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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1885)
OMAHA DAILY BEE. FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , TUESDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 17 , 1885. NO. JIM. LINCOLN. Lincoln Legislative Wisdom Drawing to a Close , More of the Important Billo In troduced in the House. Caucus-Holding is Now the Fa vorite Pastime. The Railroad Lobby is in Stronger Force Than Ever , And the Buttonholing Business is Extensively Carried On. Uosa Hlont IB Ka\lne 31 nd O\cr the In Vcstcriluj'H HOP. MOKtt HILLS. IHIAWISOTO ACLim1. .Special Correspondence of the I.IMOLV Nub. , February 1(1. ( Following 1 * AH oiitllno of Bnmo 03 the mote iirporUut bills recently Introduced In the lions : MU11CL. . Koitie. 2 < > l-KtnerKOU , I'lewding that Iho medical faculty ol Urn university hhould ap point tbroo coinpotont persona to examine all persons who deeire to commoner ) cr ccntltmo the retail drus ; business. If found competent a certificate shall ba issued to the applicant for which : i fee ranging from $5 to $15 shall 1)6 charged. 2Co peihon is permitted to carry on the drug businesa or compound prctcrlp ttonsvithuut first obtaining a eeit licato , suih cettificats to bo filed with the county clerk. Penalty lor violation , $100 for eacn.olfense. LUJUOIl L10KNHK , llouse , HS2 Win pear , Amending tha Slo- cunib law without changing the amount of license. House , M7 Kehoo , Regulating granting of license in counties anil to win niioor township organizatieu , nona to issue for Icsa than 9500 per : mnuni | MECHANICS' LHNSNI > K\FMriiovs , HOUBO , ; ! 30 Sterling , Rfgnlatincr leina for labor performed and miterial furnished. HOUBC , J"r > 2 Whitmora , Exempting wages of heads of tamilics.from execution nrgarmshee to the amount of twenty day's wages. STATK INSTITUTIONS. House , HUG Callalinn , To establish a state board of charities , ctmpoaedof lovcn inemhc'H appointed by the governor , to examine and supervise all chiritablo and correctional ini-ti- tutions supported by the state ; salary , mileage - age and cxp neen. House , % ' ! Wright. Transferring C7C 71 ! 100 aciua of penitentiary lands to the school fund. House , 850 1'oynter. llstablnhing n nor- null school north of the Platte und west of the sKth piincipl meridiin ; competition forjo- cation open U all towns in tlie dlatiict , bids to bo nut loss than $7000 in cash Mid ground for fiito , to bo filed with commHsloner of public lands on or before July 1 next The cost of the Hcbool building is limited to the imnunt of tha bonus. Hou o , 375 I'oynter , Kdlabliahing a nor mal school at Albion , providing thu town do natei ten acres of lunii nnd 8.010 , limiting the cost tn 810,000 j.nd appropriating S.OUU ! tlieref r. House , 35(5-Ojgood ( , KstiblUhing .istite nounal school nt North 1'la o providing the ton n don itea what M known ax the Barton property , tognthur with ten acres of land , nnd nppiopri ituiR 87,500 thurcfor. House , 1(7C'orr ( , UstiblUhinc state nor mal school at Sewnrd on condition that the city donatu ten acrts of ground and 510,000 , ind appropriating * > .l,00i ) therefor. tOUMA AFHVIUS. House , 301 Russell , Providing for an nv sistint school Hupjiiuteiidont in counties with 3 school population of ! ! ,000 , exclusive of citlen and town * with a population of 00 or more , h ilary , SI 0 a year. Homo , 1(78 ( Kehoe , Amending section five > [ tlu net Kovcrmngtcnvimhip organization. House , lilCUarnoy , Authori7ing counties to chnrgo toll on bndtjoa of 10J foot or morn ; tolls to in.1 : For m tn .ind horae , 10 cents ; one horse und wagon , 15 cents ; tw o hnnoi and wagon , 23 caittt ; each horao , mule , donkey , cow , ox. or bull , fi enti ! other d nnestlcated /iuinn 1 on foot , 3 cant ; no charge for tu ner vh. House , 3(50 ( Dempster , Regulating dupli cati1 receipts isiued by county treasurers lloii'e , H7eLeisvalJ , the lotid super visors blmli notify occupants of Und adjoining public highway * ; to cut weeds thereon between 1st and loth ilayn of August. Iloiun , B7I Munn , Providing that two- thirds of the ( piahhud votora of n school ilUtrut shxll have pu\\er tj select aits tor u nctmol house House , 8(53 ( wnUt , Providing tax " "receipts hill 1)3 iiumbcreil consecutively each year and prohibiting receipting of moro than one jc ai' tixes in one receipt. Till , tomin. House , 363 Nnwcomer , Providing for ex amination of parties to n Milt , to compel at tendance uid punUli fur failure to attend. 1 louw , 380 ICniley , llepulatmg grant ol chungcs of M'liuo anil xpccifjing causes. House , ! l 18 Vornay , Ueculatlng prantitif of changes if \ enue in felony cases. SlISCHlANKOUs. Home , H51 Holt , Joint reiolution rvlatiu to drawing staten quota of arms and equU ment for militia from L nltod States govern mo nt , Hoi o , 35 ! ) Ta > lnr , AapproprifttlngS3OC ( for paj moilt of bjuntlea for dtBtruction o wihlauunala | up to date. House , 355 Hurknrll , Appropriitini JbGS r > ! > to reiiubumi Heel Willow county fo eMxniao * incurud in trial of Clinton Dill , House , 3)l ) ! IJulhiiston. Ltgali/tun th t'leotion of ceitilu olhcera In the city ofVy more , Home. ; t"D Ijsisvold , l'ro\Iiliii ? for tin burial of diseased auuuala within twenty fou hours after their death , and defining thaor hog , < Special talegt.un to Tine DKK. lavcois , robruary Hi. C'liiom holding tha favorite pastime tonight. Tbo railroa lobby U here inforce stronger than eve Neither side of the sen ito claims to have plai laid for any further railro id warfare , but tl vuia refused to vote on Saturday e lct to record tho'r ' ta > i tomorrow. Kail- toad men nra button hollcg mi mhetR on every side , ind consultation * HID numerous. Unss Stout H raving uiid over the t\joae In to day'a UjK ' ] ho Kearney reform PI heel lobby is now workli K i peculiar g imr > , promUing thcu sup port ol appropriations fortho various proposed a yhimi named , inimal fchnols , o'c It's a game of "you tlcklo mo and I'll tickle jott. " The Kl ln l ntry Aiarkcr. OllH AOO , Febru iry lii. Tin Inter Ocean's I'tlgta , 111. , * special nay * Tbi-sulw of butter and chifo on tht > board of trade were very light to diy on accmnt nf the sturm , Uutttr Is dull md lower at 33 cents. Ko ch-i-te was sold on the regular board Tlieia were a few prlvat'1 sales at 3 cunts for h ltd fl.imp. 1'rivnte Halts of butter BggrigitiJ li'.I.OOO pounds. Cnpt. Har inx-u ( .Join it I'cnslon Con trary to lii\\\ ; \V\SIIINOTOS , Ffbtuory ld.-C pt William Hargravo , of Gen. Stoneman's talf , who nn .Tuly 4th , 180" ) , was precipitated down an tin bnnkmcnt in an ambulates drawn by an un manageable team , tliortbv rfc ° ! ving injuries resultiui ? in illatbilltj , and win applied for t ppnsion has been pi intod one by the secretiry of the interior , contrary fo the c * < cition of the pi-nsion bureau. Hnrgrave'a injury was rr- ceivfd wlula nn his way to n Uh of July cele- lirnticn and the pennon burriiu decided that the olliccr was cot on duty. Ki'prcROnlntlvo Downs , of HllnolH Is Not U'livcrlnf. Oincvro , Tibruiry li. ( In connection with Ui3 charges made in the Chicago papers this morning that representative Downs is w , ver- in ? and was going ts the ranks of Logan , Col , Dawdall , who wns In the city today submitted the following. No delegation of 1'toria dem ocrats went to SpringBcl I to ttiflen the spinal colun n of Representative Downs , _ Nouo was reached. ] lepreecntitiva Dowm is as tiue to tha democracy as the needle Is to tbo pole. Ho is fcr Morrison and will stand by him to tha tnd.If _ the membsrs meet ngatn in caucus nud ollieiiilly decide to vote for another fen senator , then John Downs will go with his party. Until then hn u for Morrison. ( Signed ) W. T.Dow DAI r . The ( j. Itond HUH a Pm Hli-ui > at Dovvnti'rf ( Jrovp. CIPCARO , Vebruary 10 The Chicago , Uur liogton & Quincy p issongei train , duo hero at 7 o'clock this morning , reached the suburb of Downer's grov o eight hours late , and was goIng - Ing at full speed , A mbplaced suitcli nent it upon the ndetrack , vvhera it struck a switch oiigino , The two engines of the passenger train nnd the switch engine weieneirly do- moliahod. The fireman , Jacob Gardner , had hia log broken. No one else hurt. Must Keep a Rcceml , CHICAGO , Fobiuary If-Tho ! Daily Xews Springfield , 111. , special says : In the senate to diy n resolution of inimtry was Introduced , stating tlut the chi'dren of the' Soldiers' Or phans Home , n , rsorinal , nro being Rent away and no trace kept of them ; ono "tluld , it is stated , was found after a long search , and was VTorkug on a plantation in FloiiiU. Steamers li-c IiotKeel. Cmovf.o , I'ebmary ! ( Daily Kews , Grand Haven , Michigan , BOJS : No word has betn received from the missing propeller , Michigan , which h is been out nn ontiiu week with ft crow of 21 on boird. She has provi sin IB enough for three months , and the creiv will nut sutler severely If tha vessel is merely ice locked , but the foir is that she nas gotu don in the recent gile . The 1'roptller Witconsin is in the ic'e six iliy off the shore ) . The lea of the lake vias dm en to thi.s sldo by the winds. The .Supposititious Onblncf. AIIIVNV , rebcuary 1 ( ! . Some people ) hero this evening who profess to know declare up to this lime tint Presidentelect CUvolnnd has not made .1 definite selection of any single member of l > ia cabinet , while others Mi'-tat thit Cleveland \ * alrutely fiven the np- pointrncnt of secretary of stJto to .Senator lljyard. A prominout domocnit htio to-night pro- dicta the following as thu names of Cleve land's ' cabinet : yecrotary of State , Dayard , of Delawaie ; secretary of the treisury , Man ning , of iMew York ; tetiotary of ihy interior , ML Don lid , of Inelitna ; necretaiy of thenavj , CSorman , of Maryland ; secretary of wur , Thurman , of Ohio ; putma < tcT geneial , Vilas , of Wisconsin. Senator Thurman was ox pi : ted in Albany to night , but it is supposed liu was detoned by the ptoriu , Vicc-PrcHldcnt-elcct Hrndricks Kuts a Heal CliiiuHo Meal. Isntvioiis , I'obruary Ifi. The Chinese residants of Indianapolis viound up their New Year's festivities on a moro extended fcalt than usual this year , with an elaborate ban < ( piot to night , for which they provided the feast largely from pmluc'H of tlisir nativ ( liuct. Among thaS 0 who Mt down at table vvno Yici L'rosidant-dnct Hnudrich" , Gov Uravla > or McMastera nnd n number ol legislator ! and otrer prominent elti/ena. Tin Iiroyiaininu was varied by tuveral exor ( l es bj th > hosts in their native : md adopted tongue ? Picked Up t Bon NhwY tliu , February 1C. Thoba-k Lillian M. Vlgnes , from London , arrived here to day She ieports that on January 23 , ehe fell in with an open boat ccntainlrg Capt. Larson the second mate and two t-eamen of the barl Alfred , from I'onsacola , January 1 , fur Liver pool , wit li.t cargo of lumber. The men wen in an e\ hum ted condition. She took them 01 board and brought them to thia port , dipt Laiaon n pruts , "I was in the open boat preparing paring to take the remainder of the crew Iron their malting > hip when the g lie and tha te ; cariied iliam elf and I was thus compelled t abandon the remaining eight men of hi crow , ISollor Explosion. a Sinisaiini , 111. , February ! ( ! . A belle exploded this morning at the east co oporativ co d shaft with great force , killing Aldermu Diughtoo and severely Injuring JohuLu dilgun. A Slon.OOO i'Mro. Coi I'iililH , ( ia. , I'ebruary 111. A special I tha Kaqulrer-Smi from Kafata , Ala. , sa ; QB I that a fire yesterday moroingr'o troyed SIC. ' liu 1000 worth of property ; total Insuranca SSl \ 030. WASHINGTON NEWS. Th ] Infliins in M iitaiia Snffcping from Exposure a d Staiy-tion The Retirement of Gan ( Grant Discussed in the Senate Dr , Miller's ' Prospects Good for the Postmaster Generalship $200,000 , Appropriation for the Army Medical Library. The Senate Takes Up the Okla homa Land Question ! Oapt , AVin. Ilni raM ) Gets n Pension Contrnr.v to the Decision ol' the I'unsliin Itarunu , SI3NA.TK. WASIIINOTOV , 1'ebtusiy Ifi. The postolhco appropriation bill was 1 i'd before tha senate and referred. Mnrioll reported favorably the bill author ilng erecting the public buddings at Keokuk. Calendar , the bill , to quiet the titles of set- tlets on the Dea Moincs river lands , was laid bsforo the senate as unfinished businoa. Lap- ham having the floor. Sherman said it naa interfering with other more important matters , and ho moved to lay It on the table. Allison said thia bill was as important as any other measure before the senate. 1'lumb thought it would take no more time to voteou the paesago of the bill than to lay it on the table. Sherman's motion was de feated , 17 to 23. Itwaa then agreed to lay the bill temprrarlly aide in order that the tenata might proceed with the consideration of the Indian appropriation bill. Sherman asked the chair whether the Dos Moiwa bill would still continue as unlinisheel business during the morning hour. The chair replied aflirmatlvely. Sherman "Then no business can be done in this senate except thit fiom the appropria tion committee nnd thia Drs Monies bill' : " Allison "Untd it is disposed of. " Sherman "Then wo may as well take It up and take it easy fnr the rf st of the ses sion I don't think that it will do to play in legislation , " The consideration of the appropriation bill was then proceeded with. Vestjead a letter from the governor of Montana , eaying that notwithstindlng the relief otfi red by the government , the Indians in many paits of Montana were auffenng ex tremely from exposure and starvation. Veat made a long speech , pleading for moro olhclal aid for them , D we , m the speech , supported the bill Aftn n further debata Vest b amendment to increase tli6 emergency fund to § 50,100 was agreed to. I he anti-foreign contract labor bill was then placid befnro the senate , but was laid aside to continue the consideration of the Indian ap propriation bill. On the subject of the proposition to strike out from the bouae bill the Fection authori/iug the pros dmt of the I nitel States to negoti ate with the Creek , Semmole and Cherokee Indiana foi the surr nder of their remaining mlits in the so called Oklahoma lands , Vest stioogly urged tha retention of the cliuse. It wis EO BOCiut , Vest piid , that a > aul W.H now being rrgani/cd more lornndable than any over b fore existed , to po into the Oklahoma country. Dverymail from the wett brought sen itora the inquiry : "When can wo go to Oklahoim * " The other day \ ist received a two dollar lull from a in n who said he wanted him ( Vest ) to take that money and msti ute prcc ° edinga to secure him n homestead in Oklahoma ( LauUiter. ) The laat raid had come to.-in end in Vent's opinion moro heeiuso of starvation than anything ele. . Had the iiudfrs been furnished with supplies s well as with arms , there would bo the terrible spectaclepresento I of an armad conflict between troops and citi /ens. letters from the weat are followed by the question , why is it that the cattlemen can go in there and tiXo up a million acre * of the public ill main , uhil < 3 a poor man can't get a homo there ? Vest behaved that If emigre" * left the ques tion where it was now , there would ba a con flict in the Bpuui ? . 15eck naid as there was sufficient authority ia the executive to meet any f mergency of the charactar reform ! to by Vest , andcod ( citizens enough to support tlw administration , he flaw no itason for keeping in this provuioc of legislation. The provision wai struck out. The consideration e > f the bill being com' pleted , Mandeuou nnd Miller of Ciliforni.i ondoivorrd but In vain to replace in the ten. ate come legislation provisions stticUeu oul in tnmmltto : ) of the whole. The bill then Thn agiiculiurul appropriation bill was thei called up , but went over till to morrow. The executive Fcjsion then adjourned. An effort wet , made to d iv to verify tin sta'ement th it Senator I'endlotou has wrlttei n letter to I'tesident elect Cleveland , strnn l ; favoring , lndgo Thurman for thu cabinet , ro suited Id the discovery tint no huch Ictte had been written and none contemplated. WASHINGTON" , Tebruary K ! . The houa met in continuance of i'riday'a i-ehBion am itnmedi ite y went Into a committee of th whole on the legislative appropriation bill , Consldeiablo progress was mndo in readin the bill \\hon the committee lose , and the ECS 3 o tion of Monday began , llengan olfi red a resolution requesting th eccietaty of the treasujy to forward the mfoi mntion In n'zard to the range and rancho c the cattle trnfhc of the western atates. Jit for reel to tha senate. Amendments totha armv appropriation bi were now concurred in by the conferonc : committee. The hou'o committee on elections to-da toiiDlderrd tha cloition caao of Miltan ( rep vs. ISrotdhead ( dem ( of Missouri , and decide to report in favor of the Utter. Toe case of 1'icderlck vs. Wilson of low will bo considered on Wed net day. The homo proceeded to the considoratii cf business under special i tiles , Slocum , under instructions from the mi. tary committee , moved to suspend them ! ' and p.m the tenatn bill for tbo rfllrt ment of HtjiiPtnl Until. Tim Is the hr t bill paited by tin ! setmle , and stK-jificillv name ? the otli cor to In ii'tired Hrrr anil \ \ aim r , of Ohio , demanded iv sfcind to the tin tn su | mnd the rules Secom < uJ , 111 t T2. The tlutty minutes dclntoulloned under the luleivvn's opened by SI KJUIU in belulf i f the bill. This bill , he md propeed to plnc the centra , in the same ] io > itl n IIOAV mid Invi occup'ed had ho n t. according to the ill of the people of the country accepted the otlno i f chUf mngis- tra'o. ' Thagovernmput Inl mfcr ilonoiinv thing for General Urmt , beynnd pt > iuglum the danes to which ho was entitled bylaw. Thn tn ' .Inn to MH | t nd the rulei ami pass hij lull was lost ; VOIM IIS ; n IVM 103 Not re | iiin J n two thirds in thetllinnatlve' . Republicans who vcti d in the negative on the bill did si ) l > llev ing tint U would plicn thopiesiddit under tl.u neci < sity of vetoing the 1110unto which ho ettoiuu approved. Mnuey , from the comm ttei em pe < tothces and post roAu , moved to U'pi pel the rules anrt paii thp bill to regulate the letting ef mail contract ? , Dmglny mid Ulnmt ndvocHed the bill on the greuiul tint it w mid puvuit a ropatitinn of tin tUr route ( caudal The bill pused. I'.ltort ? nude by the committed on naval nnd Ii dinn affairs to Ki'curo a night pe , a tn for the coniulerati ui of thu measure reported by them with a fulnro. Tim bill Bpnropriating 8200,000 for the erection tion In WnthmBttn of a building for the h brary of the medicil deputmentof thol'mted St-vtis army pvsed tinaer smptnaiou of the rule. rule.C C muu'tleo ' of the whole adjoiiinod. The motion in Uio liouse to suspend Iho rule d pai < the Giant ittirvmcnk bill was lo"t YO-IH , 118 ; H.IV.S 10J. Not tliereiiutsitlve two-thirds in the afinnative. VVASBINGION NEWS. WA IIINQTOS , 1'eb'iiary ! ( ! . At a meeting of the house committee on appropriatloua to night Itaudall'a proposition to iucroaso the n'vvy was adopted with atriondraenh. The amend mi nts provide th it the board t con sider the designs ( hall consist of tin to civil i ins , ono line oflicer above the rank of cap tain , a naval constructor , n naval ongine-or and the secretary of the navy , that awards for the dofipnn of vensela shall bo limited tote to trn tlimi-j.ind and five thousand ; that there thnl be but four dilFetcnt kiuds of veaach and that the report ot the board shall b ? unbuilt- tad to tha president before the first Monday in Decembar , and ho In turn shall transmit it to c ingress , The naval appropriutionbill will ba completed in the morning ntel reported to the house. The resignation of Attor , the Amoiicin Minister to Rome , has been accepted by President Arthur , nnd will take effect on Mirch 1. The state elepartmant has confirm ed both the report of Astor's resignation and its acceptance. Dr. Miller's "Prospects nt the Po t- luavlor Conoralslilp Senator Thurmaii'H Tctotnllsm. Special tolegnm to THE BKB. fASHiNorox , February 1G. A prominent democrat who waa among those who recently called on President elect Cleveland , said yes terday : "I will toll you of ono man almost ceitain to go into the ) cabinet , and that is Dr. Miller , of Nebraska. I saw a letter to-day , the contents of which I can not refer to beyond eaying that it con firms my belief that Tr. Miller will be the next postmaster Dr Miller has made three trips to Grey' ' Btn c tinea the election and the postmaster gcmialship H whatlie la after lime it on the bast authority ) * that Tilden ha ? asked Clevelnhd to Rive WUler that office , and thit ia almost Jqivnlenftu ) , nn nppo ntiuent. " " Another democratic leader , who was pribent when this statement wns made , said "that if Tilden has asked Di. Miller bo uppomtel it will be done , ' Wo have already seen enough to prove tint Tilden Is thu 'power behind the throne , ' nnel I can say that there are a grcjt many dmuocnts wao ate not at .ill pleased with the pi fpcct. " ' Thi Washington Post which Ins been boom ing Senator Thunnin foi n cibinet plao has a column and a half interview with him to day in wh ch he admits in rep'y to iiupihies th it li's rheumatism troubles him n gcoj dex but he H quite himself otherwise Ho laugh : at the reports that ho is b'eaking down , nne teat 03 for the reports that ho H n hard drinker , ha his of late quit drinking altogether , not even drinking wine nt dinner. He pronounces hirme'f ' a tctotulcr , and us to the cabmHt In has asked nobody to Ulk to Clevnhud fo him. Ho has not teen nor written tj Gov ernor Cleveland , nnd has dona absolute ] ; nothing in in effort to get the place H Raya frankly ho thinks a man who would try to get a cabinet place is not fit for such n position. .1. ,1. Bulllvnu'ri CnnlV.'BSioii. CillPAe.o , 1'tbiuary Ifi. .T. , T. Su'livnn ' under ar/cjt for perjury In the Mackin trial has m ide a con teas ion plluging that IIIH test ! monv on behalf of the defense Is untrue , nnr that it w.n p rt of the conspiracy entered into by hmudf and others who wen to ro celve for their HOFVIces u considerable i um of money. NoCiiiihCot Action. Lomvm.E , Ky. , 1'ebruary II ) . lu the law and chancery court Judge fiimrall , in the ca o of the supreme lodge of the Knigtits of Honor against ita cx-tri isurer , Breckenridgo , asking that n receiver be appointed to take charge of the funds , refused to appoint n re. ci ivar , ssjiug that tbo plaintiff h u no right to bring uuii. The Oregon Sunalorlal JSnlIot. PoiiTliSD , Oio , rebruary IS.The nona- torial ballot : Hlreoh , i"l ; George , II ; Boise , 12. ThajtrDem. ( ) , L"l. A X7.OOO Flro In Cincinnati. CINCINNATI , 1'ebruary 1C. A fire tonight damaged the mill of Mil ] ? , Spellmiro fc Co. S75OUO , insurance * * 0,000. K The VoiniKBtown , O. , llolllns Work. YOUNOHTOWN , Ohio 1'ebruary 10 , The protpicts for n revival of work among the rolling mills here is much better , Many ol the nulls have already starti el up and others are anticipating starting hoon. :0 ( Allalrn in I'mianiM. PANVVIA , February Kverythmgls qulel en the lethmui , hut the populace are ills gusted nt being captured nnd forced into mil itary service , No vessels lire allowed tn leavi I'anani i for the I'acibc ports of the 1 nuee HUtes of Columbm , and none are allowed t < leave Colon for any Atlantic port o\cept Car tbageuia , This la proof of the cluie grip thi ,1 revolutionists are keeping on all roads to th ca inteilor. FOREIGN EVENTS. Gcii , Wsc'ey Will Accent of a Can- aim RcgimGit , Unpleasant Labor Demonstrations Happou 5n Dowuirg Street. Russia Orders 4,000 , Krtipp's ' to Fortify Central Asia. The Announcement Creates a Sensation in England , Massacre of the Turkish Out posts by the Arabs- Tlio IVcnch ami the Chinese Ilnvo A SarininiiiKO on the Son. roitnuix xinvs. ( IKIlVIANV's 1JUH 0V WHKAT , BKIILI.V , February 10. During n debate in the Itelchstasc to-day on tha subject of In etching tha duty on cereal ; . I'lsmarck caul that the majority of the members of the Kelchstag approved of the duty of three umk on wheat , URI.LI.V , Febniary 1C. The rleclutagto day voted to laiee the duties ou rjo and wheat to ! ! marks. The increase was opposed by the New German liberals and socialists nnd mip- ported by the conaeivativei , imperialists nnd national liberals , UM'IVSNT mMOVSTltVTIONS l.S DOWNING STRKK1 , LOVIION , Fobruarv 16. A dejiut ition of workiugmen escorted by n procestion of 3(0 > unfinplojed Iiboierp. accompanied by bnda and carrying baunori < , marched to the otllces of the local government board to day. Ar rived tlio deputation entered and demanded lahtf lor the uuemploye 1 in London through the distribution of thu public works. The otlicials in charge of tno boarel rooms so-newhat dismayed by the deiuonstntion , but politely informed the deputation that no oflicial unsworn to the dem ind could at that time be given , because Sir Clurlea I Hike , the president of the board , was away , and dining bU .absence nothing could be dono. This reply was received in eullon silence , and the crowd , which by this time had be come a mob , rushed in a body into Dawning street , despite all efforts of the police to pre _ vent thorn , and until dispersed stood howling around the oflicial tesidence of the prime minister. AIIMY CHWQES AV AHA ] ! IIMOLT MASS\CIIE [ eiK TURKISH ODT1 OSTS. LONDON' , February 17.Genoral liracken- burg will retain command of the late ( lenornl Kirle'H division , ( ioneral Uvelyn AVood will join Ijord Wolseley as chief of staff , General Grenfeld taking h's command. Foil' thousand Kgyptlan troops are echeloned between AEsouoin nnd Uonsoln. IIa san IS ° jy'a coutiugont will join the English forces atKorli. tv'evvs nf na Arab revolt in Vomcn ba ] just reached London , ThovArabn mass&crod , the Turkish oufposfgarrisons. 'Tlie gov ernor of Sana missed the reminding twenty five hun dred Turks and appealed to the Porto for four thoue.iid reinforcements. The insuigcnta we ia incited by emltHariea of the Mahdi who is pieparirg to make an attack. HlCO ( IIIN1 3K NAVAL V1OHT. I'vuis , 1'ebnnry 17 The Temp'a telegi am from Shanghai , dated Sunday , saya tbat Ad- uiiidl Courbet un Saturdxy morning opened liru on three Oliiueso men of war which toik fuga in tholsmg I'oj rivti. A further re- ult of the attack n not known. An mtoneo > g prevailed at the time. The Uiltisli Grain Alnrkct. LONDON , February Id. Thu Mark Line pies' , in the weekly review of the British rain tiade , say * : The crops progrosa favor- , bly. Wheat is OJ to la low or. Salea for the reek , C8S11 , ( luarters , at : ! 2a fiJ , agnnst 2l-'l , quarters at 37s ? d the corresponding eekiif last year. In Horn there was using- .mli . sale , owing to the 1 irge for ign arrivals. 1'oroign who it is main ire ; piices nomin illy m&intaincd , witl : .uius in favor of bu > ( u , American mai/o quotably uinlterod deflpito the largo nr ivala. In cirgois there were elf the coisf ; .alo , 1 ; Calilomia nruvaN , 2 ; 1 vvlthdrawc ; remiin ami ! , " > are dua the current week. To duy tharo vv.n mily a ret id tiido. Who t ttluei ate nominally nncliangod Flour vv is erj slow and rather against dealers. Cotton \V rciiem > llurnort. .i , Ala. , 1'obruary 16. Shee- lan's w arehouse m Itafnln burned this morn- ng vvitli 1 800 bilea of cottjn. Loaa fully a liundrod thou cnd dollars. The Sharon DIVOICC Uasc. SVN J'KANCl-ieo , IVbiuary 1C. Judge Sulli an this moriiinx rendered his decision on the question of alimony and counsel foes in the .Sharon dlvoroi caso. He granted the nlain till , mi'Mis * Hill , & 600 u month from the diito of her application , January Utb , and § " > 0,000 counsel fees. Judge Sullivan made an orili r directing tbo payment on March ' .Ith of the com sel fees , tht ( e montliB' alimony and ? 2,5CO alimony on tlio Htli tf eich month then ifter. Sharon bung mterviowrd on the subject Bald : ' I bhall neither pay promptly nor hall I pay at all. Then-cm be no compromise. My honor and the honoi of my chlldieu la at ht ik < . I would not purchase peace at any price. I will win peace from thi di ciiiou cl dm court. I'rnceedingf ) for appeal will bi taken immediately , ' The Illinois l.c lsliuni oSnovv'i'il In. CHICAGO , I'abruary II ! . The Journ d'a spec cial , from iSprlnglu Id , 111 , , saya : \t n join session of the legislature tn vote for United dtates Ronitor 67 members wejo absent. Tdl egramawde reetived from aeveral. The ; were snowed in en the mil way trains. Th speaki r as uau d , voted tor Morrison , the old ; vote cant. A telegmm w.n received from on of the Chicago members , that be U tick mi will IH iiDabletnatterd the session , for ei vet ul days. It is not believi d that a n gular vet for senator will b ) reached this week. Mi Duilloj ( lunttcil to Hull. Niw Yoiik , 1'obruiry 10 , Mr . DulUy was arra'gnod ' to day at the Vorkvlllo ixilice cimrt. liossa not present. Mr Duiilc ) testified that olio tli t Hewia for tha p rpo > o df killing him bocuuo hn v as nn enemy to her courtry. Justice 1'attfts n cotiMntcel to tix the bill for the premiers appeaiHtue lioforu the grand jury at f , OlU. ) Djiiuinli XKV , VOIIK , IVbruary Ki-1'.lght cues rf ( hmumlo were stolen Irom the inaga/iun of the Dvnamito company in Witt Clu ster county. 1 Ivory clfort ii belt g made tolocitelt , as thn ( ' > nnmito is not n matkut nble prcduct. The tlih K < < me bellfvcd to In cot nectetl with tha socialistic or otlur orrrtn i/itlonef djimmiters. Dn the night of the robbi-M fitirmon wmomu rowing ucns the found from liay Chcstei to the Long Idaml flmre It Is nportdtliN morning tt at two Lnpluheletectlvi-s ore Rivlug Iheli attention to the C.IPO. The Si ) iiu In \ m IIIIIH rent 11 In the \nrili\vit-t , CllICA.o , 1'ebitiary 10.-Tlu wiather in this city ami throughout the uorthweit Inn been Intensely cold all day. At N ei'clock this morning In Chicago thei morcui ) Indicated h'Uon ' detrtis below rero , Tie1 sky HUH clftiir , but the urwi3 tilled with frozen \n\ \ tides , drifting More a keen and ctittli g west wmd , which drove nearly overyb dy fro n the exposed streotn and ni.vlo the | ede ttHiH si ek the Bholtored sides of buildings when forced to bo out. Ths Btpim hlgnolaof tlippoxem inent W ( ro living all d ly , ind notwithstalid nig thu uilliitiiceof a bright sunshine , the mercury only struggled tip a few di grots. 11 reached its highest point , four dcgiocs below rero , at I u clock thia f tt moon. At ti o'clock it bad fallen to ni\ below ; at 0 o'clock it waa ten below , w hilo reports fiom the west nnd northwest , from which il comec , Indicate n still lower temp-rntaio before morning Street car travel has been Mow and lodiotp , and the working ptopUi suffered much delay and in- cniivutnenco in going to nnd returning fiom their work. The c.iblo cir linehave experienced moro trouble within the past two or three days than utuii ) other tiniQ during the wintor. The snow of jesterday was heavy and lunl to h uidlo , and ilia low temperature has made niiclnnorj buttle , so that the traction cable Ima snapped once or twice and the pulUy wheels hive don * the same forcing the company to M O hories to draw the cara for n considerable portion of the lima since Saturday. Tlio result was sev eral blockedes nnd much Kiitfering from the cold weather by tha waiting people. Tiainaon moat of the i.ulromU hnvo been gieally dehyed during the day , and the situation - tion aeenicd to giow vvoro rather than better na the doy progremod. The reads to the south and Bouttirast sulfarod most. The Chicigo & Alton , Illinois Central , Louisville , Now Al bany it Chicago and somf other roads are coirpletely blockaded by Drifting fnnw , uud most of the roads ure obliged to side track freight triune. Some of the east bound road refused to take freight for trnnsmlncion. The western roods are being rapidly blocked up with freight for tranifinis-ion oust and many train lo ids are side tracked , beyond the city limits , waiting to bo switched acrois to counseling roads which aie not now in condition to receive them. Tne mails are greatly behind time and ir- rcgulai , from every ditection , and business is being seriously affected on thataccount. .Reports from western and northwestern iwints show the following temperatures : All below ? ere : Omnb i , J3. St 1'anl , 10 ; Des Moiuos , Hi ; Dubuque , IS ; l'argi > , Dak. , 28 ; JampRtown , Dak..t5 ; Winnipeg , .11 : St. Vin cent , Minn. 82 . Denv er reports : t3 nbovo. Asa result of railroad ulockado six thfatcrs here failed to glvo'a performance. The Olym pic , People's , Standard , Academy , Lyceum and the Ciiteriiui vveio the homes which an- couuced that their respective companies were detained on the out of the way sidingi in the country snow-banks. The other thenti rp , not withstanding the frigid temperature , ( lid n rushing bu ines * , on account of thu nnimu'lv ' small number of places ready to supplj tha dcT and for entert linment. 1'oiiT Jiitvis , y.Y , i'ebruaiy 10 'Iho storm to day was the woisl of the IOIPOII. Six inches of dnow fell hero nnd drifted Much difficulty wns expeiienceel in getting trains throujh , several becoming stidlod , 1 he storm changed thia afteinoon to rum , which fell In torrents for several hours , It is nov. colder nud the storm is clearing. Sei\NTON , Pn , J'obi nary Hi A blind ng enow Btoim began about fi o cluck thin morn ing. Tr lins me stopped nnd in some in pUnces wrecked. 'JVlephono wiies are pros- tratfd and tcleirriph vslrea will not work. XKW YOUK , 1'obruary 10 'I In heavy lain stoiin here to day gave jil ici to wind in tie evening hnovv and rain prevailed along the Hudson river north of 1'oughki epmo and trams blucknupd by inow The Hudson nin many other livers In the ttato rom voty high and much dam RO is done The storm Is very severe along thi Atlantic coast. Wiikisimim , 1'a , Febiuiry Hi. The fie ct-tt storm of wind , uln and snow over witnessed here began tlm niornincr , and bus been raging nil day , but is Boinewlrit calmed down thia evening. Tbirtonn inchcH of snow has already fallen , ind if tbii storm contmiien the railroid trums coming down the mount ain H will be blocked. Kallrnads Hnovv ISoumJ. K VNkAKEi : , Ills , Febiurnry If ! . The south bound mail triin lift Chicago ut 8 i , m. , is snowed in at Muntlno. Five fi et of t-now MIICO 11 n. m , to-day. Thu north bound nc loimnodntion is enowod in it Tucker , five miles below Mnntino The nnovv blockade on the Cincinnati , Indianapolis , St. Louis and Uh'cagu , Is nnurokt n near ht. Anne. It is believed it will so remain till to morrow noon. No trains are moving on the Indiana , Illinois and Iowa road. The Kankakeo and road passenger due here na 10 a , m , , m. Wllllnm Stuart. AVholesnlo Grocer , Shot hy n Uur lar , CHICAGO , February Id , William Stuart , o retired wholesale grocer , was AM aliened tn night At hia residt nee on Dearborn avenue lj n burglar nlsrm uttacbed to ono of the windows dews , He > went out on the veranda with i revolver In his hand and catching eight of i mm ciJiithingin thu nhcdow fired n shot ti attrict the attention of the police. Th stranger immediately ( zrapp'i 1 with Ktewurt wren ted the wo poll from him and without : word sent a bullet through the ox merchant' lures. ' 1 he supposed thief eecaped. Btewni will likely die. Thn Htorm JM Dakoln. DICKINSON , I'ebriiary 1(1. ( Thei worbt storr of the winter h raging nil day. It H snowlu Iprd and drifting badly with the temjkaratiu at/era , Trains on the Not them I'acifu ar 'allddayed ' fieveiul honr.i , He | > oit ) ludicat m WINCE. Leading Articles on 'Change ' Sliowcil a TolcraMy Firm Fecli g , The General Oattlo Market Was Dull ami UnBsttled , Hoga Fairly Aotivo But Prioaa Wcro Kathor Uucveiii Wheat Opened at nn Advanoa Which Was Mniutaiued , Oorn B'sponded to the Iniprovcil Condition of Other OatH llnle I Very Qutot .v. > Ruled. Steady I'ldvlHloiiH ( Generally A < tit o nnd Improved , CHICAGO ! SiM-cial Tologrim to TIIK HKK. CIIHMGO , Vobniary 10. The lending articles on 'chinRe to e.ay tlioucil n tolerably firm fteliug , and recorded a filr advance over the opening price * , which in wheat were j@J higher , but in other articles ntwutthc same na Satuielay'a closiug quotations. Local fhorts were moder.itu buyers. Tlu o with light ro- ceipU nud firmer cabloa , enstalncd the market. VYHIIAT Opened i@Jc higher than Saturday's ofliunl quotationa for near dalivories nud other quota tions were substantially steady , nnd fir imean vvai contribut d by light reciiptH , local buy ing and slightly improved Cable * reported an advatco in consols , which was used mod ointely us n bullish nrpmneut. An ndvnnimiit the seller May of jc wns nn < tnliievl. The morning session cloning steady null hrm. No. 2 spring wna quoted nt 783@78o , the outside ) being for thia weeks delivery , ( OUN responded to the Improved condition existing- in ether grains nnd the pmvieion Hit , and n- - vanced all the way from ja to § 0 , tha outstdo being In remote futures. Few , If any , feature > weie developed , there being tinh moderato local trado. No. 2 cosh sold at ; ! i"ic OATH ruled v ory quiet but steady and moderately farm at nn advance of niKiiit Jo. Transactions were confined to sellers May , nnd were few in. number because of light offerings nnd few bnjing orders. ruled steady nnd n little improved over Satur day but nt the aamo time W.H inactive ! Fronh receipts of No 2 c nh were held nt h.I c with rnyjnlar nt t > 21c , March would hnvo brought. G'.lc , Aptil < > JJc aail Mav I7 c. l KOVPJHJNS weregenerilly improved , being nt times quito active and higher nil through thu api'culativa test. Loading grains proved a support topro- virionK , which vveio also aided by improved c1 nditlnns nt the ynrdc. Scalpers , however , were the heavioet operator * . Tha largeet ail vence wns in pork , which improved 121@15o v niter quotations. Cash ijTOitaliona were uom- jl Innlly the name ft'Jfcbrnary. Oa the scale I grains were a shade oneier. while proviiiona ' * . were steady. With the number carried over on Saturday thera were at least 10,000' ' on sale. CATTLE. Tin'general market was dull and unsettled : there was pearcely HiirTicient bii'inefi-to make ) tha m ukc't or est inlUh prices. Shipprm coulel | not opinte ] ai they could cot get tr.inspoitn- I tion on all the nu.tU ea t. DreBPud beef oper itors only w.inlcd about half the-Ir usual numb r. The bulk of buying was cuntinud t ie wnnta of city ttrado nnd in tbia direction 0 demand w.u enl > inodtrate , Thu out'ook as that va'ucH ' ininlit drop strong 'Jlia on fat utla mid ] 5@0o on cunuing nnd biitcliPin ck. Therowo'ii but few Htockert ninonir ie nrrivuls nnd only afovv buj ( rapresnnt with 1 business worth montioi inc. Shipping fiOO to 1 BOO pnundH , ? V2 ( a j Tfij 1.100ti I'OO pound * , S4 t ( i'5 L'O ; 1,001 to 1.200 ouuda M 0 ( i ! > ( )1 ; b i'ch" > nni { stock , S > CO'5'l ' 00. mainly ? : t 00a 1 00 ; Texanp , St Ollfo 1 Jfi ; ockuiH , > ; { aO@ t 00 fofdoru , § 110u ( > * l U. not.s .inly netivo but prices were rather Miiosen. ha weiildioaa wan in the heavy and fancy indn iiHiully taken by uhlpocra , nnd 0.1 they ere shut ( lit on account of thu eastern coarin ofuslng to take etock the fancy heavy soitu ere taken by thu jhickera at noartr iliiir own licenthan othcrwlpe Com in on and rough ackprs si Id nt S-l fiWc 1 70 , cd lair to cholca ; § 175HV with athortod heavy at &i)5 ! ) © 05. KT , LOLIH , February 1(5 ( Tha Jufferson ' , ' esiul tluit in the 'lty I'oHt'Defpatch n [ > Haya uprcme court tins morning Attorney General Joono filed Boveral infornutiona ngainsb Jay iould nnd others , who are olliclals of tha iM'onri Pacific and the St , Louis , Iron .fountain . iV Southern rjilrosiVi , in violation f thn provieiona of the ktUo constitution , which prohihiU thu olh ers of ono reid corpo- ralioi./n in holding tiftifo in mother or own- ng or cintrolhniparallel or compatirg rnil- oads , nnd v/hich iilso prohibltu the nlhceniof xpre H compjinlis from holding olliom in a railroad on which theic express lines run. The proceedings ar In th > nature o quo VMirrcntH to comput thtse officiuU to eliow cause why tbeiy fhould noi vaute the oiliccu the-y hold in vkJition of the constitufiuu. IN ONE WEEK The lUnlcriiit Sl rtAVill bo . Out Thia u to ntnuwnco that the JJaukrupt Dry Goods Store at 1517 Dotrjlas nlroet. viill close out ita ent 10 ttock by the end of this week. Thoao who dewlro to take advantage cf cheap bargiina will have to call this week in orJcvto snibraco tha opportunity , as this wfck is positively tha last vt fk to Mcnro tbo tame at the Bankrupt Stoia. Kvi JPODO asys that the birgaina the1 have heretofore alvertlaoel ate novtbore , aa ooinnwedith ( present prices , Call eaily and get the boat tiona. oi North Carolina recognizeel Smoking Tobacco , . . , l 2 * ' fff4ttfc