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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1887)
\ ti THE OMAHA DAILY BBE : FRIDAY. AUGUST 26. 1887. A "FENCR" RAIDED. A Ijargo Haul of Htnteti Property nncl Arrant of Thloreg. The police nindo n raid yesterday on ft "fence" or system offences" on the cor ner of Chicago tind Eleventh streets nnd between Cuss and Chlcngo , near the same corner. Ihoy arrested the following , all colored ; A. Anderson , Aiunnda Ford , Julia forest , Mary Love , and Minnlo Wallace. They also arrested two white boys rwrncd Clmrleft Parker , aged fifteen , np < l Oliiu'Ies fuller , ngetl ( ourtcqih ParW's father is a carpenter and k uller's father is a conductor on the Union Punllic. liesidcs making the arrest the ofllccrs succeeded in capturing a large quantity of ladles dress goods and shoes. The goods were stolen from George Ilaydcn and the shoos from S. P. Morse. The ollicials had been picking up clues during the week , all centering In the placi ! raided , in their nllbrts to account for the whereabouts of the missing prop erty , and the result showed the correct ness of their theories. The table in tlio police court was piled up with the goods captured. There wore four pair of ladies' fine Ffoncli shoes , valued at $5 a pair , nndsuvcriil paiw of misses' and chil dren's shoes , Mr. Hayden says the dress goods in court are only remnants of whole bolts stolen , lie pointed out one remnantof red llunnel with a black plaid of only a few yards , which was from a bolt of forty yards stolen The value of the goods found by the po IIco is about $100 ; the amount stolen is dlllicult to learn at present as the owners cannot say , but it Is quite largo. The two white boys were induced to commit the thefts and were paid by the colored people for the articles stolen. The amounts paid by the latter were from twenty-live to fifty cents for bolts worth ffi and $10. ( Jharles Fuller's mother was in court and cried piliously us she recounted the way in which her son had been led astray by Parker. The proof showed that the boys took the goods from the sidewalk stands , whore they were displayed , and the work had been going on for two weeks. The two boys were held to await the action of the grand jury in the sum of $ ' .250 each and were locked up In default of bail. Julia Farrell was lined $30 and given thirty days. The other defendants were fined $30 except Mary Lowe , who was given thirty days in jail. Captain Green und ( Jllicer Mat/a made the arrests. SOUTH OMAHA NOTES. T. F. Elliot has opened a law ollico on N street. J. P. Hayes departed for Chicago yes- torda , where ho will spend u week visi ting his family. M. II. Ish has sold his stock of general merchandise to J. K. Eastman. An accomplished young lady of the Third ward was displaying an engage- front ring to friends yesterday , which leaves the inference thattho nuptials will soon take place. A tliri'o-ycar-old child of II. B. Gartner died Wednesday night and was buried this afternoon. A new veal estate odico will bo located in Morris Morrison's old stand. Hatch & Elliott have opened a new real estate ollicu on N street. Thocity council will meet to-night to discuss the motor bond question and the advisability of taking the census of thu town. The yardmastcr of South Omaha hand led Wednesday 58 cars of cattle , 23 cars of hogs and 14 cars ot meat.- This was an unusually big day for this time of the year. In the last ten days thirty cars of mate rial were received at tlio now carriage factory. A foot race took place Wednesday night between two local sprinters , A. Kollnor and Court Horinc. The distance to bo run was 100 yards and a purse of f 5 n Bide. Kollncr broke down on the first fifty yards and Ilorlno won the race with out much effort. A meeting was hold Wednesday night in tholowa hall for the purpose of organizing n shooting club. About twenty men were present and the organization was BOOH cfl'cctod. Adam Killnor was elected pres ident , J. P. Hayes secretary and J. 11. Johnson treasurer. Meetings will beheld held every Wednesday evening and a shoot once every week. A MASKKT SOCIAHLE. The basket sociable held in the schoolhouse house- Wednesday night proved to bo a very successful affair. A large number of young people wore present. The fea ture of the evening was the auctioning of lunch baskets which had boon pre pared by the young ladies. The rule was that citoh gentleman who bought a basket was to have the lady who put up the lunch dine with him on the contents. The amounts received varied from fifty rents to f3. After the baskets had boon disposed of refreshments , in the shape ol ice cream and cake were served by the Bocloty. AH present thoroughly enjoyed themselves. AHHESTEO KOU HOBBKRY. The city marshal and his force of offi cers went to work with a will lo appre hend the perpetrators of the daring highWay - Way robbery of Joseph Krasensky nnd iiiccccdod so far as to cause two of the four , Michael Connolly and Dennis Me- Cormnck , to bo sent up yesterday , by Judge Iteuther to await the action of the district court , in default of fSOO bail each. John Connor was arrested Wednesday , by Marshal llico on the charge of bcmt Implicated in the robbery of money anil Valuables to the amount of $200 fron George S. Chandler , a stock dealer , al the UonRon house , on August 21. Connoi was placed in jail to await A preliminary hearing and the arrest of his accomplice. that the police nro on the track ot am Boon hope to bring to justice. There is strong circumstantial evidence agains Connor. IUG INJUNCTION SUIT. The Hoard or Kaucntloii Called Inti Court. DCharlos J. Ryan commenced suit yes tcrday through his attorney , George W Doano , ngaiust the board of cduca tion and John Hush , city treasurer , Th cause of action is to restrain defendant from purchasing certain lots in Saunder & Himobaugh's addition for school pur poses. The petition alleges thu site I totally unfit for school purposes ; that n publication was made ; that the block named in the report are incorrect ; tha the interests of the majority living i the district named lias not bee connldorod. that the sum of 125.000 a lowed this year for school building e ? ponditures , etc. , has been exhausted , an BO forth. Judge Neville granted the it junction temporarily until September ' when It will bo argued. It is said this case will expo ; considerable rottenness in th school board. People stat that S. K. Felton , onn of the members < the board from the Ninth ward , was ii Btrumontal in changing the location o this school site to bonoht his own proj erty after thu committed had decided o the former site. It Is also said that ho operating with the Strung compan ( or certain contracts connected wit school buildings , and that Fred W. Gra ; the lumberman , is interested as far i furnishing material tor this school. Ye : torday Hugh G. Clarice stopped a job i Ambler place where a school site was < bo selected at great expense especially i ) he county hud offered the board tw lores v of the poor farm al a noinin ( edipg ia Ibis ma tcr has become such that an indignation meeting will bo held on Walnut Hill to consider It and the Minth ward republican club will diecugj the matter at tuo meeting next Tuesday. IJ1O MAILWOUK. The BuslcHt Democrat In Town How Ijottor Transfers ro Matlo. Wednesday there arrived thrcu tons of fast mall matter from Now York for Omaha delivery. W. II. Soauldlng , who has charge of the mall transfer at the depot , is the busiest democrat in town these days. From 0:30 : In the morning until 8:30 : in itho evening ho is flying around like a man who has lost some thing and expects to find it. The quickest work is when the dummy train comes over at 10 o'clock. This brings the east ern mail. The li. & M. train for Lincoln and the wcs& & leaves at 10.05. Now this dumniy is hp.rul.Y cycr. on time , and the consequence is Spaulding gets mad. The U. & M. usually waits three minutes for him and the way ho has to haul the truckload of mail matter from the Union Pacific depot over to the 1) . & M. triin would make a man running for ollico get a pointer. The great question in Soaulding's mind is why the mail from the cast is not sent over on tno 9:40 : tram instead of the 10 o'clock. This would save considerable work in the matter of transfer , and people ple west of Omaha along the 1) . M. would never miss their mail. NUW TOVVXS. On the O. , M. ft St. P. IUHw y. The opening sale of lots in the now towns of Huck Grove , Hell and Kenwood will occur on August 31 , September 1 nnd S , respectively. These towns are located on the Sioux City and Manilla branch of the C. . M. & St. P. railway , and afford an excellent opportunity for safe invest ment C. A. PADLEY , Gen. Land Agent , Milwaukee , Wis. H. G. HAUUAN , Laud Com'r C. , M. & St. P. railway , Milwaukee , Wis. Railroad News. Yesterday morning there was a private meeting of Commissioner J. N. Faithorn , C. M. Wicker , George L. Car man , Osuar Murray. traveling manager of the Missouri Pacific ; Daniel Atwood , general freight agent of the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska ; K. C. Morohouso , general freight agent of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley , G ; F. Wheo- lock. assistant general freight agent of the sumo road ; F. Mulligan , general freight agent of the St. Joseph & Grand Island , and Thomas Miller , gen eral freight manager of the B. & M. The gathering took place in the general man ager's ollico of the Union Pacific. The WTiolu day was consumed in diceussion of a number of subjects , principally affecting - ing shippers of stock who have been ask ing reduced rates. Incidentally , the mat ter of increased rates over the new Union Pacific bridge , which it seems the management has un dertaken to imuoso , was considered , together with several other matters per taining to terminal facilities , rates at junction points. What action iiad been taken i.s unknown , because everybody except the ollicers mentioned is excluded from the place of meeting. General Passenger Agent Morse re turned yesterday from the east. He was asked what no proposed to no after his retirement from the Union Pacific on the first of next month. Ho said ho did not know. "With us railroad men , you know , " ho said , "it is work , work until the last day , und then look around for another placo. " George W. Iloldrego , general manager of the B. & M. in Nebraska , came from liurlington , la. , yesterday , where a big meeting of the Burlington officials was held. Among those present were Superintendent llrown , of the Iowa di vision of the road ; J. IX Bossier , general superintendent of the Burlington , Gen eral Manager Stone , Paul Morton , gen eral ticket and passenger agent , and General Manager Merrill , of thu Kansas City & St. Joe road. Comptroller Mink , of the Union Paci fic , arrived in the city yesterday. Inas much as ho left here a low days ago with President Adams there are rumors in the air. Colonel J. J. Dickey , general western superintendent of the Western Union , loft for Now Mexico yesterday to look over the now territory lately placer un der his charge. This includes Southern California , Southern ; Kansas , Arizona , and Now Mexico. BUFFET CAHS. There are seven cars of the Pullman make being refitted and rearranged at the shops for buffet service and two across the river being stocked. These cars were originally in tended for dining room service but when the Pacific liotel took posses sion of the eating houses on the road they wore left out. bmcn then they have been used for ordinary sleeping-car purposes. Among the changes that are being made is the introduction of patent refrigerators that will keep an overcoat on a beef steak in July. First Harvest Excursion to Dakota. Half-fare rates via Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul tty , for round trip tickets to points in southern , central nnd northern Dakota. Excursion train starts August 30th. Don't forget the date. Apply nt City Ticket Onice , 1401 Farnam street , Omaha. F. A. NASH , General agent. Tasting the Gas. It is intended by the owners of the newly discovered natural gas spring in the north end of the town , to erect nil necessary machinery for the boring of a well immediately , and learn without delay whether or not their hopes are founded upon facts , or if their gas discovery will go with the coal dis covery into the whence. It is now more than a year since it was discovered that the water in the springs adjacent were charged with crude petro leum , while at the same combustible substance exuded from the earth in many places. The matter was kept quiet and .yesterday , in view of the promising pros pects the owners above mentioned se cured title to the land upon which the spring is located , on the payment ol $3,500 , the land in question being a strip of 50x107 feet. Yesterday several real estate agents 3 and capitalists again visited the scene , and made several tests of the gas. Tin reservoir was tilled several times and when the gas was turned on and ignited the flame burned for several minutes , tc the satisfaction of all who witnessed it A. EE . .jportercstoniar mot Mr t T. K. Baker and learned that the prom i isu of a supply of illuminating gas wa : most satisfactory. In his experience gas had been found in quantities in land sucl as surrounded the place where the pros pecting Is now being carried on. lie suggested to Mr. Maul that ho ought tc losu no time in establishing a stock com pauy to make the necessary investiga o tion , which ho thought would not cos o more than f 2,500 or $3,000. o J. P. Ash. a well known plasterer o : f this city , is the man who first discovered ored the burning properties of the natura gas spring. He was eating his mid-da ] lunch at homo some time ag ( near the place named. Obsorvinf peculiar globules on the water bo took i cup of It , and as ho was lighting his pipi the gas from the water took fire am burned the hair from off his hand. ' .Chi next day ho told Mr. Thos. Italian , pro prietor of th-j Tromont house. BothYlsitei thu spot and the "Doubtful Thomas" com menccd to examine for himself. The re suit was that he had his eyebrows burnei off and his blonde inustanho deitroyei forever. Those gentlemen can testlt' ' that Uio gas aurfi.ejripgfwiUburai } ? EVEltYDOnY THANKED. The Conntjr Teacher * Become Very Grateful. The following resolutions were passed at the close of the session of the teach ers' institute yesterday , and 100 pedago gues voted and cheered afllrmatively : Whereas , The UoiiRlM County Teachers' Institute Is drawing to a close , and Its mem bers feel that some- expression Is duo Iroin them showing their appreclatlonof the many favors received , therefore ! be It llus lved , That we acknowledge our In debtedness to the city school board for the use ot the high school building , and for which we extend our , grateful thanks. Kesolvcd , That thanks are duo to the city press for the courtesies shown to us In re porting our progress ; to Harper A Hr < K , for so kindly furnishing Institute note books ; to Or. Kaiiirnmu , for the use of White's Mani kin chart. Resolved , That we extend our thauks to County Super intendent J nines 1) . Brnner for Ills untiring zeal In performing the duties of his ollice and the satisfactory manner In which fie has conducted the Ipstltuto ; to Mrs. Key- ser , for the excellent methujs stic has brought to our notice and tlio Interesting Ire- tures she hasclvcn us : to Miss Strong for the abln manner In which she hns handled the subjects assigned to her ; to Professors Kolirbough and Worlcy of the ( Omaha Com mercial college , for the Instruction given and the deep Interest they have manifested In our progress ; to the Hev. Dr. llarslm , of Hellenic college , for his Instructive lecture upon cyclones. Whereas , It has pleased an alhvlse provi dence to remove from our midst Dr. Max Hnmtall and to terminate so suddenly a life of trust and usefulness , there ! ere be It Resolved , That we , the teacher * of Doug las county , with whom hoas so long asso ciated. as a co-laborer In the cause of educa tion , deplore our loss. And while wo bow In silence tinder the chastening hand , we still recognize In this sad event the work of if im who doeth all things well. THE WOOD L\KU WRECK. Talk With the Only Passenger Who Wan Injured. A. P. Schroyer , of Woodward , la. , ar- rrlvcd yesterday , on his way home Val entine , Neb. Ho was on the passen ger train of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Mis souri Valley railroad , which was derailed five miles west of Wood Lake , Nob. , yes terday morning at 5:30. : Mr. Schroyer was sitting on the coal box at the time the accident occurred , and was severely bruised , being tlio only passenger in jured. Ho says that had it not been for the mail car being thrown to the right of the track there would undoubedtly have been frightful casualty. As it was Albert Aikcn , the foreman of ho derailed locomotive was instantly milled. Ho was from Dixon , III. , and his ! ) ody is now at Long Pine , Neb. , await- ng transfer to his former eastern homo. The disabled train resumed its journey at 11 o'clock , the conductor succeeding in obtaining the assistance of a freight which was switched at Johnstown , a few miles away. Besides the sngino tlio mail and bag gage car were ditched and the passenger cars ran on the broken rails some one : iundred nnd fifty feet into the sand on the track sinking above their trucks. Mr. Schroyor says that nearly all the passengers were asleep at the time but thu jarring nnd crash caused the greatest confusion. The train was crowded with people on their way to the G. A. U. re union at Norfolk. The cause of thu acci- lent was the displacement of the truck where the steel rails joined the old iron ones. Malnrln. Fred Brown's Jamaica Ginger will re- ievo any sudden attack of malaria. Never go to a malarious district without it. The Adolph Meyer , musical director of the sygagogue , announces that the choir for the next year has been selected as fol- OWB : Mrs. J. W. Cotton , soprana ; Miss . Ponnoll , alto ; Mr. W. B. Wilkins , tenor ; Mr. T. J. Peunell , basso ; Miss M. Boultor , organist. The regular Friday night service at the synagogue will commence at 7:30 : o'clock at which Rabbi Benson will de liver a lecture on "Religious Perplexity" the second discourse m the series "Is Religion necessary ? " Temporary enlargement of the syna gogue fn\s \ been made for the holidays only , as it has now been determined to erect a new place of worship. Another Daily Paper. For several weeks vague rumors have been afloat that Omaha is to have an other daily newspaper , under the man agement of O. H. Kothacker. Many per sons were inclined to belioro that it was only a case of wind. The fact is , how ever , tfjat the scheme is now rapidly ma terializing. Subscriptions to the stock of the proposed paper arc being solicited. Among those who have subscribed $1,000 each are Isaac S. Hascall , Hugh Murphy , and several other men who are interested in politics , public improvements , and raising hell generally. The Advance Guard. The coming fair and the Grand Army of the Republic reunion in this city are attracting confidence men , thieves and persons of a like ilk from all over the country. Already they are arriving but the police are prepared to give them a proper reception. Charles Marcs and James Chamberlain at the Union Pacific depot , Ofllccr Olscn at the B. & M. and Ward , the regular day police ofiiccr on the Tenth street boat , commenced yester day to examine Incoming suspects very closolv. It is safe to say "crooked" people ple will have to keep clear of the depots. Electric Lustre Starch is the best laun dry starch in tlio world. Under llonrts. Frank McKinney , who has been on trial for being engaged in the lot tery business , was placed under 1400 bonds yesterday during the progress of the caso. It i.s said the continuance was made to allow Nat Brown , the prosecut ing witness to attend the DCS Moines fair races , whither lie went Wednesday. DIAMONDS , WATCHES , JE WEL R Y , BRONZES -AT- Importer'sPrices MAX MEM ORO POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ty.streufftli and wholcsomonois. Mare econ omical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo sold In competition with the multitude of low coit short weight nlum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cani. llovAt , DAKINU I'owoER Oo. 101 Wall-su. N. Y. DR. POWELL BEEVES , 314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. PRIVATE I > ISIM\SAHY. : Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special Diseases. ThoOld Rollabla Spcolnllat of ranny ycnr < ? ox- poricnco , treiiU with wnmlcrTul huccess nil LUNJ. TUKOAT , CANCnil , I'll.BS. K1S1O- LA , Hl'lTUlli : , cured without KN1FU OK CAUSTIC. Treats till forms nf Throiu Lung , Nerve nnd Illnoil disease * , all Cluonlc dl ca-ios and Do- fonnltlo.i tnr In advance of any Institution In this country. Tboeo who coiitompUUe RolriK to Hot Killings for the treatment of tiny 1'rlvnto or lllood dlerasocnn lie cured for onu-tliiu ! the cost at our I'rlvato Dispensary , au South 13th street. Omaha , Nell. KUi'TUHK cured without pnln orhlndoranco rom business. I AniCC y this treatment a pure Lovely LNUICv Complexion , free irom blounc g , freckles , hliickheuils , eruption" , etc. , llrllliiuit KyeB unflporlecthpulth cnn ho hud. f4f Tliut "tired1 ! feeling luididifemulo weak nesses promptly cured. lllmitliiK Headaches , Nervous i'roi-tratlon , General IJcbllity , Sleep- essncss , Depression and liullfrostlon. Ovnrlon loubles , Inlliitnmatlan nnd Ulceintion , Falllni ; md Displacements , Spinal weakness , Kidney lomplitlntg and Chnngo of Life. Consult tU ild Doctor. ? VC Ilin CMD Acute or Chronic InHam 1C HI1U the Kycllds or lobo and far o Ncar Slghtcdnrss , Inversion of the Lids , Scrofulous Eves , Ulcnratlons , In flammations , Abscess , Dimness of Vlslonof one or botli even , and Tumors of Lid. MT" Inflammation of the Ear , Ulcoratlon or 'atarili. Internal or External Donfness , or 'aralysis , Binding or Roaring nolies , Thickened ) rum , etc. IBBlf flllC Debility , Spermatorrhoea , Som- ICnVUUd Innl Losses , Night Emissions , /osi ot Vital Power. Sleeplessness , Despond- incy , Loss of Memory , Confusion of Ideas , Ultra HcToro the Eyes , LasMtudo , Languor , iloomlnefs , Depression ol Splritc. Aversion to Society , I'afllly Discouraged , Lack of Coull- dence , Dull , Listless. Unfit for Study or liusi- ness , and finds llfo n burden , Safely , Forma- inntly and Privately Cured. Dl flftl ! f. OI/IM CeasesSyphllls-a'dl- ILUUU * Mllsoaso most horrible In ts result ! completely eradicated without the iso of mercury. Serofuln , Kryslpolas , Fever 3ore § , lllotchos. Plmploe. Ulceis , pains In the Head and Hones , Syphilitic Sore ThroatMouth and Tongue , Ulandul'ir Knlarrcment of the feck , Hhoumatism , Catarrh , etc. , Permanently 'ured When Others Have Fulled. ' Kidney nnd lllndrtor troubles , i Weak l ( ck , llurnlng Urine , frequency of Urinating , Urine high colored or nilky sedlmonton standing , ( lonorrhcua , Gleet , y8titis , etc. , promptly and safely cured. harges rrasonablp. PRIVATE DISEASES fleet , Ktrlcture , cemluul emlsJlons , loss of sex- ml power , wenknt < ss ot tlio euvuul nrgaiu.want of drsirolnmiilo or fomnle , whether from Im- irudout habits of young or t-oximl hulilts In mnturo years , or liny CIUISB that debilitates the exunl tunctlons , speedily and | iormanentlr cured. Consultation free nnd strictly confidential. 'ledlclno be in frea fioiu ohiervatlon to all mrta of the United States. Correspondence receives prompt attention. No letters an swered unlosi acoompnniod by four cents in tamps. Send stamp for pamphlet and list of questions. Terms itrlctly cash. Call on or ad- Iress > RI'OWEI.I. . RKKVKS , No. 3M South 13th St. . Omaha , Neb. ABSOLUTE PERFECTION IN BAKING : AND ALL- MEATS ROASTED IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR rOUND EXCLUSIVELY ON THB MARVELOUS RESULTS LOSS IN SHRINKAGE OF MEATS , V.rr f wp npU Mnowthnttho flhrlnkaz * of M ftti roatudln acloiaona li from thlrt7-H to forty t > * t caat. All meat ( attaint v at7flv p rc at.of * tt6t ndonlr tw utrfl C r cenUof ioild matur. d tt , laMtkatUmari * in b * roaittniliruadata toxtapo. mtonotllnlulo4-whlch UthtflTAL rtBTor MCAT . . . vi * 9 * uu. MWM t- mut. tbowln loMnf thrta poundt and IWIIT * ouncei ef jul . . Y > EI1 low UnKp > rc Bt.otth.utiJ wolsht. It them til * aarmout Loet ot Vint rui csMi.or . TUX Jon. nt.o ? th * total wefjht. Itiliowi lUO FOR lUUITUTED CliCULAM AND PlICC LlSTt. CHAETEE OAK flTOVZS and KANGES are SOLD IN KXBKASXAai ( oUowi : MILTON ROCERS&SONS . OMAHA. P. KBNNEY. . GORDOM. DALLAS t LETSON , . HASTINGS. E. C. BREWER , . HAV SriNos. M.AIRDJkCO. . N AIKACITV. W. r. TEMPLETON. . NELSON. . STURDEVANT &SON , . , , . ATKINSON. KASSfcCO . CHAD ON. RAUSK. 1.UUKER& WELCH , . . .Cotun ui. OLDS BROS . EIIGAR. TANNELL&SWEENEY , . . . . , . KAIRSURV. GETTLE * FAGER . FRANKLIN. N.J.JOHNSON . NORTH BIM > . if. McCAFFF.RTY , . O'NEHLCiTY. R. HAZLEWOOD , . OSCIOLA. J , S. DUKE . PLATTSUOUTII. . PEARSON , . SreiLiNG , G.GREF.N. . . . . . . . . . STROHseuito , . A. PADDEN &SOW , . . . . . . . . . SufKRioR. 1MME MAN fcFRKER . VIRPON. . through errors ana bad practices C NEARLY DONE. The carpenters and painters who have for some weeks past had pos session of our upper floors , are about finished , and we are happy testate state we shall in the near future , open all our floors tor business. The elegant passenger elevator we are now nutting in will make access to the upper floors easy. The tremendous increase in our business since we opened , has induced us to make preparations for the coming sea son on a gigantic scale. We are now having manufactured , and will soon have on exhibitioni the handsomest and richest lines of Fall and Winter goods , and when everything is ready , we shall show a stock of- mens' and boys' clothing second to none in the country. In addition to bur clothing and furnishing goods , we shall , in a few days , open a complete line of hats. This department will occupy the rear of the second floor , and will contain a larger stock than any hat house in the city. As the goods will be all new , we shall only show the latest styles , and we shall sell them with the same low margin of , profit as we do all our other goods. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at Nebraska Clothing Company Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. During July and August , our store closes at 6:30 : p. m. , except Saturday. OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cor. 13th St. and Capitol Aue. , OMAHA , NEB. FOR TUB TIlIATJtENT OF ALL CHRONIC i ® SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES AND APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES , TRUSSES , A' < D THE NEW VARICOCELE SUSPENSORY GUMP COMPRESS. fcit forllltlM. .pptr.lui ftnlr mwli4 f ir iurriftillr * lmpnl .f tir > form of il niM ri-Miilrlnjr Mfvllritl or fMirgirnl trrahneiit. WniTl FOR CutuLAR. on l ) f irmltlei cnij llicrei Uitli Ftft. CufTttur. oflhoHpine , I'tlfi. Tumori , C.nrtr.raUrrti , rtronrMlli , Intulillon , nwlrMljr , I' r4lil . l.pllfpijr , KUiny , ll dj r , hrt. bur , bktti , * nd lllooil , unii all Burglitl Opt ntlonl , Book on Diseases of Women FIt E. Only Reliable MEDICAL INSTITUTE UAKINn A flrEClAI.TV OF PRIVATE , SPECIAL and NERVODS DISEASES. DOOK FREE TO MEN ! tpMt JMTaff , Special tnj Nnvou-i risiip ) . Seminal waaVrcM Spermatoiiliun. Impotrnry , SyphUf * . ( * unori beta , Gleet , and * * 1 * corcli , Kooint fir | > atienta. Auitrrll , OMAHA JliDIHI : , A KUIUIICAF , IXST1TC' , or Tr. McMenamy , Cor. I3li ! si , & Oapltol AT.Oradoa , , Neb. Medical Books or Papers Free. The proprietor uf ( be Omaha Medical uuil Mirnl- cul liutltu'e tu pjbil'licd a valuable BUI nf buoki iul papers npo > i clironlo und surgical ill ei 4 Hud : ! cformlilti ! , anil t'io methods ui cure which luvo Klveiihim the repuUtlonof bulnc the most , skillful Hurt luccoasfitl poull t In the went , and nrido tliu IniUlulo BO cciu rated thut medtclnes aronpnito und patients recel eil from every Btntu In lit * * union. AumnK the books Is nno upon the Ulseusei of wumon ; nne upon norToii * . pi > clul imd prluitcdls- oatioiof the sexual nnd urlimry organs ; v rlcocale ourud by eurulcut operations , imd their 1 itcly Invent ed clanip comproxs snnp'nsory tor Iho relief and urenf viirlcocele , norvoui ethnu tlon iindsetual . . . llll null .llllMlllllllll. t lu. UIIIIKU limtl UUUK9 .d by doctori frco , they ilo not conMstof tent- monlaln with fictitious anmeAnnil InttlnK or rubbish of that kind , but nro plain desorlptloni of ill esio , lymploras. new rt : co7erlo In nieJIclne. nursery itnd electricity , nnd arc well worth the ueru.'il ' unit cnn be obtained free bi nd < lre < iiln < thu ( Jimlu Medi cal nnd Hurelcal InMltu'o , Htli ttr.iet and Capitol nvcnue , Omana. Neori ; ka. TUB CHIC AGOAND North Northwestern western Sifoort Line The only rend to tnko for fies Molnca ' nr- shnlltowu , 0 edur UiiplclK , Clinton , Dlion. Chlca- KO , Milwaukee and nil points eust. To the people ple of Nebruskii , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , AOVIU'U , UrcKon , Wnshlnirton , nnd Cali fornia , It offers superior advantages net possi ble by any other lino. Among ft fowot the numerous points of BU- Pjvrlorlty enjoyed by the putrons of thli road Ucnwcen Oinabn and Chicagonro Ita two trains a day of DAY COACHKS , which Bro the Hnest that human art and Ingenuity can create. Its PALAOKKSLKKl'INO OAKS , which are models of comtort and elepanco. Its I'AULOU UltAW- INO UOOM CAUS , unsurpassed by any. and Ui widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAHS. the equal of which cannot he found clsowhora At Council niuffi the trains of the Union I'acltlo tty. connect In Union Depot with those ot the Chicago It Northwestern Hy. In Chlcngo the trains of this Una make close connection with those of all eastern lines. For Detroit. Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin nati. Nlnsrara Falls , Uiiffalo , I'lttiburir.Toronto , Montreal , Iloston , New York , Philadelphia , Ilaltlmore , Wnshlnirton and nil points In the east , ask for a ticket fla the "NOKTHVE3TBKN. . " , , If you wish the bo t ncconimodatlon , All ticket asents sell tickets via this lino' II. HuGHITT. K P. WILSON. Genl. Manager , fienl. Pass'r Arent ' " * InL.H. . . ? . . HOLMM , Westarn Auont , City 1'nss'r Agent , Omaha Nabruika. Wtl. MO IltTOKlU D. I * . nODWEIJ. A : Real Estate Dealers HO South Spring Street , LOS ASQELES , CALIFOJiXJA. Dealers In city nod country property of il 'deseriptloiii. General iiilofnmtlou to now- CQB if Jf sely BiTeuT s Ol1 T1IK SACRED HEART , The Scholastic year commences on the First Wednesday In September. DIITeronco of rollV jrlon is no obstacle to the admission of younjr ladles. Pupils uro received HI any time of tu F.A.Y.A.BXJEJ IN" A.r > VA-3STOE3. Including Hoard , Washing. Tuition in English nnd French , Instrumental Music. Use of Ilooks , per session of Five Months . . . . . ! . $16000 Painting , Drawing , German , VOCH ! Musip. Harp. Violin-extras. References are teqiilied from persons unknown to the Institution , For further information apply to the HIght Hov. JAS. O'CONNOU. or to the Ludy Superior. Ill/urn Lruiiii ) U. S. DEPOSITORY , OtMLalia , iTeTo. Paid up Capital $260,000 Surplus 42,000 II. W. Yatc-s , President. Lewis S. Heed , Vicc-Prcsidont. A. E. Touznlin. 3d Vico-Presidont. W. H. S. HuRlies , Cashier , DIUEOTOKS : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins H. W. Yates , Lewis S. llced A. E. Tou/.nliu. BANKJNcToFnCE : THE IRON BANK Cor. 12Ui and Farnam Sts. A General Bankingliusincss Transacto STECK PIANOS Remarkable for powerful sympa- JUstie tpnft pliable action and ab solute durability ; 80 years' record , the best guarantee of the excel lence of these instruments. WOODBRIDGE BROS. , A pi For nil kinds of biislnt'FS nt tlio New Town of Harbine , Midway botwcon rnlrliury and Iloatrlco on tlio C. K. * N. It. It Lota CIic < ti > on Easy Harms. Address C. II. IrTTON , Fiilrlniry , EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA Proparntory Courses. ThoroiiKh Tuehnlcal Work. All Departments conducted by able PUOFESSOHH. Military system second only to that of U. 8. M. A. Annuals of Lieut. H T. llnrt- lett , UW ( Bhcrmiin Avo. , City : or Chief Pay- master's Office , Armr lleadquorters. COU TIIKO. HYATT President. . INSTITIITK Freehold , New FREEIIOr.Il year. Prepaieh for Princeton , Yule , Columbia , llarvaid , and for lluslnoss. Itev. A. O. ChamDors , A. M , Principal. Morgan Park Military Academy A llrst-class Knwllsli , Clafolcul und Commer cial School. Send for Catalogue MORGAN PASK , COOK CO. , ILLINOIS , Illinois Conservatory of Music Un nroa e < 1 mtTanUKe" In nil IIP rttnnnti of Mutlc. IMantara. Mixloti linijuago , Hlocul on. Adilrrii K. K lll'I.I.AItll Hupt JucHoiiTllle 111 THE CAPITOL IIOTBL Lincoln , Neb. Thn hen knuwn and must romilur hotel In th state. Location central , appointments first class. HeaUiUttrtera | for cummorLUl men aud ail pvlituauua p b.ta . N * V.\ , . JDR , SPINNEY , I THE OLD ' * / . Will Open n UiflpciiHary tit | S. E. Corner of 13th ! 3 i and Dodge Sts. ' 'a 'i \ LOOK FOR HIS AD , IN jj | THIS PAPER. I * > \ . DRS.S.&D.DAVIESON . . . 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New York , Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nervous , Me ami DISEASES , More especially those arising from impur- deuce , invite all so sullering to correspond without delay Diseatcs of infection and contagion cured salely and fcpecdily with out uie of dangerous dru : > f > . l'atientif - ' wliobc cas s have been neglected , badlv * treated or paonoundcd incurable , shotil'd not fail to write us concerning their symp tom * . All letters receive immediate at tention. JIJhT PUUMSIIKI ) . i\nd will be mailed FREE to any aildrect on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "I ractic l Observations on Nervous Debility ami I'l sical Kxhaustion , " to which is added an "Efcsay on Marriage , " with important chapters on Diseases of the Reproductive Organs , the whole forming a valuable med ical treatise which should be read bv alf" voung men. Address ' . DRS , S. &D. DAVIESON , 1707 Olhe St. , 3t. Louis , Mp.