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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY. AUGUST 30. 1887. c- THE DAILY BEE. COUNCliTBLUFFS OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET , Delivered t > r carrier in nny part of the city a twenty cents per w ck. H. W. TILTOW , . . . Manager. TELEPHONES : BTMKFKR OmcE. No. 43. WlUIlT EtJITOIl NO. 33. MINOIl MHNTlON. ' N. Y. Plumbing Co. Keller , tailor. Fall goods cheap. QThere is an increased activity in re a estate. Oliver & Graham have taken the ngcnc1 for an eastern boat manufactory. Wanted Olrl for general housework Mrs. P. M. Pryor , 700 , Sixth avenue. The Y. M. C. A. to-night opens ita sea son of Tuesday evening entertainments Machine oil. needles , embroidery silks publications. Domestic agency , 105 Main Fine coupes for ladies callintr. Wm Lewis , telephone 138. Ofllce 41U Broad way. way.There There was no business transacted in tin office of Justice of the Peace Uijrps , thi Vtiire ) being conliued to his homo by ill ness. Sam Dobsou , while at work excavatinj for a sewer yesterday , was caught by i caving in of the dirt. Ho escaped with i broken collar bone. The wife of James Christerferson diet yesterday morning at her home , No. 1011 avenue E. The funeral will bo held this Afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Dodge light guards band will givi an open air concert in liaylics park 01 Saturday night. It will probably bo tin last of its kind this season. There was a "coon" light on JJroad way , between Sixth and Seventh streets last night. Lloyd Wilson was arrestct and placed behind the bars. August W. Klappina , of Weston , ant Louisa deiso , of Council Hind's. 'yester day obtained from the county clerk per mission to commit matrimony. D. K. lilackburn , ono of the Fourtt street Sunday shooters , was taken to the county jail for safe keeping last evening He couldn't find a | 500 bond. 1 The work of compiling the city ordi nances has been completed by Judge Aylcsworth and City Attorney Holmes and the printers will soon hayo the vol ume out. t Little Hossio , infant daughter of Mr , and Mrs. A. Thornton , died Sundav night , at their home , jfo. 2025 Wesl Uroadway. The f uuoral was held yester day afternoon. Sopbia , wife of Ambrose Sorrenson , died yesterday morning at her homo on Eighteenth avenue. Shu leaves besides her husband , live sons. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon. Ira Malvorn was yesterday placed under arrest , being charged with appropriating some hay for his own use. He adjusted matters on the appearance of the con stable by paying the costs aa well as for the hay. The Adventists closed their meetings her Sunday , and focr converts wore bap tised oby i immersion. 'At tiio Baptist church there was also one emersion Sun day. The pastor of the colored Baptist church also immersed ono convert. It is amusing to watch the positions taken by the evening prohibition organ. It holds up its hands in holy horror at the least intimation that the city should oven think of collecting a license from saloons. the state law prohibiting the business. In the same issue it urges tno city to license the gambling houses , notwithstanding the fact that there is a state law against that vice also. Yesterday morning as F. Sperling and Mr. lioimer were riuing along Avenue E the horse booamo frightened aiid in the run turned n corner sharply , tipping over the buggy and throwing both to the ground. Mr. Rciraor escaped with out injury , but Mr. Sperling received Bomo bruises which may trouble him for Eorno weeks , although no bones were broken , The cases of those charged with creat ing nuisances along Indian creek were disposed of yesterday. A judgment of guilty was entered , but the tines wore suspended , on condition that the tlefeii dents pay the costs , and restrain them- pelves in the future fro m further viol * tion of the ordinance. It is thought that there will bo no further reason for com plaint concerning the creek , which has been used heretofore rather freely as f [ lumping place for all sorts of olfal am rubbish. List your property with Cooper & Jud ton , No. 120 Main street. When you are in the city stop at th < Pacific house. Street cars pass the dooi every fifteen minutes for all the depots Meals 50 cents each. I'erHonnl Paragraphs. Mrs. D. W. Bushnoll has gone t < Chicago. S. C. Digglo , of Shenandoah.was in thi city yesterday. William Moore , of Porogoy & Moore , n recreating at Colfax. Miss Julia Sullivan has returned from i Visit to eastern Iowa. Mrs , S. Swanson has gone to Ashland Nob. , to visit her brother. J. W. Lyons and wife , of DCS Moiucs wore guests at the Paciiic yesterday. Miss Eva Ingorsoll , of Canton , 111. , I Visiting the family of the Rev. Dr.Cooloy Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Edmundson havi landed in Now York from their Europeai trip. trip.W. W. W. Chapman leit last evening foi his old homo in Pennsylvania , expecting to bo absent two weeks or more. Miss Emma Fox has returned from lie two months1 vacation , and is a "ain occu pylng her former place at the desk a Bono a. L. U. Crafts has returned from i month's trin northward. Ho spent mos of his time in the lumber and mining dis tricts , going about a hundred miles nortl of Lhiluth. Mrs. Gaj lord and Mrs. J. R. Rico are visiting friends nt Marysvillo , Mo. I appears by a letter from there that thii is not the dr.ycst spot on earth. The : write that there has boon so little raif there that most people have to buy watoi by the barrel. J. R. llaworthwho has been associate * with Harry Haworth , of the Hawortl chock rower , has gene to Decatur , 111. and will take charea of tii.o managomon of the Kansas City branch house , Hnrr Haworth retaining the management ii this city. _ Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. Literary anil Social. The Y. M. C. A. literary and social wil be resumed this evening at 8 o'clock , i good titno may bo oxpectod. All , botl ladies and gentlemen , are invited to b present. Instrumental Music Recitation . MlssTaylo Personal Kecollectious Historical Ulscriptlvo Uy Young Men. Local Imaginary INTKRMIBSION. Music. . . Heading 8. K. Cuttl Kfcsty J. M. Ualladu Heading . _ . J. E. Matlienj At the Pacific houie you will save fret fOc to $1 per day. Try it and be coo iinced. THE DOINGS IN THE BLUFFS The Gamblers Satisfied With Having Omal Competition Again Started * THE CHASE OF PRIZE FIGHTER ! The Usual Group of Offender * In F < lice Court the Manor to bo Brought In IJy the Mew Tax Levy Drtef News Bits. As Hcen fly a Gambler. "I understand that the boys arc gem to open up in Omaha with the lirst of th month,1' remarked one of the well kuow sporting men. "Will they open up all the games ? " "Yes , I guess BO , everything will g < They will run with closed doors though Just as they do in Chicago. It don mean anything though. Of course tb doors are locked , but then anybody ca get in that wants to. It's better anywa to have the doors locked , especially in city where there arc roughs , who caus trouble in a house. They can bo kc | out this way. Of course when a strange comes up , or anybody who has alwaj acted straight by the house , thcv can gc in. The only fellows who are barred 01 am those who have done something , can toll you too , that Chicago will ope up too on the first of the month. " "What cll'ect has the closing of garni ling houses m Omaha hud upon the bus ! ness hero ? " "It hasn't any bpccial effect. A goo many said that when the houses aero ; the river were closed , there would be rush hero , but I knew better , ana it hs proved so. Of course , the floating clas and tno gamblers would como here , be the business men wouldn't , not to an extent. The business men , who gambl < lind it is too much trouble to come aero ; the river. You see , if they got stuck on game , they would not got back in lira for business , and this class who pin don't go out of their way a great deal , a though they amount to a good deal , an it is the business which pays pretty wel No , the closing of the games in Omah has not made much diflcrance here , nl though it has helped some. It won' make much difference with us if they d open up again. " "But the law across Ihoriverisafctron isn't it " one , ? "Pshaw , no. You see it's optional wtt the judge whether there is line or impris onmeut. No. they can open if they wan to and run all right. Why , in Pennsy ! vania there's a stronger law than anj where else , and they're dealing ban right along. There hasn't ' been but on couvictiou there. I don't believe there' ] bo any trouble to speak ot. " The Story of the Chaso. Deputy Sheriff O'Neill had a bluoMon day. Ho did not got his accustomed Sut day rest , and' was unable to attend churc as usual. Ho was busy with others watcto ing for prize fighters , and making road , to capture the whole gang should the ; attempt to land on the pure soil of lowii Although the law here makes it a vor , serious offense to fight chickens , it take a twist to make even a misdemeanor o lighting men. It was determined to giv the fellows the beneht of this twist , how ever , and stop the brutal show , if the at tempt was made to pitch the ring in thi county. O'Neill could write a book on hi experiences. "Man alive , you don't kno\ what it is to travel along the river bol toms for twenty miles. We got so tireci so dirty , and almost lousy , that I felt lik applying for a pension. Do I think the wanted to have the fight on this side ? don't know , but I do know we wante them to try it. I never was so anxiou in my life to have the law violated. Ther would have been some satisfaction thei for the long tramp througli the willow and sand. You sen I had a big satchc filled with handcuffs and a big revolve in the other , and if you think Us oas crawling through the brush with an : ouch load , just trv it. My face was a red as n boiled lobster , and th electric light on the court hous wasn't a single candle power ii comparison. 1 tell you 1 was hot. Whei wo got where there was a house I tell vo' ' 1 never kncwtnat shingles could look" good. 1 just made up my mind that i there was a team I was through walking The man hesitated about hitching \ \ \ and began asking who wanted the tear and what for. 1 told him that I wante < it , and to servo a warrant with , if I got chance , and that the best thing ho coal do was to hitch up about as quick as hi hands and the good Lord wouli lot him. Ho let us have n pai of bronchos. Talk about run ning. Well , I never saw bronchos wh could run like those fellows. We koi : chasing that steamboat up and down th river all day , and then to thinlr that th rascals never gave us a chance to arref them. You sco wo had to keep bac where they wouldn't see us , and 8om < times lay in the dirt and watch , ana w just kept going till night. You see w thought when tlioy landed on the othc side that that was just for a sham an that they would como back ami land o this side. So wo waited and watchoc but wo had no such good luck. " Police Court Budget. Business in the police court yestcrda morning was not ovorhoavy. The police business for Saturday nigl and Sunday was not as great as o some previous occasions. Judge Aylesworth didn't arrive until half hour after his accustomed time an the spacious court room was filled wit an anxious audience. Several attorneys were in attondanc hoping to bo called on by some of the di fondants and given a chance to sho' their legal abilities as well as got th promise of a few dollars. The first ono called to the front was ; locomotive engineer , sixty-four years cage ago , with a silvery white board. II gave the name of J. U. Lessor , said h was an American by birth , aud livoi wherever he could find worl Ho was charged with being lutoxicatci and admitted ho had drank sonio.but sal ho had a heavy burden on his mind , hs\ ing just como from Lower Cahforni : where ho had buried his wife and liv children in less than five weeks. Who asked what his plea was ho admitttod h was cuilty as charged , and for all h claiming ho had line recommendations o his porson.ho was given a line of $8.10. i default of which ho was returned to tb jail. jail.John John Murphy , a farm hand , arroste Sunday on suspicion of haying robbe Vornou Troynor , of a silver watch , wt discharged for want of evidence , at U : rcmicst of the prosecution. r R. B. Rohart , laborer , aged twontj night , American birth , of Wintorset , la pleaded guilty of intoxication. Ho n ceivod the usual fine for a ride in the pi trol wagon , | 8.10 , but could not pay i only having 60 cents when arrcstei Rehart was arrested Saturday nigl and had $33.05 on his persoi ho pleaded guilty , and putting up his fir loft the jail , only to return in a drunko condition Sunday night , aud penniless. C , H. Boynton , a switchman , ago 21 resident of Missouri Valley , pleade guilty to being drunk , and was line (8.10 , having ridden in the patrol. D. E. Blackburn , aged 39 , and Hem Hall , aged 57. wore each charged wit assault with intent to kill. Their case were continued until this morning , bet beinc put under | 500 bail. . Ira Merriam , a-49-year-old gardtu charged with drunkeucss , was fined | 7 , < which ho promised to pay this morning and was lot go on that account. The case of Jim McCaulcy , chargec with disturbing the pcaco Satur day night with O. E. Mitts when the pinto glass window a Joe Bncharach's clothing store wai broken , was continued until afternoon a : McCaulcy pleaded not guilty. In tin afternoon the trial took place , and it wai quickly shown that McCaulcy was tin aggressor ; that ho followed Mitts to ii front of the Manhattan where the tlgh began. As Mitts did as almost every on < else would , when attacked , the judge Ic him go and lined Mcl'aulcy $5 and costs in default of which ho will spend a fen days in jail. Dave Thompson , American , papei hanger , hnd three charges against him viz. : drunk , disturbing the peace ant vagrancy. He plcadednot cuilty to eaci and was allowed his freedom by puttitu up f 25 to appear for trial on Ihursday A $2 Jeraey For 05o. Nlirgcrhead Jerseys , nil sizes and col ors , will soli this week for C5c. J. Gold berg , 18tMaln st. Pacific house is the nearest hotel to th < majority of real estate ofllccs in the city | 2 per day. * Malvorn Mattora. MALVEKN , August 20. [ Correspond. cnco of the BEE. ] For some weeks past Mulvern has been the scene of con siderable activity , and some very good improvements are now under way oi construction. L. W. Boohner & Co. ami .Mungor & Goodwin each have the foun dation in for five two-story brick store buildings that will be ornaments to the town. The former is a double bulldlnc 40x102 feet in dimensions , and the lattei a single structure 22x102 feet. When completed in accordance with plans , thej will be two as nice buildings as are often met with in towns of 2,000 or 3,000 in habitants. A feed mill is also being erected bj Mr. Suger , and other improvements arc being talked of. Politically , the citizens are enjoying the calm before the storm. The republicans last week made their nominations , put ting up a good ticket , which stands a good chance of being successful at the polls. Colonel A. J. Chantry , the candidate for representative , is a man of ability and personal popularity and will poll his party strength and draw some from the demo cratic party. Ho is a farmer , and a good ono too , is thoroughly sound on the issues before the people and will make a useful and influential member of the assembly. His opponent , Mr. B. E. F. Kelley , is also a farmer , but in point of ability is far from being Mr. Chantry's equal. Colonel Chantry was a member of the Granger house and' made a record of which ho and his friends need not bo ashamed. The nomination convention of the eighth senatorial district , composed of Mills and Montgomery counties , will beheld hold in the Malvcrn opera house , Wednesday , August 31 , at 1 o'clock. Mills county has no candidate for senatorial honors and her eight votes will doubtless be thrown to some good Montgomery county man. Mont gomery's ton delegates have boon in structed for Thomas Weidman , ( a farmer ) , and it is probable that ho will be nominated without a contest. Fred Deitchler , member of the board of supervisors , was thrown from his wagon by a run away team , a day or two ago and sustained quite serious injuries. Throe ribs were broken , ono in two places , and it is feared that ho is also injured internally. Secretary Snyder informs us that the prospects for a successful fair this year are quite flattering. Our people take great pride in these annual exhibitions and nothing would please them bettor than that the fair should bo a booming success. The corn crop in this vicinity is badly injured and some pieces will bo very light. Other Holds will bo pretty fair. Considering the fearful drought , it is re markable that there Is any corn at all. The general health of the community is good , _ For Sale Harry Smith's photograph gallery cheap. Inquire of Harry Smith. Having decided not to receive any pu pils this year , I will devote my time to the execution of orders for paintings. All orders for mo may bo left at the art store of vV. W. Chapman , 107 Main street , Miss S. D. Rehsc. The City llovonncH. The levy made for city purposes for this year amounts to 34 } mills. The reve nue figures are as follows : General fund . 10 mills 545.678.8 $ Judgement . 10 " 45.CT8.8S1 Water tax . 5 " 22,843.M Parks . 1 " 4,5T,8.7ti Library . y. " 8,420.56 1'avirnr bonds . a . . Sewerbonds . 2 " K.137.57 General sewer . 2 " 9.I37.B7 Loanfund . a " Total . 8158,747.31 To a person not familiar with the financial restrictions of cities in Iowa , it appears strange that this city should levy as largo a tax tax for judgments against the city as for general fund purposes. In other words , the eitj raises this year 145,000 for gen eral purposes , and 145,000 to pay of ) judgments. This is ono of the peculiar results of the Iowa law which prohibits cities from levying moro than 10 mills for general fund purposes. As this amount is not suflicientwith the low rate of assessed valuation , which does not ax- erago 40 per cent of the cash valuation , cities are obliged to issue warrants to pay bills and allow these warrants to be put into judgment against the city , after which the city can levy a tax sumclont to pay these judgments. It is an expensive way of whipping the devil around the stump , but it seems to bo the best that can bo devised. The coming legislature will bo asked to remedy this evident de fect in the laws governing cities of the first class. Wo are handling the celebrated Home Base-burner again this year. The grand' cst stove on top of the earth. Our sales last year justify every claim made for it , Cole & Cole , 41 Main st. A Child llun Over. R. P. Ofllcor thought ho had a good sized find yesterday , but ho doesn't par ticularly care to have it generally known , As ho was about thinking of getting his noon day meal and walking along Broad way in front of the Bechtelo hotel , he saw something laying on the pavement about ten feet from the sidewalk that al most made his hair curl. It resembled it human form , and Mr. Officer , as he glanced at it the second time , made B jump for it , seeing that it was a child ap parently about a month old. It was plain , to him. that the child had boon run over and allowed to remain there , no ono hav ing scon the occurrence. How a child that ago had got there never entered his mind , ho didn't stop to think of anythmc except that the child bad been killed and it was his place to notify the coroner. As ho stooped to pick the child up , imagine his surprise to find it simply a doll bab\ that was nicolv clothed and allowed tc bo run over. Visit the new jeweler , C. Voss , No. 41 ( Broadway. If ypu wish anything in his lino. Ho has a hue assortment of the bcsl goods. Watches , clocks , jewelry , etc. ; the. bos : in the city ; O. Voss , jeweler , No.,41 ! Broadway. Repairs a specialty , . ' Ycntcrflay'8 Knee. The roadster rnco took place ycstorda ; afternoon at the driving park as per an nouncomcnt for all the weather , nt th time of the start , looked very unf&vorabl for horse racing. In consequence of th signal service prediction for rain enl four starters , out of the ton , put in n appearance. There werconly three heat trotted although they startoi out for the best thrco in live Just us the third heat was about complc ted rain set in. and although Seibnrt an Hoist protested against allowing Shea th last heat , they finally acquiesced , and th race was given to Shea , ho Imviug com in first m both the second ami third heat ; while Seibcrt won the first heat. Thrco boys had a half nillo pony run nlng mce. They came in as follows Kaldano , McO.irgar and Leonard. J J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. Union tinhor Convention. The union labor party convention me in the nldermanic chamber last night t select delegates to attend the county convention vontion , which takes ( place at Avoca tc morrow. There were present four moi and a boy. George Loucks was sclectoi as chairman , while George Hunter wa secretary. They chosn the following del cgatcs : M. A. Moran , George LOUCHE George Hunter , , Wm. McLaughlin. Arthur Zipp's name was placed n nomination and that gentleman bcinj present , delivered a short address to th audieuco in the interest of the unloi labor party and then , with a polite bow gracefully declined the honor will thanks. The IiadlcH Choral. The Ladies Choral society ( and all whi received invitations to join ) are requestci to meet at Muoller's music hall thii evening at 7i30 o'clock to take part in tin nrst rehearsal of an opera to be given un der the management of the Misses Robin son aud Hatcher , and for the benefit o those ladies. A full attendance is desired Mia. D. W. BUSHNELL , Secretary One thousand head of one , two am three-year-old steers for sale. Will eiv < credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A J. Greenamayer , 023 Mynster st. , tele 211. 211.A A nugget of gold weighing 150 ounce : and 5 pennyweights was recently founi neard Brcckeubridgo. It is worth i specimen close to $ fi.OOO. It is said to b < the largest lump of gold ever found ir California , but one almost , if not quite ai targe , was taken from the little Annii mine in Summit district , Rio Grandi county , late in 1800. Australia produced the largest nugget of gold ever discovered It weighed 180 pounds , and was found al Ballorat , near Geelong. Thirty Tons Preswnro is given to every cake of Colgate & Go's , Cashmere Bouquet toilet soap. It wean away very slowly. An immense drainage work under taken by the Russian government con templates the recovery of the vast regioi known as the Pinsk marshesin the south ( vest of Russia , near the borders of Galll 3ia , and which hitherto has preventei communication , not only between thi Russian districts on cither side , but alsc between Russia and Austro-Germany Dp to the present time about 4,000,00 ( lores have been reclaimed by means o : the construction of several thousand mile : af ditches and canals. Peculiar [ n the combination , proportion , and pre paration of its ingredients , Hood's Sar saparilla accomplishes cures where sther preparations entirely fail. Pcculiai in its good name at home , which is : "tower of strength abroad , " peculiar in the phenomenal sales it has attained , Hood's Sarsaparilla is the moH success ful medicine for purifying the blood giving strength , and creating an appe Lite. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs. One of the best Educational Institu tions in the west. Hoarding and daj school conducted by the Sisters of Char ity , B. V. M. Board and tuition for a term of fw months , $75. For further particular ! address SISTER SUPERIOR , St. Francis Acedomy , Council Bluft's , la. JOHN Y. STONE. JACOU SIM ! STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Federal Cour Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block. COUNCIL 'BLUFFS E. S. BARNETT , Justice o ± the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in th < city. Collections p specialty. X. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace. Office over American Express. No. 419 BROADWAY Star Safe Stables and Mule Yards Broadway , Council muffs , Opp. Dummy Depo po Horses and mules constantly on hanc for siilo at retail or in car load lots Orders promptly filled by contract or short notice. Stock sold on commission Telephone 114. SHLUTKK & BOLEY. Opposite Dummy Depot , Counci Bluff f ( bit Tlllil ! I * Ca UiU < f Ctti.L YIELDS TO .EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. Owing to the DliGOIiL ( I4IT1CITT of the cloth ( which oar iiatenti cover iclu iT fy ) will ft porfK-tlr flr l llm. worn. KtqnlrM no vr'iktni & BOIM v . . . SHOTTY B OI. , CMMWO , III. SPECIAL NOTICES , adrcrtla mont , such is Lost , Founi lo Loan , For Bnle , To Hont , Hants , Boot-dint etc. , trill bolntertod In thii column at the lot rMeofTKNCENTSPZllLlNKforthenmlnsci Ion rind VlvaCentlPcrlilnofofoKchiubicciuen Insertion. Lenre advertisements i\t our ofBci No. U Fcirl tticett near llroadwa/ , Council UlulU. _ . . WANTS. _ _ WANTPD-A girl for pcnoml hntiaevrork Small iHmlly , ImiiUy kitchen. 10U 6th nve WANTKD Younv ( rlrl who wants to RO t tcliool nnd help do houaework to p y ( o her board. Address H27 , nooodlco. IttltJj poll nt pnbllc auction Tuesday after noon , corner of Main st and llroimwny , ra entire lot or household furniture. Thl < furnl turo Is of the very latest quality. D. II. LsKue H. II. lumitn , Salesman. SALE-Stock of drugs In central Ne FOU . Will Invoice about l,000. I | quire of Harle , Hnis , VCo. , Council llluffs , It WANTKD An active younir man expei lonced In city eollcltliiK and colleotmij Permanent position , modern 19 Halary. Mu ? furniih references. Address Grocer , Hecortlci A Rood girl for cook. Apply a WANTKD to Mrs. J. K. Mcl'hurson , No. 1J3 Fierce street. . TflOU SALK-Oneasy terms or will trade fo -L. city property , u complete stock of furnl ture. stovei , ntao building. It Is situated 2 miles east on Wabash railroad. Good town : ni opposition , tiood reasons for selling. PDF session Riven nt onco. Will Inrnlcc about $2,501 Call or nddress Merchant , ! 5 Broadway , Coun cil Bluffs. > 'OR SALE OR TKADK.-For Conncll Bluff property 40,000 acres of IOWA and Ne brnska land , J. R. Itlce , 110 Mam St. Counci Bluffs. sell two cnrrlapcs on long time or wll WILL for horses. William Lewis. HOTEL FOR RE NT. The Butter house In Missouri Valley ; fur nlshcd first-class throughout and with a lurgi business established. Will bo rented on. llbera terms to responsible parties. Cull on or ud dress IH'OH PKUCV , Missouri Valley. OFFICER PUSKf , 500 Broadway , Council BIurTs.Iowa. Established 16S7. HUB complete line of Midsummer Milliner ? , Largehata In white , black and all colors. .Pat tern bonnets , hmj and toques , a specialty. No 1611 Douglas Bt. , Omaha. Creston House , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel in the City with Fire Escape , Electric Call Bells. Accommodations First Clasx , And llaten Reasonable Max Mohn , Proprietor CROCKERY , LAMPS , JMWARE , FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , JV'O. 23 MAM ST. , COUNCIL ULUFFS , IA : Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , OFFICES : No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. 3S Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9 LATEST NOVELTIES lu Amber , TovtoiscShell etc.Hair On naments , as well as the newest jiov- eltiesin hair goods. ' Hair goods madcto order j. Gillette 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , aud all mail orders promptly attended to. ESTABLISHED I8C8 D. H. McDANELD & COMPANY , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , WOOL AXD FURS. Highest Market Prices. Pro nip Returns. 820 and 8Q2 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ALLEN'S NEW MAP -OF- 5x0' ' } foot In fil/c , colored by addition , Ehowlnu all lots and sub-divisions Included In territory U miles noitli mid south by 10i } miles cust und west. west.PKICE $1O. ' Address 0.11. AU.KN , 1'ubllshor. Office No. 12 , Main St. , Coupctl Ululls , I * . HARKNESS BROS. , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. CLOSING OTJT ALL Summer Dress Goods , White Goods Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc. OTJIR. OF CARPETS , Are Large and Well Selected Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best , New Goods are arriving and invite inspection A FULL LINE OF CURTAIN DRAPERIES , SHADING ETC. , ETC , Work Done by Competent Workmen. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , N. B. Special attention given all orders by mail. BEST MAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OP Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to cnll on us. . . Instrument * Tuned ami Repaired. We never fall to giro gatUI'action. . Over 2O year § ' Experience In Piano and Organ Work. Swanson Music Co. No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa PWTOflR | BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL , Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , TEE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE ROOMS and ALL MODERN CONVENIEN GES ! Regular : Boaidors : : Reduced : : Rates. NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs. No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Fancy and Staple Groceries Both Domestic and Foreign , BEST LIGHT LIVERY ILT : The ( Incst of driving horses always ou baud and for sale by . - MASE.WISE. . , REAL ESTATE , 1 Vacant Lots , Lnnds , City lUllcinncM and Fartm. Acre property In woiterii purl of cltjr All cllltir ( clicnp. R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , / * * Uooia O.orer Officer & l'u r' I.ok ) , CounoJ . '