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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , 1887. TWELVE PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TicnMB or suiiscnirrioK ! Dallr ( Mornlnir Edition ) Including Sunday Dec , Unn Year . flO ( W For Six Months . 6 W For Three Months . 2W The Omahn Sunday Ilu , mailed to nny address , Ono Year. . . . . ZOO OMAHA Omrr. No. mt AND 911 FARWAM NKW YOIIK orrirt. UOOM i , Tntiil'NE IIOIMIINO. WASUI.NUtOX OrrlCI.NO.SIJKOUllTKLNTHSrRKJr. . All communlontiona relating to news nnd edi torial mnttor oliouM bo addressed to the iui- TOII or TIIK UBK. BUSINESS I.tTTF.nS ! All btHnesi letters nnd remittances should be addrOSSOd tO TlIK IIEK I'UIILtStltNU COMI'AVT , OMAHA. Draft * , chocks anil pnstnlflco orders to bo made imyublo to llio ord r of the company. THE BEE POBllSHliHiPAIT , PROPfllEIORS , K. R03EWATKK. Knrron. THE nAltjY J1ER. Sworn Statement of Circulation. State of Nebraska , I County o ( Douglas. | * * ( Jeo. II , Tzschuck , secretary of The Bee Publishing company , does nolomnly swear that the actual circulation of the Dally Ueo lor the week ending Mar. 25th 1887 , was as follows : _ 8aturiUv.Mar.19 . 14.725 Stinrtav.Mar. 20 . 13.075 Monday , Mar. 21 . H W Tuesday. Mar , 32 . 14.81S Wednesday , Mar.KJ . 14.335 Thursday Mar. 24 . M.fiso Friday , Mar. 25 . .14.508 Avcrace . 14.423 iizo. H. TZBCHUCK. Subscribed and sworntto before me thls2Gth day of March A. D. , lbS7. N. P. FRIU rSEALI Notary Public. Geo. IJ. Tzschuck. being first duly sworn , deposes and says that he is secretary of The Bee Publishing company , that the actual av- erase dally circulation of the Dally Bee for the month of March , IbbO. 11,537 copies ; for April , 1880 , 12,191 copies : forfor May , 1886. 12 , . 439 copies ; for Juno , 18b6 , 12,293 copies ; for July , 1880 , 13,314 copies ; for August , 1880. 18,461 copies ; for September , 1880 , 13.O copies ; for October , 1880. 12,039 copies ; for November , 1880 , 13,348 copies ; for December. 1880 , 13,237 copies ; for January. 1887. 10,20(1 ( copies ; for february , 1887 , 14,103 copies. QEO. B. TzscnucE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Otli day of March , A.D. 1887. ( SEAL. I N. P. PEIU Notary Public. Contents of the Sunday Hoc. Pace 1. Now York Herald Cablegrams- Specials to the BEI : . General Telegraphic Hows. Pace 2. Telegraphic flows. City Ncws.- MlBcellftiiy. Page . Special Advertisements. Page 4. Kdltorlols.-Polltlcal ] Sunday Gossip. PageS. Lincoln News. Miscellany Ad vertlsoments. Paged. Council Bluffs News. Miscellany , Advertisements. Page 7. ( lonoral'matkets. Miscellany. Page B. City News. Advertisements. Paged. Position of the Powers. Oraahn Society Matters. Miscellany. Page 10. Fair Femininity's Fancles.- Some Journalistic Joklngs. liollglous. Ad vcrtlsomonts. Page 11. Many Matrimonial Musings. - Connublallties. Religious. Honey For th < Ladles. Musical nnd Dramatic. Singular Hies. Advertisements. Page 13. Touching the Tournnre. by Clan Jlelle. The Debut of the Diva , by Adan Jiaileau. Wonderful Case of Jamse Harney nu Interesting Story. Advertisements. "SrniNO , balmy spring , " which w ( heralded last Sunday morning had nc reference to this year. IN Canada dynamite bombs are throwr Ento the "barracks' ' whorq the Salvatiot army conducts services. It Is bomb nice bum so to speak. THE not earnings of the Burlingtot road , in 1880 , show an increase of $60,000 It will bo remembered that the oil room : wore not in operation during the year ' 80 QUEEN VICTOUIA is leading an unus tuMly gay life hero of late. She has recently contly patronized private circuses am Boomed to enjoy herself beyond doscrlp tion. If the aged Queen could only sei our Nebraska legislature she would nove : etaro to look upon another circus. AM , disastrous fires have their heroes There is always some person unduly ex cited , or some calm , clear-headed philosopher ophor who is ready to risk his own life ti B&VO an Imperiled woman or a helples child. The hero of the Buffalo lire wa Henry D. Rurnsoy , of Now York , whi acrlficed his life to save a littio girl fron the devouring flumes. MADAME MINNIE HAUK has receive ! from the French government the title am insignia of "Ofllcior do 1'Acadoiuie" ii recognition of her distinguished service Cor French musical art. This is cortainl ; nn eclipse of the greatness thrust upoi Colonel William Cody by our governor or of the title given to Mr. Pullman America , as wo have before had occasioi to remark in the clean-out and character Ibtio dialect of this rowdy west , to bo no slouch. EX-SECKKTAKY MANNING has arrive in England , better for his sna-journoj though the trip was a rough ono. I ay bo that a thorough shaking up i just what Mr. Manning needed. At al events , it will bo very gonoraUy hope * that ho will find health nnd a full recii puratlon of his powers in the quiet re treat in England to which ho is going and bo enabled to return in good form t look after the interests in New York o his friend , the president , who will nee his services. THE citizens of Plattsinouth are to b congratulated upon the advent of sul tantialcity improvements. The con plotion of a system of waterworks whic is to be an occasion of a public doraor tration in that city , on the Cth of Apr ! is only the forerunner of other publi improvements and enterprises that wil contribute to the permanent growth an prosperity of Plattsinouth. Located i one of the gateways into the gardo tate of the great west , Plattsraouth ct Joys advantages which few ether cities i Nebraska can boast. Her entcrprisin citizens are on the right track now i pushing public improvements , and thoi ellbi ts are sum to bo crowned with sue coss. _ WHEN Humboldt returned from h explorations in Mexico and South An erica , ho expressed himself as charmc with these tropical countries , but coui not commend thorn to white men on at , count of the vampires , scorpions an tarantulas. Humboldt did not need o : , jploro the Amazon aud Orinoco to com in contact with this species of poisonou reptiles and insccti. In these days b ooald have found them this siele of Pike Jk. . Blood-suckers and scorpions tnui , 'be ' very common out there , judgtn front the specimen * that tiavo recent ! ( grated to tbli section. There is on MBselaMon , however , the scorpion h ; . fee habit efitingmg biuself to death. Booma of 1887. ' Omaha is by no means the only city in America that enjoys an active real estate boom this spring. Booms great and small have bccomo nn epidemic in almost ovcry section of America , excepting Now Knjrland and Canada. The present year has sot in with a lively real r.stato boom in a number of southern cities , notably Nashville , Memphis , Chattanooga , At- lauta , Fort Smith , Little Hock , Dcnlson , Kl Paso ami n number of smaller cities and towns. In all these cities the tidal wave of Industrial activity has been fol lowed by extensive speculation in real estate with building and manufacturing projects to give the boom vitality. Spec ulative investments in southern cities are to a great extent duo to an influx of northern and western capital. Then wo liavo the boom on the Pacific coast in which Los Angeles , San Diego and other towns liavo become centres of nttrautlon for ullo and specula tive capital. Wo liavo booms also nortli and south of Nebraska. St. .Joseph is afiltctcd witii the craze and sells options on lots in real estate bucket shops. Wich ita has boomed itself into an imaginary city of half a million people and business lots arc selling thuro at $2,800 per front foot. Away up in Diiluth they have caught the fever for the third or fourth time and the spasm has brought on fab ulous prices for lots that will only nilbrd n good roosting place for buzzards. Sioux City , our near neighbor , is booming , and our sister city across the Big Muddy is by no means behind in the racu among the booms of ' 87. There is this , however , in favor of Omaha , ns compared with other boom ing cities and towns. Her growth is. on u substantial basis and her future as the most populous city in the Misssouri valley , not excepting Kansas City , is nn assured fact. She is in the very heart of the great American corn belt , and has made trib utary to her commerce a vast region that will food ten millions of people without overtaxing its agricultural and stock- raising resources. It is admitted among the best informed and heaviest dealers in meat products at Chicago , that Omaha is destined within ten years to be the largest moat packing centre on the con tinent. With such a substantial basis for her boom Omaha need have no fear of a reaction , at least so far as inside property is concerned , and the inside is destined to extend at least thrco miles from the ceotirt house. On comparative values of business property the Omaha boom has as yet not been ovcrdono. Parties who have recently compiled the comparative real estate prices of dif ferent cities make the following exhibit : The prices per front foot of the moat val uable business property range : Chicago , 10,000 ; Cincinnati , Cleveland and San Francisco , $3,000 ; St. Louis , $2,500 ; Los Angeles , $3,000 ; Kansas City and Mil waukee , $1,750 ; Minneapolis and St. Paul , $1,600 ; Louisville. $1,200 ; Omaha , $1,000 , and Denver 5750. The prices per front foot of the cheap est business property within one mile of the center of business nro quoted as fol lows : Chicago , $300 : St. Louis , $200 ; Cin cinnati , San Francisco and Los Angeles , $150 ; Cleveland , Denver and Minneapolis , $100 ; Milwaukee , Omaha nnd St. Paul , $75 ; Kansas City and Louisville , $00. The prices per front foot for the most etcsirablo residence prop erty are quoted as follows : Chicago and Cleveland , $800 ; Cincinnati , $400 to $000 ; San Francisco , $450 ; Minneapolis , $300 ; St. Louis , Kansas City and Milwau kee , | ? 00 ; St. Paul , Louisville , Los An geles , $150 ; Omaha , $100. These figures may , of course , be slightly inflated or contracted in some localities , but they show the relative effects of the real estate booms and the comparative market values of business und residence property in the cities named. All things considered , the Omaha real cstato boom has as yet only kept pace with actual growth and solid Improvements. Tbo Colorado War. They have a way out in Colorado ol playing fast and loose with mon and measures , which common people in thU prairie country have not yet learned tc admire. During lost fall's campaign Church Howe's warmest champion was n high-tonod and low society journulisl from Denver. Ho cudgelled every re publican that refused to oat Beatrice crow , and read the not act to the party in general , for declining to stand up foi its candidato. Within loss than thrco months aftoi the election the Colorado scorpion inserted - sorted his onvenomnod stinger into the vitals of the vanquished Ncmaha politi cian , in the following cruel fashion : "The meanest sneak in the gang wa ! Church Howe , the fellow who lost a district 7,000 republican by 7,000 votes. All last weet he was wearying the patience of the oppo nents of the charter by claiming that lu could buy five votes In the senate , and 1m pressing on their minds that It they mean 'business' he was on hand. To-day he said 'Thoso people are here to earn their expense ? They are not running on wind. ' " The vast superiority of Rosewater over tin creature was clearly shown in his course , During the fall campaign the BKE told thi truth about him In virulent but explicit lan guage. After It he was whlninr about the attacks and threatening libel suits , crlmina and otherwise. Ills cooler Judgment showec him that ho did not dare bring a libel sull against anybody. Ho Is not possessed of the sort of character to stand an investigation. To-day noon ho said to Mr. Thurston tha he did not see why the railroads should jeopardize ardize their Interests by helping out tliochar ter when their gain lay the other way. A few moments later he went to George Craw- foul and said : "I am opposed to this Omaha charter , There Is some money In It for mo In the way of contract. If you san get a vote or two ] will let you In on the contract. " Crawford declined to continue the conversation , asanj decent man would liavo done under the clr cuuistancos. A person who had been called a trimmer , a liar , a political prostitute , nnc ovcry other name which belongs tothevol ublo category of my esteemed friend , Koso water , and who , after this , would leg for htn because ho failed to get money to do other wie , possesses vast depths of lack of self-re spcct which are beyond my reach. 1 had the supreme pleasure of passing by the thing lw fore the vote , and indicating my failure t recognize the fact that It had lungs. " * * February 15 , ' 87. "O. H , R. " A few days later the Colorado reptih e made this remark editorially : "Church Howe was In the city yesterday Up to the time of going to press nothing w missed. " This was on the 37th of February. Foui weeks later , on the 85th of March , the Nemaha prodigal u invited faaoic for i me l of roast veal and Colorado gravy ii language that would soothe even a more savage breast than his. Wo reproduce it exactly as it appears 11 print from Father Hounds' best dollar and a half per pound U. b. ink. The ncpulillcan fought too hard for Church Howe last fall to bo anxious to still- fy Itself and attack him without cause. On he contrary , It Is elad to hear something In is defense , and equally glad to publish It. . 'lie main trouble with him , though , Is that e Is on too many sides at once. Ho may iican right , but his methods are much too ! cop for simple people. They have so many onfuslous that It Is a littio hard for an onost man to keep up with them. As fur as Church llowo Is personally con- crnccl , wo probably voice the opinion of a ; reat many persons In saying that ho Is ex- iccdingly pleasant. As far as his ability In wistlng u lezlsbturo Is Involved It Is prob- , bly not wrong to assort that ho has an un- .isually actlvo brain. But his methods are ather vat to ill. They comprise too much rarlety. Life Is short and art Is long , and it s pretty hard to keep up with him. The ttcintbUcan Is rather pleasantly In- illned towards Mr. Howe. But U does not care to bo fooled. And It will try not to bo 'ooled. Ho must drop his cipher If he In- ends to act with It in the future. " The BKE is not very inquisitive , but we would like to know what this means. Wo remember Charles Dickens' story of how Oliver Twist was promised by the Artful Dodger all the bonolits and urivlligcs of Fagin's strictly exclusive pickpocket so ciety if ho would only drop his cipher and give up his foolish notions about Honesty. Wo wonder whether Church Howe will take advantage of that gen erous invitation to return to the boon compainship of the Colorado man. Al- hough not given to bolting , wo will ven ture the prediction that Church will promptly accept , and drop his cipher if ho can only bo guaranteed that the $1,000 10 paid last fall for the spontaneous sup port of the Colorado man and brother will bo refunded. They liavo such funny men and queer ways out in Colorado don't they ? Purify These StltnulnntH. While our law-makers are wrestling with King Faro , prohibition and the Saline land grab , wo have by mere ncci- icnt , stumbled upon ono of the pro visions of the high licence law which has boon overlooked and has remained a ilcad letter during the past flvo years. Wo refer to the clause prohibiting the adulteration of malt and spirituous liquors. Section 13 of the act , provides that every person , whether licensed or not , who "shall intentionally , or other wise , soil or give away , or direct or per mit any person or persons in his employ to sell or give away any malt , spirituous or vinous liquors , which shall bo adulter ated with strychnine , strontia , sugar of lead , or any other substance , shall forfeit nnd pay the sum of flOO for ovcry such offense. An analysis made by a practical ohom- ist shall bo doomed competent testimony under the provisions of this section. " Wo cannot comprehend why the author ities huvo never tried to enforce this snlu- tory provision of the high-lhonsc law. It is in the Interest of the honest brewer and liquor roctilier , and if enforced strictly would afford a very important safeguard against the sale of poisonous compounds which are dealt out as pure winca and healthful stimulants , Now that the leg islature has been so thoughtful of the health of the people who patroni/.o drug stores by providing a board of pharmacy and regulating the sale of poisons , the city and county officials should see to it that poisonous mixtures shall not be sold as hoalth-prcsorving stimulants. A Patriotic Priest. The ceremonies connected with the in stallation of Cardinal Gibbons , at Rome , over his titular church , possess so far as their religious character is concerned only a limited interest. That Interest may not indeed be coniined to the mem bers of the great denomination in his own country who , it may bo supposed , are keenly sensible and duly proud of the distinguished honor that has been con ferred upon an American prolate. It is likely that liberal-minded Christians of all denominations will in some degree feel that the general cause in which they are concerned has gained by the enlarge ment of the functions and opportunities of a very able and most worthy church man. In broadening the iiold of his powers and his labors , it is to bo expected that the eminent qualilications which hare given Cardinal Gibbons his claim to advancement , and-to the earnest and oven ardent expressions of affection and contidonco from the head of the church , will bo employed to wider and bettor effect than before for the advancement of the faith. In such a promise it is presumed all Christian people will fee ] an interest. But to the great majority of the people , who will take no account of the religious considerations , as well as to all of those who do , by far the most interesting parj of the ceremonies at Homo will bo that in which the American cardinal proclaimed with patriotic earnestness and eloquence his devotion to his country , and described the principles which arc the glory of the republic. Amid the "pomp and cir cumstanco" of his .surroundings , and within a hearing to which frco institu tlons and a republican system of govern montdo not commend themselves as the wisest and best , it was inn'nitoly to the honor of Cardinal Gibbons that ho did not forget that ho is an American citizen , or hesitate , from policy or other motive to declare that in that fact ho felt "udcot sense of pride and gratitude. " No man in a similar situation need have said moro , none could liavo spoken more justly or wisely. In that utterance he has commended himself to Lthn heart : and confidence of the Amoiican people regardless of their religious affiliations nnd achieved an enduring place in then esteem which no title and no amount o pomp and ceremony could liavo glvec him. Gladstone's Chief lieutenant. Among the fnw Englishmen upot whom Gladstone can rely for valuable support , Mr. John Morley easily stand : first. In ability , in stern adherence U his principles and in the courage to pro claim his opinions , Mr. Morley ocouuic : an advanced position among the Engllst statesmen of this day and is steadily pushing forward. In the battle over Ire land now being fought in parliament h < has taken n conspicuous part and carricc it with signal Judgment and vigor. Hi ; arraignment of the government's pro posed coercive policy toward Irelanc was clear , forcible and intrepid , am although not sucoesiful in thwarting UN design of ( he n iolstry , will never thi loss remain a part of the record of thi present house of commons most honor- ) le to its author. , . , Mr. Merely is but fc ? ty-nino years old , so that he is still in tit very prime of his ntellectiial powers , lo was educated it Oxford , nnd t in a very lib- oral sense n scholar. Until ho entered politics , Mr. Morley devoted lilmself to lilcrattfrc , ' " in whicli ho at tained distinction. He was for sixteen years the editor of/ the Fortnightly Jlc- view , which reached its highest success and prcstigo under his editorial manage- iient and largely through his own con- ; ribiittons to its pages * . In other ways his literary labors have given valuable con- .ributlons to the literatures of history and biography. It has been said of him that lis mind may bo divided into two parts , one of which is perpetually balancing .ho other ono half of his brain being conservative , the other half strongly rad ical. Ho is not distinguished as an era tor. Admirable as his speeches are as compositions polished in diction , Hash ing the finest rhetoric and the most toll ing epigrams , they make a loss favorable Impression when heard than when read , But it is not upon acutoncss as a poli tician nor skill as an orator that John Morley is required to depend for popu larity or political preferment. It is his strong , earnest and manly championship of the cnuso of the uooplc that has given Mr. Morley the honorable place ho now holds nmong the loaders of public opinion in Great Britain , ann which will certainly advance him to higher honors if ho shall keep the faith. The great chieftain whom ho now follows cannot hold the leadership many years longer , and when the mantle drops from his shoulders thcro is no man in England moro likely than John Morley to receive ic. Harvard' * Now Departure. Harvard college seems determined to keep abreast with the spirit and demands of the ago in its sphere of work , and to still load all other American colleges in recognizing and responding to these con ditions and requirements in the broad field of education which are of demon strated necessity. Among those physical training is no longer of disputed valtio as ono of the most important. Although the chief scats of learning wore slow to make any concession to the arguments of its advocates , and yielded reluctantly to its encroachments , thcro is now no college - lego of any repute in which physical training docs not receive attention as an essential and helpful aid to educational work. The proposition that discipline and expansion of thct physical functions should go hrnd-in-hand witli the devel opment and improvement of the intol- lootual faculties no longer encounters the opposition of any distinguished educator , while there are enrolled among its sup porters many whq wore not with its earlier advocates. : But while the wis to'm of the principle is thus gonoraUy con'dedoi , there aro'do fccts in the mothoc oi its application which require to bo removed. Thcro is looking thoroughly competent instruc tors. Good athletes can easily bo ob tained , but good instructors cannot , for a capable instructor must combine the theory of physical training with its prac tice. It is to supply this demand that Howard college proposes the establish ment this summer of n course of physical training for teachers. It has already de veloped the best system known a sys tem thoroughly scientific in its character , nnd to extend this , by furnishing compe tent and thorough instructors , is the com modablo aim of the proposed course. It is tbo tirsttime any American college has projected an enterprise of this kind , though we believe such instructions are given in some of the larger , colleges oi Europe , whore indeed physical training has always received more consideration as an adjunct to every college course than in this country. The action of Harvard marks an important step in the progress of physical training , and will doubtless give the principle a vigorous and healthj stimulus in the right direction. Wise Kate Field's Lecture. Omaha will enjoy a rare treat Tuesdaj evening in the lecture to bo delivered al Boyd's opera house by Kate Field. Few American women possess a wider reputation tion than Miss Field. She Is known tt literary men and women wherever the English language is spoken , and has made her mark as ono of the ablest and most versatile writers nnd ctlcct ivo lecturers. As a keen observe ! of public mon and social and political aflairs , she has few superiors. Hcrviow ! upon the great problems which agitate the country arc from the practical stand point. On the Mormon question she i : pre-eminently sound and thoroughly in formed. She visited Utah expressly te study the different phases of Mormonisn nnd that twin relic of barbarism , polyp amy. Her treatment of the "Mormot Monster" from the rostrum is com mended every where by press and pcoph as masterly and exhaustive. AFTEU the Buffalo lire a variety of bills were introduced in the Now York legis lature calculated to secure the safety ol guests in hotels. The Commercial Trav elers' association submitted ono which will doubtless receive favorable atten tion. It requires every hotel to have n rope in each room above the ground llooi so fastened as to hold a weight of 401 pounds , and celled in plain sight by n window so that any iguest who is noi blind will bo sure to spo it , A system oi inspection by the city or village author ! ties is provided for. Tlitf solution to this grave problem will only bo found in ab- Into fire-proof buildings. , IN Now York a woman , Mrs. Koso , imi sued her husband fer ) divorce. In he : affidavit the plaintiff goes on to say "Throwing off all restraint ot rollgioi nnd morality , ho denied and abjured al faith in the Supreme Bing and ftituri life. ' ' As a consequence of this Mr. Kosi is said to have becnnid profane. Althougl the once loved and loving couple hav < lived together for twenty-five years with out a jar or mar in their domestic happi ness , Mrs. lioso proposes to llvo awai from all profanity. This Is a now am novel complaint. AMONO the tickets tor 1883 spoken ol are "Blaino and Forakor. " "Hill anil Holman , " "Cleveland and Voorheos,1 "Sherman and Hiscock , " "Hawloy am Harrison , " "Carlisle and Hewitt- ' "Elaine and Carr , " "Carlisle and Wailer lor , " and many others of a less portinoni and leas permanent character. Yet , ic alt this grand array the name of llob rt Lineolu finds no place. It may bo possible that no other great man would care to couple his. fortunes with tfio martyred - tyrod president's son , WITHIN' a very few weeks the roll of ( implores over nil principal rallroaels will bo materially Increased , by adding the names of nil railroad lawyers , railroad doctors , brass-collar editors , general in surance agents of the railroad lobby , town site sharks , and honorable bilks of high and low degree. Such employes will bo entitled to passes , but nil other patrons of the road must pay fare. POLITICAL POINTS. Senator Voorhecs Is urging the name of ex-Senator McDonald for a cabinet position. Blalue has been working very hard revis ing his speeches and papers for publication. The Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette Is booming ox-Senator ilairlson for governor of Indiana. Kx-Smiator Warner Miller Is talked of for the republican nomination for governor of New York next year. Iowa republicans talk of re-electing all their state ofllcers , but will probably change oft a United States senator. The recent visit ot Smith M. Weed to Washington revived the story that ho Is likely to become secretary of the treasury. Mow Hampshire political lights think Chandler will Do again defeated for the sen ate through combinations on the part of other candidates. Ex-Governor Foster , of Ohio , considers the passage of the Interstate law the opening step towauls complete government control and ownership of railroads ami telegraph lines. Massachusetts republicans are trying to get up a littio enthusiasm over the Idea that the election In that state this year will be a klud of opening gun for the presidential fight. Ex-Senator Thurmau Is In Washington , and democrats ore very generally expressing a hope that the president will avail himself of the oppoitumty to make the acquaintance of aslmon-puie democrat. Judge Fontaine Fox , prohibition candidate for governor of Kentucky , modestly re marks that the ticket of which ho Is the head Is "tho best one , morally and Intellectually , over nominated In Kentucky. " Cleveland Is said to have shaken hands with moro people than any other president Wo can readily believe this , because within the last two years nearly the entire demo cratic party has been to Washington In pur suit of olllce. Ex-Congressman Bon Le Fevro of Ohio Is said to have the Inside track lor the consul generalship at Paris. The salary Is 50,000 , with fees and perquisites of about 310,000. Ben Is a good man according to the Cleve land standard. He weighs 300 pounels. Mrs. Sarah A. Kelly , the "Bard of Shanty Hill , " announces herself as a candidate for the presidency In 18S8 upon a poetical plat form. Bad as her alleeed poetry is , In a com petitive contest she could probably distance the present occupant of the white house. General S. B. Buckner , who aspires to be the democratic candidate for governor of Kentucky , may as well withdraw from the field. His opponents have unearthed and are making much of the eiamuingfact that "he could spate only a pitiful 3100 for the con federate home , but ho sent Mrs. Grant his check for Sl.OOO. " That settles Simon Boli var. * Very True. Boston Courier. When a man Is 23 ho knows something ; when ho Is 45 ho wishes ho knew something. How to Reduce the Surplus. Chtcaao Time * . It Is said that it costs 900 to fire one of the modern larh'e s'ego ' guns , and a few such guns owned by the United- States government would reduce the surplus If they didn't re duce the enemy. 9 The Railroad Commission. Chlcayt Times. There Is no trace of railroad Influence in the president's appointments for the inter state commerce commission. The commis sion looks on railroad corporations , it Is said , much as Senator Van Wyck , of Nebraska , docs. The Senator Hears and the Jay Goulds of the country probably won't like It. An Error Corrected. Chicago Times. Through an error In the wording of a dis patch from Lincoln , Nebraska' , printed In the Times of February 21 , the idea was con veyed that a resolution had been adopted excluding Mr. K. Rosewater from the floor of the legislature for the remainder of the ses sion. A resolution to this ctfect was Intro duced In the lower house , but was tabled. Heating Cars by Steam. Si [ MUix ( llobc-Dtmncrat. Public sentiment has just impelled ono at least of the great trunk lines to abolish stoves In cars and try the experiment of heating by steam. This line Is the Now York Central. That road claims to be entirely satisfied with the now scheme. Now If the oil lamp should bo eliminated the daueors of railroad travel would bo materially lessened. Littio Nell. H' ( den for ( lie Sunday Dec by fcu B. Calte. My little Nell I God bless the child ! Yes , John , you have a home ; I've been a dreadln' all along To sen this hour come. For Nell's our baby' John ; she's all Tint's lelt to wife and mo. Our bonnlo lass I without her hero What would the old homo beV Don't mind It , John ; I'm womanish About my littio Nell. Yes , yes , 1 know , I know you will You'll always use her well- She's tender , John , a snowy lamb I've carried on my breast , That's kept my old heart warm so long , Been fondled and caressed , And sheltered from the storms t > o well , She'll need a love-kept fold. I know It , John , you're good and true , And wo are gettln' oldQ ; She'll need a strong arm by-and-by ; Perhaps 'tis just as well That she should go away from us As us from littio NelL Let's see ; the house Is roomy , John , There's only wlfo and me , There's plenty hero and welcome , too , For you and Nell , you see. The nl-shts are gettin' long to us , Our year's are gettln' few , We'd like to have our Nellie near Until she's left to you. The farm has got too biz for me , The hands want leadln' well , So you ban take the for"arct plow And I'll stay back with Nell. God bless you , then ; come right along , My little Nell Is yours ; You'd better go and tell her John ; I'll see about the chores. \Vny the Machine Howl * . Stroiruliuru JlcuMttiht. Ilosowatcr continues to feed the old ma chine managers on something worse than "cold wlttles , " and stings them unmercifully as ho exposes the rottenness and corruption of the gang of sharks that continues to die- tate legislation , and make the state a bye word and a laughing stock. Ob , how they do Hate Itbsowatar or any other man wbo will oppose the gang. "But I bate him , for he never prophesied gooa unto me , but al ways ovll. " Talk don't kill lloiowator , but HnWater'.s talk nnd the Jlp ; nronlmed squarely at corruption and that Is why the machine howls at his tall twisters. Knllrontl PJIMSCS , The discussion of the railroad pass quo ? tlon Is having nt least ono good elfect. It I making legMators show their constituents how much they value these favors , and how much they are willing to do In return for them. In ruvcngo for cutting of passes In Illinois a bill has been already liitiodueed m the leglslatuio making all ralhoad fares two cents a mlle > , Instead of three , as at ptesent. SUNDAY' GOSSIP. Tin : tearing down of the old United States National bank building to make room for a magnificent modern structmo removes ono ol the olele landmarks In Omaha. The foundation was laid in the fall of 1S.M. and the building wai completed in the spring oC 1S55. It was built by Jesse Lowe. * * "I had my law oftlco In the noithwest cor- nrrreom of the first floor of that building In 18.15 , " said lion. A. J. Poppleton , "and I went to house-keeping In the southwest cor ner loom. There was a central hall , nnd the Western Exchange Flro and Marino Insurance company had Its banking room on the east sldo of this hall. U was In this hall way that United States Marshal Ell 15. Doylei was accidentally killed by falling down stairs. He and his family lived in the upper story. I occupied my rooms In that building about three months. 1 then moved my law olllco to a one-story brick building , which 1 had erected for that purpose. The site Is now covered by Suyder's butcher shop. At the same time I took up my residence In a new dwelling house at the northeast corner of Flfteeeuth street and Capitol avenue , whcro the exposition building now stands. When I moved out of the bank building Leroy Tuttle took my rooms. Ho was cashier of the bank , nnd afterwards was lor a time treasurer of the United States. " * * * Another old landmark that has recently disappeared before the march of improve ment wns the brick building at the northeast corner of Farnam and Thirteenth streets , whcro the Merchants' bank building Is now going up. It was a two-story brick structure and was built in 1859 by Puudt & Koenig , grocers , who began business in Omaha In 1S30. Mr. Puudt Is still engaged In the gro cery trade , and has the honor of being the oldest groceryinau In Omaha. The thrco now bank buildings now In course of erection within ono block of each other , are to be very substantial lire-proof structures. The aggregate cost of these build ings will bo In the vicinity of 8700,000. This Is a straw which Indicates the solid basis upon which the growth of Omaha Is founded. "Mr attention was lirst attracted to Omaha through the utterances of George Francis Train , " remarked ox-Governor Crlttcmlon , of Missouri , while In this city the other day. "Train was a remarkable man during the days of his mental vigor. 1 always admired him. His predictions about Omaha years ago have be-on moro than verified. I would suggest to the people of Omaha that they ought to erect a monument in honor of Train , wh6 did more than nny other man to bring the place into prominence during its Infancy. * ' " 1 saw by the dispatches the other day that a boat load of young naval ofllcers at tached to the training ship , Saratoga , was up set In San Fernando anchoragu , near Trinidad , " remarked a Washington gentle man yesterday. "Ono of the drowned was Albert Taylor CowlP , whoso father Is Coloael Gcorgo Cowle , an old Iowa soldier , and for many years head of the consular bureau ot the treasury. He had four sons In the navy , and a fatality seemed to attach to them , . The oldest , James , was lost on the Ill- fated Onolrta , that was run down by a British vessel In the Pacific. The other two Had narrow escapes at sea , and If they arc now In the service will most probably meet tales as direful as their brothers' . So con vinced was the mother of thcso young mon that they were doomed to bo drowned she would never consent to any of her children Kolug on water voyages , much less becoming attached to the navy. This was notably so in the case of her son , John U , who nad charge of the famous dele gation of Japanese dignitaries who visited this country some years ago. Ho was ap pointed by the government to manage the American trip ot the party. Hp performed his duty so well and pleased the orientals so highly that the latter offered him a leading position under the Japanese government In fact one that would make him wealthy and prominent for life. Few young men have ever hada greater opportunity tendered them. John I ) , refused , dofeianco to his mother's wishes , for the acceptance of tbo position would entail an ocean trio , lie Is now a loading olMclal ot a bureau of the United States treasury and llko all mem bers of his family Is a favorite In Washing ton. " _ "Ix looks as If all the real estate firms In the city would have base ball clubs in the field this season , " remarked an old knleht of the willow. "This movement Is for advertising purposes of course. The first time the ball and bat wore over prominently usud In this way was when the llop Hitters company of Rochester , N. Y. , put a nine In the Held. It was a strong team , including Andy Leonard , the famous left fielder of the old Cincinnati Ited Stocklntrs ; Dutr Allison , the champion catcher of the same old organization ; Alee McKlnnon.n lirst baseman of note now playIng - Ing ; John Manning , one of Harry Wilght's Did Boston champions ; Tim Murnan , a fa mous Holder , aud others' The scheme didn't work , nowevcr , "lor all outslelo clubs would not recognUo the nnnio of 'Hop Bitters , ' neither would the press. The club was always called 'Rochester , ' and consequently not serving the end desired , soon disbanded. This firm was also prominent In arranging Bovnral rowing matches between Haitian and Courtney , notably that at Chautauqua lake , ' ' and that at whcro thu 'sawcd-ooat figured , Washington. " A AVIokod City. The licentious pictures and caricatures which are now exhibited in the shops and klosques on the boulevards are be coming f > o thoroughly indecent , writes a 1'nris correspondent of the London Telegraph - graph , that even Parisians , who are by no moans Puritans or prudes , are con strained to cry out against the obscene display. Everywhere nude figures are to be Hocn , while the venders of disgust ing cards and erotic newspapers ply their trade on the boulevards with abso- lulo impunity. The latest production ot the porogruphlo order is an engraving of a naked priest witli a rope round his nock. The letter press accompanying the picture is disgustingly naturalistic. nnd has reference to the recent scandal of the Abbo Roussel und the girl Har- ohouz. _ _ _ Tips About Tailors. Novnr troubled with fits A poor tailor. A cust-'om tailor ono who can't col- loot his bills. The tailor is a man of loisuro. His work is always dun. It is bad enough to break party tics , but it isn't half so embarrassing as to have them work around under your car , It Is quite true that God made man.but it is not so certain that lie would be nblo to identify some of His work when the tailor had got through with it. Tailors are naturally proud of their good fits , but young men on the streets who have not paid for their clothe * are quite nervous when a Uilo/r looki at them admiringly. MORMON Iain's ' MARRIAGE , Sad Fate of a Qirl Who Wanted a Genllfo Husband. MIDNIGHT AND SELF-MURDER Cluirnli of the Imttcr Day Hnlntv null tin Tyranny Itonmitcc of ttio Jericho Valley In Utah. A Utah correspondent writing under date of March a , says : Sixteen year * ago Samuel Bates , n Mormon , then the possessor of two wives , Ann nnd Jane , the latter being childless , took Mary Lee , an orphan , to bring up according to thu rites of the Church of tiic Latter Day Saints. As Ann had many children to comfort her the babe was placed la charge of Jane , a devout Mormon , her * suit born in the faith. Mary Leu's par- cuts were from England. Her mother was a clellcato littio woman , well rem embered hero as a tearful and unhappy person. Times wcro hard with them when they lirst appeared here , anil they grew harder for some reason. Just as her husband was about to take a second wife , evidently against the wishes of the companion of his youth , ho was killed in a snow slide , and three months atter that tils widow died , some said of a broken heart , leaving littio Mary alonu in the world. Samuel Bates was some thing of n man nmong the Mormons. Ho was called Brother Hates. His Urst wife was a hard , uoarso woman , but Jane , to whom the littio or phan wont , was tender , rather pood- looking , and filled with a stern and un bending faith in the divinity of her religion and a determination to "live" it to the end. The child which thus foil to her partook of her dead mother's dispo- tion. As alio grow to womanhood she bccanio fair to a degree not oftou scon in these parts , but in spirit she was gloomy , sad and reticent. Surrounded by Mor mons and taught by the pious Jane , she became almost a fanatic on the subject of religion herself , and readily accepted all that was instilled into her mind as the Inspiration of the Lord. A year or two ago Mary Leo became acquainted with a young man living in a mining camp not far from hero , a Gentile , of course , as no Mormon delves for gold and silver. Tlio youth , Seth Bentley by name , rarely lost an opportunity to pay the girl littio attentions , and at length ft became the rumor that ho was her ac cepted lover. She would stroll away to the foot-hills to meet him. of oven inns they would bo seen by the mountain brook which winds through the town , and on Sunday afternoons , particularly when Brother Hates was away front home , they would bo riding or walking together. Jane made no opposition to the intimacy , but when Brother Bates' attention was called to the matter ho felt it was his duty to interfere. Littio by littio Jano's mind was won over to hfs wav of thinking , though at first siio had been unsuspecting. Bontlcy was for bidden the house , and the girl was told that she must never meet him again. But they met after this , not as a result of Mary's disobedience , but by reason of Bontloy's persistence. Ho found her ono day last summer down bv the brook , and when she would liavo run from him ha caught linr , and , holding her closely , ho told her of his ali'ection for her , antt entreated - treated her to become his wife , and in re turn received some encouragement. From that time on they mot occasionally , unknown to Brother Bates or Jano. In September Brother Bates went to Now Mexico on an exhortation tour , and when ho returned in October ho brought back with him a Mormon older named Cratty , who , seeing Mary Leo , bethought - thought him that ho would like to take another wife , his fifth , and ho accordingly broached the subject to her on the second day aftnr tils arrival. The girl repelled him with horror , but ho pressed his suit , but at length brought Brother Bates to his assistance. At first Jane op posed the proposition. She was a sincere Mormon , but her aflcction for her foster child got the better of her faith for a time , and until she could DO placated Elder Cratty had to hang his ham on the willow. The means resorted to to bring Jane to see the error of her ways are familiar to all who have had intercourse with the strange people who inhabit these valleys. Brother Bates had a vision. Then Elder Cratty had a vision. Thou a bishop who was passing through Jericho valley had a vision. Then the Sunday school superintendent , the Sun day school teachers , and the local elders i ' and missionaries had visions. By a sin M gular concensus of opinion all had seen the same thing. Mary Leo was ( jod's choice for Elder Cratty's wife. Still the girl , most of the time in tears , like her unhappv mother , dead sixteen years , shrank from the proffer of the visitor and her foster mother , the kindly but super stitious Jane , still demurred , though growing weaker and weaker in her oppo sition , The vision failing of the desired effect , Elder Cratty and Brother Bates wont up into the mountains some time last month , and , fasting for fourteen days midnights , they wrestled with the Lord , and at the end of their vigil they were rewarded by seeing a great light and hearing a voice from heaven saying that Elder Cratty should take Mary Leo to wife , and that further delay would bo both unseemly and displeasing to the Lord. With this revelation and the further assurance that a spirit had appeared unto Cratty In a vision saying that if Mary Leo would marry him she would receive the requis ite iincolion for her husband by praying for it in the temple , the two wended their way homeward and communicated to -y. Jane the result of their pruyrs and fast ings. In the face of such undoubted evi dence of the Lord's approval that good woman could say no more , and taking the girl to ono side she advised her to give up her ( iontilu lover nnd cling to the husband selected for her by God , who had promised his servants that if she did not love him now the spirit would confer great and surpassing afl'ootiou upon her at her nuptials. Mary Lee's own faith was strong nnd her Inclination to follow the teachings of her religion was great ; but it took many moro interviews to bring her to admit that she had decided to obey the com mand. When oho at last gave her con sent there was much joy in Jericho Val- toy , and a great company was made up to go along with the wedding party to the temple. They were to start by wag ons on a Monday morning , When the sun camoupovor the mount ain range that morning it flaw Mary Leo down by ttio brook , revolver in hand , stone dead. She had risen during the night , and having sought a Bocludod spoti whore she and Bcntley often mot.sho had * taken her appoalat once to the Judge of all earth. Her religion would not per mit her to marry the man of her choice , and her womanhood revolted against the alliance which , according to earthly In terpretation , the unseen powers had ar ranged for. _ A citizen of Ionia , Mich. , rang the bell at a house when ho called , and then stood pntlontly on the Iron doorstop unta the slow servant opened the door. Then be turned pale and cried out that no waa paralyzed ; for when he tried to walk ho could not move. lie felt better Just oa soon a * he discovered that his wet boot * had frozen to tne Irou step M he waiting. ,