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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1887)
THE OMAHA SEVENTEENTH ! YEAK. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MORNING , AUGUST 31 : 1887. NUMBER 7 PRASZHI PAYS IBE PENALTY , The Murderer of Marie Regnault Expiates His Crime. A NIGHT OF PLEASURE IN PARIS , The "Executor of Great Deeds" Ac- coiiipllHhcM His Tank In a Highly Satisfactory Manner Foreign NOIVH. Marie Ilnenault Avenged. ' | Copyrtuh 1t&87 by Jamct floi ilun Itcnncl M PAIIIS. August 30. | New York Herald Cable Special to the BKK. ! The crowd fduce midnight has grown and multiplied , and there nro now 30,000 people gathered about Alt the rlif-rnff nnd scum of Belle ville , nil the disreputable women and Idlers nf the Boulevard Montumrtrc , all the morbid foreigners at prcsentsojournlug In Paris nnd all the iourna'.ists , whom duty compels to bo hero , are gathered about the approaches to the grim , frowning prison ot this dnrk and solemn night in the Plnco do In Raucuietto. The feublo glimmer of a dozen gas lamps sheds a dismal light upon this crowds pacing up aud down in front of the prison. The trees which dot the place nro filled with jeering gammons who defy the Injunctions of the police , "Come down out of that. " In cairiages there nro hundreds of cocottcs In gay toilets , drinking cbampngno and smoking cigarettes. Hero and there a weary tramp Is curled up nnd asleep against the wall or on n bench. How any ouo can sleep nt all In such a turmoil Is strange Indeed nnd yet long habit enables scores of them to do It. Every now and then a fresh gang of black guards arrives , swearing , smoking and shouting , era a carriage draws up , loaded with passen gers relatively respectable , and Is greeted with a derisive chorus of "Viola Praiulnl qul arrive. " To while away the tlmo the crowd makes occasional excursions around the corner to a shed In the Run des Folles Kengault , n predestined uani * , surely. When M. ; Dclbler , the executioner , nnd his drended assistants , wore picparlng the guillotine during the evening long after the regulation police hours , the wine shops In the neighborhood of the tcrrlblo machine wcro crowded with customers. Once or twice the "Executor of Lofty Deeds , " as they call the executioner hero , and Ills underlings , steal In to refresh themselves with a drop of drink , but very few of tlio idlers recognize them and those who do , of course , fall to gain any information out of them. Now couplets have been added to the lu- gubiloussoiig : C1 est sa tote , Qu Ml nous fnut Oh ! ohloh ! fit Is his head which we desire. " ] Shortly after midnight the rntllo of hoof and clanking of sabers announced the arrival of the mounted gendarmes nnd Gardes do Paix. In a twinkle the place before the prison was cleared of all but a few journalists and the police ngcnts. The crowd , driven back ou all sides , formed again nt either end ot the place , shouting nud singing. Then came a long pause. About 3 o'clock the rumble of wheels was heard In the direction of the Rue des Folles Kecnault. A few minutes afterward a cart came jolting over the paving stones towards the entrance of the llttlo avenue fac ing the prison gate. There It halted and the executioners assistants jumped off. .Then for half an hour a dreadful sound of hammer ing rose above the songs and cat calls. "Monsieur do Paris" and his mon were pre paring the Inn woods of justice for the tragic business before them. As the hammering ceased , a cab drove up In the place and tlio prison chaplain , Abbo Fauro , stepped out with tlio procureur de In rcpublHiuc and hur rying past the guillotluo disappeared In the prison door. OFF WKXT ins A IS o'clock precisely the priest was scon Issuing fiom the prison gnte. Behind him came Pran/Iul , gnastly pale , led by four executioner's assistants. As ho neared the scaffold ho faltered for n moment , then turning with n dreadful smile of hgotiy kissed the crucifix nnd walked forward steadfastly. The next Instant the kulfo tell. Prnnzlni had expiated his crime. Meeting of the League In Dublin. DUIILIN , August S ) . William O'Brlon editor of United Ireland , presided to-day over thu fortnightly meeting of the Irish Na tional league in this city. The meeting was unusually largo. A number of Catholic cler gymen were present Mr. Hartington an nounced that Charles Augustus Yanslttart Conybeare , radical , member of parliament ( or North west Cornwall , and Charles Ernest Bchwnnn , liberal , member for North Man chester , had joined the league. O'Brien laid that the first branch of the league against which ttio government should issue the proclamation would hold its meeting with closed doors and refuse to open them for the police , even If they demanded admittance. This would leave the police nothing to debut but to break their way In if they were de termined to enter. As the police would probably resort to this violence , the central branch of the league would then ask the lord mayor to grant them the use of the city hall , wltli special police to defend it during thu league meetings therein. A majority of the Dublin city council , as well ns the lord mayor , are strong nationalists and leadois In the league. THIS MANITOBA TUOUHLK. What the "Standard" Has to Say About It. LONDON. August 30. The Stindard , re ferring to tlio Manitoba railway trouble , lays : "Tho moro clearly the rleliu of the question are understood the moro emphatic will bo the opinion here that the Mauitouans re trying to derive unfair ndvnntago from their geographical position. The best prospect tor settlement lies In the direction of a com promise ot which the piellminarr ought to bo the Immediate suspension ot work on thu Manitoba lallwav lino. No effort shall be snared to conciliate tlio Manltobans but limy must be made to conform to thulr duties is British subjects nnd Canadian citUons. " Business Failure. PHILADELPHIA , August BO. Tlio assign ment of Robert Hare Powell's Sons & Co. , e.\tensl\o coal nnd iron operators , lias just been announced. John C. Brndloy , who Is manager and partner In both firms of Robert 11 are Powell it Co nnd Robert Hare Powell Sous it Co. , Mated that the talluro was thu result of the suspension of Charles E. Pemwk , of Co.its- vllle. nu extensive Iron plato merchant , \\lioo paucr bore the eudoisomeut ot both the iirius of Robert Ilaro Powell & Co. nnd the junior one of Robert Hare Powell Sons ACo. . The liabilities nro placed at CIjuO,000 ! , which is assumed to bo the nigre- gnto amount ot which they became endorsers ot Pen nock's notes thnt were pro tested ye.steid.iv , while the ns.sots , cou- Blstln ? ofnst tracts otaluablo coal lands nud appurtenances , nro fixed at 4,000,000. A circular Issued by Messrs. Powell t Co. , to their creditors says they hnvo conveyed their property nnd claims to tlio Guarantee. Trust nnd Sato Deposit com pany of this city. Threshing Machine Kxcciulon. FLINT , Mich , August SO. A threshing ma- Shlno was blown up live miles In the country ind several people are reported killed nnd kins aud stock are burning. . V DEAD IN TI1EIII XIlACKt ) . Four Mon Shot nnd Killed In a New Mexico Vendetta * SANTA FK , N. M. , August 80. Two yenra ngo Albert A. Mcado came from Iowa nnd located mines at Goodhopo , N. M. A short time after locating these claims , Mcadc , in company with Fred and Harvey Meade , from Aledo , Ills. , Frank lUedol and O. Smith , of Chicago , Incorporated the property under tbo laws of Illinois under the name of Las Luces Milling and Mining company. A few months ngo Albert Mcade became dissatisfied claiming that the company was attempting to swindle him out of his share of tuo prop erty , lie brought suit to regain possession of the property nnd went to Santa Fe to live. On Wednesday ho left Santa Fo for Meadovlllo Gump for the purK)3o | of securing papers he had left When Mead first made known his pur pose , Fred nud Mr. Hands weru absent On Friday morning they returned to camp. When their team was waiting about fifty yards from the company's cabin , Albert stepped out from beiilnd a busti with n Win chester in his hand and ordered a halt. Albert called Hands and ordered him to call Harvey Mead and Joe Downing out of the cabin , saying he desired them to keep out until ho could search for some money and papers which ho had concealed. About this tlmo Harvey Meade and Downing came out of the cabin. As they appeared Albert fired and Downing tell dead. A second shot killed Harvey Meade. Turning towards the wagon Albert then opened tire on Its occupants , the third shot fatally wounding Hands. By this tlmo Fred a Meade had secured a six shooter which Hands had , and attempted o tire at Albert Mende , but the weapon snapped. Albert fired at Fred five times In rapid suc cession and while thus engaged Fred 1 Mcade was running towards him. Finally they clutched nnd a desperate struggle ensued for the possession of the weapon. At last Fred Meade pot the Winchester from Albert and with It knocked him down and shot him through the heart. Hands died five hours later. Albert A. Meado's body was buried face downward and the remains ot the other three were In terred at Trespledras , Tliocoronor's Investi gation resulted in the acquittal of Fred Meade. U. P. UUIDGE TOLLS. A Compromise Is Effected by the Iowa ItoadH. CmcAno , Aug. 30. Chairman Fnlthorn ot tlio Northwestern Height bureau announces that ho has cllected a compromise with Mr. Potter , In the interests of the Iowa roads , relative to the proposed raise of brldgo toll rates , which is understood to bo 3 cents per 100 pounds , and not to exceed 85.00 n car load , which moans nn addition of SI.OU per cor lend , instead of S4.00 as proposed , HUMORED DEFALCATION. Accounts of a Big Cattle Syndicate's Manager. CHICAGO , August 30. A rumor reached this city to-day from Fort Worth , Tex. , that Burton 11. Campbell , manager of the Texas State Cattle syndicate's ranch , had been arrested herechar ed with tlio embezzlement of 8300,000. Inquiry at the office of the syn dicate In this city elicited a denial of the ar rest of Campbell. It was learned , however , thnt the syndicate had become dissatisfied with Campbell's management and had de posed him. An investigation of his accounts Is now in progress , but the officers of the syndicate refuse to make nny statement as to the result. Campbell lives nt WlchitaKan. , and Is said to have accumulated a good deal of property slnco ho has been In charge of the Si iidicato's affairs. The Crops of the South. BALTIMOHE , August 30. The Manufact urer's Record ot this week contains about live pages of special reports from the entire south as to crops ind tlio condition of busi ness. The corn crop of the south is unpreco- dontodly largo , exceeding tlio yield of IbSG by over50,000,000 bushels , the yield of 18S3 by 70,000,000 bushels nnd the yield of lfaS4 by 107,000,000 bushels. The south will this year , It is said , bo iiearlv self-supporting in tlio matter of corn , .ind many millions of dollars thnt have heretofore gone west for corn will this season bo saved to southern farmers. The advanced prices for tobacco will , it is claimed , counterbalance to farmers the de crease in the yield , duo mainly to decreased acreage. Other ctops have , with a few x- ceutions. been very good , and it is said that farmers will enjoy creator prosperity than tor many seasons. Business prospects are reported brighter than over before and one corresondcnt predicts that this will bo noted as ndcbt paying year. A nig ICailrond Scheme. CHICAGO , August 30. It was reported hero to-day that the Wisconsin Central company Is heavily Interested In the deal on foot to oust the present management of the North ern Pacific , the purpose being to turn the Northern Pacific traffic over to the Wiscon sin Central lines aud to make the Central's Chicago terminus moro valuable. The latter property represents an outlay of 5000,000 nnd the larger part of the money wns advanced by J. A. Uockafellcr , of the Standard Oil . company. At pres ent but two companies are using the facilities , the Wisconsin and Minnesota & Northern , and their business is not suf ficient to pay the interest on the bonds. Rock- afoilor owns 3500.000 ot Union Pacific stock , is a largo shareholder in Oregon Transconti nental , and with Elijah Smith has pooled is sues to secure control of tlio Northern Pacific , as stated. Both partlosjaro actively canvass ing among the Chicago shareholders of the last mentioned company to secure the use of proxies at the coming election. Going For Bank Directors. CINCINNATI , AuguslSO. An evening paper says that Receiver Armstrong , who is in charge of the Fidelity National bank , has pre pared a petition to bo filed against the late directors of that bank for a sum aggregating bet ween 83,000,000 and 83,000.000. They will bo charged with betrayal o ! tholr trusts as di rectors aud with having becomo'lndlvidually liable for the losses of depositors. Heath ot'a St. Joe Iluslncss Man. ST. Josr.pit , Mo. , August 30. | Special Telegram to the BEK. I Robert Claop , aged twenty-six years , of the linn of Musser A Clnpp , oxteiislve lumber dealers In St Joe died this morning at the residence of his parents in Iowa City after nn illness of ten days of tvplioid fever. Ho was taken sick in this city and went to Iowa city in company with his wifo. to whom ho wns married n few weeks ago. Ho was ono nf the representative young business men of St. Joo. Mannlng's Ilcalth Improving. NKW Yonic , 'August SO. Ex-Socretary Manning and family came up from Long Branch yesterday , and arc at the J lfth Ave nue hotel , where ho will remain for a few days. His health has been somowlmt im proved by Ins stay nt the beach , but ho has not recovered complete control of his para lyzed side. _ A Chlnamnu Murdered. MAIWIALL , Mo , , August SO. The body of n Chinaman was found lying along the Chicago aud Alton railway track near ( ill- liani , this county , with his left arm and neck bror.en , and a handkerchief stuffed In tils mouth. It Is thouuht he was robbed and then thrown from the night train. Held In $1UOOO nail. FiiF.r.poiiT , 111. , August 30. U.ivid D. Shirley , who attempted to murder Charles A. Wlnshlp , of Minneapolis , a week ngo , was nealn committed to day In Sio.wvj ball. Win- ( hip could not appear , though ho is getting better. The DnrrlHhcH Defeated. CAIKO. August so. Tlio Kabbablsh tribe has defeated the Dervishes In the Baggara countiy , killing 1,300 nf them. The Abys- slnlaus nru moving against the Dervishes via Scnuaar. " DIDN'T ' KNOW IT WAS LOADED , Axel Bern Accidentally Killed by a Pistol Shot at Wahoo , A SIMILAR FATALITY AT ORD. Floods Sweep Away Houses anil _ Ilrldgo at rilvcrton Ono Man Stabs Another at nrownvlllo Other Nebraska News- Accidentally Shot. WAHOO , Neb. , August 30. | Special to the BEE. I About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the hired man of John Born living two miles west of town , shot nud fatally wounded Axel Bern , the seventeen year old son of his em ployer , while tinkering with n 44-callbro re volver. The ball penetrated the chest Imme diately under tho' right arm. Without Foundation. MASON CITV , Neb. , August 30. [ Special Telegram to the BKI : . ] Ihero Is no truth whatever In the dispatch from Broken Bow In this morning's BEE concerning an alleged murder near this place last Saturday night. There has been no murder committed. Mrs. Kelley , wife of James Kelley , an Industilous and peaceable farmer , died quite suddenly last Friday night during her husband's ab sence. The report was spread that the woman died from the e ( Toots of a boating given her by her husband , but upon an in vestigation by several clti/ens It was found that the report was without foundation and the matter was dropped. Upon the arrival of Mrs. Kelley's parents the rumors were again circulated that the woman'o death was caused by cruel treatment , and it was d o- clded to hold an inquest The sherlit was called for that puinose , but after Investigat ing the mnttet fully ho decided there wns no cnuso for holding on inquest. Flood at Itlvcrton. Iliviiivrox , Neb. , August 30. [ Special Tel egram to the BKI : . | There were heavy rains hero last night. Thompson creek , running through town , Is higher than over known be fore. A number of houses , stables , carpenter and blacksmith shops were washed down atiainst the B. & M. brldeo. .Some stock was drowned. The damage further up tlio creek Is unknown. No lives were lost as far as known. The bridge , clshtv-llvo feet long , just west of Rlverton , is washed out , but will bo ready for trains to cross about noon to day. Trains Nos. 40 and 12 will bo about eighteen hours late. A Cyclone Near Naponoe. REPUDLICAN CITY , Neb. , August 30. [ Special Telegram to the BKE. | The north ern part of Phillips county , Kansas , and the sou them portion of Franklin county , Ne braska , was visited by a severe cyclone yesterday - terday afternoon. At 3 o'clock the storm began forming with a very strongsoutli wind blowing. At 4 o'clock the formation was complete. At a point four miles south of southwest of this city the funnel dropped to the earth and the destruction became an active reality. Frame and sod houses , barns , trees , crops , stacked grain nnd liny were raised to the ground for the width of fifty feet as the storm passed northeast with liglit- nlnsr rapidity , passing ; n little east ot Napo- nee , Neb. A considerable amount of ll\o stock was killed and maimed. One man , it is reported , was fatally Injured. A heavy rain fell. It Is impossible , as yet , to get full particulars. Killed While Hunting. Onn. Neb. , August 30. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE.J J. Meacham , pub lisher of i'ork , Neb. , was accidentally shot and killed about S o'clock tills mornlnz. To gether with A. N. Baker , a friend , nnd a drummer named N , W. ilalsig , of Kansas City , ho started out in a buggy to go hunting , and , when about n mlle out of town , stood un to shoot at some birds , when Flnlslc's gun was accidentally discharged , the sliot passing through Ills jugular vein , killing him in stantly. The remains will bo taken uoiue to-day. Serious Cutting Affray. Bitow.vviu.E , Neb. , August 30. [ Special to the BKE.J Saturday evening about 12 o'clock two young lads by the name of John Wilson nnd I. Plasters , attor drinking too f reclv , proceeded to use each other tin. Wil son drew a bull dog pistol and while trying to make It bark Plasters proceeded to cut his jugular vein In two with n Inrgo knife. After three or tour gashes the parties were seper- atcd. Wilson is badly cut up , but will pioba- ely survive. Tim Camp Thnycr Programme. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 30. iSpecInl tele gram to the BKE.J The further announce ments at Camp Thaycr are made this evnn- ng that Thursday at the camp will bo Gov ernor's day and a grand review of all the torops and n reception. Friday will bo the grand parade and marching day , during which time the the entire brigade of 1,200 will inarch through the principal streets ot the city. It will be ouo ot the great days ot tlio encampment. Jay-Eye-See For the State Fair. LINCOLX , Neb. , August 30. [ Special Tolo- giam to the BKE.J The state fair rnanngors announce to-night that they have secured for three days at the coming fair , the celebrated trotter , Jay-Eye-See , tlio first visit of this celebrated hoi so In the western country. Jay- Eyo-See will trot Wednesday , September 14 , against his record , and will remain on the grounds and bo exhibited on the track tlio two following days. A Large Shipment of Live Stock. COLUMUUS , Neb. , August 80. [ Special to the BIE.J : There were shipped from Colum bus on Saturday 33. " > ,030 worth of fat cattle and hogs over the Union Pacific nnd B. < te M. roads nnd 2,000 head wcro brought into Platta county from Kansas and Iowa to bo win tered here. The peeler weather nnd fre quent showers of the uast ton days have im proved the corn prospect and aio stimulat ing fail pasturage. The Indian school at Genoa received yes terday an addition of twentv-soven children , nil from the Omaha reservntlon. They were in charge of two Winnebago Indians who had received their education at the govern ment schools nt Carlisle In Pennsylvania , and at Genoa. They were both intelligent , easy of approach , and readily answeted nil questions asked them , while waiting to change cars lor their destination , Heavy Kiln In Hatindcrx County. WAHOO , Neb. , August 30. ( Special to tlio BEI : . ] During the last twenty-four hours it has rained continuously , Saunders county experiencing the heaviest rainfall of year * . Though too late to help the corn crop , it will prove of great benefit to fall pastures. A Wrathy Lawyer. Sioux Cirr , la. , August 30. The defense In the Haddock murder case came Into court to-day to plead for delay In the trial of Munchrath , which Is set for Monday next A postponement was granted till Wednesday. In tlio course of the debate this afternoon O. C. Treadway. attorney tor the defense , de livered n long tirade against the pulpit , Dress , prosecution and public opinion. Ho abused Judge Lewis , who presided at the trial of Arensdorf , and charged that there was a con spiracy to postpone the trial nf Arensdorf and other conspirators until the legislature should provide a law for removing the cases to another county. Tlio argument was pe culiar. nsTredway was speaking on a motion for delay , while the state wns urging immedi ate trial. Additions to the Faculty. IOWA CITY , August 30. Prof. Joseph J. Skinner , of the Massachusetts Institute ot technology , has been elected to the chair of civil engineering in the state university. L. U. Wild was elected to the position of acting professor of mathematics and astronomy in place oirra jbtiu , jeslgned. SHUUMAN AND THE FISHERIES. Ho Denies the Printed Statements and Gives Uia View * . CINCINNATIAugust 80. The Commercial- . Gazette prints communication from Sena tor Sherman in which ho makes dental of the tv views alleged to have been expressed by him on the fishery question to Senator Ogilvlo , of J the Dominion government , and extensively printed throughout the United States. He says : "I had n con versation wltli Senator Ogllrio In the nresenco of a number of gentlemen , 'n which I took exactly the opposite position , mt while the Canadian government had 'gally the right to exclude American fisher- ien within a three-mile limit of their shore , t was an act of bad policy to do so , and that heir dental to American fishermen of com mercial rights to socle shelter and buy jalt and supplies In Canadian ports was Inconsistent with a civilized and goner- us policy of modern commercial nations , ud that 1 hoped It would bo promptly aban- oncd ns the best preparation for more lutl- uato relations between the United States nnd ho Dominion government. These views , In ubstanco , were published In the papers at Winnipeg , and I feel quite sure that Senator ) -llvio never authorized the publication of io statement 1 have quoted. " TIIU BItlDQE. Bold Attempt to Wreck a Train on the Wauanh Roitd. LAFAYETTE , Ind. , August 30. An at- empt was made yesterday morning to burn lie bridge over the culvert on the Wabash railway one mlle eastof _ this city. A freight 'rain came around the curve at full speed ( , nd the nf ineer ? edhg the tire put on steam ml pas.sod over safely. The second section ( f the train was flagged and stopped before t reached the bridge and the train men put < ) ut the fire. As the engineer of the first | tain reached the burning bridge , he saw a man i run out from his hiding place near by nd disappear In the woods. Fred May Fighting Fall. NEWPOUT , R. I. , August 30. [ Special Tel- gram to the BEE. | Fred May , who once oreewhipped J. G. Bennett In front of the Union club , Now York , and has long been making himself notorious by his destructive tvays when In cups , has again made himself onsplcuous. Un Friday ho and liay Miller , also of New York , visited Charles Kates , who has apartments in Uerkoly , one of New- iort'8 most fashionable bachelor apartments. They were under the Influence of liquor , and beloio morning they were , ns is otten the case , ready for mischief. Theybroko Into the npaitments of a strange gentleman , smashed the furniture and nearly cleaned out the fipartments. Bates endeavored to srcuro as sistance from a policeman , but the latter gave none , being in tearof personal violence. May and Miller ceased their woric only when exhausted. .Lieutenant Governor Hovoy , who has charge ot the JJerkcly , made com plaint against the policeman , who was sus pended. May lied to Nariangausett pier but Miller icmalns in town. A Mystery Cleared Up. MAHSIIALI , , Mo. , August30. About a yea ngo Mrs. Kllza McAllister , nn elderly ladr of Terre Haute , Ind. , was mysteriously lost rora n Chicago & Alton train between St. Louis and Kansas City. She was noticed upon the train until It approached this vicinity , and she was missed. Her relatives visited here , nnd every effort was made to find her. Her son In Indiana advertised very extensively her disappearance and offered 51,000 reward for her discovery , dead or alive. Hnr remains have been found on the Mis souri river bank , just below the Saline boundary. The only umy in which Mia could bo Identified was by a ting upon her left hand bearing her name. Tt'o llcsh was entirely cone , and only her bleached bones were lound. At the time of her departure she had a gold watch , money and n check for 6100. It Is believed she foil or wns thrown from the train crossing the river nt Glasgow. Clever Escape of Convicts. KINGSTON , Ont , , August 80. Two con victs in the provincial penitentiary named Kelly and Scoon escaped to-day , tailing to the lake In a yachf owned by Warden La- vellc. During the afternoon Warden Lavelle nnd other officials had been cruising about the lake with Kelly acting ns enuincor aud Scoon ns fireman. When the yacht returned and drew up alongside of the wharf tlio offi cials stcpund oil' and suddenly the crntt shot out into the lake with a lull head ot steam. The officials aud guards on the prison walls fired , but the convicts escaped the tusllado by lying down behind the boiler. Before a steamer could bo procured topuraiio them the convicts had worked up to Four Mlle Point and wcro heading for the American side. Two ollicers in n jaclit wore sent in pursuit , followed by the steamer Uiuim Calvin , which cut through the channel to head oil tha craft botoro it could reach American waters. The Plntto Toum Victorious. HKI.I.KVUI : , Neb. , August 30 [ Special Tele gram to thelJEE.j The department team match atknown distances was conducted in a heavy wind and rain storm. The contest kept up from 8:30 : a. in. to 3 p. m. without a moment's delay. The Department of the Platte team comes out victorious by eighteen l > olnts the majority a crand display of su- porlor marksmanship. The followlngaro the teams In their respective order and their to tals : Department of the Platte . 1931 Department of Texas . 1901 Department ot Texas . 1880 Department of the Missouri . 1873 A Horrible Way to Die. llitooKiiYN , N. V. , August 30 , Last night at the station of the Brooklyn elevated rail road at Lexington and Sunnier avenues , just as a train was arriving at the station , n man named A. Golly , deliberately threw himself in front of it , and was literally crround to pieces , his entrails being strewn along the pavement below for e distance of twenty ieet. Crops. TOPEKA , August 30. Reports from elethty- seven crop cortespondents show that there Is sufficient farm produce raised to supply the homo demand If properly distributed. Forty- six counties will reduce the wheat acreage be low last year nnd eleven will Increase It , while other counties will sow the same acreage ns last > ear. Cremated While Insano. CLAUION , Pa. , August 30. Mrs. Belle Feely , an insane inmate ot the county jail , was cremated In her cell yesterday , the re sult of a tire which < 3ho had kindled with paper torn from the walls. The Lavniiua Fire. LEVANNA , O. , August 30. Over twenty dwellings , besides a large mill known as the Boyd Manufacturing company , were burned by jesterdays lire. The town is nlmost de stroyed. Loss , 8100.000 ; Insurance light. The Now Voile Democrats. SAKATOOA , N. Y. , Aujust 30. The state democratic committee issued a call for the state convention to bo held at Saratoga Springs Tuesday , September " 7 , to nominate candidates for state offices. The Fire Hccord. RICHMOND , Ky. , August 30. About 12 o'clock last night tire broke out In n livery stable aud spread to the business portion nf the elty , which was nearlv destroyed. Loss , $60,000 ; Insurance , 820,000. Threaten to Strike. WAt'KESiiA , August 80. The Wisconsin Central locomotive engineers threaten to strike against tlio superintendent of the ma chinery In the shops iiete , and ask in n reso lution to the railroad company that ho bo re moved. Still Getting Quotatlon < > . CINCINNATI , August 30. The bucket shops nre getting quotations from the Chicago board of trade ns usual tn-day'but their man- acem nro blind ui to their nay of obUlning iuem. GORMAN BADLY DISGRUNTLED An Indication That Ho Has Lost His In fluence With Cleveland. FERGUSON LEFT IN THE COLD , News Front the Ute Trouble Instruc tions to Governor Adams The Inter-State Commission . National New * . Professor nalrd's Huccr-mor. WASHINGTON , August 30. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The appointment by the president ot Prof. S. Brown Geode to bo United States commissioner of fish and fisheries is looked upon as an indication thnt Senator Gorman , ot Maryland , will not hnvo as muchc Inlluono with the president from this time forward ns ho has enjoyed In the pant Mr. Gorman had a man for this place. Ho was a warm supporter of the candidacy of Major Ferguson , the deputy commissioner , Ferguson Is the son-in-law of ex-Governor Swan , of Maryland , and he was very anxious to secure the promotion. He has boon un ceasing In his efforts ever since Prof. Balrd died. Ho became so Importunate that ho president was distrusted. Gorman and there were called upon to work In Fer guson's Interest and on the day before the resident selected Judge McCue to hold the > ositton tcra-porurlly , Ferguson's friends told ilm that the office must DO filled at once , as he ten davs allowed by law were about to ixplro. and Major Ferguson would not bo re- ponslblo for the disbursement of tlio funds of the commission unless he should bo offi cially designated to act as commissioner. This decided the president to act at one * , lie asked Assistant Secretary Thompson to ac cept the temporary designation , but that ; entleman said that be should have to do- illne , as acceptance would bring too much idlcule upon him because ho had no know- edee whatever of scientific subjects. Juctpo McCuo wns out of the city at the time , and It was pnrtly because of this fact that the presl- lent decided to name him for tlio place. When McCuo returned to Washington , ho considered that the place was meant tor him > ern > anently. When ho heard unofficially hat the appointment was only temporary , 10 was very Indignant , and declared that ho cnew better , that the president would not 'Insult" him by n temporary appolnt- uent , and that ho could and would till the position ns well as nny one else. Last night the president sent for Professor Geode and after a brief talk with him he decided hat he was the best man tor tlio position that could bo selected. The appointment was made shortly after noon. An hour be fore that Judge McCuo said that ho had not made up his mind whether ho would accept or decline. It was evident from his manner that he Intended to accent. When ho heard of the subsequent action of the president , ho was veiy much put out and declines to dis cuss tlio subject at nil. The selection of Professor Geode Is regarded ns tlio best that could possibly have been made. Mr. Geode lias made fish n special study , and under him the valuable work begun by Professor Balrd will doubtless be carried ou under thu plan which that gentleman had laid out. Tlio onlv persons who criticise the appointment are the friends of Gorman audlFerguson , who arc very much disgruntled. The Ute Trouble. WASHINGTON , August 30. General Terry telegraphs from Chicago to the war depart ment to-day requesting that Indian Agent Byrnes bo instructed to remove from his reservation nil intruders , as tlio civil and military authorities , In tholr excitement , may forget that state writs do not extend beyond Lho limit of a state and may precipitate a general outbreak of the reservation Indians by crossing the border. Telegraphic Instructions were sent this afternoon by the president to Governor Adams to confine the actions of the civil au thorities strictly within the limits of the statute. General Terry telegraphs from Chicago to the adjutant general that ho has received n dispatch from Commander Handlett , dntcd Fort Uu Chesue , saj Ing that Colorow and all his followers nre now nt Ouiny ngency , and manifest a disposition to remain on the res ervation. The militia and cowboys hold n hundred horses nnd a thousand sheep nnd gents belonging to Colorow nnd Chlplta , Onrny's widow. This stock was cnulng on land claimed by the Indians as belonging to their reservation , nnd where they have boon permitted by their ngent to live for years , Colorado settlers have claimed locations there nnd succeeded in driving the Indians In. Colorow , has not in this trouble been ou the war path , nnd has made his way to the res ervation avoiding hostilities as lar ns pos sible. J WASHINGTON , August 30 , A telegram from Indian Agent Byrnes to tlio Indian commissioner says Colorow nnd followers nro at the agency and do not want to fight. Major Leslie , who fired on the Indians on the Dorder reservntlon , took possession and run elf 300 head of Indian horse ? . The cow boys are breakinir these horses tor their own use. The Indians , when attacked , were ou a peaceable huiUlng expedition nnd believed they ImdnrigV to hunt on these lands. Ho requests the war department to instinct the commander at Fort Duohesno to recover tlio noises and other property and return them to the reservation. The Indian commis sioner lias Instructed Byrnes to remove from the reservation all persons found thereon contrary to law , to restore to the Indians all the property abandoned by thum and that the military would bo ordered to co-oper.uo In enforcing the instructions. The secretary of the intotlor has telegraphed Governor Adams to deliver to Indian Agent Byrnes the horses and other property taken by Major Leslie. Iowa and Neura ka Pensions. WASHINGTON , August 30. ( Special lele- gram to the BEI : . ] The following Iowa and Nebraska pensions weio granted to-day : Susan , widow of Jacob Wakelield , Fayctto. Original : Harvev Church , Mondall ; George W.Smith. Beaman ; Cyrus S.Baldwin , Mount Ayr ; Edward F. Wiley , Washington ; Shop- pord W. Bolts , Saylorvlllo ; Charles O. Lard , Grinncll : Aaron R. Lunt. Sully , increases : Frederick Reed. Elliott ; John Baikor , Win- tcrsot : Reuben J. Foster , St. Charles ; John L. Hall , Elkpoit ; Samuel N. Duncan. Ploas- antvillo ; Frederick Hour , Cherokee. Mexican war : Wllkcabare M. Leltz , Rowley. Orig inal Invalids : Samuel Walters , 1aurldcs ; Edgar Updyke , Red Oak : Henry J. Aukony , Corning ; Henry ArnoldOttumwa. Increases : Georga M. Booton , Sidney ; Henderson C. Blakely , Imogone ; William R. Grenn. Cairo ; James Elliott , Gravity ; Benjamin F. Yates , P.\lo ; Lachlan McKfnnon. Minerva : James S. Qulnn. Oxford ; William O. Madison , Panora : Charles 11. Evans , Stockhnm : Bar ney H.RIope.Kontonollo ; Himry 0.Williams , Alexandria : Leonides R. Kintian , Cresoo , Increase : Marcus L. Latham , Scotia ; Dun can Clark , Chapman. Nebraska : Increases : James T. Delaware , Falls Cltv ; William S.Stow.irtByron. Restor ation : I'lillIp C. Richards , Lincoln. PntontH WASHING rev , Auust 'M. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE.J 'I ho following patents were Issued to Iowa Inventors to-day : Henry Di'lcliler , Mlneoia. combined cultivator nnd harvester ; Philip Hllmer , Clinton , electro magnetic dental mallet and plupgor ; John Jellsoot , Onuwa. luy rake , loidcr nud stacker ; George W. Moignn and S. P. Herri Creswoll , feed troiuh ; Louis ICUsler. Des Maine' , Imlro-pnminiiitlo ongluo ; Wcsloy Klinker , Union Mills , horsu rake ; George W. Litwton , Center Point , car coupling. Also the tallowing Nebraska inventors : David L. Fiindeiburg , Salem , end gate ; Charles 11. Godfrey , Fremont , water s'ipply system. Lands RoHtored to Settlement. WASHINGTON , Auutut 30. Acting Com missioner Ktackslager , of the general land office , lias Issued the necessary instructions tocarry into eirect Secretary Lamar's recent order restoring to settlement nnd entry lands with the indemnity limits of nnd withdrawn for the benefit of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis A Omaha railroad company , excluding those selected on the main line from Hudson to Superior , the Wisconsin Farm Mortgage company , and Wisconsin Central railroad company. About 335,000 acres will bo restored by these orders. The Intcr-St td Commission. WASHINGTON , August 30. The parties to some of tha cases appointed for hearing by the Inter-state commerce commission In Chicago cage about the 7th of September , having asked for postponement until October , It Is probable that the commission will give Its assent , and that It will hold no public ses sions as to concluding Its labors at Rutland , Vt. . until the middle ot September at which tlmo It meets In Minneapolis to hear n sorles of cases relating chleltv to the movement of grain. It is expected thnt Its session nt Rut land will cover thrco or four days. The most Important case to be heard is one in which all American trunk lines nro ure.sumably Inter ested , ns against tlio Grand Trunk , the nllo- gallon being substantially that the latter , n foreign corporation , Is making dciurturos in the matter of through , as compared with local ates from principles which under the tutor- itnto law the American roads are compelled o heed. _ The National Military Encampment. WASHINGTON , August 30. The president will Isssue to-morrow a proclamation nllow- ng the tree entry of arms , munition nnd bag- ago or such foreign military organizations s may desire to participate In the national nllltary encampment and drill to bo held In Jhlcaeo In October next , upon satisfactory issurnnccs belne given that nonoof the ar- Iclcs shall bo held or permitted to remain In his country. _ Promotions In the Nnvjr. WASHINGTON , August 30. By the retire ment of Rear Admiral John Leo Davis , ivhlch was announced to-day , the following ironotlons will bo caused : Commander Bralne , to be rear admiral ; Captain George Drown , to bo commodore : Commnndor Wll- lam Whttohead , to bo Captain ; Lieutenant Joiuinander G. A. Shoiky , to bocommnnder ; ' .lieutenant D. F. Dllly. to be commands ; jloutenantJ. O. Nicholson ( junior grade ) , .o bo lieutenant ; Ensign G. W. ' Dontiold , to M lieutenant ( junior ) . Tendered Balrd'a Petition. WASHINGTON , August 30. The president o-day appointed Prof. G. Brown Goodc , as- Istant director of the National museum , to ie commissioner of fish and fisheries , vice 'rof. F. S. li.Urd , doconscd. Judge McCue , lOllcitor of tlio treasury , who was first ton- lered the position , declined It because of his 'ack ' of science. The President's Pinna. WASHINGTON , August 30. It Is tlio Inton- ion of the president to spend the next few weeks nt Oak View. Ho regards this hlsvaca- Ion tlmo nnd while ho will spend It near the capltol , so thnt ho can nttend to nctunl public business , ho will not feel obliged wlusn neo- essarlly called to the white house to devote any time to persons seeking places or merely desirous of paying their respects. GoncrnI Hlack'fi Condition. WASHINGTON , August 30. General John C. Black , commissioner of pensions , has been confined tolas house since his return rom Weirs , N. II. . sulTeilng from an nttnck of rheumatism , and tins been compelled to caneel all engagements which would neces sitate his leaving the city during the coming mouth. _ Yesterday's Cntunor Mooting. WASHINGTON , August 30. The cabinet meeting to day was attended by Secretary Bayard , Acting Secretaries Thompson , Mnc- focly nnd Muldrow , aud Acting Attorney General Jeuks. _ Yachts Must He Inspected. WASHINGTON. August 30. Supervising Inspector specter General Dummontu has decided that the hulls and boilers oC all steam , yachts , no matter how sunll , must undergo Inspection and that their pilots and engineers must be licensed. Postal WASIIINOTOV , August ro. ( Special Tele gram to the Bni.l A postofllce has been es tablished nt Vhginln. Gngo county , nud John Y. Allen appointed postmaster. The Prince 1'ays Ills Kcspocts. WASHING TON , August 30. Piluce Tho- koro Sakib , ot Llmbdl , called nt the white house this afternoon nnd paid his lespccts to the president. CONFLICTING HIS POUTS . Ono Snya Colorow IH Moving on KaitRely , the Other Contradicts It. DnNvnn , Colo. , August 30. [ Special Tele gram to the Bni : . | Xo dolinito news from the Indian trouble to-day. One report says the Indians nre moving on Rangcly , nnd n battle expected ovcry moment if it has not already taken place. Another , that all the Indians have been taken to the leservatlon at Ulntnh by tlio regulars except a few left be hind to care tor the wounded , unable to bo moved. One thing , however. Is certain. The Indians have demanded the surrender ot 400 ponies CHDtured by the militia. This is agreed upon providing the Utos give up Colo- row and the two Utes wanted for horse steal ing which the Indians positively refuse to do. If the militia attempt to retreat to Meeker as they are talking of doing- the Utes will attack them and attempt to recover tha ponies when another battle will tnko place. Governor Adams anived nt Camp Adams last night. General Crook Is expected to day. Governor Adams has sent a courier to Colorow asking him to meet him and Crook In council. Lincoln Doesn't Wane the Presidency. TOI.KDO , August 30. Tlio Blado'sChlcagc correspondent has Interviewed Robert T. Lincoln ns to the use of his name on the next republican national ticket Mr. Lincoln says : " 1 simply could not accept the nomi nation to the vlco presidency. To take any office nt nil would bo n great flacrllioo of my business Interests. I most certainly should not accept a nomination for tlio vlco presi dency were it tendered. " As to being a can didate for the presidency Lincoln said : "I regret the use of my name in connection with nny public olllco whatever. It seems d illicit it for the nvorngo American to understand that it is possible for any ono not to desire tint presidency , but I most cer tainly do not I have seen too much of It. I can well remember the ticmcndoiis burden my father was called upon to bear. 1 have seen enough of the Inside ot Washington of ficial life to have lost all deslro for It. The presidential otllco Is but a glided prison. Its cares nud worry out weigh the honor which surrounds the position. 1 don't think there Is nny likelihood of my rccolvWg the. nomina tion. The men who mnko the ticket would hnidly do so without exacting certain pledges and those pledges 1 would not give. Abandoned at Bon. HALIFAX , N. S. , Auzust SO. Captain Ilyde , of the Richmond Hill , which arrived this mornlnz , , reports falling Inltn the German bark , lllghll } or , of Klstletli , which ho sighted Saturday. After passing her the bark ran up signals of distress , nnd bearliu down on her , Captain Hyde was Informed that tlioossel was in a helpless .state , nnd the captain said that the crow ml used to work. She lias over live thousand barrels of oil aboard nud Is n valuable prUu. Chnrtcr Oak Pork Itnuns. IlAitTFoui ) , Conn. , Augiut 30 , Tlio grand circuit meeting at Charter Oak opened tins afternoon. First iaco'JU'J : class : Billy Freer won.Clnrn M'cond , Jessie third , Camlllo louitli , Beat . 2l8paclug : : Ednnnnn won , Duplex second , others distanced. Time - : \ } i. 8:31 : class , three starters : Fnrnna won , David L. second. Wallace third. Tlmo-'JUU. An Old Itcsldont Drmd. ELGIN , 111. , August 30. William Owen , a resident of El 'in for forty y M , died this morning , aged seventy-one. Ho wo * a na tive of Otsego county , New York. THE WORLD OF PASTIMES ; The Omahas Beaten bj the Lincoln Bati lessors Yesterday. THE SCORE SEVEN TO TWO/ / A Draw Game Hctwccn Kansas CItf and Rmporla Annthor Omaha > Prize Flcht In rrospoot9 All Other BportH. f Lincoln Downn Omaha. / , LINCOLN , Neb. . August 0. ( Special Tolcx gram to the BKK. ] The Lincoln and Omaha clubs , In the face ot soft and slippery ground * and lowering clouds , played their schedule game of ball to-day to nn audlcnco of 150. ' The wretched condition of the grounds took ) away any interest In the game , for In no' position outside the batting could good world1 bo done and nny kind of Interesting baso' running was out of thn question. Had the grounds allowed running the homo club batted heavily enough to have had' four home runs In Instances whoa the best tlmo that could bo made only credited two and thrco base hits. Swnrtzell for the homo team pitched In Una style , only seven actual hits bcingmndo ( off his delivery , and at the close of the game tca\ \ assists were to his credit Ills two wiloj ' pitches wore very costly.'howovor , as tlio two unearned runs ot the visitors were scored on them , llealcy wns batted heavily by tha home team , but his support by Jnntzeu was perfect. The errors on both sides , had the grounds been perfect , would have numbered moro than recorded , but It was Impossible to handle the ball in either In or outfields elTec < lively. The following Is the score ; LIXCOLM8.I'OI. All. 11. III. I'D. A. K.1 Beckley TTTb ft 5 4 10 0 Lang ! ) t ) Schalfer rf 5 0 3 0 0 Dolan lib Hoover o Herr ss 4 1 ! 1 0 3 1 Hall et Reedor If Swartzcl p 4 1 1 1 10 0 Totals 41 7 17 art liO a Totals . ! ! 7 'J 1U 'J7 iM BCOIti : HY INNINGS. Lincoln . 1 a 0 0J 0 0 2 0-7 Ouuhu . 0 0000101 O-'J Runs Earned Lincoln 7 , Omaha 0. Bases ou b.ills-Iloaloy ! 1. SwarUol 3. Struck out Swart/el B. Ho iley 8. Lett ou bases Lincoln 7 , Omaha 7. Two-b.iso hits Buckley , llurr. Homo run ? Horr. Double plays Dwyer to Walsh to Dwycr. Herrto Dolan to Bcckley. Time of game Two hours. Umpire Ben Young. City 7 , Emporln 7. KANSAS CITY , Aiuust 30. ( Special Tele gram to the BEK. 1 Kansas City and Em < poria played an excellent game to-day , but it proved to bo a tie. Umpire iiairaii calling the game in ttio ninth , even Innings , on ac count of darkness. Tlio score Is ns follows : Kansas City . 0 03010 3 00-1 Emporhi . 1 00880000-1 Earned runs Kansas City 4 , Emporla 3. Two-base hits Mansell , Long. Raymond 3/ Double play Ho.vo and llonglo. Loft on bases Kansas City 10 , Kmporln 7. First base ou balls Manning , llonglo. Mnnseli 3 , llns- < samaer'J , Ringo , O'Rourko. First base or ! 01 ror.s Kansas City a , Kmnorla 4. lilt by , pitcher Manning , Lo g. Time of came 'J hours and 10 minutes. Umpire lla nn,1 Batterlos Kansas City : Nichols and LO& ; . Emporla Haddock nud Bradley. Topeka , Wti'lntn 2. ' TOPKKA , Kan. , August KO. | Special Tele < gram to the Bii.J : Topeka won ngamo front the WIchltas to-day by superior playing all around. Tlio Wichitns showed up In good lorin , however , nnd Daniels , tlioir leitllolderj made two pretty catches which evoked tilling ders of applause. The following Is the score ( Topeka . I 300 10000 4f Wichita . 0 000000 20 ' 4 Earned Run Topeic a 3 , Wichita 3. Errora , Topeka 3 , Wichita 3. Base lilts Topeka \Vichita7. . Two base hits Konyon. Butler - ' ler , Scharinghausc. Thrco b.tso hit John * sou. _ American Association. CINCINNATI , Aiuust : . The gaino be tween the Cincinnati and Athletic teams to-day resulted ns follows : Cincinnati . 0 03010040-1 Athletics . 1 10000000 rf Louisvn.i.i : , August ! ! 0. The gnmo bo- ' twcen ttao Louisville and Metropolitan teams to-day resulted as follows : Louisville . 0 1 y.O 0 0 5 1 C-2S Metropolitans. . . . y 00000030 4 ST. Louis , August M , The game be tween the St Louis and Brooklyn teams < to-day re.iiiltt'd ns lollows : ' M. Louis . 3 00111101-7 Brooklyn . 0 01030001 4 CI.KVKI.ANI > , Aiuust 30. The game bo-/ twcen the Cleveland nud Baltimore teams to-day resulted as follows : Cleveland . 0 00100001 3 Baltimore . 1 3400000- 8 National Loiiituo Games , Nr.w Yoitic , August 30. The game between - tweon the Now York and Imuananolis teami to-da > ' resulted as follows : ' i Now York 0 3 Indianapolis 0 00000000-0 1'ltehers Welch nnd Loitnor. Base hits Newoik 111 , Indianapolis n. Krrors Naw York 5 , Indianapolis 6. Umpire Brady. PHILADELPHIA , August CO. The g.imo be tween the Philadelphia and PltUiburg teams to-day resulted ns follows : Philadelphia 0 00003010-4 Plttsburg 0 01000000-1 Pitchers Casuv nud McCormack. Base lilts- . Phllitdolnhla ! > , Pittsburg 0. Errors-Plilhv delpliiaif , Plttsburg 3. Umpire Cuslck. Bosro.v , August 30. The gamu be tween the Boston nnd Detroit teams to- resulted as follows : Boston 1 00100001 3 Detroit 0 0030033 * U 1'ltchern .Madden and Cnnway. Ba'a hits Detroit 14 , Boston 15 , Errors Uotroll 11 , Boston 10. Umpire Powuis. WASHING ION. August 30. The first game- between thu Washington nnd Chicago teams unlay resulted as tollowt- : Washington 1 (10000000 ( 1 Chicago I 00000000 1 1'itchers Whitney nud Van Hnlticn. Bas hits Washington ! ) Chicago B. Errors- Wnshlngtou 3 , Chicago 0. Umpire- Daniels. Game called at the end of th ( eighth inning on account of darkness. The NortliwcHtcrn Lonjuo. Di : < ( MniNis : , I n , August 30. Thi Northwestern lengito games to-day we re as lollows : Des Molnes 7. Oshkosh 1 , at Dui Mollies. St Paul 13 , Eau Claire 3 , nt .St. Paul , seven Innings , foieuoon game. St Paid n. Eiiu Claire 0 , afternoon gamu. Du- lutli-Miniieauolls , rain. A Famous Htnlllon. Tito notea stallion McCloud , owned by If. Chamberlain , of Arapahoo. Neb. , Is at the fairgrounds. Ho has boon In the great oast- em circuit and won several races , making 2:10M : In the third heat at Cleveland , and 3:20 : In each thu fourth and fifth heaH. McCloud also won thu SJ5.000 sukos nt St. Paul , Minn. , wlieroin twelve liorsos started. Wiiou the stilltou-arrived at ItO'iliealor , N. Y , , lu the grand circuit , iio became n llttlo orT on account - count ( it the suddmi cold weather , Conso- 'lut'iitly he wiie withdrawn and brought hcr ( to iccuicrutu. Ho Is now t thu