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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1887)
SIXTEENTH YJfiAB. OMAHA. TUESDAY , MORNING. MARCH 1. 1887 , NUMB1SK 250 DOINGS OF THE LAWMAKERS , A Stringent Anti-Gambling Bill Passed by the Senate. SALINE LANDS IN THE HOUSE. Tlie Measure Authorizing Certain Snles Considered niul Hotly Op * posed llcnsons Kor the Delay ol' tlio Oinntirt dinner. Honntc Livcoi.N , Neb. , Fob. 23.-I Special Telc- giam to tlio Hr.i : | The "antl-nambllng" bill , which tlic senate passed this morning , makes pla > Ing nt any Ranio except billlat'ls n felony punishable by line and Imprison * ment In the penllontlarv. There Is also n section making It n Many for anybody to keep any gambling house. This bill Is liter- nlly ncopyollhoChurelilliiwoantl-sambllng bill of two years ago , which wns pigeon- lioled alter the blackmailers had been bought oil. oil.Tho senate this morning waived the reso lution piovlotisly adopted prohibiting the In- tioiluctlon of bills. The now sixty- day law fixes the bill limit at foity days. A low bills were lead the second time. Mr. Snell's bill to prohibit uamblliiit in the sum of live cents or more , making It a penitentiary oirense , came up for wastage. When the vote was being t.ikeu Mr. Snell moved a call of the house , which carried. Messrs. Linn and Hoiiestci-l were absent. The sergcant-at- urnis locked the doois nnd boon returned with the absentees. The \ote resulted In the passage of the bill. The semite then went Into committee of the whole , nnd took up Mr. T/scHnck's bill relating to the election ot county commls- nuuci.s In cities ot dllfcrent classes , llo ex plained the bill and moved Its recommuida- tlon to pass , which carried. Mr , Lindsay's bill to provide n system of revenue cnmo up. It provides lor the re covery of taxes paid under Illegal levy or cr- loneous assessment as elton happens. It was recommended to pass. Mi Uurnlmm's bill dedicating two acres of land to school district liltv-ono In Lancaster county was recommended to pass. Mr. Hurnham's bill relating to the validity cf warehouse receipts , making them negotia ble without recording In the county clcik's oHleo was favorably recommended. Mr. Mooio's bill piovidlnu an Incumbianro book In the cleikvs ollico ol tlio district court , tor keeping a iccord ot levies of ex ecutions or attachment under Judgment found in other counties , was iccommltted to the committee on Judiciary. Iti-ccss till 2 o'clock- . ArmiNoox Rr.-vsiox. At 2 o'clock the senate again wont Into committee ot the whole. Mi. 'l/schuck's bill establishing lees for county commission- L'is was amcnaed s > o aS to hx the salaries of such olliccis in counties ol over 0,0 0 people nt Sl.KX ) perjear and iceommended to pass. Mr. lleaitwell's bill pinvldlng tor the erec tion or otherwise ol amiltable court hoube.iall and otlicr necessary buildings , and for that purpose to lionow money and issue the bonds ol the county to pav the same , no building to cost more than S1.500 , without submitting to a vole of the puoplo ; to provide btiitablo looms and olllces lor the several courts of reeoid , countv board , clerk , treasurer , sher iff , clerk district comt and county attorney , and suitable lurnlture therefor. Mr. McNamar mo\ed to amend by exclud ing count ) attorney , upon the ground that such attoinoy usually has an olhce. Mr. Fuller opposed the amendment , stat ing that the county should have such an of- lice In which to keep the pnpera and lecofds belonging to the causes In which thu county Is interested. Mr. Lindsay also opposed It , statins : that the county nttoinoy in bomo cases wai elected Irom a town not tlio county seat. The amendment w as lost Mr. lirovvn's amendment providing thai the county attorney shall hold his oltlro at the county seat , was adopted and the bill was reeom mended to p.iss. Mr. T/sclmek's bill to amend an act to authorl/c tlio county board ot any county in which a city ot the hrst class is situated to grade , pave and otherwise improve loads leading thereto was considered. It empow ers the county board , whenever the condi tion of the road fund ol said county will wai lant It , to Improve roads leading and adja cent to cities litty feet or inoiu In width , two- thlulB of the cost to bo paid by the board am one-thhd by special assessment on the rea estate abutting on said Improvement. Mr. lirown opposed the bill because ho thought such proposed Improvements should bo submitted to a vote ol the people. An other objection was that Inasmuch as the bit was designed for Omaha , the unccitainty of tlio passage of the ehaiter bill would i-onio- what prejudice the success of the bill iindoi discussion. Mr. MeNamar moved that the woik "pave" bo ht ilolam out. .Mr. Kobblns thought the art would glvo al together too much power to tlio county Doaid The Dill was recommended to pass. Mr. Uiown's bill relating to the assessment < it pioporty tot ro-id tax was recommended to nass. nass.Mr. . Hrown'H bill to amend an act cntlllei "Frauds" was considered. Thoellect of the bill is to makoevoty chattel mortgage Invath as against the creditor after expiration o live years Irom maturity. It also provides that such mortgages may bo leturned to iho per.son Iding or destroyed at the c.xpiratloi ot the time specltied. Mi. Kent moved that the blllbelndeQnllel ) postponed , which was adopted. Mr. Mooro's bill providing that the owner of any land sold for taxes may redeem tin same nt any time before a deed has beei Issued theieon was recommended to pass Mr. Lindsay 'n bill relating to mares am their mogeny was taken up. Mr. Vandunurk moved to amend by strlk Inn out the emergency clause. Mr. bnoll wanted every part of the bill to Maud. The bill was recommended to pass. Next on llle was house roll UIU , providing that the ( turn of S&O.OOO bo appiopilated oui of any mono > s bcloiming to the temporary university fund , uot otherwlHO appioprlateu for the erection of a builillng upon tin ( 'rounds of the University of Nebraska , a Lincoln , to bo devoted to thu practical am M'lenlillc Instruction ot the Industrial dosses In the various pmsiiits of life , and foi the leaching ol those biaiieho.sof learning whlel aio i-luted ( to agriculture and the mechanic ai Is , thu moneys appropriated to bn cxpondci under direction ot the board ol regents. The bill was lecommended to pass , niter whicl the committee arose , the icpoit was adopted nnd the senate adjourned. CAN bKi.i , TIM : roon KAIW. Thu governor has signed house roll 17 nuihmUing i > .v1e of Douglas county pee fiim , upon terms of onu-lhlid cash am balance on time. Dolnuf ) in thu IIonNe. LINCOLN , NeU , Feb. 2b.-iSpeclaI Tele- Riam lo the UKP.J-A resolution wasolTcred to thu eiri'ct that all persons not members of 111 house or their families be at once required to leave the lloorof thu house , and that the scr grant ut arms bo ordered to enforce the rcso lutlon , wns summarily tabled. The house went Into committee ot th whole , Mr , Alken In the chair , and prococdoi to the consideration of bills. Thu bill to pro \ luo for a stale Inspector of oils , was mule consideration. It iccclvcd a largo nmoun of adverse criticism ami was opposed espec nlly - . Ipoiously by Mr , Haiku d. 'the bill wa linally repotted with a U'cummcudatton ' tha It should pass. The bill to authorize the stile of land owned by the state hcrelotoro leased undo hpeeltic law , called Mr. Miller to his leot. II Kiiilitvuis daniroious for thu boiistj ( o be placed In the attitude of opposing law s vvhlcl they did not undcraUiid. Tvvq > iara am turtles caiuo befoie the legislature and askp ( lor : v lease. Now ( hey want to buy the lands. lti v would IMI very nincti more valiublu li ten vears lience and it would be foolish t tell tl.em now. Mr. Hlef s.Mit th&t tlio law permitting th lease of U.o l.uul about thu salt Hiring wa .Sow a symlicatu was on tbellooro Uic hvU'e eiUcavoi tig to secure iho privilege to purchase this land , lie hoped the bill would not piss. rending discussion the committee arose and the house took n recess until 2 p. in , . In the afternoon the special older , thenp- iropuntlons lor charitable Instltu- Ion , waspostponcd till Thursday mopnlng. Mr. Watson's house roll 107 , providing for ho transfer of all the maps , records , and all ithcr papers apperninlng to land titles \lthln tlio state , Including all surveys made indertho authority of the United Stales , of amis In Nebraska , and now In thu ofllce of ho late siirvojor general of the state at 'lattsmoiith , to Hie ollico of the secretary of state lor safe keeping , was read a third line and passed. Mr.bmjlh's hou o roll tOQ.provldlng for the layment to Patrick O. llawes , ot Omaha , SV0 > fortheeollecting of claims of the slate it Nebraska aralnst tiie-governmont of tlio United Sl.ites foi the suppression of Indian lostiiitles amountlni ; to StS.u l.'A was read n thud tlmu and passed by a vote of 77 to 0. Mr. llelmrod of Douglas county did not vote. vote.Mr. . Uowman's house roll''O , appropriating 5ib7l ; for the purpose of paving lor the pub lication of the constitutional amendment , submitted to tlio people ut tlio general elec tion In Ihhfl. VMIS parsed. House loll 110 , defining the dutlesof comity commissioners as to levying ti\es , keepliu court house and ollleo * in icpair ; Isnnng bonds , pnbll lilng a tecord of every meeting In one ncu.spiper ot the county at an ex- lensi ! ot not less than one-third of the legal into of advertising ; making in January an estimate of annual expenses and suing paitlc.s lor wlllul destruction of county prop- rly , was read a third limp but failed to pass ! ) > a votool It toSs. Messrs. Whltmoro and liuimrod voted In the negative , Mr. Andres not vothiir. Mr. Marshall's hcmso roll 1.13 , to prevent the negotiation of bonds by the state , as a liermanent school fund In case ot thelt or otherwise , was passed unanimously and goes intoelfect immediately. The house went Into commltteo ot the whole on the general tile. The Mist bill con sidered was Mr. Dickinson's house roll IS. ) , authorblng thu sale of lands owned by the htato of Nebraska heretofore leased under specific law. 'I his refers to three sec tions of saline lands li Ing In the vicinity of the packing houses west ot Lincoln , which the propiietors ot those houses deslie to pur- clmso. It was opposed vigorously by Mr. Mlllei of llutlcr , on the ground that ten yeais hence the land In question would be very valuable anil it would be to sell them now. It was made special order on Kiulay at 10 a m. Mr. ( ialTord's house roll -10 , for the icllcf ot Heatnce , by relundlng S'-'OO unjustly charged by the state auditor lor the registiation of O.ono of water bonds , was recommended to 'A 'similar bill , Mr. Sullivan's house roll 107 , In favoi ot Columbus , to the amount of 'J.fiU , was also iceommended lor passage. Mi. Lord's house roll iJS , pioviding for the amending ol aitlcle 01 , chapter lb , setting the rcirulai muetin s of boaids of supervisors in counties under township oiganl/ation on the iirst Wcdnesdav after the hist Tuesday in Jamiuy and the lir t Tuesday alter the second Monday in June , was lecommeudcd to pass. Mr. IjOid's hou o roll 200 authori7lng coun ties to issue bonds to aid in internal improve ments and tlie conjunction of lallroads to an amount not oxceednii/ / ; per centum of the assessed v.iluitton ol all taxable piop- eity In the county , alter submitting the ques tion to the voteis of the same , was iccum- meiuled tor passage. Mr. Dempstei's memoiial and joint icsolu- tlon HH , reuuestinsi Nebraska's senatoisand lopresontatives in eougiess to secure tiio passage on a bill granting to every soldier of the late war a silver medil of thes-i/uof a bllver dollar , was consideied. It went into details as to the design. Mr. Kandall of Clay wanted congress to consolidate the money to be expended in the proposed medals and give it to dependent SOlllil'IS. Mr. Fuller of Gase favored tlic resolution bccauso the medal would bo an heirloom for soldiers' children. The resolution was amended to Include all honorably discharged sailors. An amendment to make thu medil of gold was lost. After a great deal of pairiotic eloquence the resolution WIM recom mended to pass. Mi. Smv til's hon o roll 02 , pioviding for admission to the onlybyundei.'olngan ex aminatlon beloio tlio supicmo court , was amended to read "district court. " The bill also required a studentship of Unco years in the olllce of an attorney practicing In the supreme premo court , A long dl-cns ion ensued. Section IS was reached , up to which time a number of amendments were made. The dis cussion was taken part in by halt the mem bers on tlio lloor. Mr. Ageo linally moved to strike out the enacting clause. The motion was can led by a vote of 1 1 to 21. This de- leats the bill. .Messrs. bmyth , Matthie on , Whitmoro and ilciuuod ot Douglas voted against tlio motion. The committee aros-o and leportod. Mr. Slater moved to icscind the resolution by which the time of introducing bills was limited to the thirtieth day of the session. An adjournment was taken before the mo tion was put to the house. C. L. Hall , of Omaha , was in the house to-day belling a volumu of biographical ( ketches of the members and o Ulcers ot both houses. Of these there are 112. The sketches are written in a concise manner , giving the principal events in each nun's life. The In troductory to the senate shows that one- thiid of the members of that body are law yers ; that Majois Is the only one who has been to congress ; that SohmlnKo IB the heav iest on the Hour : that Colby Is the gicat bill- hatcher ; that Vandoniark Is the only haul- shell democrat In the body ; that Casper Is the only editor ; that llonesteel is the only bache lor , and bprlck is the oldest eenatoi and T/.schuck the oldest soldier. In the hou e , the lawyers comprise the fatetul Uihteon that farmers and stockmen arc the substan tial element ; that four ot the members are bankers and most of theli bills represent dollars lars ; that two ot them ate editors ; one ol tliem a dentist ; that Ohio claims beventcen , and that there are seventy-one republicans and twenty-eight domociats , nnd nil have six are married. The book Is strontrly bound and Hilda favor among the members. The anxious cast ot countenance which has been noticed uiion I'.it O. llavvcs for some da > s back wan dispelled this altcrnoon when hlt > commission bill , giving him something over 54,000. was passed Thu redoubtable 1'at took thu earliest opportunity lo thank many of Iho memhc'is lot their allirinativo vote" . Manv ot them have u binquct in \ low with llavves as host. The railioad lobby Is getting ready for another attack upon thu Omaha chatter which U made a special older for tomorrow at a o'clock. Mr. Vandeivoort is currying arouml In his pocket a list of tlio monibcri who voted to lecommlt the bill to the com mltteeon Judiciary , This he showed to-day to his conlii'ies , Messrs. Manchester , Cmley Smith , Crcen and several others , in the lobb ) ot the Capital hotel , The list was caiefull ) perused , ami a consideration of It was car rled on In subdrsid tones , which died out as the JIKK representative approached , am simultaneously the coveted document ills appeared In one of the must convenleiv pockets of the rotund I'mii. It Is evidently the intent of this energetic crowd to keep i close watch upon thu men who they still think urn under their lobbjlng thumbs. All of those jwu > plo live In common , so to speak eatiuq in concert at the same table , am oblivious of the fact that they ace the ob served of all observers. This af let noon , when the Smv th bill on the admission of attornevs to the bar was being amended , Jeary of Lass moved that ftirthe ronsldeiatlon of the KIIIIO be postponed iinti "J oil " Omaha should go" Cooleyot be beau from , Thu motion cau.-oil quite n heart ) laugh , but was ruled out of order The committee appointed by both houses to recall vass the vote upon the amendmen to the constitution providing a legislative session of sixty dav t > , art ) still husilv enuacei upon their wor ! ; > Theie arc Milt live counties. to bo heard Irom. namely lilainc , Keith Knox , Loup nnd Wheeler. The number o ballou In the last slate election , as far as counted , was WS'.MJ , A majority of this number Is necessary to carry the amend mem , and that Is C'J.&Q. ' Thu * far. it has been found that OS.1U ) votes were cast for the amendment , thus larking llXi ( votes of beint , a majority. Whether or nut thu tive counties troui which the ballots aie v et to bu received .shall gi\u this required majority , 10 mains to be seen. ' 1 Ida i thu thhty-clghth day of the session an das vet less than a doren bills lmv beei passed by both houses. This morning 1 uskci a member Irom Douglas w by so few laws hat been enacted. Jllsansuer was , "Oh , there i too much talkiui ; uoug by Laucastcr , " Cer alnly , that comity has clone its Mi are oof the ocal buslnrs ? . thouch It has bv no means a. nonopoly of the occupation , This was well llustratod to-day in the discussion of the at- orney's bill , which occupied nearly tlirce tours of the time of the house. To-morrow morning at 10:30 : o dork the question of submitting the prohibitory amendment to the constitution will bo irouglit up. The sentiment of the house ccms to oo in favor of the submission , hough not to the extent required , which Is hree-lllths ot the members. Thp Cliartpr Trickery. LINCOLNNoo. . , Kcb. 2S. [ Special Tcle- ; rim to the 1 Mr. Uusscll , chairman of ho house committee on judiciary , which has he Omaha charter in hind , Is holding back the report of the commltteo with Its amendment igreetl to on Friday night. This report was 0 have been matlo on Saturday morning , but ttr , HtissL'll nudu n pica for further lime until Monday morning , it was well known in this city last night , however , by outside parties , that Mr. Kti ell hail mrced with the railroad md pavers lobby not to toport the bill until Tuesday , when It comes up as .1 special order with the Lincoln charter , Then an eiTort Is : o be made to force the patrh quilt through lie honie and humiliate the Douglas delega tion and punMi Umalia , Whether the house will countenance such a programme remains io bo seen. Six moiubeis of the committee listened to-night to aiguments concerning realities of the Omaha elmi let1 from Messrs Smyth ami Whltmore. The ghost which launteil the clause telatliic to Urn boatd of public works was brought up nnd l''o ' com mittee decided to report in lav or of the clause regarding the board In tno old charter. It claimed to have been Inlluonced In this cltv l > y letters from Mayor Hoyil. Major . .1.v. . ruddock spoke against the appropriation of propel ty for park purposes and tlio commit- lee decided to report adversely to the same. The property qualillcatlon for otllcc was stricken out and the city attorneyslilp ngaln made appointive. The Douglas delegation then met and de cided , when the committee's tcpott is made lo-morrow , to ask that It bo recommitted to the eommltlee on cities and towns , or to the ilclegatloii train Douglas county. Another Monopoly nt AV'orlr. LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 2b. [ Special to the llr.r.J The representative of tlio Standard Lll ) company has been down here all day put ting In somoquiet work against the oil inspec tion bills which are pending In both houses. This will give the oil room lobby some moic lubricator. The bills propose a riuld inspec tion of all oils shipped into the stale ami this -eslsted for reasons best known to the Standard Oil company. KnllrcKidVorlc at Fremont. iinMOXT , Xcb. , 1'eb. 23. [ Special to the Hr.iil Railroad operations In this vicinity have just received a new impetus and work is now going forward. The Ficmont , Klk- hart & Missouri Vallov company has just let to Miller , McDonald & Co. the contract for grading " .Branch No. 4. " which starts at the south end of the 1'latto river bridge on the Lincoln branch ; thence to Llnwood , liutlcr county ; thence southwest to the southwest corner ot Sevvard county nt the crossini : of the Heaver , a distance otaboulboventy miles. Sub-contiacts fortliegrailing as far as Linwood - wood have been lot by Miller , McDonald & Co. A camp is being established nt this end 01 tlic line and bciapcrs and teams are being gutten onto the ground , so that woik w 111 be commenced as boon as the weather will jios- siblypeimlt and be pushed rapidly thioiuh with a force of about 400 teams , ttio contract to bo completed not later than Juno 1. The company are piling up mateiial in their sup ply yards here mountain high , and Irom tins it is evident that all their contemplated ex tensions are to bo built the coming season as fast as men and teams can do the work. Another Irish Lcns'io Orunnl pil. VAT.IIXIINT , Neb. . Feb. 2S. [ Special Tele gram to the UKL.J A large and enthusiastic meeting of Itlsh and American clti/.ens was held hcie to-day and a branch ot the lilsh National leacuu foimed. Strong resolutions were adoptetl endorblng the comso of Glad stone , I'.irnell and Davitt. Five delegates weic elected to attend the state convention at Lincoln. Addiesses were iiiatlo by Judge- . W. Tucker. Captain K , L. Glllespie. 1'toi. O'Sulllvan , 11. 0. Dear nnd E. 1) ) . lietison. A Clinnco Coal Plnil. Gonnov , Neb. , Feb. 23. [ Special Tele gram to the Hr.i. . I Ten miles iouth of hero to-day some children , while building n play house in a canyon on the Niobiara river , inn across a vein of coal , a sample of which was to-tlay brought to ( lOidon. The find will bo fully Investigated to-monow , Dentil ol' lr. ) Unssotr. MorjfT I'l.rjAS.YM' , la. , Feb. 28. [ Special Telegram to the Uii : . | Dr. II. M. ilassetr , lust assistant supciintcndcnt of the hospital for the Insane at this this moining after a short Illness of pneumonia , llo had been connected with the hospital for twenty- two years , three jears of the time as superin tendent , and ho was known thioiighout tlio state as one of the best alienists In the west. Ilo served throughout the war as biiigcon oL an Ohio letrlment nnd Immediately after came to Mount 1'lo.mnt , where ho lias been ever since , llow.isa vety valuable ofllcial and a conscientious and high minded public servant whoso loss to the state will be vciy great. _ _ _ More SalooniNtR J.illctl. Siou\ rv , la. , Feb. 2\ [ Special Telocram to Iho Uii.1 : Three or four of the saloonists who wuio lately so heavily lined by Judge Lewis were to dfiy arrested and put In jail , having failed to pay their lines. Warrant weso Issued also for several who have nol yet been found. Kvery .saloon in this city Is now closed , and tlio Ilxtuies of one or more that held out until thu last are now being packed preparatory to .shipping them east by some e red [ tors. Notwlthstaudlng the closing of the saloons the city booms ustitnei be- foie. A. Chanjio ol' Date. Di.s Moi.vr.s In. , I'cb , 'Js. ( .special Telegram - gram to the liii : . | The ilnto of the state en campment of the Grand Aimy of the Itepub- llc nt Dubuque has been chanced In order that those iittending may lemaln to its close and not bo compelletl to stay over Sunday , Instead of being April 21 and 2i , It will bo April 20 and 21 , and Iho council of lulinlnis- tiation will meet April 10. Killed Jty a Snow J'loxv. IJrnrQfn , la. , Feb. 28. [ Special Telegram to the lliu : . ] Jnmes McCoon , a resident of 1'custa , employed as a track walker on the Illinois Central railroad , was run down ami instantly killed on Saturday by a snow plow approachlm : Him noiselessly from behind. lie was mutlled about tlio head anil ditl not hear the approaching train. and Iowa Woailior. For Nebraska nnd Iowa : Fair weather followed by local snows , hlirhor followed bv lo\ver \ temperature. OrcniilzlnuPor Wntor Transportation UIIIOAOO , Feb. as. The Inter-Ocean's I'corlix (111. ) speclol says : The grain mer chants ot this city have taken preliminary steps towards the organization of a barge line tor the transportation of grain fron Chicago , 1'eorla and St. Louis to the Gulf Application to organ uu was sent to the sec retary of stute to lay. The company vvil have plenty of ranlttl. Itgrovvoout of thu passage ot the inter-state commerce bill , am Islikowisna preliminary step towards ask I ni : congress to Improui the Illinois nnd Michigan canal and the Illinois river. Nomination ) * . WASHIXOTOX , Feb. 24 The president has sent the following nominations to tlio senate : 1'ostmasters Frank L , Clark Atigusta , WIs. ; Ilattle M. Anderson , Have lock. 111 : William J. Ilrewster. ( iroton. Dal : 11. It. Harris , of Georgia , third nsslsUnl postmaster ireneral. vjco Abraham D. Jlazen , resigned , JumesM. . Ti otter , ( colored ) , ol Mabsacliusetu , lo be recorder ot deeds for the District of Columbia , THE DEMOCRATS TO BLAME , Slow Work By the House Makes an Extra Sefsion Inevitable. LEGISLATION VERY BACKWARD. Two Widely Known Hnllrorut Men Give Their Opinion or tlio Inter state Law Ijictitcnnnt 1'owoll's Case. So sloii Tnllc. WASIUNOTOV , Feb. 2i < . JSpeclalTelcBram to the UKI : . ] It looks now very much a < If an jxlra session of congress was almost inevita ble. That calamity can only bo avoided by ho senate abdlcnting Its constitutional 'unctions and railroading the remaining ap- noprlatlon bills throilRh precisely as they ; aine from the house. Acalnst this all the eading bcnators of both political partita ate steinly protcsling. 'Ihev unite In declaring that the house has dllly dalljed and shilly shallyed HKo -.quad - of bovs instead of ma- l.iring and passing them In a statesmen-like iianner , as they should be. The other day Senator Heck declared to the scnalo that the ondtict of thu house In holding hick these Jllh was shameful and ho hlu hed with shame whenever he contrasted the proceed- ngs of his parly confroics with the stralght- 'orvvard action of the republicans when hey were In control. Many other democrats , both in the house and bcnnto , are as witty as Heck and fully as em phatic In their denunciation as he Is. Wise , of Virginia , for Instance , Introduced a pet measure of his early In the lirat session ot this congress , but tlieic It has stuck ever since and now it j-eems to be a hopeless ta k to try to get It passed at this session , and If It goes over It will go far toward dooming him to Ine\ liable defeat in IbbS. Many other democrat- well as republicans also , have been enthusiastic in thlsciroit to secure the passage of the bill to elevate the auricultmal bureau into an Independent dcpattmcnt , but tlio bill has been crucliied between appropria tion bills and now only a miracle can save it fiom defeat. And so it is with many other Important bills. For tills condition ol alfalrs the democrats of tlio house alone are respon sible. The republicans have interposed no factious opposition whatever to the measincs of the inajoi Ity. What they could conscien tiously approve they have promptly voted foi , and what they could not approve they have just as promptly voted against. No dilatoiy tactics have been icsortcd to , and no tinfnii obstacles have been tluown in the way of the majoiity. Speaker Carlisle has developed into a liist-class time-sonc-r , so lar as rushlnc business is concerned , ami his in capacity has been intensified and niairnllied by a want ol business qualifications on tlio nart of most of those vvho voted to make him speaker. To these two causes , and lo them alone , Is duo the piobont vvolnl condi tion of the business ot the nation in tlie house. The lesponslbllity will lestwhcicit justly belongs. I\TPIVJIWS : : WITH is\iiitoAr > vrx. .1. M. Kerper. lepresentlntr the Ohio Coal Trafllc association , and 15. T. Allied ; , also a piomment lallroad man ot Columbus. O. , were heio to-day on their way to New Yoik to attend a geneial mceling ot railroad trallic managers. Uoth of tlioso men are widely known In railroad circles , and their opiijlon concerning the effect of the Inter state commerce bill are worth recording any where , as they have hfld long and varied e.x- peiiencc. " 1 believe , " said Mr. Kerner , "that the law will have the ellect of elevating railroad tailIIanil that on the whole the people generally will not benefit by it It vvlllcutoll much ot the rlvahy anil will put an end to tliatcla s of competition which re duces rates to a minimum. It Is a mistake to believe that the railroad coiporatioiis In tend to evade the law. They intend to live up to it and benefit by it as much as possible. \\o are now on our way to New York , where n meeting is to bo held lor the purpose of agreeing upon u consttuctlon of thn law and plan.s lot complv inc witli It uniformly. No , 1 ilo not reuard the law as piohlbltlng exclusion r.ites , as exclusions are open to all , so that thuro aic noillscilminatlons , but it will un doubtedly prohibit a class of excursions , that is , low rates tor a certain class , such as mem bers of societies , etc. , as that would bo dis crimination. 1 do not believe It will put a stop to the pass system , as passes can bn Is sued lot a great many put poses , jou know , where value is received , and to employes ot roads if necessary. In all this Mr. Allleek agieeil , anil added that the cotporatlons were not alarmed ovtr the oullooic of the execu tion ol the provisions ot the intcr-stato com- mctco law. ISothweieol the opinion that had the railroad companies believed them was any likelihood ot the pa sige of the bill they would have defeated lion the giouiitl that It was pernicious. inni.r. rivir.s CH-T. Lieutenant J. S. 1'owell , who had the ac ceptance ot Ids resignation trom thu signal coips revoked the other day on the giountl ot tcmpoiuiy Insanity , is In the city and has re ported at the signal ollico In obedience to or- dci.s. The pav department hay iccclvcd duplicate piy accounts Irom him for the present month , i'levlous to ills arilval here the commanding ollicer of the Department ot tlio 1'latto was instructed by telegraph to cause his rouu maitlal lor this offense , but It will not bo carried Into ellect by reason ot Ills piesenco. Ueforo a court-martial is convened thu question of his sanity will probably bo settled by n board , ami unless It is shown that his pay accounts were duplicated , as w ell as his resig nation sutmilttcd while laboring uiidei an aui'iratlon ot mind , acouit-martlal will fol low. A third set ol pay accounts Issued by Lieutenant 1'ovvell wcio leeulved at tlio pa- mastor-goneral'H ofllce this morning lor pay ment. None of ids accounth have been paid bv the paj olllcerti , so that the government will nut KIM ) an ) thing. It Is piostmicd that the money was laised on the accounts , and if so the piivalu Dailies who honuied them will be out ot pocket. M.1IIIASU V AM ) IOWA 1T.XSIO.VS. 1'etislons trained lo Nebr.iskans lo-dav : Jonathan Carpenter. Beatrice ; Napoleon 15. l.aroh , Xebiaaku Cit ) ; Daniel 1C. Itccmer , Fiemont. Tensions granted lowans : lluldah A. , whlow ofVIIlIain S. Edwards , Oxford ; Ktinlco II. , wldovvof ( iuorgo Wise : Morton , minor ot.lohn T. Vaiighan. Council Itlufts ; ( ieorgo MeCauloy , Lake City ; ( Jeorgo W. Knklaiul , Fieopuit ; Obediah F , Master , i'annra ; Andiow McKlrahan. College Springs ; Charles W , Uemotto , winterset ; IHiiali Brooks , Maple Landing ; Ce < uvo W. Kelnatt , Clinton ; Fiederlek Schnlttger , Franklin Mills ; Loren # > 1) . Hoswoith , Ot- turnwn , Ooorgo H. 1'otter , Wunkon ; 'J'homas Minpliy Dubuquu ; Henry lllme , Onavvu ; , les-.o w , Ken , Muscatinc ; i'eter ilussa , 1'rolo ; John O. Feather , Nashua ; John Comber. Independence ; Mai tin Oherrlc , Knoxvllle ; Joseph VosJ , Orange City. Eleven hundred more applications for pen sions were filed this month than during Feb ruary of last j ear exrhiblve of applications undci the Mexican pension law. VIlMrAUVWATlKIIS. Army ord-jis Issued : Captains Abner llajnes , jr. , Second Infantrj : Randolph Nor wood , becoml cavalry : and M.V. . Wood , as sistant surceon , luive been ordered to Foit Co'urd'Alene , Idaho , as witnesses before tlie court of inquiry to meet there March U. The leave ot Captain U. O.Smlthers , Tenth cavalry. Is extended one month. The leave of First Lieutenant Thomas Lord , Twentieth infantry , Is extended till tuither orders for disability , Sertu'.int Charles F , King , mounted ser vice. Is placed on the retired list. T11K 1IAU.IIOA1) COMMISSION StATK. It is stated by one who came trom tiie white lioiiso to-day , that .luJt-u Cooley , of Michigan , leieher of the Wabash , ex-Heprusontatlvo Krugfr , of Ala bama , ami Itcpre.seutatlve Morrison , of Illi nois have been determined upon as inter state , commerce commissioners , and that onti is to beeiven to a Now Kngland man , nnd one to Ntwv York. ThU fclato will hold gootl unless a 1'acillc slope man is substituted for Cooley , SllTJXO BUM. AUf ) JUS FOJ.r.OWiniS. At tlie Jt'quest ol Secretary Lanur Act- ne Secretary of the Treasury Fair- chlltl has asked congress to appropriate S : > 0UOO for suslenanco of Sitting hull's tolloweis now In Canada during the j car ending Juno ! > 0,18SS , provliled thev leturn to their reservations In Nebraska nnd Dakota. Tmrir.'s cAr. . It Is slated to-night that the senate com- intteo on privileges ami elections lias de termined to report back to tlio senate , prob- atilv to-moirow , the paners accouninnvlng the credentials of David Tilrpic , of Indiana , with n statement that It has no authority to pass upon them until Turplo presents Him self anil Is ready to be sworn in. Then , it Is Dialed , Turpto's right to Ills sent on the prlma facie evidence pie--entcd will bo challenccd ; that there will be a stay In procccilin.-s , nnd that an Invc'tlgatlon of Ids alleged elec tion will follow. rosTVt , rnANnr. . The postofllce at ila/el. Dubuque county , Li. , was discontinued today. CAi-irAi. SOTI : . 1'etcr O'Shea , of Madison , has been ap- [ iplntcd as stoiekccpcr and gunci foi the Ncbrnsknillstilct. M. 1) . Martiii , Afton , la. , has been ad mitted to piactlce befoie the Interior depart ment. ' 1 ho senate to-day passed the pleuro-pneii- monla bill with Van WvcK's amendment ex tending its piovlslons to swine plague 01 hog cholera. N. W. Wells , ot Schiilcr , Neb. , Is hero. roilTY-NINTU Somite. W vsnixoioN , Feb. 2 . The presiding of- liccr piesentcd a message fiom the presl- Icnt In rcspon'sn to n icsolution of the senate In reference to the sol/uro and sale ot the American schooner Uebecca nt I'amplco , nnd to the icsignatlon of the late Mexican minister , Jackson , stating that It is not deemed "compatible with public Inter est1' to communicate tlio coricsptmdenco In either case at present. The house labor arbitration bill was passed without amendment. The house bill to prevent the employment of convict or alien labor upon public build- ngs 01 public woiks or in ptenaratlon of material foi public buildings or public works was passed. The house bill to provide for the adjust ment of land grants heietoforo made by con- rcssand iem ° , ilng unadjusted , wns passed niter the adoption of Mimlry amendment- ! , anil a conference ordeied on it. Upon motion ol Mr. Miller the pleuro- pnrumonla bill was taken up. The motion to leconshler tlio vote by winch the LdmiindssubstUutc was last week adopted wascairied. The question then iccnrring on the ld- nunnlssubstitute it was icjectcd-jeas , ! ! ; na ) s , 'J'.i. Mr. Vest offered an amendment requiring thu assent ot the authoiltlos of the stale be fore the commissioner can expend any ol the appiopiiation therein. Lost jeas , "I ; navs , 'M. Mr. Van Wyck icnowcd his amendment extendsng the application ot the bill to the swine plague , choleia and other contagious diseases among s > vv inc. Adopted. Tlio bill was passed yeas , Si ; nays , 19. Mr. Kdmuuds. lioin the conleience com mittee on the bill respecting lisheiiesmade u long report us to the dillicultles o.xlstlng in the conference and which prevented an agiceinent. The iiieconcllablo point ol dilfeiencc between tlio managers on the part of the two houses Is repot leu to bo the in- sisfance on the part of tlie house maiiagois to add to the scope of the senate bill n fourth piovision that In case ot injurious treat ment to Ametican vessels In Itrltish North Ameilcan waicrs It shall be within the com petence of the president to stop intercourse absolutely , not only by water but by land , thus cutting oil the continuous movement ol lalivvay tiains Item tlie British provinces to nny pait of the United State's , nnd in ellect reciprocally fiom the United States to the liiitish dominions. The senate managers had felt It to bo their duty to decline to go to that extent , and felt it their duty on this important matter to report this state of things nt once to the senate foi its informa tion. tion.Mr. Mr. Sherman olTeied a resolution providing fora daily mcctinc of the senate at It a. m. .Laid over till to-mouow. Alter twenty minutes secret session tlio senate adjourned. House. U'AMIINTITOX , Feb. 2 . The house In com mittee of the whole considered the lojislativo appropriation bill. The bill having been read by paragraphs for amendment , Mr. Hlanchard of Louisiana laised a point of eider the "in full against words compensa tion" in the appioprlation clause. The chair submitted the point of oiderto the decision of the committee. The commltteo decided IW lo 24 that tlio point was well taken , and the woids weio stiiekcn tiom thoblll. The house at tlio evening session consld- eicd the resolutions expressive of regict at the demise ot liepiesenlatlve Cole ot Mary land and honoring his memory. Kuloglstlc addresses were dellveicd and the lesolutions were then adopted. The house then went Into commltteo of the whole on the legislative appropriation bill. On motion ol Mr. Cox ot Noith Carolina an amendment was adopted increasing Irom 10 S 1,000 tlio appropriation for tlio tiavellng expenses ot tlie civil service com mission. Mr. O'Neill of Missouri called nttonlion to the haiil-\voiklng employes of the. bureau ot engraving and prinlinir , and offered an amendment granting all such omplo > cb an nual leave ol absence. Adopted. At 1:10 : a. m. , without having concluded consideration ol hall of thu bill , the commit tee lose and the house looK a iccess until 10 o'clock to-moiiow. A Tcinpcrniico Sensation. Nr.w IlAVKN-Conn.Feb.2s. | SpechilTcIe- gram to the Ur.n.J Governor Louiibbiiry is a stiong temperance man and a low nights ago accompanied by his stair attended the cinck legimentlilucs'ballln this city. In the course of the evening ho suddenly entered a side room In time to discover tno of his staff , Colonel S. U. Homo of Wlnstead and Sur geon ( ieneral 0. J. Fox of Willlamanllc , In the act of drinking thu health ol General S. K Smith in n glass ol punch. In an instant the goveinor took the ofllceih' ' aims andsald. " 1 want it distinctly understood that no man can mink Intoxicating liquors in public and lemaln a member of my stall. " The colonel undgeneial vveie too much astonished to reply , and quickly putting down their Classes they left the room , ( ioveinor Louns- bury then lilted a glass with lemonade and said , 'ticncral Smith , 1 will ililnlc your health In a manner that cannot possibly re sult in Injury to either ot us. " Tno tillalr In the chief topic of coineisation in Connec ticut. Tim Fisheries Conference , \\ARiiiNOto.v , Feb. as Tlio house con- icrf'CBon the bill to authorl/ethe picsldent to protect and defend the rights of American lishing vessels ( lishcrlesietnllatoiy bill ) have picpared a statement which Is to be submit ted to the house at the earliest opportunity , The statement , after reporting the disagree ment and leteuing to the objection ot the senate conferees , argues that It would not bo consonant with the dignity of the United States to undertake to setile treaty rights by applvins non-lntercourHo as to a single aiticie because such course might tall nhort of the end .timed at and that the true way is to make iion-lntorctnirsn geneiul. Convlot Ijiil > or CoiiHliloreil. AVASIII.NOTOX , Feb. 23.-Carroll J ) , Wright , commissioner of labor , has submitted to the secretary of the Interior his second annual repoit , which relates entliely to the subject of convict labor , The report says thu total pioductof all the penal Institutions is hfly- four-one hundredths of one per cent ot the total iiroducts of the industries of the coun try. The commlexloncr concludes that iho syblcm ot hand l.ibor , if introduced in prisons would reduce competition with fieo laboi to the minimum. Onl ) Two Jjost. HLKKAI.O , N. Y. , Feb. 2S.-.UI the fshcr- men rcpoilcd missing Saturday and last night have been savi'd except Thomas Cody , aged tweuty-onc , oud John Leaiy , aged uiueteeu , A mouovn. District to Ito IrntuferriMl. CmrAoo. Feb. US. ( Special Telegram to the HKI : . ] It is believed that the greater poitlon of the extensive lumber district In the southwestern portion of this eltyvvlll soon be a thing of the past. It Is stated that many of the laige tracts of land now occu pied by the lumber vards have recently chanced hand * , and Uiat the lumber dealers will seek other territory. The subject has been openly discussed during the past month nnd many statements have been made only lo bo denied. At pieent all parties Interested nro iclicent , but enough has been leaincd to warrant Iho slatemonl that the ground now occupied bv tlie lumber piles will , in n comparatively shott time , be devoted to the Uses of a lallrmd eompiti ) , with switch track" , elevator' , depots , ele. The lerrllorv Involved In the trans-u-tlnn Is understood to emlnaei ? all of that between Ashland avenue , Lallin stieet , Tvvenlv---ecind silent and the u'.ir. The new drpatiuro will bo one oi cieat Importance to the lailro.ul Interests of Chicago. A gentleman who has been Iden tified with the lumber business in tills city for omo vears Informed a leumter that f'u Sanla Fo road had purchased u largo IHH lion of the giound In tlie Iinubei district1) , and that thu firms whoso leaspMoxptied thlsyeai would have to move , nnd Unit eiforts were being made to buy ini the lease.s of the 111 ms which some time lo inn. llo nndeistood that the railioad company would soon have posses sion ot Uic land , erect elevatois and utili/o tlie giound for general railroad 'imposes , .lint whete the I'imher linns would go ho could not tell , but In all probability they will move lo South Chicago , where several have nheady established themselves. The re ported transfer means a great deal more to Chicago than Is apparent on the surface , as the lemoval of the lumber yauls would clear the way to the filling up of the Chicago liver 01 a permanent bridge. TI1U STOCK aiAUKKT. ' A ncnrUli Sentiment Prevails ami Keeps 1'riccM Down. Nnvv YOISK , Feb. 2s. [ Special Telcgiam to tliO'Uir. ! The sentiment legardlng stocks was bearish to-day , principally on the ex pectation of high rates for money n Httlu I atcr In the season. U was noted llmt the bink rcscives had been decreasing heavily torscvercl weeks past and were now only ab(5ul ( 511,000,000 above legal leqiiirements. In consequence of the bearish feeling there was but little demand lor stocks , and prices opened with a considerable decline through out Uio list. The most sensational featmo was adlop in cotton seed oil eettilirates ol 10 percent on the publication of a stoiy that I' . D. Armour and a syndicate of capitalists had formed a scheme to build mills llnoughoiit llie south nnd force the A moi lean Cotton Seed Oil company to the walls. Tlio bieak in tills stock excicised something of n dopiessimr influence on olhei securities. Tim news of ( iiangeis and V andpibilts was lather un favorable , It being alleged that freight lates both east and west oi Chicago weie badly ( leinoinllrcd and cut in both instances liom Vi to 10 per cent. A fractional rally about noon was followed bj a slump , caused by the activity and better demand lor money. Kateb weio firm at Cc 7 per cent , \vhei eas : i to I percent has been the prevalent late lor a long time. St. Vnnl and Lackavvanna were notably weak. Giangeis were unfavorably allectcd byienorts that the rates trom Chicago cage to St. Paul , Omaha and Kansas Citv weio cut W per cent. The market closed very soft at the lowest point of the day. Tlio total sales wcie uboul UoO,003 shares. 1'ln.mioil American Crulsnrs. I'nii.ADKi.PJirA , Feb. 23. [ Special Tclc- gram to the 13m.l Itlstho general opinion of mechanics who are thoioughly acquainted witli ship building , that tlio government crui sers now under contract by Messrs. Cramp , will not only be defective In construction. but even weaker than several Heading rail road colliers built by this linn under their ow n Ideas. This opinion Is supported by thu fact that Iho longitudinal frames are not cap able of standing the stialn of the frame that is even put into n merchant ship , foi the ten- son that they are , according to contract , four feet apart , while In oilier vessels they aie only two fectnpirt. Another surious error in the specifications Is that the plating is stipulated to lie twenty-live pounds to the squaic toot. Tins , in tlie opinion ot old ship- vvnglitH , Is decidedly too light for a vessel of war. One of tlio most prominent ship- bulldeis In Philadelphia said to-day that the whole plan of the crulsr-is Is thoroughly Kngllsh nnd the model was diawn In Knir- land. It Is contended that tlio longiludlnal flames in war vessels aio not as Htionir as the American way of building Miips. The shaft of the American cinlsers will bo built in England bccauso the e are no sieol woiks In this country that have facilities lei Its construction. _ _ Harrovvlnjj THTH | ol' Hinisjor. II VMI-AX. Feb. 28. [ Special Telegram to the liii.J : Notwithstanding the denials of interested business men who think thuircrcillt will bo injured by the publication ot rcpmts of the condition of tlie ronntry.tho most woe ful stories of dlstiess , semi-starvation and death continue to bo received from both west ern and northern districts of the Island. A correspondent at Channel writes : "Jt Is .still the same doleful tale I have to tell of no fish nnd as a consequence no food. From Little May and Cape Kay Is the same cry , though In some places they are much worse oil than others. 1 was nt Koso Blanche n week ngo , and during the few days I was there forty able bodied poisons applied lor icllef. From that iilaco I came along the shore , and In nearly all .settlements there was the same sad sight of men , women and chlldien sick , half clad and poorly led. In most hettlements to the eastward tlie people have had tlio measles , In Seal Cove , witli a population ofjoo. . every house was a hospital , and immy died. " An- otli'M1 con e.spnu dent siys tlicro In an enor mous quantity of MIOW on tlio irround , and winter lishing Is n complete failure , 'Jho Itivcr nnd llarlior Itlll , WASIIIXO ION , Feb. S3 , The succe.-is of the river and hatbor appropriation bill has been asiined by the complete agreement of the conlcrees on the points of difference be tween the two houses. The total nppioprln- lion made by thu bill , as agreed upon In cun- forenco , is less than 810,000,000. , The provision for the llenncpln canal Is re tained In the bill. An appropriation of $ r > uooo , is made lor bediming couhiructlon , but them will also be available a further MIDI ol S21.000 for surveys and prellmlnailes. The mends of the ranal are jubilant over thu retention of the Item tor tlie reason that the appinprlatlon , uhlle iibsindly small , gives n bellied status and permanency to thu scheme , Civil tJnrvfcK1 CoinmihHlonnr in Trniililo OiiKAdo , Feb. 29 , TlioXows' Fort Wavne , hid. , special says : Civil Seivlco Commis sioner Allied 1' , Kdgeiton was to day made defendant In a Milt in which thontbiiliilstrator of the estate of thu late Anna 0. Ketchum , of Stanford , Conn , , demands 12,000 and an arcounllng for moneys intrusted to him by tint lady named Thu complaint charges that Kdgcrton'H state iiiont that one oi the securities held by bin in trust was on deposit with the old natlona bank of Fort Wayne is denied by the Innk olticlals. Thu iidminlstiator Favs Mrs Kctolium , relying Implicitly on Kdgei ton's promise to loan her money iidvantuueoiisly Joi her. took no receipts ol iho indebtedness from him. lc Gitirs1 Opinion , Sr. PinntsHtiio , Feb. w.Do Olcrs. Sot- t-lgn minister , in an interview with the Turk * Ish ambassador , expressed the opinion that the Kmopean equlllurum would soon bu re stored and there would be no WAr , A Hollinu Mill CLrvi.r.A.M > , Krb. as. At 11'JO ; this mern. Init the roof of the ctiarmrin department in the Ur.s.-enicr Btec 1 works ot the Cle.vel.uirt Kollim. Mill Co. , fell In , killing one man and Icjuiiut' FROM THE ITALIAN RIVIERA , Visits to tlie Wrecked Villages Reveal the Destruction "Wrought DUniED BY FALLING WALLS. lumlrptls of I'ooplo Criishoil In the ItuliiM or Churolicq-Tlto Krloiula orCariJInnl < lncolln | Mourn Doatli. Tnlc of .lloro Orstructlon , Ai.vsio Tcb. 8v- Vow York HernUl C ( to Iho HKK. | - V noilh vvlml s blowing and lain Is falling. Last night he people VVPIO Iceling better a.flcr the ar- ival of the soldiers with caigoes of boards. lemporaiy bairacks and sheltcis arc bctiiR aimlly built , ana toiiis , blankets and beds mo been distributed. The hospital was iiuch Injured. All the sick uml dying are in one loom. Knulueers are expected to-day to ' \amlno the house- . , i\cept : Cardlgharn , San Kemo , Alnsslo Is the only town vhich wa , fioiiK-nlwl by fo'relgncrs nil nig Iho eat thquako w here there Is an 12ng- Ish church. Twenty villas hero are ownett rented by nngllsh and Americans. Ot ho four hotels , tno nro now closed as un safe. Few ot the foreign lesUlcnts have do- larlsd , as they feel it a point , of honor to conceal their iilaim to relieve the distress and to excite coinage among the population , uio nio disheartened ami unwilling to esumo work. The prediction ot ho eaithquako ot Wednesday In i small , populous Italian almonal , ias given ilso to rumors falsely alleged to beef of I olllcial origin and picdlctlng worse shocks lor last batutday , and such rnmtora omul ready credence. One American liuly , n ordoi to lestoioconlldence , showed herself : at the hour picdlcted upon a lojfelo which wasconsltloied partlcnlaily dangerous and slowly counted and iirianged the house , linen which had come from the wash. Kvon a lleiald telegram of ntmosphcilo disturbance was twisted Into an earthquake prediction. nuisirii i.A rovuio.v ( IHAVE. At liajanlo , a small village ot 1,500 Inlmbl- ants , In the mountains , eipht hours Journey romSan H.-mo , 2 0 were killed .indsl.xty- our wountlcd.- Most of Ihcso accidents hap- icncd In the church , which fell. The priests and a few others wcio saved In a side chapel. \11 were bmied In a common grave. At San Uomalo the coin out nnd the house fell. Vt Ceilana the chinch loll just nftei a con- legation of mourners had loft o accompany a funeral. At rompeianu the houses were lesttoycd but tlicro were only live deaths , bccauso nearly thu whole population was In chinch , which proved exceptionally safe. At tussana the chinch fell , the doors were vedged nnd ulmt In the people. Nearly n iiindrcd persons wcio extricated. AtLiiltta hirty-ulght dead bodies have boon found. Sixty persons were wounded. At Tag ia the well known house of the author Caullini was ruined. All thcso ilacos nro near San Rcmo. No mitlciilar jiart of Savona Is injured , but oc casional houses have been. The cathedral Is anlii lured , although the cross on the lop was turned loiind. The llanko Nalonale Is shut so that it is almost impossible to change larito notes. All the largo houses over the arcades ore untouched and their woik Is going on the same as usual. Not much harm was done at Loanoa. Hero the houses are narrow and lave thick paity walls , so they stood firm. However , every where people are camping out. At Finale Marino many houses are propped up. 1 drove slowly under them through the nariovv stieut. They say that Finale Marino is Injured moie than Finale IJoigo , but people are hOAiino 10 niAnr at the latter place. There has always been a deadly enmity between these two towns. In some places largo rocks have fallen on the roao. At Ceilalo all the houses on the sides of. the narrow strea ate piopped tip with. beams , placed at each stoiy to prevent Iho houses fulling into the street. TliL-ro was a hurrlcano of wind and rain six miles bejond Flnalo along with whirlwinds of sand at Cerialo. They came witli a heavy , hot stilling air , but It is biltetly cold now. At Albcnga , live miles lioin hcie , only a lew houses ore dam aged. 15y tills necessarily discursive account your readers ) will see Unit the Italian Hlvlcra bore the brunt ot the great earthqualco. CAI.lMXAl. .lACOniNI. JIow lily Death IN ncgrcttpd Hy HID [ rojiyrfuM 1SS7 till Jama Owilm fleimcti. ] ] { < ) .ME , Feb. 28. [ Now Vork Herald Cable Special to the Uii : . | A week ago I cabled that Cardinal Jacoblnl was on his tleath-hed. To-day the chinch bells of Homo are tolling for the late papal secretary ofi state. Cardinal Jacoblnl breathed his last nt midnight. I was then In the caidlnal's resi dential apartments , Ilo occupied simply a furnished fatilte. of rooms on the top floor oC the vatlran , from which one has a glorious view ovei the eternal city , reaching from the villa Medici almost to tlie ponte SUtto. Sev eral of his omlncnco'ii intimate friends w'oro waiting like ni ) &elf for the had end. In the papal rooms Immediately beneath lights were shining tlnoii h the windows dews nnd Indicated vvhcro the holy lather was doubtless piaylng for the departing soul of his faithful botvnnt. How ever , the canlinnl's vigorous constitution do- lied tlic doelois' fiat lor full twelve hours after thu death agony had apparently begun. The cardinal was widely anil greatly beloved. Hn was n bout diplomat , nnd it will be ill(11- ( cult to replace him. This moinlngl called on Cardinal Gibbons , who had scon much ot the dead statesman at the time of the memoiablu visit of the Amer ican Catholic bishops to Uomo three years ago , Caiillnal then Aichbbhop Uihbona , like all who Knew Cardinal Jucoblnl , was deeply aflected ovci his death , "It Is ngifat loss to the church , " said ho , "especially to the chinch In the United States , llo took the deepest Intercut In America , I cannot forget how kind ha waste to the American prelates in lb0 , nnd nm aura all the prelates In the United States will shaio in my heartfelt soitow. " MrH. I'otttir'Htl'ltins , \ffifivr1\lhl \ \ JW > 7 bu Jainn flimlun itinnmt. ] I'AiiiH ( via Havre ) , Feb. 2s. . [ New YorlC Herald Cnble-Special to the UKK. | Mrs. James Drown I'otlcr , having ooniiltled | her piofetfslonal studies for the Hta o , left Ver sailles to-day for London , where she will sign ncoutiact foi hot appcnrancti In En- _ : < land and In iho United Mates. Before leav ing this morn in u Mrs. I'oltor said to mo : " 1 hope to depclop my powers nnd ability to theii utjiiost capacity , anil intend to work as hard us I can to obtain u position in on art that 1 love and In n profession that 1 ud- inlro. " , . Dit I rj .Markut , CII.CAIIO , Kcl > S1 * . The InU-r OtCHn'B Bl 'lu fcajs ; liutter lultil $ troiiK , with calliKMid ot biO puurids at waBit so wassold , i