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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1888)
SWUNG HIM FROM A BRIDGE , Mon Lynch Murderer Em t Pawnee Olty. HE LAYS IT ALL TO WHISKY. "With the Hope About Ilia Neck He Delivers nn Address on thu Kvlls of Intemperance Other Stnto Ncivs. MnduHun AValk thcTrrstio. CmNeb. . , July 81. [ Special Telegram to Tun Den. ] Fremont Emmons , the murderer of Bertha Sjhultz , Is no moro. Last night just before midnight a mob came into town from near Dubols , the home of the murdered girl , composed of n hundred men well organised and armed to the teeth. They at once surrounded the court house square , shutting oft every avenue of escape should Btich an attempt bo made , nnd one of them commenced the hunt for the murderer , f-cnrch revealed the fact thnt the Jail was open. The vigilantes at once conjectured that the officers of the law wcro trying to spirit him away und this proved to bo true. After continuing the scarcli until nbout 1 o'clock , however , Kmmons was found In the third Btor.v of the court house under guard of the officers. With n shout of "Hero ho is , " the crowd started for their man. Ho tried to defend himself with a chair , but both Kmmons and the guards wcro soon overpowered and the prisoner taken away from them. The mob was organised before reaching town , nnd every move was like clockwork. The prisoner was taken to the Chicago , Kansas ft Nebraska railroad bridge In thu west part of the city ; n. minister was called to pray for him. Ho was then per mitted to pray for himself and to make n Bhort speech. In his prayer ho asked God to forgive him for the murder of Miss Sehultz nnd to pnrdon the men who were nbout to take his life , If they were guilty of any crime. In his address ho reviewed his life for the past two years. Ho said ho had once been a Christian but had fallen into evil ways through drink. Ho admonished young men tote avoid It ns a deadly enemy to their happiness In life. Ho said ho had killed Miss Sehultz because Bho hod refused his love nnd hod told things nbo.ut him which wcro untrue. When ho had finished speaking a handkerchief was placed nbout his face and he was told to move out on the trestle or ho would bo pushed. Ho said ho preferred to jump and when ho got to the edge of the truck stopped at the com mand given and jumped. The Jump was eighteen feet below and left htm banging nbout four feet above ground. His neck was broken instantly nnd ho died without n Btrtigglc. The sheriff cut him down this inoiniug and n coroner's inquest was held. It was decided that he came to his death at the bands of parties to Iho jury unknown. Ho loft Ins watch In the hands of the minister for his relatives who live in Kan sas. sas.Tho The crime for which Emmons wns hung was commltcd hero last Thursday. Emmons n as second cook at the Exchange hotel and Bertha Sehultz was the laundcy girl. Ho proposed to her and she rejected him. Ho told her ho would kill her unless she mar ried him , nnd sharpened his pocket knife ivith the avowed purpose of carrying out his threat. In the evening about 7 , as she was return ing from n visit , Emmons mot her in the yard adjoining the hotel. A few words passed between them , when , with a quick movement , ho drew the knife und plunged it Into her breast. She fell to the ground cry ing : "He's killed mo I He's killed mot Where Is my dear mother ! " and died in about twenty minutes. Emmons was at once placed under arrest by the sheriff nnd taken to Jail. On the way thcro ho admitted to the officer that ho had sharpened his knife for the purpose of kill ing tlio girl. Miss Sohultz was poor but of good reputation , while Emmons was known is n hard character. Her homo was near Dubois , where she had a mother living. Shot HlH WifeBy Accident. O'NEILL , Nob. , July 31.-Spcclal [ Tolo- prnui to TUB BEK. ! Last Friday night Corn , Slaughter of A. L. Wilcox nnd wife , of this place , eloped with ono Bob Ingorsoll , who had been paying attentions to tier and who was not looked upon with favor by the parents. Mr. Wilcox wns mvay at the time and only reached homo Sunday night. They wcro very much worked up over the affair , but had decided to make the best of It , and Mr. Wilcox made preparations to leave again this morning for Madison county to look after business there. Ingersoll , it iccms , had threatened the llfo of Mrs. Wlleox , nnd before going Mr. Wilcox bought a revolver for her. This morning us ho was about ready to start ho showed his wife how to handle the revolver In case stio had occasion to use it. Wlille handling the weapon it was dis- jharpcd. The ball entered the left breast of Mrs. Wilcox , pretty high up and taking n Juwnward com so passed through or near Iho heart , causing Instant death. Mr. Wil cox .run out of the house , calling for help and passers-by soon came In. They found the woman lying on the bed mul her husband bending ever her holding up her head. The coroner was culled , n Jury empannclcd and n verdict of accidental shooting returned. Mr. Wil- pox. Is ono ol O'Neill's wealthiest citizens. Iho family hus resided hero the past eight yc.iraund , is esteemed and respected by all. A Hydrophobia Scare. Ilni > Ci.oun , Neb. , July 31. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE.- ] Notwithstanding Iho recent rain which was much needed the thermometer continues to register 15 to ICO. Hydrophobia is the latest excitement. A farmer nbout tlvo mllca south of the city had n very valuable shepherd ilog which , before - fore anyone was nwaro of It , developed rabies , and had bitten a number of the owner's hogs , and six of his horses , the last of which was attacked Sunday , from which It died , How widespread the damugo is no ono can toll , but it has awakened Bcrious alarm in the neighborhood. Mayor Holland has issued an order to liavo the city thoroughly muzzled or shot , t'ntliollo Church Dodlcnitrd. N How , Nob. , JulySl. [ Special Tel egram to TUB BKE. ] On Sunday the Catho lic church nt this place was dedicated by lit. Ht'V. Bishop O'Connor , of Omaha , as- Bisled " by Father Wolfe , of Grand Island , Fu'iiiCrV. ' ; ! . " . ! : , oiruaCrce1is ! und Fathers Millar nnd Huloy.tho latter being of this mis- ion. The dottle Uory sermon was delivered hy V'iil he r Wolfe. In the evening Bishop > O'Comiitt1 addressed an audience of at least BOO at the now operu houso. The subject nf Ills rrinurkn was ' 'Sacremental I'euanco , or the Power of Forelvnness. " As largo a gath- - > IU cf H liU'j kind was never known nt thi i * place , " 't"l ° ci Kant f > w church was filled to Its I'tniosU . _ r _ Di.a o County fruhlblilonfsts. FKKM.fvr . , Xfb. , 3uly 81. [ Special Tele- pram to TUB DKU.J Tlto Dodge county pro hibitionist * meU-lu muss convention liure this nftornoon , with nn attendance of twenty -two. Twenty-four delegates to the congressional convention nt Columbus nnd eighteen to the stnto convention nt Omnlm were chosen. .1. W. Stevenson , North Hcnd , and W. II. Mayor , Hooper , were nominated as repre sentatives to the legislature nnd D. M. Strong , of North Hend , county attorney. TMI-J | 0 > VA RCIIKDVIlJJ , Commissioner Campbell Continues to Give Testimony. Dns Moi.s-i s , la. , July 111.Tho examina tion of railroad commissioners was con tinued to-day , following the same general llnons yesterday. Commissioner Campbell wns questioned further as to his estimate of loss to the people by reason of the continu ance of the Injunction. His estimate was based on tno difference between the May 10th tariff and tlio commissioners' schedule. Judge Nourso now bcijuii the cross-ex- nminntion. It referred almost entirely to the figures of Iho various reports made by the Hock Island railroad company in their reports from lf > 73. The figures of lonimgo disclose n difference of 129JO'J ! in the amount of tonnage carried In Iowa between the years ISSTnnd 1SS" . The reports of the road were further examined to show tlm re ported cost of the ro.ul in 1178 , the amount carried to the construction account , the amount of stock and debt per mile , the gross nnd not earnings , and the amount of railroad stocks nnd bonds held by the company , Including its own. The aggregate amounts charged to the cost of con struction nnd equipment in the meantime was $ 'Joi75. ; ! > ( i I , and the dividends on stock 8 per cent except for the last two or three years , for each of which 7 per cent was de clared. In discussing the question of com petition under the now law the following dialogue took place between Commissioner Campbell and Judge Withrow , counsel for the roads : "Tho law under which these rates rnro made prohibits competition , docs It not ? " "Yes sir. it does. " "Tho Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific nnd the Chicago , Unrllngton & Quincy both have lines to Knoxville , have they not I" "Yes , sir. " "Tho Chicago , Burlington & Quincy line Is much shorter , is it not , and this fact will give the 'Q' the business between hero and Knoxvillol" "Seemingly so , " "Now , Mr. Campbell , do you see how it would hurt anyone if the Hock Island should carry freight around on its lines for the same rates charged by the 'Q,1 nnd when it does so , ought it not to bo punished by being com pelled to carry nt the same rate over its whole system I" "You will have to argue thnt with the law makers. I am , for one. only the servant of the law. " Glcnwood'fl Artesian Well Klcction. Gi.r.NWoon , la. , July 31. [ Special Tele gram to Tun 13ii : : . ] The election just held here to bond the city for nn artesian well was practically unanimous , thcro being but six votes against the measure. It is expected that the work will bo vigorously pushed to completion and thnt this beautiful little city will then have some protection against lire. He landed His Troubles. MASON CITT , In. , July 31. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bne.J Gcorgo Newman , n prosperous farmer of Floyd county , was found banging to a trco this morning. Ho , with his wife , went to Charles City yester day , and while returning homo pot into a quarrel. Newman jumned out of the wagon and his wife drove on homo. This wns the last seen of Newman until ho wns found this morning dangling from n trco. It was un questionably suicide. SI11UCK BIjIGHTMNO. . Guests nt the Palmer House In Chicago cage Given u Hit : Scare. CHICAGO , July 81. The guests nt the Palmer house wcro startled in their sleep early this morning at a terrific clap of thunder , accompanied by u very perceptible shock in all parts of the houso. Thoughts of dynamite bombs nnd earthquake caused nearly all the guests to hurriedly dress nnd crowd through the corridors. Mcantlmo the few passers on the street nt that early hour , it being about 0 o'clock , were kept busy dodging flying splinters. The flagstaff on the northwest corner of the building wns found shattered to splinters by lightning. Hopes were quickly stretched across the sidewalk - walk to heop pedestrians out of possible danger. Investigation showed , however , that the actual dnmngo done by the bolt wns very slight , notwithstanding the genuine scare given the hundreds of people in the hotel. Hotel Property Suit. CINCINNATI , July 31. A petition has been filed Uy Lydia A. Potter , May C. Jones nnd Mnrln A. Potter , Henry C. Gilmore , Louisa Gilmore nnd John Xumstcin , receiver , charg ing that the defendant's unlawfully occupy plaintiff's propsrty on which the Grand hotel is situated u lot 10x123 feet on the botith- wcst corner of Fourth street and Central avenue. The assets of H. C. Gilmore & Co. , lessees of the Grand hotel , nro estimated ut SlSo.lO. . ) , with liabilities amounting to SSOJ- OW. Preferences wcro given aggregating Southern Hepnullcuns Ratify. CHARLESTON , S. C. , July 31. A republican mass meeting was held here last night to ratify the nomination of Harrison nnd Mor ton. Congressman Mai-on of Illinois , Con gressman Taylor of Ohio , and several others addressed the mcotingwhich was Iho largest republican meeting held hero for several years. The tariff issue was discussed by the speakers. The meeting adjourned at ouo o'clock this morning. Hlinkcy Will Swine. COI.UMIIUS , O. , July 31. The case of Bllnkey Morgan , on application for commu tation of sentence to imprisonment for life , was formally presented to the governor to day , and this evening ho announced that ho Would not Interfere with the sentence of the court , Morgan will bo executed nt the peni tentiary in this city , Thursday night next , between the hours of 12 and 3 u. m. The Fire Itecord. MANsriKLi ) , O. , July 31. The now flvo- story building owned by C. Bessmati & Co. , wholesale grocers , burned early this morn ing. There was n stock of goods valued at $200,000 in the building , Sl''O.OOO worth of which was destroyed. The Insurance is $7r > ,000. Telegraph , telephone nnd electric light wires greatly hindered the work of the flrcinen. Ono of Italy's Koliemes. PAIIIS , July 31. The circulation of the re ports that Franco Intends to seize Tripoli has brought forth a note from a semi-official source , which says thnt the reports nro re garded In government circles as u mask to cover the ilcslens of Italy , whoso increase of armaments is due to the fact thst she has Tripoli in view. Valnnhlo Horses Cremated. NEW YOIIK , July 31. Thirty horses wore burned to death between 2 and : ) o'clock this morning. They were valued at $1,000 and wcro the properly of the Mutual Benefit Ice company. The wutob'oan accidentally upset a lamp in tbo stable. ThO- building was dam aged to tlio extent ol $3,000. Shot ln > itcnd of .Screamed. PAiiKEicsnvmi. W. Va. , July 31. Two Cialdcn ladles , Murio and Virctta Heevcs , living near Davlsvlllo , Just above here , last lilcht shot and killed one burglar , and mor tally Wounded und captured anothpr. The two hulicft Ki'iicinlly kept a largo bum of , money in tlicir possession. ! DELAYED BUT NOT DEFEATED Fate of the Conference Report on the Omnlm Bill. REJECTED BY ELEVEN VOTES , Crisp of Goorcin Hnys the Present ISiilldlnc IsGood Knotiirli Dorsey's VluoroiiH Fight McSlinno In Still Hopeful. Omnh.VH Claims Ignored. THE OMAHA BRE , j 513 FouuTnnxTitSTncnT , > WASHI.NOTOX , D. C. , July 31.1 The action of the house to-day in rejecting the conference report on the Omaha public building , bill wns a great surprise to the friends of the measure mid had they been given notice that tlio report was to bo called up ; , they would have prepared for it nnd scored n success. To the 'credit of Mr. McShano it should bo said that he remained In Washington constantly for over n month when ho was so ill that his physician often ndviscd him to take a change of climate , and his solo object In staying hero was to watch nn opportunity to secure the adoption of the report which was to-day defeated. Ho came to tbo conclusion lust week that it would bo some days before a majority could bo secured in the house , nud being assured that the re port would not bo called up until u majority was present , ho went to Atlantic City for tlio purpose of recupera tion , intending to return hero to-day to con tinue his watch over the Omaha bill. This morning Senator Spooner , of Wisconsin , who is a member of the senate committee on public buildings nnd grounds and a member of the conference committee on the Omaha bill , sent word to Chairman Dibble , of the house committee on public buildings nnd grounds , that the direct tax amendment to the sundry civil appropriation bill , pending In the senate , would likely create another deadlock in the house , nnd inasmuch as the bill would probably reach the house tomorrow row the only chance the Omaha bill would be given was to-day and ho advised that it bo called ut ) at once. This is why the friends of the measure failed to receive any notice of the anticipated action. Immediately after the reading o. ' the Journal of the house , Mr. Dibble called up the conference report for Immediate con sideration. ! Ho made a statement to the house embracing the merits of the measure , explaining how the house committee when it originally reported the bill making appropria tion for $ -400,000 for the site nlono bad reached its conclusion , and how the conferees were led to reconsider nnd accept the senate amendment appropriating $1,300,000 nnd set ting aside ST.00,000 for the site and $700.000 for the building. Ho said it was in the first instance believed by the house committee that it would bo sufficient for the present to purchase the site for the building , but that upon investigation in tlio conference it was found there was immediate necessity for a larger and moro convenient building , and that it was wise to appropriate all the money congress intended to put into the site nnd new building nt ono time , making it all available at once , and limiting the entire cost to the amount ap propriated. Mr. Crisp , of Georgia , who has characterized himself as an extreme partisan in tbo position of chairman of the committee on , elections criticised , in thu most severe terms , the action of the house conferees , and said that It wns remarkable that the first conference appointed on a measure of this importance should agree , nnd that the house conferees should so readily como over to the demands of the senate. Ho intim ated that it was n case of "give and take. " Ho said there appeared to be an idea in the house that simply because there was n large amount of surplus in the treasury and all kinds of schemes would bo en couraged in order to put into circulation the people's money tlmt bills were introduced for public buildings in Insignificant towns where thcro was no busi ness sense in the expenditure , nnd that larpo cities were given buildings worth twice Iho money the necessity called for. IIo ridi culed the statement of Mr. Dibble that the conclusion of the house conference was In tbo nature of a compromise , nnd said thnt it was n complete surrender to the senate , which body always was demanding tbo lion's share. Mr. Dibolo retorted that it required three long meetings of the conference com- niitteo to reach an agreement upon this measure , and that each Individual upon tlio committee had exercised not only his best judgment but had drawn upon the highest order of principle in reaching the conclusion. IIo thought it was wiser to appropriate the money In one sum than to dribble it out , caus ing delay nnd inconvenience and creating ex traordinary expense. Ho produced reports from the supervising architect of tlio treas ury , snowing that the buildings tor cities us largo as Omaha had cost fSOO.OOO each , and that In some instances there was almost that sum expended for the sites alone. "It was n jughundlo compromise" ex claimed Mr. Crisp , "and the conjcrces on tbo part of the house have been improvident. They have given too much. There is al ready ut Omaha n building thnt cost ? r > 0,0)0 ( ) and the business is being transacted in it very well. Tli'H bill should bo voted down and there should bo nothing for the present appropriated for tlio building In that city. It is enough to appropriate $ to ) ,000 as originally proposed by the house , for the purchase of a site alone. Wo can appropriate money for the building nt some future time. There is no evidence that n now building is needed In Omaha nt this time. No proof has been shown that ttiero is n public necessity for it. " Several members at this time attempted to talk at once , and the controversy on tlio lloor of the house was qulto lively and Interesting. Chairman Dibble said that ho regretted very much that the member from Omaha ( Mr. McShano ) wns absent on account of sickness , for ho could show to the house , if present , the necessity for not only nppropri- ating money to purchase a site but to con struct a moro commodious building than the one1 now In use. In the absence of Mr. McShano the chairman stated that he would yield to Mr. Dorsoy to speak for the city of Omaha. Mr. Dorsoy made a strong appeal to the bouse in behalf of the measure. Ho produced II I the statistics from the postoftlco in Omaha for the past few years , making comparisons to show the rapid growth of the city and the necessity for a larger federal building. Ho showed the volume of business of various Hinds being transacted for the government In the present building , nnd demonstrated the cramped condition of affairs. Ho said that it was true that the building now occupied 1 cost $350,000 , but that It could now bo dupli cated for flOO.OOO , nnd ho said that Omuhn had 120,000 population , nnd that it was in creasing so rapidly that bofora the now building could be completed the present building would bo cntholy too small to fur nish quarters for all of thu federal officers. Ho said it was a sound business proposition to accept the amount , proposed by the senate' . The federal building , he stated , would not bo equal to structures be ing put up in Omaha at the present timo. Ho said thnt TUB OMAHA BKK alone was constructing a block which would cost moro money than the one the government proiioscd to put up nnd that when private in dividuals find It good business Judgment to make Investments of this character it surely argued in favor of the government making one , es | > ecIaHy in view of the fact that It hud all of the business that can bo transacted in the bunding when comuKHed. Mr , Dorsoy withstood general cross-exixrolnntlou by on the floor nnd then lushed around among his republican friends nnd ' personally * -oKMtcd ] them to support the con' fcrcncd icport. When the previous question wus called Mr. Crisp demanded the uyos and nay und announce th&t he ? would lUso do- iiinnd that there should bo a quorum I protein a& .he did uot intend to have the report adopted by a minority of all the members. The veto re sulted In the defeat of tbo report by O'-J noes , to 81 yeas. The examination of the vote discloses that Mr. Dorsoy's ' efforU among his republican friends availed much , for thcro wcro ninny moro democrats who voted airalnst the adop tion of the conference report , " nnd therefore neitlnst the representatives of their party on the conference committee , than there wcro republicans. Upon the announcement of the result Chairman Dibble moved that the house continue to Insist upon Its original bill and nsked for another conference committee. This wns granted without division and a new conference will bo announced to-morrow. Within a half hour after the bill was dis posed of Mr. McShano arrived at the capital niitl was greatly surprised and disappointed to learn what had taken place. Ho was paired with Mr. Laird upon all political ques tions and the latter , although nt the capitol , did not voto. Strange , but whllo the house was discussing tlio conference report , the senate defeated the direct tax amendment to the sundry civil appropriation bill. Since the house has refused to adopt the report of Its conferees It will uo very difficult to induce the new conferees on the part of the house to accept the semite amendment. Hopes nro cnteitained , however , by nil of tlic Nebraska delegation that they may yet bo able to secure tlio full Sl'Jt,0X ( ) ) ( ) before the end of Iho session. Tills evening Mr. McShnno said : "I nm , of course , greatly annoyed over the defeat of the conference re port/during my temporary absence from the city. I nm moro annoyed because I wns specifically promised bv both Senator Spooner and Mr. Dibble , of the conference committee , that the measure should not bo culled 1111 during my absence. 1 left the city on Friday for Atlantic City for a thrco days' much needed rest , and was naturally amazed upon my return to learn that the matter had been considered in my absence. 1 uin quite confident , however , that no damage has been done , nnd I put In some hard work this afternoon in preparing for the prompt renewal of the report to the house on tlio same basis as the ono which was defeated to-tiny. I have assurances from n number of my friends who voted against the conference report that they will change their votes , and I think that the people of Omnlm need notbo alarmed about the fate of the measure. It is quite unnecessary to say that I hnvo worked for months in trying to forward tlio Omaha bill , and have loft no stone unturned to ac complish its success. I have no doubt thnt tlio measure will pass , as our people desire that It should. " niDi OX THE COUNCIL 11LUPFS IIUILOtXO. Bids were opened to-day by the superin tending architect of the treasury for a hydraulic elevator for the federal building nt Council Bluffs , The bidders were ns fol lows : Crane Elevator company , of Chicago , $2'JOO ; Gcorue C. Howard , Philadelphia , W.'JOO ; K. L. Williams , Council BluffsOUO ! , ; Ellithropo Air Brake company , Chicago , fct,342. Pcnur S. HEATA. UKSTLUKS KUDS. Serious Trouble , feared on the San Carlos Reservation. TUCSONAriz. . , July ,31. Reports of the trouble on the San Carlos reservation tend to show thnt the Indians' have been stealing cattle nnd preparing a supply of dried meat preparatory , it is presumed , to nn outbreak. When the party went to arrest the hostiles they were fired upon and three Indian scouts killed. The posse returned lire , wounding several of the band , which immediately left the reservation , followed afterwards by oth ers , all going toward the mountains. WASHINGTON , July 31. The war depart ment is in receipt of the following telegram from the commanclunt-iit San Carlos , Ariz. , forwarded by GcncrtI Howard , under date ofJulyU'J : _ , "Captain Leo , % i/Ior the discretionary orders I had given him previous to the ro- cefpt of your telegram of this date , has just returned to this post. Ho reports that seri ous troubles resulted from a quarrel among the Indians themselves. Captain Leo re mained upon the ground until 4 p. m. to-day , when ho concluded that the Indians wcro not disposed to leave , and that his f urtnor presence tended to excite them. Captain Leo then returned to this post. From the Indians Captain Leo learned that those ordered to bo arrested wcro socu near their camp to-day , and is of the opinion , nnd I con cur , that these Indians can bo arrested quickly in a few days. The cattle herd is upon its grazing ground undisturbed. My command is in readiness and 1 will move out at once if I find it necessary. " Another dispatch , forwarded by General Howard from the commanding general of the department of Arizona , states that nil the post commanders have been notified to use all efforts to promptly intercept raiding parties. THE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Consideration of One of the Most Im portant Cases Yet Presented. CHICAGO , July 81. The intcr-stato commission - mission , in session here to-day , took up ono of the most important cases that has yet been brought before that body. It is tbo case of the Detroit.board of | trade and the Merchants' ' and Manufacturers' association against the New York CentraliGrond Trunk and West Shore railways. All the members of the commission were present. The complaint in the case is that for a long time the merchants and business men of Detroit have suffered by unjust discrimination In favor of Chicago at the hands of the roiids named. In doing this the railroads have violated sections I , 2 and H of the inter-stato commerce net , and were amenable , as prescribed in sections 14 and 15 of tlio act. The complaint , in specifying the particulars of the discrimination alleged , stated that the Grand Trunk , New York Central and West Shore railways form n through trunk line from Chicago to Now York nnd the east , nnd that tholr profits in that class of business nro divided among thorn. The unit mto , or 100 per cent , wai the rate between Chicago and New York o nil points havlmr Jho j'cw y0rk rate. The Detioit peoblo claim that their proportior should not exceed 70 per cent , under the long and short haul clause. To Aneiiiciit } ? ilundly lUtlntlons. MILAN , July 81. A meeting of Unitei States consuls in' Italy will be held in till city August D for the purpose of dlscussin the formation of n'noolety to concert mean by which friendly fmd commercial relation between Italy nnd United States may b nugtiiunted. Headquarters will bo selectci for the society ut Mllun whcro all America ) consulates shall brt represented and whcro collection of American laws , decrees , news papers nnd other publications shall bo kept , Meetlni's and confercnjjes will bo held from time to" time with the object of turthcrliu commercial relations ! between the two coun tries. ' Mayor Hewitt Much A rioved. NEW Yoin : , Jul.vjSl. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] For twq'days past a local news paper has attnoJicdiMiiyor Hewitt with sen sational stories of ( ho treatment of the em ployes of Cooper , Hewitt & Co. , at Kingwood - wood , N. J. It charged that n miserable sys tem of hnlf-tluio employment , store-order payments nnd general soulless grinding of the poor men and their families was prac ticed. The mayor Is very Indignant Ho says it is n gross libel' , and ho will prosecute the paper to the end. An Knulini HI own to Pieces. SCHANTON , Pa. , 'July ' 31. A terrlblo ex plosion oceured cn the Delaware , Lacka- wanna and Western railroad this morning nbout one mllu frojn this city , by which an engine attached to u heavy coal train wus blowi ) to pieces , and the fireman killed. The engineer was sort-rely injured , but will re cover , Plclilo Matters Suspend. TOIIOSTO , Ont.JJuly 81. G.JUchardson & Co. , pickle niaiiuf .cturers . nnd runners , sus- , ponded payment t . day. Their llabil.ities are ( T5-.000. The linn ; dlulo cuUsu of the failure is tbo sharp dccln o in aUi'ucd goods' , A QUINTETTE OF GUARDIANS , They Gnuso n Commotion in a Chi- cngo Court Room. ALL FIGHTING FOR ONE CHILD. A Lively ntul Persistent Stru K' ' ® or the CiiHtody or the Orphan ol' a Former Ileslilcnt of Nebraska. They All Want Her. CHICAGO , July 31. There was qulto a com motion in Judge Baker's ' court this morning. It was all about u llttlo girl. There were two ladies nnd thrco gentlemen who wanted her. Berenice Searlc's father died in a NcJ braskn lunatic asylum. Her mother came to Chicago , bringing Berenice and Kllhu Scarle. Her sister , Mrs. Thomas C. Patterson , lived In North Platte , Neb. , another sister , Mrs. Emily A. Thompklns , re sided in Chicago. Mrs. Searlo died n few weeks ago at Mrs. Thompklns' house In this city , und Mrs. Thompkins says that their mother left Bcricnco and Elihu to bur. Mrs. Patterson at North Plntto cot her husband appointed guardian of the children , and she and Mr. Patterson came hero nnd secured a writ of habeas corpus to secure their custody. Mrs. Thompkins and her hus band , Gcorgo M. Thompklns , gave up the custody of Elihu without contest , but they insisted on keeping Berenice. They told Judge Baker that Wllford C. Tolcs , n business man here , wanted to ndopt her , nnd that ho would make her the heiress to qulto u largo fortune. After looking into the case. Judge Baker was satisfied that the pleadings were not in such shape thnt ho had Jurisdiction. Patterson's lawyer said that ho could put them in shape. "Well , wo have the girl and wo will keep her until you do so , " said Thompklns' lawyer. "Not if force can take her , " retorted the Inwyer for Patterson. "You'll have to employ more force than wo have , then"rejoinedThompkins' lawyer. 'You'll employ no force in this court room , " said Judge Baiter , decisively. "If there is any force to bo employed it must bo used outside of the court. " The Thompkins' attorney then asked the court to talk to Berenice herself and sco if she did not want to po with Mr. and Mrs. Thompkins. "I will talk to her nt 3 o'clock , " said the Judgo. "I want until that tiuio to look Into the status of this case. " The hearing was postponed until to-mor row. * THE JIAHllISON HOSTS. Friends of the Prospective President Visit Him In Largo Xnniborn. iNniAXAt'OUS , July 31. The republicans of Henry county , Indiana , to the number of nbout eleven hundred , paid their respects to General Harrison to-day. They wcro a fine looking body of men , and the clubs from Newcastle , Cadi/ , Greensboro , Morcland and Knlghtstown wore white plugs. They were accompanied bv three bands of. music , which enlivened the city during their stay. Among the banners carried by the Newcastle contingent were such mottoes as : "England can't vote at the coming election , " nnd "Tho only use England has for the Irish is to vote for free trade in America. " London Times. Among the visitors. , were some two score of veterans of the campaign of 1840. General Harrison received the delegation at University park. The spokesman for the visitors was General William Grose , of New castle , n comrade of General Harrison risen in the campaign around At lanta , to which General Grose alluded in bis address. Henry county lies within what is historically known as the "burnt district" of Indiana , and was settled by Quakers , to which section General Har rison's remarks applied. The general spoke on a now'subjoct to-day , when ho touched upon our commercial relations with South America , and advocated the subsidizing of steamship lines to the South nnd Central American states. At the conclusion of his speech , which was frequently interrupted by applause , nn hour was spent In handshaking. General Harrison risen then left for home , arriving thcro shortly after noon und just In time to wel come the arrival of his guest , General U , A. Alger , the two distinguished gentlemen meeting for the first time. They were joined at dinner by Hon. Will Cumback und Colonel Alexander. At 3 o'clock about six hundred members of the Visiting delegation , accompanied by their bands and a committee from the local Harrison nnd Lincoln clubs , marched out to tlio Harrison residence for the purpose of calling upon General Alger. They wcro received from the front steps by General Harrison , who introduced Governor Alger , In a short speech , amidst cheers and applause. Among General Harrison's callers later in the evening was Mr. Patrick Egun , ouo of the delegates nt large from Nebraska to the Chicago convention. IIo was accompanied by Mortimer Scanlan , of Chicago , and others. KILIjE.N AND KlfjIlAlN. An Omaha Man Will Back the Hlnshor. It has leaked out in Now York city that arrangements have been made for u cham pionship fight between Jake Kilraln und Put Klllcn. The amount of the stakes have not yet been definitely fixed , but Killcn's back ers , it is said , are willing to make them as la-go ns Kilraln or his friends may desire. A prominent Now York B ) > ortingmun received a letter Saturday from Killen's backer , an Omaha man , in which the latter says : "Wo do not care to send Klllen out of tbo country to fight , nnd as Kll- rain and Mitchell will shortly bo the bright particular stars here , wo intend to force Jake to meet Pat. I will go to New York on Kilraln's arrival nnd will take a big roll with me , and if Jake has any fight in him the match will bo made. If ho has not wo will claim the world's bolt and the championship. " A representative of Kilraln's backers was seen , and ho said : "Neither Kllrain or Mitchell will pay any at tention to this Omaha man's challenge In be half of Klllcn , for as I understand , the 'Du- luth Slasher' will insist on Queeusbury rules to govern , nnd wo will not have anything to do with him under those rules. All cham pionship battles for the bolt must uo under ring rules. " _ A Fight At Denver. DEXVEH , July 81. [ Special Telegram to THE Bin. ] About four hundred men boarded n Denver , Texas & Gulf train at 'J o'clock this afternoon and were taken twenty miles from the city , where a ring was pitched for a fight , London prize ring rulas , between J. C. Sterling , of Cheyenne , and W. A. Ross , < ) f San Francisco , for a ptirpo of f300 nnd the championship of the Hocky mountains. 1M Moulton acted as second for Hess and Phil Kerrigan for Sterling. W. B. Mahtcrson wns referee. Time was called at 4 o'clock nnd for twenty-four rounds the fight wns about even , neither one being punished. In the twenty-fifth and twenty sixth Hess got in some heavy blows upon Sterling's furo and neck , knocking him senseless nnd beating him badly. When time was called for the twenty-seventh Sterling' was unable to Iciivo Ins corner nnd Hess wns declared the winner. Citnndlnn Al > polnlinuntx , OTTAWA , July 31. John Hasgert hasboen _ appointed postmaster general of Canada , and Edgar Dowdnoy has been appointed minister of the interior and upci'lnteadcnt gdncral of Indian affairs. r , Weather Indicntlonn. Nebraska and Iowa--Fnr ! , wonder , yart- nbio winds , "akota Fair , warmer , variable winds. THI : AUID IJAND .MIAHUKI : . Mr , Plumb's Itcmnrks on the Stthjoct In tliu Somite. WASHINGTON , July 81. In yesterday's debate - bate on Mr , Bowcn's proposition to appropri ating WMi.OOO for Investigating the.oxtent . to which the arid region of the United States can bo redeemed by Irrigation , Senator Plumb said ; "There Is no doubt nbout the frultfutness of that soli. There Is no doubt that , supplied with water , it will yield boun tifully. Thnt wo all know , nnd even If wo had the report , certainly wo should not learn anything of that kind that wo don't know now of tlio result of this experiment. I know the fertile brain of these gentlemen , nnd 1 suppose the chief of the geological survey wants another job. Wo shall hear all about it on the finest letter press ; there will bo the finest pictures the mind of man ever con ceived , or the photographer's nrt over pro duced , as the result of it. There will bo end less volumes nnd cart loads of books , I may say , nbout It , nnd thcro will bo [ employment for congressmen's sons and relatives and friends. Tlio geological survey Is the lying- in hospital of tlio government. It never yet J refused employment to n single relative of n ! ougrcssmnn , or to uny ono who Is supposed o bo influential in regard to obtaining , pt > roprintlons , and the appropriations they , sk for nro never refused , and , with one e\- cption , it is the only nppiopriation made In ho precise terms requested ntid never liminlshed in either house of congicss. I rcnturo to say , for whatever it may bo .vorth , the money that has been expended by .ho geological survey , ns a ruto has been the worst expenditure since the government was iiindo. Wo have heard , of course , n great .leal about ethnology , about the disappeared iiul disappearing races on the American continent , n largo portion of which , in my belief , has bcon pure invention , Just ns nb- lOlutcly the work of the brain of man. witli- lut the basis of fact , as the talcs of Mun- ichnuscn. " Senator Stewart defended the director of .ho geologic il bureau and said ho was com > ctent , energetic nnd enthusiastic. The .clicmo . didn't originate in the brain of * Iaor ] Powell. It originated with the sonu- .ors from Colorado and himself ( Stewart ) . Mr. Voorhccs said : "Tho senator ( Mr. Plumb ) said that the superintendent of the geological survey almost expects to bo in corporated Into the constitution ns a part thereof. If ho wcro thcro would an acquisi tion of wisdom and usefulness to thnt in strument , and the general welfare clause of tlio constitution would bo greatly enlarged. " MUUOKIt AM ) .SUICIDE. Horrible Double 'J'riuiody ' to Ijl ht In Chli } K < > . CHIO OO , July 31. A horrible double trag edy was brought to light shortly after mid night by the police , when the dead bodies of Henry Hccsch , a retired saloonkeeper , nnd his wife wcro found in their apartments nt ICO South Saiigamon street. Both were well past middle ago and were looked upon by their neighbors ns a happy couple. They were last seen Saturday evening sitting on the stoop. Sunday morning n newsboy loft \ \ paper and the milkman the day's supply of milk. Lying neglected at the back door of the flat , these objects first attracted the at tention of the neighbors. Late last night ono of the neighbors notllled the police nnd two officers wore sent to investigate. They broke open the front bedroom door and a sickening sight mot their view. In the nlcovo of the bedroom , Iving in a pool of blood , lay the dead body of Mrs. Hccsch , clad in a night dress. Proceeding to the next room the ueighborsouDl .tho body of Hecsch dangling -from the end of a rope , he having hanged himself. Heuacti had cvi- cutly killed his wife first and then hanged himself. No roiBon can bo assigned for the deed. Everything around the room bespoke comfort , arid thcro were no indications of a struggle prior to the murder and suicide. Last summer Mrs. Hccsch was overcome' by heat , und Hha never quite recovered from the effects of the "sunstroke. Her friends think that possibly tlio heat of Saturday night may have affected her mind nnd brought about insanity which caused u quar rel between her husband in which ho stabbed her , perhaps in self , und then hanged himself out of remorse. GENEUAJj MANAGERS MEET. Seeking For a Plan to Harmonize Their Interests. CHICAGO , July 31. A meeting of general managers of the northwestern , western nnd southwestern railroads was held to-day at tbo office of Chairman Fnithorn for the pur posoof agreeing upon some plan of harmoniz ing the interests of the various lines. The roads that have been cutting rates between Chicago and Missouri river points or througl : business from the seaboard agreed to restore rates on August 13. A committee was a ) > - pointed to communicate with tbo managers of the "Soo" anii St. Paul , t Uiiluth roads , with reference to the establishmen of satis factory relations regniding competitive traf fic. It was also provided Unit representatives of the Illinois lines should convene on Tucs day of next week to consider and take nctioi upon rates to and from Illinois points , tlio ob jcct being to place on a normal basis tlic rates to and from the west , northwest nnd south west. The general freight agents will convene to morrow and continue in session until the general revision of rates has been completed \VEAIVTI1Y FEMALE THIEF. A Rich Sochity VOIIIIK Lady IloUs HIT Fiithor'N Giuvsts. PiTTsmmo , Pa. , July 81. [ Special Tel cgrnm to THE BEE. ] A beautiful young Intlj named Mamie Phillips , the daughter of a prominent citizen of Allegheny , was arrested last evening for stealing lanro sums of money from her father's guests and investing the proceeds in finery. Ainoncr other things pur chased with Iho money thus obtained were lovely piano , gold watch , diamond jewelry nnd some fine furniture. To conceal he thefts she pretended she was receiving money from n rich old lady whom she had once rendered tin impoitnnt service , backing up her story with forged letters. The Information mation against her was made by a gentleman who says she took $7 0 from him. She was spaicd the mollification of going to jail by her friends going bail for her appearance at court. Her parents uro almost distracted. The cane has caused a decided sensation In high-class society In both cities , o A Millionaire Panon Avity. . NEW YOUK , July ,11. Christopher Meyer the millionaire , died at his residence on Fifth avcnuo this afternoon nt 1 o'clock. He was born in Hanover , Germany , in 181 , nnd came to this country when fifteen years old. For many years ho has been the foremost man in the rubber fabric business of this country. Ho was lately brought Into promi nence. by his co'inuctlon with the raid of Ivus upon the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Uuyton railroad. Now Jersey's Liccnso Law. TISENTON , N. J. , July 81. The supreme court has rendered a decision affirming the roimtitutlonullty of the loco ! optionvhlgh license law. The opinion us regards tlio high llccnbo feature was unanimous. On the local option h < vUon the court stood eight to seven , _ _ The Striking Nnvvio * . PAIUS , July 31. Tlio strike of the navvies continues to xpruud. Socialist leaders have placed themselves ut the head of the move ment and urn urging the slrikcis to take violent Ult-usui-e * . French Crop FiitlnrcH. NEW YOIIK , July . 81. French crops hove been disastrously aifauiedby tlio wcuthcr , According to returuH the yield will probably be 83ououUO , hectolitres abort. ' AiWlill DliKAKUli ) Ho Snys Ho Una Boon Standing By His Own Countrymen. NEVER WAS A CONTRACT SHARP HcfUilt of Ycstordny'N Investigation Hy the CongrcHslonal Iminluro tlon Coininittoe Tlio Old , Old Story. The Immigration Investigation. NEW YOIIK , July 31. The congressional committee continued its investigation to-day of the Immigatlon question. Tlio committee adopted a resolution declaring that wlillo they wcro In session In this city any two members of the committee named by the chairman shall constitute a quorum to Issue subpcunns , administer oaths and take testi mony of witnesses , and n sub-committuo of two or three menibeis may bo appointed by the chair with like powers to conduct the examination of witnesses during the time the committee is engaged here , or at any other time or place tlmt the full com mittee may decide. This will glvo tbo com- mittco an opportunity to carry on the Investi gation in two cilius tit one time. Francis Bumont watt tlio first witness to day. Ho en mo from Italy May lust on a tramp steamer. Ho paid his own passage at cost of 16-1 francs. Hu was Induced to como hero by promises of making money. Fifteen hundred other Italians ; > amo on the snmo steamer. If ho does not get work at IS francs a day , somebody , ho says , has got to send him back to Italy. The agent , Dorelli , induced him to como to this country , saying that the Italian immluration society hero owned a vast amount of land and ho would bo put to work on it. Dorelli has been in the soliciting business for a number of years. He bud paid Dorelli thirty frnncs In March last as "earnest money , " but icceivcd nothing In exchange. It was paid In Naples In tbo ofllco of the emigration society. Dorelli gave him a letter introducing himself and his companion to the colonization sooloty nt Naples. The witness icmnlned thrco days in Naples beloro starting for America. 'Ihoso connected with thu colonization society told a witness and his companion tlmt they would get plenty of work and good pay In this country. The society furnished cards to bo presented to the society in Now York. On their nr.ival here the society said they had no hinds and had to be content with the reply that they uhould receive work Just as soon as "God sent it. " Tlio witness bon owed UOO francs in Italy , nnd ho is obliged to return 25' < frnucs. Interest on money in Itulv is5 per cent per annum. His prop erty was worth ! ) ,000 Irancs , and according to their laws the creditors can levy on the property if so disposed to satisfy their claims. The witness concluded by saying thnt ho would return to Italy ut once if ho had the money. The committee examined Guiscppo Mcnttti and Antonio S < irnuibiglia , but gathered noth ing new. Each told tlio old story of being persuaded to como ever hero by promises of plenty of work and big pay , ana each , like all the rest who have testified , raised their passage money at enormous rates of interest. Banker Berardlni asked to bo allowed to testify. IIo said that no wanted satisfaction for the slander which was hurled at him yes terday. Ho wns sworn. Ho said ho had been in this country six years und during that time had been engaged in manufactur ing cigars. IIo was also n banker and railroad contractor. He said ho 'did ' not know the men who testified yesterday nor the men they referred to in Ita'y. ' Ho hud no conn-ction with them , nor had ho ever hud anything to do with bringing men from Italy. He said he could give any quantity of references as to his character , and hud never misappropriated anything. He declared that ho had spent over S'i.OOO of his own money last year help ing tlio Italian colony here , nnd thnt Marie , superintendent of the Italian Immigration so ciety , hud paid him $100 reward for this. Congressman Oates cross-examined tha witness as to his mode of carrying on the banking nnd contract business , but elicited nothing Important. The committee then ad journcd until Mnndnv noxt. D I'llK HAYTl CONFLAGRATION9. A Heller That They Were Caused hj Soloinon'n Adherents. SANTIACIO DB CUIIA , July 31. The steam ship Villa Verde has brought full tidings ol the great incendiary fires that swept Port An Prince , the capitol of Haytl , on the 4tlt und 7th insts. The fire commenced in tha chamber of the deputies on the nftornoon of July 4 , the balconies nnd outside passages upstairs having been set on firo. From tlmt point it burned down to the rue do arsenal , sweeping away thrco squares or blocks of buildings. Tills fire destroyed that part of the city used largely for private residences. Among them were ninny valuable and im posing edifices. It is now known that tno fires of botli days destroyed HOIIIO eight hun dred and fifty buildings , causing a loss of two million dollars. The fire of July 7th was In another section of the nrdcnul district. During the ufternoon it was started in four different localities , practically at tlio same instant. It seems to be moro than coincident that the burned district should be the section oc 'tiplcd by tha adherents of General Manigat and Senator LegiUinc , who started the insurrectionary movement of May 17 , IbSJ , nnd who have been expelled. They were too dangerous for President Solomon to shoot , nnd ho sent them i j off , but it is said that their petty adherents J were crowded Into prison. It is believed i that Solomon's own party fired that section to please him. _ FKIGHTFUIj PUI/.i ; FIGHT. * j One Contestant Hart His lOycn Opened With a Knife. Nn\v YOIIK , July ill. [ Special Telegram o u BEE. ] About a hundred steamboat men loft this city on a tug last evening for Gut- tcnburg , on the North river , whcro they wit nessed n prize fight with shocking features. Tlio principals were Jack Cummincs , of Brooklyn , llvo feet nlno inches tall , 173 pounds , and Frank Mustcrson , of Hnvcr- straw , five foot seven Inches , 1133 pounds. Captain John A Hall was referee. The purse wus ? JOO. Tlio mon fought with bare knuckles. It was the fiercest- kind of n fight from start to finish. Countless blows wcro mined qn the face and henil of both contestants until they were covered with blootT'and their features battered out of shape. A largo ma jority of the hits were on the face. Toward the thirteenth round Mantcrson began to be come blind , and ho struck out wildly. Cura- iningH played on Ills eyes until both were shut up tight. The Hnvcrstruw man was sightless " utter the thirteenth round. Jim Conlan "whipped out a pocket knife , and with th'o sharp blade separated the lids of the plucky MasUiraon. With his eyes thus opened tha fighter returned to the fray. During tlio next three rounds Mustcrson braced up wonder fully. In the sixteenth round ho gave his opponent u full arm punch In the stomachand won Iho battle. The appearance of both men ut the llnlsu was slmoly indescribable. I Tito Provident Ituturns Jlomc. . . . . . , ; , July ill. The president , PostniustorXJcn < ; ral Dickiucon nnd Colonel Lament arrived In Washington ut 7 o'clock thin iiiuriilng. There was n small , Crowd of travelers ut the station , but tliO president passed through almost unrecognized except by the railroad officials. IIo nnd Colonel Luniont were driven tu > tlio white houso. * ; Their face ? are very much sunburned. , . ' Colonel Lament saldtft un Associated press ' r Toiler that thcro was no ono in the party iii thoyaclit Susquehunna except those who wcro with them when they loft New Yorlt. The stories about the president's vUits U viulous places 011 the route wcro denied.