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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1886)
H SIXTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , OCTOHEH . 1880 , NUMBER 8. STILL ON ANXIOUS SEATS , Government Employes Know Not Wben tbe "Yaller Envulopo" May Loom Up. THE SAME OLD STORY OF SPITE. Ilio Moihr > rlnIiuWill P.cmaln With Cro\oi 3lM C'lPvHiuld's "Move- ineiils-tov. Illll'rt Hlri'iiKlh Clu-aiior 1'osta go Notes. lor Ofl1 JSp'cial Tplpcram to tliu MI lhc.ui' l | after -oaro is being III- nnciinn > il in dcpaitmeiits until lemahilng rupnblii an eh-rks no loiuci cnjoj life. They Ultimo iliu ll.\ nut icipitu ollllal decapitation. 'J ho latest Is the proposed adoption by the civil sou lee commission ol aiulowhlcli will glvetho hoail of a bnroiu , or departniPiil , power lo demand in examination of any ol their clerks , who wtyo not appointed through the commission. This unlimited powoi , tlio cloiksrlnlm , will n suit In a gradual cleaning out of all poisons having icpuldlcan liillu- eiice , who were app'ilnted hofoio llio civil service laws were iccogiil/ed. It is claimed bv tlio commission on the othei baud thai man } nlteily inoomieteiit | people bold positions in the depaitmeiits within i i.U si rvicu Ki.ule-i , who weio given then : iiiioluliuentn | | as a direct lev , aid fm political SIM v lees , These people , undei the new iiile.will bo obliged to stalidan oMimina- tlon to lest thoii im ills. It is but just , the commission thinks , to many , who have bid to pass aliigmous examination bofoio ap pointment , this POIII > U should hitaken. . This is no tonsoii , it Is asserted , why the fiuoiile ot a leptihlican politician should bo lelauipd in a position he is nnlltteit foi , wlulo man } competent jitoplo aio amious lo ohtiiin it , but .no willing to go tliiongh tual beioio gelling olllce. I si \l | ) | si II MI.l.l ) r.MPIO'i r I M K. \'ci\ m : ! } lopoils have been in emulation hcio tin soMMiil las iillop.lliig .lames W. \ \ Into , lineman ol Iho hilldeiv in the go\ em inent luinting oil. . ce , and iuvolviiu .N't. Itnnnds. I ile public piiutii , es Chief Cleik ( ' .idol ' 1'avloi ami a niimliei ol coii iessiuen , hut it is coneiallv believed that invosll atioli will viuil.c.ilo them all. One of the eui- pees ! lecenll } dismissed tiom the loveiu- meiit piintim ; ollii e , named .Scott , has pio- foiled chait'Os to theoltect thai the loicinali c\C ( ukd piivale woik lei Kmimls , T.ivloi ami soinocimmissiiioii , lo Hieaimmnt or 10- OU3oail } . rpou being asked aboul Hie mat- tei. Public Piiiiter lioncdictaid thai the charges bad h.'cu tiled with him , but that he h. id mil hid time to examine them , and added : "It would si em thil ithile \ 10- pcneil a lofrul.ii leiiuisitioii Inim Hie public piiulei to poiioim eeitain wpik homiiii ) be Iield guiltless ol anv Intended otleiise iig.diiittlio inteiosis ot the public soi\ico , jot , 1 hope these ehaiges are not Hue lei the uoditot nil p , uties connected tlioievvilh , lor no woikliould bo ] ioilonned In the iovcm- men ! piinti'ig othce e\copt the , uiebu mo- vblid lot hv law. M \ VMI i UK i in IIP. It Is MiI'olomN iiiienlioii to bieik up boiisokpepiiiK in Hullaio , us she will make hei inline home at "Piott } Prospect , " tlie pii-sidi nt s conuti } pl.ue , to which Im di ives out VMth hs wile every pie i-aul afteinooii. It was lei HIP pnipose ol iildini : hei mother In aiiangiui ; a'laiis ] nep.natoi \ to tins move , as well as lo see soinij ol' hei lulalivps , th it Mis ( 'level mil accompanied her lor a shoit bt.u at ItnlTido. Mis. l lovpland Ins dculded that she will not bc in her moriniig 01 batiinki } after noon lecoptioiis betmc the beginning of the si .IMII. | II.NINd WPII MlIIII'lIY. Tlie siipoilnloiKlt lit ol the free do- ll\ei } sstem. . Jdi. Colbatos , w 11 take his dciniimo limn tliu po tollice depirtment this weeli to enjov a inueli needed icstol nhout tun d i' s al his old home in Iowa. He diiud with I.'epic.soiilatlvoMiliphy , of Iowa , at the Kbhitt this allot noon misi. is nut i > . .M.nii > v. Then1 is a immn cuitent in social eiieles hue , lir unverit o I , MUs liosu Kli/a- bcth ( levelaud will leive litir.ituiu behind hei foi the picscnt , and luti mis to pay her biotlii r a loin ; \ isit this \ \ Intel. IHI.I. BlUO.Mir.U III V.V f I 1 VI IM I ) . " 1'heio is no II-P In lilug \ to digniso the tinth ; ( iovcruoi lllll will contest .New Voile wltli Mi. ( le\eland in Ibssfoi ll.e picsideu- tlal nomination : Is inevitable , " said Colonel 'lorn Co.iklo } . a Tamimuu , who dis < ii-scd , this imuning , the Jiopulaiily of Hie admiuisli.ilion in ills state. "Theio will be a division ot tlio delcuarion In con vention unless the unite nile Is apidied. In that event the stale ol Xuw Yoik will go lot ( lovpinoi Hill. " ' Then } ou iiipan that ( lovuinor Hill Is fslioiut'i In Now Voiklhan Piesideiit Cleve- land'i" * "Undoubiedlv , " ipjillod Colonel ' 'ThcioaioeuiUMuesol that iuevei } demo- piatlcg.ulieiliig. even to waul caucuses in tliu small town " "What this division' ' " "The peisonal cli nacters of tlio two men. Theiulsas much dilleieiico between them us theie is bclwi en day and night This dlllei- ence is not in the chaiiiclerH ol Hie men so- elall } , but olllcially. Uoveinoi Hill rallies a peisonal obligation lite and will olllclallv riiuemlici it. Piusldent Cleveland has an Idea theiu Is a w'de ' dillerenco an liisuiniouutable banloi- between pilvatu and ollUlal Mo , and tlieio is nothing to In- Hplio ] ieisonal lilendship in htm. Tlio iu- \e o can do said ol ( iiivei inn Hill , lie eu- teilains , too , tlie exactl } opi osito views on chdM'ivicc letoim , and necissildv thai tact would tive him lilends. Thu bulk ol Iho voikeis in oui p.iuv in New \ mk waul ilie otliccs logo to Hie moil who o.nn tbem. " "loon ) think tioveinm Hill wouldcatiy llm mugwump volu' ' ' " .lust Hie h.imo as could Hie pioslilcnt. The ippublie us did not vote tin Clo\ eland because - cause thev loved him , but bi pause the } did not like Witli an.v othei candidate than lihiine theio will ho little teen of Iho mug. vote. And the np.ibluaiis ot Now Vmk will in cs-ss opiiso , much mmu toiiuida- blv than tho\ did in is-- ! the numinatioii ol Jtfalno. " "Do von think siuli muu < . as ( iemgu William ( mils will bu dck satis to tlie ne\t coiiventioir. ' " "No , I do not , as ho is now classed bv his p.irtv ns a bullet. Hit leluio I to Mipuoit a candidate ot Iho convcnlion in wlileli be wa and Is not theielme a lepubllcaii. Hut the boil ) of liilliteiilhd wmkois do not tavoi Mi. lilalno. The ) would gladly go to Ohio. In diana , ( if Inwa , 01 even Illinois , Jot a new mini to bad thu cainpaUii. " "Is President Ulevel.ind | iuisouall } wellae- ( puilnled in Now York t'ltj'1' " ho used to inn over Ihpio from Uiilfido wbdu he wasshprllt and major and him d In will ) Ihu bus. John Kelly fell in lovu wllh him. bcniuso hu wasKoclall } ugood fellow , ( li Miami , and John Kellj theplinco ot LoodtLlluws Well. Kelly llmu.-ht nnall } thai thcict was no one like Cleveland , and bo boomed him ai d tin dl } elected him uoverinu , Then Kcll } asked for some p.itiona u lot ti ends , was rotund , and it made him vcij Hied. John Kill } was iictiidlN sick when Cleveland wus nominated at Chicago , and would have knifed him open ! } and above boaid it 11 had mil been Im patty. And Kelley ley moio than conliulled thu b'dauco of iMiwei. Kclh's opposition was pin el \ on thogiound Clovel.ind neglected ami djs IP. aided obligation. Ye- , Clo\cl.ind is best known In New Yoik City , liuffiilu uiid Al ban } . " "Hid whore Is ho mo-l iiojiuku' ' "About a plar-o called Holland Palent , his old home. The } aio faimeis llioic , know liliu , lm\e Ho luvois lo ask and aio toi bint thioiuli neighborhood | uide. " dll'AI'Pltl 1.1 ll.U POsI M.I . II was Hated ut thoiioi-tolliitidonirlmout vr-teubiv thai Iheie was an amb.tlon entoi- ialncil ( hero to have letloi postatQ i educed to ono cent foi each halt ounce bo In re the cam paign ot lis ! > s. " This would make a nuiil card toi the dppiitment , r.s ncijbod } Is In- tore.sled In ctie.ip leltei jiOstage , " dd the oMk-lal , "and it lspn > po-cd toiinku pcnnv pobtaue como libido ot Iho iivuliu aiijiropii- utlons. 'lids , It Is bcllex'd , can be dent > b } continuing the loductiun of the SIM louto etiieiises. Of coui > o this wti. not bo popular among tho. ic s lut It will be with thv masses , nnd It is lie uavof HIP pcnjilp that an arm of HIP gov- niment must PIPI ! to. All thnui b Ihe easiun ind cenlial states there is i dPimnd find has been a dpiuand for somp lime for lonii } postage , and as HIP bulk of congress limes Irciin tho-e sotircos it must Mirciliub to the deimnd. " , , . . . "ln jou think a rpcominpudation will : > p made for penny postage l > v the postmaster KCiiPial and tlio president ? " " 1 would nut like to gi\o my IndcniPiit as to that. Theio Is a bellpf around hero tliat lieiim postage Is the best way to block nut HIP Inpronu ot postimi tprs\iallway mall cm- plovps' . pnnlois' and nlher salaries , lo stop HIP agitation lor free deliveries lor small cities , HIP conUi notion of Imlldinss for all sepoinl and thiid plass pnMnlllPOs , and a score of other pnterpiises dPiiianded In HIP mall crevice. Ppnii } jioMtco would plpasp llio griMtbod } of people and slop Iho bother of side i sues. " luiM ) r\ti s AND iiirtn 1 1 put ! . A luoal dial of dl oussiou Is bi-ing in- dtilgod In just at Mils time about the elfect of Ihe unusual bond calls at the treasury de partment. Opinions differ ns to how thev will hoar upon Hie general clieulatlon of iminuv. Dmiiis' the jiest week 1 liavo made It a point toulenn somu opinions tiom the leading ntnnoieis here , ami HIPV gn In the ilnei lion ol depiossloti lor uilional bonds , biit iiinto monev lor the bm row lug mis-os Colom 1 Jesse S u vis , OIIP ol the most toirl- blp lluaiiPial wiiteis in the ell } , and a tlmt- iingli democrat. ua\e the gist ot what all said when IIP madP tins statement : "I'ho bond calls dm lug September uloue ngu-rpaati'd SOMyOi ( ) . Of this uumiiut ll.Vin'Oi } wore iiold hv natloml lianks to leibem piiciilallou. Iho bonds ot eouisu mo ( lopositod In the troasuiaulls. . It is held that those bonds , ledcomed bv Hie covein- nionl , must be lopl-u od by oilier bond" . Tin1' HIP biuks ( annul alTiud to do , lipcaiise avail able Iioiids aie awav ahovo pal ; the } have lee high a piemium to lecommoiid llieli pur- chase. 'I'lio conseip'onco will ho the govern ment will lotuiu to the biuks out of evciy MiM.OMdopnsitid ( MMI Know p'.M.tKIUof ' earh' SlH.Oi ( ) ) bonds deposilod leceivus eiieu- liiluin ) , and tliu banks will ( ontract their capital stocks lo that amount , expent in tliu few ilislaucos whole the piopoition ol Ihu calls sti ikes the b inks so hmd th"ii c.ipl- inl stopiksnro lodueed lu'lovv tlie minimum. which Is SVMXiO A Iinllimoio bank had lie. u h a million of its bonds c tiled. "People uru Inteiestod most In thep'iisp of the question picscntcd ill this Intel lou'.it" ! i : Wboio will tills moiip } lor ipdcpmod bonds go to" Will It bo kept in the bulks as n eliPiilatlpg medium1' Weil , ninety out nl cveij one Inindied thousand doll us mo al- lead } in Hie hands ol HIP people in Hie form ol llio national bank notes issued. The nat ural conclusion is that when tlie capital stock ot a bank Is i educed the Inteiest ol slock- holdeisis inopoitioimteiy lodueed. Thetu- foio the en dilating medium of Hie Innks Is huiiiR lodii'-od just at tills time MM j lapldlv , but I think the } will not Im ludiioul so fast aftei tlio elections The people demand Hie icdiictioii ot the public delil , and it has a good elfoet upon all elas-c s e\- c ( pt national liitil ois , to make ho.njcdK lei bonds on thu eve of an election. Ot cmii-o , the mone\ will mil bu dostioved. 11 will lie lo loan , but not by Hie banks. Theio will be more poimanciil investments lioioal- tei , unless congioss authmires the issuance ol a IIPW bond , ihs'gnod'v lei na tional hink sccuiity. I inesiime llial dis counts at Hie u itimial I ) inks will he a litt'o higher < m account ol the i onli.u t on ol l'ie ' c.ipnal stocks ol Inuks , and that tbeiclnugo ciedits w 111 not be as large as heretoloie. " COJ.IN i i\itTiiii : Condition ( > \\lionl in the rrn Sl.itrs il' the licit. Cine vent , Oct. : -The lollovv ing crop sum- in } will appeal in this week's issue ot the Fanners' Review : Ciop loluriis foi the week , in u gunoial way , showsthat coin is well ma imed thiouglioiit Hie entile western belt and siiniciently so to withslaud thu | IP.I\V liosts of Ihe last llneedavsof Hie week. In Mis- soini ami Koiituck } Hie com isiead } lei husking and cribbing. In Iowa and Illinois husking will uogin about Octobei 10. Uupmts sliowing the n\era.'Uield do not \aiy but sllghllj Irom foimei esllmales , which are coiisldeiably umloi those of the piecuding livpeais. In titteen Illinois counties , fem report twenty bushels to tliu iicie , hvo icpoit tvvuntv live bushels , tlneo tlinty Imsliels. Iwo forty bushels , and one siMy bushels. In seventeen counties otlowaouo reports ten bushels , three hlteeii bushels , two twenty bushels , ilneo twput.v-live bushoN , onolli'ilt } bushels , loin llnrl-livu bushels , one iorlv bushels mil two foity-livu biisliols. Tlieaveiages continue good lor Ohio , Indi ana and Michigan and low lu \ \ i-coiisin. Missouri and K.iu-as. Plowing lur fall sow Ing w heal Is pie iessing , and ill main poitioiis ot Illinois , Missouri , 1C ins is and Kentuokv is completed and some seeding lias luen done. 'I ho wheat movement In Dakota Is now light , a giuat deal ot wheat having alioadv been maikcted. The i tiling pi Ices aie " > 0 to Y > cents poi bushel. The movement is slow in Minnesota aiv > to G-iccnts. lu llllimisvpi } little vvlieat is h-lng sold witli pi ices 01 lo 73 cents. In Iowa thu wlieat n.oveniPiit is fsili at MJ to CO cents. In Ohio c ) ii-ideiahe ! wlieat is being mat keted at 0 * > to 7.r > cents. Jn Mls-onil the wheat move ment has fallen oil with ruling piie"s .V ) to 7'J cents. In Kansas HUMP is seaiioly aii.v w boat mov iug \ \ ilii pi ices r > 0 to ,0 cents. lu 'Michigan wlieat is lieel } maiketed ut ( < Ute to " ! ! cents. In Wisconsin thcie is a tail movement at CM to 75 cents I'ho tonoi ol the ho sgeueiall } mo healthy wltlia somowhal higliei inn than usual , while cattle aio looking better with Impioved p.ibtuiage. _ MOUNTAINS OP1 OOIMM3U. Caii.tda SulkOK a Iti ; ; Mine Itonnn/.a and In llappv. Oi i vw.v , Oct. : i 1-Spcc al Telegiam tolho Hi iCanada : ) has jusl hit upon a "bo- nan/a" In thuwaol aioppei mine. Tic Copper company has hit upon one ot the most iciii.iihablu eoipui- ] beaung aieas , it is said , in the woild , at Sud- buiJiu \ pliim , on thu Canadian 1'acilic. H Is icimnkable hecaiiso the i I.MS M > neai tliu fliiitacu as to lei m mo ji icllcall } lilllo ci p.icr mountains , using to : i liel.-ht ot ovei ono huiidied led above Ihu prevailing level , and p\endlng ( In a bioken range lei neai Iv eight miles. The Canadian Pacliic i.illwa } has constinelcil a siding tiom tlio Als'onu line , nndilhin thu last four davs bi iwien thltt } .uul toil } cats , containing an aggnvatu ol some vie to ou-J tons ot oie , have boon soul lo Xuvv Yoik. Montical Isis , \vho have vksilcd the mine , declaio it is t'iu ' l.ugcst area In the woild and wllh Iho highest poiceiitagH of pine copper Unit has e\oi IK on dl > coviiod. 'Iho mines are owned b } Ohio e tpllalUls , who have 1 'U men taklu ; out : 00 tons of 010 dail } , and thu company is ereciing.M.'O houses foi the minds who will boaddid to the picsint I nice when the doll - lugs mo completed , Kovoliitlonisls Threaten n Town , < ! . .M.isio > , Oct , : ) . A sjifclid from Jn- rpdo lo HIP News sav.s : A louiiei IMS nr- lived In Now I.aicdo , Mexico , fiom ( ! ner- 1010 , Mexico , with the lupmt Hut Colonel Yicento Penna , Hie levolullonist , was ueai Uueneio witli a lingo loicu and that ho In tended lo attack Ihu elt } iu older to get aims and tfuppllos. Aboul titty luvolutinnUU mo in iiimp some distance lioin ( iurrreio and aio well Bimed and equipped. They will join the torco umlei Colonel Pennn as soon us IIP is toad } to atlaol. the city. The com lor bioiubi a petition fiom cili/oiis of Cucrroro PI.IV ing for fodcial tioop- , but it Is doubtful if aii.v wlllbosunt , as the ledeinl foico at Now l.ruc'do b voi.v Mii.iil , Itallroadw Within Kallrnails. Si. Lot is , Oct. a. It Is staled by authority that tlio St. Louis iV ; San Fianclsco railway company hid acipdred the St. Louis , bulem tV. l.itllo Hock load , bold lieio last week undora foreoloauie of morlgagu lo Chailca b. Pii'cbuin and M. .S Tsvlor foi HIP bond- liolduis. Texas tiallle a eel itlons will open a MMlesof nioetlugs hero to-nionovv to dis- i u-t * iiuotlous iclaliiu' lo llio InleiCats ot thu loads in llio association. Canning Kactory Hiirnpil. Hi SJON llAiiiioi : , Mich. , Oct. S. The Alden Canning companv's factor } burned t -s vvening. Loss , § WOOOj partially in- THE CRISIS CANNOT PASS , Scrions Check to tbc Franco-Russian A1H- auce at the Sultan's Oouit KRUPP GUNS GO TO THE FRONT. U'lint HIP Oinprnor or .Malta SajM \'lillilllle ) Opliilnn Prom An Old S'lliHtT" Hit Ijjn rla n rteotinns Other I'oroljin Vows. Altlnnco Work CONST vvmoi'M : , Od.iN'pvv York Hi'iald C'ahloSpecial to HIP III i . ] The propo > pd Kianco-ltuislan nllunro , at tin1 ponrtol the sultan , for the dispnmtiliiro of , has been chpcked . .pilouslbv the plain snoken hinituage of the Hililsli cabino * . The porto , within tlio last fi > w da.\s , has slmwii a mine friendly disposition toward I'.uilnud , and If Ibelntlei enl } used tin MUIC goldiMi ari.'Miiipnts to allay TiiikNii iuitntlou with resi ct to Kjvpt as that which llussia does lei Ilie piirpnse ol cipatins inititloii , n good umlcrstaiiiliii ! ; hctwi-en Knu'lund and Turkey could soon be ai ranged. The junto is now fully nllxo to the dangci linking umlpi HIP niisk of Russian "yii'lds up. " I'lll I'M ! \ I IONS I Oil W Ml 'I IIP mj'Vnii's of Di/e.oiim aio IOPPliio ! the tiieatcst attention and new eaithuoilt- Loiiic lapidly ennstiticted. A Iniuo nunibei ot Kiupn gnus , intemleil toi Adilanoiile. wltlia cicit iimulityot | ammnnitior. , wi to Miippodoll twodavs ago tin tiaiispoitb } the Tic'i'/onilo ' ' toiite. Oidois havoLeen issued fm thecieallon of nlniw bodvol Kmdish e.uali } to b' pi o ] oily tiained as icuiilu tioopi ) . Vei } cloomv views aiu taken here in lospcpt ol HIP situation. A nisTisui ISIHH : s ( > i nn nVISIT. . Sli .John Jblmimmds , thegoveiiim ol Malta , is heie on a v Is't. ' 1 had Hie pleasme ot con- \eisiui : will ) him yestenlav. lit1 coiisidcis it impossiblu for Iho pipsuiil eilsls to pass awn } without a wai. Ho Is an old Ciimealii warimi and commaiidii.and Tuikislt ji.isha. He I as auij ureat o\perieuce in Asia Miuoi ntlilH , and , nccoiditu to bis opinion , the llic-sl m advance tlnoitcli Anatolia could only bu pievenlcd b > the pie-enciiol a foiemn aimv , posted on tlio T.imlsa , lead } to still the Uu-s'an ' mmv as tlio liivadeis maichiul acioss tlio meat plain , havim ; left lood Im the investmeiil of Ki/cioum. Tliu sultan is pa > ing maiked attention to ( ieneial bimmomls , in i n M : ' vs 1:1.1 : c THINS rmx.wss , llesjiccting allaiis , 'I'.iuban Pasha the inipeihl commissioner , wlimn 1 also saw jpsteid.iv , coiisidois that the so- bi.inclu will le-elect Prince Alexandoi. Ius- ! sia had w , sued HIP election lei the sohianje postponed until Itus ia had done its wink and the sobianje wasm.ulea packed assembly , hut the elections .no neveilheless taking place. The Wrecked SitftoHr. LONDON , Oct. : ! . ' ! he wicckcd sloaincr. Sullidk wlilch went asiioie two ago at Li/.ud Point , has dis.ippoaiod. ( i.iugs of moil me sa\imr tlie cattle tiom the dauu'oinus jilnces among thciocks , whole theaiu kept alive b } food and walui iovvieil 1'iom above. LONDON , O.'t. o. A leinble ovnlosion oc- einicd Katmdav at Altopli coliid } Wakpheld , Warwickslilie. beven wcietound dead , eight have boon lo-curd and seven'oen ' nip inl'sinsj. In all piobabilit } the missing scvuiitcen lost theii lives. PloiTpd ! ; y m-itl-li Hovin \ .Oct. : ! . At thu festivals at Ktawah , the loc il magisti.ite spolne thai a ponllict be tween the Hindoo and Mohammedan * was inevitable , brought a company ot Uritish troops on the scoiiu. I'lio -tuiiated i at then appumeh , tliievv HiPinselves on the soldieis navonets. .M.inv natives \\oioinoi- tally wounded. Inlensu exciU'iuent prevail. Alfonso M \nitm , Oct. : ! . At a Ind'-lUht ' thU altei- noon a poition of tlio audience displaced banuf'is upon wliich WCMP insciihcd "Lomr Live Allonso ! ! ! ' "I'aidou toi the 1'iison- crs. " "Lorn ; Liv.tlio Queen , etc. , " while tlio audience applauded. Clipprs and Ilissos. Dtni.iv , Oct. ! ) . The loid llentpiiant of Iielnud and wile went to llm ( Jalet } theatie In this eitj last ineniug. Tlic } weieeheeied b\ the uoiiplo in the lower p.utol Ihe house. w Idle those In the irallci } Ins.scd and shouted "doit save licl.ind. " A 'Manors KoKiu'diiif ; the Soiitlivvchtoi n ICailroad ' 1'ialiic. Cuir no , O t. : i. 'Iho proposed plan for lorminir agioss iiioney pool on HIP soiith- wcstPin pas-sen or business , which has ab- soi bud the attention ot Hie magnates ol the southwestern linethiouglioiit theweek , has lullen tliiough , and now the succosstul oigani/alion of the jtool is piacticall } as tar . ever. It leiiuiieil Join 10 biiug about an acreonieut on tlio l'n > l tei lion ot the pioo ] ) ed jilan. The jioint was fully settled by compiomiso and jesteiday llm meeting pioceeded with the ciiiisiileiatioii ol Ihe lost ol the plan , Tliu jieipont.igi ) elaiisu was the lock on which tlio mallei split. Thu Wabash moved to submit thu milter lo aihltiatUui. The Alton mad has uhvavs liceii oppo o I lo this method ot otlliiu' the question ami was mompt in enieiiiiL' Its protest. Vice 1'iusl- doul Ni | Milieu said llio Alton would not entii.uu pooling aiiangcmont foi a period ol inoio lli. in one > cai. This wfts a Ihi.mler- bolt , as tiio espectntloii was II Iho pool was Jormcd It would bu foi at loa'-t ' lliieo } eais. 1 lie Alton'h lep- lesentiitivo was leimesti-d to reiteralo instatement - , statement , which ho did without hesitation and deliheiations on ( he pinpoint plan ( casid liisi. inter. Hofoio sui.uating | , how- ( upi , thu man.igcis talked ovel the teaslbillty ot drawing up a plan on a ono } car basis. A commitleo was appointed to lepmi , it possi ble , MondaOctobei 11 , upon llio plan , Sail al Ion S < | iiad InipiMsonoil. Wn.M HIIAIIIIK , I'a. , Oct. 't. For bomo v\ccl\s | ist a section ol the sahallon aimy , led b } Captain John Atkln , of New Yoilc , has been parading through the streets lieiu , with drums , Hags and tambouilnes , blnging and blioutlng. To-nl ld , of an of ficial notlro fiom Major button to disc-on. tin no the pi.ietico on him day iilshts , Iho ami } appcucdas usiuil. A sijuad of police made a raid on thorn as they ni.iiched . mound thu jmbllo hiiiaiu ] and ariested Daniel Moigan , tno leader , John Atkln , Clmile.s i'et- hick , Thomas Vuuglin and ( juorgo K liaik- toy , ot lioslon , When taken bofoio the niaorthev diopped upon theii knees and prajoil. Thej weie charged with disordeily conduct , and in dotault ot i ! ) line each , woio commuted to prison. Tolwcco Ciop Damaged. I.ovisvn I.K , Oct. U The Couilor-Join- nal's specials report Most nllo\er tlio stato. About half the tobicco crop Is reported uncut and so lunch has been Injiiied that one-half to thiee-quaitcrsof It will make only fiostcd lugs. Tobacco In the low lauds Is much damaged , while that on the uplands Is llttlo hurt. An experienced broker and handler t duks Fiulay night'o fioat will inueli Impair the quallt } but not i educe tlio quantity ot tliu croit. Keports tiom the famous Flat Lick section , noted foi dark , ilcli tobacco , ate bad. 'Iho osiimatcs us to the loss Miiy widely , but all ngicu that the dama''o Is bcrl- ous. lovva U'oathor. For Nebraska and Iowa : 1'alr wenthci , ftatluuary temperature1. CI.IVUA\CK.S roit THIS AVIIU. Oinnhn Holds Ilur Own With tlio c l inoreaso. IJo ioN. Oct. 'l. [ Sppi lal Telegiam tolhe Hi i. . ] The following ta'ile , compiled from special dispik'hcs to the lioston 1'ost from managers of the leading do irinir liousps < if the Itilled Slates , ghcs the cioss pxchangps at each point for Ihe week ending October - ! , ISsO , and tlio tieicentases of Increase or do- cieasp ascomimed with the iosso\PhaiiKes of the coripsponillnt ; week last jear : * N'oi included 111 totals , t Paitl } estimated TOY.'AUDS TIIU OU1J3NT. "More Alioul tlio Contonipliiiod Wcst- watd 3l < ) V < Mitont ol I'nokorH. Cnirvdo , Oct. : i. ( Special Telegram to the Uii : .J A member of thu packing hoiiso linn ot liiibcit Warien it Co. , being intei- viewed ic'garding ' llio condition ol nil all s among pickois , says : "It is enl } a mallei of time when othei smaller hum must lollovv the oMimpru of Shields V Nell , who hive moved to Nebiaska to escape the imposition ol piiugtun horns' wages lei eight boms' woiic. Thepiescnl order of things eannot exist 1011Weio it not foi tliu n- vahy existing between Swift , Armour , and Xelson Moiris as to who should contiol the heel business , either of them being too timid to take a stand on gpiieial business , we could have met tlie move made b } ilie men and ic- pelled it. Wo will havu to lutiiin lo tin1 old sjstpiu , ami ( hat soon , 01 move elthei to Omaha m Kansas City. Tliuloiuiei is mak ing gieal c lloits to have Chicago stock Intel- esis moved then1 " John 0. llatclv , of the hrm of H.ifel } Hun.bilo admiltiug that soniolliing would ln\o to bo done , did not look with tavoi on Ihu scheme ol contracting Hie concoiiis in any one eitv. . Tbe i.iiue oust iclp ol a iaue nunibei of oiganh'Od men would bo met Iheie. Ho was in laver of scattPiiiis Ihe concpins as farnpart as possible , " is thuoiilv wav in which wo can meet the un- iPisomibledPinaiKls on ihuiiiil ot the men. As tlie matter noiv titands , how can wo light Hicton packer * , wii'o are luving S tor ion boms' woik while we nav < ? 4 loroight ? ' Should a movement ot the intme of Hie above hinted at be mule , \\illullnt In the neigiibnlioiid of about 'Js.OOO men , including tlio-e umplood in a cluiical capacity. Spoil lUoroli.iiits { 'nil. Ciiirvoo , O t. 3. Tlic in n ol J. W. Skes iV Co. , seed meieliants ot M chigan avenue , made a voluntai } n slgnment jeslenlay with Orson Smith , of the .Merchants' Loan M Trust compaii } , the Hide A Leathei bank ami llliam SIbley it Co , who aio Iho piinci- pal creditois as well as assignees 'I he assignment was leudeicd ncccs-aiy on the ii.nt ot h > kos b } thu leiiisjlof the Merchants' Loan iV : Tiust companv to giant him an extension ot a week on his note lei ( ) ( in fivm ot that comp.inv. Oison Smltli , of the Loan ATiust company. sa.\s : " .Mi. has been in filling health and has lor some time contemplated making an assign ment which would otlioiwise IIP iinnccessai v. His indebtedness ! Is nuulv S-JMJ.nJO , and I think lull } half 'that amount is duo the Auieilean n\chango bank , I think his assets will equal Ids liabilities. " icui ron. Pa ism no , Pa. , Oct. : i. Tin1 annual mret- Inc of Ihe American Acadeni } ol Moillc'iuo will be held in this city Oetobci U and 13. About two hundred delegates lioin all parts ol the coiiuti } will bo piesent. Tlio object ot thu convention will be to endeavor lo have passed law , either by states or cougicss , for HIP legiilatinn of the admission of candidates to study med icine , ami the dcbaning of | phslcians who have not graduated lioin liist class med ical colleges. They want Hie-appolntment of naiional , 01 stale boauls , compn-ed ol hkill- Inl siugtons ind lenmod ph > Mpms | to u\- amliio candidates foi Hie siudy ol mediclnu. A movement will also bu m.idu a/aiiist Hdid 01 toin th class colleges , wlileli the aoadeni } fsiij R must go , or else i.dto llielr btaudaiil veiinatei tally. ' , AVnlioo W.vnoo , Veb. . iU. ) ,1. fSpeclal to the HP.P. ] The follow lug Is acoiicclieport of llio I i mo and wlnneis ot the iniiiclpil la es at the fall , iccentl } hold at this place : Two-tmly ilass : Piiend Doy won , Kilt } 11. second , Polly M. thiid , Dionco Dan Com tb. Time JII. . Two-loity plass : IF II. won , Frank P. spcoinl , runny Mnp thud. Time ' ! -.r > . Thipo mliiuto cliss : 11. H. won , runny Mae second , Frank P. thiid. l'lme-3:41. : Fiou lei all : Mav ( won , Kiiond Jioy second , Polly M. thiid. Time 'i. J'J'4. ' Great Fair Ij\ootalloiin | , Si Louis , Oct. , ' 1 bo fall Hotting meet ing ot tlio St. Louis Fair asooeiatlon will open to-mortovv Wiuultiuoously with tlio annual fall of tliat association. Over n liundiod tiottors , uiijong them many lljers of the countiy , 0,10 liQra already , nnd sovoial inoroaio toanlfe. Tie | thieo clippers , that tiotloil the spcpial IIVPO ut Chicago justeida } . w 111 bo among thorn , jTho track Is in splendid condition , nnd lliBgioat fall is In n moio ad vanced stale limn ha been usual berotoloro on opening day. The TIicllH Wins A ain. M AUin.i.iiKAT ) , ilnss. , Oct. H. The first ot tltu scries of raced between llio Thetis and English eullei Slrnngor was sailed olT Mar- blebcad je-steiday. The course was ufteen miles to leeward and letnrn. The condi tions of wind and water weio excellent fiom stait to finish. Thu start was uudo at 11:01. : The Thetis tinned thu outer maik at 1:11. : the btianuerat 1:12.'X : ) . The 1'hetis huished at 4 : .10 , iho Stranger at 4:50.J3. : nnnqnct to IMi.'Carlliy , Ni w \ OIIK , Oct , -Tho coiumltteo on the lush pailiamtntaiy fund gave a baiKjuet to Justin McCaithy last night at the Honman house. Toasts vveio icsponded to by llio guest of tl.u evening , b } Hon. Thomas L. Jamc.s , Cliauncey M. Dcpow , William Dor- slioiuiPi , Itii'hard O. Gorman , lieoige Abbett , Wldtelaw Held and otheis. A Michigan Man Cremated. Ilni.o V. Y. , Oct. .3 Tlio body of John H Hc'iner , lalo uf Sa1 ? imv Mlfli. , was cieni.iU'4 htro to-du } . Ilia vvifo re- > iue- ted U. A GREAT CHURCH GATHERING Meeting of OjngrcgationaUsts to Bo Hold at Des Moincsi A GREAT QUESTION COMING UP. Democrat lo Kicks on the Vow IlofiU- trillion Ijinv .Moe'tlni : of the Supreme premo Coilrl Olhor llnit- In Invui , lst ronnntssloiti'r < * . lt : MOIM.S- ( let . ' . . [ SppcHI totlmlJi.p | The people of tin.lull' , anil of this city putipiilarly , uir > linking loiward with meat Intoiest to the inpotiiu' of the American board 01 pommlssl < iiicrs of tin * Congrpga- llonal cliuich , which convenes in this city on Tuesday of this week UN thu nipctiiigof their denomination lui thu pp- plal ( 'onsldoi.itlon ot the subject of missions. Itunniuliy bilngs logelhei thu lead Ing mill- istois and lajmi'ii ot the Congregational Phuipli. Last } eai llio boud hold thi-lr meeting in Hodou audit was atcnd"d ( bv live 01 sltlmiisuid people , ' was in New I'.nirlumiIICTO CnugiP.Mtioualisiii Is stumgesi. Hut It Is estimated lint theio will tie a tlmiisiud visitnis oonio to Don Moines this you , though the m-omuls lfij ) miles limn liostoii. beveialof the loading iiu-n of the oist \\ill bo present , including the vcnot.iblo M.nU Hopkins , ov piesident ol \Villluiiis , now ptst eight } .vous of lue. lie is expected to dolivci an aililu-ss onu evening. I'lie meeting will In'-Mn on TUPS- da } alu-inoon , and will contiunu until Til- diiy morning , with llnoe SP-SMOIIS a il.u. .So man } Coiuiojalionalists in Iowa anil NP- br.iskuaie IntoiPstod in lldi moot ill-tot tlieit plOtiailimC will b1 lea 1 w t'l ' Intel cat. nit n.n nr i\i.iO'-ns- : ! . Tn - 1 iv , ! ! | i in. Oil nnl/iUion. devotional SIM MCI. ' ; r-pint ol p uduntial emulate1 in tinIHIIIIU ( li-pitliiu IK hi the homo seoict.irv , JrliUn ) ; tie.isuu'i's 1.1) ) ut ; gpiieial sin- vi' } ot tinloiul n Hold bj tinsoniui 1'iivigu see.otai. , Dr. 7 : ! 0 p. in bciiinin b } lr . ) . li \ \ ithiow , ot llosioii. Wednesday , 0 a. in. lluslness .nul dovo- ; piper on Ihu "IniuidopMid- aiico ol Home and FoieUn .Missions , " b. li. ) Alilcn , lollovvod b , .1 seiviiu : spi'i III i ap > 'i on " ( oita n Pi leticai ( Juostions in ill- Foreign \Voik \ , " h } br Cl.ul. ; piol > a bt\ one ir I vv < > bi IP ! addies-os ' . ! p. in S.t eal papoi on the ' 'Missioiiaiy ProPlon. , ' ' o\ the junior totcnm socrctaij , 1)1. Jllllh Ml hlllltll , Pio'.iiulo ii'poit of tli % committee on tlu > home iL'pailmont , with discussion : i id ad- dios-es. T : vi p. -Kopoit of tli" c ) n nitt e on one ot ttie spec al inpois , with a Idio es. Thuisd iv , 0 .1. in. Hupoits lioin c'liuinit- tccs on tin * foicigii Held , wilh UNuicises , iiul bnuf uldicssos. J | > . in. b.ieiamont ot tlio Lotd's Mipppi. ( In thu Pi } mouth and I'en- tial Piosbvteiian chinches. ) H p. in. Election ol ollicuis .uul othui bllsi- IlOss. 7uO : p. in. Aldiesscs Uj Piesideut Hop kills.lllll OtllOlS. I'ndiiv , l ) n. m. liusiness completed and liiii'well meeting. Tin- time riiuisd.iy iiltLMiioim nftoi the sariament.ilUIMCU will ho HIP oppoitunity lor Ms'tois tiom nlnoid to Msit llu1 st.iiu hon li.ind KO about tliu city. Thu meptiiii ; nl hum will he .1 mui'tlng ol the cuipuia- tlon ol llu ; bo.ud only. TliPio Is a Diobpout that tills DCS toines mcctltit ; ot tuo boud m.ij becomi'liistoilpln min.ils 101 jcars to come. The Kic.U ipii'stion ol luluic iiioh.ition is tocomu up , and thiMo will be a livelj contoil betweiMi HIP lopieauni.itncs ol the old and Hie lieu theology. ' 1 liulaitei aiuled l > ) Andinei inun who bu\o takun tlie ad\ai.ced Kioiind all iioisons not inlants 01 Idiots , wl.o li.uu tailed to hcai ot Clilibt In this lilp , will hi > Ken anothoi eh tncu in tlic ncxtwoild Tliu old tlieolo/ians aiu biinpo ed to m\e bat- tloon tliib line , and the. question is tout no up tor disciioion at tlil meutiii in Iks .Monies. All tlnoiu'h tlio east tlm uuate t inleieat is taUen In tlienppioneliini ; meetiii ) ; toi this lu.ison , and it may ) iio\o a Kieat epocli in tliecliuieli. M w 1:1 fii'-iiiAiio : ? i.\.w. The new logistiatio.i \\hieltgnesmto I'lh-Pt lor tlio nist time this \ ear , is if iliu Hio politician- ) end ol tionhle. Thcie is no iloiiht homethliiBot the kind was mcded t piotect the. inuiti ot the ballot , ando tills law was p.isseil. lint bcin tlio lust ot tliu Kind , it is eimie and haasomo impciJeetiims will need to be lomedlyd in thu Inline. J'lie l.itleqiilies e\i.M ) eiti/en who ovpects to Mite in an > town ot ' , ' ,00) ) or morn poml.i- ] lion to lo lstu his name , answeihi. ? a mini- bei ot ( inostions hiieli as Ills B IC , place of na- tlvitv , liniKtli ol lesideneo inotim , ' pipe net , etc. , elc. In the case ot natiiriili/ed uili/cns tliev an : reijinied to statu while and whin they weie uatmali/ed , and ghc such d.iia as shall as-.ino the leiristiais they , no en titled to Mite. No one will ho allowed to \ote whoso naiii" liaf not been put upon thu iejlsti ( > lists at tin ) time appointed , ho the k'leatda'itfei ' is that men will not attend to letfistumii : , whii'li thej must do in peison at a slipul.ited time. Ill tlio cabo of ioiciuli- bom eiti/uiis tlieio may he somu who have lost their nitui.-.iuation P.IDCIS and cannot Hive enough data to show that they are entitled - titled tootc wlieio thpy me. li tlieio aio aii > such It will ho something of n haulship to exclude tliftm. ( ) i\ \ the other hand thu law will work a blessing Hi osi'liullng tiom vuiiiii ; mail } ininalinali/.ed IHMBOIIS , who h.ue been veiling lot , \ein , withuut HID ii 'ht to do so. Tills lestlletloii will beat do\wi hriid on the ilJinoeiats , and so thej aie iiN- it was liamed tor the pmposu of dislifinchlstiu' them , lint the enl } discrimination it makes is against li.ind- nleiitolliif , ' , so 11 It cuts iim t into the dpin- oeiatic jiulj , 11 will only ho donitf what llio l.iws luaiiisl Hand and ciimo In u\eiy state are doniK. Tlieio aio llllj-lom cities mid tuw us in HIP state ivliero tlio l.iwupi ; > iic.s , and In c.uli ot thun the ic lsti } b.xiks . wll ! ho opened bojnnln ; ; on Tnc-ihi } , ( JJobci 1 i , coiilinuiiiL' foi h\e das , with ono di\ later foi additions ami i Direction- , . The clli pt ill tlio law will probabl } bo In decicaso dm total Mite at election in soMMiltlioiisunil , which will in many localities amount ton net icpn'ilican pun. mi. "si 1111 i ) " hui'ni MI roi nr. The siipiemo coint opens in this ctt > this week foi the liist time nndei the now law which has consolidated nil terms ol thu com t at the capital. Tim highest con it ol the stnto is no lomrci compelled to loim aioiind the statoon wheels. All of its Hums arc to beheld hold at Dos Molnob , and the docket llicioloio is no Jailor , This will call all tlio leading attoinejsof the state to the c.ipitol during tiiofcchsion ol llioc'oiut , or clianxo tlio Htjlu ot in.ictlco sonifwhat , Ipadiii ) , ' to the submis sion of cases moioKoneiall.v b ) pilntidbiiefii , and If any exti.iaiAliment is ncedtd li.uo It biibuiitted by local attornojs. CO.NOI.II'H ri.ici no nii.i , . I C'ongifbsiiian C'oniei , ot tinsdistikt , who Is a P indidatc lor to uli-rtion , H moetiiii : w Ith hjiocial lavorat tills time lioin the luct that ho was the liti-t man In coiu'iess to intioduco a bill lor nioio olllclont iiieasuiea to stamp out plouto pneumonia and otlioi cattle dis ease.- , . Ills hill was an opted by the commit tee on a 'ilcnltmo as the basis ot itspioposed bill which was fuMiiablj lepuitod. lint thodemociatipliouso ipfiisod to lot It como up , and Us li lends could nevoi get a lie.iiliit , ' tor It , so It died on llio calomlai. His bill Ino ) o5od to give the commissioiiPi ot agrieul- tiiioenlarrod ( poworti , and pioviito lor pay ment b } the Rovoinmout toi all diseased eat- tlo that were oulcred killed. His Hcivleps , thcreloro , in behalf ot tlio fanner , anil ho woikod haul fm his bill , arc apincdatcd now , when his bill II it had bo'-omo a law could liaNe Mampcd out the cattle phtguo at t'hlcano In its Inciplcnc } . JIAll I10\1I MUM MEMS. In tallroad ciieles theio Is somu quiet but alu'iilitcant talkaliout tlio southern intentions ot the .Noithen I'.i.llic railroad. I'losident ( Jakes , of that road , was in town icccntly and had a oontoiotuo lieio with \Vabash olllclals , Ills believed that the Noitliein I'.itiUc iipoplo aiu cndcaMiiinK to ( 'ot a southern - ern line down tluoiiKh Minnesota and lowu , mid thence to.St Louis anil the Culf. 1'icsi- dent Oakps has been looking ocr the Wabash line noith liom heio to Jelleuon. Tills is * nairow enacp. with a I'mpfupdnvipnalon on to Spirit lnkp. mid II the Northern Partue sliould by It , It would tiooMfiided on to their line , and thus eh tlirm a soiitliprn conncp- lloil by wnj ol PCS Molit ( 4. It lias tippll 1 Knm\n foi irnup tlmp that Iliovvanlpd to porno ' oiitti and It Is unilerstood tint tin * NoithwoMern and Chlcnco. lliuliimioti * CJuinci liavocoiubiued to pievent them if wit tin nvititrr. SpnatorViiitlnif. . wliis. hanel peurod him llipilemiicratip noiii'natiou lei coM < rtior last joar. Ims liceii dnfted acaln , Hilt time to stand for pnii'iipss In the I'.lPUMith district , which liasa icpubllcan ninjorlty of M'veia ! tlioimnd. llpdiclitiPd belorp the pomoti- tlon met , and three otlipi dpiiiopratswho were nomin itpd rc-pi'ctlulh dpciiniMl HIP honor , but the parh llnnmhi It pouliln t tret atoii w itliout liK b.uiel and so loieod llio nomina tion upon him. OIUTl'AllV. Dentil ol' CiMiprnl .l/itin M. llrdlulc liiivt livening. OnfMw i , In , Opt a.-deiieral , lohn M. lledtleU. stilckeii with ptlaldls last \Ved- iu'siM > nltfht , died , il itnVlni'k tills pvenlnu. lie1 ; a native ot I'n-di Counlj , Indiana , and ha teslued In this county fm foit\-ono \oar-i. Me was HMI ed upon n f.uiu , entaicd ; In MUMP nil UP biisliipss pail ; . In life , and was so einraired when bo enteied tlio wai of the ichelllon us lleiitoiiant ol Companv I ) , riltppntli Infantry lie ippcnteill } lose to the Kiailes of captain niajoi ami lleutetiant colonel , and on the pio- motlon ol ills colonel , ( ieneialV. \ . \V. \ lol- ! kiiap , he was made coloupl , and afteiwards lueseted hiu.idloi ireneial lei .illantn on the Held. His ictrlmeiit wus in the tiont undei cimimand ol ( iiMicial I'lentiss , when tlie dot ea ed. then u captain , was wounded and tnntmed. He was si\ months n tnlsoiipr , nnd ns soon us e\cliaiiied ro- jnined Ins leiiimi ut. llu icceiveil two \\ounds , nlJbelon \ > Atlanta. Uneot tbpso wounds was MMSCXOIP. . Attei bieauiiiK mil aliesli uml IHMIII ; In cio-e pmximity to tlie spluc piohihl\ Induced the discaso whicli lias leiminatcd Ins Hie. Toi a JIMI aitei iccehliiK this wound he was mi'b'c ' to tin iield diilx and was delalhda \V.ishliul'i. ( ) He sei\cd asa member ot the ( oiiit-mailial to ti } the eoiispliatois lor the uiuidei ol Ahuih im Lincoln nnd otlieis He was miisteied out ol the sen ice in lN.i > , ami was m.idii po-tmavtei heie , and he alter- wauls ip > unvil to t-i' ' > i > thu place of supenisor ol intcinal iP\Miuo toi Wisconsin. Minnesota , ami se\eiil tenito- nes. Wlide snpcnisoi 1m was imemost in thu piosccntioii ol tliu whisky liauds at Milwaukee and other points which at- ti.icted tlie attention ot the u hole couutn. PIOIII INill to 1S78 he Wflsedltoi of the ( Jt- tumwa Coiulei. Poi several jears just he lias been out of pub lic lite and attended closol } to his private all ilis , but he has alw.ijs been loiciuiKt in eveiy publip eiiteipilse to PII- hincethe iiowlh and piospciity ol tills cit } . llu was a man ol luilliant puts , ol rnnl iMiPiirj and iriiveisillv eslcemed. I'he death ol no citi/en could bo mote smciiel } ; ind dci'i'lv ' moiiinod , and none whose loss will he mine keenlv lelt in this com- miiniiN. llew.isin his iitlhlth jenr ami lie leaves a wile , thico sons ami two d.uuli- ti'is Ili > litlnM ut the n e ot si.\cnt\-sevcn , SIM MV os him. Plie fiiuei it will t.iko place at ' . ) . ; o o'clock I'lipjitp mot 111114. Tln v Ci j lor \ \ atcr. Xr.ol \ . la , GetCs ! | c tal to the Hi r.J 'I here will he an election huiu on linns- ilav , theolli lust . on thu piopositioii ot bond- iuc the cilv to the c\lent ol7.0)0 ) toi vv.iter- vMiiks imiposps. The irenei il opinion is llio bonds will camb } a l.iueniajoilty. . jllli A U TI K q 1 1 b C I C K. Villard'B Nlci-o I'rplty , Ilui No . Her Dolnit. Xnw Tonic , Oct. ; J [ Special Tclcsinm to the lii iJ : A nicio of Henij Villaid , the makei and loser of Xoitlicin I'.aoihc millions , has beou actliiK on tile sta e of the hi u ihea- ler duiing the past week , bhoisa novice , tliis boiun her hist profusiionalism , ami tor tlio time beinjr slip is a ni.nkud lailine , thus binning in Hie had luck ol ( ienevieve Waul In Hie piodiiction ol " ' 1 he Queen's I'avonte. " lint her di but is an event ol Impoituico in fashionable s-ooiety , and liei icimukablo pultiness 'eems to atoup , In the estimation ol thu ni-'htly parties of hoi incnds in at tendance , for her utter inabilit } to act. It Is new nes- , thai r.ils hci , liovvuvei , and hhe veiy po'-sihlj has a future on the tajp. film In umlei twenty , and of fr.i.'lio stvle. Ilei inriiio is siiiht ( nnd tall , iieiloclly eicct , but lithe , and hei hands and fi et : ue small. Her iaee Is dollcate , hii lil and rcgulai , as to leatmo- , except that hoi mouth ieneioiis , bit tliat when she smiles n set ol ncrlect teeth nr well pxliihiti'ii. Iluiolcu is latliei weak but music. ' ! and aciceable. Hei complexion is so den and blonde tint only n trilllnir iiuuiitllv ol p.iiut is put on it , iind liei liair is a lUlit brow u , hhe was in Kuiope wlien Miss Waul , an old aciiuilnianco of Vlilaid , Icained ot her ( liamallc aspiiallon andi.ivo hoi tint iiiescnt oppoiliiult } . Ilur staie name is 'Ijndall. Sunday IS.-IHR Hall. ST. LOL-IS , Oct. " > . Hits and pirois wcic nearlv even in to-da } ' # 11110 between tlio Itiown'sand MetiopolitanR. bcoie : ht , i.ouis . o o a o o : t o i o o .Mctiopoiitan . . . .o o o o o : ; o i o t Two b.iso hlls dlc.Toii. Total IIISPS on hits hi. Loins 7 , Meliopolilaiis 7. hull on has"s St. Louis 4 , Metiopolitaus 8. htolen biseCaiulbeis. . Welch. Mruclc out Hy Cimlheis 1 , Ma\s 1. Mattel hit Coitilske } . li.i'es on called hill' ' Off r.uutlieis ' , ' . oil' Mavs : ) . l'is ed bills Hnshon 1 , iJunohuu 1. Wild pilclies-Ciirntheis 1 , 1. I'm- pire Valentino , A i Civ I.VN M I CiiKlliliati . . . . 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 t n Alhletiis . ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 I'liit hise -'iiiclnnali ( U , Athletic- . Kiiois-Cliiclnn ill II , Alhlctic- 1. I'llcheis Smith ami .Millei. I'mjilie Mctju.tid. A i l.ori , vi i.i i : Koulsvillo . o ( i o o : i i i fi lialtimmo . 0 0 l a i o | n I iint haso -l.oiusvillo 1' , ' , Italtlmoiu 0. Knoi.s l.oilisUHc . ( , IJallliuuiu 1. Tliisj Want to Close 1'iiily. Ciin M.O , Oct. . Tlie ictail flPil.s of tlio city , who havn lor some time been aillilliig the oaily closliif , ' movement , hold a nuetliii ; to dav. It was stated id the uathuilns ( hat jiptillons to LMiijilojuis In tlio Interest ot the movement have lefciilted in a litllo Himit of f.diino. Thoio ictall nieiclianls , who hud acceded to this request , had mostly uouu back lo tlio old sjntem , whllo otheis weio com- batllnt : the moseiiiciit In othei wavs. A committee wasiippointed lo\islt thodliicient Undo and l.iboi assemblies , and ask them lo icfusjto | ) itioiii/u any merchant who kept his stole open latei limn 7 p. m. Triiop . M \ \MOIIAS , Mcx. , Oct. . ) . ( Vela with coo men of the Fifth and T\\ont-slxth intanlr } airi\Pd In Mntamoias jestoulay , and will talio command of the military de partment ol tn ] ( io lirnu ) to-nmriow. The rostol Ids troops will slmitlj uriho hoio uml thoKouilh Inlnnliy , now hcio , will go lo San Udsl'niosi , whllo tlio cavaliy xulniPiiU will buiormcd In ono corjis under Colounl A lotos Hinojosa , and Colonels Ca\a/os and Heinaiide/ will bu pul on waiting oidein. ( ieneial ( ioineas soon as tralllp ever tlio niilioads Is lusumed , will go to the fit } of iloxico and thorn o to Tampico. Smoky ( ley RJU-PO , l > irrsi-it < i , Oct. U. Ti la week will bo a gala time foi I'lttshui . To-monow theio will bou hades demonstintlon ami an Im- moiuo picnic In v , Inch at loatt ' 0,0 , > l will p.u- ticlp.ito. Tlio luiado will titko idacu in the iiiornlni : and it Is uxpectod It will bo Ueho Ion ; ; . Homy Hosrox , Oct. a. Herman W. I.udJ , a niaiuifactuui of spring bedmanitli in IN ! with biTinc'li"i in Neiv \ uik uiid i i i < i ' . li , nsslgnud. hiabilltle ) ana , . & > u IN A VERY BAD ATMOSPHERE The Big Labor Convention to Bo Hold Amid Disturbed Surroundings , BUSINESS MEN AND DOYOOTTERS At War in UlchnionilTito Knllit | anil INtlltli'D IVu Ht'li'jjatpB l-'roiu tlio WostoiMi Stairs lions < il' ilie Hour. A Most (111)101 ( ) tiiitl ( S.itliri IIIR. lln inuiMt , Vii. , Oct. . l Special , Tele gram In tlio ji | i | ( icinid Societarv Tur ner , of the Knlirlils of I.itmi , In conversation tills o\oniiii ; , said he con-hlers the picscllt convention b , fai tlie IIIOM impnrlant aKsom- hlthooidei has had , m cm lm\o , as upon Us POIIISU depends the Inline welfare of the order. Phi- sessions will he eight hours n da.v , tiom v to 1. In the mm mm : , and a to 0 in tlie stli ruoon , 'llio action ot HIP sissnubl } upon llm sub ject ol h lypotts will luob.ihl ) lie alTectcil homo- what bj HIP pei iilliu condition of niTali.s hi Iticlnuond now Tot mam month * the paper and pilntin bouse ol It.iuirliimm llios. bus been bovcotted b } the po-raphlr > , il uniitM and Knlxhts ot l.ahoi. 'I'ldn > hiou lit about a liltlcr state ot teelluc , psppclally as meichaiits and otheis have oiganbrud n blanch ol the law nnd oidei league , with n membership of over two thousand , backing ami Ilirbtiut , ' tlio bujcott. Tlio cutiio ( jpou'iapliical union lias boon Indicted lor coiispiiac } , and li dlc.itions arc that the will take iiiace duiing tbo time tlio assiMiihlv is holding Its session. Ol course all this causes much bitterness as nil attempts at nibittatioii between ; llio ? . anil tlio priuteis have pioved dismal failures. Tlie question of Knights ot liiiboi ninnlntt foi political olllco Is UM ! > llkoly to Doln- IlilPiiccd hlocal suiiouilillllKS. 11. W , .Mullen , pist master woikmnn lioro , Is jun- nun ; as a labm eaiuMdate. doorgo 1) . Wlso , dcmoeiiitie nominee , is his opponent , and theiepubllcau comciitlou attoi a sliaip light dec do I not tociiduii-c Mullen , and they nom inated i : Wnddell , late I'nltud tstatos district atloniej. 'A lien Mullen was nominated n majoiitv of the democutic knlghlH bolted Horn thu convention uml announced their intention of supimitinu the domociatlo nom inee. on Hie ground that thu timdamentnl principle ot theordei foiliade Its coiiij' Into politics , tlieiclmothe assembly will Do in session in the midst ot iishurp political con test as well as a lei ; . ' ! wai on boy- cotleis. hU"ii memheis as come seem lo bo di&ajv- polntod at tlie pompaiatlvelv meacro rcplfl- sentatloiis fiom the west. I'hoy think tbn Ion.- strikes tlieie have hid a dlspiritlnir etl'oel upon thu inembcis and weakened the oidui In that sect uul. AH55IA A OP Mr. I'oVMlpi Ij Attciuls "Vl.iss anil huli- hPiIiicnt ly .MiKcs .1 spopcli. Iir ! IIMOMI , \ a , C ) < I. ; i - DcIi'CTtos to tlio Knlirhts ol l.iboi national assoinbly have been anUiiiL' stcadilv all day. The princi- pil chinches were well attended by tlio visit ors ( iiand Alastn Woikman I'owdoily nt- teuded hull m iss at SI. I'etci's cathedral. 11 was accompanied bj Missis. Million and Haves , of tliu national executive committee. Aitei set v ices ho was invited lo a meeting of llio confeioiicp ot tlio St Vincent do Van ! , In the basement of tie ! cathedral , where bo was iiitiodiiccd to the momhcr.s who grpetwl liini cold hilly. Hoaddiussed tliiicourciencobrloUy , Hi iiiMiiKtlioiu 101 iheii kind iccpptlon. ilo alluded to HIP work of the society , nnd drew a compniNon between its woik iindthntof the oidei over which hi piosidcd , BaylliK thai the object ot both was in many rospuctH , in each mined to ainolloiato llio tiouliles ot theii tcllovv cieatiires , and nlil and elevate mankind. Mi. I'owderly has been kepi busv Hie uicatci pmllon ol llio day in leceiv int : visitors. 'Iheiearo alieudy be tween euht ami ninu bundled delegates lieie hpsidcs a l.iigc numhei ot non-dcle alcs. 'I'lio e\ei uti\o lommilleo has not held a ses sion } ut but will do so tonioirow morning heroic tlio national assembly in called to oidoi. TIiu meeting will Do lot tlio mrango- munt 01 pielimiuaiies. nS A7 > SKVS.VTIONS' i i IIP Slotik ItEni'kot Uurlne I Ins \Vrclc .IiiHt lOiuleil. Xnw VOKK- . Oct ! ! . [ Hiieeiai Toiogram to tliu Hi i . ] The vveuk has been prolllic with sin puses and seiisa'ions In the ( dock niftr- ket , and asa result wo have bad some vvido Phanpps iiji and down. Tlie bull movement which has lei two weeks swept alone with. iiicslstiblu foicc1 , has had seveial set bacls and ou'idiio icadloiis have aiihed. Until wlllnn a IPW da\s llieiu was scarcely u boar insight , but now speculation again has two two sides to It , and soim * of HID old bear ojiciatoitwlio luivo been ipccptly liainlnn with the coulingentp , weio Ireo bollcrti of stocks on l-'iiday , and win1 piedlctlng n i mther decline. I.eadcis oil the long sldo ot thu account undouhteilH le.di/ed heavily on the bulges which took place dining the week , but still they aiu not Piilncl } out , and , If In. dip.itioiis aie good lei an } thing , they \rn\a \ mil losl Iheli tilp ; on tin m uket , and mean to assoit their powci oncn morp , 11 nothing HOI ions oeeurs to the tiiink line pool. A mil } /im ; thu ( inn -.cot puces , It need only IIP mid that at the opening tin iti was gpnor- nily a ic'.iclion , and then lollo vud a noiiodof . which advanced iuiwhoie 'jU points. 'IhiiiuoMiu PUI-.O ) of tins nharp o weip the Miiacioiis stones ot loay's , con- Bolidalion and contest toi lonirol ot thu New VidU it New IJU'lind , 1,11 ot which , huw- evei , WCMP af lei waul denied Hm c.ill tor 5fl.'imio.ojOSii'i ( | ciniB , llm ndMHPO In coal. and tlio icpmts whl < h wcie miienl piovlous to Hie N'andeibill met IIIIL' ol dlvidomlH ; to lie deiluied on Canada Soiitb-in , Michigan Cential and I.iko shoio. Aflor It boeamu kiiov\n that tlio ill- reclms did not COII-KCI | thu iitiPHlion of ( Uv- IdeiulH , tliu sin el was disappointed and thu m.iiki tstaiuii on n down cradc. thu decline , which landed lio'ii 4 to ! lf points , being acceleialed by llm lies In this money and coiiesnoiiiliMiio between Commissioner Kink and I'le-iident Itoln rs | , Iho latter cient- lngiiiitou | sc.uofora time , but fiom which thcro was siihseiuuntly | homo KiooM-ry. 'llio demand tin goveinmc'iit bonds wns iielivi ) tbiouibont ; , whllo llm supply was small , Jletwcen Iho two. pilces lusorapldly , * llio advance in loins having been iio.n ly a PCI pi nl. I'oiu mid a Imlfs moved up about half u point. Inoulry lor hxed iiiitn Issues is , of ionise , stimulated b } thopon-tant letiruinent of thups. thu hitler - ler bo In. , ' icplaccd to homo extent wit the loi- me > . The immoj maiknt hlmwed ItiPieahed nc- tivlty , PMI eiidh tow , ml HID cioM ) , when thfioworo se\uial Ihiiilps. tlio jato Dtouo timuKi.icliliig 17 pet ( put. 1'lm gioitbulkof biCiinc'Mi was at 0 and U p-r cent. VIOUV IIAHU Ul . Tlio Tp\nii Call to fllon n n Kntl I'lnnn- dial Ntiull , Ai-sii.v , TPX. , Oct. ! ) . Turin ID no ilo-iln tbnt llio Mil Inkajjo in cattle \alnos , together with the n poi is of a HIIUIS epldonlo tliiotio'hout thoiounti } , fsei Mug Rirat mis tiust and nnc'asliie-,3 aniun. ; the catllo men \ ol tliiitbt.ilo. Tlieio mo rumors nbioad that bomo ot tlio muM piomui'iit cattle mon ( t Una M'ction havoalieadj bocomoeinbarrasspil. and tli.u theli papei bus ono to pioteat , but no uiiii w ill onless to haIng anv know Jiuleo otkiidia th.un' , It U CM u htnted that mUala i. Mdi H. c havu bufii sold to Injiuo eitdilon a a. u Hi - Noii'diMdualcaseh of mubar , in i " ( .u , s > item it J Jlsht. e. > o 1 1 'nil's ' me foi ,