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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA. MONDAY MOENING. AUGUST 21) ) . ' 1887. NUMBER 72 , ANOTHER SUNDAY FIG1IT , On an Island in the Missouri Rivar , Twenty Miles from Omaha. A BLOODY TEN-ROUND CONTEST. liitulsny Knocks Out Clarke The of the Ijaw Unable to Jntcrfero Several Arrests SI ado In Omaha. Yesterday morning at 8:30 : the steamer J. M. Abbott loft her moorings at the foot of Davenport street and steamed up thu Missouri. She had on board about 100 excursionists , some of whom belonged in Council 111 u Us. All were bcnton witness ing A PKIKE FIOIIT between Jim Lindsay and J. Clarko. The principals were taken on board at dif ferent places up tlio river. Ulnrko was the victor in a fight held under similar auspices about four weeks ago. He is n man about twenty-five years of ngo and weighs 150 pounds. Lindsay is a hod-carrier , and is ton pounds lighter than his antagonist. Refreshments were supplied on the trip , and the excursion ists wore not slow to avail themselves of the accommodations. The drinks lost none of their appetizing nature because of the novelty of the circumstances under which they wore served. The progress of the boat against the current was slow , and the trip would have been tedious had not the stimulants and some versatile spirits tended to relieve the tedium of the ride. As a consequence , it was not until about 2 o'clock in the afternoon when the boat reached a point about twenty miles ui > the river. Hero AN ISLAND about two acres in extent was found , und after some delay , the whole party went nshore , while the boat \vas safely moored. The contest was to bo according to the MAUQUIS OK QOnCNSHUHY UULES , with two-ounco gloves , $75 for the win- iier , nothing for tiie loser. But little time was lost. run iti.vo was pitched at the upper cud of the ihlunil , on a spot whore the sun had dried the quagmire into a linn , though somewhat dusty footing. Clarke was the ( itst to appear , and ducked under the ropes with a bashful sinilo , in recog nition of tint small ovation granted him. Lindsay followed promptly , and was given a similarly generous greeting. Both stripped well , neither seeming to have the advantage in point ot training , although Clunfo overweighcd Lindsay about eight pounds. Mcllcnry John son , or the "Black Star. " as this colored gentleman styles himself , wielded the sponge and gargling bottle for his old-timo protege , Clarko. Lindsay rejoiced m the skilled and nervy backing of Tommy Miller , the feather- weightand | Arthur llothery , the experi enced groomsman of lighting flesh. After some , little delay Henry Towns was agreed upon as reiorco , while Jack Nugent und Homer Kirko held the stop watch. On the toss Clarke caught the slightly disadvantageous corner facing the sun , but was little handicapped by the situation , as the wind , which swept clouds of dust from the desert isle , blew directly In the face of his opponent. As nn evidence of self-coniidoiico , Clarke Btopned across the ring and shook in Lindsay's face a $5 bill , which was promptly covered by the latter's friends. The betting was spirited , with Clarke Homowhat a favorite , but Kearney , the White Elephant man , and ono or two others grabbed everything that came against Lindsay. First round At the call of time , both men bounded from their corners , Clarke giving every evidence of determination "to do or die , " while Lindsay wore a pleasant air and executed a few song and dance stops in the preliminary sparring , Suddenly Clarke led out with a body blow which scraped a long red furrow over Lindsay's ribs. The latter countered with his loft aud followed it np with a swinging back hand blow that earned him tlio credit of the tlrst knock-down and raised a welt on Clarke's cheek. The remainder of the three minutes was gponc at sparring. Second rouni' Clarke came to the Fcratch wide awake , but inclined to be wary. Ho countered Lindsay's body- Mow on the eye , inlllcting the merest scratch. Moro cautious sparring con sumed the round. Third round If Clarke had been wary before , ho was now certainly frightened , for ho put himself entirely on the defen sive. After a few moments wasted in tactics , Lindsay , made a rush , put in sev eral swinging faeo blows , and sprang back with blood stains on his gloves while the rod streams which poured from Clarke's nostrils gave Lindsay the additional credit of first blood. Fourth round Lindsay did nil the lighting , thumping Clarke right nnd left , winding up by spilling Clarke into the dust for the second time. The crowd was now thoroughly satisfied of Lindsay's lighting capacity and tlio general sympathy for him was expressed in the words of en couragement which went up from all sides , despite the referee's endeavors to maintain silence. Fifth round Lindsay once moro set In whacking away at his larger antagonist , nnd thumping him at will until Clarke tanzlcd himself up in his feet and fell 1 down , as time was called. Sixth round Neither man was suffer ing for wind , and Clarke evidently de termined to overcome Ids fear ot active bcrvico. Ho made ono wild swipe which nearly upset him , as Lindsay ovadgd it , und then settled down to moro sparring. Seventh Hound It was hero that the excitement of the event got in its first work. Clarke squirted a jet of blood through his teeth , mopped some of the roil stains from his nose with the back of his glove , nnd sailed in with "now-or-novor" a - - style , which deserved a better result. It was tooth and toe-nail , hammer and tongs , for u long time , until Lindsay got a da/er on Clarke's forehead , followed by a smasn In the cheek , which , for the fourth time , upset Mr. Clarko. A small row followed , us Clarke's friends , and especially Clarke himself , claimed a foul , but nobody else could see it , ami the mill ground on. Eighth round Once moro Clarke en deavored to do thn leading , and rushed Lindsay into the corner upon thu ropes , where they twice clinched , with some vicious short arm chopping. Kadi time they wore torn apart , and each time they renewed the ' nsaauit savagely , until the'three minutes \\ere up. Ninth round This consisted of moro maneuvering , the men sparring more for wind than for chances , although neither of them seemed seriously out of , breath. ' r"S It was in the tenth and last round that both the gladiators went in to use ui > their harbored energies for all that might * coiuo ot it. It was pelt aud chug , thump and smash around the narrow arena until through n sudden rift in the cloud of dust that enveloped the combatants , Clarke was seen to stagger under a heavy left hander in tlio jaw. "Follow it up , " " ( Sivo it to him , " shouted Lindsay's friends. Ho was not slow in acting upon thcso behests , and slntrllng out tlio touchy spot under Clarke's right ear ho landed there his t right with his whole weight behind it. i Clarke dropped like a plank , while the ' blood was gushing from his mouth and nose , and although his friends and backers put in the prescribed ten seconds with words of encouragement ho was not able to give any signs of life , run AititEsT. When the boat returned to Omaha about 0 o'clock lust evening. Chief of I'o- lice Scavoy , with a squad of oflicors and the police patrol , stood concealed behind the carsready to welcome the excursion ists when they were fairly landed. Jack Nugent , Ed llothery , P. H. NelV , I ) . W. Woymoiith and Lon George wore hustled behind the bars on the charge of aiding and abetting a pri/.e fight. But , on the advlco of the county attorney and sheriff , they were discharged on the ground that the light had taken place outside of the jurisdiction of the Omaha polico. Cliuts of tlio ItlnR. "Well , all you people that want to and can got tho'tip'before hand can attend thcso prize lights , " said n well-known society and business man yesterday , re ferring to a prize light. "I don't cnre to attend any moro , " ho continued. "I went to the Fell-Hanloy light , and of all the times I over experi enced that was u thousand times the worst. Why , you know what 'a small space is under the car scats ? Well , I got down under a scat and I tell you I re mained ' there. Of all the things 1 over read ' of nonu equaled that occa sion. I was standing up near the door of I the passenger coach when the first thing I know , a gun went ofT right beside my head. Everybody seemed to have a revolver and all b3gan to bang away at the same moment. A man I should judge weitrhing 200 pounds made a dive through tlio car window and es caped. You can imagine how bad it was , for a person to run such a risk as that. I squeezed myself- under a car seat and couldn't see what went on after that. The passengers piled out onto tlio engine and tender to get away. The conductor was already in the cab. When the train stopped each man took to his heels. One car was lit erally shot to pieces. If ono pri/e fight isn't' enough for a man to see , I'll give in. " - * * v "I'd like to have boon ab.lo to have at tended the light , to-dav , " said a Knight of the green cloth yesterday afternoon , "but 1 didn't got up early cuotitrh. I saw Jim Lindsay in Omaha , asleep at a table last winter ono night , when ho was waked up and put before a well trained man and ho took his thumps in great shape. It was the lirst light. Two men had been announced to light in Clow's place. Ono of them went back on his word and some ono hud to cotno to time to quiet the crowd. Lindsay was asked if ho wanted to make some money. Ho said 'yes , ' and they made him face a man too much for him. Lindsay then went into training. He's done up several since. He's got lots of pluck and is a striker. " Guarding Iowa Morality. [ From Our Council lllJffa Correspondent. ] For throe or four days past it had boon known 1 among a select few that a prize light i was to take place Sunday morning. County Attorney Dailoy was aware of the fact , as on Saturday it had been the topic of the town , and little or no attempt at secrecy was made. Tickets were on sale at u number of places , and almost anyone who Had $3 to give up for that kind of sport had littleUllliculty in se curing ono. Saturday Chief of Police Sea- voy , of Omaha , and County Attorney Dailoy , of Council Blufl's , wore in telephonic communication and they decided to sec that no infringement of the law took place within their respect ive jurisdiction. Colonel Dailey with Sheriff Perry Heel and Deputy James O'Noil carefully and quietly laid their plans on Saturday evening about 7 o'clock , and the shorifl' wont to his homo. At 5 o'clock Sunday morning Deputy SlierilV O'Noil took n team and went to Crescent City where he joined the shorifl' , uud a POSSOYiVS fQT.aisd. composed ot Ufty Colonel Dailoy remained in Council Blull's and awaited telephone message from Omaha that the pruc-fightors , with their friends , had loft the dock on the steamer J. M. Abbott and started up the river1. Ho then repaired to Dohany's livery stable , It then being about 9 o'clock- , and getting on horseback , started for the place of meeting the sheriff and his posso. They Kept well back from the river and patiently watched the steamer Abbott , wliie'i ' had a barge in tow , and also the steamer C. E. Mavno , which fol lowed with loss than a dozen persons on boani. The steamer went about four miles above Florence , Nob. , when those on board discovered the sheriff's po so on the Iowa side. It was probably tlio intention to land near the mouth of the Boyer on the Iowa side , but'tho appearance ot the sheriff's armed guard no doubt changed their plans. The boats then turned down stream and landed at 2:15 : o'clock about a mile south of Florence on an island on the Nebraska side of the river. All hands left the boats and went back from shore where thu ring was pitched. A messenger was than sent to this city. Ho telephoned to tlio Omaha authorities what had Happened , and the Omaha chlof-of-polico stated that ho would at tend to the excursionists upon their re turn to that city. In thu meantime the sheriff's posse re mained at a point up thn river whore they could watoli the movements of the boats. The light , however , took place without any interference from tlio au thorities , who were unable to reach the law-breakers. At 5.05 o'clock tno steamer Abbott landed at Judson's sand bank , a little over four miles north of Broadway , and the six or sovim Council Bluffs men who attended , left the barge , along with the principals. They all walucd into town. Shortly after they landed they saw thu sherill s posse coming and the two fighters , with the man who had them in charge , hid for a short time , after which they walked into the city , arriving shortly after dusk. The pugilists both occupied the same room unducd in Council Bluffs last night and seemingly neither of them were any the worse oil'for their days recreation. Shortly after the steamer had pulled off , from the landing at the sand bank , a squad of Council Bluffs police reached the river front in charge of Chief Mullen , but all they could do was to watch the boats make their Omaha landing. Of all the tired men in Pottawattamio county last night it was Sheriff Heel's posse , who patrolled the shores of Iowa all day without n meal. MAtiXIFlcnXT Sl'OUT. A Grand Showing or Rntrlca For the Onmiug Races. , The school children will probably rejoice that the fair association baa set apart one special day for tUolr entertalutu'ont. 1'o.e day has been set. It Is Tuesday , the second day of the fair , nnd all the school children will bo welcome. It Is possible that the preachers may not be there In nil their glory that day , although they have one and all ac cepted the friendly Invitations of the associa tion but enough of them will bo on hand to make the occasion one of interest and value to them all. Tlio volunteer firemen from New York the gentlemen who have amassed gray hairs nnd wealth In equal proportions may not bo there on that particular day , but they will bo there all the same on the day appointed tor their coming , and their coming wilt not bo In yam. The veteran volunteers of Omaha will bo there with tliolr guests , and the day will bo ono of unalloyed pleasure. While the school children may not , possibly , find the same pleasure In the spurts to which more mature minds are devoted , It Is possible ttiat thn gentlemen ot the cloth may not be so in different to an exhibition of honest sport Without wishing to call their particular at tention to the attrnctlons which the fair will present , the attention ot the liorse-lovine public may bo called to the magnificent list of entries : The following Is the list ns completed at the secretary s oflice Saturday : FIUSTDAY , MONDAY , HKl'TEMimit 5th. Trotting 2-year-old colt ; stakes , purse No. 1 , 8700 : association adds SUK ) . Last pay ment due September 1. WanlU. ro tilloy , A. C.Beckwlth , Evanston - ton , Wyo. Orphan -Maid , b m , Cording Bros. , Ulysses , Neb. Bolleflowor , b m , J. Q. Smith & Son , Fre mont , Neb. Deb Sherman , s g , Satn Balrd , Dunlap , la. Trenton , b s , Ed. Pylo , Humboldt , Net ) . Hilly McCrackcu , blk s , Charles Crclghton , Omaha , Nf b. Onlda , N.U. Bruen , Burllnarton , la. SuperUno , br Illley , J. A. Graham , Biggs- ville , ills. Beathull , b lilley , It. J. Kreebs , Sioux City , la. la.Hiram Hiram Pettls , b s , S. 11. Dickey , Lansing , Jimmy II , b s , James M. Hough , Woodbine , Stlllman , ch g , W. 11. Coly , Fort Dodge la. la.Ome0'a , ch s. J. J. Staubuck , MoCook- Nob. Hunnlng-IIalt-mato heat ; purse No. 2 , S100. Entries close September 4 , at 5 p. m. SHCONI ) HAY , TUKSDXY , Sni'TCMIIKlt 0. Trotting 2:45 : class Purse No , 3. $500. Ollle , b in , A. C. Bcckwlth , Evanston , Wyo. Hob Hidley , b g , Theo Van Alar , Elkhorn , Neb. Prince , g s , S. H. Dlekoy , Linslng , Kan. Lolnel L , g K , A. S. Patrick , Omaha , Neb. Folly , b m , J. II. McSlnno , Oirnha , Nab. Solittlrc. b ir , L. A. Grlfllth. Fremont , Nob. Ora Stewart , b m , Pat Stewart , Kansas City. Mo. Gladys , bl m , H. S. Malouey , Jr. . IIu in- bold t , Neb. Jeuny Llnd , bl in , W. F. Chamberlain , Hastings , Neb. Coppermont , b s , M. Lovett , Ouldo HOCK , Neb. Neb.Almo , bs , Il.E. Mayo. ChipmunK , bg , W. II. Blunders. Jr. Indigo , b in , Edgewood stock faun , Oco- nomowoc , Wis. Pacing , B:23 cliiss-Purse No. 4 , S500. Prince Columbia , b s , C. E. Maynu , Omaha , A Warren Dally , b g , M. E. llarle , Council Red'Rover , s g , K. J. Stewart. Kansas City , Mo. Mo.Sol Miller , s s , Leland & Nelson , Troy , Monkey Holla , b g. Ucorgo Grimes , Salem , Fred W. , s g , Cunningham & Co. , Kansas City , Mo. Tom , b g , Spears & Jarvls.Concordla , Kin. Diamond Joe , b s , F. 11. Shelby , Kiowa , Gray Jim , g g , WadoCarey , Council Bluffs , la. la.Mambrlno Mambrlno Prince , br g , J. L. Wilson , Kan sas City , Mo. Mattie Stipp , b m , L. D. Groom , Cedar Contender , b g , 11. llarrlsh , Mount Car roll , III. Three-year-old colt stakes purse No.5 As sociation adds S150 Last payment J 10 , due September 1. SethP , b s , Kcstorson & Lolloth , Falrbnry , Neb. Neb.AllMott , b , A. C. Beckwith , Evanston , Baby Mine , br lllly , F. 11. Crum , Avoca , Omaha , b s , P. McEvoy , Elkhorn , Neb. Kentucky IMbal , b g , D.V. . Hoe , Kearney , Neb. E ilda Allan , b in , A. Thompson , Omaha , Neb. Neb.Charles Charles McCormlck , b s. A. S. Patrick , Omaha , Mob. McShatiK , bl s , Ed Pylo , Humboldt. George Simmons , b s , C. 11. Creighton , Noll'loBlrd , b m , John S. Wolf , Cedar Haplds , la. Couut Waldemar , b s , Harvey P Icken , Florence H , Nat Brown , Burlington , la. Spectator , b s , J , A. Graham. liugsvillo , Almont Aberdeen , A. S. Ilalladay , Lin coln , Nob. Cruiser , R. T. Kreebs , Sioux City , la. Lady Mary , b in , I. J. Starouck , McCook , Neb. THIItn DAY , WEUNr.SDAY , flCPTKMlimt 7. Free lor all stallion Piirso No. 0 , & " ) ( W : Bedford , b a , A. C. Bcekwilh , Evanston , Wyo. Consul , ch s , C. E. Mayne , Omaha. McLeod , ch s , 11. Chamberlain , Arapahoe. Williams , bs , W. A. Sanborii. Sterling , Earl McGregor , s s. J. A. Graham , Biggs vlllo , Ills. Longfellow Whip , br s , J. D. Spears , Pe- Hiin'nlng'race , one-mile dash Piirso 3159. Entries close Tueiday , Oth. at 5 o'clock p.m Trotting 2:3-1 : class-l'urso No. 7. S500. Trumpeter b s , B. F. Butlnr , Carthage , Mo. Lauretta , b in , M. O. Hiliiv. Kearney , Nob. Louis , s ch g , Joseph JJ. Lucca , St. Louis , Mo. Mo.llarrappl Tom , b g , J. B. Cravey , Down Knn. Knn.Dan Dan 11. . b g , J. 11. Bender , Newton. Kan Persuader , ch s. A. J. Brlggs , Superior , Xrb. 1. Jay I. , ch s , I. J. Stiubuck , McCook , Neb , Dan Lo.ti > , b s , A. W. M.innoii , Win. S. , b g , James C. McXaugliton. Iowa Mambrino , br s , Robert Given. Willie D. , b g , M. E. Mcllonry , Frcoport Neb. Trotting 2:23 : class Purse No. 8. 5500. Eduewood , b a , C. J' . Miyue. Omaha , Neb Balloy , w n , W. 11. Strong , Kansas City. Gaudy. K , Jesse Unudv , Broken Bow. White Stocking , bg , It. J. Stewart , Kan sas City. Tribune , blk s , J. A. Graham , Blggsvtllc , l- - . F , II. Shelly , Klowa. Elm wood Chief , brg. It. T. Kreebs , Sioux Cltv. Cltv.William William C. , br g , J. C. MeNattghton. Trottlns , four-year colt stakes. Association I adds 3-IOO. last payment due September 1 , Sia.3 . Purse No. 12. Wjomluir Chief , r s , A. C. Beck\\Ith , Evanston , Wyo. Nettle 2uhi , b m , A. J. Poppleton , Elk- horn.V0. . , r s , A. J. Poppleton , Elkhorn , Wvo. Hose Coghlan , rf , Ed Pyle , Humboldt , Nob. J. S. C. . r s. C. [ 1. Creighton , Omaha. Xack , Nat Brown , Burlington. Black Oak , bs , J. A. Graham , Bygs- ville , 111. Tramp S. , ch s , I. J. Slarbuck , SfcCook. I. Jay S. , ch s , I. J. Starbuck. McCook. T1IUIIM > AY , filU'TEMIIKllS , KOIJ11TII DAY. Free-for-all Puce Purse No. H , S500. Dan D. , o g , C. E. Mavue , Oimihn. Fawnfoot , Joel Cary , St. Louis , Mo. Tommy Lynn , Tnomas Lynn , St. Louis , * Warn-n Dally , s g , M. E. iiarlfl , Council luirs , la. Ltttle Em , Mrs. George Grimes , Salem , Ind. Monkey Hello , Georgn Grimes. Salem , Ind. Haven Boy , b g , A. W. Jones , Hushville , Ind. . SAME nAY. 2:27TrotlIng-l'urso : No. 10 , 8500. Bedford , b s , U. A. Bockuian , Kvanston , Wv. Wv.Fred Nell , bg , C. E.Mayne. Omaha. . Uello Isie , t > 111 , It. Lake/and / , Kausaa Cora C. , b tu , Cunningham & Co. , Kansas City. Charlie Mpton , brg , James A. Oglcboy , Kansas City. Oku , s g , Luther 0. Chnllls , Atkinson , Kan. Kan.Mablo Mablo IT. , s m , C. C. Lyfoid. Fanny Cop. , J. 11. Lomax , Chicago , III. Golden Girl , b in , C. Lclaml , jr. , Troy , Kan. Belle Kldder , c m , E. Ktddcr , Chlcaso. 111. EdKewood.b g , H. T. Kreebs , Sioux City. FHIDAY. SEITF.M1IEU 0. Trotting second clasi srxx ) . Olllo. b m , A. 0. Bcckwlth , Elkhorn , Neb. Hob Ridley , b c , Ijieo. Vanalst , Lansing. Prince , g s , S. H. Dickey , Kansas Cltv. Ashling Prince , t > s , R. Lakeland , Kansas City. City.Attnrchs , Barney Losnn. Lady Lonesdato b m , D. W. Hoc , Kearney. Jerrv K. cli d , M. O. Hlloy , Kearney. Daniel L. g s , A. S. Patrick , Omaha. MeFailanil. brs , Ed. Pylo. ilutuboldt. Byron Sherman , b s , Wui. A. G. Cobb , Frpmont. Daisy II , b m. J. J. Starbuck , McCook. Chipmunk , W. W. Saunders jr. , McCook. Glalvs , blk m , H. S. Molory Jr. , Humboldt Mngna Wilks. b if ) EUgowood stock farm , Oconomococ. WIs. Zulu , b g , Charles Wilson , Sterling , 111. All told the entries number I'l" In the trials for speed. These with the live liberal en tries and premiums In the umnlng contests helps to make a purse and a Held which has never bcnn equalled In this western country. The 500 entries in line arts and textile .fab rics and the entries from Washington county , in general competition , will of course detract In a measure from the Interest centered In the speed contests , but there Is but little chance that thn occupant * of the grand stand will bo called away during the heat of the contest Denver Boats Omaha Twice. DENVKH , Col. , August 28. [ Special Tele gram to the BKr.- | That Voss can pitch when ho desires to was fully shown In the two games against Omaha to-day. In the morning he pitched with such effect that he took Ehret's place In the afternoon , and had ho not been so wild would have scored one of the best records of ( he season. SUch's bat ting In the forenoon was tcrrillc but ho could do nothing In the afternoon. Omaha's Held did good work In both games. Had It not been for the good llelding of Badcr Voss would have made a homn run In the lirst game. Genlns' base running was the best feature of the second panic while McSorly played about as rank as possible. Tcbeau , Gorman and Klonsel did some heavy battlne ; In the last game. Fully 0,000 people at tended both games. Thn scorn : DK.VVEII. ros. Ait. n. in. us. PO. A. K. Sllrh rf 8 4 a a o 01) Teboiu 3b 6 0 Q 0 0 5 1 Smith Ib 4 1 U 0 10 0 0 Kelnzlo ct Gorman It Mr-Sorloy 2b PhllM | > 3 SS Voss p Myers c Totals 37 13 14 3 21 15 3 OMAHA. ros. AII. u. in. its , ro. A. E. \V alsll ss 3 0 0 0 5 4 U Messltt 2b Dwyer Ib Fusselbach 3b 31 ad r If Handle rf Oenins cf Jantzen c llealy p Totals 23 "o 5 1 21 2. ? 8 scour. 11 v INMNOS. Denver 220001 1-12 Omaha 0000000 0 Huns earned Donver3. Two-base hlts-Kelnsle , Sllch , Tcbeau. Three-base hits Voss. Doable plays-McSorley to Phillips to Smith. Bases on Balls Voss 4 , nealy 1. lilt by pitcher Myers. 1'assed bails Jantzon 2. Struck out llealy 1 , Wild pitches llealy 1. Lofton bases Denver 5 , Omaha 2. Time of game 1 hour and 35 minutei. Umpire lla an. Tim HErovn OAMK. DENVEK. 1'OS. All. II. IU 113. PO. A. E , Sllch rf 'J n l 1 d u o Tebeau 3b 5 2 8 0 3 4 1 Smith Ib 5 0 1 0 14 0 0 Keltule cf Gorman If G 1 l 0 3 0 0 McSorloy 2b 1'hlllips S3 Voss p 5 3 1 0 1 C 0 Meyers o 5 1 U 0 0 l Totals 43 14 15 1 27 in OMAHA. i'os. AH. u. gi. iii. ro. A. i : , Walsh ss 5 o a o ; s 7 i Mesnltt 2b 5 3 1 Dwyer Ib 5 1 3 0 .14 0 Fusselbach 3b Under. If Handle rf Genius. , . . . . . , . Krehmpyer..e Bartsou p Totals 43 0 14 6 27 18 7 SCOKi : 1IY INNINGS. Denver 0 6 2 0 0 2 0 0 l 11 Omaha 1 00003200 0 Huns Earned Denver 3 , Omaha 3. Two-baso hits Gorman , Tebeau. Three basu hits Keluzlp , McSorley. Bases on balls Voss 5 , Uattsou 2. Passed balls Meyers 1. Wild pitches Hartson 2. Left on bases Denver 6 , Omaha 7. Time of game Two hours. Umpire llagan. Knnsni City 1O , AVIchltn 2. WIOIIITA , Kan. , August 28. [ Specla Telegram to the Br.u.l Thp Kansas Git ; team again won by a score of 10 to 2 , am ; Nichols pitched a good game for them and goi good support , they having only three fielding errors and Graves had three passed balls and Nichols was hit for only lour clean single : and gave Sunday a two bagger and a biso on balls , six hits In all. Daniels pitched a fall game for Wichita , was hit tor Iivo singles gave three bases on balls and hit ono man. . Hill , a California man , was given a trial a1 catcher , but was no pood. The homo club ha ( ' twelve llelding errors , and hit In ilmrd luck Each side had ono earned run , and Westerly thu umpire was oil qn balls and strikes am made four rank decisions , nil In favor o Kansas City. The score : Kansas City 1 0420100 2 1 Wichita 0000 02000 American Association. ST. Lorm , August 28. The game bo- t\\een the St. Louis and Metropolitan teams to day rr-mlti'd as follows : St. Louis 0 l , 0 0 5 1 1 0 1 0 Metropolitans..0 00001 OtO 1 2 CINCINNATI. Attzust 2S. The game be tween thu Cincinnati and BUtlmoru teams to-day resulted as follows : Cincinnati o ooiooooo-l Baltimore I 01 5 LOUISVIIJ.K , August 28. The game be tween the Louisville and Brooklyn teams to-day resulted as follows : LouNvlIlo 0 2213200 1 H Brooklyn 40 10 03001-0 An Karthqunko1 Shook In Georgia. AUGUSTA , Ga. , Auru3t28. : A slight shock of earthquake was felt here about 10:30 : to night. A Raso Hall Meeting. ISEW YOKK , August 2S.Every league club was represented at tlio first meeting of the Base Ball Players' Brotherhood held herd to-day. The matter of contracts was fully discussed and It was the senseof the conven tion that a new form of contract Is neces sary. With regard to the "reserve rula" most of the delegates thought It should stand with a few minor changes. The ques tions ot buying and Bellln-- were dis cussed and ItUiS agreed that a clause Should be Inserted In the new contracts which would provide that In all cases of re lease thu release should be unconditional. In case of the dlsbandiiicnt of thu club tlio nlay- era oiuht to bo releas > d from ull obligation. The brotherhood resolved to- . assist , the league In urtiUnj ; up UUslpatlou among players. ' , PRANZINl'S ' CRIME OUTDONE , _ \ A Goraioan Murders His Wife and Two Children in Paris. HE NOW FEIGNS MADNESS. The New Olilnoso Fleet nt Portsmouth Its OIllcnrH mill Jinn Some- thine About Japan's Nary Other Foreign Now * . Cut Ills Clilldrcn'H Throats. [ Cnjii/i fu/it / ibSftiyJamu Oonlou McniieM.l PAIIIS , ( Via Havre ) August 23. | Now Yoik Herald Cable Special to the UKB.J The record of Parisian crime was swollen to day by another atrocious triple murder com mitted within a stones throw of the Arc do Triumph by an oculist named Padrona. This morning botwcon 5 and 0 o'clock the tenants of Rue do Brey where Padrona occupied small apartments on the tlfth floor with his young and delicate wife and three llttlo children , were awakened by agoiil/od cries and the sound of pistol shots. An alarm was given but no one had the courage to outer , the oculists ' apartment. While all of the neighbors were huddled to gether on the landing Padrona suddenly darted out ot Ids door , dashed down stairs brandishing a blood stained Corslcan knife In his hand , and before he could bo stopped took refuse In his cellar. Presently ho reappeared with a bottle of wlno anil this time the bystanders seized him and handed hi mover to the police authorities. On entoiliu his apartment a terrible sight was seun. Mme. Pad ro lift lay on ho bed with six bullet holes In her face and nock. In an adjoining bod-room a little lad of two lay on his cot with his head literally severed from his body. Near him was the body of his sister , Marie , with her throat cut. Her baby hands were clasped as though imploring her father to spare her. Beside Madame Padrona , a baby three months old lav peacefully sleeping , un harmed. It Is supposed that after a auairol with Ids wife. Padrona got out of bed , loaded his revolver and shot her. Hearing what was passing , the torrldod children began to cry and thu murderer , seeing this , silt their throats to sllonco them. Padrona , who Is a Corslcan , was jealous , an Inveterate - veterato smoker and an ab'lntho drinker. He pretends ho killed his wife to avenge hlm- srlffor her lulidellty. When arrested he said , ' 'Lot iiu have drink before you take me olt ; I am thirsty. " Since then his language has boon Incoherent , whether ho Is mad or shamming mad to save himself. Coming in thu heels of the excitement about Plan- /.I nl , this fresh crime made agieat sensation. In Paris it is generally thought the result will be to hasten Prauzlnl's execution. Jnntin's Navy. ICopi/rftf'it ' 18S7byJams flnnlm liennttt. ' ] LONDON , August 2S. [ Now York Horal d Cable-Special to the BKK. ] "The Herald has been at Portsmouth inquiring Into the Chinese naval vessels there and would now like some statistics touching lyour Japanese naval nutters. " said I to the secretary o tha Japanese legation in Us quarters In Cav endish square. He was a hand some gentleman of his typo and spoke English as picturesquely as ho was dressed. "Wo have forty vessels , twen ty-seven of which are of the now style of warships. Those vessels are manned by , all told , 40,033 olllcers and men. All of them are Japanese , no foreigners of any kind being employed aboard. Our vessels are different from the war ships of China inasmuch as theirshlps are commanded by Englishmen. The only Europeans we employ are from the naval Instructors In our college. As to dockyards , wo have throe stations , viz. : Sa- soho , Kuro and GoKosuga , while two moro are contemplating building but the sites are not settled. These three stations are also used as cooling depots and victualling yards. We are so much progress ing at the present time that live or sit years hence we shall have quite a new navy to what wo have now , and wo intend to keep improving diy by day. At the present time our naval attache , Toulon , superintending the building of two now coist defence vessels besides which we ourselves our bulldiiu six cruisers at our own stockyards In Japan This stop of Increasing our strength was decided upon two years ago. Of course- our navy Is Inferior in strength to China , but their country Is much larger and natu- lally they requli o many moro vessels to guatd It. Ono comparison we are proud of Is , whereas China has so many ships of war they are compelled to employ foreigners to build and command them , In our country wo build and command them ourselves. The question ot coast defense Is now the princi pal topic of conversation m Japan and the wealthy people of the country have volunta rlly subscribed tliolr money for that purpose , In addition to which subscriptions our government have within the last few months Imposed a now tax. which they call an Income tax. The proceeds at o going for naval and ' military purposes , Including the defense of our coasts. The payment of this tax com mences at 303 von , equal to the United States dollar , and upwards. For JiOO yen the charge Is 10 yon , and so on In the same proportion until 1,003 yen aio retched , when the rate ot tax mcicaso3. Now we have plenty of money , wo Intend to shortly commence building now fastshlps-of-war in Europe. The Now Chinese Fleor. [ Coj > i/rfu/it / JSi7 till Jainr * Cordon liciincK. ] PonTSMOimi , August 2ti. | Now York Herald Cable-Special to the Bin : . | What would an admiral only a quarter of a century ago have thouzht of the phrase "Inspector of the Chinese Squadron. " yet tills Is verilied to day by the Inspection of the Chinese licet by the Chinese minister to Germany , Tan Chlng , who arrived for that purpose from Berlin yosterctay.and was received by a salute of seventeen guns , handled by Chinese gun ners on board the Chls Yuan , King Yuan , Lai Yuan and a torpedo boat. These are all to sail for Chinese waters Auust 31. They have remained hero In order that certain minor de fects In the ships' littlngs may bo made good. Advantage Is also being taken of the oppor tunity ollered by allowing the oflicors and mon of the Chinese Meet to visit the English ships In the harbor and the dock yard. Ad miral Lang will be In comnnnd until Taku Is reached , when these new ships will bo merged Into the existing Chi nese lleot , under Flag Admiral Ylng. Thecotnminderof the Clilnir Yuan Is Capttln Yih. He has eleven English and fourteen ChliH'so oltlcers , with a present complement of 150 men. The Chls Yuan , has Captain Yang with nine English and fif teen Chinese olllsars , and thn same comple ment of men. Captain Lin Is on the Chlng Yuan. What will bo the complements when the ships reach Chinese waters has not yet been determined , but they will certainly bo more numerous thin at present. In fact , as the captain of the Hag ship Chlng Yuan ° , wlth evident pride over his excellent knowledge of English , observed to the Herald , "These present crows are only the working navi gators to China. " Ho was much pleased with ( he attentions ho and his comrades and men have received here and ho was especially proud that wbjQn her majesty , left Osborno on Wednesday evening for Balmoral , the royal yacht was directed to steam round the ships slowly so that the queen might closely Inspect them. The launch companies have run special excursions to Splthi'iul , and when the occupants ot the crowded decks have cheered at their lustiest the Chinese olllcors have not been loss ready to waive their handkerchiefs In reply , while the men have grinned good naturedly as the excursionists have stared wondering at the cabalistic letters on the ships sides or at the superbly gorgeous Chinese ensign. One such party were atTorded great amusement yester day at sight of four Chinamen swimming for their lives. A Mat bottomed purt , shaped much like a tub , was occupied by live men who were painting the outside of n flagship and as the tiny craft was scarcely capable of holding moro than two men , she was quickly submerged , Four sail ors were soon ID the water , laughing and struggling with each other till rescued by a private boat , while the tilth man was drift ing away In the punt. Ono Chinese sailor on board rushed down the gangway , directing the solitary occupant ot the punt how to es cape , and tils Instructions were being fully carried out when the luckless Instructor him self fell Into the boat and drifted moro than SOO yards before lie , too , was saved. An unfortunate accident has befallen to Mr. Charles May , the torpedolst who was sent to the Chinese government as an ofllcer Instructor. While he was teaching a man how to stop shells the weight of thn missile ho was handling proved too much for him and caused him such Internal injuries that the fleet will be obliged to fall without him. him.The The funeral of a Chinese sailor named ijln Pin Lin , aged twenty-six , of llielal Ylian on Friday attracted B good deal of attention at Portsmouth , and though the ceremony was performed so early as half past eight a. in. , before the cemetery was reached Mr. R. W. Bcalo , agent for the Chinese government , the only Englishman in the procession , was joined by some hundreds ot his fellow coun trymen who wore very much Impressed with the solemnity of the silent ritual. Captain Kew olllciated and ho was accompanied by tour of his olllcers , four men In charge of the sacrifices and twenty others. Th < so constituted the funeral party. Thou Inccnso was lighted at the foot ot the grave and two rows of plates laid out , containing moat , eggs and tish. The Chinese funeral party then knelt down and gave three profound salaams. Af ter prayer the food was replaced In buckets. and , earth having been sprinkled on the cof fin , the ceremony concluded. Ono of the captains said to mo to-day : "Tho Chinese navy may bo said to bo only six ' years'old , for It was not until 1S31 that our government became convinced that the old junks wore no longoradaptod to the purpose of warfare , and It was then that they ordered built for them In Germany the Chinese .Nan Shu and Nan Slum , which are sister ships. Two years ago there were added the Iron clads Yang Yuan and Chen Yuan , armed with heavy guns nnd the cruiser Chi Yuan and the cruisers constitute the next additions. As to the future of the Chinese nary , It Is clear that rapid strides are In contemplation , as Immediately Ad miral Lang's fleet roaches Taku orders will be placed for four other ships , the typo of which will depend upon the manner In which the new vessels behave on their way out A torpedo boat floatllla Is also In hands , and all the crafts are to be of the latest pat tern. The crews of the ships consist entliely of Chinamen , all of whom have passed thorough training on shipboards , while In the upper grades there Is a mixture of Eng lish and Chinamen. Thcro Is , for Instance , one English doctor , Dr. Brown , who acts as fleet surgeon , while each ship carries Us own native medical ofliccr. The books are kept both by Enirllsh and native writers and In each ship there Is both an English and a Chinese chief engineer , but when Taku Is reached the Englishmen will be leduced In number. " On leaving Spitliead next Wednesday , the fleet will proceed dliect to Glbraltor , tlicnco to Port Said , where they will take In coal. They will also call at Sue/ , Alden , Colombo , where they will again coal , Singapore , Hong Kong , Cliofoo and Yaku. The voyage Is ex pected to occupy seventy-two days , consistIng - Ing of fifty-two days at sea and twenty In harbor and on the way out the man will bo thoroughly practiced In torpedo , gun and other drills. Thcso drills taking place as far as practicable near harbors while the routine drill ship will bo kept up almost con stantly. This , of course , will Involve a great deal of hard work , such as would try the en durance of English sailors , but the China men will bo allowed a plentiful supply of beef and boor If they wish It to enable them to sustain the fatigues of so much exorcise. The machinery has already been tested on the completion of the ships prior to their being handed over to Admiral Lang , hence , steam trials being no longer necessary , a greater speed than ten knots an hour will not bo at tempted , though at the trials on the measured mile , the English built ships attained the speed of18J- ; ; and the German vessels a speed of IVA knots an hour. I Among the distinguished visitors who visited the admiral on board the Cblng Yuan besides the Chinese minister to Gcr many wore the Chinese minister to London , together with Chow , the dliector of the stud- les of Chinese students In Germany , Franco and England. At Taku the fleet will await the arrival of the viceroy , who \yll ! make his Inspection , and it Is not until this has been hiadothat the four cruisers will bo handed over to Admiral Ylng. As I rowed away from the Interview I recalled how In visiting an English man-ol-war one is Invariably struck with the newness and often elegance of the olllcers cabins , but I can at least over and It Is doubtful whether there are any ships tliat can excel In that respect , these Chinese cruisers now at Spithcad , though It must bo confessed that other parts of the ships do not compare so favorably with what ono Is Hcciijtnmed to see In 1'ortsinouth har bor. Between drills , therefore , the English ofllccrs will have plenty to do If they Insist on preserving that spotless cleanliness which they have been taught to regard as In- dlspinslble In a man-of-war. The Great Chlncxn Bank. SAN FiAvci ! 03. August 23. Oriental ad vices by the steamer Belglc state that the Chinese papers speak nt considerable length of the proposed American-Chinese bank , ne gotiations for which are said to have been conducted successfully by Count Mltkowoi on behalf of a Philadelphia syndicate. The capital Is half that of China and the manage ment Jointly Chinese and American. All government loans artt to bo negotiated by the bank and all payments tor wai material , pub lic works aud foreign embassies nru to bo madn ttuoueh the bank. Paper money Is to be Issued uiulcr the government's sanction and thomtut Is to bo under the charge of the bank. 'Tif 7"Banio syndicate Is given Urgn privileges ( or the conduction of the telephone DUSlUti.1. Fifty OcnlH a 'Ihousnml. NEW Ybiuf , August 23. Typographical union No. G had a la nraly attended meeting to-day and'discussed the practicability of do- inandlng'tlfty cents a thousand ems for set ting type * , besides fitly cents on hour extra for work After' : a. m. The general sentiment was lu , favor of demanding thu advance. - THE WEEK IN WALL STREET Characterized by Marked Depression and Great Shrinkage in Values. 'MANY STOCKS TAKE A TUMBLE * IlnltWAjr Honils Jlonvjr During the Greater r rt of the Week Govern * in on in Feverish find Unsettled t Foreign Kxchniigo Went. Trlu tnphant Niw : YOUK , August sw. fSpcclalToloinira to the Dm.I The week was one of marked depression and great .shrinkage ot values on the stock exchange. The bears were com pletely In control during the isroator part ol the time , and forced thoiradvantage from day to day until they brought about the general demoralisation. The failure of Groveston & Pull , with the development of thu fact that they had borrowed largo amounts of money on east and \vust Alabama lallroad bonds , which proved to have no market In an omer- soncyoxerclsed a very unftxvurablo Influence nnd gave considerable impetus to the selling movoinont , which linally dragged down the entire list. There were heavy liquidations late In the week , and some leading operators who had been holding on to considerable lines of stocks for a long time dropped a peed many of them , and the market was full < > 1 stop orders trom the smaller run ot specula tors , whoso margins had become Impaired. Ono or two of the old bears turned around and attempted to stem the tide , but most of their former associates stuck to the short side and the resistance proved In vain until near the close on Friday , when some very largo purchases of Heading brought about sharp realization. Great excitement pre vailed at Intervals and there was a material Increase In the volume of business. Declines were unusually heavy In a largo number of blocks , as , for Instance , Richmond Tormina ! preferred frit off U points , Oregon Naviga tion S'ff , Lake Kric it Western preferred 7W , Milwaukee , Lsiku Shore & Western , Mis * sour I Pncllic , Northern Pacific preferred , Orogou Transcontinental , Oregon Improve ment , Heading , and Richmond Terminal , common , 0 to G ) and Jersey Central nnd Colorado coal , a to 5X points. The decline In the balance of the list tapered on down. Railroad bonds weru heavy during the creator part of the week and declines ranging - ing from l to 7H points were recorded. Read in ic Incomes lead the downward move ment and were followed by Nv York City it Noithern , Richmond & Allegheny , Texas Pnciiic , Atlantic & I'.icific , Central lown , Krlo , Kansas As Texas , Green Bay St Hocklnc Valley , and Oiegon Issues. DealIngs - Ings outside of a few Issues were compara tively small. In late dealings a moderate recovery took place. Govoininent bonds wore feverish ami unsettled. Just previous to the treasury bond purchase there was a rls i Inyt per cents , uut tills was subse quently lost. Fours woio heavy throughout and closed at a net decline of about a point and a half. Foreign exchaneo for a time ruled some what firmer tor short , and weaker for lomr , sterling , on the expectation of an advance In Bank of Knttland rates of discount. When It was found that the latter had not been changed by tlio directors at their weekly court on Thursday , thu condition of the market was reversed. TUB 11ECOUD. Monetary Tratisnationa til ttio Coun try During the 1'nwt Wook. BOSTON , Mas * . , August 28. | 8peclalTele- gram to the BKE. | The following table compiled from dispatches to the Post , from thn managers ol the leading clearing houses In the United States , shows the gross ex changes for thn week ending August 27 , 183,7 , together with the rates per cent of In crease or decrease as compared with those of the corresponding week last year : It Una Demoralised the Hanks Of Gaoren'H Followers Nr.w YOIIIC , August 'JS. ( Special Tele gram to the Bii : : . ] Sylvanns Sweet's re fusal to accept the labor part.v's nomination for state engineer and surveyor has caused a commotion in labor circles. Mr. Sweet's declination Is regarded In various lights by labor men. The socialists attribute It to Sweet's dislike of George's autocratic methods and the character of the Syracuse platform. George's most intimate followers think Sweet declined hcrauso ho thought there was no chance ot election , Thn George men wear very long faces to-day. They are beginning to wonder where their votes will come from with Irving hall opposed to them and thu socialists gone never to return and their lirst state ticket going to pieces before- the campaign Is fairly opened. It Is pre dicted to-day by Georgu'H opponents that a Illalnn republican will gut Sweet's plaro on thu ticket. Won't So nil Kor Hiirk. ( lAi.vusTON , August SS. To-day the count ; olllclal-j received by oxpre i thirteen of the sixteen county school bonds which the de faulting treasurer , W. J. Burk , cairled oil with him when hu absconded. No ellort la buing ninde to secure th return of Biirk.who suriundered himself to San Francisco author ities , although his Hhortajoaltur deducting thu tlilttcun bonds is fcS.1,000. Thn county olllclals bay they ha\u no fund willed can bu used tor the return of rrimlnrds If appre hended beyond tliu limits of the state , und say they will hold Murk's bondsmen tor his deficit. What thu bondsmen will do Is not jet known. I'nwilorly 10 Oppomj Illalnn. Nr.w YoitKAugust2S. ( Special Telegram to the BKK.J A Philadelphia dispatch re peats the old report that 1'owtlcrly will refuse to hold the ofllcu ot general master workman of .thu Knluhts of Lnhor litter October , bill adds the nuw statement that ho InU'Dilu U t.iku ihe-uump In New York for the nurpnsi of working agiiitiftt Blalne , making tlio Hull ! question thu chief issue agaliibt him ,