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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1886)
r HE SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , FRIDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 8 , 1SSG. NUMBER 102. DEALING OUT E11PH HONORS The State Democratic Convention Meets and Selects Its Figure Htads. WHO THE CANDIDATES ARE Itlp-llnnrlitK Speeches hy cry mid Orron Uoyd Hnrps on I'rohllililon IJlK How In l'io- " Tlil.s A The Stnto Convention. HAHTINOS , Neb. , Oct. 7.-SptcIal [ Telegram - gram lo the Hi r. | The dcmocratlo state convention convened at Kerr's opera house Hits evening at 8 o'clock. The lateness of thu assembling of the convention Is nc- cuitnted for by ttic fact that the congressional convention , which was to hnvo met at 5 o'clo-.k this afternoon , did not assemble until nearly 7 , owing to the lateni'ss of the trains. Long before the convention vvas called to order the opera house was packed to over flowing by delegates nnd a laigo number of visiting statesmen , who came as lookers on. The city has been full of dele gate-null dav and considerable Inteiest has been manifested , although the enthusiasm cannot bo said to compare with the Inteiest and enthusiasm displayed at the republican state cciMM'iitlon at Lincoln ouo week ago. The hopelessness of victory precluded any great conti-st ov or the govei norshlp. All the delegates seemed to feel that their mission in com In , ' to Hastings was nil Idle one. The convention vvas called to order by .lames K. North , of Columbus , chaliman of the state cential committee. Herman , ot Fianl-liii county , placed In nomination tor temporaiy chairman the name of ( lenotal Montgomery , of Lancaster. The nomina tion vvas seconded by O.Day , of Holt county , and ( icneral Montgomery vvas elected with but ono dissenting Note Upon being Intio duced to the convention , thu general thanked the delegates present In the follow ing words : ( icntlomcn of the Convention : I desire to return you my thanks for the honor von have con lencil upon mo by making mo jour temnoraiychairiiian. 1 suppose tliatallol you delegates beio assembled to-night , us well as the ladles and others who do not belong to the convention , recogiil/o the cieat fact tlmt we aio now living nnderanatlonal dem ocratic administration. lApphiuso.J Yon will further iecogni/o that In our last na tional rampilgn our lupubllcan lilonds piophosled a moat manv things , among which vvas tlmt It the democrats got into pnwi'i euMvihlng In the country would go Into smash. Still the sun shines , tlio rain falls , the grass glows all tills within a joar and a half of demociatic admlnlstiatlon. I do not see but vvhat natiito performs all her functions the same as sliedid undei a lopubllcan ad- iiilnlstialion. rApphuise.J Uesldes this , wo claim that public ollleo Is a public trust , nnd that a man elected to a public olllce should hold that position lorthe benclit of the pee ple. We have a president who Is acting out that principle and , I believe , to the satisfac tion of the huge majority of the people ; of the country. Homo ot us may not bo sat- isilcd with a gieat maiv - little things. Wo haven't been used to it. It is tlio creat doctrine ot the demociatic party : Thocieat- cst good to the greatest number. 1 meiely suggest ono point to illustrate. Wo have ono Issuobctoreu" , and it is the only issue ex cept reform and ttiat Is the question of n protective ttiilil. The democratic party Is opposed to taxing n buideii upon the largo maloilty ot the people lor the pmposo of making rich a few Individuals. It is In favor of low taillt sufficiently to pay the expenses of the government economically ad ministered. 1 do not desire at this late hour to detain you. What Is yourfurthei pleas- uioV . On motion the following committee vvas appointed on credentials : I { . W. Patilck , of Douglas ; J. K. Ninth , of Platte ; H. Ulegir. of Klclmidson ; J. 1) . Calhoun , of Lancaster , anil. I. U. IJIakHy , of Cheyenne. Pending the report of the committee the convention took a recess of about twenty minutes. During tlio iccess there weio loud calls foi W. L. Ureon , of Kearney. In re sponse ( ireon took the stage and held the convention with a speech of homo ten minutes duration. Ho made n lively albeit a somewhat facetious address , which pro voked a gicat deal of laugltter fiom the vigorous-lunged delegates piesent. Hlsailu- Nion to tlio candidacy of Church Howe In the Fiiht district was iccolved with laughter , \TlillehI.sculogyof J. StcillngMoitonhiouglit aown the house with lounds of tumultuous applause. At the close ot Green's tcmaiks James K. JJoyd was called out , and Ids appearance vvas the signal for an Immense demonstration ot enthusiasm. Ho spoke as follows : 1 thank you. gentlemen , for your coidlal Kioctlnir and for the maltcstatlon of jour es teem. I , for tlio past low days , have boon ( iiilto 111 , and I don't feel able at the present lime to properly addiessjon , and I think It Is unfair for you to ask mo to do so after listening to a gentleman who Is conceded to hn ono of the finest oiatoin In the stale. Hut 1 deslio to impiess upon your minds that theio can bo no success without organi zation. Theio should bo pcifect orgunl/a- lion In ovety county and piecinct In the state. Without It vvo cannot liopo for success. The republican pirtj , by thu adoption ot a piohl- tion plank In theii platfoim , has given us an opuoitunlty such as wo never Imd bofoie. lApplaiiso.j They thought It biitlalrthat the question should bo submitted and that tlm people have a right to vote upon it , but ciui piexent law foihldsit. Anv eltv or mu nicipality In the stutocan , If they wish , refuse to L'raut a license. 1 am glad Indeed that thu republican party has at last shook oil the mantle of hypocrisy and has liibcrlbed upon its banner , piohibltlon. A largo majority of the republicans me and always have been prohibitionists. Mr. Hlaluo , their Htandaid : neaier In the late campaign , In the slate o1 Maine claimed for thu republican paity th ° credit for all the niolilbltory hvjlsluilo'n in that Mate and Mr. I 'rye , his able lieutenant , said that ho vvas in luvor of putting a piohlbltoiy plank In the national platform and hollou'd that unon that platfoim they would comiuci. This convention will place Itst'lt on iccoid that vvo aio in fa voi of high llcenso nnd against pioldbltioii. [ Long anil continued apphiusol. Our Commit friends must now see that tlio lopnbllcan p.uty pro poses to interfeio with their peiaonul rights , and I call upon them and cveiv lover ot In dividual libeity to join with the demociats and o'.rct our nominees. Yon cannot ( ixpoc't mu at tills tlmo to discuss na- tluiuil Issues. Thu demoi ratio ptity In lt > M elected a piesldent. They hd loved thn tepiihlh-an paity was corrupt and that honi'st luform was nri > ciar } . AH yet the books have been but partially gone over but vui und tlmt the lepubllcan h-adeis and of- llclnlf have stolen over twenty million dot- bus. Tlm dumooiatic patty has doiin ulint no other ) > aitv lias done. It has lerlaimed about onohundied mlllionucicstioiii uillroad companies that woio mivvr earned by the teniiH of the giant. For thu tlmo lu tlio hlstoiy of Nebraska wo have a rhanco for puccoh" . Let us piovo tiuo to onitielvo.s and line to Iho nnd ) Ing principles ol democracy , nnd laying usldo all paity dilfi'iencos stilve lor Iho iitldu ut the part ) and the good ol the Male. 1 cannot tmt uigo upon \uu the Im- p ortanco ot unity In action , foi upon our ac ti ons now depends tru-atly the tutuio of Nc- rasl.u. Aftci Mr , llovd eamo Judge McKclghaii , of Ited Cloud , tne demooiatio noiulnt-o lot congros tortho 'Ihltd dlstilrt , and Captain W , H. Ashby , ot tiago eouuty. These gen tlemen made hi let speeches , dlsetKsinjc tlio vailous issues of the diiy In a manner fratlsliiCtor ) to tlio convention , 'Iho committee on iTi'dcntlals heio ai > - peaicd and toad Us leporl. When O : < v county vvas reached in the list the secrot.iry re id tuo following iclf explanatory L-ltci : KKIIIIASUA Cu i , .Sell. Oct. .V To the Chuhmnn of thu Oluo Delegate ! ) to thu State Convention ( if nUcmou : .Slm-o my election nu ouo of the delegates to thu state conven tion from this county 1 havA teen olticlally iiotltlod of my nppoliitmr.nlms cnllector of in ternal roveuuc for tills dUtilci. In view of Ihe genera ! letter of tlio prcslduu eivre > 3lin , ' lais d lo ( hat all ft.-ao.nxi app - polntees should abstain from an active parti cipation In political campaigns. I deem It ( simply an act of respect to tlio chief magis trate of tlio nation to abstain from Joining vvitli yon In tlio proceedings of the state con vention. and I therefore notify yon gentle men tlmt I shall not be prrsentat said con vention. Hoping that your action will bo conductive to thobpsl Intel csts of the party licmaln , Yours truly , S. H. CALitors. On motion n committee on permanent or-anl/ation was appointed. Tlmt committee - tee icpoif'd the name of Fiank A. Martin , of Itiehaidson countj , for chairman , and A. J. Chile , ot Thav or county , and J. D. Calhoun , of 1/incastor county , as secretaries. These gentlemen vvtro unanlmouslj elected. Upon taking the chair. Mr Martin nald : Cciitlvmcn of the Convention : I doubt my ability to sulllclcntly express the sense of obligation I f ( el for the honor , for It Is an honor. As for hack as vvo can remember nnj thing about the politics of the democratic party of Nehiaska It has been deemed a high honor to be made chairman of oven thn little gathci Ings whoic theio weio but a few of us gathered together to keep alive the spirit of demociacy , and If these vv cro lionorA , by comparison how much greater must ( feel the obligations and the honoi when asked to pit-side over the deliberations ot a body of this magnitude and Intelligence. What Is jour luither pleasure ? A committee of live wcie appointed on resolutions , consisting of the following named delegates : ( ieorgo P. . Prlti-hett of Douglas , John H. Maikly , John Me.Manlgal of Lancaster , It. S. Mafonv ot Richardson , and Miles FIt/inirc. It \\-\s \ then moved and cairled that the convention proceed to tlio nomination of candidates foi state olilcers , according to the call. James E. North of Plattc county , was placed In iinmlnr.tlon for governor. Theio being no other names before the convention , the rules were suspended nnd tlicnomlnatlon was madoby acclamation. Mr. Noith ro- Hpunded to the loud calls for his appcaiaiico with a few ti ) let icimuks. C. 0 llowlby , of Saline county , was nom inated for lieutenant governor by acclama tion , and he responded in a very neat ad- tlll'sS. For srctctary of state the name of Colonel Dick Thompson , editor of the Hastings Dem- oci at was placed in nomination. There wai no opposition and lie was declared the unani mous nominee. The gentleman was not piesent and the convention was deprived of tlio pleasure of hearing him , although there vvorv loud calls for him. J. F. liaic , of Madison county , was nom inated for Mate tieasurer and Thomas Kbliiger , ot Cedar county , for auditor of pub- licSaecounts. without any opposition. The convention did not nominate a candi date foi attoiney general without a contest. The names of W. L. < ! rcen. of liuffalo count ) ; J. S. Lcehew , of Ked Willow county , and Albert Hardy , of tia o county were placed In nomination. Lechevv withdrew and the convention proceeded to a ballot with the following icsult : Green , 3bJ : Hirdy. 137. On motion of Albeit Huuly the nomination of ( iruen was made unanimous , ( iicon was evidently quite a lavoiltcot the convention , as it listened to a twenty-live minutes speech from him with patience. At 1 o'clock In the inpinlng. Tlios. Vf. Smith , of York , vvas nominated for commls- sionoi ol public lands and buildings , and Mr. L. K. Cooler , ot Butler county , lor superin tendent of public Instruction. The completion of the ticket vvas followed by a somewhat heated discus-don over the appointment of a state central committee. Thomas O'Day , ot Antelope county , moved that a committee of ten be appointed ono from each judicial dlstilet to icnort the names ot four men liom each judicial dis trict to act as a state central committee. Ireland , of Otoo county , moved the tollow- iiu amendment : "That a committee ol ono from e.ich senatorial dish let bo appointed to select ono member from each senatorial dis trict to act as a state central committee. " Tlio motion and the amendment wera waimly ilisciisscd by lieland , O'Day , nnd otheis. Much bittornoqsivas shown in the discussion. Delegates from Nemaha and Kcd Willow charged O'Day with attempting to force a gar ? rule upon thu committee and the democrats of the state. Piitehott , of Don das county , depiecated tlio remarks ot the delegates who had com plained so bitterly of O'Day's motion and spoke at some length In favor of the original motion. After some further discussion the question was put on the amendment. A tiist- class low was engendered by the difciisslon and is still in pi ogress at this hour a o'clock a. m. _ The OoiiKrnsslonal Convention. HASTINGS , Nob. , Oct. 7. | Si > ccial Tele gram to tlio UEI : . ] The democratic congres sional convention of the Second Nebraska dlstilet met at Ken's opei a housi this even ing at7 o'clock. The convention vvas called to order by lllchard Thompson , chairman of the cjintial committee. Delegate Hamblc , of Jelferson county , was made temporary chair man , and H. K. Thompson , of Adams , secre tary. A committee on ciedcnlials was ap pointed , and pending the report ot the com mittee Will N. King , of Plielps county , Intio duced the following resolution : Itesolved , That tlio policy of Hon. A. J. Spaiks , land commissioner , in breaking up thoorgonl/ed band of land sli.ulcs that have existed In the western states and territoles | under the past republican administration , is approved by tills convention , and wo believe It is endorsed by the honest citizens of all parties. Itesolved , That vvo condemn the dishonora ble conduct of James Laird , thu present member of congtess trom this district , for his disgraceful action In striking the Hon. Thomas Cobb , of Indiana , simply because ho was using his talents in luvor of the honest homesteader as against the Stinking Water rohbeiy and other slmilaily oiganlzcd frauds. The icsolutlons weio laid on the table until Iho committee on credentials had made itsicpoit. After tlio committee on ciedcn- tlals had reported the temporary organiza tion was made permanent , Jialley , of Adams , then placed in nomination the name of W. A. Mcivelghan , ot Webster countv , lor the democratic nominee for congrefs. Thenamo of Mr. McKoiglmn was iccoived with ap plause. The nomination was seconded by P. J. Dempster , and Mr. MelCulghan was made the unanimous nominee of the convention , nUFKALO Bllili HA.\gUI2XT13D. A Itoynl ISccnption to Cody in North North Platto. Nourii Pr.Arrr , Neb. , Oct. 7. [ Special TolegumtothcJlKB.J-Mr. W. F. Cody , In company with several leprcsenta- lives of tlio Wild West Hhow , ar- ilved hoio jesterday morning for a fowdajs icoicntlou. They were met at the depot by n delegation of cltl/cns of Noith IMutta ami a brass band , and welcomed Homo. The city ol Noitli Plutto is linked with the success of liuftalo Hill in the show line , and the people dcturmiued to give him a grand reception , A banquet wai accoid- Ingly auang d at tlio Paclllc house , and Mr. Cody and his filunds Invited. About eighty- five covers vvcio laid , and at 10 o'clock last night thu guotts sat down to an elegant spread. Tlm programme vvas well nrranirctt and ovei ) thing pass * d on" pleasantly , A wclcomo addicss to Hon. W. F. \vnsapplamled , and the toast , "Our Dibtlnirnishod Cill/en , t hit < ! real Scout , Cuiduund lYlnconf Show men , " ovorvbody ihnnk. Mi , W. F. Codv 10- bponded. The other toasts were : "f ho wild West , " icspnnso by Malor Huikj "Presi dent of tlio 1'nlted Slates , " response by Hon. William Neville : "Nuith Piatte , the ( v > iieen City ol the Phius and Homo of liuf- fulo Hill1 , icsponso by L. J. Foley ; "The ( ju-at West , Its ( irow Ih and Development , " rosponsobj J. W. Ulxler ; "The Federal OH- ! i-OTf , " le.spnnso by lion. Oliver Shannon ; ' The KOI ih Platlo liar. ' ' repousio by John T. .N Milt I ; "Lincoln County. Us Orowth and Dtvft'opment , " response by Judge Chailes McDonald ; ' 'The Army of the United St-.tpj. " jnsponso by judge A. H. Church. Then followed miscellaneous toasts by the cnliro part > , whlrh showed a decided fillar- io-is feeling of goodwill to all mankind and the distinguished gucat In particular. Many in.slaueesof Mr , Cody's younger days were i elated , w bid ! f honed his sterling qualities as plain liomctpuu boy. a bravo scout and a gallant toklli'i , and tinnlly an Illustrious ed- il rnltinaiuor. M. Cody replied at f.omoluiiuth In a clear and bright manner , how bo came to stait out with Nebraska's pnd-j of shy\vs , huhe had .cucouutered and ovcicomo various articles and relatetl his fu ture plans. Ho claimed his success was duo chlelly to the fact that Iho was so strongly endorsed by all bis acquaintances at homo , and declared that ho vvas proud of living in a community that appieclated his efforts. McCook's Successful I-'nlr. MrCooif. Neb. . Oct. 7. [ Special Telegram to the UCE.I To day was tlio most successful day of the fair. Over five thousand people passed through the turn stllc. The racing programme vvas excellent , and McCook can prldo herself on this that she stands next to Omaha In number of good horses in attend ance and square racing. In the unfinished 230 : ! race Knto Kwlng took first heat and won the race , the uoxt heat being a walk-over. Tltne--2 ; ' K and 2:30. : To dav's 12:45 : race vvas hotly contested , with all the hones in each heat trotting In n bunch. U took tlvo heats to decide the rare. MeLcod won , Maud D. second. Oberlln Jim third , Pi lend Hey tonrth. Time V:3s ! , a-m , , 8 ; : J , : ! > , Ui-'iti. The three-jear-old fieo for all was won bv TraniD S. Tiiiip 1:5 ! : and 2M7 f , Hello Douglas second. The running lace , mile heats , vvas won bv H'Mims ' , Peep O'Day sec ond. Time 1:51 : , l ; i. James Lilrd addressed a largo audience at the opera house and again in the afternoon at tlio fair grounds. Thoiaces will bo con tinued on Satinday as the hoisemenaio anx ious to have another dav , and the success so far wan anted It. To-morrow's races arc ex pected to bo the best of the meeting. Suing Saloon Men. OAKLAND , Neb. , Oct 7. [ Special to the 15ni.l : 'Iho wife of James Drunnlng , ol Lyons , has cmploicd an nttoiney to bring suit against two of Oakland saloon men. for selling her husband liquor , causing him to fall from his horse , breaking one of his arms. The family nio In almost destitute eiicum- fdunces , and the husband will not bo able to vvoik for four or live months yet. Ho Is a shoemokei at that place , and when well will command per day nt the bench. The cltl- xeus of Lyons have agree I to furnish the moncv to prosecute the same. It i ° thought the saloon men will settle without litigation , as they arc aware by paot e\peiience that will bo the cheapest way out ot It. Van Wyclc nt Nolluh. Nr.uoit , Neb. , Oct. 7.-Special | to the llii.j : : The Nellgh band with a largo con course of soldlois and cltl/ens , met attiio depot at the arrival of the train to welcome to our mid U the gallant soldier , General C , H. Van AVvck. In the evening a largo and en thusiastic andlonco met at the GiandPavli- llon to listen to ono of the grandest exposi tions of the political issues of tlio dav. It was by all odds the largest political gathei- ings ever held in the county. KrelRht Train Ditched. DKATIIICI : , Nob. , Oct. 7. [ Special Tele gram to the Uni : . ] An extra freight tiain fiom Omaha to Kansas City on the Union Pacilie , was ditched to-day live miles north of here , bj the bicaklng of an axle. The track was badly toin up for nbout COO feet nnd the caisbiokcn up considerably. A temporary track is being built around the wreck. No one was hint The engine and paitoftho tiain did not leave the tiack. A Clue to Qiilmi'H Murderers. ST. PALM , , Neb. , Oct. 7.-Spccial [ Tele gram to the 13ir. . ) Oniceis here have been on the lookout the last two dajs for the niur- deicrs of farmer Qulnn , neai Hastings. Last p\enlng lour horses believed to have been stolen from thomjiidercd man , were found In a livery stable where they had been left bv two strangers. The latter had not been lound up to a late hoiu. Small fMro at Colunihiift. Coi.u.vinus , Xeb. , Oct. 7. [ Special Tele- grum to the Hni.J : A small dwelling in the southern part of the city , belonging to jr. A. McAllister and occupied by the family of A. F. Clark , was burned to the ground this evening. Loss , 55'JO ; fully coveiod by in surance. THE KICUMOM ) CONVENTION. Kmshts of Lmhor still Contesting for Heath No Business. RICHMOND , O t. 7. At tno close of the morning session matters weio exactly lu the same position as they were last night. The discussion of the Moirlson case , which had then been begun was resumed immediately after the opening of tlio session and con tinued until the noon adjournment. At the afternoon session it was decided to admit the delegates from assembly 120 , of Now York , with the exception ofKIsdcn , vvhowa ? rejected and his alternate Substi tuted for him. As the committee on creden tials desired further timu for consideration of thu cnso ot the contesting delegations trom St. Louis , the rules weio suspended and the convention proceeded to discuss the question ot giving the support of the order to the locked out cotton workers of Augusta. Ga. : the cunicrs nnd tanners of Peabody and Salem , Mass. , and tlio journeymen plumbers ot Now York. There are 11,000 men in each of the lirttt-namcd bodies and .tbout fourteen hundred In the last. It was decided to sup port them. At 7iiO : p. m. , the committee on credentials not being ready to report , it was decided not to hold an evening session. 1'ho convention will meet alt ) o'clock to-moriow morning. TIMS COMING LOCKOUT. The Struggle for the Ten-Jlour SjNtcni in the Chicago Packcrics. Cmr.vcio , Oct. 7. ( Special Telegram to the UIK. : | That the packers will return to the ten-hour system there now exists no doubt. Monday uoxt has been settled upon as tlio day. On Satuiday employes will bo notlllcd and on Monday It they fail to accept the system tuo houses will bo shut down. The announcement yesteuhy that the pack ers had icsolved In secret session to return to the old system , created constcination among thousands of employes , while thousands of others icgarded tlio alleged move as u bluff. The rnmoi gained fiesli Impetus and created frennlnu alarm when It became known that the head hog bujer for Armour & Co. , and acting through the Pork Packing association , notlllcd the olllccrs ot the Live Stock ex change that the poik packets would sus pend operations Monday unless their laooiers would agico to work ten hours for ten hours pay. The otllcers of the exchange at once posted notices tor a special meeting to-day , the object being to enable commission man to notify their customcis throughout the country of the prospect of a great stiiko , and to not ship any stock to the Chicago market pending thodlfilcttlty , A genuine tremor v\as discci liable in labor circles this morning. The laborers assert they will not rollnuqul.sli their grasp on that which they have gained and labored so hard to keep. There Is a great deal of Incendiary talk. The men will not go back to the ten hours system , and tlio probabilities are that they will not allow anybody else to do so. They aver that nt the present system of work they aio doing as much as under the old sjstein. It Is now certain that the hog packers have con solidated as well as the laboring element. Armour will shut down and It Is supposed he will bo followed by others , but what will be ctono in the benf killing houses Is unknown , and ovciyeifort failed to elicit anything 10- gardlng them. Tlio lock out will tlaovv 25.000 men out of work. Wuudernd From the Golden Stairs. NhW i'oiiuOct. . 7. Marcus Hosenfeld , author of a number of well known variety songs , among others "Climbing Up the Golden Stairs , " pleaded guilty to-day to forging a check for 8225 on thoGermanla bank. The prosecution was Inclined to bo lenient , nnd Kosanteld vvas remanded until his antecedents were inqtihed Into , Furniture In Flames , GIIAND lUriDs. Mich. , Oct 7 , The tire In the Union Furniture company's establish ment was under control after 2 o'clock this morning. Total loss estimated at § 00,000 and insurance at 5'AOW. THE DEMONS1 DOOM DECIDED Anarchy's Death Knell Bounded hy Jndgo Gary in Ohicago. THE JURY'S ' VERDICT AFFIRMED The Prisoners Given n Clmnco to Sponk and They Improve It With n Vonscnncc Do- llniiocfto Dentil. ' The Anarchists Doomed. CnifAno , Oct. 7. Judge (5ary ( , In the crim inal court , this morning overruled tlio inottoti for a now trlnl In the cisos of the eight anarchists charged with the Havmarkut mas sacre , nnd confirmed the veidiet of the jury tliat Spies , Parsons , Flcldcn Schwab , l.ngel , Fischer and LlngB should bo hanged , and that Necbo should suffer imprisonment for fourteen ye.iis In the state penitentiary. The court dlil nut conclude his decision until 120 : ! ! o'clock , nnd owing to the Intciccsslon of counsel for thcjprisoneis ho deferred pasting sentence upon thorn until 2 o'clock this after noon. Judge Gary , In dellverlnu his decision , reviewed at considerable length the evidence brought out at the tilal , nnd said the ease was unprecedcn'Bil. ' There Is no exam pin of nny such clinic having been committed. There Is iiovieeedont of any case llko this havln ? hceomc tin ! subject of judicial inves tigation. Hut thopilnelplo of law Is veil fixed. I think upon the whole proof that no case could bo tiled of such magnitude as this with less In the way of lucgulailty of pro ceeding in the trial than was done in this case. case.This afternoon , when Judge ( ! ary asked the pilsomus whether they had anything to olTcrvhy sentence1 should not bo passed upon them , Spies stopped lorwatd and began readIng - Ing n prepared spccjli. Spies commenced bv saving : Vour honor , In addressing this court , I speak as the ropresuntativo of ono class addioss'.ng a lopic.ientatlvo of another I will begin with the words addressed live hundred jears ace by a similar motion by the Venitian Dogo. "who , addicsslng the com I , s.ild : "My defense is your accusation ; the cause of my alleged crime Is your his tory. " 1 have been Indicted on the charge or minder , as an accomplice oraccesvory. Upon this Indictment 1 have been convicted. Tlieru was no witness produced by the state to show , 01 even Indicate , that 1 had nnv knowledge or the mail who thiew the bomb , or that 1 myself had anything to do with it. Not the slightest evidence was ever pro duced to show" that ; J had an } thing to do with the throwlugof the missile , unless you believe the testimony of accomplices of the state's altornov and BoUlield the testimony ot Thompson and Ullmer. Ifthoiiiasno evidcnco to siiow that 1 responsible for it , then the execution of the veidict is noth ing but wlitnll , malicious , nnd deliberate minder , as lout murder as may be found in the annals ol ti-liglous , political , oranj other soil of prosecution. Spies then reviewed the oyidpnco pre sented by the prosecution , and charged the sta tes attorney and ISonfield with conspiiacy to commit murder. Spins devoted some time to tlio discussion of socialism , and said : "You want to stamp out conspiiacy. You resemble the child that is looking lor his pic- tine behind a Jiiiudr. What you see and what you try to ginspin your inovciiicni js- nothing cteaUpns cfyottr cad consciences It jon want to stnn Lnut torrspti ! < ac1cseaiur agitators j on must stamp out every factoiy lord , vho hasjnndoIds wealth upon thn un paid labor of his employes , and the landloid wlio has made his money from th'o ground- down and oppicsscd laboroi.s and farmeis. If you tnink you can crusli out Ideas which arc gainlne ground eveiy dav by sending us to the pillows ; that you can truth tor that is all wo have been preaching--jou will fall. " Then , llouilshlnghisarms wildly , hcshrlek- cd : " 1 bhall die moudly , defiantly , for the cause of justice. There is Socrates , there is Galileo , there Is Gloidano Kruno , there Is Christ : why thu number cannot bo estimated of thosn wlio have trodden In these patlis , and we me ready to follow them. " Michael Schwab then took the floor. In a stentorian voice hi ) bo nn ; "It is not much I have to bay , and I would not sav nothing at all ; did 1 not icar alienee would look llko cowardly anproval of what has been done here. I am condemned to die lor writing newspaper editorials. " The anarchist then went on to justify these articles by going over in detail all the real or Imaginary evils of the accumulations of capital and the in justice of the relations between the employer and employed. Then followed a disquisition on the principles and theories of socialism and anaichy. lie concluded by disavowing all knowledge of the man whotlircwtho bomb nnd protested that he Intended to do no violence at the Haymarkct. Oscar Neebo , tlio next speaker , had no sooner taken the llo'ir then he burst Into violent lent abuse , calling States Attorney Grlnnell a cur , his assistants , Messrs , walker and Furthmann. scoundrels , saying there was only one gentleman In the crowd and that was Ingliam. The police were assailed in peculiar plnaseolocy , and , In shoit , Neebc's speech was a tirade of abuse , villlfylng the police and authorities. Abandoning himself to a wild appeal to the judge to hang him with the others , he cried : It would be more honorable to bo strangled by the neck than to die by Indies. My wife and children will then bo nt ease some time , but they can never irctovci It If their husband Is font to.Iollet. Hang me , vour honor , with my conuades. " Adolph Fischer camonext , and commenced : "Your honor , jou ask mo to soy why sen- tcncu of death should not bo passed upon mu. I protest airnlnst my being sentenced to death because I have committed no crime. I was tried In this Jury loom for murder , and I was convicted for anarchy. 1 don't deny that I was ono of thu par- tics who summoned this meeting In the llaymaikot , but I Know no more about the tluovt ing of the bomb then Gi innell does , perhaps. 1 do not deny that 1 got up the clictilarand had a line put In calling on vvoik- ingmcn to conm armed. I imd my reasons , f am not convicted because I am a murderer. I am convicted because-lam an anarchist. 1 ha\o never been n murdeior , hull know a certain man who Is on the way to becoming n murderer , and that Ktuto'f . Attorney Giin- nell , because ho has placed men hero upon the stand wliom ho kilovv would swear lakscly In the case where eight lives were at staku. An nnaichlst Ipvesiits principles better than his life , and I am pfiop.ired to die for the principles on accounts holding which I feel 1 am to be sentenced-to death. That is all 1 have to say. " Louis Lfrigg , the bomb-maker , oxpiessed the wish to have tils } * v In German. An In terpreter wits placed at nls sei vice. In deep- chested tones Llnpg exclaimed : "Court of Justice , with the same contempt with which 1 liavo tiled to live humanly on tills Ameilcan soil , 1 am now granted the privilege to speak. Is because indignities have been heaped upon me. " Lines deckued It had not been proven tbat any bombs made by him had been tnttcir to tne Haymarkef. He accused the police of stealing Ins books and clothing In the station , and then peijur- Ing tncmselves against him on the witness stand. "Giiiineli , " shouted Llngg , "has con- nlved with miserable people to get evidence to kill me , when bo knows I was dilvcn to the course I pursued , to gain an education for my hrothcrs'-to lift them UD. " As tlio youthful anaichlst slowly progressed with his speech , his form seemed to swell and delate with the Intensity of his teellng. ills frame shook with passion and his guttural voice- poured lourth torrents of emphatic sentenced in his native language. Ho strode Impatiently back and foiwaid while the In terpreter tiaiibluted each bentenco.and occa sionally emphasized his words by a violent blow upon the little table In front of him. At last , turning fiercely to the states attorney , Llngg roared : "You smile because you think 1 will never use bombs again , 1 die vvjlllngly on the gallows- with the same contempt for deatli that 1 have for > our laws. " Captain lilack hcio asked the court to ad journ , as the tlmaftir doing so had arrived , and Knplo. and some of the others desired to speak. The court adjourned till 10 a. m. to-morrow , MUUDKU WILL OUT. Leixrltt Concerned in the Haddock Killing Surrenders Other Arrest' " . StorvOrrv , la. , Ocl. 7.-tSi.eclal | Tclo- Riant to the 1JKK.I Sioux City was thrown Into n state of imcxtijctoil excitement to-day over tlio announcement that 11. L. Lravltt. Implicated In the conspiracy that resulted In the murder of Kcv. Hiddoek , and the only party named for complicity In the coroner's \erdlct , has been anestcd in Chicago. The fact , ns It became known on the sheets , produced a most decided soimtlou. Some weeks ngo Attorney D. W. Wood obtained a complete copy of the ovldenco taken hi this celebrated case before the coroner's Jury , and being convinced that nothing was to bo gained by fmthcr secrecy , allowed the same to bo published , Since that time , as It now appears , he has b"cn on a still hunt endeav oring to Hud Leavltt , the conspiracy ring leader. Tor \veekormoroliohasbeonln Chicago , incognito , woiklng to find his man , Investigating various clues with the lesult above indicated. Karly in the present week , havlne learned that Lcavltt was In Mobile , Ala. , organizing a theattlcnl company , ho telegraphed him through Frank Adams to meet them In Chicago cage , which Loavltt decided to do , reaching thereVedtiesday , nnd ho smrcndeied to-da > . They aionowon their wav to this city nnd will ieach here to-moirow. The general theoiy i.oro is that tin amusement has been made with Loavitt , where IIP Is to turn states evi dence and thus bo saved from sentence , .lust what l.o will disclose is lar > ; cli a matter of conjectlon. That ho can , however , lev pal more mroimatlon icguullng the entlio case than anv othci Individual no ono doubts tor an instant. Private advices have been ie- celved trom Air. Wood to the effect that while li"avltt Is not the muiderer he will makua most Impoitant and staitling disclo- suies. Kaily this afternoon wanants lor the arrest ot seveinl parties weie sworn out and thoslierilf ancsted Ficd Miinehrath , jr. and Homy Shoiimin , both being ehaiired with complicity and conspiiacy in the Haddock minder , liotli have been placed undei S5,000 bonds tor their apncaianeo next Monday. Several otheis , tor whom writ rants were Is sued , and who have been In tlio city until to-day , could not bo found when wanted nnd have undoubtedly escaped. The confidence that the guilty ones will yetiecelvo the pun ishment whlcn they so merit , Ismoie general to-night than for a month or more past. Ijcavltt's Arrest. CiiiCAno , Oct.7. II , li. heavltt , ex-man ager of the Standard the.itcr of Sioux City , charged with complicity in the assassination ot Hev. Geoico C. Haddock , the well known Iowa prohibition champion , delivered him self up to the aiithoiltlcs this moinlng , and a few hours later lott tor tlio scene of the sen- sitional ctime. Attorney D. W. Wood , ot Sioux City , has been in this clvfor | a week following up clues. On Monday Agent Adams telegraphed to Ijcaviit , who was In Mobile , Ala. , uiglng him to come ht'ie. He atoneo complied and surrpndeied lo Wood. Tlioy lelt on the noon train foi Slonx City. It is not claimed or believed tint Leavltt is the nuudPier , but Wood is satlslied that he knows nil aliont the plot to commit the mur der and that ho cannot onlv tell who the muideici Is , but who wmo in the conspiracy. Lcavitt has. so It is nndi'istood , declined to tell what h < ) docs know until he readies Sioux Cltv , and can make his statement to thoauthoiltics. The Shot Bottled Him. Miscount YAI.MIY , la. , Oct. 7. [ Special Telegram to the Unu.J To day closed the most successful air , cvcr.hold hero. Thq at = tendance vvas" largo , "and everything passed off most pleasantly , but with ono exception. John Moore , of Atclilson , Kansas , who vvas running a swing on thn grounds , violated his pil'-Ilege , and during a dispute over the mat ter he assaulted ono of the ollicci s of the tali' . A warrant was placed In the hands of the hheiill for Ids airest. He lesisled , butafter one snot wnsJlredbv the sliciiff , the bullet going through his coat collar , he was knocked down , anested and lined SCO and costs. Neoln Votes Fire Protection. NFOIla. : . , Oct. 7. [ Special to the IJEn.J The election for watei-woiKa passed off quietly. Fiom the start the sy.stem was in favor. The polls closed nt C o'clock p. m. with a ballot of 04 voles cast out of nbout 1-0 possible votes. The result was 71 In favor of bonding the citv to 0 against. Our best citi zens are happy over the result. Top of Ills Ilcnd Blown Off. DBS MOINKS , la. , Oct. 7. [ Special Tele gram to the Uinj.J Chancey Owen , belong ing to a hunting party from Parkeisburg , Butler county , was nccidently shot at Al- gonla last night while pulling Ills gun from a wagon. It was dischaiged blowing the top of his nead oil. THE OHEEN-I3YI3D MONSTER Gathers Two Moro Fools to the Mlinil- owy Shore. TROY , N. Y. , Oct. 7. Frank Ueicnger , a druggist at No. IS Uleecker street , Glovers- vlllc , and mairicd , was found dying In the road between Spunky Point and Glovvisvllle , at ( i o'clock this moinlng. Yesterday after noon ho drove up to William Cronlei's , north ot Glovcrsvllle , and engaged a room lor the night. Just nbout dark ho again drove up to Cionlcr's accompanied by a woman. Cronler went to their loom this morning and found the woman 1 } Ing dead in bed. Hercnger had left some tlmo dining the night. Ho was found tlnee miles fiom Cronler's. The case Is n very mystei Ions one. Iho woman was the wlln ot Lewis Gentei , a box-nmlier. lieiengcr died nt 10IS : o'clock this morning. It is believed that both died liom the ettects ot poison. Jealous } is us- signed us thu piobablo cause. Now York's Hoodie Aldermen. Nr.w Yoiiic , Oct. 7. William H , Miller , HcnivL. Sayles , icpubllcans , nnd William I' Klik and 1'atilck domociats . Farley , , mem bers of the "hoodie" board of iildcrmon of IKS ) , whoso cases wcro placed on to-day's cal endar of the gcnctal sessions couit for the purpose ot fixing the tilal days , weie on hand to-day with lawyers , when the caset , v\oro called. District Attorney Muitlno ap- peaicd before Judge Cowing and announced the dates for trial , placing Sayies first tor next Monday , Lawyer New combe , repre senting Sayies , asked for a delay , pleading other engagements , and was finally given a week's grace. Iho other cases wore set down accordingly , with the understanding that no further defav would be given. Sajles1 tilal must proceed on the 18th Instant , Farley and Millet's on October ! U , nnd Kirk's on thn lust Monday of November , was the poromp- toiy order Issued by Judge Cowing , hcioro whom the case will uo brought. The llurnod La Muscoltc. CAI-I : GntAitwiAU , Oct. 7. There aio now a few particular In logaul to thu binning of thn river Eteamcr La Mascottc. The coroner Is holding an Inquest on the bodies of those who lost their lives In the disaster. The cap tain and pilot of thoKaglo wuio before him yesterday , and testified that they did all In their power to rescue the imssengnrs and cievv on the burning boat. The captain tes tified that he could not run his boat near La Mascotto tor his own u-sscl would surely have taken lire. Captain Kbaugh denounces I bo crew of La Mascotto foi cowardice and Bullishness In looking to their own safety and not attempting to reseuo the diounlng and burning passengers. Captain Thompson , of La Mascotto , says the Kaglu could easily nnd without any danger to herself have pushed Iho burning boat ashore. The testimony of the passengers who wuio rescued coincides with that of thn officers of La Mascotte. Cow nnd lieu Fruit Convention , CHICAGO. Oct. 7. It has been decldbd to bold the thirteenth annual convention of the National liutter , Cheese and Kgz association m this city lioH-mber 10 , U anu 13 , CLASHING OF THE CLERICS , The Old and New School Oongresntionalists Have It Ont , BIG ROW SOFTENED BY RELIGION In thn Second On ) 'ft Ses sion Lively Discussion on Llniri- ! cnl UhrtiiRcs Sevcrnl Elo < | iient nnd I'rohntlou or Xmt-l'rnhnUnn. DK < Motsr.s , la. , Oel. 7. [ Special Tcle- Brain lo the Hti : : . ] The great fieht , whleh the Congregational woild has been anticipating for a long time , came olT to-day In the session of the Ameilcan bo.iid. It was waged all day with the vigor of n political debate , though with the bitterness and rancoi of partisan politics softened somonhat by n'llgloits courtesy. The battle was piecipltated till * morning ny the rnpoit ot the committee that had been reviewing the work of the homo or prudential commit tee. As described bj Sccictaiy Alden , Pres ident Bartlett , of Dnitmoutli college , who read theropoit , Intioduced a icsolutlon en dorsing the action of the prudential commit tee In lojcctlnirmlssionaiy candidates who had doubts about the iiueMlon of fututo pro bation. The resolution was not very sttong , but it unmistakably endorsed the position that the piudentlal committee can pass on theological questions. Piof. K. C. Smvth , of Andover , Dr. W. H. Waul , editor of the Now Yoik Independent , llov. Newman Smytho , ot New Haven , and li. Lyman Abott , editor of the New Yoik Christian Union , led the light for the now departure. There were three classes of people present to-day : Those who believe In futuio pioba- tlon or have doubts about It ; those who do not believe In it , and the o who pass no opinion upon it , but think the matter Is foreign to the work of the board and ought not to bo considered at this meet- Ing. So the fight was complicated and the main nuesttou was not discussed on Its merits as much as it might be. Many conscivatlves , who hold tlio old .school doctilno , vvcio op posed to taklnir nny action hcio that would seem to endorse the tight of the prudential committee to setup a theological test of n candidate's qualifications for mission vvoik. So with this complication the light began. PiofessorSmvth , of Andover , made a very strong speech In lavoi of laixencss of opin ion and tolciatlon of difleienccs on minor matteis. He assisted that this question of probation was only of secondary Importance and the boaul could not ulfoul to adopt so haish and exclusive a policy as that piopos d. He spoke with gicat emotion and pioduccd a deep Impiesslon. Quite dllleiont was the splilt of the speech of li. Ward , of the Now York Independent. Ho v\as slmip , Impatient and somewhat s.u- castie in Ills stilclurcs upon the old school men , dcclailng that they wuio tiying to abrldne fiee thought and cheek the ptogicss of the chinch. 'Ihe men who icpiosent , what Is called the now depaituic , stand lor libei- aliti of opinion on non-essential points. Itev. Newman Smythe.of Now Haven , nuulo a very Impressive speech protesting against any unca'hllic and intolerant action by the board. Houiged the disastious effect it would have upon voung men wlio weio lookIng - Ing ton aid mission fields nnd upon the church In gcneinl , If this mete matter of speculation Mionld bo set up as a foiblddcn do ma. Ho was loudly chceiod when ho said : "You ran't shut us out of thn chinch. You can't keep ns out , for wo will appeal again nnd attain till , with larger faith and chaiity , jou admit us when vvo como asking only to bo allowed to preach a common Chi 1st and Sav ioiv' It was plain that the majority of the boaut .ml the audience was stiongfy against the new departure men. Tlio old conservative notions were applauded to the echo. Some of the old sclioolmen wen : ver > stiong in their condemnation. Ono enthusiastic member compaicd the ncwschool men to the .southern rebels , who required the union armies before they would be put down. The more radical jut conservatives I loci } cxpiessed the opinion that no man , however othciwlso well quall- lied ought to lie allowed to preach as a mis sionary if ho Imd any doubts about the fact that the heathen , who had never heard ot Chilstand died ccntiitlcs nso. were everlast ing damned. The venerable Maik Hopkins , who was held in tender regard by all the warring factions tiled at last to pour oil upon the tumbled waters , and succeeded so far that the final vote on the resolution of approval of the piudentlal committee should bo taken viva voice and lonuho no man logo on record In a way that might be unpleasant and be misunderstood. To sum up thoboiud icfiiscd to pass the plain-spoken rii-olullon of Dr. Noble , ot Chicago cage , committing the boaid unmistakably against fuithcr piobatlon. It did pass a BU ! > - Htituto byPtosIdentChapln. of lielolt , which was very shrewdly worded and simply ap proves tlio action of the committee In gimid- Ing against a d.inccious . tendency in connec tion with the doctrine of probation. Jtoth sides will undoubtedly claim under it tin ; light to hold their loimcrpositloiifi. Finally as a compromise and to guard against subse quent trouble , they decided to advise the pin- ( lentlal committee to leave theological ques tions alone whenever they got Into a tight place. Ono stnbboin fact stood nil tlio tunu In thn way of the old school , namely : men like Smythe. holding the foi bidden views , weio allowed to preach In this countiy anil no one complained. Why then set up a dif- foiont slandaid for mlsslonailes ? Great ex citement piovalled thioiigliout the ontito debate - bate , which lasted eight honiH. Kveiy inch ol loom was taken and men leaned foi ward cagci to catch every word , with tieqiinnt bliouts ot approval or disapproval. Stiangnly ( iHiUL'h It was the conseiMitlvo west agaiiiNl the radical east , tor thu west wasalmou solid lei the old .school docltines. The ProoocMlln H In Detail. Dr.s Moivis : , Oct. 7. Theio wasnnlm- mouse audlenco nt the opeia house when I'lesldent Mark Hopkins called the meeting of Iho Amoilran bonid to oidci. The special committee recommended Spilngflold , Muss. , as Iho next place ot meeting , The lopoit was adopted. Key , Dr. Jjumson , chaliman of the committee on missions , iccounted thopro- Kreas of the vsork In Tmkey. I'reildont Hart- Utte , of Dartmouth college , then read the ie- port of the committee appointed to levlow Dr. Aldun'x report on homo woik , including thu conduct of thn prudential committee In re jecting tno rnndidatos for missions , v\hobo- lloved in futuio probation. Dr. H.ulett ( fol lowed in support-of the loport. PiotcKsoi KgartSmjth , of Andover , followed Di. Hart- lett , speaking In opposition to the ntpoitof the prudential committee. Piotessoi .Smith nalil that the tiue position to take was that taken by the business commltt.-o In IS > I , namoytlmt ! neither thoboaid northopiuden- tial committee Is n theological couit , Tim manual of the chinch in pieseilblng ques tions foi candidates to preach to answer docs not Impose te.sls upon incro dog- mai , secondary matins. It does not loqulio candidates to piy aiound uniong meiu matteif > of bpeculatlon conceir.Ing the future hfo. nmttcis which at best ni > > only mutters of prophesy. The nunuiil guauU very cmofully against compelling mission- uric * to biihscilbo to anything but thugenei- ally BccejUod truths of uliilstiaiHly. Several poisons , to my knowledge , vMjuld have ap plied to bo bent out us missionaries had it not been that they were requited to siibtcilbo to outside matters-matter ! } Of fcccondary Ini- jwrtanro Introduced foi the Hist time by an iihiumed authoilty bj the nommltlce. it is bald vvo must scttlo this ( jucstion at the west , for the east lf < ; honoycombeit vUtli Inlldfllty. 1 deny It. The rhuichcrf of Kow Kim-land are sound to-day In the faith id Cliist | JCMIS. Theiels not one of those iiersons who Imvo bcou rejected as missionaries but an lu full fellowship with the church. Some fenr tlmt f thcbinrd slioiild allow the < o men lo hohl their minor dojmas , the losult would bo a falling otT In the iccrlpts of monoj. In Iho vvords of ono of the largest contributors , "llio Ameilean boaid Is not for sale. " Wo need men In our missions Why will you reject them when they believe in Christ and \\anttopie.nch him. llu.vo spoken almpljr from love of Christ , and not from any deslro to bring forwatd a now depattuio , or to advocate a now doctrine. Dr. Hartlctt ttien asked that the homo sec- retaty , Di. Alden , should bo lequeMpd to explain - plain his position , as he was directly ln\olvcd in thorepoil that liad tipnn given. Dr. Alden aceoidingly took tlio floor , mid was greeted with loud cheers from the con- sen ntlve clement ln the audience. Ho tnoii rend a slntement , giving Ids position and reasons for It. Ho hold that Inquliy as to the docttinal views of candidates was ono of Iho duties imposed upon the homo seeioluiy. Ho hold nn his own views that the onlv tlmoof probation was dutlng life. He claimed that until leocntlj nil of tluMilllceis of the Ixvud and iiisttuctors In theological schools would havoheld it as the pi < tvi Inleipietatlon of scripture. That It vvas the doctrine of Andover fiom lHs ) to ISM. at the retliement of Piesldcnt PaiXs. No one. a jc. r ago , would have thought of applvlng foi nppolnt- nit'iit lo mission vvoik who did not enteitaln this doctrine. On this the .speaker rolled , and took It as his authoiitv. Ho said a largo number of letters Imd been iccelvoil fiom piomlnent men In the chinch piotesttng against admitting the doctrine of piobatlon aftei death. Mr. Knland Harrnid , ot lihode Island , mo\L'd , in view ot thn conlllctof opinion , that a council of nluo be npjiolnteil by the board ( the lattei acting with them ) and take under ndxisemiMit thu whole ease nnd report at the next annual meeting or at a called meeting soonei , If do- sired. Di. Lyman Abbott , editor of the Clnlstlan Union ( it New Yoik , eamo foiwaid and was locelved with cheeis. While paving Ills tribute of lospcct to Boston , ho must Hiy that the country is too largo , nnd the Congrega tional chinch is too pioud tor ono slnglo citv or ono set of men to bo Influenced tiy local suriounding.s to detcrmino thu qiialllu'ntlon of men to pi end i the gospel nbioad. The audience was dismissed , but hundicdn icmalned , and thu corpoiato bony innttnuid In session on the pending subjeet of adopting the lesolutlons lead bDr. . Bartlett , 01 referring - , ring the whole matter ton special council of nine. Scveial ] ) olnts of older weu raised , and Ha/urd's icsolutlon of refeience vvasi voted down. The iple.stlon was then on Dr. . liaitlott's resolutions. The lust tesoliitlon of | a ccnctal nature , on which Ihero was no ron-i troveisy , was adopted unanimously. 'Iho second resolution iii > piovlng tin- notion of Dr. ' Alden and the uiudential commltteu was I then called up. Dr. Noble , of Chicago , intioduccd an amendment to the ellect that the boud was squarotv opposed to what Is known as Iho doctrinnof luturu ] irobatlon. Dr. Voso piessed the point of order that the amendment was a substitute lei the reso lution and should go back to the original committee 01 the business committee. Dr. Witlnow.ot Boston , wanted to add to amendment a stilct dliectlon to thu prn- | committee to accept as candidates for mlssionaiies who held tliu dortrinuol liitmo piolmion. At this point adjoiiinment was taken until 3:15. : The iillernoon session of the American , boaid met at ! ) :2. " > . After devotional oxer * ' clses , the pending question ot the losolutioim intioduced by Martfett was taken up. Kx- Presldent Chapiii , of lleloit college , tliought the boaid should not Ul ; u position ex-eathe- dra on a ( incstlon outside of Its pinvimo. Ho olfeicd an amendment to the amendment o'leied ' by Di. Noblito the ellect that thu lio.ud looked with appiehouslon upon tlio tendeiu'v of the ago to decisive and perver sive action by chinches nt home and abroad ot tlio doctilno ol piobatlon , and upptovln. ; the action of the liomu vommlttce in caietully guaidlngtho boaid fiom any committal to that tendency , and lecommending tbat the same caution bo exercised In Inline. Di. Noble bald ho would accept Dr. Chapin's sub- btitute. After oirncst remaiks by lluv. Newman 15. Smyllie , of Now Haven , Conn. , wiio said that the men wlio. idvocato the new depnrt- uio are estopped by their own action fiom quoting tlio resolution of 1871. Dr. Goodwin , ot Chicago , insisted that the board hail : i right to diicct Its missionaries what the bo- Ihwed they ought lo pi each. [ Cheers. ] Fur ther. If the } had como to a parting ol ways. let these biethren who believe thatmoiogood can be accomplished by this hoftei gospel , go their way and organl/o anew society and see if their methods wilt do more tor Aft lea and foiclgn fields than the old methods of the boaid. [ Cheers. J Dr. Clatk , sen lei foiclgn secretary , was called for. He .stood with his colleague , Dr. Alden , In theological views , but ha depto- catcd tlio dnlt of the convention. He would have sent out anv ot these candidates who had been i ejected for holding a mcio opinion upon mattcis which were not dogmas to bo preached. Picsldent Hopkins said that ho thought the resolution of Ib71 was wise , and when ho came hoicho hoped theio would be no theo logical discussion. Hon. Plillo Parsons , of Dctiolt , said the heicsy , If such It be. had not icaehed ( tie west , and we want this vote taken by yeas and nays by name. llov. Dr. Fisher , of HrnnHwlck , Me. , said that It Is not the province of this boaid to turn aside fiom itn work of missions to dis cuss theological questions. President Hopkiimald it was very unwise to take n vote by yeas and nays , and ho for ono would not vote that way and bo put In .a position lo bo misunderstood and misrepre sented. Ho then called fora vote on tlio oilglnal resolutions , as amended hy Dr. Chapln , which was van led by a vlvn\oco vote , about two-thuds voting in thoalthma- tive. tive.Vtro President lleachfoid , of Chicago , In- ( reduced a lusolutlon tlmt in difficult cases turning upon the doctilnel vlowmif candi dates , the prudential committee be advised to call a council ot chuiches lo pass upon his Illness. A letter to Dr. Hopkins fiom Pirsldent Dvvlght , ol Yale college , vvas then lead , ad vocating councils to pass nnon the theologi cal illness ol candidates lor mission woilc Instead - stead ot leaving , as now , the whole mutter to the boaid and pindentht committee. Pie-ddont Hopkins followed. cndoiMng the sentiment ot thu letter and advising that the piudentlal committee ) bo not called upon to deeido I biological questions. This vvas adopted with Kicatentlinslain , and the bonul adjoin nod till evening , . The pvenliig session of the Ameilcan Ixmid was devoted lo i out I no bnslncs" , 10- poris fiom dltloient mission lleldM be > ig given. Thoohl olllceisof the boiud weii > it- cilectcd without exception. Dr. Hopkins then aavi * the annual addirss , which w.s 10- celveil with ; ; ieat rnilhnslasm. The JCplNuopul Trleniiinl. CiiK'AfJo. Oct. 7. This muinlng tin ) delegates - gates to thu Piole.stiiut Kiilscopal onvcnllon attended morning sei vice , Itov. llobiut I'ctt- wood , of Oakland , Cat. , ( ifllrlatmi ; , and Itcv. John Scaiboroii , ' ) ) prououncLd the benrdlc- tlnn. Thu business meeting was called tc . older shoitl ) jfloi 10 o.clock , Kecieliirv Hutehliis rcqueslt d the conllimatlon by the convention of Ills appointment ol Itnvc. Henry Austin , A. C. Ktllson. K. W. Woilh- Ington and A.J. Miller as assistant socie tal It's. I'li'sldciit Dt\ then announced the members of the Htaiidlng cnmmlttccs. At 11 o'clock the legularoiih'i ' ot thodiiy watakitn up , vvhieh was thu ii-solntlon olTcied \ ( , er- di ) b > Dr. Huntlngton , piovldlng forai-'ini- milieu ol live bihhops , ilui and livn lay delegates to whom should bo icfnrifil all the losolutlons vyllh lofercnro to tlm subject of Him leal icvlsion. The discussion wa ocncd | by Dr. Ilnntlnaton , who spok.j in siiopott of thu losolntion. Olhi r KPO ohi'H followed , and the convention tuiji nrne I a' 1 o'chiek. anil lir.vaVrnlho.r. . For Nebra-ika and Iowa : Fair weather , follow ed by local rnlns In cjclorn poitloi : , ncaily .stationary tempeiaturct I nous tern pjr- tlons , slightly cooler In western poitlon. Smith's \Vlicnt _ MuWAi'cii ) : : , Oct. 7 , A > vos passed around and freely signed by of Iho chamhor of pommerro today , civiuv notice that as the wheat In Angus .Smltlu'i elevators had been declared out of condition would : tfuic to reecho ! i on cou