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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1887)
" ' ' ' " * r1 ' "v * J'lJl. " THE OMAHA DAILY BEEFRIDAY. . AUGUST 20. 1887. SPECIAL .A. . Advcitlecmcnls under this bead , 10 conti pe Ino for the flrfet Innrtion , 7 cents for each sub feoqucnt imcrtion , and f 1.50a line per month wo ndvortlcoincnt taken for iesitnnn25 cents Tor the first Insertion , em en words wll Jb counted to the line ; they mtift nm eonsecu- lively and must be paid In advance. All adver- tlsomcntD mu t bo finmtnl In befiro 1 s.TO o'clocic P. m. , end under r.o circumstances will they betoken token or discontinued by telephone. 1'nrtinft advertising In thcPe column and hav ing tlio answers addressed In care of THE lln * r III plra o nik for a rhcrk to rnable them to got Inelr letter" , as nnnn will bn delivered oxcout fm urerontatlon nf check. All nnswers to adver tisements nbould bn fnclosnd In tnvoloprs , All advorllsomonts In those columns are pub lished In both inornlntt nnd evening editions fcfllir. Ilr.r , the circulation of which atrgro- natos tnnrothnn M.ilfnpiipois dally , and gives Fhn n < lvprll i > r the brn llt. not only of tbo city Circulation of TIIK Ilrn. but nl-o of Council Snuffs , Lincoln nnd other cities and towns Iiroiighout this part of the wr t. _ _ _ " * MONEY TO LOAN. H.009,000 to loan. Cole , 318 B 15th. T37 Tir ONiY : Wo loan money on Improved prop lVl.nrty for any desired amount at low rules nf Interest. lo run from two to ten year * time. Btotts , Cox A Hou ton. 1TO7'4 Fariiatn. 959 j' To loan flt 0 per rent. 1'nttrreon Ilrop. , Btreot , op. P. O. CO.Wfl TO LOAN ntfl per cent. * Malionoy , IMS Furnam. ( us CKNT Money. O 11. C. Patterson , 15th ar.a nnrnnv. riOO,000 to loan on real estate st.No delay' $ Harris & Sampson , 1B1 Douglas st. 840 ' 1O LOAN-O F. Davis Co. , rea MONRV and loan agents , 1505 ? rnam ft , W,000 ) to loanm any amount nt lowest rate of interest. H. II. Irey , I'ronzor block. 307 > 600 00 To loan on Omaha city property atl per cent. O. W. Day , s. e. cor. Kx. Hld 042 _ _ " " TVJfo"NEV"Tb"l.OAN-On city and farm prop- mi , nrty lit low rates. No delay. Calm .V Wool- ley , 1322 I'lirnaiii St. M'M'fl gfll/TONRY / to loan lo parties wishing to build. Li ! B. 8. Campbell , JllO B 10th Bt. , Chamber of Commerce. 643 To loan. Lowest rates. No delny. MONKY , Rico A : Co. , over Comtnetclul Na tional bank. S57 to loan , cash on delny. MONEV . nnd K. L. Sijulre , 141. ) Karnam It , r niton hotel bulldlnir. 614 MONKY TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In Bums ot $1,000to $5,000 M six per cent Interest. FholeBi Crumb. 645 ' 1)NKY TO LOAN on improved real state ; no commission charged. Leavltt Hurn- ham , Room 1 Crolgblon Hlock C41 5r ONRY In inms of $500 nnd over to loan at low rates , Hussell ft Uarrett.UU B 10lh At. i J4 TirONEY TO LOAN-On city pmpcrty In .1 * ' sums of $500 and upwards at lowest rates. Money hlways on hand. 8 , B. Campbnll. 310 Bouth Sixteenth Rtrcot. 647 tTX ) LOAN Money Loan * placed on im- JL proved real estate In city or county for New Knglapd Loan & Trust Co , , by Douglas County bank. 1Mb and Chicago sti. 649 MONKY LOANED nt C. F. Hood t Co.'s Loan Office , on furniture , pianos , horsoft.wngons , personal property of all kinds , and all otbcr ar ticles of value , without removal 319 S. 13th. over Dlngham B Commission store , All busl- nous strictly confidential. 650 "RTONKV loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , J-'Lhorscs , etc.low rates. J..I.Wilkinson 4Co. : . 1324 rarnnm , over Ilurllngton ticket olllcu. 407 MONKY TO LOAN by thu nndorsigned , who bus the only properly orgint7ed loan Mency InOmnha. Loans of $10 to $100 mndo on furniture , pianos , organs , hones , wagons , machinery , &o , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans BO made that any part ran bopald at any Ime.each payment reducing tbo cost pro rain. Advances tntdcnn fine watches and diamonds. Persons Bhould carefully consider who they nro dialing with , as many now concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and see mo. W. R. croft , Hoom t W'thnoll ' Building 15th nnd Ilnrner. 651 rlMlE OMAHA Financial Exchange , JN. . W. rorner of Harney and IBlh its. , over Blato National bonk. I * Prepared to make short time loans on any avallablu security. Loans made on chattel collateral or real Long tlmo loans made on Improved real estate t current rates. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Hccured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Bhort time loans made on second mortgage , tocoruing to marginal Interest , at collateral iratea. Heal citato to exchange for rood Interest bearing paper. titmorfd financial business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money always on hand for approved loani ot ny kind , without delay or unnecessary P b- Uofty. Corbett. Manager. 653 ABSTBACTS OF TITLED MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 1505 Farimm Btreot Complete abatritcts tur- nlshod.aud titles to real estate examined , por- f eoted und guaranteed Bid 23 BTJ3INEJ3 CHANCES. * | 710H aALK A good paying restaurant , Jnowly llttod up , In good location. Cause of Rolling sickness. Apply UI7 South IHth st. 12J31 J _ WANTED-A partner immediately with from | 1X0 ( to * 1.800 capital. In nourish * Ing hotel buslnofw In this oily , have to enlarge promise ) * to accommodate rapidly increasing trade , one of the best locations In the city , HI , quick nnd hniuUomo returns on Invest- n.ent. ' 1 his will bear Inspection. Addicss04 , llee offlcu. 147 28J W ANTKD Half Interest In furniture or houfio furnishing atoro. Invoicing $13.000 to 12OyO. Address A , flee ofllco , Council Hindu. . K4 U I'OH BALK Oyster aim short order business first-class location. Good opening for party with imnll capital. D. D. Jones , 300 N. 13th st. U8l 25J "ITIOIt SALE First class meat market < u vvni A location In o' ' yl"Cf Hearer Information ndclrcsH It 15. lleo oltlce. lii'J 3IJ WANTED Parties who desire to buy or sell or exchange stocks of general morchan- Jllie. dry goods , groceries , boots and shoes , hardware , drugs , jewelry Improved or unim proved town orclty property , Improved or un- Eirovcd farms In any part of tbo United States , to address Krause & Foster , 016 S. 16th it Omaha , Neb. C55 SALK-liy W. H. Green , 215 south 13th Btreot , stook of groceries on gnundors st. 'fTIOll H.M.i : A Orst-clasa hotel property doing -a. ' excellent buelnepa. Mum sell in sixty days. 1'or prlco and terms addrona U , S. Lilly , real eat ate dealer , llrokon How. Neb , ailsll 1OU SALK A well oataollahed and favorably rl1 known general store at Hapld City , O. T. , 4lllack Hills country ) . Stock about fl2,000. pullablo ami well assorted store making money. Jicnsons for selling , death of proprietor. Ad dress J , S. Hobertson , administrator , St , Paul , JIInn.orJ. _ _ It _ > piighi , Itiipjd City , 1) . T. 642-25 IGloTl HKNT-ln AlliTon , Neb. , the largest , Jbest oustomud and oldest dry goods itoro , ran have possession on the llrst day In Soptmn- tier. For Information apply to I. W. lloberts , tlio owner. 703 3IJ rpo KXCII.VNGKTA" of clothing ana JL furnishing goods worth $15,000. Will take Jiart In Omaha property , balanoo cash Chas , t Woolloy , 418 South llitli st CTJQst OH TIIADK-f5.000 stock elothlnv In good Nebraska town , for farm without Incura- lionince. lleoord Advertising Co,1513 FHrnam t. 68U PERSONAL. s. Mrs. M K. Milchol Is tomporiirlly located at the n e cor ot nonplus and 10th st. where she will receive all bnlers lor fanoyork IMiiO "IJhHSONAL Lacllo.i wo lnivo plenty of good Jgirls such as illnlnn room laundry girls , rooks and girls for families. Try us. i6th Btroot Employment ofllco , aa ) N. Ifith t 918-25J 1)iil80N : AL The ( Into City Employment of fice , 314H H 15th , supplies Iho best of Scan dinavian and German girls. 929 - - for ladles during contlncmant , strictly confidential , infants opjodj addroM K 4'lleo oJBce. 1ST tteptT "t > KHS < ) ffAlj M > nd for your lewlnR macblne J. neodlea , oil and repairs to the Blnirer Man'fif Co. 161 Dougl < tt. Umahn. 4C8 aaa tpEK80NAI * . Or Nannie T. Warren Jclairvoyant. . Medical Bad huilneu Medluui Soon No. I Ul North Utb it X maha , Nek. LOST. . > horse , white mark on forehead. Kinder yleac o return tp15l4 N. ISth st. _ Ki IOJ jULVliNTV-FlVKifolhirt' reward. 6trayed or C5 stolen ( rum rear of lit N 17th it , a large roan bone , about IT hands high , weighing be tween 1 00 end 1,400 poundi , rdlth brown and tall , hind ankle lomewhat swollen- tVrS will be paid for rtiturn of animal to owners , M 110 S 14th stand If itolen the iherlff of Doug- ) Co , will pay a reward ot W tor the arreit " J conrlcuon ol Iho told. KM rouaro. FOUND A pookct'Dook with monoy. Owner ran have same by calling atVm. . rlcmlng , 1401 Douglas 8t. rilAKHN UP Hay horse , lame In left fore JL and Right hind logs. Owner can bnvo mo br proving property an J paying charges Apply J7th nnd llnncrott sts. 112-2C * H CLAIBVOYANT. Ml IP. HATK1KLD , Trance biislnuss mndlum , The past present and future revealed , sick healed , lost found , homos made nappy , sittings dally at 421 B. llth It. 457 27J MHsTbimANT-ClHrtvoyant from IJoiton Is reliable In all affairs Of life , unites lopa- rated lovers. 322 n 16th St. , room 1 , 48 ept 3J 8TOHAOE. iTOUAUK Turnlturu , boxed coeds , Ac. , ; terms reasonable , 714 I'ncltlc. 1VI JjilKbT-CLAbS atorago at 110 N 13th et " TOHAOK rirct-elnns storage for nice rur- nlturo or boxed goodi , at513 - . BM XTOTICU to nil real e'ttto denlers-Ixit 1.1 , J- > block 1 , Campbell's add , is withdrawn from the market. .John 1 % Wuorth. 930 24J CF.SSPOOI.S , elnks nnd vaults rleanad , odor less process. 1 > Kwlngbix ( 427 , city.875f20J 875-f20J rpO K.VCHANOU-l'or Omaha property n flno X farm In Iowa. Cbas. ll Woollcy , 118 .South 15th St. MOM I AIliS-.MI ) : s K. H.Tcrrlll has oponnd fnsh- lonablo dressmaking parlors at 1404 Cap itol avnnuu , Kxpbsltlon building. Perfect sat isfaction guaranteed. I15U29J CIIAHLKS Hotel 1210 Harnoy St. , Iitho place for table or board nnd rooms. 031 25J T AUIKS can have lossonj In svinntlira dress . ' * cutting free of clmrgo for llfteon days at Uross Cutting < chool , IGly Howard St , dd lloor. Visitors always welcome. 8.14 ! WJ CUSS POOLS and vaulta rlonnod , dead ani mals i amoved W. II. Harbcr , t02 Loavon- worth. Telephone 102. S 7s-'l riST"yoTlr rooms and houses with the Record ' Advertising Co , 1511 rnrnnm st , and wo will rent tbom sooner than any ono else , as wo nro well known all over the city. GCO PERFORATED stamping patterns made toor- Jt dor and all the latest designs for sale at Mrs J.V. . .Morrison. ISO' Davenport st. 451812 EABTHRN Nebraskn farms to exchange for Omaha property. 1612 FarnaM. 543 TIO KXCHANQU-For cattle , I hare BOO nnd forty acre * of good western land to trade for rattle , and n good house and lot near the capital wlllAxcbango for cattle. Address S. Q. llryaii. Ashland , Nob. 4M rpO TRAlK--For cattle or groceries 410 ncros -L school land In Hamilton countyNebraska , equity , $1,510. Holden it Mas < in , Central City , Nob. 76\25J plESS-POOLSund vaults cleanod. dead nt- W mals removed , llrst ward. W. H. Harbor , 802 Leavenwoith. Telephone 102. 88s21j CANADIAN Kmploymont Omco Hcst place V ln Oinnlm to get help or Bltuntlons , orders inomptly filled. Mrs. llrcga i Son , alB S 15th. Telcghuno 88-1. 153 aj TO KXCHANOE A two story brick business house , rented for 100 per month : located In a county sent town ; to exchange for good , emooth , wild land. Address , giving price , loca tion , otc , lock box 12H , Pawnee City , Nob. W01 ; w rpO Heal Kstato Agents-Lot II , block 11 , JL Omaha View , Is withdrawn from the mar ket. Klbort Morrow. 1)88 ) 25J o M AHA LOTS To exchange lor cattlo. Patterson torson \ Moore , 1013 Farnam. 347 TIHE Gate City Employment oftico , 314Vi S. IMh street. Orders for nil kinds of help sollcted. U29 MAUN1.TIC Houllng Modlumi euro all kinds of sickness in connection with clairvoy ance ot tbo pBBt , present nnd future. J. H , Pngelor , North State st , mile west of fair grounds , P. O. box 083. 510 a20J FOK KHN7 Square Piano J montblr. UoEpe.l513Douiriai. Ml TT1OIC HRNT Orirans , $ > per month. X ? 1613Douglo . 661 Ol. C.-HOUIO furnishing goodi , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prlooa at J. Conner , 1315 Douglas st 603 ilOK RENT Hquare Jpiano , $ t montnir. Home. 1513 Douirlna. 661 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I , OH BALK Hotel furniture , 34 rooms , rent ' $115 , 70 boardors.cause for selling sickness , Inquire PaclMc House , N. 10th st. Via 25j FORSALM-Splondld saildlo horse , 6 vonrfl old , ! MO pounds , gentle for lady or boy , drives single or tloublo. Also registered Jer sey cow , good milker. Would take good new phaeton In trade. W. J. Wolahahs , 2608 Doug las st 128 FOR BALK Span mares , ono first-class for buggy or saddle , other good delivery borfle. also double harness and buggy , a bar gain Apply St. Charles hotel , 1210 Harnoy st , TO525J F OR SALr-2nd bund barber obalr. Wanted , barber at 1111 S 13th. 144 27 * mWENTV Dollars will buy an extra fine -L KngHsti pug bitch , four months old , ad dress I ) a ) lloo. 933 25j FOR HALE-At a bargain , n 6-roora housn with closets nnd pantry , etc. , lot 25 toot cast front , 6 blocks south of court house. Address - dress Y 30. lleo ollice , 6JOa30' "TOOK SALE I'lirniture , good will and lease of -L thu best paying small hotel In Omanu. Constantly full of first-class hoarders. Prlco } l.vm. Investigate this. J. F , Hammond , U7 Pjntlu 7M FOR BALK A black marc. Inquire of Mrs. Simpson , 4229 NoUon \valnutlllll. . 7M25J FOlt BALK Furniture of Brooms with privi lege of lease of bouse , 707 S. 14th 8u 209 rilHIRTV-FOUH pqunros of sheet stool roofing -L for sale cheap. C. IV. Ic U. B. Thompson , ill4 B. 15th St. 234 WANTED MALE HELP. ANTED-Aonceagoofl boy from 11 to 14 ycari old , must bo honest. 1717 St. Mary's avo. iji ? M WANTKD-25 laborers on SSth and Howard TT gig , Sewer work , Delaney , Murphy & Co. . 171 IJ WANTED Man to take tbo agency of our safes ; slro 2818x18 Inches ; weight ; WO Ibi. ; retail prlco $3.1 ; other sizes In proportion. A rare cbanco to create n permanent business at homo. Those safes moot a demand never bcforo supplied by other safe companies , as wo are not governed by the Sato Pool. Alome Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. 69131J \\7ANTED-Mcnto sell Shetland-Mounlaln TT ponies. Fanoy colors. Largest herd In America. Sample pony free. Incloao stamped self addressed envelope , llyron Van Haub , lloerne. Kendall Co.Texas. ijQ ) 2SJ W ANTED First elais plumbers at once ] TT Bnclman & Pleroa. 1212 Douglas at1KM \VANTKD-A tlrst-class blacksmith , fie T T must be able to commence work nt onoe- flood wages paid. Fremont Foundry and Ma chine Co. , Fremont , Neb. 101-26 ANTED A good cook at N. Johnson's lunch room , corner 2tat atidCumlnirsts. 100-20' TVTANTED All those wanting help or sltua- TV tlons as collector , nsst general office clerksstock keepers , engineer , flromnn , watchman - man , porters , janitors , teamsters , bartenders , waiters , etc. , apply at the Mutual Employment agency , 214 8 16th , upstairs. lliQO 25J \\TANTKD Four persons to instruct In book > T keeping , situations. J. II. Smith. 1613 Chlcogo st. 100 27J WANTED Mon for railroad work In Cole , rado , wairci for tonmstcrd $ ' 10 per month and board. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Far- nnm. T87 Xt'ANlKD-SW moio agents to canvass for copying and enlarging at 1432 S. 13th st \\TANTKD-Mon tor railroad work ] AU T T brlght'i Labor Agency , 1130 1'arnara. 675 \\7ANTBD-A good second on bread and > cakes , apply at onoe at Paxton hotel baker sbop. 16U 2DJ \\7ANTED Agents for necessary household TT article. Liberal terms. Frank West , 221 N. ISth Bt 138 SOJ T ANTKD Barber for Saturday and Sunday \ \ at 2403 Farnam ft 137 25J \v AN I'ED Uood , sober blacksmith , Omaha Carriage & Bleluh company. IJ'l 28 WANTED-ShlppIng clerk for retail ( tore , must know all streets In olty , must be good penman and quick at flguroi ; no other need apply , Omaha Employment ilureau , ll'J ' N. 16th st 165 WANTKD Active mon who ilcstro to make f500 before New Year's on llttlo or no capital , 314jj a 1Mb st. room 5. 1M7 2J \\7ANTiD : 1'arttci In need ot male or fe- i' male help tot tbo coming fair and re union to tend In their orders early to Gate City Employment olDce , 314ft H 15th st. W6 WANTRD lialeimeB , Ik new Invention needed In every hoilioi 800 per cent ootn- tnlulon or a good lalary to right partlei. Ad- dresi wth | stamp tor terms the Wearer Manu taclureri 3i N But * it , , Cblcafo , Hi WANTKD-Mcn for Wyoming ! good wages. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 rarnam.477 \\rANTED-Strong , honest boy of 18 to learn > clothing builncsi at lf W Farnara 32 25 WANTED At once , 40 men for H. K. work In Noli. Wnxc $2 per day. Ptoadywork , will hlp nt once. Scandinavian Krap. Iluroau , 1CIO Farnnm st. 175 27J VtrANTKO- Hey to tnko earn of horse nnd T > cow at 718 N 21st st. Call bet 6 and T p. in. 001 i-eJ W ANTKD 2good.brcad nud oako bakers nt onoe , 240) Cumlng st. 9S3 25j | 7ANTED Carpenters ot southeast corner 1 llth and Howard. 4-V8J \y * AN"lT.n 4 normnn boys to carry papers , Ktli , upstnirg. 6S(1 ( "l'17'ANTKI ) 4 otperleneed bookfolilors at C. K. Wbltnuy'a lluok bindery , 1121 Karnam Btroct. K5 25 _ U/ANTKO / Two boys with i-onloa. One for tlio western part ottboclty and one for southorii part. 127 mNTnO-1 man co'ok. 2 woman cooks , S nlnjr room pirK 10 for irenernt house- worlc. Bcandlnnvlnu Jimp Uurcnut610 rnrnnm St. 131 ZCJ WANTED FEMALE HELP. W AX1 Kn arrli wlshln8 totnko > lncei out of cltv tocotno nnd leave their inldrossos. Wohnvc calls for help every day at good wages. Mrs. ilrogii & Son , ; ill ) S. IStli St. 110 5 * ANTKt nirTlor kitchen work , must bo good cook. Imiulro 17J3 Douulns tioet. | 1B85J ! _ _ WANTI'U 2 dlnlnir room ( jlrls for Wyoming 1 for Colorado , IM ; laundro'S tor Oontral City. ? 1S , nil fnros piild ! ' . ' pecond k'lrl , ono must llko children , I Inuiiilrps4c4,5 dlnlnir room trtrl , 20 ( flrls for housework , 2 womnn cooks. Mrs. HrOfiiiV-Son,310 ( S 15th St. Telephone KM. 15.'i2.riJ _ WANTHD-l Hwodo second plrl for prlvnio fnintlyiS cooks for prlviito family , $4.5U nnd $8 per week : ! 1 oook for hotels nnd rostnu- raiit , $10 per weeks " chnmbor mnM',8 dinlntt room u'lrls , 2 dlslnvnaliore , 2 pnntry irlrls , 21 Ktrls ccuernl hoiiROWork. Omaha Employment llurcnu , till N. 16th SL 163 25 _ \ \ TANT13DFirst clans irlrl for eonural housework - work , timnll house ; throu in tamlly. Call at 21.13 Davenport St. 109 2SJ W ANTI'.D liming room girl. Union restau rant , 1217 Harnoy street. 110 27J Kxporienced vest flulshoifl and skirt-makc'i-s. Apply to Mrs. Stoln. 1111 Dougbw St. IU172&J \\7ANTK1) Bright young girl to assist In general housework In small family. Ap ply 1117 North 17th st. 121 Jllj W ANTED Girl for general housework , 607 North 17th st. V)8) ) 2J ( ! WANTED A cook nnd a second girl. Apply at 2021 Chicago St. U59 25 "fXT'ANTEIl flood cook and dining room g Irl. T > gJlOCutnliig street U47 2. ' > J ANTHD-A good cook , Mrs. J. J. Mono ! ! , 2025 Uodgo St. 103 2UJ WANTED Sir girls at once for kitchen work at the Paxton hotel , Inquire for the steward. I ? ! ? ! ' ! W ANTKD Cook , dining room and kitohon girl , 1510 Capitol avenue. 16. ' , 25 * W ANTKD 1 short order cook , $10 per week : 2 cooks for hotels. $10 and f ISper week : 1 flnt class oyster cook(75 per month ; 2 second cooks , $4 nnd $11 per week ; 10 men to work on sewer , good wages ; 2 cllnhwasliors. Omaha Employment Iluroau. 119 N. 16th Bt. UK ) 25 WANTED Good girl tor general house work , Gorman preferred. 1U24 Douglas street 014 25 W : ANTED-Glrl at 2310 Farnam st 129 29J W ANTKD An experienced housekeeper , white woman preferred. Apply between 5 raid 6 p. m. , 101 N Uth St. , Lulu llrgora. 131 W ANTKD Good girl to do general house work. Apply 11 w cor. California and 20th. 733 SITUATION WANTED. WANTED-Situation by boy of 16 with 3 years experience as salesman. Address Q. K..320N. IGthet. 143 25J WANTED Position. A gentleman fiom the east , with n number of voars experience ns office and outside man In the wholesale trade desires n position ; address C2 , lloo olllcc. 14 25J \\TANTED-Sltuatlon on farm by man nnd T T wlfo , good manager of stook , best rotor- en cos. C 3 , lloo ollico , 140 ? 7j WANTED-Situntlons for reliable mon as collectors , gen ollico clerks , watchmen , porter , teamster , engineers , fireman , Janitor waiters and general help ot any kind apply tc the Mutual Employment agency , 214 South ICth Bt. , Upstnln. 100025J WANTED Situation by ozporlenced man cook with references. Address O 67 , Dee oflioo. 103-28 * "TSTANTED Situation for 4 young girls to Tf mind babies or assist In housework , $1.50 to $2.60 per week ; also for n competent Swede girl for second work and Fewlng ; have 2 un usually nice colored gins , flno cooks and laun dresses , nnd "overill Scandinavian nnd Ameri can girls. Canadian Employment ofllcell ! S. 15th St. Telephone 884. 103 25 " \ \H7'ANTBD- prlnclpalslilp by nn expert- T T onccd Normal graduate , address II CO lloo. 9S6 25j W ANTI'.D Situation by first-class dross cutter , litter and draper , who thorough ly understands the finishing of the llncsl work. Is competent to manage alnrgo business. Host of references given. Address for 20 days , Mrs. S. K Coltmnn. Hotel Ideal , Lincoln , Nob. 144-27 * \\ANTED-Situatlon bv n reliable young ' Irishman from the oast. Is a careful groom and ooaohman and can milk , win work for In terest of employer. ( No office foe. ) Mrs. Tlroga & Son. ail ) S. 15th st. Telephone 884. 120 25 WANTED Situation by young man from the east , 5 years experience In general mTchandlio , host references. Address K. 0. Grout. Anita , In. , box 158. 937 2..J WANTICD-Posltlon us clothing saleimun by nilddlo aged man , hare had long experi ence , city roforoncc , address B 43 Itee office. 642 20J j bookkeeper , clerk TT and guncrul writing. Male and tomalo. Iloitof references. Record Advertising Co , 1513 rarnam st. 6fiO " \I7ANTIjn A young man of aDout the age TT of 18 or 19 , who would like to learn tne photograph budlnea-t. Apply at Grand Central Gallery,217 North IMth st. 5.W MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. W ANTKD To rent part of warehouse with track privileges , desk room In office , Ac. , 714 Pacino st. 157 _ \\7ANTBD-To rent n slnglo or double store , T > good location , any time from Septem ber to April. Address C. Stone , Mlllard hotel. _ lti ! 25J " \T7ANTElVJor 3 unf urnlshod rooms for light TT hoiisokoeplng , no children , roleroncos exchanged. Address H 71 , lice ollico. 134 2'ij WANTDD-Hy a gentleman nnd bis wlfo board and room , private family lire Co red , or two or three rooms suitable for light house keeping. Convenient to horse cars and on high land. Prices modorato. References ox- chnngcd. Address 1172 , lleo olllcu l-'OLMJ \\'ANTED The Indies of Omaha to know ' ' that orders for heln are promptly filled nt the Gate City Employment OlHco , 314JJ B 15th Bt 098 _ W ANTKD Nicely furnished and unfur nished rooms lilted with us. Hocord Advertising Co , 1(13 furnam it 666 WANTED A good location to start a nowi- paper In a good town : I will put In _ n first-class oinco , also a good paper to sell. For pniticulars address C. 1 , , care of this ottlco. 'iiiiTai \\'ANTED A creamery and canning fuo- tory. Will assist the rUbl purtloi. Ad- dreas Hank of Valley. Valley , Neb. 37039 W A NTKD-A few boarders at 172U Dodge st inferences requested. 70.1 WANTED A grain dealer to locate at this placo. Host grain region In Nebraska. Ad d ress I lank ot Valley. VniTey , Nob. X7099 VlTANTKD A harness maker To open a shop TT Hero. Address Dank of ValleyValley , Neb. 270-1-9 WANTED Factories of all kinds. Address Hank of Valley , Valley , Neb. 27039 pllt lii EngTiTS hranohos and muslo , n , w. corner loth and Farnam. FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. "ITIOirUKNT Three (3) ( ) new bouses , s'ltuatej -L on King and Coffman streats , in A. d. Pa trick's add. Inquire at Koom " , Arlington block. Patrick Urot. 4SI aa _ OH UKNT < J room flat , 9 M : furniture for sale cheap ; all new. Co-operative Land Lot Co. . SOS N. 10th It. UC4 to _ 17IOU HKNT Houses , 9-room house , bendei X ? bath room , hot and cell water , speaking tubes , olectrlo bills , eto. , corner Colfax and Jackson all , I W per month. 0-rooro house , city water , oellar , corner 29th and Charles its , IS * per month. . M V. L. Ur ory , Xi < ) U 15th it. FOH ftRNT Now 4-roora luiy'o.collnr.closetl. and all convenience , rXMiio nouth court lotxo , rent $15. Apply Mr. VV1L Krug , Omaha > rowery. . j 976 38J OH UBNT 6 room Dot Wi modern con- vcnlences , 1201 Park Mue. Apply on iroml'oi from B to 1-a. in. eH. . I'ltcfi. 93J OH HRNT-lIrlok ' and cellar , itiltablo for restaurant and contoctlonory on Park ave at entrance lo Hftnicom paric , call on the promises bet 9and 13fti } < - A. ll. Fitch. , y 9JO "IJ10II HKNT " .room housoa good location , JL1 stable and yard. Apply \M \ Vnrnani. 340 FOH UKNT Meat market ptt Park nve , opn. pirk. Apply on promises- , 0 and 13 A. 11. Kltch. 931 "I/10K IlKNT-Storo room , : > Mf > block from -L1 postofllco. Inquire of Avodoro Williams , nl Dee omco. * FOll RENT And furniture for sale , elegant 10room house two blooki troinpoitolnco. Address 115" llooofllco. TO5 FOll SAIiK llo < tniirant doing a good bust- ncis , 40 boarders : In n good location , good reason for selling. Inquire 101J Harnoy. _ . 84 < i MJ FOH lir.NT-Kour new store , roopiinn Satin- il rs(4ith ( > ftri5ot ncSfSuward. Kino loca tion for dry goods itoro. Also hardware , cloth * inir , boots and shoe store , meat market , irocory , plumbing and eras fitting store. Kent ow. taiqulroflli ! N. ICth st , 1' . T. Andrews. 910 IJ10H HENT-Elegant brlok residence , 10 J- ' rooms , modern conveniences. Inquire Morjo .V llrunnoT , 1605 1'nrnnm st KM Olt KENT 2211 Douglas si , flno now ton- Jj room brick dwelling with all modern con veniences. Apply to W. F. Clark , 40S N. inth st. SO * CSJ "IJ1OH Hr.NT a room botiee , 14th and Pierce. ! Apply at 817 H. 13th st. 914. FOH HUNT 5 room housollth hotwoon Fur- n.'iin iiiul llornoy sts , f20 per mouth. J , } ' . Hammond , 117 S ICth st 111 ! FOH HKNT-Onc-half of office 117 S Kith st , crounil floor , nnd ono of the best loca tions In the city , 115 FOH HKNT A now 0 room bouse , closoti , etc. . f0 per month. Inquire Kuropoan hotel , 022 S 10th et , 125 27J FOH HKNT An elegant private residence on Fiirnam st. 11 , C. Patterson , 15th and Harnoy st . 118 < OH HENT A Broom bouso and furnlturo 17 for siilo. 3 K cor Georgia and Popploton aye. 1UI M FOH HKNT Two largo new more * and two Hats of tlvo rooms ench. Cltv water and gas. On Faumlcrs st. C. W. Gain. IEMO Ohio st. 813 FOH HKNT Now store and living rooms on Cumlng st near Saunders st. Apply Har ris IUal rstatc Loan Co. , ! ! 20 S. 15th st. 889 171011 HKNT House on Cassst near 30th st. -1 ? Goo. J. Gilbert. mi SA EOH linNT Darn suitable for four horsos. Inquire at 617 S 13th st. 511 FOH HKNT-New 10-room house ; all Im provements , steam heat , a W , * O. K. Thompson , 314 8. 16tt > st 1000 E1OH UKNT Ollico spaoo on ground floor at 1509 Farnam. Apply In roar ofllco. .1. S. Klchardson- , G02 fit ) CHOICE Lot for Loaso. Southeast corner 48x8SVi 1/oavpnwortb ami Park avo.or will build to suit tenant. Hobble Droa. 853 FOB RENT BOOMS. FOlt HKNT 4'large rooms , 276Cumlng st. 173 26j Oil IlENT-Nlcoly furnlsjwl room , 618 S. 17th st ? .i 20J OR Itr.NT-Nlcoiy furiilslbod rooms In all parts of the city from Wto J40 per month. Hncord Advertising Co , 1513 foniam st. CC6 Foil HENT Tno largest stoVe room in town. Inquire at the Argus oflico , , Albion , Nob. 481 sop in OH HENT Elegantly furiniHhod rooms sln glo or onsulte , wltb use 0f bath ; electric bells In every room. First ojlshs restaurant at tached , at Norns European hotel , corner 16th and Webster. 656 FOH HKNT-Nleoly furifitiied room. In quire nt cottage , 501 Bom * 20th. B8J 23j TpOK HKNT-Omco , 1612 Farnam st. FOH HENT Two neatly Mftnishod rooms , very deslmblo location , private family. Also room for two or three nice table boardnrs. B. K. corner Twentieth nnd 1'arnam. 410 n35 % TTJIOII UENT Furnished room 1818 _ Dodge st. 052 sept 6 FOR SALE One of the most prominent corners in the business portion ot the olty. F , II. Kennard , 114-116 H 10th st. 308 FOH IlKNT Nicely furnlihed room , first floor , now house , new furnlturo , 1717 Mason stroet. Cheap to right parties. 928 T71O11 HKNT-Finely furnished rooms with -L tioard.gnsbatholtywcll and cistern water , 5 minutes from postolllco , 1718 Rasa st 929 U7J FOll IlKNT A largn trout room nicely fur- nlsbcd.lSll California. Dll 35 * T71OII irKNr'f Two" icely furnlstied i-oomsl J very cheap , nt 1017 Chicago street. ( H52JJ FOH HKNT Desk roo-n , ground floor ; good location. Clarkson & Ilentty , 219 S. 14th st. V > 72 SS FOll IlKNT-Fiirnlsbod room , 1013 Dodge st H58 2U 'OH HENT-Furnlsihod rooms wltb or with out board , 31H N 15tb St. 9H3 3D * FOH KENT Furnished room , 1510 Harnoy , ono SO' FOH HKNT Dcsirablo suite of rooms with all conveniences at 3227 Dodgo. VM 30 FOR UKNT Furnished rooms to ladles or Kontlomon , also unfurnished rooms.nil N 12th. 087 29 POH HKNT Very desirable turmihed room , all conveniences on same lloor. Three min utes walk from post ofllco. Apply ut 1712 Capitol tel avonuo. 9S5 28 * FOll HENT-Furnlshod rooms , 1419 Chicago Btreot. 130 31 FOll IlKNT 3 nloo unfurnished rooms , suit- iiblo for housekeeping for gentleman and wife , nice house , centrally located. Address U 70. lice ollioo. 135 25J n fttWT Salt of rooms on first lloor , all modern conveniences , 2,113 Douglas st. lei TjlOH HKNT-Pleasant furnished room at 537 J Pleasant at. 101 27 FOH HKNT Furnished flat,7 rooms and bath , Leslie & Leslie. 10th and Dodge st. 151 FOH HRNT Furnished rooms , slnglo and on Biiito , over Leslie & Leslie's pharmacy , ICtli nnd Dodge sts. . 152 FOIl IlKNT Comfortable rooms on souto or slnglo , with all modern conveniences. 70S South IStnst. 150 31j FOH HBNlVFurnishod room suitable for4 gentlemen , 1609 Davenport 143 20j FOK UKNT 3 or 6 unf urnlshod' rooms suit- able for housekeeping. 7Q'.U'aclflo. 140 OH HENT-3 rooms. 1021 N20lh. ton' 141 FOll HUNT 2handsome rooms 1 block from postolllco , oall 150o Capitol aro. UU 27j OH HKNT-l furnished > MfVn down-stain , suitable for ono or tvciKOUtlcmoii. 20K Hnrney Bt. /v 170 7J OH HBNT-Nlculy fiirnlefcM front room on first floor , also sMo refit Will furnish breakfast If desired. Ploai < 4uV neighborhood , paved street , 821 South ZOtb/.St , , a tow doors south of Loavenwortb it , / lU'ivato family. Iteforonces icqulrod. 'ag 1(17 ( 27j llENT-neglrable f iir hed room _ lor gentlemen at 809 Howar t FOlt KENT--Furntshod roiMiV 2315 Douglas TTJ 909 87 OR IlKNT Furnlihed rrJK * In Rruenlg block , oor 13tn and Dodgajiavli& Hether- Ington , Mlllard hotel blllardTiftn. 83a fJIOlt HKNT-Largn fiont rdMRi furnished ( era - gentlemen , ground floor I maple trees ; crass ; pavement ; street cars every Ovo mln- utrs. P09 Howard st. Also rooms furnished and unfurnished for light housekeeping. 92 ; TTIOlt HENT Front roomsslnglo or en suite X1 good loc-ition , private tamlly , bath , gas. folding bed , flrlt class board , paved street near car line. Address II63 , Hoe Ofllco , 107X7 ] FOll HRNT Large front room , iurnuhet 2210 Capitol avenue. 111-24 OH HKNT Furnished front room will closet. 641 B 18th st , near Loavenwortb | 103-26 * 171011 IlKNT Furnished front room , near oar -L1 line at corner ot Dodge and 24th itroetl. Inquire of A , II. Comstock 152U arnara it.KM KM OU ltUNT-Furnlsbodroom.IC9 Charles. 90U ii8J 171011 HENT-Sihali front room , lovely loca * -V ( Ion , nicely furnished , 1917 Cuss it HW FOIl IlBNT Largo front parlor with Day window , and alcove. aUo otnor rooms with modern convenience * at itu Kurnam it , one block wm of court home. ' . Ml TTlonnnNT-Wareroom cor. 14th and Call- K Iforuld on Belt Line , tor particulars * u- qulfe at Union Nat btnk. 1 > I IOR HKNT-A nicely furnished room at 2511 etMary'lnve. 431 F Oil HRNT Unfurnished pnrlor and bed room at H I ! rorXtith nnd Chloniro. 770 " [ 71OR KENT A laige front alcove room , 1707 J ? Dodge it. 763 FOll HKNT Furnlihed room very cheap , 1120 Farnam. 783 FOH RKNT Furnished rooms with or wlth- out board. UPON. 17th St. 770 35J FOH KKNT ruiniihod rooms in Oreunlgblk. cor 13th and Dodge st. Inquire ol Davis ft lletherlngton.Mlllard Hotel Milliard room. 291 FOH HUNT Elegant mite of rooms , referen ces required , 1107 Douglas St 197 FOH HKNT A largo front room In new hnusfl bath , and latest modern Improve ment ! , 1618 Webster street VU iroil HKNT Newly turnl lml rooms , from iv * $10 to $10 , north side Lvavcnworth , between - twoen 17th and ISth. 810 26J F OK HUNT Newly furntihod room , board if desired. 1720 Dodge St. 7U4 POH HEN'T Newly nnd elegantly furnished rooffis'fbr rout , slnglo or cn-suitu , at 2205 Douglas. 814 2HJ ItKNT-Hulte of furnlsliod rooms for BCtitlemon. A. Hospo , Jr. ,315 N. 17th. TT1 I OH HKNT Nicely furnished looms , to gon- J ? tlpmen only. 220 N. ICth St. . lloom 2. U43 Oil K15NT-A newly furnished room , 2025 rarnam Bt. 6i HI VJlT "HKNT Mcely furnlsbea room , Ittl E Doilgc st. 190 FOB SALE HOTJSEB LOTS. 1I10USALK byV. . II. Grcon 215th So. 13th -C str et : Goodhouso and ! { lot In Armstrong's 1st add , botiBO tents lor < per mo t 4,000 J 1,300 t H9h bal. easy : this 19 lusldo of the uiilo clrcla. Full lot with 2 good houses with nil mod ern improvements In Hoi bach 2nd mid full lot In K , V. Smith's add , with nno two story bouso making n trotituu'j of IKMiiot by 140 for 20,003 cn h Iml 1 , 2,3 , yra Full lot iiOxlli In Horbach add , with two gooil houses which rent for $1)5 ) per montn 10,000 $1.000 cash bnl. I , 2. ! l , 4 , yrs. Lot in Hoggs & Hill's 1st add , SsKilS-Uf. with good house on Dodge st , cable line lor 4 00 $1,000 casti , balnncul and 2 yems. Flno house and all moiloru Improvements in lliirrORic , lot IMrJW. prlco 10,000 Olio-third cash , balauca 1 , 2 and II years. I'nll lot on 15th st , near Wllllnnis st , with aiioiiSfS , renting f or tl * > per mo , lor. . . 4,500 Jl.r.OOcu-sh , Imhuico land -youra. 83xl)2,9ploiulld ! ) tniPknsc , lot on Loavcn- worth , between 10th and llth , & build ings on lot now 35,030 lUMeet front and corner , 18th and Har tley 33,000 1.1J feet front corner Irtth and Loavon- worth , good bouso on lot now 55,000 100 feet front on Hit Bt , south ot viaduct , per front foot BO 70 foot fronton 16th street , south ot via- rtuct , f8fl front foot 94 feet front and corner on 16th street , south of vmriuct 0,000 3TW feet front , 220 foot deep on 20th near Castellan at J57.M ) front foot Northeast corner Cumtng nnd Saundera , 70xS8 22.500 SOxKK Turning bctwcon 21st and 22d 8,500 B'ixns Southeast corner 10th and Oraco. . 10,000 1711x180 north 16th street near Ohio street 18,500 t 1ST your property for sale with Charles C Spotswood , iWBS 8 10th st. 64 * \\7KCarise for a row days only > > Lot 106 G ISO's addition for $3,453. Lo 171 Olse's addition , .m Rlockl Hoyd's addition , H.5U One-third oaih , balance 1 , a and 3 year * . Hetnington & MoCormlok , ZK ) South luth gt P OK SALE Corner lot on Virginia ave with two good houses , cheap at f 7,00 % Terms easy. Hoiisei rent for $70 per month. S. S. Campbell , 310 S. 16th st Chamber of Com merce. 273 FOR SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western part of Om 111m near the Henson cur line , prlca $400 oacb , $ J50 due on contracts payable In 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In contracts for Nobragitu land. MoUulloch & Co. , l&OT Fnrnam st 1000 1ST your property for sale with Charles O. J Spotswood , 305Vi S Ifttli Bt. G42 IF you want to buy , sell or trade , cab on L. V. Crum,120N IStnit. lOu lots ot a mile of U. P. depot for iale or trade. 9-room house for rent Two 10-room houiei for rent. Bale or trado. Idlewildo. Ily 816 L. V. Crum. ISO N 15th Bt. SALE-Mnrtlia M. Ish will Sell GUARDIAN at publlo auction nt the north door of the courthouse , at 10 o'clock a. m. , Septembers , nn acre of ground , cor of 20th and Locust BU , adjoining Kountzo Place. C79 s 3 FOR SALE Lot In South Omaha near busi ness center with ono house of 13 rooms and ono bouso of 3 rooms renting for $40 per month , a bargain nt $4,000 , $ lWO case , bal 1 , and 3 years. Chas. It. Wool ley , 4188 15th st , Omaha , Nob. 048 30 GUARDIAN Salo-Ontho3ddayof Soptom- bor nt 10 o'clock a. m. , at the north door of the court house , Mrs. Martha M. Iflh will sell at publlo auction to thu hlifhost bidder her res idence and flvo lots , also IIvo lots adjoining at the northeast corner of Ambler Placo. Someone ono will get n bargain , IVSO s 3 F IOR BAL13--Lot In Orchard Hill ; must sell. J. 11. llayncs , 37 Chamber of Commerce. 974 2.V FOlt SALT ! Ton now houses ono block from street cars , small cash payment , balance monthly. Chas \Voolley , 41S South I.lth St. , Omaha. Nob. 6j8 31 FOR SALE At n bargain , 20 acies near South Omaha. Chas. H. Woolloy , 418 South 15th Bt. V20S4 FOHSALK-Some of the finest lots on Syndl- CRIO Hill near the park In South Omaha which I will soil for the next ton days from $600 to $1,100 with email cash payment. Address , B 5'J Boo omeo. 912 31 > FOR SALE Three lots in Hoyd's add , V { block from corner State Btreot and Ames ave. for $ i00 ! each ; ono-thtrd cash , balance easy. Address H tit ) , Dee ollico. 913 31 j ri O EXCHANClE-For Omaha property , one -L or mnro sections of good Nebraska land. Chas. H. Woolloy , 418 South 15th st. Omaai,3ob. 04SUO rpO exchange for unlnoumborod land or farm -L In Iowa or Nebraska a number ot lots m Omaha. Chas. It Woolly , 418 S 15th st.Omnha. Nob. 048 30 rilO KXOIIANQE-Housos and lots In Omaha -L to trade for farms in Iowa or Nebraska. Chns. 11. Woolloy , 418 South 15th streetOmutm , Noll. 1)48 ) HO GOOD Nebraska farms to trade for Omulm real estate ; also , farms to sell on long tlmo. Olio with a section , good Improvements , 20 year lease , for $5,005. Or will soli for $16 per acreand glvonoed. Record Advertising Co , 1513 Farnam Bt. f.6i BAI10AINS-Lotsl4 , 15,16 , block 11 , Clifton Hill , corner Iloiilovard avenue , half block from motor line , $1,700 , $740 cash. 10 ncros , house , otc , , near Fort Omaha , 1225 per acre , only $791 cash , balance 1,2 , 3 and t years , worth at leant $4UO per aero , must bo sold by September 1st. Van liouron & Co , , Douglas and 14th streets. 970 28 IP VOU want to buy , sell , or trade your prop erty , call on Charles E. Spotswood , 305(4 ( B. Ifith at. 403 T\0 \ rXCHANOi--Ono : largo now 10-room hoiiso nnd two lots , only 2 blocks from street cars , will tnko partly In land or other uood propcity , balance on easy terms. Chas. H. Woolloy , 418 South 15th it , Omaha. Neb. 04830 FOR SALE One million acres of land In No braika. Speculator's landsrailroad landi , ranches , and farms In all parts of the Hate. Send for pamphlet containing descrip tion and prlco of over ono tbouiand farms. A flno topographical mapof tbe state sent free upon application. K. H. Andrus , for 10 years ( Irn'l Land Agent H. & M. It It Klghth and P streets , Lincoln , Nebraska. 210 AFK\V genuine bargains In homes , care- tully selected from our Hit. U room house in Idlowlldo add. , within a tones throw from Lake st cars , charming house , splendidly finished , boautlful location , only I" > , ! M. o room bouso , ono block from Saundora and Cumlng sti , and lot 33xl& ' ? , $1,300. One block from Saunders near Cumlng , good 6 room house , city water , etc. , 40x120 , ( -1,800. 60xl27t- ( fine 7 room house , wall , oUtern , city water , and largo barn , biwn and shiido trees , nrar street cars , lovely bome.only $ UOJO ; $ . ) , J canli. Splendid lot on Miami st near Lake , now 2 star- room house , well , cistern and outbuild ings , $1,50) , very easy terms. 3.1x1 7 on oar line Z blooki from Baundors , small houie and barn , etc. , very cheap , $3,5'0. ' C0xl7)i ! ! ) on ( Irand , nuar it cars , splendid home. I'loaso look this up. A positive bargain only $ l.nuO. 6iixl37 > 4 on Sownrd near 31st , 5 room homo barn , etc. . outhouses , $3,000. ft ,000 cash. Mitchell ic Loyonmarck , 1516 Dodge it. M527 FOR SALI5 The finest residence lot on Dodge itreet 3 blocki wet of POH omoo , SOfeetiouth frontaso , a corner. F , 11. Ken < nard , lli-116 , a. ICtUit. , 3U9 LIST your property for sale with Clurlos 0. 8potlwood.IOiH ! Sloth st 043 1.0 KXCHANflE For unproved Omdh prop- .L rrty JO irood Kanios farms. Charles K > Vpolloyt416 Bouth ISth st 048 30 VanBeuren&Go Douglas ntnl 14th Streets , $125 per foot i _ T _ * lot - * i.t S3 _ and IV , Clark Add. , nvostlitnto tbli. Ixit 4 , block 10 , 1'lalnvluw. Worth at $1250 least * IWO. t /OH I far3 acres In Cote llrllllnntc , near 4 > I 4UU T. K. .t K. V. Ity. depot. For 6 ncn-s In Cote llrllllnut , north $1500 f 450 per aero. For lot 9 , block " , Vlalnvlow , ono $1600 nlock from cable Hue , House and lot In Hnwthorno , cast $1700 front , fl-Ofinn House nnd lot ( MxlOJ ) on Ciis * , ucar ailh street For 130 fnot front on Lowe Avenue , $2200 near Hamilton. A bargain. South front on Bponcor st , Kntmtzo Placo. Cheapest lot In the addition. d-O/fin Twelve lots , La Fa } otto Park , Will trade. ICfinn Corner 17th and Center streets , ( Ofl.x- 4 > DUUU 150 > . A snap. < t I inn ft For A4 feet south front on Cumlng 4)1 ) IUU U near 2Mb street. t j j nn Takes fast front lot on ISth it. , 00x140 4) ) I I UU 2luHici , modern Improvements. Notice to Mcrch.-uitB niul On and after this dnto I shall not bo respon sible for uny untcrlul dulivoroi ! to or work par- ormod for Kroil Mlttnachton house ho Is now ImiMliiK for mu on lot 4 , block 2:1 : , Sunlit Oiimbii. H15HMAN 10M11KINC1C. Omnlia , An k' u < t 19. tf _ Notice of Incorporation of the Nebraska Sav ings Bank , Nottculshcrohyplion Hint the Nebraska Snv- In s Hunk bin till : ) dny lllfd Its urtlclos of In corporation In thu ollice of the county clerk of Uouglui ) county , Nebrnska. nnd will horonfter do business under i-nld nrtlclvs III the city of Oimilm , DoiU'lus county , Nebruskn. I'nst.Tho iinmo of snld corporation Is "Ne braska Savings Hank. " Svuoud , Tlio principal place of business of suhlcoipormlou clinll lie In thu city of Omaha , DotiKlit' county , Nol > rnka. Third , Tlio ecnonil nntliro of the business of Hiild corporation nlmll bu the usual business of n savings bank ami tlio usual buslncsi of a liaiik of discount nnd loan nnd trust company. Said bank will receive money on deposit and [ my Interest thereon ; will loan and Invrft money on approved security both real and personal , and will buy and sell notes , mort- rhjri'S , nnd other notrotlahlo Instruments nnd bonds nnd stocks , and will net aa trustee and Usuiilitfruut , Fourth , The nmouut of the authorl/ed capl- Inl stock of suld corporation , Is lour hundred thousand dollars , divided Into four thousand shares ot ono hundred dollar * ench , but Paid corporation may commence biulnesf when two hundred thousand dollars of said capital stock Is subscribed. Said unpltnl stock Is to be paid Inns follows : One-fourth as BOOH us called for by tliu board of dlroctota. and the balance In Installments as called for by said boiira. Fifth , The tliiui ot commonoomont of salt ) corporation Is thu fifteenth day of Aucrust.A. D.lHHT.und Its termination ahall bu the llf tuenth day of August , A . 11. 1U0. Sixth , The highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which mild corporation shall at any ono time bo subject shall not uxceed two thirds of tlio amount of Its eubscrihod capital Block , deposits In the bank and Ritch other exceptions ns are provided for In chap ter seventeen of the acts of the legislative M- Komblv of the state of Nebraska of 1S87. Seventh , The affairs ol Bald corporation Bh nil bo conducted by n board of fifteen illreut- ors , llvfcof wbomshnll bo elected annually on the second Monday of January of oaoh year. and who shall bold their ollico for the period of three yeais ; and by a president , vice-president and cashier , elected by the board of directors. Done at Omaha , Nebraska , this Utb day of August , A. D.W7. JtTtMIIiBSi DKXTUIt L. THOMAS , JOHN lU'SH. ALV1N 8AUNDKH3. EllASTUS A. IIHN80N , F. II. JOHNSON , QKOHOK K. HAIIKER , HAMUICI , I ) . MltltCKU , MOIUIIS MOHHlhON , .1. II. KVANS , SAMURIi UOTNER. nl7d-s4 Notice to Coutractord. IN puriuanoo of an net of thol oeislnttiro of the state ot Nebraska , approved March ! )1 ) , 1887 , notli'O Is hereby given that sealed propo sals will bu reuolvod by the Hoard of i'ubllo Lands and HulldmirH until Saturday , the lOtti day of September , 1687 , at 3 o'clock p.m..for the erection of ono two-story brick building with atone bosomunt , on the grounds of the Nebraska Institution for feeble minded youths , situated near the city of Heatrloo. Said building to tie erected nnd completed , Including steam beating , plumbing , soworaice , water BOI vice nnd tunnels , according to the plans and Hneollloatlona now on Ole in the office of the Commissioner of Public Lands and Hiilldlngs , inndo by C. K. Drlscoll , architect , and the supplemental nnd additional specifications annexed thereto , marked respectively "A" and Said building to bo completed on ci before September l , 1888. The contractor to rocelro , during its erection , H ) per cent ol monthly estimates nnd the balance of tlio contract pi leu when the building Is tully completed and accepted. A bond or otlior security In the sum ot f.'i.OOJ will be required to accompany oiieh hid. m ado paynhlu to tlio state : on condition that If the uurty making tbu bid bo awarded the con tract ho will within llttoen days oxccuto and Illu a good and acceptable bond as required by law , conditioned for the faithful purrormanca of tlio contract. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Ily order of the Hoard of I'ubllo Lauds and Hulldings. JOSKHI Scorr , Lincoln , August 10,1887. Commissioner. alildiflt Guardian Sale , In pursuance ot nn order of thu district court of Nubrasku , In and for Douglas county , In the matter of the guardianship of James C. Ish , n minor , I will sell at publlo auction , the real es tate hereinafter described , on thod : ) day of September , 1887 , t 10o'clock In the forenoon , holding said sale open ono hour tborenflnr , at ttio county court house , In the city of Omaha , In Douglas county , In the state of Nobraika , to wit : Heglnnlngat a point 2JOIH tuct nrrth of the southeast corner of the west half of tbo southwest quarter of section ton , township flftemi , north raneo thlttcen , east of the sixth principal meridian , In Douglas county state ot Nebraska. Thence north ono hundred thirty- flvi ) and ono-fourth foot to the north line of said quarter section Thanco sret three hun dred and twenty-live foot. Tlienco south ono hundred tlurty-flvo nnd ono-fourth foot. Thence east tin DO hundred and twenty-five feet to the plaro of beginning , containing ono acre ol the fame more or loss , snld sale to be all cash or one third cash In hand tuid remainder payable Inotio. and two fears , with Interest at S per cent per annum from dnto until paid. Dated this llth day of August. A. D. 1887. MARTHA M. 1811 , Guardian Also , at the same time and plauu , will bo sold the following described property belonging to the undersigned , personally , vl/.i Tbo westlmlf of block olevou , In Ambler I'lnoe , containing ton lots , with improvements thereon. 11-18-25 MAHTHA M. ISH. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF TUB Chicago , Mil Mite&St , Paul Rj Tito JScat Jlonto from Omaha and Council ItlitJi'a to ] E.A.ST THEE . . Two Tiains Dally Hetween Omaha and Council lilufls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapids Rock Island , Kreeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davennort , Elgin , Madison , Janesvill ? , Ueloit , Winona , La Croste , And all otlior important points East , Nort'ions and Southeast. For through tickets callon the ticket ngont ftt 1401 I'arnam street , In 1'axton Hulcl , lira Union 1'uclflc depot. Pullman Hloopers and the finest Dining Cars In the world are run nn tbo main line ot tbe Chicago , Mllwnukeo Ht. Paul Itiillway and every ery attention In paid to nuMongura by courte ous emplyeos of the co.Mpiiny. H. MII.I.KII , ( Jencrnl Manager. J. F. TUCKKII , Assistant ( Jonorai ; Manager. A.V.It OAIUTNTKU , Cioneral I'UBionrcr uni Ticket Agent. OEO. K. IlEtKKinti , AsshtantOcnorn ) I'asson per and Ticket Agent. J. T. Clark ( lenertU Superintendent C. . MAYNE. C. H. TAYLOR. TAYLOR & MAYNE , Amts , , Tjlfirlitnlncr nntl TornrviltiJ N. VT. Cor. 1Mb and Harney Ht . , Omaha , Neb T l pbouii Oil , THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Running Hetwcon Oiuncll HlulTs nnd bontli Omaha. In mlilitlon to the stations niontliinod , rains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth trcots , and at the Summit in Omaha. Wt'Htwnril. COUNOlli LEAKY ROOFIN8 , Tin or Iron , Repaired. And Pnlntod , and guaranteed tight lor number of years. PulntH never blister. GRAVEL ROOFING Manufactured nnd repaired. Flro Pi-oof I'nliit applied to shingles , K > years experience. YVM.ll. CURllAN &SON , 8111 S.nt St. llet. Arbor nnd Vlnlon. WHO IS CHiCQOil TrD WITH Till OCOOIUrHT OT TI1II OOUKTHI WILL KE BT EXAMIXINO Till * HAP THAI Till CHieA60ROCKISLAND&PAQFICRAILWAY ! By reason of He central position , clew relation to lints East ot Chicago , and centlnJius lutes at terminal points West , Northwest and 8o4th.ttest , U tie true middle link In that transcontinental nystem which Inrltoe stud facilitates travel aal trafflo between the Atlantic and I'acUlc. The Rock Island mala Una and branches Include Chicago cage , Jollet , Ottawa , Lnballn , IVorta , Orneseo , Molln * and Stock Island , In Illinois ) UaTenport , Muscatlnl , Wellington , FttlrHold. Ottumwa , Oskalooia , West Lib erty , Iowa Clty.PoeHolnos , Indlanola.Wlntersel , Atlan tic. Knoirllle , Audubon , ilarlan , Outhrlo Centre and Council Dlufri , In lonai Qallatln , Trenton , Bt. Josepa. Cameron and Kansai City. In HUssnrt ; MaViinworttt and Atohlson , in Kantai i Albert Ma , Hlnntapolll an J St. raul.lnMlnnusotai Watertown and Elom Falls , 1 Pakota , and hundreds of lutermedlata cities and toqrna. VTho Oroat Rook Island RoutQ"A Oaarantees speed , comfort , certainty and fety. Ici fennancnt war la dlstlnnulnhod for IU oxeeUenc * . IM are of atone and Iron , Its track U of solid t lUirolllJiEBtockperfect. liis all the info nppllancei that eiperienca ha prvrel useful , and for ruiarloua accommodations le L passed. Its Kipreis Trains consist of superior Day Coaches , elegant IMillman I'alace Parlor and Hleeplaz Care , superb Dining Can , providing dellclonf mealf , and ( between Chicago and St. Joseph , Atohlson ana Kansas City ) rettful Reclining Chair Care. Its man agement li conservative , 1U dliclpllno osactlog. "The Famous Albert Lea Route" Ilotween Chicago and Minneapolis and Bt. Paul le the ( aTorlte. Orer tills lln * Solid Faet Kxpress Tralu rua dally to attractive rosorta for tourists In lovro , and Minnesota , and , via Watertown and Hloui Falls , to the rich wheat and grating lauds of Interior Dakota. Via Benece and Kankakee , the Kock Island otters superior Inducements to travelers between Cincinnati , India * . apolls , I.afavette and Council Bluffi.Ht. Joseph , Atchl- ron , Loavcnworth , Kannas City , ttt. Paul , and Interme diate points. All patrons ( npeclallr ladlee and clill- drrn ) receive protection , courtesy and kindly attention. For tickets , maps , foldsre , coplee of Wvntrrn Trail , or anr desired Information , apply lo principal offices In the United States and Canada , or ddre s , at Chicago , R. R , CASH , I , ST. JOHN , I. . MOtllOOI , EUUCATK YOUR SO.VS. TUB UNIVERSITY of ! OTRK DA.1IH olforx unequalled mlviuitniros to Impart to your sons nnd wards a thnrmiini education lor ullb- or coinmerclul onursa , or n lull toiirpocoiiiiini- | In K classics , Invr , bolonco , mathomatlcg ami tnii lo. TIII : HII.MM i > Ei'AHTiMi\'r : ( St. ICO ward's Hall ) tor bovn tinder tblitiion yoais of airo. Ilofuru conolinlliw wliuru to Hdinl your sons fund for ucatiilo uocontalnlnir liln - irntlonn of tbu bulldlm ? ' ! of Notre Datno and full pHrtluiilarH as to terms and rourso of study TboH7th Bosnian opoiMTUDHday.Boiitiimhur 51 li , 48S7. AililroMi Uov. T. i : . Walsh , 0. S. U , 1'ioj. University , Notre Dame , Ind. "YOUNG LADIES' ' INSTITUTE Anil IIOMUNCIIOOI , for CilULS. KANKAH CrrV MO. Full corps of nrroniplUli 'JVadierd. I'upllii rocol\ed tit niiy llmu rurclrcutu Pplf to. Mls K. MeCOMAS. I' Howard Collegiate Institute , For Young I.artlm loopom Hopt 21 , College Piopiiratory , Clanslcnl and Hclentlflo Orailuat- liiKcdinses. I'or clrutiluri addrens 15MMA O. CONHO.l'rlnriiml.or II. H. HOWAltD , pocro- lary.VV em Hrlilirmuilor , Mats. JjUliuv.'i'/t IDIIILAIIKLI'IIIA BKJIINAHY J. I'lijtVOI'MII.A 1)1 KSU'5 | : North rtrnmnt Phllaileliililit. 17th year boiflns 8 < ipt. 21it , 18)7. Addu'.n Mlsi II , K. .IUDKINS. l'riuclml | , H ho rolcm by spcuilal p.orlnlsilon to Me. unl Mw.lolin N. .lowett , 1 Mr. nnd Mm. I'hlllp 1) ) . Armour , VCbicajfO. Mr. ana Mr lluruuoV.V ilO | )