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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , -Mf. SIXTEENTH YEAK. OiMAHA. MONDAY MORNING. MAEOH 28 ; 1887. * NUMBER 283 THE CORONET TIIE WINNER Captain Crosby Sails His Yacht Into Qneenatown Harbor On Sunday. NO SIGNS OF THE DAUNTLESS. Full Account of tlio Trip Across the Atlantic Heavy Storms IJn- countered , IJut tlio Schooner UchavcH Nobly. Etui oftho Ocean Itaco. Qi'iE.v : ro\v.v , March 27 , The Coronet ar rived at 12:11 : p. in. Tlio apparent tlmo occu pied In the passage Is 14 ilavs , 23 hours , 31 minutes , 40 seconds. The whole number of nautical miles sailed Is 2,919. The longest day's run ls 291.5 miles , made on Saturday , Marcli 2ft , and the shortest ! ) & 8 miles , made on Tuesday , March 22. The wcatlierwas un commonly storn.y for this season of the year. No less than bcven heavy gates contrived to keep the sea In a ferment for cloven days of the trip , and for two days the weather was Boseveioas to make the question of the yacht's living through thcmsomcwhatdnubt- fill , She behaved splendidly , however , In all Boris of weather , and proved herself ono of the stauiicliest If not ono of the fastest ves sels of her nl/o afloat. LONDON , March 27. The Coronet .passed the winning point at 12:50 : o'clock under full press of canvas , the wind at that hour being west northwest and fresh. In passing thu given line , llocho's Point , the victorious yacht fired five guns and the time was at once taken by the secretary and mem bers of the Koyal Cork Yach club who had been on the lookout for her an Ival. The club then hoisted thu signal announcing the Coronet's arrival , various stations answer ing the pennant The wind was blowing hard and the Coronet entered Cork harbor in spanking style , with all salts bet and hug ging the westei n shore. From start to finish the Coronet experienced strong gates , with tremendous seas. On Tuesday and Wednes day last , she hove to for several hours each day and made only ninety miles In forty- eight hours. Her average inn during the passage varied from 2JO ; to 250 mites per day. Tlio number of passengers on board the Coronet was twenty-nine , Including sixteen sailors , live olllcers , file ward , cook , Jmess boy and live guests. The olllcers were : Captain , C. P.Crosby ; nav igator , T , B. C. Anderson ; mates , W. A. Whlttlcr and Otto Peterson ; boatswain , Au gustus Hergholm. Tlio advantage gained by the Coronet at tlio stait Increased the confi- dcnco ot Ilioso on board In both the boat and the tklppers. It was the first tlmo that Cap tain Crosby had ever paiticipatcd In a yacht race of any sort He freely admitted that ho tcarcd that Captain Samuels , of tint Daunt less , with his past experience , would succeed In crossing the starting line somewhat ahead. How needless these apprehensions were Is already known. It Is not too much to say that In his inaiKtiiivcrlng ho displayed inoro judgment and tact than is usu ally seen In races near Now York. Alter taking tlio anchor on board at 11 o'clock on the morning of the start , ho beat about the bayolf Owlshcad , surveying tlio water and verifying the position of utioys 17 and 19 , be tween which she must pass after the proper slttiial had been made from the judge's tug. When the preparatory signal was given the Coronet was making a reach up the bay with her head toward the Battery. Crosby held the wheel , and by his side was Captain An derson , watch In hand , counting the sec onds. Seven minutes from the tune of the first blcnul Crosby ordered the helm "Hard a lee1' to bring the boat near around. She was under littv seconds In tlio stays , and then fairly flow before tbo strong northerly wind. As It had been arranged that the starting signal would be given ton minutes after the preparatory signal , It seemed probable - able that the Coronet would reach the line fully a minute before the tlmo for the second signal , when it would bo necessary to go about again , thus causing consldoiablo loss of time. Crosby was equal to the emergency , however. When ho real ised what was imminent ho spilled the wind out ot the sheets by trimming fiat aft , bring ing the big schooner almost to a standstill. When the signal was finally given he paid out the sheets fore and ait , ran up the square sail , fore staysail and topsails , and In thirty seconds had the Coronet across the lino. The Dauntless , It will bo remembered , was off Gowanus , nearly a mile away , witu hcrstern toward the judge's boat Every possible Flitch of canvas was spread to the Coronet as she sped throneh the Nairowsat the rate of thirteen miles an hour , sur rounded by tugs , steamers and steam yachts. Once or twice , when under ttie Ice of the lush land , It seemed as though her opponent was gain Ing her lost ground rapid ! v , but when a wind filled the sails again , she left the Dauntless further astern than at the start. The Dauntless dropped astern rapidly and at 5 o'clock was hull down six miles away. The first Sunday w as marked , as were seven of the succeeding days , by a gale which came from the northeast soon after midnight. Although fairly moderate It was accompanied by a strong head sea which uiado the yacht labor heavily. The waves frequently bioko over her bows , but she rode It out well under close reefed fore and main sallsand jib , and averaged ten miles per hour on the course throughout The mast ton I lie storm of the trip occurred on St Patrick's day. It was not unexpected , for the Indications on tlio barometer , wtiose tendency had been downward for three days , suddenly dropped from 29,20 to 28.54. The storm first dovolor/cd soon after midnight In sham squalls from the south west , with driving rain. The wind was fit ful tor a time , coming variously from the houth southeast to the southwest and south , but finally settled upon the southwest. At 11 a. m. It began blowing with great velocity , by noon had become a hurricane , and two hours later the wind's speed was estimated at eighty miles an hour. It was a grand bat tle of the elements , such as Is seldom wit nessed. The waves were almost mountain hlch. Their surface was lashed Into Know \\hlto foam , and as the head of one rose higher than another , the wind carried It elf in a dense spray which , when driven Into ones face , felt like stabs from scores ot needles. The roaring of the wind was like a prolonged peal ot thunder , and the resemblance - semblance was completed by an occasional vivid Hash of lightning. Tills was a severe test for so small a boat as tlio Coronet As she sank in the trough of the sea it seemed as If waves , which weio half crest high , would engulf her. Under reefed foretrvsail she was plunged along by the wind at tlio rate of nine knots , Hplte the great volume ot water breaking over the deck , vveatherwl the storm wonder- iiilly'vvell. Then , at 5:20 : p. m. , the fury of . the hurricane seemed to Increase instead of diminish. Captain Crosby , tearful that the yacht would not hold together much longer If driven through such it sea , and not being willing to jcopaullzo his own life and the lives of those on boa id by running at night wliero It was reasonable to upposo there were Ice ber s , decided to lay to until the stoim hnd ceased. A iavorable opportunity offering when the crests ot the waves vveie monientrrily ex ceptionally far apart , tbo vessel's head \\ns brought around towaid the wind. Held In this position under only reefed foietnsall , ( iho could make little progress In any direc tion. At midnight the wind mid tea had moderated considerably and the schooner ; again got under way , running hnloro the Vilnd under iccfod foictrvsail and ' fores I ay * Ball. The yacht's position I'luiisday noon was latitude 41.27 , longitude * 50.0:1 : , having traveled 211.2 miles since the previous noon. [ The theory that storms hvvlng lound In a eir- cle was thoroughly proved by the Coronet's experience on the second Sumlav , when she run tlnougn a revolving galu which v\a- ncarly as terrific as that ot thu 17th. Mlizenhead , on tlio southwest coast of Ireland , was sighted at 0:27 : In the mnrninu' and at 7:40 : the r'astiu't light boio northwest nine miles away. The yacht wi 11 bowllnir along under lUht sales at tin-rule of twelve knots an hour. The vvcathei vu-.s clear and warm and the-gradual unfolding of Ut beautiful scenery JUOUK the Irish Jt. presented a picture which was much admlicd liv those on board. At 8.67 ( lallfljhead was abeam and then the Cork pilot boat Colum bine hove In sight. AtlOiOS. when thn vacht was abreast of Seven Heads , Pilot Itobeit Welch camn on board with the news that tlio Coronet was the lirst to arrive. Along the coast and Into the harbor scores of vessels of nil kinds were passed. All dipped their en signs to the winner and the crews of all cbccied. At 10:30 : the Coronet's anchor was dropped oil the Cork Yacht Club house. Will IHSUO Another Challoneo. Nmv YOUK , March 'JT. Mr. Hush , owner of the Coronet , sais lie will challenge the Uauiitless to race back to this perU TIIK WHISK. IN WALL 8TR12I2T. A Decided Improvement In the Tone or the Market. Niw : Yoiti.- , March 2r.-SpcclalTeegrain | ! to the llii.j : : Alter a prolonged period of dullness , which extended Into the first half oC the week , speculation revived and there was a decided Impiovcmcnt In the tone of thn maiket. This change for the better was brouirht about largely by the subsidence of thn fears In rccard to Unlit monev , and also by the more pionouuced expressions In favor ot a high tango of values on the part of some of the leaders of the street who have been very reticent for a long time past , and who , It anything , had rather discouraged active operations. Commission houses have also taken n inoro positive stand and their advice to customers to buy stocks have Increased the circle of operators. The ad vance started In specialties and these con tinued to lead the upward movement to the close , although In the Interim some of the usually prominent stocks developed strength and scored moderate advances. Some of the latter Improved to the extent of 2 and 3 points , notably Canada Southern , Lacka- wanna , Northwestern , and Pacific Mall. But the rise otherwise was less Important. A number ot the specialties rose 8K to iyt points on moie active trading , based chiefly on largely Inciensed earnings. With the Improvement In the stock market theie came also an advance ment In railroad bonds , which exhibited firm ness , and in some Instances made sharp ad vances. Governments were firmer , especially toward the close , when fixed ( Into Bsues 10- corded slightly higher quotations. The 5s were not aKected by the call for 810,000,000 Issued by the treasury during the "week , and ruled linn throughout. The foreign ex changes , In consequence of the reduced sup ply of commercial bills and an Improved de mand from impoitent , as well as in connec tion with maturing commercial credits , were stiong and higher. The ease of money in Lon don also had Its effect , and hankers vvho ad vanced their posted rates to S4.Siiand S4.bS > showed little disposition to draw freely at the rates current for actual business. The money market , taken altogether , and es pecially when the near approach ot April settlements Is considered , was very steady and uniform. Thu highest r.itn for c.ill loans was 8 and thu lowest 2W , per cunt , the bulk Ill business , however , having been done at 4 ® 5 pel lU'liL Death of Judgn Treat. , III. , March 27. Judge Sam uel II. Treat , United States Judge of the Southern district of Illinois , died at his homo in this city at 2 o'clock. For , some years Judge Treat has been suffering from Bright's disease , and his dcatli was the result of a scries of complications growing out ot the disease. At tlio time of his death ho was seventy-live years of age , having served as Judge ot the United States district court since 18 % . Judge Treat was born In Otsego county. Now York , In 1812 ; studied law and was ad mitted to practice in his native state. In IS"4 ! ho came to Illinois , located in Springfield , where ho has since resided. In 1852 lie was appointed circuit judge and tilled the olllco until three yeais later , when ho was elected Judge of the supreme court and served until ap pointed to the bench of thu United States district court during Piorco's administration , which nositlon ho held until his death. He leaves no family. A number of names are mentioned in connection with his successor- ship , among them being Judge Jessie J. Phillips , judge of the circuit court of the Capitol district ; Major Alfred Orendorff , of Springfield ; Judge Simon Shope. of the bii- proiuo court ; James Uvving , of Bloommcton : James Mayo Palmer , of this city ; Hon. Will iam Brown , of Jacksonville ; Attorney Gustavus Van Hoenbcok , of the Southern district ; Judge J. Allen , of Springfield ; .Hideo bnvdor , of Belleville ; Judge James W. Patton , of Springfield , and Judge N. M. Broadwoell , ot Sprlnglield. AVhltncy Will Not Rcf > lf-n. NEW Yoruc , March 27. [ Special Telegram to the BiiE.1 Secretary Whitney and Colonel hamont , the president's private secretary , have been In the city for two days , and among the reports that have got out among their friends is one to the effect that Secre tary Whitney Is won to icslgn. It Is certain that Whitney has privately talked of resign ing , but his friends In this city do not be lieve that ha will resign , as the Increased ap propriation which congress has given him will , tney say , enable htm to retrieve some of the blunders and mistakes ot his first two years' administration ot the navy depart- nient To a reporter last night the secretary said : "I have not resigned and have no inten tion of doing so. To resign would look like tunning away from duty , wouldn't ItV" There la a stoiy In quiet administration cir cles that the president has recojrnUed Mr. Whitney by asking him to undertake a great political mission durlne the comlnir winter. According to this statement Mr. Whitney is to devote hie energies to giving Mr. Cleveland - land a solid New York delegation at the next democratic national convention , his re ward to be the treasury appointment In event of Cleveland's re-election. The story Is firmly believed by Cleveland's friends here , and the movements of Mr. Whitney and Colonel La- montsinco they have been in New York tend to confirm It. Canadian Iron Alines. HAI.IKAX , March 27. [ Special Telegram to tlto BIK. ] The efforts made by an Amer- lean syndicate to purchase a controlling In tercet in all Canadian Iron mines has driven Canadian capitalists to organize themselves Into the Coal and Iron association of Canada. This association Is composed of representa tives of the Cumberland , Colchester , Pictou and Cape Breton inlnos , representing 850,000,000 capital. The American syndicate , represented by Senator Payne , wants to expert - port Canadian ore to the United States for iiiauuliicturo there. Thcv liavo alreadv spout 2,500,000 in developing the mines at Modoc. The Canadian capitalists are urging the gov ernment to Increase duties so as to enable smelting works to bo establisti * > d in the Cape Breton and Pictou coal districts. They say that unless this Is done Americans will eventually monopolize the whole of Canada's vabt mineral deposits Heavy Known lit MiMVAt'ur.K , March 27. A very heavy snow tell last night and to-day In all paits of Wisconsin , In this cltv It averaged n foot on the level and Is correspondingly heavy In the noithern counties. Trains aio gener.illv delaved o\\uie to drifts , but there tire no blockades. Steamship Arrivals. NKVV YOKK , March 27. [ Special Telegram tothe UKK.J Arrived Thu steamers Ktrurla from Liverpool. Labretagnn from Havre. The Buiralo from Hull. The P. Caland from Itottenlanu I Nchriuka and Iowa Weather. I For Nebraska : Fair weather , becoming ixarmer [ , variable winds. j Korlovya : Fair weather , becoming warmer , winds sliiltlug to southeasterly. Killed thn Fireman. 0A nil i , 111. , March 27-At 3 o'clock this morning a sjx-clal train on the Cairo , Vlccn- ue.s it Chicago ran Into a regular freight and . kilkathe" THE PRESIDENT'S ' HEALTH , Brain Work Not Liable to Kill Off the Great Reformer. HIS HEART IS WHAT IS WEAK. Alntmnl Training to Ho Innucurntcd In Washington Schools The Coin- luff "Whitney Christening Cnpatollno News. What Ails Urovor. WASHINGTON , March 27. [ Special Tele- cram to the Bin : . I Physicians hero con tinue to talk about the growing obesity of President Cleveland and the recent predic tion of Dr. Sewers ttiat lie will bo prostrated ono of tticso days , as was Secretary Manning. While many rldiculo tbo idea tliero are a majority who think tlio prediction was wisely made. It has frequently been observed of late that tlio president has been growing morose In his manners , less pleasant in his convctsa- tlon and more given to drowsiness evi dences , the physicians say , ot sluggishness. "It would not bo a surprise at any ttme to learn that he was stricken down , " savs a physician , "although there arc no Immediate indications that the president Is working too closely in doors for tlio good of his health. " A number of friends liavo advised the presi dent to go awav for a while and get rest To-day's Washlnzton. Republican. In dis cussing the president's physical condition , declares that It predicted all that Dr. Sewers recently predicted on January 2 last. It ridicules the Idea , however , that Mr. Cleve land will die of ceiebral apoplexy , and says : "Grover Cleveland will never die from brain trouble. Tills sounds like an impertinence , but It Is a simple statement of a fact No man who who wears No. 11 shoes and a No. 0 hat is likely to have a dangerous rush of blood to tbo head. The veto ot 88 pensions granted by congress to old soldiers Is not the kind of mental overwork likely to bring on ccrcbial apoplexy. Secretary Manning had to furnish brains for tlio whole administration , and It Is no wonder his own wore out Cleveland's weak point ! 5 his heart , not figuratively , by any manner of means , but literally. That physical oriran Is probably ovei taxed to sup ply his bulk , while it is growing flabby and feeble for want of proper exorclso. Any extra strain thrown upon It , physicians say , as oy an attack of rheumatism like tlio last , will bo apt to put an end to Its beating. For this icason Washington medical men are not wholly sorry that the great reformer avails hlmsclt ot the gratis services of an army sur geon , who will have to bear the lesponsibility of any tiaglc result. " MANUAL TIEAININO IN SCHOOLS. A new Innovation Is soon to bo instituted in the public schools of Washington a de parture which will attract the attention of the entire country. Manual training Is to bo a part of the regular course of instruction , beginning with the kindergarten in tlio pri mary schools and ending with Instruction In * forging Iron and wood turning and the use of the most delicate tools of all classes. Instruc tion In wood woik Is already being given In a limited extent In the hlch schools under the supervision of Mr. Masson , from the Wor cester Polytechnic school. Congress tills year appropriated 85,000 for institution in manual training , and U i iirnpnami to greatly expand the system by the Introduc tion of more simple wood work , such as is now taught In the high school , with seventh and eighth grammer grades , and substituting for It in the iiltrh schools instruction in wood and iron turning and forgluir. tor this uur- rioso torges and appropriate lathes will bo put In the basementvvorksliop ; at the high school. In the othci school bulldtues the work benches and wood-working tools will bo in troduced. It is thought that four teachers will bo sufficient to supply all schools at present Each teacher will have four or more buildings under his charge and will de vote a day at each building and the boys will bo sent to him in classes of twelve , a new class each hour. In this way every boy In the sctiool will receive ono hour's instruction each week. The object of the work is not to teadi the boys any particular trade , but to stimulate their inventive faculties and fit them for entering any professlou loquiilng a knowledge of the use ot tools. TO CIIHIhTEN THU CABINET KID. Elaborate descriptions of what Is to bo a great "society church event".ire published In tlio local newspapers to-day. It is of the christening of the cabinet babv on Easter Monday. Every detail has been decided upon. The christening Is to take place in St. John's church at 4:30 : in the afternoon. The baptism will be by Dr. Leonard , rector of tlio church. St. Joint's has been through many administrations. It is a venerable and his torical old chinch , and it is related that An drew Jackson stood sponsor In it for several Infants. The godmothers have not yet been decided upon , but It Is likely that the presi dent will figure in the ceremony as a sponsor. The name is to bo Dorothy , Mrs. Whitney's selection , because it is a family name , and also because Mrs. Madison , who was always "Dolly" Madison , is a favorite historic per sonage with Mrs. Whitney. Tea will bo served at the secretary's mansion after the christening , and everything will be on atteale of simplicity and elegance for which the host and hostess have a national reputation/ Mrs. Whitney intends holding her Wednes day afternoon receptions In the farm homo at "Gross Land" In May , to which callers will drive out and have strawberries and cream served In the wide rooms of the hospitable farm house. iins. ci.Evr.r.AND'8 oAnnnxiNO. Mrs. Cleveland has been out to Oak View , where her mothet lives , almost every day during the past week , and Is taking a per sonal Interest in the gardening and orna mentation of the grounds about the house. She watches the gardener and Ills assistant closely as they arrange the beds for tulips aud oilier early blooming brilliant colored flowers. Wednesday was quite eventful In the history ot her garden. The first crocus- sos , those , too , she had helped to plant , began to open their modest white petals to the springlike air. The fair yowis mistress of Oak View was delighted , f r they are the first tilings ot tier own planting to bloom. Then , too , tte poultry yard Is beginning to engaee her attention some of tlio hens are deporting themselves as though they were thinking of setting. The long , oven rows of finely pulverl/ed earth In tbo garden back of the house show that all the vegetables which should be planted this early are In the ground , and beautiful heads ot lettuce are now visible ready for the table. An ample supply ot spring onions , eaily York cabbage , peas , beans and other standard vegetables that every good * housewife requires have been planted , and eggplants , tomatoes , pop pers and others of the more delicate kitchen garden necessities are already growing under glass and will bo transplanted when the weather will allow. Mrs. Cleveland is growing just a little tanned from being so much In ttio sun and air and dally driving. CI.KVEI.AND AND HAIUIIPON , The administration people here have been rather pleased with Carter Harrison's out- break. They look upon it as a sure proof that Harrison is at the end ot his rope and It is thought the time has come when the Chicago democracy can bo rehabilitated. So far as the mayor claims there has been Inter ference by the president In Chicago local matters , there Is the utmost Indifference. Mr. Cleveland was once mayor of a city him self and lie knows how easy U Is for an in dividual In that position to exaggeiato his own Importance. As to Mr. Harrison ho feels no Interest In that person. PnilSONAI. MENTION. C. C. Woolworth , of Omaha , Is at the Eb- bltt. bltt.Miss Miss Hepburn , daughter of Colonel Hep burn , of Iowa. Is In the city visiting her friend , Miss Perry , oi IMS O street. A MIL1TAHY CHANGE. The promotion of Major L. L. Livingston. Fourth artillery , to the lieutenant colonelcy of the Third artillery , vlco Seott , deceased , takes that officer to .rort McUenry , Mary land , and brings thu commandant of tlio lat ter station. Major Ulchard Lodor , Third ar tillery , to Washington barracks as Hacond In command. Major Lodor's faintly comprise wife , boa ana daugUfer , Miss .Florence , a charming and vivacious Klrl of literary and artistic tastes , who will prove an acquisition tcJl the barracks and to Washington society. Mis , Lodor Is somewhat of an Invalid aud rarely goes out. The son Is In Omaha. X11LJV WEKK MTAUVEU. : Fnitmhcd Passengers of the Wrecked Bcntla Fed at Cnstlc Garden. NEW YOIIK , March 27. 1'lve hundred and nineteen of the Italian passengers of the wrecked steamer Scotia arrived on the sea barge Uaggerty at Castle Garden late this afternoon. The scene that followed beg gared description. They rushed Into the rotunda pell melt , shrieking and howling for food like ravenous wolves. They crowded around the lunch tables , climbing over each other and trampling on helpless women and children. Pandemonium lulgncd supreme for fully an hour. It Is customary to regls- , ter all Immigrants before they enter tlio ro tunda , but red tape was broken on this occasion by Superintendent Jackson. Tlio toico of tlio mass of people was so great that tlio officers vvho were sta tioned to keep older vvcio swept away like straws. The sccthlnc mass could not ; bc re strained. Superintendent Jackson gave orders to glvu them all the food tliev needed and chingc It to the commissioners of emi gration. Then the distribution of food began. It was impossible to regulate the dis tribution. Strong men crowded to the front with uplifted arms and their eyes stalling from their sockets , crying In Italian "bread , brcau. " The surging mob was utterly un controllable. The olllcers of the Garden aided In the distribution by throwing loaves over the heads of the nearest to the outskirts of the crowd. Every time n loaf was fired Into the crowd twenty or more scrambled , and In some cases , fought to get It Dry bread was a luxury. In a short time all the food was cone. The women and children were cared for and mine and beer was added to their portion. The complaints of the un fortunate Immigrants were most unfavorable to the company , and especially to the captain of the Scotia , Seventy additional pas sengers who came by rail from Patchozue ar rived about 0 o'clock to-night They were transferred from Long island City on the steamboat John F. Moores. They were even more ravenous than the others. They were ted at the Garden , a fresh supplv of provi sions having been obtained. Many of the Italians were sick from eating after their Ion L'fast. Several writhed In agony on the floor of the rostrum. To some of their coun trymen who met them hero the women , who composed with their children tlio largest part ot tlio number , complained loudly ot the bad treatment , and said they could not get feeder or water enough during the voyage. TIIK CLKAUANCKS. A Hecord of Financial Transactions the I'ust Week. BOSTON , March 27. [ Special Telegram to the BKK. | The following table shows the gross exclianees at tbo leading clearing houses In the United States for the week ending Match IB , lbS7 , together with the per centages for the corresponding week in IbSfi ; CITIES. CLKAIIINCS. u a New York 20.8 Boston 8.2 Philadelphia 5S.M1.2-I8 0.0 Chicago r > o.iOOooo : 19.2 St. Louis 10,03SNX ) 22.9 San Francisco 1:1 : ssi.rm S7.5 Baltimore 12,405,2 W 15.9 flnnlxnoH juoo , ooo ot.i New Orleans 10,090,417 S2.5 Pittsbure H.bTO.fil5 20.9 Milwaukee 7,445,000 124.H Kansas City 3. . 76.0 Louisville. . . . . . . 25.1 Piovldenee 4,2-5.5,200 14.4 St , Paul 3,482,482 54.1 Detroit 3,041,183 0.4 Omaha ! ,77JI,757 120.8 Minneapolis. . . 2,071,155 2.4 Cleveland 2fiG9,172 40.Y ) Denver 2,308,238 : 39.3 Memphis 2,010,840' ' 35.1 Columbus 1,070,150 10.8 * Wlchita 1.579,585 St. Joseph 1,543.140 111.1 Hartford 1,439,801 0.3 Indianapolis. . . . 1,410,00 ! ) 376 ! Galveston 1,077,902 8.9 Peoria 1,008,741 Hii New Haven. . . 1,040,700 18.5 Worcester. 8Cfla52 17.1 Portland 775,000 2.1 Springfield , 7729 0.1 Norfolk 590,700 ' 14 Lowell 510.0M ) 21 . Grand Itaplds 010,003 45.9 Syracuse 475,509 2.5 Tolal 3 858,640,899 04 Outside New York 310,911,403 18.0 * NU included In totals. Testing Dynamite Guns. NKVV YOHK , March 27. [ Special Telegram to the BUE. ] A largo party of army and navy officers , with a sprinkling of civilians , went down the bay to witness Xalensky experiment with the pneumatic dynamite gun yesterday. The sun is about eight Inches in diameter and able to carry 100 pounds of dvnamito and nltro-glatlne. It Is the same style as the guns which will be furnished tor tlio now dynamite cruisers , only the new guns will have a capacity of 400 pounds of exDlo- slves. Four shots were tired. The first went Into the bay over a mile , exploding in the mud at the ptttom and raising a column of dirty wat4r. The second shot was dropped In the same place , but was so arranged that it would explode when It struck the water , and this time a column was thrown into the airsimllar to the one made by the explosion at Hell Gat < The third cartridge broke , but the fourth and last shot was a suc cess as to distance bill did not explode , and It Is supposed to hare buried Itself In the sand near Coney laliiid at a point nearly three miles away. Railroad Consolidation. BOSTON , March 27. At a meeting of the Beacon society last night Charles Francis Adams , president of the Union Pacific rail road , said : "I look forward to tlio time when the consolidation in Massachusetts will be far greater tttan at present. It this Is to bo you must not try to legislate and act as though you know inoro than the Almighty. I look forward to the tlmo when you will see tlio Now York & New England , New York , New Haven & Hartford , and many other Massachusetts roads all consolidated. I look forward to the time when 40,000 miles of rail road will be managed Under ono head. I say without any hesitation , we never had any difficulty In controlling the large roads. It was the little ones we'wero ' always bothcied with. The Ilopklni Divorce Suit. Nr.w YOIIK , March27. [ Special Telegram to the Br.E.l There was a rumor current that the Hopkins divorce suit was to bo com promised , Mr. Hopkins paying bis wife 200,000 and all further proceedings to be dropped. General tivrayno and Mr. H. E. DIcKson , Mr. Hooklns * attorney * , stated most emphatically that tliero was not a woid of truth in the story. The caao Is on tbo calen dar and will bo tried when readied , and no concessions whatever will bo made. A. Bulldog and Wildcat Fight. CHARLESTON , W. Va. , March 27. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Tliero was a novel contest at Nuttall , Fayetto county , yesterday , witnessed by a very largo crowd. It was a bloody fight between a vicious mountain wild cat and an English bull do ? . After a hot light of an hour the dng won by killing the rat. This Is thethird flcht of its kind in the United States , all three having taken place In this section of the stato. Ralicarlan Kebelg Sentenced. SOKIA , March 27 , The trial at Dubnltzer of thn persour charged with being Implicated In the late uprising li ended. Of the prisoners live were sentenced to death and sixty-one to Imprisonment and eight were acquitted. FITZGERALD WILL' NOT RUN Ho Withdraws From the Contest For the Mayoralty of Liucoln. A BAD BLOW TO THE JOURNAL. Itmvc Selected as Manager of the Capital City tlnsc Hall Chih- Mnko-Up of the Nluo Ne braska NCVVH. A Candidate Decline" . LINCOLN , Nub. , Marcli 137. [ Special Tolo- pram to the BEI : ] .Mr. Jolin Fltzger- nlil has coino to the conclusion tint lie \vlll not accept tlio nomination for tlio mayoralty which tlio citizens' coininlttuo had decided to tender him. llo declines In the following letter : Li.vr-oi.N , Neb. , Maich 20. Gentlemen of the Citizen * ' Committee : Having seen my name mentioned in the public press as your candidate Tor the mayoralty , although I have not yet iccclved your official notllicatlon to that elTcct , but as 1 am on the eve of leaving town , i ben to notlty yon that 1 cannot ac cept the honor you would confer u on mo. 1 am deeply grateful tor so great testimony of yourcontidonce in mo , but ID jitbtico to myself - self and the best Inteiests of the city 1 nm compelled to decline tlio proffered honor. The Interests of Lincoln during the coin- Inn two years will require the closest attention from Its mayor , owing to the rapid and unprecedented growth of our city. It would bo im possible for mo to give tlio atten ion to Us affairs that would bo necessary to warrant a good aumiiilsttntion. Mv private nislness Is of a nature to absorb much ot any line and will necessitate my absence for pro longed periods during the approaching sum- ner. After a careful consideration 1 am herefoie compelled , for the above reason , to . cqucst that you will withdraw my name as a : andldato foi the mayoralty. Thanking you nee more , gentlemen , for the expression of our esteem and confidence , 1 have thu honor , o be yours faithfully , This Is a sad blow to the hopes of the Jour nal , which will now bo compelled to take water , support the republican nominee , or bolster up the piohtbltlonlbts. Its treatment of Mr. Fitzgerald by attempting to advise thn republicans with regard to their primaiies , when It had alreadv made up Its mind in ad vance to not support tlio republican nominee , ' 3 in keeping with the subserviency and .rucllDi : disposition which has always char- acturl/cd it when its own prejudices and pecuniary advancement were weighed in op osition to the wishes ot the people. Air. Fit/gerald , however , certainly had other rea sons than those advanced for declining. They vveie doubtless those of the lalluio of the piohlbltlonists to ratify his nomination , thus compelling him in the main to rely upon n democratic endorsement and a division of : ho republican vote , and both ot these \\oukl jave made his election doubtful. HASH HAM , . The managers of the Lincoln base ball club have acted In a commendable manner in nuaid to the management ot their nlno for the coming reasons , by the selection of Mr. David Kowo as manager. This contlcman is well known in the circles ot athletics all o\er the country , lie is not only a good player but a most ambitious and competent man. ager. Ills many qualifications will bo called upon while connected with the Lincoln club , and these will bo the management of the same , together with the captaincy and playIng - Ing In the held , lie has already managed a club In the National league , and It Is stated that tlio club of Kansas City , which aspired to admission to the Western league , was de- IJICil Ulimiaoluii Him. tu i/i * uueo uc tUti yiua- rtcct of Its bring managed by Mr. Howe. It will alfoid this ycntlcman an excellent opportunity of becoming avenged If ho should succeed In enabling Lincoln to fly the championship on her grounds at the close of the season. The BEK tins already spoken of the grounds of the club , which are admirably arranged In every particular. The management of the club has made arrangements to provide the mem bers with two suits , one of which . for prac tice , will be made of uroy , with blue sash trimmings. Some of the players are already here and arn quartered at the Llndell. Thu others will be hero before the end of thn week. The club commlses J. Jteinagle , N. S. 1'alls , U. J. Glenalvy , S. Williams , K. Williams , C. W. Chester. 11. Lawience , N. C. Kobinson , Harry Smith , William Nelson. Thomas Naleby. Of these Itolnau'le and Nelson are retained from the club of last sea son. They weio the leaders of that nine and will doubtless g'vo ' as much satisfaction this season as they did last. Tlio lirst game for the hoason will bo with Omaha on the 121st of next month. Parties desiring cushions at the games will bo able to secure them iu the grand stand for 5 cents per game. The meetings of the club with the visiting clubs will bo enlivened with music fioin a brass baud which has been engaged for the season. BAFEOUAUDS XKKDKD. Now that theie Is good prospect of a great deal of building being can led on during the next two seasons , it is well that thu attention of the authorities should bo directed to the necessity of erecting such ; safeguards around the premises Improved as will save people from danger both by night and day. In the early part of last week the throw ing of a great deal of earth on P street in front of the Leawlth building was the means of al most depriving one of the best known citi zens of his life. The night was dark and the gentleman was In a carriage riding to the Opolt from the theater. The driver was a night man. There was no light displayed to warn him of the pile , and while driving at a rapid gait ran upon the dump. The hack was nearly upset , the driver thrown irom his seat , and the horses Impelled Into a runaway gait. With rare presence of mind the pas senger lowered the window In one ot the doors , opened the latter and jumped Into the darkness. Ho was struck by the door and thrown violently and stunned and bruised in ahoirlblo manner. If the lignt mentioned had been in place the accident would have been averted. There are a number of those dangerous places In town now and the more erection of buildings progresses the more at tention ought to be paid to this matter of safety. rOMINd AMUSr.MHXTS. On next Wednesday ovenlng James O'Neill will appear In " .Monte Cristo" at Funko's opera house. His rendition of this character Is one of the most finished potraltures on the stage. Maud llowo and the Buchanan Cometty company appear at the People's theater nil this week. The adjourned citizens' meeting will beheld held In Ttimplu hall to-morrow night. fIazcs at Beatrice. BEATKICE , Neb. , March 27. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK.I C. N. Emery's livery barn on Fifth street burned at 0 o'clock to-night. The building was owned by Emery and the contents owned by ( Jeorge Day , lessee. Nearly all the horses were got out. Three horses , two or three buggies , harness and hay were burned. The loss is about $1,500 , fully covered by Insurance. The lire depart ment did good work and prevented the tire from spreading to adjoining buildings. The origin of the.tiru is unknown , but IB sup posed to have started In the haymow. Ills Body rtccovercd. FAIRMONT , Neb. , March 27. ( Special Tel egram to the 1JEK. ] The body of George Musselman , a former Fairmont clti/on , ar rived here to-day from Yumn , Colorado. During the big storm of February 25 Ceorgo left the house or his brother Charles , Intend ing to visit a neighbor only a few lods dis tant , Kver since then and up to last Friday ho could not be found. A reward was offered and last Friday ho was found eighteen miles south of where ho started. The deceased Is a cousin of Clulsand Henry Musselman , of this place. The remains will be taken to Pennsylvania. c Ijovln W. Khephard'a Ktinnral. SI'IHNOPIKI.U , III. , March 27. Tlio liuiornl of Levin W. Shepard of this city , late secre tary and treasurer of the Soldiers Homo at Qulncy , was laruoly attended to-day. Two hundred old soldiers , thirty Sons of Veter ans , 100 United Workmen , uud 100 oi the Masonic fraternity were in lino. Grand Master Alexander rl. Darragh , of Blooming- tpn , conducted ( be obsequies Why the Dead Dlvjnc's Sister IMil Not Attend the Funeral. NunYOIIK , March 2 ? . [ Special Telegram to the UUK.I The joungest of the Dccchcr family Is Mis. Isabella Needier Hooker , a handsome woman of During the week of Mr. Iteccher's Illness she was a guest of a friend quite near her brother's home. In lact , she was but a few doors away , but she was not pot milted to enter the house , though she made earnest appeals to do so. Mrs. Hooker all her life has been 11 great admirer of her brother and was a great favorite of his tip too \ \ time of the Beedier- Tllton scaiuhl. So far as .Mr. Heecher personally concerned , ho was never heatd to condemn Mrs. Hooker lor thccourso she.took In regard to the letters she wrote him , and which fell Into the hands of Mr. Moulton , "the mutual filend"and were by him pub lished to the world. Mrs. Hooker , when she heard of her brother's Illness , hastened to Brooklyn and begged to bo per mitted to. ec him. She sent several notes to thohousubut received noans\\er. Dually she wtoti ) to her brothet Edward , "the peace maker" bettt ecu the Needier. * , and he told her It would bo Impossible , that thefamlly would nuvur consent. So she had to ntmn- don thn Ionizing to look upon his face In lllc. For some icason Mrs. Heecher and others of the family feared Mrs. Hooker would make a disturbance at the ehurch , and "llrother Ed- waid" was commissioned to go and sec her , and nsk her to leave the city. The aged man , bound with grief , saw his sister. They had a quiet talk and Mrs. Hooker , gre.itly dis tressed that she should bo looked upon as an enemy at such a time , assured her brother that she was wrongly suspected , adding : 'How could any one think so meanly of mo as to believe It possible that I would do such a thing. " Edward Needier soothed her and told her to give up any thought or attending the funeral that would bo best for all con cerned. The wveplnir woman consented and remained at her friend's house , while all Brooklvn was crowded to different places to pay tribute to the brother's memory. In connection with this and other episodes of Beeeher's death , there Is n story ( old bv Irving Hrown , of , a life-long friend of the late William A. Ileach , who was Tllton's chief in the celebrated trial. Ho says Beach went Into the case firmly believing In Beechor's guilt , but the trial was not hnlf over when ho changed his mind. Brown says Beach remarked to him when the trial was over : "Wo were a nack of hounds trying to run a lion down. Becchoi's own testimony convinced mo that he was innocent of the charge which Tilton had made. Ttiat Is not saying that Tilton did not believe his own accusations. On the contrary , ho did , but \\o wcic all mistaken. Canadian Irregularities. TOIIONTO , Ont , March 27. [ Tele gram to the Bir. : . ] A proposition has been made here , owing to the dcgredatlon of rep resentative government In Canada by tlio eoriuptlon of the electorate and gerryman- deilng constituencies , to petition the qtii-en to appoint a royal commission , consisting of six conservatives and six liberals , all promi nent Englishmen , to Inquire Into the Iniqui ties and infamous doings of the present Do minion government In regard to the gerry mander , the franchise , the fishery question , the government In the northwest , and many other matters complained of by the people of Canada. Tills proposition , which Is published by a prominent libeial. points out that owluj : to tlio scandalous government of Sir John McDonald representative government In Canada has become a byword and farce , and IK. , o. Ji , . .uu ron uuiiu n iiummis- tration , become a stink-hole ofscalnwags and shysters from all parts ot the world , and es pecially from tlie United States , which , ho says , has now become a veiy henvcn ot pur ity as compared with this country. Ijord Lnmlnitowfic Denounced. OTTAWA , Out. , March 27. [ Special Tele gram to the BKU. I Lord Landsdowne Is sel dom seen In the streets of tlio capital nowa days. Since the repoits of his treatment of his Irish tenants i cached Canada ho has been much abused. The Montreal Post of yester day made htm the subject of a bitter attack , charging him with having concentrated within himself alt tbo worst qualities of an ancestry that it would be gioss llattciy to dignify with the bar sinister. Ho is accused with living in luxurious idleness at a cost of 55100,000 a year paid by the mass of tolling fools who go by the name of Canadian people ple , while a system of wholesale evictions Is carried on against his tenants on his Queens county estates. Much Indignation has been moused by tills attack on the governor gen eral and it is understood the matter has been placed In the hands of the minister of jus tice. The CVop Outlook. CHICAOO , March 27. The Fnrmeis * Uo- view prints for their crop review this week the following summary : Dry weather con- tluucs to prevail in Kansas and in poitlons ot Missouri , which lias caused some injury to winter wheat , though very few serious re ports of damage are made except In the former state. In Scdgwlck and some of the other southern counties of Kansas , tliero has been very little rain since last August The tenor of the reports from Missouri is still favorable tor the crop. Illinois reports con tinue to be favorable and tlio outlook is still regarded as very favorable for a lull average ciop. Some Injury is reported from Pojio and Jefferson counties , of Illinois. Some of the northwestern and southern counties ot Michigan report damage and the average of the state is below that of the preceding two years for this month. Koports irom W iscou- sin are nearly all of a favorable tenoi , though Injury is reported In Columbia and a few other Interior counties. In Noble , Seneca and Trumbull counties , the piospccts for wheat are poor , but throughout the st.ito the outlook is good. A Pleasure Trip's Sad End. SAN FIIANUISCO , March 27. A peculiarly sad accident occurred to-day off the South Pacific Coast wharf on tlio Alamoaa side of the bay. J. O. Ilnggctt , owner of mining property in Arl/ona , was paying a visit to ills family In Alamtda , and took four of Ills chil dren three bov sand ono girl out in a tow boat fishing. Just as ho was about to ictuin ho stood up in tlio boat to put on his over coat. The boat began to rock and the motion Increased until the fiail vessel capsized , throwing all the occupants into the water. Other boats In the vicinity quickly pulled to their aid , but only the two boys were drawn from the water. Ono of these died a short tlmo after , and thus what began as a pleasure trip ended in the death of the lather , two sons aud a daughter. Indicted For Ilrlhcry. HALIFAX , N. S. , Mardi 27.-fSpccIal Tele gram to the BKE.J Irish circles are much excited over the Indictment for personal bribery found by the grand jury of Victoria county against John Costlgan , minister of Inland revenue. This Is the first tlmo In Canadan history that a cabinet minister has been Indicted lor peisonal bribery. At the recent election Costlgan was ttio rccogni/od leader of the Iilsh-Canadlans. but lias re cently lost a ereat deal of Influence by ills hamtliiiL' of the homo rtilo question In the Canadian parliament If the chaises uro proved Costlran must not only bo unseated and disqualified but also probably Im prisoned. Ijfladlnj ; Itailroad Men Interviewed. Nr.w VOIIK , March 27. Tli2 World de voted * three columns tills morning to an In terview with the railroad executives of this city , Chicago , Boston and elsewhere on the free puss system which , as far as Inter-state travel ' concerned , will coma to an end April 5 under the. provisions of ttio new Inter state law. The numerous expressions ot the officers interviewed is that the system has grown to bo a crying nbiiio and all hailed its abolishment us adeUveiatice. The president of one of tlio leading trunk linen said it would Incieaso tbo receipts of his line 11,000 , * 000 annually. TDKI WANT BACK SALARIES Tbo Ex-District Judges of Iowa After Com pensation For Tlioir lull Term , THE NOVEL CLAIM OF A NATIVE. Hnwkcyo Softool Children In the Hands of Experienced lOdtiuators . General DlasntlHfnution at Stew * art's Appointment. Carried to ttio Supreme Court. Jis : MOI.NKS , la. , Miueh 27. [ Special to the Bii.J : : Ono ol tfio pleasant things with which the supreme court Is now wrest ling In vacation tliuu is the question of sala * lies for ttio circuit judges , who were logls- Uted out of olllcu by the last general assem bly. It will bo remembered In reorgan izing the judiciary of the state the circuit court was abolished , and the jurisdiction ot the district court was enlaiged to take Us place. Many of the circuit judges wore re- nominated for the now district court , but tlierovero seine half-dozen loft out , with their occupation gone. After considering their misfortune for a while they concluded toask for the test of their salaries , that is for the balance of tlio tlmu for which they had been elected but were unable to serve on ac count of their office being abolished. The state auditor of course refused to pay them or give them wai rants for their pay , and an agreed case was undo UD and submitted to thu district court hern for a mandamus com pelling him to Issue the warrant. This was refused , and the case was appealed to tlio su perior court and Is now being considered. The line of argument taken up by the ex- judges Is quite Ingenious and claims that they never have been removed from olllce , or had their olllcus removed from them , for the aw that abolished the chcult court has only ly Implication referred to them , aud as they are different from the comt they are there- 010 still officially allvo and kicking. It is ono hlng , they say , to abolish a cotut , but an ther thing to abolish the judges , and till hey are particularly and expressly sup- resscd they think they , should draw their iabrics. This Is the problem with which the uprcmo court Is now stiuggllng , and If It lecldcs that the ex-judges are entitled to their lalaiics for the remainder of the terms for blch they weio elected , the stale will bo out ust $15,000 by the transaction. I'llK-II-MI'TINO AN INSANK ASYLUM. There Is a noval cl.ilm set up by a cltl/on ot o\\a , which If established will maKe him the triklngly unique possessor of a lunatic .syluiu . with GOO or bOO crazy people on Ills mnds. This Individual , Wilkinson by lame , claims to h.wo discovered that the and upon which the state Insane asylum at ndcpendence Is built still belongs to the United States by viituoof a defective title .uid . no has coolly preceded to file a homestead L-lalm against It and thinks ho can move on. ' le asserts that "yeihs and ycahs ago , " as ilr. Florence would say , somebody A. for Mstance claimed to homestead the tiact on ivhleli the asylum stands , but that there waa A defect In his title which ho never cured , and consequently It rovertud to the govern ment and has passed undiscovered nil turn time. So that Instead of successive person ! UtVlllllK 1110 IHIIll IIIHI Illlulljlll - t 10 1110 state the land really belongs to thu govern- nent and Is open for homestead entry aa nuclt as any land In the territories. He : hereforo files his claim and nska the general and olllce to give him a tltlo. His startling s imposition hasn't > ct met the success ho do- , ired , but ho Is persistent and will soon have . .tale and fcd rai officials rummaging over musty documents fora half century Pack. What ho will do with his asylum full ot lunatics should ho succeed hasn't yet been cloteimlned. INTKIl-STATE KATHS. The publication of the new freight rates .itider the now Inter-state commerce law has been the occasion of much varying comment by the businessmen of tills vicinity. There is very ceneral regret that the special rates are abolished , though If all cities are treated the same way In that respect the disadvan tages will bo mutual. As far as the regular latcs aie concerned Dos Moines Jobbers feel that they are a little better oil than foiuierly , ns theie is less difference between their rates and those to Mississippi river towns , and inoro dltfeionco between their now rates and the Missouri river towns than formerly. Hence they say that they will not be troubled much bv competition within their field by cities on cither side of thorn , and can sell within their own territory to much better ad vantage tiian heretofore. Many think that after a time theio will be evasions of the law by both the railroads and the jobbers , when not likely to bo detected , borne think that the railroads will after all make special rates to such customers as they can absolutely trust , and the man who ships ten car loads of products a day will receive , as he ought to , better tcrma than the man vvho doesn't ship that amount In a year. Someol thu heavy shlppcis bere propose to try the plan of soiling the privilege of carry ing their trade to tlio highest bidder. Thus the jobber who has ten car loads of freight to send out will tauo bids fioin the different roads for the business , they offering HO much premium to got the contract , ho of course to pay the regular rates. The highest bidder would get the business and his premium would bo In the natuieof a rebate , which might or might not bo regarded as a viola tion , or at least an evasion of the law. Ihe jobbers who have to compete with Chicago nouses think that the law'does them a great Injustice , and while no doubt a benefit to that'place. Is a detriment to Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas , Minnesota. Wisconsin and the terri tories west. Whether this bo M > or not re mains to be seen. Meantime tLu business men are acruptln * the Hltuatlon hopefully , and propose to make the best of it and t'ivo the law a fair trial. KM'hltlKNTKU KPUOATOMS. It speakB welt tor tlio schools of Iowa that tbevluuoso many cxpeilenced educatnisat their head. Tlio state superintendent of edu cation Is now serving his thlid term , and therolsastiongdemittid tor his renomlna- tion for n fouith. A largo number of princi pals and city superintendent ! ! have served In their present positions for inoro than ten years , anil the following thirteen have served iiioio than fltteun ycain , with one veteran of twenty-eight year's service without a change. What western state can show an equal ? Charles O. Kretsclimer , principal of Fifth waid school , Dubuque , for twenty-eight years ; Luo E. Chambers , principal ot Jack son school , Cedar Haplds , for twenty year ; .1. A. Woods , principal of Clarinda nrhool § for twenty-three years ; Thos. M. Irish , principal ot Third ward school , Ihibuquc , for nineteen yeais ; F. H. Witter , superintendent Musoatlnoischoollfor nineteen > eain : W. W. Jamleson , Hnpcrln- tendunt KeoUulc schools tor eighteen years : Sarah K. Thompson , principal of Madison school , Cedar Itaplds , forcisntocn years : H. O. Thomas , pilnclpol of West Hill school , Uurllnu'ton , for eighteen years ; William Hummel ! , principal of south boundary school , Uurlinufon. for seventeen > ears ; J. W. Kinr , principal of Cic ker schoolWest lea Moines , Bovuntcflii > eais ; 1) . W. Lewis , superintend ent Washington schools tor seventeen years ; J , J. Na H , principal ot school No. 4 , Daven port , lor sixteen je.n.s ; Henry Sabln , super intendent Clinton schools for fifteen yearn. niSSATI&HKI ) WITH fiTKWAIIT. Hardly a fedeial appointment In Iowa has mused so much disapproval and dissatisfac tion as thu I at1 appointment of 1) . W. Stewart to be ievcnuo collector for thh dlf- trlct. He was not the choice of the democracy ot thlh section , and secured ttio place solely through thu eltoils of Congressman Weaver , who hcems to h.ito the disposition of all the Iowa patron.igo through some mysterious In- lluetico lie exeith over Cleveland , Thlx man Stewart hns benn two or three times Indicted tor criminal offenses , and It Is said has an In * dlctiiient against him now , tor which ho lira never been tried. Ills lecoid Is very unsavory , and he Is not at all Idcntllk'd with Hut repre sentative portion ofhlspniiy. } | o has nude no denial so far of thn chaws against him at his former homo Otlumwa and uulrM he clears them upory toon. IK llkelv to b re pudiated by ttio leading dejnjjcruUc pap o {