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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1886)
1 THE OMAHA DAIM BJJJE : , ; WEDNESDAY , MAY 12 , 4k iBRASKA'S ' PHARMACISTS Moei in Their Fifth Annual Session in Omaha , TWO EXCITING RUNAWAYS. The Mayor Vetoes tlio Salary Ordi nance Arranging Tor the Killtors llulldlng the Cable Ijlno . The J u no Festival. Nebraska I'harninclfltn , The fourth nniiual mooting of the Nc- uraska State Pharmaceutical association vras called to order at the exposition Building at 3 o'clock yesterday by president Henry D. Hoyden , ot Grand Island , who delivered the regular annual address , The association now numbers over 250 Imotnbors luui nearly that number of applications for membership were presented at the meet ing to-day. More than 200 members of the associatonare ! , present. In the absence of Mayor Itoyd who was 1 unexpectedly called from the city , Mr. II. T. Clark delivered the address of wel come , as follows : n. T. CLANK'S ADDHESS. Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Con vention : 1 have been In the habit of em ploying borne ono to do my talking for me. but It seems as If my trlend on the right , Mr. President , has seen lit on this occasion to call upon mo In the absence of his honor , the jiayor , to give you an address of welcome. At was not anticipated by me , and I was only lioUlicd a few moments since , when It vvas found that the mayor was out of the It'ls wltli much pleasure , irentlcmen , tlmt I greet yon hero lojday. Matiy of your faces 1 have seen for years. This ground 1 trod Home thirty years ago. This city and build ings have gone up like magic , we take pride in welcoming you to this , our Gateway City , extending to you such welcome , not only open-handed , and hearty but a welcome that will help us to co forward and labor in an acceptable manner. Many have come here ironi all parts of the state at much trouble and ex pense. Gentlemen liorn the east will meet you hero on abroad level ; they are not bent on pleasure , but making oxhmlls , many of winch , however , on account of the railroad strikes , wcto detained , and they have Indi cated hero that they have a common Interest with us , and wo sympathize with those gen tlemen who failed on account of the strikes to make the gieat showing they bad antlci- paled , lint wo have reason to feel ratified at the nmgnllieont display which Is hero be fore you the lincst ever made west of Chicago cage and St , Louis and It Is an earnest of what would have been seen hero had not the iinforsccn obstacle mcsentcd Itself , leaving their goods in transit. We feel grateful to these gentlemen for coming forward at such expense and making such a splendid exhibit. Wo will bo better able to work together In 3 tills undoitaking as druggists throughout the ' . state and have such harmony of action that will be acceptable to all. In welcoming you , gentlemen , wo hope that you will find this occasion , in all re spects , acceptable to you , and wo will try to do nil that Is In our- power to make this meeting profitable and acceptable to all. On behalf of the druggists and the citizens ot this , the Gate City , we welcome you. Mr. N. 11. Kulm of this city and late president of the association on the part of tlio association , made the following reply : x. ir. KUIIN'S HEPI.V. Mr. Clark : On behalf of the distinguished guests from outside the stale , for the olliccrs mill members present , our comrades absent , and for tlio inhabitants of Nebraska , for all interested in having capable , careful and of- Sclent pharmacists , 1 sincerely thank you as the representative of the chief maulstiate of this flourishing Imrc and as a citizen of this beautiful Gale Cltv , for the cordial welcome you have extended to all. The good wisiics you have spoken , wo earnestly hope may be merited , and by hard work become worthy of the confidence expressed. In ancient times , pharmacy was an occult science , and the alchemist delving over his 'crucible and alhanor , seeking to gather from their products the long-looked for and anx iously waited "Elixir of Life , " was a person to whom tlio people looked with a devout confidence as one possessed ot ii'oro than inorUU knowledge. To-day the people look to pharmacists with almost equal trust , not because ot the mysterious knowledge hidden beneath , but for the reason mat they are , to aureateror less extent , an educated , semiprofessional - professional class , on whom faith reposed , is woithlly placed , Hecause , by long centuries of study , the mysterious charm has been cast aside and the facts of an exact science are used by the palient and hard working phar macists. The magician of the past labored In vain for the "Elixir of Ufe , " but the druggist of the present , while not holding out these de lusions , does , by patient labor , untold health giving remedies In a more palatable form , and with .pure water , fresh air , simple lood , temperate 'life would leach that from these are to bo ob tained the only "Elixir of Life. " Further , it should be said that , should 'your duties penult you to again bo with us , the doors of tlio meeting will always be open to you. Again thanking you , wo will begin our meeting with thu ileslie Ihat your kind hopes for our success may bo f ullilled. jrMr. , Kulm'H address jvns cordially prcoled with cheers. Mr. Henry IX Ifoydon , of Grand Island , president of the association , then deliv ered the annual address , of which the 'following is a synopsis : ' I'ltKamiJNT iioruiiK'a ADDUKSS. - " I need not tell you that it affords me the keenest pleasure to bo able to meet you upon 'tliis littu annual gathering of our associa tion. tion.Time Time has llown by so swiftly sincn our first meeting In the ctipltol city ot our stale- four years airp for llio purpose of organiz ing tfio society whoso interests we are now Assembled together to consider , that I ean hardly realize the time has fully come , aye , already past for us to put off the swaddling clothes of luf'aiithood and don the habili ments of iiiaturcr age. The growth of our association In numbers , in material strength. In social nnd moral in- llueneo , as well as In the dignity of the pro fession wo i ( 'present , gives assurance of greater maturity already attained and an earnest faith for the future Dial must bogratl- tying lo everyone interested in seeing llio science and art of pharmacy elevated ana broadened , and Hie interests of thu skilled and conscientious druggist better guarded and protected. Mo one knows so well as the pharmacist himself , the great responsibilities that rest constantly upun him , responsibilities tlmt make a perpetual draft upon both his .skill and his conscience. The competent druirgist t- realizes us uo one else can how c.onstantly ho stands btweeu the public weal and the deadly ml&takcs of absent-minded and forgetful as veil as criminally ignorant physicians and \ the recklessness and wickedness of private individuals. When thu public uhall reallro this Important thriilh , that ' , the pharmacist rises far above the mere r mechanical exertion of compounding , that It Is his standard of pharmacy and pharmaceu tical education that presides at the reallzalion , - of the physician's pio.scriptidn , and stamps it with absolute cot Utility , with joyful relia bility , and fortilics it with bis bond that involves - ' ' volves his reputation and his money ; then will the public begin lo comprehend that ; . pharmacy is not a trade merely but a profes sion tlmt brings Into remtlsllion the best f'ac- ultlns of a well trained mind , and scruples f conscience that only beings of high cut- i tine pos > ess. Apropos of this thought , permit me to say > that It Is the ulm and pin pose of our absocia- : tlon to make these two qualities stand out In bold and gratifying relief In the practice ot t our ilillk'ult profession , nnd to e. mpel thu public to ivco'iiUu ; their existence ) and their Inestimable value , " > " 'Nowhere ' in tlio world is the art and science ' : of ph.irmaey so completely enthroned In the n appreciation and admiration ot an educated people as In Germany. It mav bo justly said that I u the amount ot preparatory education / loqulrcd , the hlgli standard of Hcimitilic and * pniulleal qualification , and the restrictlous v ) Vforr ( l by law and controlled by the gov ernment , Germany stani ) * tint and highest , A- glance at the requirements that .secure the -.jiHarmac.ists a license for the practice of his lirofvsslou throughout the empire will reveal the secret of why this -la so. The candidate fbrhpurcntictvmlp in Germany must have nt talni'u maturity lor .tlio second eluss of the tryumuMuui , or must have passed Ih'rougli a it . rcil school. The - - - - ' - ' ' - must last three years , during which time the pupils progress and the obllcatory Instruction of his master are controlled by annual examinations by a dele gate of the dlslilct government. At the close of the apprenticeship , and after successfully passing an examination before aboard , also appointed by Hie district government , the candidate has to complete his pracl leal experi ence bv solving three years more as a clerk ; and then lie is entitled to enter upon the obligatory course of university study at any ono of the twenty German universities. Ho is free to attend such lectures as ho may choose , and at the close of the lecture term lie may select another university- according to his option ; while the state requires with uncompromising so verity a satisfactory pass age of a comprehensive final examination. To this the student Is only admitted after havlnz attended the lectures and labor atory Instruction for nt least throe lec ture terms of ono and a half years ; iiixm this , the state grants n llcemo. Hut the German student Is not always con tent to slop thcio. Jle very often continues Ills university and laboratory studios , and by the subsequent passage of an examination before the philosophical faculty of a uni versity , entitles himself to the degree of doctor of pharmacy. This course of study and strict attention to the practical phases of the art and science of pharmacy , under com petent Instructors , who are held to strict ac count to thu state for the faithful manner In which they discharge their trust to jvards the apprentice , doubtless seems unreasonably Ions ; and tigorous to the average pharmacist whose training In his profession was ob tained under the methods common to the United States , and to bring the average American apprentice fact ] to face with a curriculum of study would doubtless bring Into requisition the most powerful remedies for resuscitation In cases of swooning from freight. In other words , and In the common parlance of the street , It would "paralyze the youth. " Cut Is not the excellence and dignity con templated in this course the very standard this association would set up ? ami for the raising of sucn a stuulard , or the doing something toward raising a standard , does not our society In the very nature of Its con stitution stand pledged ? Austria , Hungary , Russia , Switzerland , Sweden , Xorway and Denmark approximate the thoroughness of the course ot pharmaceutical education in Germany. Hut somcwiiat less thorough Is the course required in Uoumania. Italy nnd Greece. In Franco pharmaceutical education Is controlled by the state , so far as that students , after a more or less brief experience in drug stores , have to attend for one or two years the lectures at one of the pharmaceutical schools at Paris , Nance or Montpeller , or at the pharmaceutical schools at Nantes or Mar seilles , and niter this they must pass an ex amination. Upon the satisfactory passage of this examination thu student receives , ac cording to the time of his study and thu price he is able to pay , the diploma as as a phaima- cien of the or of the second degree. Thu first-class pharmacist may oneago in his profession wlierovor lie pleases In KIMUCC , while the second-class ono must conlinu him self exclusively to small cities , towns or vil lages. The course ot study Is somewhat more thorough lu Belgium and thu Netherlands , but Is more deficient in practical proiielunoy. Hero the student must first attend lectures and afterwards attain skill and experience In pharmacy when ho is admitted to exam ination and subsequently to practice. In Spain and Portugal the course Is very like that of France. The universities in Madrid. Barcelona and Grenada and the medical schools at Lisbon , Oporto and Co lumbia In Portugal , afford the required in struction to pharmaceutical students. In Turkey three years apprenticeship is required and subsequent attendance upon lectures at the Imperial Institute in Constantinople , which a.'so has control of examinations and grants license to practice. In Great Britain the-stato has exercised obligatory influence over the qualifications of pharmacists for only twenty years. Tills control is vested in the pharmaceutical society of Great Britain and In the privy council , but the former does the work. Three successive examinations are required , a preliminary oim for registration as 'apprentice" or "student , , ' a minor ono for license as "chemist" and "drusglst" or a major examination for "pharmaceutical chemist. " Pharmaceutical education in tlio countries of iSpanisli and Portugese America is some thing that Is yet to bo brought forth from the Ignorance , that hangs I ike a canopy of dark ness over those people. It may be said , how ever , that Mexico , Peru nnd Hrazil have taKcn some stopstowards the enforcement of more civili/.ed methods. As we all know from nearer contact pharmaceutical educa tion in Canada is much the slime as that in tlio United States. The standard of pharmaceutical education In the United States is sadly wanting In unl- foimity. This , as we all know , comes from thu fact that such education is not uniformly obligatory. Until quite recently it has been left to Individual opinion and efforts. Tlio attempts at regulation by legislation have been sporadic and In a largo degree fu tile. Yet , the organized Influence of accom- Sllshod pharmacists educated in the United tales and Germany , has done a great work within the last two decades In elevating the standard of pharmaceutical education in this country. Tlio good work still goes on , and it may bo safely predicted that within the next twenty years the United Slates will lead the van ot the world in the matter of pharma - ceutlcal education. It Is mainly dim to this Inllueucn that the schools of pharmacy in Chicago , St. Louis , Philadelphia. Now York , Albany , Boston , Baltimore , Ann Arbor , Plttsburg , Cincin nati , Louisville , San Francisco , Washington and Nashville have attained to so high aplace as educational Institutions. Thu course pro scribed in some of theio schools is par excel lence , and the facilities for thorough instruc tion unsurpassed In any of the schools of Germany. Ills our mission to contiibiito something towards the complete realization of the ob jects of the best of thpso buhoots. It will not bo denied by the informed that our associ ation has .already douusomelhini : of perma nent value in this dliectlon. The colleges themselves have acted in commendable har mony in an effort for gradual and nnlfouii elevation of the scope and standard of educa tion and proficiency among pharmacists. Tlio HUCCOSS that has crowned their efforts lias been such as to justify the most san guine hopes for the future of pharmaceutical education In thu United .States. Without doubt the most morions drawback to general and permanent results is the absence of any authoritative , national or state lestrlctlon and control of practical pharmacy , and In a consequent excessive ovetciowdluK of the profession. Our olforls to seem o proper and clllcleut legislative restriction in this state have thus far availed very little. Hut II is conlldently hoped that the next general assembly of thu slate will enact a law fully covering the real needs ol the public In this le ard. The op position to wholesome legislation for mutual protection ot thu public and pharmacists , which lias always shown itselt when ever the Intelligent power , of the state has been invoked , lias for tunately dwindled down to compar atively nothing. The Intelligence of society demands thu restrictive legislation that tills association will recommend , and tiie next legislature without doubt , will show the .samo disposition to respond to this Intelligent sen timent , as did that of l&fi. The bill passed by that body was vetoed by the governor on purely constitutional grounds. Happily away has been discovered by which all needed legislation may be had without cumin2 Into conflict with the constitution. The legisla tive committee ha * done Its duty in this re- siiuct Yet it will bo well for the report of that committee- locelvu thu most careful consideration at the hands of the association , so that any proposed law may have the en dorsement of the acllberato judgement of the society. Wholesome pharmacy laws are In force in neaily two-thirds of the staU'sof the Union , and in the light ot the past prog ress in this icspeet it is not unreasonable to expect that all states will bo Included In the catalogue , within a very few years. The trrcat aim of pharmaceutical societies , should bo to bring about such uniformity of legislative action in the several states as shall amount practically to national law. Indeed , it would bointhn interests of so- rloty.tumid congress lay aside Its lear of too great centralization of power and enact a compiehenslvo law that would operate uni formly Inall the states. In the absence of this pharmacists have it left within their power to brius about the next bc-st thing uniformity lifKtatu laws. 1 am happy in the hellel' that thu people In our own state are educated up to that point In respect of this matter which precludes the psssibllity of serious opposition , la this connection 1 desire to call attention to the desirability of a statute regulating the ilespcnslng of salts of murphls. A careful examination of the law recently enacted in Georgia lunching this mibjcct tins convinced mo that the action of the legislature of that stale was well timed , nnd the law in Its provlMms worthy of our imitation , .Many ot tie | states have laws ex empting registered pharmacists from , jury duty. Caicful examination of the reasons K.IVHII fur consideration exercised by thu nubile towards pMcUhhu. uharma UUwill , I ihluX , fully sallsfy the .mtejllsent person that Justice demands the enactment of such exemption laws In every state , Assuiedly the dcmauds of citizenship are not so unreasoning and Imperative as to re quire the pharmacist to leave his prescription case In chargoof iRnorancoandinexperience , and thus perchance endanger some life and may be his own bond as a pharmacist , In order to satisfy the demand upon his citizen ship by sitting on a jury In some cause in volvlng a few dollars , or some nelchborliood dispute. Our association should endeavor to secure the passage of these laws at the next session of the legislature. At a late day I learned thai llio committed on pharmacy would not ho able to make a report That the associa tion might not be disappointed In respect to so Important a matter , 1 appointed Mr. O. M. Oleson , of Omaha , to make a report. Ho very kindly assumed the duty , and 1 am glad to know llio report Is ready to bo laid before thoassoetallon , and will prove ot much inter est and profit Tlio formal thanks of the assocmllon are duo him , and 1 trust this courtesy will not bo overlooked. The results of the labor per- lormed by tlio committee on membership nrn quite convincing that It ban not been Inactive or careless of its duty. I would-suggest that this committee bo Increased to live members , and that they bo chaixed with the additional duty of aiding the worthy secretary In the collection of dues. The "tramp" ( I beg par don ) lives of the members of this committee peculiarly lit them for collectors , and un doubtedly they will shoulder the new duty stuw'sted without a "kick. " I would not consider that I had done Jus tice to you , and 1 know that I would do great violence to my own feelings and SCIIHO of Justice were ! to close my remarks without paying tribute , though In chords without elo quence , to the memory of those of our asso ciation who. since wo last mot , have been touched by the cold wing of the angel of death. Mr. Stephen A. Drown , ot the firm of Urown & liutclnuson , North Head , departed this life January 7 , IBSi ) , at the age of ill years. Deceased became a member of the associ ation in ISSo. He was reputed to be a phar macist of excellent training and aniost popu lar business man. Mr. John Lewis lloclco died August SJ , 18S5 , when ho had hardly passed tin threshold of manhood , being M years and five months old. , Though yet In the roseate year of lite and just en tered upon an active business career ho had already given evidence of thor oughness in Ills profession , and of being the possessor of those sterling qualities of mind and character wfilch distinguished him IH a man , and reflected honor upon this asso ciation , of which ho was a charter member. Ho was a registered lowan clerk , aiid was/In / the employ ofV. . C. Lano.ot Lincoln , when he became a member of this association. At a latu day 1 received the sad Intelligence or the death of C. C. Sargent , of Fairmont , also a charter member of this association. He died February 0 , It 80 , at the ago of S7 years and : ) months. Further particulars I am un able to gather. 1 would respectfully recommend that a memorial page bo given each In the report of our urocccdlhgs for this year. In closing my remaiks and passing my gavuMo another , permit mo to express to the members of this association my profoundest thanks for not only the honor conferred upon mo in bestowing the olllco ot president of the association , but especially for the uniiormly kind and , courteous and hearty manner in which I have been supported by you in the discharge of the new and somewhat trying duties imposed by tlmt olllco. 1 only regret that iuy want of experience and nieacio capacity proved a barrier In the way my serving the associa tion in a way that would Imvooorne better and larger results. Yet , it Is grality- ing to me to Know that the period ot my ollicial service has not gone by without witnessing substantial pro gress lu our association and general business prosperity among its membership. I sin cerely trust that the usefulness ot the asso ciation may become more marked cacli year , and at the cud ot tlio first decade of our ex istence as an organization wo shall have rea son to leel that the time and labor given lo ils demands upon us have been amply repaid. The conclusion of thu president's most interesting address was greeted with pro longed applause. Secretary Ximmcr then read letters from Oscar Oberg , editor of the "West ern Druggist. " of Chicago ; also from the iowa Pharmaceutical association , ea h expressing their regrets at their inability to bo present , and commending the Ne braska sooiety in its work. Messrs. Olson and Parr and Saxo of Omaha woru appointed a committee on exhibits. The secretary read a communication from the New York State I'harmucuutical association , proposing a plan of reorgan izing the National , faoeioty of Pharma cists , and asking w'nethor the Nebraska , association would endorse tins plmv-sug- geatcd ; also whether it would agree to pay its pro rata tux : to curry the jjlan into cxocutiou , and linally whether it would suggest improvements in or additions to the same. On motion the matter was rcforrbdtb a committee consisting of John'T. ' ClArkp , N. II. Kulm and J. fl. Phelps , of Omaha. Tlio executive committee having re ported favorably upon the applications , 1GO new names were added to ihu.roll ot membership. Tlio treasurer , James Forsyth , of Oma ha read his report , showing the receipts of the year to have been § 324.0l'aml ! ) the disbursements $201.55 , leaving a balance' in the treasury ol $2GU.ll. . % Tlio report was referred to tlio commit tee on liimncu. t The secretary was unable to make his report , and asked tor further time _ until this morning. The repuest was gTariled. Thu executive committee announced that the exhibits would be op.en for the inspection of the public from 4 until 0 o'clock ibis evening. ' ' Owing to the fact that a number of pharmacists was expected to arrive la&t night , the association mljounmd untilthis ! ' " morning. . . - - . Tlio Appearance or tlio Hall. . . ' Another evidence of the usefulness * to wliiua the Exposition buildliig'can bo ap plied was instanced yesterday in thu ar rangements made for the accommodation of the Nebraska Suite Pliurmacciiticai association. The singe had been removed to. the east end , where it stretched almost from the Houth tp ( jid north .side. Upon this the president took his seat. The secretary's and reporters' tables were placed in front on the .lloor. liuliiml these wore arranged dunr * for * thu accommodation of delegates mid their Jmly friends. Thu space thus occu pied comprised about 1UQ foot , making n comfortable and cheery place ol' meet ing. Intending from side to side of the building and. walling audience room from tlio rest of the interior were four immense American Hags , two of which almost reaching to the middle of thu vast building , two others meeting them there and artistically fashioned into a door way allowing of passage from ono apart ment to the other. In the larger of those halls , opening on Fifteenth street , are placed the exhibits of thu leading drug houses in the coun ts ry. These are disposed throughout tlio space in such a manner as to allord sutll- cient room for inspection , and yet to cre ate thu impression that llio great space contains many more exhibits than it real ly does. Delegates , The delegates , in many instances , were accompanied uy their wives. As u whole , they presented a handsome appearance , and this appearance was intensified by the interesting presence of the ladies. Thu following delegates had reported nt thu drug house of II. T , Clarke ; Miss Anna S , Irvine , Southlioud ; G.W. Howe , U'isnor ; 1. J. Jamiesoii. Western ; P. C. Corrigan , O'Neill ; 1' . P. Xiunnor. ( Jrand Island ; 11. D. lioyilen , Onind Island ; 1) . Hasting ! ) ; J. K. Adams , Tekamah ; A. Axolsou , Saronvillo ; Dr. P. Junss , Grand Island ; A. II. Morris , O'Neill ; William Kirk , South Hand ; Thort. P , Trast. Oakdalo ; James Heed , cadia ; W. . ShfyWlt , Louisville ; tor1. J , Hruslff Ashland ; ' C. 11. Hruner , Ohns. Fremont : 11. W ltdor ) , Ashland ; Win , Widcnor , N. II. .Kulin . , il. Parr , O. V. Goodman , U. w. ' Sake , Jno , B. Conic , II , T. Clarke , Jnr > T < (0mrkc ( , MnxDccht , nnd Jas. Fors.vthOmaha , Chas. Dan- bauohnndO , S , Wall , St. Louis ; J. C. Starko and M. K , Sehltilzo , Ucatrlco ; Os car Groscholi , Omafia ! M. W. Hyorson nnd A , W. Atwootl , Broken Down , and J. A. lloodor , Omaha. A PhnfitmoV Ono of tlio principal subjects winch ill come up for dlscrfeslon at tlio session to-day , will bo 'th # necessity for a law governing the practice of pharmacy in this state. At present no such law obtains. As a consequence in some places , it is claimed , tlmt the profession is practiced by people with but the rudi mentary knowledge of the details. As a consequence the reputation of the more reputable and competent practitioners is injured , and the happiness , oven the lives of tlio people , ruthlessly endang ered. To remdoy this growing evil , tlio mem bers desire to have appointed by law a state hoard of pharmacy , whoso duty it shall be primarily lo examine all persons desiring to not as pharmacist1) ) , granting permission so to ace only to such art shall pass a stated examination. It will also bo their duty to guard over tlio sale of poisonous drugs , to bo on the watch for adulterations , and to severely punish those who may surreptitiously dispose of deleterious drugs. The manner of appointing tills board will bo after the style of the state rail- rqad commission. 'The secretary of state , attorney general and auditor will bo named in tlio law with authority to ap point secretaries to perform the duties of the position. _ 1AVO EXClTmTnUNAAVAVS. Charles Hanlcy Gets n lies Broken In Stopping a Runaway Team. Mr. Charles Hanley , the Tenth street grocer , met with a serious mishap in an endeavor to save two children from being hurt in a runaway accident yester day evening. Mr. Gibson , the real estate dealer , was crossing the tracks on Tenth street about 7 o'cloclc , when his team be came frightened by passing trains and attempted to ran away. He sprang from his carriage to gut at the horses' heads , and iu doing so was thro\vn against a telegraph polo and temporarily disabled. The frightened team dashed up Tenth street , and when just iu front of Mr. Hanlo.v's store collided with a car riage occupied by Mr. Stubbendorf and his two children. The carriage was upset and the children thrown out. Mr. Hitnloy , seeing the dangerous position in which the children had been placed , rushed into the street to rescue them. As ho did so Mr. Gibsons's team suddenly whirled in his direction , striking him down and I'raccing ' the broken carriage over him. Mr. Hry'iley was picked up in a semi-unconscious condition and re moved to his homcV , atl018 Pacific street , and Drs. Parker apd Darrow summoned to attend him. Ohfofns ( ) ( legs was broken below tlio knee , and hq also sustained se vere bruises abou the. , head and shoul ders. The runaway teun ; was stopped by a collision with a , f/elegruph / pole on Jones street. Mr. StubbijndofPs children for- Innately escaped injury. AN KXClflXO KUAWAY. A team of liorspj belonging to Isaac Drown , tlio furniture , man on Douglas street , near Two1ftli , ( , yesterday broke from the hitching post in front of his store and started , lo jrun away. Mr. Drown made a frantiq/dash / at them , and caught the reins , landed Hat on his back by a kjp'k , 'from one of the horses. Tlio teani then run up Douglas street down Tirtccnth , Fund up Dodge. Here one of them stnmled and broke his leg. Ofliccr Kurdish camp up about tills tune and utter the uninjured horse had been removed from the harness , shot the other animal , which was sulVering intensely. Mikuilo > 'Pacific Tea and Cofl'eo Co. have the only genuine Mikado Tea in the city. Do not bo deceived by so-culled Mikado sold in this city , but cull and see the genuine nt 403 N. lUth St. COLUY & UOUIN-SON. Promising Itehoiirsnls. In response to formal invitations ex tended by Director Pratt to the music loving people of llio city to attend the iirst dress rehearsal at the grand oratorio festival chorus nt tlio Congregational tabernacle hist evening , an audience of fully 000 was in attendance. The entire evening was devoted to the choral work troin Handel's "Messiah " -The choir , numbering about 21)0 voices , ipomposcd of good , intelligent nnd con- cJciciitious singers , and under the thor ough drill ami olliciont direction of Mr. 1'riitt ' is sure to accomplish great things. Thu'Juno festival at the Exposition build- Jug for which this grand chorus is organ ized and nreparing , wil prove an eventful "ol'ca'slon ' in the history of this city. The Oroclc Trouble. * " ATHEXS , Slay 11. Dclyannls , the reilrlng premier , refuses lo convoke llio Greek cham ber of deputies to take action on the crisis. Yesterday evening lie explained lo his adher ents the reasons which prompted him and his ministers to resign. He said tlmt nothing but war would elTare the humiliation to which Greece had been subjected , bul war was impossible without unanimity amongtho { Woks. Tlio atritalloris parried on by thu opposition and the Indlll'erenco of the king paralyzed all cffoits of patriotism. There fore the government had resigned In tlio in terests of tlio country , convinced that the powers entertained enmity towards his gov ernment. The French minister to Greece called upon his trovcrnmont for instructions concerning Ills conduct In the present anomalous condi tion ot ail'airs In Greece. Tiiu Greeks are holding mass meetings all over tlieir country to protest against the de cree of blockade Issued by the powers , and to appeal to the people ot foreiun countries for sympathy against tlio "tyranny of the powers. " . . ATIIKXS , May 11. 'I'apamlchalnpulas , min ister of the interior In lht ( late cabinet , who favors submission to1 theSvislies of the pow ers , agreed to form a , uew ministry. He promises to disarm tlju Greek army. Newspaper * Blill Bitter. LONDON , May 11. ( Special Cablegram.J The Standard saysiThcrb Is absolutely noth ing in Gladstone's la prlpjis references In re gard to Irish representation at Westminster which Is likely to abatWOciiamberlaln'B hos tility to the homo rule bill. Thu absurdity of the devices which CUiid one hinted might meet dlOiculty exposed the fundamental weakness of his conception. The Dally TelegrMjhwys / : It seems that Gladstone Is so absorbedIn the contempla tion of the merits of Iris.Jj > Vn project he Is un able to appreciate ilie Impoitance of the objections of Chamberlain and his follow ers , who cannot possibly accept his conces sion. It Is the opinion In thu lobby of the house that if defeated , Gladstone will rqslgn and not nsU for a dissolution of paillanlcnt , and that the queen will summon Lord llai tlnt'ton to lorm a new cabinet. Victoria nt Uvorpool. Livr.iti'ooi , , May 11. Tlio mieen arrived here for the purpose of personally opening the Liverpool international exhibition this afternoon. It Is the second time her majes ty has visited Liverpool during her iclgii , Jjoynllsts Turn Tlebcla. LONDON , May IU The liclfast papers to- dav publish all advertisement for 20.000 Sny- der.rilles and bayoucU , to be dolivcjed at An trim oil or before ; June 1'next , , . . . . . AN EXILE MOM HIS COUNTRY The Pall of Ex-Sonator Thomas W , Terry of Michigan , "Which Uroiight About the llttln of a Man Who AVns Six- j. teen Years In tlio United V States Senate. Now York World : "It is not very gen erally known"said a Michigan man yes terday , "that ox-Senator Thomas W. Fer ry is an exile from his slate and country. Ho dare not return until matters penning against him are either outlawed or set tled. There is an Indictment against him for forgery. " "Up to the time of his defeat tor re election a few years ago lie passed as n very ricli man. " "Yes , but that , was far from the truth. Ton or Hftocii years ago ho was worth considerable money. Ho had an interest with his brother in some Michigan pine hinds , and together they operated an ex tensive lumber yard in Chicago. I say together , hut Thomas never hail any thing to do with tlio management of the business. They made considerable mon ey for a time , and , , as nsmii , their fortune was overestimated. Reverses came , how ever , and in addition to this the collator began leading a very wild lifo at Wash- ton. Ho spent more than his salary in dissipation , and became involved iu sev eral disgraceful seatidals. You remem ber how he was horsewhipped in his rooms at thu National hotel oy an irate young woman and her father. Poor Fer ry crept under the bed anil cried for mercy , but his assailants only stopped when they were completely exhausted. Thu story told at the time was to tlio ef- foe.t that terry had insulted the young lady in some way and that was the meth od chosen to avenge it. Ferry never made any complaint , but the father of the young lady received a note from the snnator a couple of days after the attack. He opened it , expecting to iiud at least a challenge , but instead ho found an annu al uass lor himself and family over the Pannsylvatiia railroad. Queer way of demanding satisfaction , wasn't it ? "Ferry's exposure would hav ) come several yearn before it did but from the fact that lie held n scat in the United States senate , and if he had been re- olocled his affairs would have been hushed up somehow ; but when he be came a common citi/.cn , with no patron age at his disposal , then all his creditors jumped on him. It wis : learned that he. had been engaged in a , number of very questionable transactions , among which was the charge of tryin j to imitate another man's signature , terry made a desperate ellbrt to pet back lo the senate , and the machine discipline organized by /Such Chandler in Michigan held his forces iu line down to the eighty-first ballot. Then a break came. and. the pro- scut Senator Palmer was the result. Ferry lied at once to Earope , and had scarcely got out of thu country before warrants1 wore issued for his arrest on several different counts. That was three years ago. lie has never returned , and ho may die in exile. The ex-senator's brother , however , is devoted to Tomand he has been trying to build up the for tunes of the family. He is by far the better man of the two , and has consider able business ability and push. I am told that ho has been fortunate in some silver mine investments , and may be come rich again. In that case I suppose all claims against Thomas whore a crim inal prosecution could bo brought will bo settled up , and the exile will find it safe to return. But lie can never again be a factor in Michigan politics. Of latu years lie has become a victim of the morphine habit , which almost completely under mined his intellect. " "Where is ho livinsr ? " . " 1 believe ho has passed most of his cVile in Italy , but he has been roaming nil over Europe. A pjroat ellbrt was mnilc to persuade President Arthur to give' Ferry the Uussian mission just after the death of Minister Hunt , but Mr. Ar thur concluded it was not best to appoint a man whb'could ' not visit his own coun try to present Ins application. Senator Conger made the effort , I believe , out of charity. It is a little bit singular that a man who served eighteen years in the senate , six -years as president pro torn- pore of that'body , acting vice president and acting president tor a day , on tlio Sunday intervening between Cicn.Grant's retirement , and President Hayes' inaugu ration , should find himself an exile from his own country and : i fugitive from jus tice. It illustrates the tips and downs of politics with aye'ngo.ineo. ( " . CITY AND COUNTRY BOYS. Sonic Iloninrfcs IJpon Their Contrary IjilcoH and Dislikun. * --Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph : The luilfcgrown bpy and his cousin , the half- grown boy of the rural districts , are en- Vlous of caeli other , inversely as the square of the seasons , as the mutliomati- tlo'ns. " 'vpifltl put it. For instance , just now when llio April showers are falli-ig nnd llie flowers ara beginning to bloom , the city boy sits in the -close schoolrooms and wishes himself out in the country where there is good fishing in thu lillle streams and where there are Mowers in the woods showing themselves , anil where there are birds and u thousand other things that load to his enjoyment. The country hid is just as desirous of staying where ho is , .for though ho is in the coun try the wlioloycar round , he Is just as glade ( o live in llio Minsliinq nnd among tlio llowors and green fields as the city boy would be , No.ho don't want any city mixed up with his lifo when tlio elmrra- ing spring -weather comes , But tliorct is u lime when he would like to bo in the city. When he plans and plans how lie could get there and what he would do if ho were there. This is when thu summer work is over , and the chilling blasts of winter are felt. The country is a dreary place in winter , nnd the boy thinks that if only he could bo fixed like his city cousin ho would bo supremely happy. To toll ( ho truth , the boy on u farm has a hard time of it in the winter. There is always a lot of work to do which the old er people seem to think is just thu thing for the boys , and therefore have lo do it. True , they get some sleigh-rides and hare a little fun at school , but it la dreary lime notwithstanding ; . The city boy , if his parents arc. well-to- do , has u great advantage { n the long run he has a long vacation in the sum mer , and he can co out and spend it with liis country cousin. Ho has nothing to do , and if his uaronts are in a position ( o live half and half , that is , the winter in the. city and the summer in the country , lie is pretty well provided for. The country boy can't do anything like this , lie lias lee much to do in the winter lo come into town and have a good time , and he is a fortunate boy if ho can get a few days' visit everyyea'r to tlm oily. The country boy , it lie don't like farm life , and not one-half of thorn do not because they are indolent or anything of the kind , for they will work hard enough at what they do like will , in course of time , drift away from the farm and find himself clerking in n city More or working in tlio shops and having a much harder time of it than he Iuul on the farm. Vet you could not get him to go back. Ho may ot out of town occasion ally and ECO the green fields , and tisli in the streams us liu did when u boy , but a week or so is enough , ' back.he comes to the crowded city , . Hoys aro'.very queer someway or other , and a really cunUmtcd boy is not found at every turn.oty'ourelbow. . This is the reason , perhaps , why there are so ninny diifcontontcd men ih tlio world they are so many because they did not havs things to suit them when they were boys THE PAY OF FRENCH WRlTEfoS Journalists and Authors "Who ilnvo Made Fortunes by Literary Work. M Lorodan Larchoy , a wcll-kitowi Parisian htoratcur , contributes to the Monde Illustre some interesting rnminis ounces and Information in respect of the earnings , past and present , of French journalists , novelists , mid playwrighU. Some of his facts and figures will be In teresting to English readers. After a passing allusion to n meeting of writers , in which the opinion was unanimously expressed that a man could make a bet ter livelihood with his pen in Franco than anywhere else , M. Larehoy continues thus : "Thirty years ago journalism was al most or wholly unproductive , llotwccti 18)0 ) and 1&17 , La Silhouette and Lo Cor- saire paid for contributions at the rate of C centime ( H contsa ) lino. ChamiilleuryV 'Satan Chico Culllou , brouuh him from S3 to 23 francs. And observe that ho was ono ot the most famed members of the staff. Mtirgor , Uusquct , Viurd , Vitu , Nicollo , and Woill , who were also popu lar , had to turn outnlles of'copy' to earn CO francs a month. Their great ambition was to got an article into the Charivari , whoso opulent manager paid for articles nt tnc rate of tea centimes ( ! 3 cents ) a lino. "In those days the Journal do Dcbats was in advance of all its contemporaries , and paid 100 francs for n 'loader. ' Do- twoon 1850 and 1855 'serious * news papers usually paid 15 centimes a lino. Men worked for the smaller newspapers for little or nothing. Sometimes settle ments were made 'in kind , ' In 1854 a potty journalist , whose name 1 withhold , received in compensation for two years' steady services 10 fauces , a faded earnet , three bottles of toilet vinegar , an india- rubber overcoutand three cigar-lighters , with Hint nnd tinder. All of these arti cles had been taken in exchange for advertisements by the manager , who was his own canvasser ; times were hard. "Journalism became lucrative toward the endof the second empire. In 1805 an upward movement in prices began. La Pclile Prcsse , a popular journal , allowed its chroniquour , Tony Uoviljon , ' . ' -1.000 francs a ear. The Pelil Moniteur after ward cave the sumo salary to Les Lospcs , in uduilinu to a percentage on thu sale of the paper. The Monde lllustro rated 'copy1 from its four courriuristes at10 cent.mes n lino. The Figaro paid handsome prices , and M. do Villemessaut occasionally increased them liberally. The rate per line ranged from 15 to 75 centimes ; reporters' work was quoted at 30 cen times , and feuillctons brought between 15 and t0 ! centimes. The largest salaries paid by the Figaro of the period do not exceed 18,000 trancs. Thcfio , however , carry with them a share of the prolits , which bring from M.OOO to ISO.OCO'franes to each holder of the privilege. M. Wollf , M. Mngnurd , and two or throe other contributors are thus favored in accordance with the provisions of M. do Villcmcssant's will. The leading article in the Figaro usually brings 200 francs , and 500 Irancs in exceptional cases. M. Zola lately received 000 francs. The'Gil Hlas gives M. Roehefurt 500 francs , and he lately had a contract with L'lntraiisi- guant by which he was guaranteed 1,000 francs lor a daily leader and some minor articles. " A few of the French weeklies and monthlies , according to M. Larehey.have proved immensely remunerative. La lU-.viies des Deux Mondcs , after a long spell of poverty , linally paid its .stock holders an annual dividend equal to the face vulun of the stock. This state of af fairs astounded old .liaron do Rothschild , who subscribed for the capital stock out of charity , and ho was wont to repeat whenever a dividend was declared : "It isn't possiblel 'I'll oy're not literary men ! " "As a rule litterateurs , " observes M. Lnrehey , ' 'do not shine through their ability'as men of business. Having formed a .societv , however , they may conduct their business most admirably. They receive yearly 200,000 francs for au thors' rightson the reprinting of works in the newspapers only , and they pay to 115 members , aged 00 years or more , an annual pension of 500 francs in addition to special awards for assistance. Some of the socictaires gather for the reprint ing of their feuillotons from 800 to 1,500 , francs a month. "If the sources of a novelist's profits are looked into it will be seen that ho has four means of adding to his revenue. Firstly , by the initial publication of his work in fetiillcton form ; secondly , by its ropublicalion ii | book form ; thirdly , by reprinting it in newspapers throughout France and abroad ; fourthly , by ils adap tation , with or without assistance , for the slage. A newspaper proposing to secure the services of a successful novlist must nay him itt the rate of 20 sons a lino. This ( innlois paid iiO.OOO francs 10,000 , francs more than was paid for 'Xuna' to print 'Pot lioiiillo' us a fetiillcton. Uut 'Naiiu , ' which bus reached its edition , sold far better in book form. M. Zola bus received from his publishers thus far 75,000 francs , and an illustrated edition yields him besides 20,000 Irancs. MM. Hector , Mulot , lu liotegoboy and Adolph IScloi nil commanded 1 franc a line. Hut prices are exceptional. "Littro's big dictionary brought Him in his lifetime upward of 500,000 f nines. The principal publishers pay for novels at the rate ol 10 to IK ) cents centimes on each copy sold for ! l francs 50 centimes. Dan- dot's 'Sapho' is the only work that has run through eighty editions of one thou sand copies each in a twelvemonth , the author getting GO centimes for each copy sold. If a writer's name has no weight I'.isj ' thun 10 centimes u copy oa sales is ofti'ii paid him. " According to Ln ( Jaulols the novel of 'Lo ' Maitre de.s Forges" had reached in the spring of 1818 its 112th edition , 1,000 copies being reukoned lo the edition. At thu rate of 50 centimes a volume M. Ob- net had received 50,01)0 ) francs. Thu iirst 100 purforni'incivj ot the play founded on the work brought M. Olinet73,1-10 trancs , plus .1,000 , trams' worth of tickets. Thu printed play nutted Him -10,000 francs , So lie had received in tolo 171,110 francs for bis achievement , and this sum must have been inuroasud to 200,000 francs by royal ties from the provinces. M. de Hornier inude out of "La Fille do Roland" 120,000 francs. M. Sardou's re turns from < 4lora" and "Thedora" amount thus far to upward of 000,000 francs , The Iirst ono hundred represen tations of "" nutted Alexander Du mas 70.000 francs , and under M , Perrln's management the Comediu often paid him 100,0)i.i francs a year. The same theater gave. Victor Hugo 118,000 , francs in a twelvemonth , and when "Lo Monde on Fouls' Knnuio" reached its two hundredth night M. Piillluron had bcon puid between 140,003 , and 150,000 for roytiilim. A small work , according toM , Larchoy , brings someliincs as much as a larger one. "LeCamr.Htla Main" will bowirth lO'i.OOO frnncs to the composer and book makers , The authors of "Carmen" and and the comuosur's heirs received -10,000 , franos royalties for this ynur's perfor mances of the opera in foreign parts. The royalties on operas were never higher , it soeniK , thtiu at present. Seven pur cent , of tlio gross recuipts of Urn iirand opera are now set aside lor the authors and composers , When " ( iuill- mime Tell" iittraols an audieiiou ropru- seuting 1H.OOO francs the authors' and coinpwtrd' heirs got about 1,200 francs. Thirty years ago. 200 francs was the amount divided bet ween Jtossini and MM. . Jouy aiid lis $ thu. librettist for each rep- , ruscntuiioi ) of the composer's , niulur- piece. ' - CHICAGO MARKET RATES Weakened and Lower Prices tko Prevail ing Feature. WHEAT WEAK AND HEAVY , Foreign Countries KnlslnRTlinlr Own Wheat Speculation In Corn Act ive A ncrnooii I'rlcoslu Wheat mid Cnttlc Jfljlicr. CHICAGO CHAIN MAHKKT. CHICAGO , May 11 [ Special Telegram , ] Weakness and lower prices \vcro the rule everywhere on 'Change to-day , the nmiket being In more respects than nnon repetition of yesterday's. Consols , as then , started the decline by coming In tour points higher than they closed , licspoiislvo thereto Juno wheat opened at 773 ( ! ! .7"Kc , lower than It closed. Kor awhile It llnctiiatcd around 7"Ke , but ut terly failed not only to advance beyond this figure but to keep up to It , Some heavy sell- In ; ; by local traders began almost as soon a.i business did , and their numbers Increased as the session grow. They so'd right nnd left , hammering Juno down to TOJ c. From 13 o'clock on it lluctnated closely a stiado higher liguro than this , but all the tlmo It was weak and heavy. Nat Jones was a very heavy seller In all the principal pits wheat , corn anil pro visions. In corn ho Is alleged to have sold the crop. Such demand us came from early traders was In the nature of short covering. KelV.ynsky & Co. , of Now York , threw little light on the actuil situation by saying that sales of export wheat in that port are from l(31Ko ( below cash market , so great Is the anxiety and eagerness to get wheat moving. No foreign country , according to the same authority , can afford to buy Amnrlcau wheat ami am raising all of their own they possibly can. On the early decline Now York par ties were said to bo soiling a good deal of wheat ho re. Weakness was little Ics.s ap parent toward l'JiO : : o'clock. Juno In the meantime having picked up to 77c , and at 1 o'clock felt about steady at the decline noted. COUN AND OATS Speculation In corn Is on the increase. Dally speculations are heavy In the aggregate and operators llml they usually have clearer margin for profit or loss in the lltictuatlons. The market closed steady to-day at about yestoi day's last 11 e- urcs. Oats were active but somewhat lower lor cash and for futures. PnovisioNs 1'rovlslons were active and better prices ruled. The tone of the market was strong at the opening , then weak , and later very strong under the Influence ol lib eral buying by speculative brokers , who rarely represent any but strong parties. An advance of 1-Ke in pork , 'J > ie In laid and Co in ribs was established. 2aOp. : m. Wheat advanced % c on after noon board , and the market developed no little llrmncss. Corn , oats and provisions steady wltli only a moderate business. 2:40 : Puts on June wheats , 7Gc ; calls Cliamller-Browii Co , 'a Report. The following report is furnished by Chandler Brown Co.of Chicago and Milwau kee : Wheat opened steady at about yesterday's closing figures , but soon weakened ami .sold down to "flitfc for Juno ; reacted to ? 7 , ' c and closed at 7 ( % < 37flc at 1 p. in. The vislbU supply decreased 5jl:550C03 : bushels , and re ceipts were light , but there seems nt presen to bo no bottom to the market. Corn steady. Provisions firm. 2SO : p. m. All closed flrm. CHICAGO IjlVB Sl'OCIC. CATTI.I : C.ittlo with only a short 3,500 as ujainst 0,000 to 7,003 expected , prices took sharp up turn of 1020e ( on all classes of fat cattle all being well sola out at an early hour. Another tip-turn like that of to-day woilil bring prices np to about he highest of List week. Taking the average sales of to-ilay and the general niaikct is only luYfglSc lower than last week , the iiSo lecllneof yesterday being regained odav. .Snipping steers , ! : ! " < ( ) to lf > OU Ibs , S.VJ.rJ@r.ri ! ; lioo to 11150 Ibs , SJ.S > 3@3.-10 ; OJO to 11200 Ibs , 8-U > 0 5.A ( ) . HOOK Trade active and prices about 5c ilglii'i- than Monday. .Mixed sold at 81 , W A < 4.15 : assorted heavy. ft-J.iWGH.85 ; culls. SI.N : > G.44.05 ; light holu at 5i.OOC'l.iiO : : lough and nixed , S'l.fjO l.lO ; packing and shipping , j.w to ate lus , sj.oo@i.2.j. ; NOW York. May 11. Moifr.v On call , eay at IKtiWH per cent. I'niMi : MiitcA.vriLi : ; PAPKU ! Jtf@3 per cent. STHIIU.VO rtxciiAwiK On London , dull but Moadv ; rate. " . Sl.bOjtf lor sixty days { gf.b'JJf for demand. ( So VKIIXMIIXTK null but steadv. STOCKS Slocks opened weak svilli every- hlng lower , seneially , lo " jier WiiiJ , bill after the Iirst few minutes there was consider able trading until the announcement of csnll ot ( he election , when prices Iuul de clined fractional iininunfs. Laekawami beliid n the lead. From thin lime until aljnul noon , narket became duller hut remained heavy , Mlerl'J o'clock it uiew still duller but be * ame linn and so luinalneil throughout tlui afternoon , BTOCKS OH WA.T.T , HTHKBT. 8J ! cent bonus. . . 101 10. & .N. W U.S.iK's . H-'V ' pioferred. . . 1W ! slew 4's. . 1S5J < 'X. V , 0 . 101 X i'acificO'sof ' 0 > . Wr.iOreroii ; . Trail. Central I'aclflo . ' . > > , ' I'acllin Mail . C.&A . 1IOJI' . , 1) . &U . preferred , . . . 1M | 1M' . 0 . 1'J'J ' O. , B. &Q . l.'KJifiilock ' Island. . . . 12'Jjf [ ) . , L. & W . I' ' . -j'st. L. it H. I- ' . . . . l&It.G . 15 preferred. . . Erie . 24 | 0.,3I. Jfc.St. 1 . . . 85 preferred. . . . Illinois Central. I. , U. &W . Kansas i&Texai. UiUeSlioro . Union I'acllie. . . U& N . W. , SI. L. .t P. . Mich. Central. . , . prof cried. . , Mo. Pacific . Western Union Northern Pac. . . N . pu'f cried. . . CHICAGO IMIODUCK. Chicago , May -I'lour-'Unchaiised ; winter wheat , c'-t.40-l ( " " ' S4.0'J.wi.r,0 ; Wisconsin ) , § 4 .Mich- ! gaii Mitt Hprlng wheat , W , Minne hota bikorti. : $ ii.50" l. ! > 0 ; patents , , . . Wheat Fairly active ; opened Fitfc b''t- vaneeu , > { ( & ' ' & and closed 14 < : nhovo yaster- dayiilKi ; ! lor cash and May ; X > Jfc for June. Oats \ WaU and lower ; : Jh lor cash ; o fyr May and June. Ityo-Dnll at ( JUKe , Unilcy Dull at &Ca Tlinothv-PrlmP , SI.T2@l.n . < rt. WhliU-y Sl.'H. Pork Active and Irregular ; ruled 5 < 3'lOc lower , rallied ri)5 ) ( < l5e ami closed bteady ; 8ax < f8.70 for cash ; sy.GT &WU for May ; if a&s.r-iHi'or.liinv. L&rd12 } ( ! higher and closed stc.itly : S5.vji5.s.i for tash : and May ; S5WS3S5.b7 > i lor June. Hulk Mc-nts Shoulder * . 34.00(34.10 ( ; sUurt ' clwtr'S'i.t'\0'j ( ; ; * hoi t libs , $5. ; * > .