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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1888)
I i : 8 . . . THui QMAFIA DATIJY B1' TUESDAY , .TULY 31. 1883. . . . . . . . THE CITY4 . 'i'ho lntcrnnl revenue co11cct1os ye tordiy : amounted to 2UO1.6U. , . Tim 1o1iInson Notion conipatiy aru tie- go1atLn for a lcttsu of tim Stntth hitilti- ing , lIorthwe8t corner Twelfth utiti liur- fey Cnpttiiii flu rnphrcyliyn Iluttt haM returned - turned to Chicago tutU vfl1 rwIdo there In future its inatinger of an olegatit saloon - . loon recently IltteU up. Omnita Is remarkably free from fires. Numhe r 2 hose company lins tiot been , called out In sixteen days , and itumbor . B litis also had a long rest. A lease was filed yesterday with the c county clerk by a Mrs. MUct Statidish , . but it Is presUmoI ( site Is not the relict 0 of the doughty colonial warrior. The garbage master says that all garlutgo , manure 811(1 other 111th south of l"iLrtuItn strcetvheii i'cinoved , should be takoit to the dutnp at. Division street. A ina.rringe license was granted yesterday - torday to Mr. Charles Browi , , aged twenty-eight , and Miss Annie Cross- - math aged twetity-soven , and both of . thh city. , , Samuel Iutou , whose little son was drowned in the river last week , titus publicly thatiks the friends of the fatuity for aid and sympathy extended iii the hour of afihiction. Last Sutidny a couple of italics , who liyo in Couiicil Il1uIT , vero trying to get on a Inovitig streetcar. One of them . SLLS thrown ittiti btu1y bruised (1t the face. Their IItUUCB could not he learned. - .lustlce Anderson uIIitel in inatrimotty yeI4tet'ltLy ( John Sholfstall , of this city , totiss iflfla.hhtItIttg. ) of Ceder county , , Iowa. I1St ) AlIIVOW Grant to Miss Christina Erhinicior , both residents of Omaha , - I'orsonhil Pnragraph. . . Mr. M. I. Welch , of rhticoIti , Is In the city. Mr. H. I' . Sitinnomids , of Chadron , Is at the Ptixto ii. , Mr. P. A. Fisher , of Lhticolu , is at the Millard. . Mr. F'rarik Sharpc. of Atkinson , is at the , Millard. Mr. W. II. I3artov , of Crate , Is a guest at the l'nxtoti. Mr.V. . H. liarrisoti , of Grand Island , Is a l'axtoii t.uest. . . ? Irs. B. F' . Lock , of Norfolk , was in the city yesterday. .1. A. ( ioilhtt and 0. U. Tyler , U. S. A. , are at the Paxton. . Mr. F' . F. Meati , of York , was an Omaha visitor 'estcrduy. . . Mr. aiim ! Mm's. L D. Foubs , of Sutton , were in tlte city yesterday. Idr. Charle4 'I' . Iimklmmsomi , of Tclcmtrmimthi , was lit time city yesterday. . Mr. C. S. Chant , of Nebrasha City , was an Omaha visitor yesterday. Messms . .1.V. . Deweeso anti Fl M. Wcstcr , . . veil , of Lincoln , were in Omaha yesterday. . , Dirn. MeParlimi , United States army , timid dmiitglitcrs , havcreturned from their eastern trip. 111V4 Site Beau ICitittappoil ? Mabel Ready , the grand. daughter of Mrs. Osborne , 110 South Twelfth street , mmiytcriousiy disappeared a week ago last Saturday ammil her whereabouts is still unktiowti. 11cr mimotlior vlmo was away at the limo hmt4 since returned mind is irostrmtteml with m.rief over the loss of tier child. Mabel is a very bright lookIng girl , uris straight flaxemi hair , blue eyes atiti is of slight build. At the time of her disappearamico site had etta a light seersucker dresi. No cause for the - di'ialiiicarmumce is icnovmi of amid It. is feared that alio has becti kidnapped. IIct father anti imiother mire divorced , the former living . in linmteapo1is , but Ito has never bothered his vife iii any vay stnce their separation , amid it is not lrohablo tnmit ho lma'i takcn the child. Time entire fatally are greatly con- ccrucd over the loss of the household pet. The UNION I'CIF'JC is the only , rend iutmnitmg through I'ulltnmtn Cars I between the Missouri River and Portland - land , Oregon. ; , _ _ _ . - Aritty 'TIme ' right rlng of the Second infantry oc celled its rival wing on the range this year , the latter qtmahif.vltim about forty sharp shoot. ersumid thoright wing making a total of 73. . 'l'lio captains of the st1ces3fnl coniltnte3 , A , B , C , E timid G nra respectively William . Miles , Chmirle A. Dcmnp3ey , Hoary Catloy , Luther S. Attics amid Charles Ifollor. . ¶ l'lio deceased child of Mrs. Lizzie Nixon , ivife of lirivato 1Ilwood Nixon , conipammy (1 , wits burled Sntmday afternoon at Forest ' Lavn cemetery. 'I'lto child tiled at 3 o'clock oil Siturday. AIrs. Nixon is 1mm a vary eritl. ciii condition , itiit the j.arrison doctors at. tending tier now otitortama hopes of recovery. Drink Malto it Is omtsamit. , , Smoke Seidcnborg'8 Figaro and got the best 3-ceut cigar in the world. Mmix Mcvct & Co. , wholesale depot. littrglavioii JiO'H. . Jo0 Mills , JO111 ! Frohimig , Toni O'Day and Prod Sessions , four boys ranging from twelve to fourtcemm ycav3 , tire lying in the - city pilsomi , charged with burglary. 'l'hoy broke In the store imou'io mit the 'L'ivoli imat. itormumn , corner Furmmummi amid I lath streets mam night last week immiti stole 2iYJ , ( ) cigars. Tlics4 they tlkposd ot to a lot of imuccmmiemi at 10 cents a box. The Imackmacu vli1 like. wise be run in. , Tue Sulphturons Gemitiettinti neetloumdy doslgtiatad as "Old Nick" seems tJ bo at the elbows of the people , 'iio day In null day out tiamnngo their teeth with hurtful footh luttcs , lowiiors and washes. Time . . recoriietl ( 'xpermolicel of thirty dosig. hates SOODONT ni the only real demsideru. turn. p " Iiitttiiimr l'ztrfllyzetl , : Frank hllgby , a trvellng mann frommi New , York City , cmtmio in on UnIon P.mcillo trahmi No. 4 Sunday uftorimoomi , suffering ( rota the effects of sutistroko. lie was takeim to . St. 1cmsimli's hospital viiero medical mmlii s'as tendered tutu. Yesterday lie ImProveLl amid bids fair to got ve11. TI11 S'l'AtjIjIOS P1tlZ1. : One of tIme Big I"etitttreq of time Coma- itg Omaha Fair. The imrcvaiitions for the Omaha fair are advancing immost encouragingly and the latH. catlons both from the mipplicatiomis for space , and outside querIes are that thIs will lie time most suecesful fair ever held in Otrmahimi. Simi1cing of the speed features , Dntmtomm's iimirlt the Turf says : ' .t'ito Omaha Fair amid ExhIbition nssocicm. tion Is mis determuimicd as mcmi over are , to : make Its incethmmg a grand success this ycam1 4 oven mole successful titan It tins been lmore fomc. 'l'imo remmmlmmr will take miotico ttiat the iroarnmmlmmmu Itmut bea ciiammged somewhat sInce It was llrst givemi to time itublic. F'oi exmimnitio , the freoor-auL stallions elmiEs Jmnq . bccmi cimamiged to a gramul South Omaha btock yards sitecimil stakes of five per , temmt emmtramiia. 'I'li3ie hits att , boon addeil a 2. IEI maclng class so Ihimit time lmrogr.unmno n ' It tiow siatmit is about tim best thmmmt could be tl mvtseth. 'I'hmo elthzons of Omaha immivo been . decidedly liberal with time Ommiahia t"41r as sociaticu , amid to bhow you a stcchmliemi of their liberalitY , time stockyards n3sociatlon tmtochmuWti nmm1 comnmnhsslomm men of South ' Onumhma , ubscribtdl,9 } ) for time gr.mul South : Omnahma stockVartt stakes ha less thmamm two imoimis. 'rhtorcmstiierOOrflnn lark of entcmimrls In that second utiditiomi of Chicago , mmii that . hmtstomy Is 1leIy to be he rd from In tb future history of time turf. c Thiert.t it ; , mnoroover , mm mnomith's contimmuoum ' tori busIness itt thmmt lummedhatu locality , nmuuclyt Norfolk Nub. , Auittst 2 ? to 81 , , . ; 3 : u ) ; Outahmmi , cb , Seitcmnber.J to8,7JOO io Mo. , Sojmteuitmor 10 to 15 , E4UO ( ; Limm colti'N'cLi , , Sicmlor 10 to 15 , * utmou'ro . 1Kkfl Kan. , Septettiber 17 to 20 , ,8tht ) ; imiu smis thty Septetmihtw iT to 23 , I3UX1. bi ) yOi , , Comm isCO kow It Is , " .vOii ttaya your mnonc'y you ttitcs : yii choice. " . tiiInl , Iato lit SOUU Iountflin. . ; , . ' : . . - . . lIE WAIVl1) FXtMlNtTION. Snimitici LiW4 Askq 'ritat IIIN Case ( leI ( I , the Ilstrlct Court. Sanmuel Lowe was arraIgned In JustIce Morrison's court yesterday on time cimmirgo of mcrforzmmlng mmmi abortlemm on Miss Nm Dar- rali. lIe valvcd an examinatIon and gave bond 1mm tIme suma of 2OOO to appear 1mm time district court miext Septeniber to nmiswct to time charge. 11 .1. Dmrst was accepted as imIs bondsmnmmmm. Miss I.irraum Is rather a good looking brunette of about eighteen sears. The story leadIng up to Lowe's arrest as told by her amid other vartics vlmo have been in the cmmso is mmbotmt as follows : Lowe is iii time saloon bimsimiess in Tekanmmih Itt Imartimersilil ) ivitim George itmiver. Ills victlmmi wmms mmmi irmtimnmite frictmd of Mrs. Lowe , and fimially went to work 1mm the fatuIty of Ibwor , Lowe's imartimer. Sortie thunt last stmnimtmcr Mt s. Lowe miamI her limmsbatmd hind sommme troubio nail dlvorco proceedimigs were begmimi by tue formncr. It. wmi agreed by time thrum that they would start a branch saioomm mit ic. verne , MIami. , whIch would be mumimmngcd by flavor. Wimcn lie moved there ito took MIss 1)arrmmim alomig as mm douiestli : . Durlmmg her stay with the Itavor fatally Lowe's uttemitlomis were sufliclL'mit to win Imer aflcctiomi , timid last September lie necommipllshed lice rulmi. Situ stated titmit lie smilil lie wouhil mmmarry imer mis soot ) its ito was given adivoree fromn hIs Pts- emit vlfe. . F'rommi that timmio umithi early In tlm I simmitmg timoy kept UI ) theIr immtlmmmacy , and Lowe made several trips to Levormie to see itemS. Alotmt four mimontims migo the girl dIscov- emed 1mev conditiomm amid told Lowe of it. lie has hicemi mmrrcstcd for ndmnltmlstorimmg drugs to her. Vhemm this mittemulmt fulled time girl vis : setit to Floremice to time imomime of her sister Flory Mmiltoy. Two 1mters were received by Miss Dmirrmih whIte she was timero Imistructing lice how to tremmt imersel f nmmd to remnmilmi llrmu mimiti true ummil not give mimmytimimig away timid mill would lie rglmt. TIme letters svero imot slgmmed by tiny nimmimo , bitt the writer in each case said , "you kmmoiv svimo I tim. " t tmote 1mm time satmie humid- writin' timid him rcgmmrd to the s mme mmmmmttor is slgtmcd "Samu.Vhcti time lrl bccmimtmo so sick thmmt. a nhmysietmimi hmutil to be called In she gave ill ) the ommtiro history of time case , timid svllt be the imrosecutimmg witmiess agmilmist Lowe. Although - though site looks perfectly strommg timid healthy , time doctor who was called to attcmmd tier si's : she viIL miot ieover for mit lemist two yeumrs. When asked lmow site cmime to give Lowe up mmfter imis iiromtmises in the letters to her , site saId simo mild mmot believe lie would rcmmalmi trite to imcr , tutu thmmit sh found out she dmd mmot cime : mis mmiueit for hum as site used to. IIhss Dmirrumh's fmitimor mmmiii umotimer both live imm Tekmimnaui. 11cr fmithier is a iimiy Jmmhmorcr. Lowe imum becim mmmmmrried three times tutu imas three eimhldrcmi , two by his first wife timid one by ImIs second. Thieve tire mutiny timings to be grateful foi' , if we would but thuimk so , and amnomig tImce is time introduction ofmamm Dimzor's Fimivorimi g Extracts some whmmit less than a third of mm. cemitury ago. If there is a conic imi Amimorica , professionmil or other- wisowhmo has not tested nail is miot remmdy to mtvoitcli time excellemico of these well- known it0h1timit10m15 , she oi. lie is woefully - fully behmimid time age. No chemical or other imIiiitmri ty con tamnimimites timomn. Timu. ' ztte Simfllly miolicious. I)1tAWING UP TItI 1)EC1tEE. The Jtmdgcs hlavelilttlo to do Iii tue Coim rts. . .ltmdgoVtmkoly and time attorneys in time Motor and horse rallw.iys suit were occu 1110(1 III the dIstrict court .yesterdmmy 1mm draw- hug UI ) a decree govcrmilmmg time use of Leaven. worth street by time mimics of time two comimpa- tiles. tiles.Storz Storz & 11cr have asked time court to gmaut thmemn a juuigmnent against lUcimarul amid \V. II. Numimi for 5OO. Three hiumidreil of time tic- count is for goods a'td time other $2O ) is for time rent of a building on Sixteenth street where the dofondamits kept a saloon. Time two ilofemniamits Richnrd , wimo is a doctor and \v. 11. time saloomm mmmii , left the city about two weeks ago lo.ivimig miummicrous nmmxiotms credItors to dh'lde up their abamniommed stock. Stephen S. Folker immia sued the I'mmul 0. liummis Wino commipammy for 3OJO , daumiaos for violatimig au agrecmncnt mimmil rephovemiImmg a stock of goods bulomigimig to the plaintiffs in this dammmago suit. 1mm , Jistlce , Auuietsomm'M Court. L. 13. McC.wgor , mi Miammosota rnerchammt , was arraigned iii Justice Amidorson's court this mifternoomi for obtmiiimlmmg goods under ( also liretemises. lie immircimaseti lOO worth of fmirmimimmg iinphcmnctmts frommi 1'irlin , Oroum- don Martimi mm a rcpre.semmted credit of $7,000. On oxumnhmmntmon they found ho hmid miotiming amid laid him arrested. Time UNION PACIFIC is the only line froni time 11issouri Itiycr itmmmmmimm' direet to Og4cmm , Utaim , time Otcimara City of \\Tahsatch Moimmitaimis. e - VOItTItX AN ] ) LINWOIITIIY. Caues Now Pemitliimg ilafoie ( lie Bureau ol Clmmtrltle-m. Mrs. Pearson , of time bur.ati of charities , report3 that there tire two bcggars in thmi city who are not vortImy of assistammee. Omme of timese is ii Mrs U. Neisoim who lives at :131s : ThIrd street. Site elaimims to be Ill amid tue claim is ivehl foumideti but she has boemi otieted tmeatmmiommt by time county mit time imosimi- titi tin ii 1mev hmuslimmmd : tins iicemm prommilsed relief for imimmmsolf nmmmi fmimnlly wimilo his vif woulu be iimmder trcmtmuent. : liotim otters have been declined. 'l'lio other is the eric of ii wommian who sitnhui3P asks for Immoacy , uiocllmmhtig mill offert of food timid clothes. Site refuses to toll svim she Is or whom site conme ( coma. Mrs. Pearson In bmhmmif : of time same or- gmtmlzatiomm : , aia for a stove for a deserving widow who is without , such a mmoceasary umtt- cia timid imoimem sonm charitable firma umay imiimlto ii ilommatiomi of omiu Imnmcd1atciy. it would be time immeans of eumubhimig ii wortimy iiersomm to stmpioit herslf and fnmimily. ' \\Tm , hitch , Aimmmgdoml , Iowa , was cured of cancer of the eye by lr.Jotics' Ucd Clover 'l'onic , which mimes nil blood disotdois amid diseases of time ittomnuch , liver timid Icidneys. 'J lie host tommie timid itittetizet' tIiOlViI. 50 ccmmts. Goodmumni Irug Co. m1ist , Not ( radc. Ucmiermil Coivln imas itied his opinIon 1mm time mluttstlomi its to wlmether the coummty cotmi. umisslommerum arc allowed to ime the mommoy in time eommmmty m'omnl tmix Ic ad . in grail lug thu bttCetS iii time city. lie holds timat umider time law tlmoy eamm mioL Drink Mmtlto.2.iccntsa bottle. Stoic ii lfois' . 141st Saturday mmlgimt a Imorso belongIng to Henry Thurimmiim : , mm farmer llvimmg near Fiftim imntl iorcas , was stolen ( roam the barn of H. ii. Raven , mimmd hmam imot slmmco been foummil. Tlmurmmman suspects a certnlmm Party of time robbery but has ito means of proving time cimargo , because the umami has left towmi. Halley % 'Lit ; ( oImig Ilommic. Rob Smuack of Dummbir , In thIs state , writes that Halley , vimo was rccemmtly found tiemid ha a box car emi iouglas street , lIved with hlmmm two years , amid emi time 2ltii immt. left to go to imIs hattie mimic Storm Lako. Ito hmati at time tlmno ovci tlfl amid a sliver watch. Two days later h ws fount ! dciii. 1mm time imicami timmmo time watch amid nearly all time : mmiommey imati dlsappearc1. The UNION PACIFIC is the popular t'ommte to the Ycltuwstotmo Nmmtiontil Park. 3 TIme Ifl'Or Will Not go to Comigius , Mayor Uroatcim Informed a rcportoryestcr. t day ho tied hoard that In ditterent varts of time dIstrict imis name hind boon ilroposctl at a itidltitit for congress. Ho saW. lie wlsimeti t it ellstimmutly utmmlcrstootl that imu was not ii canmlltiato.Vhmlu It was hlattemitmg to euos vanIty to ho niomithomieti as a possIble atmdi. uiatu ( tw that position. still lie could eu nc remisurm why hmshmotmld accept such a numbs thon. I Starch gco'c ; ; ; : vow- ders ijavp a vulgar glaro. Puzz nt's is thu emily Cotupiexhea Iowdor tit to uso. \ _ I . - - . _ . . . . . . . . - TILh IhI:1iT : IjINE RATEq. A Cltizcn Objects to Timetti nntt Sag- gest.R ft Iteitictly OfAUA , Ji 2S.-'I'o time Editor of Tims lhtr. : Time belt lIne submirbami tr in are being run over the Missouri PticiU railwmmy to Portal , where time pojnmlatIomi is spnrsennd chmmrglng passenger rates cmitlrely too iigim to ever become PoPular. For exattiple : Vai- nut imihl , in a dIrect line frommi tim \Vcbster street depot , Is only two tithes. Time fare for sIngle ride Is l ! cents , or 8 cents mm rule emi comnnmutnthon tickets of fifty rIdes. 'rho ro- stilt of thIs I'oiIC1 is very little bushmicums ( or time cotmmpmmtiy. In fmict , they are haulIng ( utility c.irs. Time Umiion PacIfic suberbami traIns to Aibright , etc. , run hourly each way ( rein 0 mm. in. till 12 p. mum. , wIth four lmmssengcr , conches on cacti traIn heavIly laden wIth pas- semigers mit till hours of time day. They chmmrgo , however , emily 10 ccmmts for mm sIngle ride to South Omaumum timid Aibrigimt , timid emily 4 cents to South Ormmmmhmm , immmml 5 cents to Alliright cmi comnmmmuttitlomm tickets. Voimld it mmot be wis. donm for time bolt Ibme coumipammy to ruim theIr suiiuriiatm traltms to South Omnmmhitm , wimero there Is busIness , anti tmmtko : theIr schedule of passenger rates low enough to mimmike timemim PoPitImir. 'rlmelr present policy , vimlcim is time of oum stmggcstmomm , if Itorslsted 1mm would sewn tO justIfy time cluimmi mmow bolmi mimmide , timat it tins miever bccmi time immtcmmthomm o time comullliul.V : to liermuamlemitlY run time traIns , amid they viil simortly tmmko the trmmimm oft eu time idea tiimit they do not irnY ; timut time trains were only lmut oti to naclfv teniporarily time cltizeims hivlmig along time lIne. I hmoite that sucit is hot time case , ammd trust that time rail- vmmy oflicimmis ha mmutimormty wIll sootm rmimko : time necessary cimmmngcs timmit mire certaIn to result fmivorabiy to the conijiammy timid its limit VOtmS. . ( Cit.ruuimtui Time rosy freshmiess timid a velvety soft- miess Of time skiti is itivariably obtaimied i ) . . tiioe who use Pozzotmi's Coinpioxiomi l'owdcr. Drink Maito. A l'rutniuietmt t'ytiilnn. Past Slilireme HelIresentatIvo John H. Meccim , wmms born in the city of Albany , stmite of New York , April 241 , IS-b , amid Is now mum emiterjirislumg residetit of time city of Buffalo , of time same state. Iii timcatrlcal circles , hirobabby ( civ mmmcii are better ktiowmi or immoro ummiversally respeetemi timaum Joimum H. Mcccii ; Ito Is time inmimimiger of time Aemitiemny of MusIc. Ito was initiated In the order of Kmmlghts of Pytiilas Itt Eagle lodge , No. 6) ) , l3ulTalo , New York , lJcccnilicr 27 , 1871 , amid three years after ( July 8) ) , 1ST-I ) became Gr.mmid Chmimm- cellor of time state by a ummaiihmnous vote ; me tIring frommi thIs POsitioti ime was elected su- remmie representatIve , attending the sessions of thu suiiremne lodge at i'imilmidcipimin , Pemiii. , in ibTd. mind ( Jieveimitid , 0. , itt iSi7. Bmothcr Mcccii hums mmlso becmm imomiorod 1mm maimy other fr.mtcrnal orders mms evideitcemi by the fact of his bcmiig grnud master of New York 1mm time A. 0. U.V. . , ( ieputy grtmiid comn- mnamider itt time Ammiericati Legion of Honor 11:1st : grand eimmtmcellor : in time order of UnIted Fricmmds , Ilast exalted ruler ii. P. 0. Elks , past hrcskiemit Emnlilce Order of Mutual Aid , imast leader of ilommie Circle treasurer of Select lCmtlgtmts. 1mm every PostiOml to wimlcim lirotlmer tIcccim has beemi called ho huts liroved Imimmisclt to he ii tuiumim of great executive abmi- Ity , timid sliecinhly fitted for admmimnistering the mmffalrs of fratertimit orgamilzatlomis. 4- Time UNION PACIFIC runs two ole- gnat traitms daily ( coin Kmtnsmms City to 1)emmvcr-J3t ( ) inihc-atid is time sliomt himmo. p A BItUTALi ASSULjT. The 1)angers o1 Eveimimig hides With Itowti Icy. ! Sunday night aboimtS:30 : o'clock a carriage cotitulmtlng two inca and two youmig woumomm was driven imito one of the rivIties hear Sprimmg streOt , south of Clark , and soomi after loud fenmimlo scrcaimis cammio frommi time place of con- cemihmiment. The cries comitlmicd for some tIme , timid at length satisfied that time womneti were being subcctcd to aim assault which timoy were violemitly resistimm , sommie of the mmeighm. bors at lcngtim rushcdto time rcscuotime leader beimig .foimn H. Timomnpsomi. Time rowdIes smiw their danger , amid lIfting thio women , who vore almost exhausted , Into time carriagctoitt time driver to diisim tiimead , which ime did until time 1)artY was out of duiumger. Mr. Thompsomi , by way of parting , fired a simot 1mm time air , which mnmido time occupamits of tim emirriago crouclm under cover. S Tmtke the UNION PACIFIC and its OREGON SHORT LINI to Portland , ingoiiig to Alaska. TIlE hOOF IS AIii ItIGlIT. Commtmactor Bvowtm CamummutYorlc In ltIs Extra Iromi BIll. The report of time result of time county conmmissloners' trip to Detroit svuil be officially made at time meeting of that body to-day. The comnimmitteo saw ArchItect Meyers of that city anti Mr. Brown of Tmmiilammapohis , time contractor - tractor for time iron work on time county imos- pittil. IIr. Bromi , wlmemi In this city , about tlmreo weeks ago , inmisted timat time Iron sill- lorts of time roof were not sufficient , tmimd that time eiqvatbonswommlmi have to be cimanged. The cimamiges , Brown smmld , wouki imecessltato mimi extra outlay for iron of about 9OOO. Mr. Meyers imisistml ttmat tiio roof was all right , but to satlsty the inltids of the cominlsslomiors en LImo matter - ter , ho laid .l. H. Brmmnden , tin expert cmmgimmeer ot Detroit , tmmtiko mimi exmimmminmmtlon of time hlians tiimtl his ropomt upon time roof was that time mmmnoummt of Iromi wis sufficient but it was not PrOPCLlY ulhstributod. Coma. mumsslomior O'ICcefe , to satisfy imimuseif imiome fully UlOfl ) time niatter , took the lluiiiS to .Joimmm \Vagner , : i Cmlcmigo : mirc1iItct. Ito miniulo atm cmaInmtion of thorn and his report was time saute mis Mr. Hrm.mmm'lemms. ' Ho recoin- nmommded time different dIstributIon of supports amid mm slight chmimmgo in the rafters. Timis sccommd opimilomi was suhhtciemit to satisfy the comimmittee timut time worlc was all right mid they vilt not ordem tue extra amminumit of Iron recommended by Mr. Urowmi. The work atm time buildIng vhtt be lnisiiod milong us ralmimily as ho.siblu anti ( lie plans wh1l not be quemi- tiommetI migalim but wIll be followed to the let- . tei by time comitrnctors. I'RIClL"i Ash BI'rrFits is an unuitil- log cure fom- all diseases originmiting in bulitiry dnraimgoniotits causol by time miimthmiiiti : of nmiasnmatie countries. No other medicine mmow on sale will so of- foetumdly romnove time disturbiiig ole- moats , timid at the imammie time teti up ( ho svlmole mtystomn. It Is sure amid safe in its mictiomi. p - ANNUAti SCIIOOLI FUNIS. 'l'hmo ApmortioumtimOtmt ot School I"mimtls for Caunty DIstrIcts. Coiimmty Smmporintcndont Brunor has just conmpletotl time mmpporttommmnent of immotmoy In time school fund for time various districts in time coemity for time first half of time year. Time following from hIs books stmows time anmoummt of tnotmcy in time school fummil , and how It will be disbursed : Frormi state nssussmnomits , 2OO31.71 ; fromu special taxes , $ i2.8O ; ( rota liquor lIcetise , miOi.25 ; from fines , 18S.CU , mnaklmig a totmil fetid of $30S3I.05. Time up- lmortiommtnetit Per dIstrIct Is The districts vItii their numumbors amid the total umoutit allowed tlteimi are mis folloivs ; No. 1 , l8OS9.83 ; No. 8 , 3G.1U ; No. 4 , $ i42.41 ; No. i , 923.9 ; No. fl , i3T.O3 ; No. 7 , Il8.OO ; No. 8 , l4l.43 ; No. Ii , . $ l3U.73 ; No. 10 , ltt3.1O ; No. 11 , 2OO.53 ; No. 12 ' fl21Iti ; No. 13 , l437 ; No. 14 , $10tu13' ; No. 15 , lli.OS ; No. Id , l.t83 ; No. ii , lS9M-1 ; No. 1. tl7.41 ; No. 10 , $128,112 ; No. 24) $ l'JitS ) ; No. $1 , t18U.tL ; No. 22 , 182.3O ' No. 23 , 8131.33 ; No. 21 , $124.8 ? : No. 2' $143.78 ; No. 24 , l23.95 No. 27 , $1S.3 No. t , fllS.70 : No. 2t1 I5.'S.9t ; No. . : o e121.59 : No. 81. $137.03 ; iio. 82 , I87.i0 ; N. 83 ' tOo.:3o : ; No. 81 , $131.85 : No. 8.5 , $18-i 118 ; No. 3d , * l2mi.tJO ; No. 83 LO.ti2 ; No. L 80 .l2tI.lcH ( No. 40 , 13d.Om No. 41 , l2.I7 N. 42 , $77.07 ; No. 43 , $ t2d.O ; No. 41 , i23.t121 No. 45 , $131.62 ; Io. 411 , * 125.51 ; No. 47 , $13i.411 ; No. 4S , $12149 ; No. 40 , $ l2i.23 ; No 51 fl1Il.47 ; No. 59 , liS.7O ; No. 53 , $125.00 ; Nt _ 51 , $ llO.47No. ; 15 , $ t21.4'J ; fractIonal , 2 , U.5.l8 ; fractional 11 , h5.i3. The number of iulmmls In tia county Is 4J1- , 12 , Dt1iiic MmiLto for L. 'u nerves. THE SOUTh IOMAIIA BUDGET , The Longest Sohtonoo In tim Engllnh Lszguago FIRED AT TIlL COMMISSIONERS. A New Factory-Trommhple With Onmaita Toimghms - A Wanilcrlig Boy Episotie.-Notos About tile City , The thrnrut orTrade. DIrettors of time board of trade umet again Saturdmmy evctmlng , ntmti mifter time imilmiutes were reid , It wmis decided to elect a new treasurer at tue mmext tiicctlmmg , J. C. Cmmrroil Immivitig rcslgmmetl timtmt Posltloti. 'rime secrettiry was Instructed to notify nmi'mmibers to that ef- feet ummd then time follovlng resolutIon was read and imclui over for ii. week : lie it resolved , Tlmmit we us shippers , citlzemms mind busltmess rnotm of South Otmimmima , feelIng ii deep immtct-cst 1mm tue hrosilority of time whole stmite of Nebraskmi , tmercliy imeirthi. : dccltro : our dlsnpruvmil of ammy furtimer Interference iii tIme mmmattcr of mcgmilmtimmg : freIght rates oim time raIlroads of our stmmt , by the rmillwmiy commmtmmlssloncrs of Nelirmiska mis tilmy such action mit time present - ent time Is utmmmecessiry : timid unemmllod formmimd wIll result detrinientmmlly to titti present timid future Interests of time cotimmtmorchui , tummmufmic- : turimmg mmiii mmgrlcmmlturnl eltisses. amid , hums- mitucim mis rellrcscmmtmitlve sitibipers ( roam vtirl- Otis hmmrts : of time stmite , recemitly commmvcncd mit Llmmcoltm , where mm eommcremmce wmis imeld wIth timecoammnlsslomm amid railroad officIals , mind time fact. iielmmg developed tlmmit time simlpperut , as mi cimiss , are lrett' vcil satlslhcml witii time good treatment receIved mind tmiriff rates umow lure. vaillmig it certaImmlyvouId lie itmupolltie timid Immjtm. dicloims to stoptlme immvcsttmmemmt ofcastern emmIll. tmil mind the buildIng of rmilirotids timrougii the stmite which ovemyoimo so ummucim desires , by immirtissitig mmmiii orb imphlmig vItiu unjust riiiimmg arid (101mm Iimeerimm g tictions ii I'omi time Ilmirt of our state board of railroad commiumlssion- ers. ers.After llstcimlng to time above , ivimicim clmiimns tue riglmt to be the Iommgest scntcmmce hi time Eimghlsh luiigtmage _ A. Simmmrpo , of Tmitimmi , lii. , was introduced , timid said ito was time ltatcumtcc of a mmcv cultlvmmtor timmit immid rmmaui.v good lioltmts. ITo visimed to feral a stock Coilipammy for time inmriese of mmmnmmufmictuming thmemim , timid timougimt 23,0OO would be a sufll ciemmt titmioumit of emipitul to commmmmmcmmce vithi. Time bommrmi acijourmmcti to immeet uigahum next Saturday mmlgimt , witimout tnkltmg micthon on limo cultIvator liroposltiomi. Police Commit l'iciclmigs. Judge Reutimer was kelit busy yesterday , amid bum tIred lookhtig prisoimcrs anxiously uiwmiited time opetmitig of time court mit 11 a. in. 'rime first two were John Reilly mind C. M. Coburim , who were cimmirged with cotimmmmgfromtm Council Bluffs anti being suspicious cimmmrac- ters. They got fifteen mimlmmutes to icave town , titmit timey loft. Charlie Call amiti Frank Smmbhio were cimmrged : $ I mimmd costs for fast mind for horse. ' . ' driving Ill-treatIng a .l'imoy Pmid it and wemit to vork. Mmit Appel was imot ommly drunk , butt disorderly , amid chuptl iii h timid costs , while .llke Shea will work out a 2 himme for sIeeIlitmg in time street. Iicmmry MIller hums to settle a limme of [ mmmiii costs fur beimmg drummk , timid Pat \Vimltmmcy imam to work a dmiy 1mm tIme coils to clear himself ( rota time cimtmrge of beimmg a vmmgrmimmt. 13111 Hmiey : timid harry Dagamm were run jim at imoomi for bcggimmg omm tIme stm-ects timid will ho heard this tiltertmoon. It is mmllcred that they emiforceml timelr demmmamids whim threats nmid it wlii probably go imard with theta. Notes j'iOmit ( ito City. At time South Omnmiima Gun climb shoot yes- tcrdny A. V. MIliortoolc the medal. Time South Omaiimv'rimimes hums severed comi nectloti witim time l'mipilllon Timmies , amid wIll 1mm futmmro itirilce htsmippemirauice on Tuesday , immstead of Thmursday mis formerly. Joimmi Smimith , ompioycmi at Armour's now picltimig : Imouso , ( bit frommi ti scaffold yes. terday and broke iils leg amid ribs. Dr. Jclipntriok was calied In , and dressed time wounds. Earl Piper , an emgimt.yoar oiml boy , 'as burled by time ewing him of Corrigmmm's : samid ilit yesterday. On boimig extricated it was found thmmit hIs timigim was badly crushmeil timid broken nmmd that lie had received severe Internal imijuries. Dr. Easer was culled , ammd advised his Itiinmedlate remnovmil to hIs imonrn on .1. street , where ho now lies in a llrccarious condition. There Is ii movement on foot to establish mi Catholic Hemmcvolutit tmssoclatiomm imi South Omimmilma , timid Fattier litorlarty Is one of time iinmo movers. 'rimose wisimimmg for iumformna- thomi vhh1 receive it 0mm almplyitmg to imlmmm. Nimmotentims of time troubio South Omaha POiicemticmi immivo to contommd with comes frommi Onmmilma. Summdmiy it was two sPorts vimo were drivimmg a livery horse to death. They were mirrcstcd amid time imorse takemi care of imm Cmrpemiter's barmi. Timoy gave time mmatmmcs of Jamimes Smith timid IUclmmmrd Drown. There was a stampede of bronchmos Saturday - day mmigimt. A dozemi oi mimore of timeni stood Ott N street wmmitlmmg to be sold , but timey got tired wmithmmg : mmmmd mmmdc a break. They broke over E. Cuddltmgton , amid semmt imimmm imoirmo with a bruIsed shoulder tmnd a siiralmmod tuiklo , miami timomi they started ott ti horse timmit was at- tichmed : to time buggy of L. Carpcmmter. It succeeded iii smnasimitig time buggy before it wtts captured , anti time oivtiets of time bromi. cites settled all bills. Miss Julia but Is imommme again after visIt. lag friemids iii Llucohum. C. M. Coinirti , of Council Bluffs , was foummd lrowllttg urouttmd ii imouso of ihl-1mmnmo en N street , and on iicitmg caught asked time Ito- liceiratm on dtity to mircest hIs wife , ivlmo wmms nti immmnato. his wife , imowovem , stated timtmt site vmms timero mit ills imistigmttlomm tlmat site was supporting two chIldren , dt lie hind icft her to starve , nmmd that he hImself wmmm3 mmmi Itmmmuite of time imouse timid asked for imer arrest because simo would imot ima' him $3 a week mis she mit one tIme : mgreed to do. Ito was arrested , mmml as there vis tie law to 1mumilsut hlmu Ime got lifteeti mInutes to go baclc to CouncIl BlulTs. NHVER MINI ) THE lD ClNi'S. An HumiliOyO Wammts$100t ) Fem Per- otmtiI 1jimi.les. , Mlcimuiol Welgand has sued time Arnmour- Cudmiimy 1'miciclmmg comimimamiy for $ lO3 for liar- somimil injuries sustmltiod while 1mm tIme dcfcmi- dammt's emmmploy. lVoiglnmmd wis : atm tisslstant to tIme cngmtmeer at the Ilaellmmg house ntmd ii itrimmchiat duty ivms that of ohlimig mmiaeimiumer.s' . Wimilt , so omigtmged on Februmiry 8 , 1888 , his clotimlng was eamigimt omm a long simmft. mimid lie received bomhliy imijurics. Thu jtiaitmtiff tmlleges titmit whIle olllmig the mnmicimltmery ito hind to stamul Oti Li tami.Inclm llimmk : massimig over tamuks of boihlmmg-imot larmi. Ho mmitrlbutcs the tied- demit to tIme iusufllelommcy of time hilamik. : : . . : , : . . . , f . The Burlington takes the lead. [ I. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska. It was in advance ofall lines in establishing dining-car , service between Missouri river points and Chicago. . It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of . Omaha and the West a fast mail service. . ; , mk . . . It was in advance f all inos in running its trains from u , the East into Omaha proper. . t . . It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. . It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can leave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. . It has been progressive in the past. . It will lead in the future. . - Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Stroet. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. . . . - _ iL . . . SU.5tMiHt MO1lTAIjLTY , Pertitment Facts atmitoplmmiomis on time Caimses ot Icntlu. Yesterday's immtemise heat made poor swol- temimig imumnnmiity ( mike thought of tIme future. The timcrtnomnetcrs registered from iOU to 101 , and time caloric was of that scorcimlng quality wlmieh , wimcmm rcileetcd froii w.milcs timid vaIls , strucic time ( mmcc with a buistcrimmg breath. Already quite a number of sunstrokes - strokes have beomm reported , two or three of timetmi fmtml : : , timid It was vitim time imica of get- tltmg immformnmmtiotm upomm time sunmmmier mortimlity teat a Baa reporter called oum City l'hysicimimm Hauitli. Dr. Riiph : confirmed the general opimilon that time death rate Is itiucii imlgimer In June , July and August timami 1mm time cooler months. itt June of Imist year time domitims wore 110 , in July 130 , lii Augmmst 121 , amid iii Soptettiber ( JO. The miummibet umimimcd to 115 in October , whicit is ticcountcd for by atm epidetmime of tymiioid fever ar.d diphtheria whicim raged in that moimtim. Time record for June of this year is 103 , a decrease from 1887 , which mtiiiy have beau due to time cooler weather in 1sss. Of time 103 demtim : fourteen were ( rota dlmirrlmo.ia auth forty-tvo were of chuldrctm under live years of mmgo. Of time 130 deaths 1mm July , ISST , fifty-six were from dimirrlmwmi or cholera timid seventy- ( our were of clmildrcim ummder hive. Time recomd for Jimly , ISSS , is imot yet commipletc , but It vil1 simow imiore deaths thamm last ycmr : , tIne , bum P.irt mit leist , to tIme intetisely hot weather of this year. Dr. Ralph ascribes time heat as time cimict cause of time immcreiisctl mimortmihlty In summmmmmcr. 'rho large tier cent of deaths amimomig Infitmts : is startllmmg. lie advises that cimildreum ho kept itt time sirnde tiurluig time hot hours of time day and tmken out imi time evcmmhmmg or the cirly mmmormmitmg. Mmmcii smckness may be traced to ovordrlmmicing , and time ooctor advises time use of hydrant water in hircferemmce to timat ob- tamed ( rout wells , immost of wlmicii Is liable to be taimited. The catimmg of fruit mummy accoummt for sommmo of time diarrimrnn. 'l'imat for time Ornmiimi : imiaritot is picked whIle imiimnaturc , and wimomi iilietied It Is niimmost reatly to rot. 'rime san- htarium coummiltioti of Omiimitmi : is bctter thmiti : ever before , but it Is net icrfect. Much sickmmcss may iie traced to our systemmi of gradlimg. A himi top is cut off mmd dummmped into a depression , oftcmm witim time effect of immakitig ti cutcim basin for water , which becomes - comes stuignauit amid dauigerous. It Is an aimirimmltig ( mmcl timat there were mmimicty fatmml cases of typhoId ( over Imist year. But time . lmemmt , Dr. Ftmiilim tiiitmks , Is the great cause of immcrcascd mmiortimllty imi stiummmner Dr. LeIshmimmitig , aformner cltypiiysbclan , hail just returmmcd frommi a vacation sietit eu the Pacliic slope , ntmd could not speak ( room uer- soimmil knowledge of timis yeam , but ito cor- rohormited time mttmmtcmmment of ii greatly jim- creased deatim rate durimmg time sumtmmmmer , lii- eludtmig ii hiatt of June , the whole of July mind the most of August. 'rIme hmmercased immortality Is largely murmoimg Inftimmta under timree years of age. An oblervmltiotm Of time years leads time doctor to time ophmmiomi that time rate is doimbleti him time sunm.ner. It imas also been observed thnt time immcmeaso is miotimbly large In time First , Secommd mimmil Timiril vards mimnommg foretgmm familIes. Timis Is duo to tim lmcat amid the ctirmditIonm of life. i\imimmy of time immotimers 1mm thmit liirt : of time city are actively at work dmiring time day , mmjmml are commipehled to nurse timeir clmhldremi wimlle imeited. Time food is soured , caushuig immhhmmmmnntioti of time stomacim ammil cholera hmmrnumtiutn. ? mlminy babes are hmmt to suckle vomm bottles , time commteimts of wiileim tire soomm soured. Aimotimer comitributimig cause is time neglect 01 batimimmg. 1mm .Tumme higimt clothing Is ) Oii rcstmltlmig 1mm tmmmimiy colds. These causes arc largely rcslmomislbho for time immcremised immortality In smtmimtnor. EspecIal hams shioultl be tulccii to see hunt clmildremm imive : wimelesomime food , amid cloamm- hiness simouhti Do certaInly mmot boimlmtd good. iltmess. Imifaumts imeed mtmoro careful attention lii imot woatiier tioum 1mm time cold scasomm , amid because they do not get it siclcemm and die. - - f ) . .4ti.,4. , Js.7J \ dI.4. , . . . . p1 - , _ _ . . - - - - - - - - --T--ia1TI ± _ _ - ' -p--- . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ ( YOUR CHO1CE ki5oc Mi ( I , autti ttraw lImits , iOc n Aim 11 anti l 1.Iglit h-'f thim hats , tmow GRATEFUL.COMFO1ITL'U ) Epps's Cocoa BIIEAIrAST. , 'nT a thorpiugh ictmosIedgo of tito natural lawa wtumctt govet n lit. , apul umtmon a ! dt2etIoiu ; 500 iuuutui tint , , attI by careuut mptcttmotm , of ittu tills tlroperltes ( it wcIt sciect.d Coco , , iimr. Vppi liii rmdcd .3U1 breakiit tables wttmi a demu.ttumy tlavtred , LLcr.Igo Wtttch mtiy lava U mtiftfly tueavy doctor's bitt ) . It Ia by tto jutumimsu ! UO OX uictt timilelcu , of dit tiuti a conutttttttott Wily ) U grautirimmy uJutti UP titittt lirong enoucl , , to H"mst evury it nietucy to utettiu. Iluti. OreiF' ot uibimumamutdmoa , tie mmoatmngantmntm llsrtatiy to amtc wtieruver tmiera it a wam mniiut. Wo uuay esespo mnaumy a ( tutt.i mturt : by kocptmig ouroivc , . writ Iorittiei wtn : pure iJtOii aiim a iroperly uout-Ithcd tuame.--Cmvmm &trvtce (1Ar..tte. Ma Jo .Inipmy wilt , ittihlimug iator ot. milk. itold ouij itt ttatt iout'm , ' illS by ( .rocors ittbemoo ilium : TATE pt i.ippc 9 , flfl lloiimu.mopatlmlc Clmenhists tuimbhto iii I Ii tk UU , . LeiwttN. 1flLANm , . TILE BANK OF CO'I'1EROE. ' ' SI Wi Cur1 Farnarn and 15th SIs. I'miltI Itt : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ U io ii llA1UC111 , l'meslticnt. I. I. . 1ilIltItOWIli. Vhio Prn.sltiomit. F' . ii. JOIINSON , Cushier. li ft. ' , S'mr.T.TAtS. 14 _ 1. . W tT.EY. i. . It , .1 OtINl ( ) . .1. I I. tIcCtNN1n. \\.m , i411vmmut4. : tmmAt. thurz. At.r.i1' : . httCTOtt. : I ) . C'tNi.otm.t3t. m. : . t. itm .Sti. ( I t1'rAv ANmmammsoN. .1. r. . i /ccotimlts of Iiankor , .1ercimants amid Imuilviti umils received out time mumost favomablu torlims. Nbillska Na1i iik. if. s. EPOSlTOlW , OMAIIA , . 1'TE. I'imlti Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! , ( ) Stimpitus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iOOJO ( ii.v. . Y.TEi. i'resittent. Lmwmmi : 8. mtmtm. : , 'ico t'mosithent. A. F 'Leuu.iI.ta , tith Vice l'rosltlittmt. v. ii. I ; : . IIL'lImIs : , Ciamlmler. mittmmcTomms : 5v _ V. Mttsfl , JottN S. Co1rumi , II.V. . Y.&ri:5 : , IEWlmi 13. itimt , A. } . TOV/AI.mN. lianking Oit1c- THE IRON BANK , Corner 12th amid Varmmummtm hiti. AGemmeral Ilaimkmimg iiushmieutumTrummmactetL - GRAND TOUR or UnIted States arid Canada. tntor tito mumm.ptces o Anuurlcan.UUrOpefln 'l'ouri.t'a 14uuctmtiouuumi A..ociumt tutu , , , , um Atiguiti ( mm , . Ii5. 'ilie josmn trtimuis of snmurb iteuptmimi mini dmtimtimz cmmm wmtm cuivo ( 'tittummia ( or ii tummr of 1 , imays vtsttmiumt cmovomuumi m , ituiruilo. rIiommrut Futmmi , 'rorouitu h'itgotoii , tliroiIt t.t. t.'twrcnco ittYor to 'ttumtmrou.h litittu ioumntitmn , ) ' , rmtuin.l. ( ltd trc'miani itoath , tioMon , Ntv York , miummadcuuhma l'ittmlngtoui , cmncmnnml. Ia1mmatpoUi , reiurnltui to hIeuigt' . 4u Puinti Ut Interest yJstto.I elm Tommie. 18 Days for only $110 IncludIng bemth , meals , hmutuI , slgimt-seeitig , amimti.emncimtfl , sari-hart's , etc. l'oriimurttcularut tufm.lrei. C' . F' . A. llIClChiItS , President. Ammmerinti-1mmmoPemimm Tommrlst's Iiimt. ctittonl Asocittott. Iteottm Imil liatik of Coma- meree Imulhiiimm&r , St. louis , Mo , For ulckiis. tutjitb IuuuitrueIOnt , etc. am.pTj at dm7 Ticirt Ofluec C , . St. .t t. t' . mm. ii. . Oiuulmti , lmcmnouuluer. , emily ZO tlikeL wtil bu tout : iii Omnaba. U ALSO Tot.uteeo utii4 IN ( .ii.ttium iuau.mms I qior a i I No var mnutmm PUWti. neat CUTS Ii oSectel. 'Xe Luavo fumlili cn'iub lii our iukO ibis oltur. Ii ClOt be , mycs wmuu . .r without itus hut kiiowtedie ut lb. , person t.ktot ii. istiu ; Co. liux WJ. Quummiuma , ( sit. - YovrLeft Liver IS OUT OF OBDEA ? READ THIS IP IT IS. A i'ropmlutury Neulicmmi that mmeeds but a trial to prove its worth. . - - - . - - . . I . -4- t : ) , m 1 ' - - " - , i- 4t. _ . /i / Dr CaIIodor's ' Loft Lior Dittcrs1 Tno Oiii3flistihicti imltters in the UmmltoV hitmiteit. Time only Itittors iecommIzcti liy tiio limmttetl Stuitri Imitertial vovcmimmu muva its ii I'm'o- prietzmry Motlicitmo. Lawfully l'atemmteil. No. cC 'mitont 1 ' 1.9 673 , Comituulns tmo tush otis , no essemmtlmti oii ' no torch mm ntibsaimco ( cur minummag- lug uirmugs. 'A pure ummctilc1tu , coni- 1)Otitltltl froni litre Hoot 1 .irlium amid ( hit i'ttih Piensaum ? to the tmmsto , qimlet. nimd decisive itt Its effect. Cures iyuqioisIr , or 'm'eIlts' Jnimmmtiico him five thays. htegulateum time 1iovt1s. Itivicoratos , lnitctlvn Liver Cures lIscaoI1 Livur , ftevivrs time Kidneys , haproves thmo Appetite Qmiickly Itcgimiates time Vnolo itystoma. cmv Life to thy wlmolo systonm. i.t.t i 1.i yti ittitem I' nra somum I it Ottutitift , Nil' . , 1Iy time jot lowii ! truigglmtit ittcluumr.1on I Irttj Cii. . icctimt Wttotet : e , for thu drug muumcrom or Nobrumikum. I etult cull its tuttiws : ( httuuuIuui lrut4 ( JO.v. . J. vtumteuiomt'c. T. SV Sm , : miii m. Szmnu I I. F'uti ii two rtlt , telu rotor's l'mti.rnu ae htutui , & Ct. , Johui ( iiutuluti. .i. l'trr : .m. A. t'uiuItr ( 'o. . V. J.lItigiiti , .lomuum tm Ciututo . , Frt'o , 'im. . I 'it ci t. I . I I . Gerutetm , .toli ii I' . I Ititlk ) . torreiit3 mmiaruumty : , .luuui , t'orsttI1 ii. C. Ito I. I Ir. J. J. ttiviIte , ' . i. Ci lMhoy , I . ( Jultumuiler. I tutuim's t'tunr- mnac , ( tmiriuuy lair's , J. 0. iOuig , .1. W. Clarke , .1. I I , , cluututtit , .iui i iiottm 1 S CmirtMten'.uII , v. i { . Lititi Itmtttu , t I . S. Cuix , uiti , Coti u ut t rut uk ii. ' im. lt'tsltt usion , 0 sormie ttoedor , Imoyti. m'tuartmummcy ; A. tlc tcIter itowaut-ut tteyer. t"ruitk uiommuuu" & , mm Iiuteuuilu utummmeri mum Cmgumrb altO Lou liver flitters. - S eth i _ - aV ill' _ . _ _ LpA _ Dmm.E.O. Wmsrs Nznvr. AND 11n.T TRIIAT. icr , it gmiurmmimtreti speolilo for hIystirln , Dizzi. ness , Cotivu1Iomi , . Ilts. Nemiout Neuralgia. IImrttIaCiii' . Norvoumut I'roatruuthuuml , caured by time use of alcchoi or tobacco , \Vmikt.fmiiuO.iS. : .Mcntal IjoIircssImmm Softening of time Itrain , reultlng im Immsamittv , mimiui Ieadimu to imuiiiemY , decay ama dcmtth. Prcnmu'tmmro Oh ! Age , imarrenness , l.oss of I'omnr In .it1mer sex Itmvoimmmmtary i.osem anti hipermuitittrlmti'ui ( 'amiset bY oyer.exortltitt of Pus bralti seifalttm5s or voriimdmmigetmCs. fineim bo commtalfl5 one Utontii'ii trmuitnicnt. ! i.m' ) a 1jor , or sir boxes for 3.C0 , snt by mail piopaitl on ro. ceipt of pt-Ic. . wI GtJMtAITE1 lX )3OXE To emit-s any case. Wltim each order receiveul by us for six boxas , accoumpanluti with V.OO. wo viil menu ! the hiurchascr : our written ' -uarantes to mehimmid tius money it the trcatmeuiL mioes not uuiTect a cimro. ( uiirmintee5 Iscueth minly by (3. F' . GOflDHAN , flnmcit , hiolo Aeut , 111 Farnatim ( 'mmccc. Onaummm. I eb. NiERNATIONflL EXHIBITION C ) L" Idustry Scioc aad An1 Opemm Ututil Octohiom' , 1888. Metlicti Cotugress Meets August 7th , GLAGU\V , SCOTLAND. Round Trip Excursiomi 'Picket Via Si ATE L1NJ , * . ; imt1 l'ur immformnatioim aitlihy to AUSTIN , BALIWJN & CO. , .Agts. , 1i'J Bromidway , New York. . Ul U tilts given uniTe ? . -A ti saimsrsmcllcn In th. . - .ririJATs. % 4 cumrootCouorthns snm2 Dt W 0icet.TprcscuIbaIIan cus5m4m4U- d ? feisafm'Iarcornmn4. iir4um. it to liii iUiThriri. 11 . J. bfoXiu : , M.D. , Dectuir , III. IIucF. sI.oo. shut HtI.I bur IirumiiII , I _ : It , . .t. tr ) ( pita a uitmtut Sr. ( TiSi rarly 4r.sytI , a. ii . . ( .t tt.e. I I I . .i.uo * , . .mi..tA. . ir. sip rnnt.tiinc tutU paimiciitaIs fur cue , , Sri. ChaOc' . . Adtre * . , PROF. V. C. rOW1.R , MOQdUI. corniijj