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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA. THURSDAY , MORNING , MARCH 3 , 1887. NUMBEK 258 HOW CARVEY JOINED TIIElASG The Railroa-1 Lobby Easily Females Him to Betray Hie Trust , HE DESERTS OMAHA'S CHARTER. OII-Hooin AVork on tlic AVcakncsBCB ol Otticr Ijrji lator8 Tlic Scnnto ItH Stupendous Joke 011 the I'coplo , I'littlnc on tlio LINCOLN , Neb. , March 2.-Sp | < ctal Tele gram to the HII : : . ] The Omaha charter still engrosses much attention ot the Jcg-lslaturo and lobby. 1 1m reference of the bill , with the batch of amendments hatched out bv Mr. Itnssell and hlsbosom friend , Vandervoort , to the Doiulas dele-cation took the conspirators and plottuis by surprise , but they are at woik as hard as ever. This afternoon , while tlic Dduglas delegation were holding a eontei- t-nco with closed doors over the proposed amendments , Vandervoort was overheard to way that ho was bound to break up the dele gation. Ho claimed to have four of the mem bers foul and was goln , ' to put the screws to them now ut the Him ! onset. Iho four mem bers aie piesumably C.irvey , Knox , Young and Muttbleson , who arc all Union Pacllic employes. The pressure brought upon these men since the session commenced lo betiay their tiust would seem almost Inciedible. These men have been hounded by the company's strlkeis and drag.ed into the oil rooms by their cappers eveiv time thej came to the headquarters of the lobby. During the closing hours of the senatorial contest ono of the e members said to mo : " 1 wish to ( loci I had never come here. 1 would not advise any man emplojcd by the i all road company to taKe such a position. It is an awful thing to be compelled to choose between bread and butter for my family and my duty to the state. " 'Ibis man , who stood out bravely during the senatorial light , has since weakened ana become demorall/cd by his suiroundin s. Another man , Mr. Matthleson , who has withstood all the bulldozing and oll-ioom tulfy without lllnching , was given to under stand through one ot the cappers that his plico was not sure If ho kept up his stubborn opposition to tliu dictates of the lobby. The only man who has from the outset made himself a subservient tool of the coi- rupt gang that Infests the eapltol is Pat Gar- vey. This man's conduct alfords stiiKing proof that jou cannot refoim a natural born rogue. Last snrliii : , after CJarvey nomi nated by the democrats for the city council , a letter was received at the HKI : olllco Irom some unknown person In which the question was piopoundcd what sort ot tlmbei was being put up by the democrats for coiincilnien when one ol their candi dates was on record as having been years ago convicted of till tapping In a court. Tills Inquiry was inserted to newspaper imge , which exacts w ith each communication the name of tlio writer. Tills departure was , howevei , taken because no name was given and no body expected the pirty referred to would bo foolish enough to put the shoo on. To my own surprise ( Jarney , wno was then unknown to mo , personally appeared at the editorial rooms ni'\t moi niiu' to remonstrate against any lurthei leteience. When asked what ho meant , he replied that thcaiticle in the pa pel about the till tapper referred to hlmselt. 1 exclaimed : "You are the biggest tool I evei saw to come hero and contess such a thlni : when no name had been mentioned and t did not know myself whom the writer alluded to. " Ciiirveythnn made a piteous plea to have the matter dropped. Ho said ho was a more lad ot sixteen when convicted ot the then. Hehad since refotmcd and become an up right man. I assured him that while he placed mo In an ovvk ward position by beg ging for silence , 1 would not press the chai go. although determined to beat him by the republican candidate. Carvey was beaten , sine enough , and his confession almost dropped out ot mv mind. When 1 learned that he was nominated by the domociats lor the legislature , and soon after placed on the labor ticket by the knights , while feeling almost conhdcnt that ho nould not bo elected , 1 hesitated to make nn exposure which might retlect on the Knights of Labor , tiarvey was , however , among the elect , but being pledged , as all the labor candidates wuro In our county , to sup port anti-monopoly principles and candi dates , ( iarvey was trusted with the rest. His conduct during the senatorial contest was , to use a very nil Id phrase , a betrayal of conlldenco under very suspicious ciicumstances. Ills conduct over since has been that of a reckless and pliant tool , who had a part to play , and was plajlng for nil there was In It. Although bound by his pledge to act In harmony with a majoilty of the delegation , Carvoy never kept faith for a moment. During one of his oil-room orgies 1 oveiheard him saying that ho did not mean to be bound by the pledge and was down hero only to do what the railroad com pany wanted. 1 asked him the next day vv hat he meant by mich a breach of his word , and he answered that he did not remember what he had said while under the intlueiico of liquor. talnco that time ho has done nothing but underhanded work against his colleagues and the charter. When Fuller \ \ as making his abusive speccli during the debate this morn ing , ( Jarvoy clapped his hands. On the vote to recommit thn chaitei to the Douglas dele- cation he was the only man In tint delega tion to vote with Kussell , Slater and com pany. No sooner had It boon re- fened than he said publicly that he Intended to inako a minority report. He attended the conference , took part in Its debttes , but before they were through walked out to report to Vandorvoort and Kussull. To-nluht lie has boon ritnnlnic up and down between the bar room und oil looms , holHiobblng with the plotters and schomoiswhoarotrying to defeat the charter. I have just learned that the minority re port gotten up by Yandervoort and Itnssell is a llxed fact , and poor ola Mr. Kuox , who Is an honest but easily duped man , has been In- dik'ud to join ( iarvey In signing this proclous document after he had bntin dosed with liq uor. It Is not yet decided whether the delegation will report to-morrow or next day , but the discord and division sought to bo created by the tricksters rnd shysters ot the lobby nny after all full Hit vvlion the re spectable , sober and decent members reallzu what means have been resorted to to brliu It about. _ K. Senate . LiNrotNeb. . , Murch 'i | SpeeliU Tele- cram to ttio Unil The senate heard a few reports of committees and a limited number of bills on rlrstreadlnir , alter which they Bottled down to passing bills and ground eUht out before ( .topping , n brief synopsis of which Is us follows some uru of c.speclal In terest to Douglas county : A bill to dedicate two acres of land for the use of school dis trict hfty-ono in Lancaster county. A bill for taking ard prosecution of appeals to the district court lu tuu county whcio tlio lauds are situated fiom assessment of damaee al lowed. A bill providing tor live fommis- sloncrs In counties of over seventy thousand people ; also thn bill llxlng salary of such ( oiumlssloneis ut Sl.HW. A bill to aiithori/o the county boaid In counties luv- Ing cities of tin : hrst-cKiss to grade , p.ivo and otherwise Improve roads leading thereto. A bill enabling the owner or occupant of land sold foi taxes to redeem the same any time before the deed has been Issued. A bill fur publication of names of all ex-soldiers and m.ulnes In the state. A iccess was taken until' ! o'clock. AKTIIINOO.V : sis ; io.v. Mr. Colby Introduced two bills one fixing seveie penalties upon attemnts to rape or ad minister duns or murder ; the other , for an amendment to the state constitution by sub mission providing for live judges of the supreme court. Mr. Vanilemark Introduced a hill for an aimmdincnt to tlm state constitution by sub mission providing tor future amendments to the state constitution by vote ot the legHla- ture as H means of ratifying the voteot the people on said amendment. The senate went Into committee ot the whole , Mi. Majors In the chair , lie an nounced senate hie 41 as before the commit tee. tee.Mi. . Sterling rose to a point of ordci ; that this bill was recommitted jestuulny and should no to the fool of the tile. Mr. Colby held that It was made a special order , but adjournment cut elf discussion of it. It was therefoie tlm lirst bill to be con sidered. The committee had commenced to consider It jesterday. Mi. Durns had not hoard any such consid eration. There was nothing bclore the com mittee except the reenlar order. Mr. Colby stated he yesterday made a mo tion to strike out section 11. Mr. Uuras diil not remember it. The com mittee was out of order. Mi. Kent said the committee asked leave to sit again on that bill. Mr. bttiliiiL' thought not. The motion to nihe carried betoie action was taken on the motion to stiikc out section 11. The chair ( Majors ) was of the opinion thit senate Hie 41 was In order Hist , on the giound that the senate resolved It-ell Into commit tee of tlio whole for the put pose of consider ing it toi that specllic pmpuse. It was vir tually a special order. Mr. ColUj That being the ease , I now lenew my motion to icpoit the bill back with the recommendation that It be amended by strlkimr out section 11 ( which was in conlllct with piccedliu section. ) Thu motion cart led. Mr. Colby 1 now move that when this com mittee arise it iciiort this lull back with tec- omiuendatlon that It do pass as amended. Mi. Keckloy Ido hope the friends ot this measure w 111 take time to consider It. It may be necessary to amend It. 1 understood the gentleman fiom ( ingu to say last night that he had not read it. Mr. Colby 1 have read it since. Mr. Steifing I think the bill mk'ht be further amended by striMiiu' out all the bill after section 11. It has a leligions leatuio which someof the membeis objected to. The Lord's pia > er might as well be substituted to give the bill some tone. Mr. Colbj's motion then piov ailed , 17 to 7. Mr. Colby 1 move the committee do now arise. Mr. Steillng I hope this motion will not prevail. We went into committed ot the whole on this special older , and it is nothing more than right that we piocued to consider ation of bills on general file. Mr. Colby said the object of his motion was toiet the bill Into the hands ot theengioss- Inu committee , as It was veiy , very long and It would take a long time to engioss it. Mi. Keekley There is a good deal ol liasto in this matter. Now , 1 don't bee the object the gentlemen have to gain by rising (01 ( 'his special purpose. Let us go on and consider bills on general hie and not consume time unnecessarily. Mr. Colbj's motion pievalled. Mr Cnlliy nimud tint the luport of thecoill- mlttee be adopted. Mr. Steiling I desire to amend by offering the following. Air. Colbj I move the previous question. Mr. Casper I call tor the ayes and najs. Mr. Kuckloy 1 demand u call of the house , and move a call of the house. The motion was lost The motion for the previous question was then voted , pending which Mr. Sterling lose to a point ot oidei , which was that a member Ititioduclng a motion or amendment has the right to speak on thu subject. The chair ruled the point not well taken. The motion for tlio previous question pie- vailed IS lo I1.1. Mr. Kecklej Mr. President , Is it not a tact that three members can older a call of the house ? The ( Jh.ilr Not under our rules or In fact we have no rule on this point , lint the sen ate has hxed a meeedont in cases where a question Is pending befoie the house that no call can be made. The question then recurred on the amend ment ot the gentleman tiom Fillmore , which was read by the sect etary. It was Identical with house- roll lit' , which has been icconi- mended to pass in the house. Mi. Llnlnger moved that the senate ad journ , which was lost , Mr. Sterling's amendment was lost 17 to 1.1. ' 1 lie vote on the original motion to adopt the report was taken as follows : Yeas Honestoel , Hrown , Itinnliam , Camp bell , Colby. Conger , Heaitwcll , Holmes , Kent , Lindsay , Linn , Majors , McNamar , Moore , Shcrvln , Snell , Vanueumrk 17 , Nays Calkins. Casper. Duias , Hlggins of Cass , Hlggins of Coltax , Keekley , Linlngcr , Melklojolin , Spiick. btciling , Tzschuck , \Volbdch \ , Wilgnt-18. Messrs. Fuller and Uobblns left their seats before their names weie called. What for'.1 Mr. Schinlnko had been excused jester- day. day.Mr. Mr. Duras moved that the senate adjourn for a week , the house concurring , in aider that the members might have tlmo to look alter their pi Iv ate affairs at home. The mo tion was snowed under , and the senate atraln went Into committee of the whole , and took nn senate Hie 8t , intioduced by Mi. Moore , whoaiguedtho bill at length. It provides that "any person or sub-contractor who shall perform any labor for any of the purposes mentioned in tlio lirst section of this act , for the contractor or any sub-contractor.w ho shall desire to secuio a Hen upon any ot the structutes mentioned In this section , may hie a sworn statement of the amount due him 01 them 1 1 oni such contiactoi or subcon tractor for such labor together with u de scription of the land upon vvhkh the same w as done , within sixtv days of the perform ing of such labor , with the county clerk of the county wheieliv said hind Is situated , and If the contractor does not pay such person 01 sub contractor for the same , such .sub-con tractor or pei son shall have a lien for the amount due lor such labor on Mich lot or lots and the Improvements then on , tiom the .same time and In the suuo manner as such original contractor , and the risk ot all pay ments made lo thu original contractor shall , as against an ) claim for labor be nuon the owner until the expiration ot the sixty dn > s hereinbefore specified. And no owner shall be liable to any action by the contractor until the expiration of said sixty dajs , and such ow tier may pay such sub-contractor or pcrton the amount duo him from such con tractor for such labor , and the amount so paid shall bo held and deemed a payment of such amount to Ihe original contractor. And In cases when a dispute arises between a con tractor and his Journey men or other persons for the work done , the owner may retain tlio amount claimed by said sub-contractor or journej man or laborer until the dispute Is hcttlea bv aibltratlon or otherwise. Said hworn statement and claim of lien shall be by such county cleric recorded In the snine manner as other Ileus provided for by this chapter , ami such lien shall remain ' In foice for the same length of time as othei Hens piovlded for In this chapter. " Mr. Uobblns spoke at painful length against the bill , stating that ft was a cun- iiln'l > devised measure by which somebody wished toshlrK honest debts. Mr. Monro showed conclusively that the bill was In the intuiest ot the people and ono which had cnl"d ! out the combined opposi tion of all the lumber dealers In the state. It was an exact copy of a law which had for merly been on our statute books tor twenty jeois. He believed It to bo a very Import ant bill , and took a great interest In seeing It passed , us it was in the interest of the weak ns against the strong. lint the lobby against the bill was too strong and they made saudiint of It. House roll bs , tor the relief of Charles A. Johnson , of Hint county , was taken up. It appioptlittes saVs'Jtfl to his benctlt. on account ot daumgo to his property by tire Mnrch , Itssd , In an attempt of citizens to ap- lirehend an alleged miiidercr. The committee then rose. Mr. ilajois tisked Icuvo to submit the fol lowing protest : "In view of the1 final and formal act of recognition by the governor's proclamation of the success of tlm late con stitutional amendment , notwithstanding the fact of Its having I icon at the1 proper tlmo and place anil In the legal way declared lie * feated , I beg to submit the following and ask that It bo spread on tlic record : "Since tlie paasaL'o of the act providing for aiecoiint of the vote on the constitutional amendment , two questions have arisen to my mind : 1 , As to the right of the legislature to review the ballots aud recount the vote on thu amendment. 2. If the right ot the legis lature does exist to go behind the returnh ivu wo proceeded according to law' ' These are the two questions I desire to present to the sen ate ; not with any view to prevent the legis lature from remaining In session twenty days more , nor of attempting to Impede the much needed legislation In this state , but only that we fully understand oiiisclvcs , and Ifvvolmc no prevision of law that meets such an emeigencj- , that om judiciary coui- imlteo may toi initiate and present us such an act during our remaining twenty elays. "By prov islons of section 4 , chapter 3 , pigo fil of the compiled statutes w filch reads : Public notice that the proposed ttmundment oi amendments is. or are tobu voted upon , shall bo given in each county In the same manner as is or may be required by law regulating general elections , and the returns shall be made and thu votes canvassed in tlm same mantlet and by thu same olliceis of thu state1. ' This section , jou will see. declares that the vote on any constitutional amendment shall be canvassed bv the same olliceis nnd In the same manner as that by winch tlio vote of governot , lieutenant governoi aud all other statu ofticors are e'anvassed. This Is the constitutional provision on pro posed amendments. Now , what are the stat utory provisions contemplated In tills sec tion 4 , chapter 3 ol the constitution' , ' Chap ter 20 , scptlon . " > ! and W , page : ! > ' , liav o been enacted to make the juovlslon operative. Section SI sets forth the manner of canvass ing this vote and how the returns are to bo madu to tliespeakui ot tlm house of repre sentatives. Section 5' provides forduplUato abstiacts und returns to be made to the secre tary of state , and delinlng the duty ol thu sec retary ot statu to canvass the vote and maku n tabular statement lei the use of the legisla ture. "Hy the returns made to the secretary eit state and his tabular statement , the aiuond- ment vvus certified to have been defeated , as he is required to do by section 32 , chapter 2rt. The legislature in joint convention mi- dpi the autlioiitv delegated to them on the Olh duv of Janu'iry last , declaicd that tlm amendment hail been dcleatcd. " 'I his was all that could bo done by the scctetarj of state , and the legislature. Vow what was the icmcdv under the constitution to review and recount the vote1. It theio was anj' , ' Would it not have been better when the result was obtained iioin the tabu lar statement eif the seciut.irj of state , that some freeholder should have , bv some pro cess or legal proceeding , as tor instance as In contested elections , 01 In some way , indi cated that there should be a recount ? That sort of a ptoceeding. In mv judgment , would have U'cn sufficient. Falling In that , how ever. would next have pioiluceel a moio satistactoij- not a more lezol lesult'.1 Wlij , sir , when in joint convention em thcOtii of Janualj snme senator oi membui had arisen in his place protested that the amendment had c.uried , and aftei Inaiiifinatlng the state ollicer , ad- Jouined to such time when the votes could be from the seveial counties ami then e counted In duo form ot law. Undci suoh a pioceeding no ncwspapci oi anv one could have said sabiy crabber or applied an odium to anj" ot this legislature. " 1 am apprehensive that we Invo not com plied with the fundamental and statntoij laws in this pioceeding , and am therefore Impelled to thus it cord mv ptotcst against this procedure , which ! > elcailv oiitsieiu all law , either fundamental or statutoty , except tlm ono tinelei which wo are now acting , which .i ? enacted toi tills put pose. ' No action was taKen upon the above. Mr. Snell otloied a resolution that the suc cessful patties In the contest eisew In the senate be paid reasonable expenses ot tlm same , and tlm committee on piivileges and elections decide the amount due them. Lild over under the nilcs. The senate then adjourned. The gov ornoi ha slimed semte Ille 4 , fixing m ixinium passenger rates on railroads at u cents per mile. A written messaco from the governor an nounced that in accoulanco with the piovIs lens of an act approved I'cbnury " ' ! , IVsT , ho hail issued his pioclamatlon declailng the ic- sult ot the lecount of votes of electors on the legislative amendment , which the sprretarj lead. Alter iccitlni ! the moves made tor the n counting of the ballots and the result ob tained thcieby , and giving the context of the amendment , the goveinoi's messige con cludes as follows : " 15y vlrtueof theauthoritv In nm vested by the act , approved IVbiuaiy 2-t , Ibii" , I do lieioby Issue this my pioclama tlon , and do hereby deelnie that the amend ment known as the pioposed amendment to the constitution , relating to tlio legislative department , was adopted bj a majo'iltv ot all the votes cast at said election , andldolieieby announce and declare the said amendment above recited to bo adopted , and Is a part ot the constitution ot the state ot NebiasKa. " iii tlio Hnitsn. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 2. ( Special Tele gram to the ULK.J Mr. Havden of Saline in troduced in tlio house a joint lesolutlon that for the first forty davsol the session norepie- senta'.ive is to lecelvo more than S.5 a day for his services. The resolution was received with jecis. 'llio house went Into committee of the whole on the prohibitory amendment and on motion of Mr. Kandall of Clay by a vote of 40 to ! ! 4 , the amendment was reported to third reading. The committee on finance , wajs and means reported bills 4V1 prov idlng SVi.OOO tor pay ot members and emplojos , and 4S4 , pio- vldiiiL' j.n.OOU tor incidental expenses. The committee on judiciary reported tlio Dimhacharter with a recommendation that it pass as amended. Mi.Vhltmore disclaimed any Intent to re lect upon the judiciaiy committee , but ns It was advisable that the Dougl is delegation should know In what manner the chaiter had been amended by the judiciaiy. he moved It be to- toned to a special committee , consisting ol tlio delegation Irom Douglub. Mi. Itussellof Coltux ojiposeit the recom mendation on the ground that tlm judiciaiy committee hnd carefully considered the cli li ter and depilved It of sonio ot its monstrous features. The reference asked tut was In the interest ot outside paitles. Mr. Smj th of Douglas Intioduced a minoi Ity report , the reading ol which was positioned , lie said the tefeienco to the Douglas delega tion would save the house a good deal ot time. time.Mr. . Kenny of Webster wanted the amended bill printed. Mr. hlatcr of Wavno violently opposed the reference. Mr Watson of Otoo thought the Douglas members ouirht to know what thu amended charter contained before It camu before the house. Mr. Kief of Hall said ns the charter had been taken fiom the cities and towns conimlttct ) it was not right or fair that It should come befoio tlm house until the Douglas county delegation had been en abled to meet tlio objections Unit would bo made to It. Mr. Slater said that all the Douglas mem bers had been before the committee and dis cussed It with them. Mr. Miller of Duller favored the reference because It was just. Mr. Fuller of ( ! ago thought tlm reposition was monstrous. Mr. Helmrod ot Douglas wild the city attor- uey and englneei of Omaha were present and ho wanted them to enlighten the house on the charter. 'Iheoteon > forrnce was taKen and car ried by 4'i to' The Llncol rtrr was made a special order tor 70 : ! nlirht. The apportionment bill was .under consid eration for the lirst time In coaimittpu of thu whole and then postponed. Adjourned. Al IKII.VOON Sl.gKllIN. This was the lor'.it'th dav of the session , Iho last on which bills can bo Introduced the present session. As a consequence , several members availed themselves of the oppor tunity , shortly alter the opening of the at- lernoon M'ssiuu lor tlio introduction of thu following bills : Uy Mr. Ilavdcn To urovldo for the pub- licailou aud dUlrlUutUm lu pamphlet form of n list of all claims c ld from moncjs appro priated by house nil ! 83 and & 1 of the twen tieth session of the lejlslatiiro of Nebia ka and to make appropriation for the pajincnt of the expense thereof. Hy Mr. Craig To amend article fl. section S. chapter 17 , complied statutes of Ncbiaska. entitled "Counties , County Boundaries and County Seats. " Hy. Mr. Fuller To amend section 15 , of chapter so , entitled "School Lands and Funds. " of the compiled statutes of the state of Nubiasko. By Mr. Craig To amend section 11. of chapter fiO. of the compiled statutes of Ibbfl. entitled "Liquors. " ' 1 ho following bills vvero lead a second time : Appropriating $ \QM to telmburso Kearney county for expenses Incut red In the prosecution of Matt Xliunicrniaii ; delinlng tlu1 boundiirlesof Washington county ; mak ing It unlawful for county boards to Issue wan ants in anv amount exceedincW per cent 01 the assessed valuation of taxable properly unless there should be money to the amount required In the treasury. Mr. blramp of Lancaster moved that house loll .8" , lelatliiL' to noxious weeds , be en- glossed for thlu' ' leading and it was so oidercd. llouso rolls 2:8 , 201 , SO , 20 , n , HIS , 2.TO. 107 , 2.1s and 10 , were announcedfoi thlid reading. 'lliotnst mentioned , Mr , Wolonvveber's , re peals section 635 of chapter 50 of the crim inal code relating to mlsdemeanois , and to the effect that "no costs shall bo paid fiom the county trrnsuiy In any case of pros ecution for n misdemeanor , or for surety to keep this peace , except ns provided In section . 'ill. ' Tlio bill was passed by a vote of 74 to 17. 17.Mr. . llelmrod's bill , 201 , was passed by a vote of Ki to 4. It piovldes for the amend ment eit section 41. chapter 'J\ and orders the p-ij men ) Into tlio treasury o ! all the tecs of counv judge and clerk In excess of 51,500 per annum : and of shciitl and treasurer in excess of 5 ,000 , except in counties ol ovei 25.WO Inhabitants , where the treasurer shall lecetve S1.0X ) and slnll bo furnished by the county commissioners with a clerk aud assistant , the pajment of all ot whom simll not exceed 52,400 tier annum In such counties the shctlff shall receive a s.ilaiy of e2,500 , shall have ono jail cnaid and ono deputy , the latter leceivlng s'.TOpoi annum. 'I ho salary of the county clerk shall be V.5,500 , and he shall have one ileputy at Sl.OOO pei yeai. It the duties ol any < > t these olllcers stiall require onoormoio assistants ordeputies , such olliceis maj letaln an amount nect'tisary to piv such assistants or deputies not exceeding S70J each per j ear ; except In counties having ovei 7,000 Inhabi tants , In which case suoh otlleer may tetaln such amount as uiaj bo nccesary to pay the salaiies ol such deputies or assistants , as the same shall bit lixcuby the boaul. lint no ot- ttcu sli ill icccho moio fees than aio collected bv him , and no money shall bo retained by him unless the s-ime bo actually paid to such deputies lei soi vices. None ot tlio olliceis named above shall have anv assistants unless the bond ot county commlssionets shall Und the same ncccssarj- , and the board shall in all cases presciibo the number of deputies and the time toi which they may be employed. Mi. Ageo's hill , No. S ) , relating to the estab lishment ot a normal school at Anryta , which vv. is subsequently amended , to piovldo atiothei school at 1'ieniont , was Introduced. U consumed thogicatcrpartot theatteinoon. It icquires the donation of ten acies ol suita ble land , to be approved by the boaid ol pub lic lands and bulldlnzs , and site valued at Sl.'i.OOO , besides a donation ot S10.COO ; land en site and bulletin ! ! to bo located within ono nulc of the cotpoiato limits ot J'leuiont and Amoia. The appiopriatlon soiuht was It was moved to recommit the bill to tlm committee of tlio whole. Mi. Kennoj said hcvvas opposed to normal schools , lie tavorc'il tie | est iblishmcnt ot a school of didaitics in the uimeislty , because he doubted uliethci.thio foiuths ot'lhoso od united in tlio noi I'lnlSttluSbK aftorwaids fol lowed the piofesslon of teaching. It was an outrage on the people of the state to establish mix mine ol these institutions. Mr. 1'ox of Daw son opposed tlm letorencc and was suipiiscd that members who had spoken in lavoi ot the bill when they had a piospect of seeming a school foi tholi vicin ity should now oppose it. ill. Knoxof Douglas said that pioiycounty was dlicctlng its attention ton aid special schools aud ho wanted , noimal schools In which to ti.iin teichers. Mi. 1 tiller ot ( Ja.'o wanted the bill to be eitliei pissed 01 i ejected now and opposed theieciimnntmeiit. Mi. Whitmoio of Douglas said theio was no necessity ot any more discussion. II quoted tiom the superintendent ot the pies- ent nininal schools to show that there was nigent need loranothei school. Mi. Millc'i ot llutlei felt that when tlm bill was up beloie the house the last time Its merits had not been adequately shoun , and for tliat icason he wanted ft recommitted so that the same miirlit be made anpaicnt. Mr. Agee ot Hamilton wanted tlm bill passed or deteated and he felt that the ma- joritv of the niembe rs ot the house wanted the bill to be considered now. He then asked lor the call ot the house , which was done. A vote was then taken to lefei to the committee - mitteo of the whole , resulting in ' ! ! lor the atlirmativo and ( > . ! for tlio negative. It was then moved to read It a third time and this was lost bj a vote of 50 to 80. Mr. Agce moved to reconsider , but -ho mo tion was declaicd out of older bee uiso ho had voted on the losing sido. Mi. Fenton , who had voted with the nega tive , though the prevailing side , also moved to icconslder. Mr. Pt'tnbeiton. however , moved to lay the motion on the table. Mr. Kenney aeain took the floor and stated ho didn't like the proceedings which ho no ticed. it was a disgrace. Ho rharactcrl/ed It as butt-do/ pertinacity and ho could practice that as well as am bodjNo legisla ture should appropriate money unlans utter a full and tree discussion of opinion. The bill had tailed once aud still Its advocates wanted one chance moro. Mr. Pemberton's motion to lay on the table was lost. Tlm motion to rcconsldci was withdrawn. Dining the vote upon thn bill a number ot members absented themselves and tailed to vote. Consideiablo contusion resulted and seveial explanat ems ot votes were made1 , among them ono by Mr. Dempster ol rill- more' , who voted "no , " and believed that un fair means had been icMHtcd to In seeming the locations suggested In the amendment by cor i ill it compacts and trades , and that the state would not be best sene-d by them. Mi. Bowman's house roll 20 , appropilat- ing S.1STI tor the pavment of the publication of the constitutional amend ment submitted to tlm people at tlm last gonc'ial election , was passed by a voteot 74 in the afliimatlve , none bcln In the negative. A message of tlio governor was read , con- talniinr Ids pioclaimUon of. tin1 adoption by tlm people at thu last ecneial election ol tlm amendment t < > the constitution providing lor a legislative session of sixty daj.s , and the remuneiution ot members at S1) ) per day. On motion ot Mr. Pemberton of Jetleison the message was placed upon the records. Tlio bill of Mr. Kwlnif cf Hall amending section 48 , article 1 , chapter 4 , and providing that the owners ot stallions , jacks oi bulls shall have a Hen upon the cetof such for n period alter biith for services of said ani mals , was passed b < * i vote of OS to 4. The billet Mr. Newcomer , of Webster , re lating to the cieat ion of the olllces ot Inspector specter and deputy inspectors ot oils , tlm man nor of inspection and fes , was passed by a v ote of ou to 0. The Inspector Is to bav o a salary of S'.OOO per j ear , and the deputy Inspectors Sl"0 per inontl each. House roll 2.'SO , by Mr ! Lord of Hiitlcr , amending section i , chapter 4 % and provid ing for Urn Issuance of bonds bv any county or city to build court houses and rallioads or other work of Internal Improvement , was passed. The amount Is to be determined by the county board or eit ) council nnd not to exceed 10 per cent of tbo assessed valuation of all taxable property In Eticli county or city. The question of the same Is to be submitted to a vote of the le al voters of the county bonnl or council. Mr. Sullivan's bill providing for refunding to Columbus of S63.0 wiongfully charged for the registering of water bonds by tlm au ditor , was passed. Mr. While ot Cass moved to sus | > cnd tlm order of business and listen to the report ot the special committee nn the number of cm- plojes In the house. Tlio motion was lost. On motion of Mr. Caldwell of Lancaster the special order tor to-ui ht , the Lincoln charter , was extended to tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Mr. Lord's bill amending flection R4 , arti cle 1 , chapter 18 , was passed. It provides for the regular meetlpKs of supervisors on the br-t Wednesday alter tat ) first Tuesday in .lanuarv nnd on theStlrst Tuesddy after the s-'cond Monday In June. Mr. ( lltlnrd's bill tor the relief of Dcitilcn to the amount of S'-'OO In o case simllai to that of Columbus , above mentioned , was passed. Mr. Watson of Otoo moved to concur In the senate amendment ot 83,0..73 ! Instead of ijo.Otx ) to relmbutso Otoe county lor expense Incurred In the prosecution ot Quin Holian- non. 'Iho special committee on cmplojes of the house made majoritv and minority repoiK Tlm tciimer , signed by Mcysis. Uhlto of Cass and Peters , of Hoone , snowed cluht.v- three employes on tlm pay roll , all of which It iccommcndcd discharged. Mi. Dlckln on of Lancaster signed the minority report and dissented from thu majority on the ground that the tinploves were absolutely needed now that expedition was icqiilrud in tlm transaction or business. Mr. White said that In view of tlm cnten- slon ol the length of thti session no member was willing to tavor the discharge eit any ot the people ho had secured places toreach man tceling that his appointees weie absolutely nece'ss.irj.l To got over tlm difllcutty , thev had suggested the discharge of all and the ICMI- tanging ol thosei who weio most competent ami needed. Mr. Peters of Hoone said theio wcio many people on the pay roll who had not done one dav's work since the openln.'of tlm session , some in fact who had not dipped ti pen on an ink bottle. There were thirteen piges in the roll , and he had never seen moie than lour on thu lloorot the house. Tosave this expense he favored the disclmgool all and hiring them again when needed. The following bills were intioduced and read toi the lirst time : House roll I'll , setting the number of olll cers ol the house and pa } uient of the sum1. House toll 4W , apnrniiilating fe.VU.4llor ! the lellef ol James W. Wheaton. House loll 4i ! 1 , limiting the levy of county boatels tofrl. : > 0on 81,001) ) . House loll 4'.U , establishing two state nor mal schools. House roll 4 ! > " > , setting the salary ol supet- vlsots at 5 i 00 per day. House roll 4K' ! > , cranting powei to license and rojiiltte the selling en giving away ot spit nous 01 vinous or malt liquois. On motion of Mi. Watson of Otoc , the house adjourned. Important CIISPR nt U'nlioo. WAIIOO , Neb. , Maich 2. [ Special to the Hi K.J Distiict court convened heio Mon- < lav foi an extia session to dispose of some equity matteis , and so relieve to some extent tlm overcrowded condition of the docket. The most impoitant thing that will bo dis posed ol Is an action bv the city to extend its corporate limits so as to take. In all llm additions to the city and some continuous tonitory besides. 'Iho most vigorous kick Is being made by the Ounin & Republican Valley i.illioad because it biings a mile of track Into the coipoiatlon ; also the motion fora new tilal in the damage suit ot Mc- ( 'lonagan a.'ainst the O uaha Republican Valley i.illioad tor 820,000 , which was tiled at the last teim ot court with a verdict In tavoi of defendant. Some sensational mat- tcis tire presented in the allid.ivlts on which the motion Is based. It Is alleged that bribes were olteied to of the jurois to find tor the defendant or to liang the juiy. nnd that lau'e sums of money weie otfcied to patties- supposed to be Intimate with some ot the jntois , to socino a verdict toi the ralltoid coinpinv , and that a veidlet was thus secmed and one ot tlie jtuors has been vcrj itiipoi lunate about his money , but not having received it , concluded to lvelt away. 'Ihesheiltf is also involved in the matter , it beinir alleged that ho entered the jury room and iticd his influence foi the lailrond , and tuinlshed the jury with diink- ablcKof-an Intoxicating nature during tlm tlmo of their deliberations. A new ttial will piobably bj grant U. Tomperanoo WOIIIIMI In Contention. EWINO , Neb. , .Match 2. ISpcchl Telegram to the Hr.r.I The Women's Chiistian Tem perance union of the 'lliird district met in tlm M. K. chinch Tuesday at 2 o'clock p. m. Them is quite a lull attend ance ot workers throughout the state. Nearlv eveiv locality of the e'.istiict ' is repre sented , and thev constitute the lepiesentativo ladles and motheis of tills section. Mis. ( i. W. Clailc , of Oimha ; Mis. J. F. Holmes , president of the slate union , and Mis. C. M. Woodward , state lecturer , are present. C. .1. Holt , president of ( iates college , Neligh , de livered a Stirling lecture last e\enlnjj. A Fortmmto Fire * . Nonroi.K , Neb. , Marcli 2. [ Special to the Bir. : ] 'I his morning citl/ens were alarmed by a cry of hie , which catiseel more than usual solicitude because of thu fact that astiong vv Ind was blowing. I'oiInnately It proved to be only a small bla/e , and slightly damaged Attorney II. C. Hrome's residence. Itufus nioclffctt , Democrat , ClioNcn United Stales Senator. TIIKNTOV. N. J. , Maich 2. The Joint meeting of the legislature1 assembled at noon to-day. Throckmoiton and Hedlo ( demo crats ) moved to take n recess until 4 p. m. and Gardner ( republican ) seconded the motion which was carried. At tlm conclusion ot tlm first billet it was evident that tlm republicans had consolidated on a democrat to detect Abbctt. All of them except two \oted.for Hloduottmaking thirty- six , and of thu dcmociats three voted for him. . The second ballot was oidercd amid much excitement. Be I ore the result was announced an attempt was made to stampede the republicans to Senator Sewell , in hopes of eatrj Ing enough domociatlc votes to elect him. but thus tailed , its the republicans feared that ( iovernor Abbott would pioht by It in the contusion. A ntimbei ot changes were made and the vote ns hnallv announced stood , Hlodgett , 4J ; Abbett , 'tt ; i : . K. Potter , 1. HloeUett w.isdetlued electeel amid wild ex citement. Hlodgett was elected b > thiitv- eUht republican votes and by those Speaker Haiid , ClMttlc , Throckmorton and Chase , democrats. Huttis Hlodgett , the now senator , was born In Dorchester , N. H , , November , 1S.I4. Ho was a member eif the lower house of the New Jerseiy legislature in Ib78 and IbVJ , repre senting Ocean county , He altei wards re moved to Monmouth eountj1 , where ho now resides. Ho Is iduntllicd with the Interests ol several laihoad companies anil has alvvavs bean recognized an n staunch democrat. In the assembly ho was the democratic leadei. Ho Is a llncnt speaker and Isot commanding figure. Ho was foi soveial jears n nicmberot the democratic state rential commltteo. He Is superintendent of tlm New York A : Long Branch railroad. Military Movement * ) In Germany. Hnui.i.v. March 2. An Imperial decree has been Issued ordering for the liit > t and second corps of tlm Prussian urmy a special series of exercises preparatory to the autumn maiHc'iivro , the Infantiy divisions and cav alry brlL'adcs to mami'iivre at'alnst a sup posed euemy. Keports of the government , doing sure of a majority In tbo leichstag , pioposed to perpetuate tlm military bill Is unfounded. It Is rumored In ofllclal circles that changes are imminent in tlm Fiench cabinet. Boulanger's inlluence , it Is .said , has so increased , that the ministers In favor of a peace policy will soon be driven to re sign , HonlaiiL'ci thus obtaining dominance In the cabinet. \\s\r in thn Inthor Gain p. PiTTHiiuiio , March 2. The reiwnt dispute at MingoJunctlon between the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel workers and tlm Knights of Libor was only tlm begin ning of a war between the two great labor or.'anl/atioiiB , It Is the Intention cf tlm Knights of Labor general executive boaid to take immediate steps for the organisation of u national district assembly ot Iron and steel woikcrti. which will have control ot all all'airs of the Iron and steel worker. Dills Mudo W.vsiii.NOTO.v , Mnrcn 2. The president to-day appioved tlm mllitarj academy appro priation bill , tlm re ukii pension appropria tion bill , tlm act to oa'nni/o tlm hospital corps of tlm United States , and the act In re gard to llm impoitatlon of inaekeiel during the spawning season , IN DEFENSE OF THE KNIGHTS , Cardinal Gibbons Makes a Strong Report to tbo Holy See. HE URGES NO CONDEMNATION. The Snlrlt of tlio Order Not Incoin palllileVKIi tin * TcMtcliliiKH of the ? Cliurcli A Prccltu- tliii ) or ItcsultN. Cnrillnnl < 3Hilions' Koporf. tw I > niiiiir ( VimfinIrmirf.l / / HOMP , March 2. fXew Yoik llt'inld Cablet Special to tlio Bir. : ] I send jou herewith nil the essential passages In Caidliml Clbhnns toi'ort ' to tlio popaganda on tlio Knights of Labor : To his Kmlnence , Cardinal Slinoonl , Pro- fret of tlio Holy Congregation of tlm Piopa- gandi Your Kminence : In submitting to tlio holy sco tlm conclusions which , aftnr sev eral months' of observation , mid deep lellec- tlon , seem to mo to sum up the question of tlionssoclatlon of the Knights of Labor , I nm stronglv convinced of the vast liniuiitaiu'o of tills question , which fonus but ono rlnc In the great chain of the social problems of our da > , and esnecl.illy of our countij. In judg ing this question 1 hu\o taken caio to "so as my constant guide the spirit of the enevcljcals In which our holy father , Pone Leo XIII. bus so admirablj exposed the dangcisof oni time and their lemcdles , and has explained the principles by which we shall be Kidded In distinguishing the associations condemned bv the holv see. Such also , WPIO the clinics of the "did plcnaiy council of Haltlinoro In Its teachings about the principles to bo fol lowed and the danireis to bo avoided bv the faithful In the foimitlon of associations to ward which the spirit of out popular Itistitu- .lions so strongly impels. Considering the consequences that ink-lit result through ancriorln the tieatmcnt of the oiganl/n- tlons , which olien count their nnmbeis bv thousands and hundieds of thous ands , the council cleat ly oidorrd No. 2.15 that when an association has spiead into several dioceses no sin.'lo bishop of those dlooesus may condemn It , but must refer the case to the permanent commission of all the archbishops of the United States , who , in thcli tuin , uie not atithou/cd to issue condemnation unless timir decision is unan imous , nml in default of such unanimity , onlj tlio hol\ see Itself can impose such n condemnation , so tint error and contusion In discipline mav be avoided. This commission ol an liblshops met tow aid the end of the month ot October last to especially con idet the association of the Knights of Laboi. We were not led to hold tills meeting bj any request on the part ot tlic bishous , lur none ot them did demand it , and it must bo added that ot all the bishops only two or thieo were Known to deslie the condemnation. Hut tlio * IMI'OKI ANCK OK I III : ( Jl'KSTIOJt In itsolt , and the estimates of the holy f-cc , niadni'1cWllliiu ! irilCltH'tTlc"Kr atest care. After our decision , the results of vvhleh havu alieady been eommunicatud to the holy con gregation ol the propaganda , only two out of the twelve arc hblshops voted for the condem nation thit is to say , the archbishop ol St. Louis and the archbishop ot Santi Fe , who lollovved suit foi leasons which in no v\av pcisitaded the others elthei ot the justice or prudence of such a condemnation. In the cousldctiitlons which follow 1 vvisii to give ) link-tail the lea- sons \\liich deteimined thn vote of thugicat majority of the commission , the tiuth and force of which do not seem to me loss powei- liit to-day. At the same time I will tiv to do justice to the arguments advanced hi the op position party. Although there may bo found In the constitution , the by-laws and of liclal declarations of the Knights ol Labor certain assertions or regulations , which wo might not nppiovc , we have not found therein tlio element which the holy see soclearlj designates us condemnatory , and the formula of their onianl/atlon contains ncltlmi'oath 1101 obllgationlwhlch piccludo those who do not belon. to it , or even theii enemies , troui becoming acquainted with tlioii affaiis. . CATHOLICS : NOi roinn : > Div : todivulgo evorjtlnn : , ' to competent ecclesi astical authoiitios , even outside of the con fessional , This has been specially explained to us by the olliceis. No piomiso of blind obedience Is required. The objects of the as sociation and its lilies are well and dlstlnctlj established , and the oblisations of obedience do not ticsspass their limits. Not only theli objects and their rules are not hostile to re ligion or thechuich , but the very contrary. 'Ihe third plenary council forbids that we should ( omlcmu any association without giv ing Its olllceis or representative a hearing. ( Corypheis vel socils nteeipuls , No. ail ) . Their master workman , In sending mo a copy of their constitution , took occasion to siy that ho professed his religion faithfully anil receives the sacraments regularly ; that ho belongs to no Masonic association or to any other othcivvlso condemned by the church ; ho Knows of nothing in the society ot the Knights of Laboi contrary to the regulation' ) of the chinch , and with lillal submission he begs the pastois oi the chinch to examine all tlio details of theli organi/atlon and sus that it they llnil theicln anj thing repiehenslblo to point them out and ho will faithfully promise to have thu propel modifications made. Assuredly this does not look like hostility toward the antlioilty ol the church , but on the contrary A rini'icii.I.AIJDAIII.I : : : SIMIIIT. Alter their convention in Richmond last > cai many of theli inoitealous olliceis aild Catholic membeis made the same declara tions regarding their hentiments. As lor the pioceedlngs of thu convention themselves ( which wo expect POOH to reecho ) , wo can no more find therein any hostility to the church or to the laws of the land. Not only their constitution and i ( 'filiations con tain nothing of the fort , but the heads of our civil authorities treat them and the cause thy ri'presont with the greatesticspect. The president ol the United States told me per sonally a month ago that he had then under consideration a matter pertaining to coitaln social grlevanes * , and til it ho had ju t had a conleienco with Mr. Powderly , the general m.iHter worKfiian of the KnUhtn of Labor , on the subject. Thu congress.of the United States , following the advice of the piesldunt , IB now considering measures tcndliiL' In ameliorate the condition of the working class , the foundation tot nmnv of whoso complaints Is open ! } nckiuiwliulgrd. And the political pirtles , fur fiom looKMiu upon them IIH cur mUs of the country , vie with each other to obtain tor them the rights they are clearly emitted to , lor It Is a fuct well known that the poor tellers have in * inclination to resist or bie.ik the laws of the land , but simply to Main equitable legislation by constitutional and legitimate means. And thooconsidera tions , which show that the orgnnl/atlon does not contain liny of the elements which tlio holy see condemns , biilig iis fuco to toco with the evils the society Is combating ami TIII : nr.Ai. v.vrt'iu : OK tin : cosrj.irT. Theio exist In our country , as In all other ? , social grievances which am cravonnd men acing ; public Injustices which alike require linn resistance nml legal lomedles all of which none would gainsay , and the truth of which lias already been admitted by congress and the president of the United State ? . Without entering Into thn painful details of these wiongs thu pic-sent occasion not leqiilrlng It It will suf lice to mention the tact that monopolies \ \ \ only by Individuals , but corporations also , havealieady excited complaints iioni tlm working-man anil opposition from publlo men and national IcgMatnis as well ; that the etloits of these inonopiilists , not nl- wa.vs unsuccessful , to control legislation for their own piotlt , cause a great deal of anxiety to the disinterested trlends of lib- ettj ; that their healtless avarice which , to Increase their revenues luthlesislv ciiisht'S not only the woiKlngmen representing the vailons trades , but even the women anil the .voting chlldien In theli employ makes It plain to nil who love humanity and justlco that not enl > the woil.lnuuian has a tight to organize toi his own piotcction , but that It Is tin.1 dulot the public at large to aid them in lindlng a reitiedj against the dangers with which civilization and the social older arc menaced bj .ivatlee , oppiesslon and cor ruption. No one could truthful ! } deny the light of legitimate lesistance , and the necessity fern remedy. 'Iho most that wo could do would bo no doubt the legitimacy of the means ot leslstanco emplujcd , and of the remedies applied by the Knights of Labor. In the fol lowing , then , will be the next point of our examination : mi VIIIIIIODS or i in : KNicim . ! ' . It can searcolj bo doubted that the form ing of associations and organl/atlons of the paities Intelested Is the bcbt HUMUS of attain ing a public object of anv kliui the most natural and elllc.iclons. This Is so evident , and besides so much In aecotd with the spirit of our country and ol society In ccncial , su essentially popular , that we need not dwell upon tlio fact. It Is , wo mluht sav , the only means by which public attention can bo attiacted towaul the end deslied to bo attained , by which force be given to the most legitimate resistance , weight to tie most just demands. Theio exists an 01 can I * /titionwhich present * a thousand attractions atlumsind adaaiitugcs. but which our Cath olic toilets , with lillal submission , retire to accept. It Is the Masonic organization , which spicads all over our country , which , as Mr. 1'owdei ly explicitly sijs , unites the emplojer and emplove in a fiateinlty which Is very advantageous to the lattei , but which IMS scaicely one Catholic In Its tanks. DON.'i in : t'x-AMi.nirA.v. The eaidinal then lings some changes on the favorite Catholic theme tlm danger of the Masonic brotherhood anil next he passed to a point which will appeal moro diiectly to the aveiagc lecllng of Anieiicans. lie makes a stilling appeal to the church to hcwaio of getting heiself branded as "iin-An.eiican , " and In terms which , even tluough tlm Impoifc'ct medium ol Indilletont I'lonch , are eloquent , reminds the propaganda that thu greatest and grand est title ol the church to the affections , love and dev'otlon of Anieiicans lies in her being , above all tills , "the liiend ot the people. " Various considerations , moio 01 less of ecclesiastical Interest , followed , some a tilllo icdundant , and then the closed. TIII : M MMI.NO ri1. To sum up , It seems to me plain that th holy sec cannot onteitaln tlio proposal to condemn the association : ' 1. He cause such a condemnation does not appear to bo justlllcd either by the spirit of Its constitution , ot its laws , orby the declara tions ol Its heads. 2. That such a condemnation docs not ap pear necessaiy In view of the ti.inslent form of thooig-uii/itlon and of the social condi tion of the United States. 3. That it would not be pi mien t on ac count of the realitv ot the wrongs of the workingm in , and the tact thai the existence ot such Is allowed by the American public. ' 4. That It would bo dangijions to the lepu- tatlon ot the church In our denioeiatio country. 5. 'Dial It would bo powerless to compel the obedience ot our Catholic vvorklngmen , who would regard It as false and iniquitous. r . That It would be ( tc.stritctlvo Instead of bcnohclal In Its effects , toielng the sons of t'le church to icbel against theii motlieiH anil to range themselves wltli condemned socie ties which they have hitherto avoided. T. That It would be Millions to the linan ] support of the church and to the raising ot Peter's pence. 8. That It would turn Into doubt and hos tility the marked devotion of her people to the holy see. D. That it would bo regarded as a erne blow to the authority of the bishops of the United States , who , it Is well known , piotegt against such a condemnation. I trust that the considerations hern pro- sen ted have shown sulllclentlycleailj that Hiieh would be the results of the condemnation ot the Knights ot Labor of the United States. Therefore , 1 leave their cause with full conlidunco In tlio wisdom and prudence of vour eminence and ol the holy see. J. C VIM ) ( illlllONH , Aichblshop of lialtlmme. Itoviu , Feb. 'M , IbST. The Knl lilH Ito.lolcnd , Ni.vv YUIIK , March ' . ' . Caidlnal ( ilbbons1 lavoiable report to Pope Lee , is to thu alms and btaiidingof the Knights of Labor not f01 tli In the cable desp itches liom Homo wax lecclved with much tejolelng by the Knluhts In this city. The position taken by Caulinal ( ilbbons , thej hay , will settle the whole mat ter. Ho Is an especial lavorlto with tlm pope , and his advtn ) as to the treatment of any nmttei In which the United States is concenud will. It Is dot'loii'd , bo taken as it Is given. This K-port ol Cardinal ( no beailng whatever on thn McUlynn case , nor will Its endorsement by the pope carry with It am thing more than approval of tlio general plan ol the order , TUG G OI ; I : TiinoKY. Conunerita of KiiKllHh Papers on llnnry's Advluo to Htrlkcrn. LOVDON , March 1. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to thu Iti'.K , | The Slundaid sa > s In an editorial to-day : "Henry ( Scoigo'a theoiles are a great deal too advanced lor thu Ntnv York lleiald , though tlio views of that enterprising journal would bo considered in tills coaniiy as , In many particulars , passing tluough dcmociaey to socialism , Mr. ( icorgo. It seems , advances the doctrine that Jf a handful of worklngmen choose to Htrlko they ore perfectly Justified In taking any means they please to prevent any other men occupying their vacant places , that Is to say , that no man has a right touirn his livelihood If anv other followers of tlm same business would piefcr he should not dot > o. To thin the ilerald u-plies : 'We judge that Mr. ( ieor.u It ) a little oIT his head , ' and expresses a.stiong opinion that the working mc-n of Aincilca are not donKeys enough to suflef their lilxirtles to bo abrlged by such nonscnstt as Mi. Ccoige's. Thiiy would bo nxtraorifl * nary fools If they did' . ' This plan speaking journal ohservev : 'Tho llnnld IB all for trecdom of action and contract. ' The rlg it of man to work where and when und yr much or us little a ? ho likes for such wugM