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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1886)
THE OXAHA DAILY SEE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 5. 1880. WANTED , ANOTHER RKCTOR , Eov , Mr. Hamel Stops Out of the Trinity Pnlpit. JOHN HITCHCOCK'S DEATH. Bonio Fncts About , the jEM.ito He liotivca Two DUorco Sultn The 1'ollco Honntl-Up Oilier Liocnl , They Want , n New ncotor. On next Sunday evening Hnv. E. T. flatnol , who for several months back has been nctliiR rector of Trinity cathedral , will prcncli hln last sermon in that place of worshii ) . Ho will then duvoto himself to n special business in the ministry fern n short time , after which ho will return to England. Jtov. Air , Hamol came hero in Juno last at the request of Bishop Worthington - ton , with the understanding that ho would rcnmln six inontlm. Tlius far but four of these have passed , rnd yet his ntliru * jnent is nlrciidy announred. Before coniinu to this place ho had olliciateil at Columbus in this stain , where ho loft nmny friends , and caint ) hero with tlielr best wislies. Ho iinuressed many of bis people hero with the belief tlmt ho was an energetic nnd consciftiitious cenlleman , almost from the time of his lirut appearance. Since then , ho has Btrengthened the impression by n number of sermons which he has delivered , all of which showed great fervor for the spiritual advaneemiMit of his people. Hoi long since , in one of his Sunday evening discourses , he referred to some of the shortcomings of his Hock , one of which was a seeming lack of intm-st and fervor In jtltnmlancoupon divine worship. TliuollbrtwuHi1 .rlousarraignmentoftlio congregation , wnicli hail not been accus tomed to such censure , and consequently attracted great attentionand caused quite an amount of dissatisfaction. Another Kcrmon was delivered later , which did not help to linnnoiu/.o matters. Since then , thorn has been more or less dissatisfac tion with Mr. Hamel , thotiirh it has been of a uniformly friendly nature. It was millieuMit , however , to show that rector and people could not abide in harmony , and an n consequence , their separation is nbonl to take place. Jlr. Hamel's suc cessor will , in all probability , bu the Uev. Mr. CJardner , of utiea , N. Y. , a gentle man who preached in the cathedral a few weeks ago. .JOHN JIITUIlCOCIt'S IilSATIt. Bonn : Facts Concerning the Siul Af fair The Km a to. As will bo seen by reference to the death notice column of the lii ! : : , the fun eral of .John G. Hitchcock- , who died Sat urday at St. Louis , will take place to- dav from the family residence. Tlio death of young Hitchcock , though sudden , was not unexpected. l 'or sev eral months past he badj been sulVering from ill health and depression of spirits , which foreboded mental collapse. About eight weeks ago he went to iMiinieapoIis and Lake Minnc'.nnka , hopintr that the clnuuru might benelit his health. Very little impiovemi'i ! : , however , was no ticed in his condition. Omaha people who met him at IMinnetonka bench no ticed that ho acted strangely and utterly unlike his usual self. Still at the time it was not suspected that insanity was about to developo. A few days later , it may bo remembered , ho was picked up while wandering about tins streets of Minneap olis , hopelessly demsnled. lie was taken in charge by the chief of police , who at once notified his Omaha relatives "of'his condition. He was taken to St. Louis for treatment and placed in a pri vate asylum , where ho received the bust of care. It was evident , however , that his condition was well nigh hopeless. Shortly after his removal to jt. Louis he Biillercd a severe btroko of paralysis. This was followed soon after by another , and his brother , Mr. ( i. M. Hitchcock , of this city , was notified to come on utpnce , as a third , and probably fatal stroke , was imminent. On Saturday another tele gram was received to the efl'ect that the young man's death was hourly expected as ho was Kiifl'ering from thu third stroke. Mr. Hitchcock at once went to St. Louis , but arrived there after thu death of his brother. From the time that the young man was taken to St. Louis to lliu hour of Ins death he was in a condition which gavo'no grounds for the hopu that ho might recover. His rare in tervals of lucid ness wore followed by lits of incoherent raving , and again by long spells of trloomy despondency. John Hitchcock was well known in Omaha and Nebraska , on account of the ( loop interest which he took in athletic sports of every character. He was a member of tbn Omaha Wheel club.boing ut onetime captain of that organfctiUon , to whoso success he largely contributed. Much of his time ho spent in the uast , attending - tending bicycle races and tournaments. lie was a good short-dislancii rider and won prlzo.s on several occasions , by de feating some of the crack riders of thu country. Somu facts concerning the Hitchcock estate may not bo uninteresting. When Phlnims Ur , Hitchcock , the father , died EOinu time ago ho left no will , and ao cordinsr to thu usage , his cstatu was to bo divided among his two sons. Gilbert and John. Tim exeeuter'H ilmil report , Jiled in May , shows that after paying all claims against thu eslato thoru remained a cash sum of about ! ? 1,000.00 ! ) , besides ihu personal and real estate ) m > porty. One-half ot thu cash sum. or$7iU.r ! > l , was paid over to John Hitchcock on May 2a , 18SO. This Juftthu real estate and personal property to bu divided among the two sons. Thu ' real cstatu comprised much valua ble property in this city , .r > 8J : acres in Douglas county , ' . ' 80 norou in Sannders county , 80 acres in rillmoroeountyl(13 ( acres In Hurt county , some Jots in David City , two lots in St. Louis , Mo. , besides an unascertained in terest in the 1'otni'o grant in New Mex ico. Thu property Is estimated in value between $3K > ,001) ) mui sJiJOO.OOO , By the death of John , thu whole , of course , re- vurtsto Gilbert Hitchcock. In addition to this Jghn Hitchcock hnd mi interest in thu estateof his grand father , Gilbert O. Monell , n sharn of which would luivo fallen to him upon the death of his grandmother. Mrs. G. 0. Monell. Mr , MonoH'swill loft the wholu of his cstatu to Ids widow with the provision' that upon her death ono-half of It was to bo ummlly divided between the threu Hitchcock children , draco , Gilbert and John. As two of the three are dead , thu undivided half will , upon thn death of Mrs. Monell , rururt to Gilbert Hitchconk. The vaJnu of the ostatu is not exactly known , but may bo roughly estimated at if 150,000 , so that the total valtto of the estate loft bj John Hitchcock will closely approximate $200,000. _ Hall Notes , The Grand Islam ! train caiuo in yoslor- layabout ono hour and a half late. The do' , . was occasioned by the breaking of the connecting foil between two of the drivers ofonglnooas , Hioh llowloy ongincor , on tlio Uopuulican Vnlloy branch , between Wnbou and Valley. The latter was do luyert Jifty minutes and No. U waited foi it. The cab of COS was badly shalloret bud the engineer narrowly escaped in jury , Yostcrdny morning when No 3 wesw ger train ou tbo Union 1'adllc arlcd fr jn ho cast nt the depot , it was discovered lint one of the springs of the Pullman sleeper , Merlin , had been broken. It was nkcn oirtho train nnd sent to the shops. where the sleeper Borneo was sccureil nnd attached to the overland. The change caused n delay of about an hour. Yesterday mornlngn construction train on the Belt line wcntouttol'apilllon with n force of men to make the connection bo- wcou the southwestern extremity of the ormcr nnd the Missouri Pacjic complete. Sunday the Missouri Tacilic train vhich arrived here nt C o'clock in the evening had n liltlo adventure between lie stations of Stella and Howe. It was rounding a sharp curve at that plnce , vhen the engineer discovered that n small bridge a short distance nhcad was n llnmcs. lie applied his air to stop the rain , hut did not succeed till all of the rain , with the exception of the last car ind crossed the burning structure. The engine was then backed and its watnr isud to extinguish the llamos. If the rain had been live minutes later the re- lilt would have been disastrous. As it vns after Iho llanu'S were extinguished t took liftecn minutes to cool the rails. President Adams , of tun Union INioilic , s expected hero to-day witli his party. Yesterday morning Mr. Nash , of the Chicago. Milwaukee &St. Paul road , was lotllled by thu management of that road lint on and after the 15th of thn present nonth the rates of fare per mile ou thu oad mentioned , in the states of. Illinois , Vlsconsin , Iowa and Minnesota , will bo educed from the present rate of over 3 cents to 2 cents per mile. With this ro- luction the round trip tickets will bo ibolished. The Milwauko is the first to innounco the reduction , though it is Itiito likely that it will be followed by the ilher competing lines. The reduction Is entirely voluntary on the part of the road , mij IUIH not boon dictated by any compli cation with any pool or other assoeia- ion. 1'ollcc 1'oliitn. Charleslloehring was lined i20 and costs n police court yesterday morning or beating his wife. Sunday night 10 went home Intoxicated , and is ho claims , was struck by its wife with a parasol after ho had gone to bed. This aroused him , and ho nailo a savage assault upon her , knock- ng her down and injuring her severely ) llicer O'Boyle , who happened to be in ho vicinity , came to the rescue and after i hard tussle with Koehring , landed him in tlio patrol wagon. Yesterday Airs' II. declined , to appear against lior bus- jantl , but as there was no question of his guilt , he was lined tlio amount named. Al. Davis , forassaultiug Philip Monroe , was lined ? 10 and costs , while Sam Lowe , i negro wife-beater , was lined $15 and costs. I'ivo suspicious characters were discharged , and a goodly number of plain Irunks were disposed of with the usual lines. Foot L'acls at Work. Three men , masked and unknown , ield up a stranger on Capitol avenue about ! ) o'clock Sunday night , and at the point of the revolver , relieved him of his watch , money and valuables. The whole work was done quickly , and the identity of tlio men is not known. Two fellows , who probably belonged lo the same gang , mot two gentlemen whose names are not known , on Twenty- Ihird street , south of Farnam , Sunday night , about ! ) : ! ! 0 , and or lured them to : hro\v up hands. One of tlio gent- omen managed to make his escape , and ; nvo tlio alarm , arousing the neighbor- lood. Messrs , J. J. O'Connor and iiotthcinior , who livuin thovieinity.eamo : o the rcsiuie , but before they arrived on .ho spot the two foot pads had disap peared in tlio darkness. Consjrcxntlon or The congregation of Israel hold its an- uial meeting on Sunday and elected the 'ollowing ollieors : Isaac Oburfcldor , ircsjdont ; S. Reichcnbcrg , vice- > resident ; M. HeUtnan , treasurer ; J. Jaskalek , secretary. The only change in .lie board of directors was the substitu- .1011 of M. Goldsmith in place of J. Bam- jorgor. A committee was appointed to obtain plans and .spccilications for the extension of the temple building. The president's message was full of good ad vice , suggesting , among other tilings , that Sunday lectures bo given once a month in tlio temple. The suggestion was adopted. Tlio congregation is in a nourishing condition and is steadily in creasing. on n Pa ton I. Sarah May , through her attorney L. C. Burr , of Lincoln , commenced suit in tlio United States court yesterday .igainsttho counties of Butlalo , Lancaster , Hall , Jef ferson and Butlec. She sues each county for $1,000 , on account of an infringment of a patent right held in her name. In 1851) ) , she avers Imr husband , Edgar May , patented a device known as an InpTOVomcnt for prisons , and his patent lias since boon in force. Notwithstand ing this , the plaintiff alleges , these coun ties have adopted the device , without paying any attention to the Edgar patent. She therefore asks damages in the amount named , Quarter ) } ' Iteturns. Postmaster Coutant and Assistant Postmaster Woodard were busily en gaged yoslonlry morning in examining thu contents 01' the envelopes , which , for several days back they have been receiv ing from tlie 500 postmasters in Ihu state. These contents comprise , gold , silver , greenbacks and pennies and represent the bus ! ness transacted by the poatolliccs in every part of the state. They are checked tip , recorded , and entered upon a blniiK , prepared for the purpose , which is then forwarded to tlio department at Washington. This work will occupy both the gentlemen mentioned for a couple of weeks. ThlnUH Ho OHII Ho'st BloCormlolf. MIke Fitzgerald , the soldier-pugilist , was at army headquarters yesterday and obtained a lonvo of absence to go to Butte , Mont. , where ho is to moot a heavy weight , in a pri/.o-ring encounter , . Fit/- gerald has three months to servo as a sol dier and at the expiration of that time ho uxneuts to go into tlio prize ring as a pro fessional , Fit/.gorald is anxious for a tilt with McCormiek , and isconndiuil that no can best that man without the slightest dillicultv. Dliln't Wunt to l ny , A man named Alfred Thompson , a stone cutter from Edgar , Neb , , was ar rested yesterday for trying to swindle Schlank & Prince , the Tenth street cloth- UTS. Ho selected a coat and underwear to the value off 14.W ) , and tlion refused to pay for them. Ho ran out of the door , but was caught and detained until thu police could take him into custody. About $35 was found on his person when lie was locked up , St. Louis KveiM'slonlsts. Besides those whose names have already appeared in these columns as going to witness the great shows nnd street pa geants In St. Louis , the following with a number of others will leave this evening for that place , over the Missouri Pacitlo roadi . Goo. Josslyn , Henry Philbin. Hicli " - " "il Brown , Jolm olghton , James ' ! apttlnlirourh : Tcahon and E. H OVHfl A The Number of 1'coplo W ho Saw the Wild Went In Thirteen AVeeks. Buffalo Bill arrived in town yesterday morning after two seasons' work In the open nnd tented field. Ho looks thinner lhan when he left herelast | spring , and his Fnco Is slightly paler , but his features are lust as handsome and expressive as ever. Ills bosom pin nnd cull'buttons , each of whichlsparkle wilhlall radiance posslblo in n cluster of diamonds fashioned 'nto n buffalo's head , are still as promincitf .is ever. Ho has just , closed the most remarkable amusement season ever known in the world , that of thirteen vroeks in Coney Island where his Wild West was witnessed by 1,4150.000. Like Ibis , Mr. Cody clnimstliore is nothing on record. Ho left last night , accompanied l > y George Cnnllold. Con Gronernnd sev eral other friends , for North i'lattewhere tliev will attend the Lincoln county fair. Mr. Cody will rest also , for a liHlo while and then return to Now York , where he will re-open his show on November : ! ! , in Iho Madison garden , giving daily per formances for tour months , after which lie will go to Europe and exhibit during llie continuance of the American exposi tion in London. A nenutlful I'rcKcnt. The Virgin Salt Co. . of New Haven , Conn. , to introduce Virgin Salt Into every family are making this grand offer : A Crazy Patchwork Block , enameled in twelve beautiful colors , and containing the latest Fancy Stitches , on a largo Lith ographed Card having a beautiful gold mounted Ideal Portrait in the center , given away with every 10-ennt package of Virgin Salt. Virgin Salt has no equal for household purposes. It is the clean est , purest and whitest Salt over seen or used. Remember that a largo pack-ago costs only 10 cents , with the above pres ent. Ask your grocer for it , It Mny Ho Johnson. Yesterday's BII : : contained an item of the finding of a floater at La Platto. There was nothing on the body to show thu identity of tiio man , but it is now thought that ho was a resident of Omaha named Johnson , who has been mysteri ously missing for some days. Johnson's friends tire in correspondence with thu coroner of Sarpy county , with a view to obtaining further purlieu tars as to the identity of tlio man. After Two Yt'iirp , C. II. Burke anold confidence man was arraigned in police court yesterday morn- me , on a charge of being a fugitive from Iowa justice. He was held awaiting the the arrival of requisition papers from Iowa. Burke was arrested by Detective Valentine , of the Union Pacific for con- lidoncing a man out of # 100 at the trans- fur depot two years ago. lie is what is commonly known is a "slick tin. " District Court. Yo-torday morning Judge Neville was engaged in heif ring the case of Ca in bull vs. Welbhans < fc MeEwan , in a suit for dam ages occasioned by I ho overflow of closets put by defendants into the Arcade hotel while it was under the management of the plaintiff. These damages are in tended to oliV-el the bill rendered for the work by the defendants. Elvira Samler sues for divorce Irom her husband , Jacob Samlerou the ground of cruelty. David I. Hiiydcn sues E. G. Ballon for a specific compliance with contract to sell lots 8 and ! ) , Ballou's addition. Judcc Wakely is hearing tlie case of lUibinsou vs. Woodworth. Nine Hundred Mulcs nml Horses. ' \ Major Chambers , inspector of animals of the army in this department left for St. Louis last night , where he is to com plete the purchase of ! )0 ) ! ) mules and horses to bo used by the army in this di vision. Ho returned from St. Louis on last Saturday night. tlio " . " Coins to "Front. Yesterday morning eight young colored soldiers , mcmboisof IJ company , of the Ninth cavalry , arrived in town , on their way to join their regiment at Tort Brid get1. They wore compelled to Mis over to take tlio evening train on the Union Pa cific. I or Sale. The furniture ami rental of the Coz- zons hotel. This house is now doing and has done for two years the becond largest business of any hotel in Qmaha. tisfaotory reasons given for wishing to Sell. II. P. KlJJlSEV. Pnssinjr Counterfeit Slouey. Ed Burr and Goo. Johnson were ar rested yesterday by Deputy United States Marshal Allen , for passing two counter feit quarters. They wore taken before Commissioner Anderson anil held to the criminal court. Old Soliiiers. The Second Iowa intantry reunion is to be held at Ottumwa to-morrow anil Wednesday. A number of members of tlio reir'nnl'iit now living in Nebraska leave Omaha on to-niirht'a trains. Army Not OH. Companies C and 1C of the Seventh in fantry , at Fort MeKinnoy. have been or dered logo to Fort Laramie , to take the plane of tlio soldiers who have boon dis patched to the now Fort Du Chcsno. Delayed In Utnli. The No. 2 overland train , duo hero yes- tordaj { morning arivcd fight hours Into. It was delayed by waiting for its Contra ! Pacilio connection at Ogden , Utah. Ilcnl Kdtntn Transfer * . The following transfers wore lilctl Oct. 2 , with the county clerk : United Slates to IJclle Harbor , lots 3 and 3 tea 8-1 l-iu patent. , , Mrs Janu Tliomns to Omaha anil Moroneo L it T Co. lots 1,1U , H blk ; iS Florence , o o SI. SI.Mrs Jane Thomas to Omnha and Florence LATOo , lots 4 and & blk ' . ' 3 lot 1 blkUT Florence , w d SI. , . . . , , 11 J Davenport to .1 T Monarh- , lot 11 Dav- cn | > ort'ssubiliv _ lots K t J 5.5 anil 57 Uise's add , K V ilucklnnd et nl to Fredk and K Mar- land , lot 1 blk 10U Oinnlm , w tl J , It Illlv < i M IIMIO'Jl tiiiu < .i , i - V" "f . . , A 11 Mnynootnl to O D Kelly , Iota blk a llnlvldciv , w d-S40u , Miu-y M Iteed to several owners , sco book 13 pace IJtt. ii c-IT * J UltV I IH till O 1C * tM ii ( * - rf i - - Anna Kay to .1 A Dalzell , lot IU blk 0 Wal nut Hill , w d-SOOO. Cathedral chapter of the dlocesoof Ne braska to Xorwcdnii and Danish liiitlicran church , lot 2 bile IU Hhlnn's add , w d-ijl.S'JO. E U Hallou ixud wife to T A CriMeli , lot 17 blk a Kverett 1'lnco. w tl-8400. . , , . . b A Harmon to Snencer Otis , lot 10 blk IJ Deilford mid , w d SO'1" " . , , , . , , . . liA liariaon nnd wife to Jno Wilson , lot 15 blk IJ Hertford I'lace , w tl SIVM. S Fargoy and wlfo to F M Klnif , lot Obit 21 Florence , n c 61. , , ,1 ( ! Mftreatn to Margaret Uronnan , n luO ft lot 13 tMurk'3 place , w d-COO. KHDiinn and wlfo M ( J It Turner , wH lot 20 blk 4 Konntzo & Ituth's add , w d V < l l'iirncr , slncle , o O N' Uleks , w K lot 0 blk 4 Kounlzo & Itnth'saild , w 'l-3. 0- . Atignst retcrsun and wlfo to b A Mnrsli , lot S blk ia Jsaaes * 3elllen's add. w d-SlWW. A S Paddock and wife to . as hi 'rejton nnd Jliiry K Habeock , lot 14 blk 6 Paddock I'lacev d-51,209 , .1 N Guild to C Hanscnmnd A P Oram. lots 11 , 13 nlk 1 Ames PlaceW d-tSl.O" . . A St plnn and wlfu to Chas larlcy , lot 7 blk 4 hike's add.v d-8JiTOO , Merchants Nail bank to Millollman , lots I , 2 see ao-lO-ia and lot 1 si-o avir.ii : , part n X nw ' 4 nw ' 4 POO Ort-io-13 , < i c-St.500. Omaha Mat ! bank to il flcllumii , lots 1'J SO-IOIil ' . ' . sec - iic-S'J.-'iOa. K.I McSliannanil wife to Krank Pries , 'sw ' / and w } i so lt nw ' 4 inv h sec 10-10-13. w d SI.'iOO. J 11 llnniratri , trustee * , to M K lirown , lot'J blk R Bedford jilaco , w il-S5.V ) . T Olson and \ \ tfu to ,1 A liradloy , c } { lot 5 blk 1 Camiihcll add , \v tl-SlBtO. . Joseph Uarkorandvitc to Mary A Lough- lln. lot 29 Uoll.tlr. . w d-SCOO. barnli A Uoborts and hnsb to K 1. Uler- hewer , lots 0 , 10 , blk a Kllby place , w d- f'J.TX ( ) . JCDcnlso and wlfo to 1) Mclntlrc , lots 3 , n blk 2 Denlso's mill.v d S1.U50. Mary Hurley and husb to Jos Sclilaeokler , n K lot 5 blk 8 Cn-dlt Knncler , w il ? 2,100. baml llawvoraml wlfo to K J Kasper , part sw ' ,4 sw'd sec Ji'-l.Vin , w il Sl.MX ) . Kmina WeMuin , slni'lo , to ( JV J \ .ozan , lot t > blk STIiornbunjplnce , w l 8-ViO. 0 A llotcnmb to K (5 ( Humphrey and wife , lotdOodfrcy's add. ii e SI. KO Huinoliioyntiil wlti > to Wm Klcmliii ( , lot ! l ( lodfrey.s mid , w d050. . \ \ m VltMiiltn ; anil wife to Alex Harr , lot t ) Godfrey's add , \v d 31,000. C S Raymond ct nl to .Irnnln Dwycr , lot 31 blk 1 illmebaimh t Patterson's sulidiv.v d S450. MnrV Mcllodco and husb to J A llawley , lot : w m k 8 llaiHcom nlacev d S'J.dOO. Krank Muriihvotnl to ICmma U'iMsiiiiti , lot Oblk 1 ThorniairK plaee. w"d ! ? 3KK ) . M Quick nnd wife to K U Cooper , lots blk 120 ( .iiandvlesv , w d-S" . THE CRIMINALS F BERLIN. A I'rorcBStini Which IM Cointilctely London Globe : Thot-riinlnal profosslon in Horhn iscoinpli'tely orfraiil/.utl. Thuro arc regular arriingiiniont.s for .111 1110111- Inc Us strength wliL'ii it is thoiifjIH ilc- slrahla to ilo so , nnd for training the neophyte in his art. The common Jotltf- iiifillouses furnish tin : thief-trainer's favorite luinlin" ; Ki'oiiiul. Tliisso are ap parently in no belter condition in lierlln than the like cstalilisliineiits in London were thirty or foi'ty years ago , anil it is not orcilitablo to the nuiniuipiil anlliori- tics or to the government that something has not been itonofor their improvement. It is little woniler if a youth , olVercd thu means of escape from the wreteheil- ness of such surroundings , yields without much illlllenlty to the blandish ments of the recruiting sergeant for the army of crime , and willingly takes the necessary trouble to learn Ins new profession. If ho proves an apt pupil , he is put through successive stages of in struction , and when pronounced ellieient receives a new name , which ever after in the inner world of his acquaintance * re places that which rightly belongs to him. A place is foil nit for him according to Ins aptitude in one or other of the numerous branches of the profession. The pick pockets of Herlin are celebrated , anil , as m other countries , they include in their ranks a good ninny women and children. Shoplifting is practiced by women , who generally work in couples , and who are always provided with pockets ol a special conslrnution or other airangcments for the safe .stowage of their booty. Uobbers of shop tills form a separate class. They are armed with a bit of whalebone , the end ot which has been Hipped in bird lime. Specialists in the predatory art look alter tlio lodging houses of the work ing people , while others carry on their depredations in the washerwomen's dry ing-ground. A GlrMlTc's Memory. New York Commercial AdverlKer : The funniest thing 1 ever saw or heard of in connection with the memory of ani mals happened one year when I was out west with a traveling menagerie. You've heard , of course , how elephants will re member an insult twenty years , some say longer. Well , this little incident con cerned n girall'o and'girall'es , yonknmr , are not generally credited with much 'sense , anyway , to way nothing of memory , lint this one showed n great deal of the latter quality , anyway. Wo had got as far as Koek Island , III. , where wo had to cross the Mississippi on an old ferry , that being before the big government br.dge was built there. Everything went all right until we camn lo this giraffe. He wouldn't go on the ferry. Coaxing , scar ing , pushing , beating did no good. He simply lay down on tlio river bank and would not budge. While 1 was working over him the ferry made another trip. When she came back up gets Mr. Oirallb as spry as yon please the first time I urged him and marched straighten on to the ferry. Several people who had been on the boat the trip before and seen the giraffe's queer capers on the other side of the river were waiting to sco what kind of luck I had. Well , the boat was llfty feet or so from this down shore when that giraffe happened to turn his head toward the landing and see those people. He gave a giraffe trumpet , and , before I knew what he was doing , jumped over the rail into the water. It took three-quarters of an hour to pull him out. Now , what do yon thinic was the matter with that giraffe ? I discovered it while the crowd was gathering around the rescued animal be low the dock. Among the people was one tall slim young fellow that thogiruffo seemed to have a particular aversion to , ' When ho saw tl'io young man near him ho begun to tremble violently , and made desperate efforts to break away. I ques tioned tint young man , and found that a year before ho had crossed on tlio ferry boat with this monugorio. There was a giraffe among the animals on the lower deck , and his head had stretched way up to tlie passenger duck of the ferry , where the young man was sittinir with some friends. As the giraffe's long neck bad come twisting around in his direction ho had been cruel onir.igh lo lake a quid of lobacco and throw il down tbo giraffe's upon moith. No doubt it was the same giraffe 1 had with mo thenand no doubt , too , hu rccogni/.ed his tormentor the in stant his eyes fell on him. A watchmaker says thai the multitude of telegraph , telephone and electric light wires in largo cities has much to do wilh the variations and Mopping of watches that hitherto have been good time keep ers , and that manufacturers are trying to invent means lo provide against the mag- iiuti/.ing of watches. Absolutely Pure. Tbla pow.lor never varies. A mnn'ol of pur- ty , Etrtiitftli \7liocioino"C ! < 9. Mora econ omical tbun tlio ordinary krntli nnd cruint be cold Inoompotltlou with tlio multitude of low teat.ihort welKlitnlum or nho-ip'vio powder * . Boldoniy In cans. ItorA n * M'OWUKB Co its Wall it. , Now York. After selling otit'Otti'Celebrated .Fancy Drees fstftirf. at ttfie tva ivct'c compelled io ielvyrapli j-orunoUtcr consit/nnicnt of .I'-iO dozen , anil these irill he placed on onr counters d tiring flic coming wceL't IFc will also < 7/ - j [ > esc of the balance of our all scarfcf Shirt and Drawers at < 5c. VWhen closed out fftcsc ffotids cannot be duplicated , Fe are positively the originators of loir f trices. Our Men's Suits , selling from $ Wto $ tV , in. J-3 different patterns , cut ii ) sacks , frocks and J-bisfton cntau'ays , nicely trimmed , cannot be bvttgJit anywJicre else for less f/tan $ ff. Our , ftjS3to $ iftt Men's JStiiftt tn & 5 different patterns , made of corkscrctvft , diagonals , cJtenots and cassiinvret ) : all cut in flic latest nfyles : cannot be. duplicated anytrlterefor lets ilia n from $34) to $ SOur JPrince Albert t Coats and Vests , made from the Jfnest imported worsteds , for style , frt aud woi'ltmnns/iip cttnnof be excelled. We cJiaUaitjc tlie world on , ouv Overcoats for variety and low prices. 1Yhe-rG can you beat in price an all wool man's suit for $6 ? A strictly all u-orsfed man's suit for $7 ? A NorjolJt all 'wool boy's strlt from * > to 12 years for $2.93 ? Oar style of doing business is cJtarac- terizcd in ecery respect by leyUhiiacy , and all oar goods arc sold at strictly ONE PRICE. Cor. Douglas and 14tli sts. , Omaha. HOLMAfl'S ' Tiautr"iJ tk.i 1110 cufclly wnin , sufo imi ! ro'laWo. They have bocn tested In lliutisiinil'i of c.iti'.t nml\\o can pnsitlvoly nfsc'it llintln nilOH PR wliort1 the llvor. plet'ii , kH. novs nnil liniTcHnrulnriilvpiI , Iu lloi.HAVM I'Alis uro tit once the Iwl , quickest itntt clienicfit ] ; and tlicjrlinvo ninilo pormnnent curfs In tltoammlj ol uses wlicro niflfclnu I'us been used without any I'm'lltslialcvcr. . HJvcraml SIOIIIHCI ! 1'itd Absorbs nil Impurities from tlio blooil. ImlKorulos ami vitiillzca tlio n-holo sy.UPni. Eiolmini's Ijlver mnl "jtonmcli I d CHICK lllloii ) no , Iinlltti-Mloii. Jmmdlcj , Dlnrrhoo.'i , Muhirlu.Slclc lleaduclie , Itiicunmtlflm , etc. EEolinatiVF ivcr aiMl. loiimci Z'ail UORulntOK tlio Sto uiifli nnd Ilowolt , Improve * tliu Appctltis rtiriTt't Av-linlliitloii , bCMUtillL's the ( 'u\uilexlOM : , olc. EEoImiiM' * IMvfi' nuil.moiimrli Qa l Prevents Sea Sickness Cholera , Swnllpuv , " Vellow , Typhus , Typholil unJ IIIIilUlKO\lr | ! ! < . ALU llUUUijlbTBOrsotilonrocclp of Price 132. EBOS/WAtt * AB > CO. , 120 William St. , N. Y. Abont brent years ftffo I difwrcral a litllo tore on my check , and Iho doctors pro nounced it cancer. J have tried a number of physicians , but wllhont receiving any perma nent benefit. Amons the number were ono or two specialists. Tlie mcdlclno they applied Traa like fire to the pore , causing intense pain. I caw n statement in the papers tellins wliat S. S. S. had done for others similarly nflllctcd. I procnred Rome at once. I'.cforo I ha'l need the second bottle the neighbors could notlco thM , my cancer was healing tip. My Rtncral health hod been baa for two or three years 1 hta a hacking cou n ana f pit blooa contln- tinlly. I hul a severe pam in my breast. After inking sis bottles of S. S. S. my congli left me Mid I grew Homer thaul had been for several years. My cancer 1ms healed over nl but u little epot about thu ulzu of a half dime , and It Is rapidly dbcappcarins , \\uuld advlso every one \utlx cuucer to clve S. H. B. a fair trial. S1K3. NANCY J. HcCONAUGIIEY , Ailie Grove , Tlppccanoc Co. , InO. Feb. 1G,1SS . Swift's Specific Is entirely Tcgetable , and socms to cure cjincers by forcing out the Impa- tlUca Itota lUo lilooJ. Trouko on HiooJ and Skin Diseases mailed free. TIIE SWJiT BPBCll'lU CO , , Drawer S , Atlanta , Ga. S. W. COK. 15IH AM FABS.VAM , O3SAHIA. Property of every description for B.ilo in all parts of the city. Lands for sale in every county in Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Donglns county kept , Mans of thn city ulnto or county , or any other information dcsiictl , furnishciK of ehargo upon app.icalion. RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. Prices tlio lowest. Itopalring a specially. All worlc warrant ed. Corner Douglas and loth blreots , Omaha. ron LADIES , MISSES AND CHILDREN. Our productions nre tno Perfection of Klioc-iiiaUlng. In them Every Objection to ready.m do hoe * ! removed. The iuccc t once ottained by our goods wherever Introduced U because they are glove-flulng , elegant in style and finish , of the finest materials end workmanship , and moderate In puce. The horrors of breaklne-ln are avoided ) they ere comfortable from the very first. tilde in all elrcs , width * and eliojics. LcelienSolti/er tfamtandAJJrit * f J. Si T. COUSINS , vonic. o Red Star Line Carrying the noljj him Hoyixl ami United Statw ilull.eullluevery Saturday Between Aniwcrn & Hew York TO TUG RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE. WIN1KK. Falon from JflO to 85. Rieurslon trip from 1110 to t\A BoconJ Cabm. outward , f ; pruimld.ltS ; excursion. t'JO. Btecraru nassaza ut low rates , i'eter Wriirht & Bool , Uenera Agents , U Uroadwuy , Now YorK. Tlciiry 1'ualt , I'JIP FuruiimBU : PauUcn i Co. , HiS f urnam et ; U. O. Frtviuiiu , 11C1 furn.wu tt No pains are Hparctl to in ale o these moats BT tliaL can bo produced. People of EPICUREAN TASTES are highly plcaned with them. Ifyour IJrocrror AfiilUeliimn ilu nut keep tlicm , cucl Ulrert to Armour.v Ci > , . Clilcuuo. Cnro without modi- POSITIVES clna. rnlonlo.1 Oeio- , bcr 10 , WO. One box will euro tbo moat obtlnatoca o In fourd f orlujs. ii i in ' No nauacom dojoi of cubolu , conalb or oil of eKiiditlwootl that uro certain to nroJuoo dy < poi > - eln Uvdoitrovlnir tlio ooiitlnvi of thu stuiniun , J'rk'o f I.GQ. Sold by All UruivUU of miilloU on receipt of prlco. For furttior p.irlloular * unt torcircular. P.O. UorlVll. J. C. LIjA.3 CO. , Johu it. . Now Vort PUTS AND CALLS. OnVhiut , Corn. Oatt , 1'ork. l.unl nnd U. II. BtockP , lor 1-onif Hiid tihort Tiuin. Ktnd lor 1'ni'O Cliviilar. H. 1' . HAIIT \ Ol. , I'M Wiibhliniloii Hi. . CtiU'iitru , 111. Holcrt'iicu : Aintrlran Kx- cbuattiNntlunul Itunk. Nebraska National Bant OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $860,000 Surplus 3O,000 11. W. Yatcs , President. A. E. Ton/alin. v'io.p President. W. 11. S. Hughes , Cashier. UIIIKCTOIIS : > AV. V. Morse , .Jolm S. Collins , H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Huuii. A. E. Touzulin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IR ON BANK , Cor 12tli and Farnsun Sts A General Hanking HUMIIOSS Transacted. N. W. HARRIS & Go. HSJiN , VJUCA GO. CouutU't * . ( Jittoa ami othoraoC lilliura ( < lolioiijrlit mid solil. Knatorn olllco us Dovoiishlro St. . lloston. Correspond * THE BEST TONIC ) UNEQUALEOforCONSUMPTIOrv WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION , Pit. EI1W I * WAT.UXO , Eiir KMII In Chief , National Uuurt of N. J , , vrrllni : "My utlt'iiUni WIA rnllc-tl tc jnur KPIOII | Mull \VlilhUe.v ! > } J.Ir. Lnlor , Dmircl't , of Trcnloii and I liavo UAt il n few iKjtllri IUj liir ldtT effect Ihmi any } li.irn l.nd , I inn rocomiiiriMlim > nnr urllda In my iirncllcr , uno Uml It vwy Mtliljctiuy. " BEWABE OP lUISAIIClTB. ( T7IJi nrnulno lia * Ilio ftlentturfv t UKNIIKI > UN Fi-i = ilo t ( Bsttls. ou llie Ial l. ( t ole Afccnti fdrlbr IT H ) 316.818 and 820 Race St. . Pbiladclohio. Pa. ( Joodnian DniR Co.ienl.AftentsOmaha , Nebraska. ' . . . ISorno'n - A.icL-irn. iiiciifiir nvii. /i'' Uimriimiiiltho only o-o In tli wnrtiliri : uioalinii-Kij yitclrla , f Magoclla at. Kcliiililel'owcrfui ! , lnnnblo , ' 11 nnd KITerllvo. A olil Inlid5. - - . , '' ' " ' ruirn. itrnillii'inil ) Iil ( | > : iniuiiou P . HOHHE. ' iiivEHicn. l'ai WABASH rtVE."CiiiCArn , OR/3 AM A St.Cor. Copllol ron TIIK Tr.rATur.NT < IP * i.r. Chronic Qt S } rgi pl Disoasoo. DFJ. WloMENAMY. Prop fotoi. Siuccn yiuri' Ilimiilml nml 1'rlvulu frecllcn U'uliavu Ihu facilities , iippuratur uml ri-incillii fnr tbo BiircMsfiil trculuient of ovo-y f rm of ill * . ino rucmlrln/ cither mnllol or miriglcul trrutinriil , nml liullunll lociiiifl "il ln c > tltjtjfcr ; : tlnmKl\i : t .ircorrc jiiiil wlllnia. Lang oijicrldico In ticnt. lii caim lir letter cnablcH im to treat many raxs Kill iilinc 'fr ' Mlllicmt relii" tlicm WJHTK J'OU CIHOIII.AK on Drformlltrt nml Hriuer , Club Ftct , Curvalurco ot thu Hjilnu UtE4't : or WOUEK , I'llcn , 'I'mmrti , Cincrir , i-Mirili IlronctiltU Jiilialotlnri 1'nriil. ( , , , Klcclrlcllj , ) > l , rilcii ! | y , Kidney , I'.yo , I'.ur , HUln , niowl nnd 11 I Hiir lcid optrulloim. Italforloa , Inhalers , ISrncim , Truii iir , ntul : ' < ) lciU : | of Mcrllrnl uiul Surgical Apiilloncce , mail ufacturnl flint for * ilo. The only reliable I'.lcdlcnl IntlMulj making Private , Special Nervous Diseases 1 rA Hlli ( lAr.TV. AM , CONTAGIOUS AND III.OOI ) IlIilEASli' ! . from \vlialcvcrcau oirailiiciulf.uctveifully ) ) tnvleil , W c'lii rvmovo Hjrphllltlo poltoi : from IliofyHcjn nltliout nicrciirjr. Ncwrrttoratirntreatmrnt for lota ofll 1powrr AIJ. COMMUNUUTIONS C'UNKIDKNTIAIi C.illniul ronmilt in or vontl lumu uml p i | . < .nir.j n'lrtrcm ' plainly vtilltcn cncloco utaroii. anilvu Mill fcinl ton , In plain wraiiptrr , our PR VATE CincOLAR TO MEN rroN niivATH , ti'1-.cui. AND Kcuvout DUE * * , s , , , , . . cr , Kvnui.u , ( ioNf.iciiiiu ; * , Gi.r.Kt , VIKICOCBI n , SlIIIOTUnK , ANII AM. KMr.ktft Or Tll OCSITO. UIIINAIIV Or.uixs , orient ! history of TOUT cut' ; for en oplul > ii , IV rioiva iinable to > lilt us mny bo treated atllii-lr liomo , hy torn ponjciico Jlrdicliim ami Imti.i. rncntu * tr.l by ninll or ci.rc4i | HUt'UHKIiY I'OK KU I'UOM OIlSKHVAT10.V.ini murU. to Judlcatr coiitrnl * nr seirler. Ono pcnoual intcrvlciv tire 1 1 fi-ni.-llf ronitnlcnt. 1'Jft rooai for the arxioiu- inodittlou of pttlciilf ll nrd nnd nltcodnuco A ) rcatoimhlc pilcn. Addri j all Letters to Oinilia Hodlcal and Surgical instilnl& Cor )3'.h ) l. end Caoltol Ate. OMAHA. NEB. .