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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1885)
OMAHA , NEB. , MONDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 10 , 1885. NO , 151. MONOP'S JUBILEE. ICarn'yal in tlicKeWa Senate Bnrialof IhcFrciglit-RaieBiO , Traitoroua Conduct of tbo Hypo- criticil Honso , DotormincdBut Fmitlosa Fieht cf the Friends of Boejulation , Parliamentary Usiga Trampled Uhdor Foot by the Ohaitmau , The Kearney Lobby Successfully Buttonhole the House , A Ohampagna Lunch Affects the Visage of the Committee , And /liiiiroinlaion ! orJMOOOFot- IOWH A Oi.Hlly KeiiilcMico for the AVnrdcn of iho Itc- fjitn School , TitXCOIjN LKTTFIW. Special CorriFionilonco | of the 1UB. : LINCOLN , February II After tbo routini business of the mom ing session , bilh wcro introduced , among them ono by Scnatoi Clark , providing for county auditors Ir counties whoso property valuation exceedoc $5o:0COO. : The sniat3 resolved itself into i committee of the whole , Mr. Snell asKed thnt eecatu file 137 , hi : commission bill , bo considerd This w s ob jccted to by tin members working for ratlroac regtt'atlon ' , and Senator Brown insisted 01 the special order being followed. This wa agreed to , and the mu.h mooted 171 , viith it amendments presiding for a rtilioad commie eion , wa * taVen up. Quick as a spider web n fly , Mr. Buir mo\ed that 171 , with its men porated amendments , bo indefinitely post ponod. It then became pUent to all obsenoi that the railroad gang wcro rotdy for war nn had well laid thuir plans. A committee too i f three hid b'on appolnto < to reconstruct the height schedule and thi committee had an yet ma lo no report. Mr Jirown raistd the point nf order that wha was Iu the hinds of the committee could m : bn acted upon. H'l was tmiinptly ovcrruleil The motion WAS put and by a vo'o of 15 tu 1 the freight regulation bill uai killed. Beiii In committee ot tliu wh la the vote was a ri ing ono but in a < follows : Favoring thn postponing rf thn bill IJucl wirth , Uurr , Ciinrry , Clark , Klnnel. Fils i Ifuebel , llowf , Ilnwull , I y rs , Nirri * , vSmit of Iaii3 inter , Suoil , S iwois aud riptmer. Ast.iin t pofctp iiBiifiit Urjwn , l.iy , I ) Inn , UoHbutr , i.uuin , M'Allistcr , Miilltcljoln Mills , I'an , Putu.iin , rfiierwiu aud Smiih ( 1'illmoro. AbiBut Uurland , MeShauo , Motz , lias lng aud Sklurcr No sooner WBK the vote announced by Chii in MI I'aul than Mr , Uurr was again on h feat nnit moved that when tbo c immltteo ri It recommend thit 187 , thi ) rallrnnil stiikei bill be reported back vmh thn recniumf nd tion t'uit it do PIKS Senator lirown nt on took I hi ) llnor nnd hdil it fir nn If ur n < forty iniinit H in hopes that thn sulii'ino nf t ! railrnail ma' agdrtt would bo boatou , lie d clartd ho was T.VtKINO AClAIKSr TIJIK ( n prevent thu fenate from actin * on this bv Ho was p.irticula ly suv > ro nn Chuch How of whom lie acuiirod of do 'Mo ' dealing ut cliic.inery.V lien IIH linii-hod h H arralgi luent Stnitor Mxikeljuhu rose to olfer i uniendnii nt to tin connuis-ion till. T nnianilniHdt was thn sirno i Ifered Fri'ay th'i froifht bill itnd im > rd explicitly ilnfines t duties of thn coimniaiinu , all miug them to i thu rat H. In tlio couise of hU reiuirlcn acciiftnl the fuuutor from Xemrha of a gri viulutiun of contidfiico Huwu having agre last night ta worlt with tin coininiiteo , and McAlllit-r , ou thu froighe ecliudulo I had ilonn nothlrg Mr Day ttnu introduced an amendmc reducinir th xaliries of ei/nuni-nioncr. ! In $13 000 to $1MJ ) ik year. Church llotvu th > ui to ik the lloor in his < n bolmlf and HpoloKizud to Afr. Brown for a otfoiiuu 1m might lui-n givtn In timen pant a' stateil that ho r < ad nut with the railro coimnittfo ubou1 ; irno this morning. Tnu coininlt'.eo tbun urnsu arid reported ni jinothur eifo t was mada to IUAH tin repi rushed through and adopted nn the grinin that thn fiour VIIH late , buiiix then neu ly o , p. in. Seiutnrs Hniwn and McAlliiter bu took tlm II JOT aud d > > ularu I their mtenti > us talking fur n woul ; rather 'hinlettho ' ( [ iieiti lid put in uiich u w y. After a tthort upee fnun Mr. liriwn , It wa ] agreed ti > tukt recu.s till two o'clock rather llian heir ; i aiiorelung fpienho' . 1MMKDIATKI.Y ON ABHKUIILIKII After noon I'.o-iilent llown unuouucod tl ihu < ) -s'.ion wm to adopt thu report of I connmtti u of the whoR Again Mr. lit \vc < ready and movml th1) previous quuitit Mitiallnm Mr. Day had gained the II > or n inovod to adjourn Thn chair ruled Mr I out nf order ami Day nhjttctlug the chair I to call htm t > or.Icr. Tne yeas and nays w leixanilo.l in thu previous question and vote was BH follows : Y -Uuokwoith , Uurr , Cherry , Cla Kianol , Fils ou , Hot bel , Howe. Ilownll , llyc Lewij , Murri , Sinitli of Limcujter , Sui Bowera r-nd Speucar. Nays Konc. Not voting Broun , Day , Dolan , Durlai Oc-vhuer , Looe , McAllister , Molkeljnhn , Mi J'aul , I'utuani , Bhtrvln , Smith of Fllhuoro. Hi'iiatur Aleilj ilm then nun oil to ii'jjou tint tlu chujr oveiruled him in the groi that i'Jio jnov/oiii / qiiDhtion was before liouiH , and the ot initial motion to adopt report of tltecanimtttbo wf tha whole ca up , Thu iauie silence was maintained lliocu working for railroad IcgliUliun and pooplw tilt IXJWH'imino wai leached , und votsd "ni'ond , wen follnved by the otl wh > Imforo h d kept silent. McAllister i Meikelj > hn uftntwuu ) obauged their vo tha report boiv x adopted anj sunuto liln indelii.ltely puttpontid liy a vote of 17 U U CtiUNO IT VOn.V. Tha kit nail w vi driven into tha coilin which tha freight bill waj boxed by Bowers , wha moved that tha vote bu rec tlderuj. ( i Mr. Burr caaio ta the front again , : moed to lay the doctor's motion on tha ta le Again wts the roll called , and by theme mo vota at before 171 was nailed , 'I he senate then adjourned , In considerable onfu-lon , till Tuesday at 10 n m. Numerous charges and countercharges of njust rulings were made against President Io o , but ho Ii so glib and ba * his ntithoii- los so well ettidti d up thit It was dillicult to irnvn him wrnng , although his Italian hatid Is .ilalnly sefn iu the trickery and duplicity by whiili railroad l gllatton Ins been delated nd dtfentrd. The ibject thut Chinch Howe ind In via * In becoming president of the sen- to and the scheme ta allow hieutpnant Gov- roor Sh'dd to makg up the coinraittcca is Iw ; innmg to dawn uprn the minds of the f w lonett republicans lika Lirown , MetkUjohn .nd McAllister It is now conceded that his day's work In the senate KNOCKS IN llll : HKAll \ll rallrovl legislation. It now terming tn bo ( n how s ma of thn batrium of publlo rust will eiplain thtir ieord to their c n dtiun'H , Tha rallroaJ mansg'rs offered a rpcclnt rain from I.ii.coln to Umaht forronators and oprhspntttlv B In caiio Senators lirown and vlo Mliittr should ca'ry out their threat of talking all day , nnd thus causing members to nils thn rerulur trait B. Henator Smith of Laicattrr showed h'u statesmanship in line style just before noon to- lay. Thn jots and nay < worn being called on a motion to adj turn till Tuesday , when Mr. UurrV name wag called tomi ere atmworod 'ayn. ' " thor.halrnnti ing tint M' . Uurr was not in his | l co demanded t ) know who andwernd atid Mr. .Smith oinfrtmnfl. Senator McAllister then stited that Mr. Burr had iiine < nine , but had rmirrd with him. Dtlng in unlmporttut iniert'on , it WSH merely ftiium- ncr , but shows the calibre of the Lancaster Snuator. Special Corre pondenco to Tim BEE. LINCOLN , Februaty II. Mr. Olmitead presented n resolution this morning that the house do adjourn from 11 o'clock until Tues day mon-ing at JO Ho promised that if his resolution was t arried members would con.e back and work night and day until the end ol the session. After a protest from Messrs. Hiitccll , Nichol and White , of Nixon the latter always objects to adjournments whenever < over made Mr. Olmstcad'd motion was car' tied. After pasting a resolution to ujjourc until 10 m. T < ienJay the house resolved it self Into committee of the whola t ) consider houtn roll 180 a bill to privida for the erec tion of two new building ! to the ref ormschoo' at Kearney and to appropriate $30 , 003 for thi ratno. Whatever may bo said of the indica tion of the housa to pass bills of another na ture , it is always ready and willinp to maki appropriations to dispose of the poopleV money. A very largo and evidently influential lobbv is born in the inttrcs's of reform B heel build' ings and got It directly in do a spf cial order. Tno actions of the members engaged in push , tug thin bill turoiijjh could not but impre t one. with fie notion thut there was some Mil derhaud btinius * eouiowhore. It looked or a like a measure to t pend S3J,01 ( g i Kearney thau on rtfnrm Butmol uililings. Tha workings of Mew , Vright and K.ilny , and theli vidtn ly deiiro to gnt iho the money tu as po'siblo omb idled with ihelr in- idity to answer the \ery porlinrnt riuwtioi ' Millo' g. vn the ( mention nt is ua a BUS- icioiis chirnc'.er. Were it nut that they wen upportcd m their wrntchid and know notliinf Ivocacynf iho bill byeuth mtnasMr Iluvrl ill Mr HevHiaon no nthnr c mcln ! on coiilt nve b.en rrl\ed at th n that the wlulo buai ess was nn elaborate stlienm The fuels counoctcd wi h the Htf.irmS.ho > cheme ara to bj aifollows : Thu com littuo on fmanca ways und means \i ito < C-j unsy and the school. They were mot am loitel iu a very sumptuous inner na < arranged and they were llieu askei f they clid no want to return with ut lnvii'K Insprcto'l the institut on V. member objectfd to thi letlioil of prjcotduru and demanded tin lie ioinn.uteo thoul 1 imnect the building I which they did. They returned and m < d heir apnropri.iti > .nB . such as was thought suit o , i nt. The coumiittan nn pub ic lauds nn id nil tulldingji n xt visited Koirunv nnd wtr iin reated nut wisely but too well They return in d a-id no doiitit hccauso they hjil not iiifpocl tn 10 d tlm bull Hugs thpy made no olfi. ial report 3im equmtly tn-ilay wlinn thn bi'l ' f. r appro ix 10 iriBtinj ; § . " 0 fl 0 for new buildings came up n bout neinber of tbo committee was ablu to nay Iio hmg * Htooil tilth ugh all were imxious to prc > ) ed with the nppropriati on and cct fininlin c with it tui bpeeJily us potsiblo M' . Hilc * o ut ipoi.ed tlm pn ceedings and utter reciiuinem 'tig thu iipptnpriation paid tl nt jaildingii'lwpri ) nbsolut ly necessary au ntm , tmt tli" institution was a most deservme on' ' m Mr. Steve B > u also mipportcd the bill an paid 1m looked upon this as MI o Inc.tioi al u m iiblitliini'nt wnr hy of every considtratiun. PV id Mr. Olmstead umd as onu oi the commlttru le wieh d the money to constru.t tlio built "g. "g.Afr. . It ley again npoko , and ( aid there wei Olt inniuiiH , twenty-three of which wei Kianled out for wmit of room. Mr. Bljin r.d Mr. Kettleton both rgroo h it tl o monuy should bo appropriated , an Mr. H'i ' sell wi s of fame opinl.n , Air. Thorrnt , of C s , paid there were othi nstitnti..m that tlionlil ba looked after , ai. IB wunlii I to learu moro about this affair b lorn he would vote the money. Air. Mil'er ' wanted tD know what the cot niltto ) had neon at the schools and how thin Btond. Ho feired there was something ot i uuderhan I nat"ru eoniawhern , b'ouisenono thocommlttsu Imd uivcn them any inform irr tloo. They ought to know eoiuutulnt : mi in iu before voting this 1 irgo sum. Mr Nich 1 was of tha Fame opinion as M Miller , aud ha diclintil to vote for thoappr priati m On a divMnn the b 11 to appioprij 'AOOU wet ; pas > od , Mr. Wiurpaar and A liiuuner only out of the Douglas county c j tingvut , voting nguliut the hill. It being in cloven o'clock , the committee rosn , and t linurt'rndjounica uutll Tuetday next at t o'chck , id Donlh ( .f'n New \O K , February 16 , Dr. Leopi D.iiroscli , a distinguished musician , di suddenly in this city this afternoon. TJio b CUICMIJO , Ko'jruary 15 The socialists hi tha their iinual weekly meeting to day and llit.i tn tlio cujtnmary dynamite bpei'chen. 'J erm cession was hlnrt. Several leaders have gi m en tri eiomry trips , .VKLBON , THB JICltniROUB TIU1IP , wLo aiiaultKl a woman near Kankakpo , v bruught hero this morning and lodged Ia ] to lam him from lynching , I ) J. J. htl.'JIVAV , ou one ol ( hi witne ; es in the Mnclin elect fraud etsa yi'stenloy , woa airested to-day the charcu of perjury in giving his ovldun WASHINGTON NEWS. ThB Eeua'e CoimitUc Finish Some APDIOH lation Bills , Discussion of the Indian Appro priation Bill in tbo Senate , The Postal Appropriation Bill Amended and Passed , The House Discusses the Eiver and Haibor Bill. The Congressional Forecast for ths Week's ' Business , Giving an Kpltonio of the Work That Is Kxpvctcd to bo Done. SENATE. WASHINGTON , February U. Hale , from ths committee on appropriations , reported the Egricultmal Appropriation bill with amend- merit ) . HH said ( he senate committeo's tUcket wts now clear , this being tbu last approprla- tli n bill sent over by the hause. The bill was placed on the call ndar. The bill to quiet the title : ) of the Do < Mnines river settlerj woa t'eu placoJ before the cen a to and Iiipham continued Irs speech agiinst it. At 1 o'clock the matter went over till Mon day , Laphara still having the floor. The Indian appropriation bill was then taken up. A number of emits amendments bavins beou agreed to , some discussion are > o us to tin proposed amendment ol tha committee which would strike out the clauses of the house bill invuh las general legislation. The special c tuisa on which a point was raised was one authorizing the secre'aryof the Intarior , wltli _ the c'incent ' of thn Indians , to extend the time of the payment for lands forming c part of the Omaha reservation authorized by act of August , 832 , ti bo cold , Manderson raid although the clausa renj bo legislative , it was just and it could not be wrong 11 do justice. Pulmb said if the house ) Items are to be earefuljy examined , why should not the senate itome also Be investigated. DAWOS was oppotod t nil legislation in ap- prooriation bid. Van Wyck eaid session after session wo art denying juslica to our citizen ) becaum of n rule of thu eouate , It would In a little more sensible to fix our rules eo some legislation could bo had. Considerable discues'nn ' ensued in which the huuso provi-ions for th piyment of claims for Inulan deprcditions formed the leading feature. Daw > s said thcro ware seven or eight n ! ! lion dollars of those claims lying In the in' terior ( lipvitment. The claimants wcro up pa ently convinced of the justice of thu claim : and it was aieproach to the government thai they had not ueen taken up aud di poned of , If the Indian depaittmut fund was no nnougu to pay c'aiins ' , wo phould settle thi queitlon nh1 ther they should bo paid fron tlio gfntral treasury. Cokodescribed the sulfeiiDgs caused by tin the dep ottatioiis ami hardships imposed 01 white Hsltlers who worn uot p ° nnitto I to ful low the Indians and recover the stolrn prou erty bccausn the robheri were "n'arda ot th nation. " Colio regarded this m great iu justico. Miller , of Cilifornia , thought the commit tee ought to do justice to tha claims. As rule the SMiato otig'it ' not to bn allowed t sUnd betwten tha citizens and justice. Ci > ckiell thought the Indians bhouM b made t p y every dollar of the damage n i suiting from tin depredation ? . At lha close if tbo s. ssfoi Dawes got th 'euato to acres to tbo committee amciidmeii striking ou the legiil tiva Item ii.ilicatid. Uu tin reading of tint section nf the bi providing for the AsMiiaboinep , Vetmovn to increiisu their approiirittiua from S30.0C to Sj'I.O'W. ' ' When the luduns wtro dying Ii , hundred' ) of abuiluto starvation , Vtot ha ptrBinally ) _ appealed to Commissioner 1'ric uf the Indian bireuu , for rations to' keep Hi in thfm , but that gentleman could only repl tlut ho ' 'had no lii . W Ithbut action on Vest's motini , the S = na went Into executive eoatiion and BOOH alter ui jourued. nousr. AVASHINGION , February II. When 11 house met this meriting in continuation o Friday's session , Willis moved that the hou go into committee of the whole on tha riv aud hirbor bi < l and , pending that , movi that ad debate be limited to ono hour and half. half.On On motion of Ho'man a session wai ordm for to night for the consideration of the legi latlve uppropmtmn bill. Tlio regular rrder Imvirgbeen dfmnndi the rpp.ikur announced the regular eider to ' th lonsi 'Oration of reunion bills coming ov in finin last ni ht'ii session. of Willis said it was clear that the inti nliin the homo yes'erday wai to df Vute this mor mgV Keaslon to the consld-ratinn of the nv mid liiitbjr bill , and utked unauimou ) COUMI r. that the ri ubr order b3 dispensed with , b a Ueed objected. to The Orst bill coming over was ono grant' ' [ r. a poufion to the widow of Gen. Cco. ! II. The n as and , afte.Mlebutc , it was patted. > w Aftiroubiilorablo discussion thn ipiofti bo rjuirred on Willis' motion to limit the iltli : en on the | cadiiu section of the liu-i and hail bill to ana lour and a half. Agreed to. The house tli'n went into committee of t whole on the bill indicated' " After thu reading of the pending tectlon ild the clerk a discussion aruge as to how I ul hour and a halt rhould lie dist/ibuted. Af eo\eral plans had been jiresenlcd , which w not fatisfactory , thu power of recognition v loit to the chair. Turner ( Georgia ) raiscil a point of on aoalnst the llennepln onal paragraph , j contended that in reporting this clause to ' houaa the committeB on riveiH and harb had exceeded their jurisdiction and lofrlri ) upon the jiirUdiction of the railways t canaR Tlw Ileunepin canal clause was rncn. , in the main , gernialn to the bill tt , , would be an Appropriation to [ construct lil 'lovatu'1 rill way from ocean to ocean , or dig the Nicaragua canal. It also clashed w the rulea in that It changed the existing 1 ana uai not in Iho direction of a retreni on iiifnt of rxpendituies. on I 1 lenderson ( Illinois ) nrgued that if th ce , was any foica Iu thu objection t the committee on rivers and harbors h d no jtiiisdictitn nrer the tubject , that objection was waived by tha house when it referiod the bl 1 to tha committee of the whole. Tecre were lot of c nas ! In the country that h d not b on constructed by the general government that might be im proved by tin liver and lurbor bill. This vi ry point had been overruled at thl last sos- t ion by the eormnlttoo of the whdle on the groutd that the reference of the bill to the committee was a w he ot any objections which inlsht b railed ta the committee ou river * and harbors. Dates said that tha declaim had been bated on the fact that at the time of tlio reference the ( mints ot order had not bean rnifo.l azatnit tha bill which had bjon the case with the present bill. Murphy said thit the committee hid proper jurisdiction over the subject , ho bimtclf hav ing refo-red numerous petitions asking for this Ifg's ' atinn to that committee. If the Hoineptn canal was an improved ent iu the interests of commerce , it W B cnttthd to a le- gltimatu consideration at the lunds of the committca Alter fuilhcr debate tba chair resomd his decision on the imint of order. The commlt'ec then rose. The house proceeded with Iho cjnsiuoration of the po tal appropriation bill. Amendments increasing from $4,100,000 to SI 535 OOOthp appr iprlation for the letter cv- neis increasing by 52)0 000 tin appropriation for thoStnr HuUt'snivicQs , aud tbat stiiklug out the i lausa granting additional compenna- tion t ) American steamships for carr > ing mail' , were ngref d to and thu bill passed. Tno house went Into committee of the whole en llmlegiolatuo appropriation bill. White , Ky. , moved to strikw out the para graph for \l\ \ < ) ctptii'oj of tlm oliico of commerce - merco and internal revenue , and criticised the recent action of the secretary of the troiniry in extending the bonded verlod in violation of law and in the face of tha refusal of congress to legalize such extension. Without disposing of the matter the com- mittuii rose , and recess WAS then taken uutll Monday. Ilio I'rc-uiniitlnii BUI , Oorroapondenca of THE UIE. : WASHINGTON , February 15. The bill which has passed both him i\s to repsat the pre-omp. tion act contains a provision import mt to re cent pre-omptlon and thoee contemplating making a pru-fiiiptlon claim. This provisior provides that tha rcpsal shall not atftct anj vlid rights , heretofora accrued under pro emptlon laws nor any bonaUda claimn lawful ly initiated b'fora the first d < y of July , IBS' ! , Tha Bamo reservation of rlnhts of bona hd ( clalmanta are incorporated in these sections oi the bill repealing the timber culture and des ert land acts. Serious ClinrfrcH Against Intcrna JlBvcniio OdiuiulssloneiKvan . Special telegram to the HKI : . W.\silisaio.v , FebrHary 15. Win. Ilowarc Mills cf the treasury department has preferred ferred preliminary charges invoking the mal administration ot oHicetheviolationofthe civi service rules , thu misappropriation of publl < property and conduct unbecoming an olficei nnd a gentleman against Evan" , commissionci of internal rovenua. KVUIH said ho had seen the momoranduii filed with the secretary and frjm Its chawetei judged that Milh will weaken when ha comate to follow it with tlio necessaiy s ecificatione neveitVifless tu ni\o hiui every oppcrtuuiti the commissioner has itc mmoiided AIill ) be dsslgned for tha preseiit to no other duty that thar. of prepRrine hii detail of charge . The roinmiisionpr says ho has no iritrntioi of rescuing his ullise. Sucrotary McCudocI said that trin charges were terious and will bi thoroughly inyesti ated. The details ara re fused till the chatpes are fully f jrmulatod. X ' \v Cabinet Special Telegram tn the HUB ' WASHINGTON , February 15. J ew Yor people hero think that Cleveland does nn take Kindly to McDonald for secretary of th tieasury , and that ho still hopes to prhva upon Daniel Manning to accept this placi It is conh'dently ascr ed tint Alanning 1m an actu il cif. r of this position some days nee This would iudicats that Whitney was ta b birred out. Li.iinnr id Cleveland's Idfal of secretary f elate , and if ho had not bom committpd t Uayaid he wnuld certainly have offered th pluco to Laman , when th y had their into view. It is Kiid hero that Cleveland coul settle a Rood many troublisomo questions Ii i Iferlng linyaul the t uisury which he pn fers nul then give Ihostats department i Lamar. This it IB thought would make cabinet thut would commend itself to tl country as follows : Stciutaiy of BtttoL O. C. Limar , Afisa secretary ot the tnasury Thos. F. Baynn UeUw. re , secretary of war Geo. B , AlcCl-1 1 in , Now .leifey , secretary of the navy .Ins 1 MttDon&ld , M rlandstcratary of thuinteii \V. O , Whitni-y New irork , p. stmaster ge cial W. F. Villa" , Wiscoiinin , attorney gei ural A. H. GaUand , Ar ansts. An"tliT cabinet constitiu.or would lea' McDonald out and put Thiirman In as sect 'my of thn Interior , trauMerring Whitney the navy , leaving the balance stand , 'J'ho ISrltlfcli AVIicat Crnii Liwt Yen Special Mecram to the BEE. WASHINGTON , Feb.uary 15. Oflicial r turns show the British wheat crop of last ye ° [ to bo 81,210.0:0 bushels ; for Hour about 6 ! or 2t5 OOJ bushels hai been delivered , and I 000,00J bushels are nee Jed for seed , leavl I't about 43.2W.COO bu hela in the farmc liandr" . Thn annual connumption ii 212,00 000 bushels , leaving the annual rcquirctnoi of Ionian \\heat about 133 000,000 bushels , which iiboutfi521 ll)2 ! ! ) bushi-U bad been I on portpd from September 1 , 188-1 , Janui ito 21,1885 , leavliis 82 ? 3ffi8 bunheh to bi iur porttd. Of this inuntlty 19,128.000 huh were on passoga January 1) ) , 1 85 The fi he cign eupply and fresh thiimients will bo ubi . Oll.COO.dlO'binhels. by he ter ( 'oncornlnftlio Dynuinlto Jtcso oru lIllllH , Special telegram to THE BUE. lor WASHINGTON , Fubruary 15. Kdwu Ho I'ierepont , British consul , is endeavoring : hoers secure a reconsideration of the action of ors huufio Ciiiiniitteio _ [ foreign relations on lei dynamite riiaolutions , no The uniiKmuiioiuil ForociiHt , ian WAHHiNaTO.v. 1'ebruary 15. To judge fi tbu cxprestlnns of the members of congi ith when speaking for themeelvea alone , am > w seine extent from the course of events 1 week , an extra tension of cnngresi is na Ion ei ( , probable , but may ba possible , as exprerel : at of fear on conviction are heard on all ha tlmt tome rurty or faction not including the persona tpaakin ; . would welcome an extra sesslou , and It is conceded everywhere tint the condition nf publio buiincts Is ueh that the purpote , If oiitertMned , may bodfctid , and perhaps without the disclosure uf the re * iponsibility therefor In any quarter Kvcn if t-yery ono ba credited with the straight forward purpose of working t > secure the pats- ago of the appropriation bills bo- fora thotth of Alaieh , the fact remains that under the Icng exi'ling ruliB uf the home , the roods to entanglement are many and thort , uhile the w v" tn the solution cf porKltilei pirlUmintiry dlllicultiep , are many and luvohtd tn five ot the moU Im portant appropriation bills are yet to be acted on by the house. And thoio in addition to the pn t ollico li'l , wLich pissed the hoii'o yettouUy , must yet bo considered by tha ten- .Vo committee ot appropriations. At the i-los of proceedings at Iho house last evening , recess v m taken till ten o'clock to-morrow morning , when fuither C' ' < mlder.tlon will bo givin to the legflati\efblll. It was ROUO ally uudoigtood that tha rec'ss wis taVen in order to present the execution ol the regular order for to-morrow , namely , ths reception nf motions from committees to piss ( peatied measu-es , under siisiientlon of the rules. An i ( Tort will probably ba made , how ever , to adjourn the house before twelve o'clock so this order m y ba ob orved. If tlio clfort succeed ? , tha commitlre on military af fairs will tiitt be called. General Sli'Cum will endeavor to eecuro the consideration uf the I ill proudinp for the retirement of Giant. Oth r C'lmmltto s are to ba called In turn , including thonaval affairs , psstolllcn n' ' d pott rrads , uud the public lauds , and will ask that various evenings bo sot apart for the con sideration of business heretofore ropoit.d by tbm. Tlio general Impression is that the house will rofmn to adjourn , and in this event the consideration ni the legislative bill will b continue. ! until finished. It in believed the t ill cau ba completed before adjournment on Ugislatlvo day , Saturday , which may con- tiuue until evening. The appropriations committee Intends to report cither the sundry , chil or naval bill to-morrow , aud t.i call up the following day the ono teportnd. Thu other will bo in readi ness for action by the house Immediately af terward. Tin rivpr and harbor committee will nutngdiur. ) the appropriations bill with the ii\er and harbor bill wherever opportu nity off rs. It is proposed to hold night set' blocs during the week , and if the MI n dry , civil and naval bilU are disposed of before Iticlo'o. The approprla- tioi s commltUo expet th ° m to bring forward the fortification bill. Saturday fcft > moon ha > bjon set apart for tha exercisf s In the hull of the house , conuecttd with thn dedication of the Wa hington monument , the chief feature * of which will bo the oration ) of the Hon. HobertC.Winthiop. to bo read by Renre- sentatlvo Long of Massachneett ? , and John A. Daniel , cf Virginia. In the fcnuto the considora Ion ( f the In dian appropriation bill will bn continued and may concluded to-morrow. The agricultural bill will then bo disuosed uf. The uulinhhed bmincfs In the poaate iathe morning hour Is the Den Moinus river land bill , nnd , after the morning hour , tha contract labor bill. The Texas 1'acific fnrf. . iture bill , ai.d the bil for admifsion uf Taeotnaare measu B most like ly to be ( > resed for comideriti n when the labor bill is disposed of , if no appropiiatlon bills are then ready for diccusiou. Virginia's Coupon Bonds. RICHMOND , Va. , lYbruary 11 Judges Leardand llu li'p , of the United Stitcs cir cult court , recently ordered thit the eoupoi state bonds should ba received by tha state It payment of taxes and other dues , and in \ ie of this order Governor Cameron Ins Ifsued i prrciHina'ionto the auditor of public uec , unt- ordering that strict oiiiplijiieu with the lawi botnforctd , aud that no coupons betoken acccptid or rsceiptfd for as payment of tixo ; and other dues , oxc pt in reeordnnca with th etatutoi of the fctate cf Virginia.- " ' " * ' ' " * ' " " SUIT AGAINST THE HIUDINQ BULKOAO 1)13 a 1 ruiLADKLi'lllA , February 14. The suit o i. Alexacdar McKwen , to recover 8300.0CO froti 1 thaH.9ttding radrcadcompjny , na compenea tion for cervices In connection with the prep aration and execution rt the deferrf d lucotu , baud scheme , which has been pending ii o court for over two years , was today pa'se upon by William W. Wiltbank , who filed Li r it'pott as matter. d Mr. AIcEwwi claimed that ho original th . scheme , nnd that it netted the raihoi company 810,203 000. The mas f r notes th fa t thnt tlm idfawasvoluiitiuily contiibutit and c includes the pluiiitiff is not entillt to recover nny compensation on the grout , tlmt it w > is not implied in a contract. THU CHICAGO , MJULINUTON it QUINCY. BO3ION , February 1 J. The earnings of tl : liIciiKo , BurliugtonSfc Qumcy railroad f tcember wem 82,201,257. For the year tV eauiingj woio $25,483,071 : not earnings , § 12 , 116,109. Notes. NEW ORI.TAN.S , February 14. The attont nnce at the world's cxp isltion to-day w praat'r than at sny time BIIICO the opsninj It i ustimatod tt 00 , ( 00. Tlio llll//.Art ( at liloonidiKton. ELOOMINQTON , III. , February 15. A bll zard rivalling that of last wrek nt in In night , and until 1 ! p. m. the snow fell furioi ly. Five to f isc inchm wore added to t stratum nnd it Is drifting badly. The I di na , Bloomiugtrn & Weetem , the La rs' Slime and tha Kaukakeo branch ot the Illim IV Central abandoned all trains to-night , save : lUof being stuck in drifts. Many country roa of filled with snow to the level of the tups in- the hedges , inm > > ' m- meU Iiovc itntl Blnrrter nt SbollJjvllle , H ) r- Lot'lsviLl.n , February 15. Will Adams rmt young man if twouty-eix years , and Ilia sw he.'irt , Fannie Wllmouth , aged el hteon , w found dead early th's ' morning upon the ri road near Shelbyville , Ky. Tholr bodies , ( pattuirtl with bl.nd , lay within a few feet each other , and AcUim' pistol , with t rds empty cartridge' , lay clo-o by. He eviden mnriltrod th ) girl and then ahnt hlimi to liotli were ehot in tha They walked the Bhelbyvllln oirly iu the night anU were 1 the seen allvii when they loft there , A levi quarrel U thought to b ) tlocausoof tregeJy. The " \Vcatnpr , WAHHINOTON , February 10. Upper A ilaslppi : colder , fair weather , noithwestt B * winds besomihg variable ; cenornlly hlg Rer barometer , M Hiouii Valley : fair weatl ois winds bacomli'gariahlp , falling , followed liticg temperature ; lower barometer. FOREIGN NEWS. Serious Illucss of H r Majesty Qnin ? Vic'oria ' , England Thinks Garuiany n , Good Neighbor for Australia ! Franco , Aft'r a Period "of Exulta tion , Now Feels Gloomy A. Solution Suggested for iho Egyptian Difficulty , Oonfliotiiig Eeporls About the Fall of Khartoum , K of tlio Afrlcnu International Amoclntion Trcn'y ' by Portu gal mill Fituiee. Serious ltlni3 B uf Quotu Vtctorln. Special telegram to tha HUE. LONDON , I'ebruary 15 It Is rumorc-1 th t Queen Victoria Illness exceeds .ho announce ment made f rum Osboi no tha > t Her AUjesty was suffering from n icvoro cold ami had been unable to leave her bed for two days. It Is * Utcd on apparently good authority that she is prostrated by the nervous strain brought on by tnxlety as to affairs In Egypt , particu larly the death of Gordon. Wldespicad distress la prov lent through out Great Britain at the emboldened nratchists In England Justice , the orpan of the demo- . party warns the go\crnm < nt ufhnrrlbla bloodshed , and perVaps nrevolutlou will eujiw if it continues to Insult and neglect the woikingmen. Gorniuny will SUkeaGnod NclRlibor. Special telegram to Till : HUB. LONDON , February 15. It is stated that annotation of the Samoin Island * by Ger many was In pursuance of n tecrot agreement between the goiemments of Germany and Kngland. The ofHcif ls at the colonial olllcc believe that tbeugi.ntion by the Amtra'isna ' will be ouly tempoiaty , nnd nay that the growing feeling In Australia und England Is that Gcr- many will bo good nei h'iors , and it U wise tc. . giv Germany an interest irUhel'ucilic Islands to oil-jot the aggtoiBions of Franco , Unlmppy Fitunuo FerliiiK Gloomy. Special Telegram to THE UKK. PAIUS , February 1) . El Mahdi la the here of thu tUy on the boulevards as well na on the Nile. His portrait ormments the nowtpapei stnbd' , and n sennati 'iial ' melo drama bearing hia name will aoon be produced. His % ictor lea at first woio hukd wl h delieht , r.s ec many adcli'ioi al uails in John Jiull'it coffin but the exultation in now gtvinu way t < glrom about the omequencea that may en- MI in Tunis and Algiers. The oiiposition puut-ra now ask wlio'he Ferry did not make n mistake when lie wen hand In plovo with Bismarck , whote intarea IB to let .Franco wearjierself out In China while'TCufBla spends'Tier'strength In Asia am Englnud ia Egypt. A. Solution lor llio Kxyntian cully. Special Telojtram to THK BEE. LONDON , 1'obruaty 15. Many members < the llbeinl party are openly expressing th belief that the tolution ot the Egyptian diili culty is to hand ooto Sultan Abdul Uaiiii tha control of thu Soudan. Gon. Gotdou pa'd last August In an oflicit communication to the British government "If you do nut make n. convention with th sultan you will never get out of Soudan alhe. This unintentional prophecy has bcoi terribl fulfilUd. Girdon isdiad , the Arabs are h flamed and Intoxlcitcd with success , and H weapans hut their own cin bo used agalni tlinn. Trio blliamo between Turk'y n Englnnil will bo humiliating to atatetmen wli labiilnl the tuttan ai "Tha un peakalil Turk. " but it in admitted that Abdul Haiuid mmi0 ai d pedigree would be more potent tha th Eugl'th nrmy in quelling the HJ-callod n bclhon among the fanatic il S mdanes. Complications with eotnn of the continent ! rnwrrs mo almost rortaiti. No doubt U statesmen of the Merlin echonl urn ( loin * the b st to embioil Italy and Turkey in rovenf for the former's aid to England. Turkey just now nvcr.o to war , but it vehement ] indenting apilnst thi continental occiipatiu jf Kpypt by England. r.N XHWS. 310N&Y toil TUB 8UAKISI EXPEDITION. Loxuo.v , Fobtmry II , At the approach ! session of parliament the political confl 13 present government will open the presentation of the government detna for a vote at a credit of 2,5(10,000 ( on nccot of thn Suakim expedition. It In ucderstc that the conservatives will support the requ for a new credit , but will accompany tli vote with a vote of censure against the gi rrnmont. An early dissolution und appeal : ct thu penplo is now expected and discussed. are IB believed that a majority ot tha libon Ml- const rvativuj nnd 1'arni'llitos alike i bo- cone ir In the dexiro for nn early dltmoliitior beef LONDON. February II. Thi ) million wetly again received a Utter containing n warn tly tlut St. Paul'fl and the Bank nf I'ogland ' ill. be attacked with dynamite , IJotectivcs w at work , and will soon ha c tha principal > net ness ngairst Cunningham nnd Berlin , Taro ir's are annoyed by thn frequent ruceptinn thu threats agilnat their lixoi. Kop-r nceive letter advieing him to prepiro hid coilin , : IF would moot his death bcfoio next Saturdaj SciiHattonal IdciiH , ' Special Telegram to THE BKK. 'Iy j J oNDONF bruaryl5 The very wrakcoi tion of Ilia British army lisa bocon.o appar Uy ovenforBuchasmalldroftaslCOOmen , Itac ally has been nec-essary to take the pet gai on from Windsor CAstle and thn Tower of Iiondon , In order to avoid Bonding bov or raw jokds Into th ? Kgvtua desert Thus the choicest soldier * ol the kingdom rc forced hit' ' ) the lupneh , b'cauia no otlirrs itro fit. It thows tlmt England Is far outside the rank of the great inillUry powoin , The siglit now of the country denuded of Iti good troops to prosecute na inUvglblo b.t buitn war in nn almost unknown country , where EngUad hix absolutely no interest or qu.uiol , while grave Eniopi < nnO'impllefttion8 prts ? her on every ride , and while ImlU Is directly mminco.l by the vanguard of an army capable of swel ling lUelf to hilf n million ot moil In a fnw months ii wotl culculato I to tober tlio intnil of even the m 'st vainglorious patriot. The result is growing ilscoutotit ] which threatens miuhtry. ContllotliiKltop tits About Ktiiirtoum. LONDON , February ID , The ptosn associft- tion ttitofl , under rosertr , that Into on Satur day night the war office lent a telrgram to Mill Gordon nt SJUthampton tint Khartoum li d uot fallen , and thnt Gciutal Gordon was info. 7 ho government hvi pivon the contract for the coustruotion of a mltVtty from Suakim to IJtrber , Work will bo begun immediately. iV tel'gram was received from tha war nlllco to day trorn General Wolsolpy contniniiiK tbo _ account of the Ml ot Khartoum as given by a nattvo rye witness , to the en- traiico oj the tiihels tJ the tiwn. The in- fmnmnt pays tint Khiirtoum wai otitsrod by Kl Mnhdl'it forces nt dtiyhrrak on Jiiouary " 0. Gen Goidon WHS killed by a volley from the rebel rill- nun whiln on his WAV from the headquarters to iho Austrian cumulate. WASHINGTON NEWS. KlUU'fl AMENDMENT TO TUB I-OSTAL AITROPnU * TION DILL. WASHUJOTOK , February ! . Senator Fryo to-day announcad an amcndn out to the post- * oflico appropriation bill and atkiul its refer- unco to the committee on postoflicca and post- roads. The amendment provides for the transporting of mails of the United Utatoa for tbo fiscal year of 1ES(3 ( between pirta of the United States and foreign part ? , or between tween ports of tha Atlantic and Pacilic , through foreign territory , an amount not ex ceeding SGOJ.iOO shall be paid il the mails shall be carried on American steamships. THE DEMOCRATS WILt , INSTUCOr CLSVILAN1) . Hopro'eatativo H-gun will , ou Monday , nend to l'i oildent-eloct Cleveland a netitum sUnod by ab ut ono hundred domocratio inBinbars of the house , asking him not to com mit himself ou the tllvor quoation in his inaug ural address. NOMINATIONS. PostmastorB : Chtrlos B. Loop , Belvedere , III , , and ChrUtopher 1Housor , Laua , 111. 1-1 10 11 ! . FIlKiailT HERULATION KII.LKI ) IN HIE BCKATB , Special telegram to the BKK. LINCOLN , Neb. , February II. Soon after tha assembling this morning the senate went into committee of the whole. Snell called for consideration of 1871 his commission bill. Ob ieelioii was raised and the facial order called for. This brought up the freight bill with the commission amendment , Burr moved to ! n- dbtHnitely postpone and with a ru h It waa carried by a vote of 11 to 12. Burr thm moved that the commltteo report hick 187 , the comimajion bill , to p.i s. Brown then took the lljor at 10:10 : und was still talking at 12 It wan n Blilmnterirg npotch t3 pruvcnt the seuate from adiouining. Douglas county mombais were boib abi nt , but are probably pa'rod , Metz favniing tbo commission . iijid McShano opposing. Iho senate is still in ses- elon , withUizowa on the tlaor-tilkingxBgainst i time. Tin : ICTAHNHY a n AH. Thohou'o c.-iti ahvnjs find time to vote n | > - jiropriatidiiB. This morning S.iOCO i for the orfctloii if new r.iform school biuldinga nt Kainoy was allowed. Thu bill was run until Miller and Nichol objected , and nn uxplanatitn f a very unsatisfactory until ro was mode by Wright ; with whom was o eo- ciotod Hiloy , Olmstead , Blnin and otherH. There U evidently something mysterious about this affair , nobody knouing anything ; except that the money was to bo voted. A very la > go lobby is here in iti Interest , and seem to ha\o attained their ends admirably. On motion of Olm < tead the homo adjourned from 11 o'clock until Mouday morning. ITAalSIEK OF PALHYSTKRY AND CONDITION AI-1ST , 803 r nth etroet , between Farnuru and lln- noy will wlvn thoalil of uarJlin tf liltB , olita'.Dlnif lor anyone Klanoo In the piet mu picsent , mid on corUln conditions In the ( uturo. Uoote end ( boos invlo to order I'orfoot sttleUotloa JAS.E.PEABODYM , D. RoGllilonoe No. 1107 Jones fll Ollico , Vo. 1503 Ft' a m otraot. OCDoo hourn,12 m to i p. m. nJ Iiott 1 o 3 p. m. Tolopbone , Iur ollico 07icaldonoo 135 , Hood's Sarsaparilia Combines , In a manner peculiar to Itself , the best blood-purl tying and strengthening reme ag dies of the vegetable Kingdom. You will nnd ict this nomlcrful remedy eiTectlvo when ) other on mcilielnci have l.illcil. Try It now. It will nd purify your blood , regulate the digestion , int ami glvo new life and vigor to the entire body. od "IIood'H Kar.siiirllla : | did mo great good. I wai tired out from overwork , and It toncdi OSol mo up. " Mita. C. i : . SIJIMO.VH , Colioes , N. Y. ol " I sulTcrcd three years from blood poison , IVto I took IIood'H Barsaparllla and think I am to cured. " Mns. M. J. DAVIB , llrockport , N. Y. It ' its the Jllood - . vili IIood'H Barsapnrllla Is charnctcrbcd V-5 , IOB thrco pccullarltlc.i : 1st , thi vomlilnulion ot Ing reineilial ngcnts ; 2il , the ] < iinrttoni ) . ' ) d , ! : * ( ill finiccss of Rfciirlng the active nitillcln. . cro iiualltlus Tlm result Is amrdlrluo of ii".isiia : ? vlt- Ktrength , effecting cures hitherto unknown. ! icy Bond for bonk containing evIdtMieo , of "Ifood's Hnmaparlllii tones up my Bystcm , d a piirlllcs my lilooil , fliarpeus mv aiirrtlfr , and i ha n'l'ins ti inakn mn over. " .1 , r. Tiioiirsux , KegistcT ( if Di't'ds , I.ouell , Mass , "Hood's Barsap-irllla beats all others , and 'swnrtli Us wclilitln ; gulii. " f. lAiiinunoM ! , lao JJauk atrect , New York City. idi , Hood's - Sarsaparilla ent Bold by all druggists. . (1 j six for $3. Ma % tu only by 0. J. IIOOD Si CO. , towcll , Mass. turi ri HOO'Dosos Ono Dollar Smokinc : Tobacco