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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEr WEDNESDAY MARCH 24 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES.- Advertisements under this heAd , 10 cents per line lor the first Ineortion , 7 cents for onch sub- EPquent In Msrtlon i nnil tl.60 n line per month No advertisement tnkcn for lewthnn S&conU for the llrst Incertlon , Seven words will bo counted to the llnoj thry mti t run consecu tively and must bo pnld In ndrnnce. All. adver tisements raunt bo handed In before 1 :30 : o'clo. k' ' Ti.m. , nndundpr no clrcumstancea will thcybo toxon or discontinued by telephone. Parties advert islnc In these > olumns rnd Imv- ) prthonnswcrsni.'drc sitl In csre of Tur. UKR wllliilcnpo nsk for n check toonnblothcm to pet thulr letters , ns none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All fins won to ad vertisements should ho enclosed In envelopes. MONEY TO LOAN. MONRY to losti on Improved city property nt ( i per cent. Money onhnnd : do nothnvo to wnlt Hnvo n complete set of abstract Imoli.s if Douirlng county. I N. Wntson. nhslrnctor Harris Hcul F.stato nnd Ixinn Co. , 320 S. 1.1th st , $3'in.OfJO ' to lonn. Bums * 50) nnd upwards , Lowest rates , tlorols , room 3 , Darker block , 8. W. cor. IMh nnd Farnnin ats. _ 123 MONHV Klrst mortcneo notes. The Douplas - county bank will buy pnpors secured by llrst moitunno on city roaity. _ 12t 6 PLH CKNT Monny to loan. Orcjiory 1 Iladlry , Rooms 1 nnd 3 , llcdiclt DlocX , 3JO B. I I ON 15V to loan on real ostnto mid chattels Lji. KntE& Co. 1511 Farnain St. , downstairs. B54 TVI ONKV 'H > LOAN on improved real estate ; .i'L no comnileKlon charged. Louvltt lluru- hfitn , Kouin 1 Crclirhton lllock. 117 MONI'.V tolnan. iilis : llros. . real cstnto nnd loan iiKents , room 17 , Wminclt block , cor. Uth and llninoy. 118 ON 1V to loan on unproviul citv property , very lowest r tea. U. J. Citawoll , room 19. NobriiBka Nat'lbalik. W7 int7 T OANS-Loana Loam. Itcal cstato loans , Colhitcrlal loans. Chattel loan ? . Hhort time loans. Money always on hnna to lonn on any ap- Droved security. Investment securities boiiKat and Bold. Omaha Hnnncial Uxchunee , n. w. cor. 15th jmd llarnov. Corliett , Mnnngcr. HO V to lonn. cnsh on delny. J. W. nnd li. L. Bqulro , 1413 Farnain st , Pnxton hotel bulldlnn. 120 KiOnOOTOl.OAN nt 6 per cent. J. J. Ma- $ honey. 1500 Fnrnum. 121 f I'KU CUNT Money. ) It. C. 1'atteiton , 15th nLd Hartley. MONKV to loan In sums to suit , from fl.OOO to $50,000 ; no delay. Tattle & Allison. 211 H. 13th Ht. t 2ni21 riM ) IXAN Money Loans placed on Im- JL proved real estate In city or county for Now Uiitilnnd Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. ICth nnd Chicago sts. 12U MONRY TO LOAN-On city ami farm prop erty , lowlatcs. Stewart & Co.Knom3 Iron bank. 127 MONF.Y TO JXJAN-O P. Davis & Co. . real cstato and loan agents , 1505 Parnam Ft. 128 roNIJV TO LOAN On real estate und chat- L tols. 1) . U'Jhomus. 123 $500,00) ) To loan on Omaha city property at 6 percent. O. W. Dayover 1312 UOUKUB St. 1HO T\1ONKY TO LOAN by the nndorsljrnod , who -1'J has the only properly organized loan nuenor In Omaha. Loans of S10 to $100 made on I tmilturo , pianos , organs , horses , wiwons mnclilncry , &e. without removal. No delays All tiiiRlnoAS strictly confidential. Loans so mndo that any pait can bo paid at any Ime.oach payment roduclntr the cost pro rata. Advanced made-on flno watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing : vllh , us mnnv new concerns nro dally conilnir Into existence. Should you need money cal i.ndKcomo. W. IL Crolt , lloain i Wthnel Itullillns , 15th and Hiirnuy. 131 ivr 0NF.V LOANUDnt C. P. Hood &Oo.'s Loni Olllco , on furiilturepanO3horeefl.wiiKons ! personal property of ull kinds , nnd all other in- " value , without romovnl. 319 S. 13th over Itliipham n ( 'omml < slon store , All bust ness strictly confidential. 132 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOIl SALII A ( rood paylnff grocery Ftore , Inciitoil on the corner of two good streets capital required , iihoul ? 1IOJ. I'orfullpartlou lars Imiiroor A. 11. Comstock , Itoom lOCrolgl ; toil bill. 02 $250 buys restaurant and chop house worth f B'O , coed reasons lor soiling ; part cash. Inquire H7 N 12th it. 190 2 * T710K SAM : J7.000 of general merchandise J-1 and store furniture , clean , won assorted. Will take half in treed unlncumborod farm Innd , balancu In paymcntu wellsi'Ciiruduood ; reasons lor sollinjr. Addi-esa Call Ilex 57 , Alma , Nob. 117 13 * FOIt SAL ! ! A 12-ronm bout dm ? house nnd lot lot IIUHM In Shull's 2d add. Imiuiroof L. McCoy , 1309South20th fit. MJ'J 2 WAVniD-Cnpltallst orniHiiufaturor totuko hnlf stock In u factory to work from 150 to 200 hands. Call nt Ocldontnl hotel nnd Invos- tlifHto. nrchltoctR nnd bulldorg spocinllr invited bypumplcs U. lletculf. biSinl * Fi IOII BALK-MnnumotiirlnK nnd wholesale 'business. ' KstnblMiod throoycnrs unit will tnnkoirood allowing. Oood reasons for eclllott. FiF , etntliig wlicro you may bo seen , F , o , cure lleo. W ) m2 F IOH SALH-1'lour and fooil More : splendid locution , doing u good business : host of mis for BOllhijf. Address F V , Bee ullloi- . 703 S TPoK SALK Or ttndo for city propoity Meat -L : maikot luonnof the best locations In tbo cityi Bules I'.WH ) nor month. Acltvo Item Estate nnd Property' Hxchnnuo , U.21 Doilj , ' ! ) St. 777 liaiNHSa CIlANCn-IJnnk wanted. I wanl to buy u bank In some Inland town In Ne braska or would start a noiv one if proper lo cation as oirorod. Address 11 07 lion ollice , Omaha. 7M m2 fj'Olt BALI' Clirnr , tolmci'ii , ftatloiiinry r mid JL1 nnwfl store. Uxcollent builncsfl. Addroos 1 ! 70 Ht-o ollleo. 76S roll * _ _ F ) Tl SALl'Lumber , irniin nnd coal business ono or Ilia l.'i'Bt points In contrul Nebraska. on II. Ail. H II. HmriMin Ambler & Ambler , Itoom 20 , National bank. f SO TJlOH BALI ? Lumber yard nnd reHldonco In tioutliwestuin Iowa , Well located and do- liiKKood buslne-.s. ( loii ] rcasonc for Polllni ; . Address K 2. , lleo ofllcu. 333 in b * _ \\rANTr.D-Plocu of dry yno.lB. elotfung anil lurnlihliitf Kooufi , or boots unit Minoaln oxdianuii forOmubii icul entato. BclileiiliiKer Hri > B..M4jypth t. _ 175 m3 TT'Oll HALI > Or Inido bakery and confuo- 11 tlouory. Inquire Kopp , Hrelbus Ic Co. , Omnlin. Neb. OSS m 1 " | . > ANK for snlo in u new rapidly growlnirtown J > of two Inhabitant * , lluedcnoelta. Monny loans from I ) to 4 per rout , monthly , A splendid chiinco. Address IKW , liceoIMco. 015 FOIl HALE-Haf ! Intoreiiriiiono of thu best nuylnv drug stored In southwestern Iowa , Cnpltnl ruiulred | , J..WO. Address I ) 40 , Hoe of- Duo. H18 LOST. LOST III o n Water Hjinnlol doir , white on liroiitt. lloluru to u'lrt Farnain at. , and EHSONAL. ] \ | IIS. DIJUANT , Clnrlvoynnt , Irom Hoston. -11 1 will luiiiHlnin the city astiort fiuuonly.she roads the deopcst secret' , unfoldb the fnturo unites srimnui'd lovers , cjuisfa upomly mar- rlHife : Is vt'rs rcllnbln In nil iitlnlrs of Illo. Itoom 1 l.yoin Mu , loth ami Chicago. OJ4 3' JMiUSOXS with good rcfereneoa can rent u well tuuiixlii > < i room ut rcujoiiiililo prlroliy cnlllni ; nt 5wi 8 . tiilrs SW lkth.rp _ _ Jl : ; t _ _ I.IIIU ONAL private homo lor Indies duiltiif J. coullnuini-iit. Strlrtly contldentlnl. In- tuuls udoptcd. Addict K 42 , Ucuoltice. G i.Mr . Ur. Nmm , V. Wnirrcn X cJair\oiint , Mrdlcnl and biisine Modluoj Koom Ko. 3 , 121 .North ICth u .Oniuha , Nub. _ _ _ 131 MISOELLANEJQUB. roi ms rnuar * pauo noit o I rA V HotPO. 1613 Doutrlai. VJi Have a cnsh man for treed city baloon. K McDonald , 13M Harne'yst. , * pHR dcrman Inmnmtre tnusnt arcordlne tc 1 the newrot nu'thod. lloforcncem Mr.Conn 3or , cue Hoard nf IMncitlDii , Mr. I.cstncr , i'oi | uutlcularsuddreMl'31 , Hmiollice,17 } r , now OPOII lor ontruionicnt Would ire oul of city , s-utisfuctoryreioronc > i A > ldiP sT , M KCUUons' Iliuik , Omnhu. ' ' 57 u TK lou want to Imyor eT | farnlturp , wo ic - J , 1 erjusou'j , 715 N , l tb. tJ , BriLTiRKS. llrlckmnXoM nnl Plasterers can bo furnished nny kind of sand In nny quan tity by The McUrcgor Sand Co. , office ] & Nlch- olaaat. tns 4 _ KBAIjRSTATR nnd liorsn to trade for R stock ot hnrdwnro. Address POhorSSj , Cornlngn. 87i 3 * rilAKKtho Klnas Ailvlco-lf you want iyour fnmlly wnshlng nnd Ironing ilono In flrst-clnss stjlo or shirts finished neat nnd clenn without n plno board plnstcr In front nnd hoop iron nround the neck-hand , pntronlo King's Fnmlly I.suniry , ( all hnnd-w6ritsouthwpstcor- ) noMOth nnd Howard HO 1 * _ 0 ilAlTus"PONfifnnnlyllcnl chomlsr and cnKlnror , nnnlvMs of ores , coals nnd ussnys nnd analysis of nil kinds , chemist and miner- nlORlst to the U. IMI. It , for 15 rear * . No. 1501 ) Voh tor cor I5tlist. _ IO. . llox 401. C19mlC * STOKAOK First-class tori ito tor nlco fur- nlturu or boxed troo'ls , nt 1513 Dodon-st. 931ml " | 7lOHltK > T organs , J3 per month. Mocpe , JL1 1513 notlBlns. 033 riOHiKNT Stjuaro Hlano U monlhlr. A J HoM-o.lM.1 Douitlns. 13Ti FOtt SAT-E--MISOELLANEOU3. "iron SAl.r.-Frcsh milts cows nnd springer ? , Jnnd n ilno Jersey hull nl I'.MfibrooM yards , 10th nnd Cup uvo. Cro it u & Hoylcs. 1P2 3 TJ10H 8ALH Si hcndofcows , tcnm nhd milk J-1 wngon , cnngnnd routu. Henry Hoist , on Kai-nders otrcet. 1 0 2 THOU S A Lit A. nearly now , Eecond-hiuidsato , JL1 Inrgo an commodious suitable for any buslnoss. 8101111 , Johnson AC Co. , cor. 9th nua Lcnvcnnorth st , 1317 TfiOIt SALK-AKOOd 0-yonr-old pony nt 110 JP 13th St. 170 FOH SALF.-Pntont rkht chc.ip. Aiidross lit oncoF 20 lloo ollleo. 151 jp OH SAliK Nlco and clenn empty Rhoo onsos / . T. Llndscy A Co. , 2JO South llth st. FOH 8ALI5 Ono pair ot ponies , hnrnoss , nnd delivery wiigon : one -0 II. P. boiler nnd 8 II. P. onirlno. MH 8outh 13th et. Wfl-5 * FOIl SALK I'urnlturo und lease , 1 ( > room houso. on prominent strcnt , near center of busliicsj , Icnso has over two yuars to run. Can mnko rent by letting llvo rooms. House put In good repair. Tills Is uu unusual opportunity , you cnnpuralinso the outfit on very easy forms. AddressKli7. Uooolllco. O'.U T7lt SALU 2 million brick nnd upwards no- -L. Hides dally out put of .10'XX ' ) . Knqlllro on promispB , cor Dorcas nnd Zndets. Omaha Hrlok ami Torrn Cotta MIJT. Co C'W WANTED--MALE HELP. class ( whlto ) nnrber Im- i i modintoly. Address P. O. box 337 , Orand Island , Nob. 217 8 * WANTED Two first class retail shoo dork ? , none ether need imply hut those hnvluit oxporlunco in a first class exclusive shoo storo. A.D.Morse. "A child oan buy ns chcnp us u mnn. " 201-5 lTANTI-i-Hoy : for ofilco , 1512 Fninnm , room 2. 200 " \TTANTiD : riret-class worklntrraau and wife V > to work on liirni In western part of the stato. JAddruss U. li Graham , cars Cozzons hotel. 10 , ' > 3 iTANTBD-At onro , 2 flrst-class men waiters at Knropean Hotel. 191 I ! w ANlED-ShovelorS , Harnoy st , hot llth and 12th. 210 2' WANTED At once , firat class moat and pastry cook. Lu 1'ountaln house , Harvard , Not ) . 1C9 5 * ANTED AKontg , either ? cx. for the state of Nebraska. 322 > ICth St. , loom A. \A7"ANTKH An oxpcrinneed clotlilnK sales- i T man , only such us oan speak Oorman , /urnlsh best ot references and uro fully competent - tent need apply , at The Pair , cor.l3lh and HoW' ard. _ U44 't lT'ANTED-StcnoKraplior , ponlhwoct corner T > Ninth and Oonos. Don't want ono out of practice. iKM WANTED-Flrst class younff tailor with Rood habits to do all kinds of work in small shop. Good wages. Addicssbov 179 , Vllllsca , la. 9 3 ! l W" ANTED A young mail about 20 years of use , fair penman , must bo nctlvo and have some uxperienco at typo ? pttlns one who can run a "Times" mailer pralorred. AddrcBS , F 10 , Hoe ollleo. Bit \XTANTKD lly the largest pilblHIilnif hoiiso wostof Chlcairo , two hundrol puiilloniiiii nnd ladles to soll"TIie Successful Mini" " 'lurvol- oils WondarH of the Whole World" "Illhlos" nnd various other ( jooil publications , apoly early nnd Rut cholco of territory. .1. M. Ironch & Co. , ollice 10 llushman Ulock , Omaha , Nob. 40711110 WANTfiD SO sober , tntclilitont men Bildrcss to try u lOc meal at Norri.s' rca taurnnt , 104 S ICth St. 130 WANTED FEMAIjE HELP. WANTED A Rood Klrl for rcncral house work , 804 S. 2lBt at. 3111 1 _ Chambermaid who umloistnndi WANTfiD wnltlni ; table , at Occidental hctol , llowarc1 nnd 10th. 271. Dining room girl , Emmet house WANTKD flood Khl for Bonornl housework in list bo nott : und ftood ( plain cook. 1415 Jones street. 815 WANTKD Cook , male or female , Inquh ut once at "I'uiiilllou Houao. " Piipiilloi Nob. 07J ! W ANTI5I ) Lady Agonta for Mra. Campbell' ; - Rxtonsion Uust Coisct Host ( IttliiK custom-made Corset in America Elastic f returns ; no\or breaks down. Ms combination underskirt and hustle wltli romov nblo hoops ; transparent sllkrubbor aprons.bib mid sleeves ; "Daisy" Hose supportois ; In proved"Quoon Protector" reduced to (1. Fu line furnlihlnir roods. Address , with stamp 1 ! It. Campbell & Co , , 481 W Knndolph St. , Cb cnuo. 757 .m I * \ \ .rANTHI ) - llolliiblc ! ladles or Kontleiiirn t IT scllgoodj. Call 421 South loth st. 151 2 \\rANTUD A Rood cook Immediately , for ' I restaurant noik ; good want's piild tor the right mun. C. Follett , Avoou. la. 1102 * \ ' ANTF.D A dishwasher nml hucond cook , ut Miller's Kcstuurimt , 1004 N. ICtn st. WANTHD Houaokocpor to act u ? night waiter. 113 North th st. IIH VrANTKD-A ffirl to tlo house work in : i > . .small family. Apply at 1112 South 13lh bt. 1)11 ) i\\ ; fANTii : ) flouJ house plrl with coed refer- 1 > eronccs. Mr * . C. A. Itliigor , 111' N 15tn bt , U3) \\TANTHU m iHdloi i gents to loirn olo- i > Rrniihy. Prospiu-tirood for position when rompctiint ; address W. J. I ) . , Uoom 1 , Crouru blk. Omnhn , ISO ANTlU-Otrl ( CO"8. 1'Jth st 170 \\fANTii : ) Olrl to work In kitchen at Dorun houEO 122 south IBth at. near St. Mury uvo. 175 \V"A.YIT.O A young nurse jtlrl for ono child , > t Apply to Mrs. H. J. Windsor , 2ilO Howard ubove "Jinl , 171-1 * D A young lady for salcjnonuui In store. Adlress "Murcliant , " Umnliii poatolllc'o , with city rcfcmnco. 13.1i LAD1LH wanting uood sorvnnt girls 01111 bo supplied by vutllnv t 11U North inih et. Crounao lllk. UP. Hollo-Isle. & )7 ) 3 \\7ASTIJD-A teed colored plrl , must bo > > competent. None other nued npply. Wages It. lii-'i.\.S2d EI , - . . . . . . .J ) Younir Klrl to lioln wash dishes , i i HWl Dnvonport atrc-ut im-\ \ " \\7"ANTF.I ) Oood K'rl ' imintdliilelv- 5.18 11 Virylulu aro. Good WUKCS paid. "V\7ANTiD : A competent nureo wirl None Vl other iici'd apply. HUM Furiuuii. 75J \V7ANTRU tllrl for Unlit IIOUSOWOIK who knows bow to cook ; Kood pay to right ono. Call ut 1701 Saundora hi. 85'J ANTKD Good cook and LiunJrcss. 203 N. uWJ 'ANT1U ) Lady stone raplier. Pcrnmnent position , flaclihio furiilslii-i ) Ifdt'slrod Accnnicy und pmpor punctuation preferred to fcpoixl. Must huvogoma knowledruot tltrurcs nnd writa Kood , pluln hand. No sluiperlnic miss with head tull of "fouluty" dotlroil. Must K'VU ' undUulrd attention to l > u lnost. Addrosa , Fivlnt , " aire , residence and reference , K If , Hut > o IV. cc. ICG \\7AVTKH A yoiinif nurseBlrl to tnkocaro of yuurold baby. Apply 2tJS Davenport eU . \\rANTKD-A nurse slrl , Apply utthe Fair , > &W South 13th etrcot. Wt 1 TT" " * i"T * * ' T r * * ? ? TT' ' _ * - J SITUATION WANTED. T\rANTED Sltii.uloii .us copyist or olt'.ep ' > I workliv yimiiif lady > the bus oad expert- enco Addri-ss F 27 Hou. 155 2" WANTKD Hypood Cermun eardenor. om- pie ) meiit by families ; understand * nil Kinds of ifutJcti wui-k : ' pecUlt > ot trimming of trou . Addrcji F . ' " 1 , live offlco 107 1 * \XTANTED-Situntlon ns stonotrrnphon cnn T > furnish mnchlne. Host ot refercnccl. Address F2J , Heo olBco , 15 * fi * \\TANTED-Situatlon hy n youn * man n na- i' slslnnt kook-iccepor , shlpplnu clerk , or would makn himself generally useful in store or warehouse. Host references. Addre s'Si \ , Ilcooflico. 1M3 \\TANTF.D-lly n widow lady , situation ns V > housekeeper whore kltchnit trlrl I * kept. Competent to tnkochnrcoot nlco household , Good reference. H72 , Ilco. WJ I * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. STI D Ailns of Nebni'kn , sound , lor 1 07 wv man , I l&south 15th St. 218 4 * WANl'TH ) Small furnished room , central. atato terms. Address F3C , Heo. 215 s" "ITfANTKD- buy n rood milk route. Ad- t > dress F al HCo ollleo. IM 7 * UANTin-To : buy , ii peed pcntlo lior.'o ; must bo dark bay aim one that u lidy cun drive. Call or address 211 S. lilt list. IQiljj " \\rANTF.D-Uy 4 Kontlomon , sulto of fur- 1 > nlshod parlors with modern convonl- cncos , centrally located , lloforencos frlvcn. Address F 00 , lluo Olllco 103 1 * " \VTANTRD -To Hcnt , bouse ot G to 7 rooms , t i Korxl location , with modorii conveniences , Fnmlly smnll nnd no clilldron. Address A , T. Austin , GUJS. 13th St. 14 ? 0' rpo OHADF.HS-lllds wuntud to oxcnvnto JL cellar for tmlldluir 13J\l'n feet on corner Jonosund Ninth st , John F. Coots. 1412 * WANTfit ) House orcottnso of rt or7 roomq. If you have anything to oiror , address F X , IJco ollleo. 1105 w AHtKDTeams , 303 S. llth st. IC9 WANTi ; ! ) To rent a house of It or I rooms with or without barn , In ( rood lucidity ; location to bo between 12th and 20th , nnd Har- ney and Viorco. Apply.Oco. Schroeder , 14th and Loayenworth. 815 2rt WANT KB To buy llvo to twenty acres In- side of nr near Omahn. ( llvo descrlv | tlon , price and terms. Addruss C.20 , Dee onicu. STORAGE. OMAHA StoraproVnrolioii9oCornor 13th and Iard Sti. , forstoratro of house hold KooiU and general morchnndlso at low rates. Advances nimlo ; Issue warehouse ro- coliits. It. It. switch at the house. Olllco 510 South lth : ; street and 130 . 1310 and 1312 l/.ard street. Tolophonn 602. M. 9. Uoodrlch. ' ) . - > m 2 ( ! FOR , BENT HOUSES and LOTS. " 17IOK HKNT Store In best buslnrB ) part rif J Omaha , tlrst class place for real estate and employment ollleo , tailor or barber. Hcnts chcnp. 1 month only. 001N loth st. 212 2' FOK HUNT Now n-rootn houso. modern Im provements. Imiulro J. K. IJarton , 2510 Capitol avo. 187 7 * FOll IliNT-100 : acres cultivated land and 20 acres hay land , lleludorll lii-os. 2IOS13tti Bt. 951 I * 7OH HRNT Irt-room house , modern convon- - lencof. 7 blocks from postolHco. llallou llros. , 151U Uou lan st. 178 3 "IjlOIl UKNT-Two brick stores on north J3 luthst. Warehouse on track , now brick on paved street. Throe now stores on south 13th st. .Moync , Heal Estate X-Trufct Co. , IBth and Harnoy. U3 FOH SAL15 Throe Tramo storehouses to bo moved by April 1. from corner lllth nnd Jackson streets. T. J. Hook. IGU'J 1'arnam. 105 _ 1 FOH KHNT-Llvcry and hotel. Address A. N. Yost , Norfolk , Neb. l fi ml' T71OII HUNT House of ten rooms und barn. JE ? B27 1'arkave , botwoun Kariiam st and Leav- onworth bt , hiiiilro at Dornn House , South IBtb near flattie of ( iuttyaburg bulliling. 1(13 ( you IiNT ( : Cottages , homo ? and store ? , all dcalrablo and well located , from tvi per month up. I , , llurnham , Uoom 1 Crolwhton lllock. 117 FOK HUNT 10 acres 3 miles from postollloe , suitable for market sardcn.wlll rent or Roll. Apply West Kurnlturo Co.riOJ N. Uth st. lilU T710H KENT -fl room house , city water , street J ? cars , 1 ' 4 miles trom 1' . O ; J2J per month. I ) . C. 1'attorsonOmaha Natl bnnit. 133 HAY privilege to lease on tlm Potwilor fnrip , at Amos , 7 mllcH wosforTromont. John GnlliiRlicr.IllT South 12th et. 412m9 FOIl llfiNT Slv new 8 room hnuac'j In A. P. Patrick's addition , about ll/i blocks from streetcar. Apply nt room 2 Ailing-ton block A. S. Patrick. 7'J1 mS FOH IlKNT If you want to rent n bouse , rail on llonawa& Co.opposite postotllct ) , 140 FOR RENT ROOMS. Foil HUNT Two nicely furnished front rooms with board. Kufoionces ro'iulrcd. 1014 Farnain st. 113 2 FOIl HKNT A furnished pr.rlor , warm : mod crate conveniences , with llrst-class board , for two gentlemen. Ibll Oed ost. ' .Mil FOR HUNT Sunny rooms , Blnglc or en sultr. newly furnisliud , with bonrJ ; pleasant liomc. Turms rorsonnblo. lloforonccsoxchitnvoil. KJ5 Pleasant sU SWJ 1 * FOH HRNT Two furnished front rooms. Gentlemen only. 1810 Uoilgo. 727 ml'J ' OH HF.NT Lunro front room with bay window ; also u smull room for Ri'iiiloinnn Modern conveniences , imjulroat U10 N , 17th street. 'JKi . ' 1 FOIl KKNT Nicnly Inrnlshcd rooms : boiiri- IITdoslrod. 113 3. 21 bet. Douglasnnd Dodsq. UCO FOIt KMNT 2 connected rooms , suitable foi foui'gonllemen. Hunt reasonable. 3IH t 15th st. 1UQ 3 * "TTioirTlKNT Furnlsuod front room , 171 : JJ Jackson. i:7.l > _ OH HKNT Two nicely furnlnhud rooms 1712 Douglas street. Til ) 3' EOlt HRNT Newly furnished front rooms slngloor en uulte , 14 N 17th st , 1'J.I ' 7 * EOlt HUNT Kurnl = hed room : rent renson ublo , and tiny boarders wnntod at 172 < l Cns : et. 16't 2 710H HI'.NT Tliroo unfurnished rooms con- vcnlunt for llicht lioiisoliooplnir to partie : no smnll children ; prmlcgo of from nnd buck y.uds ; cistern , city wntor , cte. Appl > h32 S , 1'Jth st. 201 ! F HUNT Furn'shod rooms nnd Iioiird , lil N nth 81. SJ 5 * 171011 HKNT House 5 largo rooms , Vlrglnm U nvo , Irslf blqck south of Loavenworth st , ilOH HUNT Vory'nleiHiint furnished roomln ' house with ull mudurti itnpruvoinenis. B07 N. 17th St. 1C1 1 _ OK IlKNT- very dotlrable newly fur nished parlor and 1 front Imminent room unfurnisiied. _ ni8JI8lhj _ 013 4 FOH HUNT It taluni immodlatoly , two hand- so ino unfurnished rooms ono block from lUth and UUh car hnuj , and only Si ! blocka Irom po lollic-o ; ulso nlcoly furnnhod rooms for rent. Only these who wish llrst-class rooms need apply. Address 1 * 13 , lloo ollleo. 0183 _ TOll HUNT Furnished room , $111 per month , -L1 _ Inijulro 1501 Cns * . _ _ _ _ 107 ! _ TilOll HF.NTHiindfeomcly furnished rooms. JJ ilodciucon\oiluncc ! . U-'O Nuith 15th st. _ _ i11. * ! FOH HE.VT-Fincly furnlshoTl room ut 7fli South 18th st 01328' _ _ _ _ _ HUNT Furnished rooms with boardT CJO N Uthst o _ TOH < HKNT-A very doslrnblo newly fur- X' nishud room , all modern convonloncp.s , Btrcol cars.25.'JI t.Mary8 avo. _ _ MS TT\OH \ HUNT Desk room in ploasunt su'te of -L' unices , hcbt location In the city. Address I' . U.wltli uuinaimd bujlness , liee ollloe , ft'2 ' 1 T OH UKNT-Nlceiy furnlshud rooms , S237 -U DodKobt , ull modern improvement * . H17 7OH HUNT Furnished room to goiitlnuia. 1 ImiuirautCU North 17th st. lil U HENT-2nlcu office rooms ut 612 B UUb Ltruot. TJ3 j-OU"llENT-Store room and No. 110 N. 14th J st. busujiif nt. 388 FOH 1IENT Two rooms , unfurniebed. for FF light houselcDupliir. laqulre WJ Howurd at. 374 F OH HENT-FurnlsheJ roomt. TUN. l th-7t 341ms. ' TOE , SALE HOUSES LOTS. G OOD IHtlO A INS - WH hnvq a few tiioTo lota In Mnttheu'K eabdlvlston of Cholcti in ouili Omnha. Thuy aio a good otir pnln. Plcrco A llo pn , room 5. Arlington Moca. " Jl\ HAMMOND ( leal Rstnto , Bnt door north . nt Douglftlon Uth , M , croiind Moor. There aroOthbr llnmmnnd'8 In tbo real rs- tnto businessunJ J. F , Hnmraond Is not niu- bilious to dp.thij ndrcrtlsimr furthecrowd. Don't go np nulrsi tbo Hnmmond you nre sooklnit is i the Mroot level , uot on Douglas street but JuSt tnind : the corner on 10th , .i i IMi'liiessProperty. . . . . - Fnrnnm St. . corner. 44x132. gilt eilKO , , . $ S.,000 Fnrnntn hot jlth nnd 12th , Improved. . . . flO.OOO Fnrnnm bet'lStH nnd llth. . , . . W l-iiiiiiim st ncnrlStli. 41x132 , Improved. . 22,000 Fnrnnm st cor Hiih , lxl3. M.O * ) Fnrnnm nnd atlfstfi ; xl3 ; 01,000 Furnnui st hctZOth nnd&M6il > i > . . . . . . . . 7/W FnrnaiU st cor 40tho.tl2 : , s and o front. 0,0 0 Fnrnnm cor 43d. let 50x150 , price 2uOO Douglas I.eHlltli . and Illh , 44x132 , imp. . . . 25 , W Doiijrlaseorncfinh.MxSs. price aWM Ihniglfts corner isih , partly Improved . . . 2r.ou0 ui'l 12lh nml 1'lth.Ux 35,000 Dodge , cm ncr ! 2thcOxl32 , pnrtly Imp. . M.OO Cnpllolnvo , north front. SGvno U.OOO Invcii | > nrtst , ! feet nonr loth.prlco. . . 2.W ( ) Dnvotiport * t.corner 17lliR8\12il SO.OKl Hiirnoy st , bet llth nnd 12th. linn WW Hnrnoy st botl.-.thnnd lOlh.ii lot : Oxl32 SO.OK ) HiiTiioVst.tOrncr loth , 4(1 ( 9-10x1,12 Z5.0X ) Hownrit bet llth nnd lilth , cor part Imp 4S.WO , tnck on st corner 12thfiilllotcuxia : . . 20.500 .1ncksonstcorl''thno\n . p'irt Imp. . . . 1P.WW .tones strorl-Vh , 13'feot on 15th Sl.'WO ' Joiu-SBt.cor lUth.Mxlt ; , rrli'0 40.WX ) 4th nnd nth sts.7 lots , 50x113 J5I50 In 875 Uthst 4 east front lluncroftat $1,200to. . l.H > 0 10th st bet Hickory nnd Ccn.COxUI 4OM 13lh st cor Lenviinworth , 44il20 EO.OX ) IMhst south of tmcks.ncoriiur Im . . . 7.700 IMhstbet Cvnturiiml Dorcas,35x157. . . E.-OO ' IBthst iryllt frontbvlGUft deep WOO Ifith nonr Hurtmnn , 10x140 , rents for JoO (1,010 ( 17th st house of ll loomslot "SxlSj 10.000 icth st nonr llarney , 41ft n front 7,710 HMIi stnoar Hnrney , 4(17-10x110 ( deep. . . . 10.000 aith st near Hnrnoy 72 foot front 1 ,000 20th st 2 lots near ll race , OfitllO each. . 4Vit ! 2l"tst near Sewntnl , I room house S,40fl 20thstcorlrnntni\lio,2fitory ( ( Rloro . . 7H10 ( 20th st nonr Vlnton st lot imxf.'H 2.200 Omfthn Vlnw llrlck house , 2 lots lOOtW. . 2,2lfl Ori-hnrd Hill pill lulno. coiner 1,000 oth nitd Franklin sts S lipuutirnl cottKS. 1,500 lurt st uct2lst nniU d 10 room houso. . WKM ) Uirt st nonr''Otli'.l room house 700 'nrk nvo. , oleifant residence , 10-rooms , 12,000 : iBt. , nonr Clark , now "i-room house3l'00 iVnlnut Hlll,2iluo lotsMixl.V ) ench iVnltlllt 11111,2 4-ioom hOHSes.lota unch -Innscom Plnco , 2(1 ( lots from Jl.fioo to. . Oramtnorcy Park , 32 lots , from $800 to . 7i\0 Ambler Place , lots from f7UO to IKO foutli Omulm lot in block 91 ; Improved. F.030 So'-th Omnlin , 2 lots in block ? Jj cash. . . 2.r < 00 South Omnhn , lot In block 7U 3WO South Omaha , lots In Exchnnno Placo. . M ) .1 , F , Hammond. 117 South 10th , ncnr Douglas St. FOH SAM' Two or three olovntorsi all tjood points on It. , St M. railroad. For particulars npply to Thomas Cochruue. box 65. Lincoln , Neb. J 220 8 _ _ _ FOH SAIiK Vnlunhlo proportv : West Mil- coin for cash. Cnllnt lid llird's stoioor .vrlto . P. O. box 6U , Lincoln , Neb. 221 8 7 < I.OlENCU-Lntsnnlr ( 200to J5W. Clark & F 1 French and J. II. Evans & Co. 171 S TT1O11SALK House. 12 rooms , and lot. 50x140 -E Ambler plnco , S.MOO. only f70U cash , fiato City Real Kstnto Co. , 1320 Douulas. 185 SKAT7. & CO , , 1511 rarnam su Corner 13th nnd Hurt 44 feet front , Improved 13.200. Capitol nvcniio bet nth und 10th St. CO foct front. 4 now houses , $12,500. Corner 13th nnd Iznrd , full lot , $5.150) . Corner 12th nnd Dodge rents for$3,0JO. ( 533,000 until March 1. Corner Fierce nnd 19th st rents 10 per cent on .pvostmont , $15,000. Corner Fnrnnm and 3181.109x132 , f 17.0W. Cholco lots In Orchard hill very cheap , $750 to J900. O VJ jCholeo residence lot DoiiKlns and 20th GoilJW , " Choice resfdfcn'ee lot-Slst st Just north of Far- nnm cnst ftontAJ3.000. Chciip lots in all parts of the city ; if you wnnt obuyorsellcnllon us. S. Kat1511 Fnrnnm st , down BtMw : B.J . . . . 9 now In the ni'irkot. For snlo by Clurjci : French nnd J. II. H vans It TV TAHSHALD * ' LOniJRK. 15Q1 Tarnlm street , Ail. members of Oinana Heal HMalo Kxchun e. Corner of California street und Twenty-third. 00\S(1 ( feet , oitsy terms. ; 0O . Hou oof clslrt rooms on Tivunty-third near Cass , GrtxRS foot , one-half cash , $5.'iJ > . Kiuht lots' Lincoln 1'Iaco , ono-thlrd cash ; S52j tof'M. * ' * \ ! _ > Four lota In west Cumlnss. easy terms , ? 500 5900 { . \.t Lots In ML Pleasant addition , easy terms , 30 o 459.S * , , v , i Acres v Twelve 5 aero lots In Spring Valley , $3iJ to lO ) iioi-acYo. . Also' ' 1-2 acre lots In sarao addltioa. All on very easy terms. Wohavo u hirso line of housns and lots on ourllst. and Invlto buyers to call and wo will show the property. .Marshall & Lobeck , 1503 Farnain Telouhono 7,1. FOH SAIiK Two lots In Kounl/ Spen cer Otis , 1317 Doiifflaa st. ' 32 ! IHOlt SALE 5 acres on very easy terms. 1 Lot In Amus place S Lot In Dlook 0'4 Bedford place 700 House and lot onltfth s > t. ono-ttilrd cash. . . IS.VlO Ixit in Klltiy jilaco , cast front UOO Lot in iJhiTldan place , U ) loot front on Loavrnworth st 1,200 llouao and two lull lots in Walnut Hill , oasytornis 2,200 , H , W. Huntress , 1509 Tin-nam ' LOTS In Greenwood , 50x140. Si'O : on very easy terms. Tor sale by Kuowold .V Hap rottill'J : S. IftthSt. 2053 VALIiEV , SPUING Ournow-nddltlon. AcrosJU'ito 40)pnrncr < ) . Near South Omnhn , And bydlcnto Hill. Harsh-all Is L < , 103 1503 Kuril im. TCTOIt SAIH 80 ncro tract , Improved , near the JC city , 112. " ) . per aero. Lots In Sohlosinzfr'siiddition ? 2jQ to iW. lNlloot,2 < th und Knrniiiniit n tiarvain. iOncroswostoC Wnlnut Hill cheap. ORll mid Invustlgiitc. Bclileihifior Uroi , till S 131 h t. irn in j SAI.U-fiiivlBJ on nun anil > mrcy , oii Improved , fS.MO. 14 cush. lull 2 nnd a yeiinu 3uto City Uoal ilstuto Co. , lUiO Doiiclns. ia"i HCUSKS-l.ot3.l''nrmsI.iinds-monax ) ionno.l. llemls' city niiipj , 5x7 foot , ti.M each , llamls , room : ! , Ilarucr block , S , W. cor. I5tn nnd Furnuin sts. 1 ' 'HlvT on'Oth St. , smnll hoiiso. very chcnp atSi'.WJ. Orulittin.Ci-olifhton hlock. iil.'J7 IIA UCJ A INS Two corner lots m GENUINE , only 4 blocks from Siiun- rior'nstrnotcarfl , W. M. Koom 10 , Uushnmii Ulocn , N IS oor ICth nnJ Ooualm. FLOHENCK Omnhn'a handsomest suburh Clark Fronoli and J , ] ! . Uvnns & Co , , soU ntfonts. 171 2 LHAVIINWOHTH 61,100x127. corner S2.700 _ _ 874 Gregory & Hadloy. OMAHAVIHW-fouch front lot with nit- 4-room bouce. Imv window , porchcH , &o now and well built , $1.700 , SI'lO ' cash. 88i Orosrory At Ilndloy. HOL'BIW LotsFnrm , Linds money loiiuod lloinls' city maps , 5x7 feet , f-,53 each Homls , room tt , llnrker block , 8. W. cor. intl and Farnain sts , 123 T\rASHINOTONBQUARK nddllion.on Slier- ' V mnu uypnue And pavoit Hlruiit , Is without doubt the nncstpltt'-u to build you u home in ullOmnhu. Alowclioica loia lolt fnintlnif on Mndlaou aiitlSmTinun nvonito , Kvory moilorn convonloiRJl utliund. Sewer , city water. KUI , pnvcdstrcit-fl'r.icc for lots. 51,703 to f ,50U each. J. U Blco A Co. .ngoiits , D51 LOHIJNOK IA > IS only E203 to $500. Clark & Fionuh rii IV. H. Kvuns & Co , 171 2 { j ' Tl | f TNBIDK I'llOPEHTV Wo have some Kood In- sldo property ut n bargain , Pierce i Itos- ors , 1511 Dojlgo gtrcet , SM TIBTyouvpTojlertywith us if you wnnt it * snlil , for yo moan hiislnoss , Plorco i " " " * , Uoom"i'Arllngton lllk. B-K . . HAlir-rTn ? onsy torins. some choice lots - > ' In Wamut Hill , all near Wnlnut Hill post- ollice. P. A. ( Javiu , Solo Agent , Koom li.llxdick lllock. 1 2 31 * FOH HAIlacroa , : on Rtato st near i'ntrlcL'ii tiuratcvu-dd. will sell cbunp. Gate City Heal KbttUij Cot , 1320 DouirlUB. IRA 17 tli si. nio-rpom brick houses near Cnss , all IniprovoiiioiHH. Sli/iM A few Orctiurd Hill lota ut a sacrifice. hirimm st. 6'J Inot witlii now lioujoj , neiir SCth enido , 5'Jo.ojj , rente fur ; Jll0 ! per mo. tiiiUmdld invvstnient. llth tt MxlUOnour JacKionst , gll.OO' ) for low days. Iowllnoncrc.4 adjoining Hlirhlund I'ark only $7f > % Clillon Hill lei cli ui > . Farniun et. iixlJirood liouae , 315,0X1 , near 20th H , Wo hnvo n splendid list of InM Jo property , aUo a fo\r bnrKJliiJ * In Hunscoin I'lnco and ull first clues HiiditloQi , Call mid look utour list. Mitchell & I.ajomnarck , 8l35 1518 UodtfO bt. Chuaplots Just look ut these Arllnzton. f 1,040 1'tlcH I'luco. * l , t ) ) . f'elhuml'i > j. Ivotto'e ltt ; 'wti. Ihornhur , IWD. Hood's a-i. (1.20) , Lincoln 1'lace , 600. Huwthornf , J9V ) . Hodto'd , 7M. ( UurllniiionU'liicp , $100. Meyer * , 11. r TiTM. . Hrown I'ark. JU& . t'ic tontl'JOO- 1'otter & fobb's , f 100. Grcyory .V Ilndloy , Itoom j land 3 , Kudlck'a block , U20 S. Uth St. TIT J. H001C , Heal Estate , 15 Fftrniim Street. JL An Addition of 12 lots , already plnttod , for a few day s nt n decided bargain. Will consider n trndo. 20 lots In Mnnhnttnn ful. , I'M ) nnd up. 6 best lots in best part Howllnjt Urccn.JKS ouch for nil. 1 of flno t lots In Ambler Plnco JflOO. 0 lots InUhornburtf 1'lnoo , f 530 oaoh for nil , Clioloo lot In Walnut Hill , with D-room house , barn , etc , $ JOCO. eoxldlon Plorco st. nenrMth. . Tflth25roora hoiif os rontliiff for J.15 i > or month , H .OX ) . l < ot on 2 th t. nenr woolworth , ivltn rlfrht to build $1OJO house , nnd pay ut $23 per mouth , j lot's In Mock "A" lloacrrolrn < ] < ] ,4 diiysonly , J2.WOfor both. Ixit li , block 89 , Pouth Om nil A , $700. Elotson Hnmllton st. In 9 * It to Walnut Hill , both for f I.VX ) . A bixruniii. 32-story T-room house' , with nil modern con veniences. I'i blocks from Snundors ctreot , n nrt'nmlngd , ? ; ) ,5K ( ) ! * see cixsli , specially ciio\p for fo.r dnvs , . ) now 1 room houses near eUcet cnrg nnd school. Kino south front ttKn ! , Sownrd nonr 29th St. , nrnrenrllnf , only $ ! . ) . SponkiitilcK Splondld corner , WxllO. with * room homo , on S loth st. $ ! ) , CGJ : will advance 00 per cent by Juno. South front on Hnrnoy st , f 1,000. blfr prollt In It. fklfeotfionton Snundcrs street , ncnr Hur- dett. i.otln Plnco $1,330. Plitdi'Oxl.Y ) , California st. near S.ncro.l Ilcnrt academy. $ ' , ' . i. a south front' , A. S. Patrick's mill $1,350 onch. 4 lots Omnlin Vlow. $1,000 to $1,100. 2 oed lots , I.ono's ndd..f l,0. " > 0picli. : ( ! M\100 fcot , nth st. and Jnckhon. TrncitnRO , 8-M.UOJ. nnd special tnr. lOJxl'ilon IBth nnd 17th streets , nonr .lones street , with < lame hniisp . Vine eitst front , 9 i5th street , nonr I.ouvon- \vort h , Lots on S 10th street , 5 lots , Dwlirht \ Lymnns ndd. , f ? M o'idi. Lois in lliiii'coni ) > huH' . riim lot In HlmohniiRli plnco , ( Z.'JiV ) . SO feel und liouso N 20th street , cable line , ncnr Charles , f J.ton. South front lot In Fosters ndd. , $1.1)10. 2 lots , corner , In 1'ostortf arid. , H.SUO. It ; foots .lull Bliect , near CaslHIniSl.GOO. . n llnost rosldunco lota In Chirks. ( St. Mnrys nvunuo ) ndd. Splendid lots In Itedloka snli. dlv. F > i ) fectsonth trout on llarney street , nunr 2Gth street. 5,500. 50x107. with house co.nlnir $ nOM , on Hnrnoy nonr 20th street , $ SuOO. A liarunln. T. J. Hook , 15'JJ l-'nrnnm. 1051 \V O. till 111 YKll-Hnrclnl llarprnlns > > 04x132 on llrlstol near Saundcrs , 8 front , 1250. ivixl.12 ncnrrrclsrhtoncollnrpon Cnss , f,1,000 , Lot on Culllornia near frclghton college , 2 lot's 00x12. each on Franklin ncnr King st , chool house , $ ir > iV ) und SI.'W. ' Sltenutlfnl o frontlet Kllby place $1,300. S south front lot A In A S 1'atrlcks add near aundorsst each $1,150. Full lot on Hamilton , opp. Convent. $1,700. 13. ! foot ! ( | Unru , truckage , n. of U. P. shops , 4,000. Corner 60x112 , near cur line , Patrick's add. , 2,400. Lots 110x140 on 18th , near Pnul St. , ? 5,000 , 1-0 ash , bulnnco 1 to 4 years. Soulli frontlet on Hurilolto St. , nonr fahur- mii nvenuo , $3,000. lluslnoss lots"xNl foot , with nlley on Satin- era street , near Hamilton , puvud , S120 fiont oot ; ciisy terms. Corner lot on CttmlnirRt. , paved , 51,000. 2 corner lots , s. and o. front , lu Foster s ndd. , near Snundcrs sticot , $1,500. Lot 00x140 on 17th , near Linseed Oil Mllls.ensy Tiusf4)0i ) . 10 acres Just 3 miles from P. O. , will subdivide rte 48 lots DOx127'S ' , Hint will eell Busily forJV ) o 8100 ; lies nicely , Prlco $ 10,000. Knsy terms. Improved Property. 5-room cottnso , now , full e front lot , ncnr red ' ' ' 'Nlco n'ow'cottnao , 0 roomslot 00x140. N 10th t.nonr LnKo. Cottiitfonnd lot 30x130 fton cnr line , $1,500. 30 ft. lot nnd cottniru on cable cnr , $ J,10i ) . UeottiuresO rooms'oacb In Shinn's 2d add. , ' 6-ruoin cottnire nnd full lotln Pmlnvioirln7. . Full lot und cottiirfo In Shinn's 2d add. , chcnp , 1.500. Cottniro nml lot In HogKs & Hill's add. near "atnani St. . $2ViO. Nlco oottnifo und lot , llog-zfl & Hill s ndd. , easy orma. W. G. Hhrlvor , opp. P.O. _ huniitlfiil chcnp lots in firconwood. SEHthoso by Unuwolil \ llarrott , 311's S. 13th -licet. -0.1 3 F .OKlJNCi ; Lots now in the market. Tor sale by Clark & I'runch and. ) . II. I'.vnns & 1" ! " . . CK Lois now lu the market. For JJ sale bj Clark & French und J. H. i\-nns : & Co. 171 3 " { T AltltlS llcnl i-5tato : and Loan Co. . J L if.0 H inth St. 2H ncres In CiinnlnjThanis add S'l.OO'i. Acre propoity to pl t est ol'stockjards. Aero propoity west of pnnc HuJford pmeo 10 lots from JfiSO to ? 100. 4 lots linker Plnco near Orchiirtl lull , fCOD to ff.'l. ff.'l.Lots 'n K'lhy Plnco $110 to $ lrM. 1 lot in l'arl.ei-3 add S..ODO. LoU In l'ru > ton plnco liO ; ) to 31,501. lloub'ciunl lot Cmiondon jilnco S4IOO ( , lloiixo nnd lot Cl ircmlon place , $3OUJ , 1 low In Dupont plnco 1,11 U. Lots in Ilnwthoinu gl.0)l to $1,500. Lots In Ilnwos $ Kiitn $ l , 00. In Hnrtimin's ndd. n linnriiin. Lots In Hansconi Plncolrai to fl.OW. 1 house und lot In Hnnscom Placo. f.,630. Jl iiiso nnd lot In llanscom Plnco , $ ' ' ,030. Kounl70Ith tidd , $ S,4M. 1 lot In Kount7u Placo. bnrtrnln , 51,800. Povoral nouses nnd lots in Lowe's add. llniii-o nnd lot on Nicholas street , cheap. Lot in Potter's ndd. Lot in P.ittco & CoDb's ndd. S Omnhn. Piopcrty In every part of the city. Money to loan on Improved city propoity. Abstract oi titles or Doiiitlnsoounty. llnrris Itnal Estate ii Loun Co. , formerly Har ris .V Harris. "M T > ATIICIv'S ! A II > 111x11)4. ) On apart of tills Jlot nro 2 double houses , louring the corner , 1x134 vacant , all for 85.BOO. ( iieffory > v Hadloy , 03 ! Rooms 1 and n , Hi'dlck blk,220 8 15th st "IX'ITH nil the InturtistH i-untorlnjr north , nnd > > lhe Inct that values linvo huun noulected horotoloro : that property lor imrks is olitalim- lili- , und thii city will ho compelled to KO In tills direction for thorn ; that the finest boulevards in ourhcr.utlfnl city can bo oxtundcd in this dliocllon , will convince the most conservative t lint Table Land lots nt $150 and 920' ' ) nro an In vestment that will propiuo for "tlio rainy day. " Ono-fourtli enfth , tmlnncn g * n month , tleorwe 31. Cooper , moved to 1511 Dodge ht. 184-3 FOil SAFiR AiJ-aoro : ) farm with house , barn and nrib , on the U. P. Hy.nnd only ouu- hair mlle from a ( joo'l ' nillwny town , with churcli H and schools. Prloo $3 , < )0) ) , Apply to Louis llrndford , cor. Oth and Douglas , Omahn , Neb. CJ1 I Ol'S in nreon ooi | , 50x110 , ? J2 ! ) , $15 cush. JJbnlftnco by the month. Kncwold k llurrott , ill I'S. ' . f-t. 20 3 iA VlWVVOia'Il St. Property. 1KI feet corner 31th 8t. , 13,500. ; > lotri,2J foot 1 rout , bet WOOD Park and Rcor- Bin uvo. , each fl.OJJ. ( is feet corner ( ieor la nvo , , 815.0JJ. 4(1 ( loot unproved , Ijotwuon llth and 15th bts. , rents tor fd1 ! per month , $ loi)00. ) 100 feotoloso to Holt Line , 1.600. DO footcloso to Holt Llne.SeOO. Holler ir Unnipbnll. room 1 , 1538 I'lirnnm. nS3 KA SLOMAN , Henl Rslato llrokor , 1S12 rarnunStri-ol. : rnrnnin etroot.'cor. IBth.uivlU- cnsh.S sfl,0)0 I'ariiamst. , nenr 14th,2 xii2tmprovod. : . Ili.O'X ' ) Fnrimm t.nearlfth,44x32 ] , Improved . 2.UOO Knrniini st , , near2Uih.2Jxllir. very clmap , < ) ,5U ] Knrnnm fct , nonrsitli. llBjxl.K . . . . . . . 35,000 Kiiriiuin st. , cor.3lat 8t , , IJUxlU , ' , aoutb and uast front . 17,000 Kuriuuii st. cor 4' > th , U3rVJ ) , H and o front , i 0 l irimm Bt. cor. 41st , 48x13- , * und o trout : ii' > iW 1'nrmtmst cor 4-'d,4lxl32.siiud w front : iixJ ) Harnoy * t near 13th , 82xiiu . n.MJ lluinnyst nuar 15th , 3lxl'U Improved. . IM.OJJ HiirncyHt , near 20th. 174x170. Improved. . ai.OM Harnoy at. Hoillck's tirovo , UxlJJ . lft)0 ) HuriH'yt nmirS'M. 40x132 . O.uoj DouttUsst. ncnrl2ili , 44xIJ2 , Improved . as.O < M aar lilih , 22x13. . H interest. u.Y)0 ) iipnr2Idn.lxiK : . 7,5'M ' . ncar23iliWxl32 . cor , 12th , MtlJi , improved , . . . Dodge si nour29th , W\tirc"J . . ' . . Dodsjost Iiiur2th. 40x127. luiproVfd. . 2.70) Jackson at. cor 14ihCflxl3J , Improved . 'J5.IU ) jHcksonat nunr l&th.finxISi , Unproved. 111,010 .lotioset cor. l.'ilh , iHxVti . 24.01) Howard at. near loth.UJxW , linpruwd. . HOH Lcnrenworth tt. cor , 2Ist , l vlll , Im proved , . . . . 18,5M Lnnvonworth Bt. cor. " 5th , 140x112 , tin- itrovoil . -5,003 IBlhst opp , M. P. and Holt Line depot , 14th st.'trii'ekut/j. Pud.ruolc'piuvo , BQvll2 ! l ! 0) Purk five. opp. park , SUxlV ) . I.K)0 ) Viijflnlaave. near Louvnuworth.MxUO. 2,001 ( ] for iuuvo , near Ml ploASUtit.MxIC'J.WJ 20th st. noortMarv's. . 40x120 , Improved W ) eoihst near Dorcas , HiOxliK ) , impioved . iAH 23tliBt near Doinrlim , : ) i tw , ImoioroJ . U.OOJ 15th Bt oor. Murth'i.COxUJ , improved . . 4'iO ) llth ft near Dorcas , ttlxlltt , improved JI.OOO IWth Bl oor. Howard , ( J.xr.M , 3 houeoi . 4/ > ' Plcrco ncurl' foutliont.2 iirooU. G.r > ' ) Hamlltun et. near Holt line , improve J l.VX ) 41st Bt. Just off Furnnm. t xia ? , o front . l.w nth -th ht . near I > nv < mport. IQOxl W . aaB Bonanl. ncnr iioth , m < t 157 . 1.1W 3Ut at. , near F juvenwoith , ilxldO . 2'MO 10th Bt , near dutollnr. J3S feet front. . . 4.5UO Othst , near Murtlm , slxlBI. uuruer . . . l.o-'X ) llurdtttost , near 20th , Kxl3on ) cur line 1,1 WO Hurt st. near Lowe ave. 51 I-2tl JJ . . . . 1,1(0 ( 25th , per , Popploton , 3x10 , Improved ir ' ' ) luvep ] > ort , near 21th , at l-3xl32.froprovod 4,000 Chicn o , corn r24th , 6ilxia-i , Improved. . H.UJT Mih , nenr I'ipilutonfjii27. ) imiirornd. . fi.cmo South Omuhu. Tot 3. blk&s , 63xli ) . JO Orchard HI II. lots $7tu to . 1,000 Hrown Pink , Iota f 51) to < * M ) Hodford PlHce. lotA ( fi-VJ to UdO ) Highland Park , loti oeoh-casb t * - ' Wnkoly udd. lets 67x150. oacb 4' i 25 acreii near 1'ort Oraulm.flncly Inprovel , . ; , OX ) * ftt.4 AMKS-Xo. ISOTFarnfim t. I fin want of n homo lee * over the tollow- Ing list , among which you will find several bar- In Splendid ft-room 6otnfr ( on Montana st. city wnter , barn ami trees $3,000. 217 Full lot , 0'i.xlJO nml 4-rooin cottage In Lowes' nrtdn. for ft row i > y nt f1,850. 145 Ooo l o-room hmu > o nnd flnolot in leune.t Selden's nddn. f 2noo. SAT 1'nst ' front lot SOxlMnnd now 6 room cot- tiiKcon Virginia ftvy , M.CW. 282 Ono of tlio tlnost house ! 7room niiilfull lot in Wnlnut bill. (3.000. S78 Fnst iiont lot 75x150 nnd troml * room house on South IHh it , & > 50i > . 2S9 llpntillful lott covered with fine shade tree * , nmlnKoodS room house on Pierce st. tt.ooa 281 Now 11 room homo with nil modem im provements , ( in California st , $ I2COJ. 331 The finest lot and A 1 coltnso on N. 2lst St , $ .1,000. , 323 Lot 1M\I30 , corner on floret ) st. with 4 hou.u-s , nothing bettor nt price , f'.OHi. ' a Now 4-niom liuusoon Kranklln it. , J1.500. 331 Two full lotd unit hirst ) house in Arms - s Iron IT'S nldllion.f lit.ouj. 331 Splcndtd lot with 2 small houses on Pacific st. nonr-'HIi , $1,0)J. fincros ( Improviul ) on west Cwnlnjr St. , vorv chonp nt ? J.i KX 57 Now house , modern Improvements' ' , on California , nunr 21th. ftl.VMl. ito-lo-room bilok house , dot D'j.vJlO ) barn , city water mid trce . This Is u choice house nml cloto to luislm-M center. Tnko nn hour tolnvr'tlfffito this If you nro look- IntC tor n liirKiiln. JK,0H ) . CO Corner t ! > \IJIi 1 with two good houses on 21th nmlPlorcn tit , tP,0 Hi. 191 Now 8-room liniisi ) on I'.irk nro. Itou 0 lias mantles nnd Krntos. City water , bath mill closets. Cheap lit f4$00. Z93-Ltit OU140 nnd 7-room hoiibo. with iws , city irator nnd Kood barn. On lorust nvontlo. ? 7.rnw. 03 rull iDt.Cflxlaj , corner on Chlcnwo M.wllh bulldltiRS tlmt rent for J2,400 iicr ) cir. A wood Imogtinent lit f-M,0 > l. 396 rull lot nnd C-room cottage InVn1nut Hill , ? i. H 05 Su Hill loli nnd lion' cottnRo In West Side , only eS.JW. ; 3C South front lot nnd irood .Vronm house In Lowo'B ncldltlon , f2XKl. ( 12 Full Iot,00 < il2lnnd 4-rootu housoln Slilnn's mlilltlon 52,100. 55 Cholco lot In bile 10. llnnscom Plnco $1.800. Jl 3 acres on North loth st , south of the fair ground , fl'J.UJO. ' 39-3 very line lots on corner of 20th nnd I.iiUc .streets , tU.-.W. M I'lncBlconii'r , loiD3x7l ! , on Hamilton Bt In Sblnn's nddlllnn. ? ,750. 47-In blkiMllliPliU ) No. ' . ' , very tlno lot , $1,800. IS-Finest easMiont lot on Fnlrvli-w st. 51 Finest north-front lot , 110x174 , on Hurt st , ono hlock onst of Convent , J4.000. 10 acres nonr Fort Omnhn , f 1,201) . J-Lot3 , blk 10 , 1'arhor'a iiddltlon , lot covered with fruit nnd slmdo truos , t2rJi ) . "OS 1'lco corner on Lowe nvonue , ulso oasl front In Summit iilnco. 333-Cor lot lidjHO wllh.l hoitseJ , on N 19th St. llllf drlvout f7,500. 35 Vull lutlVJillO with two lio\ioi rcntlnir for ? 'iO ppr mo on N l th nrur 1'uul st , JO.D'JO. 301 Lot with two hoiiBos In Arbor 1'lnoo , coed Investment , fu',000. 101 Lot40x120 iind frioom cottn o in Arbor I'lnco.Jl.fiUO. 3rtS rinorcslitiMieolot 1IKX132 on St. Mary's nvo , flS/iOO. 172 10 room inmso with modern ImtintvomiMits lot OOxVa on IJiniat no.irV'OtliS'J.OOO ' , Vncant lots in nil parts of the city. 10-2 tlno lot" In Himscotn place , hlock 19 , for tlio two f 1,0KI. 11-fi bust lots on Ciimlng at in Walnut hill , the bunch for 57.500. 13-Kino corner on 1'nrl : nvo$3 OW. 28-Cliolee lot In HIIHIdo No 1. ? I.W1. VJ-Ono ot the Illicit lots In Sunny Rldo. $1.600. > 7-(3ood ( lot in Isixno .V Solilon'it uddltlon , two blocks north of Loiivonworth. $1,600. 184 B very cliolco lots in Woit Sldo ; for the entire - tire lot If tukon by Mmuli2 , $2'i : > 0. 05 5 cholco ucros in Ifonlluld. 12uOO. * 073-7.unOO In I'urk 1'lnco , 82.TOO. 093-2 lots 111 West Ilnd.cor. Uodt'O nnd MJ sts , on cast slope , ? : i,7r > 0. 09n 3 of the llncst lots In Houscl Si Stohhln'a nil- illtion , fl , < WJto S1.750. 700-Very line lot In blk 17 , fnclnjr Ilauscoin 1'iirk , Si.WO , 710 Sovernl voiy flno lots in HlRliliuid I'lncc , Kllby 1'lncu anil West Oinnhii. 717 Clioloo lotou Hamilton st. In llosorvolr iid- dltloti , Jl.lftl. 72.1 A few very choice nci-P1 * in Newport. 723-100x1,10 in Ilinlnmn'a additionon II. Sc JI. nnd U. 1 . 11. H SG.TO 7J3 Tu-o of the lhiL" < t ncius In I'ruU's sub-dlvi- blon , for the two , $ . ' 1,200. 733-fl very flno lots In DwlHrln & liyman'fl nd- illtion : nllhiii-KBins : $ ' ( ) to * oo. 737 l.'Olbet oniHixtost. ill Omiilni View ; this ciin't bo beat ; S..UVJ 741 TH-O South front lots In Lowe s ndditlon , lllk. M , f2 , 00 Ames' Koiil llstnto Aironcy , 97ft 3 No. 1507 I'urniim btroct. \\71TIlnlltho Intcrosts centering north , anil \i the fact that vuluos have liui-n nvKlecli'il horctoronc tlmt property lor pnil.s Is olitivliia- lilp , and the city lll compelled tope In this irortlon for tliom : that the llnr-st lionluviuils 111 our lipiiiilllnl city can bo oxtundod In this direction , will oonvlnco the moit consul vatIvo that Tnblo Land lots at $150 and t"M are an in- vc-tmcnt that will prepare for "thoialny day. " Ono-touith cuflh , balnnco S'p a month. ( > ooiio M. Cooper , moved to 1511 Dodtro st. 1H4-3 B OWL1NQ Olir.EN. Illoeks 17to3i , the lie * ! pnrtof llowllnpr Green. Tlio cheiipc'-t propi'i ty on the miiikct. ! 5 mlle fiom llunson car line , fi-ucio lots per acre f.Wl. S's ' lioro ln s nor aero $ > 50. Acre loin SOOO. Loto 50xIJ7 on Hamilton stri'et J175 to $ .3i1 for corners. Vull commission to agents. Ont plits. Marshall Is Lotiock , No , 1509 rurnam. Tolophono73. 101 HODSUS Lnt8FAriii9Lnuil4 inonoy loaned. Homifl' city mips , (5x7 ( foot , * i.50 each , lloinls , room ! l , llurker block , S. W. cor. 15th MidKnnuunsJs. ' 2S7 Foil SALV.-Illff bartnln Walnut Hlll.'lloufii n-rnoms , Rood well anil barn , lot 50x150 ft only Jl.tOO. Imiulruut Nolll , Coin ad it Hunt's feed store , near depot. Walnut Hill. 010 4' FLOHKNOU Omaha's handsomest suburb. Clark \-French and J. II. Uvnna &Co. , solo iiBcnts. 171 2 TKHOMIJl'AHK. v Highland Park. Lots fronting rarnam street. Grotrorv irlladloy , Itooim ! andH.IloJIck block , ! KO S. 15th Ht. IW1 PLOKIINVB Lots now in the mnrkot. For sulo by Clurk & Fruiich and J. II. I'.vnm it Co. 171 2 _ WISH PAIIMHLK , 150) ) Furiiairist. Offer tliosjhnitfulns to-day : 1 corner Gooiirja nvo. nnd Dupont ? l0' ! ) . 7 Orohurd hill , choice lots civcli ! ? sV' , House and 2 low. tiauiidurd Hi Himob.iunli's1 ndd. to Wnlnut hill f-J.'WO. 20 Finest lota In Clovordnlo , tmr i Ins. l-'ine lolH In Kllby placo. cheap. Finol 1-2lot John I llodlck'a Sub dlrUlon , Scholco lots In Mnynos udd , , each $ ' > JX 2cholcij lots Fnirmoiint place. 1 aero best In liulvudero , bnrjrnln 83JJ. ) ! lota.letter's addition , ouoli J70J. DJotnMt DoiitfliLK.oncI ; $ r > V ) . Slot.s South Uv. place , each $501. 3 Brown I'nrlt. bargains ouch $ < VJ. ' 2t lotscholcf , in Vntos ft Hoiiipul'8 U'ldltlon , 10 acre * H mile south ot Hnrrls .V Patterson' Annex' , extra nlco. chorin und easy terms. A line list of western lands for sale , or trndi for Omaha propnrly. _ , 400 iicros Highly Improved , Suundora Co. , sali Or trnile. 115 feet front on IfHIi strsot , Lnst , not least , oarnar on F/irnam $4i,01l nna many others , IfiO'J Farnnm , Wlsu und Parmelo , _ J77 FIN F.ST corner In Bhull's'Jd add. . f'J.IW. easy terms , tor few iliiyn J. M. liuchamm x Co. , 14131'uninni et. ii4fl ] jl6"ll HAl.ii "ftl2 aero furra in llnrailon ! Co , Neb. .2 miles f i m KOOI ! NhliipiiiK point ; 150 nrrcsbroken. Terms easy , Harrison , Am * bier d Woolloy , It. 2iOmulm ) Natl bunk U-ft FLOHF.NCF Lois only f WO lo f 500. Claris Ivans.VCo. ! 1712 rTWACKAOK-Corncr 102x1,12 on 13tli st. , near JL C. Ht. P. M XO. lJOiot | * XOJO. ) 4 liouacsildvr rentinif/or $1,71 > JUT yor. UioBoiy & Hu'lloy. Kb nOUSHS-I/3isFurmsLin'l9 ' money lounO't ' , llumls' rlly mitps , 5x7 foot , ii 50 eiu h lletnlH , room ! I , iUriier block , a. W cor. 15th und Furnum sti W ! AI'INB lot in Arlington for 91,050 , f4')3 cash , balance 1,2 and U j cnrs. Orojfory Hadloy , Jloom 1 nnd3 Hccllck lilock'I.MS. 15th at. | 171 FOILS' , ro.d oetutu. 317 aoutli 'J loth st. Avropropiirty , loU la all PHI-IS of city. Choice lots Lincoln Place. Hariraln MX Meor. Cullfornln and -Id , 111 ml Bid MONKV-ln nil of tlio lollowlng bar- nnlin : Corner l th and.Iuckson , t n,001. , Corner California nnd Mth , IninrovRd. fS 41 ft on UoiiKlHB , Iiuprovciili4i.0u0. ) 30 U un Cumins nnd 2Jil , JO.V.'O Corner IKth ami bt. Murj'e. Improved , ! -7.0W ! , ltolfor.1 Plocetor J 50 to 8SW. Two choice cornord In l.owo's , very cbc&p. Flno corner In Klrkwood , a hnriiulii. Choicest corner In H. V. Kiaith's uddltion , 13.'xl40-a rnro Ij.iitraln. 75x127Shlnn'a let nddnoar Hamilton st , suntli front vriy choice und uluup. HluKiint lots , Improvxd und unimproved In Hnnscom Plnrp , Oiclmrd Hill , fil e'8 , Ouk Chat- am , Plvlinlcw , Ok ford Pl.ico , Capitol add , Improvcmnnt Asiociutlon udd , UrclKlilon lU'lk'hts ; Mtlrojo Hill nnd In all other additions. LnrgolUt of irai.-lntc ; urn warehouse prop erty. residence property In South Omaha. Choice acres for subdivision near the rJty. List your propi-rty with in. Wright . ' . burv. cornar. under Paitou hotel , W& 2j HOU3K3 Lotsrarrast4ind moner lo no lionuV oily mnp , 6x7 feet , $3.50 ono llomK room.1 , turkor blook , S. Wi cor. 13t ( nnd Knrnmn sts. 11 TrfUU3K--lOt-arm9L < inds monor lonnodl JLJL IlomU' city map' , < it7 foot , $ J 5) > Phf namls , room 3 , Darker block , S. W , cor. 15tr nnd Knrnnni _ ts. 12.1 d > 5,000 rosulotwoon St Mnry's ftve with cor lol U > ISXxISV onlr $1 .M1. This l the chonposl plecooftirsi-clnsi Inside properly on the mnrl Kfit 074 Orocory A tlfldley. ATTu N5"Tii South'Oinixhn Tiylfnowold i w In the market. To | sale by Clark & French and J. 11. Uvnns , 171 3 " \\7tlH nit the InteiroMo centorlnirnoith , nnl ' ' tin' tact that values ha\o been nvKlcotcl hprctofori1 ! that property forparknU ootnlnit ble , nnd tlio city will ho csmpollcd to RO 111 tlill direction lor them : that the linen boulovnrdi In our bountiful city can bo oilondod in. thll direction , lll convlnco the nio t connervhtlvl that Table Lund lot * at SIM nml $2 ! 0 nro nn III voMinont that will preparofor"tho ralnjr < lftjr. | tino-rourth cash , balance ? .1 n month 0 v > rc | M. Cooper moMnl to 1511 Dodfto st. 181.3 | JKItOMK rutk.UxlRT. Fine lot fl.WoT B74 OroRory& liadloy ' ; - , , \ , - loaned ! Hi-mis' city mnp , 5x7 feet. $ J 50 each ! llomis , room a , Ilarkor blook , 8. W , odr. 15tl mid Fnrnntnsls. 287 _ _ _ _ _ 1.1 Ol Sis : lotsFarmslaiiils-iiioiioy lonlioill .1 L llcinls city map' , .1x7 feet , $3fiO oachl Itciiiis , room 3 ilarker blook , S. W. cor. latl nnd Kariinin. _ 12.1 I HOlTSKa-I ) tsrarm9Lanili-mon'jy ( loanodl lloinls' city map < , . * > t7 fcnt , fJ.r > 0 Cnohl HcmK rouin.n , llnrkur block , S. W , cor IMIl nnd r'arnam sts. 28T n Ol7si5S loanodl Hcinls' iMty maps , fix' toct , $ ! , V ) onehl llotnls , mom a , llarkur block , S W. cor. 15111 and 1 arnRtn ota. 2)7 ) F.Oltr.KCi- : now In tlm market. Kol sale by Clark & French and J , 11 , Kvans . CO. 171 3 Frobato Notice. JN T1IF. MATllJU of the cstnlo of lloscnnnl Slaveudeoon-ed. I Nollce Is hurobv Kivou , that the creditors ol Bnlil docoif-od , will iiiuot tlm administrator ol snid outnto , buforo mo. oounly Judiro of DouulnI county. Nebrnskn , nt the county court room , III mid county , on the "Mill dny of Apill , 1f87oil I lie " 81U day of .lunii , U87. and on the 211th dny ol August , l87 ! , nt 10 o'clock n. m , each dtiy , foil the purpose of presenting tholr claims foil examination , ndju lment nnd nllownnco. Shi innmhsnronllowod for creditors to present thohl claims , und ono your lor the administrator til pettlo mild ustute , trom tho2Slh day of February ! issr. This notice will bo published In ihu Omu | hn Dnllr line , for four weeks successively prior to the 2dlh dny of April , I8S7. J. 11. MuCULLOCII. County Judge. 1111-8-15-22' ADDITIONAL COUNOIL BLUFIS- Transfers of Kcal Kstnic. The following transfers of real estati cro yesterday liled for record with th otinty recorder : I David Hrown to S ( loldstolti , ) lots ID nut 1 blk 'JO Hows' .snb-Sl.OOO. K C Durant to N U Uowdrr , lots 7 nnd 7 bll 8 IlhliUn's swd-SMO. W W Farnain to .1 I1 Connor , lots 4 5 nnd Ik I ) Brown's-SlM. 1 Kdwnrd Komotcn to K G 1'ayunclc , lotObll Jackson's SI. .lnlla.Imt.snn to WV Donrborn , lots 33 U 0 blk 47 Hrown's n c-Sl.OOO. J J Slicnlo William Jiittcr , lot 12 blk 1 Iryant & 0 3175. ' 'I ' b lloset ) to I'eiry Keel , UftJi uwV 13 70 44 SCOO. S M Walters to S Jioscn , ne' nwVfl37i54 -sr.000. Jliclmol O HiirUc ( o M .1 Kelly , lot 15 blk t lyntt's-fcl.OOO. ' John Miimlt lo.lflin U'cber , n ) now > Kll/.ntcth ) U Kllnu'tn ( ) lllcur it I'uscy , no > icjf 7 71 434 \ \ \ n\v > 4 S 71II ! nwJi noK 8 74 4 ols 0 ! ) anil 10 Crounwood's add 512,000. , AV Sli'ilcntnpf to James U Smart , lotlObl Olciulalc S.'iOO. S Wood to 1' W KiGdoiickson , swjf so i 4 : ! ' . ) - SHIN. John Drlscoll to W A Dull , n ) < inv > 4 * noj Jlaithn ! Cooilull to AT Fllckingcr ; Iol3 M iiul is blU 2o Hiown's-Stoo. II Ollict'r .t I'usoy to X t' DodL'o , trustee Jot i--'lniul I blk 17 ( Crimes' and pntt ot lot 1 blk 15 und jmit of blk 1 j Hayllss' 2d q c-Sl. Tlis Ijnst Cirrinoc. To-day is tlie last for rt'gistRi'lnji ' L'hoso whoso ntiuics arc not enrolled to lay cannot vote. It niaj' bo of interest t to know that the old-thno rule re K a residence of ten days in thovot lireciiu't is no longer In force. Al hat tlm li\v : requires is that tlio vote shall be a cilixen of the United States , : csidcnt of the state for six mouths am i rchidcnt of the county for sixty days lo is then entitled to vote , provided ho i ; registered. Those who move from oiu | ward to another need not lose their votes > roviiled thoj { let registered in tlio wan n which tlieir actual rc.Hidenco is. Then las been a lijriil registry , and niiiny citi .ens who oitfjrht to express tlnsir wifehes ii ftie coinini ; city election and vote lor im lirovement and progress will lind thoni ielves unable BO to do unless they rcgisto : to-day. No citizen should nc icct till : duty. _ _ Happily .lolnoil. Last evening there was an elegant bn | ttnostenttttious wedding , tlio contracting puilics being Mr. Oscar Keelino and Mis ! Walker. The ceremony was perj formed at the residence of tlio bride1 ; paiY.nts , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. It. Walkurl Tlm company wa.s limited to tlio relatiyeil atid intimate friends. Miss Walker luiij been a reat favorite in the social circlol of tlii.s city , and Mr. Kcolino , eon of Mrl Ge-orgo Kelino , is u young nmn of slcrling qualites and excellent basinos.1 } ability. The young folks start out otf their double jotirnoy with bright pros poets and many well wishes. I'orsonal J. 11 Dietrich is reported ns on thij sick list. i John W. Sullivan is the proud faihoil of n now huiiy boy. Mrs. Ford , who lias been very ill some time , is conMilorcd past ull hope ] and the cud is daily expected. Will Owens is now with Sargont I'usoy , the slioo ninn , after being in the ] employ of J , L , Formnn thu past fouif years. Jrvin Parsons , who for the past fotuL years has bison in the employ of Vnil Hrimt , Thompson it Co. . has accented i ] position in the First National bank. I .S , K. Laraboo , of Deer Lodge , Monti n prominent li"n > omun and slock man I was hero yesterday locking over the citj In company with \Vado Gary , lid IMV.I just bought a line Morgan stallion al nlanning , la. Chnncn of Dummy Train * Ycstuniiiy the dummy train time tablil between Council llltills and Omaha wul changed , and the trains nowlcnvuliroadl way. ( 'aiinuil lUnll'd , iw below ; UDp. : 7:40 : ] I ) ; ! ! ! ) , 10 : 5 and 11:10 a.m. ; 1:30. : 3'30 | a IK ) , 4 UO , , r .aO , 0'aO ; , 7:25 : , 8:40 : , 10:35 : antl 11:40 : p. in , Klectrhi Liistrn Starch is conceded tht | best in ihu world. Neuralgic pain is usually of an mj tensely blmri ) , cutting or burning uliaraol tor. To.elli'1't a speedy und pisrmancnv euro rub thoroughly with Salvation Oiljj the groatubt paln-uuru on earth , conta. When n man iu ill he should send for ; , doctor at once ; but when ho lmn n couplt or : i soar thioat he netida only Dr' UuU'f Cougli Syrup , 25 COIILS. ilolin Iti'owu JiiryiiHin Dyliiir Off1. HaltimoroSun' Thomas W Osbourn , il well-known citi/.en of , Jcilerson connty.l M . Vu. , died hibl week. Uu was ono olT tlio twelve jurymun who tried Johu lirou-ii in 18.V.I. lie is the third mumbcil oLtliat jury who I ins died within thu past ! ( dx months , the two others being laaail JJiirt und -Jaculi J , MilltT. Thoru is no\\r but one man living who was on thu iuv.v tlmt found John ISrown truilUVilliai