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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY , FEBRUARY 16 , 1885. BEST TONIC. ? rredir ! * * . comlilnliic Iron pur * ' % , ' tout" , fjuiftlr " ' " 1 ipriili | > Ir < llni"ilton , vid NruK. H i in unrnllinj ; rrmcdy for BkCMC.lofthi ilchtcji ninl I. lift- it is itnalimble for DIM/MM rK-er.ltr./ 7 "niou , anil all who lend fcilcntnry lives. l ! oe < not Injure tlio toctli , came licn'lncl ' i fr.Kliiru c ! ntlitlnn | uthir Iron mttltcm'e IA enriches nnil i > 'irini'S tliclilocxl.ttltnv/.ntH Jhe ait tltc , nidi tlio i slmllalloti of fol f . ' > ! Heartburn anil Ilclrhlujj , and etrocf.i' m the muiPl. ' < nni ! nrrvci < * liitcrmUtC'it Kovcn , . .AsUu < ! c , Iur. . c. , It JIM no equal. 9 f The > ft ntilno li s nliovo tin.'o . f < r i rod lints en. wripjwr TaVt n - > ft1 w . -.jtr M.ljntltlltlllCJI. CO. l ieiLilts BROAD CLAIIV \siizuie \ BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND TCver otTorecl to < ho uubllo. IAIBUE&AIEEICAU PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , France and Germany. The steamships o [ this wo'l known line are built at lron ( In miter-tight compartmonta , and are fur- nlshcti with o\ecv requ'slto to make tbe passtgc both safe acd agrccablo , They carry the Unite J States and European malls , and Icavo Now York Thusdaysand Saturdaja for 1'lymouth ( LONDON ) Cbcrboug , ( PAUI3 and HAMDUHG. Ilatea : Htccraco from Hamburg 810 , to Hamburg 910 ; round trip ? # > First Cabin , $55 , $65 and 875. Henry I'eindt KTark Hanson , F. K. Toll , agents In Omaha , Groaonc * & S.hnontgon , gent In Council Bluffs. C. U. HIGH A It U & CO , Oon. Kasg. Agts , 01 Ilrcadway , N. Y. Chas. Koz rolnsU & Co. , Ooncral U'catcru AKoati , 170 lag St. , Chicago , III. ItEMKDYl'UKE. Avlctimof jrouthlnllmprudencB > eiuslnR Preraatiiro Decaf , Nervous Debility , Twt Hr , , < * ( , u .nir tried * n lo ev.ry known remedy.h f dlBCorerea Bnnuplemeanaof self-cure , which be TIII' n nil FREli I Ills o fellow-nurTerera. AUdre .J.ll.lUili" " " " - - - - ! ? NervousDahllitv , < lB.ia.irs ; .iM.-- ton " Ut.N.T ° " " * , Health is Wealth i Dx. K. 0. WMar's NIKTI ASD Balm TKUBUIHT , a . naranteod BMolOo for nyeieila , Dlulneea. Conval- tfonf , Fits , Norvoas NenralcU , Bcadaoht , Nervous Pioetrttlon raruodby the use ol alcohol or tobbacoo , Wakefolnow. Utntal denroaolon , Softening of the brain , resulting In Insanity and leaping to misery , dewy and deaih , Prematore Old age , Uaronaeg , low ofpowor In either esx , InvolunUry Lossea and Bpei- , ' alorhoraoausdd by over eiertlontof the brain , ooll. btue or over Indulgence. Each box. contains one month's treatment tl.00 a boi.or ilx bottlei 01 N.09 , lent by mallpiepald on rooelpt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOIE3 Xo ome any caaol With each cider received by as lot it ( boltleg , acoompllthed with 15.00 , we will send b > purchaser our written guarantee to totand the moaey U the treatment does not effect a euro , dau- anleet Usued oa'y by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. , HI ? XS-mke-tr . .CHH803 Uadlaon St. , ChloaKO. 11 Chartered by thcStateofim- 'no3 ' ! for theexprcsipurpose f of giving immrdlatc rcllcllc fall chronic , unr.rr ana prl- to dlscssiT. toaorrior % ect andSyplulU In nil thcli complicated forma , nlio al1 diseases of ths Skin and lilood prompt'.y relieved cms pcrmanentlycured by rcrr.J- , die3tcatedinaJ''orf/lVar | JiMS'iW 'iSaK > t < l > cctull'raetief * bemlna ! e > . NiRf.t Los.c. by Dreams , Pimples on * ue I'nce.I.ost Manhood , } aaltivtlilcuredTltcrt dinocxperlmriittmi. Ihr appropriate rt.cdj RiBtor.ce used In each cue. Consultations , per- tcnal or by Utter , sacredly confidential. Med. tinet cent bv Kail and Express. No marks os pac'-rzas to indicate co.T.tnto or sender , Addrcsi o. 204Wahnglon ! SChIcag ! ! ) , ! ! > , 13 CONDUtTTKD DY Royal Havana Lottery I ( A QOVKRNUKNT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 12 to 11 Days. 3ICKCT8 , $1.00 , . t . HALVES. 11.00 Subject to no manipulation , not controlled liy tie trtiojin Into rest. It It the falreet thug In lie nature ot chaooeln exUtenoe. For tlokoU apply to 8IIISEY i CO. , 1212 Brood ) y. N. Y. City ; A. MOUCO. . , 417 Walnut Kt , t. LouU , Uo , or U 01TKN8 & CO , 019 Main St. ty , Mo. A FINE LINE 0 P THE ONLYTKXOLOM.VE IN OMAIIArNEBt . AUTOnu rr crlplloo ef uoi.4 .p Ull4l l w i * . Hr 4. ) DcuiEltUtu ail II. Adiir.u .ftr. V'AP.D * CO..lritIAJ < 4UO STRIPED SLAVES. The Lot of Slate Convicts Cast to the Tender Mercy if Nebraska's ' Tweed , "Oon" Buffington's ' Bill to Insure ' 'Boss" ' Stoat's ' Oinnipottnoyl Statehood Obliterated to Round Off the Penitentiary Ring ! Fifteen Millions to bo Wrested Out of the Nebraska Traasury , i-H a Toy In the Hands of the 3lnst Successful Vampire that Kvcr titvccl. Special correipondcnco to tbo BKE. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fobiuary 13. The enormous grip this man William n. B. Stout has over the whole at&ta , the great state of Nebraska , is the only topic of conversation at the caplUl. Remarks far from being cimplimentary to a great number of those who dub their c.-inics wllh a prefix mcgio lion , thf S3 times are heard frcm all corners ; yet no one has the courngc , 1. o. the manhcoJ , to rnlao hla voice to polct out tbo maolatrom wherein the money of the tax-payers trill , In the course of n few years find Ity way. A Tweed regime would bo heavens when compared with the regime tha "Ne braska Bern'1 eeeks to fasten on the state through the medium of hid henchmen In the Ic-frlalatnro now In suasion. "FIXING" TIII : COMMITTEES. It muat not bo overlooked thtt all measures Introduced hi the IIOUEO , rela ting In any way to tto ttato penitentiary , have bcon referred to the committee on pnbltc lands and building ? . Those ques tions v < hch ! could net decently bu rufei- red to that committee , wore referred everywhere elao but where they should have , to Etich an extent that the com mittee en penitentiary is now asking Iteolf what it is in existence for. ' 'COX. " Ut'ri'IKOTOX , introduced house roll ! i35 , a bill for "An act to authorize the construction and niaintalminco aud provide for the organi zation and mancg mont of a system of penal reformatory institutions and the detention therein of persona convicted of crime , for the -steta of Nebraska. " which was referred to the committee on public lands snd buildings , the Hon. J. B. Wright of the Lincoln rlnjr , chairman. UOW CU.VNINOLY Ari'llOriUATE that title sounds for common mortals ? Yet ono may venture to eay after a cireful reading of the sections of the bill , that ia auy ntato having any stitohood loft , no representative of the people could have bcon found loaded with cheek enough to have dared hand such a mou strous measure to the clerk of a house of representatives for its reading. "Con. " Bailington's name , interlaced with "Boaa" Stout's , ought to bo a fit ing epitaph ID the lost honor of a youthful THE CHEAT IlEFOHMEU , not content with the princely income a lute legislature and a docile board have [ ceded him until the year of graca 188' ) , > y which ho will up to that time have trawn from the taxpayers the modest um of $1,500,000 and the record will ear the figures out has conceived the doa that ho can monopolize the prison jstem of Nebraska. And how nicely nd fluently do the sections of his great onceptions inn. The main idea ex- roBBed throughout his bill for the un listed and innocant legislator is thathe ill erect reformatories , etc. , without ny aid from the state , and consequently ollovo the taxpayers from the maintain- nco of the stito convicts. TUB "JIOSS" GAME. "Boas'1 Stout controls quarries at Lou- iville. Unfortunately on top of the nlquc lodge of stone there are strlpplogs arying in thickness front 25 to 50 feet , 'o ' wheel these striplings into the Flatto Ivcr , bo found ho had to employ the la- or of 200 froa men. Free labor costs toncy , and the most of the money ho rrcstj from the tUto treasury under the revisions of his contract In actual force , as been dumped in the PI it to. The Ituatlon must undergo a change. Hence o gracefully requests the legislature , brouch tbo good oilicos of hi.s friend , 'Con" Buflington , to "AUTIIOIU/.B" "uo > ! .s" STOUT o erect and maintain at "his own cost" no or more building to bo used as pennl oformatoiioa , etc. And with the stroke f the pen , and ni if by magic , the state lanitactiary built by the state at a cost of iOO.OOO 00 Is turned over to his own rlvalo use , deeded to him n ? a matter of act for all eternity , and fs treated ni "ono" f the above , "his" penal reformatories Vlth a faw secihns happily drafted , ho uggesta that the manogemont ol "his" nstitutions shall to under the control of ho b tird of public lands and buildings , nd then as a return of his teeming kind : onciilrn to the demands of thcso who jolievo the state fully able to take care of IB ccmidts , ho creates A I'llOUl'ltATOK , whoso business "ho" makes to recruit convicts , as h'.s ' feminine synonym is to recruit materials for houses of ill-fame. A happy creation of his ovcrwolghty and mighty brains ! Ho clothes his procura tor with tbo ( ole power of appointing the superintendents of "his" houses of correction , and as a cliris- tlanllko surrender to the wrath of an ollondcd people , ho provides that the superintendent * "may also bu moved at the pleasure of the governor. " But there ho culls a halt. The governor Is kindly given the privilege of removing a saporinttndent appointed by the omni potent procurator , but ho is denind i voice iu the appointment ot neither i.f them , nor has ho anything to do with tbo appointment of the rncnr&tor , who is solo creation ef "William H. B. Stout his holro , admiciitrators and assigns. " THE STATE HAS NO CONTUOL. It may bo that a luminous mind of the aizaof the minds of the frmor and lutro ducer of the bill cm dlrcira uhero , wba and how the sttte retains the control o "Bets" Stout's ' houses of correction ; bu to an unprejudiced , disinterested , unco phistlctl mind ; to tbo hone sense of the rtggod lax-payers , n magniylng glais o troimnduous proportions nhould be In on-pointed In "Cm" Buii'iDgton's bill The short of it , Boss Stout , ii that yoi h vo the fall control over your propoiei creations ; that you propose to run them as It will lult yen ; that uobcdy on ( attb has a thing to sty for or sgiic.- your uniempnlous way of management , be ho governor , judge , legislature or boot b'.ick. You ra net sau'sfied In extorting mrllnrs from the pock.ti of the iron ci'era of this st.i'c ' , bnl jouwant to do it n your own way , nnd in a w y the pait i-xp > ticnco p-t-spoaks enough ! 0 phtno- mcnal htaxf r. WHAT TUB niorosnnitorsEs of concBlion will amount to , Is anotbcr question which will bear some investlgi- tton. It will not do to impress upon ttio nlnds of liglslators , that in pawing "Bois" Stout's bill , they wi 1 raise fi 'tn nothing , Institutions of the sort all over slate. No , and for tha excellent raaion that the state ponltenlhry U cnpadous enough to hold 1,800 convIcU all tint may bo sintonced wrlrn the coming hirtyycita. The "Boss" knows that better thin anjono olao but the unthink- ng minds may not see that far. His [ impose laid down in sounding welds , whin boiled do mi is merely as follows : To use at the I. .UISV1UG ijCAlUUES ill the convict labor ho can wcrk on the .edge there , thus doing away with the TOO labor ho h s now to employ and pay. "His" Institution there , nnd that will bo the only ono will ' 'build , " flill bo a shed , a pen , covered perhaps with a roof , in which convicts will ba shackled at night , And to inko the management of tfccsa convicts ruoro efficient nnd lesicostly In the way of officers and guards , ho provides in ono of the sictlons of hla great bill that "any convict attempting oven to escaps , whether such escape bo effected or not , " diall bo biought to court and sentenced to twice the term ho WJB then aorta i ; out. The great reformer ovin corsdirs it balow his statureto leave toour coutti the discretion all our Jawa riognizo iu the matter cf applying a sentence to a convictl THE flORDIAN KNOT. But what will this llttlo ccbomo catt to the taxpayers , ia what may bo of acme interest to the people of the state gcner ally. How mildly tha subject Is broached in noction 10 of the bill : "The compensation from the state , shall be fixed by said contrast ; but the aamo shall not fcr the first five years exceed 05 per cent , of the per capita pr.d : by the state for the past two yoara. " A UETKOSrEUTlVE GLANCE at the appropria'ini bill passed in 1383 will show that the average ccst to the state under Stoui'd contract for the main tenance of the pi hun ia forty-eight ctiita per day and capita , or § 40 , IK ! 15 for each of the years 1883 and 188-1. The cost to the people , under Stout's now bill , bis compensation for the first five years will bo forly-fivo and ono-half cents per day and capita ; for the follow ing five years It will be forty-thrto and two-thirds cents , and DO on until the 01- p'lMtion cf the thirty years contract uithorizod by the bill , deducting two and three quartern cants from each preceding quota. It ia safe to assume that he ll have on the average of the thirty years ONE THOUSAND CONVICTS io handle. Illino s , thirty years ago , had 'ower convicts than we have at this time. 3ar neighboring state I own , has now 8C1HO 1,200 Into at ; s in her two prisocs A few figures on tbo above basis will be olcquent. Taking the average compen sation the state would pay Stout at forty cents per day and capita , and the average number of piisoners at 1,000 , wo find that the cost to the taxpayers for the maintatnanco of the state convicts would bo : Per year : IniiO years : S116.COO -1,30,000 Admitting § 2 to be a fair basis iuthe estimation of the amount prcdumd by a free laborer daily , let us admit tlmt the amount produced by a convict bo H uf the same ; wo find that the stats grants to " 13oss" dtout. in tin shape of free control of 405,150 the convlctlabor M-IOS,5CO * < ! 3M50 Tot.ils S COSTS OP IIUNMNQ. Let us deduct from those amounts , the coatx of enlarlci of officers , cost of grinding , foeclipp , and clothing the convicts , in fact , include all the ex. penecs connected with the managor0nt of a nrieon , taking for a ImslH the cost in the Wisconsin .state prison at Waupun , ,33 cents per day and IL'0,150 capita , we find 3,013,500 Leaving "Boaa" Stont' * 'OH,000 profits at ? 15,330COO Thus the little tcbemo called "Con" 3uffington'a Honao Roll 235 , 33 nrld IL appearance , to deceiving on its facewhen reduced down to figures at the least es- .imate possible , WUEST3 OUT OK THE TAXl'AYEllS and laboring men ol the state the en ormous sum of $15,000,000 in thiitj ycani. Representatives , senators of tbiiroun and growing ftite , think. Lot the people of Nolraek < think. They have not , nor ties any other stuto of tha union , mot with such a tremendous attempt at extortion tortion under tbo cover of a law. See the cunning and cheek of this man Stout and bis henchmen. It la necessary In order to allay the succuptiDi'ities of the batter p r- tion of our law linkers , to shov them tbe cost of maintaining the ponltantiary , to : < .rj the time the contract in actual fores took place , and pat in parallel cs it wore , the cost under too proposed bill. Pom pously "Con" Bullington introduced a resolution Into the house1 , directing the ettte auditor to furnish the required in- fornutlcn. Back came the report that the avcrrgo coat of the ton moiuhi pro c9odiog tlio Stout contract , was seventy seven cents per day and capita. THE rO ITIOX WAS OM.NKUll The "'h" henchman did not wish to choose to toll that In 1877 , no industry or railroad facilities were at hand ; the number of convlcti then in prison was IMS than 100 , they did not want It known that the reck'csinecH ' in tlio management or Wardens Wocdhurst sni Wjnisn on behalf of thn Uito bad to be me * ; that at lint tlmo the business qtuHGiutioiu of warden were utterlesely dlavgarded , that political shysters , and mountebanks were given tbo direction over which ncno but honeit thcu'd preside. They. tAII.EI ) TO EM'LAIN that the samu amount of oflicers are needed , whether a prison hat 100 inmstas or 1,000 inmates ; that a aligbt inorcaao of the guarding force will Hike ou ol tbo number ever the fora or. O , no these considerations were not giver ! thought , and for cauie. The biro fad that In 1877 , under tJia clr ani tinces they did not want to bo undo public , i < dul cost the hUte 77 cents per day and capita to kojp convicts , and that under the proposed bill the average cost woulc bo "only" 40 cents , was tbo only poici the ring wanted to disclose. They dii not want It told that at th's very time the penitentiary could bu hELK bLITOKTIMi ender the protitlons of the oxliting Uw through the management of tli3 prcssn w rdtn. They did net nock to know that 11 in 1884 the Kansas pcnltonthry lurne n tbo State treasury $25 000 nboco all xpcnse ? . They wanted not to know hat t c .loliot penitenliiuy returns ilia tate of Illinois S1UO.OOO pi-r year &lDve unnlng expanses. Th y c rod not to lave It known that the Iowa pniotiA ncd n fact most till the ptisot s iu the United Slates are elf-Mippnrtinpr < and thnt the majority nf them , oven Cirig SiiiR with all its reckles'iiets , jay balances iu lha treasuries over the runniog oxf ensjg.Tho efforts of "UO S' ' STOfT'S ltr.XCH.ME.\ were directed to point out the fact Hut when thtu wera only n few dozen of : > riinnm iu the prison of tliii ( ttte it : nt 77 centj per head and per day nnd ; hat they proposed to run the prlton thirty yeais aud make the same coat "only" forty ctnts per head nnd uorday. It Is a imhf wry to express it ; but never elcBS tha po'cnt ' fict remains thnt the bill If passed , practically extorts ever iftcou tnllliobs ( blUn from the pnoplo of thostatj. The people of Nebrrska have A better opinion of tholr representative than cither the vampire who draftednnd the ehylock who introduced. Homo Roll _ ' 35 havo. The record will bp watched clrB ° ly , and public opinion will forever consign t ) tbiivicntlia supporter ! of this meas ure shall It bo favorably reportoi from ilia cointniltpo on public lanes ni.d buildIngs - Ings a ) its i romotora are troiio to boatt it will. will."Boca" "Boca" Stout and his rlrg of followoro have nlrcndy bulled thunsiltca in Ken dall's hole nnd * 'Con" ' Butliugtcn is a fitting automatic ftbt itnaUn to pull the hole in on the wlio'o tot. WASHINGTON IxTuilESPOXDEKCK \ALDA1IMCTIME 13 IDLKtl AWAY St'ESKS KNACTKI ) IS T1IK HoUSK. Spscial Cflrrespondciice to thu IKK. ! An anxious public , tilting iu tlio galleries of congress UICBO iirecious clays m.iy well feel somewhat surprised thnt so much valuable time is Idled awny over unimpoitaut Ifgisla lion , when there nro to innuy valuable meas ures to bo considered ere the adjournment day cornea. The hou o now meets nt 10 n. m. , but accomplishes very little more an addi tional two hours for Kjuabblirg , nnd calling the yens and nays nud counting the cyoa .mil noses and of course there are two democratic to ono republican noes anything to kill time or to prevent the patengo of a bill that hatn't the democratic seal upon It. It dosa appear , to looker on , tlmt nicuuio3 : nro not being considered for their itnpoitanco nud vnluo to the ciuntry , or tha best Intercut of thu people tlicy nrcsupprsEd to rprcicntbutbecause they nro strict party con iderationH aud ( "fential to the politiciaaa handling them. The Rront f.xtw will end soon , and then for the grami entro of iincithcr wo1 ! , it may be a faicctn make us laugh , a drama to grow Htntinicntal ever , or a thrilling tragedy to make us alt weru. hCEXES E.VACTKD IX THE HOUSi : w are highly seci-ationn ) . ] 'rn this can teach will hnvo rend the " " ycu , you "doings" of Monday between White , of ] Cent > iclty and ( x-Congresnnan Hill , of Ohio , who DOW lioldn the position of deputy ecrgoant-at-nrins , and who is very husceptablo to a Jittlu brief nu- thority from tha speaker jiro. tem Mr , lilnckbmn , ot Kentucky , The day beicg n very stormy one , there \vera but a fe.w people in the | $ illerie ? , nud there either anxiously \vatcbin ; ; for eonio bill to come n ? , with an ' 'ax to giind , " strangers visiting congress for the first time , or loafers who had sought shelter from the bleak wind and driving rain without. The last named were in the majority. .Tust how the row began thu galleries couldn't tell , but it wn evident something wai about to happen of an exciting nature , and m an instant e\crboily wai on their feet , ubino and below , to fee the deputy Ecrgeant-nt-arm ? rushing toward Mr. White , by his majesty , Mr. Blackburn's coin- nand , and by ono fell ewoop , pounce upon thu Kentucky congressman , who is not n giant in pbMUu ( | , and thereby began a strug gle to eco who would have the door. Things were getting exciting , especially between the wrestlers , but , White * kept the floor , and like tlmt old ghnst wnu d not down. So physical strength having failed tbe ci-M. O , bo bethought him- eelf of his power of oliice , his mace , thnt awful uv , without which he has no authority to com pel a member to sit , oven though comnanded ti do so by the chair. By too time Hill had bis mace Wh'te had his seat , and by the time tbe mace was replaced in the corner White waa on his feet again , surrounded by republi cans all talking nt once , Kelly's voice being heard nbpvo the din in demanding to know by what power a member could bo laid violent hands upon nnd forced into his sent with no badge or official power. Power or no power the democrats wilt iVtuio their mu jet tic commands , and tlio' Mr. Kelly's tolco may roar like deafening thunder , nnd he likes to roar , someone will uluays bo in at tendance to take order ? . They nro devided into two classes -These members ia tbo majority thoEo who magnificent y command , imil thee wboj servialy execute tha com- nmndh. To bo honest in expression , were one of tboKO distinguithnl wrestlers of legislation in the lower house , this Kl.VTUCKY Dl.UK OllAbS 3IEMBKK would nettle mo not a little , lie is tall , thin nnd wiry iu pliytiquf , nut ever loll , but looks tall by the bide of Sam Cox , the. > i oleoii of the bouse. Du In Inclined to bo rather umdy in complexion , llclit blue eyes , which he pmiliits all nji and leppovinkii > g knowinglp while emakiug a must quiz/ica ! look , has a sharp keen vo'ca whicn when pitched to a nigh C. pnietratt'j like n noodle , lie seems tonjoy Stirling the nunilxTg of the opposition to waring plcmcntu , while in a committee of the whole , or In n commit tee of pieces , and the only way they can got lid cf him is to rise and adjourn , which they usually do. Ho bun lurgn landed interests in Ilia state , nnd could ( tiy In ccngre s as long a lie desires to do to , but he dcuin't dcairo to slay longer , and will retire with this session. He i a } < > ung man In yuirp , maybe 1 % dofsu't look it , : md indeed he looks moie liku a Con necticut Ynnkeu than a son of the southem clime , anil to sum up tbe man who cau BO ef fectually test the temper of bia colleagnea , is something rf a political agitator , ono well cal rnl.itcd to upset tha oligarchies of tbe houxa , Then ) is no lo\ely devotion of 11111- lunl odmiration existing between Mr White and tienator-elect Blackburn , they snarl nud growl at fach i.ther like a couple nt cats. These two men ' 'told their lo\o' during the amnesty debates eight yonro ngo , and have fept up an exchange of atrectlon e\er einur , and BOJOU so < 3 lilackburn eei/ed his opportun ty to convey his nfiitiinentH through tbe deputy sergeant at arms. Well uu one o\- > ects sober legislation in the house , tlmt Is we ivha sit ia the galleries do not , and _ we dub .horn pokey and stupid unless thcro is a row on hand. When wo want soberlcnrnestnetx WALKOVEHTO T1IK hKNAIK and hdiiiethnea n lovely Jittln tcmguo fight whiles away the blues there , , liMt now the senate looki > calm and happy ns the other end of the uipltnl ia unhappy and turbulent. 1 chanced to be in the senate tbo other day when Senator Ingalls was presiding , and he looked happy , yes hippy , and wai eliding 1 > IU through with tuch rapidity that wu could not undorbtaud what lie was about , and asked a fellow fitter clone by what mfa nr were being dUposnl of. "Whv , ' said the gentleman , "Jugfulta is rtltbliu the ni-minn billrt in hiicb n good-naturf d wav that the SeufttoUtoo eurpiiied to object You know he'd always Crumbling at a bill whliti calU for moiipy , and is ever on the alert to ubifct. \ good joke is told cf his having a bill of bin own ininfl pention or nppromia'ion of tome kind tlut be was mrst an\ious ehould pna * . lloing preoccupied when It came up lit' jumped to tun feet and otiered thu usual objection , killing Um bill , and not till after tba deed um dune d'il ' he rimi cut wLoie hen-roost ho had be"ii robbing" Are ji-n pprsonslly sr'iualnted with Sei-atci logulb ? I asked ' ( ) VBS , havu known him for vearH , " inlcl he , " ' " < > he's not tbe aunty oU fellow lie eecin' , 1 tb'nlc ' tbli crow air he arnumrit l in moet p rt atfitto * ) , acd the outcripping < > f bit vanity , for ho in R v in man. ' ' 1 u-plied that ha bai much to bo aiu cf , "Yee ; ro he ha' . " but be niedn't bu crotit about it , ilvnight I. Ot courje I > B ha U-m re-elected to ttn enate fur six year * , ana he don't need ta pose in any obj'c'.ifJiub'.t. attlludo now , I don't kcuw jast whit Stnntor IngaH' < tiaws upim the woman' * suffrage bill may bt'and If ho will ruih that through when It coniM up ust is llkily to nny day. Ho cct trsinly cannot bo very strongly opposed to woman meddling with politics fur 1 hear that his \vifo has ably ( WMsted in lrorleetion \ , sbo InnMtiK nftor the lepislnturo of K tnsm , while her b id VIM voting tbo straight ticket Now that's .1 help meet indeed , find \ery rmn h Imttrr tlnu wearing lownirkcd dresses to | ) ! enso tbn Mi'gar ' eye nt publlo receplinni Ono of thti pensinn bllli pisted wns Dial extending th pensions of widows and thil clren f soldiers who now only draw SS per month to § 12. Ssnator Van Wjck's bill : an net of humanity that deceives mnro tbnn a mere tprntbn and jet what is $12 compared to thoSS.OCO paid to Mii. General ( tnitiold , who hai plenty wltliout aid from the government , while the wi.lows ad chiMteu of tbo'o poor toldtrta are In wret < 1iodcirciiin Rtatces. Well , Senator \ ' n Wyck is n friend of the pooplu even if bo does nwrar mcst uninercUully * t innurpolUtH , and will always be a chainp'on for jiuticH. I notice through the ( nelnl colurntis < > f the evening Star that Mrs. Nan Wyck Is to gl\o aim her reception Thursday nftor noou , nsii'tcd by several ladlef. ntnong uliom is MU Uofewatcr , of Oinnbn , eldest dnupb'er of the editor of the UKK. Mrs. Van Wyck is in society th's ' winter for the first Mncothu c' ' rtb of her children ftui yoara rgo , nnd most V irmlyclcinneil by n bint of nd mlrcrs who find her a delightful visitor as well M * n ncPomplMied onteitalner. I sco that I ho president baa tent in Mr.liur- bnwer's iiatno for iotp | ointment to tbo inar- Bltnlfibii | ot Nebrnnka , ( li-roby ninkiug that gentleman and Ids frleliiU most happy , 1 bear that Congressman I.iiiid bas so far recovered - covered from his full on the ice New Year's iliiy , thnt he is able ( o sit up Iu bed nnd ri > nd , Congressman elect Dorsoy mid wife , of Nol - l > rnf > kaniu nt the liiggs bouse , Monday nlsht wo hail n thunder shower. To-day tboiud ii bloHing a cold gale , with proinieo nf a real western b izrard to-morrow , which v\ ill iu no way Intorfeio with tbo elec toral count , Tlio hoiiKO has p.i'ue 1 resolutions taking the oatt i-ido of the p.illeiics fnr the members nnd their families. So the "dear public" cau tike uhat'it left , and that's a very email epno , after deducting thu reporters' gallery , the diplomatic gallery , the reserved gallery , nr visitors' gallery , nud the gallery reserved tor tbo ca1 met nud vtipicmo oourt families. There ehnuUt bi but two Cilleries reserved in either bouso of cnngrostbo re porters' pallory nnd the diplomatic gallery. Let the others bu open to tboso who wish to occupy them , and thn "first e.nne , tirft eeivoo. " Snobbish wavs ill become tbo people ) of our grand nation. Glory isshort-lived , nnd wo cannot ntford to bo silly , Wo need mnro difnlty and sclf-ie'-pect , aud le s aping nobil ity. Our fathers fought for freedom , and wo should not .ibuso tb-it which they struggled sn bnrd to gain , However , 1 don't suppose i shall wear thu bolt for being the gieat reform er of the age , uo matter bow much 1 may feel a'l ' the wrongs thtt should bo righted lu-ro at the nutionnl capital. CON. HovvaiM of iiio ' 1'rninpg. KANKAKKE , Ills. , February 1-1. Mrs , An drew Schrelllcr wife of well-to- , a - - farircr at Dea Kims , Ills , , i lying at tin p mt ot death from injuries received at the hands of a tramp who had been given food and shelter at thu farmer's House. Thu tramp attaiktil her when her husband was nway from tha house , knocked her down nnd boat bur terribly about tbe bend with n Hat-iron. His object is not known. He. was arrested and is in jjil. Threats of Ijnch- ing are freely made. Iionk Out for tlio Drummer. CIIICAC.O , February 11. The firm of Geo. V , HcckerisBacd a circular which states that eco Fred M. Lunbsrt is traveling under rep resentation that bo roprcsenta Hecker .t Co , but who bis no connection with them. He baa obtained nionoy under false prutencts from merchants in Blnomington , III. , and other western tnwnx. The circular has been Bent to thu principal cities in the United States warnirg against him. A Ijoil J'ropcllcr. CHICAGO , February 11. The Journal' * Mil waiikeo special says : Nothing hta been heard from the miFsing propeller Michigan , and grave fears are entertained iu regard to her safety. Many believe she went duwn with all on board in tbe fearful gale last Monday. She left ( irand Haven that day to search tor the missing piopuUor Ooeida , which came port tbe samp day. It is possible the Mich igan may be icu bound. The IllinoU Hcnntorolilp , CillCAOO , February 14. A Daily JCows Springfield , 111. , special Bays : The Bccate and house met in joint sexsion at noon. Tno roll was called for a vote for United States senator. The speaker voted for Morrison , which was the only vote east. RoBfiii'a 1'iird in Court. NKW YOHK , February 14. The examina tion in the Short-l'helan case was begun to day by Justice I'.itenou at the Tombi court. The court was filled with spectators. Destructive Inundation. CITT of MKXU-O , via Galveston , February II , Keports arrive of a destructive inunda tion at MazattiD , causing the loss nf a mini' ber ot lives and a heavy loss of property. 1 lie TopiiKi ni > \ o tin * Itrain Abundant proof ban been adduced of the fact that tlii brain may bo bundled , ir i i ted or partially destroyed without nee smry danger to life. Ono of tbo latest devolopuunts of this mu hod of Invest'ga ion JIBB been tha discovery of those cantors in the cortex which preside over voluntary motion , which have bei n , moro especially by Profetsos Forrler , diiiercnttatod tnd localised vtilli great prrclalon. This important knowluC" ; . ) and various faculties have been innpped oat. Catarrh ia a constitutional disease. Hold's Sarcnparilla ia a couBtltutional remedy. It curea catarrh. Give it a trial. FItiKS ! 1'lLiESI PIIjKSt A SUKE GUKK FOUND AT i ASTI NO ONB NEED GOKKKB. A sure core for Blind , lileeding , Itching and Ulcerated Plica baa boeu discovered by Dr. Williama ( an Indian liemody , ) called Dr , William's Indian I'ilo Ointment , A single box haa cured tbu worst chronic caeca of 25 or 30 years standing. No ono need suffer five minutes nftor applyirur thia wonderful sooth ing medicine , hutlous , lustniineuts and oloo- tuariea do moro barm than good , William's Indian 1'lla Ointment absorbs the turners , al * lays the Intense itching , ( particularly at night after getting warm in bed , ) nets as n poultice. , givea instant relief , and Is prepared only for I'ilos , itching of the private parts , and for nothlno olso. Head what the lion , .T. M. Cplfinbt , ry , of Cleveland , says about Dr , William's Indian I'ilo Oointrnent : "I have used scores of Pile Curea , and It affords me pleasure to aay that I have never found anything which gave such Immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Wil liam's Indian Ointment. For sale by all drug gists and mailed on receipt of price , 60o and 1. Sold at retail by Kuhn & Co. O. K. GOODMAN , Wholesale Agent. Tlio Ijovi's nl' Ijilllo l.nn lry Now Yorl. Citizen. I lie Osirlcli. Twenty-four ratriches were reCfiitly shipped trcm Capo Town , Africa , to San D ego , Oal. The oatr oh is a tough crea ture , and can tike into i-a itotnach all scrti of indlgeetlblo things. Aud yet nc body over heard of un oatrich having djttpeps'a , A hurraa beirg who triflts with hia tlomich is sure to have djB fops'ii ' , and tj need Urown'a Iron Bitters to set him right. Mr. Yore-o , of Et. Joseph , MD , IB 010 of mtny uJio writes thus , " 15ro\M. a Irun Uiitsra cared mo of dyspepsia , give nic a hearty appetite , aud incroiHid my weight. ' ' To reach Ilia epot dlrsct by exlenul uition try Sr. Jacobs Oil. Don't htxwk and blow , end spit , but us.3 Dr. Sage'a Ca'srrh i o Rheumatism , neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , llcaibche. Toothache , . Iliifiio , Sea III * . 1'fiK.I lilies , * M > u.i , 111 ni ii iioiiin ru\s miIIMI. . lly Dru UllAiiil li lcrnov-.T Iirrc l-tnj Outl * lMtl" . tllriIlillifll 1 11 ( .All IMC . TIII : : A. \ 0111:1.1:11 : : nt. imiMlloA. VOOELIIUCO ) lllltlmorf , 31J. , I . S. I. Hnltt't Specific rurril rno ot rlicunntl'in tlirro inontba eco , otter my t h } KlAta ti.-ul cxluuituil their renutllo vilthmit ( jlvlne relief. C. 1' . Uoumxvx , Alt J at Law , llrULs Ick , Go. Ihftvjbron allllctcil with rheuuntlfim nciul ) forty vcars , nnd n few Lotties ot Hwllt'a Sjicctnc enrol mu. It 1 Ucxl ecml t j the Milltrlni : . J. 1) . WAtu.KR , Tlioiiison , ( la , t ha\o been entirely relloxod of tmrcro rhmnntlMn In my light aim l > > the uio of .Split's Spcclllc am ! xecil tliroiich lost n Inter without a rcltij so. Sin.shv llniuiiir , I'd. So. Culthntor , Atlanta , Ox TWENTY YEARS I had been a sufferer from rhciimatUm t cntv joar < ; was ro ucrd to tkolctnn ; ccuU harilljr get about , even nn crut.licj. Suilt'a Spec flo liia cured mo eoundtnd "ell , MRS Fzn.Mtu nuMncon , Ox 9v\llt'fl HrociHc tins relieved mo nf rlieiurntlnin vthlcli at olio tlaio trirmtcncd to Mop in.v mlnlstarlal \\ork. HKV. W. A. KIRK , Crtsi rliiiij.Ala Swift's Spoclflc la entirely v ejoiahlo. Trealiso on Bocxl ! and Skin Ulicasca nmlloJ freo. , Atlantt , ( Ja. < > r on ( lulrli. Hum t'lirf * . wrf/frn otittrantea J in n * i ycnHO tirttSfivfafcrn * ud tvo stamps fur e clcbratcil 11 cillcalWorV n , . ClatUbtrcet , Cliit AGO. ILL. 017 St. Charles St. , St. Louis , Mo. A rrgulir graduate oMwoMcJicttl College * , ha * ticrn lonitei tiigiCfJIu thd i > cdAl treatment of CMKONIC , Nn > oi , < SKI * loa hLooD DisKiBLHthau aiir otlirr tfij lcl u In Bt , LouU , u city r l n tioir ami nil c M rcMJratMk&ow. Nervous Prosiration , Debility , Mcntl and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otnWec tlons of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Old SorCS and Ulcers , tro trcatnl vlth IUCCCKJ , oil lrUiitt ef ( ntiSs prluch'lei. tA clrrrltntcl * . Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Exc'css , Hxposurc or Indulgence. vMrh ; . some or tb * Co ) low tin tlfLetaj tiirtouiiic * * , ( It Ml i tv , dttnufi ot nlgLi * sinldefoftho luemorj. rlinplcspn the fuec , I'lijilcnt dicnj , jLif > rfli > iitotlK > clfj ! olemnlei , coufiuUa ofllfanotc rendering Mar r Intro Improper or unhappy , m t'crmniictiiypured , I'limphUuJft | nnc ) ou the hl-o\e , wt * fu ie lM emelr > | fncto ur aiMri'M , CnuiultntlouAtof Qco or tijr mail Trie , nu.l inviteJ. Wtlto for quutlom. A Positive Written Guarantee fdrck In Kit earabto caica. Mrdlcloei dent t rcrywhcro , FamphVii , Enplisli or German , 04 nazca , de- lorlbluc above disconea. In uiolo or fomal * . rilEE. GUIDE ! lint t'l'K" . llluitrttol In elolhind illt tln j or iHi.uge ; R&mpi > n [ > cr eotvrrt. 25e. Tbl all tuo CLrlou ) , < 1outuul vr Uauultlre want t * too& int rcAt u > nil. : u urtw. Wlllrwrirvlho BLOOD.'rcfrn- Utu the LIVER nnil KIDNEYS , ana VIQOK of VODTIL Uy * pnpsln. Wantnf AiipelltOi In- llKC'ilIon , IMK'A l IruiiRtli , oml ' 1 ? - " - ' " " absolHlcly curcil. lioi)23 , muscles anu nerves rcct'lvo iicwlorce. Ei.livens tlio iiilnil nnd cumilk'S Ilr.iln 1'owcr. > noi.ullur tn tliuli'Bi'will and In DR. EL'"BniK.'BIKON TONIC n fafo uncS epocily euro. ilUvesailcar , licaltny cnmplrxlon. Krciiuont BMcmptsat c" " " "rf < ; Hlrii ; only add to the popularity ortiuorlcliii ! : ! . Duuot exicrl | > mont trettliu OliKJINAI. AM > HKST. iKeort ri'uruildrr toThoI > r. IlnrtnrMud StJXu ! > , Mo. , for oar"DKKAM HOOK. " 'TaUof Btruacaaod dinveo on Horlick's rood , " writfl liunJmlH ( -.atiful mothers. Motlier'fl luilk < ontaun no 'li. An artltlcUl Iixid for Infants H iouiil nn utarcri. TUo lie t aud uivet nutriUuiu focxl In hwiltti I nr fickncfH lor I I SKA NTH , and I tlji'Uftdiit for 1 ALKI UY iJimHTKI' , fn-e frwn ' U-poiii uentlwl liy 1'liypli-lniiH illt'hiy Inuellcliil to 7\iiraliik- Mntlnri an ft ilrlnk. Trice .10 . -r , - .1111.17 . 5 n nl < . liy a < lri wirit Ut. lend lor Dock ou tit jTrentinent ot UlilWren , Ino. Mllr.ll ! itrdiHiil uu. 'lluui. ' U.W. IlciHt , U tl..KUialrlli It J _ . , XlalU ill ll , l couM t > < dtilrrJ ' IT . tlnJ , & 1 'i3Ht A'tirnt' . No bf * It-ocj In pfnnunut \ ll vnpf rtnr ro an ; thlnctitinl S LulanH a.l 3\ V , r , Mil I HI pnntli/mall < > n rrrfli'tof i r1i ij. it mpn. IIOItr.K'li's Fllll ( > < ' ( ) . , ItnrlnrVl 7onetint Consuincrao ' mum7onetint Food lftiul tlr "I. ; . ; lle mum Uttlft I 'I'tlOtiUI'rtt tUP Iu li ! f. Dnnfjulu thuiiltl tefi l , but if i/iin timitiit jifiifiire ( Inn n&uf i/inif liniij- ttft n Ail tin * aninimt irittt full fittitrftu tn ihich , ( Co. . I'al- mrr , Mini , nnil thru mil vricurilutait , ex New Woodwork ! Kew Attadnnonti Warranted 5 Years. SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. domestic A CITY The remarkable growth D ? Om l daring the Iwt faw yoara la canttai ot grent nslonlohmoat to thoao who pay an occBulonal visit to this growing oliy. The development of the 8torv Yarda the nocosaftv of the Dolt Una lload the finolv pftvod atroota the hundreds cf now roaluonccfl nd 000117 bnalnoss blooki , with the population of our olty moro than doubled in the last five years. All thlt la a great surprise to visitors aud Ia th ndmiratlon of onr oIMsoua. This rapid growth , tha business activity , and the many substantial Improvement * ; madn a lively demand for Omaha real oatnto , and every Inroatos hag matlu it handaomo profit. Slnoa the Wnll Street panlo May , with the nnbaonnont cry ol hard tlmoa , there haa been less demand from specula tors , but a fair dum&nd from luvoatora Booking homoa. Thlii bttor claaa nro taking advantage ot low prleea In buildIng - Ing material and are securing their hcnioe at much less cost than will be posalbln B rsar hunce. Speculators , too. can buy real cola1 a cheaper now and ought to tsko ndvanti' o of present prlcoa fo futu o pro ti. The nest few yoara promises grcatoi d ivol opmonta In Omaha than the uaat iivi years , which have boon sa good aa wo could reasonably dwlro. Naw man ufacturing oatabllshinonta nud lorgo job bing houno.i are added almost uoeily , and all ndcl to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many in Omaha and through- bnt the State , who have tholr money in the bauka drawing n nominal rate of toroat , which , if judiciously Invested I Omaha real obtatc , would bring them much greater returns. We have many bargains Trhlch wo are confident will bring the purchaser largo profits In tba near future. Wo have for sale the finest residence - denco property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason able prices on Sherman avenuo,17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Cuming , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible Borne of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty in tne western part of the city will increase m valnn We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company and the railroads will certainly double the unco in a short timn. We also have some fine businesa lots and some elegant inside resi dence ? for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good bargains by calling REAL ESTATE BROKERS. South Mth Bt Hot reon Farnhnm and P. S. We ask those who have property for flalo at a bargain to give us n callWe want only bargains We will positively not handle property orty at more than its real value.