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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1886)
SERIOUS NEWS FROM SOFIA , Open Attempts by Rnsaia's Envoj to Corrupt Bulgarian Officer ? , KAULBAR'S1 OFFERS SPURNED. The Ooncral Accorded n Cool Kccep- tlon All Around Circular to Bo to the Powers NCVVH. Attempts nt Corruption. CoLonsK. Oct. 0. [ New York Herald Cable-Special to thu BEE. I News of the moot serious character has just arrived from litilirnrln. Genera ! Kaulbars is making open attempts to corrupt the ofllccrs of the Utilita rian army. Yesterday Herr Snterehln. brouirht Into prominence by the prince's re cent letters to thecrar , visited at Kuschschun Lieutenant Colonel Filoff , In command there , and .showed to him a Icttermldressed by Gen eral Kaulbars to Filolf , in which the Kusslan envoy commanded Kiloff lo set at liberty without delay the whole of the ofllcm who had been taken into cus tody at Uusthchuk on the charge of high trea- hon. General Knulhars added that he should hold Klloff personally responsible for carry ing out the onU r. Sateichlii prcs-'ed the mat ter home , but Filoff cneigetleally refused to commit the act of tieichery iv/alnst the gov ernment required of him , and promptly re ported the nttltudo of Kaulbars to the au thorities. A.viiTiir.u sKiiiTiors ATTEMPT. In the pifvloiis day Snterehln nttemuted to Incite aiiainst the Government , the com mander of three re/lments stationed at fjhumla , Laptalns Dickon" , Lut/-Kanoff and KosasofT the commandei referred to re fined to take any part In a rising , but allowed themselves to be persuaded to nddicssa letter to titauibulolV deflating Unit they disappro\cd of n war with Russia and advising the gov ernment to consent to thu demands of General Kaulbais. Mikalaleff , the war min ister , s-enl a di.sp.Uch in reply to thu com munication , threatening the three olllcers with nnest , whereupon they endeavored to excuse themselves on the ground that their letter was purely confidential nndexpiessed simply their own private opinion. They promised unconditional obedience to the government. A flKfir.AU TO THE POWEIIS. The government is about to send to the powers a circular In which they will show the European world how General Kaulbnrsls seeking , In accoidanco with a regular plan , to bring about Insurrectionary dlstuibanecs in dltfeient parts of Bulgaria. K U''S COOl. ItEf'EPTIOX. A dispatch has just been received from Wral/a ghingthe particular * of the recep tion there of General Kaulbars. The atfalr was without significance , scarcely thirty par sons attending to tuci'l tins envoy of the czar. Kaulbars fairly rajcd at the Xinkovists , who had pictured Wratz.i as a very fortress of RnssophleNni. The general's intention seems to be not to return to Sofia , but to pro- ceedtuSt. Petersburg , probably to report thereon ll.o statu of affairs In Bulgaria. Itu niors arc L'oins thejround In Sofia that the ItiHsian government disapproves of thoen- voj's aggression ? , and that , scarcely arrived , General Kaulb.i's Is about to be recalled. HAD WK.rniKii mn EXOLAXD. * The demonstrative reception"of the French admiral , Marzussac , glves politicians at the ( Golden I loin a chance for all sorts of com ments , sincu it lias been regarded as a sign of bad weather for Knglaud. The admlial was received with princely honors like the Duke of Edinburgh , but was treated even bcticr than the latter , for while the sultan made tlui duke wait several days for his reception , ho gave a reception tumid banquetted the French admlinlou the very day of his arrival. More over , the French ambassador. Count Monte bellls , who In n brief time has displayed great activity , is already In possession of the order of thu Osmanli. Movement In Bulgaria. ST. Pr.Tr.nsiit'iio , Oct. 0. The newspa pers here published a telegram from Guir- gcvo , Iiuinanii ! ( ; , dated last Sunday , which states that tha movement in favor of Russia , which started In thn Bulgaiian army under the leadership of the garrison a t Shumla is now In full progress , The dispatch says the movement has spread rapidly , nnd that the 1 * julhensloii of the garrison at Hustchuk. Wldln , Plovna and Sllono appears to be un questionable. The telegram goes on to say that on Sunday last the Shumla garilson telegraphed to the" Bulgarian minister of war at Sofia that they weie convinced that the present state of political annichy wns Injuring the rights and interests of the people and country : and they desired the of all the originators of the coup d'etat ns demanded by Russia , nnd that they wli-ucd ( icncial Koulbars' note containing the czar's demands to be consid ered by the Bulgarian government "In order to avoid a bleach between the two nations. " Kauluara Not Recalled , SOFIA , Oct. 0. The Russian agency hero officially denies that Kauluars has been re called by the c/.ar. The agency hays direct communication Is maintained between the czar ami Knullur ? . V\ Councils In Koumanla. BUCIIAIIKST , Oct. 0. King Charles has pre sided overa ferlcsof councils of war In tills city during the past few days. Several of the Rnitmollan generaN favor an alliance between Roumnnlaund Hii'ala. Hnnlati ami Rosa. LONPOX , Oct (1. ( Hanlan has accepted Ross' challenge to row n race on the Thames for 500 a side. Talking Tor the Anarchists. CIUPAOO , IIL.Oct 0 , Fostcr continued his argument ( Ids morning on the motion for anew now trial for the anarchists. Ho contended thut the evidence Introduced by the state as to the discovery of dynamlto'-bombs In va rious portions of the city was Irregular and t-hould not have been introduced In ( bis case to the piejudlcc of the defendants. He also argued that the testimony of the witness ( illiner should havi ) I wen discredited , Inidiam made the ojienlng speech for the state. Ho said the most seilous contention Hindu on HIP motion for a new trial relates to the empanelling of a jury. Ho said thnt the local conclusion uf the proposition of the defense was that while an offender , guilty ot a misdemeanor which did not appeal to thopii'Judieesof the jury , could bo brought to jitslleeaml punished , a criminal guilty of a crime iniiurulcllcd In the diabolism of his acts and his teachings secures Ins safety. The speaker then read fiom a Michigan decision as to the qualUcatlon of jarois. i Both sides fiini ; < hed aigiimcnts this after noon and Judge ( iaryv 111 render Id * decision to-morrotv. The feature ot the afternoon was afcatliliiR leply by Captain Black to Stale's Attorney llrlnncll , who ciltlciscd the action of Mrs. Black In publishing mi open Utter on behalt of the convicted men. Hot Milwaukee 'Wheat. Mn.wm'KKi : , Oct , G. Angus Smith A Co. to-day posted aiiotlcd on 'change , notifying the owners of old wheat In their elevator ts about 250,000 bushel * that the cralu U in bad hup and will require frequent handling to keep It In condition , for which handling a charge of Ji'c ncr bushel will be made , Tim firm gieesto pmjr . tki ovrtien < t > iwlm4ti * nts a bushel for all they remove from the tlerators In the utxt live days , suw YoiiK'H oovEnNon. Davlil II. Hill Talks on National Af fairs of Government. Nr.w YonK , Oct. C. [ Snfcltil Telogiam to the BEE.J The World this morning prints a long Interview with Governor Hill. During the Interview Governor Hill discussed gen erally the national administration , without entering Into personalities. Ho felt that no one man was necessary to the success of any party. The party lt clf was the best guar anty for the carrying out of its principles. The great masses of the party after election did not desire ollice. All they had sought to secure wns n change of administration In the Interest of good government The governor was asked what lie thought vonld bo the principal Issue In the coming iri'sidcntlal campaign. He replied : "I think that the question of oed government will Do the Is ue. It will 'O ' simply a question of whether the demo- latic party shall bo maintained In power. " ' Then you don't think tariff will be the "No , I do not. The tariff question is a ompliCAled one. I am moie in sympathy vltli the expression of the Ohio state plat- orm of l bil upon this subject than 1 am vv ith he plank In tlie Chicago platform of f54. " The governor said , In speaking of the changes which weio taking place In the fed- tal ofllecs of the country , that 10 believed thnt by the time he piesldent's turn had come o a close demociats would be found In a ma- orlty ot the offices' . It was well to be conservative vative at the start The democratic party came into ] Kwt > r new to public ailniliilstr.i- lon , and It was vv Itlinut doubt a wise policy o move deliberately at lirst I In spoke pleas antly of the piesident and his associates. Wliflo he cotilini'd his discussion on national xiralrs to general matters more than to per sonalities , vet there was nothing In his man- leror line of conversation to indicate any ) tit the pleas.intest feelings toward the presi- lent. The governor possibly may make one or two speeches this year in thu campaign. Ho las been invited to go to Pennsylvania to aid n Governor Black's canvass and may make x speech at Philadelphia a few dajs preccd- ng ttie election. THE SPOUTING WOULD. The Base Uall Kcconl. AT PITT&IIUHO Pittsbunr. 0 00000000 0 Baltimore 4 0010010 * 6 Base hits PittsbutcO , Baltimore7. Errors Pittsburg I ! , Baltimore 4. Umpire York. AT BOSTON Boston 2 0021401 1-11 St Louis 0 00003002 S Pitchers Redburn nnd Klrby. First base ills Bos > lon 17 , St Louis 9. Enoiu Bos ton 0. St Louis 8. Umpire Powers. AT WASHINGTON Washington 0 10000000 1 Detroit 0 2 First base hits Washlnuton 0 , Detroit C. [ "rtors Washington 2 , Detroit 5. Umpire I'lerce. AT Pnn.ADiLriiiA Kansas City 1 3 00101 0 Philadelphia 2 01000 3 6 Pitchers Weldman and Daily. First base ills Kansas City 10 , Philadelphia 8. Errors Kansas City 4 , I'hlladoliriila 0. Umpire Fuluier. AT ri.vr IXNATI First Game : Cincinnati 0 2208000 5-12 Metropolitans..0 C First base hits Cincinnati 10 , Metropoli tans 1C. Errors-Cin-ciunatiS , Metropolitans 14. Linoire Valentine. Second Game : Cincinnati 0 2001 3 Metropolitans 0 3041 8 Pitchers Pccliiney nnd Lynch. First base hits Cincinnati 8 , Metropolitans 10. Errors Cincinnati 0 , Metropolitans 1. Umpire- Valentine. AT LOUISVILLE Louisville 0 11000110 4 Brooklyn 0 0010204 * 23 PltchcH Tuny nnd Ramsoy. F rst base lilts Louisville 4 , Biooklyn 12. Eirnrs Louisville 3. Brooklyn 3. Umpire Kelley. AT NFW VOIIK New York 1 00010002 4 Chicago 0 00100000 1 First base hits-New York 0. Chicago" . Er rors Chicago 3 , Now York 2. Umpire- Quest Coney Island Knees. BIIIOHTON BEACH , X. Y. , Oct C. Threo. quarters mile : Glenbar won , Bahama sec. end , Duke of Connau ht third. Time not taken. Seven furlongs : Saxony won , Gonfalon second , Revoke third. Time 1XX. ; : ) Seven furlongs : Boaz won , Grand Duke second , Cato third. Time 1:81. : Ono and one-eighth miles : Carisslma won. Unique second , Big Head third. Time ' ' ' o'ne'a'nd three-eighths miles : Ten Strike won . , Wuulsall second , Ernest third. Time O.OT O.OTbiic mile : Top Sawyer won. Treasurer second end , Bestlessthird. Time l:4D"f. : Ijatonla Pall Meeting. CINCINNATI , Oct 0. Second extra day of. the Latonla fall meeting. Selling purse , seven furlongs : Nora M won , Clatter second , Archbishop third. Time . Selling purse , nine furlongs : Ligan won , Kensington second , Anulo Woodcock third. Purse , live furloncs : Linda Pay-no won , Vnrina second , Vioh-tto third. Tlme-l:033/ : . Six furlongs : Withrow won. Passion sec ond. Broadhead third. Time 1:1W. Ono mile : Fort- won by a length and a half , Itonlta second , Monocrat third. Time Kale of Knolii * ; Stock. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 0. The sale of the Erdenhclm stud and yearlings was carried on at Jerome Park to-day , as Commodore N Klttson , the owner , had determined on dis posing of all his establishment. The at tendance was very meagie , but prices In the main were good. Trotting at St. Louis. ST. Louis , Oct 8 , Free for all pacers Jevvett won , Mike Wilkes second , Gossip , jr. third. Besttlme-2:15 : } { . Second race , 2:40 : class : White Stocking won , Jack Hayden second , Earl third. Best ti mo 2:25. : _ Illinois Masons Mcct , , CHICAGO , Oct 0. The Illinois Gram Lodge of Masons resumed Its session a Battery D , this morning , and elected thn following otllcers ; Grand master , Alexander T. Darrnh , of Bloomlngton ; deputy grand master , John C. Smith , of Chicago ; senior grand warden , John M * Pearson , ot Godfrey junior grand warden , M. C. Crawford , o : Joncsboro ; grand treasurer , Wiley M. Kiran of Chicago. A motlyn to move the gram ledge from Chicago to Sprlngtield wns dis cussed and voted down , Those In favor of the removal claimed that the latter was more centrally located , less expensive to the order and that the lodge had tne free use of halls. But the main objection was that the citj could not accommodate so large an assembly nig Haul by CHICAGO , Oct. 0. Burglars entered the of flco of tne Ashland Avenue Building am Loan association on West Twelfth street this morning and secured S'5,000 In money am $5,000 In government bonds and carried of bonds and mortgages leproseiitln ? Sl-,000 , The pattern of tiio association were after wards found in an alley In the rear of the building , Protection Acalnst Free Trade. TOLKUO , O. , Oct. 0. The republican con venllon of the 'Icntli Ohio district to-day re- nomlnatcd lion. Jacob Kernels for congress The platform took strong protection grounds Ffiifk Hind Is the democratic nominee. Troops Do Their Work. ItAXOoox , Oct. 0. The troops sent from vyukelnlorelieve | .the garrison at Mro'.helt , Burmah , succeeded In performing their rals- CHURCHES IN CONVENTION , A Probable Fight Among the Members of the BoSid of Missions. PROBATION VS. NON-PROBATION. Episcopalians In Session Officers Klcctcd Important UcsolutlotiB In t rod need'-Detailed Proceed ings of IJotli Meetings. Will There he n Conflict ? DES Moixr. " Oct. 0. fSpoclal Telegram o the Ben. I The drift of events to-day hews that while both of the worrying fne- ions ot the American board arc ready for a ighton the subject of future probation they are a little reluctant to begin. Each side lecms disposed to out off the contest as long is possible , for there w.i3 a manifest purpose o-day to light shy of the subject , though here was a very deep undercurron t of feel- ngs on both sides. The A ml over men are very much in earnest In their deslro to have ho question brought to a focus at once. They say It is nn outrage to keep devoted mis sionaries fiom their field of labor on iccount of a mere difference of theological opinion. Tim old school men , on the other mud , \eiyseveio in their tenacity for what they call the established doctrines of the church , someof them do not hesitate to call the Andover men traitors , and say that f Newman Smyth and his followers want to start n new missionary they can do so , but they ought not to stay In the old fold and at tempt to overthrow Its established policy. The feeling to-night Is very Intense , nnd nn outbieak Is looked for to-morrow. The sen timent of the audience generally seems to bo witli the old school teachers. Many , who , moro or less , agree with the Andover men. arc afraid of a pchlsru , and so they try to avoid becoming subject to n crisis. They are in favorof dodging an open debate , and post poning. If possible , the rising of the vexed question. Dr. Sturdcvant , of Cleveland , O. , when speaking extemporaneously to-night upon the subject of mission woik , urged the importance ot unity and harmony in the body of ChiKst and he remaiked significantly and impressively , "God grant that there bo no schism of the body. " The remark was greeted witn loud applause. It is believed to-night that when the leport of the committee ou the annual report ot the whole committee is broueht up , which will probablj be tomorrow row , the explosion will come , if any Is to come , as that prudential committee is the one refused to end Mr. Hume back to his India station , when they found that he lieved in future probation of heathen. Procceilincs in Detail. DES MOIXES , la. , Oct. C. Promptly at 'J o'clock the laige auditorium ot the Grand opera house was filled for the opening of the second day's pioceedings of the American board of missions of the Congregational church. Among the new arrivals were Rev. Newman Smyth , ot Now Haven , nnd Dr. Lunan Abbott , editor of the Christian Union , of New York. As both these men are leaders in the new departine , the radical members feal greatly strengthened and ex pect to make a pretty good stand for the ad vanced doctrines they hold. President Hop kins teed the chair , and after devotional ex ercises called for a paper by the CQne p.ond Ing secretary , Dr. Alden , onthcinter-depeitO ence of homo and forcien missions. This was followed by the appointment of the nominating committee , which will name the next place of meeting and the prea chers for tne UTO succeeding years : AFTKUXOOX SKfcllOX. In the afternoon the American board was called to order at 2 o'clock p. m ; President Hopkins in the chair. After singing and prayer by Hev. Ur. Lamson , the committed on nominations icpoited the following com mittee on missions : Atrica Uev. F. S. Magoun , J. G. Meirill , ( i. II. Debcvolse , T. J. Grossle , L. F. Berry , Julius Davenport. II. J. Bostwlck. India and Ceylon E. P. Goonwln , Lvman Abbott , Burdett Hart , A. C. Barstow , H. W. Warren , H. N. Hoyt China W. S. Smart , J. M. Sturtevant , W. A. NchlasJ.T. ! Blaucliard , Oliver Brooto , H.M. Hobart. Turkey C. M. Samson , A. M. Dexter , O. W. Harding , E. E. A. Abbott , Addison Blnnchard , Chailcs George , W. Osgood , Hon. Samuel Miller. Japan-John E. Todd , L. H. Cobb , W. H. Hart , Simon Gilbert , W. E. Paik , J. G. Foot , W. A. Dickinson. Papal lands A. L. Chapin. E. A. Adam ? , G. B. Salford , G. S. Briscoo , Judson Tits- worth , A. C. Anderson. Deacon Boynton. Pacific Islands E. T. Williams , Elder Robinson , C. O. Brown. EJ- ward Roble , C. D. Crane , Dexter Richards , M. M. Haskell. The following committee to nominate of ficers was appointed : Rev. M. Xernham , A. H. Quint , D. L. Fnrber , John J. Jenkins. W. P. Fisher , Elbert B. Monroe , Edward Steudly and Itev. Judson Smith. One of the foreign ( secretaries read an ad- rtiess on the subject of constant factors in the missionary problem. In conclusion , he said : "If wo mean to succeed In our missionary , wo shall make it our leading aim always , and everywhere , to hi ing the power of Christ's words and name , unmodihed by human spec ulations , unshorn of a single truth , nome to the souls of slntul men as the only hope of salvation. " Whllo waiting for the report nf the home rommltteo btief addresses were made by several memocrs. ivnxixo sr.ssiox. The opening exercise of the evening ses sion were conducted by Dr , Hntchlnson and Itev. Aithur Little , of Chicago ( named ns a member of the committee in place of Dr. Quint , who declined the position. ) Dr. Magoun , of Iowa , referred to the fact that the American board met for the lirst time In the prohibition state of Iowa ( Applause ) and ho suggested as an appropriate recogni tion of the fact that the president and secre tary of the board of the Woman's Christian Temperance union , asking that one day of the annual week of prayer be tetaMde for the abolition of the liquor tratlic. Dr. Magoun then , ns chairman of the committee of Africa , read a brief report of the condition of mission work in iho country. Reverend Professor Boardman. of Chicago , then read a report of the committee that had been appointed to review the ajuual report of Secietary Clark , Rev. Joseph Ward , of Yankton. Dak , , then ; nude the last speech an the subject of Mr. Clark's report Ho declared emphatically that the church could not and would not glvo up a single one of its many missions , al though the board sorely needed funds and missionary workers. Dr. Tile , of Chicago , then reported for the committee thnt had received Dr , Aldan's ad dress on Independence and homo and foreign work , cordially endorsing and commending It After announcement the board ad journed until morning. So far the board has managed to steer clear of any class ot the doctrinal topln that Is up permost in the minds of both factions. The Episcopal Convention. CHICAGO , Oct 6. The general convention of the Protestant Episcopal church of the United States opened here to-day , The house of bishops assembled In the lecture room of St James Episcopal church , corner of Caia and Huron streets , shortly before 10 o'clock , to prepare for the opening services of the convention. Two thousand tickets of admission to tqe church edlnco had been Issued end a largo premium was In ipany cases offered to tick , el holders by persons desirous of witnessing tha Inaugural services. The great audience composed of clergy and laity com pletely filled the soaolous auditorium ; Ser vices began at 10:80 : with a processional- hyinn , which heralded the approach of the bhhopi , who emerge from a sld room and filled the space within the chancel rails. This VTM followed by reading pf the morning prayer , chtntlni of the many and celebra tion ot communion services. A seriuou was delivered by the Right Rev. George D , nedetnan , of Ohio , who spoke upon the continuity ot the church ot God , 'Ihe Mnelns of tno recessional hymn was followed bj the bishops' retiring , headed , as when they came into the church , by the ven erable Bishop Leo , of Virginia , senior bishop of the body , This afternoon the entire body assembled at Central Music hall , the clerics and Uity taking the main floor nud the bishop * Apollo hall. Bv 3 o'clock the convention was assembled ready for business. At 3:30 : o'clock , Rev. Charles Ilutchlns , of Massachusetts , secre tary of the house of deputies , calle.t the meeting to order. The first order of business was calling the roll , embracing about COT clerical the same number of lay dele gates. Nearly all theclereymen responded to their names , but a considerable number of lay delegates were absent. After the calling of the roll It was moved that the body proceed to elect a presiding officer. Dr. Morgan Dlv , of New Yoik , was .fleeted on the first bal lot. DIx made nn Informal address warmly thank Irie the delegates for the honor they had conferred upon him , Incidentally nlludln. In a gfacefitl manner tn the worthi ness of his predecessor from the diocese of Connecticut It was then moved that the ballot be dis pensed with , and Rev. Hutching bo unani mously re-elected stere'ary. An objection was made , and the name of Dr. Henry A. Anstlce was also put In nomination. The vote was as follows : Hutchlns , clerical , 1.18 ; lay , UM. Anstice. clciical , 20 ; lay , 9. Mr. Hutchlns was declared elected. It was arranged that for divine services during the convention the hnnse of bishops nnd the house of deputies would unite. An earl v o'clock ccli-brntlon will be held every morning at the cathedral and tineo principal churches. Tne president , Dr. Dix , then appolnlel n committee to Inform the house of bishops that the house of deputies had formally or- canlzcd for business. .Mr. Hill Uuagvvln , of Pittsburg , offered the folio wine : Hcsolvcd. The house of bishops concurring that a general committee be appointed , live clerical and live lay delegates , who shall con sider and report what changes , If any , nrc desiiablo In the judiciary system of the church In iesi > cct to trials of pit-sbytcrs and deacons , and what legislation they would recommend for making such changes : and that to this committee be refened all me morials nnd resolutions touching said ques tion , and that their report be acted upon by the house of deputies in tl.o . tirst place. The resolution was laid over until to-mor row. row.Hev. . Dr. William P. Huntlngton , ot New York , otTored the following : Resolved , the house of bishops concurring , that a joint committee benppolnted , to whom shall be referred all memorials and resolu tions presented to either house by invited members , or on behalf of dioceses with refer ence to the subject of liturgical revision. such report to be acted upon by the house of bishops in the tirst place , and bo pressed then to a tinal determination. Rev. Dr. C. E. Swope , of New York , gave notice that ho will Intioduco Urn following amendment to Dr. Iluntington's resolution , when it comes up to-mprrow morning : That a commission , consisting of five bishops , live prcsbvtfrp nnd live lavmen of this cliurch , be appointed to which the book annexed , as jnodlncd by the general conven tion of 1VS3 , and the proposed alterations ami additions to the book ot common prayer con tained in the book annexed , and all matters heretofore presented to the general convention of the church relating to the re vision of the book of common prayey bo 10- ferred to said commission , , and said commis sion hall report , the result of their labors to the next general convention. The resolutions of Dr. Huntiugton and the amendment of Dr. Swope will come up nrst In order to-morrow , and will probably con stitute the main ordjr'of business until dis posed of. AfterMhcae resolutions were read , the house adjourned. ' _ The SlajinRnt Sjoax"Cltr Calls Forth ' CHICAGO , Oct. 0. The following resolu tions were passed by the North. Illinois con ference of the Methoillst' Pratestaut church regarding the death or Rev. George C. Had dock : Whereas , Rev. George C. Haddock was brutally and unjustifiably assassinated at Sioux City , la. , on the Sd day of Auzust , 1830 , being shot dead in the street for endeavoring honestly to maintain the prohibitory law lor his state nnd secure Its legal enforcement ; therefore , ! Resolved , That we condemn the dastardly- deed ; that wo oiler our sincere sympathies to the widow and orphans of this noble Chris tian minister ; thnt wo feel that the cause of pronlbition is 'sanclttled ' by the blood of this brave martyr : that we urge the people everywhere to show that his nlood has not Deen shed in vain by appealing to the Heavenly Master to hasten the destruction of this evil aeency which has resorted to the bullet ; that America , in the death of Rev. GeonroC. Had dock , has been bufett of one of her best and bravest sons , because the voters of this nation have not yet been convinced that the true way to enforce law is to put Into otlice those only who are for law and to punish nil o/Ji- / cers who fail to faithfully execute the law which they have been sworn to administer ; that our secretary bo instructed to furnish the Methodist Recorder , of Pittshurg. the Methodist Protantant of Baltimore , and the Associated Press' each with a copy of this peper. _ THE ON'B FOUJj BLOT. Kcport of the Utah Commission on WASIIIXOTOX , Oct 6. The Utah commis sion , by Its c'.iairuinn , A. B. Cuilcton , has Jiled with the secretary of the Interior Its an nual report , of which the following is n synopsis : During the year the law regarding the dis- franchiseinent of polygamists and those living In unlawful cohabitation has been fully and successfully enforced. All such pcr.sons , with very few. If any exceptions , have boon excluded from voting and holding olllccs. A Inrge number havn been fined and Imprisoned in the penitentiary for polygamy or unlawful cohabitation , chiefly for the lat ter offense. It is reported and believed by many non-resident Mor mons , that during the year a largo number of polygamous marriages have taken place. Whether , ii | > on the whole , polvga- mous marriages are on the decrease In Utah Is .a matter on which different opinions are expressed , but undoubtedly inanv have been restrained by feiir of dlstranchisement nnd the penitentiary ; and.vve think it is safe to say that In the more enlightened portions of the territory very few polygamous marriages have occurred within ijie last year. Referring to jrie joifat resolution novvpend- Ingin both nouscspf poniress proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States prohlbitiug'anU' punishing polygamy in all of thn slatoVf and territories , ex tending the judicial ; power ot thu federal government tq thii . prosecution of such offenses , the rcpoisah | < : "While wo re of the opinion thar. tt > U 'sliould not supersede other measures ; wdafc satisfied it would be nn eflicient factor In 'effecting the desired result. " _ J The report calls aiteJitlon to the magnitude of the evil by say In * that there are more than JOO.OOO Mormons In Iho. woild , the large ma jority of whom live Ir ) Utah , and that while only a portion of them practice - - ' ; amy. they , all believe In It as a dlvino revelation. "Tne only Immediately effective remedy. " the report says , "would be the use of the inllltnry\ but thai a sense of modern civilization will not permit the em ployment of bayonets against women ami children. If the present laws of the pro posed constitutional amendment aie not suf ficient to suppress the evil , moie strlngenl enactments must be adopted , and the resuli will bo that , at no distant day , this relic ot Asiatic baibarism , this blot on the fair fame of America , will be swept from the land. " Dartholill Statue Ceremonies. WASIIIXQTOX , Oct 0. Commodore Chan dler , commanding the New York navy yard and ] Admiral Lice | , commanding the Nort ! Atlantic squadron , liavo been instructed to consult with General Kctiofield with refer ence to the part to be taken by the military and naval forces In the Bartholdl statue cere monies. Nebraska anil Iowa Weather. For Nebraska and Iowa ; Fair weather , followed by local rains ; cooler. STEAM , GAS AND POWDER , Deadly Blasts Deal Death in Maine , Dakota and Illinois- WRECK OF THE LA MASCOTTE. Additional Particulars of the llorrtblo Catnstropliy A Minister's Knmlly Bloxvn Up Miners Mangled Into Iilttlo Hits. 1 he AVreekert Mtmcotto. ST. Louis O.-t 0. No cause has been as- MKncd as yet for the explosion last evening of the boiler of the rlvor steamer La Mascotte , which caused such loss of life. The boat Is said to have been steaming along under 150 pounds of steam , her usual amount to carry , when the explosion suddenly occurred , blow- ng the lire In every direction. The utmost eonfu lon prevailed. The pilot taking advantage - vantage of her heading turned her towards the shore , but the flames caused lilm to aban don his post before the staze plunk could be lowered. After leavinc his post the cur rent turned the boat's bow out into the river neain , and her stern swung close to the bank , which nlTordcd meanV of escape for several who weie nt that cud of the boat , the pilot and one cabin boy setting ashore with out any Injuries or even wet leet The stage plank was lowered anil many were placed upon It , mostly women and chlldien , v\ho would have been saved had not the smoke > tack fallen squarely across It and all who were not killed by it were drowned. Captain Thompson , after doing all In his power to Rave the passengers ami crow jumped orcrlioaid and swam a hore. the boat having bv tub time drifted tully ' -00 yards out in the river. La Mnscolto dr.fti'd over to the Illinois shore opposite Wlllard's Landing , and sunk , the only thing vl-lblo at present being her wheel. Low Brahan. second clerk , tells the follow ing story of the disaster : * ' \ \ o had landed at Nfeley's and were pulling out , and I walked un the sulrs anil Into my room when I heard a small explosion like that of a sky rocket ; I opened the door to the eabln and saw s'cam comlnp Into It from the barber shop. I saw Indies In their cabin and called them to come forward. I saw liio coming Iroin under the boiler deck , and 1 took the ladies forward to the boiler deek and started down stairs where the pilot , Geaveau. gave live preservers to them , telling them nil to put them on immediately , 1 ordcied the stage plunk thrown overboard which was promptly done and wo put all the ladies on the plank. The rleglnir became detached and the plank swung out. Mrs. M. Selmcrs jumped Into my anus , i landed heron the blase while 1 was thrown into the river my- selt. I swam along : the. Mdo or thn stacc and made the men get off so it would bear up the ladies. I then swam to the cdtro of the rooks and crawled ashoie. A man from the Illin ois side with a sKitf took people oil Ue- , toRO and also saved n number that were"sH'jm- mine. I don't recollect the skilfnmn's name , but ho did some noble work. " ( ! . J. llanlon , second pilot , . /Jayrt : "The Kairlo wa ? near us Wien | 'the di sister occurred and eotild easily have pushed ns ashore without milch trouble and dan 'or , but 1 nuderrtand the captain did not care to render any assistance. Adolphus Evelyn , the pilot of the Eagle , told mn that ; the captain ordered him not to KO near the .Mascotte. as he did not wish to endanger his boat. If he would only have pushed us ashore not a single one would have been in jured , except from scalds and burns. " A special dispatch from Cape ( ilrardesu to the Post Disj atch states the wreck of the La Mascotte resulted from the collapse ot. one. of her boiler flues.JT.lie.j _ > 5jlo on,43ien | > Jii. foiWifiiifecfly backwards Into the/e ng1ne room , and only the" crew and roustabouts suffered by scalding from escaning steam. Eleven of the latter arc so horribly burned that huge pieces of Mesh peeled from their bodies. Six of them have died nndlho lives of the other five dlspalred of. There aie sixteen persons known to have been drowned. I ) . S. Davidson is so badly burned around the face and throat that he will probably die. The register of passengers was lost , and it is thought thnt Mime were drowned or killed whose bodies have not been recovered. The Globe-Democrat's correspondent tele graphed late to-night from Tape Clraideau that nothing new had been developed to-day in reaard to the explosion of the La Mascotto and no other bodies have been found as vet. One of the missing , John Miller , reached here this morning In a skitr from Nelly's Landing with his head burned , and says that Captain Ebaugh positively refused him to come down here on the Eagle this morning , so us to get here before his wife and children were buried. Captain Ebaugh's excuse was that it was against the law. From Interviews with the rescued passengers , it seems there hope of any of the missing passengers bolnz found alive. The wreck is now lying just below Wlllard's Landing , with a Hutu of her bow and several feet of her bow wheel show ing. So far as can be learned , the list of passen gers on the La.Mascotte were : Judge llagar and wife , Cape CiiraiUeau , missing ; Fn-d Tike , missing ; \VheeIerand two chil dren. Daisy biul Lilly , Cape Olrarde.iu , miss ing ; Miss Amelia Kreugcr , Cape Ulrardeau. mlssinc ; Mr. and Mrs. Homy Miller and two children , of Shelby vllle. 111. ; Mrs. Wheeler and two children wens drowned and were biuUL'ht here last night ; J. II. Mlllerswam ashore , but is badly burned n head ; LenaBuchcrmann , St. Louis , badly hurt on head , hands , arms and back fiom lire , will lecover ; Louis Seimcre and wife.'Caps Gir.mlcan , both saved , uninjured ; J. N. Kiis- sell , Cape Girardeau , saved , but slightly burned ; Mrs. C. 1' . Phelps , Cape Girardeau , uninjured ; A. W. Howard , Cape Girardeau. saved with Might bums ; Captain Thompson , nnlnjmed ; J. Hay Perkins , lira't clerk , missing , homo at Kvansville : E. I ) . Branham , .second clerk , uninjured ; Ed. Daugherty. lirst mate , blown overboard , but was baved uninjured : Lew Adams , second mate , nadly scalded and died In hospital this morning ; James Douo- hue , pilot , uninjured ; J. J. Hanlan , pilot , uninjured ; Henry Gearmau , Knocked over board ami injured in light hide , but will re cover ; Hilly O'Bricn , lirst engineer , blown overboard and is missing ; G , S. David son , carpenter , severely walded , Is at hos pital ; Mac S. Dwyer , deck hand , severely scalded and died at hospital this morning ; J. U.Simmons , scuibber , bcalued head and right arm , will probably get well ; Charley Vaughn and Clatencc Gnens. watchmen , Vaughn slightly bruised ; Porter Stevn Wells , missing ; onn of the chambermaids Is missing , and the other , Maggie Johnson , was drowned and body brought here last night , There were eleven roustabouts and two firemen , all colored , scalded and taken to the hospital. Of these , Jack Flnnlgun , William Jones , and Theo Lacy , St. LouU ; Will DavH , Midway. Ky. ; Henry Jordan , Evansville - ville , and William billet are now dead , Joe Burns , Chester ; Low Cliatt- man , Paducah ; Anderson Sharp , St. Louis ; Marshall Wade , Walnut Hill , Ten n. . and Albert lUce. Cape Ulrardeau , are severely bcalded , with strong chances against their lecovery. Wni. Parlzcll and Dalls Webster , both of F.vansvillc , were slightly burned and will leave for their (1011103 ( this evening. Jo.seph Wilson , of Nashville ; HenryMuuckc , Cincinnati , and Julius Wil liam nnd one. unknown are missing. Charles Thomas , cabin boy , Is also missing , The total number on board , ns far ns known , weie ; Passengers , 1U ; eabln crow , 25 ; deck crew , 20 ; pasauugcis rescued , lt ; dead and missing , 5 ; deck , rescued unin jured , 10 ; rescued burned , 11 ; missing , 5. Albert Rice , one of the roustabouts living here , died this evening at the hospital , and two more are not expected to live until morn in ir. The crew on the Eagle , as well as those rescued from La Mascotte , censuie the captain - tain of the Easjlo for not making greater ef forts to save the victims. Captain Thomp son , of La Mascotte , and several of the res cued , state that the captain ot the Kagle refused until UH ( Captain Thompson ) and bis crew threatened to take charge of his boat b > * force , to take the resetted and Injured to thU cltr , where assistance could be rendered them/but said he would take them to Grand Tower , vv here little. If any , aid could be given them. After getting the Injured aboard the Eagle ho locked the state rooms on nls boat and re fused the use of covers for the wounded. Captain Thompson says the accident was caused by either a Hue collapsing or a steam ripe bursfnc and caJehlne fire from the fire In the fuinace. "We had IfQ pound * of steam , nccoidln ? to the on watch , who was not Injured , and running moderate " Captain Thomson has made all efforts possible to ailovlato the sufferings of his ciew nnd passengers , nnd wl I remain until all that can possibly bo done for their relief has been accomplished. Julia Rabyc.s Is also among the missing. No passengers or any membeis of the crew have yet arrived in St. Ixmls and no de ctip- tloti of any ot the scenes attending the disas ter have > et reached heie. Worse Than Djnnmlte , l.r.vvisioN. Me , Oct. ( X A most shocking accident occutred here last nlijht at the resi dence of Rev. Dr. Twort , pastor of Ihe Pane Street Free-will Baptist church. Dr. Twort had prepared a quantity of hydrogen gas for utc In a magie lantern entertainment tor the nmii'etucnt of his four younc dauehtors. Suddenly the gas exploded. All were In the room at the time , and were hurled violently atralnst the furniture and two of them through the door. 1'hc room was dostro.vcd , scantlings being torn from the walls and ceilings. Plants were thrown -twenty feet fiom the house. The stovu was overturned and the furniture demolished. The doctor received severe bruises around the head and face. One of the girls had her hair destro.vcd. another a leg broken , and the other two had their arms broken. It Is feared some of the children are Injured so seilously they will die. _ A Pipe Spark Kills Kour Men. DEAPWOOD , Dak. , Oct. 6. A box of thirty pounds of giant powder exploded in the 300 foot level of the Caledonian mine last nltht , blowing four men to pieces and Injtiiins tlvo orslxotheis. A spark from a pipe caused the explosion. Giant Powder Explodes. DENVER , Col. , Oct 0. An explosion of giant powder occurred yesterday at the Porter coal mines near Durango. Ono Cornlshman wns killed outright nnd two fatally iujuied. The timbers caught lire , Iho llamcs reaching to a largo amount of pnvv- der , causing the accident Tlie mine was badly shatteied. Sllnrrs Suffocated. LONDON , Oct. 6. Four men weresnlfocatcd bv choke damp In the mine at New bold to day. STUPID STOOIt JM.KN. New York Comment on the Care of Chicago's Diseased Cnttlc. NEW YOIIK. Oct 6. [ Special Telegram to tlie BEK.J The Times this morning savs edi torially : "If Chicago were not the grealest American market for cattle and beef nnd hog jnoducts , the remarkable stupidity which the Illinois live stock commissioners have shown in the treatment of the contagious disease In the distillery stables might not cause surprise or excite indignation beyond the boundaries of the city. The inhabitant * of Chicago , to whom the carcases of the slop-fed cows are to bo sold , and to whom milk from the Infected and diseased cows has been .sold for the last two weeks , might somewhat loudly complain , but people elsewheie would bo moved only by sympatb > . The tiuatmcnt of the diseased cattle in Chicago is however , something In whfcli hundreds of thousands of people liv ing far from Illinois are interested , as they iccclve their supplies of beef from that city. Not only dons the matter closely concern all consumers of Chicago beef , but It i also of great importance from a commercial point of vlow , for anything that has a depressing effect upon the bcof trade Is 'a blow to xonp fof thecountry's "slbners of Illinois and dealers in cattletind beef in Chicago should know that for the rea sons the dally reports , which show the wretched failure to work for the suppression of the disease , are read with indignation out side of their city. It mavbotnat the. careful Inspection of infected cows slaughtered bv their owners will prevent the marketing of bad meat , but docs the course taken by the commissioners and the health officer indicate that the Inspection will bo thorough ? There is another aspect of this matter which de serves the attention of the stock yards men , butchers and packers. Can thov afford to have any of this slop-fed and infected beef sold In the public market of Chicago ? They cannot They could better alToid to buy and destroy lifty such herds. But if they really cared for the reputation of their trade , or could see that it would bo Injured by such sales , they would have taken measures for their protection long ago. " Colorado Democrats Nominate. DKNVKK , Oct C. The democratic state convention adjourned to-day , after nomi nating Hon. n. B. Glllespio for governor. Jerry Mahone for secretary of state , James F. Benedict for treasurer of state , Casimero Barela for auditor , Colonel Stlrman lor at torney general , nnd Rev. Mvron Reed for congress. The platform favors free and un limited coinage of silver on the same terms as cold by the government to be followed by active measures to bring about its considera tion us an International subject. It approves the reclaiming of public lands granted to railway corporations , the removal of various tribes ot Indians from the west , and the be ginning of the reconstruction of the navy. Town Elections In Connecticut. HAITFOIU : > , Conn. , Oct 0. Returns from 154 towns gave the republicans TO nnd the democrats 48 , with 27 towns divided. If the eleven missing towns vote as last year the icpubllcans will have K ! towns nnd the democrats M , with : town divided * . Last year the republicans carried HI towns and democrats 54 , with 'M towns divided. The ( tana ) Clean Sivcop. ATLANTA , Ga. , Oct. 0. The state election passed off quietly without Incident. The democrats had a clean sweep everywhere. The following stale ticket : Governor , John B. Gordon ; secretary of state , Nathan 0. Barnett ; comptroller , General William A. Wright ; treasurer , Hubert U. Hardeman ; at torney general , Clifford A nderson. Didn't Want Another Term , MILWAUKEE , Oct O. 'lhe republicans of the Fourth district to-day renomlnated I. W. Van Schalck for congress by acclamation. He sent a letter uf declination , whereupon 'lliomab II. Brown , of Milwaukee , was nom inated. A Democratic Ticket. ST. Louis , Mo. , Oct a The democratic city convention yesterday nominated the following ; For sheriff , Henry F. Harring ton ; Judge of criminal courts. J. C. Normlle ; coroner. Dr. II. S. Frazer ; judge of clicult court , Wm. Ilorner. New Vork ami the Placue. NEW YORK , Oct C. Governor Hill Bald tills morning , In rejrard to the Chicago cattle plague , that the matter was being considered by the stateboard , of health , who , no doubt would take steps to prevent the spread of the dlseato In this Mate. Ho therefore would not take any action , The PoahodjKunn. . Nr.vv YOIIK. Oct 0. The trustees of the Peabody fund held their annual meeting to-day. Ex-Piesldent Hayes was among those present. In his annual address Presi dent Wiuthrop said that the reduction of In- terosthad diminished the Income realised from Ilia bonds left In trust by Peabody. Ho congratulated the trustees on the twenty years bitccecfiful work and called attention to the necessity of securing national aid for education. Secretary Giecne In his repot t showed that the income of the fund for the year amounted to gov.JJftS. The trustees were given a private banquet to-night at which weie present General Sherman. Mrs. Hayes and tlHUKjitfr , and Mrs. Governor Porter. The White Hoimo ljadir . WASHINGTON , Oci. 0 sirs. Cleveland and Mrs. Folsom returned to Washington thin worntnr. They arrived hem about 5:12) : ) anil were met at the railioud depot by tie ! j.rod- dent. The Knights Yet Struggling Tor Organi sation nt Richmond , STILL CONTESTING FOR SEATS. Tlin nrookljn Relocates Finally Kx- cludctl Km m Partlclpatlnc-Throa- toned Outbreak on the Colur liltic Clllipr Ijftbnr News. The KnlcliM oCliattor. lltrmioNii , ' Oct 6. Although Povvderly and the numbcrsof tlie executive bonid of Iho Knights of Labor were up until n late hour last night , completing the necessary work in connection with propositions which they In tend submitting to the convention , they were all up early this morulny , and a ma jority of them on thulr way to Armory hall before 9 o'clock , the hour set for the begin- Ing of the session. Althoiuh It was the third day of the convention , the members were not yet ready to beeln the actual work they had eomo to do. There still remained to bo settled the uuestlotiB of electing eight or ten delegates which thecommltteoun ciedentlals hail refcued to tin ; cini UMitlmi. Powdeily and all leading mumbeis lefused to say whether thrs-c eight or ten men me delegates fiom Brooklyn's MontauU Protective association or not nut It Is generally understood that the strong fccllne axe ! ted ny the efforts of the Brooklyn men to obtain recognition made the committee on credentials hesitate. They were further prompted to such ac tion , it Is said , by ns eillous made by some that the committee wns prejudiced against the Brooklyn mini. To-day thn prlnclnnl topicof discussion was the r. mission last night of a eoioied delegate , Fariell , to a seat In the orchestra circle in the Academy of Music , a section nf tlie auditorium In the Richmond theater hitherto stiictly guarded from Intrusion of all persons of his race. The general feeling among Virginians hero U bit ter resentment and they regard the delo- pates fiom District 49 with anything but friendly feelings. It Is said that a majority of the local knUht.s RIO much provoked nt the action of thelt iclchmond brothers , and it was reported that n lew knights living hero do- clnied their Intention of abandoning Uio order and joining the Law and Order league , organized hero in sworn opposition to the knights. At noon a recess was taken until 2 o'clock. Powdorly announced to the representatives of the nrcss that he had nothing to commun icate to them. Some secret business had boon transacted , but of course he could not say ns to Its nature. The morning session wan mainly devoted , lie said , to the consideration of the report of the committee ou creden tials , which has not been finally acted upon. The delegates arc unusuallv reticent , anil such statements as can bo elicited by inquiry are contradictory. It seems saic to say , however , thnt whatever action has been taken bv the oiedential committee in iho case of District ! ' . and Brooklyn delegates in unfa voi able to the latter. The tceline of the majority of dc legates outside of New Yoik Is In iavorof Hiooklyn. It now seems possible that the third dav ' session may end with the convention still unorganized. The afternoon session bezlnnlng nt 2 o'clock lasted ncatty nn hour beyond the i ognlnr time for ndjournmoiit , n o'clock. Matters then stood about where they wera thlri morning. Poudeilv , tluough whom all the official news of the proceedings is slvcn to the press , told the reporters ho had nothliigr in the way of news to give tlicfn. The can- ventlon , he paid , was still considering. the port.of uthjaijspmmltteo on credentials , nnd the light over the admission of the eight or ten delegates whom the committee refened to the convention Is still In progress. Who . * ? N these del ega ten are Powderly and other lea&e In ? knights still refuse to say. Until this dlscn ion I& ended no other work can bo dono. It was rumored to-day that the delegates of district , with the colored hi other , FarrclJ , Intended going to Ihe Richmond theatre thlu evening and if the latter was refused admis sion to lorce their way in with him. Mrs. Powell , proprietor and manncor ofthe the atre , heard of the rumor and gave Instruc tions that Farrell should not bo admitted ex cept to the gallery reserved for negroes. Be- foie the thcatio opened Chief Poe and thlity- live policemen were on guard there. At the hour for ojKMiiniT the tno theatre thousands of people assembled on Bioad street The col ored delegate nnd his fellow members of dis trict 49 did not appear and there was no dis turbance. The crowd lemalned about the theatre until neatly 10 o'clock. It Is stated oflicially to-night by a member of the executive board that the report of the committee oil credentials has been accepted on all the contested scats cases excepting those of Morrison of New York and the SU Louis delegation. Brooklyn Montauk dele gates were lefused admission on the con stitutional ground that wheie there Is a mixed district another district cannot be formed without the consent of the existing district , unless It lias obtained a charter. The Brooklyn seceding district has neither such consent nor charter. Brnkcmen Strike. CT.RVKI.ANII , O. , Oct 0. Th freight brakemnn on the Mnhonlng division of the New York , Pennsylvania & Milo railroad made a demand several days at v for an in crease of wages from 81.75 to 52 per day nnd presented several other grievances. General Manager Shaler forwarded the demands of the mon to headquarters In Now York , prom ising to give them a reply to-day , The olllcials this morning submitted n proposition to the effect that they will agree to pay wagQs nshlghns any road competing with the Now I'ork , Pennsylvania it Ohio ; If satis factory aiiangoments could not be made , each party to select a man. and those two a. third , to constitute an aibitiatlon committee whoso decision shall be final , and for both to bind themselves to abide bv the decision rendoied by that committee. The committee refused to accept the proposition and ordered the bralit'iiten to quit work at noon. Tbo order was compiled with hero and about sixty men struck , Atn o'clock this morning thn total number of men out was 110. Freight Is blockaded In the yards here. It Is hinted by the strikers that the entiiosystem will yet bo involved , Coal Miners Gnt u Kul r. HAZI.ETOX , Pa. , Oct , n. The cloud of uncertainty icgardiii'z the Mriko of miners that has hung over the whole of the Lehlgli rcL-lon for HOIIIO days Is dispelled. Notices weio posted nt the various collieries last evening statins that as the price of coat had advanced for the month of October the men's wages would bo advanced 2 per cent. This advance seems to give general fiutlsfnc- lion. _ _ Miners Strike I''or ISIootl. - ' BIUIPSKI. " , Oct. C. Miners have ajaln cone out on a strike at Cliarlcvnl * . They attempted - tempted to kill their manager. He escaped death but was wounded , r > onlKvlllo and Njmliville. LOUISVII.I.K , Ky. , Oct. 0. At the annual meeting of the directors of thn Louisville A Nashville road to-day the only change nmdo was the substitution of Augustus Belmont , jr , for J , R. Llndenbcrger. Total roccints for the year ending June 80. 517,51SOOQ. Total disbursements , ruuie. Floating debt. S2H ,000. The new diiectors met this afterr noon ami elected E. Norton , ot New York , president , vice M. H. Smith , of Louisville , and M. H. Smith , rirct vice-president. Wyoming' * * HapUl Progress. WASIIIXOTOX , Oct 6. E. K. Wacom , BOV- ernor of Wyoming territory , lias &ubinltf 4 to the secretary of the Interior his report ot the affairs , progiess and development of that territory during the laKt year. It snows that aside from the retarding Influenced of buslr ness depression and Immluiatiou , tins terri tory is making rapid j > rojre ; . A Kentucky Centennial. LouiiVJU.K , Ky. , Oft. 0. Fully 16,000 y | tors were In Fmnkfoit to-day aaslstlpp | | cMpIial city of Kentucky to celebrate lier on * luird't'ih anmvmary.