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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. MARCH 27 , 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. i V SPECIAL NOTICES ; LOAN. ONKY to loan on runl estate nnd chattels M B. Kntz & Co. 1511 Farnnm st , ground floor. tot ONLY to loan on improved city property nt 0 per cent. Money on hand ; do not have to wnlt HRVO ft complete § ot of abstract books < if lloutrlfls rounty. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Itenl Kstnto nnd Loan Co. , aA ) a. 1Mb Bt. 853. ONhV Urst mortiriigc notes. The Douglas county bunk will buy papers secured by first mortgage on city realty. 124 OPKR CUNT-Monoy to loan. Gregory & Hndley. Hoorag 1 and 3 , Ilcdick Clock , 33) ) 8. 16thi St ONEV TO LOAN on improved real citato ; no commission charged. Leavitt Burn- hum , lloom 1 Crelghton lllock. 117 ONKY to loan on city nnd farm property. M Ilarrli ft Sampson , 1510 Douglas it. .147 n2l TOAN8 Loans Loang. Real estate loans , r.'ollaterlnl lonna. Chattel loans. Long tlmo loans. Short tlmo loan * , Money alwayg on band to can on any ap proved security. Investment securitltg bought and gold. Omaha financial Exchange , n. w , cor. 15th nd Hnrney. . , - Corbctt , Mnnsger. 119 MONEY to loan , cash on delay. J. W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st , Pax tojjiojcl building. 120 j 600,000TO UAN at 6 per cent J. J. Ma- honey , 1609 Farnatn. 121 C PKR CENT Money. U R. o. Patterson. 15th lu.d Hnrnoy. 122 on Improved LOAN-Money-Loaug placed proved real estate In city or county for New England Loan ft Trust Co. , by Douglag County bank. IBth and Chicago sti. 126 TO LOAN-On city and farm property - MONKY , low latcg. Stewart It Co. , Room J Iron bank. J27 MONEY 10 LOAN-0. F. Davis k Co..real estate nnd loan agentg , 1505 Parnam st. TO LOAN-On real estate and c hat- MONEY _ tels. I ) . U Thomas 129 Sj600,000 To loan on Oinnlm city propel ty nt6 P per cent. U. W. Day , over 1312 Douglas gt ONEY TO LOAN-bythoniidcrslgned.who has the only properly organl/od loan agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pianosorgnns , horses , wagons , machinery , &c , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can bo paid nt nny Imo.each pnjmcnt reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances madn on tine watches nnd diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they nre dealing with , as mnny now concerns are dally coming. Into existence. Should you need money call and see mo. W. R. Croft , Room 4 Withnoll llulldlng , 15th and Harnuy. 131 T\.TONEY LOANED at C. F. Rood & Co.'a Loan JTJL Office , on furniture , pianos , hoi Bos.wagons , personal property of all kinds , nnd nil other ar ticles of value , without removal. 819 8.13th. over Hlnghnm g Commission store. All busl- nena strictly confidential. 133 BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCE-I have n splendid pay ing hotel and several good city saloons for Kale. It.McDowellllimiHarney Bt. 67837J FHOTOOnlloryon Main st. Crelghton , Neb. , for sale cheap , with or without outfit , also dwelling'house on lot joining , terms easy Address. Photographer. Crolghton. Neb.679 27J IVJH THADE Two good , improved farms , 91 and 120 acres , ono nnd two miles from town. Six lotp In Marshulltown nnd six lots In Monmouth , all in Iowa ; price for all , $ 'J,000 ' , in- cumbranceB. $1COO. Will trade equity of $7,400 for n stock of any kind of merchandise or wild land In Nebraska , or the 94 acre farm for well located property In Omaha. Price of farm $3,000 , no Incumbranco. Address , Box 179 , Scrap ton City. Iowa. 65828 "tpOR SALE OR TRADE-Drug store in good X ? town in Western Nebraska ; stock and fix tures ail now last fall ; about $1,000. Will trada for unlncumborod land or business property in good town. Address Box 661 , Kearney , Neb. 610 31J * | 7KR ) SALE Drug store in a good nnd steadily J ? growing Nebraska town of 1.000 inhabit ants ; belt store In the county , now doing u first-class business ; Invoice $3,000 ; good reason for selling ; rare chance. Inquire at room 3 , Wlthncll block. 46J31 WANTED-Partncr in flouring mill ; fine location , water power , bonus offered by town for enlarging. Address B , M , Hubbell , Lincoln , Neb. 647 29J fTtOlt 8ALG OR RENT A photograph gallery JT with apparatus all ready for business In Oakland , Nob. A good town : only gallery in the place. Call on or address F. L. McClelland Wahoo.Nob. 45-i 87 T71OR SALE Business , jewelry , dry good ) -C and notions , H)5 ) North lottt.V ill give reas oni for gelling. Call and see. 62J a3 * TITANTRD To find good , live business mot TV with stocks of goods to move to a grow ing town whore money can bo made , I will as 1st the right kind of people in building , etc Will pay good big bonus to nnv ono ( hat wll tart a canning factory , or. in fact , any kind o factory that employs hands. We want a drui store , furniture store , grocery store , a doctor practical painter right away. For particular ! address Bank of Valley , Volley , Neb.or C. B Mnyne , Omaha. Neb. 4i4a23 FOR SALE $7,000 of general merchandise and store furniture , clean , well assorted will take half In good unlncumbertdfnrm land balance In paymentgwcll secured-good ; reason lor gelling. Address Call Box 67 , Alma. Nob. 878a5J TpOR SALE In a thriving western rallro X ? town , a bank doing a irood business. Sick nepg compels gelling. Address box 18 , Brokei Bow , Nub. 87229 THOR SALE -Moat market , good location J-1 good cash buslnegg , address H 33 , Bee office ' 40820 * BOUND TO SELL-If sold before April li Jackson it. Laundry will bo offered fo $2,800. H cash ; notcent for the trade ; mui be gold on account of dissolving partnership 815 Jackgon t. Hoist k Kragh. 816 28j FOR BALB-Or Trade Good paying hare ware business In one of the best counties I Iowa , Block will Invoice about $3,000 , is goot dean , and well assorted. Will soil for cash o take part payment In good form land In west ern Iowa or eastern Nebraska. For partlot larg address X Q , Bee office , Council Bluffg. 4B FOB BALE or Exchange-A new 85 hbl con blnation mill situated on Little Bin river , near Hebron. In Tbaynr county. Will ei change for wild or improved lands or live stocl For further particular * address First Natiom Bank. Hebron. Neb. 839 FOR BALE Half Interest In one of the bei paying drug stores In south western lowi Capital required. $2,600. Address D 40 , Bee o flee. Bl LOST. T OST A pug dog. Return to PonrogJT" JLJ Harding and get reward. 513 T OST-Blaok colt 3 monthg old , large tolntei U Finder return to K. H. Kendall , oyi Mate National bank , and got reward. 801 26J PEB80NAL. PERflONAL-Udlcs wishing to bcautl : their boraeg can vet Ideas and material algo TMuvlum for the new lava work , at Mr H , K. Mitchell's , leader of flno fancy work , 15 DouflM. BtU-27' C LAIRVOVANT-Madara Alaska revei past , present and future. Batlsfactk guaranteed. 512 8 Hth It. 309 3 PERSONAL Refrigerators at lowest pric for cash or on time at Moody'g ohli itore. aoa N 10th st. 63J 21 PEHSONAL-Mrs. Dr. Nannie V. Warn clairvoyant. Medical and bugineu Medlu Boon No. 8,131 North 16th it .Omaha , N b. . 134 MISCELLANEOUS. OMAHA LAUNDRY-604 North 16th Sti tiulrts 10 ccntg. Collars and Cuffi 3 ; frm washing Chuapegt In the City ; flrit-class woi 666-37' ' \\K drum to arrange with first class man Tf Omaha and vicinity for the sale monthly payments of Harper's Plctoral H tory of the Rebellion. 'Iho only means of < taming the famous War Pictures from Hi per'g Weekly. Apply slating facilities , cxpe ence and references , to MoDonnull Broi. , I Dearborn street , Chicago. 660-27 ,1 ) BUILUE11S Sealed bldgwlll bo recelv until April 15.1837 , by the Fullerton Hoi Association for the erection of a brick hoi 46xbO with tire stories and a basement Pla and specifications can be examined at the C ten' * bank , Fullerton , Neb. 54880J ff\0 parties haying bouses for rent. Ren X Agency. Benawa A Co. , 15t. , opposite po offlce. We have turned over to them our ron list. We recommend them , McCague Bros. 616 S POT CASH for gecond-hand. furnitureci pots and ttovog , at 117 N. 16th gtKUalS KUalS PARTIES baring citterns , ( MMpools or vau , cieuied , tdareu A. oCo. . . Uo * "S4-citJr > rPHB place wh ro they neil furniture cheap - 1forriwh ha * been removed from 1416 Doug- I.8-.1" LIL-ii"11 ! ! "l 2J3 nls GIXS POOLS , Rinks and vaults cleaned , Oder- Icsi process. K. Ewlng , box 427 , city. 020 n Hi * JObBI'H ROSENdfEIN has removed from 12V ) F/irnam to WJ N , llth St. , keeps alwas n full stock of fresh and rait water fishes , oysters , game nnd poultry. Telephone 24. Orders solicited , . 1 > M _ MRS. M. OHLENPCHLALOEH--Graduated midwife , corner 2olh and Cuming st , up stairs. 872al4 | " \OVr bo nn ojeter. Don't bo swallowed X7 nlUowhcn jou want to sell furniture , carpets or household goods , call Ft 117 N. 10th. 2ai a8 ! KNT Organs , 13 per month , tlorpe , 1613 Dous-lnx. KM ITIOU ItK.vr square Piano , $ montnlr. A J ? llogpe1613pouirljlg. J3 Iwlll trade n plnno , nearly new , for lot In Omaha , I. N. Watson , At Court Hougo or at COS j17ttiBtrect. 171 _ S 1ASII advanced on diamonds and watches at \J 117 N. IBth St. Orff A Co. 201 nlH DON'T bo adnm. Don't pay two prices when you can go to 117 N. 16th and buy furni ture , stoves , ic , at rock bottom prices.2J1 2J1 alS ALL PERSONS having Mil Id claims ngnlngt the estate of the lain Lieut Joseph S. Powell are requested to present them within sixty days from this dnto to hU widow. Mrs. Annie LouKo Powell , Address Box 3-fi , Wash- Inglon , D. C. 609 27J S AY BOARD-70IS. 18tn It 600 29J L-IIRST-CLASS Storage at HO N 13th Ft , L 728 MONEY tnlks when you want tobuyfurnl- ture or vapor stoves at 117 N. 18th. between Dodge and Capitol ave. 2TI ( a8 XF you wont to buy or sell furniture , go to J. Ferguson's , 715 N. 18th. 737 FOBKHNT Square Piano $ J montttly. A Hospe.ltnDouglag. 185 NEW Boarding House , flno tables , clean and palatable victuals. 1418 Chicago st 3 5 TORAGE First-class storage for nice tur- ulturo or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodgc-st BALE MISOELLANEOTTS ( Ml"8ALE Offlco Fixtures ; and Btoro for Rent ; whole or In puit Address H 46 , Bee Olllcc. 681-27 * FOll SALE Cheap ; good set of drug fix tures and shelf bottles. Bargain If taken at onco. Hughes & Schmidt , Omaha. 673 TT10II SALE Second-hand elevator for lUory -L' gtablo. Call at Hoiuletor's stable , S. 17tb , bet. Harney nnd St. Mary's ave. 574-30 * TjlOR SALE-Cheap , a Vornon's Oskaloosa en- -I ? glno peanut roaster In good condition. Good reasons for selling. Address A 45 , Bee oftiCO. 488 28 T710R SALE A pair of flno driving ponies , -L' double harness and phaeton ; also n flno black family horse. Phaeton and harness now ; also a. line bedroom suit of furniture , with ! SO yards of Ingrain carpet , cheap for cnsii. Ad dress Charles W , King , 630 south 13th elv370 29 * IPOIt SALE 2 million brick and upwards DO- X ! Bides dally out put of 30,000. Enquire on premises , cor Dorcas and 2nd fits. Omaha Urlok and Term Cottu Mfg. Co C36 WANTED SCALE HELP. WANTED-Smartesalesman to begin work Monday , after G a. in. 107 South 14th st. 6MI27 * WANTED An Engineer to run Stationary Engine. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 675-27 W ANTED Furniture finisher and repairer , 715 N. 16th Bt. 6S8-37 WWANTED WANTED A man to attend to 4 horses night and morning , apply Monday ut 120 North 15th. 65528 \Tl7ANTED-Enterprlslng men to canvass for TT for a now , useful nnd rapid selling article , The right men can easily cnrn $5 nnd $10 a day. Come and see for yourself. Address H 49 , Bee oBlco. 601-27 * " \A7ANTED-A boy about 16 or 16 years of age , TT Apply at 15 9 > orth 20th street. 669-27 * " \X ; ANTED-A smart , acttv < Tboy for ofllco TT work ; must bo good penman. Reference required. Apply McCord , Urady & Co. 659 \I7ANTED A cigar salesman to represent a T T first-class factory through Iowa. None but those who can command a good trade and furnish satisfactory references need apply. Salary no object to right man. Address con es- poudonco to Verplanck llrog. , St. Paul , Minn. WANTED A careful , painstaking person , wages $18. P. O. Box 602. 477 27j WANTED Agrenta to introduce our now boons , American Poets just out Secure your territory at once. Big money In this , P , F. Collier , Room 6 , Redlck block. 478 31 WANTED 60 sober. Intelligent men of good address to try a lOo meal at Norris' reg. taurant. 104 B 16th gt 136 ANTED A smart , active man to take hole ! of novelty just out. $3 to $5 a day Northwestern Novelty Co. , 1207 Farnam gt 126 WANTED At once , good pantg makers. ( Bchinltzbergcr. 416 B 15th. 474 27 'ANTED Five first-claw advertising solic itors ; only men capable of earning gooi salaries need apply. A. B. Bads CompanyROOD 20. R E. corner Uth and Dodge gtft. 983 w ANTED Men to cut wood. T. Murray. 406 \17ANTED-Bxperlenced dry goods traveillnt TT galeman having an established trade it the country tributary to Kansag City. Stati amount of trade , territory covered , and hov long. Address , with reference , W. B. Grime Dry Goodg Co. , Kansas City , Mo. 358 WANTED 10 good cornice makers and : slate roofers. None but first class mei need apply. Inquire at Western cornlci works. 608 and 510 812th st. Omaha. 807 1 Three men who have had ox WANTED perlence doing gravel roofing. Cal from 6to 7'/i p. m. , at 1(17 Howard street 499 28J W ANTKO-Watron maker. Fred rtharf , 161 813th gt , bet Hickory and Center sts. 617 27 * WANTFD A dishwasher , apply at Ke\ York Restaurant 711 N 16th street 625 28 * _ T\7ANTED-Man and wife to take charge o TT alarm. Cuas Child , 1808 Leavcnworth siT [ ' " \\T ANTED An experienced vinegar make ' : TT to take full charge of manufacturj 11 Address box D , Newman Grove , Madison Co. - Neb. 645 27J itfc WANTED A few persons to instruct li fc book-keeping. Situation. J. B. Smith 1613 Chicago st 864 27J AGENTS wanted tor the life of Henry War Beecherby Thos. W. Knox. An authoi tic and complete history of his life and wor from the cradle to the grave. Outsells a others 10 to 1. The best nnd cheapest an splendidly Illustrated. Bells line wild tiro. K : tra terras. Outfit tree. Now Is the time. Ai dress at once , 8. F. Junkm & Co. , Kansag Clt ; Mo. 369 a 5j WANTED FEMALE HELP. W ANTED 2 or 3 young girls can secui light work to be done at their homes. Ai dross immediately H 13 , Bee olnco. 680-27 * WANTED-GIrl for general houseworl small family , Seward st , 2d houie oai Campbell. Mrs. Wright. 4 5 3 J ANTED Girl for housework , family < throe , JUS California gt , 447 26 W ANTED-GIrl to do general house wor must be good cook. 1818 Webster. 448 WANTED 50 first class girls who have hi on ona experience as waiters In botels or rest * a . of Mlsg Kate ' rants. Inquire Kennedy's Eioplo roont offlce. 219 N. 16th st. 82727 WANTED A girl for general houseworl Must be a good cook , references require Mrs. H. B. Rollins,2018 Howard st 483 WANTED A good girl for general hous work In a family of three , wages $4 pi week , Inquire of C. L. Erlckson , 2U N. 16th i Masonic block. 456 27 In 17ANTED Girl to woik : n kitchen at DenT on is- T Heuie , 432 8.18th St. , near bt. Mary'g av W ANTED-A good cook at 613 So. 10th Si rl- good wages. &U7-29 < LtiS WANTED A girl for general housework family of three ; wagcg $4.00foragoi od girl ; 1711 N. 19tn St. W lei tel W ANTKD-GIrl 15 to IB ycarg old for genet PI houiowork , 1038Catorlne gt ; small fai Itl- 577 29J ial TyANTEO-UIrl for general housework , ll gt- tal HTANTED Girl for general housework. A TT ply for address at 117 B. 16th gt 4M21 WANTED-60 first dug irlrls for houiewoi Callat [ Kate Kennedy's Employment c flee. 119 K. Iflth gt. 5iO 7 Its T ADIK8 wanting reliable Mrvant firlg c-a"tT -U gupplied at ikort notice by culling at 1 NMth , Crouuge block room 4 , 13127 W ANTE ! ) An experienced nurse : oill at Mrg Frank E. Moore's , T1J fcouth 16th. 481 W ANTED Girl for general housework , 62(1 ( S. lntli , near St. Mary's nve. 86.1 WWANTED WANTED At once. plnno player , colored woman preferred. Apply 112 8. I'th. 'Mi "IVANTKD Swnlgt ranker * ; 1 npprentlce : 1 T errand girl Mrs. A , Itlcc , Bushman block. 3J2 W ANTED 50 good girls for domestic work ; best of wages and good homes ; 121 N 15th 2fr8 27J "WANTED Ladle * to work for lig nt their TT own homos ; $7 to 10 per week can be quietly made ; no photo painting , no canvass ing. For full particulars please address nt once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central it , Boston , Ma . . Box 6170. P03 \\TANTKD Good cook nnd Laundress , 203 N. T > 18th gt 689 SITUATION WANTED. \\7 ANTKD-Situation ng drug clerk by a > young man with four joar's experience ; can give best of reference. Address II 60 , this otncej 684-2j WANrnn-Sltuntlon IT alndyto go out to work by the day or take work home. In quire at 818 Dodge street. * 506-27 * WANTED A position by nn experienced stenographer. Operates the Remington type-writer ; writes a good hand and comes well recommended. Address H , S. Wedgwood , Gees hotel , city. 45127 * W ANTED Position in office by n competent man , good ref's. H 38 , Ueo ollloe. _ WANTED Position by n cigar salesman of long experience. Good trade over U. P. R. R. west Address H 33 Boo. 449 27j TTITANTED Situation by n practical druggist TT of city nndcountryexporlonco7yonrsad- drcss W. F. Bassett , Elkb art , Ind. 177 27 * WANTKD Situation ; Kansas or Nebraska by thorough bookkeeper ; also writes short hand. Cash bond given. References exchanged. N. Schulz , CC2 W. Madison st , Chicago , III. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED Homo for n smart , active Amer ican girl , 12) oars old , Address , Fred O. Williams , City. 672-2U * WANTED To Buy , n 5-ncro tract north of city ( not beyond Florence ) , Address with particulars H 47 , Bee ollico65127J WANTED Nicely furnished house or cot- tage for the summer , centrally located. Apply to U. Wells , 1000 Chicago Bt. 635 28 WANTED A bouse or flat of 12 or 14 rooms , centrally located for boarding. Addrcsa II 44 , Boo ollico , 612 28 * W ANTED-Boardois nnd roomers at 219 N 13th. 533 27 * WANTED-At once , second hand shafting nnd pulleys ; nleo wood trimming lathe , Address II 4) , Doe olllce. 611 27 * Furnished room within reasonable WANTED able distance of postolllco , for single gen tleman. State terms and location , AddicssH 40 , Bee oflico. 403 WANTED Nlco room with all modern con veniences , mid board , In private family , u pleasant , quiet homo dnslrod , references ex changed. Address H 32 , Boo ollico. 40J 27 * WANTED 1 have purchasers for ten four. fUe and six room cottages , to bo removed from their present sites , Owners of such prop erty wishing to sell will call at onco. Wallace , Crulghtou block. 473 31 W ANTED -Teams , JO'J ' S. llth st 169 FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. FOR RENT Large store , suitable for drug storoordry gooJs store. Apply 20th and Grant streets. North Omaha. 50S-1 * 1/10R RENT Houses for rent are hard to find -L but after you find ono you will want a din ner or toilet sot. You will save money by buyIng - Ing them at Moody's China store , Cor. 16th nnd Davenport sts. 657 27 FOR RENT Butcher shop with fixtures com plete. Apply 20th and Grant streets , North Omaha. 670-1 * FOR RENT Stable for 2 or three horses with buggy room and hay-loft , cheap. Corner Leavcnwoith and 21st sts. 1130 , Bee. 49128 * FOR RENT > /i of 8 room house with close closets , &c , , up stairs , suitable for small family , a w cor 17tb und Dorcas. Call on premises. 250 TjlORHENT New brick house with all modern -L improvements , 12 rooms. Apply 1310 Farnam gt OOP TT1O11 RENT 4 new cottages on Call fornla X ! and UOth street , near Cumin ? street carl. Rent $25 per month. Apply to Kaufman Bros. , 207 S. 15th St. 6J9 F 1OH RENT-Brick yards , T. Murray. FOR RENT " " 0 acres of ground , improved. North of the city 3 miles. R. O. Patterson , 15th and Hnrney. 272 FOR RBNT-H ) acres in cultlvytion. Call soon. Marshall & Lobeck , 1509 Farmam st 618 28 OR RENT The leading hotel In a flourish- log railroad town in central Nebraska , 22 rooms , newly furnished throughout and doing a good business. Rent $60 per month. Den- awa & Co. , 15th gt , opposite poltofflce. Omaha , Neb. 642 30 FOR RENT-Stable , Capitol ave and 9th. En quire room 8. Arlington block. 742 FH RENT Vi of a largo office well located , Inquire of Swan & Co. , 1531 Dodge gt 759 FOR RENT Cottaoro * , houses and stores , all desirable and well located , from $30 per month up. L. Burnham , Room 1 CreUrhion Block. 117 FOB KENT BOOKS. THOU RENT Furnished rooms , single or Ir -C suites , 4 blockg of Opera nouse. G. W , Baker , 1609 Farnam. 671-29 FOR RENT Central to business , nicely fur nUhed east front parlor and slooplnt room in private family for gentleman and wlf < or three gentlemen. References exchanged 018 North 17th street. 68529 * FOR RENT For the summer or pcrmantly furnished rooms with first-class modori conveniences. Only tenants willing to pay foi such accommodations desired. No. 818 N. 16tt street 4(828' ( OR RENT-Nicolv furnished rooms , boart If desired , 113 So Sid st , bet Douglas anc Dodge. 241 'OR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms anc furnished and unfurnished rooms foi light housekeeping. Inquire 609 Howard Bt. 178 F OR BENT Front parlor and alcove , fur nlsbod ; good board. 2531 St. .Mary's ave 961 T710R RENT Ono neatly furnished or un J ? furnished cast front room suitable for twi gentlemen , 810818th Bt 476 27J " 171011 RENT Unfurnished rooms for house E ! keeping. Apply up stairs , 1615 Dodge st 601 TTIOB RENT-A nicely front furnished room i' with bed room. 618 North 15th street. 600 30j TTIOR HF.NT Furnished room for two gentle I ? men at 507 South 13th st. Apply at roem A 541 29 F IOR RENT-Handsomoly furnished roomi modern couenicnces. . 318 N. 15th st 603 Ij FOR RENT Three nicely furnished roomi 616 South 17th St 650 27j TTtOR RENT-Two finely furnlghed Troti -L rooms , suitable for two gentlemen a married couple , also single- room , K bloc * fret street car. References given and required , 81 Phil Sheridan street 649 28j OR RENT Nicely furnished room fo.1 ladle 3d floor , 1811 Bt. Mary'i ave. 603 2 J F OR RENT A newly furnished front rooti with closet and batu. 601 South 20th st. 139 oTOOR KENT-Furnlshed rooms , 712 N. 19th i -C 628 ll FOK IlKNT Two furnished rooms , at 191 Farnam gt 141 in FOR RENT- Elegantly furnished rooms. A moderd conveniences on paved struct nn street car lino. No finer location in city. Cu atmyollice. L. P. Hammond , room 3. 15 ! t. ; Douglas st 630 FOK RENT-Furnished rooms , 714 N. 19th. in 729-alO * ad I TTXJR RENT Elegant furnished rooms ; n Jinooorn couvtnlonces on paved street an street car line. No finer locution In city , fa t my offlee. L. P * Hammond , room 8 , 16' Douglas M , 619 117 Store room and No. 110 N. 141 _ _ _ _ _ fat , asa 117r "CXJll RKNT-Nlcely furnished rooms at rei r f gonable rateg. one Dlock from court hous 606 Bo 18tb gt , north St , Mary's ave , up stairs. k. _ _ _ _ _ 679 Fit HUNT turuubod rooms , bath , eto. , $ to $25 per month. 612 N. 17th. B3a28J be "CflOR HBNT-Nlcely furnished rooms on 181 119 .C gt.rateg reasonable. Inquire at Ne Borne ptoelffi Hint . . 28 STJ FOR RENT Furnlgticd rooms nnd board , 619 N 19lh St. 135 28 * fjlOlt , RENT-IMrnlshti ) roe b th nnd J-1 modern com cnlenoei , 491 N mil gt 825 27 * | / > OH RENT Nicely furnished front room , - suitable for two 1517 Jnukson gt , 61429 * WANTETwfb"rent 7 or lTroom house , not over 15 blocks , from postoHlco. Enquire at Bennlson Bros. 2a R ilENT-Ofllces In Hollmnn building cor. Farnam and 1.1th sts. , In suites or singly. For prices , diagrams and Information apply to S.A. Sloman , 1512 Fnrnatn gt. , Room 3. F Ion HENT-Nlcoly furnished front room 3 blocks louth of tno Opera Hou80,14l5.Iones. t ma u 4 FOB BALE HOUSES LOTS. TJ. HOOK. Itcnl Eitiitc. 15(9 ( Funiiim Street U27 Fine large lot InSnunder * & Hlmobnugh'a add , | 'i7 > ' 344-Lot on Hamilton st , In Walnut Hill , 50x105 , with new 6-rooin house. This Is n snap at $1,100. 323 Hast front lot 60x143 on 10th St. , near Hickory , (4,000. 331 East front on 24th St. , nonr Popplcton , trees , new house , LOOK nt this. It Is n bargain , $2POO. 333 South front lot 80x108 , bnsompnt cottage , cistern , city water , and bnrn , 11,000 , cash , price , $4OU < ) . . 331 Fine east front , Virginia nve. , near Pnclflc , u.rioo. 3SS-U fine cnst front ! In Hnnsoora place , f 1,86 , each ; 2 eolith front lots In J. 1. Itfdlck'g nub. , near Virginia nvo. and Howard fig. 343 I'lno south front 111 Hickory place , | lil76. Itoso Hill lots from l-'iO up. 2 lots and C room new house m Snnndors & llnnu- baimh's add. to Walnut Hill , near Military rondr > 00ca < < h , $2,500. Burlington Center loti , two to $700 , are good liucBtmcnts. 346 Splendid lot on-uth St. , near I St. , South Omaha. Big bargain. Onlv $ ' > OJ. 314 Corner lot In Grand View , SKX ) . 315 Flno south corner " 5th nnd Popploton nvo. , 60x168 , with ulco house , flno surroundings , 10.000. 24 2 east fronts In Ambler Place , on pro jected car line , $700 ouch. 33-00 50 feet south front on Hnrncy noarS'ith , 44 foot on Hnrney St. , In heart of busi ness. 130-98 feet , corner , on S. 20th , 8-room house , barn , etc. . $0OUO. 312 13 lots in Cunningham's sub , dlv. at a bar gain 280-Lot In Eckorman's add , $4fiO. 43-73 2 lanro lots In Foster's add. corner , 2 blocks from cable , f6,000. 14-1-04 foot Fouth front In Hawo's add , $1,250. 238 Kino co-foot south front lot on Boward St. noarcnr line , $1,500. 311-2 lots in Hescrvoir add. , both for 52,200. 6S 88 3 lots on Lcnenworth st. $1,200 each. U3-rine lot in Shull'g add. , $ . ' , ltxi. 311-0 oust front lots In Ihornburg Place , a bargain , 14,500. If j on liavo any good property you wish to poll cheap , list It with mo. T. J. Hook , Heal Estate , 16091'itrnnm St. 670 20 Wl ! HAVE 130 feet on Harney Street near 20th ; two good houses nnd barn South front-at a big bargain. Smith & Welsh , Itcnl Fstnto & Loans , 21'J South 14th Street , corner Farnnm. 6M-27 /"lOHNEll on Lake nnd Stnto Streets , Wl foot \J front ; $1,700. Smith & Welsh. Heal Kstnto & Loans,219 South llth St. , cor. 1'aruiuu. 654-27 FOR 8ALi-Ncat6room : cottnuo , 200)0raeo ) st. Kasy torrns ; ohoap , or will exchange formoro valuable property. J. M , Davis,320 N. 10th st 683-2 FEI'.T East front on Snunderi Street ; 50 $50 per front foot Smith & Welsh , Iteal Estate & Loans,210 So. 14th St. , cor. Farnntn. 554-37 50x133 feet on Harnoy St. near 23d ; Improved ; cheap. Smith & Welsh , Ueul Estate & Loans , 210 Bo. 14th St. , COY. Farnam. 654-27 FOll SALE 100 foot front , corner on Farnam st , $12.000 ; spcclalsnaplu this ; half cash. J. L. Hlco A Co. 4110 FOIt SALE-Lot | 5 , block 79 , South Omaha , $ J.700 ; $1.500 cpah. J. L. Rico A.Co. 407 FOR SALE 80 feet front on Paundors St. with Improvement worth $1.500 nt * 7,500. Positive bargain. J. L. 'Hlco ' & Co. 430 mELEPHONE 418for , J. L. Rico & Co. , real es- -L tnto brokers. . 475 FOK BALK South front lot In Washington Square ndd , $3,000-worth $ t 00 : must go. J. L. lllce & Co , solo agents. 4UO FARNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 per acre. ItuEh & fielby , 1C09 Farnam. 505 OU SALE-8 line residence lots in lil-o'H add . opoosito Kountro's Place , $1,000 each ; just on the market. J. L. Rico & . Co..solo agents. 498 SOUTH OMAHA-3'.i acres for sale near South Omahu postoftico for only $ J,60i ) . , Stevens Bros. , 1513 Farnam. 540-27 WHAT we monn by bargains in our special advertisements Is property that can bo bought at loss than adjoining propoity is sell ing at , and wo pick out only the very choicest. Kountzo's 3d add. Wo bnvo a flno corner lot 100x140 facing on 9th nnd Hickory streets , with 0 houses that can be bought at $8,000. Terms easy. Fine 7-room cottage on 27th street , near Cum- Ing , within one mile of vostoffloe , only yt blk from paved street und oar line , only $3,000. Cottage and 70 feet front on 18th street ; good Improvement * , In E. V. Smith's addition , $11,000. Nlco cottage and lot 64x120 on corner Charles and 28th streets , $3,000 ; terms easy. 7-room house and good improvements , lot 60x127 , south front , In Shlnn'sSd addition Price $ J. W. This is .1 bargain. Look Into It. Corner Charles und 34th streets in Low'eg add. 60 lots in Orchard Rill , Trill bo advanced. $750. Fine lot In Isaac < ! t Selden's addition , $1,800. One Lincoln Place lot , $000. Corner lot In Pruvns Park , $400. 2 lots In Hertford Place , each $750. All of the above are good values , and no one will miss it If they Invest. Call at once do Jdard & Moore , 211 north 10th strcotoppoBltoMasouto : building. 534 27 rpo parties desiring to make investments I -L offer the following first-class prop erty : 4-story brick block , 65x132 , on Harney et$100,000 3-story brlcK block , 40x06 , on 18th st 31,000 llusmess property on Farnam St. , 44x133. 33,000 Ono of the finest N. W. corners on Far- namst,50x132 31.500 Corner lot on Dodge and 9th 18,600 3 One low on upper Farnara st. , all pav ing and special taxes paid 55,000 Together with a number of flno residence lots. Houses In various parts of the city. Charles E. Burmoster , 414 Sonth 15th st. 524 27 riUMING ST-54 feet front on Cuming st , \J nearSaunders st , only $7.500 , H cash. This Is an offer that will bear Investigation. Gregory & Had ley , Rooms 1 and 3 , Redlck'g blk , U20 South 15th st 439 CHANCE for Investments. A Gibson , Aylesworth & Benjamin , 1512 Fainara st. 1 lot in Imp. Ass'n. 47x111 , with 2 small houses f 3,000 1 lot in Hawthorne , 48x10' ' ) , cor. 3)d ) ana Davenport , with 6 room house.clstorn , well , etc. very cosy termi 8,600 Hot In Hillside 2d add 1.800 1 lot In Bedford Place , 80x128 733 1 lot in Hitchcock's Ut add. 50zl3.'i 70(1 ( 1 lot In Lowe's Istadd,00xl30wlth house 1,750 li ! lots In Shinn's 1st add , 75x12"S ! , Caldwell - well st 3,700 1 lot In Kedtck's add , 62x122 , Half How ard st 3,300 21ots In West Sld ,50xl29 , barn and fruit trees 2,100 6-room house and lot N. 17th st. , good well and cistern 6,60(1 ( KounUe 4th add , lot 8 , block 6 six room house , well , cistern barn , &c 4,000 Himobaugh le Patterson sub-lot 16 , block ' . ' , contract 65 ( 120 ft on St Mary's ave , with 2 9-room houses , gas and water , will subdivide. 31.00C 40 ft on St Mary's ave bet , Itth and 20th l..OOC Choice lot In Omaha View 000 182 ft on 10th st. near Farnam 70.00C 2 lot * , 00x27. Lowe's add , 4-room house , cellar , well and 60-foot barn , price 3,001 NELSON'S ADD-Lot 02ixl25 ! , with i houses one 11-room , the other T-room , totiU ron $048 per year , all for $6,000 , $2,450 cash , bal 1 2.3 4 und5 years. . Notice tha easy terms am that rent puyi over 10 per cent on investment f Gregory & Hndley , Roomsl ndS.Bedickblk , m South 16th st 439 , FOR HALE-Lot 33x132 ft on Howard st , bet llth and 13th , with 11 room house , $ VX ) pe troatfoot , $6,600 cash. balance to suit. Lot 66x132 , block 198 , Omaha , with two houses i $8.000 , M cosh. L Two lots In Kountze'g 3d add , 10,100 , one i corner. ' ' Lot with 11 room house In Hanscom Place $4,300 $2,003 cash ! This Is cheap. Lot 62x130 , with 8room house , all modern Im nrovements , In Henry & Sheltoii's add , | 12OOU H cash , balance to suit. Lot 50x115 , N 1 ! cor2Ut and Locust its , $ I , 5 ( $5M ) cash , balance In Syears. Corner lot , 31st and California , $1,000 , ' ( cash House and lot In Orchard Hill , $1,800 , $71 cash. 6 acres within 3 miles of postofSeo , $7,001 $3.000 cash. 44x132 ft on Farnam st , bet lltn und 13th , sull able for business purposcg. 76x30J on California st , $ .1COO cash. 65637 Currle 4. Vellum , Exposition Building. TOOSTEIl'8 ADD'N-Coraor on 2'd st 90x130 f for $1,400. Basy term * . Gregory fc Hadley. 439 mELEPHONE 418 for J , L. Rloo k Co. , real ei X tate brokers. 475 CXR one week only wo will offer eomo One gi L1 buroan lota near street cur line at $ % 0 pe lot This Is your last chance to got property s 1U near the city at these prices. K Barrett & Co 314JJ B , 15lb ( succpHiors to Knewold & Barrett. 5 L _ mKLKl'HONE 418 for J. L. lllce & Co. , roi.1 o X , tate brokers. . i7t * * ' * OMAHA-Somo of the ho t cornorg SOUTH b'lilncss portion of the town , and lots In nil mldltlnns thereto ; " "flooml i'und ' 'HfdlcVs Blk , 330 B. 15th Ft ' ' ove"ry t'NNINOHAM'S AUD-Largolotg.and one has trarkago. They are cheap now , nnd will command fancy prices soon. Gregory .V Hadloy , Rooms 1 and J , lledlck's Blk , 320 8. IMh st. 1SE * PAIIMELU , 150 } Fitrnam st Offer thcsdbnigalns to-dari 1 corner Goorirln nvo. nnd Dupnnt $1 , ' } ) ) . 7 Orchard hill , choice lots each $ > . House and 2 loti , Snunders & Himobaugh s add. to Walnut hill $ . ! . . } . 20 Finest lots In Clotcrdnlo , bnrgi.lns. line loti In Kllby place , cheap. Flnol 1-2 lot John I llodlck's Sub dlvUlon , Zcholoo lots In Mayncs add , , each $ iX ) 2cholce lots Falrmount place. lacro best In llolvodcro , biriraln I ) ) ) . Slots Jetton's addition , each 17CJ. 61oU Mt. Douglas , each $ VVl 2lots South Ex. place , oacn $ vn. SBrown Park , bargain each $3)1 ) 24 lots choice In Yntos * Hompcl's addition. 10 acres mile south of Harris A Patterson s annex , extra nice , cheap and easy terms. A fine list of western lands for gale , or trndo for Omaha property. . _ . , , - . , 400 acres highly improved , Saunders Co. , sale or trade. 115 fcft front on Iflth strsot , La t , not loist.iorner on Kiirnam $4 ,00) ana many others , 1509 Faruam , Wise and Pacmelo. FOR BALE Corner lot , 25th and Lnito streets , 13Ti feet on 25th st , fronting on two streets , $ J.3QOj l-3cash. J. L. Hlco A. Co. 4M _ T ELEPHONE41S for J. L. Rice Jt Co. , real estate - tate brokers. 475 _ FOIl 8ALE-3 lots Fairmont place $750 to $1,500 , J. H. Pnrrotte , 10M Chicago st. 629 87 _ _ ANSCOM I'LACn Bcnutftil east front on Phil Shprldan.on grade , forest trees , at n reasonable price and on good terms. Wallace , Cre Ig h t o n block. 619 28 _ OfTsALE OH THADE-We own several thousand acres of choice South Dakota farming land which wo will neil or trade for Omaha property. Wo want to sell and offer our land at bottom prices. Wright & Lasburv. cor. under Paxton hotel iO > ) TTIORSALK fO feet front on Pnundcrs St. with -t ? improvements worth $1.WO nt $7,500. Positive bargain. .1. L. Hlco ft Co. _ _ _ IIARGAIN Lot 0. blk OS South SPECIAL only $2,000. This Is only for March. April 1st , the lot cannot bo delivered less than $3,400 , Now is the time. Park & Fowler , 1522 Douglas. 44. ) 27 FARNAM ST. ncrcngc , 10 acres , $1,800 per acre. Rush & Si.lby. 10091'arnam. 603 rpHlS IS CHEAP Now 7-room house and JLbarn , largo lot , beautiful view of city. U is n2-story square house , nice porch , double par- Ion , pantry , cellar , etc. , good well. Price $2r > 00 ; $500 cash , balance $ -3 per month. Clark 4t French , 1510 Douglas St. 614 23 FOll SALT5-S W cor 19th and Farnam , 80 feet front on Farimm with Improvements , $50,000.1-3 cash. J. L. Hlco ft Co. , agents. 4UO HOW 18 TniS-Houso 8 rooms , lot 3.1 ft east front on 2W between California and Casg $3,500. John Gallagher , 317 8. Utli. FOll SALE-Sovoral lots In Orchard Hill at prices that will nay to invest 2 lots Patrick's addition till April 1st , $3,700 , ono Is n corner. Thcso are cheap. 2 houses and lots ono block from street cars , $2rr > 0j and $2.fiOO : $ .190 cash , bat $25 per month. 1'ark Si Fowler. 1532 Douglas. 443 27 TI10R SALE 80 feet front on Snundors Bt. with JJ Improvements worth $1.600 at $7,500. Positive bargain. J. L. Rico & Co. 496 you want anything bettor ttian this ? 31ft DO cast front on 2 id near Cass , $2,500. John Galnghcr,317 g 13th , 417 30 F 1011 SALE-4 fine lots in A. B. Patrick's ndd. , $1,300 each. J. L. Hlco & Co. , solo agents. TlWOBAHGATNS-An ant corner lot In Kountzo's Place , 74x124 , south nnd east front , the most desirable lot in the addition , $3,000. 3i ! acres 10 blocks from postofflce nt South Omaha. Thlo will make 18 lots worth $4UO each , and can bo sold fora few dajs at $2,600. Stevens Bros. , 1513 Farnam st 010 27 ACHES 4 miles west ofP 0 , for sale , $600 10 per aflro. D. C , Patterson , Omaha Na- tlonal bank. 880 FOU SALE-100 feet front , corner on Farimm st , $ r.o03 : ; special snap in this ; halt cash. J. L. Rico & Co. 490 .PR1NG . : VALLKlT , s Our new addition. Acros.175 to $40) per or . Near South Omaha , And Sydlcate Hill. . . _ , . _ . _ Marshall * Lobock , 183 1603 Farnnm. TTIOIl 8ALR A corner lot 65x132 on 15th and JCuming st one of the tiest locations In the city for a warehouse , with waterworks and sewerage. Apply at promises. Than Sinclair. 290 a20j mKLEPHONE 418 for J. L. Rico & Co. , real es- JL tate brokers. 475 BNUINB BARGAINS-Two corner lots m Burdetto court , only 4 blocks from Saun ter's street oars , w. M. Bushman. Room 10 , Mugbman Block , N K cor Uth and Douglas. WR have a few choice acres platted Into Jots that will make the investor 100 per cent profit by July 1. Call at our ollloe tor informa tion. F. Barrett & Co. , 314H S. 15th , gucccssorg to Knowold * Barrett. 639 27 OR BALE 4 fine lots In A. S. Patrick's add. , $1,300 each. J. L. Uico & Co. , solo agents. INSIDE PHOPKHTY We have some good In- side property at a bargain , Pierce & Hog- ers , 1511 Dodge street. 830 T710H HALS 8 W corlffth and Farnam , 00 feet X ? front on Farnam with Improvements , $60,000.1-3 cosh. J. L. Hlco ft Co. , agents. 496 cash will secure 163 acres of first class $ farming land In eastern Nebraska balance very long tlmo and no taxes for 20 years. The O.F.Davis company , 1505 farnam st OOUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Place Is O Inside South Omaha property. Theo Olson or Jaa Voro , owners. 314 8 15th st , 2d floor between - tween Farnam andHarney. 254 a 1 FOB SALE-8 W cor 19th and Farnam , 90 feet front on Farnam with Improvements , $50.000,1-3 cash. J. L. Rico & Co. , agents. 493 SOUTH Omaha Paric and Hammond Place Is Inside South Omaha property , Theo Olsen or Jus Vore , owners , HU B 15th st.,2d floor be- twccn Farnam and Harnoy. 251 a 1 BIG BARGAIN Ono hundred foot front on South Eleventh st corner lot , only $5,000. Part on tlmo. V. L. Vodlcka , 6 South 13tb st . 6J4 10 ACHES 4 mlleg west of P O , for sale , $850 per acre. D. U. Patterson , Omaha Na- tlonal bank. 280 8O feet on King st. between Burdette and Grant st. Tnis Is ono of the best bargains in North Omaha , $ . ' ,600. John Gallagher , 317 B. 13th St. 3U927 E\On SALE 100 feet front , corner on Farnam st , $12,030 ; spoclal snap in this ; half cash. J.L. Rico & Co. 495 FARNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 per acre. Rush & Selby , 1609 Fnrnam. 605 LOTS on Chicago St. , south of Crolghton col- lego. 66x145. First class Investment , $4.000. John Gallagher , 317 South 13th St. 310 37 mELEPHONE 418 for J. L. Hlco & Co , , real eg- Jtato brokers. 475 JOHN GALLAC1HEH-317 South 13th street. Lots- South Omaha , "a snap" . . . . $ 850 Hawe's addition 1,650 Dupont Place 1,000 Fairmont.$800 to 1.850 Hanscom l'laoolGOOto. . . . 3,000 Baker Place , $600 to 850 Some flno lots in Plalnvlew. Rustln's addi tion , Omaha View , and other additions. r Houses and Lots- Burt street near 20 lot 66x132 , house 13 , room * , barn , eto $0,600 Lot67zl32 , nouse U rooms , barns , eto 8,503 Kosy terms on both. Omaha View lot 60 feet south front , house with Improvements , cogt $1,10) ) , all for. . 170C ; Very easy terms. House and lot on 23d near California at a bargain , bettor call und bee about It House and lot , Sunnyslde. . , . . 1,50 ( Houses to sell on small payments , balance monthly 1,5V H will pay you to examine our list of buslnesi property. Borne of the finest acre property at botton price. 16--31 T71ARNAM BT. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 pel J acre. Rush ic Sclby. 1609 Farnam. 605 FOR SALE Corner lot. 25th nnd Luke streets 135 feet on 25th st , fronting on two streets $2,300 ; H cash. J. L Rico & Co. 496 rpELEPHONE 418 lor J. L. Rico & Co. . real c -L tate brokers. 475 OOO PER CENT in a few days Is what you oat -J make If you buy the a' { ucros wo offer li blocks from South Omaha poitofllto for $2.600 Stevens Bros. , 1513 Farnam. 640-27 ANTED-23 good girls for housework cal 119 Norm ICib , Crounio blk. 6J3 27 WE can offer grout Inducements In a few choice lots in Highland Park for a tcv days F. Barrett & . Co. , yi41 S. 15th , sucoesno Do BnewCfM It Barrett , W'J 27 W1I. GATES , 324 S IMh M , entrance on Harnry. Call and lot me show jou the following pieces of property If jou want * good homo nt a reasonable ligilro 1 can deliver jou nny time before April 1ft ft new ID-ioom IIOIIPO on etrn-t c r line between DoiJgo and Capitol lucnue. fncing east : hits all ' "oJorn convotilcnccsand Is n bargain , at $5,700 , fta.MU cnsn , Can sell you the 7-room cotlnge Just north of the nlKMo. right In the best residence part of the city. This property Is $4.2iw. 9-rooiu hou i' , nenly built barn , both put up with on nor s own fuipormtrndltig , All modern conveniences , lot Is Kill t' , nice row of shade tires , $7,000. 10-rormi story nnd n half house , Hnnscom Place , facing east , near stiei't car , In best part of addition , $5.i < ( iu. Homo and lot on 17th st , newly Improved , between Davenport nnd Chicago , $ HriOO. A valuable piece of property on l/nrd , e < ir Ifith st. with trackage In roar , * 7VX ) . 5 rottngtH on 24th bet St. Mary's nve. and 1 amain , facing oa t , cheap , 2 lots and small rottngccorner 2Vth and Dodge , n bargain , $0,000. 0 room homo , burn , n nice piece of property , on I'opplcton nve , nonrSitli St. , < IK)0. ( ) New 6-room house , full lot , Saumlcrs & Himc- bauith's udd. , $ . ' ,6X ( ) , $ : > 00 cash. 3 pleasant 2 utory hnugos , Walnut Hill , $ -,000 to > ,1VX ) , close to depot 6 room house , Walnut Hill , lot 50xlW , terms oui-y. $1,500. 2 good horses nnd full lots , 15th st. Just south of U. P. track. $3MO. _ Vncnnt property. 8. E , cor. 18th nnd Ohio fts , 1 > A\\,9 \ , $11,000 , $ I , ( XX ) cash. 41x133 , cor. Loavenworth and loth sts , ; track- ago In roar , $ . ' 6,01)0. ) 7o feet In llnrtlctt'fl addition , near Loavon- worth nndPaika\o , $4VH > . 3 south front lots In Rfirtlott's nd I. $ . ' ,500. 63 feet on I.ea\oinvorlu near''Uth , on grade , at a bargain. 75 feet just north of Crolghton college , $ " > ,000. A full lot on 16th st , , near pavement , for n few days onljJ,200. Owner wants some rush , 2 good lots on Cuming street near end of car line.,000. . 'Mots lust off Cuming street , $1,250. 58 feet on Georgia ave. , near Luavonwortb , cheap. 10 of the best lots in Mnyno's place 4 of the best tots In Haw thoriio facing south nnd east. $1,100 to $2,000. Choice lots In Kllhy place , one for $900. CFast front lot on S. 16th si. , $1,100. 1 of the best loH In Hillside No. 2 , $1,600. Corner 15th nnd Center , $1,80) . 2 lots Isnao & Soldcn's ndd , just off Leaven- worth , $3,3X1. A bargain on South 10th Bt , , full lot , 8. K. Rogers' addition. 150xi0 ; ! ParK place , facing couth , $3,100. 2 good lots Hanscom park ndd. Choice lots Maynu's add. 10 lot- * Orchard Hill , $7M1 to $1.000. 25 tots Sauudcrs & HlmobniiKh.B add , , $500 to 1.1'00. 40 acres near Table Land at $300. Every foot ays high. Send In n list of your property if you want it ushed. WU 27 FOWLING QUEEN. Blocks 17 to3 } , the best part of Bowling Green. The cheapest property on the market. V mile Iroin Bcn oii car lino. 6-acro lots per acre $50. ) . 25 ! acre lo's per aero $ " > 03. Acre lots $ t > OD. Lots 50x127 on Hamilton street $175 to $22 > for : orncrs. _ . , , Full commission to agents. Got pmts. Mai shall & I.obock , No. 1509 rarnam. Telephone 73. 104 TJUJRSALE Corner on 31st and Cuming st , JD 48x150 , paved In front , $ IOOJ. J.L. Rico Ac "to. , sole agents. 4S8 OSWENSON & CO.-1404 rarnam street , Room 15 , dealers In real estate and wcsfc > rn land. Houses built to suit puichiisors on monthly payment. b81-n4 ! G10H riALR 67 foot front on Farnara St. , bet D 22d und 2.1d , with $ (1,000 ( worth of improve ments thrown in , $15OOJ , H cash. J. L. Rico ti Co. 497 FAHNAM ST. act cage , 10 acres , $1,800 per acre. Rush Ic Selby , 1609 Farnam. 605 FOR SALTi-Corner on 31st nnd Cuming st , 48x150 , paved in front $4,000. J. L. Rico * Co. , solo agents. 496 SALE On easy terms , some choice lots FOR in Walnut Hill , all nonr Walnut Hill post- .ifflce. P. A. Gavin , Solo Agent , Room O.lledlok Block. 182 31 * 10 ACHES 4 miles west of PO , for sale , $ f 00 per acre. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Na- lonal ban it.'M ) SALE 8 fine residence lotH in ONo's FOR add. , opposite Kount/e'a Place. $1KK ( ) each ; just on the market. J. L. Rico & Co.solo agents. 490 F IOR SALE Desirable residence property on Capitol Hill. Inquire 22JJ Duvonport Rt. FOR BALE 7 lots In Institute PlaceoOO each for the bunch , or will otchnngo for house and lot J. L. Rico & Co. , sole agents 497 LIST your property with us if you want It sold , for wo mean business , Plorce & Rogers , Room 5 Arlington Illk. 8. < 2 JOHN GALLAGHER , 317 South 13th st. Acre property , lots all parts of the city. Choice lots fn Hnnscom Place. House , 9 rooms , lot 66x80 , location unsurpassed , $6,300. 297aJ FOR SALE A corner lot south and east front on gpoolal contract In Kountze place , must be bulk on this year. Corner and Inside Iota in Orchard hill. Corner and inside lots In Clifton hill. Corner and Inside lota in Walnut hill. Corner and inside lots In Saunders & Illmc- boughs ad. Corner and Inside lots In Cartbagei Large house and flno lot on 18th street with room to build more , for sale very cheap. Call on or address James Stockdalo , 814 South 10th st 3 % 28 FOR SALE-South front lot in Washington Square add , $1,003 , worth $3,500 ; must go. J. L. Rico & Co , solo agents. 496 FARNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 per ncro. Rush & Selby , 1F09 Farnam. 605 BALE 8 fine residence lota in disc's FOR odd. , opposite Kountze'g Place , $1,000 each ; just ou the marKeu J. L. lllce It Co. , sole agents. 496 E XAMINE this list : 10ucres4 miles west P. O. at $ 600 10'4 " B. W. " 600 " ' " " 6 3'/j 600 " " " ' 6 3tf 650 80 lots 3 " " P. O. from $160 to. . . iI5Q 6 ' Lincoln place $ * ) to. . . 7MJ 8 " 29th und Burt " $1,800 to. . 2,000 4 " 29th and Webster " $ ltCO to. , l.soo 1 " 28th and California ' 3,000 3 " Bblnn's 1st. each 1,001 Z " Burdetto Court , irnch 45(1 ( 44 feet on Jackson , near 10th 10,000 Cor lot and 6-room bouse , city water and gas , 1 mile from P.O aooc 60 feet ,16th st , near viaduct 6,50C D. 0. Patterson Omaha Nat. Bank bld'g. 28130 TELEPHONE 418 for J. L. Rico & Co. , real es tate brokers. 476 FOR SALE- Corner on 31st and Cuming st. 48x160 , payed in front , $4,000. J. L. Rico & Co. , solo agents. 496 TmAIHMOUNT PLACB-Lots 28 and 20 , onool JD the best corners In North End. $1.700 toi both , $ J50 cash , nnd balance 1,2 and 3 years. Gregory & Hadloy. 439 FOR BALE 2 bouutlfnl lots fronting on Slier man avenue , p&vod st , city water , sowei nnd gas ; choice residence property , $8,600. J L. Rico & Co. 487 FAHNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 po acre. Rush & Sclby , 1609 Farnnm. 5j6 FOR RALE In largo orsmnll lots Hold seeds timothy , little red and mammoth clover German and common mlllott eocns , I warran this seed all raised in Butler county , Nob. , anc new.pureand clean seed. Wrlto to W. G. Bos ton , David City. Nob. , for prices. 491 aB * "Bum BALE By Shales ic Crumb , 140U Farnan -L St. , opposite Paxton hotel. 60xlJ4 feet Harney st near 23th. . 6,60 66x130 feet Saundorg St. , fronts two streets 7HO 6 lots , Fosters add $2.200 tti 2,40 Blots , Jercino park 2,760 to 3,00 40 lots , Hanscom place 1.700 to 4U ) 6 lots Lnwo'g add 1,050 to 1,15 8 lots A. 8 , Patrick's add 1.350 to 1,50 10 lots , Kllby Place Wjo to 1,60 114 feet on Lcavonworth street. . 3,00 4 lots. McOormlck's 2d ndd 1,00 9 lots , House ! & Stsbhlns 1,000 to 2,00 Slots , Hwlght& Lyman's ndd. . tuitn DC Blotg.l'tlca ' Place l.SOOto 1.5C .1 lots , Hillside No 3 2H to 2,65 3JlotsOrchard hill 700to 1,10 Vacant lots In all parts of the olty ; house and lots in all parts of the city at prices to sul alt Wo have too many to enumerate one ono. Wo can suit you as to location , Dulldm and prices. Rholes & Crumb , 1400 Farnam street , Opposite 1'nxton 409 27 TlAltNAM 81' . ncrougo. 10 acres , $ lvoOpc ? aero. Rush .V Solby , l n Fnrnam , 605 FOR 8ALK-0 lots tu Crcurliton Helghte. $ H each for the bunch. J. L. Rico & Co. , sol agents. 497 FOR SALE Corner lot,25tti and Lake street 115 feet on 2' > tb bt , f touting on two street $ . ' ,300 ; l-3caali. J. L. lllce A : Co. 4 > J FR ) BALU-N. E. cor 20tb and Farnam s 06x132 , $ J1,000 , , one-third cash. J. L. Hlc Co. , agents. 49ti rplIOBE&f our patrons who have purchase -L or up , or those for whom wo nave to ! property , bnvo alike nxprossed themselves t eminently satisfied. We make sqimro dealing special feature , as we believe , though of slo progress , It is the only sure toad to ultimnl sucfOi , and wo are hero la fltujWo bate son good bargains , Cnmeand see u . I. N. I'lorc &C0.1500 DouglMitro C 551 87 JV Hammond , Real E ttto. | 117 S. 16th St. , ( list door noilh of Dmifllm. { .amain Mreeteori UtliKgilt edge , I2C.OOO i rarnnm , < n't. llth nnd l.'th , Improved , $0) , rarnnm , bet. IMtli and 14th , $ Mi,000. I'nrnnm near l"th. 4xl ( , , Improved , 22.WI Faruam corner 41d , lot 50x1,10. . ; . > , . J'auglns , bet 10th ntul llth,4xKU ( , Improxcil , ttl'ou'glas ' corner llth , MxS * . $35,000. Douglas corner 12th , partly Improi til , $35,000. I Douglas bet. 12th and 1 Mh , 44xbt > , $ Jt.iVO. r Dodge corner 12th , 00xM. , partly ltnpro\cd , Cnpllol ay * . north front , CrtxCrt , $12,000. Q Dm onport st. 22 ft. , near Iflth. $2 , jy. DIa\enport corner 17th , 88x120. $ srt,000. Ollainoy St. , bet llth nnd l.'th , Improved/ llnrnny , bet. loth nnd 10th , 'i lot , 33x132 , $ . ' 1.000. Howard , bet. llth nnd I'ltti , corner , partly tin- pro\edt ,0 > 0. Jnokscin corner 12th , full lot , 66x112 , $20,500. Jiu-l-.son coiner 12th. 66xl , " > 3 , tuipioved , $1P,000. Jones corner IMh , i : ft. on IMh , 24UOO. Jcines corner 18th.C6xf < 2. $ IOnOd. , 4th and 6th sts. , 7 loH TiOxllS , $ l. " < ( ) to $675. IMh nnd Bat.croft , corner lot , KOxl.U , ono-thiril cash , $ lbOO. i nth st.,4 cast front , Bancroft st , $1,200 to ililh'nt , bet. Hickory and Center.Wlxl44. $4.0fO 13th t , coiiier Lcaxcnworlh , 44x120. $2dooo. 15th st. , S of tracks , corner , Improved , $7,700. 161 li and Confer , southeast corner , 60x107 , $5.0"0. Pith near Hartmnn , 40x140 , rents for | 60 , $6,000. f < 53 27 SA. BLOMAN , HealEst t7"BrokoT7 1512 Fnrnani Street. Farnam street , cor. ISth.tttlxKU , ' < cash , $ tto,030 . Farnam st. , near 14th,2Jxl33lmprovod. . 3\000- ; Farnam st , near l8th.44xlJ3 , Improved. , 22.000 I Farnam st , ncar20th,2.'xl32 , very chiap. 7,000'j Farnam st. , noar2Jth,116xxl.U 35,090 ' Fnrnangt , cor.31st st. lliOxU.1 , south ' andeastfront 17,000i1 Earnam st. eor.4Htb , 9 > xlU , s and o front ( l,000 ' Fnrnam st. oor. 41st , 4 > < xl3. , s and o front U.OOQr Hiirneyst. nearsoth , 174x170. Improved. . 35,00(1 ( Harnoygt. Redlck'g Grovo. 4lxlJ. 1.000 Douglas st near 12th , 44x132 , Improved. . 35.000 Douglas st. near 13th. 22xl3J , H Interest , v.500 Douglas gt. nonr 23d , 66x133 8,000 Dodge st. near 29th. 50xlWJ ! 2,600 Dodge st. noar28th , 40x127 , Improved. . . 3,000 Jackson st. near IMIi , 6txl32 , Improved. lt0\Q Jones stcor. nth , ( WxlTJ 24,000 Loavonworth st. cor. 21st , IDI.xlll , Im proved 18 00 Loavenworth st. cor. 25th , 140x112 , Im- Droved 26,000 16th nt.opp , M. P. and Bolt Line depot , , , 61x113 P.OOO 14th ft trackage , Paddook place , Cixll2.V ) > 00 Park ave. opp. park , 60x 150 l l0 Georgia avo. near M.t. Pleiuant. 50x150. . -.W 20th st. nonr Dorcas , lOiKldO , Improved. . 4,600 20th st near Douglas. 3'xiW , Imurovod. . * ,000 15thgt.cnr.Martlin,69xll.improved. . . 4,503 > 9th st. cor. Snward.OJxl'1,3 ! house * . . . . 4tiOO Plorco nonr20th,00 feet front , 2 streets. 6.300 Hamilton st. near Belt line. Improved , . . 1,500 .Tith St. , near Davenport. 100x130 2,200 Sowurd , near UTitb , 110x157 1,130) ) 10th st , near Castellnr , 135 feet fiont. . . . 4.500 Hhst.nenr Martha , 51x151. corner. . . . 1,009 Burduttostnnar 28th , 50x1.12 , on car line 1'XX ) Biirtst , near Ixiwo nve , M l-.xl.19 1,100 25th , cor , Popploton , Mxlix ) . Improved. . 4. 00 Davenport , near24th. 51 l-3vl3.lmprcvcd 4,000 Chlcflgo , corner24th , , Improved. . NOOd > 2tth ! , near Popploton,51H127 , improved. . 6.009 Orchard Hill , lots $750 to 1,000 Brown Pntk , lots $500 to 850 Bedford Place , lots $650 to 900 Highland Puric , lots each-cash $68. . 23 * Wnkoly ndd , lets 57xlV ) . each 400 25 acres near Fort Oranhn.fincly Inproved 11,000 Centorst. 60x132. Improved 1,200 Fnrnnmvt , near 33th , 57x133 3'IOO Nicholas st , corner , 66x132 , track In alloy 4,200 Park nvo , racing Park , 60x150 4,000 8 16th st , near viaduct , 40x103 . . . . 6,000 SulphurSprlngs add. just opp. 16th Bt , 50 XI24 2,000 Loavenworth st.noar Bolt Line , 100x127. . -.r " 0 FARM FOR SALE-Throo miles south of Nel . son , NucKolls county. Nob. , 'J sect Ion , 280 ' acres in cultivation , a' acies fenced for pas- turn , two houses and 2 barns and other out * ' buildings , 2 wells , 60 fruit trees. I will aoll this for $8,500 , one-half down , balance on ton yonn tlmo with 8 per cent Intel est For further in formation call on or address J. H. Davis , three mllcH south of Nelson , Neb. 3"4alj FAHNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 per acre. Hugh ASolby , 1C09 Earnam. 60ft mELEPHONE418 for J. L. Rico & Co. , real e - - * - tuto brokers. 4,5 10 ACRES 4 miles west of P O , for gale , $00 1 per acre. D. C. Patterson , Omahu Na tlonal bank. 280. SKATZ & CO , e 1511 Farnam st. 140 loot on Pierceby 98on 19th st , with 0 houscs$15,000. 128 foot square fronting on tbrco streets , $12,800. Full lot north of Cumtncr on 27th st , with 6- room housc.SI.KOO. Corner Douglas und 12th st , and 2,1 feet front on 12th st , $ . )5,000. 150 foot front on 17th and 18th st , each , with 5 houses , $20,000. 6 aero tract In Tuttlo's subdivision with 6 room house , $0,000. 3 choice lots in Walnut Hill , $1OM each. I/it on Dodgebet 27th and 38th , 5-roombouse , $ .1,000. 40 foot front on 16th st , south of viaduct , $5,0011. 45x137 on South 13th st , $3TOO , Lot on Farnam , near 40th st , $3,000. Choice residence lot in Summit Place. $3,500. 136x133 , corner 31st nnd Farnnm , $17,00. ) . Corner 25th and Capitol avenue , $6.000. 60 feet on Douglas , with a 10-rooin houses , all modern improvements , $12,600. 2 lots on Hamilton street , $2,800. 66x00 : ! , fronting on Cuming and Burt streets , 5 houses , $15.000. 68 feet front on Farnam , with two store ! and a residence ; brings 12 per coot on Invest ments. 31xl'2 ! , Cuss gt , between Uth and 15th , with 7- room house , $4,200. Full lot , 21st Ht south of Lonvenworth , 7-room house , barn and all modern improve menu , $4,500. Corner , Burt and 18th gt , with 8-1 oem house. Lots' In all additions cheap. 891 8. Kntz & Co. . 1511 Farnam. mELEPHONE 418 for J. L. Ulco & Co. , real e - -L tate brokers. 476 FOR SALE A lease at $300 per annum for S years from April 2 , ' 87 , on store room and 6-room Hat on Bt. Mary'i ave. between 17th ar < J letl.sts. Shaw A Co. , 510 8. lUthgt. 638 FARNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 vtst acre. Runh&Sclby , 1609 Farnam. 608 FOR BALR-4 flno lots In A. B. Patrick's add. , $1,300 each. J. L. Rico & Co. , sole agent * . f _ t490 ' TJTOR BALE-Graham Crolghton Block ! -U Lot next to cor Burt and Brown , $3,000. 100x143 ft near Loavenwortli st email bouse , Lots on Military road 40x120 ft $760 each. i Fine lot near Farnam st , Highland Place , cost front , $1,600. 30 ft small house on 20th st , cable line , $ . ' , WO. I at in Lowe's ndd $950. Lot 6 BuoU'g sub dlv , Charles st , $1,600. Flvo beautiful acres , Bonflold , $2.603. Five acres on Amos ave , $ l,00i ) per acre. ' 120 ft on Saunders bt $75 per ft , corner. Good lot In Creston * 1.2VI. Lots on Military road $750. 131otHln Cloveidule will be sold at a bargain on easy terms. Graham , 60829 _ Crelghton Block "C1OH SALE South front lot In Washington J-1 Square add , W.OOO , worth 23,600 ; must go. J. L. Rico & Co , solo agents. 4911 FORSALE-N. E. cor 20th und Fnrnam Ms , 66x132 , $ J1,000 , one-third cash. J. L. llho * Co. , agents. 494 H ANSCOM PLACE Ono of the finest cornorg on Virginia avo. 105xlr > 0. Lots leveled up and lying about 3 ft above grade , only $5,500. 429 Gregory A. Hadley. S' TATE ST laTfTfiont on State st. In OmaTut View , and u corner , $1.000 h' cash. 429 Gregory Ic Hadloy. FLACK4HOMAN , Heal I-j tate Brokers , Room H , frcti7Cr bll : . ; opp P.O. A corner in Klrkwood cast front Uzl40 ) ft fop $1.600. Five room house and full lot 00x12714 ft la Lowes add for $ ICO > " > . Two full lots each 6Jx'27'J ' ft with 4 room house In Lowe's add for $ I,80J. This Ig u big bargain , A corner In Lowe's add for $1,000 nnd inside vacant lots tor $ ' < W to $1.603. Two cast front flvo room houses on25th HI. , only one block from Kcd ear line and paved st , for $2,501 apiece , on monthly payments. ' 1 wo 50 foot lottt on Iflth st Inslilo the mile lim its for $5,000 cacti. Wilt double la value In 0 months. i Lot 8. block "F. " This IsnFuruam uti'oot I corner for $30.000. I 138. feet , south front on Furnam street , for $300 per foot. 77 feet south front on Farnam , at 23lh st , for KK5 per loot. 41 feet on corner Farnara and 9th streets for $25,000. , A coiner sly blocks from postolllco , paved oa both street frontages , for 915.500 , A lot on North Uth street , In Lake's addition , for $6,000. TinlotluiHu double frontage. Wit urn agents for North Omiih-i addition. t This beautiful addition llusoast of the fftlf ground ) * , between the U.I' , and Chicago. St ! . Paul , Minneapolis & . Omahu railways , nnd li the flneM cheap warehouse nnd tracUttgo proporljr in the city. Pilot's for inside lots { 350 , nnd tor corners $400. 616 37 i TOOK AFlE N. E.cor 20th and Fnrnam tftf J BOxttJ. $11,000.000 third cash. J. L , Rice * Co. . agents. 4M _ _ _ oTf ACRES 10 blocks from South Omabtl pui-t > O oiilcc ; you cnn make coo percent nn ynuf Investment ; we offer this font luwday * foi $2COO. Steven ? Broi. , 1513 Farnam , 64011