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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAY 12 , 1886. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA OrnCE , No. viu AND Pin KAHNAU BT NKW YonkOrriCK.lloou C5TniBtmc lltm.ntNa OmcF No. 613 FOOIITEBNTH Sr. Pnt)1Khe < l every mornlni ? , except Sunday. The only Monday morning paper published la the state. TETIMR nr MAIT. : One Ycnr . tlO.CO.Tlircn Months , . . . . .f2.M fix Months . fi.COlOno Month . 1.00 THE WEEKLY HEE , 1'nblhhod Kvory WednuMnr. THUMP. POSTPAID ! Ono Ycnr , with premium , . . . . . . . . $2.09 Ono Yonr , without premium. . . . . . i . . . , . 125 Fix Months without premium , . . . "S Ono Month , on trial . 10 contirsroNnr.NCR ! Alleomrmmlcntloturtlntlnirto ruwsnnrtndl- torlnl nmttcru should bo adilrosstJ to the Kut- 'ton ot HI : HKE. i.ETTF.nsi All l ) jlnp ! < lottcM nnd romlttaneo Bhould ho itudre cd to TUB HF.E 1'unt.iHiiino COMPANY , UttAilA. Drnft * . checks nnd postoflloo onlors to bo tnado pnynhlo to the order of the company. W Bit PUBLISHIHGliPm , PROPRIETORS , K. 11O3EWATEU. KDlTOrt. Till ; : DAITjV IS HI * . Sworn Statement of Circulation. State of Nebraska , I County of Douglas.Sl ( H > N. 1' . Fell , cashier of the Hco Publishing company , < lees solemnly swear that the ac- ttml circulation of the Dally iJco for the week ending Mny 7lli , " IBSO , wns M follows : Jlfonifiio Kivntntf Date. Killtloii , Edlttnn. Total Saturday. 1st. . . 0,500 0,0 : iaK50 Monday , 'Ircl. . T-OTiU 5,070 1S.720 Tuesday. 4th. . coo , : f > ,7r. : 12,03.1 Wednesday , fiili otoo : r , , 75 13B7C Tlnusilny , Cth. 0,000 5.81K ) 12,700 .Friday , 7th 0,000 5t , 0 12,450 Average 0,003 5,8.17 12.4C5 N. P. Fmr , . Sworn to nnd Riili crll > cd before me , this 8lh day of May , A. 1) . 1831 SIMON.I. Notary Public. N. P. Fell , belnc litst duly sworn , deposes nnd says tlmt ho Is cashier of the Hco Pub lishing coumnny , that the actual average dally circulation of thn Dally lice for the month of January , 18SG. wai 10t78 , : copies ; for February , 1880 , lo.ri'.fi cnnlos ; for March , 18SO , ll.KW copies ; for April , 18SO , 13,101 cotiles. Sworn to nnd subscribed before mo this Gth day of ilny , A. D. ISsO. SIMON J. FIRHKK. Notary Public. THE board of trade proposes to sco that the Arkansas editors arc properly enter tained wlion they visit this city next Fri day. It will bo money well invested. THE Herald culls loudly upon the local democracy to "trust Mr. Cleve land. " The trust which the west lias ro- poscd in the president 1ms boon rudely shaken by Ins blind disregard of western interests. New Yorkers can afford to "trust" Mr. Cleveland. Ho has shown no .inclination to go back on his local obliga tions. THE heart rending howls of the boodle gang of editors against Senator Van Wyck are not disturbing the sloop of the senator and his friends. Ho has already announced himself as a candidate for reelection - election on his record and can afford to patiently await the result. Nebraska and the producers of the state have hud an able , fearless and active representative in the senate in the person of General Van , and they are not disposc-d to swap horses while crossing : the political stream of the coming canvass. PUBLIC works have Dcgun at last. The sewer contractors have sot their men at work , and repairing of the Sixtconiu- struot pavement has commenced. From this time on there ought to bo no lack of employment for Omaha's laboring men. The grading , curoing and paving will begin in a few days and hundreds of workingmen will find places. When building starts up as it always does in Omaha several months later than in other cities , the crv of labor for work will bo drowned by the calls of contract ors for workinemen. THE job to build a railroad into the Yellowstone park is still being vigorously pushed at Washington. A majority of the committee on public lands of the senate is said to favor it nnd a strong lobby is urging the measure. Those who know best from a personal survey of the ground are united in protesting against the desecration of the national park. They denounce the proposed railway as uncalled for by any public demand and ns promoted purely for the pri vate gain of the incorporators. The Yellowstone Park was reserved for a national pleasureground. . It should bo kept for the purpose far which it was Intended. Harpy speculators and sharks Bhould bo warned oft' the reserve. For years to come the interests of the conn- try will bo best subserved by improving the natural roadways and psrccrving the grand forests and scenery from vandal desecration. Tun souato 1ms now boon debating for raoi'o than a week the Cullora interstate commerce bill which was reported favorAbly - Ably from the committee some weeks go. The chief feature of the measure and one of the worst features U the com missioner ystom which the bill proposes to Introduce as si regulator of interstate commerce , The powers of thu commission re to be limited to hearing complaints of shippers and making recommendations to Iho railroad manngors. They are to have no power to enforce their decisions ftud will bo in ufloct simply an advisory 'board. The bill forbids discrimination and. extortion in general terms , but pro vides no cheap and ofl'octivo remedy for the people. It wan drafted by a friend of the railroad lobby and Is supported by s number of senators who are notorious ly Jy bound hand nnd footto thu interests of * < T * < iw niouojiolists. IT Is diflloult to understand why the ro- Iircoity | treaty with the Sandwich Isl- fcnds should stand tiny clumco of being runcwod. It was engineered through aonuross in the lirst place in the interest of Glaus Sprceklos and his sugar rollner- ies , nnd every year of the operation has put Immk'cd of thousands of dollars into the pockets o ( the California monopolists. Whim the subject was Urn broached , the advocates of the treaty argued that thu estimated loss of revenue to the United States would be about $370,000 , and ns t'.io total production of the islands could pot bo largely increased , and would not undtir any circumstances exceed 25,000- , , WO pounds of sugar per annum , our in- erensod exports to the islands would : eortaluly ofl'sot that amount , lint under the inlluonco of the bounty which our treaty practically pays to the planters of thojo islands , the importations of Hawaiian sugar into the United States Ju 1833 amounted to 109,007,003 pounds. The lews of duties to liio United States -Ws'Hmountod to f23,325,00.3 , , and the total value of our exports to the Mnwiillnn Ulnnda during the same period ba * been cnnxiderablylcaa thnu the duties Ve have saciiliced. Mr. Olndstono'rt Second Speech. Mr. Gladstone's second speech in advo- cacay of his homo rule measure was nei ther so long or as elaborate an argument as his first great effort. It was naturally devoted largely to answering the objec tions raised to tiio bill as Introduced , nnd to strengthening the position of the cab inet. In opening , the premier took oc casion to deny the charge which lias been bandied from mouth to mouth during the Easier recess , that ho had ever denounced homo rub as incompatible with imperial unity. On the contrary , ho showed how more than fifteen years he had distinctly alHrmcd his favorable leanings towards self government for Ireland ns soon as ho became convinced that it was desired by the mass of the people nnd could bo safely put into operation. Doth conditions being in his judgment fullillcd , Mr. Glad stone announced himself as bounu to further the wishes of the Irish people and the interests of the empire by afford ing a just and necessary relief to Ireland. Mr. Gladstone professed himself will ing to modify that clause of the measure excluding Irish members from West minister by leaving the question opuu for debate , to bo settled by the judgment ot the house. Ho announced that the government would not press this point. In answer to other objections against the bill he called upon the opponents to sug gest a belter remedy for the abolishment of discontent , and to restore social order in Ireland. Ho appealed to Lord Hurting- ton to shape his situation of the Irish problem , if ho had any. Ho charged the combined opposition with an ob struction based upon prejudice , and not upon considered judgment , and concluded amid prolonged cheering by urging the commons to close a long strife of seven hundred years by the passage of the measure. The prospects of the homo rule are brighter than they wore before the Easter recess and Mr. Gladstone's second speech is buliovcd to liavo driven back into the liberal fold several wavercrs who wore ready to support Lord Hartingtou's mo tion for the six month's postponement of the consideration of the measure. The Aiinwcr of Kxpcriencc. Some of our ranchmen friends are in clined to take exception to the position of the BIE : in encouraging settlement , in what they call the desert portion of Nebraska. They shako their heads wisely and insist that two years of "grangoring" in the country west of North Platte will satisfy the most ardent farmer. They tell us that the elevation is too great and the rain fall too scanty in the section referred to for crop rais ing and persist that the immigration which is pouring into the range country will be proved to bo a disastrous mis take. It would not bo a sufficient answer to say that our stockmen friends are too in terested in opposing the loss of their free ranges to give an unbiassed opinion on the question , but it is a good answer to reply that experience is opposed to their position. The same argument has been used for ten years in this state. The time is not long past when farming west of Grand Island was pronounced imprncticablo. Six years ago the Republican valley was to bo the home steader's grave. Two years since north western Nebraska was declared forever unfit for any purposes except grazing. But the range line , in spite of croaking alarmists , has been pushed steadily west ward and farms and farmers have taken the place of grazing grounds and cow boys. The frontier of ten years ago is the corn belt of to-day. 'Whether the re sult is duo to climatic changes , increased rainfall , or to the sufficiency of the old amount of rainfall under changed con ditions of broken soil and increased vegi- tation , the facts are the same. They stand out in census reports , in the truflic re turns of the railroads and the exhibits of county and state agricultural exhibitions. Success has followed the daring. The men who pushed over the frontier ten years ago were assailed with the same arguments as the pioneers who are tak ing up range land to-day. The Bualuoav Situation. With indications of closing labor troub les , trade is beginning to show signs of recovery. The disturbing effect of the riotous outbreak's in Chicago and Mil waukee and of the labor agitation in all sections of the country has been felt in uvory branch of.busincss miring the week past. The movement of freight from Chicago and other western centers has boon comparatively uruull , and shipments of manufactured goods have in many cases been held back from the fear of in terrupted railroad facilities or from a da- sire to avoid additions to stocks pending a settlement of the labor troubles. Operations in most departments reflect actual and immediate wants , and there is general reluctance fo engage in new enterprises or to Increase obligations the fulfillment of which may be retarded or made profitless by some new complica tion in the labor situation. Under exist ing conditions the business movument is as us it could bo oxpceted to bo ; but the Improving tendencies noted at the outset of the spring season liavo boon seriously checked by the develop ments of the past few weeks , and in view of the depressing inllupnces at work the forecast of manufacturers and traders is naturally dbitruitful unduncertain. Busi ness failures in the United States ttud Canada numbered 103 last week , as against 207 the week previous , and 194 the wetik bnforo. There } H little now to note [ n the wholesale markets , Wool is slightly lirmor , with now wools opening nbout 3 cents higher than a j'car ago. This advance is likely to bo temporarily sustained by the purchases for inillti whoso stocks nro about exhausted , Kastcrn dealers look for n gradual settling of vrtltios to the basis of last year's opening quotation- ! after this early demand hits boon satis fied , and tliuy will Im dlow to take hold ut higher rates unless M > me unexpected improvement in the general business outlook Mtimilatos speculation , The dry goods dUtribtitlon is moderate and con- lined to a faupply of near rnfoments | , Many of the woolen mills have orders .covering production up to and In some cases buyoud the 1st of July , but tew new ordi'rs uro being nwuivcd for fall wants , owing to the uncor- taiutlcd of tlio outlook. . Hjicculrttion in grain hai continued bearish on account of thu disturbance of confi dence by labor troubles ami owing Mso to the favorable crop outlook and the lack of activity m fordig'ri demand. On the seaboard , rumors , of bad grading in corn have advaucod'iii'icos , Much of the corn recently received has failed to grade up to the contract standard , and as there nro indications that n good deal of the corn now afloat on the lakes nnd canal is out of condition , and will not pass In spection on arrival at Now York , the shorts in that market have boon buying in their contracts at advancing prices. Export demand has been very moderate both for wheat and corn , nnd there has been very little animation In the specula tive markets. The domestic visible supply - ply statement at the close of the week , shows a decrease of 1,201,000 bushels of wheat and 1,700,000 bushels of corn , while slocks afloat for Europe show n small and important Increase in both items. The Union I'nciflc 1)111. Senator Van Wyck and Congressman Dorsey have promptly introduced in the soimto and liottso the now bill to permit the Union Pacific to borrow money in the open market for the extension of feeders to its main system. The bill , as offered , differs somewhat from the ono first drafted by the board of trade. Ono re sult of Senator Van Wyck's visit to Omaha was the amendment of thn pro- proposed measure so as to absolutely protect the Union Pacific system from a repetition of thb stock jobbing schemes which have brjught it so nearly to bankruptcy. The senator's objections to the original draft wore free ly discussed and mot and the bill which he lias now introduced and to which ho will give his best support , carefully guards all the interests of the government and the Union Pacific stockholders in the matters which it is designed to cover. Neither the people of Nebraska nor of tile country tributary to the road are inter ested in seeing the property crippled. In so far as the government lias a lion upon the Union Pacific , it is national pro perty. The stringent legislation of the past , which has tied its hands , was forced upon congress to protect the road from the thieves and jobbers who were sucking its hearts blood and wrecking the property to benefit inside rings in the management Now that the Union Pacific is surrounded on every side by powerful rivals , although largely through its own fault , there is every reason wiiy congress should permit the company to protect its interests and those of the government by entering into active competition for the traflic which is being taken away from its control. Nebraska , while remembering the past history of the corporation and its treat ment of her people , is equally interested that the road should extend its branches and give the state the benefit of compe tition in competitive territory. The sen timent in favor of the now bill , for the relief of the Union Pacific , is general and strong. This is the case , not because Nebraskans or citizens of Omaha regret or recall for one moment their past op position to the previous policy of the Union Pacific , but because they feel that , under the guarantees provided , the re lief proposed will bo for the common benefit , while it will in no way legalize or endorse the swindling operations of the Goulds and Dillons and other jobbers who so long fattened from tyrannical op pression of the people of the west. THE sidewalks' on our principal thor oughfares , especially on Farnam and Douglas streets , should bo improved at once. They should all be brought to a grade and curb line , and be laid with durable material. Among tho' lirst to moyo in this matter should be the owners of the Paxton House. The wooden side walk , which surrounds that structure , is above grade and docs not come to "the curb line. It is a disgrace to the elegant structure , and an eye-sore to the citizens generally. Now that there has been a general settlement of labor troubles in Omaha and tears of a season of idleness have passed away , our people who had laid plans for building should go rieht on with the work. Omaha ought to double her building record this year. GLADSTONE and the liberal cabinet stand firm for homo rule both in princi ple and in application. The prophets who predicted that the grand old man would retrace his stops when the homo rule bill came up for its second reading mistook their reckoning. the average editor runs short of nubjectH ho falls back on oleo- ' margarine. However , it is a subject upon which lee much cannot bo saidund the batteries of the press cannot bo bol ter employed than in hammering away at the fraud. THE bill to put to put the United States court on wheels and make an annual tour of all the towns in the state is a measure that ought to receive no consid eration , There are enough traveling shows without adding the United States court to the list. DO/.RNS of strikes uro being declared failures in every section of the country. Spies' , bomb , which the crazy fanatic pretended was thrown in the cause of labor , has done moru to injure labor or gan izations than a hundred lockouts. TUB piano makers have boon out on a strike for two weeks. This will , how ever , make no difference in the price of thu instruments. Dealers will continue to sell at the old profit of 100 per cent clear of all commissions. WHEN the Arkansas editors invade Omaha , our citizens should correctly pronounce the name of the state from which they hail. It is Arkansaw , although it Is Improper to pronounce Kan sas as if spoiled Kansaw. declines to go. On the con trary ho asks for an increased force of bpocial inspectors to investigate fraudu lent land entries , aud promises to make it still livelier for land grabbers und pre emption syndicates. HtrnniNG has begun , but there is as yet no building inspector to protect Individ ual und public interest * from faulty work. The council has douo its duty in the mat ter , but the mayor has not yet &een fit to \\K \ hoar very little of the removal efFort Fort Omaha nowadays. The nearest thing to it is the removal of the Fourth infantry from the post , which event is boocd ! for the hist of June. A r.rtoro.snrxoH lias been made to put the Apaches on tin island off tho.Pattilio coast. Tijis leads the Chicago Times to- Buegcst that the anarchists of that city bo similarly disposed of. Wo would sug gest that the anarclilsls nnd the Apaches bo put on the same1 island. It would bo n case of survival qf , the fittest. GIIEECE protcsts.that . she doesn't want to fight after all , and that somebody has niado a bad mistake somewhere. A largo fleet of modern rhon'-of-war ' lias li.itt a soothing effect upon the refractory little kingdom. JUNGS AND QUKEN9. The queen downgcr of Spain loves pickles. Reports that Kmpcror William Is indlposcd are unfounded. The Prince of Wales firmly declines to edit the Life of John Urown. KltiR Ludwlg of Bavniin Rets perfectly crazy when anybody calls him "Mo Lud. " The ameer of Bukhara Is dead. Ills estate consists of a second hand umbrella and 250 wives. The Kmpcror William paid 20,000 marks for the original manuscript of "Tho Watch on the Rhine. " Tlio Empress ot ( lormnny Is prottil of her old man , although the two are very ceremon ious when they moot on the stairs. The empress of Austria Is troubled with sore eyes , but this docs not hinder her fiom taking a high board fence at a gallop. Qticnn Elizabeth rallies will certainly como Into fashion again whenever the Princess ot Wains flmls that her neck Is getting too thin. Tlic empress of Htissla Is said to bo icixlly in love with her husband , which must be re garded as quite a rcmarkablo phenomenon In these prosy days. They have started a subscription in Paris to get a wedding present for the Princess Amcllo d'Oileans ' , who Is going to marry the crown prince of Portugal. Queen Victoria has lost none of her royal dexterity in the art of opening exhibitions , but It takes 11. It. 11. , the Piince o Wales , to onon a bottle of Burgundy. The kings ot Wurtembcrg nnd Bavaria are said to bo both seriously ill. Kinc Karl I , ot Wurtembcrg , Is sttlTcriiii ; fiom spinal disease. Ho remains at Nice. A settlement of the financial troubles ! ot King Ludwlg has been planned by the Bava rian chambers , and it is stated that the suits against him will bo postponed. Maria Christina , queen ot Spain , has two lovely daughters who are still In Ignorance of their father's death , anil who write letters to him begcclug him to return. The Empress Eugenie is to drink milk this summer at Abcrgcldie , Wales' old place near Balmoral. A greater man than Wales used to pass it by on his pony in the days ot his dicamy youth , viz. , George Gordon , Lord Byron. London 1 ruth : I hear that Prince Alex ander of Hesse rcaljy started for Sofia with the object ot endeavoring to reform his son's domestic arrangcmdits ; , which arc not of a character calculated , to , increase his chances of making a good , marriage , but while he was at Vienna djspaTphes arrived from Sofia which caused him tq return home. Tlio circumstances of the prince of Bulgaria's birth preclude the possibility of his marry ing into any of the royal houses of Germany , Austiia or Russia , arid It is supposed that he will endeavor to form .an alliance with " " ' "linance. Wall Street ID Id It. Sutlon ( A'oli. ) ftcoltttr. Tlio president vetowl the bill making Oma ha a port of entry. Wall street objected , and the rowdy west has no claims anyway. Loaded. Otevthuvt Leculcr. The bloody anarchists who have settled in this country have found out that the Ameri can police aud militia are loaded. The In formation thus obtained is valuable. No More Rod Finns in Chicago , Chicago Ueraltl. The determination of the police that the red flag shall never again be displayed In this city will find cordial indorsement among law-abiding citizens of every nationality and condition. The American flap ; has red enough lu it lor any man of u'ood taste. Tennyson Has Lost His Grip. - Chicago Times. Tennyson seems to have entirely lost his knack for poetry. Ills recent ode is pretty poor stuff. It seems impossible for a poet to see what Is plain to every body else that his muse has gone back on him. When the muse of poetry has boycotted a poet , as in the case with Alfred , he should have fousc enough to give up verso-making. Advice to Jo IT Davis. Chicago Time * . As the friends of Jefferson Davis do not seem disposed to restrain him from making a ridiculous spectacle of himself , It would be quite In ordcrfor Attorney General Garland to convoy to thn aged but not venerable lebbl , through the nearest United States marshal ! , an intimation that his speedy return to Beau- volr Is desliablc. There Is no danger that thediivclingsof the ex-chief of tlio slave holders' rebellion will resurrect the "lost cause" for which he mourns ; but there are possibilities that make the continuance of the oxhiDltloii nearly as undersirublo as would ba a renewal of the lake-frout gathering ot the Chicago red-flags. She Wanted Some Seed. Columbui Dispatch. "I liavo heard , " said a maid , "of a wonderful plant , But 1 know not In what soil It grows ; And I know not the time of its beautiful bloom I have not yet discoyered. Who knows ? "That It grows and Is something worth hav ing I know , For I road of Its value last night ; And a slln or some seed 1 must certainly have Of this plant ot electrical light. " Then she went to a dealer In floweis , and asked For the seed. First ho stood like a rock ; Then ho said , just as well as ho could bet ween laughs. ' That the plant grow direct from the stock. STATE AND iTKlilllTOltY. The contract has" " , bec'n let for a roller mill at Neligh. . , , The preliminary tpat0f ; the Fairmont water-works indicated u t > uccossful plant. Otoo county has completed a commodi ous infirmary on tltemoor farm at a cost of ? 1,500. ' ' Hov. J. U , Murray > paslor of St. Mark's Episcopal church , " Udbtings , lias re signed , " Coleridge js affcctVdyith a surplus of rats , and citizens m'6 organizing to ex terminate them. , ! ( The Hay State Cattle cpmpany propose to do some experimental farming near ' Kimball this your. Plattmnouth has 1,754 children ot school age , with an insufficient number of teachers and schools , The lirst school house built in Dooiic county was sold at auction the other day and was knocked down for $102. It cost | 3,000 , Forty-seven dead horses and an equal number of dead hogs diversify the scenery aud atmosphere hi the uburbpf Hastings. The Tusslor and Adams herds of ciittlo wore sold to the Ogallula Cattle company ut Sidney last week. The two bunches comprise about 8,000 dead. George Washington Browstpr , the pubt Usher ot two papers , "both weekly,1' is climbing to fame and glory with the' ris ing tide of sottlenient-m northwest Ne braska , The uuw county of. Ultimo has applied for organization , with the town of Browstcr as county sent. The town of Stockvillo , Frontidr county , is almost depopulated. Twenty- one buildings and their occupants wcro moved last week to the uow town of Curtis. A wagon nnd span of horses were stolen recently from Add Carr , a farmer near Ashland. Mr. Cnrr offers a reward of $100 and gate receipts for ono round with the thief. 1'our young loughs of Tccumsch have been arrested for carrying pistols and displaying them In school. The youthful terrors reversed the old custom and at tempted to shoot "tho Idea. " The pushing capitalists of York rushed to the rescue'of a Chicago railroad last week nnd helped it bridge the striking chasm by paying $850 freight charges on four carloads of tin from Chicago , The G. A. R. post of Fairmont offers a reward of $200 for the apprehension of Earnest II. Alyora , who is supposed to have killed Richard Bascombe , an old G. A. U. man , and his wife , and subse quently burned their homo April 8 , 1835. The land department of the Burlington nnd Missouri in Nebraska sold , nut UU , ! > 0i ; acres of land In 1885 , for $901.310 , an nvorago price of $8.11 per acre. In Iowa the department has $57i.78U ! in contracts , $88,044 in interest , nnd 10,413 , acres un- Hold , valued at $80,001. The editor of tlio Humboldt Sentinel cheerfully whispers to his less fortunate brethren that life at the scissors and glue pot is not n dreary , barren waste. Tlio immediate cause of his happiness was the presentation of a mess of fish by a charitable subscribers. The monotonous wrinklers of the editorial waste baud disappeared for a day. A surveying corps lillinc five wagons sailed out of Chmlron last week , bound for Central Wyoming , to put the finish ing touches on tlie route of the Chicago & Northwestern. Inasmuch us the work is already surveyed between Fetterman nnd the Sweutwater , this season's work of the surveying and engineer corps will settle the much mooted question of whcro the Northwestern is going to beyond Wyoming. That the stakes will bo set through the mountains to Ogden , Utah , before the 1st of next January is highly probable. low.i Items. Rand park , at Keokuk , is being stocked up with prairie dogs. Justice Kramer , of Davenport , during his term of office , has officiated at 010 weddings. The Whitobreast Conl and Mining com pany , of Ottuimvti , has incorporated with a capital of $1,000,000 , The Burlington plow factory was sold at sheriffs sale for $9,500. The original cost of the plant was $25,000. There are 3,284 pupils enrolled in the Burlington public schools , and an average attendance during April of 2,015. F. Dixon , of Rivcrton , who was sup posed to have made away with himself in Nebraska , turned up sound and serene after an absence of hvo days. A white headed eagle , measuring six feet and seven inches from tip to tip of its wings , was shot by John DeBruin. near Orange City , ono day recently. Mason Lojig , tlio reformed { rambler , was egged by a lot of hoodlums at Si- gournoy , who took exceptions to his re marks about gambling and drinking. Prohibition is in foroo in Fort Dodge. Sunday St. Mark's Episcopal church could "procure no wine for communion services , although the celebration of com munion had been announced the Sunday before. At Preston , Jackson county , early Thursday morning , C. II. Riley went to his place of business , placed a coat on the lloor. laid down , placed the muzzle of n revolver in his mouth , discharged it and blew the top of his head off. Twin lakes , four miles north of Rock well City , in Culhoun county , are fast coming to the front as a pleasure resort. These lakes cover an area of 1,700 acres and aru well clocked with a number of varieties of fish , principally pickerel. D. L. McNeil , of Ottumwa , a brakeman of the Burlington road , has invented and applied for a patent for an instrument for the placing of torpedoes on , the rail from the rear of a train running thirty miles an hour. Several successful ex periments have been made with the in vention , and it-marks a big step ahead in railroad devices. Dakota , Huron's population is cstimaced at 4,000. , A largo colony of Russians has lo cated in tlio Devil's lake region. A paper is to bo started at Battle River , a new town between Buffalo Gap and Rapid City. A petrified human skeleton was found recently in limestone near Gordon City. The skull is said not to resemble that of an Indian. Di. F. W. Kordonut , a prominent phy sician of Watortown , was bitten on the baud by a rabid dog about two weeks ago , and fearing an attack of hydropho bia has started lor Paris for treatment by M. Louis Pasteur. A Monopolist President , New York Jlcrald. Congress , early in March , passed a bill giving to curtain farmers in Iowa the authority to appeal in court in defense of their rights to their farms , on which many of them have been settled since 1855. Their titles are attacked by the DCS Moines Improvement coniyany , which a great many years ago received a grant of lands to aid it in cfleoting an im provement of a part of thn DCS Moines river. This corporation never effectually completed its promised improvement , but it set up a claim not only to the lands included In the original grant , which lay along the proposed route of Its woik , but to a considerable tract lying else- whore. Both houses of congress have seen fit to settle this dispute by allowing the farmers to go into court und liavo u final decision upon the question whether their farms shall belong to them or to a corpo ration which claims them for work not done , and claims , us these who know the case assert , much more than it would bo entitled to if it had done its work. Tlio president has chosen in his veto to deny tlio poor farmers their right to n day in court. Ho talks about thn sacredness - ness of "vested interests , " and Migitosts that if any "meritorious" farmers suiter hardship and loss congress can make an appropriation of money for them. In of- effect no decides in his veto that tliu cor poration's claims miint not bo disturbo'I ' , and if tlio farmers sufiea by that , so much the worse for them , Wo trust congress will take a different view ot this dispute ; that it will adhere warmly to its opinion expressed in the bill Mr , Cleveland has vetoed that the farmers ought to have their day in court , Democratic ! congressmen are becoming alarmed at the president's attitude to ward syndicates and corporations nnd the land question by his revocation of the Sparks order , and by this veto. Ny one wants to sue injustiey done to corpora tions , but we advise the administration to stand by ( lie people on tlila question of land reform. It is si ygry "Jive" ques tion. $50ON'rot OullcaVor , It seems grange tlmt it is necessary to persuade men that you can cure their diseases by pflering a premium to the man who falls to receive benefit. And yet Dr , Sago undoubtedly cured thou sands of easosi of obstinate catarrh with Ills "Catarrh Uoniody.'wlio would > i ver have applied to him , U it' hud not 'boen for hid ofibr of tliiiabove sum for HIV incurable - curable casa. Who i& the uoxt biilJVi-.fyr cure or cash ? . . . The 1'rMldont'fl Chicago Herald. The limits of legitimate comment on the approaching marriage of the pros ! dent appear to have boon trnnsgrossci when tlio newspapers foil to speculating on the identity of the person who is to pay the expenses of Miss Folsom's Euro pean trip and to foot the bills for her trousseau. There is an insatiate demand for gossip nowadays which may bo harm lessly erutllicd , but there Is tv little bo- youd which it is impertinent nnd inde cent to go. Miss Folsom is entitled to chivalrous treatment at the hands of the American people whether she is to niarr > the president or not. She is represented as a most amiable young ladv , with many graces ot mind and person , She is not a pauper. Shu hns many relatives who are respectable people. She is trav eling In company with her mother , and it is nobody's business who is paying the expenses. It is to bo inferred that her own family , probably her mother , is lojkiugout for this part of the enterprise and there is no reason to suppose that anybody else 1ms anything to do with it. In other respects the comments that liavo been made on tlio approaching white house marringn have been respect ful and proper. It would be idle to sup- Ijoso that the president of the United Stales , who is nothing more than ono of the pcoplu selected for a fixed term to act as tliuir chief magistrate , couht bo mar ried during his term of olllco without exciting - citing more or less gossip. The village bridegroom who is known to all does not escape the good-natured bamlinngo of his follows , and the president who is n uilu ns conspicuous u target for the entire - tire nation , cannot under the same cir cumstances expect to dodge tlio witti cisms , the conjectures , and the gossip of tliii people , who feel that they have a pro prietary interest in him If these comments are annoying to Mr. Cleveland it is because ho has postponed for so long a time a duty which should have bren attended to early in lifo.wliuu . , with younger blood and more buoyant spirits , ho would have cured little for the inevitable chatter. As a matter of fact , the White house is u poor place for nnmn to marry his first wife. The uvuiago citizen of the United States should bo married long before lie reaches that man sion. Mr. Cleveland's long neglect of this important business is responsible for whatever annoyance he now suffers. Actors Who Cnn AildrcsB an Audi ence. That wns n , very neat speech Modjcska made last Monday niglit in response to the Elks' presentation. I do not know whether it was impromptu , but doubtless it was , for the lady is very lluent and quick-witted. It is astonishing , however , to note how few people of her profession are apt speakers under like circumstan ces. At this moment Barrett is the only only one 1 can remember , besides Mod- jeska , who can step out of his part and address an audience in improvised and well-chosen language. This arises _ largely from their constant habit of only speaking in public the words which someone ono cls > o has put jnto their mouths. The continued use of one function of the brain is only made at the expense of others. There are very few actors who can sneak correctly on the spur of the moment half us much matter as is con tained in this paragraph. I have heard Irving s-tutter like a schoolboy over two consecutive sentences , and Hartley Campbell does not even scorn able to re peat the speeches lie writes in advance and has himself called out to speak. Hot Spring" Gamblers. A Hot Springs , Ark. , correspondent of the St Louis Globe-Democrat writes : There has been recently in the circuit court , now in session here , a profusion of gaming cases , and quite a number of gamblers have boon mulcted. Upon in formation coining to the knowledge of the court , Judge Wood this afternoon is sued an order to the slicrilVdireoting him to search tlio establishment of 14. B. Smith , " "et out all gaming devices con tained therein and destroy the same. The order was promptly carried out , and the tables and implements wore dumped in a pile on Central avenue , the main street in the city , and burned. The burning nile was viewed calmly by sports. The late grand jury paid especial attention to infringements of the gaming law , and found a number of indictments. Judge Wood had particularly charged the grand jurors regarding the law , and laid stress on the point that the payment of period ical lines , which was virtually a licnnso , could not condone the oll'unso which the statutes prohibit. One of the strictest provisions regarding gaming is that which causes the forfeiture of the license of any saloon where gambling is per mitted. Tlio knights of the erccn cloth are raiding the lesson of the times , and gambling is now defunct at this rosort. The cessation , however , may bo only temporary. Advice to Take tlio Elevator. Dnulor "You vant topuy a goat ? Very well. Whatpricu you vant to pay ? " Customer -"What arc the prices of your coats ? " Dealer "Here is a goat for ten del lar. " Customer "OhI That's too cheap. I want , something belter than that. " Dealer "Veil , how high you vant to go ? " Customer "Oh , way up ! " Dealer "Vay up ! Take de elevutor. " A LITTLE SUFFERER Cleaned ) hirified. . and Beautified by the Ctitiucra Remedies. It nffovrts-mo plnajnre lu jfivo you tlilv report nf MIO oiiio oi'lUtloKrrttiiisuii by yumKimcmiA ItuMunii's. When six months old Ills I oft liitnd bojrmi to nwull nnd had every uppotimnuo of a Inrg-u noil. Wo poulticed It , but nil to no pur pose. About live months niter it bcuamo a running soro. Noon other soic < ! formed. Ho then hiul two of them on each hnnit , mid as lilt blood bi'camo inoro und more Impure It tooU \o- \ > t II nu lor.thom 10 break out. A sore cume ontliuchln , bcnoitth the uiulor lip , wliicu wiu vury oBonalvo Ilia hi'iid wuu jolld gcub , ijis- t iloal Tills wns his condition uttnoiuy.two mouths old , when 1 undurtooU the ciiro of linn , Ills mother Imvliu/ died when bo train llttlo morn Hi tin H ypnr old , or ton- gumption ( surofulu of conrso ) . Ho oould walk u little , but could not Kot up If ho fell clown , nnd could not move whan in bed , biivlmr no iibu of his hunda. 1 Immediately cominonviul with ( 'incuiiA HKMEIHDS , nslnir Hi ? CUTICUIU uml Curicuiit SOAi'ficoly , imd wlien be luul taken OIIB boitlo or the tfimuuiu KIWOI.VRST , his heud WM completely cured , mid bo wus Im proved In overwixy. . We were very much encouraged , und contlniuid tlio nun of the Horn- odlosi'or H > oar nnd n hwlf , Onu sere nltur an other honied , ii bony miutor lurmlujr In cnon one ot tlioio live dot > | > UDO-I jinit boruro liaulliit" , wbluh ivo'.ild finally xrow looao and were out : thun they wiml.t hcut rapidly. Um > of Iliueo utfly bono InrnnitloDS I pruavrvod. Alter tuh- Injf H do/.on unit u imli bottles bo ivnd com pletely cures , and U now , nt the HXO or six youin.a ( ilrout : nti < l lieultliy child. The scais on lilt ; liainle must always remain ; his ! mnUd : uo w. Ilioiigh wo lo.irtid once iie woulO unvor bo ttblo to iifcii thorn All that phvDiclun * did for hlia did no Kood , All who esv the child bu- oio usingihtiL'uriCUiiA ItKMiUJiin und BUD the child iQ ) > v consider It u ouiierfil ! vurc , ] ftho above lucisnio or nnr use to jou. ; . on niu llb- cilylu nso them. Mild. K 8. DltJOUS , MityU , lHc'6. til : : H. Clay Hi , , Illoouiln tou , III , 'J'ho chili ] \vns roitlly In H worua coiutlllgn limn hoiippoiiioil to hla urundmothoj- , who , licinjr wliu him uvory Uny , ucuamn ucuu.tomud lu the disease. MAIifllK UOl'l'ltUi , ClITICUlU IIHMr.Dlft U10 poll ) uvriywhoici Onllcura , | liu jre ' m ourn. W eU ; ( 'uticuru fionp , nn uxiiulalto eiiU : boauililor , iiici * . ; cm , . enrn llCBolvont , IhQ ne iv blood pinlllcr , fl.OOr. t'ippnrcil by ( ho 1'oiTfin Dili" ) A. Co. , Jioalon. Send for "How to Cure Skin lKa , sculv. pimply , and oily ikju beautified l < y Onticiiru B 11ACKACI1U. lay I'uliu , horonetk < in > t | iiouily eiiicit by tint ) iiew , vlfiriititmid Infallliln uutlcli and linituimlioii , it : CntfcuiH Anil' J'.lln I'luilcr. AldniwUti. tttcouU. STRICTLY PURE. IT CONTAINS RO OritTM IN ANr KOHMt 26 CEKTS for Croup IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 23 CENTS , 50 CENTS , AND St PER BOTTLE OK CEN I' BOTTLES. nr put up for the q At 9commortntlon of all who doilro B goa n > d low prlcort Ciuch , ColdindGroupRemedy Timm nr.MiiiNO A iir.MKtir ron CONSUMPTION ANV LUNG DISEASE. Should sccuro tholm-tfo jl bottk-j. Direction accompanying imch boltto. Bold by all Medicine Dealer * , 617 Nt.CImrlcuSI. , KMoiilHMo. IrfsnUrrriJotteof tire UtJIcil ColUjfi , tin been tonrn CDRBgcdlD thef | > ecl1 Irtatracalor CHKOHIC , NtRroui , HKI > nil Hlonn Di.tuii lh n nr otbtr rbrilelin last. Loali. aa oltj | < rm tbow uni Mil old ttiMcnti know. NervoJt Prostration , Debility , Menial and Physical Wcikness ; Mercurial and other Aflec- lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning , eld Sores and Ulcers , are trttttj uh tmrnniui ! . ! IUCMII , no lilcit icknllno ptloelplnB Wj. Ptlt.llr. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excost. Exposure or Indulgence , which Hodoco iom or ih. rclUwlai elltcHI licriojinm , dit.Hllr , Jlinnc , , of lllbl KDdacrtctlre tncmorj , plapttion th fice , phtilealileekr. TMiloBlotbt letj r felnilcl , coofuilji ef IJt.i , . , r nd rine HnrrUeo Improper or unhappy , r rirm n ollj tund , l' raphlti ( "i'i , | on thetliovc , lool flatfilfd tnrrlore , free to anr adtlrttl. CoDiullalloaatoC- Ecf or bj intll frtMntltM nd ililcllj onflJeutUI. A Poslllvo Written Gunrantco elr.n in . rjea. r 61e etio , Mtdlclno lent citrj h te b/ cull or olprrn. MARRIAGE GUIDE. 280 PAC1E3 , PINK PLATES , l ! nt clolh > n Kill unJ 06it l < iroroOo. Ini'oilnrcoreutrcncr. Ottr llnr oudtrful pen plclurti , true lo 1H | arllclei oti the folIoKlni lubjoeli : wbo roir mirrj , wlio not , whj | miabood , womnn. hood , pbrilf.l drCIT , ffecti orollbicr andBICCH , tbB cbn. lolojjr of reproduction , > a minr raor . Tbnie mirtlfd a , ccntcmpUtfoj m < rrl > | t. ibouM tct.l Ik r-prlir eJlllon r eorar AdJren - . RESTORED. RrmrAy I'rec.- vfctlm of youth. lul Imprudence cauninpr 1'rcmatiirn Dcnay , Ken , a rlm ' 10 " Taoreryrorcmolr > - . lie ( Till hi . rtRlttp fellow-sinrorem. AiMiwM J. U. KEE VK3. 43 CUathma-ntrcet. New Vork Citr. PAUL E , WIRT FOUNTAIN PEN BEST IH THE WORLD , iKjM wnrrnntod toglTosatlifao- IM3C1 ! Ion on nnJr work and lu no/ bunds. Price $ 2.50 H J.BTrickey&Co WHOI.KSALK JKWULE113 , Lincoln , fiolo Wholcsnla uareuti Cot UCAMCKS SUl'l'LIEI ) XI FAUTOKY KATUS. N. Jl. TUU is not n Stylo- prnpU pencil , but A flmclasi lioxlblo gold pen of nnr d - tired flnono 3 of point. Do you ivnufc a pure , bloom ing Coimiloxiou { II' so , a few implications of Hngiui's MAUnOlJ A. JJALM will grai ny you to your lioarl/s coji- tent. II ( lees away with Sal- lowncss , Holiness , Pimples , Uloiulics , und all diseases and impnrtiwlions of tlio oldn. It ovorcomnsthe flushed appear- imco of heat , fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady or 'I'llJ11TV ' ' appear but TWlJN- TY ; nnd so natural , gradual , and perfect are its etfcc.ts , that it is impossible to delect its applicnlioti ,