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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1888)
THE "OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAYS , NOVEMBER 11 ; 1888.-SIXTEEN PAGES Never allow an opportunity to slip to pick up seasonable goods below their value. Our buyers have just been through the Easterii markets and closed out many Odd Lots at Half their Original Price ! Good substantial bargains is what the people of Omaha want. Barr's ' are always on hand to supply them. This week , commencing MCWNTIXgLY , JN YKMJBEl * 12TH , We have an entire new line of SPECIAL DRIVES to offer , of which we can only enumerate a few : Mail orders solicited. Samples sent upon arrolication. Goods delivered free within 48 miles of Omaha. I f A splendid Eider Down Comfort for $5.50. $5.50.VM. \VM. BAKU DKY Goons COMPANY. FLANNEL DEPARTMENT. We call especial attention this week 1o our stock of Red , Grey and White Flannels for underwear from ILMc to S5e per yard. 27-inch White Shaker Flannel nol at lOe per yard. Wo ask the ladies of Omaha to see our French Twill Flannels in stripes and figures for Tea Gowns , fifty dI ( Tor- en t designs , 27-inch wldo , at 7i > e a yard. CORSET AND LADIES' UNDEU- \VEAR DEPAKTME.s'T. For a perfect and easy lilting Corset try Barr's. Fcr Ladies' and Children's Aprons from 20o uj ) . bee Barr's For Misses' and Children's Hoods and Tarn O'Slmntor's , see Barr's. For Children's Knit Dresses , ' ee Barr's. For low prices in Ladies' Ready-made Underwear , see Barr's. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. At 2oe a pair , Ladles'heavy all wool Ribbed Hose , merino heels and toes , good value for ! &r & c. At Ado 11 pair , Ladies' English Cash mere Hose , extra long , would be cheap at 05i. . At 50o a pair , Ladies' natural grey SanitnrvVool Undyed Ho e , 50c a pair , worth 75e. BLACK GOODS DEPARTMENT. The best assorted stock in the city. Everything from a lOc C'nshmere to a $2.0J Henrietta. No lady should buy a black dress before seeing ours , as wo guarantee a saving of lOc to ooo on every yard bought of ub. See our 10-inch Black Cuthmcro at 50c per yard. UNDERWEAR DEPARTM ENT. Ladies' ' Jersey Fitting1 Wool Yo ts , Swiss ribbed in white , scarlet and nat ural grey , high neck and long sleeves , 800 each. Ladies' all wool Swiss Ribbed Vests , in white and .scarlet , high neck and long sleeves , $1.25 oach. GLOYE DEPARTMENT. Your attention IB invited to the in spection of our Evening G.o\cs. All Cloves lilted to the hand and kept iu repair. Gloves cleaned by the French process , lOo n pair. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Have just opened an immense ino of imported Tea Clowns and Ladles' Suits. Our latest designs and combinations , made expressly for the Win. Burr Dry Goods Co. We invite you to see our elegant and well-llgbted Cloak room. DRESS TRIMMINGS DEPARTMENT. We have just received an elegant line of Amber and .let effects ) in both pend ant and ornamental Trimming at all prices. EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT. IC-inoh Apron Embroidery in all tbo latest designs..r 5c to Sl.oO per yard. LACE DEPARTMENT. 40-inch Ynl. Flouncing , 50c per yard. 10-inch Spanish Guipure Flouncing , 7 < " > e per yard. 40-ini-h Chantilly Flouncing , $1.00 per 3 ard. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. 50 Ladle.- ' Trimmed Huts for $1.00 each. 7o Children's Trimmed Hals for Jiilc. 100 Misses' Trimmed Sailor Hats at $1.00. ART DEPARTMENT. Best quality Knit-haven Gerinantown Yorn at 41.61) ) per pound. Best quality linjhortfd Saxony Yarn at 12e a skein. , J f Douglas Streets A MURDERED BORDER BULLY , Sensational Killing of Joe Hall by Herbert Reynolds. ANNALS OF A NEBRASKA TOWN A Encounter Between the Employes of the Hudson Bay and North west Fur Compnnleo A. Generous Touch. Sensational Murder. For The flee. The killing of Joe Hall , the rowdy , roysterer , gambler and all round border tough , by Herbert Reynolds , the cow- fcoy , at Whitman , this state , one year ego , was a sensational murder , and one that created much excitement at the time , although but little about the af fair was over heard of through the Omaha press. Joe Hall , the victim of the tragedy in question , made his appearance at Whit- ynan , about the time the Aurora & Broken Bow branch of the B. & M. reached there. Nobody know whence lie who ho and cared lessor r y came , or was , , /or ho soon became a holy terror in the embryo city , and some of his deeds for cowardly brutality and fiendish heart- Jossnoss surpassed anything known in the criminal annals of the western part Of the state. An original was this border lully , worthy of a word or two of description. In his physical and moral man , ho was a complex character. A big , broad-shouldorod hybrid , having in his veins at least throe separate dreams of blood European , Mexican and Indian with a dash of the devil to ( jive a preternatural splco to the com pound. Ho was a most rupollant char- ivctor in all things , fearing God after u fashion , but seemingly without the slightest fear of man. When I men tioned that ho was cowardly , I only meant in the Infliction of torture upon the victims of his hatred , otTondcrs either real or imaginary. He possessed an inexhaustible- fund of thrilling sto ries and information relative to early overland life , and many an hour was whlled away by his reckless companions in listening to his recital of countless nnd yarlcfl ad ventures. ITo was a man of probably fifty-live years of ago , yotnotwlthstand- ing his roamlngs throughout the world , wjia very ignorant. His associates had always been of the lawless class. ITo never went unarmed , and hko all bul lies , derived much satisfaction in the display of bin knife and his six-shooters , and ha wasn't alow in the ubu of either , When ho made his debut in Whit man ho soonied to liavo plenty of money , nnd after u week's spree , in which he shot tbo mirror and all the bottles and glassware to pieces in thu "Muzzle Du/- zlu , " saloon and hurdy-gurdy house , un then by John Duke , but afterwards bv thu notorious Doc Mlddloton.dnd wound up the debauch by shooting a cowboy from the Figure Four through the lungs , and sobered up and started n dance house , gin mill and gambling lioll , known as thu "Headquarters. " As before btatcd ho soon uocamu a ter ror to the cowboys , graders , and 'the motley cio'wd of horse-thieves uud'des- porudoos who congregated there , and ruled the town like u potentate of old. As a sample of the man's total disre gard for life , and his incredible nerve , I will relate an incident in his life at the trading post of Marrs , on the Niobraro , as it was told mo by one , Tom Donald- sort , an old buffalo hunter , who still re sides at Whitman. "Yas , sir , " said Donaldson , "this man Hall was a regular built screamer , the hardest. toughest crowd I ever know. Fifteen years ago ho was with the Nor'-west Fur com pany , and I was with the Hudson Bay , and ono night late In the fall , a lot of ua boys dropped in at Morris' . We ware all sittin'round the steve in ' saloon ' and ' when Furnoy's , lyin' jokin' , finally wo got it on Jake Thompson , about as big a rulllan as Hall himself. Ho asked us all up to drink , and as we wore standin' along the bar wishin' each other purty good luck an1 all that , in walked Joe Hall and four or five of his partners. In 'em days you probably know the Northwesters and the Hudson Bay men didn't trot in the same elass " it "was the navy or the knife on the slightest pretext. "Hall and his frion's stood afore the btovo a moment , when Joe , in an in- sultin' tone , remarked : 'I say fellers , it hain't harf a man as'll take his whisky in the presence of gentlemen an' not ax 'em to jino , oh'i" Then nforo any ono could reply , he continued , 'I sayThompson , maybe you don't know mo , an' if you don't , all I've ' got to say is that I'm the biggest bumpod-buck dummcdnry 'long the Niobrara , an' I liin eat more 6ow-bolly , chaw up more torbacker , and whip any two-legged monkey that walks. Am I to have a drlnkV" I see business in Jake's eye , and sort o' loosened up my sixes fur 'mergon- cios. I was jest in time , for when Hall took a stop to'ards the bar , Thompson turned on him like a flash , and dashin' his whisky in his face said : "Yas , there it is , 'un I kin make you oat this glass ! " "Everybody drawod , but as wo war 'bout ' evenly matched , no ono seemed anxious to tnlco the first crack. Wo talked It over a minute , then wo all 'greed to lot Jake and Joe have thai- knives only , an' ' settle it 'U\ix them selves. 'Course thoy's willin1 and as they drew their charges wo all backed up agin the wall to gin 'om fair play an' plenty o' ' room. The next minnit they wore to gether , nud as luck would have it , Hall dropped his knife at the first fashslmy , and as ho wont to recover it , Thompson knocked him on his back , an' with ono knee on one arm and 'tothor ' on his breast , Jake lay his longknifo on Hall's throat , " 'Thar ' , Joe Hall,1 said Thompson. 'It you had mo in sieh a fix , what'd yo do ? ' " 'I'd cut your bloody throat from carte to ear ! ' cried Hall , with an oath. "And to the disappointment of all us Hudson men Jake lot him up , and ox- tendin' his listsaid : ' 'Take it Hall ' nn' , you're a good un , como up here and take a drink ! ' I thought the above a pretty good story , but olTorcd no comment , as Donaldson isn't the mildest-mannered man I have over mot , and his breath sinolt like a gin-mill then , so I accepted the story , treated , and sultl never a word. But to the killing of Hall. Ono even ing just a year ago last October , after Hall had boon running the "Head quarters" a couple of months , ho got drunk arid amused himself by making everybody , at the point of his six- shooter , to either sing , dance or treat , who happened in his place , K.yory citizen of Whitman know what * drunk ( or Joe Hil ( ) meant , uud it may " - - ' * " bo well understood that the patronage of his dive foil off very materially on such occasions. Only the roughest and most desperate would venture to approach preach bis bar or gaming tables at such times. Ho had just finished with a couple of young cowboys whom he had left dnnc- incr for fully an hour , varying the monotony ony by shooting the lloor full of boles under their loot , when Reynolds , a cow boy from ono of the upper ranges , and a stranger in the town , dropped in. Ho had hoard the music and the shooting , and went in to see what was up. Ho had no sooner crossed the thresh old when Hall staggered uj > to him , and swinging his six-shooter in his face , cried , "You're jest in time , young fol- ler , we're all dry ; come up and treat. " "I can't do it , " said Revnolds. "I haven't got any stuff , and I don't want to bo throwod out , " and he tried to laugh and make Hall think that he took it all as a joke. "Haven't any money , " growled the drunken bully. "Well , then , wli at excuse cuso have you fur boin' on earthy Lee out ! did that hurt ? " ho quickly added , as ho jammed the muz/.lo of his re volver into Reynolds' face , cutting a gash in his lip , and all but knocking him down. "What kind of treatment is this to show a man ? " said Reynolds , as ho wiped his bloody lip with his sleeve. "I haven't done ii tiling ; I really have no money ; but no man can treat mo like a dog. " and his eyes Hashed like coals of lire. "Thoy can't , eh ? " leered Hall ; "woll , how'd you like that1" ; and as ho spoke he deftly whirled his six- shooter In his hand , grasping it as it revolved by the barrel , and before - fore Reynolds could protect himself , the big bully struck him an awful blow with the butt full in the face. The blow did not knock him downbut the second one did , nnd as ho WIIH scrambling upon his hands and knees to got out of the in furiated brute's way. ho kicked him through the open door into the bands of the street. Reynold's nose , vas broken and Ills face terribly lacerated , and ho staggered - gored Into Manuel-ing's olllco anJ fainted. A crowd of angry cowboys quickly gathered in the place , and while they sympathized witn HeynoldH and did all they could to alleviate his sufferings , none was so bold as to pro pose summary vengeance upon Hall. After having his face washed and hundugod , Reynolds said ho would leave the place , nnd remarking that he be longed to the Three Bars ranch , and that they would probably hoar from him again , ho disappeared into the dark ness , striking up north of the town , past the refrigerator , and over the frowning sand hill. Late that night , when all the peace ful citizens of the place hud retired , and the sounds of the desperate orgies that were being carried on by desperate men and depraved women emanated from Hall's disreputable hole alone , the Crack of a Winchester rifle startled the ( own. The door of the "Headquarters" was wide open , a lurid glnro from the coal- oil lamp streamed out lighting up an avenue - nuo across the railroad track and against the tents of the graders beyond. Hall , the drunken bullytirod out with his night's sport , had just stopped up to the bar , and told Harry , the bar-tondur , to give him a night-cap , and ho'd go to bod. bod.Ho Ho was in the act of hoisting the whisky to his lips whan the Winches ter's sharp rejxjrt crashed upon the quiet of the night. Hall dropped his glass on the barand it wus shuttered to pieces , nnd olasplug his right hand to his slue , well back above the flips ; bo staggered back , hit ) face grew livid , and as a SIKI-WI of acutest - est agony contracted hU sunken eyes , he exclaimed : "Boys , I'm done for , biy me out ! ' ' and fell prostrate to lloor dead ! The whole town was soon up and abroadand when it was known that.Ioe had been murdered , the block houses were turned into MMIIOS of wild and un holy jollification. The cowboys crowded into the place where Half lay out stretched upon his baok , the blood and froth running from between his clenched teeth , and his glassy eyes wide open and staring at tbo cobweb- covered rafters above. The bartender was terrorised , and lie handed the whisky over the bar to all those who would drink , and shortly a drunken mob hwaggered and cursed and whooped through the place. Then , before the morning's sun had risen to tlood the ssene with light , four or 11 vo of the cowboys lifted up he form of the dead bully and gambler and , followed by n score of others , jest ing and yollingnnd laughing at. if enjoy ing their horrible work , bore it south of tbo town , up the butting sand-hill to its very top. Here , by the light of tbo railroader's lanterns , a hole was quickly dug in the yielding sand to n depth of 'our feet , and rudely soi/.ing the eorp.-io it was deposited headforemost into the excavation. The sand was then filled in about the dead man , up to the sur face , burying all but his feet , which were loft sticking out. Was ever a more wierd scone wit- noosed:1 Was there ever another Mich funeral ? For a week thu dead ruilinn's foot could bo Hoen protruding up above the level of the .sands at thu hill-ton , but at thu expiration of that time , and at night , some ono visited the disc- orated spot and heaped the sand about the dead man's feet , and to-day u rude fence encloses the mound. Who killed Joe IlnllV Herbert Reynolds was never seen or heard of after that night. SA'NDV G. Y. GJUb\\'OID. \ ItlCMGIOUS. A dispatch from Itoino states thai Cardinal Musottl H dead. Hi-wus bom m Foi-li on January 15,1 17 , and wus ci uatod cardinal on November 10. 18SI. The late .lumrs Krooman G'lurh's church of the DlncipU'ii in Boston voted on Buniluy to link Nov. Chnrloii G. Allies , of I'hiludulphiii , to bcconto its pastor. ' The American board now occuple ? 1,000 conturs of oviiiiKollcut inlluuncu , ami * U4,274 was coatribntoil lust yciir by native uhris- thins in thcsu d liter out Holds , Uov. Joseph \Vli th , of lni.'lienteruml Her , Andrew Plcl lor , of rhlludolpliia , will con voy to Home the doguuirnts rolutiiitf to the beatification of John Nvhomucunco Neu mann , on co bishop of Philadelphia. Of the Jubilee gifts of X1,1B' ,000 received by thu popoFranco huM boon the most liberal donor. The monks of tlio Chartreuse sent 20,000 , whllo thu smullu-at olTurlnga came from Spain , I'ortUKalnndPoland. ( ioneral Booth , of the Salvation army , nutted about $15,000 two yoara a o through a week of religious ox'ordso by his unny. It is said ho ia in need of money again und in tends to resort to the same means of raising it. it.The The Hor. Alexander Campbell , of Wolcott , N. Y , , died recently , Uh'od oiK'hty-oInht. Ho wus ono of the most prominent ministers ol the Sovunth'Uay liaptlst denomination in Vhis country , nnd was widely known and ra- spected. Tlio United Presbyterian church reports for 1533 , 753 ministers , au bicrease of 7 ; D07 churches , u gain of 3J ; und 03,093 members , against IM.Ml . last ypor. The benevolent contributions aggregate f 1.010,037 , , showing a handsome inercuso. According to the statistical report for 1SS8 of the Evangelical associationJust publlohed , thnt'UoJy of German Methodists lua J41B5.'i members , 1,150 Ulnoruut preachers , uiid 1,010 ohurphes , Indicating u gala of 4.150 members , 3S preachers , aud 65 churchct. GENTS' FURNISHING MF.NT. Our Gents' Goods Department occu pies the entire aisle fronting on Doug las street and is completely stocked with every article for Gents' Winter Goods which are all bought from tir t hands and every article marked at the lowest possible price. C'ome and see for you rtelf. HANDKERCHIEF DEPARTMENT. Harr's have the inside track on Gents' , Ladies' and Children's Hand kerchiefs. Direct importations from European manufacturers in large quan tities enable us to buy them right. When in need of Handkerchiefs look through our .stock. Our styles , quality and prices will suit yon. PRINT DEPARTMENT. Canton Flannel , bleachedunbleached and colored , at the lowest prices. A nice line of Comfort Calicos at tie per y.rd. A good line of Dress Calicos at fie per yard. A fall line of plain and broken checks in Apron Ginghams , standard goods , at 7c per yard. An elegant line of Dress Ginghams at 8Je , lOc anu lUio per yard. LINING DEPARTMENT. We carry the most complete line of these goods to bo found in Omajia , which we oiler you at the lowest price. We desire to introduce to you the "Egyptian Black" Sateen Lining which we guarantee fast black ; also a full line of colors in "French Sateen" linings , very desirable for waist linings. YE CREWEL SASSINGER-MILL. All up and down the river nnd upon the sandy shooro The vomen ban a-inoaning and the women shrike full shrill : And , like as prnroor llrus , the news arc sprad from doom to deere That Kawnoy leesod a linger iu the sassin- gcr-milll Oh , Sawnov'o hand it ben as fair as ever dole a paclcc Or dr.iWL-J a p.\iro of sis spots on the duuc-e for to fill ! None bolder hand nor Sawney's never whop- pit up the jack , Hut now it loosed u finger la the sussingcr- mill. Hn farther slew a barrow on a Monday af ternoon ; This morning , whiles that Sawney did the hooper all to Jill. His evil sister Hetty gave the crank a turn too soone , And Sawney loosed u linger in the sassin- gcrmill ! KUOKVK FIII.I : > . Rarly Fur the lice. In 1401 the "Tablado Cumbo" ( Table of Exchange ) was established nt Barcelona lena , Spain. It did a general banking business , nnd was the custodian of the city funds. In 1781 the bank of Sun Carlos was established at Madrid , as a national bank on a plan devised by the minister of linunce. Its capital con- bitted of 300,000,000 , reals. Profitable contracts were secured and enjoyed until 1785 , when they were withdrawn. Hills of exchange followed what were termed ' 'assignments , " Authorities differ as to the data of their iir t use. Uy home they are ascribed to Lyons , France. "Weber states that they wore lined in 1171. To tbo Italians we are in debted for many of tbo technical terms used in bunking , such as drafts , remit tances , currency , sight , usnnct > and dis count. The flr t publii * bank in Italy was established at Naples in lojr ( ) . There had boon sixty great bankers at Naples , but , notwithstanding they were obliged to deposit 10,000 ducats with the gov ernment as security , they frequently failed and caused great distress. On thisaccount the government established public bunks , and in 1001 the private bankers , unable to withstand the com petition , were forced out of existence , The famous Hank of Venice was organ ized in 15S7. The first bankers in Venice were two Jews , who established themselves in 1100. Their success at tracted others , but the usual failures followed until , in 1537 , the senate pro hibited banking by the nobility and others and established the Uunk of Venice , Merchants were Invited to deposit - posit their money in an olllco managed by the commissioners of the public debt , for which they received credit on the bank's books. This credit was transferable nnd payable In bullion on demand. An act was passed requiring all bills on Venice to bo paid in banic money , which gave it a premium of 0 per cent. The bunk transacted no business on its own account , but the moneyjinits vaults was taken on various pretexts by the state , and in 1078 , in 1091. and Again from 1717 to 1730 , it sus pended puymcntd. An attempt was made to raise a loan by creating credits on the bank's books , but the credits fell to a discount of 2.0 per cout us compared with specie , and the government mort gaged a part of its revenue to collect a sufficiency of currentspecle with which to purchase thebo transfer credits , by .1EWELRY , .1EW P.LRY. Oxydi/.ed Glove Buttons "c\ Moon stone Lnce Pins , with Rhino Stone Setting , worth f > 0o , for ISc. Silver nud Oxvdtzcd Hair Pins , -10 different styles and patterns worth -I0c , for-le. Heavy Gold Plated Lace Pins , elegant de signs , worth COc , for25e. ! Ladies' Heavy Rolled Plate Sleeve Buttons , patent lever , 20 styles , \\orthU5c.for Ifie n pair. Horn Hair Pins in umber , shell and black , It for fie. Elegant line of Mourn ing Jewelry in the latest novelties and at lowest prices. SILKS. Special purchase of Blnek Silks at less than cost to manufacturers. Black Faille Francaise. Black ArmOre Roynle , Hlack Satin Rhadnme , Black Gros Grain , Cnchmere do Lyon , Black Rhad- zemires. Black Satin Marguerite. Black Peau de Sou on ourSilk counter at $1.00 per yard. The above Silk fabrics nro from tbo most reliable Silk Manufac turers in Europe and America. BARR'S LINEN DEPARTMENT. Fringed Table Covers in bleached Damask : 10-4 bleached Dumasic. &J.2 1 ; lli-4 bleached Damask , $2.C ( ) ; 10-4 red or blue borders. $ U.7fi : 8-4 Knotted Fringe , extra , Sjy./iO / ; 10-4 Knotted Fringe , extra , S1.60 ; 12-1 Knotted Fringe , extra , $5.00 ; S-12 extra fine , S7.50 ; 8-14 extra-extra , $8.50. We can match any of the above Cov ers in Napkins if desired. Don't fall to examine them. HOUSE FURNISHING DEP'T. 100 Majolica Cuspidors , ,10c each. 8 110-plece Decorated Dinner Sets , $1. each. 10 do5bottle Castors , $1 each. which moans their pur value wus re stored. The bank of Genoa was established in 1407 , and grow out of the management of the debtof the Genoese government. In U48 the government incurred its first formal debt , secured by customs unties ; eitch hundred francs o'f the debt was a share and each creditor a share holder. The loans were termed "com- peras , " and collectively were known as the "compere of St. George. " In l.'WO the people arose in revolution and the books of the "Compere" were burned. In 1371 is recorded the first known instance of the compounding of interest. Francisco Nivnldi gave his shares in the compere of St. George to the compere , the Interest on them to bo annually applied to the purchase of other shares , until a sum should bo col lected in addition to the principal , which should bo sufticient to pay off ono of the loans. This done the process should be repeated. Others followed in Vivaldi's steps , and the credit of the compere grow apace. In 107/5 / the old title of "compere" was discarded and the institution known simply as a bank. It was closed in 1789. The Bank of Amsterdam was estab lished in 1009. The prominent position occupied by Amsterdam in international commerce , brought to the city the worn and clipped coinage of many countries. The bank accepted this coin at its standard value und gave credit on its books for the amount received. This credit was naturally termed bank money It possessed a constant value und was worth more than money in actual circu lation , A run was nmup on the bank at the time of the French invasion of 1072 , but all demands wore promptly met and the credit of the bank much enhanced. The credit and standing of the bank was maintained for 118 years after this , until December , 1790 , when it was dis covered that the available assets had boon loaned to the Dutch East India company , but a run was averted by the llnesbo of the managers , until in 1794 the bank was found to bo wholly bank rupt and ceased to exist. It was succeeded by the Bunk of Ham burg , which exists to-day. The llrst bunk in Sweden was established by a Swede named Pnlni&truuk in luV5i. ( and in 1008 it became the bank of Sweden. To Sweden is given the credit of introducing the use of the bunk note in Europe , the first ono having , been issued in 1058. To Sweden is also given the credit for great advances in methods of banking similar to our present methods. The circulating medium of Sweden was copper , and largo payments were made with great inconvonfonco. To remedy this the bank received the copper money and Issued bank notes against it , wliich pabsod current all over the country. Later on the bank did n loan ing business , and nearly suffered dis aster in 175U , but still survives. It Is an odd fact that coal beds are furn ished by petroleum springs. The man who rides on a handcar evidently believes In manual training. The woman who gets but ono letter a year always reads It on the street. A now brand of baiting powder Is called "Old Hutch. " It makes flour rlso so ( julckly. Wo naturalize men to make new voters. Old voters uro sometimes changed by un natural llev. The engaged young man at tills season of the year generally belongs to u party that believes Iu monopoly. DAu omatour chomUt want * to know If whisky will dissolve gold. No , sonny , but it will maku It disappear. Those needy travelers who co around looking for something to turn up , may novf I , . turn up their coat collars. "Not good If detached , " appears oa railroad coupon tickets , and it might oftea bo In f ! , scribed on divorce papers. " There were racks and thutnb-scrows In the days of o'd. ' In this enlightened era , the ' t flannel shirt Is all that romnlus. This has been "a campaign of Intellect. " of course , but It will bo remembered largely for its monlcoy-trlck features. Never loolc a plft mule In the hind foot , and never ask the tall gentleman who ia treating now ho came to bo "colonel. " Coal and bread are going up : In fact , tha only things that seem to bo coining a own ara thermometers nnd cousins who reside up ia the country until winter time. Consider the chickens , my Ron ; study their ways and be wise. Whenever they take to drinking their bills go up , and , by keeping their bills down , they llnd cnoughto ; cnt. cnt.Tho cottonseed oil trust ban put the price of that dolleacy np G cents a gallon , and pure lard , lire-gilt butter and Imported sordines may sympathetically advance at any mo ment. A Chlcagonn has Invented a now calculat ing machine which will add , subtract , mul tiply or divide. A number of them Boom 13 huvo been overworked lately on election problems , The Gene Goose. CMcaqn ficws. Ho was a cheerful candidate Hrlmfiil of Joviality , And curly labored ho nnd late Without the least formality Ills vote to properly lallato And make hU hopes reality. Thu anguish of his soul was great To llnd that on the ballot ho Had met a truly dismal fate 13y a very largo plurality. I3DUOATIONAU The London school board proposes to drop the study of Latin aud substitute modern languages. The now school buildlngn of Minneapolis arc carefully designed In order to sccuro the ventilation and light possible. Coqnolin spoke to the Harvard students on the comedian's art , talking French und sand , wlchlng in good stories with true French roU lith. Manual training has found considerable favor among the pupils of the schools of Chicago - cage , and the work is to bu widened Iu Us scope. California has been BO well satisfied with the experiment of publishing iu own school text books Unit the authorities of the state recommend larger appropriations for tho/ purnose. ' Mm J. K. Harrison Is a candidate for the chair of urulnrology at University college , London. She Is the most distinguished uu > thoiity on the ait of tircek vases , und is dis puting the place with seine of the most otul- nont urchicologlcal exports In England. Mrs. Alfred Jlomonwny has carried on the work of education in Uostcn on a novel plan for the last lif teen yours. Her Idea l to oil- uuuto these who are too old to go to school and whoso early education was nogloctod. This school grow out of a uioro accident , but It has grown with such rapidity that now 1C numbers hundreds of pupils and toachora. The lessons nro given ut the pupils' houses , and most of the pupils are much older than their teachers. T1i < ) Ilnllot IJox. Jahn I'leriwnt , There U a weapon llrnicr net , Duller than tlio bayonet ; A weapon that coinoa down as still As siiowllakcii fall upon thu sod , Yutoxccutes the I'Tcodmun's will As lighting docs thu will of Clod ; And from its force no bolU nor louks Can guard-it Is , U is , the Uallot Uox. Rome ono gave a young girl In Mississippi . cunts. With It win ) bought a yard of culioo and mudo It Into a Him-bonnol , which shoftold for-ID cent * . Hho Invested tint 40 cunts In calico , made more bonnets , sold thorn , rein vested , made other garments , und pi city soon hud 110. She put thi money into poU teen , planted them , paid for the cultivation , harvesting , und marketing of her crop , nud inudu a oleur profit of IJU.