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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1886)
THE SIXTEENTH * YEAE. OMAHA , TUESDAY MOKNING , SEPTEMBER 7 , 1886. NUMBER 72 FREEZE OUT GAME Boyal Life Crushed Oat of Alexander by the Big Hessian Bear. THE PRINCE TO GO TO HIS PA. Ho is Completely Prostrated by tbo Mental Strain of Government. TRAGEDICAL TURKISH TALK. Tivo Strong Points on Which the Bulgarian Kegcncy is Based. MEN WHO DOWNED THE RULER. XJnfmvory Character Given Him In nn Intoi view All ItiiBsIn "Wants Is n .Free tJORi'l'oruB 1'nhHnuc Other Foreign News. liiK llln Departure. , Sept. 0. [ New York Herald Cable Sncclal to the JIF. ) : . ] The ono subject talked of heie Is thuappioachingdopaituio of Pilncc Alexander. Such olllceis as vveio Btandlng about the stieet corners In little knots went to the palace this moinlng , but thopiince icfuses to talk ovei the political fcltuatlon or to see any ono. I spent half an hour with Baton von Hlcdesel , his adjutant. He says that the prince Is I'll YS1CAI.I.Y I'UOSTHAl r.D. He has not slept for Ilfteen days. He lies down , but the excitement and strain of the present situation piovcnt sleep. His features me terilbly drawn and pinched , llo will take up his resilience after leaving Bulgaria nt Ingenheim with his father. Gabdan Ellendl , the. Turkish agent heie , tells mo that ' 1 in key considers this u pin ely I nterna- tlonal question , to bo settled by the powers. lie sajs that the true veision of Tin : KII.UXO or VASOKI' nnd the wounding of the other Bulgarian fugitives , between Kostendle and tlieTuik- Ish frontier , Is that they were killed by Bui- pailan gendauues , and not by Tmks. Seven teen weie captured and more will bo biought here. The piiuco is too much incensed to issue A OrXiiIAL : AMXr.STY , but leaves that to his successor. Alexander says that botli the aimy and the country are lost If no example is made. Instead of DalgaioukI , the e ir will send a more impor tant peison licit ! as commissioner. All the liiisslan olllceis will be ie-instated in the Bulgarian army. ' 1HK Or.ltVIAN t'l.TIMA'UMt. There appears to bo an intention of sum moning the deputies from the environs of Sofla , In Older that the prince may give up ids crown Into their hands. It is haul to foresee what the army will do alter the prince has lett. Tlio German ultimatum presented cave the prince six. days to rcthe. There was a meeting of tlio Bulgarian nota bles lopio.sci'tiugttll ' shadesof opinion jester- day. XnnkolT was not there , as KaraveJoiT V * objected to Ids piesenpo. The others weio I ( JieeiT ) ( , Slavleoir , ItadistayofT , minister of ' r the inteiior ! Stcrloll , Dr. Stransky , Donchelf Tlir. SIKKTINO WAS SISCHKT. The following live points wuro agreed upon as thebasls of n recemiy : 1. That thu Independence of Bulgaria must be guaranteed by the poweis. ' . ' . The maintenance of the union with Ilou- niolia. 3. The recognition of the regency by the pow < rs. 4. An undei standing with the powers be fore the abdication us to who shall succeed tlui prince. 5. The position of tlio Kusslan officers In the new Bulgarian army to be cleaily de- lined. TUB TKItMS ACCEI'IKP. These points wcro communicated to Bag- danofl' , who sent them to his government , which signified its approval to-day , and an other meeting of tlio notables was hold at KudlsttiyoU's house. The result was not made public , llerr Saldein , the German agent , called lirst upon the prlnco and then upon Uiecoll , the acting minister of foreign a ? affairs. The prince signed at noon to-day an order calling the sabrango on September 11 , which happens to be the fcto of the c/.ir. It was told mo at the Knglish 'legation that a largo poition of Till ! AIISIY WILL lICfclST thopiinco's deparluio , which fact was com- iniinlcatcd to nil the lozatlons by StambulolT nnd IlustaiolT tliiH aficiiioon. Major PopcolT , of thn jn luce's lexlmei't , sajs that if the pi Ineo goes he goes too. There Is a rumor heio to-day of a revolution In Belgrade , but It tinned out that It was caused by tlio Servians Bcndlrg a battery squaulron and a battalllon to the frontier to uricst the Bulgarian armed fugi tives eiosslng Into Servlin tcrrltoiy. Bag- danolf was to have gene to-day , but remains at this hour at the Kusslaii legation. Doi.noiinuKi'H sucfjitsson. Tlio high mllltaiy oHlclal who comes here Instead of Prlnco Dolgoroukl will ho either 1'rlnco Leuchtenbcrg , Dondukof , Caivokoll or Ignatlef , piobably the latter , who is In tensely popular heie on account of his deeds in IMS , In regaul to the election , Itiibsla will not seek to influence it. Hiifisla does notcaioto annex Bulgaria , All she desires Is to acquire a right to a free passage of tlio Bophoious. Tlio Utisslan military icmcsciitutlvo will come In as soon as the ptlncu leaves and befoie the election ol a successor. The Bulgarian army will be recognl/cd , but ONLY IIUSSIAX OK.\iil.U , OFJ'ICr.nS will come. Those who took part In th ( counter revolution will not bo molested , noi will thcio hunny cliangu In the civil or sub nlleian uillllary functionaries. The prince will led to tliu fioiitler by Bog' darof and Necludof , and the recently armed K'.ishlnn agents , This I * to proven nntl-ltusslau demonstrations. If nny hltcl occui.s In the piopjiaiume , and if antl-Uusslat deinoustnitloiih take place the Kusslnn tioop < will cuter Bulgaria and thu countiy will be placed UNnnn A MII.ITAUY itnniuK. Bulgatla gives the prlnco 8XW,000 ( franc : Indemnity , but aa the collets aie empty , Hits ulan money will have to piovidu for tin prince's Immediate , ueccssltlo.s. The piluci will , however , only get l,500cwi francs because ha owes 1,600.00 franca In Bulgaria , which i must assutuo , or In exchange for whleh th pilnco may , perhaps , give her mal estate the ho country. All the ollicials of his cou it wi receive compeuMttion commeusunxte wit the rank they held. The Enemies of the I'rlnco. BucitAiii'.sr , Sept. 0. IN'ovv i'ork Ucrali Cable Special to the Bi'.E.J I iiavo intc tlewfcd two personages who were promluci n'the tuklnu otf of Prince Alexander , lu-vvil Klul k.oJ ( and Thoskorotr , soldierly -met Ttermer ia City ycau old , his lar : ! U < : ra : and ho wears a short gray beard , a la Itussc , arid his dark eyes are fiery and restless. Thoskoroll Is short In stature and dark com- plcxloned. Ho has n turned up nose and he wears his dark hair straight over his head. AN IMPORTANT TALK. After the usual greetings had been ex- chanced , I explained what I wished. "In your present situation , messieurs , " 1 began , " 1 have the right to nsk your future plans. I concfin myself but little with the past. In the first place , what arc your grievances asalnst the pilnce , and what were the exact vents of the night of his deposition ? " "I will , " icplled KIsslakofT , "tell yon any thing you wish to know In regard to those twopoluts. KVF.nvnony uxows that Bulgaria owes all she is to Hussia. The Dilnce nsedltiisslaasa means of obtaining his object. Thopiinco treated with Russia as long as It suited his purpose. In his heart ' .10 . hated Kiissl.i and took every oppoi tun Ity .odevelop a fear ot that power. Iin suc ceeded to well that all tbo bcnellts pioctiied 'or Bulgaria by Russia have been foi gotten. > Vt n time when the jll.OOD OK Tltr ! IWSSIAXS ivas being shed for us , and It Is not yet dry , losnrrounded himself with the scum of soci ety. It Is not necessary to name all , and 1 l only mention two of his characteristics. At the time of tlio Seivlan war , when the Itrineo became commaudor-ln-chlef of tlio nimy nnd when Tin : riir.8swinn oAnnKii , : hreo newspapers appealed that rivalled one another In the abuse of Russia. One of them [ iroposed Prince Krnpkatlne , the nihilist , as i candidate for the Kusslan throne. Kurther , llusslnns , who had taken part hi the assas sination of Empeior Alexander , weie taken Into the Bulgarian service. When the prince ilisappcaied , so did they. Now it Isaid they have retmned. Ouo of them , Scilbiiakoll , serves under the name ot "Blank , " another under that of "Luthki " , whose ical name is ' , e Batian. Tlio prlnco protected MALIFACIOIt ! ! AND IIAND1 TS , ho were supplied with goveinmcnt money. Tlielr chiefs were paid by the pilnce , and the mission of these or anlm ! bands was to maltieatand even destioy those In symuathy with Kussla , both In the towns and In tlio country. Baurmolf , who has been thif times In the mlnlstiy , and who is a graduate of tholtussian academy at St. Peteisbuig , in March last , and while there , was piesentcil tothee ar. When ho letuined to Buigaiia , by way ot Constantinople , ho was on his way north liom Phlllippopolls to Sofia Inter cepted by ono ot those bands and HKATiX : SO 11ADLY : hat It was three months before he could cet about again. Dimltroff , the piclcet of Phll lippopolls. anested the criminals , but the epveinment ordeied them to bo released. Thcj weie afterwards ic-airested and twice again thegovemmont inteiferetl In tavor of its proteges. What the statn of things is in the countiy every Bulgaiian who loves it knows well. If it clings to Hussla It will have secured a biilliant future. But when the ties uniting Kussla are biohcu , Bulgaria will bo lost. lost.WHY WHY 1HK A1IMY IS LOYAL. "How is it , then , " 1 ventured to Inquire , "that the army Is in the main faithful to the prince ? " The sentiment of discipline holds It to- cethei-answered the colonel. As for the olliceis , they old positions out of all proportion to their ago or to the K'ars passed in the sen ice. Seven promo tions of .subaltern ollicois to the rank of lion- tenant-coloup ) took pl.icelast rear after the affair atl'hllllppopolis. These ollleei.s hold to Ihoprineu because they at call aid of losing their rank and salary if the. Itiuslan ofncers letiun to take their old rank in Bulgaria , which would couainly bo the case If the prince weie sent away. SOLDinitS ALWAYS SOLDIHUS. "How is it that the Bulgarians did so well against tlio Servians without their Russian leadeid , " I asked , "As an old soldleryou musknovv ( | that well tiainlng battalions will do well under lire , when commanded by nny lieutenant-colonel or other young officer. What a young otliccr cannot do liovvovorIs to train those battalions up to perfection in discipline. are the recsons that enabled the prince to return so quickly , and are quite in accordance with the Bulyuilan national character. HUIXIAIIIA 13 TEKROICIZKO by bandits , who are devoled to the prince and who , without his help , would bo power less. To piovo this let mo tell you what is notgcneiaUy known. Kvery regiment in the Bulgarian service , with the exception ot that at Tlrnova , took the oath of allegiance to the provisional government after tlio events of thu nights of August 21 andyj. Even the regiment at Sofia six general officers were ar rested and the commundcis of the regiments biought In their men to take the oath. The population swoio fealty too. The reason I except Tlrnova is that Stambonlou" had a tolegiapli ollico there occupied , and ho Issued orders iever.slng those of the goveinmont by tlio pioviRlonal Pccuilngof tlio main station at Blelo , where they CHANCIII > TIII : MIA.NIXO : of the telegruus to suit tlieh puipose. Not wisnlng to have Bulgarian blood shed by Bulgaiians , the provincial government yielded. " 1 then requested the colonel to tell mo something about thoevunts of August 20 , "My house , " said the colonel , "is directly opposite the palaco. At quaiter past two In the moinlng loud shouts weio heaid In fiont of It. My wife and childie.ii wore frightened and came to my rooms to ask the matter. Wo heard the loud cries of DOWN WITH uATrr.xnKno , Down wltli Battonbc-rK. I opened the win dow and .stepped upon the balcony. Sevcial shots weie then fired. The soldleis In ftont of thu window leveled their musket at mo saving , ' ( Jo back , or wo'll shoot.1 Tlio firing continuedending with three volleis , after VthIch theia wcro scattering shots. Not -caring to go out In the civilian clothes which I had on , I sent my bcivant to get one of in ) unlfoims. Ho brought that of a general olllcer of Bulgarian > oluucet ! ? . 1 then returned to the balcony , but without my sabre , 'Who Is In command's" I shouted. BendciolT , healing my voice , icplled , 'It Is I,1 I then asked him whether I might comedown down stair ? , and what had happened , Ben. deiolTsaldto me , 'You may como down , All Is over. TUB rntxcR is i > Ernno\F.n. ' I rushed down , wishing to a-ecrtnin Ihe. details. Sit Minnies later tin ) pilnce was taken to the minister of war , nnd t'xiry ' put In a llacro whleh , with live others , and filled , not w Ith cadets , but with young sold'ers ' enfants de troupe took the road to the monastery of llohoofski , on tlio Otianlc/ . johault mil1 Pleona load. A big crowd luu : formed on the square In frout of our house I went to thu Kusslan agency and jolatec' ' what had occured ! , and everybody at tin agency wasupnnd dressed. They had ahead ; heard hit about It fiom ethers. The Sauiova was limited , and wo all took some tea , Ai hour later somebody I don't I emember win lushed li : , gayhn ; that a crowd had cone t < Karaveloilshouse , to 8UAB1I I1IS WINDOWS and probably kill him. i said this must b .stopped. I'sent fur my horse , mounted I and rode out lute the square , where a sort o public meeting was being held. I addressed the people about as follows : It Is novv nine years ago that wo were lib erated by Kussla , who made enormous sacri fices to secure our liberty. To show jou what she ha done for us , 1 need but to iiolnt to the monument raised to the mciuoiy ot bOO Kusslnn army surgeons , who died here for us. nsdld 20.000of their countrymen. There Is not a family In Kussla but weeps for a relative fallen hero to liberate us. TIIK1H ni.OOl ) IS NOT A KT UIIY. Yet wo have have forgotten that and the sacrifices made for us by this great people who set us free , and we make love to those people who divided la Into five parts. If we follow the road our fathers took we can place our cross on Saint Sophia wo can make Bulgaria what It was intended she should be at San Stefano. If we take an other road vvu are lost. The piinco chosen by us has unhappily abandoned the road on which he was stiong and has followed an other that leads to niin. He has by his ac tion In dismissing Russians bioUui all ties with Kussla , TO-DAY UK in KALLKX. Let us then , as good Christians. 1 said In conclusion , foiget all oui dllleicnces , and go to chu'ch to pray God tlmt he may save Bul garia. The people followed my advice. This Is how 1 saved Kara\elofTs windows , nnd per haps life. It was novv far into the morning and I had a long and thesome jouiney before me on tlio iiioirowoI bade KIsslnkolT iaiewell. lam far fiom sliming Ills opinion In regard to the prince , but the piluclplu of audi allcram paitem Is thn Hist duty of a journalist. I have told the man's own story , In the man's own woids. The Abdication n Fact. Coi.onxi : , Sept. C. [ Xow Yoi It Heiald Cable Special to the Br.i : . ] Tlio abdication of Prince Alexander in delinite. Theio was no other way out ot the ditlietilty. The pilnco will consign the government to a legency consisting ot three peisons , who intend to forma new mlnlstiy. Their names are not known with any certainty. Kniavelolf , in all probability , is ono of them. After tne piivate convention of the members of all paities , vvhlcti was held to-day In the after noon , A DP.LlXlATi : WAS DISI'ATrilP.D to the Kusslan consulate In older to appilso the consul of the pi luce's willingness to abdi cate. The endeavor A\as made at the same time to cause the Knsslans by way ot iccipiocity foi the abdication of the pi luce , to acknowledge the Bulgarian icgcucy and to obtain their con sent to a complete ixconroitATiox or IASTIHX : : HOITMELIA. The consul immediately telegraphed to St. Piilersbuigeonceining tlio steps to be taken In tliis as well in three other matters of minor Importance. Solia is quiet , but in tense excitement prevails among Uio mem bers ol the coipsof ofliceis , as it Isleaicd tliat Russia will revolt to acts of leveimc upon those ollicers who have icmalued fiicndly to the prince. At all events the pilnco will leave next week. wnTIII : iMtixci : sTiu'iT.n DOWX. SOFIA , Sept. 0. Bofoie Alexander an nounced his intention to quit the throne he lecclvcd n telegiam fiom Bismarck that he must abdicate in older to save Buigaiia. ! ix , Sejit. 0. Priuco Alexander will j to-moiiow proclaim his abdication , The ivitssian consulates In Bulgaria : uo distiib- Hing lei slgaiituie petitions to the c/ar fav- 01 lug the election of the Pilnce of Oldenbuig is Bucce&ooi to Prince Alexander. CoxsTAXiixoi'i.K , Sept. 0. It is rumoied .liat iu accoidancu with the advice clvenby .wo Irlendly poweis , Tin key is making mili tary pieparations on the Asiatic frontier. It s also s.ild outers have been given to supply lliniumy in Urzeroum and along the bolder with additional guns , stores and munitions. I'Jils activity Is duo to the movement on the | iait of Russia , which Is supposed tobomak- lUgclfoitsto guagu the millluiy and naval Eliength of Tuikoy. Suspicious foieign ar- lists ba\e been making siictches of the toils outside ot Constantinople. It is Icained a laige conduct lias been made on Kusblnn account tor coal for Odessa , and that a con tract has been made to supply thirty thousand tons of metal plates of twelve-inch thickness , ind with steef lacings for Russian aisenals on tlio lilacK sea. LOM > OX , Sept. 0. The Post's Berlin corie- spondcut savs ICmpeioi William piouoscd Alexanders telegiam to the czar as tlio means of effecting a leconciliatlon , and that thuc/ni's icply was "thuielore a direct blow at thi ! emperor. " The coirespondent further says the news of Alexander's abdication caused the utmost Indignation against Rns- 'a among German uiniy otliccis. Advices fiom Vienna say it is believed that thu abdication will not deter Russia fiom at tempting to occupy Buigaiia proceedings whleh Austria cannot allow. Dispatches fiomSolias-aythe Kusslan party there , headed by the Kusslan consulate , show Ign3 ot gieat activity and are prepailng : ; n nddiess to tlio c/.ai. it is expected Piince Alexandei will go to Servla , tlienco to Darin- fstadt , and then to England. Poll ! and nu minous UuluMiian ollicors have decided to ac company him. LOXDOX. SepteiubcrG. Tlio Times of to day says : The regency committee composed with or without Russian p.n tis.ins will only hasten the day when the people ot Buigaiia , we ni led and dlsulilted , will abandon their dieamsot autonomy and welcome KusHian domination as the only means of escaping nnaichy , The date ot theentiy of the Rus sian tioops into Bulgaria is an unimportant detail. All tliat lias been clfecled by the union ot Rouumnla and Bulgaria is the enlarge ment of the slice ot thuTuiklshcmpl o which Kussla secures by tlio co-operation of Ger many anil Austria. Their indllfercnco piob- nbly sidings from n consciousness of their inability - ability to prevent Russian advances. Tno central poweis may bo making the bust ol an unpleasant and unavoidable eiicmnMancc. but they cannot pietund that Pie course ot events is pieclselj such as they would pic- sci Ibo wcro they masters of the Hltuation. KOKIA , Sept. 0. Thousands of copies oi tbec/ai's leply to Prince Alexander have been minted bv older ot the Russian consul and uMillmtcd among the people , it Isuc- lluved Russia will give the tin one to the Duknul Oldcnbuig , who Is commander of n cavalry division at St. Peteisbuig , and a fa > yoiit of thec/ar. BKLUKAUU , Sept , 0. A dispatch fiom Semlln says Milan of Servla who , with Ills prime minister , was on Ills way to Gluck- cubing on account ot the gravity of the HltiiU' lion cieated In the Balkan states by Alexuiv dei's abdication , abandoned the contemplated jouiney and ananged to ictuin to Belgrade. But the Uulu'ailan crisis , It Is teaied , will h.tvo a ciilli ul effect In Servla. Ili-nvy ItnliiM In Hcotlancl. GLAsoenv , Sept. 0. The heaviest rain stoun ever known In this pait of Scotland ha * fallen heio and over the western portion of the country , It did much damage to ciops ( J ru lu Tratlo Kovlevv. LONDON , sept , ( V-Tho Maik Lane Expres ; In its rovlcwof the Biltlsh gialn tradp dnr fiiii the past vvcok says ; The lalnfall of tin week Jj.w done no haini to erois. ) In tin eaillfrdUtrlcts the b"lk ot the Iim vest Imi been sicuic ; < l. Thu change in the weathe will tutaid tlu < nppeaninee In the maiket o wheats Hiul vvlit also be nn Important facto In detenninlni ; values. Sales ot Enylisl \vhratdiiriiigtlie Ae > ek vveie 'ASW quartei at : is Id , against iKi.'U'.i quartets nt S yd dm ing the corresponding pel led last > < sar. i'oi ciin wheats nio steady , but with Ijttle doing Filtecn cargoesi of wheat nirivetl'three cm goes weio withdi.iwn nud louiteen eargoe icmalnrd , including four of California am one ot Oregon. Theie is a fair supply of nev ICngllsh wheats. Flour is dull and tut clieapei Corn , pt-as and be.uis n.itt iinchuuged. Oat aiu dull und : > d cheaper. Liusccd U cheapc on spot , THE DEADWOOD DIFFICULTY , ccretary Laraar Rojidera a Decision in the Famous Land Oases. THETOV/N SITE PEOPLE BEATEN Manning Ha * Xot Yet Accepted the Mexican JHsnn ! The Trouble AVItli dacksou Other SInttcrs Front thb Capital. A TJOIIJI War rinding. WASHKNOTOX. Sept , 0. [ Special Tele gram to the Mr.iil A ' long and bitter war. nvolv ing pait ol the'town site of Deadvvood , ) akola , Is rapidly drawing to a close as far as the Interior dapartmeut Is concerned , by ho icnderlng of several decisions the past week by Sccietary Luuuir , put- Ing a Una ) quietus upon thu famous ases , known as the Deadvvood town He c.ves , unless they are cimcd to the Kiurts. When gold was lirst discovered In Hack Hills , the site of Deadwood was sui- , -eyed and laid off down the sides of one of Im gulches In those famous loot hills. The richer qearl/ and placers of the hills , at- r.ieled all who came , until some thoughtful ceiilus began to prospect within the very streets ot the town and found the "color , " and tinally substantial deposits of metal that eft no doubt of thu "miueial cliaractci'1 of the and. The land laws giving piecedenco always to the piospcctor over the iiie-cmn- lon , even alter thc'lattor has "tiled" upon its entry , the enterprising Individual who lad been sitting upon sUneboxes nrospeetlng n theory while the rest wore working liclr claims outside In town , staked lovvn claims In tbo principal stieet and tiled upon some of the most valvnble improved piopeity In town. iood buildings resldcneo s , blocks of stoics ivhlchhad been built by enterprising busl- icss men of the town , were staked out as claims by prospectors , and as the law allows lothing tor Improvements matte by a poison who takes the ilsk of building before ho has perfected his ontr'y , these people weio In langer of losing all they had Invested , A blttei light ensued , and as u result a resur- rey , both Held and geological , was ordered in 18T8. It resulted In thu jiiglncei declarinplOi ( ) < acies out of thoTlo in the town site "mineiat lands , " within tlio meaning of thu law. This strata ot mineral and ran torouglf the very heart ot' the ilty ind Involved some of the best pioperty. In vain the pie-omptors'and townsite people en- leavored to provethattheaelandsaienot of a nlueral characterot any valuu ; in vain they stiovc to show tlmt the miiiini ; claimants weio serving the property to secuie the value of the buildings and other improvements upon it. The commissioner ol thogeneial and ollicc decided that the land was mineral ind must be sold tottbo "mining prospector. An appeal was taken to the secretary of the uterlor , and ho oustalned the commission. Eacli new secretary Is appealed to to icpent and ichear the cases , Two of these ises Secielaiy Lamar * has already de- cidcit , and to-day he filed thiid decision. 'l\he \ "Kobert llawa entry , knovvti as ' 'placej entry , No. 8 " has joen 0110 of the ti teascs ution whleh the battle has beoiij-fQught. fit is about fourteen icies , and e\temls Ju.t4 ship about : wo feet tialght up the cuntrevDf the city , and In volved soiuu vof 'stCo best tndldinqs therein. I ) . H.VYaug."m nnd , " others , who _ . * _ , * J _ _ . . . . . . . il. f t it il. 1 : * j. .t I..It * their d'nart of th 'u > wii sltcAnd built jtiildin . , have been triune : to retail ! posses- sion since t8T8 , w lieu Ilaivkes lirst made his idiiiKS. Over 1,5)00 ) uascs of the testimony Jearlng upon the mineral ehaiacler ot the and has been taken hi lift1 case. It Is hinted the buildings which Ilawkes secured weio w'jilh more than all theriuineials that could ba talcen elf tlio land. Jitit tlmt state ment thb seciet.iry of the inteiior denies Some thieo months ago. tlio town- sitn peojilo came before the sec retary and nsed ) that tlio case M icopencd. To-dav he rendeicd a decision refusing to do HO auu alliriuing Ilawkes' title to the land. It is probable that the town-site people will now give up trying to icgain their property rather than go into expensive io'islation. " Nume.roiis parties staked out claims In the town clearly known to be mineial land for nltuiloi puiposes , but t ha derailment quickly sat down oij them. Till : NKW MEXICAN .MINISTKIl. Judge Courtland Maitiiliiit , the novv minis ter to Mexico , lias not yet signihed his inten tion ot occupj lug Urn Mexican mission , nor h\ed any time vviien he will go to Mexico. It was stated at tlio white house to-dsy that the 15th Inst. would probably see the presi dent back hero , and ft is thought Mr. Man ning does not dcsho to come hero until he can kill two birds with one stone , vl/ . , see the picsident and receive his in structions. It was stated at the latter place that Minister Jackson had not stated when he should , leave the City of Mexico , but as lie was anxious 10 bo iclleved of tlio responsi bility ot the otlico it was thought that as soon as his letter of recall reached him lie would uiesent it and come away , leaving Mr. Joseph L. Morgan as charge d'alfairs. ' Tlio latter is a promising , keen wilted , young fellow , with no tialnlng , but with enough comuieicial common sense to Iceep his mouth clased and "his foot out of it. " He Is a South Caiollan , a son-in-law of ( icncial Krisby , a .native ot California , who went several yeaisagototho City of Mexico for speculative purposes. General 1'ilsby had a hankeilng after a Mexican mission himself' and hung long and persistently around Washington looking lor jt vvhon Minister JnekKon received the ap pointment. Filsby wontto Ueoigia and In- duped Jackson to appoint his son-in-law , Morgan , as secretary of legation , that ollice being gcnoially conceded to the recommen dation of the minister. It Is no longer a se cret tlmt Minister Jackson had n disagree ment with Scciotaryliayaru ovcrthu conduct ot atlulia at the legation in Mexico and w ould have been , homo long ago had not the Cutting embrogllo intervened. MOISI : oojiMissioxfl fiinxiu. The piv-sldent'jj microscopic handwriting , os It ap | > caiu 11)1011 ) anpoldtmonts , choeied thu suveial lonely clerks .at the white house to-day at the foot 'of ' half a do/en commis sions , appointing several icgistciB and iccelvcra of land Lollicx-s , an Indian agent unit lite how recorder of tlio general olHca I These commission wore signed at Paul Smith's last Satuiday upon thp president's fotnrii from his deer hunt , and no sign of uuc.k lever orimihula appears In the low of the signature lioni tlio great ' 4ie beginning to the cramp ; d. and Hubdnod. ' nt tlie end. " Tni54K | vi KconoKit. B ibert W. Koyd Uipiip ntlenian who suc ceeded Silas Cfcjrk ftuer his twenty-one years of uerylce a recoulor of the general laud' ofHee , is u native of Yatialla ( | , 111 $ , , ! an ex-uulon soldier , and n man about : > 40 years of uge , Ho has been for jsurerJ yearn clerk of the state circuit court jfor lite district. Ho was selected by Uoiuiiibisfouer Sparks tor the place , but Is it > rcfUdtiut of Congressman L'der's district and is th'a lirst appolntmeiil yet giver ) that district , i Tlio KKKXK. Essex County , . Ii. , Sept. 0 , The president's party breaicf.uted nt 7 o'clock ul the Stevens house , Lake Placid , this inornhif and drove forty miles to-day ojer n stretch oi countiy nifoidlng some majestic mountnli scenery. The route \.YHS through Wliuilngtoi notch and down ihn-west branch of the Ai Sable rlv er , theifup the east branch ot tin same river through Keene valley , and theuci across the country -to the westward. Tin party icac.hed Adlroiulack l.odgo , whcie the : will spend the night , at about sundown They will i etui u to'ilieir ' quarters at Sarnnm Inn to-morrow , " Sctlgwiok's MUsioii Completed , CITY op MBXICJ , Sept. 8. Hon. Aithur G SedgvvlcVt special agent of the United State government , has completed his Investigate nnd has gone to Chihuahua , having obtalnei permission from the Mexican jjovein men t t look at all tbe recoid * la the Cutting pate. THH CIjUAHIXGS Omnhn Continues Thirteenth In the Iil t , with 05 Vor Cent Increase. UOSTO.V , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram to lie Br.t.l : The follow Ing ( able , compiled rotn special dispatches to the PoH fiom iianagers of the lending clearing houses of ho United States , show Urn clearings for the veek ending Saturday , Sepl.t , and the in- Tease til decrease Iroin the same pciltul of ast year : NEWS FUOM NlinitASICA. Three Wholemilo llursc Thieves Cap tured Near l.oiIjic I'ole. SinxKY , Neb. , Sent. 0. [ Special Telecram lethe Br.i : . ] Sheiitr Knbank captmcd three liorse thieves eailj this moining neat Lodge 1'olc. Tlielr names aio J. Smith , Chaile" Lyons and Ch.iiles Holland. They had thir teen head of stolen horses in their possession at the time. Tlio sheila of Albany county , \Vyo. , oirmeil a reward ol S&"X ) for the nucst Slierlll deserves gieat credit foi tlio clover manner inlilch lie captured them. To "Welcome Vnn Wyclc. Wrsr POINT , Neb. , Sept. 0. [ Special to : hc Bi.E.l Senator Van Wyck will address : lie clti/ens of Cuiiiliitr county at a grand ) icnic to be held in the Riverside pu 1 ; in this city , under the auspices of St. Maiy's Hi.inch No. 405 of the Catholic Knights of America , on Monday , September 13. Immense dele gations aie expected tiom outlying districts uid a general good time is guaiaiiteed to : ill. i'lcpatatlons on a veiy extensive scale uio being made for thncomfoit and coiueuienco of vlsitoid and nothing will bo left uudoiiu to make the entire all'atr a biilllant success. All For Van Wyck. 2ni.inn , Nob. , Sept. G. [ Special to ibo [ Jri.J : We have had tvvojroiislngimectlngs * liere by boih < f ctlonH o ttTo republicans , and \vo \ all go stionz for the ie-election of Seua- : or Oharlos li. Van Wyck. Onr gallant man will have an easy walk over , for nil ot my opposition e.ui be bioug-ht to beat ngainst him In this distiict. No man can ex- icct to getthe smallest ollicc in the gift of he people hen1 that does not.sunvioit and en- lorsoC. II. Vim Wyok lor United States Senator. Where Van AVyok Will Speak. NKHUASKA CITV , Neb. , Sept. C. [ Special to the Bii.J : : Senator Van Wyck's speaking ngasoinents for this week are as follows : Tuesday afternoon at the district fair at Kails Ity ; Wednesday afternoon at tlio district fair at Friend ; Thursday afternoon at tlio countv fair at York ; Friday will spend the day at Omaha ; Satmday alteinuon at Ban- crott ; Monday afternoon next at West Point. Hurt by Fulling Brick. YOIIK , Neb. , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram to the A brick arch on the new court lionso fell to-d.iy , wliilo under course of con- stiiiction. About five thousand brick went down in the t.ill and caught a bricklayer , haw-ranee Median , who is severely in lined. Who is to blame for the accident Is not known. This is the second accident ot this kind. Deaths In Papllllon. PAPILLIOX , Neb. , Aug. 0. ( Special Tele gram to tlio Uogedorn , son "of Frederick llagedorn , the extensive Norman' horse bieeder near here , waa kicked by a stallion yesteiday and is now dying. John Schaab , Jr. . bookkeeper In A. W. Clarko's banking house , died early this morning after a biiel illness. UK was n son of John Schaib. Sr. , owner of the Windsor hotel block In Omaha. AMONG THIS KAILIIOADS. Freight Men Fall to Asrco , lint Pas- senjior I'ooplo Pool. Cineuio , August 0. The western freight eommltteo was again In session to-day but made no fuitlicr piogicss. Two repoits will bo submitted , the majority recommending thuiormation of a series of sub-pools on the gross leventie plan , based laigely on the old pool but without any releronco to disputed questions which rendeicd old aigumcnt Inoperative. The Northwestern takes Issue on the question of a division of laugo cattle trnllic , claiming that its extensions into Wyoming give it u gieator standing than In the past , Tlio Mlssonii Pacillc and Wabash lines weie not lepresentod and the hitter will put a stumbling block in tlio wh > of the new pool by Instating that the old one is still Interco torco and asking lor the money duo It under the old lulanens. Tlio whole matter Is le- lerred to the gcneiul managers who meet to-moiiow to consider the woik of the several committees and Involves the money pools to cover the teirltoiy Irom St Louis to St , Paul and Chicago to the Missouri ilvci. Agreed on u Pool. CHICAGO , Sept. 0. The committee on wes tern passenger trallic between Chicago and Council II hi Its and Omaha to-d.iy agreed to recommend the fotmatlou of a gross lovcnue pool on all competitive business , dividing the lianic among the intoicsted loads on ix basis ot the average of the business done In HID yearlbbS , l bl , 1SS5. The plan coiiesponds with that adopted by the northwestern pas senger committees , Assctti In lints and Caps. QUIKOV , 111. , Sept. 0. Chaile.s I. Woods , wholesale hats and capi > , made an nsslgn < nicnt this evening to II. W. Mead for the beneiitof hlseieditor ? . The liabilities arc estimated at 8S.5.0W ; nsicls , 510,000. A ma jority of tlio creditors arc Now Voik Unu * . Flvo Days of lleiul-ljofjlv , MiLvyAUKi'.K , Sept , 0. Ton additional bal lots weio taken to-night by the second con gressional district demooratlc convontlon , re sulting as befoie : U. M. Ackley 13 , A. K Dt'lancy 10 , Patrick O' 5. Thoconven- tioti adjourned until to-mnripw , This la the liftli day of the dead-lock. Geronlino at Fort Ilowle. / ; . , Sept. fl.--Geneial Miles ar rived at Fort Bowie last night wlthfJeronhno Natchez and several liucks as pi I sou err. Cap tain Lawton with the of the 1 ostlles numbering tlility-slx is expected to airlvu u Fort Bowie Wednesday , THE SHAKEN CITV. Alii lining Sent to Charleston The Situation There. WASHINGTON , Sept. 0. The president sent the follow Ing icply to Queen Victoria's telc- Rinm of sympathy for Ihe earthquake sullor- er : Executlvo Mansion , Washington. Vic toria , ( Jiieen and Kmprcss , Balmoral , Scot land : Your majesty's expiesslou of sympa thy foi the sulfeiei-s by the eaithquaUe Is warmly appreciated nud awakens a grateful i espouse. In Ameiiean hearts. Gnovnu CI.HYKI.VNI > . Cit vitt.v.sioN , S. 0. , Sept. 5. A number of births havuiK'cuned , twins In three cases. This has been an exceedingly warm day In Charleston. The streets weio dusty and hot. but abiee/e made the atmospheie tolerable In the shade. With the lull blush of mninln ? arose the voices of the negioes In the public places. They got up singing nnd shouting. By 10/0 : : o'clock services were In piog- less i\t n do/en points. In Washington square iiuudieds of splendid voices blended together in perfect Imimuny. Tlio singing could bo lic.ud at a distance of a mile. A uieatei icvlvul was piobably never witnessed ban the one In Washington square , and tlio same may be < ald of half u do/en or inoiu itlKMN. All of the senuons tieated ot the calamity which has visited Charleston. It Is now quite plain that there will be no sulleiliiR alter a day in two , although u few iistnnees ot hunger and want in poor tarn- lies aie icpoited. Kuougli money wlllptob- ibly bo received to meet Immediate wants. The lellet committee will open a gun dy stoio nnd Issue latlous lo the helpless and icedy. At ' .I o'clock this momlng tlio hendquir- eis of tlio relict committee , at thu city .mlldlngs , weio ciowiled by unfoitunato c.irthqiMKo sulfeiei.s. Ono member of the committee was kept busy wilting railway lasses to transport the sufferers to otliei lints. The committee oicfei.s to give this jhai.icter of assistance above all others. The lelicf committee Is haul at vvoiU. Ad- litloual tents have been placed In the public squares , and tor thecoloied people eomfoit- nbli ; wooden shelters have been elected on Marion .square. There it accommodation al- iiuuly for l.BO. ) coloied lulUL'ovs. and fi'Jo slept In shelters 1 ist glght. The subsistence committee will meet legulnrly and supply inovisious to nil whonio needy and uuaolu to suppoit themselves. Theie Is slill a strong disposition to icmn\o the women and chit- ilren fiom the city to spare them fuitber ilaugor and anxiety. The South Carolina , Savannah it Cliaiieston , and the Richmond As Danville inllio.tds aie giving fiee trnus- poitation , and about live handled passes weie issued to white and coloied people yes- toiday. Ordeis for rations aie being issued. Money isghen to no one. Dining the rush ot ap plicants lei aid , nl.uge section ot the Meet ing stieet front ot the court house , opposite Ihe city hall , fell out. The lepoit was equal to an caithquako shock. Immediately the assembled thousands began to s\\ay \ and jiiovc. like the ulllow.4 of a stonn-stiickcn sea , The scene was appalling foi a time , but quiet was finally icstoicd. Acting Major linger says tliat the relief committee Isussistins nb'jut one-thhd of Chailcstoii's population. Major Cointnev is expected to aitlveto- moiiow and will hold a special meeting ot the city council , when decisive steps will be taken to allonl piotectiou liom falling build ings and clciu the stieets of some ot the li-biis which now impedes the piogress of podcsti Inns nnd vehicles everywhere. About rM.OOJ iu contributions- have niiived heie. Fiom Indications it is belhned that the con tributions will svmcgato * V,0'JO. ) ( ) Shortly alter 10 o'clock thu scenes ot ddpair and flight wen1 renewed at thu city hall by the falling ot buildings In that vicinity. People who slept on board vessels in the haibor say ibat they felt" fit llMVcloek a shock very plainly. - * * Ala ( iiassMicctliiK.of tlie Knights of'Labor held to-night the following late ot wages for mechanics and laboiers was acieed to , a raise of iifiy cents having been iiiaiki iu eaeh class : Bileklayeis , lust class ? ; ! .50 , second class , 5:5.00. : Caipenteis. first class , SU.OO , second M.50 , third SUIO. Palnleis. S'.OO , S'JSUand PIJ.OO. Pl.isteieis , SJ.50 and Sil.CO. rinneis , § 2.50 and Sii.OO. Uiborcis , 51.60 and 52.00. HOUmUIjE CIlUEIiTV. An Ohio Farmer llriitnlly Treated By n Miiblceil Gang oi' Neighbor's. MA.vsrni.i : > , O. , Sept. 0. [ Special Tele gram to the Bii.J : : Sin-on Dolph will Ille In . ho com t to-day u petition for 20,000 drim- izes against twelve faimers in this countj' , Deluding two women. AVhile Dolph was going alter his cows just before sunset , about i week- ago , a sentinel on the road filed a shot , at which signal tour men lushed out fiom a cornfield upon Doiph. Ho was too much for them and lour more men appeared and he was bound. His wife wasdilven away at the imuilo of guns. She tolled a lai in bell arid the neighbor ; ! responded , but wctedriven away under thieats of death. A io ) > o was placed around Dolph's neck and he was diagged tluougli the woods. The rope was then thrown over n limb and he was pulled up. When he iccoveiod his senses ho was lying on a log. Ho was taken thence ton giave j'ard where he was shipped , tar was nibbed over tils body and lie vv.ib commanded to loll In several bushels ot tcatheis. The ciovvd then padded tcatheis on him. nnd put a mass In his hair , stlcKing rooster leathers on his head to make him look like nn Indian. Ho wjas then pulled with a lope mound his neck over stones and bushes and matched to the village of Rome , where a bon fire was built , around which men toiced film to march to the music. The Inhabitants of the village turned out to sec the sight , hut no cllou was madu to icseue the toiturcd man. He was punched with sticks and kicked nnd tei ribly Heated. He appealed to .1 justice of the peace and n constable tor help , but they said thov could do nothing. Tim ton men matched him aiound town and each giving him n parting kick started him home , wheio ho aiiivcd scveial houis afterward nearly dead. Beloro releasing him the captain of the gang warned him to leave town within ten dajs or tlioy would kill him and his family nnd bum his pieml-ics. Tlio nclnli- bois chaiged Dolph with talking scandal ously about women In the lU'ighlioihood , which ho Indignantly denied. Warnings had been given him to leave the country thieo daysbeloio tlio outiauc by two masked men. and again the nlirht beloiu by two women in disguise. He i eluded to obey. Olio man was shot during the melee. Many of the accused me wealthy. Soveial have ahuadylolt the country and others are pro- - - ' - -jjtogo. Chicago's Grout Fair. CIIICAOO , Sept. 0. The thlitj-fourth annual - nual fair of tint state bo.ud ot ngiiRUlturo waa opened this morning on ino toiindsnf Chicago driving park association. H Is con tended tuat tlio general display will bo thu ever given under the uuplces of the state boaid. The dlspUy of ) ! > < ) stock Is something tiemendous In Its pioportloiiK , There aiu two miles of stalls and sheds lor hoises and cattle , and is all taken up. The dis play of horses especially IH very large. The display madu by thu I'eicheion lloiso lliecdrts' association is luagiillicont , Tno Anmrlean Cljdcidulo association ha < aLso a tine display anl : , In fact , all the various branches of the thoioughbied huuily am well repiesented. 'I'o-monow will bo tlio ehll- dien'Kday nttho fair , when thu childtcn at- lending the public schools ot the state will bti admitted lice. A Case ol * Yellow Fovcr. Niw : YDIIK , Sept , o. ( ! rint ( loldon , flin- man on the Atlas steamer Alvo , was found by the health otlicer la-t night tojio sulfeiln with yelloiv fever In i t. Vincent's hospital , The steamer c.imtt in lust week from a voy > age to tlnVest : Indies an l South A met lean itoi In. ami ( loldcn. who is a Scotchman , took hoard at S5U Uokt street. Saturday lie vvat taken 111 , and Sunday night symptoms ol yellow fiir : had He was ID moved to the hospital , where he b now ilylug. 'lh hospital and" boarding house have been disinfected. Now Imn < l WASIIIXOTOX , Sept 0 , James T. Callii han , ofNevvMexlcoliasleenappolnedspeeia a ? ( nt of Hi * geneial laud eltlco lor fiaudiilcn luod e lit lies. SRS' ' DAY OF PLAY , Labor's Legal Holiilay Appropriately Oolc- bratcd iu the Large Oitlcs. TENS OF THOUSANDS IN LINE. Chicago's 1'rocesslotj the Stost Noto- worthj liver KnoxMi In tlio Garden City Grniul Display In Oilier Ijnuor Centers Holiday. BOSTON , Sept. 0. "Labor day , " VNhlch Is to ben permanent annual institution In Hos- \\aslnaiiguinted by the wnikingmenof this eltj and suburbs toda.v In un Imposing manner. The feature of the morning was u giaud Hocesslou , In which it was estimated r > ,000 peojilo took pait , and which took nn hour to pass a given point. The procession , In which were lepresented all laboiing Inter ests ot the city , was reviewed by thousands of people. The exeiclses of the day aie to be continued at n monster picnic , to bu held at Downer Landing this aftei noon. Chicago's Grant Pnrndc. CHIC uio , Sept , (1. ( Tim annual street pa rade In tills city to-day was the most note- woilhy ever made by labor organiationsof Cnicago , both In point of numbcis and in point of equipment , Tlio day was warm but peifcct In all other respects foi stieet dis play. The column began moving at 10tO : o'clock , and mait-hing steadily was two horns In passing. The column .was divided into nine divisions and close computation puts the number of marchers in line at be tween thirty and thirty-live thousand. A leatmo In the paiado was con tained in the icmuikublo unlfoimlly shown by eaeh division of marche'v * , the latter alt being oqiiimied with canes and generally wealing slouch hats of gray 01 dark color. All liades marched by columns ot fours , well closed up and geneiallj moving wilh great precision and legnlailtj. One column ol 500 employes of the bank and sale maim- factoiies wore white tiles. A column ot journeymen tailois , iiumUeilnj ? 1,000 , wore whlto deibys , and | > resented - sented pi nimbly this liuest appeaianco ot any distinct bodv ot matchers. The American Hag was eai iled by each division and tlieie weio very few mottoes or banners boiueinthe columns. One ot this tiueks in line canled a ! ILUIU ; ol a tvventj foot giant st mining out chean labor , Idenll/ed b > a lig- uio of n C'hlnanuin , Tlio pioees.sion con cluded with an almost endless display ot muiiulucturcd joods on gaylv decoiuteii wagons. One ot the ICni.lits ot Uibor asbi'iubllos eanied u banner inscribed , "Avoid all politicians.- ' RonuMt'.borcd In Haltlinure. liAi/iiMOiti : , Md. , Sept. 0. Tiiedemonstia- tion of the Knights of Labor to-day was the largest of the induslilal classesevei vvit- nessed in lialtimoie. In the early loieuoon tlio sky was overcast but did not prevent the gatheilng of the vvoikiug hosts. In many lulls of the city buildings vveie ducoiatcd. 'j'lm columns weie composed of eiirht ilKI-iiDiis , proceeded by platoons teens , < -of police , and thioughoUt tlio entlui line vprq..baiineis and Hags icpre- scntlng yailous'lndnstiial At xow York. Xuw Yrmic , Sopt. 0. iTho loaal holiday for the laboiing classes was celebrated by a monster paiadc composed of fiom 111 teen In I\\enly thousand men and followed by n pic nic. Tne sky had a threatening appearance but this did not interlero with the piogramme. Eveiytiadcwasiepiesentedin thopioccssion which was icvieweil at Union bquaio by Mayor Grace , Henry Geoigo and others. After the pioeessiou was tliiougli the mem bers pioceedcd to Hailem ilvei paik whcio ' picnic took place , Thousands Celebrate- Nownrk. Nr.WAitic , N. .1. Sep. 0. The most of fac tories and stoics of this city closed to-day , and twenty-live thousand men took purlin Hie vvorkliiiimens procession. HemyGeorgo addiesscd woiklncmon heio this afternoon , ON THACK AM ) DIAMOND. . The Uaso Bull Ur.coul. A r OIIICAOO Chicago 2 0110201 * 7 York 0 4001000 0-- New - - -I Pitchcis McCormick and Welch , hits Chicago 8 , Now oik ! . Knors-Clit- cage 4 , New York 18. Umplie Power ? . AT Pirrsituun Plttstmre 0 0 0 0 it 0 3 5 3 13 Cincinnati 0 4 Pltohei.sMon Is and Miillane. Base lilts Pittsbnrg 10 , Cincinnati 0. Kirors i'ittsburg' 0 , Cincinnati 1. Umpho-Walsh. AT Sr. houis St. Louis 0 003000000 4 Philadelphia..0 0 00001200 3 PHchois Healoy and Dally. Umpire Pierce , AT DRTKOIT Detroit 0 i o i o i o o * n Washington o o o o o o 3 o oa PitcheiS'-Haldwui anil Shaw. Haso hlts- Detiolt ' . ' , Washington . Krion-Uetiolt ) , Waslilngto'i a. Umpire Quest. AT Pini.ADKi.i'lii.v Athletics . 0 0 0 0 0 0 fl 1 0 0 Urooklyn . 0 00030000 3 Petchers Atkinson and Henderson. H.I--O -Athletics t > . Hicoklyn 1. KIKIIS Atli- letles'i. Hiook'yn ' 'J. Umpire Valentine. AT NKW YOIIK. - JJaitimoie . 0 0 0 2 0 0 il 2 7 Metiopolltans . 5 004002 * U Pitcliei.s M CInnis ami Moys. Itaso hits IlaltlmoiPO , Metropolitans i : ) . Unoi-s liiil * timoioT , Metiopolitans i > , AT KANSAS CITY KunsasCity . 0 0020000 0 ! 2 Uoston . 0 2 8 2 0 ! 1 0 I * U Pitchers Whitney and Jtaldwln. Fiist base hits- Kansas City < ! , Boston 10. Krioi.s City ! i , Uoston 11. Lmpiie.Kul - inor. .Toukoy Clul ) NKW Yoitu , Sept. 0.--AI the Hiooklyn Jockey eluh course to-daj ML ! ! : Monn won , Itlchmond sceoiid , Jan ! > Kussell Ihiid. Tnnc-l : f , For three-year-olds and upwards , n lo and furlong : Dead heat between Dutch and WieUham , IJrown Duke second. Time lWJf. : ) Ker two-year-olds , three-quaitcis of a niilot Niilllu It won , Paiasol seco ml , Maggie Mitch ell third. Time-l:10 : > { . Kor threu-yeai-oidti , mile and a quaite.r : Politico won , Lljeio second , Klclillcld third. Time--2H. : > 'or all ages , sown fuilongs : Jim Douglas won , Swift second , Climax tlilid , Tune l'iV ; Mile ; Vloienco > t won , Wllch second , WcUowllng thlul , Time- ; " , Coney nmoino.v liCACii , N , Y , , He jt , 0 , ( seven fuilongs : Hcltudell won , Splnnelte u/nd , AnniuMailin thlul. Tfmo - ; : ; . Mile : Hepeiauco uon , Minnie > ' } ( . Jol.u second. Warren Lewis thlid , TIiiie > In : > } . Mile : King l''au ' won , Jt.ittlcdoor second , Unique thiid. Tlino-2-(0. : ( Ceitllleatcspald " Seven-eighths mile : Hiizzard won , Mentor second , , lee Mnuny thiid. 'I'lino ! : ; ) ! : ) j. Tlucoiuaiteis mile : Lcouoia won , lien Thompson second , Ueorgo Angus tliiul , Time 1:10. : One and ono quarter miles , oyerhiirlles ; King N'ietor won , Weiliiigl.-m second. Km- baigo tlilid. Time ! i : . Ceitllicates paid ' Two Nchratocn AiipoIntniontH. W.vsiiiNGTO.v , Sup. P. [ Special Telegisui to Uio Bii.l : : Keeling P. Hint ot AlnsvvoitU iind .lacob hk'lninut/of Hiitton , vu-rfl todajr appointed it'gl.stei and icce.hfr lesueelively ot the land ollice at McCook , Neb. ' 1'lie com * mission was signed by the Pcsldont | tl.H'O dajhaguvUeu ho caim : out of tins woo : | , and wereiecehcti I'.vio thU ui