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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1886)
-yr iST - rtar - m Wk - ATA BT" "W I A ivur * * * B HE OMAHA DAILY SIXTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 0 , 1SSG , NUMBER 100. THEIR LAST WORDS A CURSE , A Beastly and Bloody Execution of Two Murderers in Paris. THEY DIED AS THEY LIVED. needier A ml Oilier Clerical Mlielcd In I'ootry UiisHtn Insists on Her DcniundH Hill- Oljocts. Work of the Guillotine. 1'Arus. Oct. ft [ Now York Humid Cable- Special to tlio RTF ] A tloublo execution took place In tlio I'lneo ilo la Roquotlo yesterday Inoinlng , attended bv sucli HeaiidalmiH con- ilnrlnii tlio p.ut oE tlio condemned tnen ns aroused general Indignation throitehout Pail" . Thotnen guillotined vveie twenty- seven nnd thirty ye.irs of nao , nnil weio naincit Fiey , alias "Bad Luck. " and Itlvlcrc. Their cilmo was murder. At 3 o'clock one morning last Mai ch they asked for a bud room at a small lintel kept by n Mmo. Dls- hayes. As Mine. Dlslmyes was writing tlio names In the icglster "Bad Luck" or Reviero whipped n long silk liandker chief out of one of their pockets and strauKled her. Tliocry instant tlio crime was coinmlttcil the attains ot a lluto nnd violin were hoard nt tlio front dour playing the seienado from "II Tutv atme. " "Had Luck''and Ulviere , Btnrlk'il by what seemed to them supernat ural music , liastlly diuw down the win dow cm tains of tlio auto room. Tlio lluto nnd the violin duct was merely a serenade given to their landlady by two Italian board ers lelurnliu : trom n ball , Tlio Italian's noticed the strant'o shadows of men's bands at the window. Suspecting that ( something \\aa wrong they ceased their music and warned the police , who , after n despotato Btittgulo , captuicd tlio murdereis. "Had Luck" and Riviere weic , after a lone tilal , sentenced to death. hast night Iai c crowds bivouacked In the I'l.ico do In Roquette , diluking wine , callus : liastiy , nnd singing songs until 5 o'clock this morning , when M. Dloblerand his assistants appealed. In a few minutes tiieyoicctcd a guillotine. AttwcnlymlnutesbcforoO M. Reauquesne , dhcctor of the prison of la Roqiiette , and Abbe Colomb , vicor of the church of Saint Sulplce , aroused Fioy and Rlvlero and an nounced to tlioin that their demand for par don hud been icfused. At. Vendling. the judge d'lnstruction ' , at tbo same tlmo ingcd them to reveal the names of the oilier cilmlnals belouirinjr lo tlio same band as themsolvcs. llivleie , rubbing his eyes , o.\el.ilmed , "Peio ( liovy Is not kind hcaited , but I am consoled by knowing that that rascal Frey , ' 1'ns do Chance , ' will bo guil lotined too. " As he was being led to execu tion lilvluic called Ficy a saland and tried to kick him. Abbe Colomb piescnled Itivieio a cruclliv , cYhoiilng him to cease the noriiblo profanity that kept poining from his moulh. lllvloro shouted In n voice that icsouniicd through the 1'laco do la Roquotte , sti Iking something like tenor to the heaits of the women and ohildicn assembled to sec the ex ecution : ' Theio is 110 more God for mo ; let : je die peace tnlly. " * As ho took Ins place on the guillotine 111 leio said ho wished to speak to the abbe , ' ho abbo appioaohed. Then Riviere , in n oteatoihm voice , slnieked : "You can toll V-eioGievy thutlio is an assassin. " On hoar- acthfo woids M. Dicbler , with the ability o > " a tiger , spuing upon Itivieio , tlm-w him iti.nwn , and dragged his head under the a\e , which lull , and Hlvlcie'n head rolled nnto the basket. It was quietly cov ered \\ith sawdust , the assistant wlp d the blood oil the gulllotino and Jmt anolher basket in Its piopcr place and Fioy , alias "Had Icicle , " was led to the In stalment. Fioy bad watched the decapita tion of Rlvlcio with n cold , saulouio smile , merely exclaiming : "Oh , la , la. " As the abbo approached bo said : "Oh , go away ; II iiy a plus do Dion. " As ho mounted tlio scaf fold ho saluted the ciowd with the woids : "Don jour , n tons les homines. " The ax ot the gulllotino had been badly cleaned and blood diops foil upon Floy's head as ho placed it In position. Ills last woids weio nn oath and "Nous voiio tons los Deux. " Their lemalns were taken to a medical school In the Iluo VnqiiPlin. Fiey's forehead was found tatoocd In line charactcis. Only legible thiough a magnifying glass wcro the works "Pas dc Cbanco , " whence his bobri qtict , "IJad Luck. " KOUGII ON IMI A 1'octlO' SntlriHt Arrested for Liliel- lnj MinlRtcra. Iliir , ! , , Oct. 5. [ New Yoik lleiald Cable- Special to tlio lii.1 ! : : The maglstiates at the police com t to-day issued u ci Imlnal summons ngalnst the editor of the Hull Clitic , n week Jy newspaper , lor llbol against n non-con formlst preacher with the Dlckenlsh namoo Itev. Hopper Joplln. Thopaiagiaplisclalmei to contain the libels were tlieso : Thcionio tlneo builesquers ol icllglon t < whom I liuvti a word to say Hist ot all to that foxiest ot luxes , old hooked nose Uooth i- The old echo from Ids voice , Mm n , noon and night , Whoie crho may be , Is cadge , cadge , c ulfe , Kvo. ( i1 thec. ] iiicniit : : : iwnir.n up. Having disposed ot Kngland's hugest am most cunning hypor'iito , I now como to on Yankee Doodlu filend , Heniy Wind Hecchor 1 Imvo heaid II. W. H. In his lollglous mat nt Itiooklyn. Hti Pleaches to Ignoianco , note to eiudltion , Tilt ! result Is that ills puns ant sermons aicholil to the highest bidder , 1'llO.M OOMI'.TS 1Q CAMl.iS ) : , To eomo down faun comets to oandles 1 ge to Hint old transKiessor , Hopper Joplin , \\lio bus us much lollglon In Ills houl us u Khurl ) ms Io\oiur the human speck's. These tine lellglous toxes cany their religion In the ! trouseis' pocket and catch all the pious am Ignorant gecso they can. The at tlclo ended with a psalm , of whlcl the two following \ cis03ero put In evlil linen ; TIIK DKVII/S OIIIAT : CATCIUS. : The devil went out ono day In search of an impious preacher , Ami no wasn't > ery lone on Ids way Ik'foro ho collared old lieocher , Flushed \\llh Ids gland suceesi , Satan , the champion "eopner-1 Itiiiihed along In his dusky dress And collated old liooth nnd Hopper. now uir.v tooic ir. It is said that ( ionetnl liootli would hay Joined in the complaint but that he Is h AmeiK'a. It was also hinted that Mr lleechcr , who wns shown the at tide pub lished August iM , laughed heartily and ak tlio paragiaphs veto as the mothcijb milk . .tvliicli some American papeia had tiled to /ucd hims lib for twenty yeais past. Th exniilhuitlun llxed for next Monday. fllust Ylolil Tlio hatter Sayu Blic Wont. SOFIA , Oct. 3.New [ Yoik Heiald C'u'jlo- ' Bpoolal to the lji.l ! : : HiiSbia has Issued i note stating that Uulgai hi's reply U nnsnth factory , and that slio InbUts upon the CNU : ; fulUHment of all her demand : ; , The Uul garUns , liowevor , declare that under cumstancea will they j ield. Jtquo ts of ni HCtlvc llusslan at'ltatlou liavo arri\v l fr-n ho provinces , particularly from Shnmla and Juslrhuck. Two Uusslnns , wearing the mil- orm ot Rondarms , have been placed under riosl. The Individuals who occasioned ho recent distuibances liavo been severe- y reprimanded bv the Hu sla consul. 'ho note presented to the I3ugarlan ) covein- ncnt by ( JcneialKaulbars before his depar- uio trom Soli.ins In effect as follows : "The Imperial rovcinmcnt desires to rc- easenll persons arrested In connection with he deposition ot Piinco Alexander. It also lesircs Hut the elections be postponed until November. The consequences of her refusal o comply with Russia's wishes \vlll fall upon hose actually governing Hulgaila. " ItUSSlA AND mi' < \ Itiuulolpli Ohurotiill's Hocont Deohu-iuloiiw Uov lowed. ST. PiTiusnutio : : , Oct. 5. The Journal do St. I'etersbuig , commenting on tlio Hiltlsh 'oickn policy as outlined by Clnnchlll In Ids Dartfoid spei-cK sajs : Tlio sultan will find lilliculty in roronolllng Lrd JUndoIpb : 'huielilirspollcv with torv solitude for the ntcijrlty of Tut key. Lord itandoliih Cliurch- ll's distinction bct\\-cen paa-oablo and ag- ; rcsslv < 5 po\\ors is very oiiginal. What . ) o\\er a jear ago pio\okud n tovolution nnd war In Uio llalkansV Which powers stilled ho germs of conllngiatlon ? Kncland hav ing resohod to malnlain nxtento cordlalo nn 1 to piMcoably settle all International dllli- eiiitlcs , the Journal hopes sliu will second Russia's < rroi Is In Kulgarla. whieli li.r.T the iiintnbJecN especially at lliis critical mom nt when o\erytlilug is upsldo down , and when the conn try Is uudei the leglmootcoup d'etat and tevolutloiiaiy aihentuieis who lave foi mativ years deinoiali/etl it. 'lo gl\o cane blanche to a band ot agltatois with foice at theii dlsjiosal which they abuse ; to allow them to commit acts of violence under the guibo of legal judgment , upon persons who do not happen to belong to their pailj ; to allow these men to convoke electors suf- leilng under this luglmo ot inilltaiy foicc , tenor and cudgel to enable Hie assem bly to meet and sanction tlieli misdeeds : tills eannot bo piecisely the English cabinet's du'.iiiis ol conciliation. Rusla's real object Is to pieserve Htilgaiin fioid these deploralilo contingeneiesand allow the excited passions ot tlio countiy to subside and give the people a chance to choose trceiy and witli matuio judgment delegate * who will make known tlio countiy's ti no wishes. Since this v > oik of paellic.itlou corresponds w th all Intel ests except those of tiio dlctatois who have solicit and wish to ictain power , we consider Loid Randolph Ohm chill's co-operation assured , and wo siuceiely lojolco at it. The Spanish ICehcIs Pardoned. MADIHD. Oct. 5. Tlio cabinet was in ses sion live hours discussing the sentence of death imposed by the court martial on the leadeisof the revolt , and linally advised tlio queen to commute the sentences. A petition lor the paidon ot theicbels , signed by O.OJO merchants .mil tradesmen , Is pub'islicd. ' Sev eral officers , seigeantb and pihates have been piomoled in icwaid lor tlie/eal tliev displayed and wounds received in tlio work of suppressing the in volt. All ol the revolutionists who weio sen tenced to death heie , have been pardoned. Volcano in Action , : : , Oct. fl. A volcanic euiption has occtiued on tlio Island of ll.upal , one of the Tog.i gioup of the Friendly islands. The whole island is now co\eicd witli volcanic dust , llalpai has a population of about flUO. A steamer has been dispatched to ascoitain tlicii piesent condition. Destroyed by k.nrllui.iiikc. : JIii.nouu.Ni : : , Oct. n. An oattliquako dc- stio\ed every village on the island of Xiapn. The inhabitants escaped. The island is coreicd twenty fciit deep with voianlc dust , anil a nevv hill twenty leet high has been f 01 mod. CIV'lIj SIOKVICK How tlio KaicalH Arc BcluK Turned In , in Indiana. INDIANAPOLIS , Itul. , Oct. 5. [ Special Tel- cgrixm to ttio Uii : : . ] The Indiana Civil Ser vice Reform association , which has had in vestigations in piogress tor sevcial month' ' , has made publlcaieportin relation to fedeial nppointments In this state. A vast mass of. tacts Is piOMiiitcd , showlnz the ontiie disic- gaid of civil service principles in Indiana appointments , The management of the In dianapolis postoflice , bv Aquilla Joneswhoso appointment was secured by the Into Vice President mentioned as a nota ble instance. Jones is charged with having giossly nnd deliberately violated the civil bcnlco act and employing a lot of party wnikeis with a consldeiablu contin gent of low waid politicians , a few of whom arc strikingly illiteiate. Innnmerablo instances of incmclency of tlio bervico ate cited and supportid by unques tioned proof. In the postollices of the second end class In Indiana , all but ono of the post- masteis have been succeeded by democrats nnd the number of employes Ineieased tlnce. times. Of soventy-six third class olllces sixty-eight aio Illicd with democrats , and of lbK ( ) tourtli class olllces changes have been mnde In over twcho bundled. In the inter nal nm'nnooHlces a clean sweep Ins been made. Fllty-two ox-soldiers were formeilv employed and theio aio now but four. In speaking ot tlio lailway mall sen ice the eliaigo is made , that mall , plainly dhected , tiavels hundiedsof miles nnnccessaiily be- causu the now clcikshavo not learned their schedules or cannot lead icadlly. It Is shown that a number ot peihons appointed to offices ha\u been convicted of various crimes. Con- giessmen aio with having chosen olllceholdeis fiom the woist elements ot their pai ty , and caused public business to bo seri ously hampeied. In six eongiesslonal ills- tilcts federal olllceholdeis lm\e , without liln- draneo or letmke , thwaited tlio will of tlio people. Thenssnclntlon finds that the pics- Idont'h piomlso Hint , civil service law .should bo miloiced has been completely evaded and nullllled. Ono Ollico at u Time. WASHIXOTON , Oct. 5. The cabinet meetIng - Ing to-day was attended by Secietarles Kn- dleott and LamaiAttotnoy ( icneial Gailand , Postmaster ( ieneinl Vilas , and Acting Sec- Falichlld. An Interesting question arose In the east ) of a United Slates attor ney who has been nominated for congress , with tefeienco to the piopriety of his con tinuance In ollico pern ! ini : the result of the congressional election , The gouciai opinion cxpicssed was Unit the Incumbent had bettei lenlgn Ids federal oilier nnd ho will bo so Infoimcd. Tills action Is In accordance witli the recent executive older In regard to fed- ctal officials paitlcipntlng in politics. \ oiled Prophet's I'jirado. ST. Louis , Oct. 5. The veiled prophet , ac companied by his loutlno , cmeiged at TuO : o'clock this evening from the subterranean cavern at the corner of Twelfth and Chestnut fiticctb on his eighth annual parade , ami nftei tinvorsing the pilneipal sti-eets of Uio city , ptcceeded to tlio dloichant-s * exchange , w heron grand ball was given in bis honor. The prophet's pageant consisted of twenty- ono llo.its upon which weio Illustinted the most Inteicstlng nnd Important events ol American history. Stockholders Aiinutil CIIICAOO , Oct. 5. The annual meetln : , ' of tlio stockholders of the Chicago & Kastoin Illinois road was held heio to day. Out of a possible 80,000 shares 21,172 were roptcsonted. The annual reiwt showed nn Incieaso Ingress gross cainlngH of 7.7S per cunt , with ojiernt- Inc expense inciea ed ( i.-iu per cent. II. 11. Stevens and ( i. H. Jlall , of lto = ton , and J , K. Knapp , of Now York , directors whoso terms had expired , wei a ic-elected , The old out- pel's of tlio load weic also lo-clected. I'.epulillcau Gains In Conncotlout. U.vniroitD , Conn. , Oct. 3.--Rctuins ftom too towns glvo the rcutibllcans Cl towns ; the ik'moenil ! . iil ; didlml , 16. The enmo towns la > t seai-btoort : Republicans 40 : democrata U : duiiled , IT. The republicans guiu live RlfKIKI 1C im'H.K ' mXdMK.i , Roportetl Blowing Up of tlio Steamer La Mascotte on the Mississippi ! MANY PASSENGERS KILLED. A Wholesale Murderer Lynched In 31lB ourl Store KorRerics IHCOV- | ti-cd In Chlonco Other Crimes nnd Casualties , Ktu , Tcrrlhlo Stcainhont Iflsnslor. ClitCAdO. Oct. C , A special to the Inter Ocean fiom St. Liouis says the steamer La Ma cotto exploded her boilers nt noon to-day , killing a largo number ot people. Slio was a passenger boat , running between St. LonM and Capo Oiraideau. The disaster occurred near the latter place. The Dally News' Caito , 111. , special , says the disaster occuired at Apple Cieek , six miles below Grand Tower , and that after the explosion the steamer burned. She was less than ninety days old , valued at S.0,003 , and the piopetty of Dnt- land 1'eiklns , nf U\aus\lllc , 111. l.iATii : ! . Shoitly alter noon to-day the steamer La Mascntte , bound from ( hand Tower , 111. , to Cape ; ( Jirnideau , Mo. , exploded her boileis opposite Xeoley's L'inding , buin- ed to the water's edge nnd limited neatly a mile below Willard's Landing , wheio slio lodged ashoie. Repoits of tlm accident arc meagic , nnd a lull list of the killed nnd wounded cannot bo obtained. The low boat , Eagle , wns within bight of the La Mas-eotte when the explosion took place and rendeted valuable assistance , icscuing those who weic lottaluo. t'ho Kagle took thirty- live persons to Capo Giaidcau. No list ot pas- scimeis could bo obtained as the register was lost nnd the excitomemt wns so intense among the sutvlng olllceis that no ouo could tell who was on board. Among the lost aio known lo bo : Jrnoi : H.uiiu : and wile. JIiss , daiijtlitcr ot' Christ Kueiglier. WII.I.TAM II. : nud two childien. KniiY. LAUD , all ot Capo ( iiraidcau. CIIAUI.IS : ANSEL , ( colored ) , two chamber maids and nn unknown lady with two chil dien. The bodies of tlio last three and ono of the cliambuimaids were reeoveied and taken to Capo ( Jhardoau on the Kagle. J. R. I'eiklnu , Hist cleik , .Miss Julia Rnbicli , of Caiie ( Uiaideau , and tlio lirst eimineer , Jolm Porter , aio supposed to bo lost. Out of ix crew of twenty-four fourteen \\eio saved , and the total lossof lite Is placed at between eighteen and twenty-two. Those known to bo badly injuicd aio Lena Huchinau , daughter of Gcoigo Uucli- man , Capo Ghaidoiu , and Lon Adams , the liistmate. Among the saved are Captain J. 1 ! . Thomti- son , Henry Leonory , steward ; James V. Donolme , pilot ; J. ,1. Hailan , second clcilc , and I ) . C. .Man/ ! , s.'cond engineer. She lett St. Louis at 4 o'clock Monday ntternoon. A MIHSOUIll The Stcclvillc Sluiilorcr HUIIR By an InfiU'iuled 39 < ) b. Sr. Louis Oct. 5. R. P. Wallace , the inur- deierof the Lo an Inniily of li\e persons lather , mother and three clilldton was taken from jail at Steelvillo last night by a mob and lynched. The guilty man had been taken to Steelvillo liom Cuba , Mo. , wheio the bor- iihlo cilme had been pcipetr.ited , for sale Keeping , for tear that ho would bo sum marily dealt with oy the enraged citi/ens of Cuba. Fiiday moining. Oct. 1. a mob gained entrance to tlio i.ul , sel/cd Wnllaci' , dragged him liom tlm cell , and strung lilm up for a shorl tnno in oidei- that a confession might bo forced tiom him. He i of used to own up to the dime , and before the ciowd could hang him up again , the sheiifl gained possession of him and liunied him back to a cell. The ciowd was pun ailed upon to dis- peise , and it was supposed that the law would be allowed to tal.o its own com -o. Last night , however , a second and moie stie- cesslul attempt was made to mete out justice to the muideier. A masked mob ot about ono hundred men quietly gathcied around the jail nt midnight and demanded enhance of tlio jailer. This was letused , and the mob batteitu down tlio doois. A delegation ol their members was sent to biing out tlio prisoner while tlio others were detailed to guaid tlio loads leading to the scene. Wallace was wakened tiom sleep , dragged out to the infuriated mob and asked If ho had anything lo say. Ho responded by strongly piotesting bis innocence , still adhcilng to tlio stoiy that it was the negro Vnughn who was guilty. Tills nn- geied the mob moio than e\er , and with n shout they pioduced n lope , ono end which they placed around the nini- derer's neck , and tlio other end was thrown o\era limb of a tice standing near the tail. The piisoner still piotested his Innocence and appealed for meioy but without nvnil. Strong hands gtasped the lope and Wal lace's body swung In the air. Another chance was not ii\cn him to confess and in a low minutes Ins body was a coipse. The mob then dispelled and the jail olllcers cut down nnd took possession of the body. The Crooked AVork In Chlungo Dates Rack MomliH. CiiiOAfio. Oct. 5. In examining the ciders tor lebato pajments for special assessments , tor the foigerv ot which William J. Gal lagher Is now under nirest , the discoveiy wns made to-d.iy that a lebateot S4TO had been nald on August 12. The older was wiltten on a printed loiter head of "Spencer it Woodwaid , lumber meichanls , Nos. 110 to 111) ) Washington street , Syiacuse , X. Y. , " and authmi/ed ono Frank Chadsey to collect the rebate on special assessment duo to V. V. Sponcei , ot the above film. Tlio comptioller , mayor and states attorney aio all of the opin ion that this ruder was written by the same peison who penned the outer for the S. P. Miller lebato , who is supposed to bo William J. Gallagher , now In custody. The discoveiy of this now case seems toeilly the theoiy that this KJ.stem of liaiidulently collecting iconics has been going on lor some time. A thoiouKh examination of all tlm books and vouchee In the comptrollers otlicc will now bo made. F , F. hpenccr , w hose nnmo was toiged to tlio order , and who was icmescntcd by the piinted letter head to bo a lumber dealer , tmnsoiit to bo Fianklln F. Spencer , of tlm tit m ot llubbaid , Spencer ik Co. , ot Chicago. Socialist Trials Postponed. MII.WAUKKI : , Wis , , Oct. S. The cases of Paul Gtottkan and other socialists charged with piutlclpatlon In tlio May riots , nnu that of Robert .Schilling and other ICnlgliU of Labor Indicted for conspiracy in boycotting non-union clgaimakers , weio to have been tiled next week , but will bo postponed because - cause the mipicme eouit is not icauy to decide the question of jurisdiction. Trylnjr to Burn a Town. WAIIASHA , Minn. , Oct. 5. The Tnrger futnltuio factory burned at midnight last night. The loss Is estimated nt 510,000. When this bla/.o was under control llio was dlscoveied in MeKon Io's llvciy stable , near the business portion of the town. This was dostroj cd with most of Its contents , includ ing nine horses. The loss Is estimated at 54,000. Ingram , Kinney & Gill lost about ten thousand feet of lumber at the llrst tiro. No insurance. Uoth flies were the work of in- cendiailes , theie being evidence of a con- spliacy by bevural iieruousto bum the town , which U without lire protection , Drowned at a I 'lro. ST. Louis , Oct. 5. A fire broke out last night In the box factory of Henry Ault , jr. , on the corner of DeKalb and Carroll streets , aud caused n loss of 615,000 , coveted by In surance. During the progress of the iiro a tire plug burst and flooded the entire neigh borhood , and a young man of seventeen years , name unknown , was drowned In a uitcu ou C < uroll btieethilo trying to escapa ho flood. Ilo climbed n lamp post on the dgo of tlm ditch , but lost his hold , fell Into the water and drowned before assistance could bo rendered. The Anarchists. CmrAoo , Oct. 6. Mr. Solomon , one of the attorneys for the itofonso In the anarchist ; rlnl , occupied nearly the entire day In his irgument upon thomotlcn for a now trial , lie contended that the only offense for which the prisoners could properly bo tried was for conspiracy. Ho held that under the law they liad n pel feet right to say what they thought , but that they could not bo held for murder which wns committed Inconsequence of their speeches. Ho also raised tlio point that It was improper for juiots to take notes during the trial. Mr. Solomon was followed by his associate counsel , Messrs. JCqisler and Foster. Foster's opening was of rare eloquence. Ho dwelt upon tlio Impossibility of secuiliiira fair and linpaitlal trial w Ith a jury who acknowledged themselves to bo prejudiced. Too much pralso for his management of the case had been gl\en to Mr. Gilnnoll. Tlio case would just as well nnd Hist as successfully have tried Itself , Mr. rosier will resume to-morrow. Dentil tiy Supposed Poisoning. Pmsnnio , Oct. r . Eddlo Thaw , the sup posed victim of ( low noisonlng at tlio hands of his aunt , Mis. L/.zio ! liuirell. died nt the homeopathic hospital to-nluht alter nn 111- r.essot social months. Thaw was n rela tive ol William Thaw , second vice president of the PennsjHnnla railroad company , nud Mrs. Buriell Is the wife of n well inilioad man. Bout House Destroyed. ST. GKOIIOI : , S. I. , Oct. 0. The elegant boat house of tlio Staten Island Ynclit club was fitiuck by the heavy tow boat , Jessie , eaily this moining and wieokod. It was floated to St. George , where H sank , the lacing shells , canoes , and luinituio Doing removed In a damaged condition. Loss , § ( V > ,000. A Texas Trnln Wreck. Str.iiia ; BI.ANCA , Tex. , Oct. fi. Tlio west bound Southern Pacific passenger train was wiecKed near heio at an caily hour yesteiday morning. caisweio ditched. Several passengers and the express messenger were injuied sotiously. Tlio acci dent was caused by washout , Tlio Overdue Anchorln. YOUK , Oct. S. It Is thought at the ofllco of the Anchor Line company that the steamcrAuehoiia , which should have been in port last Thursday , lias broken her shaft , as the Deumia , ot the same line , ains'ed to day and icported seveio weather outside , file toute taken by the Glasgow boats is n lone ! } ono and oilier vessels would theiofoie not be likely to pass her. No iear is enter tained for her safely , as she Is well built and undci good management. NEW I'llEUKO I'IANS. A Decision Ilcnchcd in Howard to Chicago , Cuttle. CHITAOO , Oct.Special [ Telegram to theHi.r.,1 "It looks as though things are coming to a head,1' said Sceietary Johnson , ot the Illinois Livu block exchange. "The distilleiicsaro getting tiled of the delay , owneis ol eattlo are beginning to see that the longer the iKuiehtci Is put oft' tlio gie.iter wilt bo their loss , and altogether it now looks as it active steps will soon bo taken. Things have stood in the way of dispos ing ot di tilleiy cattle supposed to bo inlceted mote or less by pleuro- pneiimoiiia. Fiist tljoowncts of tlio herds opposed the commission ; sccTndT tliotsiate had not monej enough to pay for sound cat tle that aie under'qnaiantinc ; thhd , the packing inleiest demanded protection from tlio sale of the slaughtered herds. Uut the poisons who were most anxious for the quar antine have had enough of it , and tlio scale which has gone nbioad Is almost as bad on thestoek inteiests as llienctive sale of moat would Imo been , nnd &o it has come about that this pioposition lias been lormallv made by tlio state commission : Cattle under quaiantino to bo divided into Unco 'classes , nsloilows : 1. Sick and condemned cattle , which shall ho totally destrojed at their owner's loss. 2. Tlio o'whlch aio not actually diseased and are not lit lor market , which shall be disposed ol at the expense ot the state. : ) . Those which pass muster as being perfectly sound nnd healthy , alter caieful examination befoio and alter slaughter by veteiinaiian , which shall then bo tinned o\er to the owner to bo disposed of by him without any expense to the state except that ot the slaughter. It is thought that this pro position w ill be. acceptable to all concerned as the best way out of tlio bail condition of all niis. State Yeteilnntian Case well will go to Now Yoik at once on other matters and Dr. Salmon Is going to Canada for n lew dnvs , and until the above pioposition Is gen erally accepted no slaughter can begin. Kveijtliing will lemaln a * it is under stiict quainntine. A steer which died at the Km- piredistlileiy last , night wns burned In the tin naco this morning befoio tlio ollicers ex amined it. i _ Hurrahing For .the . Plumed Knight. 'IniiNioN , N. J.,0ct. 5. The iiipnblican state convention met at noon to-day. Chali- nian Ilobart , of thp slate committee , was named toi tempoiary chairman Ex-Senator Alexander G. Cnttoll , ol Cnnfden , and ho was elected. Cattoll thanked the convention t'o'f the lion or paid to a nearly woin out veteran in the lepubllcan party. Ho lefeiiod to tlio btuigilo ot two years lienco when , ho deelaied , that the plumed knight of Maine would bo the republican nominee tor piesldent. Tlio announcement set the convention wild witli excitement. Tlio dele gates first applauded and then eheeied , and linally lull } half of them ioso to their k'et and waved their lints and huinihed lor sev- oial minutes. On the conclusion ol Cattell's speech the election of vice-piosident and ap pointment of committees piocecded , alter w hich a leeess was taken till a o'clock. At 8W : ) o'clock Cluiliman Cottoll called the coin cation to order , The committee on per manent organization H polled forpeimancnt chairman of tlio convention Congicssman William Wnlter Pholps. The convention tlieu iitoceedcil to tlio nomination of n candidate lor governor and the following names were mesented : Gardner R. Colby , of Essex ; H. Finnic llowoy , of N\riirsaw. \ nnd J. P. Rtewer , of Mercer , llowoy ; wns nominated on the that ballot and tlio nomination was made unanimous. ThOtcommltteo on resolutions , through Mayor .PaiiKborn. of Jersey City , read tlm platform ; agteod unoa. It reiterates itKAdherancti to national lopubllcan principles and declares Itself a friend of the woikingiimn. It protects against the impoi- tatlon of contract labor andiecognl/es the ilshtof woiklngnicujtounito foi protection. It condemns the removal of crippled union soldltiisfiom public , oDlcf , nnd also the atti tude ot PiesideiitCletpIund on the pension question. It cjUU for protection ngalnst Menhaden and other enemies ol Jersey lish- cinien , Oathorlutc. PiTTsnuita , Pu. , Oot.ol The annual Grand Army parade to-day was paiticlpatcd In by lully 5,000 veterans. Camp flies attended by 12,000 , people netfi Imd to-nleht In Fifth avenue music hall and Salisbury hall. Ad- diesses were made by coinmander-ln-chlef Lucien Fnlrchlld , ( Jeneral J. S. O'Herne , Helen Desmond and Colonel Thomas J. Stowait. _ _ Colorado Democrats. DE.VVKK , Oct. C. The democratic state convention met in the chamber of coinmeico this morning ot 10 o'clock. Alter etl'octing a permanent organization , with Hon. Thomas 31. Patterson chairman , aim appointing a committee on resolutions , the contention ad journed till to-moriow at 10 o'clock , Fornlnst the Wnhash , ST. L'oyis , Oct. 6. Master Shields reported to tlio fedeial court to-day that the St. Louis , Kansas City & Colorado Ruiltoad company is entitled in equity to the Use of the WabasJi tracks liom HID city limits to Union depot upon I'aj ' mcut of trullle GROVER'S ' SECOND DANIEL , Reasons Wliy Manning Is ( Jailed Back to the President's Side. BAYARD FIXES UP A NEW CIPHER Discoveries by Uoncdlct Growth of the Capital Doonpllatlnn Krpub- 1'onillpton Will Not Heslgn. Why Daniel Is Vnntcd. x , Oct. 5. ( Special Telegram to the Dr.K.J Secietary MannitiK had many to Induce him to return to the cabinet , but ho w HI only como back to act as n soit of general supervisor and prepare his annual icpoit. Some of the reasons plveu by Secre tary Manning's friends for his ret tun are that the southern climate will bo more bene ficial to him than tlio se\cro winter of Albany , nnd that he can Imvo n gtcntor variety ol entertainments and relaxations at tlio national capital than elsewhere. As to his duties In the treasury department In all ptobablllty Mr. Mantling will let them bo conducted as they nto at piesent by his assist- nut sccietaiy. Hotli the president and Mr. Manning understood thai they must iiave a trained politician and a New Yorker at the head ol the tieasury to deal witli the combinations lormedin New York nnd lormlng elsowlieto in opposition to tlio administration , nnd for dieting the not ! national convention. Cleveland wanted Manning , and only Maunlnir , nnd with him hack ns.itn he had no fear lor l ss. Cleveland - land told Maunliii ; that ho would bedabbling In politics as much in Albany as heie , and liu mi'-'lit as well como lieie and take the salary. Added to all tills was Mis. Manning's dcsiio for another win tor of Washington society. Talking about Manning's letura , a leading physician says that it ho were in Manning's place ho would not ilsk a resumption ot tiea- sui y woi k , nor would ho engage again in pub lic allaiis , because ho consldeis it dangerous. Accinnxr ix cirniu : AI.I.IY. : Tlio other day some ono ovciheard and un derstood n cipher dispatch being dictated by Seeietaiy Uajaid to Mr. Plielps , minister to England , in resrard to refusing to piesent Allen ThoindjKe Rice , of America , at com t. Tlio man whoovcrhcaui the dispatch gave it to a now.spapci man nnd it was published. Sccietaiy IJayard has tiled to find the man but has failed. To day nn entile new code was adopted nt the department with tlio object ot pioventing any moie iufoimillion fiom going out J5elorolJ.i > ard left the city ho gave special instructions to Assistant Adce to formulate n revision of the cipher nnd make It as complicated ns possible. As sistant Adeo in piepailng a new code niaiiu- faclmed a number of decoy cablegiams of a startliusr natinc , hoping to test the person who tianslated and made public the pievious message. This ell oil failed to have the de- siied effect , whereupon tlio Ainoiicati reprc- bOntati\eh alnoad weio Informed that a now cipher would go into etlect November 1. Tlio new ciphci will involve n change liom Webstei's to Woicestcr's dictlonaiy as an additional piotcctiim. i'itix'iii : ! m si nicT'snisrnvniiini. The Washington coirespondent of the New Yoik Woild sent the following telemiiinto ids paper last night , nnd it np- peais tills moining : Tlio deeper Public Piinter Ucncdlet probes the manage ment of his department the moio eiookedness ho Miikes. Ho disco\ers that about the time Mr. Rounds wns in- termed by the president that he would bo 10- taiued until cougiuss adjoin lied , he began to choke the buieau with appointees fai In ex cess of Ids appi'opilations. Ho played a lieavy game of tiuoi.s vitU-deinoeiBtSr-seUB ator and niembeis of'tlie house. At thiSfc ? quest ot'SchatorGormon alone ho ) ) l.icc < l TA10 on the tolls , dining tlio first mimtli ot the democialic adinlliistr.ition. Ilo added 700 poisons to Ills foico in delianeo ot statutory lestiictions. mi : ( .nowTit OF run cArirAr , . It is estimated by real estate men that the census ol tbl'O will show twice as large in- ciease in the population ol Washington as Unit of any other like peiiod in the history of the city. Tlio Incieaso dining tlio peiiod 1 i IS'SQ to 1SS5 was over 20,000. Thond- vunio in the pilcool leal estate heie his for soveial years been almost as phenomena ! ns that in the Jar western cities whieli have boomed under the excitement of gieat Iiiiinl- giation by mining interests , etc. The eight hour movement which tlneatenrd evil to tlio city tor six mouths during this year , has died anil building is going ahead with an impetus never known betoie. Theio aio moiostruc- tmesol a superior character going up heio now than in any city in the United States. CI.EAX1XQ OUT KIU'L'III.ICANS. A very stiong eltott will bo put foith as soon as the elections are over to get rid ot theiepubllcans In the departments. It is ascei tallied that a largo number of men who nro In interior places , iccentlvappointed , have been promised piomolions after thoelections , vvliilootheiswho have not been appointed have been assuicd that they soon will bo. Although a gieat many changes have oc cuired In the deiiaitments under this adinin- istiation , about two-thiid of tlio old foicc. and almost half the heads of bureaus and divisions \et icmain nt their posts , There w ill piesently be a icnewal of the chames of "olfimsivo paitlsaiislup , " whieli will bo the battle cry ol the olllcers w eliding the guillo tine , and anolhei stampede will beln. niio.\iMo'H : : rmrsii.Y nunxn. Father Steplialn , ( lie ptlost and Indian ngent of tiio Catholic chinch , has lecelved an utgLMit letter Irom Geronimo asking him to come down to Texas nnd see the i oar In dians. Geronimo , In his idler , tells Father Sleiiltain thathe has been badly tlneated and needs ills aid and icllglous guidance. Father Stephaln.Is a gieat fnvoi Ilo with all the India us He talks , sings and dantes witli them. He tells them about his leligion and makes them like him. Ho is a middled aged man , very polished nnd blight nnd tlm Indians love him , Ilo Is a gieat iavorlto ot Gcionlmo and has gene to to see him. II IICK. Fiancls 1C. Pendleton , son ot Hon. George H. Pendleton , United States minister to Germany , who lias just leturncd liom Kurope , bays : "Theiu is no truth in the minor that my lather Is to resign. Father lias giovvn to HkoKerlln and is well satlslied with Ids position. Ho Is in excellent health and in ns good sjili Its ns could bo expected in vlow ol his domestic uDllctloiis , " nr.M'.uouH onovnit. Wlillo thopiesldcnt has not had tlmo to Fend any conlilbutlons to thoChaileston sut- leieis , it aimeats now that ho has iccontly sent SiO to Cnaileston lor tlio benolit of the confciieiate homo in that city. Tills action lias caused gieat comment heio. run jinxif'AXS wi'Aiuxin. : : Special Knvoy Sedgwleic'sropoit is said to fully justify the assumption of tlm state de partment that the Mexican government shifted its giotinds nnd modllied Its claims after thu lirst uiiiiignmont of Cutting. I'Osr.MASlDllS Al'J'OlXII'.l ) . The following lovvn postmasteis vvr-ro npuolntod to-day ; Samuel L. Harvey , Contervillo , Appanooso county , \lco 15. C. llayne.-i , suspended ; John Haliibleen , lioone , lioonecounty N. W. Simmons , suspended ; George G , Redman , Washington , Washington county , vice Wai. J ! . Ball , suspended , PATENTS OHANTED. Patents have been granted to-day to Al beit I ) . Osgood , PJjmonth , Neb , , tor a coin harvester attachment for wagons , and to James K. Petty , Omaha , Neb. , for a tiostto and scaffold. ChailcsA. Hio\vn , Lincoln , la. , draft eqimll/ei ; Andievv Che/em , Sergeant's Klulfs. \reedcuttcr ; Daniel O. Dockcn- dorg , Shnldon , la. , chat ) gnido for grain sop- aiatois ; Fiauklin D. Moore , Illoomlield. la. , revolving lace and ribbon lioldcr. The Cattle 811 nation , WASHINOION , Ocl. 5. Commissioner Col- man to-day lecelved a dispatch from Dr.Sal- inon at Chicago stating that he Intends to Jeavo there for Toionto to-night , but will re turn to Chicago on Friday , Dr. Salmon Bays the investigation of plcuro-pnoumonia In Chicago is now proceeding systematically , and we will soon know the extent of the trouble hero. The situation is now as good ns can bo expected under I ho circumstances Nehraskannd Iowa Weather. For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair weather , lightly cooler. Mil , US atAKHa DUMAU Jlc Sftys llppoila About Him Are Iiy nn Knomy. AMiUQt P.IWJVK , N. AI. , Oct. n. [ Special Telegiamto the Hii.J : : Miles was nsked to day by a lopie.-onlallve of the Dem ocrat what ho thought of the published statements orbulletlns , assumed to have been written upon insinuation fmnlMied nt the war depaitment , as to his capture of Gctonlmo. "Thoso tepoits , " leplied the general "emanalo liom the brains of ono mi- sciupulous and envious person , whoso object appears to bo to distort the truth with the Intention 01 Injuiing mo icgardlcss of the Just pi nl so duo the troops for their e\- traoidiimr ) son ices In achieving peimancnt peace In the southwest. Many of tlio state ments weio entirely dcMdd of tiuth. Others nro weak nignmeiils and laboied theoiles. The pretense that the sui lender of Goronlmo and other hostllcs wasothet than the lesnll ot gnllnnt and nidtions opei.itlons of the troops in tlio field is simply childish. One might Imagine on reading sumo statements that the icd-haiided Ap.iches have been all summer trying to get up a cheap rate excursion to the yellow fever districts of Floiida. Smely no Intelli gent man will bellovo that the Apaches , who have been loauiln , ' over this mountainous ra tion for Kcnci.itions , masteis ot the sltua- ion , would have thiown down their aims , saciideed their piospotlty , gm rendered then llbetty , accepted peipetunl banlsliment fiom their native country , or placed themselves and their l.iinllles at the meiey ol the uoveiiimeiit unless they Imd been subju gated by tlio nnlitaiy fo.ices. This mllitor punislimont evidently In stoio lor them exceeds In soveiitv that over beloro inllicled on any bodv ot Indians in this country. " "deneial , would yon mind giving a cojiy of join olllcial lepoitof thohUiiendeiV" naked. " 1 am quite willing that cveiy odlclal act of mine In tins entmnrlsc hlioulu bo knoun to the public. 1 would much pioler that my ollicial lep Jits should bo published , and then the c\ti.icts nnd distorted statements should bo thrown out. The people ot the country nro quite Intelligent enough to diaw iheh ovv n conclusions , nnd it Is not necessary that ollicial documents .should bo lilturcd through or poisoned by the brains otnn ingenious onoiny , and then so eoloied in p.ut as to best answer his per sonal interests. " "Would you mind saying In what lespoct your eouiso has dilleied fiom jour Instruc tions ? " " 1 am glad to answer that question In order to put at lest \eiy luaccuiato statement , I was given absolute disciollonaiv autboiity to conduct the campaign. Even Gen- oial bheiidun , .who commands the army , nnd knows moio about Indian 'natteis and the topogi.ipliv of this countiy than all the aunv olllcers in Wash ington togethei , declined to gi\o mo any spccHie instiuctloiis. " " tins been thoelfectof lemovnltipon olhei tribes ot Indians i" ' "It hagstiickeii teirorinto those llvlnij In tlio adjacent countiy. Kven the powerful Navaios ol twenty thousand souls aio now atald they may do something lor which they may bo liable to be scut away Irom their native countiy. 1 alieady leaaid it moio ollecli\o than If lolly executions would have taken place. " _ Another Apache Raid. WASHINGTON , Oct. 5. No ollicial conliim- atlon of tlio icpoit tiiat ancwApacho laid Is in has been lecelved at the war depnitment , but the repoi t is coiialdeied Im probable. Mangus , who Is said to bo nt tlio head of tlio patty , was lost sight ot by the WI * f nWWreiriifio.'tiio was then twenty- rTVo or thlity-ino miles south ot the Mexican . line. Six oilier Apaehos disappeared witli ! film. It has been since lenoited that Jlangusv was dead , but tills Is not known to be a lact. TIJ13 OONGHEGATIONMSTS. . Old School Theologians Control the Convention. Dr.s Moixns. la. , Oct. 5. fSpccial Tele- giam to the Uii.j : : The lirst day's session of the American boaul shows that the conserva tive clement Is in the majority. A glance at tlio huge number of giny heads would indi cate that the majority of the oflicinl and icp- lesentallvo men are well alone in years , many ot them npwaids of seventy. They iMvecontiol of the machinery and will , so Jar as possible , endeavor to keep the new dcpnttuio men liom coming to the Iront. Dr. Withrow's seimon was an emphatic endorsement of the policy of ignoiing advanced theories such as that of futme piobation. The com mittee on nominations was appointed by Piesldent Hopkins , and eouiso will bo very conservative in It ) lepoit. So far the old men have had tlio lead and tlio fiequent np- planso that has been given to the peitincnt allusions ( otholr position Bhovvt , that they hav o a majoi ity of tlio visitors too. Tim now depaituiemcn , led by Professor Smyth , of Amlover , Di. W. II. Waid , of the Now Yoik Independent , and other progiossivo thinkeis , mo feeling somewhat restive to-nlclit and ex pect to ireo their minds beloro long. A spiiited time Is anticipated. Triennial Convention. CHICAGO , Oct. 0. Kvciy Incoming tialn br.ngsfie.ih . delegates to tlm triennial Epis copal convention , which opens in St. James' chinch to moiiovv moining. Uishops Uedell of Ohio , Roono of Shanghai , China , Plorco of Aikansas , Paiet ot Maryland , Williams of Connecticut , and Donn of Albany : ito among the pi luces of thucluiich nireadyheie. Revs. MoiganDix , of Tiinlty ehineh. Now Yoik ; Dr. J. S. 11. Hodges , K. A. Hollniiin , Homy Austin and J. Rushton , the Jailor secietaiy ot Uio local committee , are nUo on tlio giminU. Tlio general convention will bo In.itign- ratiidto-moriow at lOHOat St. James cluiieh. with the celebration of the full PCI vice Aflcrtho seimon , vvhlclt will bo concluded about 'J o'clock , bishops , mlnlsteis and lav men will ndjoiiin lo Central Music hull. Tlio house ot bishops will assemble lor oiganl/atlon In Apollolmll and tlie house ol delegates In Cential Mnslo liall. TIIO con vention will conslft ot Hlxty-livo bishops , 'M mlnlsteis , and 'JOT laymen. Tlm convention , niter to-moirow , will meet nt ! > o'clock In the moining and rise at Op. m. No'iegular pto- gianimo has been mapped out , but the gen eral llnuol iimtinebiisiness will bofollovved. llcadqnnitoru huvo boon established at No.'O State stieet. They aiado Too Illn a Hprend. CIIICAOO , Oct. fl Levy & Michaels , cloth ing dealers , failed today. They have been i unnln0' two houses and doing an extensive business. This evening tlio linn Illedacon- fussion ot judgment ngu'iegatlng 311,071. Their liabilities are 60,000 , while the nom inal assets will not exceed felt',003. ' An efjoit to make a without MitllcleiU capital caused the falluio. Pattlf-oii'H Kurd Hit. PiitLAiiru'iiiA , Oct. r > . In an interview to-day with a rejioiterof the L'nqulrer icla- tlvo to Governoi Pattlbon's letter to Attorney Genera ! Cassldy rcLTirdiug the railroad com- blnatlons , ex-President Govvon , of the Reading - ing load , bald : " 1 cannot nndeiMaiid it. The goci nor seems to think Pennsylvania pi o- ducts should not bi Ing good prices. " I'crcentnccHof iho Pool. CIIICAHO , Oct. S.-ConnuihsIonei1 F.iltliorn to-day announced the percentage ; ) on r.ingo cattle In the western traffic pool tor the polled ol truce between July SOatid Seplembor IS. Following Is the award ; Noitliwebtetn. rx ) per cent ; Hmllnyton , 10 ; RocU Itland ' loj ; St. Paul , 10K ; Wubabh , 8. The Thetis MAitni.tiiKAi ) , Mass. , Oct. 5. Tlio second race between the sloop Thetis and thu cutter StiaiiRer wassailtd to-ilay. TJio Stramrcr lililshednt 4W. : Tlio Thetis wa two miles behind nnd did not liiilsb. Goucrnl Mulljide , of Lincoln , wt.s : In the city ycatcrJay. Second Day's Procoodiugs of tbo Knights of Labor Oouvoution. BEAUMONT'S ANNEX CONGRESS. Ilo Wants ICnch 8t to Hoprcscntod Hy n Knlht | ; at Wnshlncton Kor Ono Hundred Dnjs to Study Hiohinond Asscintily. Rtcinioxn , Oct. 0. General Woithy Fore- ii.nii Gillllth called the second session of tlio Knights ol Labor convention to order , In the absence ol Povvdeily , who was de tained at the hotel by business. It was an nounced that the committee on ctcduntlaln was not ready to repot t nnd nothing could bo done until their toport wns to- celved. Wlillo waiting sov oral speeches weie made by delegates to aid In w Idling Uio tlmo away. Bluntly aftci ID o'clock Powdcrly m i Ucd and wns piesenled b > Itiother O'Dou- n ell with n gavel nindo fiom wood of the or- nnire tree that grew on the spot wlieio Gen eral P.iekotilmni was killed at the battle nf New Oilcans. The picsontntlon was mndo on behalf of tlio Now Oilcans Knights. It was trained that the committee on credontlnls would not bcieady to ropoit until a o'clock. The convention then adjourned until that hour. Defoic the delegates Inft hall Powdeilv stioimlv uiged them to avoid the use ofbtionu dilnkvhllo in Rielimoml. As Indlvidiuils , lie said , be had no light to dic tate n > < to what tlfoy should do , but thov weio not boons Individuals , but as repiesonUt- . lives of n vast constituency. The eyes of UmJ woiId weio upon them while hem , and thnt * constituency would be judged by their con- duet. It is expected tlio nltetnoon session will bo occupied by consideration of the ic- port of tlio committee on credentials. Tlio convention went Into session acaiu this at lei noon nt V ! o'clock. The louort of tlio committee on ciedentials was then icudy , JO was veii long , and Secrelmy Turner .said If would take four hours lo i cad it. It was doubtful whether consideration of the report could bo completed and action on it taken this afteiaooa. At length the ropoit was accepted. It wna decided that these whoso names had beer , lead from Iho roll piepared by the cominlttco'l on credentials were entitled to vents. WhoiiT tills result was reached tno otheis worn lo-l quested to leave , and uuietly ictlied tiom Uio ' hull. The wotk of assigning scats to tlio 10- maining delegates then began and was com pleted at 7:39 : , when an adjoinameat was. taken to Oto-monow. Uofoio adjourning it' was decided that the sessions ot tills conven tion In ; iiom U lo 12 and ! i to 0 p. m. daily un til linal adjoinnnient. At the special session of the general assem bly held at Cleveland. Messis. Reaiimoiii , McCarthy and Campbell were appointed u committee on legislation logo to Washington to Mitch legislation in the interest ol Inbnr. llenltmonl and MtOaitliy weio In Washing ton dmlng the session ot comriess nnil' shmtly alter adjoin iiiucnt piepared a' report whieli was punted nnd oii- culated thioiigh tlio assemblies of tliu Knights ol Labor , anil tlio substance ol' whieli was made public tliniugli the picss. Ralph lieaumont , cliairman otthucominiltee , lias piepaied a supplementaiy lepoit , which" * will Im piesented at the preheat couvenlion , and on which action will bo taken. It MIJS In substaiico : Your committee icalize that the day is not nt hand when wo may saloly icly upon niem- beis of our older in suilicicnt numbei.s to Wield any gient nnil iiEutul power ns n borty nfjtlio polls to sustain only such candidates njf.niay bo tolled upon lo favor our interests. Thnt object can only bo accomplished by a system ot edu cation that will develop Uio highest knowl edge upon moabutcs that mo constant ! ) behifj bioiiL'ht to tlie fiont in the. legislative halls of Uio nation. Your committee found Hint the. most dilllcult task it had to poifouii was to get nt the Hue lilwaulncsH of tlm nteasuies pending befoio congicBs. They tound Unit among liundicds ot bills now pending beloro the senate and house on tin on gieat questions ot the day , vi/ : land , transpoilntiou and linnnce , but tew ot thorn weio drawn witli tl.o view of accomplishing the most good in tlio intcicstol the people , lint on the contiaiyit was tlio common usnge of thu enemies of Uio people to intiodiice n bill Unit on the face ol it would scorn a good and wholesome measuie In the inteiestof jiistieo and equity , while in between lines it Mould contain the most insidious clauses that the cunning bi.iin ol n iiillroad attorney could invent. Your committee also lind that the mumhcis ot this order nnd other woikingmen in gencial uio under conditions often led to indorsing mensuios decidedly In- jut ions to their own best in terests. Again there is no pos-ilblo chance ot educating tlm people on these finuds by nnv thlnir Uiat Is said la congiess , ns those who have cliargo of tbjs class of legislation mo as n lido Uio most skillful tacticians In pailinmontaiy debate lu the house. Your committee is of opinion that in order lo comb it coiporntc inteiest aided , as it Is , by nsubsidi/ed press , that something more thaii a committee must take chnr.u of Uio matter. In view of tills opinion jour committed MUL' . gcsts Unit tills bod.v establish n con giess of its own nt Washington during tlio balance of Uio piesent tession of thu United States congress , a peiiod of 100 daje , commencing December I , IbW ! . This eon- giess lo consist ol a delegate tiom each of the Unity-eight states , they to bo elected Irom the best spuakcis and debatoi.s in tlio older anil to be allowed n coinpensntloii ot f > pei day , nud bonllovved aetatil tiaveling expenses to and from their homes. They shall orgnnl'/o in n body by electing aspeaker tiom their own number , nnd shall ap point the bniue numbci of commit tees ns now appointed by tl.o United Slnte.s house ot lepiesontalives and tlinv shall bo designated bytliosamo titles. 'Ibis body shall bo lu session'dally eight hums per cay , fiom On. in. toil p.m. , with ono bom lor dinner. This body shall ns Mon ) as it isoiganl/ed piocuioa copy of ovcrv 1)111 ) tliatlslntiodiicedintoeilherbrancli ol Uio national legislature , nnd It Miall at once bo lofened to an uppropiinto commit tee , and Mich committee shall at once , lepoit that bill to the body , with such locommond.i- tlons as it , In Its Judgmout , may deem best , when It shall debate tlio same , and if amended by the body a coinmltteu shall at once be appointed to take the bill In Us amended loim nnd pie.scnt tlio .same lo tlio committee of either bianch of the na tional legislatnio that 1ms U undei considm.i- lion , nnd request that Uio amendment bo In setted in the bill. This body shall Imvo a eloik , assistant cleik nnd btunogiaphcr , also n hcigcnnl-at-nims , and nn assistant bei- ( . ' ( ant-at-niniH , ouo doorkeeper nnd assistant door keeper , nil of whom shall ha members of the older , The general e.xeebilvo boaul shall levy an assessment pie iata on each member of thu older lo detiay Iho osncnhcs of this body. There shall also bo published by this body n daily iccoid of thu mocccdlngs Including de bates , nnd a copy of the hnmo shall bo fur nished to eaeli labor assembly , and Khali to ; tohflo each member ot the oidoi and others at cost. This , in bilef , issuhinltled tojon ns tliti supplementalyicpnitotthoconimlltcr. Your commltteo it , of opinion Unit tlio cost ot maintaining hiieli a body tor ono hundred dajH would not exceed twmil.v-livo cLflkj per member , nnd that Us cOeet on the education of the people would lur ex ceed that of gcncuil legHlntuio. as It would bo iintiammeled bj any pmti.san bias. Your commltlco IH of opinion tliata thrco month's session of such cotiiness would bo the means of awakening to now lito thu Bhigtrnid npalliy Unit now n\sts | among the people , tiiKMioiilii ! , ' their llbci tics. iu of Knllroad HIUCN , CIIKJAOO , Oct. ft. The Illinois board of rallioad and vuuelioiiRe commlssIonciM weio in session to day on Uio matter of lallroad diseilmlnntlon uwiuUni ; diessud beef , AO cordlnto the dc-cl&lon of Jud.o Cooley tlm dllteiencn belvvcen inte ! < on dressed bcof and Jlvobeof was as 70 to W , ot 75 percent in- cieaso lei iln ixi beef. The lallwavsmo now mnl.lngan Incieaso of nonly 1200 per cent on devfd ! beet us against | | vo cuUlHniu } tin Mnlo boaidis asked to nmkeitiuloui ihomailer. 'Iho JUMIIHC ! will bo tontlnma * tu-imiiiuvv.