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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. * - -1 SEVENTEENTHS YE AB. OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 27. 1887. NUMBER 70J ! BLOODY BATTLE FOUGHT , Sheriff Kendall and His Posse Have a Skirmish With the Utes , ' DEPUTY CRAWFORD SHOT DEAD. Bcvcral Utcft Fall and Are Carried From the Field Little llopo of Peaceful Settlement Now Colorow'a Defiance. Fought Until Sundown. GLENWOOD SrniNos , Colo. , August 20. ( Special Telegram to the Bp.E.-Bcrnstcln | , who lives about four miles below Mucker , Is Justin. A battle has token place between Kendall's men and a band ot Indians. Dep uty Sheriff Jack Ward Is killed and several are wounded. Several Indians are reported killed. Several were soon to fall and to bo carried oil the field. So far as known the tight was stopped by darkness , and It Is thought It Is almost certain to bo resumed by daylight. COI.OIIOW W1LI.NOJ IlKTUUM. MKKKICU ( via Glenwood Springs ] , Colo. , August 2,1. [ Special Telegram to the UIE. ] The report received here yester day that Colorow and his band were .sur rounded nnd wanted peace Is denied to-day. It appears from reports just received that Colorow has the mllltta surrounded * near Coyote Basin and Is dictating terms to the troops. He emphatically declares that If the militia does not go back there will bo able fight. Ho positively refuses to return to Ulntah agency , and says he will die before ho will leave the White River country. Captain Lnwson , who left Camp Adams last nleht with telegrams for General Reardon , had a narrow escape. The Indians attacked him and tired several shots. His horse wore nut , and In attempting to escape no stumbled nnd throw him Into the brush where ho remained until morning and then made his way to Meeker. If an engagement can bo averted until Governor Adams and Colorow have a pow wow the trouble may be settled but If the hot-headed cowboys and Inexperienced militia push a light upon the Indians before this a long and bloody war may be expected. Thn Department Will Co-Oporato. WAfliiiNoxoN , August 20. The following Eorrespondence relative to the Indian trouble In Colorado has taken place : Colo. , August 23. To IT. L. Mul- flrow , Acting Secretary of the Interior : Col- orow has slirnliled n desire to have a confer ence , and I go to Giriield county for that purpose to-night Oifr desire Is to get them out of the state peaceably , and If you will co operate It can bo done. Telegraph orders to Fort Diichi-sni ) would enable olllcors to get to the scene ot the trouble as soon as I do. ( Signed ) ALVA. ADAMS , Governor. WASHINGTON , August 20. Hon. Alva Adams , Governor of Colorado : Directions will be Immediately given to Agent Byrnes Mid General Crook to meet nud confer with rou In rofeteuco to Colorow's peaceable re turn to the reservation upon the belief that your dispatch Indicates the adoption of such k line of action. ( Signed ) II. L. MULDUOW , Acting Secretary. CAMP LOGAN. The Crowds Still Large and the Inter est Unabated. NOHFOLK , Neb. , AtigustZO. [ Special Tele- I cram tq the 13EK.J The promised break In the clouds did not como and though no rain fell , threatening weather prevailed all day. The crowd at Camp Logan was equal to that of yesterday. The chief feature of the mornIng - Ing was a band contest for prizes. Only three ot the nine bands Uiat have visited the grounds have entered the raco. The first prize of 3100 was awarded the 1'onca band ; the second , S75 , to Wayne ; the third , S50 , to Kellgh. The Indians regaled the crowd by a war dance In costume. Meetings were held | tt the various state headquarters at 1 o'clock for social greetings. During the afternoon J. M. Thurston arrived by n special from Co lumbus ana delivered his address on "Tho Life and Services ot General Grnut. " A largo crowd listened with marked attention lo his culoglum. The Eighth Infantry dress parade at o o'clock closed the exercises for the day and was witnessed by most of the ipectators. Cninplires are in progress to night. A largo number of visitors left camp this evening but mauy icmala over until to morrow , The Nomaha County Institute. Auiiunx , Neb. , August 20. [ Special to the BEE. I The Nomaha county Institute closed a two weeks' session to-day. The Instructors were Prof. L. L. Davidson , ot Stromsburg , Neb. : Prof. Victor C. Alderson , ot Chicago , nd Prof. Charles Fordyco , of Auburn. The management of the Institute WAS in the hands of Prof. Davidson. Over 100 teachers were In attendance , representing the finest Ifc educational talent In the state. On Tuesday evening , the 17th , Prof. Davidson delivered a lecture In the court room , full ot Interest to teachers and the general public. Friday night Prof , Alderson delivered a lecture tn the ame place on "Tho New Education. " It was excellent , and all enjoyed It to thn fullest extent. Superintendent Melvin has cause to be proud of his success In the school affairs of the county. It Is such efforts as bis that lift the scales from educational eyes. Beer Causes a Clash of Authority. DCS MOI.NES , In. , August 20. | Speclal Telegram to the BEE. J The case of .Justice Cronoy and Constable Jordan , of Oskaloosa , arrested for refusing to permit Revenue 0Ul cer Klrkpatrlck to see certain kegs of beer In their possession , came up before United States Commissioner Jordan yesterday and was decided to-day. It appears that the con stable had made a seizure of beer , bringing the cases Into Justice Croney's court. Klrk patrlck went to Crouoy and asked to see the kegs , saving that ho understood they were not properly stamped. Croney and Jordan both put him otf nnd Iinally refused to lei him see the beer unless ho could show hi authority. Marshal Ktheridge was adrlfed nnd arrested the parties. The defense argues that no refusal was made , ana that beer In thu hands ot a court is not taxable , therefore the olllcer had no right to Inspect It. Com- mlsaloner Jordan toolc the cose under advise ment and to-day discharged both ot the prlsoneis. nny Crushed to Drath. R.U'iD CITV , Dak. , August Sit. Telegram to the BKE. | While John Slslej and his twelvo-yoar-old son were stretching wire for a fence about twelve miles from this city to-day , the wacou was overturned and the boy was crushed to death beneath It. Ituslnesii Troubles. Nr.w YOKK , August 2 < J. The creditors o ! the W. O. Tyler paper company of Chicago , hlch failed some time ago , held a meotliu to-day and received a report from the experts who examined the company's books. They reported that the liabilities were about S120 , 000 , assets StCO.OOO , leaving a deticlt of aboui 5260,000 , besides which the llrrn his nvinj bad debts amounting to 3173,000. Th ( assignee of the company , J. L , Itubel , ami Ills counsel were present , and the lattei offered to settle at 23 } cants on the dollar Nearly 5350,000 of the company's llabilltle : were represented nt the mooting , and a ma jority of the creditors agreed to the settle ment. Thomas F. Gllroy. receiver for Mitchell Vance & Co. , said thls'aUernoon that It au pearod that the company would be nblot < fiiy 100 cents OB the dollar. SHOCKING INHUMANITY. Georgia's Penitentiary Convicts U hipped In a Terrible Manner. ATLANTA , Ga. , August 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BKE.I The convict lease system of Georgia appears to be doomed. By an ex ecutive order , signed under great excitement , General Gordon has called on the lessees ot penitentiary companies No. 2 and 3 to show cause why their leases should not bo an nulled. Thcso companies are principally formed of James W. English , William B. Loire and James M. Smith. Several days ago the governor received an anonymous letter signed "Convicts , " which declared that the1 convicts were being whipped because they made known the existing abuses , and asked that the matter bo Investigated. From the postmark It was ascertained that the let ter came from the camp under the charge of C. C. Blngham , on the Georgia Midland road. Principal Keeper Towers at ouco proceeded there , hud the men called up In line and sttlpped of their clothing. The backs of four men were found to be cut and bruised lu a terrible manner , as though knives had been used to open the lltish. Governor Gordon read tlio report with Indignation aud at once signed an order dismissing Bingham from any service tn which the state was Interested nnd ordering the solicitor gen eral to prosccuto him for bis crimes Active steps are being taken to protect the convicts from the rage of the lessees , and It Is said that Principal Keeper Lovers took personal charge of camp No. 2. The sup pressed repoit of Prison Physician Wast- inorolnmi , which was nude to Governor Me- Daniel In 18 % ) , and which the governor would lot allow to bo made public , was yesterday Iven to the press. It Is a shocking recital .f tilth and crime , nnd will help to swell the demand for the abolition of the leasn system. There Is no doubt as to the governor's Inten- Ion to declare the lease annulled , owlne to .he violation of its provision by the lessees. The lessees are making strenuous efforts to avert the blow which Is falling upon them , but the governor Is determined In his course , jacked by thi public opinion of the state and ndoised by personal assurances of members if the legislature. The Dade coal mine : amp , which belongs to company No. 1 , jwued by Governor Brown , Is not complained - plained of , but It will have to share In the wreck. THH DltliaSKt ) HKI3F RING. Tto Manner In Which It In Profiting By the Low Price of Cattle. CHICAOO , August 20. ( Special Telegram ; o th BEE. I "ThoDressed Beef King ; How t has ProtUed bv the Low Price of Cattle , " Is .ho . heading of a sensational article In o-day's Tribune. It says : "It Is assumed In many quarters that a beef famine Is not far away. Estimates as to the destruction of cat- le In the northwest last winter are that In Montana there were about 400,000 liead. In Idaho about 100,000 , In iVyomlng about 300,000 , In Colorado about 50,000 , or 850,000 head In all. During , he summer , on account ot the excessive drought , the estimated losses in beef produc- ng states , such as Illinois , Iowa , Ohio , Mis souri , Kansas and In New Mexico , Texas , Nebraska , Minnesota and Dakota , swell the otal to 1,500,000 head of beeves. Many as- iert , however , that these ( inures are far too ileb. But this Is not the main fact which In dicates a future famine. It Is now known hat from 50 to 75 per cent less of calves were born this spring than Is usual , owing to cli matic causes , which must have Its effect In time. To this must be added the fact that cattle producers have boon rushing tholr sur viving stock on the market at an unparalleled rate , and that from these and other causes many ranchmen are discouraged , und are going out ot business. A great uneasiness , such as never before characterized the cattle business , Is manifest In business circles. The market prlco has been low on account of the glut , for In Chicago alone over 200,000 head of cattle have been thrust on the market during the last thirty days. Only the commission man with his hands full of business seems nappy. The stockyards were never In a state of greater activity. The receipts in a single day have been 13,500 head of cattle , the largest known. The yards are overflowing with stock , money is tn great demand and nrlces are regulated to tha necessity for cash of the producer. While some beeves are In a line condition , the generality are thin and thirst-starved stock. Reports of losses by drought in the Panhandle region of Texas of 5UO head per day cause much concern amone southwestern men. Sam Allerton says theru was a general loss of from 50 to 00 per cent on all cattle north of the PI at to river and predicts disaster to the vast ranch Interests ot the northwest unless the admin istration changes Its methods of dealing with ranchmen. " The article continues : "Ono thing that Impresses the consumer Is that he gets beef no cheaper because the producer sells It for so little. Who Is it gets the bin sum In between the price paid by the producer and the consumer ? It Is hinted bV ranchmen that It la the dressed beet monopoly. The 1 ntcr-.stato commereo laws have no terrors for these dressed beet men. The low price of bent Is their opportunity. It they fall to keep beef down they will quickly purchase all that is offered for future delivery. These monopolists lash both sides , producer and consumer alike. They make fortunes on all this panic among cattlemen. On every bull ock there Is a profit of SIO to the dressed beef monopoly and either a loss or an even thing for the producer. The consumer pays the monopoly the extra 110 profit. " WHAT A DIIKSSED 1IEEP MAN SAYS. NKW YoitK , August 20. Ono of the promi nent dressed beef men In this city said to-day regarding the sentiment printed by a Chicago cage paper that a beef famine was eminent : "There Is no probability of any beef famine , as the market Is largely overstocked now. Thu Immense overstock Is duo largely to the fact that more men are raising cattle than ever before. Three or four years are the price of beef was very much higher than It Is now and there was a biz rush Into the cattle raising business. The result Is now shown. There are too many people engaged In cattle raising , and the prlco lias been put so low there Is no money In It. The rush now Is to get out and In consequence they can't get good prices , in a few years history will very probably bo repeated. As I think the price will KO up again when fewer cattle nre brought to market It is also true that a good many cattle are In poor condition , but at the same time there Is plenty of good beef in the market. IUVEII IMPItoVKMENTS. Major Handbury of the V. 8. Engi neers Expresses His Opinions. CHICAGO , August 20. Referring to the re cent call Issued froiuPeorla for a convention to consider improvements In the Illinois river and connecting lake Michigan with the Mississippi river , Major Handbury of the United States engineers said to-day : "It Is a right movement and I hope It will be pro ductive ot good results. What Is now wanted Is an appropriation to connect the river with the lake and thereby complete a navlgablo w-torway the Importance of which cannot be overestimated. The only fear I have of Its defeat Is that the politicians who are riding the Honnepln hobby will not permit It to go through without being saddled with their pet schemes. If they would only have the good sense to hold oir a little It would be all the better for them , for the llennepln canal can never b < a success until this connection with the lake U established ; that Is the iirst thine to be done. " . , Really , " continued Major Handbury , "I think the citizens are right In taklnc up this matter. It concerns not only the state of Illi nois but all the states bordering on the Mis sissippi , either one of which will bo beno- fitted by the successful outcome of the pro ject. " nold to the Grand Jury. CHICAGO , August 20. An adjourned In quest on the death ot the late Colonel Babcock - cock was held to-day and resulted la a ver dict to the eifect that deceased came to his death by a shot Ared from a revolver In the hands of Miss Sarah Dodge , and recommend ing that she be held to await the action of thu stand jury. DEFEATED IN THE COMMONS. Gladstone's Besolutfon Negatived By a Vote of 272 to 104 , GENERAL DEBATE INDULGED IN. Ilarconrt Thlnka the Government Wl hes to Strike the League Becomes It IB Becoming Knthcr InconTcnlent. The Resolution Negatived. LONDON , August SO. In the commons to night Sir George O. Trovelyan , one of the late Gladstonelto recruitsresumed the debate on Gladstone's motion , lie said the late government did not ask the commons to pus the Irish crime * bill on hearsay , but that they based tholr demands on parliamen tary returns ot grave outrages that had boon committed 7,780 , outrages during the pre vious year and twenty-six agrarian an d political murders during the llrst half ot the year. Sir George contended that the house should have tabulated statistics of crime In Ireland and that to mention ono crime hero and another crime there was 'not sufllc.lent to justify such action as the government was now taklnc against the whole Irish people. He denied that the general operations of the Irish Na tional league Increased the crime In Ireland or led to general non-payment of rent Let thn house understand , he continued , that If the proclamation of the league Is sanctioned every Irishman who will not leave It at the command of the government will be liable to be punished as a common criminal and ttiat liability will not depend on any judicial pro ceeding worthy of the name. In conclu sion he complained that the statements made by Italfour , chief secretary for Ireland , and only given out last night , left no time for ex amination of their character. Sir K. E. Webster , attorney general , held that the reason why th re wore not more convictions for crime In Ireland was simply because of the terror of the league. lie re minded the house that Earl Spencer's gov ernment had repeatedly proclaimed the laud league meeting and that Sir George Trev- elyan had supported thosn proclamations on the ground that the objects ot the land league were to put down landlordism and to ollect a separation between Ireland and England. The objects of the existing league , said the speaker , were ttio same. The government would now try the experiment whether sunpieuslon of the leagun meetings would not lessen Intimidation. They were told this would bo a death struggle. Well , either the league or the government would go down. T. Harrington said the league would eo on doing what It had done In spite of the procla mation , which bad no terrors for the Irish people. of JLord Hartlngton , replying to Sir George Irevelyan , said In substance that RS far as the notion of an association was wholly polit ical It could not be condemned , but If the action of an association destroyed the liberty of the people and subverted order and good government It did not maUer.what the supposed motives of the association were. It was enough that Its action wi\s \ hostile to social order. The house had already decided that Intimidation prevailed preventing persons from pursuing their law ful occupations. It was not the duty ot the government to lay before parliament the In formation desired by the opposition. The crimes act was now a part of the law. The action was taken by the government as an executive. It was not necessary to produce evidence In support ot executive acts. Ho believed that the league's aim was spoliation and Injustice , and that Its methods were in defiance of law. Sir William Vernon Harcourt said Lord Hartlngton's support of the government was certainly not of the most cordial character. Ills concluding argument was weak because this executive act would have actually per ished unless It had parliament's ap proval. The government wanted to strike the league because It was Inconvenient to them , adverse to their political opinions and to the pecuniary Interest ) of the class they represented , and It was characteristic ot them that the lirst person struck was an Irish member of parliament and editor of an Irish newspaper. Goscheu argued that the league was the outcome ot the growth of the Land 16ague , which the liberals had proclaimed. There was nothing in any country of the world that could equal the fearful system of es- polnago carried on under the auspices of the the league. Mr. Dillon : "I utterly deny that a system of espotnage Is carried on by the league. " Goschon : "Then I should like to know how everything happened to be brought to the knowledge of the local branches of the league , Amulo evidence has proved the ex istence of a system for Indicting material ruin and moral death on many Individuals. It Is not surprising ihat tho. gov ernment la unable : to trace the connection of the league with outrages when large bodies of men are able to commit out rages and leave no clue to their Identity. There Is strong erounds to suspect that a powerful organization Is behind them. llealey , who ended the debate , counselled the Irish people to have confidence in the good Intentions of the English people and to wait patiently , abstaining from violence. Mr. Gladstone's resolution was negatived 273 to 194. It was stated to-night that the Government Intends to propose on Monday a modulation of the cloture rule with a view to expediting the passage of the supply bill. The English Wheat Crop. LONDON , August 80. The London Times says about the English crops : Wheat comes out as the best crop ot the year , as was to bo expected. It is not so great a crop , however , as a few weeks ago a few enthusiasts were hoping for. The cold winter and sprint , and thn absenceof rain when the plant was young , were bound to have tholr eifect , and thus It happens that in wheat tlio crop , though food , Is not an extraordinary one. Wo may put wheat as producing a crop of a little over 9,000,000 quarters. This will leave us dependent on foreign supplies nt least 17- 000,000 and probably IU.000,000 quarters , for It must not bo forgotten that the shortness ol the potato crop will cause a greater demand than usual for broadstults. Thn Czar At Copenhagen. COPEHHAOEN , August 20. The czar and czarina and family arrived hereto-day In the Russian Imperial yacht. The trip from St. Petersburg was prolonged by a fog. King Christiana , King George of Greece , and sev eral members of the Danish royal family went out to meet the visitors In the Danish royal yacht. Great crowds greeted the party as they drove through the city and there was a general display of enthusiasm. A Tremendous Change. LONDON , August 20. In an Interview to-day Gladstone. In reply to a question as to whether he expected to beat the govern ment to-night , said : "No ; we can't exper to do that , but the fact that a year ace the government majority was 110 , while now the most sanguine conservative only anticipates a majority of sixty on proclaiming the league , shows what a tremendous change has come over the face of the country. " Excitement at Havanna. HAVANKA , August 20. The excitement over the removal of the otllclalsof the custom house hereby the governor general continues unabatod. Last night a crowd of over 8,000 persons assembled In the park to hold an other demonstration over the affair. The po lice , reinforced by troops , vainly attoinptet to disperse tbo crowd and were iinally compelled polled to make a charge , wounding govern persons. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rome's Health Excellent. ROME , Aucust 26. Official report says th health of this city Is excellent The repor that an epidemic was prevalent -ere Is re garded to bo baseless , DROWNED IN TUB CHANNEL. An EtaRllsh Exoartion Steamer Capsizes - sizes and Flftnen Persons Lost. LONDON , August 08. The excursion yacht Ion arch was capsized by a squall In Bristol hannel to-day and fifteen persons were rowued. A Froih Attempt On the Cznr. LONDON , August 27. It 1 * reported In Bor- In that a fresh attempt to kill the czar was made on the 20th Inst. A nihilist disguised as an otllco of the cuards approached the Imperial carriage on the jour ney from St. Petersburg to Krasnoeslo and ired a revolver twice. The llrst shot missed he czar , but the second perforated his coat The czarina has since been suffering from lervous prostration , Drawing the Color Lino. ATLANTA , Ga. , August 20. In the legls- aturo to-day n .esolutlon was passed taking away the 8,000 appropriated to the Atlanta university unless that Institution shall _ lve he governor satisfactory assurance that It vlll not accent white pupils. It Is believed by a great many that this resolution will bo lassud by the senate and that the Glenn bill vlll not be put oil Its passage. To Build at Any Cost. MONTHEAI. , August 20. Larlvlere , provin cial secretary , and members of the govern ment of Manitoba who arilvod hero yester day , said that the provincial government are determined to build the Hed River Valley road at any cost , aud lu spite ot all onnosl- Ion. A Tory Whip. LONDON , August 20. The government has ssucd a whip which specially and earnestly requests the attendance of all its supporters at the session of the commons to-night to vote upon Gladstone's motion regarding the proclamation of the National league. French Army Mobilization. PARIS , August 20. The Seventeenth army corps has been selected for the moblllzutlon experiments for which the government has arranged. Final Instructions to the coin- uandlug oQIceis were issued this morning , I/nndlnrda Want Consideration. DUIJLIN , August 20 At a .mooting of the andlords to-day a deputation was appointed o wait on the government ministers and urge them to cousidcr their claims In ar ranging the terms of the land purchase bill. PROHIBITION I'noSPEOTS. St. John Says His Party Is Growing Stronger Every Day. CHICAGO , August 20. [ Special Telegram o the BEB.J " 1 just came through from the ; ast and stopped over a day to attend to a Ittlo private business , " said Governor John ' . St. John , the advocate of prohibition , to a eportor to-day , as he reposed at ease In Ills parlor at the hotel. "What do you think of the prospects of the prohibition party next year ? " asked the ro- lorter. " 1 think It just as good as reasonable people ple could expect It to be. I saw a private llsnatch this morning from New York say- tig that ther wrero 918 regular delegates tesldesan equal number of alternates In the irohibltlou Htiito convention ot New Sfork In session at Albany. The cause Is erowing wonderfully everywhere. The vote last year demonstrated the fact that the prnhlDltlonlsta hold the balance of power in eleven northern states and by 1889 the influence and power ot the party will bq much greater than ever before. That Is about all that I have to say on the subject at present" Governor St. John will leave for Kansas this evening. lie will go to California next weak to bo gone uutil about the 1st of De cember. Kicking On Cleveland's Picture. WHEKLINO , W. Va. , August 20. KIvo housand members ot the G. A. K. reunion , Veteran Legion , Sons of Veterans and other old soldier organizations paraded the streets xwlay , It being Grand Army day. At the Register office was displayed since resterday a banner , 14x20 feet in dimensions , with President Cleveland's picture , and the Inscription , "God Bless Our [ 'resident , Commander-ln-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. " When the I'iltsburc G. A. R. posts reached this they ut lirst ret used to proceed , hut Iinally compro mised by marching around It All the G. A. It. followed their example , but the Union Veteran legion marched under jmld hearty cheers. To-night at a mass meet- Ins Governor Wilson , in a speech , objected to the word "rebel" and made some political allusion , to which Governor Foraker an swered , and each mada three or f our speeches , pretty warm at times. Thn.Pharp Case. AI.HANY , N. Y. , August 27. Governor Hill to-day granted the application of Dls- trrlct Attorney Marline and made an order convening an extra coueral term of the supreme premo court In and for the city of New i ork , on the 7th day of September next for the purpose of ensuring a prompt hearing In the Sharp case. N-w YORK. Aurust 20. The stay granted In the Sharp case does not appear to atfect the old gentleman In'the" least. Ono of his counsel , Bourke Cochran , concurs In the opinion that his client's mind Is falling him. NKW YORK , August 20. District Attorney Marline to-day served native of appeal from Jiuke Potter's decision granting a stay of proceedings on harp's lawyers. It will bo argued September 7. Ijimar For Vlco President. CHICAGO , August 20. FSpecIal Telegram to the I ) r.E. | Un Itcd States Senator Morgan , of Alabama , who Is In the city , In speaking ol tbo coming national convention , said last night that In his opinion the time had come for the selection of a vice presidential candi date from the south. If It were not for the ultra-prohibition views ot Senator Colqultt , of Georela , he would be a strong candidate for second place on the democratic ticket , but Secretary Lamarwas by all odds the leading southern man to-day , and the senator thought the democrats would select him to make the race with Cleveland. A Black Rapist Choked. Gucnssnoiio , 8. 0. . August 20. Eugene Halrstone , a mulatto about eighteen years old , attempted to feloniously assault Miss Sapp , a beautiful jouug lady who lives In this county , while she was returning from a neighbor's house. Ho was brought heio Tuesday and placed in jail. Yesterday morning a rnobbrokolnto the jail , tooktue mulatto out and hanged him. Georgia I'rUon Outrages. ATLANTA , Ga. , August 20. By executive order , signed under great excitement , Gov ernor Gordon has'callcd on the lessees ot the penitentiary companies numbers two anc three to show cause why the leases shouU not be annulled. Several days ace the gov ernor received an anonymous letter Hlgnet "Convicts , " which declared that the convicts were being whipped because they made known existing abuses and asked that the matter be Investigated. Married a Wealthy Squaw. PIERRE , Dak. , August 26. Douglas F Carlln , chief clerk of the Cheyenne- agency was married to-day to Madlen Dupraat , the wealthiest Indian hMress on the Sioux re nervation. Curl in Is closely connected wltl prominent army otllcurs and with the Carlln ot Illinois. Over 1,000 witnessed the cere inouy , and the festivities will last tlueo daj a. A Maryland Murderer Reprieved. BAVTIMOHK , MiU August 20. The re prieve of John Thomas Kless , who was to have been execut < * citc-day ; , reachedtho | sherit in time to stay tfio execution. The reprieve was granted ou thercccmioondatiou ( I Judge Duff , who says Uiesj Is Insane. OMAHA DEFEATED AT DENVER [ "he Qamo Lost By Several Oostly Errors in the Second Inning , THEQROUNDS IN BAD CONDITION Topcka Easily Defeats the Emporla Club National League and Am erican Association Games- Other Sporting Events. Lo t Through Errors. DF.NVCH Colo. , August 20. [ Special Tolo- : ram to the BKE.I Umaha lost the game o-day In the second liming when Denver scored eight runs. Walsh , Dwyer and Llcaly made costly errors lu this Inning , and Tom this on the game dragged slowly through , the Delivers playing with little lite , as they knew they had the game won. The grounds were very wet from Wednesday's rain , which was partly accountable for Omaha's poor Infield work. Fusselbach Is the only ono of Omaha's Intielders who did good work , though Dwyer and Walsh inado some excellent plays and some just the ro ver so. The Denver fielders supported Khret well. Tcbcau aud Phillips made some flue nng hit ? , which might have scored more > ascs but for the good lidding of itador and Genius. Score : Tun scoiiK. Runs earned Denver 5 , Omaha it. Two-base lilts-Silch , Tebeau , llealy. _ Three-base lilts Jaiitzeu , Phillips. Bases on Balls Ehret 2 , Ilcaly 3. Hit by pitcher Fusselbach , Bader. Passed balls-O'Neill 3 , Jantzen 1. Struck out By Khret 3. liealy 2. Left on bases Denver 5 , Omaha S. Time of eamo 2 hours and & minutes. Umpire Hagan. National League Games. WASHINGTON , August 26. The game between - tween the Washington and Indianapolis teams to-day resulted as follows : Washington 0 00001012 4 Indianapolis 2 0101030 * -G Pitchers Gllmore and Boyle. Base hits Washington 10 , Indianapolis 0. Errors- Washington 12 , Indianapolis 4. Umpire- Daniels. NEW YOUK , August 20. The ramo be- twetn the New York and Chicago teams to day resulted as follows : New York 0 00000002 2 Chicago 0 30300000 5 Pitchers Keefe and Vanhaltren. Base lilts New 1 ork 12 , Chicago 2. Krrors Now York 0 , Chicago 8. Umpire Brady. PHILADELPHIA , August 20. The game be tween the Philadelphia and Detroit teams to-day resulted as follows : Philadelphia 1 00100001 3 Detroit 0 1402000 * 7 Pitchers Casey and Conway. Base hits- Philadelphia 0 , Detroit 15. Errors-Philadel phia 4 , Detroit 4. Umpire Powers. American Association. CINCINNATI , August 20. The game between - tween the Cincinnati and Baltimore teams to-day resulted as follows : Cincinnati 1 2183010 1 11 Baltimore 3 0 G 5 1 3 1 0 * 1U Louis VILLK , August 20. The game be tween the Louisville and Brooklyn teams to-day resulted as follows : Louisville 1 0 C 0 0 2 0 1 1 11 Brooklyn 0 0 ooooooo o CLEVELAND , August 26. The came be tween the Cleveland and Athletic teams to-day resulted as follows : Athletics 3 0100021 * 7 Cleveland 0 01000000 1 ST. Louis , August 26. The game be tween the St. Louis nnd Metropolitan teams to-day resulted as follows : bt. Louis 3 100954 0 15 Metropolitans .2 l 0 20001 0 The Northwestern League. DBS MOINES , la. , August26. Northwestern league games to-day : LaCross 3 , Milwaukee 2 , at Milwaukee ; Duluth 9 , Minneapolis 4 , at Duluth. 3Topeka 15 , Bmnorla O. TOPEKA , Kan. , August 26. ( Special Tele gram to the BEE.J The leaders of the West ern league met and vanquished the babies to-day. Emporla played a pretty good game up to the sixth Inning and then went to pieces. Following Is the score by Innings : Topeka 0 0 0 1 0 U 3 2 0-15 Empjrla 0 00001410 6 Earned runs Topcka 12 , Emporla 5. Base hits Topeka 20 , Emporla 14. Cortland 2O , Wllbor 1O. COHTLAND , Neb. , August 26. ( Special Tel egram to the BEE. j A match game of ball was played hero to-day between the home team and the Wilber nine , the Cortland club winning easily In eight Innings , the score standing 20 to 16. Cortlaud has the cham pion nine In the state outside the Western league , not having lost a game this season , add they stand In icadlncss to play any club In the state except the league players. Tbo score to-day by luulngs was : Cortlnnd 5 1417182 * -29 Wilber 0452 2020 1 10 Postponed My Rain. WICHITA , Kan. , August 20-fSpecIalTclo- gram to the BEE. | Tnero was no g'auio to-day on account of the lecent heavy rains. HASTINGS , Neb. , August 2 } [ Special Tele gram to the BEE.J Tnero was no game to-day , Lincoln not arriving on time. Rapldii City 3-1 , IlermpRa 3. RAPID CITT , Dak. , August 26. | Special Telegram to the BEE.I The base ball game hereto-day between Rapid City and lierraosa resulted as follows ; Rapid City 34 , ilor mosaS. Base lilts. Cleveland Is all torn up over the Sunday base ball playing question. In eighty-eight games Thompson , of the Detrolts , ono of the Hk Four , failed but eight times to hit at least once safely. John II. Brady , a brother of Stove Brady , the old right Holder of the Metropolitan club , has been made a league umpire. The eastern papers are now praising Harry Wright's abilities as a muuacer , puttlnz him only second to Alison as n disciplinarian. Manager Hart , of the Milwaukee Base Ball club , has signed Louis Sylvester , the St. Louis Brown's utility man , to play lu the Milwaukee's outlield. The Boston Herald thinks Chicago will bo forced to rely considerably on Van llaltren and Baldwin this trip because ot the condi tion of Clarkson'b arm. Manager Gallnoy thinks the leagim made a treat mistake when It allowed Ferguson to slip through its fingers. Ho considers Doascher and Ferguson the only competent umpires the league over had. Among the pitchers who will probably retire tire at the end of thu season are Weidman , o the"Mets"Klrby-bf the Clevnlaiids , am Shaw , of the Washtngtons , or else they will have to Improve their playing. Detroit's club la winning oucomlums nil over the country for gaining so many games n the face of the fact that the manager , iro'ldout. board of directors nnd the local re- lorters all have a say In the way the team hall play. It Is surprising to sco pitchers kick on called bails and strikes when they know that ho decisions cannot bo changed and there s nothing to be sained bv It On the con- rary they usually prejudice the umplio's tuUmout against them. Darling , of the Chlcagos , has nno of the test actual batting averages of the league o . Ho was n haw but lucky hitter of the ntornatloual association. In his last four gamus ho madu eleven hits , lie has played n twenty-six games. The Now Yorks load the league both in bat ing and base running , yet why the team does not hold a better place Is not easily ox- ilalned ; but then It would bo equally as lard to uxulaln why they did not win the pennant In 18S5. when thov then won the series from nil the ether clubs , led In both mttltig artd llehlliiB , and their ultchors had ho best records. Billy Vork , a well-known Gotham sporting man , wm so loud 111 lili desire to secure n bet on the Now Yorks at the last Tuesday's Kamo In NexjhJ'ork that Umpire Powers was obliged to ralThltii down. Still Mr. York continued to express his desire to get th bet. In the ninth Inning lib desire suddenly ceased. It was caused by n foul tip from Richardson's bat striking him In the eye nnd sending him to grais for a time. Mr. York will not bo able to see for a few days. Northwestern Amateur Scullers. MINNEAPOLIS , August 20. The races of ho iirst day of the northwestern roentta of amateur scullers atMlnnetonka bench were owed In good water and before a largo nutu- icr of people. In the junior single , A. J. McLaren , of tha Minnesota club of tit. Paul , won In 11:46 : over Harry Madden , ot the Pull mans , ot Pullman , III. , und George K. Tay- or , of the Lurlltios. In the Minnesota club the junior four won easily over the Pullman crew In 10:10 : , leaving their opponents fifteen ongths behind. Bv far the best and closest race of the day was the senior double won by Jharles Llbbv and J , E. Muohmore , of the Lurlinos , In 10:03 : over F. Corbctt , of the Far- raguts , and William Wernand , of the Dcln- wnres. To-morrow Corbutt , who Is tbo cham pion umatmtr slnelo sculler ot the United Status , will row aealnst J. li Muchmore , champion of the northwest. Hosmcr'neats Kennedy , WoHCF.sTnii , Mass. , August 20. George llosiner.of Boston , boat J. W. Kennedy , of Qulncy. Ills. , In a three-mile race for Si > 0 n side on Lake Qulnslgamund this evening. It was a private affair nnd few persons were present. Ilosmcr gave Kennedy twenty seconds ends start and e.xusjht him and In less than a mile. Kennedy had got In but twelve strokes when Hosmer given the word. At the turn Hosmer was nine seconds ahead and he won ns he pleased. The tlmo was 20 minutes , 30 xcconds , or , deducting the handi cap , 20:10. : Kennedy's tlmo was 20:27. : The Regatta Aur ln Postponed. W ATKINS , N. Y. , August 20. The regatta was to-day further postponed till September 0 , on account of the unfavorable state ot the water. At Albany. . ALBANY , N. Y. , August 20. The attend ance at the circuit races to-day nt Island park was quite larzo. 2:25class : : Atlantic first , White Sox second - end Ben Star third. Mill Girl fourth. Tlmo Free-for-all , pacing : Gossip , Jr. , first , Jen nie Llnd second , Llttlo Mao and Joel L. ruled out Time 2:17. : 2:27 : class : Belle Ogle first , Groyllglit second end , Jessie Uallard third , others distanced. Time 2:2- : . MUs Myrtle Peek , tn the Roman standing race against time , broke the record in 1:51 : . She also beat Miss Ada Lnmont in the three- mile change race in6:2S : > j. Saratoga Uaccs. SARATOGA , August SO. There was fine weather and the track , though slow , was In better condition than yesterday. Three-quarters mile ; Mattie Louran won , King Crab second , Damllla third. Time 'one mlle and furlong : Alarlc won , Ily- posla second. Tramp third. Time 3:02' : ' . Three-quarters mile : Little Minnie won , SwlfJ second , Mamlo Hunt third. Tlmo 'Three-quartars mile : Modest v won , Queen Buss second. Carlssima third. Time -1:17 : % . Ono mlln seventy-five yards : Orlando won , Guorgo L second , Moonshine ) third. Tlmo 1D : > . The Omaha Rlflo Club. The scores made on Wednesday last at Bellevue range are as follows : CInrksonG7 , Morris 63 , Fanlicld 51 , Dunmlro 01 , Hervov 50 , Parmolcu CO , Parrotto 51 , Blngham 53. Mr. Clarkson took the medal. } VHY JH'OARIGLE DOODLED. A Poor Excuse Glvon By an Ex-Alder- manio Friend. > CHICAGO. August 26. ( Special Telegram to the BEE. | The McGarlgle escape , by which the county jail lost ono of Its most eminent citizens and Canada gained another expert money handler , has already begun to fade away from the busy public mind , and as It slowly gains nge little things are de veloping which make the story of the escape more complete. The ono Chicago man who followed McGarlgle as a friend and commis sioner from his wife to Canada and held a long conversation with him , was ox-Alder man J 1m Appleton. The siory of Apploton's trip has never been told correctly , as ho al ways refused to talk about the visit. The facts In this trip were told , however , by Appleton - ploton himself In a burst of confidence to-day and are published at leneth to-ulght. Among other things Appleton says McGari.lo said to him : "Jim , no one can understand my position because no one knows how this thing weighed me down. It would have boon as easy to have been consigned to the gallows as to the penitentiary , when I saw the black future looming upberornme. Grlnnoll of fered mo liberty If I would 'squeal. ' 1 looked at It then In a new light. If the state's at torney could glvo me liberty for taluing why couldn't I give myself liberty'Grlnnell said I would either have to KO to Joliet for three- years or eo on the wltucss stand and testify against my friends. He should have known mu bolter , for I would sooner die than testify against ray frinuds , and while I cave him hope In order to further my plans , still I never Intended doing It. I worked up the scheme to escape myself , und whnt help i secured from the outside was done by friends who did not really know J was going to escape , although they of course surmised it. I gave them to understand that they should not ask too many questions , ns It would not bo proper for them to know what I was doing , but only to do my bid- dine.1' "Did ho say who assisted him ? ' ' "No , he did not , and 1 would not ask him , as It Is not best to carry too many secrets. " "Did he say anything about his crime ? " "Did he ? Well , rathar. Ho was always rV fernng to It The glt > t of Ms remarks In this particular were thai hu was forced Into tnl.- . unfortunate position ; that it was neoessarj for him to do as the commissioners wnntci him to do In order to keen his position ns warden and for his wlto and children. Ho was a slave who could not assert his tndc pendence without taking bread from the mouths of his children. And then the whole sale men were so used to paying commissions that they walked right Into where he would be at work at his and drop an envelope in front of him , arid without a word walk ou ncain. " Another Traln-Wreckor Squeals. KANSAS CITV , Auzust 26. A sensation oc curred nt Wynudutto to-day when , In thn trial of George Hamilton , who Is charged with complicity In the wiecklng of a Mis BOUI I Pacllic freight train during the sprliij of IbSfi , Fred Newport , also under Indicl ment for the 6 mo offense , took tnu stam and turned state's evidence. Vassnu , un other wrecker , had done this at the provlou trial nud Newport's caufnislon corroborate Vassun's lu every particular , llu did fie ' MACDONALD NEEDS WATCHING Inch is the Opinion of Secretary Button ol the Irish National Loagne , A GARRISON AT WINNIPEG , The Shrewd Premier Thlnka If Might no Udoful In Caio of War With Uu.sla or the y United States. & * " " N Maodonatd'a Machinations. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 2rt.-Speclal | Tel * fcratn to the BKK.J The UKK correspondent having learned that Mr. John P. Sutton , see rotary of the Irish National league , had ra * sided In Canada for several years , lutotf viewed that gentleman to-day with regard t < > he d Isuuto now pending between Manitoba ] and the dominion. Mr. Sttttou said that Manitoba , arguing from her natural position , ihould throw In her lot with the United States , as horonly medium of communication with the settled portion of the dominion 1C by the Canadian Politic railroad and through several hundred miles of wild country , oller-i ng little or no-inducemcnt to the farmer and with no prospect of settlement , while tha 'ertllo lands of Dakota , Minnesota and Na jrnska are yet open to the Immigrant MnnU toba is only separated from DaUotaand Mln * neaota by an Imaginary line of political dlvN slon and Is Identical with them In the cha acterlstlcs aud language of the people. In th nature of the soil and In Industrial ani agricultural Interests. While the markets o the United State * are open to the farmers o ; Dakota and Minnesota , they are not free t those of Manitoba. These stubborn facts arfl ) Jelnir felt by the people of Manitoba , bt I'aul. Minneapolis and Chicago are thel markets for the disposal of tnelr product and purchase of supplies. In spite ofth duties wherewith they are buidened on bot' sides ot the Hue. They are anxious , the foru , lor Increased facilities of communtca- ' lion with the United States , and lindlng II Inconvenient for thulr Interest to depend on the Canadian Pacllic branch running from Winnipeg to the Minnesota frontier , east ol the Hed river , the Manltobau legislature authorized the construction ot another line on the west side of the Red river , to be called the "Ued River" rond. "The dominion gov- > eminent. " bald Secretary Sutton , "has tow bidden the construction of this road , but on what grounds 1 can't understand as I always ) believed every province could charter ralU ways within Its owu territory. No doubt Piomler Macdouald IH actlnir In the Interest ) of the Canadian Pacllic , which has cost CauX ada nn enormous price , and was an underJ taking far In excess ot Canadian resources , landing tbo unfortunate dominion In a uopajl loss morass of debt and taxation by creating a monopoly of trade for this road. Macdonald - ald believes ho may recover some of tha money lavished on Its construction. I don't believe the people of Canada will sustain thq dominion premier In his high-handed course/ Macdonakl knows that If the people ] of Manatoba take up arms lu defense ot thelj provincial rights the armed lorco of CanctdH could not coerce them Into a smrender , nod would the public opinion of Its dominion sub * mil to so costly an experiment Knowing this , the wily premier believes ho can In * nuenco the present imbecile and jingo iio eminent of Great Bi Italn to give him tha su port of British troops. Ho Is urging the iffl pedal government to establish a large narrlX son at Wlnnenec ai a kind ot way station on/ / the Canadian Pacllic and British Columbl * route to India. "From Muadonatd's polut of view , and In. the territory Idea of Uritlsli Interests , lliu ad-4 vice of the Canadian premier Is worthy of his practical sagacity. Wlnnopog would bo a tine stratagetlcal position for a large ilrltlBU garrison ; far more important than a slmllai garrison at Montreal and Quebec being equally available for deleuslvt operations In British Columbia against Hussia or for offensive measures on a weal American frontier lu case of a war with tlt United States. It looks to me that In ca ? the fisheries dispute results In the appro bended disaffection In Manitoba and In th. maritime provinces , Great Britain Is propaif Ing to show the strong hand on our northern frontier and Mncdunald'a quarrel with Mixni' toba may afford a pretext for the re-estaDllsfiV mont of British garrisons In Canada and the adoption ot a policy of aggression against ! American Interests. Considering England's actions in Venezuela and the attempts tq raise a pro-British aud anti-American feeU Ing In Mexico , there Is ample reason fos closely watching British movements In Until nd , while British agents In the United States should not bo deemed above SUM picion. " A djOSU CALL. Lucky Escape- Three Hundred SINners nors Ninety Mules Killed' j Wii.KBsiiAiiui ! , Pa. , August 20. Threef hundred men employed nt No. 1 slope of thtf Susquchanna Coal company nt Nautlcokey had a narrow escape with their lives yester1 u/y. Tlio men were engaged In mining coat in the lowest vein of the mine , when a great volume of water , stored In ono of the uppei veins broke through Into the gangway where } the men were at work. By the aid ot tha electric alarms the men all thiough the mine ) weru made aware of the danger , and a rush } was made for the openings. All succeeded In making their escape. Ninety mules per * ishcd. The loss to the company will bo coo/ ' slderablo. New York Prohibitionists. SYHACUSK , N. Y. , August 20. The prohlt bltlon state convention assembled this morn * Ing , and speeches were made by several notetj temperance people. About 2,000 delegates are in attendance. A platform was ado pted declaring against license and In favor ot woman millrasfe. The following stata ot fleers woru nominated : Secretary of state , D. W. C. Huntlngton. of Alleghany ; comp troller , Caleb is. Hitchcock , Cortland ; af-i to mey general , S. W. Mason , Chautauqun ] treasurer , William AV. Smith , UticliessS state engl neer , John G. Gray , Ulster. Adf louincda luodlo. ANOTHKIt MUuT)13ll AT ST. JOE. Two Men Quarrel Over n Woman and Ono Hhnots tlio Othnr. ST. JosKiMt , Ma , August 20. ( Special Telegram to the Ben. ] Another murder was added to the long list with which bt JosopUv 1ms been alllictod for the past month. George Hughes , a negro tw < mty-eliht years of age , was shot at his boarding IIOUFO last night at 11:30 : o'clock while standing in the * doorway , lluglics had been quarreling will a white ma n at a flaloon during the e\enlnz over n woman , and starting to co hoinotl.4 . man followed. When Hughes nuelind home the men a 'atu quarrelled. When thu white man went away Hughes wont to his room , but shortly camu down and told the women with whom ho wai boarding that ho was * going to hunt the man who hud quarrelled with him. He st.irlod nut the door but dropped dead to thu slops below , belli. shot over the lull eye with a pistol. Other thuor- ics are advanced In regard to the shooting aud the police tire Investigating the atfulr. Foul IMny Huspeutod. ST. JosEi'ir , Mo. . August 20.-SpcclaI ( Telegram to thu BKI : . ] This morning the body of John Brlckley. foreman of the Chicago cage , Kansas it Nebraska railway company stone gang at Walhonn , Kan. , west from this city IINO inllcpIIH Immd on the railway ) track near Wn thenn. The train had run oven - thu top of his head , cutting it olf. Whlla borne bellitvo thn death was accidental , It la more gonorully thought that tlio man was murdered and placed on the track. Brlckley spent yesterday In St. Joseph and started for Wathena last nlirht with sumo companions on n hind-car , lie has a brother somewhere In southwest Iowa. Brlckloy's plolMue. covoicd with blood , was found n quarter u ( u mile from tlio body. Him Kriiiiflliciu IVllixit. HAP KIIANGISCO , August 30. Tr was moru iwtlvu to-day , ami , w.v stronger. Sullor ' 87 ailvaucecj per cental. . . , . ,