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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY FEBRUARY 10 , 1885 THE DAILY BEE , OMAHA Ornoa No. OH AND 01G FAIIXAM ST. NEW Yens OrnoB , Koou C3 THIBCSB UCILD- ISNO. fuVlshcd every morning , only Monday motnlnj dilly publis TURKS BT Will. . _ - - I Three Itonthj . I 2 0 iOOJ On. Year . | " . 1.00 BU ; MonthY . . 6-00 I On Month The Weekly Bco , I'ubllhsed every Wedneiday Ono Year , with premium . * f . * * One Ye r , without premium fiUJIonlht , without premium . " Ons Month , on trUI . JU All Communlcttloru rotating to NouiMxlF-dltorlal mitUri riSuld be addrowed to the ELIIO * or mi kii. BCSI.tlSS LSniM All Imslnesi tettcn and IlemltUncM h ° ncjtlb.fl ! Riidretiol to THE Dim Punuimxo COMPAST , OxMii Uraftt.Ohetki nd fort omoeorderi to ba made pay able to the orJtr of the company. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , Props , E. KOSIiWATKK , KIHTOB. A. II. Fitch , Manager Daily Circulation , . O. Box , 483 Omaha , THE British will attack t Motcmndh on Sunday. Wo ptoaumo they thltA "tho better day , the b'ottor ihod. " IN leua than three wooka tlio democracy of NobrAjka will bo engaged in a desper ate sminbla over Ilia political lleeh pots. The bait pot wrestlers will got oat the most moat. ueums to linvo bcomo the papu'nr method of dlupcslng of luaano poreona , bat wo object to cremating them alive. It lo hoped that no mcra asjlums will bo mod en crematories. Caunoii HOWK came up from Lincoln to npoiul Sunday in Omaha and receive the thanks of the railroad managers fur hii efforts in killing everything in the ahapo of in hviy logmV.lon. TUB homo haa voted to invoit § 30OOC m MO nt the ttito n farm tcbooV Ons ol of fie stows ia § 500 Lr a hen co"p. The H'.nto musi ba fioltinjricli whoa it can af ford to put $500 ia a hennery. PiiESinr.NT AUTIUTU has again dechrei that ho will accept no realgcnllonaof fed cral oflkoro , na ho docs not think It wll bo to the Iniiefit of the repcbllcrm parlj or aid the canto of civil aorvlco rtfonn to Uko advantage In this way of the incom ing president. SOIOMON HIKSGII , candtdato for Unltet St.-itca senator from Oregon before the loglalaturo of which ho was a number refused to vote for hlmeclF , and thorob ; mitsad an election by a majority of one Sach mcdosty In thesa office-sookin days is certainly remarkable. Mr. Hiracl by the way is a. republican. CIIUKOU Howi : had a special car from lay Gould'a road , the Mieaonrl PaciGc wihioh to convey the Nebraska dolega tiou to the national republican convcn tion. Ho has done enough for the ril roads daring this Bossion of the Icgiala tare to entitle him to n Tfliolo train o palace can when ho wanta totravol hsroal tor. IN accordance with an executive ordc issued by the president , the Nlobrar Ian da In the Sanlce Sioux reservation , re miinlng unallotted and unselected by th Indians , except Bach as are occupied fo the agency school and missionary pnr poses , will bo opened to public settle rnont on nnd after May 15th. This wi ! materially aid In the dovelopmant o northeastern Nebraska. THE Republican's Lincoln correspond cut auorls that there Is moro or less tall regarding the probability of an extra sea alon of the loglalaturo Immediately fol lowing the present seesion.Vho want this extra session ? Is It the ICO employe of the legislature , and the hotel ami Halocn keepers of Lincoln ? If this legla laturo cannot do all the damage necessary within the remaining tan days of Its ox iatencc , wo are very much mistaken In it calibre. Tun earnings of the Chicago , Barling ton & Qaincy railroad for December wore 82.204i57. : For the yoir the earnings were 825,483,071) ) not earnings , $12,415.- 103. This Blatomcnt chows that the Chicago cage , Burlington & Qaincy made a profil of about filty per cent during the year 1884 , and it was not a very good year olthor. Yet this corporation claims il cannot alford to reduce Us passenger rates in Nebratka to throe conti n milo nor tnako any reduction In freight tarlll'i. It in tafo to say that Ita Nebtaikn tystem made a profit of fotty per cent. We vronld like to aak how much the farmers , who contributed so extensively to its earning ; , raadu for themselves duting the pwt year ? STATF SKNATOH SMITH , of LMlmoro county , haa introduced into the senate a bill providing for the election of United Hlat os aeintor by the people. Mr. Smith ( lliplays a lamentable Ignorinca of the constitution of the United States , which provides for the manner of eloctln ; United Statco tonators , and no change can bo made without amending the cun stltutlon. Our state constitution , however over , has gone as far as possible In the direction of popular voting , ai It nllown the people to express their nciutorli proforocco by ballot , and thera Is a hw requiring the judges end clerks of elec tion and boards of canvesiera to mala proper return * on that quoitIcn whenever over It Is voted upon. So there ii noth Ing moro to bo done on this paint , nnlot It Is done by congroef. Thtro will be n opportunity for an expression cf the ! preference for senator by tbo poopl through the ballot box two years hence and the people are anxious to exetc's Tlvllege. Whoever Is the favorlt of the people ought certainlj ollctedby thejr repreeontativcs i Ic Jutare. Senator V n Wyck i and will a k for at the bai-li cf the people WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE ? The rullon of the United States ecnatc i rrgaid to the Texts it P < icifie laud rant forfelluro bill can only bo oxplalti- d by the fact that tint body Is owned td controlled by the mrnapol'ats. Every ffort of Senator Van Wyck to feet it bc- ere the socato and have It dis ojcd of s otstiuctod in every pwslblo y Vy ho rnonocoly members of that body. Vhen Sir. Blair's motlcn to tko up the en tract labor bill , and BO throw the Tex- w and Pacific forfeiture bill back on the : alendor whoru it cm not bo reached his aceslou , the ytai and nays were de manded , nnd tbo tcault waa thill ; otes for Blait'd propotltim , nd niiutcon votes against it This' ] ia on evidence of the overwhelming strength of the monnplj1 element in the senate , and It shown how ittlo chance this or any other forfeiture > lll haa of being pasted unless it Is one which the Interested railroad company is willing to liavo passed , as was the case with the Oregon Central bill , which U the only forfeiture bill that has become a aw. Of the thirty votes fcr Blair's prop oaltion , twotitj-slx were rcpublicins and only four were democrats. Of the nine teen votes in favor of Uking up the 'orfelturo bill Cftscn were given ) y democrats , nnd only four : y republican * , among whom was , < t course , Sorator Van Wyck. But whoio was our other Nobrjska Bocav.or ? Whoru do wo find the vote of Senator Mandet- son ? Wo find it cast en ilia oido ol moncpoly nlong with the votes of Sawlogs Sawysr , Jim Wilton , Cougar , Culloni , Ingalls , Platt , Harrleon , and the rest of that crowd. Senator filandcrson cor- , iinly docs not represent the SDutlmonl of the people cf Nebraska nor of the rantaes of the republican paity when ho votes against hsstanlng action on this cr any other forfeiture bill that wll ret lore to the public domain millions npsn mil lionn of acris at hnd. lias ho forgo'tsi ' that at the republican nationalconvcntio : the following plank vai tdoptsd as a pirt of the pxtty platfotm : AVc uYnnnd of congresa the speedy forfeit ura of all land granta which luvo lapsed bv reason of nnn-compHancu with nets of incur pnration in all cases vrhera thcro haa been n attempt in goad faith to perform the eondl tiona of such ftnintj. Why then has Senator Mandorson cao his vote ogainnt the speedy forfeiture o this land grant ? Hia constituents would like to hnvo him explain. A simlla plank was adopted by the domccrati national convention , and the homo o representatives , which is largely demo cratic , passed the Texas and Pacific for folturo bill almost unanimously. Wha bai the republican tonato done In rgin to the matter ? Simply nothing , excop to Interpose all kinds ef obstacles ti It consideration , with no other object in view than to delay it , and I possible defeat It altogether. Now then , upon whom docs the raaponti billty rjst ? Certainly not upon the dem ocnts , but upon the republicans , ant Senator Mandereon will have to bear h ! share of the responsibility. Thera la no question whatever as to the justness of the Texas and PaciSc forfeit nro bill , as has been repeatedly shonn Han'ington'ti ' Southern Pacific compan ; built Its road without a land grant , push ing its line through with great rapidity to head off the Texas and Pacific , whicl never attempted to conttruct ono mile o road. Now Huntlngton claims that the Texas and Pacific grjnt never did hpio and WAS lawfully assigned by that com pany to the Southern Pacific , neither o which over built a mile of road In con aid oration or anticipation of the gr-nt in question. It has been pertinently remarked tba it would "appear from the vote In the senate that the relations cf the republican publican parly with the rjilrjai corporations are so Intimate that when a railroad's Interests nro involved the sub ject is treated almost as a party qnes tion. " Has It really COMO to that ? It 1 psetibla tbnt the republican party must rounder upon the rocs of monopoly ? Is It nlmply to hold Itself trgethor by MIL cohoralon of public plunder and the foies exerted by powerful corporations in feist Ing republican monopollth upon the United Slates senate ? Ia the grand old party , founded in the canao of freedom and which broke the eluckloJ of slavery from the wrlels of the black man , fallen so low that it must becjmo n mere ma ohino In tha hands of greedy monopolists ror the porpoio of oneUviiiJf the whlto laborer and despoiling the Indus trial clasaes of the whole conolry ? If ro , then wo say thit the days of. the ropublioai party are numbered. Wo don't ' balbvp liowevcr , that the member * of the Unllec States senate , or rather the republlcin members who bavo votoi constantly wltl thomonopolUts and nvainst the in'crusts of their const tu nti , ura the ruprojen'n ' lives of the real tentimcn's of the mss of the republican jKiity. The grmt boJj of the ror.nblieaa paity Is to day what t waa twenty yc.vs ago when it stood nj for equal rivals and privileges to all men It Is only because the machinery of the party las fallen into tal hands and Ite leaderthip has been atmimed by ineno mediocre atility who eould not hope to rise to elevated pcsitions without aur rendering tholrroanhojdaBil becoming the more tools of the Goulds , the Hunting tons , tin Stanforda , and the Vander bilt ? , The great mass of Via ropubllein party the farmer * , mechanic * , and work Tngmen ro atlll sound on the ma'n ' it auo between corporate monopoly am populir rlghti" , and they will be foand on the right eido when the trying tliu cornea. It may bo , however , to Iit3 t resurrect the republican parly if iti loid ershlp cont'nuos for the ueit four j on In the B&me hinds is It has been for tli Isjt ten yoais , tnd it certainly would b it tor for the cctntry thnt it should ever bo rceurrected if its name , which ia nshtined in the licarts of millions ( f men s the ynonyra for all that ia loytl and ttjo , is to bo trilled In the dual by a ng of henchmen nnd cippers who have o othtr eiai ia life except to enrich homselvts while acting as the aorvants f Wall fittcet gamblers and milllonairo ai'roid wreckers. HuW NOT TO DO IT. Rtprtsjntat vo T y'or ' , chairman of ho committee on Immigration , has in- reduced a bill to establish a bureau of emigration. Mr. Taylor proposes to appoint two commissioners , rrho nro to n vest § 18,000 to slot t with. Thcto two commijoioneia nro to constitute the biiicau , whoio duty It will bo to appoint egnits to visit the OBBtorn t tales for the lurpojo of occnirnglng nnd directing Im- u'pr ' tlon to the ntnto of Nobraskp , aa well as to moke contracts with railroads : or tracspcr atiou of immigrants at low ratts , Incidentally this bureau each year shall collect and compile and report , o the legislature and circulate in lamphlot form facts and ettitis ics rc- atlug to tuo character nod resources of : ho state of Nebraska. \Vo take it for grant.d that Mr. Taylor iiaa no ether object in view than to en- oouingo immigration , but wo do not believe liovo the objects sooght by Taylor will be accomplished by his bill. The only thing : hat the bill wilt accomplish is the cm ilrymcnt of two or three political tramps or barnacloi. Nobmika has mada eover&l oxperimentj with Immigration commli- sionotH and bureaus and ngcnte , an ; they have all proved coally falluns ant frauds. The first bureau wai establhh't' in 18(10nnd ( an agent was stationed atCas- tlo Garden who drew hia salary wltl creat ; regularity otd assist ed the foreign Immijiuntb to lager boer nnd pretzels and other tup plies at cheap toirjiug honsoa , from which ho in nil probability , exacted a commission , for his tcrvlcca us a runm r. In duo time ho roturroi loNobrasko , ant was placed on the retired list. The next bureau was created , in 1871 with J. W. Peatman end the saintec Notcwaro as president and superintend ont. Notowftro wont on a trip to Visnna and Poarman traveled aa high up ] as the Loup Valley. They Invcttad abou 830,000 in the stlaries of thomtclvos and agents , and about $2,1)00 in printed mat tcr consisting of pamphlets and ether documents. It is almost necessary to say that , with ono or two.exq > - tlods , the amenta that visited the east and crossed the Atlantic , had n very comfortable berth , and fared sump tuoualy on their junketing tours. It wa a great struggle to get rid of this bureau and Its agents had to bo relieved by nove ral succeeding legislature. They wer worae , If such n thing con'd bo , than any of the claimants that are preying for re lief at the hands of the present legisU turo. turo.Tho The only economic and legitimate wa ; to encourage Imm'gration Is throng ] printed matter judiciously distributed If the loglalaturo desiras to invest $12CO It can bo profitably done wilhont creating n commission or employing traveling agents. Lot it place tint amount a the disposal of the secretary of state , al lowing him sufficient money to pay fe one clerk to have charge of the dlstribu tion of pamphlets printed In various Ian guagoa. Let the secretary of state advcr tlao in the loading eastern and Canadian papers that information relating to the resources sources of Nebraska can bo obtained , pcs paid , by a simple request to the secretary Thousands of people who have a desire to come west will apply for those documents and ascertain whether Nebraska ia the best place for them t ) locate in. There are plenty ot paupers in the conntry whom the people of this state do not want oven If they doalro to immigrate hither. Whit wo do want is a class o : well-to-do and Indnatrious farmers - - , me chanics and working non who have , com capital tavod up to pay their faro anc have enough left to buy a comfortable homo. Tm : associated press report of the pro coodlnga'bf the lower homo of congroes Friday , concludes with tbo itatomont that "at the evening acsiion a number of bills wcro passed. " Ono would hardly suspect that among thcsj bills was ono having a most Important bent lag upon Omaha and Nebraska , and why the asio elated press agent should overlook It is something wo cannot quite understand Our special correspondent , however , saw ita Importance and at once telegraphs ua the outline of the bill , which amends the Union Pitlio ! act ao aa I ) allor ; the construction of a road from Sioux City westerly by way cf the Nlcbrara valley tea a point on the Union Pacific west o the ono hundredth meridian. The object of this road ia ttited to bo "to cut oil a bond made ia the emtoru portion ef the Union 1'acllic , nnd will , i is cluimod , thortcn the distance from Chicago to San Francisco 30 miles. ' The bill ilo.'s not grant any lands , bu makes the road when built a section o the Union Pacific so far as it relates to pro rating , exchange of freight cara , etc. and it is understood thnt the company a tbo back of thla echcme stands ready to begin building the road at once. Wha csmptny it is that Is putting up this job wo ate not informed , bat wo inspect tra it ia the Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul It makes no difference , however , wha c'liipany it if , ni the scheme is ono tha ought to bo defeated. The claim tha ivy such road trill shorten the distance bo ween Chicago and San Francisco 251 ralloi is ( Imply preposterous. If any company wante to build any aoci road it can do it without any congreislcntl aedstanco , bul * hen con greas attempts to make it ty Jaw a H > C. tion of the Union Pacilh In any rojpect whatever , wo thir.k It is goitgteyeml be iimltn cf all tciecn and exercising an nduo pnrtulity for a at of schemer * . Vhy r.ot let that company , whoso uamo s kept In the dark fcr some unknown eason , proceed on the eamo basis that ho othtr railroads have In tapping trunk inof. H a not the B. it M. tipped the Union Pacific nt three dllF rent points ni'hcut asking any congressional per- u'silon or aaalttiuce ? Ai > d has it not aken ila chances on pro-iating , exchange if freight CAM , etc. , under existing la s md railway wage ? Why then should not this unnamed company bo put on ex actly the same footing ni the B. & M ? Dills bill has pasacd the house , nppar ently without proper consideration. U was evidently pushed through during the rush of the closing hour of the day's ' session. Wo nro told by our correspond ent that it will probibly pass the senate , and wo believe it will unless immediate steps are 'nkon to prevent It Here Is in opportunity for our ccnatora to exor cise their united Influence , And hero Is a cnio where the Union Pacific lobby orient do soiuo good. THE Herald objects to aa extra ses sion. That nettles it. Tin : sum of t n thousand dollars baa iceuvtUdby the houao for n family residence fcr the superlntondoct of the a'atonform ' hchool , which is nothing moro nor loss than a pniitcntlary for juvenile - venilo offenders. The common farmer who can live in a ? 1DOO house conaldeis himeo'f well off , nud the governor of thou u ate of iNobreska has no executive man sion , es yot. It to us lint a ton thousand dollar n sidonco for the snpi r mteiulcnt of the reform school i ] n piece of extravagance agates ! ; which the tex payora will emphatically protist. THE ItUSII FOK IjAXD. Thn Home Decker's Guide , publlthod Sidney , ftirnlth's some valuable statistics r.gardtng the sale of govern ment land in Western Xobracks , and the amount still open to entry and set tlement. Tlio government land ollico a\ North Plattu has disposed of one-half the lands open to fcttlera nnder the national laws. The land offica district tinbricoi the wholeof Cheyenne , KoitU and Lincoln counties , portions of Sioux , D.waon , Ouster , Gosper and Frontier counties , and the unorganized territory. This 1m- menao area embraced 12,257,280. Of this amount gorcrmuont claims cover 2- 874,281 , the Union Pacific railroad land covered 3OCO,000 acres , asd 1- , 000,000 are clisssd ; u grazing lands , leaving 5,382,900 yet open to settlement. In pait years it hts bean the policy of iho cattlemen to dccrv the wostera portion of the siato aa unlit for agricultural purpoics. So thoroughly had this notion-beou fpread abroad lint fnw farmers ventured beyond the contar of the state. This is shown bv the fact t'at upto | the 1st of January , 1884 , only 1 990,800 had been filed on , while during 1884 , 877,481 acres were taken. Judging by theeo tigcrcs , It is oafo to eay thai trie amount taken in 1884 will bo doubled the present year. The crowding of the farmers on the do main of the cattle kings haa forced the majority of tlio latter to become actual owners of tbtir ranges. This Lai been done nnder the preemption law , and in many oases the homestead law has sub- ssrvud their purpore , through cowby fil ings and fictitious mines. The repeal of thu former law , h ch now stems prob able , will limit all government ontrlos to 100 acres. Scores of HBTT towns have been planned and mapped ont in various parts of the district , and speculation in town lota will open up lively with the spring. At pretont tbo rush for land is confined tu residents and specu lators , who are taking advantage of to rise that is likely to follow the wpepl of thn t'mbcr culture and pre-emption acts , bat the coming spring and rummer will witness an unprecedented tide of settlers to that regie n. The northwest of the state will como in for i > goodly share of the immi gration. For miles on each s'da of the proposed line cf the Sioux City it Pacific huti'ir < eda of settlers have braved the rigor-Eofasovero wintorjtohnld thtirclalm. Thorj ii an almost unbroken chain of claim ) from Valftitino to Foct U blneon. Lan 'a ' have nlnady trebled in value ovm whom only tbo grade- stakes of the rail road have benn set , and the opaning of the road 11 Chadron by next fall , will further atiUen Iho prices. There Is con siderable worth'eEs ' land east of Ohadron but from that town to the atato line , the laui has no superior * Now Is the ac cepted time fcr every man who want ) a farm from Uncle Sam within tbo ccnlines of Nebraska , to prepare tn go west or northwoit at the oarlioit day. It is among the certainties that before tbo close of the present year the best gov ernment land in tboso regions will have pussud into the hands of Individuals. Freight Train Tlmiwn From The Track , HCNTlsoiO.Vli'ebrn."vry -Thooist bound freight train oa tlio I'eunsyhnnia road waa thrnwn from the track hut iilaht near Jllr- . . jngbsm by ft brr-kon Iliin e. Sixteen cnrs weni dtuiolUh < > d , twelve were tilled with Htoclt. Tlio ClilcuKii Klccilim Ciiu ARO , February 11 , The federal cour wai enijaged to day in hearing cvilenco for the defence in the CABO nRainst Mackln , ( ialln pher and otLert charged with coiiBpiracy to atun" tlio ballot box In the tiaroml precinct o the Uiflhtffliilh waul , nnd alter the tiittan * three weeVn alter tha floction. , T. J. Siitlh at swore that ho prcuured etcreotype blotks o the ri'Kul"r ropubllcau ticket on tbc nik-ht bu fore the flretinu nnd ririnteil tlnrefroui 0/00 tickotn with Hrand t substituted fnr Lo manV fnr atata nenntor. Thia evenina a war rant WAI Issued fof StiWvanVi arroat , charging him with perjury. nrt Col h Visit Cleveland AI.UANI , N. Y. , Kebruiry H.Prt ldent elect Cleveland to-day rt-ceivod United Htnte Secator Daniel W. Yoorhees , o' Indians , and Representative T. It. Colb , ol lodiacn , whi ureod the c'nun ot er Senator Joseph McDon aid , f f Ind'anb , for a place lu the i-ahlnct They rni > re enteil that the movement ill fa\o of MoUnnnm w g an farnr t snd spontmtou one , that had taken hold i f a Urpn eletneut c tli * denioctatlo party all over tlio country which imitt in sorns way li tiB d. They wur ell | ili > ed wllli Air Clove nud , and en'd ' their Vl U waaery fnjjjnble. ( Jo lpt r < > ruu ftitirtly oa thfl nii.jtct o Daniel MiiniiioK lot eecretarj- ths treuhury OARD1NAL M'OABE ' , 'lio Career ol' tlio prt-onsitl Awli of Ilnhlln , Cirdinal M0abo , ntclbiohop of Dnb- iti ) Ire line ] , died of tcuto inllunmation n the morning of the ll ! h , after an ili- icts of only twenty-four hours. Edward MeOaba was tlo eon of Mr. Jcrnard McCabc , the well known Catho- to journalist and writer , lie WAS born n Dublin in 1810 , and was educated for ho priesthood in Maynoeth college. Vftor his ordinatiDti by Archbishop Mur- ay ho WAB assigned to the pariah of Montaif , where his zeal and success noon > rought him to the notice of the digni taries of the church. When Dr. Cullen appointed a-chbithop of Dublin ho > rought the young and gifted curate to Dublin and placjd him in chaigo of the details of the administration ot the die cese. From this i.o.itlcii ho was pro- mtsd to tlio charge of Kingston , the itrongeit parish in the fleet ot Dublin , and was also retained in the chapter of ; ho archdiocese. From this tlmo on his promotion was Ho was apftolnted v'car ' general wit lo still a young rnan. The lucrcatlng ajo of the Caidinol nnd his frequent JLtinieys t > llama throw almost the ontir < 3 government mont of tbo diocese on Oanon McOabe , and an tssishnt prelate being found ncc oosary. Ilia cmlnetico recommended Dr. McGibo to the Pope for that dignity. Tbo recommendation was ado ! on , and Dr. McCibo was consecrated asMata prthtj by his eminence In Iho parochia' ' church , K < nalown , under thu tile ol Bishop of G dorn. gJT Thu appointment wcs made rn tao 25th of June , 1877 , and the cpnsncration of tbo now buhop took place in lite pu- lsi chapel at Klnps'OMii on the 2.'Ul of July followiop , Cn-J nal Cullen ollici- ntitig ascojBEcrating prelate , and a Ur o number of the Imh tishopa nnd superior clergy asiisliug. From the period of the Novation nf filgr McCnbo tu tha opieco- calo CsrJltnnl Cnllou olmoct cessjd to lutorfcri ) in the mcra ccccs'astical ! ud- ministration of the metropolitan , and couc'inad himself cbidly with thu m&t'urs of an Irloh Cvlh-- ; llo policy. In th ; direction of university colleges , charitable inrti- lutiona and pi.rochi.ii mattoro Bishop McCabe Cabo took tbo chief part , and thin cuno in contucb with the clergy of thu diocese and the religious orders. Ho was knovm to bo imbued with the pclitiral views of t o cardinal , but was ruorj popular RS a ditciplinarian among the priesthood thou his episcopal chuf. On the death of Cardinal Cullen the administration of the archdiocese- into the bauds of Bishop McCtibo , pending the elostion of a sue- co'sor to the arphbichoprlo. In Maieli 1879 the Pope accepted thn nomination of the diocese and appcinted Bishop McCabe to the vacancy. On May 3 , 1879 , the Meat Itaverond Edward McCabe was formally enthroned in the nrahiopiacopal chair , and rrcsivod the homage of the chapter of the diocese. The now srhbishop Lai hitherto been unknown in politics. 1o had never de livered a political spOEc.h , either as priest or bishop. Earlj , however , in hij ceroer as archbishop the Land League was formed , snd ono of the mrst remarkable of h'a pastorals was that in which ho first pronounced on opinion by denouncing the emplojmcnt of women in politics. Since then the archbishop published two other paitorala warning his people again si the principles of the league This brought in sharp conflicts with the loaders of the national movement- , both in and out of the church. A spirited controver y started between the cardinal and Archbishops Croke and McHelly , the latttr prelates being strong supporters and organizers of the league movement. The interfer ence ofthefPopp , and summoning tf the Irish bishops to Rome , brought harmony put of what threatened serious injury to tbo chnrch , and the priests and bishops have sines abstained from taking active part in Irish politics. The cardinal's chief utterances have been on ednratinaal questions and hare boon for the purpose of claiming for Catholics a share proportionate toothir mombeis in ilia Irish cducasional endow ments. Uo Troa a member cf the ponato of the Rojal University of Ireland , and took a constant share in it ] deliberations. Though Iro'and has been always to loyal to thn Holy See , Archbishop McCabe was only the secocd ordinal In the his tory of the church. I'lito UftlJ. Chicago Herald. For pure , largo , healthy gall commend us to Mr. Diwccn , of Nebraska. He wan warden of the state penitentiary for thiccear < i. The prison h a milo end a half ( r to frcm Lincoln. Of couree , thu wtritn redo Into town eveiy day and on his way back called nt the paet oflice for the prison null , which wts handed him in a poach. For carrying this mail Mr Dawann noasls the ntato to pay him 51,980. Sanford's Radical Cure ! iho Great BsJmunJo Distillation ol Witch lUrcl American 1'ine , CuiKlliri Kir , UaiJgoM CIo\cr lllossom Ktc. , Far the Immediate Ilelicf auJ 1'urroanent Cure ctf every erin of Catarrh , Jrom a Simple Head Cold 01 Inlluonzitothe Loiaol tincll , Takte , and Hearing -ouzh , Ilrunuhltla , and Incipient Conaumptlon. IU ) licl In flve minutes In any and every < Ae. Nothing like It , Grateful , fraznnt , wholtaotnt. Cure IK ) gin * from Urn application , and la rairid , ladlcal , per. .i. One liottle Kadlcal euro , on ? box C'tarrhal Bo ] > ont and Sanlord'n Inhaler , all In one 1'ackage , | jr nilnirKiomplcto trcatincn ul all drn 'gi t lor 1. A k for S ndJor.r < i lUdlcal Curt , Totter I > ruR and Shemlra > H.'o. . llostoii , Uoiiina' Voltalo Klourrlu fluate Instantly ntlccw the Ncrion SuUmnndLanl6tic8 Pain A perfect Wcctrlo liatterr or.m- ulnixlwitn a 1'orout 1'iwter for ! 6oonU It aunihllatw Pain , vlt llz Weak and Worn Out NfRVf J' U. .trcnutheiiK Tired llus cles , I'retnutaDuea e , and Uoc more in on half the tlmo than any ether planter lu the world. Sola every where / COLLARS * f & CUFFS tttniNa THU luiix ADI THI FINEST OOOD8 EVER MADE , KINO ill Linen , OTM Llo'ngi ' ASO Exterior * . Aikor them IUlOS.Ageata for SPECIAL NOTICES. MOXKY TO I.OVX-7n mm * ol * 10 MI.I lictf < , | . ! io , fiitnliuro inl Ml Mmln of IftltcN. W. 11 Motter , 1401 I' tn ui tt. . n\tr Inrto > jlipc ttorc RSStf _ \ ] O.NKV T.1 LOAN 1 ) mo ninncy to loin on Inv .VI i rovulcry | TotcrlIn any amount to Milt , t tcjvmnal to rife * W. 11. Jloltcr , 11:4 : I'm mm tt , or Moist'stlifodtoro. S 5tf M ONBY tn loan on chattel ! l > y J , T. ltiltv , 213 ROUth Uth M. OMXT Iv ) LOAM In tumiol OOand upward. M O. F. Davit and Co. , ItcM Kctatt mil Tx in f07 tf ONKY lo cd on cbttteli. lUllroad Tlckeis M bought and told. . 1'croman , SIS K. Hth 11KIP WANTKI ) . T\7ANTKI-A ) woiMuKhoixslcepfr frt o. HIV - V derly lad ) wl h lelcrouoos urcfcrrcd. AiMrow St. Klmo'ill710 ! f6-lfl \\f ANTltD Cook at Pidfli llin , loth ard Dar 1 1 cn | oil ; mat , nr won an. 2'i ) lip TtTAfJTi'.O- coed elils , onlj tliOTOretpan lW > > cced apply OO'i N lOlh St , ( up. < Ulr . ) ! 19tf IfANTKD TctttLH. T. Hurray , IMh aa < * llnrnoj. > Ufl Up Dish washer nt Krnmtt tiouno WANTED I 9 17p ' /peril for our new Look , ROOI ! ) > ate \ to workers f'nllcr ndilrwsdco. llunlrr , 1ft'- ' Durt t , Omaba Neb. TU .NTKD-OooJ live sotlcltois AdJrcmi Mutual nt.NTKDOooJ VY Imll Insurance Co. , St MtKeb. C85-lmp WANTED A flrot clasi dlnln f rtom girl r.t the Motropolitin. No othtr nei d nppl ) . 87t ! ) f SITUATIONS WANTED. hookstolecpircnlci ; ! ) Ad . I. llco olllpo. I'"ANTED As tuition ts baok-kicptr ft olllfi I wori , lc tno oaco. AiUrots 1 * . O. " 0. K * . , " JI4-10 u.Milcd ui/Ji .irjt3 ctiuailon o CecH Aiotins lcnhoctUo ! clUblleiirceat la Oinabc Addiewr'0. " caroEco. ESS-tf MISCELLANEOUS WAM'S. \1TAM'KD iwounturnlshid or furnlthctl rcorri it with board , nc Httccl oir line prcfunud. AJ tr 83 "K H. " 1-co oflloo. S25-14p \\TANTID To rent c t'aeo fninD to 7 10011.8 IT in it ho 11 coed li'iatlon , within H LI kn u Postotllco AdJr t8"Y U S."loj ! ollico. 15S-141 ttevly erep'o\u-unt. AddrtKjwith stump , ( H < j\Vl M'K Q. COMl'AAY , S91 Vine bt , Uuclnnall , Ohio. 1K1 in 4n Agiiiti to wotk for the Western Mu tual Ileno\ucnt Association , of Dcatrlru , lb Citli rn | itllSHO COi ) , paid up In full , llwsc dmlrlri , R-eiCH'H ( ] In Kattcrn Ncirni-ka or Wctirn Irm should uddrcMi C , t. Wooik-y. No 1222 RtMUiu st Omaha , Neb , or Oliver 0. tabln , r-oc'y , L'catrico Neb. To ( rood ascntfl , men or nrccn , a libo a compensation will bo pa'd. Company \ po-optra tno in plan , cafe , rdlabiu and cheap , and ca y to work- . BOO-1S2 WANTED T < * orooms for hvht hwo kcoilnir within t oblooliH of 10th and Davenport St. Inqulro 2 il north 16th Ht. i3-Cl | > WiVNTKD ToKancllist class rcntauran and lunch o ut ter to a thoroughly rtepoDs hlo laity. Ap rlv I'lS Poiulfi. 103-t X'Oll KKNT HOUSES AND LOTS. IlhNT- nno of four rooms corner 15th ntu ' t'h'ca'o. 'Ihomis httift , 2zl-16p FOll KUNT htoroon rummioRsSt. , with rooms for failly. J , Kllno , 131S Uouclaj St. 2.0-mll FOH K NT New biick houi' , 11 nximc , modern Imploumtnt- . 112 N. 2d St. Inquire 2116 Califurnia St. Hi7tl < OR HF.NT 1I008C4 roorrBBOUth 13th St , $13 P Cottagn 5 rooma near llan > com Patk , $17. Hem 6 rooms l > a\cnpo > t and t6fSts , $17. House 2 larcra roeirm and J cri ground toath Omaha , $0 O.K. Maynp , IStbandrarnam. 143-tf FOll HUNT New 5 room colt po YlrfrinUam , s. blocks o-Btrf Park a\o ardl block touth of Ht Vary's avp. St. carfJ12.60 per m Isaac Adams 10 Frcnrcr bloek , oppotito Pest ollieo. 12t-tf FjIlU NT-NcwcottiiKC , 5 rooms. J. Pllppslloc , 1512 8. Strut. W3tf FOR HKNT Nice 0 room cottage corner 24th and I > tn nort | street. Apply to K. IJ. Chapman , 1217 Howard St 863-tt F > OH KENT A tiewr t lent room house. Enquino Mrj. E. lloddlo , iCth.liet Datei poit and chl a RO sts. 7Dltf F Oil KENT-Furnished Iloomwitn board , 003 N. 17th. & 2UI FOIl RENT Now Ire room house , wttb city uatcr , on Bouth 17th St. noir rnllrrad trnko suitable ( or brardint ; houpe ; rent $30 ; Irqiilieat fjnmhn foundry or ol T. W. T. Richards. Oil tf Tj Oll HINT A 6 rocm cctUirn on eatt e o 17th f St. f ccond door eouth of Webster. inlto ! O. II. Doane k Co 777-tf ROOMS FOR RENT. FOll HKNT A largo hsmlsooJcly turnUhttl front locn , 311 noilh Jfith tit , between j'ftvenport ' and Chcain : bin. 23U 1. p HUNT Small furnlslni mom i-hbiarl for FOll , unad acjommodatiaua. 181H Chic eo St. 231-17p FO't KENT Furulalodfiont room , 14 3 Howard tit. 233-14p FOll UKNT-Too fumbled room * elrxlo ot irether , at 2403 Harnc bt. U23-17 < lll HKNT-KiiinUho 1 front iom , , wither with- 17 1 out Urn , 1309 Cipltol ave , .JlO-lDp FOll UE.\T-Roouu IClOIIaineySI. 272 tf OR ItFNT A r Icelr furnloricfi larito Iron'room j\lthtto\ontfO4 ; Jlarriciht. ! ! 0 IBp OK RUNT Furnlihed room ] 1010 CnliLn la St F 200-tl 17\0il \ UI 'T I'lcaaant fiott ro-m 17C7 Ij DoiiRlirt . 2f8 Iflp F IOH IIFNT Iwj luinUhoJcrurifurnliiliod front rooms , 1033 raroain Ht. ! 07-)0i ) , F Olt HUNT lloom and board for two K" ntlemon , 1G lilapltol a\e XKIMfl FOlt IIKNT-Ncnlv furnlflic.l . cast expos- lure , flnjilo orentuHc , H. W , ccriior 17tlmmi t' 'i. 2Jl-tf TT'Oll RKNT-FurnUheil room ? . Un. Hjdm.S. W , .I1 corner 12thand Ifarney. an lip T7 > 011 HKNT Two unfuinNhid n imi .uitaho ) for 1 licht houi-ekeepInK , Doeinti'sIllicitcur. R'h ani Howard hts. Fnit IIVNT- With board a nlor-I } fMinlihc.l . fr nt loom tultablcfin tnngi-i ttcinin , won d alin'lbo ' DUO jounj ; like ) In in maiid linuilnt Houth wis'ror , of Ht. Uki.tV ) u , ami Mnttc-ji tn Ht. Ito 13p 17011 11KNT Klotly fun hhed Koiiu at 1713 Cant . . T OIt HlCNr-KnrniulH.d roc ins 623 H. 20th tt -T 653-18p R COM TO IIT KLquIro diui ; ( tore , vur. , 10th L > GUir as. RO01I8 With board , dotlraLlo or n-mter. Apt ly at fit Chailen lintel. 039-11 I HKNT Ono furnliticil ted room with hoard , 1 ktnl two or three Jay boarcJtr * , 1911 WoUtor. UIU.U Jj'Oll UEN'l'-T ofront rooua. 1523 taiiltolau- B6M trtOit KEKT Furnlihod loouit at 1810 Dodiru t. O.atebitl FOU KENT FiimUktd room and boanl00 rxt vcek. Very Uttlocalion , IBM Iu\cnpo t. 'm tub 31p IpOUllKNT-For lltht ( houtekctplriir , tworoom , 1 Jurnlehtdlor tkat j.urp-X . ) , H. W. cor Bth nnd llmtril 886 _ 1.1011 KENT Two nitwit roomi In r.uaick'e block , i1 l' ul en ( V Co. , 1618 Kurnim. 811-tl FOR I/Oil H U.I' Corner 1 it , 3J\CO , with x < f \ Improve. J' menu , that w I lrhL16 - per c nt oa Invest ment I'tuliui A. Co , 1113 Fainam kt. ' . ' 1019 JOH KAI.K-Stoik ( nl lUtnrsi one of ttelekt ml'Kiuln ' tlnilty. roMtwion n' ' en th < flu ff * p il. KvioiiiifurttUlcir , .11 tittlth. Ailil'hi 1 X. W , " Iku oillce. l&'tf U8I.K OH m\T-lVur : rujui .ottJEe. cor. Klnir tt. and Pttrck tie ; etiry coiitrnlonco / ( \V ttr llln , 1311 Slurmm . . 18J 17i > a F011SU.K OR THADK-Vor InpUT'd tin I , < tot > l 2rtorMore , prcrrttt In W\n , Vih. A lolildi re , bun , 3 u > t In Alcrtcti low.i , .vid 2 irncil lutfj Notinvi uti'ltoriK. Andres ) o. 1 > It < tii > a'j WKIDIII , l'ott Co. , fort. 17.m ! > ji TJVUSAM : C'crnir lit , 100 < U7 , Slililor A17 A IT nit mewith tinumi. b tn. will , fi-nf l , l.-'J . l'i > il < e * co. , 1M3 I'uniMii tt 113-1 ? 17 * 11 SXt.rA : soiil | iilitr ( loptmllh f.rst rla 9 loiich roiuilur mid ni ur r.t . attached-A tur pntn. S. TrutlcrAS South ISlh 81. 181 tf I. OR SMK Or r\clianco full tccfc ft cloth'nj ' , booM and hix * ! , pent * furiiUhlnti ooilf , w li c\ . IIRO for Nrbri iftt.iini ) < . u. il.t'ctcu.n.voi s , i St. , Omatit , Nfb. f7iOUHMK-T.nt > 3\1S4 , ] ) oio t msr lib , with I1 IIKW hoi' o U-JO , cll , fencedf Uj , rnuNm & Co , IMS hiiintn itttct. i s Hi 17 < Otl RAMin ! acre * of be t 'ann lands In W h I1 Incton cu'Hilj , Neb ; si tnllo * frmu Herman ; s miles from lll ir M ill elibcr sell for ca < h or will .raJo I. r hou o tn I nnlm , It bujcr * lll tttio tip fonieiioteo on ht'i ; tlni" . T1 o whole lain ) im cr cu'tltatlon ' Aclcro'n Jos. Kolovuttck , Nw. 13 t B 10th it. , Oin.-vhn , Nob. IWI-tf I71011 SM.K-SA'onn ami nxtiires omtrallj Inmtril. and iloliiK a Rood luslniM. Address "Siiloon" lice ctllco , FOUSAI.K-Clicau ono half aero In north Omahn , AddrcM X , Y. / Ile ofne . 5 5tf 17 > 0ll 8ALK MO tons icloclcdh y at fit horn Sin- ' tion , ptlcw { 3.00 per ton. Apply tom. . Hopi > er Klkhoni. B& .imp Corner lot rixtl ? , Hh anil Durcaa , with n lltx to hnu c , cclUr , clitcrnotc-l,7tO. | 1'ailton t To , 1MH KarnniHi . 271 f/OK a LK \ cco.1 pnliiK Impl-incnt Imslniss v" cll located and oitali'Micd In thrltltiK town on 11. &Jt. U. U in Nol , . Mtrjtlili'i ; rtaiy to ktep rluht IntiiKoml trade. Only modurato rnplinl ro. HUlrul. Ailclre ! " \ . Y. " llcoolllcv , 012 fell 28p FOll S < IK CtlKAl'-Ono clocant ch-mbcr not , former coit | 37&.ra Hue rcRtiUtor clock , ono to.irly now Kinbo Piano , fl\u Bold franml plctur s , ono horto , IIIMIICSiul plmvton , ono llallj r.ite , email Kite , UKU beautiful china coffco ret ANrt a ltre pure tloixl l KU llcrntnl i\cg. \ Inquire 10IB U iliru St. vai-tl 171011 HAI.r. > | Milt.Is In IVuiNrifH new aild. , i. ' 011'tnc cir < lo , ntfrolu S7iO tuSSiO. 1'itUen i-Co , int : Kn JIO-ll ) ITIOU 8AT.K 00x105 f t on Citinlne street S lilooke i ? wootof Military luldKO.Jl.OOj. John UMeCapio opposlto I'oit oltko. 3.tC | I71011 S\I.F.-132xl4 ! ; font on comer , oulh > cait froit , house 3 rooms , barn , 3 Worts west o 1'arknvo. and Lottenuorth , caij pnjmrntK , cheap ? 1,703. John L. HcUKUo , oppusito I'o t Ollico. 017-1 f | 7 > OUSALi : oil hXCIISOKKor > cd dty * ' pr-iicrtj , rnonr tAosn-tioisof lam \\u'l adapt ed for sencii farnlni ; or * t < > K purimcr ; lUh o I , rime to nrlioiil station end i e r oiui cf the hrtt ttiniiHlnCuiitral Ntbra.U AdJrcsa " 0. N 1I"1' O. IX \ BlO. Onnhi. 220-Kp ITlOlt HAI.K-Tliufnrnltura n ( 8 loom l.tu-o and JL1 house for rent , M7 Sont'itilth ' kt. 22-Up , -iOK 8AU-Wallpai : er en , all htnek of 1 pajorStO uiitlh IStiiS ! . 24.7-Slp I/Oil K-JiK A ( ! oni ral mcrrlirillH ) Inn n te Ilia llThilu'tnAii vvltliln 'J5 mlloji f Unci'n ' , CN'ab- Ihhol , } 'S , b s' trii'ulu ' ta ii , iork ul 1 Intolra alHutif ,000 , will tell nr tint huiMini ; , tciim cy. I'or i niticulars , audicse MuCird t'ruuj A On , 'ma in , Neb. B A liiD : II AY-Qocil finality , luuott pilco , T H. Chikjui.Scliujlir.iNol. 110 ml | lr > UKSAIKOit KXClIANUB At 1U i or pnit of twothousanl acres of timber land fnrty mile * cast of Korm * City , wll oicliango lot Nbroaka land or rnoiohandle * . Bedford , Souer fe Ii > 0lt SALKOtt EXC'IANUB-Btockof dry goudu ' 1383 ntro ftock ranchc , plenty har land , crcik. tuns throueh pntlro tiart , io-J ; 'hullillcgs , cjrrnllj etc , on'y 4 miles from thrirnu railroad town , nneol ( lit liogtaml m at eonicnlciit miclic.i in wntral Neb. Appl ) tottcNulth Loup Uanlin jCo. , North ( .onp , N b. "M SO MISCELLANEOUS. Tlo piitiimhipof Ix > cpni. Rpxauer Is thin tlnv Febiuary 1 , lS35'llB cliu-d bj mutual consent. J. W. Lilian ciiatmntB the luamtki mid will toiloct nil ao- coiitil H ml pay all Llllj. J. W. Lcgan , Wll. Sevaucr. ! ! 20 10p S1UAYF.D OH 8TOLKN A ilatktan tolorotlfumalu no ; with little gray on LrraU , wltb a ullt In the Itfi o r , answertunamoot Jts-le , having a hea\y leather co'lar with no name o i Ic Ketuni tn Block , yards to Ihomis Kox , acd n.ccho reward. 2l2-)8p ) OTIIAYED-A small btyinira pony wHtosnoton O Ifft hind fort. ItowMil will be paid If ro'urneii to Scindlna\lan Hotel , 7th tit 213-10) ) PHIVVaultfl , elokxfiid coffpool domed at tha fhortcst not co al d at any tlrre of the day. In an cntlrrl.t , oril.-rl.BS wayuithout the least moloetatlon to occupants or neighbor * , lth cut Imprincd ami odorloBB apparatus. A K\ans.'iCo. , Oil Coiilwlave. OHlnilp IpOH TUADK For merohani'lso ' groceries pro- 1 ferred , three (3) ( ) laluahle lets lu Dayton , Ohio. Ono ( i ) lot In Ht. LoulF , Mo ; Bift acres of line land la Kannas ; One ( I ) farm In Ohio. Thla propcity la In * of Incumbrance All comn-unlcatlooa will bo ticatcd strictly ooniltlentlal. H. II. Winepear , 2094 Cumlntr , Ht S87janSO NOTICIC TO BTOOKHOLUJ < : U3. The annual meeting nl the stockholdoia ot tha Doe PiilillsMii-Co. , williohclil attlulr cilice , No. 916 rarnninbtri'tt ; on Mouday , vnrch lt , 1H 6at& 'cl ck p. m , for tha iletlon of olllcers ami iho transaction i > t ouch other bunlmai ax may emnoIMI- fore It , K , ItOShWAlEK , 1'rcsldnnt OMAIM , Feb. 10 , IBM tblO.1101 CEKT1FIOATB OP 1'UBL.IOATION. . OVlflCK , AUOITUll OF PUIIt 1C ACCO NTS , ) . . ( Mr " " " - AIR i-r , Lincoln , Fokruuy Int , 1R8S. } It la hereby fortified thnt tho-Hnatmari'i Pirn nnit Marine Inhiiranoi ) Co , ul Ilittlni'ith In the nUtit ol I'ennnUianKi , lui cornplUd Hltli the Insurance Liwcf thla State , and h author zul to transact ( ho biulncBaol 1'lro Ins.rincolu thla btite fur thu cur rent car. \Vitrasa my Imml and the seal < t the Auditor of 1'iiulio 'C3UUI ts tliu ill ) andjiiarahiro written. . - . fanned : II. A. ll\ll O K , j L.8 j- Auditor P. A. Mr J H III Kualt hu Wimappcintol acn , > cf the above comrany , ull'co l&th and l' nani ctOmaha. Mendelssohn 8s Fisher , llooms 28 nnd 290malmNntl Umiklilock bUCCKXHOlM TU Dufrene & . Mendelssohn ( Jen. I , . FUhor , ftrmery with W. K I' . Jenny An hlttck , t'Mcago. janHolm UNITE ! ) UTATK8 INIHANHIIHVICK , risri n I mi K Ancr , Dakota , January IS , 1KSS. B'rtlcd propofalu In trlji'lcato ' lidorrid , pr fortheurtctlon of one weiulul.kt anil C-upr.tur shop , 0110 horncFH , unco anil n.r-ci 1'ft'ieoui Bhoiw , ono hlax i hlcr hoiiMjtwo w nnn nrid Ktorai/o Bhod % one liiloliuiifu tnuiullar , at thhagrn y anil dlroct- ed ti the undtri'dicil , cara i f Olilu' ' l uarli rnmiter deiurticciit , Ithu tNttoOmtha Neb , will bo ru- cfucx. untl 12 in. Kalurday , KiRrmry 14 , I'M rian anil rpirlllratl na can be ixtmlridl In the nfcooftliau ' < liuarto | t nil' , ilcinrt-nuit of thn Pbttv , Omaha , Neb , thn "Ii ttr Octan" ChlciKV , 111. and trie "Journul" at Kan a < City , llo , Contiaitulll lu , awarded to trie lowest rctiporiillilo hlddcr , Hiibjott th tha tirroial | of tbo depntrauit of tlie InU-rloi. Iho right , liowovcr , Is ro-o'Kil lo iejtc inj anil all , or any part of any bid , If ilocmid fur Hie hc. : In ter Htcf the ifnli-o l'rox-B | In rouht f'tale lo ) lh of lima retjulrtil for eomi laitlon of bulhlliiitail r apprt.tal ol cxntrict , anl nniDt lH ccoinpalned IK aLertllloJ ( juk tijion Home l/ultcd Stilua DcnoMtur ) , ia ) b'o totheoiilar ( t tlio Funiuriiltii l > f r at lea > t Iho (1) ( per coil of thoaiiiiuni of thupniio4 ] l , ld h rlitck lhall hefnrfel'ol tcithu United StitUHla rim of > ny tldilir luacitliiK tlio u id ; "lull f ll to expcula prompt ! ) a contract with K"od'ml tulllclinl n-cuil. ilt-8acr-ordlnir to thetunmolhis lid , otherwlito to bo iitiirmd to the rldJvr , ( nr further l'f"iu > t en adilrcM tfiu unifeni'Kiitxl at I lee Iti'to Aueiioy. U-UoU Tro und"rtlnj i will will ba ai I'aiton HnUMi , Omah > , Ntb. , h/Iho morning ; ot Prkla ) , I'ehru&ry la , Ibfiii. V. T M'Oll.l.TM'DDT Jan JO-Sw m U. K , IrnlUn Afa i St , Charles Hotel , 0.8TKF.CT , UET 7th and 8th , . LINCOLN , NKI1. Mr * . Katu Co&kly , Vrcprlctoiciw. ly ami eleKuatly furulnbixJ , flood rwmrJe noriiton tlret floor. rinn31.60 to 82 prr day , Special rates irlToa i.l the lutrUliUiirn. novln-lin m ( SUCCE300IV8 TO JOHN 0. J/LOOIU ) UNDERTAKERS I At Ihoold nUml lit ? Farnam EL Crlen by tele- trspb noUnitod tr.J | iou.p',1 . alUnJ