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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1888)
, HE OMAHA DAILY BEE , EIGHTEENTH YBAfJ. OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNINfr NOVEMBER 10 , 1SS8 ; NUMBER 14D THE SOLID SOUTH IS BROKEN , No Doubt About Woat Virginia Having Gone Republican. DEMOCRATS GIVE UP INDIANA. Tholr Entire State Ticket Snowed Under Imtc Klcotion Itcturnn Fiuin AU Pnrts of I ho Country. INDIAN A. IxniAMAroM , Nov. 9. The republicans nro still Jubilant , but the remarkable demon- HlralionH of the past two days have ceased. The people ha\-o returned to their business nmUho city bus assumed Its normal aspect. General Harrison is receiving a rrcat many callers , Among others , n committee from the Commercial club of Cincinnati called this morning nnd presented au invitation to the go'icrnl to be present at u banquet In his honor. The county canvassing board is still In ses- nlon. The ufllclul figures on the result in tills city cannot bo obtained , but tbo democratic electoral ticket was curried in the county by u plurality of . ' 178. A few ofllcial returns nro coming In from counties over the state , and it is thought that the republican plurality will bu in the neighborhood of U.HX ) . Arrangements nro nearly completed for n grand ratlllcation meeting to-morrow night , and it Is probnblo that General Harrison will bo Induced to participate in the demonstra tion ip some way. The general bus ex pressed a decided opposition to the coming of delegates for the purpose of congratulating him. Congratulations by letter , he says , will receive prompt attention. A delegation from Madison county called this afternoon , and to-night he was serenaded by the saw- makers of this city. In response to a call for a speech , ho said : ' 'Tho ' time for speech-making is over. Tlio debate in closed , and I believe that the polls mo closed. I thank you for your cull to night. " General Harrison's mall has suddenly doubled. Ho is receiving all sorts of curious communications , including a few Iroin France. The republican headquarters closed to-day. Chairman Huston and Secretary Dill wcro each nresented with gold-headed canes by the clerical corps of the committee. The democrats now concede Indiana to Harrison by U.WX ) . Reports to the Associ ated prcns eon II rm HUH , though tun vote may be a few hundred more. The entire republi can state tirkut IB elected , thcro being scarcely 3X ( ) votes difference thus fur between General Harrison and Governor-elect Hovoy. i InthuKightli district Hrookshiro ( dcm. ) defeats Johnson ( rep. ) for congress by CM majority. This is u democratic gain. Congratulatory telegrams to General Harrison risen continue to arrive. Among others re ceived to-dny were those from the following : Scnntors Kdnmmls , Hoar , Teller , Sawyer ; Congressmen Henderson and Houtelle , Prof. Uuvld Loving , George M. Pullman , Gover nor Tliuyer , Nebraska , \ \ hltcliiw Reid , Murat Hals ted , Charles Emery Smith , General Nnthan GolT , Colonel Clark E. Carr , and otliera. OHIO. CINCIW.VTI , Nov. 9. To-day the ballots cast in Kenton county for congressman from the Sixth ( Carllslo'H ) Kentucky disirlct , were counted nt Independence , iCy. , and about two-thirds of them wcro lound to bo rough edged and perforated. The republican com mittee protested against the counting of them. Six hundred und one of those ballots were cast in Campbell county nnd there the republicauH protested against their being counted. These ballots were distributed in considerable numbers throughout the re- inaludcr of the distinct. "WEST VIRGINIA. WliEKUNd , W. Va. , Nov. 9. Forty counties * ties , polling 115,408 votes for president iu 1884 , show a net republican gain of 4,05(1. ( The remaining thirteen counties , polling 10S9 ( ! votes , will at the sumo ratio of gains , give the republicans a gain of 794 , making a total net gain in the utiito of 4,845 , which xvould give thti state to the republicans by ( V > 4 ma jority The indications are that Atkinson , Flick and Smith ( reps. ) uro elected , respect ively , in the First , second and Fourth con gressional districts. NEW VOUIC. , Nov. 9. Vice President-elect Morton spent the day in reading and ar ranging hundreds of telegrams received by him upon the successful result of the cam paign. They uro from leading republicans throughout the land. NI3VAD.X. SAN FIIANCII-CO , Nov. 9 , Returns from nil but seventy-live precincts in the state of Ne vada give Harrison 0,134 , Cleveland 4,403 , Fisk H. For congress , Bavtlne ( rep. ) 5b09 , , Cnssldy ( dem. ) 4,74(3. ( IljMNOIS. NASHVILLE , III. , Nov. 9. Forman ( dem. ) for congress in the Klghteenth Illinois district 1ms a majority of 17 over Jehu Baker ( rep. ) . The following arc the oHIciul rcturus : For- mini's majorities : St. Clair county , 229 ; Monroe , WWt Total.789. Baker's majorities : MudiHon , 324 ; Bond , 385 ; Washington , 03 ; Total 712 , Form.ui was serenaded at his residence this evening. \VYUMINO , Cnr.viNNiWyo.Nov. : ! > . Joseph M , Carey ( rep. ) Is re-elected delegate to congress by noout l,700 majority over Caleb P. Organ ( dum. ) . This U nearly double any previous majority. _ MONTANA. HKI.KXA , Nov. 9 , Corrected returns give Carter , ( rep. ) delegate , 4,500 majority in the territory. _ KlliCT10N ECHOES. .General ilurrlttoii Itecelves Many Con- cratulntory Tolctrrnms. INDIAN-ATOMS , Nov. 9. Among the tele gram B received by Gencrul Harrison are the following : UKuiMoiNi : . ' . Congratulations from a full heart. Iowa gains two republican congress men In your support , possibly three. JOHN A. IC.kssov , HKII llui ) , III , The Lord bo praised for thut grout victory , I congratulate you with nil iny heart , und Mrs. Thomas Joins In this tucssugo , J. U. Tnosuti. FUUVIONT , Neb , Accept most sincere con gratulations. Nebraska claims the head of the column. G. W. 11 Doitsitv. A Few Cnlinirnlii Figures. SAN FIUXCISCO , Nov. 9 , The count of 110 procliu'.tii In the city out of 170 give Harrison JH.OSO , Cleveland ! ! 7G'j3. The republican etato committee claims the state by from ten to twelve thousand. The democratic stutp committee concedes the state to the republl- cansbut by u small majority , The latest fig ures Indicate the election of four republican congressmen. Three of the ix > nn're3 lonal districts ure very close. Doubtful Congressional IUtrlttn. : PiiTsuuna , Nov. 9 , A Wheeling ( W. Ya. ) upcciul to the Chronicle-Telegraph , says Goff ( rep. ) boa carried thy state by a narrow margin , but the electoral ticket Is still in doubt , Atkinson ( rep. ) 1ms twenty-seven plurality In the Flrot congressional district , und Wilson ( dcm. ) Is elected in the Second district- The Third und Fourth districts ure tlll in doubt and are claimed by bqlh p.irtles , i. V - , J Y.OfllcuU In formation received says that Fleming ( dem. ) w elected by about itx ) majority. It is now believed the republicans have elected three out of the four congressmen , with the fourth in doubt. In every county mid prerlnct the republicans have gained , nnd as the matter now stands the IcrUlaturc is doubtful. It may bo that It will bo a tie. The republicans claim everything and the democrats are very blue. Hrlcr Footed Many Hills. Nr.w YOKK , Nov. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tnr.Hi'.r. . ] Calvin S , Uriuc , the chalrmai of the democratic executive committee , has admitted to friends that besides his ordl nary contribution to the democratic cam palgn fund , ho has spent about S150OOU ot looting bills find supplying Jnouey to the committee when the funds tmd run out. Oornmn Talk * With Gr < ivcr. WASIIIVUTOV , Nov. 0. Senator Gorman of Hnltlmorc , called nt the white house to day and hud an interview with the president "FHHIC THADH IMD IT. " That IH tin : Opinion ol * William Walter Phclpt. Niw : YOHK , Nov. U. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hin.J : \\llliatn Walter Phelps talked to your correspondent about the nationa contest and what to him was its significance. Said ho : "To mo the result seemed assured from the outset. Cleveland invited defeat by raising the tariff issue. Harrison was elected on the question of protection or f reo trade , und I do not see how the result couh have been otherwise. That fatal cry 'Fico trade' killed the domocr.itic party. The fight was one of principles and not of candidates The democrats made a great mistake. Thej made another In the management of the cam paign. They should not have bro'ught free trade speakers from the south to address northern voters. They would have done much bettor to have brought out men like Randall and Eaton us c.unpalcnorators. " "How do you account for republican vic tory in Now York , wliilo Now Jersey and Connecticut went democratic ! " "Tho tariff Issue was stronger In Now York than in either of the other states. The liquor interests carried New Jersey and the democrats won n complete victory. They will have a majority of three on Joint ballot In the legislature. I look upon success In New York us very largely due to the noble efforts of Warner Miller. Whllo ho person ally uus fightlnir an almost hopeless battle , ho worked for the success of the national ticket us of paramount importance. Ho dill much for the cause of protection , and it is a pity ills efforts were not rewarded with suc cess. In Connecticut , and all Now England , In fact , I do not think protection as strong an issue as iu New York. The manufactur ing Industries of these states are so old and firmly established they do not require much protection. These , to my mind , are the reasons why New York went republican while New Jersey nnd Connecticut did not. " "What is your opinion of Cleveland's ad ministration ( " "Ithus been what was to be expected of an ignorant but honest man. His statemanship bus not been broad , nnd hu has shown that his knowledge of politics it > not extensive. The democratic party had no other course than to follow his leadership , and hence he is responsible for its defeat. " "What effect do you think the change of administration will have upon the country 1" "I think it will be beneficial , and that bus iness interests generally will experience a boom Harrison will make a food president , lie is able , conservative and uuambitous. Ho has a too positive character to be the tool of any man , and ho will not submit to dictation. He is not a man to bo easily influenced from what he considers right. " Republicans Control the House. WASHINGTON , Nov. 8. "I believe that wo will have from 17 to 20 majority in the next house , " said Secretary McPherson , of the republican congressional campaign commit tee to-day. Taking up the table prlated in a New York republican paper , ho said : "J. aui going to give the democrats nil that they claim within reason , where the actual claims have not removed nil doubt. " From this table ho reduced the republican claims for congressmen by ono each in Florida , Ken tucky , Maryland , North Carolina and West Virginia and by two in Virginia. In that shape ho declared that ho allowed all demo cratic claims in doubtful cases , and the re sult was n republican majority of Ifi. Ho could not see how it could possibly bo re duced below that figure , and , allowing for republican changes iu doubtful districts , as in Virginia , Marylnnd , West Virginia , North Carolina nnd elsewhere , he confidently ex pected that the republican majority would bo found to bo nearer 20 than 15. Senator FaHxotf Serenaded. EI.MIIIA , N. Y. , Nov. 9. Senator Fassett , secretary of the republican national commit tee , arrived homo in this city this morning. To-niglit a spontaneous gathering of Elmira republicans engaged u band , marched to his residence ou West Church street and sere naded lilui. Senator Fussett made a brief speech. _ Election Contcst di Alabama. UIKMINOIUW , Ala. , Nov , 9. Chairman Moscly of the republican state executive committee unnounccs to-day that ho will con test the election of the congressmen in the First , Fourth , Sixth nnd Seventh districts. Ho asserts that ho can prove fraud nt the polls , and will bo able to scat the republican contestants. W. II. Itanium Improving. Nr.w HAVKN , Conn. , Nov. 9. Reports from Lime Rock to-day show a sllgnt Im provement In W. H. Uarnuni's ' condition. THE IJEAUTIFUU Heavy Snow Storing Ucponod Prom Northern KUIIHHH. ATCIIISOX. Kan , , Nov. 9. Tlio most phe nomenal snow storm that over occurred In northern Itansas begun this morning , and bus continued furiously all day. Trams are nil delayed and tolcirruph wires are pros trated in all directions with the exception of one line to ICanson City. In Atchison over 200 telephone lines uro broken aud so tnugled up with electric llgilt wires that the electric light works have been Huspcnded to prevent accidents. The snow storm Is the heaviest that has occurred ut any scasoh of the year since 1878. The extent of the damage cannot bo ascertained , owing to the suspension ot telegraphic con nection. KAS'MAS CITV , Nov. 0. A rain storm , be ginning early this mornlnir , developed into a biiow Htorm at : ) o'clock this afternoon nnd has been falling over since. Thesnow , how ever , hati melted ns fast as It has fallen. It has been accompanied by brisk winds and IIUH done considerable dumngo. Nearly all railroads centering hero uro more or less de layed , the S.inta Fu being the worst sufferer. Telegraph wires uie also somewhat crippled. The Weather IiiillL-ntlons. For Nebraska : Pair woathcr , slight rlso In temperature cvcept in Western Nebraska , stationary temperature ; northerly winds. For Dakota : Fair weather , northerly winds , slightly colder , extreme southeast > orUoi , slightly warmer. For Iowa : Fulr weather , preceded in east ern portion by ruin or snow ; fulr weather Sunday , &lutlouury temperature In eastern tortlun , a slight rlso In temperature Iu west ern portion ; northerly winds. 1'rlncclnn Con fern Degree * . PitixcuTON , N , J , , Nov. S. The board of .rustces of Pripcoton college today conr 'erred the honorable degree of doctor of llrinity on Dr. William McAto , ' 59 , of Win isonsln. and doctor of literature on Malcolm McNeil , ' 77 ; profcasqr of astronomy in Luke Forebt umvciiilty. DlKtlneulnhcd Physician Dead. VIENNA , Nov , 9 , Von Hamburg , a dls- UoguUhed Austrluu physician , U dead , uijcd y six. READY FOR THE BONFIRES , Nebraska Towns Bubbling Over With Republican Enthusiasm. NORFOLK WILL OUTDO HERSELF. Other State Demonstration ) With Music , Speeches , t ireWorkn nnd General Jolllllcatloiii AVlmt a Time They Will Have ! Dorsoy'H Majority. Fur.MoNT , Nob. , Nov. 9. [ Special to Tnr HUE J From such returns as have nlrcadj come In from the Third congressional dls trict and from estimates made on the balance of the counties to hear from , Congrcssmai Uorsov figures that his majority in the dls trlct will bo about 12,800. Others who are well posted on the situation estimate that i will run to 15,0 H ) . In many of the counties he lias run of the national ticket. Mr Dorsey is n very happy man over this .am the result of the general election. He pro diets u grand and glowing future for the re publican party and the country. How Norfolk Will Jollify. Nomouc , Nov. 9. ( Special Telegram to Tin : Hnc.J The republicans of Norfolk nro mailing preparations for the grandest polltl cnl Jollification that has ever been witnessed in North Nebraska , to-morrow evening Arrangements have been made to have special trains run in from Columbus , West Point , Wuhefleld , Crcighton and Nehlgh Thcro will be a torch light procession bended by five bands , a magnificent display of fire works and speeches by prominent speakers of the state. EnthnslaKitt at IMnlnvlow. PLAIN-VIEW , Neb. , Nov. 9. [ Special to THE Hm : . ] Full returns have not yet been re ceived from the county. Great demonstra tions arc being made by the republicans over the reports received from the results of the general election. Such demonstrations of en thusiasm have never been witnessed here before. The streets nro as light as day from the bonfires and torchlight par.idos. The roar of the cannon mingled with the wild cheers of men , women and children , bears convincing evidence of the popularity of the successful candidates. Flro nt North IMattc. NOUTII PIATTC , Neb , Nov. 9. [ Special Telegram to THE Hnu.J A fire early this morning destroyed the fruino building ca Front street owned by J. D. Wilson and oc cupied by n saloon and bakery. Tlio build ing \vas insured for $ I)00 : ) in the North American Insurance company. Loss and damage to saloon and bakery , stock and fix tures amounts to about $1,003. It is fully covered by insurance. Otoo's Legislative Ticket , NnmiASEiCiTV , Nov. 9. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Ur.c. ] Watson , republican candidate for iloat representative fron Otoo and Cass counties , has 317 majority in this county. Ransom , republican candi date for the senate , has ! 2ii ( ; majority. Homo ( rep. ) and Mattes ( dem. ) are elected to the legislature. The democrats elect the county attorney and commissioner. Alter the PoHtofllce. FitnMo T , Neb. , Nov. 0. [ Special to Tnn HIB. : ] The result of the election is already being made manifest hero by several aspir ants for the Fremont postoffico. Five can didates for the place have already developed. The oflico pays a salary of 8J.-100 per year , and it is possible that thcro may be some lively struggling for the position. Another Elevator Accident. GitANi ) ISLAND , Neb. , Nov , 9. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bnn.J William Veeden- berg , while repairing the elevator in the Palmer house yesterday , lost his footing and fell a distance of about eight feet. Ho re ceived injuries on the head which may prove fatal. _ Ewlnc is Happy. EWINO , Nob. , Nov. 9. ( Special to THE BEE. ] When news reached this place at 1 o'clock by private telegram yesterday that Chairman Hrico had conceded the election to the republicans it was celebrated at once by the firing of cannon , blowing of horns , otc. Favor Townslilu Organization. Oni ) , Neb. , Nov. 9. [ Special to TIIEHEK. ! Valley county cast a total of 1,541 votes , 8'JO of which were cust In favor of township or ganization. D18TIUCT. IllohardHon. FALLS CITV , Neb. , Nov. 9. [ Special to TUB UKC. ] The complete election returns In Richardson county are us follows : Harrison risen 2,1)81 ) , Cleveland l.bSS , Fisk ( prohib. ) 1JS ! , Strcoter 41 , Thiiyor U,070 , MoShano 1,911 , UIgelow 187 , Hutler : tt , Council ( rep. ) 2,048 , Morton ( dem. ) 193J , Linn ( rep. ) lU71 , Mar tin ( dem. ) 2,0111 , J. C. Yutzy ( rep. ) 2,039 , " \Villiutu Fonton ( rep. ) 2Ot S , H. D. Weller ( rep. ) 2,128 , J. S. Parsons ( dera. ) 1,007 , Charles Ureoht ( dem. ) l.SSS , Jerry Fontou ( dom. ) ltU2 , E. A. Tucker ( rep. ) 2,222 , Ed Fulloon ( dem. ) 1,775 ; probate Judge , A. R. Scott ( rep. ) 2,05' ' , J. Oagnon ( dcm. ) 1,851 , George Waltsons ( prohib. ) 2J2. TI1IH1) 1 > ISTUICT. Hurt. TEKAJIAH , Neb. , Nov. 9. [ Special to Tun Hnu.J The official count of the vote in Hurt county Is us follows : Harrjson ] , ti23 , Cleve land , (114 , Tliuyer 1,015 , McShano ( KG. Dor- soy l , < y.M , Weuthcrly 015 , Sutherland U150 , Crawford -14 , Harding 1,010 , , Griffin G40 , Everett 1,030 , Lutta l 3. Merrlck , CENTIIAL CITV , Nov. 9. Merrlck county complete : Harrison 1,135 , Cleveland Ml , Kisk200 , Streator7 ; senator , Gullogly 1,028 , Suurku 70S ; representative , Sweat 1,095 ; Young ( ( Jem. ) t/J ) ; Hanson , for county com missioner , and Thompson , for county attor- icy , ure ejected by large majorities , Way no. WAYNE , Neb. , "Nov. 9. Wayne county , official : Harrison 017 , Cleveland 43. ' ) . Tliuyer 1)14 ) , McShuno 453 , Laws ! I90 , I linen 437 ; con- -rcss , Dorsey 547 , Weatherby 4.10 ; represen tative Seventeenth district , Ley ( dem. ) OH , Axen ( rop. ) 437 ; senator Eleventh district , Manning ( rep. ) 540 , Uuettncr ( dcm , ) 359 ; Wright ( rep. ) , county attorney , 010 , Rlley > 31 ; John L , Molten ( dcm. ) and A. H. Car er ( rep. ) , elected commissioners ; 23 union uborundlll prohibition votes polled , H. Ley ( dem. ) probably elected representative by 20 nujority. Lincoln. NOUTII PLATTK , Neb. , Nov. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : HI.T. ] Complete returns rout Lincoln county give the following 10- mbllcnn majorities ; Harrison 429 , Tlm.vcr 112 ; Dorsey , congress Third district , 430 ; Nesbltt , Hcimtor Thirtieth district , U45 ; Struynor , representative Flfty-fourth dis- rict , ao2 ; Wllcox , county attorney , 424. lilnlnc. BiiKWgiEu , Nob. , Nov. Q.r-Speclal [ to Tin : IKB. ] In lllfllno county there wore about ! 75 vgtcs polled , electing the entire republi- \in ticket by majorities of from 45 to 75 , Harrison receives 45 majority. The Btato Ickgt avoraces about 45 majority. Dorsoy jets 50 majority ; Hnnua , representative Porty.ninth district , 09 majority : Jewett , eimtor Fifteenth district , 51 majority. Madison. MUHSON , Neb , , Now 0. ( Special to THE lBB.1 This county goes republican by about 00 majority. The whole tieliet ia elected. Complete : returns have not yet been made. lioone. ALUION , Nob. , Nov , t , - [ Special to THE Jes.J TUo couipkurcturis t'iv < ? t e veto In Boone county ns follows : Harrison 1.18 Cleveland 60S , Fisk 68 , Thayer 1,173 , McShnno < W1 , Dorsoy ( rep. ) 1,102 , Wcnthcrby ( dem.1 C01 , J. J. llocho ( rep. ) 1.S10 , P. II. Uarr\ ( dcm. ) OH , A. P. Hmtik ( rep. ) 1,103 , R. II Pit7hugh ( dem. ) 079 , J. A. Price ( rep. ) 1,100 S. R. Anstone ( dom. ) CM. Holt. O'Nnti. . Neb. , Nov. 9. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hnn | The oniclnl canvas gives Adams , republican candidate for attorney , a majority over the democrat of thirty-nine The pluralities for senator and rcprcseutu tlvcs range from 250 W 800. Col Tax. SCIHTI.ER , Neb. , Nov. 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tin ; HBE.Tho ] complete returns In Colfax county are ns follows : Harrison 7fcO. Cleveland IOO , lhaycr 7GO , McShnno MO Dorsoy ( rep. ) 7bl ( , Weatherby ( dem. ) 30 McAllister ( rep. ) MO. lyinhcr ( dem. ) ' .WO Whitman ( rep. ) S10 , Hraucht ( dcm. ) MO Grimlson ( rep. ) MX ) , Zciitmycr ( dcm. ) 900. SECOND DISTH1CT. Ilnrlnn. ALMA , Nob. , Nov. 9. The official count o ; Harlan county : Harrison 1,010 , Clevelniu till , Thnycr 950 , McShano 4W ! , Lceso 739 Munger ( > SS. The republicans elect for rep rosentutlve , Price , union labor candidate for state senator , by 97 majority. Polk. Ofcrr.oi.A , Neb. , Nov. 9. The vote of Polk county was as follows : Governor , Thuyer Ml ) , McShano f > 24 ; nontenant governor , Meik eljohn 947 , Folda 479 ; secretary of state Laws 9W , Hincs 4SO ; treasurer. Hill 910 Patterson 478 ; auditor , Hcnton 918 , Poynter 478 ; attorney general , LooseSKVi , Mungcr 474- commissioner of lands , Stcen 048 , Jussei 40 ; superintendent public instruction , Lane 947 , Thrasher 4SO ; congressman , ( rep ) Laird 913 , ( dem ) Hastings 452 , senate , ( rep ) Gal locly 949 , ( dcm ) Sparks 822 , house , ( rep ) StullS70 , ( dom ) ColeninixOlS ; county attor ney , ( rep ) Wheeler SIS , ( dom ) Mills 993 ; county commissioner , ( ron ) Bowser 944 , ( dcm ) Krumback 820 ; prohibition vote or state ticket 170 ; union labor vote about 400. Hamilton. Aunoi'A. Nov , 9. Hamilton county com plete gives Harrison 1,737 , Cleveland OS I Thayer 1,714 , McShano 1,007 ; senator Twen ty-fifth district , Hurd ( rep. ) 1,7,17 , Van Dyke ( dem. ) OS4 ; representatives Forty-first dis trict , Scohill ( rep. ) 1,010 , Youst ( dem. ) 971 , Fnrly ( rep. ) 1,781 , Cox ( dcm. ) 1,002 , ; Laird 1,035 , Hastings 1,04.1. Franklin. HI.OOMINOTOV , Nov. 9. Franklin county returns , complete , give Harrison b32 , Cleveland - land 491 , Thnyer 250 majority over McShuno. The balance of the state republican ticket gets 250 majority. Laird's majority over Hastings 210 ; Hoover ( rep. ) for senator , ma jority 341 ; Bailey ( rep. ) lor representative , majority 372. ANOTH13U OMAHA REDUCTION , The Northwestern Makes n Cut in Pneklne House Products. CiHCAdo , Nov. 9. The Chicago & North western road caused a sensation to-day by notifying Chairman Faithorn that , com mencing next Wednesday , its rates on pack ing house products , cattle and bogs will bo . " > cents n hundred pounds from Omaha to Chicago. The tariff rates on packing house products is 20 cents , and on cattle and hogs 27 } cents , so that the reduction amounts to 15 cents on the former nud 22) $ cents on the latter. The announcement Is intended as a blow at the Burlington for cutting the pro vision rate to 12 cents , from Omaha. It is thought that a bitter rate war will ensue un less something Is speedilj * done to avert it. A meeting of the Western "Freight associa tion is to take place next Tuesday , and it is possible that u calm discussion then may re sult iu Settling the difficulty , The Intor-Stnto Commission. WASUINOTON , Nov. 6. The.iuterstato . commerce commission rendered u decision that it had no authority to interfere with the regulations of the immigration commission ers at Castle Garden , N. Y. , in the matter of arrangements for ticketing immigrants by rail to interior points , because those commis sioners are appointed by the state , and their control of Immigration has been sanctioned by tlio government. The inter-state com merce commission further tiold that there is nothing illegal or wrongful in a railroad company - pany making a rate for immigrants as a class and declining to give the sarno rate to others. The Citizen Soldiery. WASHINGTON , Nov. 9. In his annual re port to the secretary of war. Adjutant Gen eral Drum says that during the past summer and fall army officers Inspected military en campments in .Alabama , Delaware , Georgia , Illinois , Indiana , Iowa , Michigan , Minnesota , Nebraska , Neu Hampshire , New York , North Carolina , Ohio , Pennsylvania and Vermont. The regularly organized mm uni formed active militia Of the several states , which In 1SS5 aggregated 84,739 , reached 92,734 in 18MI , increased to 100,837 in the fol lowing year , and July 2. 1888 , represented an available force of 100,919 men. A Bad Jump for Uroille. 'POOOIIKEKPSIK , N. Y , , Nov. 9 , Steve Uro- dlo jumped from a bridge m course of con struction over the Hudson river here nt 0 o'clock this morning. He broke three ribs , and when he reached the shore blood was rUnniaz from his mouth and curs , Hrodie was put on n train nnd taken to his liomo in New York city. He may die. Ho Jumped for u wager of ? r > 00 , and yester day Fox , of the Police Garotte , told him if lie succeeded ho would give him a gold medal worth ? 500. Late to-night his young wife said that ho bad gone to bed , but WAS doing well and would bo around in a few ' days. Lost nt Sen , LONDON , Nov. 9 , A telegram from Havre states that the Cunard line steamer Nantes cumc into collision , thirty-six miles off the Lizard , with the German ship Theodore Ruger , Captain Moyer'and that botli vessels sank. A portion of the ship's crow has muled ut Trouville. The/ate of the rest and .ho steamer's crew Is unknown. ChlncHC-Aiuericaii Citizen * . SAN FIIANCISCO , Cal * Npv. 9. United States Circuit Judiro Sawyer has rendered a decision in the test cato of two Chinese , in vhlch ho holds that Inasmuch us they wcro lorn in tlio United State * the.wcro . citizens hereof and not amenable to the uot of con gress excluding Chincso laborers. A Sudden Death. CAUKOI.L , la. , Nov.'O. [ Special Telegram o TJIB BEE. ] Mrs , George Gray , wife of a prominent , grain buyer p Gray , la. , dropped lead at that place this morning. The cause } f her death is unknown , as she was appur- 3iiUy In good health flvo minutes bcforo her Icath. _ , _ The JlnhdlstH Capture Wndnl. CAIIIO , Nov , 9 , Seventy Ihousand follow ers of Malull attacked the town of WudnJ' vest of Darfoor. The garrison repulsed the issallnnts und killed 3,000. but the Mahdists cattuckcd nnd captured the town. The BUI- Lnn of Wadai lied to Ghlri , Wtook on the Itlo Grande. PUEIII.O , G ) } , , Nov. ' 9. Eatly this morn- iig on the Rio GnuiJo road , a freight train vas derailed , Before a flagman could lie sent back another freight ( , 'rashed Into It , killing the fireman. Both trains were badly vi ccked. Full uro. YOIIK , Nov. 9.T-P.1U1 Phlllipson , coin- nission merchant , made 1111 assignment to- lay with preferences of * 1,925. Two Coal Ml nurd Cruwhed , PiTTSiiuitn , Nov , 9. A fall of slate at the Villpw Grove coul mincH near McDonald , 'u , , tbis nloraiug crushed a man aud a boy. DIED BY HER LOVER'S HAND , Algorln the Scene of a Most Mysto- rloiiB Tragedy. ANOTHER MAN'S BEAUTIFUL WIFE Slio la Made the Victim nfn llopolcns In tlic Itrcnst of A Yonnc Kntcllsh Iiaw Student , " \Va It Iinvo or Vengeance ? tCopyrfflM 1SSS by Jams * ( Ionian llwnett. ] PAUIS , Nov. 0. [ Now York Herald Cable Sncclal to Tun URR , ! One of the uiosi sensational trials which lias cvor tulton place on this continent is now going on at the court assizes nt Hlsoner. Hcurl Cnmbrlgo Is n young law student of excellent family , the son of a notary niul Is handsome and highly educated nnd only twenty-three years of age Ho is charged With murdering Mine. Grille wife of n railway Inspector living at Sid Mubrouck , near Constantino. Mmo. Grlllo was a Miss Madeline Jackson bcforo aha married. She was of n good North of Eng land family , young and pretty. Mmc. Grille was found lying dead in her villa with a boquct of flowers by her side as though she had just fallen asleep. Near her was the prisoner himself , lying on the lloor grievously injured with a bullet throueh his head. One theory is that ho hail hypnotized her and that she bad thus fallen n willing victim to his machinations. Another is that she had fallen In love with him , and as neither had sufllcicnt money to enable them to elope they bad both consented to die side by sido. The court was crowded with a most noisy and hetorogcnous clement ol Arab , Jews and French citizens from all parts of Algeria. M.Alls des Isles presided. The writ described the prisoner as a law student in Paris who , however , fre quently returned to Algeria , where he visited his mother at the Chateau du Kutnnicllo nnd his sister anil Urotlicr-in-law at Constantino. Ho spent much tirno at Sidi Marbrouck on an estate which ho had inherited from his father. Amongst his friends were M. and Mine. Grille , with whom his mother left her daughters during a prolonged absence in Franco in lbS7. He soon made himself at homo in their midst. He was to have left for Paris January 25 , 1SSS. It was arranged thai ho should start from Algeria , travel thither with his mother , ono of his sisters nnd M. Grille , who was going as far ns Mencrvillo. He went to the station , but instc.ul of leav ing announced that he had changed his plan and would leave the same afternoon for PJjillipievillc. After the departure of the train lie pro ceeded immediately to Sldi Marbrouck , where ho spent an hour with Muie. Grille , in her own drawing room. Ho then called upon ono of his friends , M. Rieu , whom ho vainly requested to grant him a loan of JO.OOO francs. The prisoner left him towards 1 o'clock , after luncheon with him , and im mediately purchased a revolver and some cartridges at an nmourer's in the sanio lo cality. To other .witnesses ho appeared to be greatly excited. He took a drive with Mnio. Grille , returned with her to tbo house and retired with her to her apartments. On the report of lire arms the room was entered and they wcro found in the position des cribed. Ho appeared to bo fully conscious and exclaimed : "I have killed her. Madeline 1 Mad eline ! " From the position of the prisoner and of his victim there could bo no doubt either as to their relations or the fact that ho had de liberately murdered her , which he fully ad mitted , and the only question was the mo tive. Ho declared that they were desper ately in love with each other and had deter mined to elope or die. Of this , however , according to the prosecution , there was no tittle of evidence and ho was therefore ar raigned on a charge of willful murder. There are fifty-one witnesses in the case. M. Mallley , the public prosecutor at the courtof Algiers , conducts the proceedings in behalf of the republic and M. Durier Buton- nitr. of the order of barristers at the court of appeal in Paris , defended the prisoner , who was very palo throughout the reading of the indictment. Ho has a distinguished and intellectual cast of features. In reply to the Judge who asked why ho sought to bor row money to elope with the deceased when ho had money of his own ho reulicJ in a firm tone : "Every man of honor will feel that I could not run off with another man's wife and money as well. " Ho declared amidst sobs that she several times entreated him to kill her nnd expressed her regret that her children were not present so that her children might share the same fate. So loudly did the prisoner weep whan ho uiado tills statement that the public wore moved to compassion and the prisoner was unable to continue his narrative , The presi dent then read the prisoner's deposition de claring that the deceased again or dered him to kill her according to his solemn promise and she closed her eyes whereupon ho fired once and twice. She was then lifeless. The president then read the process verbal of the examining magistrate und letters in which Mine. Grille confessed her violent love for the accused. These letters wcro subsequently declared both by the husband mid exports to bo forger ies. The prisoner denied that ho had hypno tized the deceased. Ho averred that her death was as deplorable us It was terrible , but urged that it was not dishonorable. On the contrary it was altogether her wish. The evidence showed nothing unusual in the ap- icarunce of the deceased when she returned .0 her homo with the prisoner , and the theory of the prosecution that ho was actuated by vongcauco is strengthened by the declaration of .lip police ofilccrs who entered the room in which the tragedy was enuqtcd and who stated to the court that the prisoner said to lis brother-ID law : "I loved Mmo. Grille , she did not love mo n return and I killed her. " Fuithcr evidence showed that the prisoner on the day preceding the crime asked a chemist how much laudanum was necessary 0 kill a person , as ho wished to mention it n a novel , The chemist replied , "That do- icnds on a person's physical strength. " The insotier thereupon withdrew , M. Grille in his evidence indignantly repadlatcd the prisoner's statements n tote , adding that ho had never iad the slightest suspicion of his vifo'H fidelity , and that nucti suspicions vould have been utterly unfounded. Ho re garded the prisoner as an Infamous liar ana 1 vulgar assassin. Tna prisoner BCemed crestfallen during the prosecutor's cxamlna- ion , M. Grille , In reply to further questions , leclared that hU wlfo oould never huvo con- ented of her own free will to place llcrbclf n such a position us to warrant the charge of undue familiarity with tbo prisoner. The rial continues , PKAIKVS niiOODY HANDS. Horrlblo l.'anoy nt Thoio Who Coin mil tlio Crlnio iif Cnln. ICfipurlgM I SS tin .Aim's Onnloii ll'imrlt 1 PAUIS , Nov. 9. [ New York Herald C.iblo Special to Tni ; Br.B.1 The proceedings of the Prado trial wcro very interesting to day. Dr. Hronardol , dean of the uiedica school nnd an expert in legal medicine , wss tbo llrst witness. Ho testified that ho hat soon Marie Aguitant on the day after the murder and osldo from the wound In her throat had found the corpse uninjured Death had been almost Instantaneous. The doctor had also examined Prado sotno tiuio later but was unnblo to state whether tin wound in his loft bund might have resulted from n linger nail scratch by the victim The witness states that an experiment with nramr upon the corpse , which had been arti ficially stiffened to resemble the condition In life , had resulted In n wound similar to that which had produced the death of Marie Aguitant. At the request of ono of the lawyers Dr. Hronnrdel , during a brief roccss , made a physical examination of the prisoner , from which ho concluded that , whllo a mau of only ordinary strength , Prado possessed sufficient physical force to Inllict the wound in question. In his opinion the attack was no violent that the woman could not have uttered more than a single cry. Ho called attention til the psychological fact that assassins whoso hands have been bathed in blood of ten fancy that the odor of blood clings to them , The servant of Marie Aguitant testified that the individual who had accompanied her mistress the night of the murder managed to conceal his face from her. All she remembered was that ho was a man of medium height and dark- complexioned. When she left the bed room Marie Aguitant was en dlsliablllu and was caressing her companion , The witness had slept a little and finally , seeing it was time i'or Mario's lover , M. Hlos , to como in , had knocked several times to warn the lovers. Thcro was no response. Finally when M. Hlos came in she was obliged to tell him that niadamo was with a gentleman. The deceived lover rushed to the room vowing vengeance , but ho found the hour for von- gennco had passed. Her life blood was al ready spent. Pr.ulo waa made to put on the hat und coat worn by the murderer , but the witness failed to Identify him. "Woodcock is Ousted. ICnpyrff/ht ISSSbu Jainex Gordon /Jcwief.l NICK , Nov. 9. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun UKB ] The prime minister of Wurtctnburg loft hero to-day after a long talk with the king. Ho has put the finish ing stroke to the career of Baron Woodcock and his friend , Mr. Hendoy , ns fur as the royal household is concerned. Hon. Von Mittnach has been hero since Tuesday in consequence of a decision of the council ol ministers. The result is that the king has listened to the popular cry nnd has dismissed Woodcock , who has left for London , and will probably sail for America. Salisbury Makes a Speech. LONDON , Nov. 0. The usual banquet to the cabinet ministers was given at Guild hall this evening. Lord Salisbury delivered a long speech. Ho denied that the govern ment had yielded to their opponents on the- question of policy. They were never more resolute or more confident in advancing a policy which they honestly believed they could successfully execute. England hod perhaps noticed that popular institutions existed to the westward. ( Laughter. ) Even this in America would add moro to the his tory of electioneering than to tlio history of politics. ( Laughter and cheers. ) If thcro was any complaint against the Washington statesmen it did not involve the two nations. ( Cheers. ) Washington statesmen had not apparently commended themselves to the ap proval of Americans. ( Cheers ) . Fatnllllcs nt Kochostcr. RociinsTKH , N. Y. , Nov. 9. A most disas trous lire occurcd this evening nt the works of the Steam Guago and Lantern company. It was located In a buUding of seven stories with two basements. It was situated near Goncscc Falls. The fire broke out at 7:35 : o'clock. About forty people were at work , mostly on the third lloor. The smoke was very dense and the men could not roach the flro escapes , and they were forced to Jump from the third story. Fourteen Jumped on the west side of the building , and wcro frightfully injured , six of them dying within an hour. Four others will die before morn ing. The names of the dead are : JOSEPH DAIINKU , JOHN Gituuoun , JoHHi'it WKIIIICII , HAllItr SCIINEIDEII , JOHN GAM , . The fatally wounded are : Richard Pusch , Frank Siddons , D.m Watklns , John Gorin. It is thought that live or more bodies arc in tlie ruins , including ono or more girls. The loss on the building is (05,000 ; insured for $40,000. The loss on the lantern plant Is $175,000 , with insurance ou tlio plant of * 179,000. _ Hurled Alive. KANSAS CITV , Nov. 9. A special from Pittsburgh , Kan. , says : The most dreadful disaster in the history of Kansas occurred at 5 o'clock this evening. When the men wcro preparing to leave off their wnrk at shaft No. 2 , nt Fontennc , n suburb of Pittsburgh , a terrihlo explosion was heard that shook the earth for a grout distance , nnd completely shattered the shaft. Upon investigation it was found that 100 mun wcro within the mine at the time of tlio explosion. Being lit ! feet below the It is almost certain that nil are dead at this writing. The only two exceptions were two men who wcro in a car coming up , and , being near the top of the shaft , manured to escape. Pittsburgh Is In th center of the coal mines of southeastern Kansas , o"'l is about ono hundred mill's south of Kansas City , on the Fort Scott & Gulf railroad. Attempts will bo made to reach the en tombed men before morning. Those who started down the shaft curly In the evening said that the shock destroyed whole drifts , inu that it IB probable ( hat the men In the lower levels are buried huncnth tons of slate , HI licit dump Is supposed to have caused the explosion Mont ot the miners nt these shafts wore originally from the minus of Pennsyl vania. A Cleveland rienentlon. CLEVELAND , Nov. 9 , Major F. H. Drag- gins , chairman of the republican central com- nltteo of this county , wuu arrested to-day or forging the iiamu of ex-Mayor W. G. tosu to numerous notes , on which ho Bocurod between W.OOO und $7,000 at different city mnks. He was locked up at the central po- icc station nnd confessed his guilt. The or- rest caused a great sensation , Hulcldod In 111 * Cell , Srui.HariKi.ii , Mau , , Nov. 0. Prank Turner , confine ; ! in jail awaiting action by ho grand Jury pji a charge of adultery , Kinged himself in his cull last night. A Hiirllnglnit Dividend. BOSTON , Nov. 9 , The ChlcugOt Burlington t Qulncy directors to-day decjured a dlvl- leml of 1 per cent , making 5 per cent for the /cur. A Tump AlVulr. LONDON , Nov. 9. The pro t-sslon to-day on the occasion of the Induction Into oflice of ho now lord mayor was devoid of the uituul 'agcautry , ana was a tame affair ccucrally. RESULTS OF THE VICTORY , The Outlook In National Affixlra Under Republican Rule. DEALING WITH THE FINANCES , Strong Prohahll Hy That tlio rollcj- Will bo Maintained The Federal Judiulary iluetlccw For All tlV TcrritoriCR. What tlio Klectlnn Moans. WASHINGTON HuHKvuTitr.OM AU * . Hr.s , 1 Mil Fol'HTRRXTII SrilKRT , V WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. V. I The results of the election will bo far * reaching. Not only have the republicans sex cured the executive brani'h of the go vein * incut , but have control of both houses of congress gross nnd will continue to hold onto the Ju diciary. There are now four members of the supreme court eligible for retirement and a number of district and circuit Judges through out the country who have clung to the bench In the hope that the republicans might elect the president and insure the appointment oj members of the same party to succeed them * During the administration of President Hurt risou the federal Judiciary will bo pretty generally overhauled. No change is ox pcctcd in tlio financial policy o | the administration , us the prcsenO policy is gencr.illy approved by tha republicans und is in continuance of that feN lowed by President Arthur. It Is assumed , here that the republicans will pass a tariff bill In pursuance of pledges made during tha campaign. Ills said that General Harrison , sympathies with Senator Allison In hiH efforts to secure some action by the senate nt the lust session , and it is true that the largo republican majorities in the northwest where the tariff defection was tlio greatest in the republican party are duo to the demonstra tion made under Mr. Allison's leadership. Another effect of the election will no UIO creation of two or three now states and tlio addition of four or six republicans to tie | senate and twelve or fifteen republican ! ) to the house from Dakota , Montana and Wash * ington Territory. It Is not possible that the democrats will yield the position they have taken In respect to Dakota hut they will ntt the coming session renew their demands that f the territory , if admitted , shall come in without - out division. The republicans , und purlieu * lurly General Harrison , are pledged iignmRt this mill Harrison is the author of the bill now pending in the senate for the division of the territory and the admission of the south ern half. Another measure that will certainly be passed is that which provides for the fund ing of tlio Pacillo railroads' Indebtedness la the United States and the bill permitting na tional hanks to issue circulating notes to the par of the bonds deposited In the treasury to secure their circulation. General Weaver of Iowa and his colleague , Mr. Anderson , who have been the most vigorous opponents oi those measures , are both defeated for re election and will bo greatly missed in tha next house of representatives , for their ob struction tactics have made them conspicu ous in this. WANT I'OllUION MISSIONS. It is understood lii-io that both Whitelaw Held mid Murat Hulstead are candidates for foreign missions. Mr. Held has long aspired to represent the United States at the court of St. James , and Mr. Hulstcad wants to go to Germany. The latter published some in digestible paragraphs about Ihurison bolero his norainatiou , but is willing to let bygonsa bo bygones. Senator Quay does not wanfl any office. Ho prefers to remain in the sen ate and be recognized as the leader of hid party. General Harrison has always been a civil Hcrvlce reformer nnd the clerks In the departments hero are finding much gratifica tion in looking over his record on that sub ject. PKUUV S. HISATII. r Nebraska nnd Iowa 1'ennions. WASHINGTON , Nov. 9. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hi'.n.l Nebraska pensions : Original invalid Conrad Schelcr , Oxford. Increase William S. Smith , Republican City. Original widows , etc. Minors of Jacob 13. Parsons , Omaha. Iowa pensions : Mexican survivors Kobert II. HitchcocK , Klnggold. Original invalid- Ellas Sheuver , Collins ; Mortimer Necly , Coin ; William P. Kellogg , Portsmouth } Charles L. Miller , Lcgrund ; Jesse Hamilton , New Hoston. Increase Henry H. Sturgis , Des Molnes ; William H. Urewer , Leon ! Joseph M. Armstrong , Ulunchard ; .Tamca Ueagin , Hamburg ; Walter M. Isliam , Com tral City ; Warren Rogers , Marathon. Origt I mil widows Sarah K. , widow of Charles W. Koff , Burlington. Murderer Captured. HEM-.NA , Mont. , Nov. ! ) . [ Special Tele gram to Tun Ur.n.l George Godas , the half * breed , who murdered a man mimed Embody here two years ago , for which ho was sen tenced to hang but broke Jail hero with tlvo others and escaped , was captured ut Havcnn , Northwest territory , to duy , und will bi ) brought buck. Mrs. Jay Gould'fl Condition. NEW YOKK , Nov. 9 , Dr. lialdwin , attend ing physician on Mrs. Juy Gould , mild tonight - night that she was In n very critical condi tion and Hablo to pass uwuy at any time. Ono side of the body is completely piirnly/cd , und though Him recognizes persons about her she is unatile to talk. Should another stroke occur Mrs. Gould will dio. THE ni3A.D ANAKCIIIBTH. Tlio Annivcrflary ol * Tliolr Death to Ho UliMorved in Oinaliu. On the advent of to-morrow ono year will lave passed since HOVoral followers of the so cialistic doctrine expiated their crime , In the city of Chicago. Twelve months have tha winds sung the requiem over their mounds In the grave yard , nnd for a like period ban tha channel through which they continually nurdied to the gibbet remained untruv * elcd. The approach of the anniversary of .he noted event has had a tendency to bring 0 the surface the desire of many sympathiz es to commemorate the fateful day. In Chicago those sympathisers' representatives nivo been refused the privilege of holding a jubllc demonstration on that oeeuH. n But n Omaha the duy is to be observed , John jchcnick , who Is president of the soclulistla organization in thin city , has made arrange- ncnts for "incmorlul" services , und the tame vlll be held In Mctx hall on South Tenth struct to-morrow afternoon , between the 1 ours of 2 and (1 ( o'clock , Kulonlou will bo ironouncod on UIOKII who met death in tha discharge of their "ulinu and purposes , " and ; other forms of sympathy will bo embraced. The meeting will he open to the public , and ilds fulr to bu it large one , us the Hoclalistlo doctrine iu Ouiuhu has it number of ad- Mirers. _ Arrested nt I'OH MolneM , Several days airo an individual giving tha mini ! of John Stewart , stole a horse from one P. II. Durrot , of Mlllard , tlilo county * . 'ho authorities wore notified , and telegrams vcro ut once dispatched over the country so * letting the apprchcntiion of Stewart. Year erduy Shorllt Coburn received u toleirram rom the authorities of Uen Molnos , to tha fleet that the desired individual had bceu urrestei ) ut that point. An officer v/lll I ) a eat with requisition papers. The Pnnrrill ConiitilNHlmi. Lo.snox , Nov. 9 Tim Purnoll commission o-duy continued to hear evidence In regard o outrages. A HOIIHO JU Njw\ , Nov 0.A hou < oi u'f * ! V au ritqbllold street to-duy , cuuBlng the death of six. persons aud tie ibury ] ol twenty.