0ne i0. Depot , Tenth hIll Mason Streets. Telenhono (29 , LCM'o. Arfive. "The Overland 1.imtted" for Denver - ver Salt Lake , and western p'ts , , $ :59 : ant 44 pta The Colorado See- cml , for Dcner & V all Coloriitio p'ts.efl.c5 pm 6to : a ma Fast 2.tall rrnium for Salt Lake , I'aclilC conmt and oil 'eSterfl Points , 4:83 : pm 6:10 : am IV.lflCOlfl , Beatrice & Stromaburg Ex. , ' 5CQ : em " 12:20 : pm Fremont , Column- bus , Norfolk. Gr'd Island & Rearnoy 4:33 : inn " 1220 pm Gritnil Island Ex. , . ' 5:00 : um 'l220 pm 0 Daily. " Daily except Sunday. Eotltli Omaha Local Pass.-Lea'qes , 6115 a , m , ; 7:00 : a. mu. ; 9:15 : a , in. ; 3:1.0 : p. mc. Ar. rives , 10:15 : a. m. ; 3:10 : p. in , ; aQU : p. am , Council bluffs Local-Leaves , 6:55 : a. in. ; 0:60 : a. in. ; 7:40 : a. in , : :4Q : a. m. : 10:30 : a. mn. ; 2:15 : p. m. : 4t3.S p. m. StGS p. mS:20 ; : p. in. ; 10:05 : C , in , , Arrives , 0:33 : a. mum. ; 7:2o : it. in. ; 8:36 : a. in. ; 11:30 : a , in. ; 3110 p. am. ; 5:40 : p in , : 6:30 : lu. Tfl.l $ : P t. am , : 10bi p. mn. _ ; : r I3URLUGTON& MIS. I fl ' ' A4 I sourl River ltnllroail-"The I uUI' Iflw iOfl I Burlington Route"-Gen- I I cml Ofllecs N. 'V' , ' , Corner I Unmifn I Tenth and Farnam Streets , I IIUUItI I Ticket' Office , 1502 Farnum L _ _ _ _ _ _ Street. Telephone 250. Do. pot , Tenth and Mason Stttmots , TOlophona 12 $ . Leave , Arrivo. Lincoln. hastings and McConk . . . . . 8:35 : am : S5 am Lincoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , ( : nhlfornia , Blalc Hills , Montana & VogeL ioUIutI . . . . . 4:35 : pta ' 4:00 : pm Lincoln Local . , , . , ' 7:00 : un " 7:40 : pm Lincoln Fast Mali , " 2:53 : pun " 11:40 : am Denver. Colorado , Utah V California nd Pugct Sound ' 11:53 : pm 11S5 : pm paIly. "Diily except Sunday , : : - - - , _ V _ _ IcANSAS CITT , iT. JO. n I .3 seph & Council Eluffs Rail. uUriIfltOfl _ _ road - "The Burlington _ floute'-Tickot 081cc , 1502 Unmifn Farnuur. Street , Teipl1ona IIUUItJ 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ son Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Kansa a City Day Express . . . . . . . .V , 0 9:95 : am ' ' & :40 : pm Kansas City Night Express . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11:00 : pm 6:30 : am "ExposItion Flyer" St. Louis . . . . . . ' 4:80 : pm ' 12:05 : pm for St. Joseph and , Datbr. V ihICMiO , BURLINGTON & 11 I' Quincy Railroad - "The I oU1ilfltOfl Burlington Itouto"-Ticket I 0111cc 1502 Farnani Street. I IJriii + n 'roiepkono 250 , Depot. Tenth Mason Streets , Tole. L- phone 123.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Veatibulod V Exprous . . . . . . . . . . . . S 55 pin ' 8:10 : am Chicago Express , , 9:45 : am 4:10 : m Chicago & SL Louis Espress , 7:45 : pm 8:10 : am Creston Local ' 400 pm ' 10:15 : am PapIflc Junction V Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:55 : pm 6:40 : , pm 1ast Mall . . . . . . . . . . . , , ' 2:50 : pm Chicago Special . , 'lZOG . : am ' 11:50 : pm w Daily. ' Daily oxcoot Sunday. RES1ONT ELKU0tN , Missouri ' 1alley Railway- General Otnees , ' United 1 5tatQS National flank Bldg. SoUthwest Cornet' Twelfth and StreetS. Ticket 081cc , 1401 a 11am Farnam Street. Telephone , 501. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster StefltB. Telephone , 1.458. LeaVe , .Arnlve. Black Hills. Iead- V V V V wood , Hot SpnI'gs ' .3:00 . : pm DoQ : pn Wyoming , V CaspOr and Douglas . . . . . . ' ' 3:00 : pm "a' :0G : pm Uasttngs , York , David - vid City , 5uperlor. Geneva , Exeter & 5owrd . . . . . . . . . . 3:00 : pm " 5Q0 : pm Norfolk , Verdigrs and Fremont . . . . . " 8:15 : am ' 10:45 : am Lincoln , Wahoo & Fremont . . . . . . . . . . . .C , 8:15 _ : am 510:45 am Frernont Local . , , . . Q tm York Passenger. . . . . ' 6:10 : pm 0:40 : am Daily. ' Daily except Sunday. . . "t Sun. day only. " Daily , Cxcept Satw'day "a. , Daily ccept M0UtI' ! V - CItICAGO' & N Tt'IVEST gqi'n i em Railwty-City. 1 Ticket V omce 14th irnxmam Street 1 ' Telepono 568 , Depot. Tenth and Mason Streeta , ln 0110 , 629. ' r " t : V VLoave Ai't'Lve. Dajligltt Chicago Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610 an h1S5 : pm V V Mo. Valley , Sioux City. Si : , Paul. & Minneapolis . . . . . . . ' 6:40 : am ' 10:45 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux V V City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 745 ; 9:00 : m Boone , Dennison , V V Council Itluuffs . . . . 10l0 : pm 10:05 : am Eastern Ex. , Des Moines Marshall- V town , edar Rap- Ida and Chuigago. . . 91:06 : am 4:20 : pta ui.tlaiitic Fiyel' , Ch. V cno and , , . . . 4:55 : pm 4:20 : pm Fast Mail. Chicago to Omaha . 3:15 : pm Northern Express . , 6:30 : pm ' 8:40 : am Om-Chicago spe- clal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 0:55 : pm 8:23 : am ' Daily. _ . - ' , CHICAGO , ST. . PAI3L.MIN- neapolis & Omaha Railway -General Offices , Nebraska IhllIWffV Divisicn , Fifteenth and \S'ebster Streets , City 'rickeFOftlce , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele- phone. 561. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster trcets. Telephone. 1dSt.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux CityV Accomn , . " 8:50 : am ' 8:35 : pm Sioux City Accom. . ' $ :50 : am " 8:35 : pm ! Biair , Emerson , Sioux City , Ponca Hartingtcin and BloomIteld 1:00 : " 11:59 : am pm . . . . . . . . loux City , Man. kutto , St. Paul & Minneapolis . . . . . . ' " 6:00 : pm 9:00 : am ' DaUy. Daily except sunday , " Sun. day only. ' ? Does not stop at DeSota o Coffmnn. V 4 CITY& PACIFIC .gLTh1l : Railroad - General Ollicos iTLVLW United States National iH-w Bank Building , S. W. Car- nor Twoltth and Famnam treeT"ricket Ofilce , 1401 Farnam Street , Teleplone , 561 , Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone , 629.Leavo Leave , Arrive. Siouc City , Man- lcatq , St. Paul , 6:40 : am 8:40 : am Minneapolis . . . . . . . 5:30 : Pta ' 10:45 : om Sioux City Local. , , . 7:46 : am ' 9oo ; pm Daily' - AIISuOURI I'ACIFIC RAZz. . road-General Otticea and I Ticket Ollice , Southeast Connor - nor 14th and Douglas Streets , S I ' I Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th V anti Webster Sts. Teiephon 141. Leave , Arrive. Kansas and Neb , LImited . . . . . . . . . . . 8:05 : pm ' 12:55 : pm Iansac City & lIt , Louis Express . . , ' 9:3 : , pm 6:00 : am Nebraska iocal . , . ' 4:30 : pm 0:45 : am Daily , ' Daily exesos Sunt1ar. _ -V ' JiIC4GO. MILfWAUICErI & CT4 lIt , Paul Railway - City 'bIcket ( ) tIlee , 1504 Fmtrnam . ; . Telphono 284. Depot , L _ _ _ I' 'ronib anti Mason Streets , _ _ . _ _ _ Telephone. C2. _ _ Leave , mnive , Cbdcago imitad Extmresa , . . , . . . . . . , 5:4.5 : pm 8:20 : am Omaha & Chicago Express . . . . . . . . . . . . 'lIOO : am ' ' 4:5 : pm t3icnix City antI Des Mamas 'llOO : am 4j5 ; p Da11s. , "Daily CXCoLJt Sunday , V (7UV1IItNMIINT ? OTJCES JIEADQU1'IRTEIIII. DEI'ARTMENT OF' the Mlssouni.-Chiet Quartermaster's Office , Omaha , Nub. , Juumu 25. 1698 : healed nro- Jiosals In tiplichto , VIll be redeivcd here until 'V o'cloclc p. rn , central time July 25. IbIS , and then oene4l for furniabbug bitu. minous coal at l'ortp Niobrara and Robin- sop , and kindling wood at Fort Crook , No- l'raska , required during ilacal your exuding June 30 , 1W. ) . U , S. renerves right to reject any or all prOpoi.alp , or any part ; itere ( . Information furnished on application bore , or to post quartermasters where sUlpiit'a ) sire needed , Envelopes contaIning pronos. mils will ho , , endorsed "Proiosals for ( "uel for , and udilmessed to Cop ( , JOHN BAXTER , Jr. , Q. M , : _ _ " ( $ , SEATTLE , July 21.-It is announced lmre * hat tIme government has chartered ( ho steamers Lakeme , Alliance and Tillamooke pt the Alaskan fleet to transport troops to Honolulu. It is also stated that the peotiatious are pendiug for the charter of the Charlie Nelson. The Alliance and Net- son are duo tram SL Michacla. MCII SPOILS OF TilE VICTORS Some I'ancy Bills Paid by Dofmthd Nttttons in Past Wars. . ENORMOUS INCREASE 91 'TIlE COSTa -a Preeedeutl Set h , Oreni Uritnin , ( Icr- V Rn.sIn . nitil other Cumin- tries in Collection of - ' , 'nr hiuc3emuuItic , Spain's friends In Euromc have come to the conclusion tlunt Item power of resistance to the United states is ended , "Peace at any price" Is tIme advIce that is given to the statesmen at Madrid front all litiropean 'capitals , But what shalt the prt2e of peace be ? Uncle Sam must answer that question , It is for hIm to name the aluoutut of the in- lemnity. Since nations first began to fight the rule ! itch compels the defeated to pay roundly for defeat has prevailed. "So bulb bi your territory and so mulch of your money" has been Invariably the final word of the conqueror to tIme conqtlered. In the earlier wars of the century sonIc notable precedents have been made front which an idea may be formed of time alto of time bill shortly to bo made out. by time United States against Spain , The principle followed has been that luothi in territory and in ca8h time dcfc'mtted nation is liable to Pay foii its experienco. A far-off but famous Illustration of thin principle is founil in the terms of peace dIctated by the allied powers of Europe to France , after the fall of Napoleon at Waterloo. Not only , VCIO various pieces of French territory aim. proprlated , but her important frontier fortresses were lucid for live y ars by an "army of occupation" which the French treasury was made to pay neil stutuport , As a result of time three wars between Great Bnitnin atul China (1840 ( , 1857 and 1860) ) thu Chinese government , besides ced- tug Hong Itong to the victorious hiritish and opening several cut her ports to trade , was inado to pay an indemnity amounting in all to about $35,000,000 , , In the case of the war between the United States anti Mexico , wbcn the terms of peace were dictated by our govoriuineut , compensation was taken vhiolly In terrItory. Mexico s'au too poor at. that time to have paid a cash indemnity equivalent to the cost of the 'ar , which was about $100,000,000. So we took Call- formula and New Mexico instead of money , and considered the bargain so good that we paid $15,000,000 to the Mexican government as an additional consideration for tIme transfer , Time Alnbnuuit Award , Although not strictly a war indemnity that paid by Great Britain on account of tlo depredations of the Alabama during our civil war Is of timely interest , as cx- amplifying the extent to which claims for compensation may be built up and cut down. As originally put forward the American claims iractically comprised every Item in the expense of the war from the day on which tIi Alabama put to sea. The prolongation of the war was attributed en. timely to her amul she was therefore made responsible for this as VelI as for the loss autferud b AmeIcan commerce through its transference to forogn vessIs amid the increased rates of maritIme insurance. The Geneva trIbunal , however , decided that such Indirect results of the Alabama's depredations could not be included in the bill and awarded an indemnity of $15,875,000 as an equivalent for the injury actually 'to the United States ttrough the fault or negligence of England. The recent war between China and Japan was terminated by the 1)0000 of Shimonoseki three years ago. By the treaty China agreed to pay Japan a um equivalent to $175,000- 000. In addItion , she ceded the island of Formosa to her conquerors , recognized the independence of Corea and consented to opea roth' ness tretty portfl. The war between Prussia and Austria , in 1860 , was rounded off by the payment of a notable indemnity by the vanquished Aus- tnians. In addition to the territorial aggrandizement - grandizement of I'russia and the exclusion of Austria from thu German bund , the treaty of Prague , which terminated the war , provided for the payment by Austria of an indemnity of 40,000,000 Prussian tbalera , or abopt $3Q,000,000. From this amount , however , deduction was made of 15,000,000 thalers , representing Austrian claims on Schloswig-Holstoin , and 5,000,000 tbalera as an ouiyalent for the free maintenance of time I'russiaa army in Austria , pending the conclusion of peace. 'rho heaviest war indemnity of modern times was , of course , that Paid by France at the close of the war with Gemumany , The hostilities lasted over eight months , and the total cost of the war was estimated at $1- 580,000,000. Besides the cession of Alsace nod Lorraine , France bad to pay Germany 5,000- 000 franca ( $1,000,000,000) ) in installments which were allowed to extend over three years. The original demand of Germany was sir milliards , or $200,000,000 more. 1.1. 'rulers throve in vain to save Mets , but it was to his exertions that the reduction in the amount of the indemnity was due , Itussia's Bill Against Turkey. The coat of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877 has been estimated at $945,000,000. lie- tween the declaration of war by Russia and the treaty of San Stefamlo nearly cloven icontha elapsed. By this treaty tbo Porto dxnitteil itself indebted to Russia in the sum of 1,410,000,000 rubles ( about $725,000- 000) ) es Indemnity for the losses and cx pensos of the war. Time items in the account us't'ro as follows : 460O0O,000 , for war ox- poises , $205,000,000 for damage done to the outb coast of Ruuasia , her export commerce , ndustrlos and railways ; $55,000,000 for In- juniem causxd by the invasion of the Caucasus , and 5,000,000 for injuries nut- fared by 'Russian subjects and establish- noimts in Turkey. In conaldoration of the financial embarrassments of the Ottoman cinpre , the czar consented to accept in substitution for about three.flttlus of time total sum the various territorial cessions aanctioncd by the treaty of Berlin. This lefl a balance of $225,000,000 duo to Russia by Turkey , and a Part of it is still unpaid , Th latest and most lenient war in- doumntty was that levied by victorious Turkey on Greece last year , Time sultan was obliged by the great powers of Europe In cut It down to $20,000,000 , which was not a fourth Iart Of what it actually cost him , A few comparative flguras , taken from omclnl records , will serve to nut time great increase in elm cost of war as now con dueled , with all the modern improvements , in a clear light , Our war ( or inilepeudonce lasted eight yenma , and Its cost 15 omehally recorded as $135,000,000 , , using round liures , There were about 310,000 troops emugageil In than have been that war-one-third more called out in time present conflict with Spaimi. it follows that , accepting 1uir. Dutugley's estimate of $590,009,000 , a year us time cost of time Present war , U is going to coat tour ( lines as much to ttglmt Spain for one year III 1898 as it coat to fight Great Britain for time eight years front 775 to 1783 , The war or 1812 , which tasted two years and eight muouilm , cost the United States a little over $107,000,000 , and to carry it on we put in tIme fleid 570,000 troops , nearly three times as ninny as we have pow under armns. The Mexican war , which lasted two years and three mouths , cost lime American People $100,000,000 $ , and 112.000 troops mvre engaged in it. If tIme number of the troops who carried our hag victoriously to time capital of Mexico had been doubled they would have about equaled the number now in the field against Spain , and the cost of their two years and three months of operations would have been about $200,000,000. $ Front which it is a ; ) latml dedumetina that , whIm the saimmo imunuber of mimon tint1r anums , a year of wet' in 1818 13 about five tilmmcs as expcnsl'o mmii vAR a year of war in ISIO. The cost of our greet civil eoimflict hmnii btn ! put down at $6,189,921,009 , but that estimate includes all eiienses growing out at the war. as well as the actual cost of the military and mmal operations. The direct - rect outlay of the United States goverupuent Ia carryIng on the war for tour years was $3,400,000,000 , anti In the course of time strtug- gb 2,81.9,132 union troops were engaged , It Is estimated that limo iuunmbcr of troops cc- tually engaged on the unlomu side avonmuged 2,326,108 for tlmree years , hence , it eppeara that the direct cost of the war , counting it on ( lila three years' bails , was about $ L,46t1- 000,000 JIer year. But Mr. Ilngley has told ' UI' ( lust it will cost $500,000,000 to keep 200. . 1500 men fighting SPain for omme year , 'iuich In more than oac.tliird as ummuch as 1 cost V the govermmument to keep 2,826,000 muteum fight- hug the confederate states for 11pm annie length of time , It is easy to tindorstanul why modern war- rare is so Intielt more costly thnmi the old- failiionetl kind , It we turn to a few of the lendlmmg itemne lit the * ntlitary and navel cx- Pemnlituro of our time. TIme average cost of a ilrat.class battleship Is $8,000,000 , The cost of time lmevvr-to'be-torgotteu Maine , which Vfl5 ft battleship of time second class , _ _ _ was $2,600,000 , An armuorcil cruiser of tlmo llrookiyn typo costs $3,000,000. , Aim armored _ _ _ tam like ( lie latalutiin costs $1,000,000. A double-turreted nuommitor costs nbnut $1,500 , . _ _ _ 000. A siugle-ttmmreteil zuonitor costs about. _ _ _ $500,000. A Protected cruiser costs all tlmo way from $1,000,000 to $2,700,000 ; limo Charleston cost the mimer anti tIme Column. _ _ _ _ bin the latter auto , An Unprotected cruiser of time lotrolt tylo costs $600,000 , An tin- mmrmnorod gtxmmboat like the Commeord is worth $500,000. A composite gunboat of the New vort clns costs $230,000. A dynamite gtlmm- boat like the fatuous \'esuvius is .Vorth $350,000. A torpedo bent of the Farrngut Pattern costs $225,000. COSt of IhlTretj 'essels , V We have mint lost ammy of our vessels lit the wtir with Spain , The Maine , destroyed ill ilavamma lmai'bor before time war hogan , in the emily item of this kind that. will figure V iii time coIning bill of costs. The Maine oost about $2,500,000 to build , A moore serious itemim will ho compemmsation for the lives of the 266 Amneniemin sailors that were de- atroycil with her. This muay veil justify a claim of $5,000,000 more , to be distributeit among the surviving families of the utica who were titus treacherously killed. Other V items iii time bIll will cover our general war expenses of mmli lchiuda ; for coal used at sea , for trmmnsportatlon of our soldiers by laud amid sea , for 'nr supplies of mill kinds , for time va of otmr soIdier and sailors , amid for the losses sustained by time interruption and disturbance of our trade amid conmnmerce , not only vltlt Cuba itself , but with other parts of the world , The qumarternuaster's department hits estimated - mated that 14,000,000 , will be needed to pay Limo transportation charges atomic of our armies now engaged in fighting Spain for six months. Thin navy department's latest estimate of the cost of furnishing our heats in time of peace with all their necesam7 equipment-of which coal hi the loading article-was nearly $1,500,000 a year. 'rho exigencies of war have certainly doubled it. This bus imotlmlng to do with the coal of the guns , or tlmo aininimnition , or the torpedoes ; it. covers only ucli tImings as coal , honmp , wire , anchors , cables , chains , nautical in- atrunienta , 101111)5 , bunting , amiti other things that comae strictly under the head of 'ahlps' equipments. " V Time high cost of modern onilmiance amid amn- munition will also help stroll Spain's In. defliflity bill. A complete supply of ani- uxiu itioi ? to fill alice all tIme vciscIs sent to sea Vflgaitmai Spain costs mubouiL $1,750,000. One btmtlemhIp'a' tftmily supply dt shot. and shell costs about $100,000. Every theme one of Vour puomuster 33-inch guns s fired the charge costs $1,500 ; a great mommy of these charges are already included in our little account against Spain. The enmaller guns arc Jred ) at a cost running nil time way front $200 up toV $1,000 for each charge. The guns thewselvos are costly , too. Time 1)111 ) for 100 high-power steel guns for seacoast defenses , built at Bethlehem , Pa , , is $3,500- 000-averaging $35,000 apiece. Mr. Dlmmgley'a estimate of 500,000,000 as the cost of our war operations against Spain for a year covers all these tImings V and is probably a calculation well within the actual expenmliture. Even though Spain sues for pence qtmickly , it Is not Possible for our govemanmemit to avoid a large portion V of this estimated outlay , xis time troops have been callemi out and contracts of all kinds have been made for many mnontbs ahead. Frzimik hmmeoiislsteuiey. John Hunter , ono of tIme idoneers In the practice of medicine a hundred years ago , was absolutely hhInml to any theory unimup- ported by filets , says tIme Youth's Comnpan- ion , While many uumemu wore guessing out things lie vaa aceklng to prove them. "I love to think , " lie said to one of lila colleagues , though ho aftcrwaril qualified the statement by aim almost contradictory one. one."But why think ? Why not make Limo cxptrimentl" $ Like oIlier nmca of real genius ho was not afraid of st'enmIug lncomhsiuitent. Sir Astley Cooper once nutted him , with come riurprlse , If lie had not. once atatcd an opmu. ion , directly at variance 'e'ithm one lie had just put forth , and lie replied : "Very likely. I hope I grow wiser every year , " Again , a pupil laquireil if tin lund not writtomi to a certain effect. "Never musk me wluuit I imavo said , " ha retimrmued , "or what I have written , lImit it you ask me what lilY present opinions are I will tell you , " SomneUuiee , too , ho would any to pupils who 'were taking down imotcu : "You had better not write down that observation , \reny likely I shall think differently neat yeat' . " Above all , like other true scientists , ho was honest and thought nothmirmg of owning himself at a loss , Ommo day , after Jectiurluig for a timmuc , lie stopped short , raised lila spectacles , and said : "Gtmnthememm , I think It will be better for you to omit whnt I have been saying. The fact is , I hati aim Idea t'hen I wrote this clown , but I have lost the train of thought connected with It and I cannot now recall - call It. ' ' Ills lIeu , ! $ truek Stir , ' , Negroes in thmo south have a habit of sticking matches , toothpicks and cigarettes behind their ears , relates time W'ashmlngtoru Post , and it Is a common timing to gee one of them , when asked for a match , to pull coo out of the closely kinked wool just over V his ear. Frequently they have a dozen or more stowed away there. Not. long ago an Atlanta policeman , whose heat includes "Busty Row , " a favorite resort for idle r.c- itroes , had occasion to arrest a notorious vagrant , wimoso main occupation 'was tight- log amuil draining the beer kegs left in front of barrooms , 'Fiuls mann , as usual , resIsted arrest anti attacked the ohllcer fIercely. The ofhlccr nn % % ' that cixtromno measures were necessary , amid , drawing hum club , aimed a lulow at the negro's head , The roult was as alarming as It was tilmuxpeeted , As lImo club came In contact with the alan's head , just over time left ear , there was a cracking sound oud from time hair tongues of Idue tiulphliroun flame simot out , 'Vhie negro dropped to the ground anti tIme club tell from lImo officer's nerveless band , while a look of wiitl.oyed amazeimmunt appeared on his couutemmanee , lie haul lilt people with ( him same club l.o- ( ore , in tact rather frequently , anti h'iood bad sometimes followed time blows ; Imit never before bad they drawn llama imvd smoke. lie vas about to leave the place hurriedly , not klmowing what lie bail done. urban hii 'ictim sat UI. . and said reproachfully - fully : "Go 'way , moan ; you done 'spiodo alt my matche , and swluge amy li'ar often ray bald , " The otficr was so much ro , iieyed that be broke 'his record by letting tito man go his W$74 In peace ,