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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1898)
. . - - , - - , - -v-- - - . - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - " - - - _ _ _ -Y---- - - - - - -r---- - -.v - - - - 10 THE OMAhA DAI lAY 1fli : VU I 1)AY , T1TLV t2t3 , 1 S1) ) , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - CO1MERCIAI , ANI ) FINANCIAL .tibaenco of OMh Offoringa Causes an Advance in July Wheat. SCARCITY GIVES SHORTS A SHOCK l'ork niiil 1tIb ( nI * Mevell nii,1 a Unit Cents Lovr flfll Lnrl t , % - JcvrrMrIl OnIM - UiiciingciI. ; - CHICAGO , July 21.-On hriVy .kcUne nt 1arIp , wheat reacted totiny rUUr an early . iIiow ot Mrength , compared with laSt nIghtB ihowlng , I3epternber shows a IoNS . ot 8-8ic. December left ot 7-SC lower. caused an 'rho ILbSCflCO of cash offerIngs advance In July whIch cIOed 7-Sc higher than yesterday , Corn dcl1nCt ! MiSC. Oati are unchanged , I'ork and ribB quit cc lower. Lard I c down. : Favorable weather unti ecellCflt crop reports - ports from the middle states started wheat and flecenber futures. September ' /ciik for No business was ( lone in July the first Irnit hour of tim SSlOfl ittil whet Ut the cml t of tlmt time a. small lot vaH wnnted thcro was none forthcoming until It VaM 2 3-8e above the Price It closed at cStCrdaY. ' iich carc1ty of wheat for this month's . ( lolivery with ton days left. to bring it from the September shortS IL the country , gave ( Iisagre'nllo Hhock. They lost coiilltldflCU In ltTIIflCllfl.te lower 1lrIce Olid bought 013 IOUCII as l)035Ltifl unlier the (5LtIVItfltag0 of very sniall olicrings. Speteinbur , which O1)CI1C(1 lit frmfl Gs'4c to 6S 1-SC , ) id , ur- Iligly lit GSC , lift ! then rose to 6 $ Sc before ii. reacted. After .lroppiug back from Cs 7.Sc to US l Sj6S ½ C , it got a ccofld mile- tion from time nctlon In July , WhiCh rose to SG 1.Sc tinti Hejmtemnber aliVahIcell to S9 tIs9 1-Sc. Dec'mber VILH IPlIS lmuliiili nOd ( lid lint get ahoVo 6S tc. 'I'IIO clo8Ilg quo- tmttloflH from I'nris 131m0VCd July wheat theme I li rihitIofl In nrico bI3II1geflIII1tO6)C jtlU8hC1aII(1 ) 3optemfl- her-December VllH ( lown the jt1'aieflt of ' 4c Ii. lmttshel , rImat chumiged the temper of thu trailo here. The feeling Ut omice turned from time bull to time beer slule anti the beurish fcmttmmres of time early news begmimi to recelvo recognltiomm. As it reiutmlt , time SeptCtfliCl' lost itljl 3-Sc , eliin , down to 67c , nnd December tleclimied to uu44c ) , It loss of 1 l.8c. Chicago receipts were 6 cars , or . 30 less thxtn expected. Minnemipolis gt 8 cars uuid 1)uiuth not any , whereas the two pimices together got : ri cars a year ago. - l'imo total receipts Lit western primary mar- kiits vere 441OQi ) bu , tIantlc lort eximorts wore 225,000 imu. vf wheat and hour together. July ( ,1euiet , , ( V4c ) miglmer at 7Sc , XidVltImCCd ot EOLc _ , : imiul 501(1 elf to 78 1-Sc nimked , the I closing figure. September started liii- changeI . .to i.Sc lower at 6S 1-Sc amiti solul mmp to , ; 9tif9 ; 1-Sc , declined to themi lirmed UI ) to GTt167 7.Sc aiked , the closing price. Siioworm4 where they were needed badly atmul the failure of the predicted frost In nortimern sections , causeul heaviness tolme tile rule for corn. Time downward tendency wits rtcceierlttod by enormous receipts. Shippers were witimout workable hIu1 , and the lmdlii wi're eoimtent to await imnother dry weather , score. before adding to prt sent holdings. Almnther bearisim faction wits a prediction ( If showers everywhere scmutlm , soumthwest itimul svet tonight and tomorrow. Septemn- her opened 4c lower at Ii33c , then do- Chinel ( to 32 7-Se at time close. Jim oiit good 1muymg ) imy iwotessionalS nnd aim Iniproved demand for the cash artlcl held futures steady. September started 1-Sc higher itt 19 7-Sc , odvanced to 20 1-Sc , then - rermeted to 19)c , time closing quotation. The ( ieClifle In corn and lower imrlces for hogs at the ynrls ( lepresseul provisions. Various reports mis to time yellow fever situ- fltlmli kept outsiders from entering the mar- 1et and outsii1cri were not disposed to (10 mimclm , September pork opened tmnchauiged at $3.95 , heiined to $9. . . then rose to $9.S7' itt the close. Seimtemhr lard began imnehanged at $5.i5. up to $5.65f'5.67m , off to $5a7m , tilon UI ) to $ .CO at. thit' close. Sd- tember ribs oiwmled unchanged to 2 ½ c - lower at $3.674415.7O and void down to lstImnated receipts for Friday : Wheat , - 3.s ; cars ; corn , 3O cars ; oats. 223 cars ; hogs , 25,000 heitd. Leadmng futurea range as follows : Artlm. . I ODen. I lILih. I Low. I Clo.e. I Ycst'iv Vbeat t i I .lmmly. . 7t34l 8OijI 7S 78 % 77 Sept. . . 6Stit O9 ( ) tJ7 G7(3t 684Gi ) flee. . . ( J8 071 $ ( i74 tJS.g ' Corn- July. . . 334 3311 52 * 32 314 } Sept. . a34 ( * :33k : 32T 32J-i : st : Th'c. . . 'l34 33-34 ami : 0i1G .13-i4 : iIay , 3(1 ( 3O 35H4it S51I 3u'j ; Osli- _ _ _ July. . . 34 23 % 22 224 2IL , Sept. , . 1934 2Ot 1UL 19,1 1O thmy. . . 22 22h 2 fl 22 22tI Pork- .Ifliy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° 74 ° SO Sept. . . 0 0. ; 0 05 0 85 9 . 87 9 05 Sept. . . Z fl . 5 07 % a 60 5 65 _ _ _ Oct. . . 6 70 6 71) ) 5 6t . 6 US 5 O B. Bib'u- SePt. . . S fl7) ) 5 70 5 O2 5 05 5 70 _ _ _ Oct. . . 5 70 6 70 0 67I 5 674 5 75 No 2. Casim quotations were as follows : _ _ _ FLOUR-Steady ; sjedIn1 brands , $ S.O0 : . bard patents , $4,5oii-l.5 ; straigimts , $ i.1OJi t 4.30 ; bakers , $3.25tlJ3.4O. . WhEAT-No. 2 tuprlng , 75c ; No. 3 spring , , 7OjSOc ; No. 2 red , tiO1c , I URN-No. 2 , 3-Sc. L OATS-No. 2 , 21c ; No. 2 whIte , 2Cj2Ge , BARLEY-No. 2 , 32t335c. _ p SEFDS-Flaxseed , No. 2 , $1.02 ; prime _ timothy seed , $2.5. I T'ROVISIONS-I'ork. mess , per 1)1)1. , _ 1 $9.80. Larl , per 10' ) lbs. , $ S.52mkb'5.55 ; short ribs sitles ( loose ) , $5.45iI5.75 ; dry salted ; ' ' shohuidPrs ( boxed ) , $4.75'J5.OO ; short clear \ sides ( boxed ) , 6O5j ? 6.10. Articles. IteccipiM. Shiprmints I - flourbb1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) 8,7o0 SVhueot , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,701) 30,3)0(3 ) Corn , Cii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228.201 , 348,1(30 ( Oattbii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.900 211,000 Rebim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,10) ) ) lJarlej.bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20(3 70) ) ) - Oim the Produce oxelmango today time butter - ter inaricet wati llrni ; creanmerles , 13 ½ Ij16'4c ; dairies , 11t214c , Eggs , fresim , 110. NFv ; OhtK ( I'NE1tA11 MARICE'V. t - QulodlillUhls for un' iny on C.eumernt Coimminodit leN. NFVV YORF , July 21.-FLOUrt-Recelhmts sb6S bbls. ; exports , 255 bbls. Quiet and iteady , rlAItr4 ItALT-Dtmli , \11EA'1'-rtecetimts , S1,17I ho. ; experts , 15lOil bu. Spot , tltmih : No. 2 red. Sic , f. 0. Ii. , aliont , export grade to arrive , OjmtionB opened 1-Sritl.Sc easier , but soon recovered ( -mit strengiji of cash aimd July , whilcim led to - ctmverlng , but outside 0ICCtiititiOfl tiirmt Wits roiled upon failed to mmuterhmtilze , iintl local tratlers scout liecama uctivi ) sellers anti , t'LtiKel ( ( Imsitivo vciikliesti. Time tliscount of 1OjOc between time ciihi Imrice and time re- Imioto deliverIes cimecked lehittmg. 'l'hmo moor- let , except for July , Close(1 itt a ulecitno of v. No , 2 red , July , 82 5.SS3 3.Sc , cioseti lit tJe'i September , 72Yij7l 1-16e , closed at L 723c. CORN-Receipts , 3i.200 him. : exports , 102- 116 bu. Spot line ; No , 2 , 3Se. f , o. b. , ulloat. Options Opened BteLi' IIIIII Un- chmttnged , ruled moderately active lmttt t turned weak , wltim wheat nmmti closed abotmt c hot lower ; July closed at 3Gc ; Septem- - . her , I74i133e , closed ut 37e. 4 Oats-Iteceipts , 104,600 bu. : exports , 133. . 263 hmu , SPOt , ( ltmlet No. 2 , 27m4c ; No. 2 white , 31c , Oimtions neglected (111(1 nonilimai , auhy cioed at 2Gc. 1hO1k-Steuudy. \ WOOI-lIncimangecJ , dmill , I. C1iIESF-FIrmer ; large white , 7i7 3-Sc : t \ small white , 7t7e ; large colored , 3 3.3 - I 4Pt' . 'I'ALLOW-Firm itt 3 3.Sj3 5-Sc. 01 t.SCOtto)1t3'di ) ) ll , steittil' ; prune cruule , 18 ½ , c ; prItno 1'ehluw , 23ij2Jc. I1ICE-Firni. MF'1'ALS-Tlmo mmmttrket Is about lmoiuling Its owit itt New York , but that Is time best timitt can be said. 'l'lai New York Mu'tiil cXchitng ) reports tile ClONIlmg of time market 104 follows : I'lg Iroim varrimlmts , quiet but I llrumm , wIth 6.70 ilitl ammul $ &S0 usketl ; lake ' copper. tmumcimamiged , at $11.50 ; tin , umimiet , vltit I ; ; bid and $15.70 osked ; speller , quiet , vitii $1.40 bid nmmd 14.60 iiskd ; henil , itteatly , ( vltit $3.03 biti itoti $ : i.9Ty asked. 'I'imtt lirm lixlumg hue settling imrico for leading miners anti smelters ( lUOtes lead ut 3.SO. t ( lumt'liunnt I 1tu ( 'hNClNN4iTI , July 21.-F'LOUII-Stendy. W'11lA'1'-Qtmlct ; No , 2 red , 75c. . ( 'QJtN-Flriner : No , 2 mimlxed , 3335l,4c. p. OA'l'S-FIrm ; No , 2 mixed , 27o ; nos' , 24c , 1tY1-FImm : No , 2 , 43c. I 1itOV1S1ONS-lard , ( lUiet at $3.30 , fltiik 'I meats , stead ) ' at 3.7U. llacomm , quiet at I. $6.60. \'lIiSKY-Steady at l.25 ' BU'l'TEII-Quiet. -1 HtTGA1t-iiisy. JI EaaS-I"irium ( it C , I . St. l.oimts liuurli't. ' 1 s'i' . LOUIS , July 21.-FLOUR-netter In c bite. but irices LlncIuungetl , I \\'iIiA'r-11lhem' for rOtlil and July , with i ileptemlmer ho ' anti Iecenmber 7-Se lower than yesterd'ny No. 2 ciiim , elevotor , Tic ; track. 7Gtj7To ; July. 753v ; September. G6u bId ; December. 661166 7-be : No , 2 itard , 7be COItN-VfactolmahiY $ lower ( or futures , stenihy for eus1i No. 2eatiuiu , 32c bhti ; July , J1ut Selitelimber. 3flttj3l 5-Sc. 0A1'S-F'raetlonahiy uigimcr ( or futures ; tt I . . . * . -I ItN ' ) 'iot nominally imetter ; NO. 2 eniii , ? 3e : ( rock , July 2L'e hk1 l5eptcinber , 10 l.Stl2O ibii No. d whmle , ZSf28c. 1lYl-.Nominttl nt U.40. SilIS-TIrnoth ) ' seed , $1.5J2.SO : flax. sceil , lower fit 9P4C , ( X)1INMIA1r-.Stetulv at I.SOji.S3. 111tAN-5teady sacketi , east treckJt 1lAYStend , ' to firm ; praIrie , $ C.00jG.50 ; timnth' . $ S.OViiO.70. Ihurrcn--F irm ; creamery , 1417c dairy , 12il6' . 1(3Of-Virm at tc , 1o oft. WlllSIY-i3teady at SI.2. CO1'TON 'TI ' FS-t1nclmantrd nt 70e. i'tiITAL8-bcui , quiet at Spelkr , dull at $4.33. PROVIS1ONS-l'ork , lower : tnn)1nrd ) mevs , jobbing , $3.73. L.rur(1 , nominal ; jirime steam .3O ; cimniep $5.40. linen ) ) , imoxed siiotillerm , $5.t.0LT.5 ; extra short clear , $6.i24 ; ribs , $6.23 ; shorts , $6.3P4. Dry salt meats , boxed shomilders , 3.00 ; extra short cinr , $5.C2,1 rIbs , $ .73 : shorts. $3.S7 ½ . itECFl 1,1rS1limr , 3,000 bblsJ 'imeat , 43,000 him. ; corn , 4,000 bu , : oats , 2,000 lal. Sl1II'1lFNTS-F'hour , 2,000 bbls. ; whcat , 20,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000 bu , ; oats , 1,000 lat. OM.tlIt U1SflhtA1. IIAILICEI'S. Conuillon of 'rrisdcunul ( ttmotntlofle ( III 4titpii , amid Fiutmcy arocrrleN. ] 0053-Good stock , Or. IIUTTEIt-Commomi to fair , 9illlc sep. orator , ISe : gathered creamery. 1U14C. 1IVfl l'OUI.TltY-Iienit , 6 c ; old roon- tel'S , id spring elmickelis , lOc ; ducks , Sc ; geesm' , Sc. P1U1ONS-TAve , per doz. , 6O7&c. V1alTABL1S. ONIONS-New southern , imer lb. , 1i113c. iiFANS-11and-imicked mmavy , per bu. , $1.23. 1'OTATOiS-Neiv , Per bil , , 4uijOe. CAI1IJAGE-l'er crate Imec lb. , Ic. 'FOMATOFS-I'cr four-basket crate , MP OOc. OOc.CUCUMBI1lSl1omo grown , per doz. , 3U5Oc. WAX flFANS-1-3 liti. b0. 4OJ&0c. TltOl'ICAI. . FRUITS. ORANGES-Seedlings , $2.501j2.75 : Valen- iit , amer box , $3.23 ; Mediterranean sweets , $3.00. 1ltONS-CahifornIa. l.75I3.O0 fancy Nessina , $6.00. BANANAS-ChoIce , large stock , per bunch , $2.00j2.2 ; medium sized btmnches , l.'i52j2.O0. FRUITS. IIT4ACIC RASPBERRIES-Per 24-qt. case , $1.73. II I .ACFfl1flfl1 ES-$1.50. IUD IIASI'DERItIES-Per 24-pt. case , $1.7Mi 2.00 , 31UEilJERR1FS-Pcr 16-qt. case , $1.50. GOOSI3ERRIES-I'cr 24-qt. case , fl.00 1.25. IT1flRIFS-Por 24-qt. CaSe. $1.O0l.25 ; CURRANTS-Per 24-qt. case , $1 ,25I1.50. \A'I'EktMELONS-Cratt'd , 20i22c. CANTALOI'E-Crates , $1.25 ; Imec basket , DOe. I'1'AC1IES-Georgia Elbertas , per 4- basket crate , $1.25 ; per 6-basket crate , $1.75 1j2.00 : Cahifornins , 20-lb. case , $1.00. PLUM 5-Cailfornias , 1.25'i1.S0. 1'FARS-1iartiett , $2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUtS-Almonds , per lb. , large size , 12j lIe ; small. lic ; Jirozils , per Tb. . D10c : En- gush winuts , per lb. , fancy soft imell , 1i 12c ; standards , StjOc ; filberts , per lb. , be ; pecans , pollshe(1 , medium , atljlc : extra large , Si9c ; large hIckory ntmts , $1OOJ1.10 1)Or imim. ; small , $1,2rju1.25 per bu. ; coconntmts , per 100 , 54 ; lenfltttS , raw , Gi6 ½ e ; roasted , 70 MAPLE SYRUP-Five-gal. can. each , $2.75 ; gal. cans , mure , per doz. , $12 : Imalf-gai , cons , $6.23 ; quart cans , $3.50. - J1UN I ! . . 1-t.I0ICC WiltiC , 1eLJiUe. DA'rEs-unilowec. GO to 70-lb. boxes , 5e : Sair , Sc ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , Dc. FIGS-Imported , fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb. , boxes , be : 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 130 ; 2-lb. l)0xCs. 22j23c per box ; Californa ! , 10-lb. box , $1. CIDER-l'er lialg bbl. . $3,25613.&O. HIDES , TALLO\V , ETC. hIDES-No. 1 ureeti hides , 7 ½ c ; No. 2 green hides. 6e : No. 1 salted hides , Do ; No. 2 salted hides , Sc : No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 lbs. , Dc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 lbs. , ic. TALLOW , GREASE , ETC.-TaIlow , No. 1 , Sc ; tallow , No. 2.2te ; rough tallow , 1c ; white grease , 2 ½ 2c ; yellow amid bros'n grease. 112c. ShEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 15 75e ; green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , iSo ; dry ahearings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , Sc ; dry flint , Kansas anti Nebraska butcher wool muit , per ii ) . , actual weight , 4@50 ; dry flint , 1nnsas and Nobracka murraln wool pelts , per lb. , actual weiglmt , 3ii4c ; dry flint , Cob- mile butcher wool teits. nor lb. . actual weight , 4tJ5c : dry flint , Col&rndo irmurramn wool e1ts , r lb. , actual weight , 3Ic. Ilnitimimore Mnrket. BALTIMORE , July 21.-FLOUR-Dimli and unchanged ; receipts , 5,957 bbls. ; exports , 2,379 bbls. WIIEbAT-Flrm ; si)0t S181c ; month , SO3 ffSO-7-Sc ; August , 75676c ; steamer NO. 2 red , 77v77c ; receipts 89,413 bu , ; exports , 53,000 bu. ; southern wheat by sample , 75tJ S24c ; southern on grade , 77 ½ ( ZJS20. CORN-Steady : spot and month , 374k 37 1-Sc : August , 37I4I37 3-Sc ; steamer mixed , 36ui36 1-Sc : receipts , 15,815 bu. : exports. S0,073 hu , southern white corn , 404lc ; southern yellow , 41c. OATS-Firm ; No. 2 white , 3233e : No. 2 mixed , 30'J1c ; receipts , 6,427 bu. ; exports , 50.000 bu. BUTTER AND ChEESE-Steady and unchanged. EGGS-Firm and unchanged. Kansas City Grout anti PrOiRiOflN , KANSAS CITY , July 21.-WHEAT- Active. somewhat higher : No. 1 hard , G9c ; No. 2 , 67 ½ 7Oe ; No. 3 , 64$168c : No. 1 red , 7Cc ; No. 2 , 76c ; No. 3 , 6S73c : No. 2 sprIng , 66267c ; No , : i , CHJG5c. CORN-Lower : No. 2 mixed , 3l'J32c ; No. 2 white , 32Zi32c : No , 3. 31c. OATS-Active ; No , 2 white , 29c. TITE-Steady ; No. 2 , 40c. I LAY-Choice grades , higher ; timothy , new , choice. $6.50 ; old , $3.00 ; choice prairIe , 01S' . $ f.23 No. I , $5.00. 13UTTEII-Quiet , unchanged ; September separator , 12Wiil4mkc ; dairy , 12c. Er.C1S-Steaii' : fresim. 8'c. RECEIPTS-Wimeat , 92,400 bim. ; corn , 26,600 iml. oats. 5.000 be. SIIIPMENTS-Wlmcat , 62.400 be. ; corn , 16- 200 bu , ; oats , 2,000 bu. 'l'oiel ( ) 3Inrl.'t. TOTEDO , 0. , .luly' 21.-S'II EAT-Active , vc'mik ; No , 2 cash , ? Sc , ness' ; 81c , old ; July , 76e. CORN-Dull , weak ; No. 2 mixed.3mAc. . OATS-Deli , steati ) ' : No. 2 mixed , 24c. RYE-Dull : cash , 42tc. CLOVERSFED-1Jlglier , netlvo ; prime cash , $3.25 bid ; Octolmer , $ G.25 bid. Gralli Il't'uIm1s at 1'rineiuii1 Mnj'kefs , CHICAGO , July 21-ReceIpts today : Wheat , 63 cars ; corn , 375 cars ; oats , J59 cars. Estimated cars for tomorrow : Wheat. 68 : corn , 330 ; oatH , 225 , ST. LOUIS , Jtmhy 21.-Receipts : Wheat , 62 cars. KANSAS CITY , July 21.-Receipts : W'heat , 15 cars. 1iv. ' rpool ( ni I Ii l1 a rkpt. LIVEI1POOL , Jtuly 21.-WI1EAT-Marlcet stendy , d loi'er to fi3d imigimer ; July , Cs SiJ ; September , Ss 11d ; December , Sit 7 ½ 0. 0.CORNMarket 1eady , l4bI3.Sd lmlgher ; Jtul5' , : bit 2id ; September , 3s 3t1 ; October , 35 4d. J'eorIit Iutrkt'f. I'EORTA , July 21-CORN-Market firm ; No. 2. 33mc , OA'l'S-Zmlitrket firm ; No , 3 white , 24l 2t ½ c , 'iIISKY-Mnrket firm at $1.25. 141113 Prnni'Ii'o % Viseat Market , SAN FRANCISCO. July 2L-WIIEAT- ElS ) ' 1)ecemnber , $1.27. UAltL1Y-bnactive ; December , $1.19. Ni' 'York Iry GOOdS Market. NEYORF , July 2l.-W'nrni weather lois imelped the sale of strictly seitsunabie goods In cotton lilies uluring time last two days , Time mail orders aliti re-orders imave simown a iihigimt increase in size and miumniber , litmy. cr5 are ttiii va'r' setirce. Jobbers rehmort geimeral good sales. i4talie cottons still re- mmmiulm dtutl t4iot In tIme nmarket , I'rinc cloths arc lirim ; . lCxtrns are quoted at 2c Cliii cdii gooili oIl tim ucumie bask. Prints simow IL ( nirly iut'tl'ti market , 1"all fiineiv , Imavo soul fairly veil amid stnlhes slmow a sllgimt geteriil ( gain in Interest , Gimighams nrc I3tiil strong and active In all grades , but dress mmd tirt'ss 13101)10 styles Show the best actual results. oil lliirlc.t , O1I CITY , July 21-Credit balances , 02c ; certIficates closed cash offered itt I3O'.c : no sales and no buds ; shipments , ioisso bbls. ; runs , 81,502 bbls. \\'ILMINOTON , N. C. . July 21.-OIL-- SpIrIts of turimoimtlno , firm itt 24mU425c , Ilosin , dimlI at 'J5cj$1OO , Crude turpentine , steady at $ l.OF1j1.50 , T.r , gimlet at $1.10. SAVANNAI I , On , , July 21.-OIL--SpIrits of turlentlut' . Ilrni itt 23J253v , Rosin , lIrm and uncimanged , CuLl I fo'iuln Irleil trulte. NE\V YORK , July 21-CALIFORNIA DRIED FltlJl'l'S-Steati3' , Evaporated up. ilCS , common. CISo hier lb. ; prime wire tray , choice , S9c ; fatmey , 9c , Prunes , 46J So. Apricots. Itoyal , 6lt10c : Moor Park. 1Ou12o. Peaches , tmnpecied , 51j'Sc ; Peeled. 32 J36c , CoITI'u ? Mirliet , NEYORIC , July 21.-COFFEE-Options OimenOl steady , with June 5 poInts higher and other iositlons Ilneltanged ; ruled mod- crntel' active with i'eak undertone , cables being uneatislvvtory and spot. deniand dis. appointing. No speculation ; trnnsttctlotmit (1(10 ( 3 switclmins ; eltuett steady , net titt ehtingetl in S PoInts iilglf'r , nle , 11.330 bags , Including Hcptemler , $3.4' . SPOt eoIteq' , Rio dtihi : No , 7 invoIce , Ge 24o. o jobbing , 6 .Sc ; mild , dull ; ( 'ordova , S ½ tSl&c. STOClS I ) JiONiM. ( lrtiprsil LINt rfMIOCIts I'IIflIILCN Ittuul StilOl I ( In ins A re Ilelul. NEW 'oit1 : , July 21-There wait no re- hot to the undeviating timliettmde of the stock market today. A few of time indtmstrinl silo- ciailks were ptis1md Ui ) Ofl considerations Indi'idilal to time stock. Time strength of these iiiitl sonme symntimotlc ; effect elm time general list of tuclcm whicim simoweil slIght ( 'imatiges in prices , All tlmese gains were held , btmt Prices at tile close ithowed small not iains ItS fl rub. Itubber , Leather , Met- ropoliten , Lead lund Cotton Oil were nIl sul- vnnccid quite nmaterially , antI there were a few of the railroad 510(1(1. which rose nit mucim au a 1)OIllt , London was a smali titlyor on balance , The SlCCulfltiOfl ) In ( lie vlieat market hnd its reilectlon in time stock market , timougim the ( net Is now accepted that we are to have a wheat crop of unprecedented proper- lions , Of t'nther more significamice was to- day's report that there was Prospects of it very large crop of Rotimatiman wheat , stml- Imlomenting yesterday's report of an ox- heeled imezivy increase in time Frencim crop. Ctmrretmt Prices for the future ( loliveries ( It wheat show ii tendency to spread from tim Imrices ruling at tIme corrcsondimg erlod last year , the active iipectmlation Iii time comIng crop at tills time lust year lmeing In ( eli force , With reports of damnnge to Euro- Ilelilt crops and the prospective heavy short- age. Tolas"it prices for the September delivery - livery in New York are about 7e under the PrIces for the corresponding period of last year , Time Interetipteil groin movement nlrendy simows signs of recovery immul it good export demand gives hiolie tlmat imresent irices vIii lie well maintained otol the inovelnemit of the tiew C0l ) coimtlntlcd. Sterling exchange wns redumeed He on the actual rates under tIme Influence of the cot. ton btmlis In timn market. l'ressnro of Im- Prorement funtimi was cotmSJlictmotmit in tile bond market today , imotably for imigilly secured - cured bondit of reorganized roads , Very Imeavy blocks of time Union l'aciflc and time. _ tCilii3On 431 were token. There was nlo ( t movement on sPectIlative bonds. Wlscnsllm llrsts being tile leading e'eimnple , Total aili'.i LIlO (100 Tiut ; me ; government 3s rose to 101 8-8 today - day on demand , attributed to banks for PurPoses of clrctmlatlon. Time proilt in dr. cimlatlon with these bonds over that im the lisa of the 4s of 1525 lIon a margin ittlil re- mainlng with the premIum nbovo 101. United States new 4s , coupon , amid the Ss , registered , advanced V4 , and the old 4s CoIlofl. % declined lml the bid PrIce. The Evening Post's London financial en- blegrarn says : "Time stagnation in tIme stock markets hero is tmnhrokell , Americans were inclined to be good today and were above New York parity. Grand 'l'rtmnk was also fairly well maintained in spite of the lack of confirmation of the rate war settlemomit. Cheap money lit bringing miow Investments out with a rush , and the business is being overdone. There are IndIcations In time exchange - change market tlmat a decline in AmerIcan oXCilOilge is looked for. l3razils were better - ter , Detnil of the gold movement for the week show the sale of 171,000 in German coin , tile export of S.OVO to the continent and the receipt of 111,000 from South Amer. Ira and of 66,000 from Portugal. " Tile following nrc time closing quotutions of the ( ending stocks on the New York market today : . . . . . . . . . 15 do . Atchison . . . . . . . . . . . . . t1ottd . . . . . . . . . . 84' ( St.1'.k Out. . . . . . . . . S21 ialtiinore Ohio. . it : do . . . . . . . . . . . . . catmaaaPaci0o . . . . . 84' St. 1' . M. Ii 14..15'J cenia3OitCru. ! . . 5 So. Pcieo . . . . . . . . . 19 ( ContralPacmftc. . . . . . 14 So. Raflway. . . . . . . . . Ohs. . Onto. . . . . . . . 2'J $ So. Rsllway p01 .1034 Chicawo.3<oil.,100 Texae i I'scifle. . . . 1534 C. . 12. .3 Q..10534 1,1. ' . common. . . . . . 24 c.&E. 0. . . . . . . . . . 34 Ilimion PeIflc pfd. . 604 . . . . . 41 U.P.D.&J. . . . . . . . . dotflcm. . . . . . . . . . . 6 ( Wabash . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Dtml.fli1don..104P4 VaDiQltpfcJ. . . . . . . . . 11) Uct. L. .Iu IV . . . . . . .151) Wheel. k L. 16. . . . . . 1on. Li 1110 G. . . . . . . . . 12 Wheol. . L. Ii. pfd 8 ( (0 ( pttl . . . . . . . . . . . 4O4 Adatne Ex. . . . . . . . . . 101 Erie ( now ) . . . . . . . . . 1'24 Amnerlc5p tx. . . . . . . 135 . . . . . . . . . UnttedSW.tenEic. . . .41 Ft. Vavo.6 . . . . . . . . . 170 . Well.Y&rro Ex..fl0 (1eatN6rthernpM.12it Am. Cot. 011. . . . . . . . floclilflrVtmIlnv , , , , 5 % A. cot.oil fc1. . . . . 7634 IlllnommCcntral. . . , 10734 Ate. spIrit , . . . . . . . . 1116 Lake } rio & W , . . . 15 Am. Soirits pd. . . . . . do fd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Am. Toozeco . . . . . . 1b034 LakeShore..183 do p60. . . . . . . . . . 1'22 Louisville & Nash , 59H Peop1'i GAi. . . . . . . Manhattan L. . . . . . 10.1k Cone. Osit' . . . . . . . . . 11i03 Met. St. Ry . . . . . . 15034 Coin. CmI'jle Co. . . . . . 170 Mlclmisao Ceetra1..1O6 001. ' . 1 Iron. . . . . . 9(3 MLtmn. St. 1 . . . . . . 28 60 eta. . . . . . . . . 00 doiiptd. . . . . . . . . SB flea. Elseirto. . . . . . . Mo.PacIUe. . . . . . . . . . 3414 IlImnole Steel. . . . . . . . SO Jliobhle&Olmto. . . . . 2I4 LiiCIeOe Ga . . . . . . . Mo.K.&P. . . . . . . . l06 Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mo.K. & T imf'1. . . . . 1(434 ( 00 plc ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clii , , Intl. &L. . . . . . 1334 Nat. Un. Oil. . . . . . . . 1:334 : do p16. . . . . . . . . . . . . 034 l'aciflc iJal , . . . . . . . . . 2834 N. .1. Central . . . . . . . i4 i'uUmap Pat.209 N. ' .Ccntrat..131 Sirer Certificates. . 51334 N.Y.Clil&St. L. 13 $ tand.ROpc & 'r . U dolet pM. . . . . . . . . 65 . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . do2dDtil. . . . . . . . . . :03 : 60 P01. . . . . . . . . . II3ui Norfo1k ! & SVeteru 14 T. 0. L Iron. . . . . . . . 24 No. Amer. Co. . . . . . . 014 0. S. Leather. . . . . . . 734 No.PacIflc. . . . . . . . . 20 U. S. Rubber : . . . . , . dofd . . . . . . . . . . . 73)4 do ptd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 Oimarlo& % V. . . . . . 1434 WeAtern Union , . , , 132 Oro. It. Nay . . . . . . . . 413 Northwestern . . . . . .12834 ( ) reSbortLhme. . . . . 213 do . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plttsburg . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Ciii. GI. West. . . . . . . 14 Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . b6 LQ.&W. . . . . . . . . . . 90 Rock island. . . . . . . . 051 * Ii. 0. & W , pal. . . . . . 0(94 ( S.L.S.P. . . . . . . . . 734 8t.L.&S.W. . . . . . . . 534 ito latpfO , . , . . , . , ill do. fd. . . . . . . . . . . 1016 do 2d pfd. . . . . . . . . 26 Beadier bet pfd 40 St. k'aul 0534 HawaiI C. C' . . . . . . . . Total sales of ntockit today were 122,100 silaros , Including 4,420 Atchison preferred , 3.240 Manhattan , 3,253 Metropolitan , 3,070 ReadIng , 3.623 New Jersey Central , 3,960 St. Paul , 5,030 Union PacIfic , Denver & Rio Grand , 7,325 Cotton Oil. 4,340 Tobacco , 0,500 Lead , 4,805 Sugar , 12S76 Leatller 1)referred , 9,155 Rubber. York Money Market. NEW YORK , July 21.-MONEY ON CALL -NomInally 14'g1 ' % per cent , PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER3mi per cent , STERLING EXCHANGE-Market steady , with actual budness in bankers' bills at $4,55m,4.g5a for demand and $4,84'44,84 for sixty days ; posted rates , $4.S5f4.S5 antI s4.sGmi14.87 ; commercIal hills , $4.8i't. SIIVER CERTJF1CATES-5959o. BAR SILVER-SO 5-ICc. MEXICAN DOLLARS-45c. GOVERNMENT BONDS-Market easier ; new 4s , reg. , 124 ; coupon , 125 : 4a , Fog. , 10914 ; coupon , 110 : 2s , reg. , 90 ; &s , reg , , I1lV ; coupon , 1121,4 ; PacIfic Cs of ' 99 , 102. Closing qUotatIons on bonds were as tot- lows : Uf3.now4.r' . , , . 324 N. J. ci Se. . . . . . . . . 111 U. 13. ( l000Up , . . . , . 12534 N. C. Os. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. 8. 4ureg , , . , , . , , . 10934 N , 0. 45. . . . . . . . . . . . tJ.S.45.COup , . . . . . . 110 No. PacIfic Ists. . , 11234 U , S.2s. rer . . . , . . 136 ito. Pacific Is . . , . . , 33194 U.s.5 , re . . . . . . . . .11134 No.Paciti6 4e. . . . . 11.8.55. 001)0 ) . . . . . .11234 N , Y. (1. & Si. L.4L , 1054 IIutrIetS. 65s , . . , , 11(334 N. &W. Us , , . , . , , , . , 1'22 AIa..claas A. . . . . . 3014 N. W. coimiola. . . . . . 14834 Aia.oiaes , , . , . . . . 100 NW.Deb.S . . . . . . . * 1734 Ala..c'1ae C. . . . . . . . 90 Ore. Navl.ta , . , , , . , iim Als.Currncy . . UI ) Ore. Nay. 45 , , , . 13334 AtCimtm0n433. . . . . . . . 0434 0. 8. u , Os. i. r , , , , , . 327 Atchmmoniai. 4a. , . . 703 0. 3.1. . St. 3. r. . , 104 CanaOii13o,2ule , , . 101) Pficiflc bC Of ' 95 , . . 102 Clii. Terms , 41 ; . , . . 8(134 ( 1toadln 4s , . , , , . . . 82 O.k 0.5 . . . . . . . . 11434 jt.tLWost lets. . . . . 8934 0.11 , & U. 434s , ,10416 t. L. & 1. .0. Coa. S 9034 D.R , Q.iet , , , .b09i4 St. L&S. ) ' .Osn.6. 118 D.kIt , (1 , 45. . . . . . . . 9,1 St. 1' . (3oneola. . . . . . . 145 } ast'Venn. Iets.10634 8 ? . P.O. I' , 1515 , . , 117 % ICrieQoim. 45. . . . . . . . 7334 St. P. 0. Ii P. Si . , , , , 11534 I , Sy. & D. 1. . 1. r. 74 Southern Its' , .5 , , , , 9334 .et , , itlec. bh , , , , , . lOll S. W kT. UI. . . . . . . 71 G.if. , ii8 , A , Si. . . . . 104 Tena. Imew eet3i. . , 13134 0. II. J , S. A. this. , ,203 Tex. Pac. L. 0 , Isle 1(10 ( lI.tT.Cttmt,5u. . . . . 11034 T x. Pae. ICr. 20e , 424 II , & 'r.o.con Oe..111 U. P. U.k a. bite. . 72 Iowa C. lets . . , . , , 202 Wab. let Ce . , . . , , . . 11034 La.NowCon.4a,104 WAC. 2de. . . . . . . . . . . 88 1. . N , Pot. 4 , . . . , 8H3 ( West Shore 45. . . . . . 10834 MissourI . . . . . . . . . Va , Cejituries. . . . . . . 7116 M , K. & ' 1' . 21u . , , . , . U80 Va. deferm'oO. . . . . . . . 4 (4. 11. JiT.4. . . . . . 8034 Union Paclito 4s , , . 0734 N.V.CIate..I15t Iloston Stock Quotgmlons , BOSTON , July 21.-Call loans , 2413 per cent ; tlne loans , 3i per CCIII. Closing prices for stocks , bonds and mining share , : AT1 . . . . . . . . 13 Uoeton L. . . . . . . . . . . American Sour , , 132 % E. Ii , I , . , , , , . . , , , , , 180 AmStigar 0(4 , , , . 11534 ( ice. ZIco. pfd. . . . . . 93 II , , Sic' . Oe. . . . . 1 7.16 McIliohm 45 . , . , , , , . 23 sell rehepanne , 374 'en. Elec. Os. . . . . . 104 1ost.u1iAlUrtV 225 % Vieconiuiti Cell , Is 41(4 5oMon ( Maui. , , 10134 1'u , Cciii di. . . . . . 19534 C. . II , 4t U . . . . . . . . . 105 Alloucs Mb , Os , .134 Fltcimbur , . . . . . . . . 1004 Atlantic. . . . . . . . . . . . 213 General ltlbotrlO : t8 liosion J Montarm 204 % Jllmaoms $ tel , . . , 50 1iuteJ IloBton , , , , 234 M.xciu Central , 44 C<mumetk hIeol , , 550 N. , 1 N. 11 . , . . . , 1 % CeutesniSI . . . . . . . , 1334 010 Coh.n . . . . . . 1113 YrimnlIu , , . , , , . , , 1134 Ilituecr. . . . . . . . . . 31' Osceola , , , , , . , , , , , 41134 ( ( ( ( ion Pacific , , , , , 23 % Qulnov . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 West 1nU . , , . . , , . , 1(3 Taniarsoit . , , , , , , , , 354 IV. Eloc. . . . . . . . . . . . 244 ( Vo1verjnes . . , , , , , 23 w. F.iee. 1310. . . . . . 534 I'arroti. . . . . . . . . . . . . Atcimlsomm 1301. . . . . . . . 8434 Old Pomlimion. . . . . . York Slitting ( liientions , NEYOItI , July 21-The following are time closing mining quotatIons : Cluollar . . , . . , , , . , , , . 10 Ontario. . . . . . . . . . . 250 Crown Point. . . . . . . 9 Opimmr , . . . . , , , . , , . . 10 Crnm.Cal. & Va. , , , 135 l'Jynolmth . , , , , , , , 19 fleadwooc. . . . . . . . . 'JO QaIcieIy.r. ( . . . . . . . lbt ) OottIdk Carry , , . , , 3 Ouicc.llver ( oft , . . 531) , , 49 liIerr&N.Va'iL , , , : ( s lIDmogtLs , , . . . , 4lmO Standard. . . . . . . . . 145 Zronsilvor. . . . . . . , 74 Union Con. . . . . . . . . 14 Nwxc3o. ( . . . . . . . . . . 7 Yellowjackoi . . . . 10 Fori'Igrt I'initnt'IiuI. flERI1IN , July 21-Prices on ( ho hourso today vero firmer and there vas a recovery ill Sptttilslm 4s. Atflerit'LiIlE ( flimtl Camladlan l'aclllcs were Imarder on limo rumor of set- tlelflent of the tariff war. Local securitIes were Ktrong. 1'ARiS , July 21.-'rllero 'Wait a better ten. dency tit thu outset of business nim time bourse Imere today. Spanisim 4s aild Italian becurltlcs were ilarder , but afterward ere c1tlit't ttnil nt tlm ( ' note irices 'er0 geIICrIIIY tntiifltnhiit1. Gold is thtUltNl ttt iItleflOit Ayres at i74.0. Three Iwr rent romltes , 2fmlf 20c for the lmcco3llt xclmnimge Oil I.ormdoml , IM 221o for eimvt'ks. I.OlON , July il.-TImo ! umarkot for ilmnc'r- frail securIties iifter a firm opening became ( Itliet , but Inter reacted iiid closed firni , 'itlm tile ( leinanll generally light. 'Fltn (1 lllliiflt ( of 1)iihlioil ) vitlmdra'Il froni the Ilank of Englitiul on loiiance totlay was 20,000. Spamlishi ds eloseil at. 36 7.16. 8nit I"rii iuq'iirui .31 itt I iii 41IDtflt Inims , SAN FI1ANCISCO ltily 21-OIiciiii * clnrt- Immg quotations on mning stocks today were as followsb Alto. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 QccItIeimtt Coil. , . , I ) Aa0C . . . . . . . . . . . :4 : omilir , . . . . . . . . . . . . . is Oclefler. . , , . . , , , , Il Overnian..I HCII.3I 1ilclier. , , , 14 I'otoel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill . . Chiallenecuon. . . . . ii SavaEe . . . . . , ' . . . 12 Cbollar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 scorpion . . , , 3 tonfl1)onee. . . . . . . . . 211 sIerra NflVillltt 43 ConCai. , Va , . 34 SIlver Itlil . . . . , ' 8 crown l'olti , 4 UnIon Coo. . . . . . . . . 10 Ootmifl&Ctirrle,1 S tlttdm Coli.2 Jittice. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 'oliOW Jncknt , , , , ID . Reiittmcky Con 3 Standamul. . . . . . . . . . . 14(1 ( Mexicail . , . , , . . , . . , 10 Silver bars , tSm4cMoxiTho1inrli : , 4614 46c ; drafts , siglmt , 15c tt'legrapll , 1114c. Iondomi Stock Ilitotni ions , l.bNIJON , July 21.-I p. m-Closing : Conols. ifl'.V . , , . , . I I 1)4N. 3''Cenlrlut . . . . . . . .2(316 0omsols. acft , .ill i iIi 1'Onfl'u'hflflhi ? . . . . . . 61)34 rle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.334 lteudiI . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 IcrIe 113 % littl. . . . . . : ; 5i Mex. Ceo. 1)0W ) 4. . , (35 ( Ill , Centril. . . . . . . . . . I 1 1 AteuiBOll ) . . . . . . . . . . . I 334 Mextenhiorulnhiry. 2) ) ) L..tN . , . . , . . . . . , ( ' 44 133. I'etil coimmaton. . .101 14 Oranti Trlmnk. . . . . . . . 74 Cium. Paclle. . . . . . . 876 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIAB. SII4VEI1-Steady at 27 7-lCd ver 011(1CC. 3iONFiV- per cent. The into of discount in time open market for simort bills , I 1-Sf1 11-16 13cr cent ; ( or three months' bills , 1'1-8zP' per cent , Finmmn'ialut'N. . OMAhA .1tii' 21.-Tile clearings for the t1a , ' were 923,402.SS ; balances , $3SSSS.G6. 'l'ime clearings for 1S97 were $710,761.50 , ( ( lilt time balances , $126,007.81 , ] mmcrcimse 1mm clearings , $ l94G4l.3 , WAShINGTON , July 21.-Today's state- meat of the condition of time treasury simoWsI Available cash balumlce , $256,322,310. C.oItl reserve , $ l87,20S.213. CIIICAGO , July 21.-ClearIngs , $14,64953 , balammees , $ S22,1OJ. New York exelmange , IDe ( iisemult. Sterling excimntmge. IlOittL'd , l.S3f 4.8614 ; actual , $ l.Slmrii4.S31.4 ; sixty days $4.53 tTC4,85. Stocks , t1ui ; Jitiletlit , 29 5-S ; iIscuit preferetl 931' ; Strawboard , 2614 ; Dianlolul Mntclm , 1 ; North Clmtcago , 210Vcst ; Ciii- cage , t)2 ) , . 13ALTl.1ORE , .luly 21-Clearings , $2,609- 622 ; balances , $463,479. 1lI lt.ArI1.I'1I1A , .Itmly 21-Clearings , $ l0,34S3,7S6 : balances , $2,136,376. NFl W YORI' . J uly 21.-Clearings , $107,630- 825 : balances , $7,288,458. BOSTON. Jtmly 21-ClearIngs , $15SSG,851 ; balances , $2,002,024. , s'r. Louis , July 21.-ClearIngs , $4,028,853 ; balamices , 4508,632. lIOile , ' , 51j8 ver cent , New York excimange , ISo tllscouimt bid , iar asked. CINCINNATI , July 21.-ClearIngs , $1,877- 650. New York excllaimge , 30ij0c discount. Money , 214Tj6 per CDIII. NEU1ILFIANS , July 21.-Clearings , S1O26,00S. New York exclmange. bammk , $1 per 51,000 prenhlimnl ; commercial , 25c per $1,000 1)remiuln. 13imnl of Flnglnmmil Stnteiiment _ LONDON , Iul $ ' 21.-Time weekly state- meat of the Bank of Emigiand shows the following chanites as comllared with the previous account : Total reserve , Increase , 136,000 ; clretmlation , decrease , 238,000 ; billIon - lIon , decreme'1C101,774 ; other eccurities , In- crease t4uw outer Illcrease , , ; aeposits , , 410,000 ; inmbilc deposits , Increase , 183,000 ; notes reserve , lncrene , 100 000 ; government - ment securIties tmnclinngcd , ti1e proportion of the think of Emigland's reserve to ha- bility is 45.83 per Cent , flN compared with 46.12 per cent lust week. Time Bank of 1n- glutId's rate of discount remains Uncllatiged at 214 per cent. linmik Of France Stntemmcmmt. PARTS , July 21.-The weekly statement of the 1-lank of Framlct sllOwi ( tue following cllanges. as compared with the previous veek : Notes in circulation , decrease , 65,850.- 000 francs : treastlry accounts current , increase - crease , 22,550,000 francs ; gold iii imniid , Increase - crease , 2,700,000 francs ; bills discounted , decrease - crease , 59475.000 fraiics ; sIlver iii Ilamld , increase - crease , 1,300,000 francs. Cotton Market , NEW YORK , July 21.-Tile cotton market today showed up Increased volume ( If bits- mess , but this was at the expense of prIces , as It resulted chiefly from a desire to liqul- date August contracts , which broke 11 1olnts and dragged the rest of the list off (1549 ( 1)oitmtit. Stibsequently tIme market rallied - lied partially on covering and clobed steady at a net bits of 3 to points. The Ullderl5'- ing cause of this is time report that the crop Is toc large to be handled at these prIces , the spectmiatlon offering no competition agaInst consumers , which tIme latter class see no reason to anticipate , wIth advlces from the cotton belt so geq- orally favorabl i. The volume o trausa- lions lit miot a. matter of record , the rOport- ing of transactions having been dlseon- tinuod by the exchange. Spot , rnidtiltng , 6 1-Sc ; net receipts , none ; gross. 135 bales ; exports to tile contInent , 303 bales ; forwarded - warded , none : spInners , 30 bales ; stock , 101,541 bales ; total today : Net receipts , 1- , 026 bales ; exports to Great EtritaIn , aso bales : to tIle contInent , I 103 baies ; stoek , 269,277 bales. Consolldateil : Net recellts , 5,366 boles ; exports to Great BrItain 2,271 bales : to France. 50 bales : to time continent. 3,540 bales , Total 1(111cc September 1 : Net receipts , 8,4SS,373 bales ; exports to Great I3rItaIn , 3,152,746 bales ; to France 812,660 bales ; to time continent , 2,052,336 bale8. L1V1flPOOL. July 21.-COTTON-Spot quIet : prtces &tvorable to buyers ; American middlIng fair , 32 O-23d : good mIddlIng , I 5-Sd : middling I 7-lOtI ; low middling , 3 5-lCd ; good ordfnary , 3 3-320 ; ordinary , 2 3-32d. 'rho sales of tile day were 18k ) bales , of Whicil 6,000 were for speculcttlomm : itmtl export and included 7,600 AmerIcan. Futures opened easy with a poor demand and closed stetmdy : AmerIcan middling , L. 2)1. C. , July , 3 22-64d , buyers ; July aiiil August - gust , 3 22-t,4d , sellers : August and Septemn- bet' . 3 21-640j ? 22-64d , sellers ; September amid Jctob0t , 3 20-64133 21.64d , sellers ; October antI November , 3 l9-6433 20-64d. s ilers ; November - vember anti December , 3 19-643 20.64t1 , aol- December timId January , 3 I8.64 ( 19-Old , set. iers ; January and February , 3 1S-64@ 3 1D-64d , sellorit ; February and March , : i I9-64d , buyers ; March anti April , 3 20-134d , sellers ; Avrll mmd May , 3 2O-6ij3 21-Old , buyers. N 1ORL.EA NS , July 21.-COTTON- Ftttureit quiet : Jitiy , $5.62 bitt' August. $5.49 G5.50 ; September , $5.4835.50 ; october , $5.59'i ' 5.60 ; December , $ s.57ii&.5S ; January , 3.621p 5.63 ; February , $5.G5(5.C7 ; March , $5.691j5.70. Spot ateatly ; sales , 2,210 bales ; ordInary , 4 3.1Cc ; good ordinary , 4 9-16c : low middling , 5 1-lOb ; middilng , 5 5-Sc ; good middling , Cc ; middling fair , C 3-Sc ; receipts , 600 bales ; stock , 59,816 bales. Suigium' I3iariet , NEW ORLEANS , July 21.-SUGAR- Steatiy , fIrm , Open kettle , 8ttle ; cetutritu- gal , whmite. 4 11-iCc ; yehiow , 4'Al&l 9.1Cc ; ate- 011(113 , 2 1-8Jlc , MOLASSES-Easy ; centrIfugal 4)11c. $ ) NEYO1tF , July 21-StJAit-Ilaw. fIrm ; fair relining. 39-Icc ; centritugal , 96 test , 4 3-iCc ; reililed , lirm. J'FIN8lS FOIl. IVIISTFIIIN i'iI'I'EItANS , t4ur'lyors of late % 'nr ILt'mncyiihcre.I l' 1 lIe ( ieimergul ( , 'eriumiu'it4 , WASIIING'roN , Juiy 21.-Spcclal.-- ( ) Pemmslons have been Issued as follows : Issue of July 0 , 1898 : Nebraska : Originni-Lewis F. Moore , Ty- rouc , $0 ; Henry Van VIed , Donipimamm , $ S ; William 0 , Pierce , Seward , $0. Increase- WIlliam S. McCowen , Parade , $16 to $17 ; Jerome A. flailcy , GuIde Itock , $14 to $17 , Iowa 1 (3 rI gI nal-Ueimry Messenbrl uk , Charter Oak. $6 : WillIam C. Jackson. San- born , $12 : Victor CalHoun , Ord , so ; liarrI- Son 13. C.oodnlaim , ( ireenfleid , $6 ; John Evans , OrIent , $0. Sulplemommtai-VllhIam F. JolinstOtI , Bedford , $6. Increase-hoary ilassler , West Union , $6 to $12 ; Edward W. Harrison , Ihoono , $6 to $8 : Gorton Capron , Charles City , $10 to $22 ; Wlliiam J , MartIn , GrIswold , 8 to $10. Orlgimmal wIdows , etc. -Joselmhmlmmo Barrett , 1300(10 ( , $8 ; Julia it. Chase , Leon , $12. Colorado : OrigIimai-\'il1Iam 11. Cope , Aspen , $8 ; Isaac \V. Larmore , Rocky Ford , $6. ltestoratiou anti Increase'-Joimim WaIte , dead , Orceley , $12 to 17 , Original wIdow , ete-Eiiza J. llarklcy , Pueblo , $8 , Moutaumal OrigInal-James A. Ford , ICal- Ispoll , $10 ; Edwin D. I3atcheior , Glen- dive , $6 , hot In the lulls , DEADWOOD , S. D. , July 21-Speclal ( Tdicgranl.-Today ) baa been time hottest of the seuron ill time northmerm : hills , tIme amer- citry registering 200 in tbe shade. There Is much need of raium , ) litu'riu&t' IItit'iNt's , Tile following marriage licenses were Issued - sued yesterday by time county Judge ; NIimO IIIIO address , Age. Nathan A. Starr , Clay Center , Icamm. . , , 67 Mrs. F.llza A. Nettieten , New York , . , , & 5 Antiree A. Auslilund , Leativllle , Cob , , . , .2 Mrs. OctavIa Cornelius , Leadvlilc , Cob , 30 Charles A , Moore. Silver CIty , Ia . . , . , . 23 Maude Pltger , Iilhhsdaio , Ia , , . , , . . . , , , , . , 23 John Fl. I'ennycook , Omalma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martha Otto , Ann Arbor , MIch . , , . . . . . , , 24 John Safar , Omaha , . . . . , , , , , . . , , . , , . , . . , 26 Auton Dvorak , Omaha , , . . , , , , , , , . . , , . . , , 24 \AIIA \ J1VE STOCli M ARKET Rccolpta dt Cattle Very Light arni of Hogs Unuuuitlly Heavy. BUSINESS SHOWS EFFECTS OF RUN $ 'rlces III All Grades of ( 'ntle ltnlc Fulls' St' , S'huile hugs Slumnil , it llig ' 6lekei numul . Close ' , Venk , SOUTII OM.liA , July 21. Cattle. hogs , Hued ) . RECQiltS ? totiny , . , . , , , , , , , 2,019 10,53 2,811 OthIcIal yesterday . . . . . . . 2,331 10,069 One week ngo , , . , . , , . , , . , . 1,0S0 8,178 063 Two weeks ago , , , , . . . . . , , 2,002 5,303 2 One year ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2llS : 12,300 834 'I'wo years Lto. ) . . . . . . . . . . . 1,123 2,623 2,731 , 'rotnl for Week to dnt , . 2,241 32,790 7,219 , Same days last vcek. . . . 8,328 2T)5I ) 5,596 Same days week before. . 7,143 14,148 'ilS , Averaku prIce imaki for lmogs for tile last few days , wIth comparisons : usgs , 1i897.1i896.IISIS,11191. IISi3tlS$2. Jimiy 8 , . , . 3 S7 3 321 3 01 4 DII I 5 971 5 85 July fI , , , , 3 78 3 35 2 Sb 4 701 & OIl L S 42 .luiy 10 . . . 3 23 2 37 4 51 5 061 92 Jimly It . . , 3 69 i 2 94 4 67 4 79 5 9 ? 5 IS July 12 . , . 3 73 3 1S1 4 72 4 96 5 87 566 July 13 . , , 3 S2 3 14 II 97 4 78 4 80 5 87 5 71 July 14 . . , 3 7 ; 3 15 3 00 4 ' 73 5 74 5 66 July 16 , . , i 3 82 3 2t3 : ; Cli 4 81 , 1 ICi ' Jtmh3' 17 . . , 3 25 2 97 4 82 I 91 5 0 July 18 . , . 3 82 2 95 4 53 4 90 5 65 S1 July 19 . , . 8 89 3 32 a 4 9 4 79 5 35 5 64 .Jui' 20 . . . 3 86 3 85 2 97 1 91 4 74 1. lit 1 July 21 . , , 3 811 8 3S 2 osl I so s 39 5 55 . 1ndictes Sunday ; holiday , The oflIclal number of cars of stock brought hit today by cactI roztdvas : Cattle. hogs. Sheep , II'ses , c , , M. & St. P. Ity. . 17 2 . . . . 0. & St. 1. . fly , . . , , . , 5 , ' MIssouri I'neIile fly. . 6 19 . - 1 U. 1' . system , , . , , . . , , . 4 40 8 F. , 11. & M. V. It , It. . S 43 . . C , , lIt , 1' . , Iti. & 0. fly. 6 6 . . it. & itt It. It. It , . . . . . C 39 . . C. , 13. & Q. fly. . . . . . . . 1 . . . , I'LC.&St.J. . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . C. , 11. I. & 1' . 133' , , Fi , 2 . . . . C , , It , 1. ,5 : 1' , fly. , W' . 2 2 2 , . Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 161 10 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each uuyer mtmrchasing tile num- her of head indicated : iitm3'ers. Cattle. hogs. Slleep. Omiuiut Packing Co. . . . . . . . . . . 1,211 , 0. II. hammond Co. . . . . . 86 1,514 , 36 Swift anti Compalmy. . . . . . . 30 1,960 1,113 Cutlahy Packing Co 20.1 1,700 209 Ii. D. Armour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 2,167 757 It. Ihocker 111111 Degan. . . 15 Lobman & Rotlmsehilltls. . 50 Krebbs & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Coey & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 . . . . Cudaily , iCiinsas City. . . . . 159 721) ) . . l'lanltlnton , Milwaukee , . , . , 310 , . . . Clii. P. & P. Co , , N. City 431 . , . . Otlmer buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 , . . . 253 Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 . . . . Totmls : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SR 10,909 2,368 The totil receipts of stock today aiim- bered 221 cars , as against 248 yesterday , 165 a reek ago and 152 two weekit ago. CATTLE-The offerings of cattle vero very small today , only fifty-one cars being reported on sale , which Inchiltieti all kintls. Titere were hiot enough of ( Ill ) ' OflC kind of cattle to create much entllusiastn and in that respect it seerni'ti a good deal like a Saturday's market , The buyers of killing cattle were all otmt early anti It dId not take them very long to clean lip tile few baths of fat steers Itt prIces that were not quotabhy different from yesterday. There was noth- lag very gootl among the offerIngs , so that the sales did not show imp sucim a good top as yesterday or tile day before. Tile few loads of cows and helfers here also sold at uncllanged prices. Some Pretty good dry lot imeifers and cows mItt at $4.45. bat time most of those on sale were off of grass. These grass cows look well on foot , but , iiccorditmg to buyers , they are kIlling out : very poorly and from the way they talk it Is to be rosimmed that if there were any great number on sale Prices would be lower , Only a very few fresim stock cattle were in the yards itmi as a good mans' of time cattle In the imanuls of spectmlators hind been shIpped out last night the market was In better shape. The situation , however , Is still unsatisfactory. Speculators have been losing money and are consequently cati- tious , while the feeling appears to be general - oral that the country will not do much buyIng - Ing untIl timere is moro rain. At the same time time market yesterday was so low that With fewer cattle In slgimt today tile feeling , If anything , was changed for the better. Representattve sales : STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. As' . Pr. No. Av. Pr 1. . 900 $3 50 36..109S $4 6214 74. . 9S8 $4 85 1..1280 4 00 21..1224 4 65 40..12.S6 4 90 I..1010 4 2.5 73..10S9 4 70 4.1339 4 90 1. .1090 4 45 89.1160 4 75 COWS. 1..1100 2 25 5..1116 3 00 I..1020 325 2. .1065 2 135 24. . 987 3 03) 1. .1020 3 30 2. 920 2 50 1. .1070 3 00 1. .1080 3 30 1. , IUIIJ ( II lILJUJ .1 IC L. .iiU .1 IV I. .1000 2 80 15. . 992 3 10 1. 900 3 50 10. . 894 2 80 1,1400 15 1. . 960 3S0 2. .1035 2 80 8. . 890 15 2 , . 890 3 50 2. , 095 2 90 1. .1000 25 9. 951 3 50 2. .1080 2 00 1. .1230 2.5 1 , .1250 3 50 2. 965 3 00 1. .1150 25 8. 920 3 75 IIFIIFERS. 0. . 687 3 30 1. . 540 3 tO 4. . 557 3 75 4. . 825 8 30 1. 950 3 70 1. . 970 3 90 1. . 760 i35 COWS AND HEIFERS. 12..1037 4 III BULLS. 1..1260 2 90 1..1430 3 15 1..15G0 3 40 1..1430 310 1..1130 830 DULLS-FEEDERS. 1. . 470 2 75 3. . 843 3 25 3. .1016 3 25 CALVES. 1. , 130 4 00 6. . 278 4 90 1. . 200 500 2.,240 435 STAGS. 1. .1270 4 10 5..1406 4 33 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1. , 650 3 25 3. , 960 3 75 1. . 690 i 10 1. , 700 3 25 50. . 790 3I 1. . 7S0I 10 15 , SOS 3 .50 14. , $57 S 80 36. 960 4 15 20,778 :135 : 2..635 410 7..G95 415 1.ilO .110 1..740 410 12..1002 450 1. . CCI ) 340 I'J..lliO 410 10. . 570 455 1..510 :150 : WESTERNS. NEIJRASICA. I 13. RIchards. . No. Jv. Pr. 2 1)11115 . . . , , . . , , , , . , , . . . , , , , . . , , . , , . , 1805 $300 114 feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1172 4 00 2 calves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 5 50 W OM1NG. J. \VhmIttaier , 4 hulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1295 295 1 btihl , ft'etler , , . . . . . . , . . . , . . , . . , , 970 3 00 1 lmiihl , ( ceder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810 : t 2s 1 steer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1060 3 50 I steer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1090 1 25 cows . . , . . , , . . , . . , , . , . . . , , , . , . . , . , , 913 360 II feeders . . , . , , . , , , . , , , . , , . , , . . , . , , 1000 3 85 11005-It was another tItl5' lf large hog receipts iiilti timoru yt'i'.I ' hit'ii'y t'nims at oIlIer market P011104 flit well , 'l'ha iecori today showed 160 loads ii'ct'Ivell , as itgalist 149 yesterday , today's ran belimg time largest sinec time last wecic ill Jufle. 'l'iot very liberal receipts itt all selling polimts gtve ; buyers an opportunIty to bt'er prleca antI they wore not at all itlow about titiclng advantage of tile situatloim , ChIcago rti- Ported a break of 510e atntl Kttlmitttit CIty came lint iDe lower. Time mllnrket at limIt poltmt wait just about Sc lower , Zn sauna IlmI3tIlnCt'H IL Wiis intrO work to get $3.85 ( or lImo best heavy , which sold ut $3.90 yvHter. day. blmt tIme most or ( lie nt'as'y soiti itt $3.8214@'J.SI. 'rho general ruin at mIxed imtlgs sold at $3.80 , as ngalnst $3.85 ) 'esierthlmy , 'lImo extreme toll totlay was $1.90 , tilt ) saint ) JIM yesterday , Sellers were itlow to mmla1 , time COmC'SliOIm ) 340 that time mnovemrjmt of 111(1 lmogs toward time scaleit was not as iIvel' as Oil 0 0100(1 ( many days , but still time big bulk of imhl time offerIngs lied cliaumgetl ilandit by time ( niddle of time forenoon. 'ihe extreme close si'us slow almti weak at the declIne , Today's decline gluts tlmt mnrlcet ila'k to 311,001 where it WH the. ilrst of tlio si'eek , all ( lie ativance gaIned On Tuestlay imaving been wiped out bY tIme loss 3diter- day and today , At use same time time market Is still Sc higher tlltin It was a week ago , Itepresentative sales : No , As' . Sit. Pr. No , Av. Sb , Pr. 70..207 ifAl $3 77h 10 , . . , . , 331 . , , $3 7714 72..200 280 77j , 10..241 . . . 77/ 64..242 40 81) ) 65..219 120 80 73..286 160 80 86..207 , . $0 80 , . . , . . 239 40 8' ' ) 65..214 2k0 80 71..243 280 80 53..256 80 80 64..216 80 1 $0 6.1 , , . , 219 160 80 87..2.17 40 80 76..2.1.1 160 80 Cl..268 120 ' 1 80 80..212 . . . $0 CI , . . . , , 281 80 .1 80 63..285 163 3 80 64..277 . . . 3 80 68 . , . . . . 312 , . . 3 80 70 , . . . . .2 77 200 80 74..2413 80 3 80 61 , , , . . , 279 120 80 70..234 40 80 67..251 . . . $0 Ci..217 40 80 Cs..232 160 80 53..Bi 160 80 CC..2 ! . ? 60 80 166..285 320 80 56 . , . , . , 275 80 80 tS , . . , . . 2:11 : 3'I SO 16..251 120 3 80 59..225 , , , SO Cl..73 20 3 80 73..25)3 ) , . , 80 Stl , , , . . . 271 320 3 81) 57 . . . . .369 2O . 80 GO . , , . . , 263 120 80 57..302 02) 3 80 326..372 250 1 80 75..246 80 3 80 C' , . , . , , . 231 80 : so 67..22.1 121) 98(1 CS. . . . . .289 240 3 SI ) 60..319 100 8,0 116..273 80 50 65..262 , . . : . 53..279 80 80 68..270 40 3 8214 179 , . . , . 291 , . . $21'.I 43..321 . . , 3 $2' , . 61 , . , . . , 277 40 S2' 69..276 . . 3 65 , . , , . , 221 . . , $2' . : e ; . , , , . ,3 68 50 3 82 53 , , , . . . 32 , , Sllj 52 . ' . . ' . 303 i. . . 38214 ; : - . . . ; ; L1903s2 66..261 tO $2'4 6.8..223 40 S2 . . . . . . 160 Cl 273 S24. . . . , , , . ISO 6flPI . . . 3 s2 ; 57. . . ' 2$9 itO 57. , . , .285 itO S2'4 IS..268 SO it..274 200 82 ts , , . , , , 27 200 U.4 SI . . . . . .259 40 82m.b , , , . , . , ' * 933 . . . Ci..2S'2 , . . ' 3 8,5 G6.277 : . 83 CC' , . , , , , 2S , . , ' 3 53 . . . . . . 120 41 , , . . , 333 160 .15 6.1 . . , . , 29t , . ( JO..252 , . , 83 52..33l , . . 5. . 82 . , , , 220 I00 1314 62..216 40 74..245 120 ' 1 UIIJ . . , , , . 40 'I ' . . . . . . . 120 50 ( ,2..2112 . . , SO 74 , . , . . , 2.15 120 ' 1 80 48 , . , , , 234) 360 80 DO , , , . . . 211 , . , I 0 ( .9 . . . . , 266 40 80 280 ' 1 SI ) 113 , . . , . , 231 . , .5(1 OS..282 120 ' 3 SO 60..229 . 120 80 57..296 In ) SO 57..3 . 120 50 SI..268 120 8) ) ) 65 , . . . . . 2)3 210 80 79 , , . . . , 225 . . 40 81) ) 74..212 120 80 ( t..6 SO SO CI , . . . . . 264 40 80 3.1)3 , ; ) 100 80 . . . . . . . . . SO 112..25 20 3 50 20 , . . . . .2. 16 80 50 21..281 . 40 :3 : 81) 81..231) 240 50 .7 0. . . . , , 245 12i ) SO 74..207 . . . SO 13..253 . 120 SO II..217 50 80 50.ioJ : . iCe 811 34 . . . . . .215 50 SO 83. . . . . . . 1O 2S3) ) 80 57..232 200 80 100..213 50 50 65..s5 SO SO S2..266 80 S2' . 7I.,2G6 80 S214 SI..312 SI ) 5214 76..290 210 8214 l'jI.6 . SO 5214 74. . . , , .si . . S2j . . . . . . * 120 S2t , . . . . . . . . . . 3.5214 . . . . . . SO 5214 62 . . . . . .2 s9 ; 40 52U 70. . . . . . :57 SO 5214 73. . . . . .282 40 3 S2 69..319 80 82 Ott..253 360 'I 8214 62..31 $ . . . 8214 , . . . . . . , . 3 S2 58..298 SO 85 120..307 . . , 1 55 ; . . . . . . : so .ss 52 . , . . . .3. IS , , . 'I SI q . . . . . . :134 : ito 55 ( .5 . , , , , . 313 . . . 'I S714 52..53 . . . SI 52 . . . . . . 324 . . . 'I Dl ) W'AGON 1.OTS-TIII1OW OUTS. I..230 , . , 2 25 . . . . . . . . . 3 S214 4..220 . . , 2 55 , ' 3 . , , , . . 150 , . , 350 .3..156 . . . . t 6714 1..500 . . . l 15 4.'O SO 'I II ) 4..190 . . . .1 i. ' 3..273 . . . 'I ; 5 I , . . , . . 310 . . . 3 2 . . . . , . 225 . . , 'I .5 ' . . . . . . . , . 3 , . , 2..150 . . , 3 75 r , . . , , . . 200 , . . :1 : ; ; 5..220 80 ' 3 75 t ; . . , , . 35S . . . 3 15 1 . . . , , . 180 . , , :1 : 75 5 , , , . . . 183 . . . 3 3 . . , . , .2 Si , , I 771.4 ( . . . . . . . . . 3 ' .14 3 . , . . , , 216 , , , :3 : 7714 4..237 , . . 37714 1 . . , . , , till SO 3 SO S . . . . . . 21)0 ) . . . 380 SIIEFIP-Timere vere a few itileep here todimy wimich solil readily ( It very satisfactory - tory PrIces , Time market unit bare yesterday - day , so tilflt killers vera prettY iitmngry for stmLilieS ) today , anti they ptltl (11(1 prIces to get them. 11111 sales looked fttlly 1OflSc higher. timId MOOIC were calling it stIll more timamm that. At the same tinl' other markets s'ere reporting ii decline , There Is a tie- mund tit limit Point ( or desIrable nlimttelms mill tIlt' home , niitl silippers vIthiIn reacim of ( lilt market lmittke a lilistalte If they ito not clime here , Representative attIcs : No , y. Pr. 1 buck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISO $1 (0 ( 209 i\'cstern a'otilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 4 45 214 vestern wetimerut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 4 45 215 c sterim w'uthiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 4 iS 757 westerim wethers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 .1 co 23 ewes amid wetlmt'rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 5 00 12 iamb' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 600 402 Utaim wethers , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . 102 4 50 ChICAGO i.I'I3 STOCK MtIiKIO'V. Trade In Cattle SIo' , ReceIpts Iia't'Je IIIIII l'rIt'.s liii rely Steit.l' . ChICAGO , .Itily 21-Trade was stow In cattle totiay , except ( or good to cimolce lots , at barely steady vrlces ; choice steers , $5.15 415,60 ; medium , $3.6&ii'4S5 ; beet steers , $4.25 64.GO ; stockers amId feeders , $3OOI4.75 ; mills , $2.754,25 ; cows and heifermt , 81.1O4.00 ; cnn- mlers , 52,25613.00 : calves , $1O0Z7.OO ; western steers , $4.25J5.80 ; 'l'exns steers. $3.75I4.G5. There 'as an oversupply em ilogit , wIth prices 5510c lower ; faIr to choIce , 3.D2'fz 4.05 ; pmtckers , 53.754i3.DO ; butchers. $1.SOiil.0O : IllIXtiti , $3.75iI3.95 ; light , $3.70ijl.9714 ; pIgs , $2.75Jj3.S0. Ilusiness In Riicel ) li'as fnii'l' active at aliit sead' nrlces : mlati'e ShIed ) , 53.0014' 5.00 : vestern sheep , $ t.25j4.5O ; 'I'exans , $3.50 8J4.5O ; lambs , $4.OOj6.6o. ReceIpts : Cattle , 10,000 head ; hogs , 34,000 beau ; slif.ep , 12,000 heath. Iniisis City' 1.l % t ? S.ek. KAN&AS CITY , July 21.-CATTLE-Re- 00111(5 , 8.000 natIves , 2,020 'rexans ; trade less animatei , hOist grades soiling sioi' at ( ibout steatly prIces , Willie cattle vero 514'lOc lower : choice lIenS' ) ' cattle , $4.95'bS.lS : medIum , $4.00 (4'4.95 ; llglmt weights , $4.OO145,03 ; stockers mind tecders , 53,50144.65 ; butchers' cows timid heif- cr5 , $3.O07j4.2O ; butchers' bimll.$3.0O'i4.0 ; Western steers. $ i,5O4.70 ; Texas steers. $3.23 O4,2O ; Texas butcllers' cows , $3.0013.73. HOGS-Receipts , 18,430 ilead ; . with liberal receIpts and only moderate themnnd , Pmir'it , were 5144'714c lower ; ileavy hogs. 53.00141,00 ; mIxed. 5.3.60111.50 ; lights , 53.50143.75 ; 1)105 ) , 53.25113.65. 511 1 ) FIP-Receipts , 2,540 heati : light re- ceiptit , mainly range stock , tilat sold at stetmtly prIces ; sprIng lambs , 54.75146.00 ; imtt- the muttons , 51,25111,65 ; soutllwestermis , $3.75 114.25 : northwesterns , 8 I.OOlj'4.40 ; stockers and feeders , $3.O01j'3.S5. 51. 1.ouis J,1'e Stuck. ST. LOUIS , July 21.-CATTLE-ReceIpt it , 1,800 head , Imicludlmmg 1,100 Texalms ; shlpmemmts , 1.100 imetul ; market strong ; ( air to fancy no- fIve shIpping and export steers , 54.40115.25 : bulk of sales , $1.5OS,2O ; dressi'd beef antI butciler steers , $ I,2t8Jj5.00 ; bulk of sales , 54.35145.00 ; steers under 3,000 lbs. , 53.00314,50 ; bulk of sales , 53.75314.35 ; stockers anti feed- era , 52.90314.50 : bulk of sales , 53:00144.00 : ; cows and helfers , 52,00314.45 ; bulk of cows , 32.65313.85 ; 'roxas and IndIan steers , 53.3531 4.30 ; bulk of sales , 53.50311,25 ; cows and heifers. 52.85313,40 , hOGS-Receipts , 6,800 Imead : siminments. 1.800 hemd ; market a aimade lower ; orkers 51.80113.90 ; PackerS , $3.833j3.95 ; butchmers , $3.90 iui4.00. ShEEP-Receipts , 3,400 head : slmlpments , 1,600 head ; market steady : native niuttons , 53.50314,50 ; lambs , 54.25316,10 : stockers , $2.75 l23.75 ; ctllls and bucks , $2.251j4.0O. Neu York Live Stock. NEW YORK , Jtily 2l-BFIEVES-Re- ceIptit , 902 Imead. No tradIng ; steady. No change in cables ; exports , 250 cattle ; to- morrow. none. CALVES-Receipts , 255 head. Veal Ioii'er ; veals , 52.10146.35 ; tops , li.50 ; buttorrnhiks and westerns , nominal. S1IEI01 AND LASII1S-flcceipts , 5,279 head. Sheep , stoatll' ; prIme stocIc scarce and flrm ; lambs , slow and 153125c lower , Sheep. 53.00315.00 ; humus , 51.50316.50. HOGS-Receipts , 2,055 hm'nct. None for sale ; nominally weak at 51.25314,60 , Climeiiumuiti Live Stock , CINCINNATI , July 21.-iJOG5-Steady at 53.40114.00. CATTLE-QuIet at 52.75314.85 , SIJEE1'-Steady at $2.50f4,0O. , LAMBS-Easier at $ l.OOdG,20 , I Stt'k iii Sight , Record 01' receipts of lIve stock at the four PrinciPal markets ( or , Jtmiy 21 : Cnttle , Hogit. Sheep. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,019 Ie,653 2,871 Chmlcmmgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 31,050 12,00 , ) Kmmnsas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,020 , 18,450 2,510 SI , Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1SO0 , 0,600 :1,400 : Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i8sco 69,903 20,311 I'ohl 'I'ON COiitro.rsr In iCimasims , FORT SCOTT , Nan , , July 21.-Speclah- ( ) For two years time citizens of Fort Scott have haitI no 1)011 tax , poptilist judges lmav- 11mg repcatetiiy decitleul that tile city 1)011 ) tax ortilnamlce was not valid. Today , however , the 1101 % ' republIcan police judge held time ordInance to be valid , and fined a prominemt polItIcian , an ex-poilce commissioner , for not paying ills tax. Ho employed the pepu. lIst county attorney , wimo took imis name be. fore tlmo populist probate Judge and asked hint imu ho released on a writ of habeas corpus , Tue populist loiitICIai ) is now out on 1)0(111 , and a breezy time Is expected whmeim the habeas corpun hearIng takes place , Tills question is of interest to all residents of cities of the first-class In ICatmaas. Time pop- uliats base their fIght on tiio fohloWlmg ciaiumms : First-Iiecause It attenmpts to compel hit- berets , macebonIes and others to work ten hours a clay for the city i'hen lImo iawH of ( lie state of Kalmsmms provide that cigimt hours slmail constitute a legal day's work when such ueraons aee employed by or on behalf of the city , Seconil-Ilecauso limo law upon whiicii said ordinance is based was repealed by an act of 11113 legislature of tue state of Kansas passed iim 1893. 1) ) , & 0 , ithji'iul Iet'IIeil , NE\V YORK , July 21.-Tlo board of arbitrators - bitrators of time Join Traffic association has rendered a favorable decIsion on the ap- Ileal of the Ilaltimoro & OhIo railroad of dIfferential fares In both directions between Chicago anti PIttsburg , Under timis dcci' aloe , effectIve August 1 , rates between C1mI- 380 and Pittsburg vIa the Ilaltimmioro & Ohio railroad and connections will be $10.00 first clacs and 59 secommtl class , which wIll gIve to that lilme botweomi time two poInts us much travel as any of its competitors. This ( iuestioil loms been a contention ho- twoen tim different lines for several years anti the decision of thio board of nm'bitra. tors , granting relict to the. Baltimore & Ohio raIlroad , is a source of no little safis. faction to the otflcials of that line. WESTERNERS ON THE SENECA % Votmntit'il I'111313Illt'rM 033 tue 'l'rAhlN' vort lIsc'hinrgcl , 'l'iiclr StlIl. toutS li.'Itmg flnl' 1iiiliI sIn , ( . . - Nl'OltK , Judy 21.-Dr. Doty lmecafllo ' coni'Iumcetl totlay that his first diagnosis of fever , whIch caumin immto port on the Senccfi , was a correct one anti timat umothing worse than htiflhl'ti-al fever xiitteti , lie therotorn tonight began time dlscimsrgo of some of those BefIt to IloiTman islanti , The surgeon getmt'ral today Ilotifled br. Doty timat time sick 81111 iotindcsl at hoff- 4' milan anti Swlnborn Isiantis were to ho sent to tile barracks and the hospitals at Fort hamilton as Soon s the ofllcer saw fit to release tibia. Dr. Doty replied that s'ith- out further orders the sielt and wounded - . Seilt to tim observation station on Iloftnlahi island 3othlI be landed by time quarantine boats at Fort Hamilton tomorrow , but that the men on Swinborn island would remain there a few days longer. The transfer froal hoffman islanti to Fort llalmliltoa will be matte tonmorrow evenitig. Five of those at. hoffman island tievelopeti slight cases of malarial foyer anti were sent to Swlnborn , as follows : $ II , Williams , Conlpamly 11 , Tlmirty'thirtl Micimigati ; J. V , hall , Company 11 , SIxth ilmfahitr ) ' ; J , C. CoOler , Troop C , Second cay- aIry ; J. V , 110(10 , civilian ; John Monolane1 civIlian , Ir. Doty tonight transferred the following passengers of the transport Seneca from Iloilimlan islailti to the Liberty hantlimig at ( Ito battery near the tmargo 0111cc , arrivIng nt S o'clock : Mrs. Sylvester Scovel , Geimeral Envers Pasimal , envoy millitair Ottonlan empire , (1(1(1 secretary , Lieutenant S. Akyinin , Japanese navy. ClIptaili Lieutenant Von Itebeur Pasch- wltz , inmperial ( Icrlmlan mmavy. V. E. Anderson , commander royal SwedIsh navy. Captain Abligtmrtl , iilIIitary attache to legatlon of Swetlen anti Norway. Colonel Vermeloft , military attache to the itmiperlal Russian elilbass ) ' , anti servant. The following Is a complete list of sick and woundeti soldIers and passengers of tlme trammsport Seneca , detained at Hoffman Island : Captain Omar Iluntly , U. S. A. CaptaIn William II. English , U , S. A. Lient. B. 11. Martin , U , S. A. Col , K. J. Vatmllorn , Eighth U. S. infantry - try , Lieimt. J. Il. Seyhtmrn , EIghth infantry. hieut. Edgar J. CollIns , Eighth U. S. in- fantry. 'Is L Captain \ \ ' . Joyce , Seventy-first New York , Commissary Sergt. G. Pulsifer , U. S. A. Sorgeoii U. S. Bird. Sergt. W , Wrlgilt , Second U. S. Infantry. Major G. F. Southtna'd , Second Massachu- setta. Miss J. Jennings , \Vashington , D. C. , fled Cross. Lieimt. H. 11 , hall , First U. S. Vol. Cay- airy. Clvlliatms : II. C. Christie , New York. Correspondents : Clmarlcs 0. Ilantls , London - j don Daily Mall. J. O'Donnell hlentmett , Chicago Journal. ' 21. Smith , Atlanta Journal. Ii. I. Hancock , Goitlen Hours , New York , C. II. Francis , Minneapolis TImes. J _ C. Wheat , Jr. , photographer for Gee- eral Lutiiow. . K. G. Bellairs. J. C. Ewan , Toronto Globe , L. Langiand , Chicago Daily NewS. J , E. Cimamberinin , Boatoli Transcript. G. F. harris , Chicago Record. H. L. Beach , Assoctateti Press. Sergeants , flOU'COflliflisSlOfled officers and prIvates : Sergeant C. W'lmite , Co. F , FIfth Ii. S. artillery , discharged. I'rlvate H. Iiurleigh , Co. 1 , , Thirty-fourth MIchigan , sick. - ' ' ' ' COUNTRY. S'VAII1'I3DING IN'I' ( ) TilE luihiIlllilfltfl ( If Corrimmma I'car ( Tie Ap. . , roneht \Vitdson's Squadron. LONDON , July 22.-A dispatch to the Standard from Corrimna gives a lively ac- C0Ult of the stampede Into the country , owIng - Ing to the fears of ( lie approaching American - ican sqtmndron. Time correspondent says theco Is a daIly stream of bullock carts with fur- nittmre and tile town Is nearly deserted by the better class of Inhabitants. The local papers there have frightened the people so much that the captain general summommeJ the editors and threatened them all with lumprlsonment if timey printed anotll.r word about Commodore Watson's squadron. The exodus , however , shows no sign of diminish- Ing. C A lmanphmlot has been dlBtribtlted among time worklmmgmeim urgltmg them to demand Peace at all cost , owing to the termible Ohs- tress anti the lack of work and food , It Is CVilCilt that there wIll be troimbl2 l'i Cor- ummma , says the correspondent , ammil tlte wark- Ing classes will make It unless sometlljng is promptly done. Cuist.nn Iti ( leit on CtiPitn fiximorfit , WAShINGTON , July 21-A conclimsion has been reached as to what disposition shall be made of tile prohibitory list Oil time Cuban tariff laws , TIme only articles retained on time prollibitcd list are fire arms and arnintitiltion , oleomargarine , artJ- fidel or adulterated vines amid objects of- fenelve to morality. ' I Rates of customs ( iuty on the remaining articles have been decitled upon as follows : Sugar , raw , 1,4 centa a pound ; sugar , re- finotl , 2 cents a pound ; honey , 20 cents a gallon ; nloiasses4 6 cents a gallon ; saccija. rine , $ a pound ; tobacco In crates , $10.50 100 kilograms or 220 pounds ; tobacco In powder or snuff , CS cents a poummd ; cigars amid cigarettes 54,50 a pound , The ProhIbitIon Ofl pharmaceutical prep- nratlons of tinkmmewn composItion is ro- fllo''etl , and the rates fixed are according to tlto Cuban law , time individual ar- ticlell to ho determined by time customs officer , ( ntl Slitters' 'l'ruiIics Settled , SPRINOFIELD , Ill , , July 21.-The State Board of Arbitration tonight decided the cimfib of thlO strikIng miners at I'anri , by awarding the miners : ia coats per ton gross weight , anti recommendIng tlmat certain om'ders whIch Limo coal companies at Paint have been Issli. iumg to timeir ( Inlployca ritmil timomm discounting C ter cent Wlmemi they were cashed ho ills' continued , Tim scale awarded by the Beard of ArbItration Is 7 cents per ton less than ( ho scimlo adopted at tile SprIngfield convention - tion anti 7 cents more titan tue operators were paying when tIme mines abut down last sprIng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ % % 'iil Sleet Ill 3hil'niilicr , BUFFALO , Jtmly 21-The National Asso- elation of Railway Agents ileciticil to ImoItI the umext maccling of the association In Milwaukee dtmrluig July , 1899. The follow' lug officers were ciected : PresIdent , C , A. VetzehI , Cie'elantl ; vice president , J. F' , MeFarlano , i'ittaiiurg ; secretary , J. T. Campbell , Allegheny City , l'a. ; treasImrsr , C. N. DIets. Cleveland ; executive colonlit- tee , W , D.'iisomm , cimmmlrman ; ii. 0 , SIafter , ( iamblo Shields , 0. T. George , James 13 , Young 0(10 ( A , Cottrcli. JAMES E. BOYD & GO. , ' ! 'clCpIhOllC I 039 , Ouhlalia , Nab COMM ISS ION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS uiid 5TOCI9 BOARD O1 TRMJH , IlIre"t wiree to Ctmicegn .ad Nell' Tort. Correpondu'otil , is8p. l , % % 'grflfl 4 Co. 'VEI.13l'i1013 znai ; , H. ft. PI3NNI3Y 6 CO. , Iloojit 'i N. V. LI fe 111.1g. , Onmahie , lcjj , StocksGrai nrrovisious jjjrejjjjjjivsj