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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1886)
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : FHlDAy , OCTOBER & 1880. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCllTBLUFFS , FRIDAY MORN INC OCT. 8. Pi-TICE , NO. 12 , PE/VRL / STUEET. Jlel\"nicO ) ! } tnnir in i n > | tut of lliccltynt ht ( nly crt.ts PIT witk. SIV. . TIM ox. Mnnnjfcr. , No J. NltlllT U MINOK .MKNTIOX. NmvYork I'lumbl.iK Co , Now full /roods / at Hcitor'a. liny Soul brand 03 slurs , Uio bn t. Hicnp railroad tickets tit Hnslmciri. Iticlimoiiil furnace * : il Cooper A : Mo ( il'l1 S OIHM'O/CII o.ibini'ts uiu ! a largo pani'l for if'J no a ! .SHimlili's irallery. D'l'lio Hiownlnld CUM- bus been coiitin- lied in tin.superior eonit until noNt.Mon- ( Inj. Hiirulimonlloilnl William livers1 IIOUM- , in Mulvri n , Tui' iliiy night , but ot noth ing i'\i'epl n seme. The paving of upper Hromlway roin- nieneoil voMeiday , and will bo utowdcd right along to completion. Jly place of business will be clo ftl fiom ( J oVlofk this evening to (1 ( o'cloek KalurduY evening. 11. FHHI : IAN. Tlie jury in thu case of Hllgor vs. .Se.lmllnfOaklnttd , in which the. plain- tlll'hOeks to reci ci $100 for allot 1113 feu- , was .still out at 11 o'clock hist night , with no ptuswetof agrei'iui'iit. Air. ami Airs D.iniol Decker lefl yesler- duto make llii'ir lioine perinanuiitl.v in Hartford , Conn. Mr. Dcckci luus had charjzu of thu electric lights of tils' ! i-ity for a year past. L. C. llrackctt is making it gioat im provement in the appearance of ihn front of his lion1 , tlio p.i'mtiTsliiiKhingit in an entirely new way , it being * unlike any front in tin ; city. Ln't night Aim Lincoln post gave a siiece.-sfiil and enjoyable soc-al hop. Tlio proceeds arc to go to the worthy purpose of a relief liind for the widows and orphans of old soldiers. Tin * police force Iiavoljocu having their photographs taken as a body , and one of the pictures has been nicely framed and presented by them to Mrs. Chapman , widow of the lute mayor. Special ccininnncation of HltilV City lodge , No. 71. A. V. As A. M. , Fridry evening October 8 , 188'i. ' Work on second degree. Visiting brethren cordially in vited * Hy order of the W. Al. People of Hioomer street and vicinity complain that the sidewalks on that street are ill a dangerous condition , sev eral mliioi accidents hayo already hap pened. The street njso is in Mich condi tion that it is impossible to haul a ton of coal on it. A number of the democratic delegates to the convention to-day arrived yester day morning , and .still more came in on evening's trains , It is evident by the of arrivals that the interest in the convention is not confined to the city by any means. The ladies of Broadway Methodist , church last evening gave an enjoyable bupiutr which doubtless proved also profitable to the church collers. The tables were bountifully and tastily spread , nncl the patrons of the entertainment certainly got their money's worth. Masq Wise is making .somo improve ments in his stables , and enlarging them somewhat. Yesterday the authorities were examining into the mutter to see if there was not sonic violation of the tire ordinance , but it was found that there was no occasion to complain. Hose company No. 1 had its picture taken yesterday by tlic instantaneous process , the experiment being tried of attempting to get a picture ol thu com pany and cart as they appear when on the run to u lire , they being in motion when the camera was aimed at them Died Wednesday evening , October 0 , Harold Edgar , youngest son of Air. and Mrs. A. H. Alalr. aged 2 years , ! ) months and 1U days. The Mineral will take place this ( Friday ) afternoon from the family residence , Hillsilalo nursery , South First street. Friends of the family in vited. The Nonpareil yesterday discovered the startling news that giound was being broken by the Union Pacific company for a now depot just one" block cast of the present one , which had become too Hinall. The news is refreshing to Council 1 ! I nil's folks. A little bcibsors is a dan gerous thing. The Sioux City authoiities have pent to Council lilulls for full information as to how city improvements are made here , nnd how assessed and paid for. The necessary blanks are bning gathered up to send back , it appearing that Sioux- City desires to adopt some of the methods iiow in vogue hero. Grand fall and winter opening on next Tuesday and Wednesday at 11. Fried man's mammoth millinery establishment , No.109 Uroadway. _ Personal Paragraphs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Fuller liavo re turned from the oast. W. Al Beach , a prominent Hamburger , was at thu Pacific yesterday. Mrs. C. K. Friedman has returned from a two months' visit to friends in her old Connecticut town. J. W. DeSilra. of Hnrlan , is at the licclitolo. Ho is thu democratic nominee for attorney in Shelby county. J. C. Grason , one of the proprietors of the Siloaiu Springs , AIo. , and who has been visiting his friends and relatives hero , has returned homo. Fremont Benjamin , of Avoca , arrived at the Pacific yesterday , and at once com menced busying himself with the arrangements - rangomonts for the coming demooratio convention. Airs. il. li. Kohl has loft for Atchison , Kan. , where she joins her husoand , who In yardmaster of thu Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo railroad. They have taKen up their residence at No. 611 banta to street. W. B. Arnold , of Okoboji , was among thu distinguished orrivals at the Paclfia yesterday. Captain Arnold is known all over this country by the reputation given Arnold's park , one of thu pleabantests fiummnr resorts in the west. Prof. II : A , Ballinger , late principal of the High school hero , has formed a part nership with H. H. Zackory. of Prairie City , and the two will start u bank at eomo western point. Hapid City , Dak. , Is ono of the places belli ! ' considered , Mr. dialling , now of Itoston , who was formurly with II. K. Seamen heio , anil Jato with J , W. and E. L. Squires , is greeting his old friends hero after an absence of u year and a half. Ho will visit other points in. the west on busi ness before Ids return. 0 , 1) . Kinlingor , of Moore & Kinlingor. ptarta for Ino east this evening. Ho wil Join his wife , who has been visling her parents in Hacino , and with her will proceed coed to Lima , O. , to theru visit his pa rents , ho not having been homo before for eight years. Air. Klplmgcr is a young man who has stuck closely to business during the three years of his residence hero. and while ho has won tuccesa , hi lias done so by hard and steady work am close application. Ho has well earned a rooreatory trip.and it is hoped that ho nnd his will enjoy it hugely , and be re turned safely to their many friends here The finest millinery opening over holt \n \ this city takes place next Tuesday am Wednesday at 11. Fried niuu'n. THE D\Y FOR THE DEMOCRACY The Oountj Ticket to Be Framed in Conven tion To-Day. GRONEWEG'SOFFICIAL MAJORITY A frozen \Vomnn ThriiwA I'roni urtlif DUIIIIIIJ 'I i-nln Ncoln l-'or U'nior Win Us A Cluinsj Sncnk Iliiel' Tlio ( loniocnitic t ounty cftnvcnlion vliich inuets hen * to tiny proml'i's to bo u inlc'iustiiif ; siiul probably oxclting one. rim city eiuuMif.i'9 . were cliirictcri/.iMl : : by illicit fui'lniK , cuiisoil by the OJIRITIK S of wciil t-andidatcs for rurtaiu jioiltlons on lie tiukut , notably tlio position of county oconlur. No li\ollor primaries have i'cn hultl lu-rt ) . nnd tin * fooliiiK lias - > V 10 moans subsided , llonci * the pri'tllo- ion Isinadu that with the addition of thu i mil rivnlry In conventions the fueling inimiK the city candidates and their riunds will cansu the propufillnps to bo Imnictcriyud with moio than ordinary civldnr s , if not with wi-dom. For county clurk there seonis but one iininc1 eotUMilori'd , that of tin1 present in- Miiiibont. Mr. Shea lie will doubtless HI lonominati'd by nculnimition nnit inaiilinonsly , there apeariiiK | no opposi- ion in the parly. Tim grout light will bo for tin * noiniim- ion of recorder. There seems to be : i ree-tor-all , and more entries than can 'ot a start on a track no wider than the lemocriitic one. Im Ilentlricks , Andy Inckiion , J. F. lirodbcck and others from bis city have been looking to the olliee .vitli eager oyus > , but on the city dulegu- tions U apiears | that .Jackson has carried Ins majority and Hint the others opposing iiin will con line their ell'ort.s to killing ilmoU'ai.d throwing the nomination to some oiit-ol-to\vn candidate in case tlioy can get no showing for tliemselves. Ont- sitli ! of Council lilnll's tlio woods tire also full of 'em. ISoomor township has two andul'ites , Mr. Tliomas and Mr. Wager. II. W. HiggJ , of Carson , is also stirring himself , and how many morn theru will bo can only bo conjectured , For county attorney there were several c.inilidates from tins city , among them being Mr. Ware , Scott Williams nnd J. J. 1'niinoy. Fremont Benjamin , who re cently becanio qnlto suddenly to the dunu-ruli party , is said to bo try ing to got i n ti luco whore the light ning will strike him , but with little pros pects of being successful. The coroner's position will probably bo given to the present incumbent , Mr. Fnul. For county commissioners it is pre dicted that A. U. Graham and Mr. Uish- Ion will bo renoininacd | , they being the ones whoso time expires. A light was starteil yesterday as against Mr. Grab im by a faction of the democracy , who are said to bo working in the inteicsts of Judge James. It is said that J. J. Frainqy , C. Wesley and Jndiiq James nro the principal movers in tins side skirm ish. Air. Graham's friends claim that thu attempt to prevent his nomination will avail but little. The greatest interest is taken in the convention , and there will probably bo u larger attendance than at any similar convention for years past. The Ollloial Count. The canvass of votes of the late citv election was made yesterday by City Clerk Hnrko nnd Justice Hcndricks , the mayor being barred out of the board by tlio fact that he was a candidate him.iolf. The count was as follows , which differs n lit tle from the report of the wards as pub lished unollicially : Oroneweg. Evans. First ward 218 181 Second ward a'i'J 242 Third ward 230 103 1'ouith wnid 3T1 275 Total 115S 804 Gronewcg's majority , 291. Threw Herself 011 the Track. For some time past there has boon an aged and peculiar couple residing near the Northwestern round house , both of whom scorned n little dn/cd or unbal anced. They are continually talking about somebody who , in their imagina tion , is stoning their house , and seem to bo greatly worried about other imaginary ills. Vcstcrday morning the old lady went down on the dummy track , near the pauking house , and placed herself in n position to bo run over and killed by the rapidly approaching train. Some labor ers noticing her queer procedure hur ried to the spot and pulled her off the track in time to prevent her death. The woman is apparently of unsound mind , and should b'J caied for by the authori ties. It is reporlei ! tlii't this is not her first attempt at sclf-dohtructiOM , \Vntor WorkH foiNcoln. . Neola has boon wrestling over the queS' tion of water works , and has decided to have them. The amount of the cxpon dlture is slated as about $12,000 , of winch amount the railroads are to contribute about $5,000 , leaving $7,000 for the city. It is stated that the city has $3,000 in cash in its treasury which can be used for this purpose , so that an indebtedness of only $1,000 is to bo incurred. The local light has been a hot ono , but the decision of the voters has been made in favor of the works as tlio best preventive of llres. A Sncnlc Tlilof. A stranger in Doll Morgan's drug stofo yesterday attracted the attention of the proprietor by his suspicious actions , and being convinced that the fellow had slipped pod something into his pocket ho gave O nicer Unthank the hint , as soon as the follow loft the store. That olllcer follow ed him to the corner , when the fellow broke into a run , and the olllcor had a lively nnd long chase up the alloy before ho caught him. The fellow gave his name as Charles Jackson , and when searched nt the station n perlumery case was found in his pocket. He will have a hearing this morning. Prepare to Register. The boards of registry moot next Tuesday at the same places as before , nnd will continue in session dally for the rest of the week. Voters should not overlook the fact that they must register ngain if they would vole , The old regis try , taken for the recent city election , counts for naught in the coming elec tion. Kvery ono who expects or desires to vote nuiHt sue to it personally that Ids name is registered next week , or else his vote will not bo received on election day The boards will meet for one tiay after wards , on the Wednesday preceding election ( lay , but votois should not post pone registering until that day , unless some unavoidable circumstances proven their registering next week. The earlier the matter is attended to the bettor am surer. It seems strange that toters should need any urging to attend to this mutter , but such seems the caso. The Talc of The Horse. The interesting horse case in wlncl John Ashles , Frank Trimble and Dr Simmon , with others have been eon cerned , completed another chapter yes tcrdny morning iu Justice llcudricks court Trimble and Dr. Sermon were up on a charge of stealing the liort-e. but I ho charge was promptly dismissed b\ the 01 der of the county attorney , Mr Wan- , who deputed Attorney Stewait to ap pear in court for him and thus di po c of the case. Mr. Ware and Justice Hun- dricks had some sharp differences some time ago , and Mr. Ware , although the county attorney , seem to bo sot against appearing In the cocrt presided over iiy Justice Ilendricks. The criminal branch of the cao being thus innmarily dis missed. It remains for the parties eon- corned to light out their claims for the Jior. c in the civil proceedings. Grand opening nt II Krietlman's next riiL"-dni and Wednesday. I'nrinor * Wagner ii Sherlock have fallen out ns paitnors in business , and Sherlock has been trying In vain to get semi * settle ment ot the allairi of Ihn concern. Il U said that In * oll'i'ied to soil his interest for $ 150 , or to give Wagm-r $1,000 foi his half , and Unit Wagner ri'fui > ed to accept eilher pioposiiion. The t'stablisliuii-nt has been thrown Into litigation , and the dispute will have to bu "i-tlled in the courts In the nu-aiitlmo Sherlock is lil ting up it place next to the old stand , and will open tliL'ro as soon as possible. As a complication to the ull'iiirs of the old llrm then * is said to bo a chattel moil- gage given by blierlock on his half , and tlio propel ly taken by an ollieer under this mortgage , but after being rlosi'd for a lew hours , arrangements were made by which II Is to run as usual with ' .Vaguer in charge of aliuirs. Tin * City Council. At the meeting of Hie city council last night the major and nil the aldermen were present. I'etition of Episcopal church lor a lump post was roferied. ( ieorgo F. Wright presented petition of citizens for opening up Ninth avenue from west line of Fleming A ; Davis' addi tion , and through and across part of sec tions : ir , 71 , II , until it strikes Facilii * . avenue , then along north line of haul quarter sections , thence along center line of section 41 , until it strikes Ninth avenue in Brown's sub. Referred o committee on streets and alloys and oily attorney and oitv engineer. I'etition of Margaret King for reduc tion of assessment. Hefeered. The city attorney reported that in his opinion the registry law was unconstitu tional , but that if registers wore entitled to any pay Ilio compensation should be $4 lor each day of eight boms and frac tion thoieof. Report received and placed on tile. The report of the oflicial canvass of the vote was received and spread upon the minutes. The bond of $3,000 and oath of ollice of the new mayor , William tironewcg were received and placed on lilo. ; The council then adjourned until Thursday evening of next week. The adjournment was rather unex pected. There was a large number of bills and other documents on the table , and the deputy clerk was instructed by his father to hold the now mayor's bond to the last , buthe slipped the jack from the bottom , and it was approved before the council realized what the effect would be. As soon as attention was called to the fact that Mayor Kvans was no longer mayor , business had to be suspended and the adjournment took place. City Attorney Holmes , although of the opposite party , suggested that resolu tions should be prepared than king Mayor Kvans for his services , anil this matter was laid over until next Thursday night. 12 Cabinet Photographs $3. Quality the linest. Shorraden , 317 Broadway. Fresh oysters in every style at the Tlitenlx Chop House , No. 505 Broadway. First-class regular dinner 25 ccnts,12 to 2 o'clock. Phauiiixchop house , .105 B' ' way. Seal brand oysters at H. J. Palmer's. The colored folks had a big dance in Bloom & Nixon's hall last evening. A number were present from Omaha. Turned Up All Mr. Busses , who runs the stable on Main street where Cole & Maxwell wore burned out , "want out yesterdny nf ternoou with a horse and buggy. About 8:39 : the horse came homo on a run with the buggy attached. The horse had no bridle nor lines ; horse and buggy unin- iured. Considerable anxiety was felt by Mr. JJtisses1 friends ns lo whnt had be come of him , but abi nt 10 o'clock ho came walking in uninjured. The horse had boon hitched to n post and broke away and run home. Substantial abstracts ot titles nnd real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street. Council Uluffs. Evornrd and Eulalin , by Ed. Wright for sale by UushtiCll & Crockwell. Just received , Ladies' ilnj ? shoes , best makes. Prices low. Goo. Bla m , 807 Main. Olllcer Hendricks has resigned his posi tion , and Marion Slovens lias been ap pointed to succeed him on the police force. Petty Pilfcrliiff. William Frink was last night arrested for stealing n ton dollar drill from II. Kclloy's marble shop on Main street. Marshal Guanolla made the arrest , and found the drill in the prisoner's posses sion. Guanolla recognl/.cd in Frink u man who used lo work for him , an excellent - lent mnrblo worker who scorns to bo led into dilHculty mainly through his passion for tlrink. A mason named Fagloy was also ar rested last evening for stealing a trowel , which n fellow workman hud laid down in a saloon while Inking a drink , Fag loy is tlio same fellow who lately got into trouble with a man named Thompson , and throw n brick nt him just to scare him. The briok hit Thompson on the head nnd indicted a bad cut. See Hint your books are inndo by More- house & Co. , rooml , Everett block. The Richmond combines the four es sentials of a good furnace , simplicity , capacity , durability and economy. See them at Cooper & 5lcGce's , 41 Mam. WAIl Oli * TJI13 HACKS. A Colored Heavy Weight Knookco. Out of Time hy White Flat. A glove contest occurred at a late hour Wednesday nlcht at P. MoNulty's saloon , No. 711) ) Uroadway , the contest being be tween an unknown colored man naincd Evans , nnd a whlto man named Hriggs , who is also a stranger hero. The ar rangements were hurriedly formed , a small purse was made up , and but few spectators were present. Peter liurku served us second for Evans and Sam Travor for Hriggs. There were seven rounds fought , the time being seventeen minutes , nnd the colored man being so badly punished thut ho could not come to the scratch , An attempt was made to have another set-to last night , but thu colored man was not In condition , and no ono else could bo induced to stand up before the cham pion , In th < ) first round Hriggs speedily showed that he was too much for his swarthy antagonist , and liriggs won the second cosily also , the round lasting but a minute , a few strikes exchanged , and Kvnns be.ii . knocked U In Ms ( nrnrr In tie thud roinid tie | tolor.d manu s knocked clear t > ut of thi ring , nnd when he cniiie ui ) for the fotith | ho was very ) lood3' Ho made tv o or llnec pokes at ilrlggs and returned1 ( o his coiner In the iftli round K\nn * wai o exhausted tl at 10 only stood up long enough to get uiocked down. In the Klli round lie fairly staggered up to thu scratch , nnil was knocked down ut the lii > t blow. He i-ainii up for the so\entli round , but \ \ itb lardly strength ( noiwh to hold up his "dukes , " ami speedily thn."A up the sponge. , If you \\nnl a good furnnee and ono thai will bo as dm able us your house , get a "Richmond" at L'noper iV. MeGee's Eletrie doorbells , burglar alarms , and every form of domestic eleclrienl appli ances at the Non York Plumbing Co. Hliini ; VIIIIIIL : Hen. John J. Stork , one of the. Stewart Ihos. ' active missionaries , yesterday iceeived .1 cheek foi $17o ns tlio fourth prixe of lered to the salesman disposing of thu most of the National Yeast company's goods J. K May , ol May Hros. , Fro miint , Neb. , took the first prl/.e. Tlio contest was for the juar ending August 1 J. Ernsdtnrf , having taken entire con trol of the Pliu'iiK chop house , desires to stntu that hu has seemed thu services of Charles Decker , n lirsl-class cook of Now York city. The best the market alibi ds , night and day , in the bo t style of the art. Will also have a regular bill of tare. Oeal brand oysters at 11 J Palmer's Don't forget the Good Templars ball at the Masonic temple on Tliursiaevnintr ( , Mth inst. Tickets for sale nt lliishnoll's book store. A car loud of large , heavy mules , also a lot of line , largo heavy brood mares for sale by Schluutur & Uoluy , Council Hard and soft coal , wood , lime , comenl , etc. Council Hlutl's Fuel Co. , No. VJi ) Broadway. Telephone No. 110. ! A CloNi ; Shave. In the spring of Mil , when thu federal government had placed so many block ades outside of Charleston bar that tliov wore in danger of colliding with oacli other every time lUo son got up , says a writer in the Detroit FIDO I'iesl shipped at Nassau on an English blockade runner cabled thu Deerhound. She was loaded with arms , clothes , shoos , inodieines , tents and drv goods , nnd the cargo was worth nt least > ? SOOIOO ( in gold. At that time not more than two bloukaders n month slipped into Charlestonami it wa well understood among us that wo had nineteen chances of going to the bottom or being captured to ono of getting safe in. Indeed , the risk was known to be so great thnl the confederate agent hud haul work to get a crow. It was only a short run , as you know , but the four of us who might be. classed as roustabouts were promised $100 in gold npiuco to make the trip. If wo got in wu were to bu retained by the steamer at ifo pur day until she was ready to come out with cotton. If wo were sunk or captured that was our own lookout. The confederate agent who had the mailer in charge was n hustler. There were half n do/.on 'Yankee spies in and about Nassau , with Jjome of the federal cruisers constantly , in port , and it was useless to expect to get away without our departure being known. It was , however , given out and generally credited that we were bound tor Savannah. Wo were ready to leave late tin tile afternoon of a Monday , but a Yankee cruiser arrived that day noon anil some < > f the spies put off ami warned the captain of what was up. Ho had como in for water , provisions and repairs , out down wenl ins anchor in Ihe harbor , and ho kept up a full head of steam. If wo loft ho would follow , and even if wo could outrun him lie would keep near enough to bother us off Charles ton. In this emergency a lot more freight was brought down lo the wharf , and everybody turned lo as if we had at least another day's work. A number of bar rels and bales wore hoisted into the hold before dark , but only to be hoisted out again when our scouts reported that the cruiser had banked her lires and allowed a number of her crew to go ashore on leave. At 10 o'clock al night the weather turned nasty , and it begun to dri//.lo. Half an hour later the Deerhound sliipcd away from her clocks so quietly that few know of her departure. We ran within a quarter of a mile of the cruiser , but the weather was so thick that the best glass could nol have made us oul to bo the craft ho was so anxious to follow. When we got fairly out the steamer was driven for all she was worth. There was ovor.y chance that her nbsonce would bo observed before morning , nnd n long stiu t would bo our only salvation. As it afterward turned out wo were not missed until daylight , nnd then the crui ser got under way at onco. Why ho headed for Charleston instead ot Sa vannah I never ascertained. Ho ptolta- bly acted on thu idea thai if wo said one place wo were bound for Ilio olhor. Hail all gonu well with us wu should have appeared off Charleston bar in the early hours of ovonin < i , thus giving us all night to slip past the blocknders1 Vhon thirty miles away , at 5 o'clock in tlio rtflernoon. an accident happened in the engine room , s 2'l rc lay like a logon the sea. Half an hoi.r later wo sighted the cruiser who had como oui 0 * Nassau after us. Wo had overrun our dlHir.II'0 to the north by ten or twelve miles on purpose. The cruiser came down within six miles of us before he bore nwuy to the west. Wo could make him out very .clearly , although the weather was ha/.y , but he could not see us. The blue-white color of the sloamer made her blond with the horizon , and seem a part of it at thai distance. Our coal was smoke less , and loft no trace on the sky. It was not until tlio cruiser was almost out of sight to the west that wo hud our repairs completed and started ahead nt half speed. Wo ran In to within ten miles of the bar , nnd the cruiser had been lost to sight tor two hourswhon the lookoutwho had u strong night glass , dupovered : him ogam. Ho was standing oul lo sen , and was scarcely iwo inilouway nnd dead nhead of us. Our edurse was changed Iwo or three points , , eyery light ex tinguished , and wo crept out of Ills path. Ho was off our quarter and u milo away when ho discovered ui { , and the very lirot warning we had wW ) the roar of a big gun ana the scream of a ahull which However over us. Wo were nv forlt now. It was either run to sea or l6ld ; 'Straight for Uio bur. captain deeidgdupon the latter course , and Uio Doerhoiind dashed for ward al her bcsl spool. Up wonl half a do/.en rockets from \\o \ } \ cruiser , and bung ! bangl wonl l.i-r guns , and llvo minutes later every bloeknder on the station was liring rockets. It was under stood that a runner wns approaching. As wo drew near \vp saw light after light dancing on the waters I believe there wore twenty blockudors on the sta tion. Red and blue lights wcro burned , rockets wore exploded and the Deerhound - hound was pushed into the thickest of them. The first eraft wo passed was not K pistol shol away , the second was al most grazed ; the third guvo us a shot which look the ornament off the sto-im- or's stom. Then all of thorn seemed to open lire at once , and shots came from all points of the compass. Wo were struck throe times within a minute , but no 0110 was hurt , nnd not much dumago was done. Wo kepi driving ahoad.nover swerving a point , nnd after a few min utes all the shot oamo from astern , thus proving that wo hud passed through the iloet. Shell and round shot screamed over us and splashed around us , but wo swept up the channel unharmed and were llnully out of rnngo and safe in BjccsBiu. We Simply Want to Impress npon ihs Hinds of fho Public that WE ARE SELLING GOODS the Reason \ hates \ wit ! be a Stage itrrf mDes. \ . 31st , astsi we mso ! ! ® Our Present Large § toskS Carpets , Curtains , Rugs , Mattings , Oil Cloths , Lin oleums , Window Shades , Curtain Poles , Upholstery Goods , Etc , COME WITHJTHE CROWD and get Bargains COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. , No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. D Farming LamU in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , -md ranging from $5.00 to $10.00 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on ! l ) years' time 5 per cent intorcst. hand Huyorj. faio free. Information , etc , given by : = . 3 = . Xj.A.-crsi'rexra ? . No. r > "i Hroadway , Council IJlnll's , Iowa , agent for Kroidrikscn it I'o. , Chicago. ff. C L GILLETTE. ( , z ± s cvt HAIR GOODS , Itl Will make a Special Sale this vroek o OIL CLOTHS , CURTAINS , CURTAIN GOODS , ETC. Prices will be Lower than made by any othsr store in the west. Do not fail to see us before purchas ing elsewhere. This department we shall close out , and shall make prices to sell them. Our Stock is seasonable and style s excel lent. Those are Bargains Kever Be fore offered , And pau can save money by calling onus before purchasing for wo will not he undersold. DON'T FORGET THE PLAGE. NO , 401 BROADWAY , SPECIAL NOTICES. Rpcolnl nclvorllnoinonts , 8uch us TxJBt , foil n Tol/inn.rnr B-lle , To Hunt , Vxmtfl , Ilonrdlnir , etc. , will liolnpcrtocl In ttilti column at the low rutiiof TUN CUNTS I'KK LINK fouho llretlnsor tlonunil Flvo Cento 1'orl.lno for ouch subsoiiuom Intuition. 1.0UVO lulvortlsomun int our olllcn No. la I'oul Btroct , near llroailway , Council JQlufTs WANTH. WANTHI ) A KOOI | Kirl for Koncrnl tiouso- woik tit 10'J lliuicrolt street Star Sale Stables and Mule U. . BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , OpjxjElto Dummy Depot. CO IS . _ . . _ _ " - f- ' : "uoraoB 'uiitTinnlos kept coiibtantlv on hand , for sale nt retail or in cur Joads.Or- ders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SIILUTKK & BOLKV , PropHoSra Telephone No. 114. Formerly of Keil Sale btables , corner e t , ave and -ith street. DR. F. P. LATE OF ST , LOUIS , Office No. 525 Broadway , Council Bluffs , 9 to 12 a. m , Hours , 1 2 to 6 p. ra. J tab p.m. 2000) No. 0. OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL ULUFFS , IA. Kstnbl blieil 185" Creston House , The only hotel In Council lllulTs IrnUn ? IF1 J re EJsoa/pe And nil modem Improvements. X15 , L'l" nnd SIM Main ct. MAX MOHif , Prop. 1 N. Main St. , Council LlufTs , la. , anil 209 S. loth St. , Room 10 , Omaha , Neb. Manufacturer's Accntfor the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnings , Roofing Slate , Man tels , Plate and Window WIuss , Show cases. Elevators ( Imnd and hy- dr a tli&c. In tlio city cnn bo obtained by iiutroulzinur the HomeSteam EIO lliouilwny G7iO , W. SCJirtfDELE , Prop , None but experienced hands employed. Out of town orders bv mail or express so licited , and all work warranted. P. C. No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. LATKST DESIGNS. MANUFACTURER OF PAINTS. HoiiBn , Slpn nnil Duconi o I'nlntcr. 1'ajilci Mm ho Wnll Ointununtx. Noiui but lictt hands oomployeilmul ulmr WtlSOlllOl'4. rodders , Journal * , County ami Itiuilt Worli of ; 11 Kimlh a Spec ially Prompt Attentionjo Mail Orders MOREHCOSE & CO. Itoom 1 Evcrot Hlook , Council Hlufls. Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind ing m Magazines and BLANK BOOKS , V. II. Nntlonnl Ila.ik , M , K. Smith & Co. , ClllzcnH1 Hank , Dodio , WttlUJr Co. , Urst Nutloiml , ( X II. lnmirunco IX ) . , Ulcer A. I'libuy.llunkui-s.C. II. tinvlngs lliinU. 3E& . BICE , M. D. , ° f Otlior TUIIIOM rOlllOVOll without ( in , knlfo ordrawlnirofblooil. Over Unity yours prncticaloxerlcnco. No II I'uarlBt. . Council Ilium. VtTConsultation fico. Keduction in Prices , IN China , Glassware , Etc. , At W. B , Ilcinur & Co's , No. SS3 Main st. Council AND JOBBING COUNCIL BLUFFS. A > , tin 1 1. 1 1 in i. IMI'Iih.T \ DKKttti , \ \ KMS Ar CO. , Wliolrs.ilo Agricultural Implements , Bn&ta , Cnuliucs. rte . 1 to Council lllnff * . Iowa. KBYSTON'i : MAXn-AClTHINil CO. Mn'KO Ilio Urlirlnnl mill Conijilato Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , COUN siti.iisit8 : : AND rint : ) rfni'.ii" . No * , irol , 1WI. IWinnil 15)f nitlli Mnln ftroot , _ Couiioll IliUlfs Ion n. " DA Ml ) niUW.KY A CO. , Mnmif'i an 1 , Jobi"iof ! AgrlcnUural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Conlnrr ( > , ninl nil kin N or Kiirin Mr.ehlnnrr. 1100 to 1110 South Main Street , Council Illutfi , IOTO. A\ll I'.O. Ql.EASON. 'P. II.torcll.i , ( JKI.R WllKIIIT. ' . V.'u'M | n Po-1 .V-Coim ol. Council BluTs Handle Pacth'/ , (1no.irioratcil. | ) Mnmifncturcronf A\U > , Vlck , Sltdcn nnd Smtll Ilniu1li < , of every ( locilpllon. COUNCIL HI.ITKFS CAIU'IJT CO. . Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil ClotliR , Oiirlnln Klttiirm. lrpholstury ( louK Kto. No. < 0i llromlivuy Council lllulTs , lo < vn , fcn , tvr. ; riCHKCtOY Ar MOOUK , WliolcniUJolilicn 111 the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nog. SS.Miiln nnd : . ' 1'ciirl Sis , Council Illmin , town. SNYDKK & LKAMAtf , Frnit and Produce Commission Merchants. No II IV ill St. Council Mlu.T . 11AHLK , HAAS At CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , B' Piniilrloa. tHiNn 2S Mulii St. , nnd No. 1 1'onrl St. , Council Illntls O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specially Qoncrtil Coif\i' \ " ! on. No. 5U < onncll IllulTA. W1KT & DUQUKUTE , Wliolesiilo Fruits , Confectionery S Fancy Groceriai. Nos. IGati'I IS IV.irl St. , Council llhitTft. aitOCKItlKH. L. KIHSCHT & CO. , Jotters of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wliolosnlo I.liiuor Donlur ? . No. 410 Hroncl- way. Council HlulTs. ILUtNKS ! * , KTG. I5EC1CMAN , STKOIIIJKHN & CO. , Jlnnu'ncturcrjj or nnil Wliolo'nlo Doilors ii Leather Harness Etc. , , Saddlery , . No. KS Muiu Pt. . Council Wnltd , Iowa. 1TATS. C.IFS. ETC. METCALl' 1JHOTII KllS , Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 343 uml nit Hroailway , Oomiell ItKAVY KEELINE & FELT , Wholojalo Iron Steel Nails Hardware , , , Ueay , And Wood Stock , Council HlutTs , lowft. AMI irooz. i ) . II. McDANELI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Tolls , Oreato nnd t'urs Counoll lllnffs Iowa. 0/i.S. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wliolopnlo Donlurs In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Ginlln E1TO. , ETO. P.Tlicoduro , AKont , Council IllutTs. town. LVMDKIt I'lLINO ETC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And llridgo MtUcrlnl Siioolallli-g.Wliolosnle Lum ber ot ulJ Kinds. Oineo No. 1JO Mala St. , Counoll lllulTs. Iowa. AND LIQUUKS. JOHN UNDER , Wliolc nlo Imported and Domestic Y/ines / SL Liquors. Agent for St. C.ottliarrt's Herb Illltcrj. No. 11 HulnSU Counrll lllullH. SCHNEIDEK & UKVK , Foreign and Domestic Wises and Liquors , Thin BUleni ln'ontlii'lj-no mnilliii > oiiliii | > lutlint wo will KiiarunlOa to toucli ) OH to ilruft urcpunfulljr III H IBT lioiirs. Voucnn ilrart nil the un'li'nin Hint U ncuileil fortlio fiiinll ) . It nils nil tiurniciiti worn tiy IniliCJ.inllcinciiiinil iS'jiilrrn Jjiil oj anil Koiuleiiuiii , It will Post you nothing iiuUlyon liuvo JairneJ , tlii'n > nu will w nt Ilio litter. Wo thiillonuo touiiivtltluii. 'Ilio inuiitoxii.rpiewl | | iliamiiukvii mill tullnri iiiknowKi IKU Its 8Uiorlorltjr. | HlmliolnvoiitluiiofMiilumo JVulkur. u well known Ficncli mo.llJie. U M-ll > miililly uml uoui ) niiuiU nmko inonny. Wo wiint llr t il i iut'iit ft tukn liolduriliutiu > liioii < with im. Wnllku to m k niiinuy' uml nlloiv otliurii to rtowiiiUo. wo orrur Illiiiml erius Knr turtho * Inrunnullftn cnll ormlilrcMii , MIIS.MAHV KAhTKII Hi.Uon Auont. Itoiiiu. ' . I'nclilo HIIIIXI. Council lllutri.luvTU. W. A. WOltK , rroprlotor. Horses and Mules For nil put poses. PO'i lit and BOI | | , at lolull nni * in la IB. Luruu quantities to bdocl fiom HovtTiil pali s of HuoUiUors , glnifloorUoulilo. MASON WISE , Council Blufl's , N. SCHITRZ , Justice of the Peace Olllcc over American Bxpicas Company. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW ootJisrorL. BijTjrirars Practices in the .State and Federal courts Itooms7undb Shupirl Ulo < ; k.