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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1886)
HE EE , SIXTEENTH YEAH. ( OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 9 , 1SSG. NUMBER 103. THE BIG STRUGGLE BEGINS , li Inauguration of tlio Great Strike in Chicago Packing Houses. EIGHT THOUSAND MEN OUT. Tlic Nunilicr to lie Incrcnicd to Tvvonij 'llioiisnnd Mondny . Icn Armed \Vltli Hutchcr ItnlvoH and Iiiiinlncat. Hours \s Ten , Cttirvoo , Oft. 8. iSpccialTclcgrntn to the IJKII.J The trouble between the laboicis and the packing corpoiallon at the stock yatds picdlcted In these dlspilches Is In partial opointlon nnd H U supp iscd that to-moirovv will see the lockout In full operation. This morning the employes of the Cliicago PackIng - Ing nnd Provision company gatlien-d at tlio house at nn eaily liont. 'llieyhnd no Inten tion of resuming work undo ! the now ten- hour rule billed lo go Into elTct Monday , tlie probable Intention of which was to see how the men would stand. Tlioy decided , after n brief talk , not to accede to tlie proposition of the pickcis to letnrn to ten hours. The de cision was icgardcd as llnal nnd unanimous , Mid when it became leeogni/ed as such the men wentwlhl wlthcxclte'iicnt. ' They assem bled outside and matched down on Aunour's 1,500 stiong , ypllinir nnd hooting. Their In tention was to compel Amour t Co.'s men to go out wltli them. The excitement In nnd about Armour A : Co.'s house for a few min utes was intense. The mob of men congre gated outside on the railioad tiacks nnd theli shouts for their liiethien to diop their tools and join them drowned the shriek ot the locomollv e. Ai motir's men were true , however , and H'fuscd to null woik. Falling togettlip men to < iult the crowd wont to B. IV. DoiuUV Co.'s pit-king house As at Armour's they attempted to get the men to leave thu killing bench and tlie hos In the scalding vats nnd join them , A lepetitlon of what occnircd at Aimour'swas seen , nnd falling to get the men out tlio crowd hastened to the Anglo-Anieiican Packing coninuiy's house. Agrln tlieh attempt to get the niiiploycs to join them was unsuccessful , nnd after mak ing the air linn with lialr raising yells they dispciscd , prohxbly for their homes Moran > \ . Ileaicy , bllbcilioin & Co. , and the Chicago Packing and Provision company house au now descitcd. everything has been clcaied up , the men having performed their woik , and nllhoks well fora long and hard cam paign. This afternoon , evidently by preconcerted action , all the men employed by the follow ing stock yaid packing trims refused to work and joined the .strikers : At moiir A , Co. , John Monell , J. T. HickcyA : Co. , John Cudahy , the Inter national Piovlslon company , and tlio Anclo-Amctican Packing company. Tlreie aie between six and seven thousand ol them , making about eight thousand In nil who stiuck during tl o day. Somoot Moi- rlll's men after going out deeded to return to woik. Tlio stilkers nt once Invaded tlie place to compel them to quit Quite n not ensued and the Lake police weie summoned to ( | iu'll it , Onu bundled and til teen Plnkciton policemen also left for tlie stock jams at the loquest ot the packers to preserve iicaco and piotei t tnopeity. The piesencc oL the police uiul I'inkerton men seivcd to pre sent any roirtiwai ot the distuibanci s. Uho picv.illing impression niiiong the la- boieis is that tlio packers can bii "bested" in this nglit , notwithstanding tlio fact that they have tire financial backing. ' ' 1C we can only stick togetlipr , " said n knight todayvc - will \vin thu light In a month , If not sooner. " Aiuioui A , Co. aie bitterly denounced by the laborers ns thu cause ot this new move of the packers. 'Ihupicscut and past season has been the mostpioiltablc for the packers and theli employes tor maiiv yeais. The summer preceding tlio gieat strike of IbT'J was a most prolitnblo one nnd the pist season resembles It greatly. Many of the men have neglected to mvo up a penny foi a rainy clay , and It is more than probable , accordingly , that many will cntci tlm lockout Monday with oniv the money they will draw Satuiday. Ot'rer- ' > have not been BO reckless and have husbanded their eainings with ono eye to tlio future , and can now \ery well stand the lockout. The question causing tlie greatest discus Fion is in relation to cattle butchers and men working In beef houses will the pork met : allow them to w ork ? A number of butcher slid this motning that they weie perfectly satisfied wltli ailalis , ccUjne nil they asked for ten hours' pay ior eight hours' work , Their inteiests did not'clash with those ol the hog men , and foi that reason the latter would not ask them to go out. The preccdcni has been established some yeais , and by thli It Is proposed to go. It Is tlionght by the pork men that If the beef men can bo in duccd to go out and the entlrosystem Is para lyved it will assist them materially and lieli to bring tlie pickcrsto a realization of things Just what tlio men propose to do Is a conun drum not easily solved. Many think that 1 would bo advantageous not to aiipoar Moil day lor duty. That pccullai deslio to set how things tire going will ceilalnly nttrac them , and it Is supposed that ri.OVO men wh bo M'i'n Monday In tint pack Ing dlhtilct without the slightest Interi tlon of clolni ; any work am not allowing any oiitsidcis to do it , and it I ; more than pinbablo that tlio lockout will nebo bo very old when the beef houses will b. . closed by the poik men , tlreentiiosysten suspended , aim 20,000 men out of vvorli What Iho men hope Is that they will not b I troubled w 1th an early and cold w Intel. M J. Butler , head ot the KnlglitH of Labor o k Vi tills distik-t , is now at liichrnond. Befor colng he said that the men were In goo < nnanelal condition foi n light , and with thi and n favorable winter they exi > cct to win. ICcprcscntatlvcs of thu packing interest wtro extremely icticent ovei thosltiiatlou Fowler Bros , said : ' 'It simply means tlm wo will keep out house closed until It can b opened on our toims. Mnny of the packer will not feel the stiike for a lime , tor tlie would shut down now any way for repairs.1 'llm Impression nmoiig those with when the packi is have talked fieely seems to b they have expected trouble all along , and ni fully tuopnrcd lor it. AIUIOUI was no iilcnscd with the icporls which thu wires n his desk brought fiom tire stock ynrds , "W shall never open the packing house r.guli until the men will woik ten hours a day , I Iho establishments go down , " said AIUIOUI with a mild firmness that showed he was no speaking hastily. " 1 unduiatnnd the boy mo having n tlmo to-dny. Tlicio Is no lav cnniM'lllni | : them to woik If they do nu wMi. " "Will it bo possible to reopen without th old hands ? " "Tlie houses will not be closed entliely nnd ( lie men will soon dillt this way. But do notcaro to cthciiM that mattci now. On thing you can set down , nnd that Is wo wil hcrcnttcr innlcn hours n day or not at all. 11.IIIIIIII.K 'I IMI'h AN riCll'A I I'.I ) , I'loru the Indications at a late houi to-nlgli a very little mistake 01 Imprudence at th Union block yaids tomorrow will cause BCCIIOot Irorroi beside which the anarchic cmniigo of May will pale into almost not ! Ingiifss. To-night ( hero are In the vlclnlt of the yards 20,000 men , us desperate an tuibtilent us can bo found In the artisan miai tcr of any city In the world. Knelt of tliei Is In pOsM'vijcm of a butcher's knife an If clean r. They uio suddenly biouuht Incut with what promises to bo lor thci and their families gaunt poverty throui : n thccilcss winter , 'lids evening as th Plnkciton men landed from the card man mi ud ) tlucat was hcoid of what would li done with those same knives should the di teethes attempt their usual tactics. Moi than ono tuavvny pig stickci WHS heaid I compare thoolticers to swlncs. bhould tl strikers give way to a thirst for liquor , or tl Pinkcrton's make their appuanuicu at tl mass meeting-called for to-morrow , the coi sequences can scarcely bo foretold. At 5 o'clock , i > . nu , ( S3 Plnkcitouuetcctlvt eat dow n to supper at the Transit hoiii with Winchester repeating rifles betvvcc their knees. Captain Foley. in charge , sal that by to-morrowho would have ! M tueifi fuu about the \ nrds as an emergency coi t-Utce. U'ho Plukertoiis arrived at the y an nt t o'clock via the Lake Shore railroad and were greeted by derisive yells from the crowd of 2,000 men which tilled the street. The men went to the town hall nnd were all sworn In ns specials. 'I hen thev were taken bick Into thccars. 'Ihe ciowd made it so unpleasant , however , that Cap tain i'olcy formed his command Into four companies and headed for the Transit hou c. Tlie strikers c < pre < < s the Idea that the packers have a deep-laid sclicmo to lilt their houses with new men willing lo work ten hours. U Is said tint to this end tin * employers liavo Leon collcctliiK men at outside points for months. A feature of the stilko to-dny was the beef men coming out at Armour's. This was : n surprise to HIP packers , who nppaicntly intended to conlino HIP fHitto the hog Inteiesls. llic Him is left with , JO head of cattle In tlielr yard to feed. Aimonr's coopers c\mc out also. They had asked for 25 cents advance. and it hid not been limited. It Is estimated there nro now 20,000 men out of woik , about one-tinrlt | r of whom aie. strikois , tlie othfis being obliged to itilt | on theli account for want of woik. The stilkpts are skilled workmen , the tcmalndci being la borers , 'llioe latter , though not technically Bti tiling , appear to be. in hearty sjiniuthy with HIP movement. The men nil iUlt\vlth | tlielr knives and other sh.up edged tools In theli possission. A mass meeting of the strikers Ins be'-n called for to-morrow after noon at which It Isfc'.ued tioublemav de velop. Pully 15,000 pertons nro e.xnectcd to be tiip < ciit. Ucferi Ing to the articles published In the evening papers vpsteidny iclatlug to tlie stock yaids stiike , and which he claims emanated from tlm packers , thus givinu but one side ol the question , a. M. Meek , attor ney lor tlio KniL'hU of Labor , In a com munication to the Chicago press and public to-night , siys : "Tho posting of tlio announcement of the return to the ten-horn system on 'I huisdav last by the pickets without explanation , caused the men employed by tlie Chicago Packing and Provision company nnd silver- born A : Co. , to leave their woik , not for MO- enco nnil mob rule , but thoroughly organl/ed for dctcimliKil resistance In the fair nnd Jionoinble vvav and they ask that the people he not prejudiced against them by hasty and erroneous leports of violence written to scive Inteiests of the packers. The woik- Ingiuou hnvo taken their stand only after every offci of fair and honest settlement of their ililfeienccs has been icfnsed by their emplovcis. Contracts embody Ing theniacc- mentsnhc.idy had between the packers nnd tlielr omploves have been icjectcd by the pickers , and It is simply n question ot the packers keeping their agreement. 'Iheynrc on trial and not the workmen. The woik- ingmen Involved ask of the public only fan mm honest judgment on their action , nnd U leiuember that tlielr inteiests are the inter ests ot the whole people of America. The Knights of Labor. IliciiMOM ) , Oct. 8. At tlio close of the moiniiiK session of tire Knights of Labor li was leat ned that most of the time had beer occupied in discussing the report of the com mittco on credentials. At the afternoon scs sion , Powderly's address was finally rent nnd the repoit of the committee appointed t < InvestUnto the case of the Home Club ot New Voik was made and adopted. A resolutioi was adopted providing foi the appointment ment oi a special committee to take into con sideratlon thosMarts ( ot Powdeily'a nddrcs1 which relate to education nnd tialniiig tin youth lor the petfoimatico of their duties a1 citi/eiis. Non-Unlon Men Attacked' KAsr SAOIN v.w , Mich. , Oct. 8. 1' ifty non union men left heie on an earlv train thi' morning to load the vessels of the Blncli line nt Bay City. They were met at tlio depoi tliero Ly SCO union men , who knocked then about In a lively manner , diove them bncK aboaid the train , and forced them to return to tills city. Theio were no police on Hand to juotcct t'lem and the boats could not bi loaded. They niogoing again this atteinoon however , and police protection Is piomlsed , CATl'IjR ArsD HOGS. What Their Condition Is In the Western - ern States. CIIICAOO , Oct. 8. Messrs. Malloiy & Son live stock commission turn of the Un'.or Stockyards , fuinlsh the following reports or the present outlook for the ciou ol cattle am boas , lor tlio season of lbbG-7. This repoi is tire summary of over 090 reports icccivecl by them fiom Illinois , Iowa , Missouri , Wis cousin , Indiana , Ohio nnd Michigan. Tin Information gathered comes from tictlvoliu stock shippers who are continually ridlni through tlio country and who have oppor tunities to judge accmately. 'Ihe repoits an based on tlie crops of IbS G and 100 per cen represents a full nvernjo ciop as compared The cattle leports Include only Illinois , lows and Missouri , as not enough cattle are fed ii the other states Included In the report to bi of mateilnl benefit. Illinois Ono hundred and twenty-hvi points In nil parts of the state weie bean tiorn. Out of this number sixty-ones repor n lull crou of cattle , or more thnn a full croj ns compared with IbSVO. while sixty-fou points lull short of a full crop nnd twontv live points report M ) percent nnd less of n tul crop. Tlility-ono places report a lull crop o ho soimorc , while ninety-four pi ices re port less than n lull crop and lortv-tlirei places report 50 ncr cent and less , beventv ono places report ho s as hcnlthv , no dlsc' s < at nil , nnd til n-four places report ho sdyln ; with cholera , at many places the percentage of deaths being veiy large , The quality o IIO.M Is not as good as the ciopof 1S5-0. Iowa One liundicd and torty-ono place werolreard from In Iowa , embracing ever ; county in the state. Of these thirty-nine re poll an aveiago wop of cattle with 18S5-0 o above , ono hundred and two plac.-s less thai a full eiop , and foity-livo places M ) per cent and less. Two points leport double tin number being fed , but these points are wher laigo lots are bclmr fed that have heietofon gone to the market as tecders. Fitly place' ' report a full crop or over of hogs , and ninety one places below the full ciop. No report niobelovv .W percent. Ninety-six points re poit hogs as healthy , and foitvthico point : us dying w Ith choieia. The quality Is not a good as in Missouri Forty-six places were heard fion In northern Missouri , live of which report a many cattle as in 1SS.VO at the Fame time. A no poirrt is tliero any moro reported than 1 is ycai. Foi tyone places lepott less than las year and tvventy-nlnu points less than AO ne ceuti seven places as many hogs as In 18s > fl thlity-nlno plates n shoilago fiom last year and liftecu places 50 per cent and less. A thirty-four points hogs are i ( 'ported licalth ; and twelve as dvlng witli cholera. Th quality Is not as teed as thu crou of IbNI-fl. Nortlivvcsiern Ohio , southern Michigan am northern Indiana Of Eoventy-llve place heard fiom a laigo per cent lepoit above tli uv erago crop of botli hogs and corn w ith las year. Foily-two places ropoit healthy hog and thlity-thieo say IIORB are dying wlti cholera , which Is very bad In some sections The quality of IIO.IH U fully as good as las y ear and the quality of corn bettor. Wisconsin Of forly-slx points heard fron : fifteen report a full crop of hous and thlrtj ono loss than a full and no dlneaso at all li the state. The quality is about the same. IMInlatcr JacUsoii'H Recall. Nnvv Voinc , Oct 8. A New York dlspatc troui the City of Mexico says : General Jacl son presented his letter of recall to Presldei : Diaz yesterday , and last nluht ho left for tli United States. In the railway depot hen celvcd from the American colony and ottit foreigners and Mexicans tlio greatest ovatio over given anAmeilcan lu Mexico , with tli single exception of General Grant , Tli American colony presented him with a ham some oil painting ot tlie valley of Mexlc < He accepted It In a feeling speech full of gn titiulo to his country men here. Postmasters Appointed , WASHIXQIOX , Oct. b. John M. Corse hi been appointed postmaster at Boston. Tl president lias appointed tlie following intuit postmasters : David Hammer at Mitchell , i T. , vlco George A. Srlsby , suspondec Michael Twohy at Nokouils , 111 , vlcuD. J Brophy , euspended. Failures. Npw Youit , Oct. 8. Business failures fi the last seven daya In the United S/.ates we 107 aud tor Canada 23 , HADDOCK'S ' SLAYER CAUGHT , Leavltt Makes a Startling Confession Nam ing the Murderer. BREWER ARENSDORF THE MAN. History of the Crime Krom Its Incep tion nUcn la Detail Jlow ttic Fatal Shut Was Tired. The MjHtory bnl\cil. Siorx Oirv , In. . Oct. a [ Special Tele- giam to the BhK.I Tint murder \\lll out Is being demonstrated In Sioux City conclus ively. Tlm confession ot II , L. Lcavltt , nuulo under oath , cleats up the whole niystciy of tht' assassination of Hev. George C. Haddock on the night of Augusta last. It leaves no fuitliei doubt ns to who ( lie guilty pirties \ > PIO anil llm circumstances lending up to this most cowardly nssiult , icsultlng In one of tlio most hariowing murders ever per- petintedln tills section. Besides thoanest ut Lea\ lit In Chicago , and MunclinUh nud bhcinian for conspiracy , mentioned in those dispatches ye terdiy , 1'aul Leadei , pioprletor of the Milwaukee house , and ( cargo A. L-xngc were attested to-day on the the same charge. Lender gave a bond of S5,000 for apiiearance Monday , but Lange was unable to fin nlsh the same and wont to jail. Several other vv.nrants arc out and ar rests are llablo to Immadoat anytime. John Arensdorf , a prominent citbun , nnd one ot the piopi rotors of the hour browoiy , was also anosted last night at laen pint upon tele- giaiihic ndvieo from here. Areusdorf had gone there caily In the week as a delegate to the statu encampment of the Knights of Pv thlas. Lc.ivltt's conies- sion fixes the ciimo of tiring the fatal shot upon him , nq appears tuither on. Lcavitt was not bioiiiiht to Sioux City to-day as had been llrst planned , but taken to Klngslpy , la. , the home of Attorney Wood , where he will remain until wanted for examination. Ills full confession , made nndei oath In Chl- crfio. is now In tlio hands of the authorities here , and Is In the main as follows : I joined tlio saloon keepers' association August3. Fied Munchrath , Geoice Triebei , bimonson , Louis i'l.tth , and anothei man and myself , niter thu meeting adjourned , airanged to invmnen to do Walkei up the next tlav at the comt house. The next day tliemenweio too cluink to cairy out the plans. I tlionght this would bo the end the matter , but Mat Casstieai told me next day two men to do ihejob torSlOO. Ttiebci said everything had been ananged with the noliceiucii. I on hind when Wood and Walker left the court lioitse e\pc tint ; to see the job done and point out the \ icthiis to the sluggers. But King and Waldevrlng , 110 men , failed to eanv out their | ) , irt ot the pro- gianime. and so nothing c.imo of it. On the night of Atuust fl 1 met Fred Mnnehiath , Gee Tricbcr , Louis Plath , a s.iloon keeper whose name 1 don't know , and two dntchmen w horn Tneber said weio men lie had to do up Walker They were talking about Haddock and Turniu diiving out to Greenville. Hemy Il.ibeiman , Tiiebcr , Plath , and mvself got into a hack , let tlio windows down , and loliowed the pieaclieis out. When we came b'ck wo stopped at Junk's and got a diinlr. When wo left to go home , the two Dutchmen liiied by liiebei weio at the dooi. John Aicnsdorl cnmo out ot the \loon about tills time , and thu Dutchmen said to him : "The buirgv has comeback.Vu nil slutted In the direction ot tlio livery stable. In tlio party weio Aionsdoif.Munthratli , Triebei , Flath.llcmy , myself nnd the two Dutchmen bherman and Lange. 1 tiiougnt tliero would bo another failute. Munehrath suggested not to punch Haddock too hard , but to hit him in the face once 01 tw ica nnd give him a black eye. We saw Haddock coming and Arensdoit started toward him. When no came uu in fiontof him lie looked him in thu face nnd tluuw up ills iiands. Haddock then pulled some thing fiom Ills pocket , nnd struck Arens- dort. I saw Aronsdorf draw his gun nnd shoot Haddock. Then wo all ran. 1 wenthomeand told my wife I went to sco a slugging match and saw a niurdei. 1 am sat- it was Arensdoif who did the shooting , as lit was the only one to cross the strict towaul Haddock 1 saw Arensdorf the next morn ing. } Je claimed ho thought liaddock was going to shoot nnd lired In self : ilefenne. I went several times to Justice Foloy's ofllco to make a con fession , but ne\cr iiad the courage. My wife urged me stionglv to do so. About one weeknltei the killinir John Aienedoif came til mo in trout of Warllcli'ssiloon , and he said to me : "Henry , tlm dri\er ot the wagon knows all about this , and I am thinking ot sending him overintoNebraskatohishome. " I said : "You had better let him stay right here , as you can't tell how tills thing It coining out , and I won't ha\o It that way. " 1 was In tlio conit room b'aturd .y , .luly 81 , nnd Monday and Tuesday , August 2 anil 3. 1 had nevei s-eeu Mr. Haddock to know who ho was before Isaw him in the courl house. 1 ha\o neverbeon in Wisconsin and 1 ha\o never been In Builiugtou , not h.iu I any acquaintancethcie. . In tlio whipping that was talifod about on Tuesday atternoon attnecouit house Muncrhatli said that h ( had just ueen to Junk ami got the monev and gave It to Coimcny. He said this in the pies ence of King and Waldcvilng , Tiieber and myself , and King and Walduviing agreed tc doit and we separated. Munchiath after wards ga\o mo a note to Cormeny to get S50 , Airs. Lt-avltt's statement Is eutioborativo ol her husband's , bhu says Leav itt told her tin night of tne minder that Aiensdort did th < shooting and swore to It by his dead mother Aiensdorf was bi ought here by the otllcoi to < nlL'ht , and piobably will ha\u a hearing to moiiow. Arrested For Murder. FONDA , la. , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram tc the Bin.1 Otto Ottcn , n Ucimin residing in Belleville township , I'ocoliontas county , wai arrested tills afternoon lor the murder ol John bchon a few dajs since. Ottcn hai long been suspected , but the sheriff l.icKcc sulllcient o\ldenco to wairant lite arrest which lias now been seemed , and the peopli of this vicinity air hope nnd many believe that the assassin has been found , Alt Old Mini's Ruddon Death. Dis MOINI-H , In. . Oct. B , [ Special Tclfr to the liii.j About 11:15 : o'clock thL morning John II. Couch , a man bearing tin weight of se\enty-llve years , but still haleani heaity , entered the otlico of the ( iraefe hous and seating himself In a chnlr bewail to reat a newspaper. Ten minutes afterward tin proprietor , noticing something peculiar It Ids appearance , went to hit side and fount that he w us dead , having pa-isud away wltli out a warning or a sound , supposed ot hear disease , A. Younc Murderer Sentenced. DUIIUQUK , In. , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegran to ( ho UiijM-Youns Tony I'leitfor , tin assassin of old Patrick Harrington , was thl morning sentenced to six years In the poul teutiary , The Mnscotto Disaster. Sr. Louis , Oct. 8. Four deaths occurrei jesteiday among those Injured In La Mas cutte disaster , making the total nuiubo thirty. UeorKO B. Daidson , the boat's cat penter , Is In a very precarious condition ant is not expected to live. After the eUdeuc was all takeu. the coroner's jury almost In : mediately returned \erdlct exhouoratiu , the ofllcers ot La Mascotte from all blam nnd severely criticised Captain Ehroiigb o tlie Kogle for lib treatment of the survnon and ( or pot attemptlui ; to run the burnln boat ashore , and recommended that hi license bo revoued. Lluht Bhnkes. N , 8. 0. , Oct , 8. A light shoe was felt here at 5 o'clock thU morning ; ah tkreo chocks at Suuauien'Ille TI1I3 KANSAS Hlrul Honda Wince Under the Compe tition nftho Union 1'nclllc. CHICAGO , Oct. ? . [ Special Telegram to thcllnr. . ] There Bcems lobe no probthlllty that the Union 1'acllic will heed the urgent request of the Southwestern association of railway lines to rofif-c business from the St. Paul and Northwestern railwajs oxer Its new Mar > s\llleand Manlnttan cnt-olT to Kansas City , Topeka anil Kansas points. Hereto fore neither tlio St. Paul nor Northwestern wasixble to got Into the Southwestern nsso- clstlon territory , but the construction of the new cut-ott affords them n good outlet to To- pcka and Kansis points. The new competi tion Is quite certain to destiny tlio southwest ern lumber pool , the Atchlson , Topeka A faanta To being seriously affected by this competition , which Is stilt finthcr biciking into the business of tlie Southwestern asso ciation by cuttlnir lumber rates OUT the St. Louis & San Kr.itichco from St. Louis taklnirbiislness to Wichita , 500 miles , for the same rate as the regular associations ehame for about UoO miles. Mr. Callaway. of tin ) Union Vaollle , who was in this olty usteidny stated ho had no Idea of refusing an > ttalllc fiom connect ! ne lines \ la the new cut olT. The new line was built for tlio puroosn of getting ttalllctoi thosoutliPtn Kansns potnK Coinpetltoisof the Union I'ncilieand especl- nllv soiuoof the rends In the sotithwestein association had Invaded the territory of tlio Union 1'acllic and had neser ounced any sciuplesln taking business to any points they could re.ich reeirdless of existing ngreo- ments , Mr. C. W. binlth , \ ice-president nnd general managci of the Santa IP. . was also In tliecitj and evinced much concern , not only o\et the competition of tlie Union 1'a- cille , but that of tlie Hock Island and other toads now constiuctlng lines through the teriltoryot his country. He telt quite conli- dcntasetious liirht will be Hie icsnltandhe did not think tlio Santa I'o road would get left in the conillct , THE Sl'OKTlNG WORLD. lliolJasc llall Kccord. AT Jfr.w Yoniv St. Louis . 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 w York . 0 2000101 -I Pitchers Ho ) learnt Welch. Base hits St , Louis 'J , New \ 01 k 0. htiois bt. Louis 4 , Umplip rulmer. < AT Viiii.Atiut.pinA. Detroit . 0 r 1 0 0 0 5-11 Philadelphia . 0 000000 0 Uase lilts-Detroit 12 , Philadelphia 4. Krrors Detroit ' ( Philadelphia 7. Umpire Peaicp. AT PtTTsnuRo Pittsbmg . 0 002202 031 7 MetioiOlitans..O 00000000 0 Pitchers Morris and Lvncli. Base lilts Plttsburg 10 , Mctiopolltans 1. Krrois Pitts- buic 0 , Uotiopolitans ' . ' . Umpire. Valen tine. tine.AT WASiiiNnTON . Kansas City . : . . . 0 001100 2 Washington . I..O 010010-2 Pitchers Odai and King. First base hits Kansas City 1 , Washington r > Kuors Kan sas City 7. Washington 6. Umpiie Quest. AT CINCINNATI Cincinnati . 3 043200 2 11 Baltimore . ,4 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 b Ba'-o hits Cincinnati II , Biitimote 0. Euois Cincinnati fl , Baltimore 5. bmpirc \oilf. AT LOUISVU.LI : * Louisville . 0 2 0 031 0 3 2b Athletics . B 011303 0-11 Pitchers Heckpr nnd Atkinson. Base hits Lousillo ! l.i , Athmtirs 10. Krrors Louls- \ illc 8 , Athletics 3. xUmpiro Kelly. AT br. Louib I * ' St. Louis . 2 ) r3 010100 7 Biookhn . Oilfc3 > l 0 5-l 0 01 1'itclier-i CaritithorR' and , Porter. Base hlts-St. Louis ll.Mr okU-i bt. Louis V ) , Bioolirir i. " Quade. , ' AT BOSTON ' ' llo-ton . , . . . .07t 203001 * 7 Chicago . 0 , 0 PitcheiS Kadbourn and McCormick. Base hits Cliicago 3 , Boston 13. Kriors Chicago 7 , Boston 4. Umpire Powers. Coney Island Knees. BIIIGJITON BnACir , N. y. , Oct. 8. First race , milo : Talcoma won , Katie Fletcher second end , Burgundy third. Time t:40K. : Selling allowances , seven fitrlongSsWinona won , Ue\oke second , Gold Medal thiid. Time 1:42. Se\en furlongs : Sam Bennett won , Uos- lere second , Petersburg thud. Time 1:31. One and one-eighth miles : Beaz won , Kestless second , Ariel thiid. Time 1:59. : One and one-fourllwniles : Barnum won , Amber second , Jpo Mitchell third. Time 2:1 % ' One and one-eighth miles : Jim Douglas won bv six leimlhs , Mollle Walton second , Poet third. Time 2:00 : , Lmtonlu 'Jockey Club. CINCINNATI , Oct , 8. For non-winners , milo and fourth : War Sign won , King George secant ] , Santa Anita Belle third , Time 2:11. : Selling , for two year oldsnon-wlnnprs , six furlongs : Wary w'on. Clarion second , Passion thlul. Thno l:17Jf : , For maidens , three j ears old and upwards , seven turlongs : ' Andella won , Kvnnge'lne second , Long Knight thiid. Time ! : ! For two years jojd , six furlongs : Term Cottawon. Poteen second , Alleghpny third. - Mile ana sixteenth : lloaconsllehl won , Wandeioo second , Wa'ioo ' third. Time , Trotting at St. l/ouls. ST. Louis , Oct. & Fifth day of tlio fait association races : 2 : ' . ! 0 class , pinso 51,500 , divided : Palo Alto won , Charley Hognn second , Albert France thiid. Best tlmo-2lS. 2:30 class , rmrso SJ.'XX ) , dhlded : ( ! . B. won , Louise It. second , Annlxcrsary tlilrd. Best tIuie-2:2J. : "Chlor Justice Ohase Day. " WASHINGTON , Oct. 8. Mcmoilal services In honor of the Into Chief Justice Chasoarc to held at Cincinnati on the 14th Inst. At : i meeting of tlie coloied cltl/.ens of the Dis trict to-day U was UesoUeu , That wo trust that the 14th ol October will bo Bet apart nil over thU land bv the colored people n' "Chief Justice Cliaso dav" ; that nil colored institutions ot learning hnvi comineinoratUo exercises on thin day : tlial all chuichos nnd Sunday schools hold loll geous services , mornlnc and evening , ol grateful praise to AlwIgUty God tor giving tc our lace such a deliverer , Hesohed , That ouri religious press am ! secular press generally are icciuestod to cat attention to this suhjec ( < Diseased. qa\vw' Milk. CIUCAOO , Oct. B , Tl followliiR older was Issued by Health OfllcCA Dewolf this after noon : { CITY OF CmoApo , Department of Health- Notice : JthasboQi ) determined that some of the rattle In the ; ' distillery sheds of tin city were affected wltU contagious pleuro pneumonia , and that probably many of them ore In tlio early febrile Hago of the disease , thereby rendering imlv from cows thus nf fueled unsuitable lor food. All persons art herebj prohibited ( rout removing milk foi public distribution or nfo from any uremlsc ! where. Infected animals are found , and If auj person doing so or attempting to do so will bo immediately arieated. OSCAII 0. DKWOI.F. Commissioner ot Health , Ran on an Unknown Rock. SAN FIIANCISCO , Oct. 8. A private dis patch was received to-day dated Juncau Alaska , signed .by Captain Carroll , of thi uteamer Ancou , which , It was feared , wa lost. It states tlmAncon ration an unUnowt rock In Ulacier bay.on the night of Ueptem ber 13 , The > esfel was got oil but madi water so fast It vvnaMound necessary to beacl her. * Cattlemen Happy , FJKIIIIK , Dak. . Oct. 7. Cattlemen on thi Sioux reservation are liappy. The orde from thu Indian > lepartment notifvlng then to leave at once ami remove all their cattl has been revolt nnd they can remain , THE CAMPAIGN MAPPED OUT , The Republican State Committee Designates Speakers and Dates- PLATFORM OF THE DEMOCRATS. further Developments In thn Qitlnn Case Stiongly Inijillontc Spi optz Rounrd Olfercd POP Ills Cnt > - ture-Ncbrntkn Ncw . ITepuhllpnti Cnni | > : il ti KpeccliPH. i.tNfoi.N , Neb , Oct. 8 [ Sbcclal Telegram : o ( lie UKM. | The republican stUc coiumlt- co met this evening at the Cipltal hotel and : ho loll call fouini twentlliivo nipuibcrs irosont , iiuuilu'ilng Hon. A. J. Wcner , of Palls City , chairman ; Walt M. Scelcj , Lan- cistpr : Ucorgc W. Collins , Pawnee ; J. II. Decker , Pinttsmoutli j L. H. Wilqht , ptoxy for C. II. Dortey , Omaha ; L. I ) . Itiehnrdo , Kicmont ; J. A. McMmphy , protor C. L\ Sumner , Schuylcr ; W. T. Aumhi , David City ; J. B. Davis , Wahoo , pioxv for P (3. ( B. Uryan ; 15. S. Noival , beward ; J. Jensen , ( icneva ; M. A. Doughcity , Crete ; 1 M. Coi- roll , llcbion ; J. N. Paul , St. Paul ; K. C. Con- Ion , S. H. Cialg and Joshm Cox. There were piesent wllh tlio commit- teolieneralThajer , candid ito for govcrnoi , Coiigrcssman Dorscy , of the Tlilrd dlstiiet , Chuieli Howe , Llcutenanl-doveiiior Shedd. nnd other state odlclals. The untire woik of the committee was In making the appoint ment forcampalgn speaking. Among those who had offered tlieli seivices were J. M. Thurston , W. F. ( iiuley , of Omnlm ; J. I ) . Tnlte , of Kearney ; ( . ! . M. Ilumplncy , ( ! eo. W. Collins , of Pawnee ; c\-ioveiiior Xance ; M. A. Haitlgan , of Plattsmoutli : John C. Cowln and b'enatjr Mamlprson. Senator Mandei- son will spexk at Wymtne , Teeuni'-oli , Plaits- mouth and Wahoo in the Fiist tlistiict ; nt Mllford , Osceoia. lloldicge and Oilcans in tlio Second district , nnd at Not tolk and Col umbus in the Ihlid district. General Thaver is In greit demand fiom every nook and corner in tlio state , and his appointments covet evciy atternoon and nearly everv evening until election , ns lol- lows : Nortli Platte , 12th , afternoon ; Ki'.ir- ney , 12th , evening ; St. Paul , iith : ; Broken Bow , lltli : Ihand Island , 10th ; Noith Bunil , Ibth , afternoon ; I'reniont , Ibth , evenine ; Stroiusbuig , lllth , nfternoon ; Osccoln , lUth , pvcnlntr ; David Cltj. 2'Jth ' , afteinoon ; bew ard. 20th , evening ; Ciete , 21st , afteinoon ; Wllbei. 21st , evening ; Taiibuiv , 22d , after noon ; Hebron , 22d , evening ; ( ietievn. S-M ; Mindcn , 2.tli ) , atteinoon ; Holdiegc , e."nii , evening , rollowing tiio2. " > th ( leueialThajer devotes tlio remainder of the time until elec tion diy in the Flist ctlstiict , the dates ot which weie not definitely settled up to a into bout. Chinch Howe has announced twenty- three appointments in the Fltit district tor hlm elt ami in all appointments other speakeis aie to bo added. Democratic Convention. HASTINGS , Neb , OcL S. [ Special Tele gram to the Bi.i. . ] The row over tlio selec tion of a state ccntial committee continued until neatly t o'clock this morning , and as selected It Is claimed ns a "picKlnir liottso" victory. Holnuod and O'Connor , of Douglas , who were the spaclil tugetsot the Boyd tac- tion , nro succeeded by Ogden and Pritchett. Tlie following cut and dtied platform was adopted unanimously : > t y. TIII : j'LVTFOuvr. . -i TKl.n.jIamocniey of-Nebraskaf in convention nsscmbletl , heieby reanirms its allegiance to the princlD'.es ' of the demociatlc puty of thn nation , which wcicsoelaboiatelv enumerated in tlie platfoim of the piily adontod by the national convention in las-t , and which then loceived the of the people by the election of diover Cleveland , as president of the United States. Wo heaitily endorse the administration of President Cleveland who o faithful nnd fear less adhesion to all pledges in ide by him has proved to the nation that it lias nn honest and courageous executive exceptionally fitted to be Intilisted wltli the administintfon of the government , and in whoso hands the cause ol refoimand good goveminent will be as it has been by him advanced and con served. We extend to tlie laboring classes our warmest sympathy and favor all piopei legis lation , which -shall better their condition and protect the worKinginen Uom unjust ex actions ot monopolies and asgicaatpdcapital. We. denounce piohlblUon and legaid tlie attempt of the republican paity to enforce sumptuary laws upon this state ns dangerous to the liberties of the citl/eiis nnd hostile to the welfare of the people. Wo extend to Gladstone , and Pnrnell nnd their compatriots nnd the Irish people gener ally our fullest sympathy In tliolr heroic struggle to establish the blessings of homo rule foi downtrodden lieland nnd congratu late them on tlio rapid advancement made in the dliectlon of human liberty nnd trust that tlie time is now at hand when tlie niinclplus enunciated In the declaration of indenend- aneo shall be firmly established lu cveiy land and among every people. Wo insist upon the enforcement of such wise and en.ult.iblo laws bv the coming legislature In relation to rail road coinoiatloiib and tliec.urvingof ficu tits within tlie state , as will abolish the present aggressive rates nnd unjust dlscilmination , and we call upon congress to supplement by national enactment nn intcr-stato commeici law that will elTcCtnnllv relieve the people ot the agricultural states fiom tlio thialldom ol railroad monopolies. Wo mom n the loss of the nation , caused by the death of distingiiMied citi/ci > H , pa triots nnd statesmen McCIellan , Hancock , HendricksSeymour and 'iilden. WP 10- ioicc that It was peimltted to thpsu gieal leaders to live until they could behold their beloved comrtiy. reMoml to the political principles for which tltoy tolled thiougli years of distrust , Injustice nnd wrotur , ana that the life of the lamented vice. president was spared untl the great wrong done him Ir 18TOwas lighted by an ouragcil people ami pledge oui devotion anew to ttie great pilncl- pics foi which these patriotic democrats livci1 nnd died. died.hi ATI : rnNTitu. CO IMIITIK. : The following in the state central commit tee : i'libl district , Clegg ot ICIchnideon Johnson ot Nemalia. Dinnlno ot Johnson Manning of Cage. Second dlstiiet , Congoi and Ireland of Otoe , Patteisop nnd Wnllau of Cass. Third dlstiict , Ocdon and Pritehet of Douglas , Clark of Washington. Chardo o Hurt , Campbell of Sarpy. Filth district , Cas toi of Saline. Johnson of rilmoru Battey o Adnrns , lluhbellof Jetfeison. Seventh district Wellnerof Cummlngs , McAlllMei of Dlson Cooditic ot Cedar , Itoblnson. Ninth district ( Salbralth of 1'lattc , O'Day of AntolojicFll bert of Holt , MncDonough of Valley. Tcntl district , Boyle of Buffalo , Sotus of blieimiin Martin of Custer , Westeiver , Wnsson KiKlith district , Fred A. Ilarinun , of Frank lln. Case \Vehbter. . Fnrgeson of Kearney O'Dounel ot lied Willow. After Qiiltui'H Murderer. HASTIXOS , Neb. , Oct 8 , ( Special Tele gram to tlio Bi.K.J Mayor Alexander hav offered a revvnrd of S2M for the nppichcnsloi and delivery to the slicrlft of Adams count ; of Wllhclm Sproctz , a young German , nbou Iho feet four Inches high , wclglit about out hundred and forty pounds , light complexion light hair and mustache , wearing when las seen a fur cap and dirty brown clothes , will white shirt with dark spots and no cellarage ago twenty-four to tiility years , Ho had t fresh soie on the back of ono hind. Spioot , is supposed to bo the man who muiderei James Qtilnn near Hastings on Wednesdaj nlt'lit , September 21) ) . Now development : Implicate b'proetz In the nundei either d rectlyorasan accessory. Chief of Polic Half has received a telegram from the mat shal of bt , Paul , Keb. , saying that horses an svverlDK the description of the ones stole from the murderea man were there. Hal Immediately started for St. Paul , taking wit him a man who could Identify the horse ; Thn horses proved to be the right ones. Thl vvastuetiret tangible clue obtained. Th In wlio e po4 esop ! tlie weio onjul undo the following otttemrut : Ho lad piucha cd the lioucson Situiday morn- ng at Grand IsJaml I fiom an Innoi-ciil look ing Herman , wlio claimed that lie was u hoincstcadci and too pool to Keep the hordes throuch the winter i'ltobl. I'aul 111111 paid the Germ in ? i'.M in cash and gave him a void watch valuoit tit S4d , taking a bill ofsilc. 'Iho name signed to tlie bill of vale was \\illlam Bock. bntimHy nliiht Wllhclm Spioct/ , who nnsvveisCMietl ? to the dc < oilp- tlou nf the alleged lniiiip < tcadcr Wlllielm Bock , came Into Hastiins and exhibited a large Mini ot money nnd n gold watch. Hit deposited SWO with a Hastings merchant , saying that lie would call for It Mondav moinlui ; . He called foi ills money Monday nioinlnir and was sonn nftervvntds arrested. UK suhscmicut c c ipe is known to the reul- iTsofthi1 Bi i : . Public fculing Is rnnnlnir hiph nnd then' is but little doubt In the minds of men hem but that Spinet ? is ilthci tlie man who committed the minder 01 that liowasnn neeesMiiv totlie cilmo and tint he was chosen hv Ins coined- dates to dispose of tlm liot < es. The anthorl- th-shnvoiio clue to SpiocU's whcicabouts , but it Is believed that Imis still in the county and a lai ire number of men aio scouting the couutiy Incvciy dlicction. Hod AVlllow'H Pride. McCootf , Neb , Oct. \ ( Special Telegram to the Bnp.l The attendance nt the races here to day was about lour thousand , nnd all w cio well icpald for tlio time and trouble both In the ehai-aclci of the races and the ex hibit. Tlie agricultural display was not ex celled In qmntlty oven nt tire siato fair , nnd Hed Willow county may well bo proud ol the piogrcss she has shown. The i -Ing pro- Krammo was ns follows : Free foi-all trotting , pntse S3rfl- This ncc was won by Maude Cook , taking tlio second , fourth and sixth heats , McLeod winning second money , Cling third ami None btrcli fomtli. Theie was seine dissatisfaction with thu driving , and the drivers on None Such nnd McLeod weie changed In the lift hiat. Timu iOif , 2R.2u : : ; , 2:42 : , 2 : : f , 2:41. : The rnnnlni ; rate , one-hall mllp , heats , pnise S'-W , best tin eo In live , was won by Willie C. , John Kcdmond second , Mound City Belle third. Frank Coopei fourth. Time-.r > - ' , fliK , ri } , .vi , The fiee-for-all pacing , purse SHOO , was won bv Chaillo K. In three stialght heats , Pilot second , Blllle Button thiid , L'lla S. fourth. Tlnio-aj'H , 2ila42iM. : . In addilion to tills Piofcssor Hank ga\oan evhlbltlon of lidlm ; a race on two met liorves. To day closed the fair pioper ami the assoclition is considerable money alien ! after paying tlio llbeial premiums , 'llic racing , liowcvci , will bo continued tomorrow row , mid in tlie forenoon the McCook Gun club will hold a championship shoot. Mc Cook Is fast winning a rcpiititlon as being tlie best racing town west of Oiuaiii. Mr , Baiston , of Cictc , olllciated as judge ami starter w 1th satlstaction to all. Tlio Giavcs A ; Hnlladay Comedy company have played al Mould oiieia house hero all the week tc eiovvdcd houses. They aie a good corn. pany and well liked heie. Town Ijot Sale. NoitroLK , Neb. Oct. 8. [ Special to the BTI..J 'llrreo coaches ol excursionists wenl to Randolph by the Wayne blanch of th ( Chicago , bt. Paul , Mlnne-xpolis it Omalu raihoid , besides as niiny moro by vehicles The dav was line , and over S7,000woith ol lots were sold , the lots nvetiging about 810 ( each. Tills town Is on the lieadwateis of tht Logan , nnd is suirounded by some of tlu finest -valleys in the state. An Imnionsi amount of wild land can bo had within tcr mlltis of the ralhoad tei minus , which Is Ir the southwest pai Lot Cedar county. Laig ( auunints of land can bo hid at fiom SO to Sl < per. acic Pjobiblyy 50,030 acics ot unlm proved land can bo foil nil within ten milu ; of this town. K ingo lor stock oxfollont , as grass and water are abundant , 'I be crops it Cedar , Wnyne and Pierce counties mo seed An Insane IMrtn's Iioup. Cor.uMiius , Neb. , Oct. 8 , [ Sppclal to tin Bir. : ] A stiangely acting iieigon lett tin overland train at this place last night , am registered at the Grand Pacific as Angus Kocpscl , of Xeenah , WIs. His actions at trncted considerable attention , but he was ns signed his loom nnd nothing moro wa < thought of Him until this morning about 5 : " < o'clock , when the clerk was startled bv hear hit : a sound ns ol some heavy body falling followed by loud , incoherent talking , am rushing to the otiUido found that Koopse had leaped fiom the second story window. As far as could be ascertained from his almos unintelligible gibberish , ho was under tin imptcssion that he vvns about to bo murdered He sustained no injuries and lias been con lined in the countv jail. Ills friends in Xor folk , whither lie was bound , 1m o been tele ernphed for. _ _ The Cherry County Pair. VAi.KUrixr , Neb. , Oct. 8. ( Special Tele gram to the Bun. ] A thico days' exhibition being Cherry county's liist annual fall closed hero yesterday. The agricultural , Hvi slock and various other entries far sutpassp ( the most sangiiino expectations. Tlio lace * wcicgood and the weather propitious. Gen eral Blsbln delivered the address nnd wa listened to bv some 1,200 peoplo. Tlio specia feature was thu running race , Blown , Kevi Pnlia and Cherry counties competing for th < lionoi.s , witli Clicriv county victorious Balllc. belonging to hd Cook , of Alnsvvorth won the hotting race. Honors to North. CoM'Miit'f , Neb. . Oct. 8. ISpeclal Tqln giam to tiioBKK.J Oolninbus' honored cltl /en , Hon. J. L. Moiili , in i lud this < ttleinooi from HastlngB , nnd wnsnictnt tlio tinin nui cscoiled to his homo by a laice number o clti/ens , headed by the Columbus come bind. Mr. Js'oitliis the keystone of tlio d < mociacy hero and Columuus leels Just ! : pioud of him , J'louio lii J > ow Jorsey. CAJinr.v , N. J. , Oct. S. Plciiro-pncumonl has recently made Itsnppeniancli neat Vlnu town , Hiiillngton county , nnd npic.tdtoai nlaiiiung extent. Tiio state boaul of hc.iltl has nttcmpied to eradicate It by killing th Inlecled animals and quaiantlng heids , bti cases are till found thionglioiit llio county btato VPtcilnniy burgeon W. B. i : . Mlllei of Camdcn , lias been oidcicd b > thugovciii iiientdepaitiuent of au'ilciiltiuu to examln into the contagion nnd report to Iho nationti but can. _ A Snnntor's HiidiVcn Dpnth. BOSTON , Masi. , Oct. 8. United State Senator Austin P. Pike died suddenly Franklin Falls , N. II. , to day , The senator had been In Ills HEiial dealt since his ictiirn fiom Washington last May While walking around his farm , n mil above Franklin Falls , at noon to-day , hosm dcnly dropped dead , llo was 07 yeaisoh nnd leaves n widow , one ROD nnd two dangl ters. He had held many Important state oil ces ( luting his life , and served ono term in th house of rcpit'i-eii tilth ( s. In Ifev ! he wu elected United btates senator. Cleveland 1'ardoiiH Mormon Hlnhopi DKTiion , Oct. 8. On Dccembni 11 , IbSl , i Prescott , ArlAmmon M. Tunny , C. . Kemp and Peter J. Chrlstollcrson , Mormo bishops , wern tiled , convicted nnd sentence by Judge Similar Howard to pay bVX ) hu and scivo three , nnd one-halt yeais I the house of coi reel Ion In this city. The were brought heio and mo hero now. Ac cording to n icccnt decision of Adonic General ( lurhind , It appcain their trial we Illegal , and to day Picoidcnt Cleveland pa doned them. Nchrnskn and I own \Voiitlior. For Nebraska ana Iowa : i'uli vveathc cooler. Still After Loulh. In Judge McUullou'Ii's court jostprda afternoon nn attachment wus issmi ngainst the stock of ( icorgo A. U > uU ft $101 , U5 In fi-.vor llm ( ierinan JMiniilin company of Middlejiort , Ohio. ' " STILL PREACHING ANARCHY , The Convicted" Bomb Throwars Oontinua Their Tirades of Abiuo. CRIMINAL NEWS OF THE DAY. \ttciii ] > t to Ulow t'p Vienna nnd Kill tlio l inpprof Dlsc'otpteri. Jlolil Uolibcfy ni IMttvtfnrR UnltowN PiuU. The Annichlsli Tivlk. Ciiic1 loo. Oct. S Tlio ciowds which be- sclficd tliocilinlnal couil tills morning for ndirlttnticc to Judge Gary's com t loom were linger and earlier thin nt any tlmo during tlio anarchists' trial. Tlm speeches which tliecondemned men woiciu iklngln tlielr own behalf nnd the fact that the d ito foi tlielr ex ecution was to be given to d ly weio responsi ble for this , only n small portion ot tlioso who sought admission weio succifHful. When the couit was opened , George Kugln one of the dcfcud.iiiKat once begun a speech in answer to tlip judge's luqiihv ns to why sentence should not be vs < ed upon him , Knglo lecountcd his cxpoilomcs In Germany where lie was bom and recounted tlie hard ships and tyrannies the people wcii ) foicid to submit to ihcH1. He cnniu to tills country. Mmvlil woik In Philadelphia. and Chiciico , and found the > snuio stito ot alfniis existing tlicrc. Capitalists became ilch by their opmessions of the working classes. Kntle then umdu n studv of tlio intention , llo read Henry George's books ! and became n Hoe'iillst. ' Kuglo became very bitter In his iciuarkH about the Amerlinii com Is before IIP concluded , llo spoke until U o'clock. Sam Ficidcu tlii-n spoke' , lleio- ho had said upon tlm witness stand nnd declaicd ho had ncvor been guilty of any violence , lie declared that the newspapers hid either misrepresent ed or irilsumlcistood him , and that thru * weio responsible lor his deith. He declared that ho had never ured the sicking of stores. Pielden turned his attention to whnt ho claimed to be n dlsctepaticliis between the testimony ot tlioso who had swoiu to his having said : "Hero comes ( lie bloodhounds now , " ns the pollco came up , and umdo au nblo nnd nmumiMitatho comparison of the testimony irlton bv these w Itnesscs. lip re ferred to Bontieid s evidence as "tho lc 1- mony of truthful James Hoiifield , " Ho wont on ns follows , to speak of his nets on tire fatal , night : "Tho worst newspapei in Cliicago admitted that it was extremely doubtful whether Fleldpn shot or said , ' " \oudoyour duty nnd 1 will do mine , ' 01 'hero come thin bloodhounds. ' 'llreie is nothing In jirnut that I did not walk aw.iy peaceably. I wentr away pe.iccihly. Lieutenants Waul and Stccio said so on tire stand. " In the atternoon Ficlden continued in much the same stialn. Ho de clared : " If 1 am to be convicted , 1 am to be hanged foi telling tlio tiutli. A flee 1 had escaped from the Hayiuatkct meeting 1 went home. ' 1 ho explosion of the bomb was ns much a snrpiisp to mo ns lo any of the po licemen. 1 resolved , like any notiest man , to tell the truth. 1 thought when they found out tire facts 1 would bo released. 1 said let them confess all they Hues so as tlusy lull tire truth. 'Iho Rieit socialist who lived in this world over eighteen bundled ycais ago Jesus Chi ist left these woids on record , and tlie piincipli-s of justice and right have never been expressed in language better than this : 'Bettei that ninety nnd nine guilty men should go unpunished than ono Innocent mm should suffei. " ' llo concluded thus : "We1 cla'm woaio coiivlctcil not because wo committed minder , but because wo weio verv oncigetic In our advocacy of the lights oJ labor. " Parsons commenced to speak , and nt 4 o'clock , having denounced the tiinl as clmr-j ncti'il/od by prejudice and Influenced by a mob , nsked the court to adjourn , when he would finish his sncccli. The com t accord- inrly adjourned. DA1UNG Three Thieves Cnpturo n Wallet ami Dclciid It With GunH. PiTTsnuno , Pa. , Oct. b. Great excitement was caused in Allegheny City about noon to-day by a daring robbeiy and subsequent chase and capture of two ot the thlovos. The victim was Gcneial J. W. Bca/ell , of Chicago , an Instructor In the detection of counterfeit money. Tlreiobbery occuncd In the lobby of the postonice. Cioncral Brazoll had n w al lot containing S0 00 which IIP placed on the counter beside him while conveislne wltli Postmaster Swan. A thief , who had evlt dcntly been watching bin opportunity , quickly picked up the wallet ami was making off when Bcazcll selzcel him. A struggle ensued and the thief drew his revolver and Hied at his cap tor , who lelenscd his hold , allow lug him to escape. A Inrgei crowd cave chase , nnd the culprit , who had been joined by two accom plices , turned on their piusuor.s and began nring their rovolv crs. ' 1 ho lire was returned nnd torn" Hlioit tune there was a peifect fusll.ido of shots. Finally twoof the thlcvi'i were cornered , and after a desperate strut'glo were captured. The man with tlie wallet , liowovci , pot away and is still nt large. No ono was shot , but seveial persons narrowly escaped. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Conupjrnoy for Death and Destruction , LOXDOX , Oct. 8. Tire Chronicle's cono- spondont nt Paris says tint ho just he.ud from Vienna details of a startling anarchist plot to dcslioy Vienna and to assassinate Kmperor FranclH Joseph. The consult atom , whoso plans were fr nstrated bv the. authori ties , had Intended to cany out the plot Oct. 4. Timber stores were to be set on lire tluoimli- put tire city , and during the contusion public buildings vveip to bo blown up with dyna mite. The pollco sol/cd InimeiiBo quantities of bombs nnd other explosives In different parts of the city , aspect illy ncirtho imperial residence nt Schonbrnnn , and beneath the bildgo leading to tlie palace1 , which tlio emperor ciosscs dally. It was also intended to maKu nn attempt upon the lllu of tnu 0111- pcror at the same time. A large number of loielgnprs and Anstrlaus were nucstml , The ringleaders escaped to Germany. In consequence quence of the stiingont .intl-soclnltat law , news of the discoveiy of tlio plot did not Joafc out for several days. A Very Old Klnnor. PlTTHi'iKi.K , Mass. , Oct. 8. Considerable excitement was occasioned hero to-nlglitby the icport that ox-Town Treasurer . ! 8 nil Cartel had boon a nested for cmbe//lomeiit oC town funds. Tire amount of tire dcllclmioy- Is s.iln to bo SbO.OOO. The selectmen wore In. Mission nil day to-day , ami tlio arrest trek the form of a uiimmoiis by Slier lit Ninth demamllriu' Cnitm'u piesenco , before Judge Tut leer till * eivenlnjr. Cur- tcr Is mtvcnty yearn old , a carpet dealer , , ami bus always been icgnrdcd us a most es timable man. Ho WUM town ticnsurer fun twenty years and was tin nasy-going , kind * heiirtcet man , and his methods ot book-keep ing weie very careless. Ho declined to servo , when ro-olectcd In Ibbii , because tlm select men hael discovered he was fe.1,000 nhoit. Car.'er has transfcired all his pioperly within the last two months. AflcrTwolvo . K , H. C. , Oct , 8. At KllgCllold to-day Wright Weldon , colored , was hanged for the minder , twelve j ears ago , of John W. Lngrant , a well-to-do fniinorr. Dan DrlHuoll lo Dip. Nr.W' YOIIK , Oct. 8. Daniel DrUioll , civ lender of tlio Wh > o gang , who was convicted of tlio murder ot his mistress , Bce/y ( ianity , In a lighter street biothtl on June 20 last , was to dav sentenced to bo hanged on thuHrd of next Decembei , He took the sentence veiycooly. _ A Vounu Ilrutu Ilnncod , UMON SrniNOs , Ala. , Oit. a. Nutlmn. MoM'ley , coloied , was hanged hero to-day for- inio | coiuniHied nn an old while pauper , woman over seventy jears of age. Thu hang * lu was lulv.ttu , but an Immense ciowd of invii'cs LMthrrcd oiilslde. N.ithuu tonfwtwi iu > triiuu on tl.e