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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1888)
NOVEMBER 11 ; 1888.-STXTEEN PAGES. f- ATT * HEYMAN & DEICHES , 1518-1520 Farnam St. Cloak , Suit and -Tnr Hoiise In tlie The success of our Ispecialsale on Dresses [ for the past week , has warranted us to con tinue this sale another - [ er week. Look in our windows [ for prices. Cloaks and Wraps Newmarkets , Jackets , Ulsters , etc. We offer A PLEA FOR THE REPORTER A Mnn With the Kindliest of Hu man Impulses. WORKING SOLELY FOR MANKIND , How lie Should lie Treated liy Men und Women of All GlnHscn and Condition * ! of Mfe Don't Don't. Tfics N'oWH Gatherer. Reader What uro jouV Arc you a hanker or a pauper , a merchant or n MileMimn , a manufacturer or n mechanic , n lawyer or a doctor , a po- licomnn or a criminal , a Knicht of Labor or an anarchibt ? If you are , have you over been approached by n mock , mild-eyed reporter , who politely asks you for an item , only to bo grullly repulsed ? If bo , don't do it again , but repent , for if you'ro ' not roasted in the next world you will bo in this. When he asks you about the looses your bank has sustained , or the amount you have invested in slinky enterprises , don't misrepresent facts to him , becaiibo he hn : no intention of crying down your credit. Ho is only obeying the orders of bin chief , and if you tell him the truth ho may contribute his hitrd- " earned money "to liolp you out. If you arc a pauper , and ho wants to know- how you make a living on nothing a day , it isn't to inform the police , but only to net pointers on a special ho haste to write , and , perhaps , when he is through he'll give you a quarter and charge it to ' 'car faro. " Then he'll put you in print , but it won't be in the po- .1 0 report , and if you ever get the paper it will contain homo valuable pointers lie made up himself , and will toll you how ho would do if ho was in your place. Ho has no designs to ro- venl trade secrets to a rival merchant , when ho interviews him , and he only vrantH to sco that clerks get shorter houi'H than his own , which are sixteen a day. The manufacturer need have no fear that lie will endeavor to stir up the me chanics tc strike because he asks him how much nor cent ho makes on a day's labor. Ho is only preparing an article on free trade and protection. When he asks a mechanic how much he makes in a 'ay , how much of it he spends in beer , ho'v much it costs to live and how much ho puts in the bank , it is because ho is a friend and would like to see him got ten hours' pay for eight hours' work , and not because ho wants to give it away to the boss and have the wages re duced. Ho never thinks of giving pointers to the other side when he asks a lawyer for particulars in a law suit , and is without guile when no asks a doctor how ho managed to put seven teen Htlchcs in a cut on a man's head made with a beer glass , Nothing could bo further from I is thoughts than the idea of givinp a criminal the tip when ho asks a policeman on the quiet to toll him confidentially the last news from the station , und if the criminal js caught , he does not interview him with the intention of wringing a confession from him. lie only wants to present the best points of hin case to his intelli gent countrymen so that tho.v will know bow to net when they go on the jury. When the Knights of Labor catch him listening at the key hole , ho should bo treated gently because l o is not try ing to learn the grip or pass-words. Jf he bo n morning paper man , ho has al ready learned all about a "night of labor bor/ ' and ho is only trying to help thorn out. Anarchists should look on him as a friend , when they ilml him taking notes at their meetings , for without him the effect of at least one-half of their most eloquent speeches would bo lost in the nearest beer hull. Ho is one of the few that appreciate their greatness. Ho rocogni/08 the fact that there .aro wrongs to bo righted , that one-half , or more , of the human family uro down trodden blavos , and ho looks upon them as the other half , or less , and bo makes a duty of the pleasure it gives him to let the > biggest half know of how much the llt- t tlo half is doing for thorn , and the way ' they are going to do it. ISO , reader , the reporter is a friend of all man and women too , and , when next he calls on you. treat him kindly , for ho once had friends , and you never know how ho came to bo a reporter. No , you never saw him wrestling with his first item never saw him consulting a dic tionary to tlnd the most bciuntillu words with which to explain in a column ar ticle how John Smith broke his log , and you never saw him search almost in vain for the article , next morning , and find it cut down to a couple of linos. You can't understand what it is to hear the city editor nay , "Too much gush , " AS ho draws his pencil through the choicest purugrujis of a description of your best girl's bister's wedding , which you hud shown the whole family before handing In the "copy. " Neither huvo you heard him say , "Wo don't give free advertising , " when ho throws into the wast basket an account of the opening Of a new jewelry or clothing store. No , reader , unless you're a reporter you don't know what it is. Then , the reporter has other things to render life miserable , and as you read , think it over and boo if you nro the cause. If you are the Main Guy of nil Odd Fellow , Knights of } Jythius or pther secret society demonstration , and the latest novelties for ladies' , misses and children , at prices that defy competition. FI ] Seal skin cl'ks fur lined circulars , fur collars , and. cuffs , muffs , boas , robes , sealskin hats , caras for ladies and think the success or failure of a whole convention rests on you , don't use tlit reporter harshly when ho comes to set ' you. Don't say you wish there wasn'1 one within a mile of you , because , il ' you had your wish , you wouldn't HOC anything about yourself and brethren in the next issue. IJosidos , that re porter may have boon waiting wenrilj lor you to come out and toll him in r word facts that would help him out. If you are a traveling man , don't snatch away the hotel reg ister when you see a roportot scanning the pages for the names ol the now arrivals , because if you want to know about any particular person , the clerk can always tell you. Other wise you will deprive him of minutes that arc sometimes as valuable a < hours. If you are on his accustomed "run" don't look glum and rofuao tc talk because he doesn't fully appreciate your latest good story , for that story might not look vyoll in print and he may bo too hurried to think about any thing except business. And then it might be , as in one exceptional case , that he was culled to attend a hanging in the morning , and a wedding at noon , and had a speaking acquaintance with both the victims ; but oven if it were not o bad as that , bo often 1ms his nerves unstrung by minor appointments or want of sleep. If you are a leader in society , and are called upon by name for some trilling information about your "At Homo , " remember - member that be is a gontlpman. Don't give him a cold reception in the corri dor , and treat him like a mere hireling , but use him as his position deserves. You know you would never forgive the paper if your reception wore slighted , and you know also that his report far more than repays any little courtesy extended to him as an'equal. Ladies , you are accountable for many of the little libs that are charged to tno reporter. 13ut ho doesn't blame you for them. So , forgive him when he can't keep his promise , and devote a column to your church sociable ? or your charity fair. Ho meant well when he promised to give your department a spe cial notice , and ho blushed inwardly as ho told you about the amount of space ho was going to give you in the morn ing. But , ho lost sight of the fact that the order from the olllco was to "boil that down to a stick. " . If you are a pastor , a deacon , an older or any other church olllcial , don't look at him coldly when bo asks for informa tion about your church. Don't meet him with a chilly , disdainful smile , as though you know thcollico had sent the poorest reporter on the stall' to do your meet ings , for it makes him think of Phar isees , Sudducecs and lots of other bibli cal personages. lie knows that ho can only contribute a nickel to the collec tion , but be doesn't want you to act as if you know it , and while you are answer ing the few questions be may nsk to talk to half do/en more opulent mem bers at the same timo. If you are a church member , treat him like a follow being at your meetings and sociables. Don't bond in front of him or over him to make him feel an outcast , while you are exchanging compliments with people all around him. It makes him think that you rccogni/.o him as a stranger , and that Ins only mission in life is to toll how much you have done for the church and how highly you stand in the estimation of the rostoi the congregation. And you should remem ber , too , that while you or your pastor preach to hundreds , ho preaches to thousands ; that while your mind is wandering on a thousand things not in the sermon , ho is following it carefully , and select ing the choicest portions to scatter broadcast throughout the country. Don't wonder that ho is not an active member of your church. You don't know what il is to listen to the doctrine of "Saved by Faith" at the morning service , and then , an hour later , hear that "Faith without work is dead , " only to have your ideas totally upset wild n you nre sent to do n sermon on IJnivorsulism , where all are saved. Then you learn that "as the tree falls so it lies , " while others toll you with equal positive-ness that there is a place for repentance in another world. Some are satisfied if you are Impti/.od in infancy but others want you to wait until you nro grown up. The infidel denies that there is any future state , and the spiritualist calls up your deceased an cestors to prove that there is , while an other creed tolls you the religion for the day is a religion of this world , and that the future can take care of itself. The reporter takes it all in. No theologian could listen to so varied a course of lectures without being strangely af fected , and the reporter isn't even a theologian , Besides , there are very many little incidents that he has to unearth that not only tend to shako his belief in the faith of his childhood , but in mankind gen erally. Homes ruined , fortunes scattered , trusts betrayed , all come his way in the day's round-up , and too often nro coupled with them , the names of professors of religion and of light. You don't know the chances a re porter takes , the trials he endures to furnish the news you carelessly glance over. You don't ' know what it is to belying lying around a police station all night , listening to the vllo language of the old- time toughs , who pride themselves on their toughness. You don't know what it IB to follow a policeman out at the "hour when graveyards yawn" to gaze on the victim of. tragedy , and shiver ua gruesome visions float bo- fora you , when some belated fellno sings a death song near by , vyhilo the policeman is slowly tucking or unlocking the doors. No , you don't. ' And you don't kno > v what it gentlemen. Seal gar ments repaired at short notice. MOURNING- In this department we offer many extra inducements this week of all goods necessary for complete mourning outfit. is to stand like John Fincrty , of Chi eago , the last man to leave a battle Huh where the Indians wore victorious ; o : like Stanley , plunge into the heart o unknown Africa : or like Hyan , who los his life while newsguthcring in tin bliy/nrd in New York lust spring. Yoi don't oven know the name , much los the feelings , of the other New York re porter who jumped from the rait of at ocean stonmer at midnight and riskei' his life in swimming to a tug in order to bring ashore un portant news for his paper , whet the captain would allow no out to leave the vessel. You don't knov the names nor the number of thosi whose bones lie blenching on every bat tlelleld under the sun ; and in ever' ' clime , in order tliat yon might read tin latest news. And yet they've done it and seine of those who call on you nov may have to do the same tiling. Thinl of it , and when next they call , use then like men they nro. and not like tin inacliihes you' consider them , and , per haps , when the copy for your life's ful report is handed in at last , the Greu l ditor may suppress an item that wouk go against yon because "Ye have dent it to the least of these. " S. K. Pi Out .JiiBt , Two Dollars. Chicago Herald : A seedy-looking mm bar-room the othei entered an up-town - evening , says Mr. Ciruiidy. In his hand ho carried a handsome Malacca walk ing cane , with a heavy oxidi/.ed silvoi head. " "Exouso me. gentlemen , " In : saidas he approached a number of well- dressed men standing at the bar , but do any of you wish tobnya line stick ? Thic is a remnant of other days. , when I was happy and rich. ' ' and ho chocked down a huge sob. "I wonldn t think of sell ing this little rolie if I wasn't in need of bread. The pawnbroker around the corner ottered mo oO cents on it , but that isn't enough for my immediate wants. Porhap.5 one of you gentlemen would like to have it for SH.oOV" The cane was handed around , and n man who seemed interested in the un fortunate bought it from him for $2. While the men were discussing the bargain their friend had made a stranger entered. He was of line appearance , gentlemanly bearing , and looked 15kp a wealthy clubinun. After taking a drink ho walked up and down the room a few times. At last , as he casually approached preached the group at the bar , bo sud denly started back , then hurried for ward and grasped the canu. "Why. why , " he ejaculated In sur prise , "I never thought I should see this again. " The man who had just bought the cano turned around in amazement when ho saw the man lay hands on his prop erty. "What do you mean , sir ? " said he ; "that's my stick. " "You must be lubori'ipr under a delu sion , my dear sir1 replied the courteous stranger in a wonderfully suave tone of voice. "I would know this cano in a thousand and couldn't be mistaken. My friend , Tom Ochiltrco. brought it from London the last time ho was there and presented it to mo. 1 wouldn't have lost it for all the world. 1 ran prove it is my property , for by touching this spring the head opens and discloses a match safe. " It was just as the stranger described. The man who had paid the $2 looked rather crest-fallen as ho explained how the stick had come into his possession. 'Was the fellow who sold it to you a tall , spare , semi-genteel chap ? ' ' asked the stranger. "Yes , ' ' doplied the man. ' Just as 1 thought , " responded thp stranger. "I employed that fellow as my valet just out of charity , and this is the way he has repaid mo. I'm awfully much obliged to yon for aiding me in recovering the canu , " and the handsome stranger bowed himself out. The stranger mot the seedy-looking man around the corner and they whacked up the $2. I-Ycncli Canadians. American Magazine : Who then need wonder at the prediction of un able Now England .statistician , that before the end of the first quarter of the next cen tury that the French Canadians in the Now England stales will outnumber the Anglo-Saxon population. Why , wo have in them already considerably more than England conquered in Canada , with thousands coining yearly from Quebec to join them. With such extra ordinary progress achieved under so many disadvantages , the above pre diction is fur from improbable. The social philosopher and American can tlnd abundant food for specula tion in the fact that against the Yan kee family of one or two children , and often none , the French Canadian will count his Hock of from half a do/.on to u Jo/on and a half. And the Anglo-Saxon will doubtless continue to "go west" tea a largo extent , while the French Cnn- tidlnn will probably maintain and in crease the movement to the southeast , So wo shall have history repeating itself. Wo shall BOO the Normans over running and taking possession of nn- Dtln-r Knglund by the worthy and bo- noliout arts of ponce , and the judicious umjilnymcut of manners and powers which have enabled this people , from insignificant beginnings , under most unfavorable and discouraging circum stances , to build one vigorous state in North America within a century , and thou undertake the rapid formation of .mother , Mr. Jefferson is now playing neb Acres it the Fifth Avenue theater , Now Yorlf.with Mra. Drew us Mrs. Mftlaiirop and Mr. John Sllbert a * Sir Anthony Absolute. It Is sixty years since Mrs. Drew flint aupcared on aNew Now York stage , and .yet us Mrs. Mulnprop : ho other ovunTnj ? slio had the brilliancy und rlvuclty of young , coiuuiamllmf woumnuooU , A full line of black , white and ecru Lace Flouncings , and point d' esprit net , in stripes and dots , at the low est prices ever offered. They are perfect goods Come and examine them. TI1I > lIMMMr IT f AI I\P\T P * TP TIIL WEEK AT GOLDEN GATE Along the Picturesque Mouutai Trail to Bolonas. EXCUSES FOR DODGING DUTY Cows llliliiiK Their CalvrH Up tin Steep Ascent Tlio IliMlwooil CreekA hourly Miner Smibiillto Kerry. Kxciises For Doilulnn Pu'y. SAX FitAxi-isuo , Nov. ( ! . [ Spocia Correspondence of TllK BKK. ] I am : good enough republican , 1 suppose , bu I never can got enthusiastic over oui California election. Tlio railway met of the Southern Pacific and the Centra are sucli enthusiastic , republicans , am are so y.eulous for the cause that theii y.cul c'ools olT my fervor. I would tun democrat only there again I am con fronted by a lot of Missourians from 1'iko county , who are so secessionist ii ; feeling that they arouse in mo a strong antagonism. It seems to me that with other people the hatred of the r.illw.iya is stronger than the disliljo to the Pikes , and I am satisfied that sooner or later my state will bo solidly democratic. And this in spite of the immense uuin- beis of northern men who have Hocked into California , and who have done so much to develop its foremost industries. But they have all fclt..thc iron heel of railroad despotism , lind uro gradually yielding to the conviction that the only remedy for our wets is a1 thorough as sertion of state right doctrines includ ing state ownership of Railroads as pub lic highways. Lot mo oi'to a little in stance. A friend of mine has a vineyard - yard about twelve miles from Martinez , and his vines lie upon the northern slopes of a foothill of onto Diablo , He raises white muscat table grapes. . and has always a good sale for them in San Francisco. In an evil hour ho sent them to Chicago par the Central Pa cific , and though the grapes fetched an excellent price , his return was just half a cent per pound , the railroad getting 10c } per pound for the transportation. I have seen some mad men , but I never did see a madder man than my friend. AN KU&TIOX DAY STKULIj. For these reasons upon election day I leave the busy haunts of men and bo- tuke mo to the comfortublo face of na ture , and thousands of other men do the sumo thing. The 'Friscans delight in jaunts nnd every lather of a family must tuko his little Hock somewhere on a Sunday or there would be a muttorinir of divorce thunder in the circumam bient air. Wo have in tlio neighbor hood of 'Frisco many scores of places of the most exquisite beauty within the compass of a few hours' traveling , and bomo of these can bo ranched by little steamboats that navigate our lovely bay , and some are accessibleby rail road , and some can only bo got at on horseback or in a buggy. It is my practice to chose a stroll , which can only bo compassed by a stout pair of ogs , which the native Culifornians cull ho couch of Sun Francisco , in allusion o the saint , not our beloved city. I huvo a passion for the Coast range of mountains , believing it to bo infinitely more picturesque than the overrated Yoscmito valley , which may DO sublime , though I doubt it. Consequently , when ever anything transpires which puts mo past my patience , I make u practice of scaling these mountains , which uro about two thousand feet high , and will Ic ing along the crest to some little place in the vicinity. OX Till : JIOUNTAIX TIIA1I. TO ItOLKXAS. My fuvorito tramp is in Matin county , which Is that part of tho' state between San Francisco buy und the Paul 11 o ocean , on the north side of the Golden Gate.Tho city of Frisco is on tlio south side , but f.ho Const range dwindles very much in the neighbor hood of Frisco , so > that one does not strike any part very bountiful until ono reaches the oldest reservoir of the Spring Valley Water company. It is different on the north side , for the Const range towers nimnxt immediately to its full height on [ Mount Tumulpais , which is about 2,050 , feet. All eleva tions in mountain rapges that rise su perior to the chain are at right angles to it , connected by rocky ramparts or spurs as geographers term thorn , This peculiarity has the rbsult of creating in the Coast range a series of the most ex quisite little valleys , each one of which has its own little stream , which wan ders according to location either tow ards the Pacific ocean or towards San Francisco buy. These miniature rivers rise from the mountain , wander down its sides , murmur through some valley , and full into tlio ocean within the com pass of it dozen miles , On the eastern side of each rampart of rock nnd on the eastern side of the Coast range for ICO miles the redwood trees rise in un- mutchablo beauty Into the blue air. On the other side towards the sou , und within the valleys also no trees grow , but the slopes are covered with a soft carpet of thick native grass. Why this is so I cannot suy. The Friscans worn intensely surprised to find stated In the Encyclopedia Driiannica .tnut thu We have special in- fants'outfitand mourn ing department. Mail orders filled with promptness. Complete lines. Novel ties in Silk Umbrellas. A. beautiful assortment 3f embroidered flannel waists and shirts. sequoia grow upon the seaward slopes which is absolutely false. I don't thin much of that work as regards Amoricti and I think it will bo foum incorrect in many other mutter besides the sequoia's habitat. ' - ' . . TllK SAt's-AUTO ri'.llKY. At the foot of Market street is th great Oakland fc'-ry , and beside it i the humble ferry house for the boat ti Suusuhto , where travelers who an going northward into tlio Hedwooi country Und the stage. The SiiusahU bout crosses the Golden Gate and there fore the passengers have a splondii will , but they are so accustomed to i that instead of ga/.ing out towards tin ocean they all hug the gunwale on thi side towards Alcatraz , a rock that ha been turned into a picayune fortress chiolly celebrated for n lawn tuiinii ground that has been constructed undo the greatest ditllculties by the garrlsoi for the benefit of the olllcersund the ! lady friends. As the bout cuts gayl ; through the blue waters , which is % 'rot < snrkastical" as Artemus Ward e.\pressc < it , for it rolls like a porpoise , uvorj little while the round head of : i sea rises to the surface. These creature * belong to Seal Hocks ut Sutra's Clil house , und uro protected by n city ordi nance to the great grief of the Italian and Chinese fishermen who eompltiir that the seals get more than their fail share of the tish. There are plenty o gulls , but the most conspicuous birds are the divers that dive at a Hash , hit are killed all the sumo by the Murit county hunters for the sake of theii beautiful skins , which are often by ladies for fur trimmings. Arrivei at Suusulito the passengers by the stugt wait around und grumble at the doltiy while the hardy pedestrian takes tin road and in twenty minutes is on tht great downs of Marin county , wbici huvo been utili/.ed us dairy farms , fur nishing Frisco's choicest milk ant butter. butter.COWS HIDING Til Kill CATAT.P. These great grassy slopes are enam oiled with flowers , some of which art in bloom the year round. .A } present the chief attractions are coral-rod briony , the white , hyacinth-like llowoi of the soap plant , beloved by Culifornin dames , and small irises rising iron : bulbs , not from a rhizome. Having gone tit once for the crest I see far below mo the white road of the Bolonus stage , which traverses these downs nlso , and if 1 hud a telescope I might possibly sec the Holding stage itself , which is the most dreadful combination of wood and leather und rickotty wheels over put to gether. Nothing redeems it save the , which are excellent goers. Sud denly , as I turn a point , I eomo across a calf' hidden in a depression of the ground. Tlio little thing is curled up and looks ut me with imploring eyes , but mukes no elTort to got up. Its mother has hidden it there with the strictest injunction not to stray away. The dairy farmers want milk not calves , so they kill ! )0 ) per cent and feed the Hcsh to'thp hogs. The poor mothers , in grout straits , have adopted a plan of hiding their young , in hopes of saving their lives. They lind depressions in the ground which conceal the little ono perfectly until one comes within a dozen feet of it , and then they join the herd and grac.o us assiduously as the others , boiling to evade the lynx-eyes til the cowboys. The strangest thing is the perfect obedience of the calfwhich can not b/s induced to leave the spot where it was placed by its mother , i often , in my tramps , huvo como upon a stowaway , and though its heart beat with madden ing fear , it never attempted to getaway away , but simply looked beseechingly ut me. TIII : iti : WOOD CKHKK. There is a brualc in the coast range ouusod by a beautiful creek , that after meandering through u vulloy where grow most magnificent sequoias , joins the I'uciflc at a point only a few miles from the Golucn Gate. Several steum- ers huvo gone ashore hero in dense fogs , having mistaken this absurd little buy for the entrance to the great bay of Sun Fruncisco. I never huvo como hero in foggy weather without losing my own bearings , for I don't follow the liolinus road , but tlio mountain trail , which is in reality a little mine on the crest of the rungo half way between this creek and Holinus. Fogs alter the aspect of everything so completely that the most familiar objects become unrec ognizable. And a Culiforniuii fog Is something to bo wondered nt. It is an absolute wet blanket , shutting out every thing fifty feet away. Those fogs do not extend inland except where there are openings for water courses , nnd it seems to mo that they are attracted by those , and come in further than would otherwise bo tlio CASO. When I got fuuiy to the creek I huvo ono unfailing land mark , a patch of wild gooseberry hushes , nnd under the shadow of these I sit und cut my lunch , browslngly , taking out my case bottle nnd putting it in the cool water of the rivulet. The L'lant sequoias here uro spared , as I un derstand , not because it would cost too much to get them to market , but bo- L'uui-o the owner has a fondness for the beauty of this region and can afford to lot them live. One's heart thrills nt the thought that the time will como ivhon they will nil bo cut down , nnd will live only in recollection llko the dodo uid the grout auk and perhaps the jibOll. UP TUB STKKl * ASCI5NT. On the other side of the crook the 2oiHt rungo is as elevated as itovcr gets , ibont 2rjJJ ( fcot , and the ascent is note ; o gradual us it might bo. In fact , if liorses wore to gruza here instead of Lruiujuil cows , the gruss would bo rushed oil by tjioir hopfs ainl never .oino again. On the topmost ridge ; here are actual pines growing , which Hand made worsted goods , such as fasci nators , shawls , leggins hoods , capes , wristlets , etc CORSETS And Underwear French woven Cor sets 76c , worth $1.25 , Satin Corsets $2.25 , worth $4. Full line of P. D. Cor is quite a rarity hero , nnd looking to wards the valley one can spy the tops o , numcious sequoias , nnd ono can nls < hoar the axe of the chopper , for on thu side of the mountain , the Han Knfuel Water company owns everything , ami they are not particularly merciful t < trees. The fancy struck me. as I looked at the sequoias and the pines , that out represented the undiscovered past ol the anto-diliivian world , and the othei the world of to-day. All the glory ol vegetation that the world can boast ol is concentrated in the sugar and yellow pines of the biorra Nevada slopes , and no doubt the sequoia was , in its day , the noblest specimen of existing flora. Seldom docs ono see them together , but they tire hero upon this crest of the Coast range. The view is a wonderful one. Out at sea are the Farnllones. be yond the curtain of thick fog. and in all directions are white specks of suiln shining against the inellable blue ol ocean. On the other side in Sun Fran cisco bay and beyond rises the tremend ous rampart of the Contra Costa range , upon whoso sides hangs a thin , shim- mery veil of fogthuthiiscroptin through the golden gate. Up to the north of the bay is a mass of red rock as brilliant in color as quicksilver ore , and beyond it Vallejo and the Straits of Hcniciu and Ourquine/ . The blue of the water is ns blue as it can be , the red of the rock is as red as it can be , the vegetation of the > equvias is intensely green , verging in black , the grassy slopes are of a bright emerald hue , and hero and there are patches of wild oats of the most perfect yellow , showing in relief upon the line of a hill side against a wonderfully blue sky. If California does not prove a school for American landscape art , it will bo because Amer- caus don't know color when they see it. A LONiiV : .MINKlt. On T tramp , until the log cabin of a miner heaves in sight. This man has worked hero for many , manv years. He has a quicksilver vein , and he extracts enough to make his work pay itself. His old white horse is nibbling away un- tethered and unshackled. I fancy she is like old dog Tray , who could not bo persuaded to go away oven by blows. Yonder is an old rickelty vehicle that must have been bought nges ago. When ho has enough ore to dispose of lie harnesses up that old mare and jogs along comfortably untH lie strikes the road that crosses the mountain from Holorins to San Itnfaol. Then he de scends , buys what he wants and returns again to his hermitage. There are indications of vermillion ore in many places along the crest , occurring in veins of a greenish rock that is particu larly handsome in spots' . 13ut in this state there are two mines , one the famous Now Almaden. the other the Guudulupo , near San Jose , where the ore is met with in stupendous masses , so 1 don't believe the hermit of the coast range will make his fortune. He , however , gets a comfortable- living out of it , and the loneliness perhaps pleases him. His old white horse , however , appeared glad to see a human form , and whinnied when I made my appearance , and rubbed her nose very affectionately against my breast. TJU. His Speech to Ills Executioner * . Chicago Tribune : "If you would like say a few words before wo string you up , " said the spokesman of the vigilance committee , "you may huvo thu chance. " "Tliero is something I would like to Hay , " responded the condemned horse- thief , palo but self-possessed. "All I ask is that you will permit me to say it without interruption. " "Go ahead , " said the spokesman , la conically. "We'll lot you llnish. " "Then , gentlemen , " began the con- lumnod man with deep emotion , " 1 liuvo a few words of solemn warning to utter. In the innocent and happy days of my young manhood , before I came to Ari/.ona and fell into evil ways , [ was nigaged in a useful and honorable call- ng. Had I never abandoned it I might iiivo boon still a respectable and up- ight citi/.en. Though I have become a md man and am about to receive my list punishment , I have always kept a nomonto of those happier days. In my vuliso , gentlemen , you will tind a copy jf a little work entitled 'I'lie ' American Votor's Text Hook , of which I sol d nearly jno thousand , copies in ono county in 'ennsylvaniaalone. It is indiiiponsablu o every man who would keep himself .horoughly informed as to those que . ions concerning which it in the dut of every citi/.on to ho fully advised' ou will Hud in that little volume , gen " lumen , full and accurate information a" 0 the political platforms of all the pur ; ies , election returns from every stato" n the union , names of mouthers of congress - gross , judges of the various courts , otc . , vith a mass of miscellaneous statistics md facts never before grouped together n one work. Hound in cloth or half alf the price of this valuable book lias ilways boon " lie paused a moment to wipe the cabling tours from Jiib oyos. When ho ooked about him again his audience md vanished. Ho was saved. K < iuul to the Occnfilon , Epoch : He was young and inoxpcri- iiiced , und as ho struggled to tell his ovu his tongue cleaved to the roof of tin mouth. If was boneless. Drawing 1 beautiful solatulro diamond origage- nont ring from his pocket , he troin- jlingly placed it upon her tapering lilt- jer. * ' /s it too largo , Miai Lulu ! ' ' was 11 that ho could utter. "A trillo too urge , Mr. fjumpson , " Miss Lulu Hhyly eplied , "but I can have it llUod the Irst thing in the morning , An nijoil pair fsyvonty-pno and sixty-four carsrojpoutively ) In Louisville net only got married , but clopud also. sets , in all sizes , at the well known prices. Ladies' and Ohil- drens' Camel's Hair French Merino , Knit Saxony and imported Sanitary Underwear. FERRIS' Common Sense Waist for ladies , misses and children. 1 News nnd Gossip of Foyer nnd Green Room. STORIES OF PLAYS AND ACTORS. ActnrH and Aetrosnes How They lr 'Hs and l/lvc Ancudntcx ol' Btnjo and Train M1V in-u- malic Gonslp. AHUM ( can The itHciil Tnsto. A liritish writer and ob-orver of large experience , the late Mr. H. A. L'roctor , has declared that public taste in this country , so far us the theater is concerned - corned , has reached , or , perhaps , re tained , a very low level. He declared that our people , as a rule , care little fov what is incisive or tine in drama ; their preference for the trivi-il and vulgar being marked. For one reason or an other and many reasons could bo given bv an acute student of our people , and of the peculiar conditions which besot them the British critic is not far wrong in his statement. To ono honest play that is popular in the average American city or town , there are twenty popular pieces of a quite differ ent character , pieces in which the clown , the acrobat , the dancing girl , and the gaudy \oung person in silk lleshings , ligurc prominently. Kxhlbi- tions of scenery and half nude uoinen satisfy much of our public taste. Nearly all our managers are showmen. Nearly all our theaters are show-houses. The circus is our most attractive form of en tertainment. and , for that matter , it is one of our most respectable forms. I do not mean to say that good plays are not produced , and successfully pro duced , in the cities of the I'nited States. 1 could mention several excel lent dramas which liavu boon frequently performed between Boston and Sun Francisco ; and it is well known that our favorite Now York companies are received with applauding welcome at the west. Our leading actors , more over , not excepting those whoso reper tories are made up chioliv of Shakos- Dorian works , may usually count upon public support in the rich centers of populaUon. Hut , when we look frankly , dispassionately , at the good and the bad in American tnsto , the fact remains uu I have stated if the good is a fluctuating ; quantity , upon which no solid depend ence can be placed ; the bad is so cer tain and wide-spread that it can bo ap pealed to with safety. Actors , authors and managers appeal to it constantly and the result is grossness vastly over shadowing merit at every point. How Mr. Pnlmor Hoc-nine a Manager. American Mugu/.ino : It was acci dent , not voluntary design , which brought Mr. Palmer to the American stage. The son of a well known and esteemed clergyman , the conditions which surrounded him during his youth were thojo of a tranquil conserva tism. Ho was the last person , appar ently , destined to help guide the for tunes of our theatre. At the time ho was called , to his own surprise , und to the surprise of nil others , to assume management of the Union Siiuaro theatre , lie was absolutely without ex perience in theatrical business. Ho iiad studied law , and had hold nn im portant place in the Mercantile library. The peaceful atmosphere of the library suited his rellectivo temperament and somewhat literary taste ; and I presume it was not without misgiving , pnrhups not without repugnance , that ho took charge of a theatre , which possessei1. neither tradition nor respectable stand ing. Lint there are men who exhibit unsuspected craft under the stress of circumstances. Mr. Palmer is , as much us anyone I can think of , such a person. MUSlCAIj AM ) DltAMATIO. Pauline Hull has brought suit ajainst her liUHtmml for divorce. The Keiululs' siiiiHon In America will be of twenty wcukA duration. Mndjcska phiya a Hlx weeks' ' engagement till : * winter In California. Maurice Darryinoro will supjioit Modjcaka [ luring hur California tour , Lillian Lewis him a now play tliis season , It Is called "Liiwrenco Marbton. " \V. S. GilDort , the HugllRh librettist lias ilrainutizcd ( IcorBO Klllot'n "Koinola. " Arull'ft "Uan Htolncrno Ifrnuz new opera , Hem , " Is to bo produced shortly lit the Oei- man theatre In Prague , Hralims has recently finished a corlus of L-lioral gypsy songs for mixed voltes , with | ilanoforto accompaniment , TlioCoquellii-IIadlng engagement In New York Is reported to linvo i cached in receipts Llio neat sum of 15,000. Mine. Ktolkn ( Jtasie , a Hungarian plai'Ut , lies appeared ut ono of Mr. Oeriuliu's ' con- : crlH in lioston with success. Mary Anderson lias returned to America md opens her so.'inon nt Hultimore In "A Winter's ' Tale , " November IB , The now American opera company , of ivlilcli Mr. Guntau Hinrlelis is din-dor , will 5icn their season ut New Haven on the 1'Jtb nat. Tennyson wrote several now lyrics for Ills ilay , "Tho Cup , " produced at Liverpool by Mary Anderaon before her dcpurtuaro for I ; IB country , Mr. Itichard Mansfield has fully cstab- Islied himself ns a London fuvorlto , and hui icorcd great success. "Prince ICarl" Is at- racting all London , and will run for contlis. Mr. Stuart Ilob on Is actively preparing for lie presentation next neat > on of thu new play VvlUen for him by Mr. SU'du Mackuye. I'lioso who have tlio piece assert Jtlmt It * ur- lasses , any work yet done for the Bta o by writer. Mr Itobson will UM | > bu keen icxt tt-.iioii 1:1 : "The Hcnrlittu. "