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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BBL : TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 7. 1SSO. OPENED WITH A BOOM , Omaha's Second Great Annual Fair Now Under Full Waj- ENTHUSIAST ic CROWDS ATTEND. Olncnlflccnt Showing In All JJcpart- inniits The Sliced Contests To- dny'ft J'roernniino 'Ilin ISxpo- sit Ion Scenes mill Inolilents. Tho'Knlr. . A ( lark cloud yesterday ir.ftrnlng about t ) o'clock limit ; over tlio cnsti > iu limits of the city. Thevliul ficslmncil , anil ill was thought , for n time , that tlio elements were conspiring to juoVnrtllro tlfo success of the Omahn fair. Jut ! tlio sun cainn out , tlio breeze veered to the south nntl the huavy cloud sailed ominously nously Into lown. Abeautllul day followed , with streets alive 'with pedestrians , crowded with teams and liosls of expectant and Interested people , who seemed to injolco that there was ut last one ] > leasantday vouchsafed Omaha's great enter inlsp. At n very early hour the carryalls Iroin the city , canyall.s from tlio country , carryalls from Iowa leiidiv.vouseil at the postotllco and nt ( tlirerent plncesnlonn the various stioets. Tlit- merry cry of "To llio fair ground ; Roln rluht nway. only 'i"i cents , " soon bi'camu tnmlllar to the car , and was goner- nlly responded to by exhibitors who were disposed to KO early to the fair to put tht'lr Konds tn show eondltlon. Heavy wagons 111 in be red ho streets and drove * of flUlANTIC 11KASTS Slowly tolled along the roads , all bent to the fair grounds. and under the direction of enterprising and Interested dealers. Sherman avenue , just paved , and forming n continuation of the Sixteenth sheet ns- phaltnm , was tilled with wagons , teams , nnd exhibits of all kinds , and with Us level sur- lace , v > rovokcd many a comment fiom iiirn who , at tlm last fair Minified through the bottomless mud with which It wan covered. From a distance thu tunets nun towers of the crand stand now appear as they never did before. In Rroen , nnd present u really liandsomo amiearaner. The nntranco Is sur mounted with a flew aicli , on which is painted the woirts , "Omitlm l-'alr and Kxposl- tl6U Association. " On either side of the irnl nro thu ticket otllco and lodico room , . wlilch are surrounded by a host of gnto men and ticket takers , each class designated by badges worn upon the breast of the Indi vidual. Oneo within the gate the spectator Is treated to a view that Is In some ilesiee remarkable. There Is not a thlnir to In- been that docs not anpearas II Jiad just escaped the painter's buishi Everything Is MM FUK.Sir. WEI TV and variegated , and the contrast' of color Is tfhio6t attniciivo , especially that of the ereen [ ffiward within tlio raw ) course and Urn almost Dazzling wjittonoss. Of the fence which sur- Touuils it , , ! T liaofllces of the trca-suror , II. G. Clark. iXyvith tils nbsl6taitAK ) : K. Krencli , are liret met SCn thujlHlit. .Adjoining , ami in Him same Ruililln'tr fresh with JiallU , "nnd with white renmor.s ; gnlly. Jliiattn&ln the breeze , Is the [ tin olllco of Secretary Wheeler , his dsslst- itCHUty and u Host of otl wr clerks , each of * > Vliojn .Irf ns'.b'tisy as"a galley Hfa ve. A ' Tho" little ttlneuTs throiittud ' wftli farmers , jhorsemen , cattlemen and livery qthcr kind of i exhibitor. ' , Tho-occretiiD' Is buv and though strtUiKiy templed to lese his patfenco'vet suc ceeds mo.studmiiably In maintaining it. New ' .Hldmvnlks are laid on the sldo of the main tu'eiiuo and crossings arc planked after the 'jtiannur of municipal stylo. The president's olllco adjoins Jho setst-tary's on the west , it WOnta a pennant of whitt ! , with stripe 111 4theniirtdlei.mar.ked , with the ( titlb of "th'6"flrMt olfer. "At present lluOntililJnir. is ijnJeniuited , uut Mr. ( .Jarneau will go Into jiossvssion' of ll'to-niorrpvv. " , , . /iiNcxt'cotne.s ° Max Meyer's l > utl < lhiffno\v un- uoruolnp the last touches of- the painter. ' ' On SJHoprtositd sldo itf tliat of. Kdholm & Krlck- Kflii , stocked with jewelry and musical In- tr inientsi , Behind this fa n loifc , low-Struc- tiiroxf rough appearance. This Is Mrs. Ste- "VcnB'rostauraht " , where 400 hungry mortals jnny bo .fed nt thn same time and where they tiiny oat all. they can for the sum of lifty cunts. To the west of U 13 tlm double cruciform "atfuctme- known ns lloral hall. Hosts of women and men'iiro Kelllnl ; their cxlilhlls Itito ulrico , present tliero nio but u tew \acant spaces. The material to till these has already arrived , and will liavo been put Into position before to-monoW mouiinj , ' . Thura arc already several oxeellent collections of IruitH , llowers and ncricultural productssomo Of which are the tinest thathaVo ever been displayed heio. On the north sldo of the main avenue , ut thin point , stands the grand atiilid , tally utcorateu with waving buntUur. and shinlnir , boautlfnl In Its laviii"Sr'cbaf jvhlch It has put on. Nnvt t'fn5 ; lloral roonl -Is nnothor rostaurn. . ! ! * nlul thuu coms ( ft ber hall , ownnd.Jty Krcd Mimllor , of the liolluvuo joaiu 1135-0 everything In the way of a drink .W > ih a "Missouri" to a champagne may bo had for the regulation prices. 'J hen come the stables. They are bustling with life. Hostlers are leading about nolghing steeds , preparing and exercising them for the com- Inc : speeding ongasen.onts , while others me engaged about the sulkies with as much In- rtorcst as it the fate of the contest dououded upon their looking as nuat as a pin. A long row of low sheds show where eighty OL tlio llcntest horses In the countrv are sheltered. These sheds have buon put up tjxpiessly for the occasion , while all along the fence from the Sixteenth street entianco on the south , and along the west fence , stand other stalls , 315 In number , also sheltering Iho linest and lleelost horses ever gathered In Xfcbraska. Tlioir names appeared In the gentries which have been printed In the Bcu. t Vollowlnz the west feiuso coma the cattle Btalls , which run to the northern boundary t.nd along that line to the eastern Bide. In those are sheltered about 500 head of prize cattio , comprising all thu grades and biceds knownilo tlm business. In paral lel lines , running near the \vest fence , aiotho sheoi ) and hog puns. All of the former have Hot yet arrived , though the hogs are pres- " nt In great numbers , lying upon fiesh made lloors of pinoorbtrctched In lazy dignity upon rich and luxurious hods of straw. * Among thiiso are Chestnut Whites , Jersey Tidls , Poland China , Yorkshlie and a host of * 61her.s of various names and hieod.s. They jimko an elegant showing and tire caiolully guarded by watchful owners and assistants. On the northern sldo of thu race course nn1 ' 'the agricultural Imulemunts. Of tlieu is a countless variety. There are half n dozen , threshing machine engines witii a do/en ma chines. The former are whlstlinir , smoking , running , gvrating with ease and inteiiMis ) rivalry , each getting ready to walk off with thu premium. > Immediately cast of them comes a long , low , open on both Mdos , lillud with reapers and moweis , all In mo tion , under the Inlluence of n forty-horse power tmgino which Is located In tlm middle oftholiouso. South of thcso Is an Incoiv griious mlxtuui of farm wagons , sulkies , bug' Klos , cflrts , pumps nnd windmills , some ol nro still to to put in shape. Thou comes a row of deep buildings , tilled will buggies of all styles and modiliratlous. Thosi aie owned by tlm Mollno , Mlltnun & stod danlCo. ; 1'arlln , urendorlf & Jim tin ; tin Henny Unuuy Co. ; David Hiftdloy. Cliurcliil 3'arker ; Peere , Wells i\Uo , , and LlningeriK JJetcalf. Vn\ \ owing the east side , several minor fix > lublts and tents are toiunl , and then thn ait hall is reaeheil , Hero them are a number ol jnotty oxhlliils , nnd thuru are two of o.siu cla intciebt which atlKict the attention of tliou anils. Uno of thusu Is tlm collection nf fos Rlls trom the bad lands. These are partlcu la ly worthy of consideration. The other It u unique collection or photographs of all tin leading Indians of thu country , their weap nns , blankets , wicker-work , together with t number of souvenirs and curiosities of now uKtlnct raws Inlelco. . This was gathom by the Into Captain Crawford and Is IIOM bolin ; oxhlbited by Ids brother , X. T. Ciaw lord and U. JC. Fnwvh. ' TIIK AJTKII.VOON , U ntll 11 o'clock yt'stovday. just as fast ns oiitrlcrt could bo made , heou'tary Wheel ur nnd Ids foico of clerks received nnd bookoi1 them. These six men were kept uiaumlt tliiBly at their woik until Into last night 1x11011 It was estimated that tlio number o entries exceeded tliat of nny fair , fxwpt one. hold In } hls city. , To-day overylhlnz will bo In Jlrst clas.1 shape and visitors from abioad will arrive oi ; the early trains. The attendance yesterday nlthoush It was generally known that every thing M'onld not be in roadlncss , was con Oldciud unusually lart'c , thetolwlnct not liian 9,000 upon the Krmiuds.-Tliese. eujoycc the display to the fnttrsi cxleht. nnd tin numl er may be safely xpectcd to srowlai-gei u'io features which yesterday at tracted universal admiration niJ-vrpmnr ! > va ! tn ! rooustvr bull of Mr. Uydcr of Dunbar , li this state. He Is known as.ntop Chief , am Is of-a dark red 'color. He is al eenth nsn lamb , and moves about with ponder osity that Is truly icmarkable. When las weighed He tl | > | > ed the beam at M,00 i oiinds- lacklngbut twenty Doun Js.of two tons. Thi1 niasslv olienst Is n curiosity of the grcatos decree , nnd has nil the hull without the hideousness of nn cltpli it ! Tlio Haoos. TWO-YHAII-OMI TISOTTIXO. The first race of the afternoon was a trot tliii ; ono { for two-year-old colts for SlOi with stakes. Theie were seven entries Charles McOonnnek. h s , hv M. T. 1'ntrlek ot Omaha ; linrp , l > f , hv H. Elliott , Xemaha Xelllc O , , 1) ) f. Kd Culver , Omaha ; Conn Waldcmar , hy H. Pickdrell. York , Neb. ; Sell 1' . , b s. KoMersnn .fc Follet , l-'alrbury , Xeb. Lovette , by Haves .fc Keeper , Clinton , la. .Spectator , by .1. Abraham , llrlgtrsvlllo , 111 Lou-tie nnd limp , however , did not put li nn afpearaurc. The otheis started , nnd all snvo Spectator ami Waldemar , weio dls tnneed , the latter winning Urn Heat In Utfis The second heat was quite ah Inteiestlm one. After seM-rnl ntlempts to seme , tin horses pot oil In excellent slylo , keeplni : breast to breast until they bad reached tin three-clirlitlis pole , when Wnldemar , whbliai' been trottlnirltaiiitlfiilly , hioke1 , nnd keptii ) lliH Itreuularity for several lengths. Sliectn tor took advantaio of his computltor's ml.s hap and foiged ahead with maitnllieenl strides , lie increased the distance hetwecr them tiiilli fully twenty lengths appeared when It became evident tlmtlt was the tntenl of Spectator's ' driver to shut Wnldcmar out , 'I'he next Ilislant It .seemed as It that would bo imnossiblo , because Waldomar made , fein n slioit dLstnnce. mi excellent spuit 8)i ) cla tor , however , losl little by the sliced of hi ; rival and passed the who in 'J:4S : ! > f , leaving Wnldomar con.slduinbln dlhtnnco beyond tin disUiueo llai ; . Spectator proved himself tc be a maiinlllcent animal , auk found innnj friends among the siiectators. IUINMNO HACK. 'llio second iaco was n runnlni : OUR. will : the following entries : Silent friend , mi ; , byV. . W. ( ! eow , .Mnplo ( hove , la. ; Scam O. H. ( leorgc. It was a one-half mile dash , ntid all the above mentioned horses , cxcepl lilnck Tom , npneared. There was some delay before the scoring commenced , caused by n dispute about waxes between n colored jockey nnd the owner of otic of the horses. Scammon Filley got the pole , Silent Frltiml was second , Dave S. third , King Foiosl fourth. Anothei delay was occasioned nt this stagr of the proceedings. The age of Silent Friend was questioned , It having been charged thai ho wns thieo years old. ICd 1'vlo nnd Severn other horsemen weto called upon to pass on the animal's age , and it was decided that lit was of that age , one-year older than allowed by the terms of the race. Ho was accoulinglv luled out. An excellent start was made , but Klnf 1-orcst Immediately jumped to the lead , leav ing Scammon Filley aud Dave S. behind , When the quarter uolo had boon reached Scammon I'llley made a magnllicunl spurt , overtook Forest , and alter r hotly contested race nearly to tin distance Hag succeeded In getting hi tiio load by a length , and with this advantage passed under tlio wire. Tlmo G19 . Forest wns second , and Dave S. third , The races gave unlimited satisfaction , They were over In a short time , nnd the pa tience of the people was not destroyed by the delays usually incidental' to such enter tainments. The judges weio JL. M , Morse of Paw Paw , III. , Jos. tiarnenu of this city , and Charles M. Smith of Enrlerllle. 111. Those gentle men acted with discretion. Intelligence anil promptness , and were appreciated by the audience. The patrol judges were Franklin tallon , Con Groner , and ! > . T. Mount. These men were mounted , and kept tl'emselvcs busy during tlio races and waw that every thing was ns it should bo. In the first race the distance pole was moved fioma point 100 yards from the judges' stand to a point twenty varils nearer to the same. The shutting out or distancing of the three horses In the lirst race wns prob ably due to this fact , although they were but a lew yards fiom the line nt the time the dis tance ilag fell. _ To-l > ay. -At5 q'clock-the superintendent nnd judges will meet at their respective departments , at which tlmotho latter will iccclve the books from their supcilntondents and at once pio- 3ued to discharge their duties. 0 a. in. Clnss 1 , lot 5. Crade , draft horses. with strains ot pure blood. All animals en tered in this lot will bo exhibited at this time. 10 a. m. Class 1 , lots. English shire dialt horses. 100 : : ! a. m.-Class 1 , lot1. . Cleveland Ws. All animals entcied In lots 3 a\\0r4 will be * " exhibited nt this time.- ' - W > Tubbs' supcr' a , s. fcot o-Natlvo grade cat tie. ii. a. in. Lot 5 Uovons , except swec- stakes. 12 in. Lot 7 Guernseys , except sweep stakes. Class 3. Sheop. 10 n. m. Lot 8 Crosses of any breed. 11 a. in. Lot 7 American Morliios , cxcenl sweepstakes. 13m. Lot C Oxford Downs , exccnl sweepstakes. Clnss 4. Swine. 10 a. m. Lot 0 Small Yorkshire , excepl sweepstakes. Ha.m. Lot 5 Jersey Bed , except sweep stakes. 12 m. Lot 3 Essex , except sweepstakes. Class 5. Poultry 10 a. m. , lot S , Dorkins ; lot 0 , French ; lot 12 , Americans ; lot C , ducKs. Class 0. Farm Products 10 a. m. , lot 1 , grain and seeds. 11 n. m. , lot 0 , Nebraska wines , exhibited by manufacturers. Class ? . Icc3 , honey and nplnry goods- lot 1 , comb and extract honey. Tests for colonies to end on Friday , Sep tombor 10th. 1SSO. Class 8. Mechanical arts 10 a. in. , lot 1 , light machine nnd hortlcultmal Class ! ) . Machinery. All machines In this class will be on cxhibi tion and in motion tn power hall and on the grounds during tlm en the fair. Class 10. Musical instruments , etc. Lot l. Muslcal Instrumuiits. Lot 'J. Sowing and knitting machines nnd spinning wheels. All entries in the nbovo class will bo on ex hibltion and in use in ait and llorar hall : during the entire fair. Class 14. 10 a. in. Lot 5 Peaches ; lot (5 ( , . plums ; lot 7 , apricots ; lot 8 , nectarines lot' ' , prunes ; lot 10 , quinces. Class 15 ( . { rapes , canned goods , jellies , etc 10 a , m. Lot C dried fruits and vege tables. 13 in. Lot 5-I'lcklcs. Class 10. Floral. 10 a. m. , lot 1 collectloi of greenhouse plants in nets , various kinds of plants such as cacti , aloe , foliage plants geraniums , bcgonlns , etc , Class 17. Speed. Kacos for each day will be called at 1:80 : p. m. to start at 3 p. m Trotting Tlireo-inliiUo class. Kntiles ; Ki Pyle , Humboldt , Neb. , brf Jennla Cobb ; Jas Mall. Harden ( Siove.l'a. , hr stallion St. Nlcho las ; L. O. ( .irooiii. Cedar Uaplds , Neb. , graj stallion Victor Spragun ; Theo Van Alst JCIIdmrn , Neb. , b Hob Hldloy ; L. J. Lawes , Denver , Col. , bg Sleepy Dave ; Gee Grimes Crawfordsvllle , Ind. , giay mare Mettle (1. ( M. O'Uelloy , Kearney , Neb , , b g - ! S. Mnlonity , llumbjlilt. Xeb. , blk m ( lladvs T. C. lUum.T , Omaha , b m Daisy Yamlerbilt H. Whlteakor. Falrbury , Neb. , b K Hnv Dick J , D. Crelghton.Omnha . , Neb. , bg Ililfy Ship man ; N. Leach , Fall bury , Neb , , b g Joker H. J. Shank , ch s c ( Juorgo 1C ; V. II. Socley b .r ( icnoml Schuyler. Pacing , 3:85 Class D. D. Johiifon. Weep ing Water , Xeb , , eh m Annin.I ; W. H. Ford b m Flora Temple ; Jno. S. Wolf , Cedar Ha phis. Neb. , m Mnttlo Stcpp ; C. K. Mnyno Omnhn , g m Magnolia Maid ; D. C. Lang ford , Tcknmnh. Neb. , b in Ladv Lottn ; Col onel Dalley A ; Co. , Council lliutfs , lown , ch i Warren Dalley. Trcttuiif , : i-ycar-od ) colt stnkes , nssoclatloi to add S1H-J. (5. ( Weibe. Fahbury , Nob. stallion. .Saturn , jr. ; N. O'lleilley , Kearney Neb. , lllly. Li-retto ; J.-.I. btnrhuck , McCook Nob. , chestnut stallion , Tramp ; S. J. A. liia ham , Kuggsville , Neb. , blk stallion , lilacl Oak ; K. ( i. lirooks & Co. , lirimneld , 111. Mt'inbleton. Tlio nscon. Ion by Prof , Hunt wll take place nt 1 p. m. sharp. The greyhound rncivs with Prof. Grave ! superintendent nnd proprietor , wlil taki place at 10 : ! 50 a.m. liutchcrs' cmiustrinu gynasuim will appeal at 11 n. in. Norr.s. Cairyalls run every lulnuto from the cejitn of the city to tlie rQunds , cliiirutn twenty live ennts per passenger , The New Yorl and Omaha clothing , house , 1BQJ Farnan stieot , ran a four-horse rig iC'Morday , whlcl was crowded all the time , and carried puoj > l fur nothing. ThoUnlonPicIfloand BeltT.lne ate run nli'g tmlns fiom Leavenworth and 'IV nil streets , to the piounas , leavlug it f. W , 11:13 : \ 1,2 , " , f > : to o'clock , stonplntr nt the C. , St , I1. M. it O , depot , corner Fifteenth and Webster streets , am ! returning al-0iO. : 1012:0 : ) : | , i : .V ) , 2a. : 3501:5'J ! : , 0:00 : nnd 7H : ( oelock. Unund ttlp fare Is twenty-live cents , The association lm\o engagedtho senlees of n young band. In this .city , which Is nol finite as prollcienl ns it mav DO several years hence. The music they render now is eer- tainlv not ns good ns t lint which lias always been heard nt these catherlhgs. Tlio icporters have been chanced from their time-hallowed perch abosotho judges , They now occupy a position immediately In Iront of the ( jrilntl stand , which has Inxn ex- preuMy pienaied for them. They are within the ic.icli or everybody who lakes , n notion tc hang aiound such n. place , nnd nre o tils posed that tliev may be piled wltli questions by iiei.sons who cnnnot lesKt the temptatlo i nnd let the scribes attend to their business ot recording the pi-riaie-d of the lie.its , A no- liceiiian wns > t steul.iv detailed to watch ovei the men of the pencil and keen Inquisitive people \\lieio they belonged. The place I. ' In no vsnj so convenient as of the old stand. To-day Is school day nt the fair. All public ' choillsaie to lie elrised and admission tickets nro supplied to the sriiolnrs liv the board of education. The Union I'.icllle and licit Line will cairy all scholars on n special fair train to the fair grounds and return foi ten cunts each for the loiind tilt ) . Tickets may be purchased nt the Tenth street station and the St. Paul depot. All sclml.irs under lf > years of ago can purchase the o tickets , but these 15 or ever must present ticket and scholar's certificate furnMicd by the board bt education , The exposition. Yr.STiiU : > AV MOUNIMO. The exposition building yesterday morning presumed a most at- raulivo cc. Tlio Hoot hiul been swept with scrupii- lous cure , tlio cases and exhibits ! were dusted and thosu which , ducing the night , litul slumbered umlor coverings of canvn were uncovered witli tlio view of again tlio Inflow of visitors. At 10 o'clock the doors were open and from that hour until tlio time of this Eapor's gonm to press there were a mini- ur of people iMitijring , walking through and icaving llio building. The morning liour.s ot Iho day arc es pecially desirable for these who wish to makoanuiol and .studious inspection of tin ? exhibit ! ) . This fact seemed to bo ap preciated by tlio visitors , many of whom took their tlmo in examining Ihe thous ands of goods willilu llieir view. Many of llio exhibitors were early on hand , some beautillng and increasing llioir display , othor.s luljusting it to the prov.iiiing lights , olhers still increasing tlio supply of tins latter , ami in general proliting by the cxpuriouco of the lirst night's show. A number of entries were made , but they were maiiilv of the lighter order , anil were disposed of on tlio upper floors , and will , in their turn receive attention in those columns. Tlmro was onu no- tiocablo display among this morning's entries on the ground lloor , and thai was an unique oxlilbit by Clark Woodman. It consislcd of a tastefully decorated arch , containing an assortment of the oils imiilo at Woodman's mill , while , in front , lay a barrel of the same- material , on the side of which stands long slender vials of oil , as clear as maple syrup. A now boll of gigantic dimensions has been put in place to warn people ol1 tlio closing hour , the gong which was iibed on Saturday having been" found inade quate in volume to bo hoard all through the building. IJesido it , is the valuable cabinet ot the Omaha and Grant smelting and refining works , with little mountains of lead in front almost a ton in weight. Mergell & llosenxwoig display a room especially made for the occasion. Its prevailing tone is light , the panels being outlined with silver. Tlio dis play of the latter is unique ana admira bly carried. In the front in a circular aruation'of wine velvet barred with gold , and the corners are allegorical pictures of great beauty. S. A. Orchard's front is porhnps the most unique. It consists of'a high lam brequin from'which lin.yri * a pair of not portieres , the effect ( ft which is beautiful. I hero is ajoay window with curtains of lace , together with a rich assort ment of rugs and other burnishings. Thrco beautiful pictures ornament the walls , each of which , a gem in itself , is tlio work of Mabel , Mr. Orchard's daugh ter , who is scarcely sixteen years of age. A cabinet , too , on one side , displays her work hi carving. Dowcy & Stone , Kovor behind , have three rooms , disposed as a parlor , a din ting room , nnd a sleeping apartment. The latter is abla/.o with mirrors , and contains , beside , a chamber sot of carved red mahogany , valued at $3,000. The dining room is replete with tables and chairs of antique oak , a siacboard , hat rack and cabinets , the value of which is also in the thousands. Tlio parlor con tains a dark mahogany set , carved with richness , and catching on all sides and at all angles , the reflection of mirrors of purest French plate. This is tlio finest display over made by Dewey & Stone. Much of it is their own woric , especially the upholstering , which the firm now does with the best corns of upholsterers in the country. Howu & Kerr make a pretty display of a chamber docked nnd furnished , ready for - \ queen. AVolty & Lnndrock have a room full of mantles'robes , , blankets and an infinite variety of other articles for the use of the horse. Collins , Gordon & Kay exhibit a variety of sporting goods , such as Isaak Walton , Audubon or Nimrod never dreamed of. It is the most complete display made in Nebraska. O. II. & J. S. Collins have filled up their space with an elegant variety of saddles , whips , harnesses , robes and countless other articles in demand by the horseman. J A. Puller & Co. , show a long case filled With fancy goods , and the most complete assortment ot surgical instru ments ever exhibited in the state. Chase & Kddy's booth is of Chinese design - sign and tilled with an assortment of fimcy stationery ami bric-a-brac. Hoed , Jones & Co , , exhibit a number of er.mples of boots nnd shoes at all uncos , for all a es. and kinds of weather. C. E. Moody te Co.'s display comprises rich nnd practical suUof _ deli and china , with a number of vari-colored and de corated hanging lamps. The Omaha Carpet Co. , has a booth under the north gallery , the walls and coiling of which are pnnnelled with tiio richest r.nrpcts , so selected and set as to strongly resemble artistic fresco. The Midland duel no company 1ms a complete reproduction of the wonderful electrical contrivances which it has in its store , It shows at n glance to what ex cellent usage electricity has been brought for both public , md private use. A. U Stinng makes an interesting display of pulleys , blocks , thu recently improved roller mills , steam-hoatlm ; apparatus , to gether with a largo variety of most Improved Btunm machinery , The Omaha .Null works hns n nail ma chine , working with a ga-.d deal of energy , and turning out nail ! ) with the velocity of drops In a rain storm. The mutnl is heat-id In a furnace , placed In the machine , and the latter deus thu rest. The United States Wind Engine and Pump company has n lar''ti number of pumps , faucets , \\iih n playing fountain , a mtnatiui ) ralhoad water tank , with a host ot other articles in use in Its line of busi ness. Kilnoy & Gibbon make the most magnifi cent and Yurlcd exhibit of heavy hardware over inadu in Iho fctate. It is nol only mils- Ucally arranged , but It displays a variety which makes U ronrosontallve of the stock carried. lllmehaugh & Taylor's Is n tasty and dis criminating display of iisrht hardware , showIng - Ing almost every tool kumvn to thu working worhl , as also a largo line ot the Uulfnlu stniulaiil scale. ThuUrnnswh'k & JJalko llllllard company show two of their beautiful tables , with n counter and bar-piece with beveled square and diamond mirrors that nru really gcinq. Thu Hlvorslilo Steve works of Uncle Island , III. has u collection ot beautiful heating and cooking stove nArt which seem to bw the peer of aiyH ltipon the floor. The Arnold cooler "Is rehreseiHM by a double show of Its Htelfcil-r , managed by the Marion Kntorprlscifiiirrsunv. v The 1'cnlnsula Njn'.tre jie-.iUnc stove niul ranco shows up wnlPmiVlcr * tiio managemcnl of li. II. liiicht&Uo- ! The J less purr ahifnrnacO have on cxhlbl tlon thipoovcellent ) raiiiaccs , so iKcd as tc admit of Inspection. w J. O. KllioH. tlio e'ntelprffilntr cas fitter , ha < anarch front whlchlhntfus porcelain shaded lamps lighted wltl ! ttrlrty-two jets of gas , IIo has also a closet AUlh syphon attachment and a bath tub. The Acorn stov'Cs display a vailcty ol nickel and enamelled twcelain dittamentiv tionUth bi 01170 sttUuortcfe ,1. Homier has a i > muiV < if fllnmuor furniture with a host of Crtherfiticlcs intended for household use. * ' C. I. riu-diiurH another o'f the exhibitor ; of Moves nnd furnaces , whose display nlst attracts attention.1 The .Mechanical OrgnneHc company offer1 n novelty In a fu'l-l7fd hfime oigan whlcli tin1 merest tyro can play \\lth his loot , Mliloti Uogers * SouV exhibit Is a fair re ilex of the magnificent stock which Is ahvavt to he found at their store. M. A. Disbiow , a nejv firm In our midst mauo n cieditablc dlsplay-of'thrce ma'nU'ls ol elaborate design ornamented with , cathedral class of various colors and combinations , The Caiter White I. cad woiks have n'lanu collection of leaden cans nhd kegs of 'various sizes. Maihoff , the trunk man of the Mil Hard , lias trunks which .would dolv he baggage master nnd his minions , ' The't'hurchlll Pump company shdw a ttir- blue windmill with an active pump 'whlcli pours Its wilier into alnrgo box. The Omnha Oil and 1'alntcompany , besides exhibiting the oil ami paint they handle make an excellent display of coloicd , em bossed and.Hand-blown glass. . ( tiistavo Andreen , the safe maker , has a full-sized hank vault , n section of bank rail ing , a small safsniul a mlnlatuio design of a safety deposit vault. They are nil magnificent pieces of workmanship. Tlio "WolftKlecti Ic company haven unlouc llttlo ciiiilne with a multiplicity ol UIMU- uionts and appliances which they us.o In their business. I.AST Ts'iniiT. Ihe attendance at the exposition last idcht was a gratifying Incieaso over that which had boon expected. It was comiwscd of young and old , and each of tin-so classeson - loved Itself in n manner peculiar to Itself. Jho chleily people quietly viewed tlm many features ot Inteiost with a stately 'anil diinil- tied air , \\hile tlio yotmseriwoplc wtint hither and thither with the volatility ot butteillles sliming sweet from evcij llower. The advantage ot thu exposition a a place in which UKspuud n pleasant evening is be coming appreciated.Theio Is no liner prom enade In town thicn 111 Its looinyalsles. deem- ated on every sidy with nitlcles calculated to Inspire the mind with thonnlits at oiuie poet ical and practical. When onu tires of the pfonlcnnrtc there Is always some congenial fih-ml with- whom to converse , and , nfoio than that thoiC ; Is tile delightful 'music ofthe Musical Union invhrstra to whlcli one may listen -without' leaf of being dis- tuibqd. lit fact , there Is tib'placo in the city wlmro the tired clerk tmmechanic 'may more Inn'Oeently pass an evening than at this place of PutoTtalliiuerit. Every .suns'o. every intellectual feeling may besatlodfltbui , ! ! a mere nominal cost ot money anil outlay of ' ' ' energy. - There were not many exhibits added since the report published ; above , hlthoucli one of the exhibitors On tUfni3lntin'or nddcdnn ex hibit which attract * ) ! jrfjflit nUCfntion. It was that ot n young Iftfly" in JVTVX , whoso , hair. throat , ears and ' ' weyo ablaze AVltn diamonds , fashlone-jr \ ] tjie most elaborate designs. A novelH"ytjlch has not hereto fore been notieiitl jn' OVnaha Society , was a Mexican betllj 'wliicli crawled over over the vounit ladyjl } vostnre Svith a circum scribed area. The tuscct was bound with gold clasps , which'Vycct.v , fastened to a tiny chain hooked In thftUtulw. ThO'bcctlo slowly crawled over tlio duJSi'L'f/'atlyrto the tremor of many a raroie.t.Tjie ! ] Insects arn'ted by a baik Imported with Mvm. and Uro much In vocno sociotv'-'belles In'thn ' . among - ' east. Ihe concert rast pv'eninjT' ' Wi'J.ri be by the Orimha aMiisicniAJuwjii.wrphostra , and comprised the follofvrinc : : 'J - > ) ' M TB..l6lly.Ci/ririi , ! > rsinith''vrtPeter.- ' Overture , aEnaoirraaaaiftlit'.15wtu'er. . 3. Selection , "Oliv t -r.l.-.Atidran. . 4. "Spanish Soromwto".r.W. . . . -.fuse. 5. Oavotte , "Heart's'JJcsheT'.i.Molllii. . 4 Comet solo.f..t. . . . i . . . . . . . . -.Hoch 7. Selection ! "Heart and ilanil" . . . . . Lccocq. I'ltomtAMMK. < 8. Overture. " ( Natunil Airs ) AmerlcJt.Moscs. ! > . Die Schmeido ajn Waldo , . " . Micliacls. 10. Solo tor Xylophone , "Kevarlto' ' Mr Uarnes 11. Cornet Solo , 'SMy Darling1 . . . .IRirtinau. 12. Selection. "Hoii-piir Student" . .Milloecker. 13. Waltz , Wiener Uemimtli. . . . .Falirbach. 14. I'olka , "Francalsu" . . . i . CJrcgor. 15. March , "Concordia" . ; . llopf. Notes. The lunch standJs within the Fifteenth street entrance. , , The art gallery occupies the entire east gallery of the building. The ladies' toilet and cloak rooms arc cast of the main entrarico. ' The gentlemen's toilet and coat rooms are west of the main entrance. Season ticket hbldcrs pass through the side gates , not through tlie turnstiles. The Creighton college exhibit occupies the north room under the east gallery. The onlyt tickets received at the turn stiles are exhibitors' and children's tickets. The office of G. W. Liningcr , manager , is the first room -north qf the Fifteenth street entrance. i A well supplied restaurant will bo found iu the gallery , in the northwest corner of thn bujldiug. Professor Stqudoll's clcctrnnl enter tainment is' given in the south room under the cast gallery. Any packages tliat may bo found , hav ing been lost by thu owner , should bo , left in Manager Liningcr's ollico. "A Busy Miniature World"can be seen in tlio west room under the north gallery , adjoining the board of trade rooms , Unwaro of pick-pockets. They are al ways to bo found at expositions and fairs where large crowds assemble. Look out for them. The adniission fee is fifty cents. Change will bo made nt tl o box ollico. The cxnct amount must bo deposited at the turnstile. Soda water , lemonade , pop corn and cnntly stands will bo found west of tlio main entrance , and adjoining the en trance to the now annexbuilding. . No canes , umbrellas , parasols , etc. , will bo permitlod in the art gallery. AH 'such articles , also coats,1 wraps , vulibes and packages of every ifecriptioii , will bo checked iu the coaf'riipms for llvp cents for each parcel , i When the loud gonffhtrikcs , which will bo sounded only in'-'ca&s ' 'of emergency , and at the ti mo of 'oWsing each night , the building must be cleared of people as quickly as possible , with duo regard for safety , and alWiiys'Avoiding a rush in leaving the building oji such occasions , This is imperative. uml must be heeded. A rriiluv ; ) } ( ! < vuiit. Yestcrddy afternoon n. servant , who Is cm- ployed at the icsldenoe-of one of the Cnhn brothers , complalne.rl uttuo. police station that she had beoa robbed ofSlfX ) . .Qlllcer Dick Hurdlsh was sent to' examine the cnse and was not long iiuhrMsing Mrs. llopland- dor , another servantuAtXlm crhmi The wo man confessed nnd returned the money which she had hid In an nuthouse. Xo arrests were made. _ _ _ Hi ) Kelt the Qunko , WR. . Vaughan , who was called to Ala bama recently by the serious Illness of a sis ter , has returned , lle'wasjln Selma , Ala bama , when the carthrjuakn ihock was fell at that place. Ho was engaged In a fileiully argument with n real estatetigcnt concern ing the comparative activity of dirt move ments In Omaha and Sclma when the shock was felt. The argument was conclusive. Mrs. ICitwimU * CJhlltl. Another wilt of habeas corpus from Judge McCullochs court was served upon Itev. Hainel yesterday , commanding him to pro duce the body of ids adopted daughter , Fan , nio Edwards , In court /in September IS , and show cause why she should not bo given lute the possession of uur mother. Sioux Oity People Disgusted With tbo Work of the Haddock Jury. INTEREST GROWING STRONGER. A YounpMhn Kills an Old Tanner ami rntntly InlureH Two Others A Stnto l-'nlr Other Items of Iowa Nc\v < . More I tail dock Talk. Storx CITY , la. , Sept. 0.-Si | > ecal ! Tele gram to the UF.I : . ) Whore arc the and consnliators and why the column's \er- diet Is not made public are nuesUons ot the hour here. Duilnic the lirst few davs or even the first week after the sealed verdict Was rendered tlio people waiting , hoping confi dently , as they made believe , that the guilty ones would be brought to justice at once and ( ho whole dnik am' ' bloody plot laid bare to the world. Hut day suecVcded day , and now It is well od to two weeks since the coioncr's Jury adjourned and yet nothing Is known or nccompllshcd more than nt that time. The result has been also.that all paitle.s supposed to bo in nny manner Implicated are gone. The public called for lulurmatlon from the staitas the facts developed , but were denied any knowledge whatever. It was a star chamber investigation. Many of the best judges and most candid men with whom the llr.r. representative conversed thought It ceitaln that had the Investigation been open , nnd as the evidence was seemed pointing to the guilt or oven connivance of any party , an arrest had been made on such parties caie- flilly watched and not allowed to escape as they have been , there would have been no charge for the awful crime nnd blot upon Sioux City's name going unrequited or un punished , D. W. Wood , the attorney for the law and outer league , believes that the time has como when the verdict nnd evidence should bo made public. Ho formeily ac quiesced In the scctot methods employed , but did so on the supposition that nil the facts gained nt the Inquest would bo immedi ately given to thopiopcr unices' . The coionor has gone to his h'onio In niemotopart of the county , pocketing the verdict , and has made no returns to the clcik of the court. It is possible that n mandamus will bo Issued to compel him to com ply with the law. Hut why all this dllloy-dnlliiig. Ever since this investi gation commenced one thing after another seemed to conspire to defeat the ends of jus tice and help the guilty ones to escape. It is stated now upon what some consider good evidence that llov. Mr. Haddock was un- .drnibtcilly killed by a former Wisconsin enemy. In support of this theory the fact is mentioned that Mr. Haddock noticed thin lunn among tin ; crowd in the court house on tliodnvofhls murder , and obtained , by re quest of Attorney Wood permission to carrv arms to defend himself. This is only onu of tlie manv theiies and rumors heard. Keene is prepared to ilimy this oralllrni it in llio ab sence ot testimony. It is ccitnln , however , If such was the case , ho was acting In liar * mimywltli U. L. I.eavlttand his gang , and it Is biiing shown positively that Leavitt was the agent of thi ) saloonisUs , so- that tlio ( Q u work dope , whether slugging , taryliiff and feathering or ktilimr , is not divulged yet In terest here in the affair is by no means on the wane , but Increases every day , nud unless something comes to the surface within a very slioit time it would be dKtciilt to pro- did what turn affairs may take. IOWA'S mr ? PAIR. The Opening Day u Great Success In Attumlmico and AttrnotioiiH. DnsMoixKR , la. , Sept , 0. [ Special Tele gram to the IJi'.n. ] This was the fust day practically ot the state fair , and the weather was tine and attendance better than ever be- foreon a corresponding , day. The entries for exhibits now number between .seven and eight thousand , and the display or live sto-k Is unusually Urge. As the- fair Is pciman- ently located on these new grounds , a largo number of commodious and attractive build ings have been erected , contalng exhibits of various branches of trade and industry. The grounds include -GO acics on sloping ground about two miles east from the capital. They arc reached by steam and horse cars , trains running every live minutes through the heaviest part of Ihe day. The races to-day were quite fair for the classes enteiod , as fol lows : The 2:48 trot wns won In three straight heats bv Black .llm. time 2:44)4. The three-year-old stake trot was won ny Zoo K. Best tlmo S7. : : ! Matty K won tlio first heat in 2:4a > . The running race , mile heat , was won by Dawn of Day. Best 111110 1:48 : . All speed classes wore well tilled , nnd good races are exi > ccted through the week. A Yotinji Man's Horrible Dcud. CKDAII K.IPIDB , In. , Sept. C. A West Union special to the Hopublicnn details a horrible tragedy six miles west of West Union , Fayetto county. Henry Smith , a German , nineteen years old , killed an old farmer , Abram Peek , with a knotted club. Ho fatally injured Mrs. Peek , seriously wounded A. Leonard with a pistol shot tired Into 'the house , and attempted to f'uo the house. The only reason given for the deexl Is a quarrel about pay for work done. Killed by Nnturnl Gns. KKOKUIC , la. , Sept 0. Uy an explosion of natural gas in a sixty foot well being dig live miles from Warsaw , III. , Henry Miller , a workman , was killed , John Haps , probably fatally Injured , and Homer BlcMahon nud Charles llaskins were fearfully burnod. Mil ler was frighttully burned , the skin over Ills entire body peeling off In a few minutes after the explosion , which was caused by taking n lighted lantern Into the well. 'Jho Melon Murderer Hold. Dr.s Moixns , la. , Sept. 0. ( Special Tclo- jjrani to the HEI : . | Thomas Council , who murdered Fiank March In his melon patch near Perry , last week , has been bound over In tlm sum of S5.000. Public opinion scums to bedritting in his favor. It Is said that tlio friends of tlio victim have hold a secret meet ing with a view to lynching Council. Valuable Cattle Dying. DKS MOI.VKH , la. , Supt , 6. [ Special Telegram - gram to tlio BBK. | William U. Drown , of Dallas county , has lost twent y steers , valued at SI , MX ) , from nn onldcmic of mad itch , in the past three days. Ho has a lariio herd aud tee chneccs nre that lie will low all ot them. A Now lloiitn for CHICAGO , Sept 0. Henry Crlstoph , banker , committed suicide this evening. The occasion for the deed Is a mystery and every body. who would bo likely to know , refuses to talk. It Is only known that Crlstoph went to the house of his biotlier-hrlaw. County Treasurer William Seipp , where his wife was visiting and tliat soon afterward the banker shot himself dead wlih a pistol. Cristophdld n largo business as n private banker , nnd has recently nguied In some lather heavy tiau- suctions. So far as known , however , his financial affairs are In goinl condition , Dairy Ofarkot. CmoArio , Sept. o. The Inter-Ocean's Elgin , III. , special says : On the boaid of trade to-day butter advanced lo and ruled steady , closing firm. Regular sales , ! i7,480 pounds at 2tr J35c. There was nothing doing In cheese. Private sales amount to S34HTT.fcl. kn and Iniva "Weather , For Nebraska nnd Iowa ; Fair weather , stationary temperature In Urn western uor- tlou , cooler in ilie eastern poitiou. A. Hwitclitnuii Injured. Yesterday afternoon Henry Burke , a well- known switchman in the U. P. upper yards , \ras 6criously Injured. Ho was standing on the top of n car that was doing moved on tlio the'track under the wooden awilim ) at the elevator , His head cauw In contact with the awnlni ; , ho was knocked Hat , but very fortu nately was not thrown off the car. Very for tunately the only injury was a Iar e/a4h In his fiirhead. The wound was dres-sea by Dr. Hell , and Mr , Hurke very plucklly continued on with his woik. J UKIKS' . Tlitj- Are Drnwtt In tlio Vnltcd Stntc ? Court. Yesterday afternoon the crand nnd prill juries for the November term of the' I'nlter Slates district court we're drawn In the mar shal's olliee. . The latter comprise * thhtv-sii names nnd the former t\\ cut } -four. Tlioj areas follows : rintT .n uv. Thomas Ferguson. Slelln ; U.ilph Ander on , .John Hunter , Falls Cit > ! Ueoigc I' , Marvin , Dentine ; Henry Newman , Nehraskn City : . I. D. Cnllmun , Lincoln ; K. ( ' . tinnier , Uiiadllla : C. It. Slendmau. t'uuadella : Squire Illi'iuler , P. .1. ( Irani. J. S. KdwnuK Lincoln : , ) . c. Toibltt Hemltt ; Wllll < Ilowo. Aulmin ; Patrick McArdlc , T. W , HlnckniAii , Thomas Hurko , l-Mmuud Hartlllt , T. A. Man nth , K. K. French. Keainey ; . ! . I , , Thomas , riattsmouth ; .Inenlillirleh , Tecum- sali ; W. HnirK MatlNon ; II. .1. Itaifs. Klk- Imin , .1. 11. Craig. Wvimire ; I1. U. lloaid , Sclmjlor : William Harrier , Vnlle > ; M. 11. Uaibcr , " \ tillertnn ; T. r. Cniilwoll , Scotia. O1UM ) .11 II V. Ooo. F. Stocking , Wnhoo : .Ins. Dover. Madison : Fiatik Tlmmp- , Ben\er dossing ; .1. C. Conk , WINon ; S. II. Collins , Chapman : Kotn'rt CnldvMtll , ClaiKs ; ! . . A. Wnldiou , Hastings : W. K Mmsh. Central ( Mty ; II. 15. Luiton. Shelby ; U. ( J. Morton. Stiomsbiug : Win. Veav'Jr , .liiniala ; J , W. .Mcl'anllnv , Heaver City ; AHMII K. lloul. Henry It. French. Omaha ; William Stork , Noifolk ; Samuel Schotlcld , Colon ; .lohii Ilumftud , Western ; John II. Adams , Vesta ; K , Ham- blln , ICmeiick' ; V. W. triaven , Fulton ; Silas Huff , Uurehnrd ; J. F. IJUrns , Alnswortlii Fred Hanington , Chadron. Inkon totlin Tlio Kevei end Father Morrln of Missouri Valley , la. , ni rived last eveiilm , ' and was taken In St , Joseph's hospital , when.1 his fine- lured ankle is to bo treated. Ho was oul riding some weeks ago when Ids horse tool ; fright , aud In jumping finm tlm buggy the Injury nforesnld was sustained. Local sur gical tieatmcnt did not.seem to Improve the roverohd gentleman's mouther and ho ro- solveu to come to St. Joseph's nnd place him self under the care of theklml hearted sisters. Hon. John Keogh of Pintle Center' Neb. , was also taken to the hospital jesterday , but It was not lor sickness , wounds or Injuries. He simply made a short visit with a irienil and In conversation with a UIK : icporter he was profuse In his praise of the manner In which this homo for the sick is conducted. "I never saw so many sulTOrliii ; people gatheied together In one collection bofoie , " said Mr. Keojh , "and though I have lived in this state some time 1 did not know you had sinh a gi cat charitable institution In Omaha. It Is a gieat school where the healthy can re ceive wholesome instruction. 1 don't think one-third the people In your city lenlly know llio amount of woik these sisters are Union Men. Ed. C. Moore , the Thirteenth street black smith , has conceded tlio demands of the horscshoer's union , and will hnreafter employ no nu but union men Iu ills shop. This con cussion adds gieatly to the strength of the union , tlm members of which now c onliol al of the leading shops of the city. A Crushed Foot. Win. Itcdmond , n Union Pacilic bmkpman. had one of his feet crushed in an accident in the yards on Sunday night. He was re moved to St Joseph's hospital. He will Diobabiy lose the foot. Brevities. cr 3 There are six malarial patients in St. Joseph's hospital. Judge McCulloch's court will convene to-day with lifty cases on the ilocKet. .Jack Nugent was arrested yes turd ay evening on tlio charce of Doing u , vag rant. The collections made nt the oflico of the collector of internal revenue yester day were the largest ever made iu ono day , amounting to § 18,317.09. Arthur Johnson , n carpenter living at Twenty-third and Hurt , reported at police headquarters yesterday that his place was robbed of a valuable lot of carpenters' tools last night. Marshal Lidinrd , of Springfield , Mo. , came down to Omaha to claim a reward for the aircst of Dan J. Koss , tiio foot runnelHo wns informed tliat no such reward has been offered. The regular monthly meeting qf the Women's Christian association will beheld held at their "homo , " 10UO Fnrnam street , on Tuesday afternon , Sept. 7 , at : ? o'clock. A largo attendance is desired. Mrs. 1' . L. Penile , secretary. Dr. John C. Jones , and two of his friends came in yesterday morning from a few days hunting in Madison Jcounty. Durinc their absence they bagged Jsev- enty hickcns , of Qwhich the doctor killed forty. John W. Sclwafo , a. young man for years a resident iu Omaha , died Monday night at his father's residence inPapillion. The funeral will take place to-day. The deceased was 21 years of ago , having been born Juno 33 , 1805. Work has been commenced on the building for the Omaha Corrugated Iron Co. in Hfidford place. The lirst building will be lOth-ai ) feet in dimensions. J. K. Itiloy has the contract for the brick work and James Grilliths the carpenter work. Judge Savage liled an information in police court yesterday afternoon charg ing the driver of express wagon No. 51 with cruelty to animals. The oflcnso consisted in unmercifully pounding his horses because they could not draw the load to which they were attached. Personal Paragraphs. L. C. Rurr , of Lincoln , is in Omaha. George Spanglor , of Hastings , is in the city.E. . E. D. Gould , of Fuller-ton , is'at the Mil- lard. lard.K. K. M. Lef Hang , of Plum Creek , is at the Millard. A. M. Dohlstadt , Chapman , IB at the Miilnrd. C. C. Addams , of Kansas City , is at the Arcade. Dr. Al. M. Moore , of Chicago , is at the Co/ixons. G. W. Logan went down to Valparaiso yesterday- O. J. Collman , of Hroken How , is nt the Paxton. K. II. Wooloy , of Weeping Water , is at the Merchants' . George W. Frank , of Kearney , was in Omaha yestorday. J. T. Wray. of Oulburtion , was was in Omaha yesterday. Arthur H. Wood , of McCooK , was at the Millard yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L , Ijjtmar , of Alns- worth , are at the Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. James JHocUledgo , of Japan , are nt the Paxton. The Hon. T. U. Colby nnd wife , of Wymoro , are in Omaha visiting friends , John U. Manchester , of tlio Union Pa cific , was n Chicago passenger yesterday , K. G. Glenn. Pawnee City ; Stephen Hellos , McCookj II. A. Scott. Osccola , ami W. W. White , Tekamah , nro at the Merchants. General Utirnham wns a passenger to thu Pacific coast last night whore ho will take the position of judge advocate on General Howard's stall' . General Manager ( Julia-way , of tbo Union Puoilio. went to Chicago last night to attend the meeting of railroad man agers to bo hold there this week. A. L. Johnson , the well-known grain buyer of Plat to county , wont to Michigan yesterday to join his wife , who has been on a visit for some weeks iu her native state. Owen Slavcn , of Fanning & Slavon , contractors for street cleaning , has gone to Chicago to bring bank a now four- horse sweeper of improved make , which will increase the number of swcepon * on our atrould to three. ( ioncral Agent Stevens of the Hock Island , accompanied by his family , left for the east hist evening. Mrs. btovous and daughter , Miss Carolyn , will go to Isow York where the hitter will complete her education. Mr. .Stevens will act-on- ) puny them at- far as Chicago. SPECIAL NOTrOJSS. ADDITIONAL. SAI.U llvJ'nrk.V Ko ler , liVS ! - home nitd I'ulllot , AmMrrl'Inco : $ IMcn h , lintnici < ( .10lierlm > htlii cMily PI.OOI. Tills plnco l < \ orj cheap , 1ms grildo , ( food barn , fence * , slmdo trees , , ( o. . , Tlireo editnires on Clmtlos street , four Wocks from tiorl cartllM ; to fl WJ ! unnll cnth pntiicnt.J , linliineu to .suit . l'l\e-room eolinuoon l.nko street , one Mock from street enpt. nnnr I'tniploloti'd rcxliloncoi f2m ( ) ; J40 o.ith , linliinee $ J > per month. OttnBuo'f n roiiuio. iH'iu-'Pinfriitei'nlli street : worth f 0. luliitu'e qunrleily payments of f7. > . Three cottacc * on Ch'citro street. hct\vron LMtliniulUOtlij JI'.MtX ) ; iiovr rents lor fl.'WO pur yenr. Ouo lot In Lincoln I'Ucr ; If sold tills irook nnlj Jt'U ' HIS li tei-ms. Will piirclin o n lmiU < > l Int. with -two ttoi't fionts , on1st strrot , wlieio It Is 10- piiitnil ami lielleveil thnt tlio ( "iililo'l mmnjr will goon InIu fiporntlon. A b.UKaln for on body. W. g. ScnvoAKontn. . wS " "I I KKS \ INllllUAM- I L ItenlKMnto mill l.onn llroKor , Cpi'in HmiMi Ulock , Iinprovi-il flioom uott.iKV. Doiiirlns umlS1 ! ( m\y \ . . . 7 loom cnttiiifo nil ooiivcn. , Siuiiulors ni'iir I'uiiiiiilinrsonlr . . . . CoOO lOiooni nud I 5 mom iwu o tin lot ( VI\2V ) with nil moilcni impiovQinrnfa 17th Mrrct , clifiip . . . . . foot ) lltoimi lieu < tlliuml l.cnrenwoctlitvllh a I room uottiini' < ia thn idloy for nil . 6300 lortnim hou < i ,1ot Ui ) rlMI mriiet In Mil- tvlti 1'liu-e. n bcnntllul hiunu . 1 n room nmll S room c-ntlaui ) on nnitli 17 , himo lot l lrlU. ; cnth M.5W . . . . 00il nrooin liouou HUH Wolistor , full lot . . . ( VpdO lliooiu liouso on 17 ami Cms . SMO a room IHIIISO on Callforiiln , full lot . . . . IVW TIIIOIII liouso noith of Uoiivonnoitli on Vlrplnln nvo . 4000 1C room lioiiboiioilli of I.oiuviiworth on Vlr'uinln avo. , clump . 7001) 2 houses 1 ft and 1 4 rooms 2 uiid Plcivo 3tXX ) So loom eottaKe.s"Snnd Ulmrle * , full lot , clioap for both , 4000 1 ti room housn Hnnscom Plnco with nil modern Improvements. See It MWl ) 1 n room eotniKo VliK'inlii nvo. ncnr I.envoimorth Alow of the most tlcslrnblo lots In Cics- ton plaoo.nt lluurca that will mill . . . 2 east front lots on Lorto avenue ami Iliirnoy , onoh , It sold this week . . . 1009 llnrknlmr mill , on Loiivonwortli , t lot at llKO Vtlea plnco lot , block 21 , WcstOimdm , terms easy , prlco f 1000 to 12V ) Slots West Cumins mid , r. corner , nt . . . 4'JU Lincoln pluco lot ? 110111$110 to 400 Lots In Marsh's mill , uonr St Jfciry's avoniio , very ih'ilniblo 2 0 Hanscom place lots , $ ll IOto ! > 0X , ) 14 loot onSniimluraulieiiii , woithoiHI. . 5'JO ' Lots In Hurl ford pliioo , this side ( if Mis souri 1'iuilllii railway nud citunliiK fnc- tory , on Lcnvcmrortliory onsy tei-ius. $ : Wto 45fl A few Ion In Lonvcnworth IVrrneo. Ju t soutliwoit of .loroino I'ark mill lllgo- Imid plaeo , termsnixsy , $ .ViO to 000 lOi UMnn ( "ass and : ! ( Hii st" , H cash . . . . SfiOO ' ' 3 east front Ipts , within one lil'op'k of onnnliiB factory anil .Missouri I'ncillcdepot. Ihoy nra decided Imnrainsnt ? IV ) , ns ndjnlnlnir lota nro solllnir nt ftvuo mid $ V > 0 ; terms oasy. 10 lots In Drake's addition , 28th nnil Dodffo 3t , 51r > iiO Ic 2,500. m teuton I'ark nvontio nnd Howanl , JB.OOO. " 5xI5u foot , ropnlotoii nnd Virginia itvenuos , 75\150 foot , Vlrginln nvumio and Slilroly , a conior , $ lrtx ) . Wohuviinnly nfow of these bcnutlfullotaln block II , Hnnsconi Plneo , left. If you \rnnt 'ono "ocuro It iiulch or yon will baloft. ConvoyaiiCoi nhvays at the door rondy to talto you oul to see what \VDConililur tlm lic t Imririiliis. HicUs & lii lu-iim , 215 South Uth atroot , Opera Hoiiso Illook _ _ _ sa Foil s/vLu HowllnprOroon lots ntsirx ) . 10 percent C' 9li and ? 5 pur month. Uirurstio | oaslostnnd surest luvosimmit tu doublu jour money In yonr'of ur property in the subiirl- nn umrkot. Lot IIR Hhow you tills tluo proportjr. & Iobock , ' 1CT ihll Fnrnhin Btreot. B ) WI.lNil < UIIK.V Idts.l.V ) . It ) | ioi centoftsh ) nm | { S per month. Mnrslmll & I.olntk , Agronts. 00 Foil SAI.n Uowlliiir ( Srooii lotTat S1.10I fo per cent cash and $5 per iiiontU , Rnsy , and Hiiro to double In a year. See this fltio ml- nltlon ami sooi'ro n few lots whllo you t-nn sot flrst choice. Marsliull iS Ixibook , Apcnti > , ! M8 . 1511 Ftirnnmstroot. LBAVIiNWOUTU BT. R. H. trackawo , ono ot inoro lots or iinnoro , nt n grout bargain. See J. W , LOKIIH , nt fjoavtiiiworth HuslrtVjss rinco , or O. . W. Ilokor , Hoom 7 Iitin Hank DUlliliUff. . _ 6t4 / HASOONOYKK , K. 1C. LiTnsr , ArthurIIurrlaT \J Conoyor , l/oi\K \ nnil Harris , Hotd KBtiilo 1KIH ttoiljro RU Oinnhn. Neb , Corner lot on SliiTiimuuvo. " cash baU onsy $8ROO Corner lot y2 anil Lnl < a'oil rr tonns 1,800 Cornorlot InCreston add olionpnt 1,100 ! tiYirnoii Ciiinlntrst 4..100 IS'.ix ' 158 east ft out Pratt's 8ul > 3 nuw llvo-room cottuura corMil nnd I'lorco lotlWxlWall for . 108(4 ( It. frontal anil Karnam ivlth Sl-.OOO Improvements 20,000 4 aero lot In West Oinulm , . . . 10,000 50 H trout with alngunt cotlnco Karmim , nonr''fl 10'XQ ' Lot in Iluiilctto Court only .1 ulka from streetcars , 300 Lots nnd ncro property forsalo In nil the out lying additions List your property with us nnd consult your own Interests by aoolnir our Il3t uefpro piirchusing. oHt F OK SAtilC Or Kent : An elosantroom liouso , with all modern Improvements , splendidly located. lfor Kent A complotn slaughter houee , half a mile north of fnlr jfronnds , lor a term of yours. Kor Snlo 17 feet front on Hnrnoy near 2-'d , with Rood 10-room liouso , $ .1,030. 1 ! > foot oust trout by 15' ) on 1'nrkwlld ave , . with now 4-room house , KOod stutilo , near noir Itrownell Imll , ? r ) . K ) . Lot south trout on Charles St. Shlnn's : kl adj. , with 5-rooin IIOUMJ , f-,10U. 2 choii'o lots , cor. . In Lincoln Plwe , JSOO. TxtOTn-4xlKI , Kouth front , on Hint st , , houlo 20x 0. stnlilo IH.X21 , 1,000. M-Icet front on Cumins' , $8.000. will divide. 5-ncroH on nnd of tianndors strcot with now , ( food sUcrt houeo , gtalilo , etc. , (3,500 ; Improvements - monts worth $1T > 00. A gooilussortmontof farms and wild lands always on hand. I'.uibon 4 Co. , 1513 Kiirnnta St. 7387 LotH.KarmSil/mns mnnoy ( oanod. HOHSKH llonila , Ifith and Douglas strnolg. 810 QltKlTo liY * TfAlTLlfvT Bt. I'nrk 1'lnco lot 61 foot front on Cuss st. and snmoon Galiro'-nlaNt. Lot aoO feet acop wit a small Iiouaot2m _ _ ttitt TJIOHSAr. ! : Nico5-room houpo and 2 corner K lots Iu Walnut Hill ; U casli Dil. : to suit. CM Martin UO.Sllth st. HI5 _ KAI/'KsrATIC tl VIKiAIN 4.r > loot , east front hudluoss lot , corn or alloy. South IGtli street , KI.WW. J. L Hico d Co. , Kooinil , over Commercial Nat. bank. 311 'CHICAGO ESTERN RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. Tlieenly road to tofco for DPI Molnns. Mnr- aluilltoi'ii , f n.lnr ItApldi , Clliilon , Dixie. Clilen- fro.MllHT.iikoo and all imluli ra t. Tn tliejteo- nlo ol Nohrnikii , t'olorndo , Wyoming , ( Jlah , Idaho , Nevada , Oi-i < ii , Wimldngion and Cnll- fornlu , It offers siniorlur ( idvuntutua nol poesl- lilo by any ether llro. Ainonif H few of Iho nnnwnns pnlnt * of u- onjoyi'il lo * the pilrnni of IhH rend Corlorjtv otwucnOrniiliaimd Clilrimo ; lln two trains ndayof I > AV COACH } "f\ \ wauro \ \ \ \ \ Ilio flncat thnt hcinun itrl a d Invomiliy run cri'HlP. In I'ALACH BLKIIIMNO OAltrf. * liloh ro model ! ! ol mmfou nnU oleKimno Its l'AUIXH DIIAW. INO ItDOM ClAII.S , nnniiriiHCfoilbr nny.nndlts wlclol ) oololirntcil 1'ALATIAJ. 1U.VIM5 OAIIH , tlinnmial of whleh runiKit ! > > founil n'sowlierw. ' AtCoiiiin ! ) niuUe llm liiln ; i'f Iho l.'nlon I'nol- flo Ily. rorinoct In Union Dnpnt with | | IOKC of tlio Chlcayo k NorihiTi-8'.nni llr. In Clilcaito tlm tialnn of Dili Hub innkii close ( onnuctloa with tlio of nil custom ! h ) > > ' . I'or Dotinll , rnluiiilnii. Indlunnpnllf. I'lnoln- nntl.NIavnr.i 1'iillj , lluiritlo , I'ltUbuiv. Toronto , Monlical. l.Miton , Kow Yoik , riilindi > lphn | , Hal- tlinora. Washington and All lolnle In tli esit , ask Ibo ticket nunnt for tlrkoi * via tlio 'N < MiTiiwi.vnitN. : : " If j-ou whh thn lio-t nocnicmodfttlons. All lli.'Xct uiro'iu fell ilckoti ria-lldi llnf M. lircillTI' . It. B. MAIH , Qcnerul Miiiuvcr. Oim. I'HM. A tent. UIICACIO. PUTS AND CALLS. Un Wlio.n , Corn , Ottu , 1'ork. Lrd and IL IU Stocks , ler Lontf nnd Bhoit Time. Bend forl > rlr lU' . H. 1' . lUe.T , V IVM \ WmUlDRton Si. , Chicago , 111. Itolcrouec ; Air.erlcm Kx-