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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1886)
* * * r * ' " - " "W T" E > m * Bv 1C A. f "V * E m. . & * y "C" % T "P * I JP * " \ ' % HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAP. CLUAHA , WEDNESDAY MOKNTXG , SEPTEMBEB 8. 1SSG , NUMBER 73. THEY DISTRUST THE CZAR , Promise * tc Bnlcaria Disbelieved tj OScert end People. TROOPS IDOLIZE THE PRINCE , The Situation Still Scricinf London Pr us Oumme-iitt- ( tie Galatea' * Defeat N ts on Sport * nntl Socle t y. of Soul. 7. [ New York Herald Ciinie Sp etftl to tbe Btsr ] In a dunateb v htoii reached Sofia lat nicht. the Kussian umperoi rave li s oonwnt to the complnte union ol Oulraria w uh eastern lloumulia aud cunrnnteod tbe independence ol the state provided the prince would nbtticnte Alex ander communicated the cnntcntfi of this tulerrara to the minister * ns-icmbled In his presence und to other prominent personaces. nmmiUnc that uch a call ) to Bulcnna as that 7iromised lar otitweiched ttie sacrifice tt would Involve of his own personalty. The dispatch from the car further muted that should the princ" abdicate the JUmsmtis- would renounce till idea of nn acceptance ni Bulziirla , ns w e.11 as u banishment of officers. nndol the nomination of a Ilusslan minis ter of war. They would also recognize the rtgeuc } Met up b } the prince. Tht cathwnn ; which listened to tb " > statements. so'-mcd inclinud , under the Bins' . of prevailing eiicumstaurc" ; , to necept the a- Burnnces civcn j et the attitude of tue wmj M.H ) remains pHililematlc. Mniij of the of- fiers refuse lo let the prince depart , parti } be cause thev rcpard tht freedom of the country us Incarnate In his person They distrust the Kiissiau promises , even them ; ! ] tinnre aware that according to the cxnlaniitidti piveu b } the llussiuu'i. the mili- turj attaches to be prov idcd lot tue iccency by ItiiBsm vill IIP sent Bimpl } to che ndvme , Thej further believe tlmt tlip otucnrs who rtiiiiitined true to tlie prince -will he piose- cutvd. Slitmld Alexander depart soon there VVIUL nn A.tiinnnjAL DAAC.KI : that liie province. thanks to the distrust cre ated by the lies of ZankofI w ill r lu-.e to be- lievein \oluntar } abdication will rather lean to the % lew that a coup d' etnt like that ol Auci'M 21 lias been accomplished , and will then-lore rise in insurrection against the re- ecnc } In Solio. The real state of nlliurs 5s nut jet cleared up. Surprises ol all kinds ure htill on the cards. THE rr.iNTE Axr > THE TIIC " > . The pnnee imld u visit ttvdaj to the troops In PMII ] > n ; S ilia nnd was enthusiastically re- ecui'd. On his 'Msit lo the camp J'rinre Alrsnnder explained that he had eoiue to tuVt It-a t dl the men , and lie hoped lor the nal of tin latherhind that no dcmunstratiou bt made in hiliuor Major Popoff and C..i > t it Wultschoff rc'jiln-d , the latter declc.1- Ing th ( nrmjoula e\vi iciuaiu TII E 10 IIIL iua\ci. , and wmld lecocnire us their only chief the man vho , at Slivmmi , had carried off the \ icnrr for tlie rouns ; Bulgarian army. Tlie BpeaLui nclded that If the punce went abroad the tinny w ould regard his ubseuLe meielv us temporarj nnd the armj was uuauimouslj to acsv PI foi his Jeapiieaianre ro-\rra.uxiLT an .t3rnin : .TOon Acpordinp to reports fiom different parts of the pro * nice the new s of the impending abdication is cmnpletulj misunderstood The situation is cnw ing very sci ions. Any final judcmunt K to-dnj liupost-ihle , but the fisir is f-preHtlhiK tlmt the further maintenance of the jmaceimn enjojed throughout the lencth and breaath ot the land A111 he rendered ul- nn .t impossible shoald Alexander leave the C'ounto- Tun's NJUXT AirxAxr > nr Evento-dn3 tlieje have been recehed from Bimh stronplj rcnctionur } tow ns us llalun a FJevnii and Koufiaudi telegrams deuiandlnc : the maintenance of the jinnee in his old iiobltion. It wtems to bo be lieved in tlie province that the prince vus forced to abdicate by his ministry The Bulgarians have made Tivn u > ee rejiresentntions to tiie consuls of the powe-rs to tlie effect that tlie said poveis must puaraiitue the iudu | > endunce of Bui- paria and protect the country from e\erj oc cupation whatsoeier. Tne llussian offers areregiuded with iricreasinc distrust. A. DEVAMl JlAIir. SOFIA. Sept. 7 Bulgarian no1tihleslia\e joined in a petition to tlie e/ai Thej usL whether Itussia will allow the national as- hemhlj lo elect the hutcpssor to Alexander , nnd whethtallu&Uu will craut Bulpiina n loan. If tluih dernauds are not atct-Ued to the notiihltsfc intend to opjiuse the departure ol Alexander * 3'rini-e Alesandei lies twlcpmct the oflieere of lili rjruij who called to persuade liiui to leimtui on the Bulmriaii thione. Uu each ociMhiou lie lienou lit them to rtsfmiu fi oni oppos'm. bib departure. The nflieurE ex pressed duip Honow , hut pitiinbed to follow the piiuueY wihh. Aloiiinder will lea\i Solui SppteiulK'i IS btumbuloH , Kan-u'ltiff nnd MtiKttyoC pou- htltutetiie jejroiicj- . The Stuinliulotl ciihiimt lias H-Mcned and a new nuuistiy lias beeii lonucd , ut , follow sAl - Al IJndoUav oft. nrumicr mid minister ol the jntminr Al. Jiutuiiui , uiinlstui ol foraicti uflciis. W. GtiiH-holI , mlnlMei of liimnce. J > L Bldllofl niiulhtur of justice. AL Ivaiuhofl minister of education. IL IXiuilaifff , mlnlstui of wai. . Mfut K. btipt. 7 The lacai's reph to indoi 'f. itiitw of Aiuiist 0 ww not made public uutil jeKttuxlin Jt niist l a r.toni ) of ooiiRtw nation und indiiriintiou. iii olhuuh of the iirmj ndtoratf renis- 11 JJugjua fiuciliij will of the I'ftcr llif Du < rtitiir. J5watxitEt.TSppt.7. ( Ki' Ytirk Herald Cublo iipediJ to the Bci J Xatschevitch li-.t. liJt liurf to-nlnj lei Soda , where , attei tlie depwtuic of the priucR , he will set about nrranpnp Aluxandor's I'umiieiul tttulrs. J'lince Putcr Kara 'ooigo ltcli is uip ted liorc , ile Is to be put forward , it euems , not as u Jtuisiau candidate lor the Bulgarian Ihrone , lut a a CUMMK.MS O Lundnn Prfnt. OjilnJon on ihe Vncht Jlaoc. Irf'xiiuN , Sopt. 7. [ Kc\v y rt Herald Cubuhjiocial to the Utu. . ' Much ue s- Miaei * is devoted to the ' papur Iirst djy 'B yacht meu. The Telesrapli hopus that to-dnys wtwthur will not , as jeiuitlny , brine light IITUCZPC , tiocautiC , It MJS. "UuclBiid's clitun- plan is not BO much for tiunid a fur ahllitj to tUnishto windward In a heaxj BCH and it is coueodt-d evuu l > j the more thorough colt's udiuirurs cl the MnjUowm that Emm wrtu'Mt- ' cUf > pp > sea , u hea\y wind , oracoursu tkiilch will r tiuire much tacLmc the Ualittea im-ht tc tia c decidedly iht tieUuKt The A mm leans themstlxes have taUsi u > . < vtraitidinarj iuturcs : Jii the con- tew UIKI nu\f jiait'J | no o\art ! \ 10 onnhlti them tc ntiin t .e trophj or which tliey uru .so prwm , Riii ! whiPh they olwrtsti so deeply . " 'JMie rcvpiilt reached ljuiidon ovet the Coin inercl-1 ocncpauy * cables \ > ) n sprelul des patch la the Sportsman , which uas & u rj lull account uud deurtptioti of therncu. A rujt.osociiic MCW Tin1 Dili ) XCM fidlturlnllj jaijz " "li ! de- fca.1 el tUt ) Oalu'.ca tt.Ntw 1 urttsuru \ POIDPS ttflw raary triumph" In < jKirt to re- rniiid us that ne do not know fverythit.c Thnt npjip rs to lip a philowphir way of lool inc at it .AlM > It is philotoph r to say that d lo iorj i - irjvti'ved in oni en anast r and wbcji Intb thpte things Imve lif-pu Mid tlie unj.lcRsantiies-c of the deftwt rfruiun1jn < a creat as ever. There i < > notUitir Jot iLpfirhiHK but to pn on pcttinc li t n till we Iparn the Arnerlc n twret of build , thonrb tinAra"rip n yapht j wterdiy seems to have b pn inii riilv handled Tacht- liic is esst'cttalh HE anitoeratip spnrt in this eonntrj. In Amerk-a It is v itlilti certain limits & Bpnrt of the people. 3t suits th"ir lalinr-lorln ? genius arid fnr tills rta snn it is much nmre in voctie than row inc. No true Amoi ican likwto do for Mm t w hut hr can umkt tlie elements do for him. In theBuniuiBr time the IIHJ.S cud rivers of tlie 1"nltod StMtes we lined with even kind ol pleasure cralt that can possible be nut under sail. " CLAIMS A rOTTT. The New TorL. cable IB the Standard seems to ( linrce that the Galatea lost in ponseuueuce ofu bic htrampr swell chcckinc the Gnlntea's way , while the steamers loftj deck house Kept off much of the w ind and recommend' that in future ctmt"sts it w ould bs Inirur to both parties to urrance lor all three races to b sailed in the open s"a w here thee : would I * lev\er craft to iuturfere w ith the meln g v nchts , 1 he Times lurnlshes ratht-r a confused and uusatislaUor.tdesiutph . without pommeut. PranceV Neiv Atntiashador to BeiHti. PAIIS : , Sept. T , \ew Turk Herald Cable btieeial to the Bi.n. ] Foi tne jiast fort- nicht tiie eJimpt of Baron Decoimel's sue- i essor ns Fint h ambassador at Berlin lias caused the creates ! porplexitj both to Piesi- deut Gievy and M. I > e rr cinpt. 1 have tlie best authority lor SBJ ing tliat the nmhac- sador will b" M Herhett , who lor many jears filled u hich post in the ministry of toi- eicn aflatrs. and has more than onee practi cally directed critx al moments ol the f oreicu policy ol rrnuc" M U'-rbettis of course a true republican , but of a tvpethat will hardly alarm I'rineeBismarck's conservatives. SOCIETY AXD SPORT. A FCM Cl isp Paracrapfi" From Lion- don Weeklies , LOJTDOX , Sejit. 7. [ New Tori ; Herald Cable Special to the Bi.r. j The weeklj society and Rportinc papers feel the heat and arc like ovsters ueedinc a se scm Some aie dumb as ojsters und these lire onlj a few short , crisp paragraphs trur KLW LAJL Krssni.i- The rourt .tournal piclvS up a historical : mme thus : 'Ihp bouse of lords once more numbers an Earl Itussell amen : ; its members The iiif-ent eail is a nloe lt okinc jouth , who line as jet siven no Sign of ability to add to the fa : reachinc lamp of the Ilussell fuiuilj . Ue has no parliamentary predeliptions. and his attempts at instruction in this direction Tveie ut tin outset ronm-ally frustrated As a peer tlmuch still a nunoi , he had richt to sit in the front callen of the house ol pom- inons. Ihelirst nicht he came down he was walkiiur stiaicht in , when old Hartley , tlie door kwtpui , thinkini : he was a youtic man fiom tlie country Avitb nn older for the strancers' ' callerv , seized him by the arm aud rouclily dumatifled where lie was colnc. Earl Uussell was so alarmed that he matte no rejily. but left the lobby. A rooi : YACirnyo KEASOX. Fpon yaehtinc tlie Onuit Journal whispers this hitherto marine secret : "Thepieseat yachtiuc. season bus been the wona known for tlie Jast httt4U jenis. There aieiliou- sandsof yachts whleli at this time of the 3 ear oucht to \ > e out on hire and ure now lying idle in Southampton water , aud the seafariuc noiiulationvvho rely upon the Buuimer season to tide them ovei the time until fishing reeommenpes. be m to suffer from want of employ menL Anj one w ( sh ine to indulce in what has hitherto been re- rardedusan ex.i * > nsive luxurr can now dose so at un exceedingly low figures " A JJOVJH. rMiiinu.A. The Court .lourualhas discovmedu novelty in umbrellas' Uei mojest ; jnusmited a few days aso. with ahjiecially made umbrella from JJargow. The handle was a jouud globe of fine gold , ie reiwitiiic the world , studded with precious stone to sepieseiit her majesty's dominion. moixrvv ISG A7 irssiA , Tnnity air thns joins the noble armj of bulls bellowing ut Jlussm Oried.t Britain should -cede trom the Euiopcau concert , re call her ambassadors from St I'eteisburg , her troojis fiom Buimah utid Ecrrjit , and male th"iceoy of the East Indies some statesman who is not an intimate friend ol the chan cellor , w horn Lord Uufleriu calls the most pacific minister of .Lurope , but who , with his Miveieign has been guilty ol an outracr lit to be lecoided onlj In theNewgate Calendar. AMJTirniVIEW or TUT : cABr. The St "Stephens itelew. . v hluh is co-e ) to the forelcu olhce , also blows , ana adds this as gossip 1 um in a tiositiou to hti.tu that but for the attitude tul.eii up by the ( juecu on the Bulgarian question. Prince Alexandei would ut the present time be incarcerated in Jlussia , und possiblj in a fortress. It was de eided by a telegram received ut fet. Peters burg tiom Balmoral , that juoduced his le lease , and nothing elThe emptuor of Gei man j was BO annoyed that tlie liret wlie from iSaluiorul to theCzai , whiehwusa BD- rious one , w us suut beloie his advice was sought To tpuote his ow u w ordion the nmt- toi , "The whole of Europ micht have been prewpltnted Into a var through the lee free use of the w ire ut a critical moment" Theu he Is said to have said , 'ellectuKly "ActiutJ upon impulses is womanly , but not diplo matic , .yet 1 nin asinrud that Bismarck lieartib applauded in private the notion of the < jueun. " Mtu ot.Ai ) To 'i''f ran * , Life retuinsto Mt. Gladstone in his trip to Bavaria , und KEJ a : He lias a most agreeable and hlt'hlj cultivated companion and host in Lord Acton , the son of Lord Granv.ille's first wife. One of the Acton lumilj was a cardi nal uud nuother was prime minister to the King ol tuples in tlie last century. The present peer , who is ol a verj liberal 6ni- patby. edited tht Home and Foreign Keview , which was tuppressed at tlie instance of the ultramiiutaiue ] iarty. He was an intlturte filuud of that liooou phshed Atnancun , Mr TiDLUcr , who alludes In his memoirs to his visits nt Aldunhum ; n Salop , tht antueut se t of the Actons IUTTIKG rASinoNV i on r.s. Life 1ms a tiuiuly fillip at parchment v l > it- iiig cardtwhich are the latest fashionable v tilgantics. TlieJr me , it hopes v ill he con lined IP these devotee * of tlie incrciles1cod - di-ss whoKicriace iUl ft'ehng of iudhldual taste and judgment by the tisu of buarfu and hideous note paper tlmt of Iste has ttindcred correspondwice u miBer ? . i'lie 'Alau about Tow " ( Mr. Suttoiu , in tht Country Gnntlfr- tnan , has this Item apropos of the peut American tarthquate : "Oti Wedncstlaj btteraooii , wlieu I should Uavr been putting halt on the tsiU of partridges 1 wa'.teil slow n 2'ml.udili } , a triurcjilitnt nonfchoi tare up ilie tliorouchfaie , tpealing , 'Otent liunh- ouii-k lu liiuueriuw * I euw b ui4ii rush to lair and buy a copy , 1 urtunc to the report of tl r caikstrephu , hi ciatieed ut It and lei ] kg : i tbe sku 'ie. It traufcp'red that the -j-u wa si \ ' * tor from Ci&rJUotuu , where he rwned larce projip-tr and whrre till lut friends were In this manner was tht cfclatrj- UT brourht bouip to him. ' A wine of the Bat spread' oat theippararraiilis The poor priupt n ! Bnlcfia hew lie iuu t envy hi * bnither and Pnnppv Beatrirc. Truly It if b rtter to lie Encland' * iin-iiHaw tlma Iin - iin s o"camonal proU-ce , wita a ehaiipp ctf the witlidraw al of f nor dsilj . or revolution , with an awiissiiiHtiou thrown in. Bvthe wav I understand tlmt tti ae- potichement ol tht Princes Beatripe which w K ejkpwted lor November , ! ! ! mil take plupu. ClJH > cTO n's TACAT1OX. Georce II. Sims in Ills weekly Saada } .lournal pays his respects to the "U O M- . " nnd nnrmtes that the Gladstone travellnc partv Rrrived at Colorne Rt. a. m .und while the t-ncme vac tKklnc fuul they rttslied off and did the cathedre ! The marvellous enercv and unimpaired vitnlin ot the orel state1- niati are never so much In evidence as when hi travels for rest and recrentlon. He do - so mncb iu a dav as would hnosk a fairly lit althv perstm of thlrt v up f < u u week. It is quite possible that he will celebrate his one hundredth htrthdnv bv aseendinr the Mattw- liorn und carrj ing the cuards dow n on his U.K.U. And then Sims alludes to Irish pentlmeut in home rule ovei dress bv remarking The lush members are urged to weur onlj cotids of Irish marjulupttire. Is Mr. Paruull a.- perted to come down on the house in "Coik lack'.1" "Modern Society" this week refers to the fail princess oi tlie impecunious Tecks Tht Duchess of 1 eck , when uudertaklnr solemn duties , will do well to leave her prcttt dauchter at home. Lust we k her hichiiess laid the memorial stone to a church ut Shej'- head's Bush Piinress Tiptoria , fumiliarly kuovMi as "May ' in home circles , accompa nied her , and nlack and alas , the beauty of holiness seemed entirely forcot beside the beauty of the roj al maid Hull the Jocti clergj jc'imltted their attention to straj in her direption. while the choir Iws and recced ttrrhlns opened their mouths even wlieu they were not singmc and stared haid. haid.Mt Mt > dPi n Society cratifies its home rule n ad- ers with this epicrammatip liinc. Tlie Pnm- rosp leacue is a stiecies of materialized hy- terics inrorj'tirated in a crullle of crj stulized screams. Men ol thoucht and action MCW its nroceedincs w ith derisive contempt. Many of the % en partj which it uspiies to ujihold spurns u with sporn The leatue aspires to sustain tlie constitution with a scent bottle , to repel people w ith a primrose and n faint conch nt tht foundation of tlie orcamra lion If there ean he auv foundation to u tastle of stniw there is unlimited Miobban and ui bounded afiectatitm IliePiul , 'T n orsiportineTlmesisdoubtTul a * to w hetliei the tin nr < uisstit tie I'.eusimde vs. the tiame and Lonsdale will be heard in Camera or in Cameron The Bird of Ti ee- doiu'h spmtiiin enliiinns eontains a wail ovei tin collapse ol tbt- fat Lccer Tlie rape is re duced loan attempt at betting oji only one horse , Tleptirted Cji'itinc in Sept. 7. The Journal deetmts publishes to-dcv a sensational report about au alleged uimsmc of tlie people of nortb- cnsteni India acauist Bntish rule and in fa v 01 ol liussian invasion. The report sav s a number ol Indian princes ha-ve follov.ed Dbuli-ep fcjnch s eiamjile 111 joininc Uussia and in exhortinc the neople to throw ofl "the hated Enclish joke. " TJie .lournal des De- bats saj s tiiat crav e events arc iuiuiinent in central Asia. Daiirt i > lia iov3 ? faejt. 7. In the commons tins afternoon SejUon cave notice that he would question ST jfliel.ael Hieks-Bcaeh chief secretary lor Ireland , as to tlie truth ol the statement that a reporter in the employ of tlie British government had been following Miclmel Dnv irt on his ti ip through America anJ hud taken down his speeches in lull. CallingUp St. Lotus. ki Lens , Sept. 7. This moiuinc at 11 o'clock the National Telephone ehauce association tiecan their convention. C. N Pav piesideri and attur a discussion on < hanges in the constitution , the meeting ad journed until to-mcTiow. blmclis in Greece. ATIIEVS , Sept 7 Pre-ih shocks of earth quake w ere felt in this city to-day and at K.av - rita and elsew here Syisniic ruuiblmcs w ere heal d } esterday throughout I'elojionueaUh Germany nnd tlie Carolines. MAIIKID Sept. 7 Tht Impaieial sajs Ger- mam lias abandoned her right to establish a eoalmc Ptatiou at the Caroline islands. A M2W i > EAI- Propoped Chance in the Knishts of Oreanization. Sejit. 7. rS.eciol ] Telecrum to the BLK ] It is understood thin ut the nation al convention of the Knights ol Labor ut B'ckmond ' neit month ihituzes In the jires- eut law s w ill be made that w ill amount prac tically to a complete reorganisation of the ojder. The district plan * ms not proven successtul as VBB esjwsicA , for : easou tlmt in many placedKtiicts have baen formed witlnn districts , and in consequence the local strength has boon divided The great nuiiibei of district assemblies also it impossible for the general oflieert. eve-u w ith the assistance of the grand executive board at the Cleveland meeting , lo kefp up with the business The result is that important matters tieguenO.v cannot be investigated pi oni ) ith enough to prevent dihsatislnctiou Toremedv this it is ptoposed to tal.e tht mode ol tlie gov eminent of the United States us a form that is to have state oiguu- i/Htion and u supreme 01 national assemhlv. Stale assemblies under the new plan will Uav e r outrul ol the territory under their jm- Jsdu'tion , but acts ot their oflicers willJie subject to reversal bv tlie general master woikmnn U'hus I'owderlv will retain supreme control while cuininc iclief tiom the routine woik thut now lallsou his shoulders - ers This plan lias been thorouciily can vassed since tlie adjournment ol the Cleve land convention and there is little doubt but that : t will be adopted A I'nll Hloivn PASS , 'Jtix. , Sejit. 7. The long- tltreateuea revolution In Cochuita , Mexico , has ut last deteJoped into deunite shape. Js'evvs hub been received trom Pedrueue Gras that u baud ol revolutimiibU be-i/.ed the town of El I'aso , Mexico , yesterday , nnd took complete possession ol it , liurlug the eiiTiifi in Pineiros Negrns uli able-bodied males were arrested , jiressed lutnttic j evolutionists' military sarvlce and lilaoud in tlie euartol for Bufe-keojiinc duntiR the night. Tins morning , 150 Mi 011 , g thev , inouiited on couhacated horses and utu-oinpaninil by 100 -uliirsul- - uiuj ? were taken to El Pana to combat tlie rcvoiutidiiibtfi. who ure upi > ose.d to be under the leadershrp of El Coyote , Mexico's most culeurat d bandit and mvolutioiiary leader. Wuin the opposing forces come toeether , hari ! lighting rcay be a > .pocttd. Poins Up tbe Cannuts. Mfjr HEAl , Sept 7. The liabilities of Leopold Isaacs , the abscond ug tobattco uicr- cl.ant of this city , EMstd lGuoao , with jirnc- ti'.nuJi J.Q uEsutn. It is etatiid gin crnl f orgcr- liund otliejuwindliiis sdiemes have been brought to liput , nnd rteps vHl be taten to r ' extradition. ta and loxva For i obr ilu and Icvva : Ta-r , warmer IT BLOSSOMED IN VICTORY ; , Tht Eyicwer Ontstfis tie Sucrhsh Cnttor Gaktea at Ererj Point. YESTERDAY'S BIG YACHT RACE A Red IjetUT Marine Errnt All Gotham Goes to fecc The Only TalL of tlie Himr Caber SjlOl tK. They Salted Anj - . NEW Tom. i > pt 7. This IIOK bDen the creates ! j achUng dnv that 2fevv Tort has tverseen und umrthur doy of dory lor Bus- ton , for her latest end prettiest product of naval archlturture , the sloi > } > - } acht Ma.v- fluwer , has -non tin first rapt ol the interna tional scries aralnst a powerful antagonist tin British cutter Galatea.Vlth u steudv , whole-sail brwre iroiu the mnuhvtu. I , per mitting eapli to carrv tliolr llcht Bails , the Galatea wasbt-aten 12 minutes aud 40 seconds ends , actual time , or 1 minutes and S s e- onds. corrected time , the Wiivllowcr Imvtnc civ en her Js ) seconds time allow aiicf , accord- luc to the Xv York yacht cluh rules under AV hich the races an sailed. The cont"st was trninently liui lor both 3 achts , Inasmutn as hall the rtiurst saih-d cav e almost all w ind- wudworfc while the other half was with fiee thc-its. Althouch the cuttei was defeated , she has shown herselJ to b a faster > neht than tlie Oenesta iu u licht Irerreund out that muv bevejv haid to de feat in a stronr breeze aud n seaway It has beeu a da > of excitement such is as seldom een in New Tori. Prom dawn to darU afloat or ashore , in hotel , club or on ( hatice the j at lit rape was the leadiuc topic ol couvfisation. Bv 110 o citxk in the mtirn- ing tin thousands who wen coing to witness the races had embarked and wtre steaming down the hnv to rendezvous aS Bar liidge , I * . 1 Then latlu two trt > es of clljiper cralt icadv lei the crand marine- tournament A hundred sail ol yachts surrounded them some at anchor and some under weigh , but all nrei to b oti the move. At 10 , to a light breeze fiom a little east of south came in Irorn seaw artt eleiirme aw cj the liare and rijtj'hnc the waters ol the hav. QiuelJ } the twi > cout staiit ( . uud an immense flotilla of steamers of all sizes , fiom -IMoot liiunch tt > tin tin ee-decKei Grand llepublic clustei. d ubtiiit tin startinc point The pre- jiaratorv whistie screeched out its wariunr u Ki 4'innd teu minutes lattr came the one lei the start Both } nchtF caTinc similar sail mainsail club tojisa-il , jib and foretop- suil hud beeu maneuvered into coed posi tions und down thej rump for the mmctnary line between Lutkenbdcks nnd bunv IS. Beormc east tiom her competitor , a ciuarter of a mile r.vvay. nt alive tnot cnit the Mav- flovv er as iippareutl } aiiead aud clo--e lo the judee'tbtmt N ot ( hoe inionch , how ev er. for , w ith a tw ist of her lone tiliur. Ctiptam Brad lord shot tin handsmue Galatta iuto the windward tictwe'-n Liickenh.Kks and her iivakaud cio'-seil tbe lint a second ahead amid the w ude-t upp iiuse. 'Ih tifiuial KIWI was ; Galatea. 10.5t-n Mai ( low ci , 10 ' > f-l ± Both vachts sUioq across the < lianne.1 on the Btiirbfiiud tat k and becati then battle fin The AmencH s cup. I liicktuc clj-e under the .Lone Island shiirfL at 11 .U thev made a stretch ov et from Slatentlbh.nd. The Mav - iltiwei had the wiuftvvaia jiobition and with the last ol the eh&ttiae under hej lee bocim she manacrt d to t"up itTind bBcan ' outfoot- inc" the cutter nt onue. H until edsv. at eht l this part of the l u -drom the Iteicht < i ol Forts AVudsw ortli ng HauflUxm. At ll-jus tbe biilutea set h cJib topsail , and nl 11:12 the Mayflower J" lacked close un- dtr the tjnai-nntiiiR , the cutter tol- low me suit a urtnnte later Tlie breeze vv as Iresheulnceverv moment and theiiros- iterts for n'lineTaie wereencouraclnc. At n : . > . when the Ga'ateB tacked to port near Buov 10 , the sloop was leisdins her bv three- quarters of n mile. AtBuovtr- , the hi-.t timinc jioint. the Mavficnvei letched mound lust at 1 o clock , 1 ni 51 sec. , and the cutter at 1 o'clock , " m. . 7ec. Thej. . were creelea with a ptirftct ovutiotr of wlnstles from tlie attending steamers as they 1lew away with slieets .started , for Buqy S Trie Mav flower passed It ut 1 o'clock , lb m. nnd tlie < ialateant 1 o'clocl. , 25 m Tht Ittayflovror slowly , but suitly"oui-footed&the cutter , and tackinc fortne outer inai Ic-trt C o"clock,27 min MOscR. , came cradimliv ulonc f or Jt on tlie tiorttnck. As sue "Hquared uwav' round it a Jew "min utes later , the whistle serenade that was given her uiuld he heard fortunes. The official time of turning was Mav- flower. 2 o'clock , S5 mm. , ii sec. ; Galatea , S o'clock. 44 mln. SOiec. Both made a splendid picture as Ihev rounded the lichtsmp lotlnsnoiut tlieMuv- llowij had now beaten the Golatiu i'lnm ' 2J sec. , and she was fully two milesiiva > when the latter hquored uwa.v ' Back to tiie north ward tame the grtatilotilla Of steamers with their tietcht ot enthusiastic admirers. The Ma flower with her balloim ? big jlb-top-suil bellv me out in u stronr bteeze came horsinc bv Btitiv K on tlieliniiie stietch uti'M ! , ] ust us tin Galatea wuspassiiicthepointof : Sundv Hoot- The latter the buoy ut i ; 40 , and both ancllnc over to ] itirl.xttiut crundlv down toalimsh on the flood tide flndlnc that the Kpiimker 'would diavv , Lieutenant Uenii oideiecl it set to the Maiboaid at 4 1 ! ! Cajitam btone hnding the cutter ovta-haulinc him followed suit and set the Maflowei'h fapinukcr hve minutes inter \\hataeruiidHight that finish w UK , oul.v an ev e-vvitness can teJl It w us tlie grandest fijiectuele evt-rseeii3n ew Yuri. bav. feur- lounded b } neaily live hundred steam and saiiinc cralt the Mnllowor came teunnc along through the nuriow path ol vvutei uud ciosst-d the linihh line amid tlie luingol guus , scicecli of whistles , und wavins ol ucies ol bunting nnd f.andLerchiels. The BUM : Cull Recorfl. AT CJUCAOO Clucaco . . + Ii5 .New 1 oik . a 0 S 2 0 K 0 0 0 11 Pneheip 11 } nn and Keefle , Base hits Chicago 10 , Xuvv "i oik S ) . Errors Chi- injro d. New York 0. Urnpire Poweis , AT Cl f'IATl Cinciniiiiti . .001000120 4 Louisville 00024 1) ) $ o * H Pitchersflfcker and Puchlney. Bnsehith Cincinnati 34. Louiw lle U , lirors Cincin nati a , Ltjuisvilie 1. Uniiiu-e Helly , AT fei Lens St Louis 0 I'hiliidelphia ,1 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Base hits bt Louis T.j'bHndelphin 4 Er- iors fet Ltmls C , Philadelphia i ; I'ncheifc Klrb } and Casey. . Tiinjilre 1'ierce. AT PiTThiinio Pmshurc . . , .0 Ol 100000 i bt. Louis . _ 0 0 SO 0 0 0 0 0 B Pitchers Galvln and fotttze. Base hits Pittsburgh ki. Loui . - & Errors 1'ittsbuig 2 , fat Louis l , Umplia Culentine. AT UKTBOIT , Iletroit . . * 4 Washington .li D 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 l Pitcners Smitu snit' Crane liuw hit * Detroit S , WiiMhiutnou tt , JCrrorb Uetroit 4 , Wushincton 12. Uwpn * truest , AT Pmi.AnEi.riiiA AthletlcR. ,0011 fl01 002 5 Brooklyn . .10020000000 8 Eleven innings. Bape hits Athletics 1 , Brooklyn 0. Errori > i'Mhleties ' 1 , Brooklyn K I ruplre Eaiiiu. - AT BAI-TJilOUl. Baltimore . . .H 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 05 MetioiiolitaiiR OOU 00000 ( u-O Pitchers Kilro } and Cushmnn. Base hits Baltimoie 7. Wetrojiolituns 4. En on Bal timore 2 , Metropolituns > , U injure AValsh. Ai KA\bAfa Cm Kansas City , . . .U D 0 0 E 0 4 4 2 18 Boston 000 00000 t I'jtchurs Weidtnnu und Buflincton , "Um pire Fulmer. Bay BAT , K. Y- , Sept 7. For threeearoloX threMnurths uiilei Little Alinuli won , Pnuoess fifcCDnfl , Bay Hebe ! third Tiintral& . For all ages , one mile : Becky B. won , Shamrock weaua , Frank Wtratlflrd , Time 1-41 J onvvtj-vear-oldh -foiuihsiune' Con nemoru wnn , AliuMwoud , I cneiou thud. ' 1 me 1 * rt a. Jorr i u ts , ouomiie bad u furlong : Jim ti on 1 ns B second. Elcin 1 ime l V-fc ( Hit hud liv < Michth : miles. Lnckv B won Exue * ec"nd Lmiifettp third. Time 2 > > . One und one-tiiclith miles , nti turf Feronp wwi , Ehzebetk ( * w < md , Ernest third. 1 in.e . Prrn.APKi.rin A. Sppt 7 At Point flrecre park Tliretjuartfsr mile , lor nmidetis. all aces : Torifers won. Mon rrh of tlie Oats Rocona , T S C tlilrd Tlme-1 :8 : * " . ThreejunrtBr& inilp C l Owens won , flue anei second. Tune 1 17 . TUree-fltmrtars uifle- lied BUCK won. Bfll feture-tt s-owmd. Time 1Hi. . TivtMiiehths mile , fet two-jeur olds : Mac ynrAson , Smbad second but WBS disqunHtied nnd second plane given to Marcle Bowers , Time : 'iw < Mile for three vonr oldsIlestless won. Litla L Heuoud , den. Pure tlitrd. Time ' TUE LiVMHISR POOL. Avrard of Percent act's 'o tlie 5 Cine AOO Sept 7 rbp clal Telecrum to the BEE , ] A ctuiurol uieotittc ol nmniicers of the \arious rends was held in this rjtj B lew ace to make p-epamtious for formlnc mont' } pools. It was decided to ex clude lumber trafiu to Missouri npoints trom the cen era ! jmol and have D separate pool oi that artiple. Commissioner Midcelj , of the Southwestern Ilaliwn } nssuciution vas chosen arbitrator to lu : jiort otitaces lei the various ruadb Interested in the business. This piol comprise- lumber from Chlcaco and Wisconsin und Mississippi river points to and tin ouch Council BluQs r.nd Omaha , and to and throuch Plattsmouth and Ulan to common points m Nebraska. The cross rev enue derived liom this traffic is ptuiled Com- niissioncj Midrelv has tinull } submitted his award to the cuneral manaccrs ol tlip various roads It isaslollovvs Chicaco Milwaukee and St Pn-1 , 23 ) ier cent. Chicaco , Builinctou A Qutncv , 2 i , Chicaco Nortb- westein If. t Paul , Minneapolis ft- Omaha lri "W abash , St Louis & Pacific , b. Missouri Piipific , There has b en much trouble about the trafhc duntic the last two veurs and rates up to this time have been tie- low a imving basis. All previous awards and differential- ! e nroxed unsntisfucttiry and it remains to be see-n whether the roads vi ill ulnae b } tht last award and maintain tht ncreed rntcs. Xo Ooneluhioiis Reached. CHICAGO Sept 7. Tlie ccunmim'e of the southwestern manacers was ocain In session to day aispusslnc the cioss mone } passencer pool , and are npnarentlv as wide apart as ever. The Wubash still insists on nverwriur each others crass jtars than tliose projiosed b } the committee lei a div isiou of business. and there is a wide difference ol opinion iK'tvveen the Alton and Burhucton ubtmt the pooling of l envei und other trulhc west of the Missouri river. 2s o report was agreed tipon _ Thcj Brliic rtaera t < i Time. SAS lJL ls c o Sept 7. The Pacific Ptiast freight aceiif. of the nanscontiuental lines have announced a reduction in rates lor east hound fieicht ol > i per cent w ith a uuu- iiiium of hltv cents jier hundred ] iuuuds K Chieaco and St Louis This nctiou vvas takeu ow me to the hercc opnnsition being waged by the Pacific Mull Steamship com pany and tin Canadian Pacific nuiwnv R"- dtued rates have been ruarauteul up to next Saturday. The Jltnnacers Meet. -CracAOO5crjitSJ. Iheantichtalbedaf1 eeneral meeting of vv estern railroad presi dents and nianacerB becan li a-e to-day , but < my ) n short WBSIOII was held and no business transacted , it bninc considered desirable to civ e the sub-committees another day to finish thuir jepoits. An auiourumeiit was taken until tinioiTow mm nine when it is tinder- Bttidtl that the -western fieieKt association will be the first matter to come up A Railroad Sold. CrncAc.o. Sept 7. The Daily News Sprineheld (111. i special savs The Havana. Hunt mil i. "N estern rutlwav was ttv-dnj sold b } older of tlie Tnited Stales court for S'lOU- IdO It was purchased by Anthouv .1. Thomas ac trustee for the bondholders It was sold on n judgment in favoi of the Cen- tinl Trust company ol New Tori . Went and Bant Rat PS. CmcAOO Sept 7. At the meeting ol the Central Traflic association , passenger depart ment , to-da } n resolution was passed re questing the eastern ti link lines to make the same regular rates on west bound bii'riness to Petiria and Bloomincton as the Central Traflic association is quoting on enst bound business. West bound fares have foi niuu } ytnrs been much highei than east pound. Military and Mail Matters. WAfiTHJ < GTOX , Sejit 7. i Special Telncram to the BEE.J MB.IOI Jumes F. Uundlett Xiuth cavali-y , receutl } promoted from the Eighth walrv , whoiejiorted at Uuialiu last week , is itssisiied to station at Fostlionin son. Neli , Mn j 01 Guv V Henry , Xintn t avail } , inspector specter ol rifle practice of the Department ol tlie Plutte , has been oideied to Fort Leaven- vv orth b } Major ( Tenerul I'err } , to be present ut the division team contest this mouth. Major Iloburt Hall , of the Twenty-second infantry , stationed ut Omaha , Is granted one mouth's leav e ol absence. A new postofhce has been established nt Oreunhurc , Hav countv. Neb. , vvitli spetlul service liom Edgai William C. Uauisiiy 1ms been commissioned postmaster The following jourthtlasspostmasters Imve been commifisioued Georce AT. Mosher , Knn ; Ba/zilllaB 'lalmuu Ol etn Kan , Csntliin M Bules Sallord , Kun , Oi en II. stroll c Wild Cut Kun George F Stratum , Wnshlto , la. \Then MaimiticTiIl Return. WAMHI.GTOX. Sejit ' . poeliil "leiegrnm totheBLUJ Seciett.ry Futrchild denies tiu' Htatement ci edited to Treasurer .Ionian that Secietary Mauninc will return hern about the middle of the pie-sent month , "it , ' ' said Mr. Jairclilld , "the .secretary returns at all , it w ill not be until some time in October. V > e hav e full } us hot weather here in September us auv time dtinuir the year , and it will not l e very safe for him to return before tlmt time. In truth , the secretary is jet iu u vac- ciliutlng mood regurdinchis rettun here. On days when he feels well and is ambitious foi suiuethiuc uetlve lie makes all his plans lor return. Then u bad da } overtakes him und he gives upullhoite ol getting hack to his desk. Pnt iitb to . Sept 7. [ Special Telegram to the BI.E j Patents were ibsued to low a inventors to day ns follows George . I. Bed- lord , Anumosa freight cu lock. Hour } F Bolton and T Drake , Dow Cit j , clothes drier ; Hugh Oilleah , Waterloo , sulet } guard rail , David Harrrer Desilomes , joolitir Ohod H. King and W. 'J , Houchton. Iowa Cit } , horse linj rake : Win. Louden , Fuirhold ha } ele- vatiug lotk , JuiiieMcGet , Soon oountv , who J cultivator , Edvvard A. Semiile Cluui ton , rail joint Texas Ffierln Illinois CHICAGO , Sept " . The Times' Dftcatur , 111. , special Bays' State Veterinarian Caswull to-daj decided that the disease which has c&used the death of ten or twelve OOWB near Decatur within the post week is Toxns lever. It wasiirouckt toDecatur bj a herd of Chero kee cattle. They have beeu Isolated for sev eral UOJE , and no lurther spread of the dheuse Is expected. Aiioihisr SliaUe. rvAXJ-nta K , Ind. . Sept 7 Another BB- vere.shock of earthquake Mas fell at 1 44 this ui' The bhock touiidea like thttx of v niuiute , POLIT1CIV > S' GREAT DAY Iowa Candidate * to Open tnt- Fall Carapnicn on the 2ttd Instant. Dj'Mt rvrR. la. S"pt 7 vpwinl Tele- c-sm tc the Brr The-p was & rsthurlnc of prominent republrmis ! tfdt.v . Ht tin meetinc ol tlie Bt t < rentnU comtiiirh-e. Amntic otlwrs jin-Mant were t'x KlrkwonS e - < iovpruor < enr both dates for coacrm Mtjor O Donn il condi dttc for concresUi tht Mitli diitrict Jid otlier prnminetit nfpnblicniifi. The pommlttee dtictded to lornmlly open tlie eumpfticu b } fveti mas * meetitic'i one ti ) e eli dli trlct.on the ana of tin * month , hiifl Mtlinr Jowil mettt- ings , to b" addressed b } nil the candidates for wmcrc s and other prominent republi cans. St f w us nrranced the goneml tutw miH'tings on tlmt dav will be af lullows : S'-cotitl Dmti idAt Davtiiipurt ritth District At Cedar iPids. Slxtli District- Ottumw a. Sevti..tli Distiict At Wlntwset Bichtli District- Bedford. Tt'iith District At > Vebsi Ctt.r , Elevt utli Distrlct-At Sioux C4tv. , Aiming the sjitHlers that duv wlllbeGov- oinor Lwrnbnc. btith Vnited Slntes senators nnd ali of the rejuiblicau craididates lor con gress. _ A Snt'ocftsful PKI ! Dnj. DtsMoiMs. In. . Sept 7 'Special Tele- cram to the Bt c.1 'I -diiv was -vtr.v sn-cess- fui lor thestnt fair the attennanpe and re ceipts bulnc larger than ever b"f ore nn a coriespotiditic dny. The attendance was es timated ut 2 .MMO In the lorunoon the fore- 111 al dedication of the new crotindsto : > k place , speeches belnc mnde b } Governor Larrnbee , ex-President Whetilock , ex-Senutor Wilcht Hon. J B Gimnell C T. Clurksou uud othtu-s. This w as old soldiers' dav , nud about five tbusnndveterans we-e pres nt An in formal leunion WHS held dutincthe dny , with short sp'iec'hes by old soldiers. The rat es were of better character and develop d cotid spcud The first nice w us the tree lor all stallion race , aud was won b.v Tied Doucluss , best time 2 M'4. 'Uu second nice two-jeur- old colt stakes , was won b.v Crusei , best time 4. Tin third rce e. ' . ' " > Uass , was the last race of tht dav and was very close ] } contested and was won bv tlie chestnut stallion J nines ( , , tiast time. " . .Hi3 Four heats wen tiotted nnd they varied nut half a hceond throughout lancmc from 2'27 > u to 2'2'Jfc. The hall mile ruiiniuc race was vvon bv Honest .lohn in two heats , tiiuu , 51 S and Another Cold V ? aicr Dieaj-tcr. Sioux. Cm. la. . Sept 7 [ Special Itle- crnm tothe BLK.I -veritable delnce - visited itod this citv yesterday afternoon eontinuinc the creater part of last nicht Considerable daman lias been done. The basement ol the new hotel Gurretson was flooded and several dwellings nnd buildincs were more or less datnaeed The stwisr now buildinc on Fourth street was badly < lived in at several pluce > and It will tal.e smut w eeks t o i epair the dumuees It is estimated that tlie diuimje to the stieets alone will ex ceed S i MIA 1'ieice and Peurl mreets nre iu bad shai > e on tin upper part ol tintii Tin water pipes between 'I vveut-hrst and Twenty-set end stieets stood t-iispendetl m thpHir this moriiiuc This is true also on Pearl street riefw ee-n Pit tlis.nd Sixth In the liusiiiL" s portion ol the cm , the w ater hav me vv ashed dow n to them An outbuiluinc vv as coined uwav and tue acerepate damages are ven creat In the lecolirction ol the older inhabitants no similnrlv destructive deluce lias t v ir visited tins city. A Great Railroad Project. Siotrx Crrrla. , Sept. 7p3jieclal ; Tclpgram totne ra STlfoftictthat SiousOlry 1s-to4 have an otlier railroad in the near futuievvns made apiuirent to-day. A company comjiused of inanv of the iuu < * t prominnut nnd wealthy men of this city , w ho nre backed by a strong eastern sv ndit ate , has been lorrned for the purpose of huildincn tin ouch line to Demcr to penetrate the creat cattl" re'cituiB west of this citv nnd then open dii"ct coiuiiiutritHtioD with the Paciht coast Prchminnr } sun'Cs are now I wine made The line will ciosstlie I niou Pacific atortli Pintle. In connec tion with the bulldine of HUB mad tlie syndi cate will build a bndce neioss the Missouri heie. Estimates of the post have nlrtndy been made and specifications drawn Thpre is a luree amount of capital interested in this scheme , and if the plans projected me earned out the -value of tiie road to Sioux Cit } VMll be inestimable A Tie Snoot. Dr > Moncrs la , Sept 7 [ Social Tele- cram to the Bi.n.1 Another challenge match for the championship of tht t'nlted States on line bird shootine took place here to-day be tween .1. L. Stice , ol Jacksonville , 111 , nnd C W. Budd , of this citv , the latter now hold ing the champion meant Tiie was n tie , each shootiuc forty-nine out of Cfrv buds , at thirty vaids use , Enclisli rules , Budd missinc on the tort } -seventh bird nnd Slice on the tuutninth. . TWEX1Y MEV IN.TITIED. Workmen Bvuied l j a Pallinc Wall in IndiunapoliR. LKKIAJ-AI-OUS , Ind. , Sept 7. This after noon while n force of men were engaged in teniing clown the old Young Men's Christian association building preparatorv to the ernt- tion ol anew cine , the springing of uu in side wall threw down an upper tier ol joists , upon which were twenty-one workmen , piucuiltating them ull to tlie floor below , about twont } lent All oi the men were more or less injuied hut seven were taught in the debris ana had to be exti icuted. Ol these it was found that foui wete ilangcroublv , puhnps fatalb , injuied. Thev were : Ai-ismsT Sciit-MAcnrn. of .lunietns Jc Schumacher , contractor si ull fractured. B DoEi.trrn , collar bone biokon and In ternal Injuries Hr .m MiLtni. , leg broken and internal I : WAisnrK , hip crushed Otherfi severe ] } injured me : Henry Schumacher , Icy broken : Lew Fisher , scalp wound , Gus Alexander , internal injtules. A FIENDISH FATHER. He Knotl-b 3hroe or Hih Childrru in ttie Head. GAUHDI s > , Ala , Sejit 7 A horrible taunt hits lH < eti committed in tills vicinit } b } a nerro jiarent , Gabe Watts He lived ten miles in the countiy iu a cabin w ith his three children , the eldest ten y liars of age. Keceutly beexjiiessed a wish to pet rid ol them and a few nights since , jut > t before day , he knocked all of them iu the litnd vv itli a stick , piled up the beddlus on tlie floor , set lire to the house , fastened It and luft The lire was disco un lid but when out the eldest child was dead uud the otlier two Imrulv nlive the skulls of both beinc fractuiea Gnbt has. linen arrestttd He i-onlesscd the crime and said he did it because he did nut wnnt Hit children to fall into tlie hands of the w ! He folks Vork Dry Good * Mai feet. New YOKE , Sept 7. The exports of domesticoutton goods the past week have been -l'M packages , und tor tlm expired portion tion of the } cut u total of 170OJB packages , coiupaiedwitli 174,015 ] iuctnefoi the same timt lust vpnr. 115 1S9 packases in liW , and IJL.lBi ) in ISsPi. Tlie muiumeNt of potms 111 the execution of orders has been oi tht previous luige proportion , imt tiie new de mand ii moderate , a muuy bujorb ware oc cupied in wutcliin : the i uolit ratu- TJio Surrender of tbe Apaobcs. egrtui to the Bui. A disjHite ! . r ; eJvci at the war department from Geiioral Ilowurd faAjf that Guwsriu Htiiw urrivija in mini pan } Notelioi , the nor of Uooiiuib , Gtxro- niiiio , uud his br&tiMir aiul tlime othnre and tiietr vnt , iintoii ditionul Several w , iaw . a , " ll r .ijrn surt tapturik Ci. V f * - ' " Ti ' , ' ' r f > c in- i wju w < tub j FIRST GUN FROM VERMONT , Tht GreoE KotiotwD BteAt Oar" Hc-e u tie Hfipubbctn Line. ORMS5Y ELECTED GOVERNOR. Kdmnnds Alirn.3 ns Pnr n * HcurtJ rroin Ttitnnl Kctnrn . 1 rom Arknnsai Other P ilntcrs l"or Thr A'crnmm n rtum . JUVKJ. , H vniov. A i Se it " AKIiouch this K nu nff.v ( dr. and tbi-e are no gnesthujs of public p l rv of en uiport- nnt nature to IK decided b.v twln % ni. j in , it if. ev Ident that both repuhlirati uud dt u o- ci atic parties will pull u vote larce'v m ex cess nt tlmt usual ! v cost "off Ma-s , ' The relative strenctli ol tin two prmupal jiarties iu the Mate , as exhibited In pieviius elec tions. reumlns utictiuticed. The n a t ) Issue lot the republicans involves the election of a t lilted Mates sen utot to succeed Lilt : unda , 1 IK ni'iiidciitlr manaLprs urp makiiic strouc eflorts to Mill larce pnrtj vote Then arc thict tlpletPln the field , rir. ] > cmu'ican , tleiimi-rutii nnd p iliihitionlst 1'lie oIlKTS to be hllcd me Governor members of cotiCJfss ueasurer , auditor , uud secretaiv of stntts. Uhlrtv-one tov\TiF ci\c dovemnr Onuhliy ( ren i & s-j v otes and lor Miuriitfl dim I l > r > M itmnltiittv 1orrmsbv ) ol _ 'JSK Out of thirtx-one tovvsis twentj-two arc lor Ed- nniiids Fi on i six tlieic Is no tettrn Cue IF for Edmunds nnd two 'mve ' no choice , ' 1'he- teturiis an eominc in ver.v slovv'j Aikansns IK'niooratip. Ilocu. AiU. , faejit. 7-ieturns : from the state nnd count } elections xesteiduy are meacru , but sulhrieiit to show the ejec tion of the democratic tichet bv a large ma lei Itv the third puit.\ movement or labor ticket getting u very small vole. "Snrplns" Morrison KsnonminteiX. tr Loris , Sejit. 7. The democratic eon- cressiomJ convuntion of tlie E chteetilh Illinois distiict , vvliich met at iTrocnv illc , 111 , to-daj . reuominated Hon W K. Mom- son. Getf. . linn. lKiAxt > Sopt. 7 William H Gest , of this pltj , was nominated for congress to-dax bj the republican conveation ut Kon- moutli. He Get - Thereat liUBt. Gncnx BAVifc. . , Sept. 7 The ( lemp- oratsol the Tifth district tivdav nominated Thomas 11. lludd lur re-election to eouciess. SUCKKR DKMOCRV1S Prcpanuir for the Pali Cnmnaicn In nilnols. CmrAOo Sept. 7 The exTiitive commit tee of the demKM uticbtute centtat commitUm mot in theiailoi ofthel'uimei houstoday to consult v uh the state candidates and ar- nincelortrH campaign All tin members of the committee were present. Cluules Kein holding General Leib s nso\y Al frea Orendorf occupied the chair ana W. ,1. Miere was secretary H J. Futkei , candidate for state treafiurci and Pxoluisoj Oldt. candidate forhujiRriutendeJit of jrabritvrtfatrnetionwerajprjiisent. . "TiieT'St -qmstlon on wlfloh then WJisflfbatenaR the Ideation of headquarters. Clmirnmn Oiendorf favoied BUmminclou or 'ipiiiigtielfl , but was disappointed , as Chip.ico w us the place selected , TJit questitm us to the best point toe-enter tut nlii und hjipnd mone-v was discussed It was thought tlmt Mi FricLei would be all unlit in the outside counties , and it was poncludtid to put all the cash and diieetious into Coolr countv Tht committee utltoiirtied to meet on the call < if the uhair uftei neeentinc nu Inv lUitiou to be jiresoiit at a meeting of the count } central committee. Indian Claims Acted On. Sept 7 [ special Tt e- Erain to the BEE. ] The secretary of the In terior has disallowed the claim of IsaaeMn- rer , of Manon count } , Juuis. , icir fcJK ( ) lor depredations committed in IfcCT b } the Ketchie Indians : also the clnim of L W Mt- Intosh of Phoenix , Arirona , lor S'lW ' Z ior depredations committed in 1ST" bv Apaches. The M'cretnrv hasullovved fclOO of tlie claim orN O Wilkeot .levvell count ) Kniib. , lor S2.cno for deputations eomuntted by the Chevenne Indians in l'0i. ! _ _ [ | ATI Impromptu Reception. "A'i.ErarG WATCH , Suit Sept -TSm-at ! "ielegramto the DLL ] General Tun Wjeic and wife ntiived lieie lust nicht He dropped Into town quiet ! ' * Friends and ndmlrera discovered htm nnd jrnve him a rousinp wel- eoniR. The band serenaded him and heIIB then Introduced to the assembled crowd by Hon. J. W. Thompson His Biteeehwaa backed with humor pleasing his hearurs , alter w Inch thev held uu informal iccejitiou nt tiie Gibbon house where that stanch old bint tbe tuple , was eiowned cock of the wall b } the bide of Nebtwhu B cladiutor , The Stujium fSleintor Burned. STAXTON , Keb. , Sept 7 ! Spccinl toleerrui to tlie BLI _ } About r.jlio tins morning , a ine bioke out In tlieelevutoi owned by W. ILWilBon. i Co. The building had n capacity of JiO.dUO tmhhelfi. AViien tunned H toutaiiic-d. about 7 O'lli huslmls of gniin Tlit bujidiiic nnd cram ntt'a total losn. Loss fbtimnted at i7.U ( ) [ , iiisuiniict ! t-l.OUO. "M ill "Meet Die \ pffrniiK. * Sept 7 General Blark , commibsloner of pensions , 1ms uciejittid itu invitation to bf present at the mietinc of tha Bocietj oftheArmv olTennesMtoto he held at liocl. Island. Hi. on the aitb lust nnd lo resjioud lo tin "Our Count ) } mid 1 lug at u banquet which closes the meet us , TwoSlitrhl S AtH.i STA , Go. . SupL 7 'J vv o bliEU ' hoi ] wwelelt here to-dav " out ut 11 W and the othei at 4.10 p m That Tired Feeling The w arm v cjtlit r IIUB n dchllltatln : cfloct , npUull } ujitm tluise who nre within dcitrs most dl Hit time. Tin pt cuhar jet common , complaint kuuuu as tliat tired fueliuc , " h the result Tim. Jmliug tau be cutlnly ovcrcume l > j tnkinc Ilnud'fc hnrsaparllla , wlueh gives utw hie cud strciitili to all tht Juuctiuw , dl the butly. "I ci.ultJ not Mecpj hafl no appetite. I tool.'t _ . firi.apai1Ua iU HBCII 1 rgan to zltcj > duuaiy , i mld got up without tint tirud und laiicuit ) JtM.Jinp , HIa , ,11 } .iiotiie , nujiruuid. " II. A. btxroKu , Kent , O'liu. Strcnyllwn Uic System Ildtid * Samnarniii IE clisractcrlzefl J jr thrt B peculiarities 5 3 , tl e emubinattnn ui rtmtULal ugcuH j , ' & , tlie proportion Sd , 'Is jn-oaeet of seeuriur the nutivc mr-dlcrij qualitiUK. Tlie result is auiidu me of ruu."iil btrunrth , Cectmg cures hitherto uui u"viu 6wid lor book umUluluj nUOitloi , j i uatiru "lltiod'e Bursaparllla tmtit uj inr n-nen. purlfitjj , n-j ijlwul fclu.nn.iu , u-v LJ > I. " . i ju.d to mil.c m * ovtr ,1 ) * Di ftlfc IMV.L t , liuts Sai-ittipio-llia i.uatr r.l ; Wl Igllt IU ( IillU " 1 J * UauL htroe ; , Hood's Sarsaparilla t < - > 'y f' IrU. It m JOT IS , 8i yd " * > v. . Ixi - ! OO D-cscs Ori ?