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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAHjY BEE : TIT.USJJAY , OCTOBER 5 , 188a SPECIAL NOTICES AdiprtlM incuts under this hold , 10 eonls per line lor the llrtt insertion , T cents for each sub sequent 1n ort on , nnd $1.50 n line per month No ndxcrtlioment taken for IMS tlmn 35 cent ? for the first Insertion. Sovcn words will bo counted to the line ; they munt run consocu- lively nnd must bo paid In ndvniico. All ndvor ttecments mint bo Imndod In before 2 o'clock p.m. , nnd under no clrcuinMnncej will tlicj betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties ndvcrtlMnir In tliosu columns nnd hav ing the answers nidres ed in euro of THE lire Trill t > len o nsk for n check toennblo them to get their letters , ng none will bn delivered nxcopt on presentation of check. All nsxcrr < ) lo nil- vortlsomontB should bo enclosed In mivolonos. " " " To 1OAH MOKE1. TO LOAN -At reasonable rates , on furniture , line watches and other personal property. C. J. Cnswoll , room 19 Iron Hank building , l-'lli and Pnrnnin. 101 MM ) I/MN Money LontiH plncod on lin- JL pro\i l real estate In elty or county for Now P.iiKlnnd Loin .V TriM Co. , by Douglns County bank , IGth and Chicago sts. 807 o 27 1 | > : UM > OO to lonn. Sums f5U nnd upwards , P Lowest rates , llcmls , nth nnd Douglas sts. MONiYTO.OAN-On : chattels , collntcrnls and real ostnto. H. S. Campbell , loom 1 , ir,0l ! rnnmnibt 10H O"NIV : TO I.OAN-O. . . . . . . . . . Heal Kstntu nnd Ionn I50' rnrnum fi. U08 I\L \ O.NKV TO LOAN Oil real CStllto mill Chllt- tola. D U Tliomns. _ HiO ) NiY ; to invest II you ImviTgood notes to Boll call on J. H. Pnrrotto , 15th nnd Chi- caio. MOM1Y TO LOAN Insiims of f2,0)0 ) nnd upwards on tlrxt cluss ronl estuto security. Potter ebb , 1515 iirnnin st. 01U MONKY to lonn on chattel and real estatol fulrruto Interest. J. II. Parrottc , Ifltli nnd Chicago. 4W MOMlY r.o\Mt : > utC F , Itced.V-Co's.Lonn olllcs , on furnltme. pianos , boiKcs.wagons , personal property of all kinds , and nil other nr- titles of value , without removal. U10 S. 13th , over Htnghnm's Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. Oil MONKY TO LOAN-On farm and city prop- orty , no doluj. W. A. tjpencor. 1501 Pur- limn st. llo.Vl "I OANS LOHIIS Louns , Itcal estate loans. Collutoinl loans. Chattel loans. Long tlmo lonn * . Short tlmo loans. Money alwnys on linnd to loan on any np- piovodsecurlly. Investment Hcciirltlea bought nnd sold. Cull nt tlio olllco of the Omnlni Plnunciul ex change , fccnnd lioorof the Ilarkor block , s. w. cor. of Fifteenth nnd Furnuni sts. Corbott Jlnnngor. 1112 TffONKYTO LOAN At lowest rates of Inter- J'X cston farms nnd Improved city property. K. .1. Day & Co. , room 5 , Crouso block , S. U. coiner Capltnl nvonuo nnd lHlh street 018-0.11 fiOO.OOO To loan on Omulm city property at (1 ( . per cent. Interest G. W. Day. over 1II12 Douglas et. tH4 Gi'RIl C'lINT Money to oau. J.J. Mahoncy , IGOgParnnm. 915 _ ' " 1M5II CKNT" money to lonn. JU O Pnrterson , ' 13th nnd Douglas. _ 018 7 , and percent money to lonn. .Morlgastcs 5 taken In exchnngo for real estate. Central Jnvontmcnt Co. , Hoom 7 , IJarkor Illook , Lor 15th U17 _ "V/\TE have cheap pionoy onlongtlmo , in nny TT loan on Insldoclty proporty.or farm land. Marshall Sc Lobcck , 1511 1'uumiTi st. _ _ HIS M to loan by the uiideislgnod , who hai the only properly organized loan ngoncy In Omaha Loans of $10 to 1,000 made on fur- ' nlturn , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machin ery , ftc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential Loans so mndo thnt nny part cnn bo paid nt nny time , encti pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances mndo on line watches nnd diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , nn many now concerns nro dally coming Into existence. Should you need monor , civil nnd tea me. W. 11. Croft , Room 4 , Wlthncll Ilulldlnir , 15th nnd Ilnrnoy. _ 20 G PKH CKNT Money lo lonn , Stnwnrt - Co. , ItoomJl , Iron bank , 12th nndKarnam. 021 HUOLKE33 CUA1TCE3. FOll SALIThe best grocery store In DCS Molnrs , In , doing n strictly cash business , sales n\oraglng about $150 a day and making an nvcrnga or 18 per cent on sales. Expenses small. Cash required , fcJ.WO. .This Is ono of the best chances In the btnto to stop Into n inonoy-mnklnir business from the start. For full Information address O. U. Snider , DCS Jlolnos.In. 2u"J U * BUSINF.SS CHANCK-A rnro rhnnco to "buy nnilntorest In nn estnbllshod nnd good , pny- Ing business ; only n few hundred dollars required - quired , Address P , 21 lloo ofllco. t 150 5" JT OH S.\ri-Old ostnbllshed milk dairy .dolnjr J-1 n paying business : present owner retiring from business. J. L. lllco & Co. , over Commer cial bank. USO 4 TmoH SAT.n Hnkery , confectionery nnd J- ' lunchroom , cheap If sold soon ; sickness causool selling. Inqnlro of Kojip , Drolbusi Co. . 110 < 1 Parnam St. , Omaha. Nob. iCT T71OII BALK Drug Btoro In ll\o town north- Jonstoin Nebraska , county sent. Oood rea sons for polling. Apply to F. Hanson , whole- snlo ilriigs , Sioux City , In. _ 7454 TTIOK 8AI.K 13 room hotel on corner lot 100 JxlBO ft. , near depot , J2.000 , 5700 cash , n good annn of working horses tnken us part payment , lime given on balance to suit. ddross. T. W P. box 15 Kouth Bond , Nub. 5Ti05 * "I7IOKSA.I.K Or trade tor Omaha property. J. ' The best located llvoty business , with stock In the city. Long lenio of burn at aheap rent. JIn > jio llros.isio Fnrnam _ 923 _ HOIJ'fKS Lots.I'armB.irfuids money loniicd. Hemts , inth nnd Douglas streets. 61t rpAKKN ur-On llollovuorond nt 20th su.a J- three year old bay colt , black iiiiino nnd tall. Kll/abethJ'oliiitog. 184 0 * LOST. LOST Siiiulav , u now overcoat between Omnhn mid the now Poiost Lnwn Cemetery. ? 25 will bo paid Jf loft lit 1712 Unrd St. _ _ _ ISfi C * LOST On the 20th of September , n brown Bettor pup , 0 months old ; two whlto feet nnd whlto lu enst : nnrmnrs to thiMiamoof Hick ; string nround his neok. Suitable rownnl to iiiiyono leaving him nt I707N.20tli nt.ncnr LR O. IM Kondilck. _ 201 < > 1OST Pocket cnsii Biirglcal Instriimunts j Name on clasp. FlnJer plo.tso lotiirn to lr.n. _ W , Lee _ IB.I _ _ T OST One black and onu yidlow"pockotbook. JJ Findur will ploa&o cull nt 1815 Cuts si , and will bo i ow nrdcd. 172-fi1 LOST On street , a colored brocaded slinwl. Howard lor return to B , n. cor. 2' ' . > th & Hum- lllnn eta. 157.0 * _ LOST. A plain hand goid finger ling , eitnor on HHh , Irard or IHth Btniot , with the nnnm "Inez , " onuravod on Inside , 'iho Under will l < lonsi Itnvo nt lloo olllco. Kg _ 'r OST A line rod Knit shawl , nboutO o'clock 4EBtnrdv ovonlng , Sent. 11 , Leave at this olllco and get luward. 201 FIRST-CLASS table board forgcntlonum nnd wife or hinglo Kcntlomon , In private fain , lly. 114 N. leth , bet. Dod0-o und Capitol uvo. \Vtfi \ 5 * BOAlfDlNO Pnrtlos wishing good HonriFfor f.lW per woolt ! day board fJ.OO ; oull nt 1103 Nl7tM _ _ , P02 4 day bounl , 1010 Calltornln 447 QIC' T > OAltU-Aild l&U lnfr , ntltt : N. P23 piiBOXAL-Ion't : ( full to oull ut tbo lloml Jand Mo'tunuo Kxchango If you nio geeUlnir for JiivuBtiiHinlu. We can lurnih vvhntjou Miuit. M. It. Hljrclns 6 : Co.lWO Doupluj st. _ 12J B 'I > jHSONAli : WouV , undeveloped parts of the - > body onlaiKOd und fctrongthenca. Pojltlve pioof , full pnrtieular , otu. , mailed in plain on- olojto ecalfld for stamp. Adili-ojs 15rlo Medical - cal Co.,7 Bxran St. . Huffulo , N. V , K05 n 3 WANTED -Pup Us for ncrmnn nnd Latin , piilnslakliir caio , compotonoy , eucoces ; ndJrcgs M 13 HOB onico. B'C O 6' I -Nenl und insiy nil-wool business suits , 7. L. O. Jones & . Co. , American Clottilon , 130J FuruBtu st. Mail orders tilled. _ 050 NO PUHSONALr-You cun sell bonds , mortn > ffcs nnd other fociirillosm tbo Hbiidnnd > loit- pnxo Kichnngo of M. U llljt'li'Co. . , itfli ) IOUf iRfl It. IKi 6 TjKllK'iNAIMri. . Dr Niiuiiie V.v rrcn X clairroynnt , > trdical And buslr.nsi Medium lloom No , 3 , Ul North liitlt st , Omahi , Neb. CUSONAIi You can buy nil xlnds nf stocks , bondg mid other Eocuilttos ut the lloiul unit KiiifvJ Ilxcti nu U of M. L. \snlnt \ A. Co. . IUW iaa tt. 1S26 T > KHSONAIr-Pl8iio nnd violin tnneht pn- 4vately ; Instruction of Ur t order : Piofi-isor \TJcUe , c i e ilux ilo > * r. KM p ! > WANTP.D-Shelvlng nnd counter In good condition and cheap. Address C. W. Klose , Arcndo hotel. 171-4. * IAH1P ? Mrs. Scolleld lint opened dre s J making parlors cor. IGth nnd Chlcupo sts. , tip'tnlM , nnd Is prepare 1 to mnko fine drosnii In nil tbo Intpst stjlos. A perfect fit Is gunrnn- ti-Pi'.nnd all work dom- neatly and promptly Cutting and fitting n specialty. 155 I STP.NOOHAriU mm Tjpownting school. ItoomsT nnd 8Iron bank. O , W. linker 190 "TTMHt SAMt : cost , nfullllno of now bug- J gios , wagons , enrts nnd harness , or willo.x- chnniro for good horses , nt Dimlck's Hepositorj , lOOSCnss 9t , H52 5 37OII SALi : A good stock of hardware nnd ' lurliuitiinil Implements , n bplotidld loca tion , only one other stock of .lurdM m e hero : a nmv rnlboiid not\ being built to the IOIMI. tiusl. nesslnlownboamlns. Address PO , Uco olllco. UI08 * V ALP.NTINP.'S Hhorl-bnnd Institute Is In Hx- position building 100 AINSWOIHII , Neb , otrcis $ . ' ,000 tioiius to any rcspoiisiblo person who will erect a 100 bbl roller floilrlnit mill nt that place. Amlioss Charles K. Holmes. 739 r , " _ INSINUATION card roadlnjf by Mrs. P Schu bert , 7tKl South tilth t 810 4' IF j ou are snllerlniT with Piles como and Bet cured. Satisfaction Kiinrnntoed In nil c.isos. .1 , Homnr , 1012 north liUlt st , Utumm , Neb _ rpUKKS , Hoses , Shrubs , etc . plmitpd tree tor .1. pei ons buying or Do i las Co. Nuiserles. C.O. Howard. 1'rop. P. C ) . boy 2-H ) . h37-nl2 Sn.mro I'inno fa montniy. A JJ llope. 151.1 Douglas. _ 937 "ITIOll IIKNT Square Plnno , $ l monthlv. A -lJIospo. 1613 ' JJoilRlas. _ OJ7 _ MATKl.Mo'NIAh 1'npcr"eontnlns noari > 200 nilvortlscments from ladles ami Konllcmon wantlnir correspondents. Pent : ! months for 10 rents. Aililicss , Helping Hand , 70 I.aSiillo St. , ailcaR < ) J1l bCT-'i * _ F OH HUNT Organs , f- per month , 1513 Douuhis _ 027 ' rit FOH SAlil2 The furniture , nearly now , of an clKht-roomcd house , nnd the house for rent , In the best location , llvo minutes from Opcnihouse. AKOodchanco. Address , P , 1U , Uco Olllco. 15D 5 "IjlOH HAI.i : Pntlor todroom and kitchen J rurnlturocarpots.ratiKo and boat Inc stoves , nllnenily nnir.u uontle horse fl\o years old , all lit a b irs.iln , trlvliiK up liolisokeuplnir , 2514 Douglas st. fii JT'OK HAI.i : Lnrgo Uro and burglar proof 11 Mifo , costW > . Sell for f250 , J. W Mai- shall , 1500 Fniimiust , 701) "I71OHSAIK The cutest pony , harness and X1 cMt | n the city , all m good order. Inquire nt HUN. ICtlijt. , room 4.Cniunco Illock. QS7 FOHSALi : A4 jcnrold pony , burners und cnrt , all In good condition , at u bargain , must ell by the UOth of September , cull 110 North Ifitlist , Crounso Illock , Hoom 4. 85'J ' SAtll Purnlturo and louse of hotel. Foil Address llvdor House , Stromsburg , Nob. Mil 10 * Foil SA1.1" Furniture mull oa'o ol six-room house , tlmo on part. Cull 1202 North 27th street , two blocks from Hod Car lino. H - . . loanoil. llemln Ifith and DouRlas streets. i)07 ) Foil SAI.i : Two No. 1 , second Irind , canopy top Surreys : also two good , hocond hand ph ctons.utl40'JDodgo street _ g.15. TTIOH SALE Cnoap. iron columns nnd win- JL' dow caps nultablo for front on brick build- Ing. For partloubim apply at this ollleo. SH WANTED f MA.Xi : H 1 > P. WANTED-A good girl for general house work 1415Jono3Bt.Yin. . btndolinnu. 18S WANTKD Immoillntcly , girl lor general housework ( Jood wages. Noithwest corner Hamilton and Plor Sts. 203 5 * WANTHD fllil forRonoinl houseworkgood wages 040 , Virginia nvo near LPUVOU- worth. 1M-7 * ANTlfEJ-Oood cook , at PupllliniiTioiiBO. 1'npllllon , Nob. ; wages § 13 per week IWi fl * WANTKD Lady agents lor our now combi nation Skit t and Ilustlo complobklrt with adjustable bustlo. Homoviiblo hoojis. Sklit can bo laundriod. Latest tushlon. Also sup- iioitors of nil kinds : rubber goods for ladles' borom forms und ladles' nndehll Irons' fuinlsh- ing goods. New designs ; largo profits. Ad- rtiosswlth stnnip 12. H CumpbolKv Co. , 481 W. Itundolph St. , Chicago. I'.U 5 * \\7ANTio-Comiotont ] eecnna glil In family > of two. Apply Mrs. W. H. McConl , 204 a. 18th stroot. 160 TxrANTii ; > Olrl for general house-work. T > Jlrs. A. P. Tukey , 2441 Chicago st.ICO ICO 'ANTKD Olrl for general housework , 714 N 10th st. 105 1 * WANTHD-Good woman cook nt 314 S. 13th fit. 173 0 * ) Competent girl : German pro- forrcd. Two In family. Jits. D. H. Wboelor , Jr..C01 yiraliUuuvo. _ liO "IX/1 ANTKD Young lady stenographer , thor- f > oughly competent , will uccopt position f or small salary. Address May Hovoy , llngh- ton , Illinois. _ _ _ _ Ulu4li _ WANTUn Girl nt onco'at 2718 Leaven worth , _ nonr Georgia live. Small family. U87 WANTlJD airl lor general Housework , Mta Motz , 5411 Ilnrnoy Offi 3 WANTKD Oirl to do general housowark. Inquire Dluo Grocnry store , St. Mary's ave boU 17th nnd 18th. F. D. Anderson. _ 1 > OI 8 * _ 'V\7"ANTii ; ) Competent Horvnnt for general T housework , none other nocd apply , 1810 Call f 'oin ' hu _ b55 WANTKI ) Lady or jrontlomnn of good nd- dross who writes n good bnnd nnd is willing to work hard for a good salary. Address Q 08 , lloo olllce , with references. _ 840 3 * Girls tor house work , first nnd > > second work , also good fomalu cook , beat of wages , oull Omaha Employment Ilurenu , 110 North 10th St. _ 750 WANTKD A cpok for small family , Inqulro 50C south 13th St. _ OJU _ WANTii > Ladles to work for usattholr own homos. f7 to f 10 per week can bo quietly mado. No photo , painting ; no canvass ing , For full particulars , please address at once , Crescent Art Co. , IV Central 8t. Huston , loxiU70. _ 'JOJOIl * _ W ANTiu Head cook at the ruinous res taurant. 31'J S Hill Bt. 789 WAMTK1I MAI.C HELP. TV A Nl'KD A baker : good second liniul. > Suiltb k Co. , i'2J Miln street , Council llllllfs. 211- WANTKD A flthtcbs * pastry cook nt the _ Co7./oiis. _ _ 15 44 _ \\T ANTED A ninn to tnko orders for u stnplo II nrticlci In tlio gioueiy line , ono no- nunlnted with thn erocmv business prulurrcd. llctcroncca required. Addre&s , P , 2Jllco oltlcc. _ _ _ IK ! l * _ _ WANTKI * 25 brldiro mon Apl ; for > V. 11. Rpotioor , MCI thn Jit's hotel , ut Ha m this inornlnt , ' . _ 1 154 _ WANTED A meat and nqntry cook immedi ately ut ttio Stock Yards hotel , South Omaha. _ lfi7.a * WAKTUU Olllco boy at llruditiooots. 185 5 _ T\TANTii ; to men for \\yomlng. Good winter's Job. Company work. U. S. Al bright , Labor agency , 1'JtiS tarnnm lit. 100 WANTii > Onurollntilo man to sell good ? In city , t-tcady employment CslM-'l S. lOtli St. 191 ti _ _ WANTED Hey to deliver nncK'ijrcj | Ji Omaha tour days no.\t week , thortuftnr ono day eaoli wo'jk. Snlurr tl per day , Mon. arch Laundry Works , ti'J H'uiclolii | | tt. Chlcauo , ANTED A boy between 17 and 20 years nt age to learn the machinist trade. Apply Hammond Machine worX4 , 714 B. lUh st. 2Jij t * AVANTRO A young man desires room , with brcuLtnet mid i > upior | , in private tumlly. Addresflwihteriiu _ _ , P , 22 lleo olllco. K24i * IVANrci ) llintallment canvassers to call nt i ' 1 )7 Fnrnam et. und BOO what \ro have to olfer. ja J5.J.OO , Marmgcr. " _ ! I75 _ f pHKlurgon Mls-"Co fn the world want mon -L to soil their uoorts on salary or conuiilsslon In iillunvns In Ncbiutka No capital or experi ence lU'cessaiy. llcferonco toqulicd. Aodross , M , box 2d7 , Omaha , or M , IIQX Wr , Lincoln , 'cb. ) 25cnrpontcra t Fowler ] inclclng house , South Onmua , UU b * WAM'i.u A'gJjiit * ; peed canvassers mnko (10 per week toiling our now specialties. CttlUO " J' ' oni I , I.M4 Douglas Et. 071 3 * WANT15D A Urst class ehoemaknr ; no cob. tiler ueod upply. Uco. Woolber , Blienan- doab , IOWA } 7u fl " \ \7"ANTKD-M men for graio nnd truck sur. facers , wasoi 11.75 per day , board U 60 per week. Call 11V NoitltlCth eu , Omaha Km- ploymoat bureau , 121 \\7"A vrni 5 earp utor , ln ; ao work. Ai > - jilynt Stock yarrts. bhawA Fluid. 1197 * XVA NTKII City kaieimnlT must bo oil - il tiunliited with the tnulo : also trnvelinir man .only ( . ij < crlciKf J won need apply. PoyoWo Jli.04 tito 3 WANTKO vine contmakrrs nt 11 P.lmmor- innn'f , St. Joseph , Mo. Prices to suit qunllty ot work. Ml 3 _ _ TtTANTBD Good fur sewois nt lllchtoi's , 1ai ! r'nrnmn Et 17B4 * W/LN7r.D-TnUor , cont. punts nnd vest umlor < i. PrnnR Henhnm Si Co. , nrtlst nllors , 1515 Dodge , up ttnlrs. _ V'14,3 * " AAN / 1'KU A few more"nirciitg to introduce > our Automntlo Musical Ins runionts. on Instnllmonts Anyone oiin piny thorn without musical Instruction , the best pnylnir , oa lost colllnif noelty ox-er known. ? S5 to$40 a week pan bo rcnll/od , 0 E. Lot1 , Mnnngor , 1207 Par- nnin strict , upstairs 43 \ VANTnT-T1nnoM nnd furnaccmcnPnlll- : V > van 1'ros . 101 South ISth * ! _ ; _ 14p 1 _ " \\rA > Tin ; A fowroiinK1 men of business > > nlilllly to po to Iowa. J. M. Trcneh A , Co room10 _ , llimlimatiblk _ , _ Wl8 _ * _ ANTP.l ) A salesman to liuroilnco a now sjiccln tniiinnv tmd' S | > onplp nd meclinn- Irs. Addir 8 with references and past o\p rl- OIH'O , llOXO-20 , lleoolllCC. 487 ) A position about Dec. 1st totnko rluugo of n pet of boons t-tnto salary ; Rood references tuinlslied. Atldruss P. 2(1 ( , lloo olllco. IE2 C > ANTiiRltiiHtlonn : on lnror orcitro of n lipntlnif bollor * . Six jcais experlnnoo ; Bood ruforoncus. Address P. 25. lieu olllco. 1879' \\rAXTP.D-A llrst class olllco man nnd book- i keeper with gomo u.tpltal Is open to n pro position looking toward buelnossoiders. W7 euro P. O. llox WO. IP'i-S * \\7ANTUO Situation by nn o\perl need ' stonocraphormil typo writer. Will tur nl h mnchlno if necessary. AdJrcsj Stenof J CrolKhum Illoulc I3.M rnplier , room , _ _ WANTKD A plnco for second work lu nond fnmlly by American ulrl. Cull or tuUlruss , M N. 40J \ \ ulniit st rw WANT11D A position by n RtenoRrnphor , roforcnccs ( flvon , address P 14 , lleoolllce. \\TANTRIV- Situation ns booKkcepcr or ns- ' slstnnt ; 10 j cars' o.xperlonco lu lumber business. Address P lii , Iloo olllco. 102 li ! * WANTIID Situation as oiifrlnciir or euro nf hoatlnff boilers by a compitlent , steady nnd solicryounir man ; addrois K. II. Notlmwiiy , WoeplliK Wnter , NolK _ U75 4' WANTnii-sUuatlon In dry coeds store : or- pcrlonuod , good rotoronccs Aildtosil' 10 , lloo olllco. 0lii " \A7"A7 'Tiii : Anncourito , rapid , and o\poi-- i Icncoil stonoRnplier iloslros ainploy- mentliillio evonlnx. Address P. , I lloo. h" "V\7ANTii-Situatlon : lit a heM or rostauiant TT by a tit st class cook : best ot rvicionactt. Adili oss with terms , box 811 , city. 833 I * MISCilLiTAirEtJUS WAMTS7 \V ANTP.Dlard pre's nrnf Kettle nt'oiS > T South Washington street. 2U V WANTHD A hor-o lor very llfht usodur- ini : lull and winter lor his Kcopln ? Ad dress P28 lloo. 1117-t * WANTKI ) Hoom and board on Sanndors St. In prl nto family. Terms miisit be i ea ton- ablo. AdilrossP2l , lleo olllco. 11VJ 4 WANTP.D-ImincdlntoIr , to Invest fl .030 cash In lotpioporty. J. K. Sturgeon , 2710 Kar- imm st. 177 1 * XV'ANTKU Iloonn , ! ! or 4 , by 3 Brown people ' ' tor Ilk-lit housokeoplni ; : piofer up-stalis with another family. Address i1 24 , Bco ollico. If/J-'J \\7ANTPn lly a slnirlo man , n furnished rooin.npnr business part of town. Ad- dross.stathiK terms , P , 20 , lloo OUlco. 153 4 \\"ANTii : ) School bonds , Water Works and ' (5as Company bonds , at the Horn ! ami Mort- 1'xchanso oC M. Hlffiflns & Co. , 1500 125 0 ' \\7ANTKD Sot of Nebraska loports. Inquire > > of John Slica , 71 j N. Hitti st. USJ7-4 ; -To sell lease and ftiimtmo of 11 WANTiTo room house tor SIM ; this Ua bAi-gain ; Oil ) N 19th st. Ml fl ITANTl'IJ Tenm toile hauling. Apply nt > 12th mid Nicholas. Sliuvv it Field.U07 U07 4 * Honrders nnd roomers : board und rooms lirst-cluss , 105 N. 1MU st. 010 0 * \\T VNTID : Young mon to learn stenoirra- ' ' pliy nnd typo-writing ; good positions when loai ned. G. W. linker , rooms 7 und 8 ] ron 1m nk. > . . IHUH " \l7AJfTU ! ) Partial board , A 1 piano , sing nff or language los ons in payment AddiobS O 58 , I5cc olllco , ! ) IS 7 * of r H. Ottnwny wholeftliwln , la. , Inly 20th , f.jr Nubrifnii In eoaich of location for haidivaro stora Anv poison giving lollablo Information will 1m lib erally lewauled. Address H. Ottaway. Kirk- man , Iowa. C72 ( i * \\7AVTii : ) All wanting to lonrn short-hand > nnd typo writing to nttond Vnlontlno's Shoit-hand Institute , Htpnsltmn building. Omaha. Wo can fiirnnh siilliclont employment to young men nnd boys to pay thiili-board while in attendance. 50 > Oct. 20 W ANTji > Teams. T. Murray. TOJi REHT HOUSES AWD LOTS. TI\OH \ HUNT Fi > o-room cottage on West Fnr- Jnnm Bt. toftnnll Iiin.ll.v , Jl-.i.O per month ; nlso , now5-room totlngo , two closets , hnliwny , pantry , cemented collar , bay wlndow.porchAe. Will fell foreman jiaymont clown nnd unlanco monthlyor will lent lor the winter. 153.1 ClarK & Froiicli. IfilB Douglas st. FOH HUNT Three houses from 5 to 10 rooms , by Hiiliou Ihos ,1514 Douglas st 1154 T7\OK \ HUNT Tno story house nt 1414 North J-1 17thstioet , Iiuiiiho 111BN. 17th. B9S fi Foil ItKvr 5-room cottage ; good location ; furniture for salo. linjulro driigbtoro , ! U'4 > lllth st , IOU 4 FOIUIKNT- 3 room houso. ' 6 room houso. I ) room lionsu. M. F. Maitln,31oa 1'th st. 8."il 4 TTKUt IlKNT-Or Snlo--At voiy o.isy terms. Jmytno story ID-room house , with burn , good well , cellar , etc. . In Lincoln place , two blocks from llelt Line K.H C. II. Slr.itton. cor. VJtli ana Farnam sis , over Mcr. IMU'I Uank. os a _ I7 OIl HUNT A 4 room house , 3 blocks south 1 ot 13th st. Street cms. Inqulro of C. Specht , Wo.itern Cornice Works. 174 10 FO 1 1 I tTfNT-2 n e w'room houses on Mich St. , ono street south undone uusl of the corner PaiKavo nnd Lonvonworth st fnclnv outli Will bo llnlslioii Oct. 10 ; or will Foil. L. Coltrln , 012 Pmk n\o. OJ5 fi' POH UINT fl-room cottnjfo , Ilnrney near 20tli. f3J per mouth. S , A. blomnn. 151" Farnam st tO'J l LKAsTv-WoTiii 'oolovnn acicn on jf' . P , - It. II. track , SOJ foot f i out : will lo.isonll or pnrtforllvovenrri. llodford & Souor. 031 , KEIJT KOO2I3. TTIOH IIKNT rurnShoJ or unfurnished room , J ? fcOSS. 22d street. 1404' T71OH HiNT- Furnished rooms , bath , modern X ? conveniences , 401 N , 15th st. 807 5 * POH KP.NT Front room and nlaovo with 2 beds : ulso flrst class board. 1U12 Kuril inn St. 207 fl * 17UK It I.NT PurnUhod a very plonsunt - liont room , or two loomsut 1700 North Ifcth et , on cnr lino. Hoard can bo bad near bv. 201 10 * Foil HUNT ilooms wllli or without board. 52) Pleasant St. 2)0 5 > lliST : Twn unfurnished rooms , f2u. JJ 1021 Howurd st. 210 4' OH HKNT-3 well fiirnlehad rooms , on suite , bath room and nil modern Improvements , nt the Capitol , 1500 nnd 1511 Puriinm Et ; refer ences rcijulicd. Iniulro ut room 23 , 3d tloor 20.1 i ! T/IOH HKNT Nicely furnished room for ono X1 ( 'cntlemun , ul 17U Chicago st. i.'OJ 0' TJIOIt HUNT-Two very doslrablo furnished X1 rooms , urrtingod for two or moio nonllo- men. Klght minuti's wnlk troin postotlico , ono block from jlcd Cnr lino. Apply ut soul corner Chicago and 20th streets. 144 ' FOIl HKNT-Ono largo fiont bed-room" , furnished. Can nccommoduto n few lublo boimlcrs..2I4 south 13th. JBJ a * . i IJVOIl ULNT These desiring now ly turulehod 1 front looms xvlth butb and irns nnd every convonlunce.callut n.w.coincror Web t'T2lBt ets. Terras modcrute. Also largo barn for rent. 166.8' 1i < 01l HUNTrurmsncd rooms , 1810 Dodso. _ J bTJ O27 FOltllKNT Two largo unfurnished rooms , gentlemen preferred. ( HM 3. Ibtb st , U7T FOH HUNT 3 doslrublo rooms convenient to Btroot ourp , largo front room with alcove and baywlcdow ; Lath and vrator closet. Kolor- cncoa exchanfeJ. Inqulro at 2JJ2 Davenport. 17" i * Tj OH lUtNT Unfurntiboa rooraa In new block x cor. Doilire auU 13tli st Davis. MUIarU Hoto' ' 127 8 * ANDWIFK-Posirliiff nicely furmsnod MAN with Irso'bf hnth nnd gns , eixll nt s w corner ot 20th nnd AVcbster. Hoard can bo had close by. WJ-octfl IJiOlTltKST PurnTshod rooms , bath , modern 1 convenience ? , 401 N. 16th st M ; 3' Foil HUNT Nicely furnished rooms. N.TI. cor 7th nnd Pnciuo st. 173 0 * OU lll'NT-furnished rooms with bonrd nt IJ w Virginia nvu. 175 V FOH Ul'NT Two large furnished rooms to rent. 1'rlvhte family. 71J10tliM. 1237 * IjH KItUNJ'-KleKnntsuit of furnished X rooms with tionhl. Kxory inoJorn conven ience ! , avis St. Mnrj's live. l > ! ; t FH UKNT Nlcdly furnl hed front room vrltli small room joining ; nlso veiy plons- nut Imgpcast front loom ; line location ; prko modcrulo. Address P lit , Hcu olllco , 104 4 * "IjVMl ItKNT 2 furnished rooms for llaht X1 housekeeping , with cooking gtovo SW corOtn nnd Davenport. 107 4 JjiOH HP.NT P.luffnntly furn.shod room four blocks from Put num. AH modern conven iences. 1409 Jones. 1CC-6 * TTIOH HKNT-NTcoly furnished room , tfi07 X' Douglas st. : icfcroncos required. 110 1r Oll HKXT-l'urnlsliod tooui,537 Pleasant st , us 4 * " _ _ _ OOM with board , 1013 Capitol nve. 873 0 J710II lir.NT Nicely furnished front room X1 w Uli nlcove , all modern uonvonlcnaei , for Ihrro gentlemen , four blocks directly south Ii-om opcin house , apply ut once , 1415 Joness-t 5tfl T71OH UKST Suite of looms , furnlshod : also X1 l single room tor gontlomon. 2020 St. Murj 's avo. 83724 * TTHm UI5N1 A large tronl room , nlcoly lur- X1 iilBliedabutid ; nt room fortwoj ovary con- venlunco ; very choice , 414 N. 10th st. , t'4 ' TUMI HINT Furnished rooms , with Imnrd. Ifl(113Joilgo. ( ) j'V' L- frUHlKKN'r KurnlshoJ rooms , 1001 Ilown.-d. JP ffl o 4 17IOU iiKNr pleasixnt furnished roo"ms7 11 south front brick lint , bo ml can be hai _ " _ _ _ _ Fell ltixr ; "Newly turnlslioa room,2.'nl bt. _ l > ! ? _ fill FOlt HUNT I'"iirnishod rooms forllzlit houio keeping In Hcomor's block cor Klghth and iiowiiui. nn _ FOB SAT.K KOUSE3 IiOTB. SKi ; V. D. Tanner & Co for bargains In Hans- corn plnco. 101 t ) O I'll U.UIGAINS FOR THIS WRKK. Cut this out nnd look them up. K'Jfcet an SnumlGisattovt , ? 4Uro.UQ. Cornot1 Dunnoaiid Woolworth , fronting now eutinnou to llnnscom purl ; . Call and net price llenutlful lot on Park aveniio , liontlng llaiiscom piuK , only $ lb(0 ( , casvteims. 100 loet frontage on I.oavonnoith Mreet.Just on Kindo , will make four good business lots , lor ton da ) 3 at (2,150.00. lii boniltlful lots in I'tlcn PIIIOU on : S7th and Pleasant struetf. Just two blocks south of lcavnn orth , amlonl ) three blocks south of the elegant brick nnd frame residences being erected on Pleasunt street. SI.20J 00 caeh on very easy toims. 4 lots In Hnrtloid Place , south ot I.oa\on oith streetand this Mdo of the no'v Ml'-ourl Pao'llc ' depot and cunning fac- toiy. fSWOOto S40ailO , vciy ens } ' , terms. 188 leet Ircmt on Caoltol avcnuo , extending fiom cornerof 17th street to Masonic block on Kith street. Call and got pilco. Lots on Viuton btroet , the main street connecting Omaha with South Omaha mm the stock yaiils. SCAD ( K ) to $700.0) ) on ry on y terms. IinprovomonU going on lit South Omaha will IUIIKO those lots double In vitluo lieforo spring. Oo out and see them , just at intersection of 20th stioct with Vlnton Oo out and sou them , You cannot miss them , signs nroon property. Itoinoiuber , corner 20tli ami Vlnton street- * . Five bploudid lots on Ilrlstol street , just west of Snumlers I its In liodtofifl'liiue. along way bojond , are snlling for f IHX > W nhil 87 ( 1. C nn oiler these lots tornoxt lowihlMhtfiiiG.00 : very easy terms. HlcKs & biirliriun , 215 south l.'itli street. AltAltU HARHAIX-Thico lo'a In Thorn- burjr , $ W)0 ) rn.oh. near Leavniiwnrlb , ud- joinlnir lots htuduu 'KW ' each. P. D. Tanner& Co . 1013 Hownyl. ' fJ4 0 HATCHKK , i& Co. , Heal IjstntiLnnil Lonn iiironts , i , MiHurJ Hotel Illock , offer to Invostoisn doslrnblp ll-tof ii-al estate Includ- Innr biislneiiiind re-tidcnco piopoitv. Special uttoatlon Riyon to South Omaha pro- poity. 1431 .SALi : 5nk'o "i room hoiiso und lot on FOK btrcot vvlicru grndo Is ostublished , lot soiled nnd tieos. ovcnthttiu In gooa condition , If sold wlthu | IWdaypEiLp ! j cnsh balance to suit. Noteal/cstitolinlf'nAud nfiphj. " 'Adlr6ss ( P 18 , Uceolllco. Pro'orli-will | bo shown. 1U 15 FoilSA"TTi- > QSt lots on Louvonwuitli st { 0)3 tQ § 1.03) onslo t forms. J. H. Hvnns ' " - 12)5 _ _ _ iSTATB : HAntlAlX-Halfncro on Iffh BUAL fit. nnd U P. trac'c with 3 bull Hugs : splen did bargain. J.L. llice & Co. , over Commercial U im It. tij'j l invroitT Acius-fioo. win subdivide into & city lots. C. U. Mnyno Uoal tl tate and Trust Co. 808 4 /IHOICMJIotln Muish add. tiist front , fl.'lOO vy C. II. Jlayno Heal llituto A : Trust sn 4 ALK IIoiiso and lot Walnut Hill. 1 House and lot on loth street. 54,100. House and lot on 20th stioot. S-.WO. Lot In Plalnviow $0 ) J. only 'j casn. Lot on Miami street. $8.'ii , ym cu-\ . lx > ts In Slirlvfir Place. S 125 , f25 cash Halanco $5 iior month ; \ory ohoai ) . Tno notes of f 1OOU oneh for sale. Money to Lonn on improved city property. II. W. Huntiess , HS Farnnm street 181 'T'F YOIT want a good bnigiln cull on ID. . -t. Tanner & Co. 11)13 ) Houaiil. They buvo thorn 1114 I ) TT'oTt tiA iTn T'or Iwcok onfyiTlnir lot lnTast Jj Walnut Hill , f7.)0 , easy payments. TjicpONon&JCo. . 218 H. Vi\iat. \ _ 884 r Iioi ; .i.viji : Or oxcnarifo. House and lot , 1 IStli nnd Nicholas : house and lot nth nnd Dorcas. Win L Monrootnthand Douirlns.U5J _ TjlOlt SALK Lots in Yntos and Hompols ad- J ? dltlon at .V > 0 to fl.ouo. This addition llis between Saumlers and Twentieth streets , near Saratoga school houso. J. 11. Kvans It Co. 120 5 _ BA1CKAIN PJiip corner In Chuendon , 100vl27. Veiynlco residence lot , -,00) ) . Gi UL'ory & Hartley. 1312 Douglas St. 1 17 _ FOK SALK-Lots 7 and 8. 120x151 fout , In block 3 , ( list addition to South Omaha. Call on Fred Lumen , euro Farmers' houso. or nddioBS dun-so Llndo , p. O. box 407 , Ilnpld Oity ! ' i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7B7 N i\vroisr A < : icis-m : win Into fi r-lty lots , C. P. . Muyno Itcal Estate and Ti list Co. M.I ) 4 J71 ) ll 8ALK For a few days ono ol tlio llnest X ? lesldciito lots In Park Place. ' 1 IIPO Olson Ic Co. , 218 S. 15th st. B8I fi HOI'SUandlot , Hanscoii Place , f 1,700. a 12. Ma } no Html Kstato 6 : Tiust Co. 835 4 _ PNAL KSPATK nAimAiN-Pino tot on at Iliinilitiin st jil t oa Ki'.iih ) , 50x127 , wltli now 4-ioom linut-o , uood barn , well and o'Storn ' ; ' J. K Itico i Co , , over Commorclal Hank , QgQ 4 _ oil n.irgnlns In Heal Kstato look over that mammoth bulletin at 1WJ Dou.'lus st M. 12.JH T71OK SALU Lota Improve J and unlmprovod X1 in nil purU of Omulm. J H. Evana it Co. 120 6 \\f K nro eonitimMy In rbeolpt of something > > now In tlio way of real estate bargains nt 150t ! Douglas stroif SeQ our mammoth bullo'in ox 01 y day , M. L lltijuliis &Co. 121 WnoLiis.vr.n DIA : LI'.IIS-mul cupituiists huvc tnkon u fancy to the high plateau In West Omuhii , unit BOOH nil that sightly hill on both Bides of Leavonworth st. In the vicinity of , Messrs. Coo iind-rttlrkonilnhrs beautiful msl- donee , will bocuror d with urtlstiohoinos. Tlio lucky Inx cstor In tliu I vicinity will then reup Ills reward. 1'licu I'lncDlsnow on tlio murUt , bit- iiutod 2 blockft-jgoulh of Lonvenworlh Bt. , on Mt Pleasant nvo. Mts from $1 100 to $1,40) , 1 rlvoout that vrny/you , who wnnt llrst-oluss residence tiroputty/wid then como In nnd talk to mo nbout Icrrag , mp. D. C. Puttorson.Omnhn Nut. Hunk. .7 , 112 } ' n ' ' . CJPP.CIAL HAHO'AIN Anelat'nnt east front U lot on Vlrarjnljv/N'o , $1,0-)0. This IB n great buitjiiln. F. D..Tamipr A. Co , 1015 Howard t. " 101 0 FOH SAl.K-f.'HtTTri Yntes nnd Hompols ad dition nt f 500. JAU. Uruni At Co. ko 6 R KAUEdTALE TiAliGAIN-2 boantlful lots on ; u t Ciimlng St. , $70U oaoh , I'lno bar- Fulini. J. I * lllco ft Co. , room 0 , over Com- morcirtl Ngtlonnl Hunk. _ 675 _ TJ1OII S.VMJ A bargain. LotiMxlU , 2 blocks i1 from nostomco. JJO.OOJ , half oasli. Marshall - shall St LobouK. mjj'arnam stioet. _ 213 fT\01l SALi-Houo : and two full lots in Will- U nut 11111 , ts.iu ) . Wcush , bilance J.'O per month , ft rooms , oust front , corner. lot In Plttlnviuvr. * OW , only l-J ca h. A lot on Miami gtroet , only f82X Lots In Shrhor Plnco. tJJJ , 23 cash , balanca f > per month. Houeo and lot lu Omaha View , f | , m lye foot on Pioroc street , uouier , f J.'JJ ) . llofoioou buy cull and sou U. W. Huiitroos , 130i rurunm ft. Llbt jour houses anil lots with inc. 669 POlt SALI-OIIJO | | mid lAit , Ijiko st , near , 20th. Custi rwiuired , f 103. Thoo. Olion.iJlS UI'BH i 8KLIIVS biy rei" estate ud ovcTr otUdrduy , diu It. UJj Gur.aonv * HADLEY , Heal P.stnto nnd IK-ntnl Agents , 131S Doiulns Street. Herunro ft few of thobanmlii ! wo oiler : Ir tliero 11 nothing horu thnt suits you , call on us. Wo CRII ho\t you others. Corner lot on Sownrd St. , l/owo'sndd $ 1,000 Lot ndjolnlnt ; nbovo . KW Corner lot on llnmlltou ht . 1,1 VI Adjoining lots , nil In Orclmrd Hill . 1,000 Corners In Plnlnvlow nnd Klrkwood . Ml Corner Imp. AM. ndd. . puxl.t ! . O.OJtl Corner Yates mid Hood , MX 100 . 700 Corner lots In Paddock Plnco . ( Oiill nt olllco fur prices ) Cornet on IodrfoSt.C < ) xlW , renting for Jl.ooa nor jenr . . BO/VX ) Corner lot on 10th St , Koiiutfe's mid , with market building , only . 4,000 3d\olllngs on lot 1 tttu , Chicago St. , renting f 1,400 porjonr . $ LI(0) P-iooin house on corner lot , Scliutl's ndd , OJ'ixlOO . . . . 4,00) N AW A room cottagn on corner lot , Mil- bird .VCnldu ell's ndd . 2,100 7-room house , S P. . Hogcra' ixdd , front- in ir nth t. . lotMxUO . B,1W C-room home , Popplnton n.M' , soutn front , lot OOvtfls . 0,000 Now fi room cottage , well built , on lot JVOtlSn , near Sntlndors . 2SW 2 mom hou p In Went Sldo , 1 block from canning fHetoty , lot 50Jl-'S . 750 O-i oo m hott o niiil 4-room house , burn , olstorn , collars , rruil troos. etc. , on lot fix3W ) , fronting both 17th nil I IStti 8-rooin house on 8. 20th it , neur St. Mary's arc , city water , cto . 1 Ino corner on Cumlngst ,11 houses . . . IJ.OH ) line lot In Imp Asso add 00133 llttln nbovo grade liarfrnln . . . . 1. ' " " Lotsln Kllby pluco . 700 Lots.In . Lincoln place . . 45) Lot On rnrimm nanr Lowe ave . . . . 1,700 1 Ino mijt fiont lut , 2'iKl2j In NoUon's ndd , barfruln . 2,0 r.nst front SKdBt : Hutiscomphica . 2 , M Snlendld lots fronting Turk ; only. . . . 1,60) lliitttliorno lotson Davenport st . 1,00) Hnst fronts Just on griidn . . . . . " " 0 Omnhn View lots oust on the hill nt ? tW ) to $830 onch clienp. Ono block In West Omihn , 4 noros ( oull nt of- flco lor prices I Hneoinl nttontlon plvon to property listed with us lit reasonable prices. Having- property ol our own on tlio murk- ot w o can not do othur than u strictly commis sion business. ( IHKOOIIY St. HADL15Y , 1H12 Douglas St. _ Telephone 854. Cull nmljioojH. _ OM \ V6. . SlllilVim , UiMl Kstiito llurgalns- T ? . Unlmprovod property. " bcnutilul coiner lota In llunscom Phice.fiOxlxl loot each , east fiont . , . . $ 0,000 Vull lot lii IIImolmtiKli 1'liiLo . 1,700 2 Ion In Tabor IMnco , each . 1,00 2IH-60 loot on Lcnveiiwnrth St . 2.50J 20(1 ( Full lot , Ju t I mile fiom P O , near Ciolghton college . 1,000 LouMxl'A ) , o front , Siinndcis St . ! ii , > ) 3 lots In Kllby I'hu-o . 2.00J -lots , KMxJU o Iroiit.lliitKomo 1'liico , . . . 5/)00 44xnifcct | on ,1ack < un ft. near lUth . 0,010 Vull lot on inili , noir Doiiglns . 11,0 W Lot on Hamilton ! . . . R"iJ 37i-llciuttllnl : lot , s liont.nivnjustoll Siiundois St . 1.100 371 Pull lot , s front , on 1'ntilclc nvenuo. 1.100 nncioslnTiittlo'B ndd . 3.1UO 100 ncies 4 1-3 miles from I' . 0. , ? ISU per ucro. iMvlil lu < t on Howaid. noiir Itith . 5,000 Full lot cmUlst noiirClaik . 2,100 I uli lot on 2Kt near Nicholas . 3,000 lmpro\cd 1'roporty. Full lot , Inr o "story house nnd burn that iciits for fli .M ) pel month , on Davenport , no ir llth . $ 7,000 2J fcuc liont , liirgo house , on Fainnm , ni-nr IMli. . . . . . 8,500 4 llvo-roninod cottnifes , cistern , etc. , on1 * } teiniHJ5th nnd I'arker ets , oaoh. 2,000 Kino losldonco on 2.W and ruiimm , cor. 14OUO House and cotlnvo noiir N. llith St. , on monthly pajmunts . 2,030 nuautlful cottimo In Will nut Hill , 1-3 onsh , balance lon tlmo . 2,100 80 foot south I rout in Parker's ndd with COttllKO . 1"CO Full hotii-es on 20th nciir Clarke. . . . 5rflO Nice bilck house " 6th nnd Cap. nvo . . ! ) , OOJ CottaRoti rooms and lot 18th near CiH- Torula . 3.000 Full lot , n I oo cottage , s front on Chnilcs Htni'nr2Jtl . 2.0JO Half lot and IIOIIPO nenr15th nnd Caps . . 3'JOO S8\120 ft corner , on D.ivenpoit uuur 10th stioct . . . SI.OTO Cortior , IStlmnd Douphis . Si.OJO IiOtson easy terms ( n ' 'Shilver Plnco , " "Plons- antlilll , " "West Cuiiilnir , " nnd West aideV. . H. Sin Ivor , opp P.O. _ 12't 1OK SAI.i-Statitoii Pluce lots at 500) ) to J $1,003. Thc-o lots tiont on I,04\rmvoith st , and u ro east of licit Liuc. J. U. Knins it Co. 12J 5 O splendid lots In block 0 , Omaha VIew , 50x120 -i each , JS.10. Orofory& ( Hadloy , 11)12 ) Douplns St. 117 TTlon SAI.K Lots on and noiir S 20tb stioot. JL1 Thoo. Olson. 218 S 15th. 831 ! i _ ' AVItis : _ JOU. Will Sllbillvlio NKWl'OItT into 5 city lots. C. V. llnyno llenl Kstute nnd Truat C . bOn 4 hAf.K { and . ) -roo'n housof In North FOK nnd South , ? 1,2" > 0 : $2r > OJ. Knay payments. Thoo. OUfll , 218 S 15th Bt. _ fS5 NUWi'oiiT ACIUSwj. . win suiiiilvldo Into . * i city lots. C. i : . llnyno Itcul Ustato uud Trusf Co. _ _ _ S'M 4 NKWI'OUT ACliyS $ ; 00. Will siibdlvidQ Into n city lots. C. 13. Jlayng Uoal E-tato and Trust Co. b90 i 8Pi : OITH beautiful residence lots on 1'iuk n\o , CioorKhi uvo , Virginia nvo , Plul Slur- Idnn. Ilnnilltou , Hnrncy , Fatnnm nnd Lonvou- with--tiects. It will call he- ) - pay you to on us - forobujlny. F. I ) . Tuniicr Ac Co , 11115 Howard st. Ifll ij _ Ni : nno corner lot on 10th St. , In Paddock 0 1'lnco. CUM busold at a unrKaln. 0F GioROry k Haclloy. 1S12 UoUKlRS St. 117 F OH SAM : No. 28 Fine lot on Ilnrnoy street . f5.r.OO No.OJ 2 line lots on Hurt htreot . 4.CO ) No. cu S llnolots on Fniniim street . 4OX ) No. 110 1 line lot on Charles street . . . l0il ! No. 31 1 line lot Lcnvcnworth nnd 27th St 1.200 No. 13 3 lots on Hamilton St. , KOxIfi' foot , fac ing on Hnmlilon und Charles , $1.2" > 0 ouch. The UDOVO nro n few of the tinrxalns of- foicd by llenana & Co. , opposite postotDco. _ J'aO ' 3 CALL On F. D Tanner & Co. and they will show you the bet bnrgnhw in business propel ty to bo hnd In Omnhiu llumembortbo jiluee , 1U15 Howard st. 1H ! U RKAL KSTATK HAHOAlN-aood 5 room cot tago on Iione st bet Hamilton mid Charles lotCiflxOJ , Hhado tioos , 4 foot nbovo grade ; rents lor $ , ' 0 per month ; only $200. Kasy terms. J. L. HIcoA-Co .over Commoiclal Hank. 99 4 Howard si , for $1330. C. Ij. Mayno Itcal llstuto A ; Tiust Co. BOS 4 _ HOUSIIS Lots , FiirmH , Lands money loaned Iloinls , 15th and Douglas stieets. 1-07 " 1J1OH SALH Atn bargain on ousv terms,1' Jlots In Washington siiuaro , each ? . ' , ( > ) ) . The best coi nor In Hanbcom Place , 100x150 , e House and lot 30rl lO.cor. 13th and Paul street , tSQj'Fnrnnm struct , Maislinll Si Lobeck. M3 vlUMtT AOKis-MO. : Will subdlvldo Into 5 city lots. 0. P. . Mnyno Heal Kbtnto nnd Trust Co. MU i POH > .vi < i : Plain view lots niron"goodliivost- mont. J. n. Kvans A ; Co. 120 5 ir-oit s VMS-only ufowlots loftTu Ptnnton J' Placont f BOO to f 1.000 ; mmll cash paymont. Thniolots fiont on Lonvnunortii. J. H. Kvnns Co. ] . > o 5 T71OK .S.\iic r , Him Lots near Tuttlo's L1 vision. A big Ilargaln If taken at onoo Cash ronulrod lor nil , J.'OJ , Tlico. Olson , 218 Q 16th. bSl fi "ITOllSAr | < K Wo Imvo sixteen lots In Hawthorne - - * - ' thorne addition that wo will soil : host ami chonpbstlnsldo property In Omaha , llfdford i : Souor fin A N P.loyant llosldonco , 120 foot fiontuL-o on Ji. 2lstbt. nrnrSt. MIIQ-'B nvcniio. lorn few ( lavs only , ut 110,000 , C. H. Mayno , Itcal tiitnto & 'l'ttistCo. _ $ & 4 HOIISIIS Lots.Vnrms.Lanas money loaned. llenils , 15th nnd Douglas slrnots. OJ7 i\vlMritTAOiiKH-f3ab7"wilU hifivltleiiito | - > fi city lots. 0. 15. Mnyno Heal Ustuto and Trust Co. _ 890 4 TTIOK .SALi : Plalinlou- lots nro nnTnontlolh - * - ' Bt. Wo Imvo ens tfi out s for f . fronting Jii ontloth ! corner lota for JS01 to ll.OOJ. J II I'rnng & Co , 120 5 " 171 ( ) ItirAMi Olio of tlio beit piocea of prop- - * - ' nrty In North Omaha , onn blook fioin puved stroot. An eight roum hem , Hourly new. Can bo had cheap , If taken nt onco. O. I' Duvls&Co IMi F.irnum stroot. 1137 ' [ 71 OH SALB At n bargain , corner lot 72x112. J. paved stifct , near business , f-1,000 , Stewart & Co. , room 3 Iron Hank , [ DO " lnVPOHTATriT f30o7 WllT fubdivldo Into fi city lots. 0. IX Mnyno Heal IMrtto und Tiuctco. eva 4 Fous l l. ; .NlC0.l..0 < Hn house Una 2 corner , " , , , , la suit. Cal Martin HOB 14th su 014 FINK now rooms , comonto I collar 100 bbl cltitorn with filter , Insidn woodwork nf nulcctod jellow pine , rcoilo 1 with oil JliiUIi Will beflnl'licd In 10 days ami painted to suit Lho purchaser. IM < l'xll5. ) Price , f200 Clregory & Hadloy , 1.112 Dptififlnj KU 117 N-iwi'aiiT ; Aruis-Mno : 'wnrsubiiivrdo into 5 city lou. C. E. Mayno Uciil Einto und Trust Co. sao 4 BMIOA1N Thr o loin , nno n rorncr In fiann- .lersi . lllmet.augb's udd , blCk A. nil tor- 61,800 , Xcaulu Cun bo sold sejinratulv. y. l ) funnor & lo. 'js-i A r > OWLINO HKKN lots , $153. JO porcentcmh MJ and IS per month , Marshall & Lobectk. s , 1WJ ruruuiu street. S4 > . . . Acm-fvx : will subdivide -L > Into S city lots. C. E. Mnyno llenl r.stftto nnd Trust Co. 808 4 ptUL KSTAT1 ! HAltdAlN ( Wxttl lot In I\j llnwos' add , * 1O.V > , half enb. fee this nnd you w III purchase. J. L. Hloo A Co. , over Com mercial bank. WJ Kl"oH A 8lfl7lT\3 7)Tjrroiii estate niPevpry -J-PUl0 " * ' ' ? 00 lb lr" - - TjiolisALll chenpR-ycnr lease of bundled X1 ncro form , 4 miles from elty , for dairy pur poses , J.L nice \ Co. , ov 01 Commercial bank , ! 4 _ irVJlTSALK Two" lots , n Donnokcu's add to X' Wnlnul Hill'lx1o5 ' , $ > 5) oaeb , lor ono week only , easy piymi'iits. Tneo OI en A Co , 218 S 15th 8t. Sl ! i. Notice. Of the sitting of the Lllj Council , as n Hoard of To tlio owners of nil lots nnd real nsinto In any of the piling dlstiktj. newer ili lilcls , or nlong the line of any of thu Impiovoiiients hi'relnnttor named. You nnd each of you are lierebv notified thnt thuoity coumll.ot the city of Omnhn , will situs u boiiul of eiiiinlUutton , at the olllce of tht'Clti c eik , In the court hon i > In said city , on TilP-dnj mid Wc > dne dav. , the 5th and tUh diijs of Oito'ior , IVO , between thu hours ot n m. uud 12 m : und tietvvocti the houisof 2p m mul 5p m. , tor the purpose of t > iuull/lng | thu pro posed lovj of the special tuxes uud assessments and corroding nny errors therein , to ooxei the COM of certain Improvi'inoiils , us follows , ! o-w If Toeovcr the co t ol paving , us follows. 10th street , fiom Mason street to Wllllnm strcrt. To cover thncost of eoustriictlng seworJ , as follows : Sewer In sewer illstilct No ! 10. To uox or the cost of eurldtitr , nt follow * 10th Mi cot from \ \ illlnni stioot to Center ftror-U'-Olh sticetfruiiibt M nrjs.V venue to Pieice uticet : Sflth Avenue fiom Knrnnm street to Douulas st i oct ; Ctlimng street , 2Mb Avoiiuo to mldillu ofblock Uotn eon .list and ! U < 1 slroi'ts ; 27th Avenue - nuo fiomCumliig Rlic t to northern terminus. You are lurthor notified that by resolution duly ndopted bj said council , It Is proposed to lovj tlio said ot said Improvements upon all the lots and roil estate In snld dUttlets or nlong tbo line of said Improvements , re .poet- Iv cly , according to foot frontnt o , nnd ncciml- Ing to tbo usual scaling back proems us hereto fore adopted and followed by Biild council , un it M for good oniiso show n , pome chnngo shall nppenrlo bo piopcr. You nnd each of you nro hoioby notified to appear lioloro said board of oiiiullr.ntlon | nt the tlmi-und place nbovo spcclllod , nnd iiiukii nny complaint you inn ) wish i-oiicornlng snld pro posed levies or any part thereof. .1.11 , 601'TIIAHU. City Cloik. OmnlinNek. Sopt.,28th , ISw ! . sJOdflt Orainnnoo No. 1.1GS. Ordinance ordoilng the paving of Paving AN DNtrklKNos. 80 , M , 83 and P'l , uud allowing property ow nerM 30 iliivs * lime to select Iho inaterliu for paving said districts. Ilo It ordained by the City Council of the City of Omaha : Section 1. Thnt Pnvlng Distilels Nos. FO , W , 83 mid MI bo mid mo hereby ordoiud pavod. Section 2 Thnt iiioneity owneis witliln above mini oil paving d 1st i lets ho mid mo hereby allowed oil iluys ultliin which to Buloct the mn- terlul for pnvliu ; riuid districts. Section < l. 'that this ordinance t-iko direct and be In foico from and after its passage. Futsod September 21st , 1SCH. WM. F. llKcnru llosldont City Council. J. 11. SOUTH Klin. City Clerk Approved September24th , IRSfl JAMBS K. llovn. Mayor. Ordinance No. 1,100. AN Ordinance dividing Pavlnir District No. m into two districts auil describing their bounilailcs. Do it 01 dallied by the city council of the City of Omaha : bcotlonl. That that pnit of Paving District No. ( HI between the noith line ol Fartinm utioot and the south line of Nicholas street bo nnd id hoioby cicated Paving DlMilttNo , Oil. Section 2. That that part of Paving District No. 00 between the ninth line of Nicholas street and the south line of Kim sti net bo und Is here by cioutod Paving District No. HO" . ' , . .Section J. That all oidiniinces In conflict with this oullnunco bo and tUo sumo are hoiuh ) re pealed. Section 4. That this ordinance tnko ollcct and be In foreo Irom mid alter its passage. Passed Scptombor'JlFt , 1KM1. Wn. P. Hi.uiiKu President City Council. J. H. SOUTH vim. City Cle.k. Apiuovnl September 24th , ISM ) . jAviia-i H. llovn , Mayor. Ordinance No. 1.1G7. AN Oidlniinco < Meating Sowei District No,33 nnd itollnlnir Its boundaries Ho it onlalncd by tbo tltj eouneil of tbo city of Omulm. Section 1. Sewer District No 3 i Is hereby created in the ciry of Omulm ; said dlsti let shall comprise mul Inchulo William street between lUtli uud 14th stit'etn and nil the lots mid luivl estate on e.icli Hide of the center line of FHid part of William stioet nnd hack ndlstnncoof 151 feet from each of the sides of feuid pint of William stlect. Section 2. Till ? ordinance shall take oifoct and bo In toico Irom mid niter its passage. Pussod Sentomhor 21st , ItHil. VA M F. llKCiiiu , , Pirsidcnt City Council. J. 11. SouTUAitn , City Clerk. Appioved September 24th , 1SSO. JAMKS H. llovn. Ordinance Ho. 1,10O. A N Or.lin.mco ordering the grading of Klghtb 3- street from Lcavcnwoith street to the alley nc.xt noithtlieioof. Do itordulnod by the city council of the city of Omulm : Section 1 , It being deemed noco ? = nry nnd hereby BO decluiod that IJUhtli btieot fiont LcavoiiHorth street north to the alley next nui th thoiooC bo grade 1 to the cstitbllshed guide , said work Is heioby ordciod done , and the bo.xrd of puullu woiks is directed lotiike the noc Oi-.ary stops to caut-o .ild wotlc to bodouo. hoetlon 2 This ordinunco shall bo In lorco and lakeblloct Irom and niter Us pnssngo. Pnssid September 2lBt , IhM. WM. F. HnciiKi. , Pre'iJent City Council. ,1. n. SiimiAim , City Clerk. Apptovod Saptoinbor 24th , IS O. _ .lAMKd K llovn. > fayor. Ordinance No. 1,100. AN Ordlnanco declaring the necessity of up- piopriatlnif coitnln julvnto property und lands for the use of the elty ol Omaha , for the puiposoof oMoiidlnirSltli nvonuo ( formerly I'aikiivcnuo ) tiirough McCoimlck's addition from the north Hue of John 1 , Hedh-n's sub division to Farnam ft root , nnd providing for the appointment of three disinterested frcc-boldoiE of rnld city , to n soss the ilnm- nsos to the owners , icspcctlvely , of the prop- oity taken by&uch upDropilntloii. llo it ordnlnoJ by the City Council of tbo City of Omaha ; Section 1. That it is necessary , and It U horn- by declared nuco-siry , to npproprJ ito coilulii prlvntn piopeity and liuid for thousoof the city of Oniuliu lor the purpose of axtoudlng 23ln nvonuo ( lormoily Paik avenue ) through Mc- Cormick'B addition from the north line of J. I. Kodick'3 subdivision to I'niimm stioot , guld iiiopoity mid laud necessary for such purpose being ituutcd In said city ol Omuh.i , and do ns lollov.'s , to wit : The cast fcncii and ouo-h lit feet of lots four and nine In block ten , Mini tlio nest ( - ! ( -hty-tuo nnd ono-luilf leot ol lolg tin co nnd ion in block ten ; nlso the east seven and one-halt foot of lol tuiirnnd tlio west < fi2J ! ) sixty two iiiul ono half tiet ol lot tin com hick oloicn , all In McCormluk's addition to the city ot OniHlm SocUon 2. That ( lie mnyor , with the nppioval of the city council , appoint thrco ilislnlri iMi-il HoC'liuiders of the city ol Omfibii , to assess the damHireto ! the owners , inspecllxoly , ol said ] ) ioi"riy | undliiii Is taken by such i pjiniprlntlon. Section .1. Thai this oidlnanre luke elloct and ID In Toicu liom nnd after itsp iSiiiyo. Pnawd Soiitomlior 21st , IbSii. WM. r. HKCIII i , . Provident City Council. . ) , H. SouniAllli , City CloiK. Apptoioil September 2ltli , 1F6 ! ! . _ JAMr.s K. llnvii. Mnvor. Or.linauco No. 1170. AN Old nmco tloi'lurlor Ihu neoej'lty of aji- proprlatlng ccitulii pilvnto pronoi-ty mul Inndii un the nso ol tlio city of ( Jiniiliii , tor the purpu cof opoulng27th iixinui ) liom the iioittillnn of Bweusi's aildltton to Hurt btrret und providing lor the appointment ( if thrco dlilpfori-Bted fieo-holilori of said oity ro n soss tliu damages to the own i > , lespunlhely , of thupioporty tuKen h > suoli nppiojiilutlou , Ito It oululned by thu city council of Iho City of Omulm : Soi'tlon 1. Tlml it Is ncco'saiy , mid It Is hereby by ( Joclircd necnssary , to upprnnrloto ceitulu pilvatu property am ) Innl lor thu iii-o of Ilia cltyol Omaha for the purpOMi of u'nlng27ih | n\onuu fiom the noith line of 8wicsv'n addi tion to Hurt ctrcot , paM piopeity an I land noccjJi'r.v lor mii'li parnoaii being situated In bald city ol Omaha , an I decrll > o.l m follow * , toM - M It : The east ilO leot of the west fii fi-ot of lot 25 section 10 , lfi-1l. ! Section 2. That the pm\or , wi'li ' the approval ol the city council , iipiiomt thrco dlrinioitisi. od Iroo-lidldors of iho city of Omulm. to neiwu tlio damti'ios to the owners , tospocihuly , of hiiid piopcrty , and liui'la tu'icn by B'icli nppio- pihitlon. Houtlon : t. That this ordmnncu take olfocl Htid bo In fuico fiom r.nd ntlerlts piususo. Passed beuliimhur2rtli , IbS.i. WM. P. lli'.oui : ! , , President City Council. J. H. SouTiiAUD , City Clerk. Approved g0iumihcr2tli ! ; , 1BSO. WM. p. HrciiF.i. , Acting Mayor. _ 3I.M PHOVKI > rAUMS , Hutlor Gn. , luu\T lor sain ; . .OiiIco city Ion. I ! I Dorado , Huns. , for B ilo , IJach IIIITU h well ndaptuJ to irratn nnd Flock ; ricli soil ; iillpunvor piiaturo land ( nn wiistoi. Title norfoot , with wniinnty tlooil , Tliu lotx nio smooth , nloo bullillnt ; lots , only 'i mile noun ol P.O. Pi-loo , $17 lo i.7"i. Tenclmrs , cieiks , nnyono who wIMio * 8 safe iiropei ty that willUoublo In 1 your , ehould buy lou In Kl Dor- lido ; nop'ilation ' tiOOJ ; the prettiest city in Kan. MIS T i ran cajh. Ad'Jnw ' 0. W , Cuo. nidni.i da Kmms. Retraction. rpo THE Merchants und Public of OmMin : - IOn I'm 4th day of September , 1W > J , I caused iM'iibllcutlon ' to bo mude In iho Uco iinnouiu'iiijr that I would not nay bills coiitiiutod by my wlfo.Mri. llather Abnihnm * , lor runkdiuthoiu- lnj < talod. ' 1 tin reasons wcio IIUSIHii'on nn unfortunate - fortunate mUiiudeiitundiiii ; , uud I now \utli- draw u 1,1 annoiincomint and g.xn nticn that any bills contracted by my w | u wdi hoHiccr- fiif'yp.llby ' mo Jl. .UllUII i\s. | tJuj.ciubur-vtbt USO. uijji Special OrdnUnct No. 040. Onllnniifoloi J Ing n special tax nnd nMpsi- AN ment on nil lot-s nnd lealc-tnio within Pnv- Inc District No. 61 , In tlio elM ot Omnha to roM-r the C'o .t of paving JOIIM Street f-om Ninth street to ThlrleoiHli stroet. Inning bo > n mulbi-lnrfhereby ml- Judged , dcloriulnod nnd rstnbliMipil thnt the f CUM nl lot * nnd pieces < if u-ul o t to hereinaf ter rcferuM to , liavoiMC'i born iioolnll } buicllt ted to the full amount heroin 'ovlodnml ns c sed ngnhi't imcli ol paid lots i nd ulecei of n nl osintn. losjoolni'ly , b ) n-n-ou of tac pa\itiir of that part of Jotii-sstreet troiii Mntli street to Thlrtoontb street. Tlioreforolnrthp purpose of pnjliiff the cost of fnld pax 'ng. He It oidnincd by the city council of the rlt or Si-etliu'l. That the cost of paving thai part of.lomx Rircel within Paving DNtuct No.f4 , In the city of Omnlm , ftom Ninth slix'Ot lo Thirteenth sttoot , said c-o > t iH'Intr the sum of Jls. ; o.2li , be nnd the same Is heu'by lev Ind nnd a si < s < ed , In pioportlon lo the leot front nlong said paititf , mul according to special benefits by icn nn ol mild pin In * , upon the follow lug do- pcillu'd lots nnd real estate , ns shown by the gi iierallj lucoitnl/iM map of the city of Omaha , ISSlJItlioetiipi'il audpulillshrd hi lleo.P lloml * , said cost brlmr o lorlud on said lots and real oMali , u-poctl\ely. asrollowH.HMjlt ! , lo epli\ Ono K Haikor. 116 blk 174. city S5S3 4R John Mulvlhill. w U of It ( I blk 171. elty 201 n Jerrj MuUlhlll. c ' ol It tlblk 174 , city 201 73 Phillip Von Winillielm. It 7 blk 174 , city Ml 44 Patrick Qulliliiu It hlkl74 , city . . . . 6 0 4i U \MlllamsAS. . H. Johnson , 115 blk 17j , cltv . 63 41 1 * lllwmiutns , \ 8. H. Johnson , It 0 blk 175 , cltv . 5$3 45 I. . H. ' Williams * S. It. Johnson , n t of It 7 blk 17. ' . . city . . . . . . . . . . . 173 03 U II. Williams A. S. It. Johnton. u ' { or It H blk 175 , ell r 'fiOS Haltaz Kramer , s V of It 7 blk 175 , oity 40S 42 llnllar.Kiamor , s st It 8blk 175 , city . 403 42 riedKrug , H5blkl70 , ulty fiNT 41 Pred ill'k 170 , city John Kennelly , s 41 of It f > blk 177 , oity .111 IT VYodli. Ames , It II bile 177 , cltv . . . . 5345 Kred li. AmosIt 7 blk 177clty 6 1 44 Krcd L. Amos , It 8 blk 177 , ell ) 63J 45 Pat lln.Oiotidoi IT A Martin , part of then 111 ftnfltl blK imcity . . M7 1 U. P. H. H. Co. , 1PW7.580. . 111 tbo 8 37 of It blk 1HI , City 70 8S Joseph , V ( leo. B. Darker , putt of u 123 of US blk KKM ) U. P.M. U. Co. , K08.5 sii It in Iho a 1 of ItS blk UU , city ! B ! 49 Wm.A. Pnxttm , U il blK 111 , city Wl ! Wm. A. Pnxlon. It 4 blU 101 , city . . . 58.1 45 (1 A. Llndnucst , n 4 of U 1 bill 102 811 17 LewisS. Heed , f.5of nUiot It 1 blk lie , city . . 184 7u A. 11. Hlshop.n li ol s a.1 of It 1 blk 192 , city . . . . 417TJ S. M. Kltehon.s'.orsIUorit ' 1 blk 102city 43 TO O. A.LImliinost.U'- IH2 W3 44 Luvl.l. 3 blk UU.clly f > ! l 45 Maik 4 blk lOJ.eitj ( WO 44 Omaha ( Ins Ml g Co. , It 1 blk litt.clty 5S1 ! 45 Omaha OHM Mfg Co. . It 3 blk Ml , city 5K3 44 Jeiemlah : i blk un , ully . . K T 45 Jeremiah Llmihan , It 4 blk UU , city. . . 5SU 44 John Mulvlbill , It 1 Oik H'4. ' rltv . 5 < l 45 A. ll.Dufn-110 , o ' 5 of H 2 blk ilM. city 231 72 Homy J. Wlnd-or , w 'i of ItBlilli 104. oity 291 72 Henry.I. Windsor , n ( , lt Illdk 104 , city 40S 42 J Kl xotl.sHot Itablk llU.clty . . 175 0.1 John Collins , n 't It 4 blk 101 , city 40i 42 J.L Loxctt. s 'jot It 4 blk 104 , city 1750,1 Section 2. That said special taxes levied aforo- Fiild , ( in sniil lots ic-pcctlvt > lyshnU become do- ItmiutMit ns lotions : one-tentli of tbo total nmoiint so loxlodon ouch ol mild lots shnll bo- coino dolliuiiieiit In fifty ilnys from the passage and npprox'nl of this onllnunco , ono-tonth In one your , ono tenth In two yours , one-tenth In tluoo ycais.ono-teiith In lour years , ono-tontb in llx'o jenrsi , one-tenth In MX years , ono-tenth In oeven years , ono tenth In eight yenrs nnd ono- tenth in nine > onis alter tuld levy , and being Irom tbo pnpsngo nnd npprovnl ol tills ordin ance Hichof sa dliiMallmentR , oxecpt the first , shall diuw intoiestnt tlio ratoof KJVCII purcont. per cent , per annum fiom the tlmo ot tbo levy aloirsaid , until the PO.IIIO shall become dclln- iliiont. A ponnlty nf live per cent. , together with Interest nt the rate ono per cent , per mouth , payable In mlvanco , shall bo paid on each dellniiucnt lustnllmoiit. Sectloni. : Thnt the uutlio amount of tax so levied nnd assessed on any of "iilil lots may bo paid by the owner ot nny lot , or the out ire equal ino ruin proportion ol tnld tax on any of said lots , may bo paid by any person on any pnrtof said lots within lllty dajs Irom mi'd levy , nnd tlioioupon such lots or pnilsor lots , shnll bo exempt from nnv HcnoroliiirBO theicfor. Section 4. That tliisoidlnuncoshull tukoolfcct nnd bo in lorco fiom nnd niter Us pimngo. PiteMMl September 14th. ISftO. WM. r. HEOIIHI. , President City Council. J. II. SOUTIIAUD , Cltj Chirk. Approved September 20th , IfNl. JAMKS R. Horn. Mnyor. Tlirso tnxcs nro now duo nnd payable 10 the city tioasuier , and will become delinquent us shown in Suction2. iU ! > d" > t TitiiMAK IlucK , Clly Troasuror. Special Ordinance No. 850. A NOidlnan-o levy luff a special tnv mid .rx mont on uli lots ami t-stutu within Puv- IngDIstilct No 5j , In the cltv of Omulm , to eox or the cost of puvltir ! Capitol uvcnuo from IHh ( Ninth ) < ! reel to Kouitumith stioot. Wlimous , It having boon nnd nolmr hereby niljmU'oil , di'lprmlnod and established thnt thu FOVCI allots nnd pieces of i mil estulo horolnaftor icforrcd to , httvoouoh boon specially bonoltttod to the lull miiount herein levied und nssossfed ugaln&t each of said lots und pieces of real e-tiito , respectively , by reason of the pnvlng ot that purl of Capitol uvenuo fiom Nlntn street to Fouitoonth Mi cut. Tluiroloro , lor tbo purpose of paying the cost of mid paving : Bo II ordained by the City Council of the City of Omaha : Section L That the cost of pnving that part ol Capitol nvonuc within Pnvlng DIstilctNo. 55 , In tlio city ol Omaha , I rein Ninth street to Four teenth sticet , snld cost being tlio sum of ? 31s.11.72 , bo and the same Is buieby levied nnd ns-esaod , In proportion to the Icet trout nlong Biild paving , nnd nccordlngto special benefits by lonson of faiiid puvlng , upon tlio following lots mid ion ! ostuto uxBhown by the generally roe- ognl/od map of the city of Omuha. WM , lltho- graped nnd published b ) Ooo. P. Ilemls , snld cost being so levied on snld lots mid teal estate , respectively , us follow B , to-wll : Jno. ItPddin , n It 5 blk 70 , oity $233 TO It. Shannon , fl ' It 5 bile 70. city 2J8 75 llxporlenco IMubrook , It tlblkfi , city 47761 " It 7 blk 71) , ally 1114 2H " US blk 70 , city 111412.1 D. H. nnwmniiH8ofIt.1bllc71ulty . . . . 371 40 Juntos O. AilnniH , H4fof ) It 5bllc71 , city . . 424 40 Jno , Low-Is , It 11 blk 71 , elty 705 87 Jno. Muitngh , n H & w54 ft H ! 4 It 7 blk 71 , city 2TA42 Agnes H. Williams , o 18 It B Hit 7 blk 71 , Blty .14100 J. II. Button , w 44 ft US blk 71city . . . . 371 42 P. H MUhpuiiftli , w CU U of o B8U It B 1)11 ; 71 , city . . IBT 1-J J.H. Button , o23 ft It H blk 71 , city 1&5 7.J 5 blk 72 , oily 7115 b7 Kslnte of Peter Poibcs. H0blk72 , city . . . 7IB H7 Oulncy A. Ollmoro , It 7 bll < 72 , city . , llTi BT Hull A of M. H blk 72 , city. . . 7U5 87 Kd. Muuior. a Vt w ' / , Itu blk 7.1.elty . . 27860 Homj Llvos.oyii Vt w ! , nnd o / ItB blk 73 , city . . 51733 Itobcpen J. Iiivesoy , It ( ' blk 711 , city. . . 71)1 ) 87 D 11. Hiiwinun , w 'Jit 7 bik 7.1city WIT Kl Kuilltiu I ) . Put ten , o " , 117 blk 73 , city , . . . UU7 HI Itiinditll A. Iliown.ll 8 blk" ) , i-lty 70)87 Df-lluC Hnrklpy , ItBlilk 71cltv 70587 O. A. Wiljjht , w "s ltd bill 71city UI7 ! IT ) John Murltt , o't It II blk 71 , oity Ifn Ml .Ionium Wright , w 'J It7 hlk 74city . , . , , SU" Vi Cmilo J. MurkH.o 'i It 7blk 71city . . . . 30701 II. U , & J II roKora.lt8blk74.olty . . 7U5 81 Mover Ilullnmn , 11 1 blk m , city , . , 70 > b7 .Ininos (1 i 2 blk KJ. city 711" 87 J'c'lm 3 ilkf".loltv ) . .70587 .lull.ill iiomis , n'i H4 bll ; t-0 , < lty . 55711 Huiilco D Put 11 n. s ' , ' , It 4 blk fti , city : rs w Mark Andiuwa , U 1 blk 01 , elty , 7115 87 Chillies II. : ; blk W.ulty 7li87 1'ied Dollono , Itilblk Ol.i'ity .U'i 87 Kio.l Dclloiio.nOO It II 4 blkW.Hty IDS 4'l 11031 MJ VI S14 M U'I7 01 il')7 ) OJ ' ' ' ' 7V ( ) 87 Anna Wilson. nW ) ft It i'blU HI , oity. . , , . . , C.l/1 / K ) ? .My ! ! ! . ° ! : sl. ! l.9'0/.l.y ! | bki" ! . ' > . . i j nnd Wnslier Co.o ' } It i blk Wcity rtf n Jno It , \IfL'ii iie. w A * It 1 blk ill , oily. . , 617 11 Chin ln.sNobeilt 2 blicllj , pity. . . . . , . 111123 Ada P. 3 blk HI , city . . . , .47761 Anna Wilson 114 bIMU.oity. . ,47761 bectlon 2. 'I hut f nd ! Kpeclnl tuxes Jovlod nforo- Eald.oiiKal'llots iTspoetlvely.ilnill horomoilo- lliiQiicnt nn followc : one tenth of the total iimoiint so levied on each o | wild lots shall bo- CDiau delinquent In llfty dajB Irom Iho pnssago uii'l ' nppioviil of this ordinance , nnu-toi'tli In oiiiiyoui.ouu-toiilli In x.vvn yti.iru , ono-tcntIlln throe ypurs , one tenth In four yours , one tentli lu llvo .U'uia , oiio-tciitli | n ex | ) ouig , one tuntti In fioven yuma , ono tenth In olhht reins mid ono-toiith in nlno > ouie uflor ( .iilil invy mul liulnjr fiom tlio pHMsago und iippioviitof this ordinance. Hach of mid instnlliiH-nts , oi ( tlio llrft , eh.ill diuw Intiiicn H | tliu intitnf hovOn pi.i ci'm. pDrunniun from the i line of the levy iifoiosnld , until tlin sumo thuil Ixnomo < ltlii | > Utli'iit. A pannltyor llvo per com. , touotliur wltli lutiio-.t ) nt the i aloof nno per cent nur moiilli , IHIJ ubja In ndvimco , shull bo pulj on o ii'li clullii'jiiciit iiibtullmenl. J-ocilnny. That thu4uitlic nniount of tuv ho livlcd nnd ( issco cdon nny or itiM | > ] t > may bn paM by tiioowncrof iinylot , ofilioi'iuliiMimiul iironilH piopoilliinot t > ald lax nil nuy of iiiM lots , may 'jo paid by nny pin son on uny part of * tlllou rtlibliiflfiy dny liom fnhl lorj.find thciciiixiii such lots or pun * of lota , sUaii be ennnpt Irom uny lion or dmrKofur. Srciion 4 Thnt this Cit < lliiiini > ot.hiid take otfout und ho In foico from mid alter its paajiiec. Pntso t Hnptcmboi Kill , IH.V.I. WM. I' , llrciifi. . ProMdont City C'ouncll , J. H SiiirniAiifi.rity rinrk. Apiirux-ud S-fipluiubor Mb , ISifi. JAMTH K. Hovn , Muyor. 'lhofpln\orf nro now duo nnd pnyubli , fotlii c'tytionti'iifr.uiia will bctomu ik-ln iKm uj v bhiiivn in r-feotfon a. ' ' , Clty'l'i u urcr ,