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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , FEBRUARY 10 , 1885 , NEBRASKA OMA1IA. NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL $150,000 QUKPLUB NOV 1.1BJ4 82,000 H. ff'TATXS. ; A. K. TOUZALIH , Prc tdml , TIM President. * IV. V MOOIIE , JNO. 8 , COLMJJ9. t.KiVIS P. IlKED. Kent K. Ilajdcn , Aislftant and Actinic Cashier. omcil The Iron Bank OOB , 12TH ANDFAENAM STB , A QENKIlAIi UANKINQ UUSINES8 TUAN8AOTKD , INTKRKST Allowed en Uma depoilti npon avorablo terms fcnd open MOonnU of banki nd bunkors. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Government Bondi and County and City leonrlUr * bought and Bold. In iti treatment of mutomers the most llby era ! policy li pursued consistent with aafotd ted tonnd banking , and wn invite correspond nee or personal inquiry in lonneetlon there with FINANCE AND GDffllHIERGE. FINANCIAL NEW Tonic , February 11. Money 1@2 , closing at li per cent. Prime mercantile paper IgOs. Sterling Ullla Quiet and nndiangad nt 183J. Sterling Exchange Demand 4 86 } , GoTomraonta Dull , but firm. Stocks The stock matkot waa galn weak and lower to-day , the decline Using led by Western Union. Some cf the prominent operators on the bull side throughout the re cent ndvanco were largo sellers to-day , nnd they made no effort to conceal the fact. It was very positively assorted that the bears in the Western Union made private sottlcmonts at nbout G3. The downward course was chocked nbout 2 o'clock , and In the laat hour the market rallied a fraction , AH active stocks were lower , however , than the cloeo of yesterday. Comparing prices this evening with a week ago , there's a decline of from 1 to 3jf in the majority of the most active btocki , COUPONS , 8'a 101 4V Ooupons 112 U. 8.4's 122 PoclGoG'sof'35 126 BTOCKS AMD BONDS , Oontral pacibo -9,4 Chicago & Alton 1H1 do do pfd 115 Chicago , Burlington & Qnincy 1 Delaware , Luckawana & Western 95 Denver &Illo Grande < iy Erie 124 do pfd. . . . . 374 Illinois Central 1219 Indianapolis , Bloom , & Western 1 li J Kansas & Texas II ! Lake Shore & Michliran'Southern 633 Louisville & Nashville 2&i Michigan Oontral 01 Missouri Paclfia Northern Pacific do do pW 31) ) j Northwestern ' . ) < ? j pfd 128 Now York Central ! ) ! Oregon Trans-Continental 1i Pacific Msul Gr > T. D. &E 121 Pullman Palnco Car Company 111 i Rock Island Ill Bt. Loula & San Francisco 1 ! ) do do pfd 'M Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 1)25 ) do do do pfd 1C5 Bt Panl&Omaha , 20i t do do pfd 87 Texas Pacific 12f Union PuciQo -\V' ( Wabash , St. Ixiuis & Pacific -Itf do do do pfd 11 Western Union Telegraph 68 } o. u. &N G3j IKx-int. + Kx-div. Auked. 1'KODUCH OHIOAQO rBODDOE , CntOAQO , Fobniary 11. Flour Quiet and unchanged ; winter wheat -100@175 ; Michigan S 75 ® I 50 ; Minnesota Bakem a 10 © 100. Wheat Quiet anil dull nnd feeling a shade eflfcifr ; declining1 J'fl c , imil clo eii Jc under yesturdivy ; 77J' < fl78c for cjsh ; t7jclnr K l- niary ; 7 io for Marchi8J' for April ; b3J@ 3Sgc for May ; No. 2 rod , 80c. Com Steady nnd about unchanged ; 'Mla ) 07 0 for cash ; Sli 'c ' for Fobniary ; 3i Ci'II7o for Alarcn ; S")74c ! ) for April10j ; { hid tor May. Oats-Quiet and nbout iinohnngoil nnd n little niorrt ffworabls to H'ttlern , 27@27Jo for cuh aud February ; " 7jc for March ; 279 C27lo fnr April ; 30if530io { for May. Ilyo Firm at ( i3c. Barley Nominal ut C3@C5c. Timothy Seed Firm nnd advanced Ic , pi Imp , 1 30. Flax Seod-Scucc and flrm No , 1. 1 48. Pork Quiet nud tame and rulo'l Ofe'Oo lower and clout d outside 12 ! )5fc ) ) 13 00 for cash ; 12 . ' ) for February ; I'l ! ir.L/M2 ( U74 for March13 ; 15 for April ; 1 < U 13 174 for May. Lard Quiet nnd ruled aii5a lower nud closHil taints at 7 0' ' for cnnh and I'ebninrv ; 7 00@7 0. 4 fur rnrch ; 7 02J @ 7 10 for April ; 7 15't4 7 174 for May. MI ' M , Boxed Aloits Snoulders , 4 E0@ 1 ! ll ) ; ulio'rt clear hides , U 'JOgli IC ; ehort rib bides , G 15 @G 50. Whisky At 115. Butter Dull nnd unchanged ; creamery , 32 @Hc ; dairy , a7i < 928a. Cheese Quiet and unchanged ; good to finn chedilarH 10J. KgKS Firm ; fresh , 28o. lluloa Sioady nud unchanged. Tallow Steady uuduuclunirod. Bhlp'ts. Flour , bbla l.OCO 1,000 Wheat , bushela 20,000 13,0/0 Oorn , huflhola , . , 3llWO llt.OOO OaU , bushola 33,000 li.OOO Kye , buahela 1,000 Buley , bushels 17,000 11,000 NEW TORK FRODUOI Niw YOBK , Febmary 1 1 , Wh-at Gael lota firm ; options opened lG'3o lower , and closed Nteady , with a alight recovery ; rereiiita 10,000 bushels ; sxportc , 30.C03 biiBhela ; No. i. apring , Otc ; ungraded r-d fc3C OOc ; No 3 red fiOio ; No 2 ri'd , IHfjf 'JSJcj May , ch)3mg at Corn-Spot lot l@ifl ( lower ; op'lona steady 1 lecei | > U , 80,000 bimhels ; exDorta , 170,000 InulieU ; ungrailiHl , 60@51Jc ; No. 2 , 511(5,51 ( fco May cloning at )8jo. ) Oata > Shade dull and lower ; receipt * , 40 , 000 huihels ; exports , none ; mixed western 30S3SC. Einra Western froth , quiet but steady a 27 33c. Pork -Firm and falily active ; new mes U G0@l-l 25. Lard Hti-ady ; contract § pot quoted a Butter Firm an fairly active , BALTIUOBX. lUmiiOBB , February U , - WheatWoat ern , oaner and dull ; No. 2 winter tred spot , , -Western , t ady and quiet ; mixed wwtern stiot JUjc. OaU-bti-ady and Quiet ; wwtern white , 3 @SSc > mixed Sl@3fic. Uyo Qulet at 7i@7Cc. ; KgfS.arcu ( and tirm at 24@25c. Whiskey- Steady at 1 20 ® 1 21 , UILWADKEK FBODCOI VAniCKr , February W. Wheat-Dull MHwnuket' , 70' . February , 7CJc Jl y , also , Coin .Stoady ; No. 3 white , 38i@3i ) . Oata Dull and unchanged ; NJ , 2 white , 30 < Jr30J , llye Swrce and firmNn ; 1 , C5Jc. Barley Scarce and ( inn ; No. 2 aptinc , 63Jc BT. LOCI8 FEODCCK. Br. LOOTS , Februarr 14.Whe t Mar let lower but tlow ; 8 ii@85Jo for catbj 85J for February ; 8GJ : for March ; 91J@lic ! ) , " to Mny. Osrn I'lrrn and n ttwdo b U j , for cah. aOJWIUgo for 1'obmary and Mucrli 37i'tf37ic for May. OfttR 1'irm nnd very slow ; 20e for catli no oplinnf. Kye J'irm nt Ws. 15arloy-iuict at OOaS o. IJnttpr Unchanged ; dairy , 19@2Cc cream' ry , 28@31c. KRRS I.owor at 23b. 1-Tax Sood-ljuiet at 1 40. K y K y ; pruirlo'J 60@11 00 ; timothy , 12 00@15 00. lirnn-ljuiet : Mont mill. Cornmcnl Firm at 2 J5 , Uo.\nn Wheat Dull nnd lower , b'jtSN'Je for March ; Uljis for May , Com Dull and nominal , Oats Nothing done. TOLEDO. TOLKDO , February II. Whont Quttt and weak ; No 2 red cash nnd February , 7lle. ) Corn Quiet but firm ; No. 2 cneh 42c. Oats-Dull ; No. i. , 3ljc. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITT , Fobniary II. WhnaJ Quiet ! cash , fi2Jc bid , l3c ! asked ; March , Ii3c ' ) ide33cn kcd ; May , < % bid ; G3Jc nskfd. Corn Quiet cash SOZcj March , 3lo bid , SOfo risked ; May , 31c bid , 31 go asked. Oats Dull nud nominal ; i'3 obld. LIT Enroot , . IjtVEnrooL , February * -Wheat-Quiet with poor demand and supply peed ; winter , 7s @ 7 4d } pprjtig , < ! * , 7d@7a , Id Corn Quiet but steady nnd in fair demand at Ms OJd. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , February 14. Wheat DB- inand fair and market firm ; No. 2 red , 8G@ 87c. 87c.Corn Corn Demand fair nnd market firm ; No. 2 mixed , -Ilie. O ita StrotiKnr nt f 3@33Jc. Uyo Good demand at good prices ; 72 ® 72 Jo. llnrley Quiet nnd unchanged ; extra No. 3 fall , 83c Pork-Quiet and firm nt 13 CO. Lard Quiet but firm nt 7 05. Bulk Meats Firm : short ribs , G 70. Whisky Quiet at 113. NEW OBLKANS. NEW ORLKANS , _ February II. Corn- In peed demand ; mixed and yellow , D0@51c ; whitu 63tffiUs. ( Oats Westernmarket c-viar : choice quoted at 41@42e ; Texas rust jirojf 42@l3c. Corn Mcnl In good demand and scarce ; spot at 2 85. Pork 1 peed demand and raaiket fairly steady at 13 75. Laid Quint but steady ; refined llorcc ; 7 S7J ; koj 7 75 ; ptimo steam at 7 37 } . Bran In better demand and market steadi ng 90. Kg < s Western fresh demand fair and mar ket firm at 27c , Butter Demand fair and market firm at 8 @ 30c. Bulk Moats Markat quiet but steady ; shoulders packed at 4 97i@r > 00 ; long clear 6 50 'tt G 72J ; clear ribs G GJ@G ( 75. Whisky Maiket steady ; western rectified I Oj@l 25. LIVE STOCK. OUIOAOO. CniOAOO , February 14 , Drovers' Journal reports : Cattle Rfceipt , S.fOO ; [ market active but 10@15c under yesterday.iexports , 5 76ftfi 25 ; common to choice shipping , 3 00@ 3 110 ; feed ONI , 400C-1 05 Hogs Receipts 21,000 ; slow and lOc lower ; rough packing 4 40 © 105 ; packing and ship- 4 7fi@52ilikipi ; 360@4 25. Sheep Receipts , 4,000 , ; active and 10@lCc lower ; Inferior to good , 1 70 ® I 00 ; choice to extra , 4 23 ( ' t 75.BT. BT. LOUIS. ST. Louis , Ftbrunry 11. Cattle Receipts GW head ; shipments , 1,300 head ; very quiet , with only small local trade ; lower prices ox- pnc'cd next week. Exports , li 00@i ( 23 ; geode , o choice shipping , G40@590 ; common to medium , 4 40@5 20 ; native butchers steers , 25@470 ; stockers , 3 SO © I 00 : feeders , 425 © 101 ; cornfod Texani 1 Ol4 ) GO. Shuep Receipts , 7CO head ; shipment" , 1,000 eadbtcadvi ; I cst grades , from common to lOillum , 2 C0@3 20 ; good to choice , 3 5U © KANSAS CITY LlVri STOCK. KANSAS CITY , February 14. Cattle Ro- elpts , line head ; market weak , lOc lower ; xports , 5 , .05 5i ) ; good to choice flipping , y.j@f > 20 ; common to medium , 4 50(3)4 ( ) fcO ; lockers and feeders , 3 30@4 ' 5 ; cows , U 50@ 30. Hogs Receipt * , 9,500 , market slow nrl in@15o loner ; lots of 185 to 341) ) pounds , : n@ DO. mainly 4 5@l ! ) GO. Sheep Receipts 2300 ; market quiet ; fair ogood , 2-10ffl31j. ( OMAHA MAUKKTS. Ornna OP THE OMAHA Bsa , 1 Saturday , February 14. | TKADR OK T11K PAST 1VHRK. During the past week theio has been noth- ng of particu'ar importance transpiied in the lusinees centers of Omaha. Trade hm ; been inrdly as brisk as during the preceding week , iut the moikots have continued firm , nud iavo not uiideigono any change of impor- nnci > . Collections are reported as much bet- er than fr two inontlif past , and the money narkct is much morn eaey than for some lit- lotimo past. During the past few weeks onstderabla eastern capital hai found its vny to Omaha and various pirts of Nebraska , eoking investment. Money can now bo ob- talne-d very reaeounbly upon real estate aecurl- lea. These in a position to know assert that ho stringency In the money market which mi prevailed for the past few mnntln will now give away to brighter times , and one and all are hopeful , and express n belief that the coming ipringtrado will bo a good ono in all tranches of bminees. During the past week hoi declined slight'y ' , closing SoturJay tluue-i'ighths of a cent lower than the pio- vious week. Corn closed steady , showing & decline of J cent from the figures of tin pie- nous week , Oats dropped off j cent , bul clo > ed firm , The trade in hogs during the past week has been very lively , and when the narket closed Saturday night there waa nol hoof remaining uiiHold In the Union stock rardi pens Following were tha sales nt the Union stock yards Saturday , reported by W. F. Brown & Co. All the hogs iu the yards were sold , and the market closed steady : ! 9 head hogs , average 295 pounds $ 4 70 C2 " " " " 275 4 G5 f,5 " " " " ( JO " ' ' . ( G5 68 210 " . . . . . . } GO } C9 " " " 215 " . ( 07J Tha opening of the picking bouses ban had a tendency to advance the pnco of hogs , and a good brisk market can now bo looked for. The produce market lias been very fair during the past week , and nil kinds of produce has found n ready market at gocd prices. Poul try has been in more active demand than at any time stuco the holidays , and all kinds of fowl hud a ready market , with the exception of gee e , which go elf very ( lowly , I'ggs have been'very icarce for a few weeks past , but are now inoro plentiful , and larger re ceipts aioexpoctuJ this week , then them will doubtless bo a decline in prices. On Satur day they were weak at 30@31c. The following prices are charged retailers by jobbers , wholesalers and commiieion mer chinti with the exception of grain , which Is quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators and other local buyers ! Grain , Wheat Oath No , 2 , G0 | . Barley Cash No. 2 , nominal. Kye Cash No. 3 , 4So. Corn No. 2 , Vlgc. OaU-No. 3 , 22c , . Iilvo Hioclc Market. Vf , V. Brown & Co. , of the Union Stock Yardi report the market M follows : Hog -4GO180 fAii | o choice. Market nrlivej nil sold. ] logjtirmnt400f I * 0. The cattle market w.-xj quiet to-thy nnt butchers' stock wai quote 1 t a 00@3 75 , Sheep were quoted nt 2 7u@3 50. Gonorftl Produce Poultry In mete ntllve demand and price show n ( light advance over List week , Chick OBB nre wnnted tha most ; demand for turkeys nnd ducks U fnir , but jjeefc are slow. Chick ens Dre'ted , per lb , choice , SalOc ; fair to ijood 7c ; Turkeys Dresied , per lb , choice ll@12j ; fair to good , 8' < r9j. Genso Dressed per lb , choice , lie ; fair to BOodSff,9. ( . Duck * Pressed , per ib , choice , 10@llc ; fair to good , 9s. Kgs Are In more liberal supply now ant qnitu an increase of receipts Is anticipated for the next week which will doubtlcta brim ; cor > sldorabla lower price * . They nro weak now nt 30S31c. ( Butter- Demand ia good , o plclnlly for the better grftdts , of which receipts ro only very light. Prices continue film nivl protpects fnvor an advance. Creamery , 2-2fl ; fair to good , 14@16 ; choica dairy , ITfelSj inferior gr de ? , 8W10. U mo Is now very quiet nnd receipt * hnvo come > down tn n triHa since the 1&f . Prairie ducks , teal nnd mixed , $1 G0@2 00 , Potatoes As lonpc as the cold weather laita the potato bu-lnrss will not amount to much. A few cars have been received during the warm days of last week , hut they nil show inoro orlftn frost , nniHOo has been tAe highest price obtaimd. Well assorted stock , free trom frost and put up In Hacks , will probably bring 43g50c. Onions There have not boon any receipts lately. Unfrozen Block is scarce nnd will sell at 75c per bushel , or $2 232 ( 50 per barrel , In n small way. Beans Am getting to bo quite scarce now and m&rket rules firm on clean stock , Navy , i > er bushel , 1.40@1.50 ; medium , par bushel , tV5@1.35 , Popcorn Almost no demand , nnd slow sales nt l@lc per lb , llonay Comb Choice domestic , 15@lGc ; California , ll@15c. Beeswax In good demand. Choice bright per lb. 2G@28c ; common to good dark per lb. ; 5@20c. Cider "Ohio" per bbl. 57.00 ; "York State" per bbl. 83.00 ; per i bbl. $4.75 ; condensed - donsed ] per gal. bfic ; crab apple , per gnl. S5o. Cheese Full cream , western , 12c ; Wiscon sin now , 12Jc ; young American , 12@13c. Mapio Sugar Pure , In bticks , porlb. , IGc ; Grocers' List , CANNED Goons. Oysters ' ( Standard ) per cose , 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 lb per case , 2 50 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 50 ; California loara per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per cose , 5 00 ; > eachos per case , 5 90 ; white cherries per inso , 6 7fi ; pluma per case , 4 50 ; whortlebor- rica per case , 3 00 ; egg plums , 2 lb , per case , 2 00 ; green gages , 2 lb , per case , 2 'JO ; pine aplea , 2 lb , per case , 3 20@5 BO ROPE Sisal , i inch and larger , 8 Jo , 3 Inch , Die.CAN CAN B Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 12c , 81 , 12Jc , loxor bs , 16 oz , Gs , 14c , rAUnes Per caddie , SCc ; round , rl , case 2 ; < uaro , cases , 1 70 ; Oshkosh , caseegr .0 SnaAi s Powdered , 8c ; cut loaf , 8c ; an4 tinted , 7cJ confectioners' A , GJc ; Standard extra O , do ; extra C , 5c ; medium yellow , 5Jcj dark yellow , 5i@GJc. COKITKHS Ordinary grades , 12@12)icfnir ) ; , 12 aiSic ; good , 13 c ; prime , 14@lCJc ; choice , rG@17c ; fancy green and yellow , 16@16Jc ; old government Java , 20@26c ; Arbuckle'a roast- id , 16c ; McLaughlin's XXXX roasted , 15 c ; mltation Java , ICJQlSJc ; Clark's Aurora , 15ic. SIBCP Standard Com. , 28c , bbls ; Standard do. 4 gallon kegs , 1 25. SODA In lb papers , 3 20 per case ; keg , per b , 2Jc. DRT FBUITS No 1 , quarter apples , bbls , iicN ; O sliced , boxes , 7 jo : evaporated , boxes , ) Jc ; blackberries , boxes , lie ; peaches , J- xio3 , 10s ; poacnce , evaporated , IGc ; jerries , S5o ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol , 2 30 per win onall extra California spirits ; 188 proof , 1 29 )0r pr oof gallon ; tripple refined spirits , 187 > roof , 1 19 per proof gallon ; redistilled whlekies , 1 00 1 50 ; fine blended , 1 50 'c 2 50. GINS Imported , 450@GOO ; domestic , 140 @ 300. PICKLES Medium in barrels , G 00 ; do In jalf barrels , 3 50 ; email , in barrels , 7 00 ; do in uilf barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins in barrel ? , 3 00 do in half barrels , 4 50 , TEAS -Gunpowder , goodj 45@55c ; choice , 607Gc ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GOO )5c ) ; Young Ilyson , peed , 3 ( @ 50c ; choice , G5 @ 1 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 7Cc ; Japan choice , 50/.75c ; Oolon ? good , S5@40c ; Oolong choice , 4 faG5c ! ; Sauchong , good , 30@40c ; choice , 3b @ 15c. KICK Louisiana , prime to choice , GJ@71c. FISH No. 1 mackerel1) ) half bbls. , 7 60 ; Family J bbls. , 4 25 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05 ; family kits , GOc ; No. 1 whitefieh , half bb . , G 50 ; No. 1 kits , 95c : family half bbls. , 300 ; family kits and palls , GOc ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. , 5 25. WOODINWARK Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 'i 90 ; well- buckets , 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 15 ; Kirk'o satinet , 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 55 ; Kirk's White Russian , 4 85. POTAS ! ' Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans in case , 33 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. In cose , 1 90 ; An- cnor ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. CANDY Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twist stick , lOic. VINKOAH Now York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap ple , 13c , HALT Drny loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton , n Backs , 3 50 ; bbls dairy. GO , Ca , 3 60. STAncii Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 8c : Corn Starch , 8c ; Kxcelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 7jc , SPICKS Pepper , 19s ; spice , l4c ; cloves , 20c ; cassia , 15c. Dry Goods BnowN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7ic ; Atlan tic P , Gc : Atlantic I/L , 6Jc ; Brunswick , 7io ; Heaver Dam Iilj , Gc ; Lawrence LIj , Sic ; Pa cific II , 7Jc ; Koyal Standard , GJc ; Indian Head A , 7jc ; Wauchusott , . FINE BROWN SHEKTINOS Argyle , GJc ; Pop- perell It , 7c ; Sallsoury K. Gic. BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon , 4-4 , GJc ; Bal lon , 7-8 , 5 c ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 8c ; Davoll DD , 8&c & ; Fairmount , 4c ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , 9c ; Glory of the West , 81c : Golden Gate , 8Jc ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4. 7Jo ; Lonsdalo , 7Sc ; New York Mills , llic ; Wamsuttn , lOic. DOCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljo ; Bos ton , 10 oz , 141c ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall Diver ic.DOCKS DOCKS ( Gray-West ) Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West Point 10 oz. , Me ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie , TICKINGS Amoskeag. 13c ; Continental Fancy , 9Jo ; Oordls. lOJc ; Pearl River , 21c ; York , 12c ; Ilamleton Awnings , 12ic. DsNlMS-Amoske p , 14o ; Beaver Creek AA 12c ; Beaver Creek BU , lie ; Beaver Creek CO. lOc ; Haymakers , Set Jnffrey D& T , 12tfo ; Jnffroy XXX , 12ic ; Pearl Rlvor. 13c ; Warren - ron AXA ( brown ) . 12o ; Warren BB ( brown ) , Ic : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAMBBICS Fifth nvonue glova finish , 4o ; Keyetono glove finish , 5c , ConsKT JKANB Amory , 7ic ; Hancock , Be ; Heareayer 8Jc ; Rockport , 7c. PniNTS Aliens , 5Jc ; American , 5c ; Arn old's Gc ; Cocheco , Co ; Harmony , 4Jc ; Indigo , GJc ; Indigo 7-8 , llc : Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; Stee River , 6ic ; Charter Oak , 44c , PltlNTS HHIRriNQS American , 60 ; Cocheco , 5o jGloncester , 6c ; Southbr'dgo , 4Jc ; Waver leys 1 Jc ; Rosedale , 4Jfc. GINQHAMS Amoskeag Btaplei , 8Jo ; Bates itanlos. 8c ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plunket plaids 9c ; Hudson chocka , Bio ; Amoskoag Persians , Djc. DBESI GOODS Atlantio nlpacca. 9Jo ; Per Ian cashm're , 23Jo ; Ilamleton cashmere , 15c Hamleton Fanais , lljo ; Ilamleton brocades IDc ; Arlington brocade , 18c. Diiuus AND CHEMICALS Acid , carbolic , 40 acid , tartaric , 60c ; balsam copaiba , per lb 65c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12c ; avlomei , pe lb , 90o ; cmchonidla , per or , , $0 60 ; chloro form , per lb , $1 00 ; Dovers powders , per lb 81 25 ; epsom salU , per Ib , 3Jc ; glycerine pure , per lb , 25c ; load acetate , par Ib , 20c ; ol castor , No. 1 per gal , $1 60 ; oil castor , No. 8 per gal. , § 1 40 ; oil , olive , per gal , . 81 40 ; oil origanum , 5Cc ; opium , Si 50 : nulnlue , P. & W. , and R. & H. , per oz. , $123 ; potassium Iodide , per lb , . $3 60 ; salicin , | > er oz. . 40c bulplmto morphine , per oz. , 83 40 ; mlphur per Ib , , 4c ; strychnine- , per oz. , 8) ) 86. TleaTT Hardware List , Iron , rates , 2 SO ; plow steel , special cast , 6c crucible , 7ci ( pedal or German , 5o ; out too do , 15a20c ; wajzon ipokes , set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per set , 1 25 ; telloea , tawed dry , 1 40 ; tongnes each , 70a85c ; Bile * , eash , 75c ; square nuts per lb , 7allc ; washers , per lb , 8al8c ; riveU , per lb , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2c ; malleable , 8c ; Iron wedges , Cc : crowbars , Cjj harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 7aSc ; Burden horse ehoea , 4 40 ; Burden a mulochocw , 5 70 , BARBRD WIUK In car loU. 4 00 per 100. NAILa-llates. 10 to GO , 2 30. SnoT-Shot , 1 85 ; buckshot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , G 40i do , half kegs , 3 43 ; do , quarter kegs , 1 83 blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , per 100 feet , 50o. LKAI > Bar , 1 65. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Blowburg , 10 00 ; Whltebreast lump , 5 00 ; Whitebrcast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 , lown nut , f > OOi Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthrn- dot , 11 25all 50 ; Cnnon City , 7 00 per ton. ticntticr. Oak sole , 88 ® I2c ; hemlock solo , 28@33c ; bem.ock kip , hOc ; runner 65c to 75c ; hemlock calf , 85 to 100 : hemlock upper , 22 to 14 ci oak upper , 2Ic ; alligator , 4 00 to 650 ; calf kid , 32@35cGrclonkid ; , 250 to 275) ) oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 120 to 1 30 ; French kip 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 26 to 2 00 ; russetts 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; t ppincs , 9 00 to 1050 ; B. h. Morocco , 30 to Me ; cbble 0. D Morocco 35c ; siiiiou , 2 60 @ 3 00. HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 35c ; No. 2 , 84c ; 35c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 33c ; No. 1 do. 31c ; No , 1 Alllwankco 34c : No. 2 do , S3a. No. 1 Pitts oak bar , 35c ; No , B Pitta oak har , S3c. Tobacco. Ping Tobacco- Climax , 47c ; Bullion , 4"c ; Uoraoslico , 44c , Star , 4Gc ; Rudy , 4 ; Her1 soy's , 40c ; Black. 38@40 ; Spearhead , 4Go Our Utpo , 4Bc : Piper Hoidsieck. Glc. Flno Cut Common , 30ci Medium , 4fc ; Rood , 45@GOc ; Hard to Boat , 70o ; Favorite , Xc ) ; Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , GOc. Smoking-0. S. , 22c ; Moerechanm , 30c ; Durham , IGc or. . 51c ; Durham , 8 oz. , 55c ; Dar- mm , 4 oz. 57c ; Durham , 2 oz. , GOc ; Seal of S'orth Carolina , 1G oz,41c ; Seal of North Car- oliun , 8 oz. , 43c ; Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 48c : Seal of North Carolina , 2 oz. , SOc ; O. S. , Durham , 4 oz. , 28c ; O. K. Durham , 2 oz , SOc ; Uncle Ned , i'a 25c ; Tom nnd Jerry 23o , Paints Oils nnd Vnrnlslion. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lie : 150 loadllght , per gallon , 12c ; 175 ° hendllplit > er gallon , IGc ; 150 ° water white , 15c ; llu- oed raw , per gallon , G23 ( linseed boiled , per ration , 55oj Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c ; * fo. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX , per galen on , 1 GOc ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 ( JO , perm W. B. , per gallon. 1 GO ; fish W. B. , > cr gallon , G5 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90 * " ; fo. 1 , 75c : lubricating , zero , per gulloo , SOo ; lummcr , 15c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per pnl- on , 35c ; No 3,28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon PC ; turpentine , per gallon , 40o ; naptba , 74c , er gallon , IGc. Imtnbcr. WHOLESALE , We quote lumber , lath and shingles on car t0maha | at the following prices : JOIST AND SCANTLING 1C feet and under , 800. TIMBERS 16 foot and under , 18 00. TIMBEB AND JOIST 20 ft. , 1900 ; 24ft. , 2000. FENCING No. 1 , 4 nnd 6 In. , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 80) . SUEATHINO No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 8 00 ; No. 2,1G 00. STOCK BOARDS A , 4500 ; B , 40 00 ; 0. 85 00. FLOOUINQ No. 1 , 35 00 ; No , 2 , SO CO ; No. , 22 00. SIDINO , clear 25 00 ; No. 2 , 22 50 ; No. 3 , 800. CKILINO-I. 80 00 ; 8.20 00. SHINGLES , best 3 50 ; standard , 3 00. LATH 3 CO per M. LIME - Per barrel , 1 00 : bulk per bushel , I5c ; cement ; bbl. 2 25 : Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; air per bus , 50c ; tarred felt , 100 Ibs , ; traw board 300. Dry r lnte White lead 89c ; French re , Ccj Fain Mhitmg , 2ic ; whiting gilders , ] Jc ; whiting : om'l , Ijc ; lampblack , Germnntown , 14c ; nmpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55o mtramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; un-.ber , jurnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burn'let ; ; lonua , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25o 'aria greencommon.20c ; chrome gjroen , N. Y. , Oc ; chrome Rrecn. K. , 12c ; vcrmilllon , Eug Be ; vermilliou , American , 18c ; Indian , rod , Oc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian , rod , Cookson's , c ; Venetian , rod. American , IJc ; red lead , ! c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chroma yel- ow , 1C. , 12c : ochre rochelle , 3c ; ochre , Frenh Sc ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winters mineral , ic ; lohigh brown , 2Jc ; Spnuuh brown , 2c ; Prince's mineral , 3c , YAUNISIIES"arrols , per gallon : Furniture , xtra , § 1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex- ra , SI 40 : coach , No , 1 , SI 20 ; Damar , extra , SI 75 ; Japan , 70c ; nsphaltnm , oitra , 85c , hpllac , S3 50 ; hard oil finish SI 50. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P. ijc ; white lend , St. Louis , pure , 5 cMaraeil os green , 1 to 5 lb cr.ns , 20c ; French zino ; treen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie , 'ienh zinc , in varnish asst. , 20c ; French zinc , u oil aast , 15c ; raw nnd burnt umber , 1 b nv. , lOc ; raw nnd burnt Sienna lOc ; vandyke crown , 13c ; refined Inmpblack , 12c ; coach ilock and ivory black , ICc ; drop bUck , IGc ; 'lusuinn blue , 40c ; ultramarine bluo. 18c ; hrotno green , L. M & D. , IGc : blind and butter green , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Paris grt en , 8c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tus can red , 22c ; American vonnillion , I. & ; P.- ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O. & D , O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent ryer , 8c ; Draining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash , 15o DENVEll MAKICET. FLOUR-Colorado , 100 Ibe , 1 50@1 76 ; pat- nt , 100 Ibs. , 2 75@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75 @ 3 Cfl ; graham , 100 Ibs , 1 f.O ; ryp , 1 00 Iba. 21 ; bnck-whoat , per bbl. 7 50 , GRAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat * 100 Ibs , $100 corn in sacks on track , 100 lb > , G5@70 | oats , in sacks on track , 100 Ibs , eastern white , li@1 20 ; Colorado white , 1 20@1 SO ; mixed , 10@115 ; barley 100 Iba , 1 S0@l 35 ; bran. en , on track , 140 1600 ; chop , corn , 100 be , on track , 70c@75 ; chop rclxod , 100 Ibs , n track , 100120 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 130 (3140. ( HAY Baled , upland , ton , 13 00@15 00 ; upland , looao , ton , 10 00@12 00 ; second hot- om , baled , 10 00@11 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 2 0015 00 ; etiaw , baled , on track , ton , G 00 @ 8 00. BDTTEB Creamery , fancy , lb , 41 o creamery , fine , lb , 3G 38c ; dairy , choice , lb 20fe22c ; dairy , good , lb , 18@20o ; dairy , fair b , I5falGc ) ; cooking , lb , G@8c. F.oos State , candled and warranted , doz , 5fe3Gc ; ranch , doz , 3i@S7o ( CHEESK Full cream , lC@17c ; half cream , b. lOfoillc ; skim , lb , 9c ; 8wls , domestic , j , 22@23c ; Swiss , Imported , SO@S2o ; rim- jutger , 18c. POULTRY Live old chickens , dor , 600@5 0 ; dressed ducks , lb , 15@lGc ; dressed turkeys , b. , 15 < S > 16c , POTATOES-Oolorado , 100 Ibs , 05@l 06j sweet , rer lb. , 4c. VEGETABLES Onlona , yellotr , 100 Ibs , 225 ; cabbage , 100 Ibs. 250 ; beoU , 100 Ibs , 110@1 25 ; turnips , 100 Iba , 1 25. FRUITS Lemons , per box , MosslnA , 4 ODCft 450 ; oranges , Florida , per box , G60&7 00 applon , fancy bbl , 5 C0@5 50 ; apples , medium , bbl , 360. CUBED MEATS Hams , sugar cured , lb , Hi © life ; bacon , breakfast , lb , 12@12ic ; dry salt sides , Ib , 7l@8c ; lard In polls , OjgBgc lard In tierces , Uja. FBESH M EATS Drewed beef , Colorado , per , 7i < s8e ; hogs , lb , GlgGJcj mutton , lb , @ 7ic. LIVK STOCK Colorado steers , per 100 Ibs 4 10@4 0. Hides. Dry Flint No , 1 , per lb , lli@12c No. 2. lb , 9(3lOc ( ; green steers and branded calf , lb , 4@6c ; green , 8@10c ; green kip lb , G ( < 47c : sheep iklns , dry , 8B)10c ( ) ; deer skins lb , 15@20c ; antelope skins , lo , 1215 ; tallow lb , 5@6o WOOL Colorado No. 1. pet Ib , 14@15c buck , lb , 8c ; Mexican. 7@10o , FiBH-Mackerel , No. 1 , 140 , kit , meis 1 G0@2 00 : Callfomlk lalmon , half bbl , 10 60 Holland herring , keer , 1 50 1 CO ) trout , pe lb. TIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES ! , l l . with OD p r- n Thi Bftiuft PlUw ndibort Mwjniolhowehtlli | | i rrr. Iiokllr wtlrldTpudto nruib conmuri eMdi""e | " ' ' 'nf" iirr't. " ' oldkr * lllbelri uil ! > > " ( ( ; | ( | | < " " " " " 4rft H * r Jud xclii WPAtt * NEBRASKA LAND AQENCY a. F. DAVIS & BJ [ (3CCCESSOKS ( TO DAV13 & S OENKRAL 11EALKU4 IN 1C03 FABXAM STUKET , . OMAHA Have lor na'o 509,000 arcs cuefullj soloctcil lands In I'aUcrn NcbrM'n , at low pilce and on fasr terms lmjuo\ farms for si'e In Douflas , Dodge , Oellav , Plat c , Burt , ( Jumlnp , S riy [ , Wwhtngton , Mertlok , Saundcrs , an I Duller cointine , Tax s pud In all part * of the dtata. Honey loa J on imuo\cd | 'Arnu. Notary Public always la olllco. Correjnsndcnco solicited. Eailwav Time In Effect Jnn. IStb , 1885. The attention ot the tratelltnj publla li called ta the fact that this Is tlio only complete and absolutely correct tlmo tnhlo published In the city , All trains arrho Rt and depart from Omaha bj Central Standard Timo. Trilns of the 0 St. V. M. 4 O. arrive at and Jo part tram their depot , corner of llth and Wobstei streets ; trains o , tha U. & M. , 0. B. & Q. , and K , 0 St. J. A O. U. from the B , fc K , depot ; all olheri Iron the Union Pacific depot a , Dallyb ; , oxoepi Saturday ; o , except Sunday ) except Monday. WESTWARD DEPART. ARRIVE. i. M. ru. Union Prtalflc A. M. r. u , * t I 8S5 , OverUnd Rxprera . 760a ' * 11 iOa , Colorado Gxprcsa. . 4 OOl O. St. ROD. Valley . . Ual and Kxprooa Q.&M. In Nsb. 3 ICa , . , Hall and Kiprosi . 0 oOa 8 OOa . . . . Night Express. . 10 ( Oa BOUXHWAKD. Missouri Pacific 0 Sic . Hay Kxpress. . 0 COO 8 85a . . . .NlKht Express . 0 SOa K.C St. J.A..C.B. 9 IOa 7 itb . . . .Via Platteinoutn . 7 COd 7 16a B OOa 6 Mb . . .Via Council BluHs- . . 7 COd 7 Ua Wabash Routo. 4 ( a II SOa 1 OOa . . . .81.Louis Exprcea . . . 8 Ma EABTWAUD. C. M&St. . Paul. B lie Day Express , S5b . . .Night Express 9 15d C. R.-l. & Pacific Day Express , 7 Bio Night Expro PiSd ' Accommodation _ . e'ioo C. & N-W. . .Day Express. . . 7SEO t S5b .Night Express. . C B. & Q. 5 ? ot Chicaso via Platsm'th 0 20a 7 1E 4 55 For Chicago via 0. DIuCTu 9 Ha 1 lit NOBTHWAKD. C. St. P. M. & O. 8 SOc . .Sioux City Express. . . I HOC 3 600 ) ikl nd Acoommotlatlon 0 SOc Iowa Dlv. S.C.&P. OiCa , Ut. I'aul Day Express. . 7 tea 0 6E St. Paul Night Exprcxs. B 45a The 9am and 6pm dummy trains also nlve at t the transfer In time to make eastern oo ectlone , > ut not to check baggage OftflAHA BRIDGE TKAIN8 Dummy Trains tcavoOmaha ta4o,8oo CO , 10 00. li 15 m , 1 00 , 2 00 , 3 00 , 4 00 , 6 00 , 0 00 , 0 SB p in. On Sundays the 8 00 and 10 00 a m nnd CO and 4 00 p m trains do not run. Arrive at trans- er depot IS minutes later : Broadway depot 20 mln- tcslater , Leave Council Elufla ( Broadway depot ) at 7 20 , 8 SO 80,1080,1 10 a m ; 1 SO , 2 39 , 8 SO. 480,680 , OSS nd 11 05 p m. On Sundays the 8 80 and 10 80 am nd S 80 and 6 SO p ra trains will not run. Arrive at isnsfer 7 minutes Utrr , Omaha 20 minutes later. TransforTralns rxjavo omahaai a 15. ata 0 05 a m , 4 26 , 8 10 and a 65 p in , dally. Arrive at B 46 and 1116 a m , IS U , 7 86 and 8 16 p m. ABIG CUT - FREE Also IU valuable and reliable re- ipes ( iwver before published , ) any one of winch is worth 1.00 ard 'roni that to 825.00 , aud a copy > f he "Cultivator" sent FllEE to my one that pends 3 stamps to pay postage etc. , 3 comic picture cards will a'so ' bo enclosed in tha pack age. Thfse recipes are valuable to he household and any energet'cper- on knowing the secrets they disclose leed never want for money. Please write name and address plainly. Put i stamps in a letter and address it otne WESTERN PUB. 509 , Omaha. Neb. THE AND RAILWAY. CHICAGO. iStPml The SHOUT LINE. And BEST ROUTE , FllOSI OMAHA TO THE EAST. TWO TIU1NS DAILT IIETWKEN.OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee , it , Paul , Rapids , Davenport Clinton , Duuuque , Rockford , Itock Island , Krepport , Janesvllle , Klgin , Madison , La Crosse , Helolt. Winona , Aud all other Important points Kaat , North east and Southeast , Ticket offloe at KOI Farnara Elect ( la 1'axton Ho tel ) , and at Union I'aciHo Depot. PvLLMts SLKKi'KRsand the FINKST DIXIHO CARIIN TUK WORLD aru rua on the main lines ol the Chicago Mllwaukeo&St , Paul B'y and every attention l I"ld topiaecngcrs by courteous cuiplovcaol the company. B. 8 M HU A. V. U. CAWKNTKR , General Manager , Gen'l I'asaenuer Agent OEO. P , IJEiU'rOKU. . . . As , t Ocn'l Taw J , T , CL&UK , Ocn'l Superintendent. / THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANlf , [ 8UOOKS30RS TO THE i , V. 0 , & D. 00. ] The moit txttoilve nuoalacinieil IN TUB WOULD. John nockitiaMer General Agenl oj JUtrukaan WwUrn ftwa. 0 B. TtnUiBtiMti . . . OMAHA , NRH. latloa BQUard ud Pool TiWoi and mikila SPECIAL NOTIOEgTO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE OALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Cround OiD Cake It la the boat and cheapest food for stock of nny kind. Ono pound la oqnal to three nom da of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Qixko In the Fall and Wluto * natoau of running down , will Increase In weight nnd bo In good marketable oondl , lon In the spring Dairymen , ta well BS others , who uao It , can testify to lt vno ta. Try It and judge for yoaraalvoa. Prlco ? 24 00 per ton. No charge for sacku Address WOODaiAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Neb , 3 , t DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and FIEE AND BUEQLAE PBOOF 1O9BO STEELE , & CO. . I. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Chicago , Manager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Dop.irtmonts. A fall line of all gradoa'of the above ; also Pipes aud Smokers * carried in stock. Frlcoa and sauiplos furnished on application. Open orders Intrusted to no shall rocolvo our careful { ( attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGEWSFGR BENWOOD NAILS flf/D LAFUN & RAND POWDER CO C F , AND DEALER IN | V OMAHA , NEB. 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH , W BF , BROWN. GE0.5 BIIOWN 1W. F , COMMISSION DEALEllS IN Office , Exchange Building Union Stock Yards , REFERENCES : OMAHA FIKET NATIONAL DANK , Omaha ; , W A PAXTON , Prcst and Trms. Union Stock Yds. , Omaha WAN DBOH , Cheyenne Also connected with Gregory , Coolly oils A. HcSiiANB , Manager Cay Plato Cattle Co. Oo , Union Stock Yards , Chicago. , A. CKBIOUTON 1'rost. Flret Nat'l Dank , Omaha. Address all communications Onion Stock Yards , Omaha , Nebraska. EASTERN PEICES DUPLICATED 18 FARLAM STREET. [ OMAHA , NEB THE A. 1. STRANG COMPANY , Double and Single Acting Power and Hand Engine TtlmmlngB , Mining Maohlneiy , Belting , Bone , Brcsu and Iron Flttlnci * at wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUROH AND BOHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. LAGER FRANZ FALK BREWINGS. 5 Milwaukee. Wis. ' % GTJNTHEE & 00 , , Sole Bottlers. \ SANDER , HOWE & CO. j Liberal Advances on' '