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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1886)
fn * * . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY , MAY 12 , 188(5. ( W < UfrCr E"y' crcamcry' dairy , Clipcso-Qiifpl ; full cream cheil lars. 10-i ? cj flats , 10&11KJ Americas ll@13io ; ; skims B H lips { ilfuoii * , OUc ; heavy green salted < M'C ; light , 8/c } ; damaged , OJ c ; hull hides. SKC ; dry salted , 12' < c ; dry Hint 13@t4c ; calt 7kln j. iodise ; deacons We. Inllow ( Jrpnsc. white country , A , 4Kc ; JHojjcllow , afc ; brown nc. Kccolnt * . Shipments. Flonr.bbli 17,0)0 ) ir > , ooo Wheat , on 14,103 HI.OJO Corn , nu 397.000 Oatfl.bll 1IW.OOO 51,000 . 2,000 ' Barley , bn 13,000 2,666 MlnncnpoiiB. May 11. Wheat Active but lower ; No. 1 hard. 7Gffo for cash ; 77'fc lor June ; 78Jfo for July ; No.l northern , ,4c for cash ; 75e for Junn ; 70 $ c for July ; No. 2 northern , 71c foreash. Flour Weak and Inactive : patents , 84.50 ® 4.75 : bakers. S3.MW3.7r > . Bcccipts Wheat , I'O.OOOlm. Shlpmunts Wheat , 17,000 bu ; flour. 12,000 bbls. bbls.Now Now York. May 11. - Wheat Itecclnts , 110,000 ; exports , (13,000 ( ; spot , spot ) < t35 < u r lower ; options opened steadv , aitcrwards became dcpic-bsed , declined l@ifc } , closing hrm , with a lecovery of ' © Kc ; ungraded red. b'J < nac > ; No. B red , 8lWe ! t. o. b. , OO c delivered ; Juno closltiL' at b' > Xc. Cmn Lower and closed weak ; receipts , 10,000 ; exports. 51.0CO ; ungraded , Mf" ' No. 2 , 404U7c ' < In elevator , 47 i < afloat ; June closing at 40c. Oats-Hlghci ; receipts. 51,000 ; exports , none : mixed wi-stein , : ! ot ( 40c ; white west ern , 41fM7c. ( Petroleum Steady ; United closed at f Kggs Dull and declining ; western fresh , lie. lie.Pork Dull nnd baiely steady ; old mess , 8 < > .25@ .no. Lard Moderately active ; western steam , spot , SO.nj C'W-i'f. linltei Qiik-t and weaker ; western , 10 ® 22c : Elgin creamery. 22c. Dull and heavy. Milwaukee , Mav 11. Wheat Strong ; cnsh,7Se. : June. 71'c ' ; August , bOJ c. Corn Dull ; No.2 , 34Vfe. Oats Dull : No.2,28Jc. JtVe-Qulet ; No. 1 , C7c. Harlev Unxettled ; No. 2 , Me. Pi ovlslous Higher ; iticbspork , cash and May , 8.05 ; June.Sf.'iO. Cincinnati. May 11. Wheat Lower ; No. filed. Kl SSKe. Corn Dull and lo\\cr : No. 2 mixed , SGj c. Oats Knsier : No. 2 mixed , UlJ i-'c. ' Kye Steady ; No. 2 , G7@G''c. ' Bailey Nominal. J'oik-SO.25. Lard-S5.70V5.75. ( AVhlskv-SUO. Liverpool , May 11. Wheat Demand dull ; new > o. 2 winter , 7s Id ; bprl l ? , Tfl 'Flour Poor dcmtind ; 8s 2il. Corn Less demand ; spot , dull at 4s 3d ; Mav , June and July , easy at 4s 2d , To-morrow will be a holiday. St. Louis. May 11. Wheat Very weak and lower ; No. 2icd , cash , fcO@bOJ c ; May , Corn Steady ; No 2 mixed , cash , K3c ; May , : i2krc bid. Outs-Fltm ; No 2 , cash , 2c.Mny ; , 29j c bid. bid.HA HA e Scarce ; 70c bid. Whisky S1.10. Pork Steady at S0.109.23. Lard 85.70. Butter Dull nnd easy ; choice to fancy cteamciy. 10@18c ; choice to lancy dairy , AKTniiNoox BoAiin Wheat 'fc ei. Coin Steady and unchanged. Oati 3 < ; c louer. ICaiifias City , Mav 11. Wheat Steadv ; No. 2 led , June. WKKOS c. , , Coin btionger ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , 20sc bid ; June , 27 } < jc. Oats ( inlet ; iVo. 2 , cash , 25c bid. Tolcao , Jlay 11. Wheat Active ; cash , Coin Raster ; cash , fl7J.Cc. Oats Etibler ; cash. 32c. IjIVE STOCK. . ' ChlcnKo , Mav 11. ThoDioveis' Journal 7 reports Cattle : Itecelpts. 3,000 ; maiket brisk and 10@15c higher ; bhipplng steeis , S4.5' @ 5.05 ; Btockers and teeders. St.00i4.70 : ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , S2.2.j@4.2.r ) : bulk , Si.OK : ( < TU.aj ; through Texas cattle , coin-fed , 4.45@5.00. HOKS Hecelpts , 10ODO , ; market opened 5c hluher , but closed with the adsance lost ; rough and mixed , S.5i4.iO : ) ) : packing and shipping , S3.00S4.25 ; 11-jht , S3.0@4.15 ; skips , 8'J.r)0@j.50. : Sheep Ilecclpts , mi ; maiket 12' < fe higher ; six cms i0-lb : ! shorn NebraskaiiH sold lor JfS.-i'i' general quotations , 82.50(25.25. ( 8r. IOIIH | , May ,11. Cattle-Kecelpts , . , WT TV\- " 1" L'lllUIII t t > H.JiT | V"i"V/ii " 'J ! * - " ' mid helfeis , § 2.50@4.00 ; stoekeis and feeders , . Hogs Kecelpts , n.OjO ; shipments , 2,0 0 : active and steadv ; butchers and selected. S4.or @ 4.1.r ; common to good packlnir , S3.W ) (3-J.OO ( ; light , sj.00@4.00. : I * OMAHA IjlVB STOCK. Tuesday Kvenlnc , May 11. Cattle The receipts were unusually light and tlm maiket about steady. Considerable Htock that had been left over from the day before changed hands. All kinds of choice cattle were In good demand. Hogs The market opened strong at yes terday's quotations , but the heavy receipts had a tendency to weaken prices , and sales were iiuuln at lower figures than on ye.ster- dav. Buyers claimed that they paid more thnn the market would bear yesterday , and that it was coming down to ils proper level to-'Jny. The reeelpts of hogs to-day were 1,000 as against 700 lor n week ago. Sheep There were no arrivals and prices aie only nominal at S4.00@5.00 for choice gindes. IJKCKIPTS Cattle 200 Hogs 1000 I'llKVAIM.VO 1-IIICKS. Showing the pievalllngprices paid for llvo Block on tills imukct. Choice steers. 1S50 to 1450 Ibs S4.75@4.PO ( iood steers , 1250 to WOO Ibs 4.00@4.70 Medium t > teers , 1250 to 1800 Ibs 4.40 4.50 Kut little bteers 1050 to 1150 Ibs . . . 4.2V < M.50 ( iood tccders , ( KM to 1000 Ibs : i.G0 3.tX ) Cootl to choice cows and heifers. . . : ! .506i3.T5 Fair to medium cows and heifers. . ! l,00@3.40 ( iood to cholco bulls 2.70C < i.2- Medium bulls WO ifiO ( iood to cholco stags 3.25M8.75 Medium stags 2.Wi3.00 Choice Unlit and medium hogs U.fLX'PU.'i ( iood to choice heavy hogs. . . . . . . . 3.00ii3.fi5 ( iood to choice mixed hogs 3.00@'i,70 Common rough grades H.5'K ' 3.50 Cholco to extra sheep 4.WQ 5.U ) Ilaniro at * 1'rlccs. Showing the highest and lowest prices paid for live blouk on this market during the pabt bovcudays , wlthcomparatlvu values : i HKKK ANI Hllll'I'IXO CATTM : . Dates. Tuesday. . . . . . . . J.-.JO 4.75 Wednesday. . . , 4.10 4.W @ - .7n Tliursdny , J.59 4.75 W4.60 Friday. ; J/J5 4.CO < &i.S ! > Saturday 4.75 Monday i.ra 4.C.O 4.rX ) HUMS. April Wny. 63.00 ( S3.70 3.00 ( i3.N ) 3,00 fi3.75 Thursduy' 3.75 ' ' Fildny 3.75 3.1K ) S'to'ail.00 Saturday 3.bO it.75 Monday 3.75 170 Q3.75 Tuesday 3.CO C3.75 | All nalcs of btnck In tliU market nro inndo ixir cwt. llvovisliht nnloss utluu'wKu stated. lcad ) hois ; sell nt ! < o pur Ib for till weights. "Skins" or ho s welhliii ; ; loss thnn 100 Ibs , no value. I'u'Kiiaut bows aio docked 4U Ibs and unit's bO Jbs. Koiircsentativo Sales. M1NHU 1IOOS. No. Av. Pr. S-3.07 3.70 3.70 8.70 8.70 3,75 I'r. 3.25 3/J5 8.25 ' 3.50 . , . T.101IT M011T . .uuo. N > . Av. Pr. No. Av. Tr. 7 142 SJ.OO . No. Ay. Pr. ' No. Av. Pr. . 110 53.2.-I BTnins. : No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 20 . 1HM S4..2f ! 30 . 1200 S4.CO ID . ll'il 4.S5 fi4 . 13K 4.CO 20 . 1137 4.n.203 . 1330 4.70 10 . 1105 4.55 1 1WO 2.50 Motes. Cattle steady. Hog market weak. Vail , fc Co. , Bennett , sold n load of hoes. l. M. Hedge , Yutan. marketed n load of hogs. A. Jenkins , Manley , disposed of n load of CO hogs. It. ( iammel , Herman , maikctcd n load of 71 hogs. W. Weyant jr. , Ocrmantown , sold n load of 03 hogs. .1. A. Kehoc , Platte Center , maikctcd a load of hogs. Markc-soii & Hough , Council Bluffs , sold a load of ho s. Chas. Hcdlon , North Loup , disposed of a load 75 hogs. Mr. Dcttey , representing Kcenaii & Han cock , was at the yards. llnwks & Ullcy , Albion , were on the mar ket with u load ot hogs. P. Boolher , Colrldge , was at the yards and mai keted a load of cattle. IJ. Ewln. Exeter , sold a load of hogs on to day's market. Virgin & Nelson. Utlca , marketed n load of 70 hogs. O. H. Warren & Co. , Uraftoti , had a load of hogs on the market. F. Palmeter. Klvoiton. was at the yaids with tiloml of hogs. E. E. Day , South Bend , sold a load ot 08 hogs on themaikt-t. Mr. Jackson , of Jackson & Woodrlng , Coitland , was at the yards with a lo.ul of boss. L. Anderson & Co. , Mcadc , had 01 hogs on the market. 'Die Noith Loup Cattle Co. , Elba , marketed n load of hogs. Melsner & Taylor , Shclton , marketed two loads of hogs. 0. Bnrgess , Weeping Water , was at the stock yatds and .sold n load of cattle and one ot hogs. Cooper it Tewksbnriy , Weeplnc Waler , fienueiit shippers to the maiket , .sold another load ot hogs to-day. D. Anderson , Columbus , was nt the yaids to-day and sold a,1 of hogsand 50 head of cattle. 1. Ueddy , ( llbbon , came in to-diy and Mild a load of cattle. Claik , Heaton iVCo. , Wcston , had a load of hogs on the market. J. J. Mlllei , Valley , sold a load of hogs. OMAHA "WHOLESALE MAIIKETS. Markets , Tuesday Evenlne. Afay 11. Eoos The iccelpts aie lanro and tlie mar ket \\eak with a downwaid tunduncv. Stocks are accumulating and dealeis lind it slow sale at b@Wc. BuTiiu : ( Jrass butter Is beelnninir to come in and receipts aie moio liberal. Prices are going down to their summer basis. Choice table butter , unifoim In color and qual ity , Is ( piotedat 13gl5 ( ; fair to good 7 < $10c ; Inferior , 4@r > p ; cieamery , 22il2 ( > c Cinisi : : : Fancy full cicam Cheddars , Oc tober make , ll c ; Hats , ISljc ; young Amcilca , 14J c ; liist quality Swiss elieese , I5c ; second quality , liiX@14c , Llmburger , llrtJl'-'c ; skim Hats , lr10c. ) ( POIM.TUV The receipts of live chickens aie liberal and the prevailing piico is & 3.50. A lew choice have oeen sold as high as 83.75. Piii.EUvis : : , Jii.iiis : : , HTC. Piescrves , all kinds , 20-lb. palls peril ) . lOc ; do in pail ir-JU , JI41119 , | lii U1UIC , U Ilitll , s ? . JV . llll 1-lb. pails , per case , 3doz.S3.25 : do. tumb lers. per ease , 2 doz. , 81.40. Jc ly. all kinds , second giadc.30-lb. palls , per Ib. lie. Mince meat , best grade } / bbl. nerlb. 7c ; do. 5-lb pails , per crate. 0 palls , S'J.75 ; do 40-lb pails perlb , 7 c ; do , 5-lb pails , per crate , 0 pails $2.75. 1'eacb. plum and ( iiiince butter , as- oited , filb pails , perorate , 0 palls , S3.75 ; horseradish , nint bottles , per doz S1.50. Pins' VKKT. Tiui'K , KTC 1'igs1 teet , perK bbl , § 4.00 : do , U bbl. S2.00 ; do. uer lUt , 'Me. Lambs' tongues , per ) bbl , 53.25 ; do , per kit , 2.00 ; do. quart jars per do5.25 ; do , pint Jars per case , 3 doz. SO. 75. Tripe , per } nbl , $4.00 ; do , per ifbbl , S'J.00 ; do , per kit COMB HONEV California 2 mframe. tSO Ibs , In case per Jb. , 15o ; 10 Ib. frames. Nebraska , 10ui7c. ( ) CIDEK Mlchiffan rcfincJ , per bbl. . SG.50 ; do. half-bbl. . S4.00 ; Motts , per bbl. , 37.0U ; di > half bbl. , S4.UO. VINEOAII White wine. lOc ; cider , 12 > c. UitANdKs Ono car load ot Calitoinia oranges arrived yehterday and met with quick .sale at P4.00. LK.MONH Fancy Messina , per box.S7.00 ; good to choice Messina , per box. S .OOXO.f > 0. AiTi.Kh Stock about cleaned up. Noth ing In the market tit to sliln. BANANAS Two cailoads reached the mar ket yesterday. The stock Is line and with prevailing warm weather Is moving fast at & 30j@3.50perbuueh. CiiANiiiniuiKS Theiols very little demand and there is not much stock being' sold. Dealers are clearing up their stocks as best they can. Quotations are S5.0@0.00 per bbl. Jersey are scllinc at S2.00 per bush box. COCOANUTS Per 100 , 35.00 ; less than 100 , 85.50. NEW tfios , DATES , ETC. Layer figs. 8 and 10-lb boxes , per Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , 14c ; Persian , 50-lb boxes , iicrlb , 10e Prunelles , 30-lb boxes , perlb. 18c. 18c.ilAi'i.nSuo AU Bricks , strictly pure , 50-lb boxes , jKjrlb , IGc ; penny cakes , 25-lb cases , 12' < c. PROVISIONS Ham. lOc ; breakfast ba con b i > sJ < cclearsldobacon : , 77Kc ; dry salt sides , i Mc ; shoit rib sides. ( iVic : shoulders , Ac ; mess pork. S12.50 per bbl ; dried beef , ham pieces , 13c : laid , tierces , flH'c ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ; 70 Ib cans ( Falibanks ) , 7 ! c : B Ib cans , do , lc : 3 Ib cans , do. , 7Kc ; boneless ham. lOc. wnw \ I : IKTAIII.ISCalifornia : cabbage , per Ib , 3Jfn ; caulillower , per doz , S2.00 ; cel ery , per do ; , 81.50 ; asparagus , per Ib 7c ; spinarh. per bbl , 3'J.OO : green onions , per doz , : i5c ; radishes , per dot , Mai lettuce , per doz. ftOc ; pieplant , per Ib , 4@5e : peas pcr bush box. 81.25 ; Ji-bush box , S8.00 ; cuciiin bers , $1.2. " > rt l.M ) pur doz ; Beimudii onions , per box , 53.50 ; Bermuda tomatoes ; per box , NK'W CAI.IKOIINIA Vr.aKrAiu.i'.s Cauots , Rerlb,3c ; parsnips , per Ib , 3c ; turnips , per > , 2o ; potatoes , c ; onions. 4c ; beet ? , ! ic. BKA.NH The market Is dull and the Minply llbeial. We quote intei lor stocks , 75c@1.00 ; good clean tountrv. gli'K/tiW / ) : medium hand-picked , SUWffii.GO ; hand-picked navy , POTAIOKH Theiols no demand and no block In moving. It requires , the veiy best nssoitcd htocK to bring : > 0@40c , and only In a small way , even at that price. Dealeis find U a dillluult matter to bell their stock at any pi ice , and a good many will have to bu held bomo time , as the maiket Is glutted. Oi.n Vi : KTAW.Kb Onions , choice yel low. S2.50S3.00 ; rutabagas , per bbl , S1.WM 1,25 ; carrots , S1.2.V54I.75 per bbl ; IIOIMI ladlsli loots , per bbl , S3.ixi ( 3.50 ; do per Ib , 4@5 ; parbiilps , per bbl , 31.1i5@l.0 ; beets , per bbl , S1.WXV..0 ! ; Salt Lake potatoes , 75 GIIAIN At the mills : Corn , | -5c ! ; oats ! fe ; wheat , No. 2 , fiOo ; rye , 4v i.Mc. ti.oun AND JIn.i.srijrKs Winter wheat Hour , best quality patent , 53.00(33.10 ( ; second quality , S2.50di3.00 ; best xuallty gpilng wneat Hour , uatent. 52.50J2.75 ( ; ; buckwheat Hour , In bairels , 85.75 ; iead- raised , 8 Ib pack ages , 84.00 ; 5 Ib packages , 53.W ; bran , OOo per cwt ; chopped Iced , 75o per cwt ; white corn meal , bOc ; yellow coin 70oper cwt ; screening , O0c per cwt ; hominy , Sl.M ) per cwt : slioits , COaper cut ; ginhum , 41.7a ; liny , lu bales 80.00@7.00 per ton. jhrns AND SKINS Mink , aich. 10O40o ; muskrat , winter. 5(3lCc ( ; do. kits. IP ; Otter. 82.50Q5.00 ; hlaink , short striped , 15 t5o ! : < io. broad striped , 10 ® 15 : badger. " 5@50 ; Rae coon. o. IJarto. Tort bO : do. Na 2. S030 ; do. o. 3 , WKs 5o"woU. prairie. 607V ; do. mountain. 5 2.00Q3.00 ; wildcat , 15340 ; bea ver , S1.50@3.50 per Ib : fox. each. 40c@1.75 : deerskin : , drv winter , 103l5c per Ib ; do. fall ami suinmor , ISteJ'c : unteioiie , 5t ( lOo pel Ib lluiKs Ureen butchers , 0 > fc ; green cured , . . . . . . , _ _ frA .1 < ! ! > t7jk o. * f 1 ( \ / j 11 tA LKATHKII Pilmo slaughter sole lentner. 28 ( < i33c : pnmo O.IK eolo leather. aocaWe. JjpjerJjiatliori | jior lool , Wi ( 2as : i.fciu. ' oak calf , . . . . . . - . . . Moioeco boot lee , : WSat , ; ! .Mororco oil pebble. 2S toppings aaailniup ! , , 500\itl0.ix ) COAI. Anthracite RratP. S.Ci : esc , S8.S5 ; rancc , 8350 : chettnnt , 8S.50 ; lown.S3.2-5 ; Walnut block , S3.Wllllnols ; , § 5.00 ; Missouri , S40C ) . HKAVV HAnnwAiiK Iron , rates S2c ; ; plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , 0.3 cast teeM do , li lSc ; wagon spokes , j > crsct , Sl.V.ViKi.00 : hubs , per set , S1.23 : 3fclloc , sawed dry , S1.40 ; ton ncs , each. 7."x3i axles. each , 75c ; snuaro nuts , per Ib. 7 < v811c ; cell chain. | > er Ib , r > < v12c : nialU'-ibl0 , OrtSc : lion wrdgcs , Oc : crowbars Oc ; liarrowtcptli , 4c ! spring steel , 7@tks ; Burden's horseshoes , 5t.40 : Burden's undo shoes. S5.40. Barbed "Wire , in car lots 84.UU per itw Ibs. iron Nails , ratns , 10 to CO , si,00. ; Shot-Sl.M : buckshot , S1.K5 : oriental powder , kces , S3.50 fp > 4.00 : do , half kegs , 83.00 ; do , quarter keus , Sl.50 ; blasting , kens , 53.J5 : ; fuse , per 100 feet , GOc. Lead War. l.r . PAINTS ix Oir. While lead , Omaha , P. P. , 7ke ; white lead , St. Louis , ptini , 87.8U.Mar - wlllcs green , I to.5 lh cans , 20o ; Ficnch zinc , green seal , I''c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French s-.lnc. In varnish asst , 20c : French zinc , 75c : vcrmllllon. Aincrlc.m. ISc : Indian led. 10c ! losoplnk. 14c : Venetian , red. Cook- foil's , 2 fc ; Venetian , rod , American , 1 ? jc red lead , 7 } < c ; chrome jollow , genuine , 20u ; chrome yellow , K. 12c : ochro. roclicllo ! lc , ; ochre , I'lcnch , 2Jfe ; oclno , American , ' 2e ; Winter's mineral. 2 > c : Lchlgli brown , 2 ; c ; Spanish brown. 2' ' < te : Prince's minural , 'M. DIIY PAINTS White lead , bo : tficnch zinc , 12c : Paris \\liltln ( . ' , 2 } < ehltlni ; ; gilders , IJ u ; whiting , com'l. I'i'c ' : lampblack. ( Jcr- mnntown. V.V. : lami > black. onlinnry. be : Prussian bine , 55p ; nltrainarlnep I8c : van- dyke. blown , fc : umber , btiint. 4c : nmber , ra v. 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw4cj Paris ( jtocn. irenutne. 2. > e : Pails erecn , com mon , 20c ; cluoino srecn , N. V. , 20c : chromo gieen , K , 1'Jc ; M'rmlliioii , Kntrllsh , In oil , 70c ; raw and burnt nmber. 1 Ib. cans , 12c ; rawand burnt sienna , r.v : vnndykc. brown. llto : rcllncd lampblack. I2cj coach black and orlvy black , 10o ; drop black , HVs : Prussian blue , 4Uc ; ultinmarlno blue , lisc : chruma Kreon. L. , M. & J ) . . lOc : blind and siiutte ( . reen , L. , M. < V I ) . , 10o ; Pails ( 'icen , 18c ndian red , lie ; Venetian red , Vc ; Tuscan 2-Ju ; American vci million L. A D. . 20o yellow ochre , t > c ; L. M. & O. 1) ) . , ISo ; nodes ochre , lOc ; patontdrycr , fc ; irrnlnhif : colors llirht oak , dark oak , walnut , clicstnu t ml ash. 12c. Uttutm AND UiinMicAi.s-Acld , carbolic , 34c ; acid , tartaric , Kte ; balsam cojiaiba , per Ib , 45c ; bark , sas afias. per Ib lOc : calomel. per Ib , ? Jc ; chlnchontdln , per oziii' ) ; chloio- liirnt , per Ib , GOc ; Dovurs powdois , per Hi , fcl.25 ; epsom salts , nor Ib , n > o : glycerine , pm o , per lt > , 18c ; lead , acetate , per ll > , 20c ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per iral. , Sl.liO : oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal. , Sl O ; oil , olhe. per pal. , 81.40 ; oil. orlir\niiiii. : \ i Wo : opium. s.i : : ijnl- nine. P. it W. , and K. A ; S. . pur oWe. ; po tassium iodide , per Ib , SU.OO ; salicln , l > er 07 , 40ii ; sulphate niiirphino , per o/ , ? ? 2i0 ! ; sul phur. nur Ib. 4c : stnchinnc , per / , S1.40. VAiixihiins Uanels , per gallon : r'ninl- tnrc , c\tia , S1.10 ; fuinitiiro. No. 1 , Sl.OO ; coach , extra , S1.40 ; co.icli , No. 1. Sl.20 ; Uamnr , extra , & 1.75 ; Jap in , 70c ; asiilinltuiu cxtm , 58c ; shellac , S3.50 ; hard oil linlsh , S Colosno spirits. ISSpioof , S1.12 ; do 101 proof , S1.13 ; sph its , second quality , lOlproot , S1.12 ; do , ISSpioof , Sl.ll. Alco hol , IbS pi oof , S2.10 per wine trillion. Hedis- tillcd whiskies , 81.00@l.,0. Gin blended , Sl.50@tS.00 ; Kentucky liunrbons , S-.00SO.OO ( ; domestic , Sl. : @ 'l.OO. (5ln , Immntcd , S4.fid ( r..OO : domestic. S1.25iBJ.Oi ( ) . Hums | m- l > oitedS4..50iiUs.oo ; New Knghind. S1.75@AOO ; diiue.stlc ) , il.2Xit3.00. Champagnes , impoit- ed , per CUSP. SJS00(334.00 ( ; Amcilcan , per case , SIO.O'J W.OO Grocers' Ijlst. Sviiur No. 70. ac ! , bbls ; No. 70 , 4-callon kops , 31.0V. New Orleans : W@l'c per gallon ; Maple ( syrup , K barrel , strictly pure , 70c per Rallon ; 1 gallon catis , &U.25 per doz ; 14 gallon cans , So.-ijperdoz ; fci.i)0. : ) farAiicii Minor Kloss , 1 Ib , OcMirror ; ford' blmlk.4o PiCKi.ns Medium , In bbls. 50.00 ; do in half bbls , S3.M : small , in bbls. S7.00 ; do in half bbls. S4.00 ; Khcrk us , in bbls , SS.O 0do. ; in halt bLls. S4.50. CAN.\II : > Goons Oysters , standard , per case. S3.55 ; strawbeiiiesa Ib. per case , S2.75 ; rasjibeiiies 2-lb , per case , S'-U : ! ; Caliloinia tlebeiries , per case , Si40 ; egg plums , .J-Jb per case , 82.50 ; green gages , a-lb , per e.ise cvapoiated , 15 } ( fU7c ; Salt Lake , now , 7j < ( ) 8c : raspbenlcs. new. I'.WWOc : cnriants. 7 ; @ " ! % o : piune.s , new. 4 Ci4c. nSuo.vus Powduieu , t > c : cut loaf , 8c ; trranulated , 7' c : confectioneifs A , 7ltc ; staiumru extr.i C , OX" : extra C , G ; C ; medium yellow , o' c. ( SOAPS Kirks oavoii Imperial , 82,03 ; Kirk's satinet. S3. 15- Khk's standard , Sil.yO ; Kit IC'H white Russian. S4. : : Khk's White Cap , gfl.50 ; Dome , 84.25 ; Washboard. 83.15 MATriiKs Per catldlc. ittc : round , per case.iSc ; squaio cases , Sl.70 ; mule square , CoFrnKS Ordinary irradcs , O c : fair. 10 ; TII line , HWL ( . l''c ; choice . . , . IJllwoi Ill's , 18jc ; Ked Cross , 14c. CANDI.KS Boxes , 40 ID. Os , I0c : 8s , lOVe ; boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Os , lO o ; half box , 201b , IKe.Pjun Pjun TOIIACCO Climax , 42cpcr Ib ; Ilors e shoe. 37c : Star , ! ! 0c ; Spearhead , 30c ; Gold itoll , 39o ; Plcr | Heldslck , OOo ; Punch , 3Sc ; I'ouni ; Frit3tta : JTJ. 3 tc. CANDV Mixed , HK@12c ; stick , O i llc SALT Dray loads , per bbl. 81.55 ; Ashton , in sacks. 83.35 ; Jf sacks , Ashton , 85c ; bbls , dairy , 92.fiO@-j.75. SODA In Jb papers. 83.25 a case ; salsoda , keg , per Ib. 22fcc. SI-ICES ( Si-ound Black pepper , boxes , 1 @S2c ; allsnue , 12@10c : cinnamon , 18 ® > 5c ; cloves , 15@J5c ; ginger , l5@J5c ; mustard , 15 ® 25c. 25c.CitACKKiis Garncau's soda , butter an picnic , 5j e ; cieams , 8J < fc ; ginger snap , . fc4 TKAS ( innixiwder , fair , 2007c : good , 45 © Me : choice. C0f 75c ; uood Imuerial , 40SU3 ; choice , < )070 : Vouni ; llyhon , ifood , : tOf < J4' > c ; choice , 50ig70c ( ; Oolong , good , lij lOo ; Oo long , cliolce OfeW-cjKngllsh breakfast , good , Sft'MOc : choice. 50rtl05c ; Souchong , g od,30 ( ! * 45c ; choice , ! i5@45c ; Japans , lair. 25S ( > : ttc ; cond , ftvausc ; choice , CMT. * ; Tea Dust , 15c ; TeaSittlntis , IBc. FINK CUT Hard to Beat , 70c : Charm o. the West , OOc ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Thiead- 07c ; Kavorlte , OOc ; Buds , Wio Itocky Moun tain , te ; Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c ; Noith Starf Ou ; Good Luck. 55c ; Our IlBat , 02 0 ; Uood News , Me , _ _ _ _ _ flail. flail.'f 'f H'ls Q'r Illils I'Js Kts 100 00 , DO < 0 i 12 10 Munn'B B't No.l L'b fl 00 : _ | CO 3 0 1 80 1 W M 50 L'BOWed KimoylB 50,3 , 85 S 7 1 87 1 10 &I 47 L-fe'O ll'U Sh'ro l < "cy 5 & 0'3 ' 85 S 07 I UT 1 40 K ) 47 MACICr.llKI. . Ilbuqtrlil t..p . . . { HEW FISH. 8UU 1UU VO I W 40 | o I _ . _ I * ° , ItloaterMess. , , . . , 35 00 18 00 IB 2.5 0 05 7 SO'l ' Ex. No. IBh'r 14 U ) 12 ; W U 30 0 30 6 10 1 40 No. 1 Shore. , 18 00 , U ( aU BO 4 bO II 110 1 10 WeJ. No. 1 Shore. . . 13 00 7 00 e a&'u ' M 2 uo B.I " " Iluv . 11 CIO 0 00 5 41U 05 2 50 75 OOU 60D 4 K 3 55 J 10 CTi 700 4 00 3 U2 \ Uojl 70 K LAKE HSU. visn. H'f Q'rllbls P'la Kts 100 00 40 U 1J ( No , 1 White Fleh 0 ' & 5 C5U , 45 2 t-5 Family 8002 JOl 701 DO 60 No. 1 Trout. . , 400U COS 601 SO C ) Na 1 I'ickcrel uuoa 7011 boi 50 60 Holl.iiui.heiiinKbOusmoked ; hallbut,10)7c ) ; y. | _ nimonth bloatci6,05c ; new scaled herrings , SSc. FISH. Dry Goods. PIIINTS American , 5f } ; Arnold's , Cc : Co checo , 605 ManchCbter. Co ; Lyinan , 5c ; ( ilou i oe ter , 5Ue ; Dunuell Jaocjuard , Co : Dunnell ! 5Xc ; Windsor , Cc : Pauitic. Oc : Harmon } . 4Hp ; Anchor Shirtings , 4Kc ; Merriinac , Shlrtlnga , 4Kc : Berwlcfe , 4c. ! i llKAL'Uin ! COVTONB' Farmers' ' UIUMUC , 6U ; Cabot. 6 c ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Kc ! fltn , , . O c ; txmsdale , 8c ; Fruit , 8c ; 'Warnl UoiiUKT JKAN ? Kearsarge , 7c ; Armory , 7o ; Ptuiwcll , 7 } cj Indian Oichaid , Cs : Naumkcug , 7c. DUCK ( t'nblpacliwl ) 8 o ; Mnenolln. llOe ; 0 oz. Maidinllij , V-'c : 8 oWrst Point , lOUc-.lO oz.'tst > Point , 12'ic. liiiovvx COTTON Ijnwicnco LL , 5c ; Shaw- nicnl hi/ , ftc ; Uonvfr D.IIU 1,1 , 5c ; Atiuitio llj,5c ; Indlnn Henri , 7c ; Wmichns ct , c c ; Crown XXX , OUc ! Clifton CCC , Cc ; tWcn CM > i : Atlantic P.ftKf. CiinvioTi Aino k iK , checks , O' ' c ; Amos- , strlpp .s' ' c1 ; Slater , stripes , be ; Kdln- burs , 9'ic ' ; whltu-iuron. stripes , 8c ; ( Hen- rose , PC : Otis , checks c ; Oils stilnc * . fly ; Itoynl , owe : Amoski-ajf , nniipod , 10'fc : Lit- ray , book fold , 12c ! Obron , book fold , llj c ; Kndiirnncc , book iold,12e TICKINOS AmoskPftprACA 12'fc ' : Thorn- d\ku ( JUO , 7 ( c ; 'lljornd > ko fnncv , d c ; YorkI0' ' < c : York riincy , 1240 : Jtllbnry , 12' ' < c ; Pearl 1Uv r , HVc : Hainilton , 12o ; S\\Ut Ulvcr , 0 fc ; ShctlickctS. SVo'.Shotiick- ct SS , PJ c ; .Montauk AA , 12ctontauk ; BH , llfSOmeeti AOA , Lie. Dr.Nnts Denver Cicck AA , lie ; Heaver and blown , . Open ( coloieu ) Uostnn Ooz. brown nnd drab. l.n Kc ; Boston O 11 blown and drab , PC : Boston XX brown nnd drab , lOc : Botlon XXX blown nnd drab , lljfc ; Boston O P blue , ll > ic ; Wniron Tricot , 15c Dry l umbor. llOAllt ) ! ) . No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand 10ft . 517.00 No. 2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft. .s. . . . 15.0C No.3 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . i.00 : ) No. 4 " " 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft . ll.oO . No.l , 40 Inch , I2andl4fcct , rouh..810.f)0 No. 1,40 Inch , 10 feet , rouith . 17.0) ) No. li , 4 A 0 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . 14.00 No. 2 , 4 & 0 inoli. 10 fuotroiiRh . 15.00 DIMBN810VS AND 12 ft 14 ft 10 ft'18 ' ft 80 ft 82 ft 84ft 2x4. . ir..r > o is. . .no Sxft. . . 15.00 lfi.00 1S.OO in.OJ 17.0U 80.00 21.03 2xH. . . 15.50 15 60 1S.SO lt.r ) > U IT.fiO lH.60au.50 8x10. . . lB.Mln.fiO 15.M ) ) SOJ10 SI.W is.5ot5.fio.i5jo n/fl 21.m lfi.GO'15 ' no 18.50 11150 lUO 1H.TO1" | . Ft.OORlNO. A oinch. white pine $3 > .oo BO Inch , " " 3 MO 00 inch " " 29.50 D Oinch , " " 20.50 E Oinch. " " 17.53 STOCK IIOAUPS. A 12inch , sls2,14nndiuicet 54000 B " " " " " 4200 0 " " " " " " 3000 D " " "MM ' 2300 No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft. . IS 00 No.l ' " " 10,18 and 20 ft , . 1800 No.'J " " " 12.14 and 10 it. . 10 00 81II1' LAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 517.50 No.U , Plain , 8 unit 10 Inch 15.50 No.l , 0.0 18.00 SIIIXCILUS , 1..VTII. * .V * Standaid 52.05 filneli , clear , 81.53 ; 0 inch , clear 1.05 No. t 1.35 Lath 2.25 I.IMR , KTO. Qnlncv white limo ( best ) , S5c ; cement , Akron , § 1.75 ; plaster , : hair , per bushel BOv ; tauedfelt , per cwt. . 81.5)5 ) : str.i\v board , 81.05. Fnnny Dnvcuport'H Fninlly. The suec-iiss scored by Knntiy Daven port in Simiou'h Ft'tlorn , sujs the Albany Times , hnsgivun rcnowud brilliancy to tlio name and futnu of tlm Davenports. Her father , tlm Into E. L. Jivunport ) ! , after his pronil Boston relatives bad f-coltlcd biin , ridlctil/tl him and vainly bu oiirlit him to kenjj still , ran away to Providence anil joined a htrollinc ; com pany. His .snbsotint ( ] ! career is well known , nnd he ( lied ono of the ino t scholarly actors in Atacricn. Her mother who anncarne I here not long ago with Ellie Lllsier , is tjiiite as remark-able a character , havinjx at ojiu time been a lit- tinir support to lu'r ' husband iu a repertory embntcini the entire range of dramatic art. She is now a. gentle , swoct-nianiieredblae&-liaired middle - - lady m dle life fond of her profession and proud of her children. She was born in a green room , as it weio , Her mother being an actress , and her tathcrFrcderick Vming , was for many 'years manager of the Ilaymurkut theater1 London. Luster Wallack and Airs. John Hoey are Mrs. Davenport's own cousins. Of the ten Davenport children , siv are living , and all are attached to their mother , as they were to their father , by the tics of an un common love. Fanny was carried to the stage when a baby , as all the Davenport babies have been ; but one ( lay when she was 13 and in .school the little girl who was to play Kmma Torrens in the "Seri ous Family" was ill. Mr. Davenport iaid : "What under heaven can we do ? ' "Let Fanny take it , " said Mrs. Daren port. "She can't do it , " said her father. ' 'Yes , I'll teach her , " said the mother- , and little Fannie received the delightful message while htruggllng over a hateful hum in arithmetic. Sue ran hoine , played the little part , .succeeded fully in it , and thenceforth her life was on the stage. The second child is Blanche , the opera hinger known to the world as Dianca la IHtinchu. She is at present singing in Paris , the prima donna of her own opera com puny. Florence is a resident of I'hil- adclphia , married , and has never followed the stage for a livelihood. The fourth surviving daughter , May , was a child ac tress with her parents , and attcrward in Faunio's . She played companies. mar ried Willie Seymour , and they are both members of the Boston Museum stock company. The eldest boy , Edgar the namcbake and imago of his father as ho looked twenty years ago is a handsome young fellow of 2(1 ( or 37. Ho is a member of the Fedora company , and making rapid strides in his profession. The youngest boy , Harry , 22 years old now , is with his mother , a valuable member of Miss Ellsler'.s. ' llnlford Suiicc is captial for dyspeptics. The ccns'is statibtics indicate that the strikes in 1880 cantusd the wage-earners of this country a direct loss of $13,000,000 , , In wages. OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. The Hillard , S. Shears , J. E. Mnrkcl.Thos. Bwobo , Proprietors Omuhu , Nubrusku. Job Printing. REES VJU TINC ! CO. , Job Printers , ! Book Binders , And Ulnnk Hook Mhnufiiftuicn. 100-108 South Fourtoo'nfi troj Flour and Feed , w. j. wi sifAN8 & co. , Wholesale Flbur.fteed . and Grain , Manufacturers ofV. . JiWeUhana & CO/B Quick lUilbliiL' Buckwheat Jlour und propriutorH OmaUa L'ily MlllB , cor , nth mid Furnuiu Streets , Omaha. r LeatherJ1idesI Etc , SLOMAX I1K03. , Wholesale Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Boddlcry and Shoo Finding. Hides , Wool , Furt , Pulls , Orcueo , Tallow. Etc. , Omahu Not. Confectionery. F. P. FAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts and Clears. 1211 Fainani St , Omaha , Nt'b. Beer. M. KEATING , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n Special brands Faust , BudnoUqr , Erlungcr ' ' , Cor. Oth aad Capitol Avo. , Omaha. OMAHA M&NUFAGTURERS , Book Binding , Et HKIS WtlNTlNO CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And lllnnk Hook Mnnnfncttn-crs. No . 108 nj _ 108 South Hth Street. Oinuhn , Neb. _ , _ Bridges Pile Driving , _ ItAYMOXI ) A ; CAMI'UELL , 1'iiRlnccn nnd Contractors. Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Combination nnd Itnno Tru ? , Plllnir nnd link Timber. 15th si. , ncnr Fnrnnin , TelelltonoN.7J4. Cigars and Tobacco , MAX JIUYEU .t CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Ouns nnd Ammunition. XI6 tn SCnBontli Uth lW ) to 11K4 rnriimn Street , Uiniiha , Xob. lKTEIt4)CKAN ) CltlAH WKST & nilTSCHBK. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wliolesnlo DenierIn Leaf Tobaccos. Nos. 108 nnd 110 N. 14IU Street , Oinuhn , Neb. uocKery , for the Manufacturers anil Importers , Crockery , Glassware , LatnpR , ChlmncB , Ktc. onico , ai : South nth Street. Omnlia , Nub. C. S. GOUDIUG11 * CO Agents Tor F. A. Whitney Ciinliigo Co. 8 Children's ' Carriages , And Jewctt'fl Cclcbintcd Heln onuors. Sen Jor price lists. 1415 Farnam Pt. , Omaha. O. S. 1'KTTtS & CO. , Wholsale & Retail , Fine Girrlages , Phnotnnn , llnpalcB nml Itimil WIIKUII * . 20 per cent unveil In buying < > rn . r w mn-uit , linrd Street , Omulm , Ncbrnnkn. Ilranch nt Council llluITt , town. Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works , John Kpcnotor , Propr/etor. / Mtituifacturcr of ( inlvnnl/eit Iron und Coinlco. USi Dodnu und 101 nnd lOSNoilh 13th Street , Omaha , Nob. KUKMPIXG * llOI.TB'i Manufuctureraof Otnumcntnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , riimN , ntc. , 310 S. 12th St. Workdono in nny pan of the country. Western Cornice Works , C. SPECHT. Proprietor. UnlvnnlJcd Iron Cninlcos , Etc. Specat'sttn- proved Patent .Mclnll'c Skylight. COS nnd 12th St. . Omaha. Not. Doors , Sash. Etc , The Gate City Pltn'ng' Doors , Pnsh nnd IlllndB. Also nil kinds of tinning1. Scroll und Sttiir work ot o\ery do- ferlptlon. A. IlOSENllEHV , Ilnnuf octvrcr nnd Dealer In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Stair Halls n specialty - Tclenhono No. 03 15tli mid Muruv St . Omaha , Nub. Electrical Supplies. L.V. . WOLFE & CO. , Electricians. Electrical Supplies , Masonic Block , Omaha. IlurKlar Alurms , Hells , Flic Alarms , Jf'ectriu Mattlnir , Sponklnff Tubes , Iron Works. PAXTON & VIEKLINO 1HOX WOIl'CS Wrought aud Cast Iron Building Work run Ptuli.o , Italllnt. , Hollcd Bmms nncl Olrdcrs Stenrn En rlncs , llra s Work , Oeneial Foundry Mnchlnonnd HlnckHmlth Work. Olllco and Woiks , U. J' . Hy. and S 17lh bt. Iron ar d Nails. IL JU s'UFACTUltlNG CO. , Cut Nails and Spikes , FlroKnlls a Sx | ; iilty. : Oinnha , Ncn Safes. Omatia Safe Works , G. ANDUEEN. Manufacturer of Fire nnd Hurtilnr Proof Safe ? , Vault Doors , Jail Woik. Fhntters and Wlro Work. Cor. 14th and Jackson Pis. , Omaha , Neb. Y/atrons / and Carriages. Established 18K ) . A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , 1409 nnd UU Dcxlfo Street , Omaha , Nob. Commission , Etc. M. 1JUHKE & SONS , Live Stock Commission > Gco. Duiko , Manager , union Stock Yards , S. omuluu Tolo.ilicnc SBS w. F. nnowN & co. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Offleo Kxeliango lltilldinir. Union Block Yards , Bouth Omaha , Nob. Tclophono No. 00:1. : Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John F. Hind , Utipcrlntcnilcnt. SAVAGE & OltKEff , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Sbli incuts of nny und nil kinds of Block bollclt i cd. Uuloiibtcvk Yards , Omuhu , Nob. Lumber , Etc , LOUIS IIHADFOUD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Bneb , Doors , Etc. Yards Cor. 7lh und Douglas , Cor. Oth and Uougl.iO. BOHN MANUFACTtrniNO C0r - Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouldhiKH , Stall- Work nnd Interior Hard Wood FInlbh. Juetupened. N. K. cor. 8th und ixjuveu- vortb Streets , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMBER COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , til & 14th Etroct , Omuhu , Nub. F. Colpotzcr , Manager , C. N. DIET2 , Lumber , 13th and California Street" , Oinabn. Nob. HIED W. GHAT. Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc , , , . , , Cor. 6th and DouL'las Streets , Omaha , Nctv CEO. A. HOAOLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nebraska. CHAS. H. LEB , Hardwood Lumber , Wnrcn Block , Fancy Woods , lirideo Timbers , ic. , H. W. Cor , Vlh und ioufluaOiuuliu , Kc\i. \ G. F. LYMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , MookiiQgs , Uulldlnir rapcr , Etc. South 13 Nebraska. Flth , Etc , Successors to Ickcn f-lcmsscn It Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , bnportcri of Forclj-'ii Fish , Nos. 911-011 Jonei fcrtiUctt iuiU U. } ' . Truck. OiuaUiwtf olx- _ _ _ OMAHA JOBBERS' " " Agrlcullural tniplemems , ' " ' * UN1NQCU JtMrrCAU'CO , \Vholesnlo Dealers in Agricultural Implements. Ofllru , Corner Cth nnil PntinoFt ? , Omnlm , Ncl ) . ' PAHI.IN , OUKNDOIIKP & MAHTIN , Wholest.'o Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd Dumfries , Omulux Neb. _ ' cnUUCHILL PAUKUK , Wholesale Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cnrrlases mul llUKslcs. J ( np St. , bot. Olh and , Oninlui.Neli , Boots and Shoes , y. v. jioi'sn k co. , Jobbers of Boots and Slices , ] < ltFarnnm Street. Otnnlm , Neb. Mnnufnctory , Summer Street , llouton. Carpets. _ " ' K" " 'P. A. onciiAitn , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , tlattlngo , Curtain Oooilo. itc. : . 1)23 ) Fftrnntn Struct , Unmhn , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ Coal , Lime , Etc. JliPP AV. UEDKOUP , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Office , S13 8. HlhfU.Onmlm , Neb. Vnnl , PU ) nnJ DP ruii | > ort Strcots. " " COUTAUT A EQU1UK3 Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal. Beet varieties. Onro.2l3P. ! lilthRU Telephone No. ltiUmnhnNeb. NnnUASKAFUEbCO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 214 8.13th St. , Oranha , Noli. GKO. 0 , TOWI.B , 1'rcsIJont. Oio.rArrrnsoN. Scc. ? nnUTrcus. 3.H. HuuiEtiT. F. A. 1'roprlrtor. MnnnRcr. Nebraska Coal and Limo Company , OMAHA , NKllltASICA. Olllco , i'17 S. Uth Street. Telephone 49. CEO. F. I.Aiunn , 1'rcs. C. 1' . GOODMANV. Prea J. A. SUNDGRt.ANti Sec. nnd Trens. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of buril nnd port con' , 09 S. 13th SL. Onuilui , Ntb. OMAHA COAI , AND PRODUCE CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Exclueivo dealers In HonMcr Colorado Coal. SI J toutli Htli btrcou Coffee and Spices. fTATKS. COLK A : AIILKf , f 3 Home Coffee and Spice M.113 MTg Co. Colfcu ItonstGis nnd Spleo Uilndcrn. mnnii fnctiircisol Unking Powder , Flavoring Kxtma'p , lllnlntr , utc. Try ono cue of < mr 1-lb pnuknca Homo Illcnd Uonstcd Colfcc. Ii09 ( Hownrd St. , Cinuhn. Neb. " "CLARKE inios. &col , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Ten" . Coffees , Spices , naldnp Powder riuvorlnj Kit i net ? , Luunifry llhio. luk , etc. 1114-ltl liar- ney Street , Oinuhn , Neb. Commission , Etc. . . , " miANCU & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , Iiirnrnum8t..Oiniiliiu Apples Our own ( .aoh- Inif Plntt & Co/s TlRcr Oysters. Jluttor. EBRS , Qtune , Poultry , I'olatoes. JOHN F. FLACK , Genera ! Commission Merchant , Produce , Provisions I'niits , Flour nnd Feed , 10. , B. 14th St. , Oiniilin , Neb. Consiynuients sollcltbd. licuiiuamudo inomutLv. K. MclJONALU. COMMISSION MERCHANT. 815 12th Street. Oiun'jn. Nob. Spuclultlo ? : nu tor. Uirtcii. nnd ClilcKeiis- WIKUKJtAN & CO. . Produce Commission Merchants. roultry , nutter , Oiuno , Fruits , Etc. jr.'OS. 14th St. , Oimilm , Nelirnska. \VKSTKHFIKI ) UUOS. , General Commission Merchants , HCfl Dodge Stud , Oiualm , Neb. Consignments Boliultud. " W. K. HIODKU , , Storage and Commission Merchant. SPECIAI.TIFK ChcesiUutter Eirirs , Poultiy und ( iunii > . Hi S. Hth.Om.iliu , Nub. Telephone - phone rfo. a.j. ) Storage and Commission Merchants. Fore&n nnd Domestic FiultH a specialty. Kl- 2K8iit ftonik'O fHflllllus. Wurclioiise nnd office , 10 Noillj litli 61. Toleplitme 775. D. A. HUHLEY , Commission and Jobbing , flutter , KKB ( und 1'roduco. A full llnu of Stono- nine. CouBlfc-nmciHs solicited. 1414 UoOiro St. , UiuuUu. E. MOnONT , General Commission Merchant , Butter , Kpire , Cheese and Country I'roduco pen- uniliy , au-J B. U'th Ht , Oiiiuhn , Neb. JIcSHANE Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Bef rlperotor and I'ncklnir HoiiFe.Hlli ,1 Lonvrn- woith St. , on U. 1' . It. K. Track , Oiuahu , Nub. Estnbllshcil 1870. UOUKIIT 1'UUVIS , General Commission. 211 S. 11th St. , Oinalut , Nob. Bpccitiltlcs nuttor KKKO , Poulliy uud Uumo. PEYCKE Commission Merchants , Frulti , Prcdnco und Provisions , Oiimha , Neb F " " < -bvi\a \ lo IR m > fiilli'tli. Commission Merchant , nnrt wlio1cnludonler in tommy piodnco , fruit ? , butter , I't'KK , t'le. ( ioods on consignment u upcclRlty. : tWN. 16th tt. , Onmhn , Nob. KIHSCHHHAUN & SONS , ( Successors to A. P. Bclmcli. ) Produce Commission Merchants. _ _ No. 813 South 1 h Strcot. Omaha , Nob. Dry Gooiis , " " * " J. J. IIIIOWN i tX > . , YJhoIesale Dry Goods and Notions. J3S3 Douulus Street , Omulm , Nob. L. aiNpnniio k co. , Wholesale Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , IJncne , I.IICCH , Knibroldcry nnd Wlilto C'oods. ICCOUoUflusbticet , Omuliu , Nob. White Lead , CAHTIJU WHITE Ll'.Al ) CO. , Strictly Pirn White Lead. 20th Stand U , P. lly. Oumlia , Harness , Etc , \vni/rv & J.ANDIIOCK , Uniniructuioiu uiul Jobboisof Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turf Goodu , Jllunkcls and Holios. 14J1 Furnuiu _ btroot Oinitliu. Ntb. Mattresses , " E. M. HDXSB , Mattress Company , Manufacturing Mr.ttresecH , Iloddlnir , IValhcr Pillows , Cote , IHc V3M and l US DOUKUH | Htrcct , Omulm. Neb. _ Overalls. CANFIELD JLffTtlFACalUKINa" Manufacturers of Overalls , JianePuute , Hliirts , Etc. , 11CC ' -t , Omaha , NuU OMAHA I. MIIKU IX ) , Dealers In All KliuU ot Building Material at Wholesale. IPthStioetntU t u oiu'iie 11 Track. miiMAXi : ) . , Wholesale Dealer In Lumber , roth and l ni\l Streets , Onmlri , Nobraslca. i J. A. vrAKr.Kir.t.n , \Yliolesalo \ Lumber , Lath , Shingles , , IlulMluK Vaper.J. 8.i b , lonn > , Itllnds , Mo > il | liiB , 1'lclielR , Posts , I.lme , Pa ! ler , Unf , Ci'inriit. Nlmn iiiHi.liiiH' ? , Oninliii Nob. Millinery , Importers unit Jobbersof Millinery and Notions , 1213 nni ) 12H Hnrncy Street , OmnlmNeK _ ) Musical Instruments , " * " r.niioi.M & r.iucicsoN , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Ptclnwny Piano * , Wubcr , Decker , HnlnoinnA llrlRtrs I'miios , I'ncKnnl Orgnn ? , Chnsu 101 ninl 1W 15th street. Furniture , Etc. CHAHLKS SH1VEU10K , Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors , ite,13X : ) , 1203 nnd 1210 I'm nntn Street , Onmlm. Wholesale Dealers in Furnitara , _ Fnrimm Street , Omnhn , Nob. _ _ " Groceries. _ _ * " " " * AI.1KN 11HOS. , Wholesale Grocers , JllGnmllllS Douglas Street , Onmlm. Nob. E. 11. CHAPMAN . CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco iind Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard St. MEYEU & HAAPKE Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Eplces , Cigars and Tobucco . 1317 und 1311) ) Doug las Street , Otmmu , Nob. _ UcCOHD , 11HADY & COMPANY. Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nnd Furnntn Strcotn , Omnlm , Nob. PAX1-ON , aALLAOHBIt As CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 705 , 707 , 701 nnd 711 8. lUth St. , Omaha , Nob. Hardware. _ w. J. mtOATcii , . Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Sprlnps , WiiKim Slock , lliinhuunl Lumber , oto. ILVJ nnd 1-11 llnrney Mruci. Uuiuliu , Nub. ' CDNUVfe OlIinON , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Carrlnzo Wood Stotk. lloiivy Ilunlwnre , Etc. 1217 nud lUlU I.i'uvonwurlh Street , Umahn , Net ) . " IIIMUDAUQII & TAYLOK , Builders' Hardware , Hcchnnlcs * Tools anil IJuffulo Sealus. 1405 Don- ItiHsjticQt , Utnuhii , Nub. I.KK , FHIED & CO. . Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Etc. Agents for Han o Scales nnil Jllunil Ponder Co. , Uimilui Nub. JIILTON HOGEHS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , Grates , llrass trnodq. 13J1 and 1323 F\f Hum t-ttect. HECl'OK & WirHEIJIY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th nnd Harnoy btrcots , Omalm , Nub. Harvesters. " ' Wil.'nEElUNH & CO. , CHICAGO , Mimuff.oturer of the Deerini Harvester Goods , Write to Wm. M. Lorhnur. Oonorol Agent , Omaha. TcloplionoUlO. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. L. 8T11ANG COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , WaterUallnay nnd MlUhiif SuppliesEt.J V.'O , l J and MM Fuiiiam St. Oinnhu , Nob. CIIUltCIIILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam nnd Wntor Siiiipllcs. HeHdiiuarterd for Must Foost CU.'H Goods. 1111 i'uriiaiu Street , Omuhu , Nob. , Jewelry. EDHOLM & ElllCKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Sllvvrwuro , Dlnmonds , Watclisi Clocks , Jewelers' Tools und Mutoilu ! * , Etc. , 10J and 1U3,15th Street , Cor. IJodao , Omalui , Neb. , Notions Etc , VIKYAK1) to SCIINICIDEK. Jobbers in Notions , Hosiery & Gents'Furnishing Goad 1000 and 10US rariium St. , Oiuuha , Nob. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , * " ' 403 nnd 4M S. 10th Pt. , Omnlm , Nob. ' Wholctalo Dealeis In Notions und Gents'Fur * iilshlngGoods. Oils , Etc. CONSOLIDATED TANK MNB CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gasoline , Mica Ale Orciiso , Etc. A , H. ills'nop , Manager , Omuhu , Nob. "PorkPacMngT . _ " " ' 'JAMESE. IJOYD , Pork Packer and Shipper , ' Omaha , Nobraiku. HAHUI8 fc FIfillKIt , Packers and Provision Dealers , OtDcp , Union MaiKet , 1.117 Doilw Street. Packing hniifcu , U. P. It. It. TuitU , Omulm , Nob. Toll * No. 157 , Safes and Locks , " P. 1IOYER k CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 Flro and IturKlurPioof Suros/l'lnm [ x > UitSVunlt | and Jail Mork. 1UUU I'liriiiuii btieot , Omnlm , Neb " ' Seeds , ' _ _ _ J. KVANS , I Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds , Awrluiiltural. Veiutiit > lo , ite. : ( Mil KollmvV IIi'.U , N. W , Cor , llth mid DuJitu St . , Omnlm , Nf b. Drugs , Etc , THE OOODMAN nnu co Wholesale Druggists And Dealer in I'nlnts , Oils nnd Wlndonr OlnsJ , Om.tluNob. , Wlneian'JLI-uor ] $ iuit & to. : , Distillers and Importers of Wines Ami l.lijuorj. 6oo ! irniiuirm-turi'i-s of Kuiinedr'i KtiitJndlulJIltor/i. / IJja lluinoy tftrcct , UiuHlio , _ < ir.U , M. to MI-NAVJAIIA \ DIJ.SUN , Impoi-tar * unit WholoMiln Douleru In Y/ines / , Liquors and Cigars , III und S10 a. uth ft. , Oaiuhn , NcU. notions , tit , J. Tfc llltANDlKS k SON , * Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Good * . Kotloiu , ( iunlk' riirnifhlnir Oondi tluodi ! from NUMT Yoik. TraOc ue Uoiljr. W ! Sautli JJih St. , Omaha.