Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1898)
. - . . . - - - - - - - . ' - - - - - - - - . - - - _ - _ . _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ - - - - . -----r------- , _ _ - _ , - - W'w - - - - - - . . -c.w. v , , I , 12 TILE OMAHA DAJLT ] 3EE : ] fIUDAY , ItJIY 32 , 1898b . - . RATES FOR TIlE EXPOSITION Local Paszcnger Agenth Discuss the Prospccta for a Beduction. ALL ADMIT SOMEThING SHOULD BE DONE Opltilni Serni to lie hint "W'Iufl * I , 1ti1jcri Arc 1Imoscit" Ilac I'nre % V1II lie Mudn Iti , , . ( ) fln1Iy Lov. Thra was a well nttended meeting ot thn passenger rcprcscntntIve o nil Oxnnhft ter- mind lines nt the Elkborn Iieadqt1artcr on \VcdnctIay evening. The subject under consideration woo the rccomruendaton of 2'OdUCCd exposition railroad retes to Chairman - man 3. b. Cahiwell of the Western PaBsen- ior Sssociation. The meeting braught out very cear1y that there Is a dthlOsitiOhl ) upon the part of the Omaha passenger men to secure owcr rates for exposition attractions. .Anent rccent criticism there was some discussion - cussion of ( ho prospect of securing better exposition rates front Chicago than the bold-up rate of 2O,6O , hut no action as taken on the matter. After the adjourn- inent of the meeting ; , however , sevcra1 pas- eengcr men expressed the optnlon that a one-fare rate tom Chicago vouh he put Into effect as soon as omo effective manner for reguating ) the scalpers' bUSiness shoutd be devised. The teduced rates just rccommended to Chatrmiin Caidweli of the W'estern Passenger - ger association , to be voted on by all lines lOloflgIflg ) to the association , era for the following occasions : llowcr ( lay , Atigust 2 ; 3ed Men's day , Atigust 10 and 11 ; flohemlan ( lay , August 28. and National Volunteer 3lrcmcn's convention , eptcmbcr 5-li. The rate recommended for Flower day Is that Jmown in passenger circles as a "red.lctter day rate. " It viII ho 1 cent a mile from all points within a radius of 150 mIles of Omaha , the rate heyowl this territory to be one regular fare for the round trip. The rates recommended for the other ocas1ons are nearly cs low , Thio rate of 1 cent a mile proved very popular on Military ( lay , last Saturday , and nih the rnhhruds brought in more people than they really expected to , as there were but two tlnys In whichi to advertise the rate. h1OUhl the rates now recommended to the association prevail among the railroads , it Is hchioved that great crowds may be cx- pcctcl on the dates mentioned. 1.tsP ' 1'ItAIS % % 'ILL , S'I'Y ON. l'reseitt S'Iiedule'tVIhl lie Ahicre , ! sIJgItIy Vciit of Omimnim , , . 'rho fast trains of the Northwestern- Union l'acillc , the Itock Island anti the urhiimgton will remain In service. This statement is made upon time best of authority in local railway circles. Thu Uxcess fare of l for the chair cars anti of $4 for the sleepers will be removed en- tirehy on August 14 Omi thin same date new schedules for the fast trains vihl go into effect. These schedules will ho slightly g3lower titan time ones now In force. At time recent meeting of the executive dfilcers of the interested lines , held In ov York , it was agreed that after August 4 none at the fast trains should make tim run between Omaha anti Denver in ] ess than sixteen hours. This agreement ztpphies to both east and westbound trains. In consideration of the agreement the Union Pacific. the hock Island anti the Burlington roais are now working on new time cards for the trains between this city and Don- vor. Thin schedules of the trains between thio two cities will ho lengthened out from 000 and a half to two hours. The Union Pacifia will have to lengthen out Its fast train schotitilos one hour amid forty cninutca , and the Burlington will Put in ono hour and ft half more time between here and General Passenger Agent Lomax of the Union Pacific , who was present when the New York agrcemiient was made , said to The rico yesterday : " \Vo are now workIng - Ing en our time card that will go into elfcct on August 14. Our ( mist traiiis be- twcoti here anti Denver vihI be lengthened out one hour and forty minutes. We ox- Itect to make no change in the leaving time of 'The Colorado iecial , ' which leaves hero for Denver at 11:55 : p. in. , and are plauning to bring in the return train hero at 64O a. in. . as now. These trains are very popu- lee with oxpositiomi visitors , bringing travel In early In thlo morning and taking it out after an evening at the exposition. We think it is essential that the train service In and out of hero during the exposition , ' shiouid be of the very highest standard , and propose to make it such. The Union Pa- cub vIiI not take off its fast trains. Of this time public may rest asurrcl. * " There vIhi ho no change in time in any of the three lines between Omaha anti Chicago. All time alteration in the running timno of tile fast trains wihi liu made between this city and Denver , and time clrnnges will itot be great. As tim bulk of Omaha travel on the fast traiits lit toward the cast this consider- atioii is taken as an important victory for this lively roalroati cemiter. The Chicago papers that announced that ho trains would be taken alit of service are not. preparing to retract the statement. As the decision to keep On the trains was muado at. a meeting of the presitients In New York a few days ago , amid not in Chicago , it is easily seen how time papers that have boon clamoring for the memovai of the trains vent vrommg on the subject. 4Iiiiugt , ( ; . ' , % 't'NtcrI Sitcitest , ChICAGO , July 21.-The gross earnings of tIme Chicago Great Western llaIivay com puny for time ftcal year ending Juno 20 , 89s , were 5,886Oi3. The operating cx- 1)011505 wore $3,777,372. Thmo amount ro- quireil to pay taxes , fixed charges anti fuii dividends on the 1 per cent ilebtenturo stock Is $1iGa,23G , leaving a tilvitlcntl excess of 2t2,421. Tills OXCCSS iS equal to a little wore than 2 per cent on the preferred A stock , Time operating expenses include , be. sitics other extraordinary expenses. the entire - tire cost of 226 freIght cars , which were l = _ . _ _ - - - - - - - - - We hdd to do Travel , both east and wosttound , has increased to such an extent that wo have leen forced to attach an xtra sleeping car to our 4.85 1' . Ifl , trniii for Denver and our 6.05 p , in. train for Chicago , Both these trains now carry regularly three sleepers-enough to accommodate 120 PeoPle comfortably , 4\s a consequence , we are in shape to care for our patrons bettor than over before. 'I'Ickut 0111cc- ? ev Depot- 1502 Fllu1 SI , 10111 & MaSU SIS , mu ! * purchased during the year to mske Rood hl the ears i'hih have been destroyed and gone out of service from any cause since the orgenization of the company , The largest local crop n the history of the company Is about ready for the harvest. .ANNUAb TILOUIILfl WITIf TitAMP. tiaminlilt Lute I'oreei to Call In lime Vmiesl $ ntes % Inz1mnl , tgnlm. On Wednesday a mob of fifty tramps took possession-of way freight No , 10 on the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha , but were finally expelled by the traib crow , Yesterday another gang , nunf- boring about 100 , toohc possession of several cars on the same train when it stopped at Blair. Conductor Bailer anti lila brakemen - men entered the cars anti ordered the men out , without any re5ult. Sheriff Minko of Washington county was called upon anti commanded the men to leave the cars , but they ignored him anti ho would not call any nasistanco and try to for1bly eject the marauders without having a warrant or consulting the county attorney , The train pulled out of Blair anti stopped out- aide of the cite limits for the purpose of making another attempt to get rid of the tramps. Deputy Unlted States Marshals Allan anti Pearsail were on passenger train No , 4 , which followed the way freight , anti having been notified of the trouble the train crew was having they deputized a number of assistants. The passenger train stopped a short thistanco behind the freight and the mnarshala uado a run for the tramps. When the "hoboes" saw the paasengcr train come up behind them they suspecteti that trouble was In store for them and mndo a rush for the corn fields. Only two of the offenders wore captured. . .vIIl iIne Ii i'iti't ) ' of Ilamikers , W. Ii , Guerin , Michigan passenger agent of the Northwestern system , who is here with the editors of his territory , will return - turn to Omaha to visit the exposItIon on August 18. At that time' lie will ho the leader of a personally conducted party of hariit presideuth who deslro to sco the big show. Tile bankers will he Cli route to Denver to attend their annual reunion anti have arranged to stop off hero for two days. There are eighteen presidents of leading banks in Michigan , Indiana and Ohio ni- ready on Me , Gucrin's party list and ho has been forced to place the limit at twenty-five , Ho says noflo except those who have to uSe seven figures to express their wealth can get into this excursion , ItaLtvay Notes * imiii PernmlniN. General ohicitor Idanderson of the 13. & M. is so fzit improved fronl his recent iii- miess as to be able to take a daily drive. Traveling Passenger Agent Cundoy of the Denver & Rio Grande is in the city con- vimicing eastern people at the oaposition of the delights of Colorado scenery. Gomicral Passenger Agent Lomax and As- sistaiit General Passenger Agent Iltmtchison of thIn Union l'aiiio have returned from the Chicago meeting of the Western l'assenger association. lintel runners have become so numerous at the depots lately tlmttt the railroad corn- panics have drawn a dead line in red paint and any runner Who gets over the line is immediately arrested , A special train of five cars arrived In branch of thlo Burlington from St , Joe , carrying - rying a party of exposition visitors. The excursion is in charge of the Young Men's Christian amthociation , anti the party will return - turn home tonight. ' \r , c. Barnes , traveling passenger agent of the Missouri Pacific , hAs returned from St .Louis , where he accompanIed the Third battalion of the Third Nebraska regiment. litt says the boys received an nlmnost continuous - tinuous ovation from hero to St. Louis. where they were turned over in good shape to the Illinois Central for transportation to Nashville. MUCI1 regret was expressed in Omaha rail- toati c1rcle on the announcement of the death of Cyrus IC. W'ilbcr , general western passenger agent of the Lake Shore & Micht- gan Southern road , from Bright's disease. his heatlquartcrs were In Chicago , but through frequent visits In the west he was well known and highly esteemed here , lie was a brother-in-law of George Ii. D.umlels , general passenger agent of the New York Central. 1IA1'fl1 hUbS. mn.ooSilk , SnHhes for flSc. 1,000 elegant all silk fringcd sashes , full length , regular price ; 3,00 each ; on sale Saturday , 8c each , None sold before 8 o'clock Saturday morning. 6,000 complete globes of the world , giving loCatlOOs of nil the interesting points , pria- cipal cities , latitude anti longitude ; regular price , $1,00 ; on sale at c. Ladies' 50c and 7'c handbags , 2c each , A new line of ladies' scarfs , tecks , bows , and string ties ; regular 2o to flOe goods ; special price , 15o each. hAYDEN BROS. A 1'Iti" ADY.tN'1'AGEs Oflered by the tThlcngro , Milwaukee & Nt. Pant hallway , THE SHORT LINE TO CHICAGO. A clean train made up and started from Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to destination. Elegant train service and courteous em- ploycs. Entire trains lighted by electricity and with electric light In every berth. Fittest dimiing car service in the west , with meals served "a ha carte. " Th Piver loavea at 5:45 : n. In. daily from Union Depot. CITY TICKET OFF'IC1 , 1i04 Farnam St. C. S. CA1tItIER , City Ticket Agent. Time Smxerb Tquiprnent and quick time of the Union racloc makes it the popular line to all principal western resorts. City ticket offlce. No. 1302 Far- acm at , Over 25,000 druggists recommend and sell Prof. Field'S Worm Powders. WHALERS ARE NOTSO BAD OFF Simnie Simorttige oh I'roviNhoilpi , but Re- hot I'arty HuiphIea limo Deficiency. SliATTLE , July 21.-A member of the Bear relief expedition writes from Point Barrow under tiato of March 27 confirming the news received from CaptaIn Tuttle that the imprisoned 'whalers bad been reached and that they were better off than had boon expected. Most of the vosols can be saved anti the inca have not atiiTeretl seriously , havIng subsistel on fish and wild reindeer. There were 100 men quartered at Cape $ mytbe , seventy-six of those in the old Kelly house anti the romatnsr divided up between Charlie Browoa' and the old refuge station nor : occupied by Prof , Mcllhenny. They were tn vaat of food and clothiug , vhitcli were at once supplied. Lieutenant Jarvle , who led the land expedition vhich arrived at Point flarrow ahead of the Bear , made nearly 2,000 miles in 102 days and his arrival put an end to the troubles of the ice-locked men. lie first boarded the Del- vidoro amId was greeted by Captain Millard , who at once informed him of the condition of the hoot , The errival of the tame reindeer - deer and of the Bear party put an end to the fears of the men and there is no danger of further distress , 'I'rinl of Net lieveauc Cutter. CL.IIVBL.AND , July 21.-The new United States revenue cutter Onondaga left the Globu allipyards today for a ten hours' trial trip on Lake Erie. It has on board two iino olitcera of the navy , Captain Hall and Lieutemmant Quiuan , and a party of Globe company olflclals. 'The union jack floated fromzi the cutter's foremast , while the stars and stripes floated aft. The Globe corn- pany expects the Onontlaga , which is a ala- ter ship to the Algonquin , completed a short time since , will lirove a very fast vessel , It Is underetooti it will be sent through the canals to the Atlantic coast as soon as possible. The lice's piiotogravurea of the xposi- tton are works of art. Cut a coupon from puo two and , get three , . BOSTON STORE'S ' RE1NANTS Grandest Lot of Wash Goods and White Goods Boninanta Ever Shown , GRAND LOT NEW SILK REMNANTS Our ltentmmnnt Sales Arc a hieweintioma to Lvery1otiy-Strnigers Can't Cu- .icrstnnl hloav Stick I'ricea tro h'oaallic-Comue to time Sale , TODAY. 1,000 yards of short remnants of lawns , dotieti swiss atid organdies , iorth up to 2Ge , go at 2c yard. One Immense thbio of all kinds of lace 'remnants , worth 15c and lOc , go at. to yard. Two cases of light slitting cahicos , long remnants , 2c yard. Best grade black and white callcos , 3c , worth 7tc. Ouo big counter best grade French percale long remnajits , the ilic kind , go at fib yard. One immense counter of all kinds of fancy striped , plaid and checked nainsooks , and plain India linens , worth 25c , as long as they last today , go at tic yard. One Immense table of all kinds of heavy dress ducks and shirting ducks , worth 123c , go at tc yard. Five cases of musiin remnants , all the best grades of fruit of the loom , lonsdaio , Utica antI wamsutta and fine cambrics , worth 12c , go at o yard , Two bales of remnants of flue unbicached muslin , the to and 7'c kinds , all In one big lot , at yard. NEW SILKS , 15G. 210 AND 29C YAltl3. Just received an clegatit lot of new silks in lengths from 2 to 10 yards , goods iortli up to $1.25 , go at icc , 25c and 22c yard. NEW SILK ENDS , ! 0 , 100 AND I5C DACIT. Thousands . of new sample ends of the highest grades of all lclntls of fancy and brocaded , colored silks , goods worth $3.00 and $4.00 yard. go at Ge , lOc and 15c per piece. SILK MOUSSBLNE BE SOIB , 2'/C EACH. To close out all the remnants of tine silk moussehino do sole , iso give you the choice today at 2c each , BOSTON STORB. OMAHA , N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas , AFFAIRS ON RESERVATION Omitaha nmi.l VIuuclngo Indinn Ilnay at Jiarveattng n Ucatmitifut Cr01 , of Wheat. Deputy United States Marshal Allan returned - turned Wednesday from Pender , bring- lag with hint two xnen who have been engaged In the liquor traf- tie with the Omaha Indians , Mr. Allan says that the Omaha reservation never was in as fine a condition as It is at present. W'beat harvest is going on anti binders are running night and day. The Indians , many of them , have good crops and they postponed - poned their powwow until August 1 In order that the harvest may not interfere with the celebration. Captain Mercer is selecting the Winnebago and Omaha Indians who will take part In the Indian congress at the oxposltioa and will return to Omaha in a few days. The men whom Deputy Allan brought to Omaha nro Ituftis Twain , who was found guilty of selling whisky to Indians by the fedorhl grand jury and will ho sentenced by Judge Mungor on Saturday , anti William Esaw , a Winnobago , who Is bound over 'to the federal court for the same offence. Hugh Gallagher and J , W. Durham were also brnuht before Commissioner Sloan for sell- log whisky to Indians at Ponder aad bound over under $500 bonds , which they succeeded In securing. The Climate of Cuba. Because of frequent rains in Cuba malarIal fovera are a common ailment there , just as they are in many sections of the United Sttos , Ailments of this kind , no matter In what part of the globe they occur , arc quickly cured with Hostetter's Stomach Bit- ters. Besides being a specific for malarial troubies , these Bitters also make pure blood , strong aerves and muscles , and firm , healthy ficiis. They have no equal for dyspepsia and constipation. FLOYD IS ARRESTED AGAIN Misiourt Mnn Getting Ihadiy Wound hiji In the flcalme of Nebraak Criminal Law , Tari Floyd , the alleged land swindler , who secured title to the Pioneer hotel from Julius Jorgensen , its owner , on a trade for 160 acres of land near Dexter , Mo. , which it Is alleged did not belong to him , is hopelessly entangled in the meshes of the law. Last night ho was arrested by Constable Hardy of Justice Pritchard's court on a warrant - rant charging him with having transferred property not his own for the purpose of fraud. Anoihor warrant Is being prepared by the county attorney charging him with fraud. This makes the fourth time Floyd han been arrested in three days. ITo was first arrested for disorderly conduct in re- slating the service of a writ of replevin. As ha left the court room with a. suspended sentence of twenty days hanging over him lie wa arrested , charged with resisting an otlicer. Being released on bonds , he attacked Jorgensen with a knife and was arrested on the charge of assault with Intent to kill. Wednostlay's arrest was the fourth anti the warrant now soon to be served will ho the fifth arrest. Time Boys at Chfelcnnmauga Delighted , Before leaving for Cliickarnauga park , Ga. , Lieutenant George E. Bass , Fifty-second Iowa volunteers , procured a few Uottles of Chamaborinln's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The boys were delighted with the quick cures of diarrhoea which it efiected. To rneetthe , demands Lieutenant Bass or- tiered four dozen bottles more by express and sold the whole of It in one day , except three bottles kept for his own use and for ncrsonai friends. It never fails to effect a cure and is pleasant and safe to take. It in the moat successful medicine in time world for bowel complaints. For sale by all drug- gibtB. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AIflUNOIIIUII In , A fine bill of eight numbers will be pro- seated at the Trocadero next week , The Carpos brothers are hilled as the leatling attraction and \Velis and Loretta will be prominent In the fun making , Moore and Harcher vihi be seen in their comedy musical - sical act ; Tom ICeating , soft shoe anti novelty - olty dancer ; Jerry hart and Beatrice Sir in a nest sketch , and Barr anti Evans in their latest novelty character skit. TIme ( outinemltal LhimiIed , The new Wabash solid vestibule train of day coaches , sleeping and dining cars. A train for tourists and all classes of travel , Will Leave Chicago ( daily ) , 12 noon , Leave St. Louis ( daii' ) , 9:10 : a. in , Arrive New York , via \S'est Shore , 3:30 : p. m. Arrive Boston via Fitchburg , 5:50 : p. in , All agents sell tickets for this train and will tell you nil about it. Ask him or write 0. N. Clayton , a. v. P. Agt. Wabash It. H. Chinese Lnuuilryzmmmu hiohibed , A younic man entered time laundry of Leo Sing , a Chinaman , at 2417 Cuming street , Wednesday anti asked for his bundle of laundry , While the Cbinanaa wan looking over the imlle of laundry the stranger sneaked into bin room and took his watch and chain and 10 in money from the pocket of a imir of trousers , After securing time valuables the stranger re-entered the 0111cc , secured his laundry and heft. Robbeil by a Negreus , C. Ii. Stsloy of Rushyille , Mo. , wan robbed of $11 Wednesday in a little red house at Twelfth and Davenport streets , notorious for operations of that sort. "Kid" Burke , the negresa by whom be wai entertained , was arrested for larceny from the person and Kitty Owens was secured as an Inmate ef the place , flOtTOX Stohin LINIINS AitlilVil , All Dny YcnterdiyOur hiiinmenne Sue- plus IIotnt % 'an a hitiny l'lnce UNPACIUNG DAMAGED LINBNS FROM TuB C , l. flY- CItOFT P11111. Nearly 250 cases received yesterday , SAIA BEGINS SATURDAY. Among the new arrivals wer.1 25 cases damaged table liners 10 cases damaged napkins. 6 cases damaged fringed doylies. 25 cases damaged unbleachcd crashes. 10 cases l3arnrley crash. 10 cases badly damaged buck toweling. 24 cases badly damaged plain white and colored Marseilles bedspreads. 20 cases very slightly tinniaged crocheted bedspreads. 4 cases badly damaged table covers , 21 ceses slightly damageti lace curtains. Is c'ses ladies' , men's anti children's handkerchiefs , some badly damaged , sonie burned , some ahighily wet. 8 cases of assorted grades of linen sheet- lag , pillow linen , fronting linen and embroidery - broidery linen. 23 cases of slightly imperfect tapestry por. tieres , 16 bales of pure linen dress crash. 10 cases of Turlcisli wash rags , 22 bales of fine imported bleached Turkish towels. Seine of the goods arc badly damaged , some slightly damaged anti some perfect. There ne'er was such an Immense lot of damaged linens placed on sale at one time anywhere , This is a sale that is bound to attract most universal attention. The bargains - gains that we vIll oiler are such as to do- mantl , not only the interest of Omaha , but the entire west , Dy Saturday all the goods will have arrived - rived and been unpacked. They will be on sale promptly at S o'clock Saturday morn- ing. Come lrepareri to see big bargains and you will go away more than satisfied. BOSTON STORB , OMAhA , 16th and Douglas Stn. LOO A7D OO uEN's SIiOIiS , $ i1.lD. rooo Pnirn iie' mi rand I5 Tail , Viol aim. ! itiisIitmm Calf Sheen , Go ON SALB TODAY , FRIDAY , AT $1.69 A PAIR at I3OSTON STORD , OMAHA , 'rothY , $1.69. All styles of toes , $1.60. All new lasts , $1.69. Every size , by itself , $1.69. Piled..jn immense high piles , $1.69. On bargain counters , $1.69. In men's shoe department , All tied together , $1.69. Iteady for you to pick out , $1.69. No matter what they COBt , All one price , $1.69 a pair , Be sure to notice thin Sale begins tomorrow , Friday. Men's shoes worth $4 and $5 , ri,000 pairs. Your choice of the lOt , Only $1.69. Every pair warranted. BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , N. W. Cor. 16th anti Douglas. CANNON SAW THE WOUNDED VIals's Seuntor Czahl , onlhme Iheroe of Sun Jimmama 11111 mit Fort liIcl'hcreon , Senator Prank S. Cannon of Utah , ac- coinpanied by Mrs. Cannon and son Frank , arrived in Omaha yesterday on his way home and stopped over for the day. The senator did not visit the exposition , as he is one of the committee to oflicially represent - sent the senate , and that committee has been called to meet in Omaha some time in September , at which time ho will spend sumcient tinle hero to thoroughly inspect the exposition. Mr. Cannon has just recently returned from Fort McPherson , Ga. , where he via- ited the wounded soldiers from the Twenty- fourth regular infantry , who had been brought there just a tow hours before the senator's arrival. The Twenty-fourth stationed at Fort Douglass , Utah , and the senator felt a personal interest in their wel- fare. It i a regiment of colored troops and engaged in the fearful charge up the San Juan bill , where so many of the United States forces were lost , He said that in spite of their wounds , and the fatiguing jourtley from Santiago on the traimsoorts. and the further fact that they worn Undoubtedly - doubtedly suffering greatest Just after their arrival at the fort , the tiominnnt idea of them all was for a speedy recovery that they might rejoin their regiment and taka up the fighting where they left off , The same spirit , according to the senator , pro- 'railed among the wounded officers. They were anxious to get back to the field of action , seeming to fear that the war would be over before they bad another try at the enemy. Mr. Cannon also visited Jacksonville , where his brother , John Q , Cannon , is sta- tioned. The latter Is lieutenant colonel of Torrey's regiment of Rough Riders. In the United States senate Mr. Cannon is one of the "kids , " being now but 39 years of age , anti but. 36 when be first took his seat. his term expires next March , anti Utah will next fall elect a leglslaturo which is to choose his successor. Mr. Cannon haa always been an annexationist - tionist and naturally is pleased with the action of congress in regard to Hawaii , lie expects areat thlns from the acnulsltlnn of the Islands. Ho rnado a visit to this new charge of Uncle Sam's a few years ago , and returned home stronger than ever in favor of annexation. lie says the only colony of genuine hiawaiians , or } Canakaa , 1t the United States Is located in Utah , it having received the royal permission of the king to come to this country , Ho says the mem- hers are engaged in farming and make good citizens. AT ARMY HEADQUARTERS , Lieutenant Morgan , li , 5 , A , , who was quartcrmasto for ryfl' regiment , baa been ordered to return to his regiment at Fort Meade. The opinion seems to prevail at the bond- quarters of the Department of the Missouri that another call for volunteers will br made IlOt later than August 1. ha selecting volunteers for Bryan's regi- meat Major Koorpcr examined nil the men personally and rejected 525 men out , of the number who applied for admissIon. Lieutenant luIT , U. S. A. , ivimo recruited the Third regiment of Nebraska volunteers , has been made regimental adjutant of the Eighth cavalry , and with Mrs. Duff hlI return - turn o Fort Meode and assume his duties theta in a few days. The Third United States Volunteer emigi- neera have been ordered to rejimoi'o from Washington to Jefferson Barracks , Mo , Colonel David D. Gaillard will have clmargo of the regiment and First Lieutenant C. hi. Hamilton is adjutant. Captain Charles A. Varnum of time Seventh cavalry itra been ordered to report in person - , son to Lieutenuiit Colonel Edwin B , Atwood , deputy quartermaster general of the chief quartermaster's department of the Depart- muent of Colorado , ( or dtmty its his assistant in purchasing horses for Troops L and M of the Sovciztb cavalry. FEDERAL BUILDING NOTES , Miss T'lorence A , Moore , deputy cleric of the ijniteti States district court , has l'ft ( era a tori days' vacation at. hot Springs , S. D , The internal revenue office has exhausted Its supply of 2-cent and 10-cent documentary stanipa. but has documentary stamps of other denominations and a full supply of proprietary staumps. The Omaha postotflco has sold ( ho last of its 2-cent exposition stamps and has been advised train Washington that it will be impossible to supply more stamps of that denomination for some weeks. Smismhtary Aid Society , The Nebraska Sanitary Anid society will meet on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Myrtle hail , Some very important business 'will be before tIme body for consideration and a full attendance Is desired , ANOTIILIIIL 511(511 SAI.ti sA'ruItny , Thmonannilsu of l.nllcn' high brittle Blitek atiti Ta , , , l'iriin santi Fitsacy siios Made for McGovern and Thomas of New York , who failed for over a million dollars , Go ON SAhE SATURDAY AT BOSTON STOliD , OMAhA , At $1.60 a pair. Every pair in the lot made to retail at from $3.00 to $6.00. Thmcso arc the hIghest grade of lmoc anti come in all widths anti styles , Sttth prices were never quoted bofore. You yill finti these in our main shoe tie- partmen t Tieth together , On bargain tables , Sorted out in sizes. We will also sell on Saturday , But only in the basement , 1,500 pairs Child's , misses' , youths' and little goats' Tan shoes Made by P. Cogan & Son To retail at $1.75 and $2.00 , At DIe pair. flenicinber this sale bcghmms Saturday At BOSTON STOI1E , OMAHA , N , W. Cor. 16th antI Douglas Sta , EDITORS OF CENTRAL STATES Ohio , Iltihinmmn , lhielilgnn tutu Vestcrfl l'emmunyl'iniiia Iteprenenteil Ut 11mm' IIIIMitlomt , Editors anti publishers of daily and weekly papers in Ohio , Indiana , Michigan antI west- era I'ennsylvania to the number of thirty- six have passed very favorable judgment on the Tranamiasissippi Exposition. They ought to know , because they have inspected it most carefully. They arrived hero at midnight ' % \'ednesday on a special car of time Northwestern's "Colorado Special , " anti will be hero until Friday evening , whemi they will leave for a trip through the Black hills of South Dakota. In the party are representatives of the following organlzatioma : Wolverine Stnte Press association , Ohio State l'rcss association - tion , Western I'eunsylvtnia State Press sane- elation , and the Indiana Editors' association , W. H. Marvin , editor of tIle Utica ( Mich. ) Sentinel , is the manager and treasurer of the excursion. The trip will last about ten days , and the states of Illinois , Iowa , Nebraska - braska and South Dakota will bq well coy- cred before the return. W. H. Guerin , Michigan passenger agent of the Chicago & Northwestern , accompanies the editors and provides for their comfort. CAUGHT BY MARKED COINS 1)inJtommet hlotell'orler Who has Bemm htoltitlmag Ilac CharIty Boxes ut tlic I'nxton hotel , The series of petty steahings from the cigar stands and charity boxes at the Pox- ton hotel came to an abrupt ending Wednesday - day with the arrest of J , honey , the night porter at the hotel , and harry Ilaner , a bell boy. The culprits were discovered by htaiph Kitchen by means of marked money , In police court this morning Hurley pleaded guilty anti was sentenced to thirty days in tile county jail , and Haner wan discharged. The specific charge against tile boys was the theft of 25 cents from the charity box of the Children's home society. Thin box had been rifled severaL times during the last two weeks. Last evening Mr. Kitchen marked three nickels pad a dime and deposited - posited the money In the box. Hurley apd Haner were seen acting suspiciously about the box anti were arrested by the special omcer of the hotel. When searched at the city jail the marked money wan found In Hurley's possession. VIctimna of the Lock Gnme. Three victims of the lock swindling ganio reported their losses to the police Wednesday - day night. Their aggregate losings was $100. The names of the victims antI the facts in their cases were suppressed by the police. Tiis makes nearly twelve complaints that have been fileti by victims of this mode of swindling within the lost week. From the descriptions of the victims the work was evidently done by the same men and in the majority of cases the victims were fleeced In the very heart of the city. Whln this Rart of wnrlr is eMnp' on fh. , 1)01100 force is busy houndingvagranta on the outskirts of the city. Notes trosma tile Conrin. Sheriff McDonald kept out of Jugo Scott's court also yesterday. At a late hour the judge was still considering what ho would do about it. The case before County Judge Baxter against Eggert Oft and Henry Ji p of lien- nington for selling liquor on Sunday has been continued until Friday , the 20th inst. Hamilton Bros. have begun suit against the exposition to recover $979.28 , alleged to be duo them on material supplied for the Machinery building and a certified check , accompanying their bid on the Fine Arts' building. A petition for a divorce has been filed by Nora Lane against John Lane. They were muarried in February , 1885 , in Hampshire , Ill. , but have lived hero for ten years , They have one child , a little girl , Mrs. Lane ni- legea cruelty anti abuse. Fruit Not Good for Sailors , Writing from Camp Merritt , San Fran- ciaco , miark H. Evans , clerk of Co. F , Cist Iowa , says : "When I heft Des Moines I had with me two bottles of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The fruit out hero has not exactly agreed with a majority of the boys and my two bottles have been in great demand , so much so that it i all gone. " Mr. Evans has since been supplied and will take a good lot of the remedy along to the Philippine islands. There is no danger fromn bowel complaint when this remedy Is used. It always cures , For sale by si druggists. BORO-LITHIA WATER Boro.Lithlia Water is the best of all mm- oral waters for the following reasons : 1.- It contains more lithmla than any other water on the market. 2.-It contains ( in combination ) the best and only permissible Internal ontiseptie known. 3.-It agrees with the stomaclm , an it contains no salicyhlo acid , 4-It Is bottled in convenient sizes -half pint , one pint , quarts , Gaseous and half gallons plain. PRICES OF IlORO-LITIIIA , Cases of 50 quarts-gaseous Cases of 104) pints-gaseous , . , . , , , , , , , . , , $10.00. Cases of 100 split-gaseous . . . , , , , . , , . , , . Cases of 12 half gallons-plain . . . . . . . . . $5.00 half pints , lOe each ; pints , 15c ; quarts , 25c , and half gallons , OOc , Pints per dozen , $1.50 ; quarts per dozen , .12.50. Liberal return allowallee for bottles. Wim sell 100 kinds natural mineral waters , Sherman & McConnell Drug 0o1 , 1513 DODGE ST. OMAHA , NEIl. MIDDLE OF BLOCK , TEETH EXTRACTID l'OSiTlViiIY WIThOUT PAIN. 25C ! 225c Best set of teeth , $5.00. No charge for ox- tractiug whea teeth are oidcred. All other works at same reduced juices , Albany Dentists , 120 South 14th , cor. Douglas. Open oven- lags until 8. Lady attendant , Sundays , I I t 1)15. LVONILtILIT'S ANTh PILL CUREB TilE PILL HAT Coitttpatee. lpp.r'.i , tU.o..e. ' . Stit. . . , IC , . hrUon act lu,4 tjt , Ut.LIl. LtQtb ( IIht7tI' taik. l- * * 4 4 Omaha Bee , July 23 , 169 $ 2 f/ems. ' 2 / . . , ! "Monarch" shirts 45 cents each , Thoro's an item tilat WOUI(1 call for a great big liurrnli in Some torci. Too comillon to IDako any fuss ever it hero. All kinds of Pet bratids go to keep 'l'lic Nebraska pot boiling , only they don't often COIlIC to 'OU with the maker's JialilelTotlllll1t this time if WO llIt(1ll't rUhl out of . I 'Nebraska Sbii' labels , " Now that the cat is out of the bag , you Call see how we value things here. Each iihirt has two collars and one pair of separate culls to iiiatcli , 'l'liey are cut full si't.e and full fashioned. have felled seaiiis , Pateilt gussets , full iilcovo widths , QIUI ill fact are identical , except in 1)attern , with the 45 cent shirts ou have always bought hero. Speak. ing of brands-another good item for Saturday's trading-is a iiew- lot of 111011's collars , macb Irolil 1800 linen , which we will sell undet' our own brand , at 10 cents each three for or a quarter , If OU bought them under their original brand you'd get one collar for your quarter instead of three. A Stand Special. J ust what you have been looking for ; a small inexpensive stand that has some character and style. A lini. ited. number of thh handsome r& I stand on sale during this week , . Think of it. A Mahogany , Birds ' Eye Maple or quarter sawed Oak , J 'I ' ' highly polished , 16 inch pattei'n 1 to1) stand with shelf , like 1 35 ' . I cut , price this week I. . ' - .t Mail orders filled , . Couches. ' Our assortment of Couches is especially attractive in all the latest designs and coverings , prices , tufted Couch $8,25 , $9.75 , $12.50 , $15.00 up to the best gen- 1.liflC leather couches at $29.00 , $37.50 , $50.00. Hammocks. We have a large and well selected line of Hammocks -good substantial woven hainmocks-the strongest and. best made-pillows attached-pi'ices $1. 50 , $ . 2 5 , $2.75 , $4.00 , $4.50 and $5.00. ORCIIAQD & WILhELM CAQPT CO. 1414-1416-1413 DOUGLAS ST. EDUCATIONAL. Is' Oldeat , largest and Wiiwitth Mtariiv beat equipped In r central west. ' , - - ' Government sunervislon. MAjOSSANDFORDSELLERS.M.A. NewhuildinClt boingerected , , StUdeilts rejected ltmit " Soda Water MR. FRANIC KRATZER , late of ST. LOUIS , now In charge of our Fountain can furnish you the LARGEST LIST of FANCY SODA DRINKS to be found In the city. All of the latest and best "PALATE PLEASTIRS. " Wo make our own ICE CREAM , FROZEN FRUIT PHOSPHATE , and FRESH FRUIT SYRUPS. runty-Prompt Servic Special attention to carriage trade. Concert every Saturday evening. Jil A. FULL1R & Co. , . , Cut h'rlcc Druggists , 14th and DougIu9 Sts SPECIAL PIANO BARGAINS- Light Upright , $ S5. KihhlbUll Upright , ebony cnseTOO Ciiickci'Ing 1'lanos , $61) and $75 We will 'pay tlO ( ) in cushi for a ne IMIS Steinway , Inert. & l'uttl , 'ose or hi.rsomi piammo Vu ruislied ly an ) ' oIlier drnli'r In the city , l'lnno ID be sliiptcti .iirect ( ruin ( lie factory wills factory gunenimi- lee. In now pianos we ' call partleularatten- : ; lIeu to our golected sWclc of 1898 Stoinways-tlio greatest Iliano in the world. Tuning , ranting nod moving at lowest rates , Tel , 1025 , A C , SlUFiLiiihI , 'loner , A , ' .V. MOihif , 'I'ruvellitg Jtcpronciintl'te , Schmoller & Mueller , 1313 rarnam Sirect. Largest Music hcahera in ( Ito , Vead , J , J , Deright & Co. , . : - , , time 'J'ypcwrlter , Time best typo. Inthe world ! r - Write for Catalogue , Tel. 253. - lUG D'arnain lit. , Omaha , BrowneD HaH Opesin Sept. 19th , 1898. Boarding and Day School for GirI Under tIm direction of lit. Itov. George Worthmimigton , S. ' 1' . D , , LI. . . D. Primary , preparatory and collegiate courses. Conm. Petent corps of teacher3 , Modern metim- ods nnd every advantage offered , Strict attention Itnid to tile moral , mental and physical well being of tim students , fliplo- man conferred , Prepares for all colleges open to women. Special courses in Higher - or English , , Sciences , Ancient and Motlerci Languuges , Music and Art. Terms rand- Orate. Building repaired and In excellent order , Sanitary piumbing. Satisfactory steam heating. Parents anti guardians desiring to enter pupils will please send for catalpguo , or apply personally to Mrs. L .R. Upton , Priti. Jiros'micil huh. Oiijniin , Neb , ACADEMY lorYoun 9f Year ilium rradc Enghisim tmnd Clasalcal School , Ltterary' , Music. Art courses. Certifleat , , aInmit , to J3ntcrn collages for women , Correspondence nollcilc4. For cataiotmn address B. 1 , hmuL.LA8D , A , 14. , l'res , Jacksonville , iii. B' ' ° 'I' ACADEMY - Founded 1603. For 1110 ilighier cdueatiotm of young women. Classical nnd Scientific course of study , tilso l'repnratory anti Optiotmal , Year begins Sept , II , 1191. Apply to Miss Ida C. Allen , I'rin. , lirudtord , M ICIIIGAN MILITARY ACAIEMY. a * 21st year. Prepares ( or leading IJmiver. silks. Grmmuiuntes are imow in hharvurti , Yale Princeton , Cornell anti Universities of Michi Igan , New gyrnuaslun , , OOxhiO feet. Ad dress , Colonel lIngers , Supt , , Orchard Lake , lihichi , I I A D flI\1 College tutu Ctiicrtory ( , hI1 itUHi ftr lidIes. Mexico , Mo , L.2-1 TIIM AT THE EXPOSITION. WE 1I.4t1"l Smoked 6Iusses r0 have theln from 25c to $5 , You ought not to go lionie without one of our I x posi t i011 Souvenir Spooii. LINDSAY. The Jeweler 1510 Douglas St.