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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1884)
OMAHA DAIKV BEJfi SATURDAY JUiAr 12 , 1881. 7 MINERAL SPRING ! Wo fUMRMtoo the cure of the following unwed i ikWSiOtno paj : UhoumMUm , Hpmfnln in , Catarrh , all Blood andiklndlscaios , lyipcpslaM Complaint , Kidney and DUddcr Diseases. Gout , N alffU and Asthma , Thcsa Springs are the faroi ort ol tha tired and ilohilltatai ) , and are the i\ FKEI1LK LADIES OKST F1UKND , \ Oood hotel , livery and bithlngaccomodaUon b ( Albany , Blloam Springs , .Oontry'co Mo ANALYSIS. Gpoctflo Gravity . . . . . 1X ( Reaction . Ncut Carbonla Acid 0m . 26 In. per Rail Carhonnto Calcium . . . . .85,021 Oral Carbonate Iron . , . 7,011 ! Sulphate Magnesia . 8t80 Sulphite Calcium. , . . . , 4 , .1,140 Clilorldo Sodium . 7,200 Hilllea . , . 1,680 Alumina . . . . . . .0,019 Organloand Volatile matter and loss . 1,4(9 alollds per gallon . 07,174 Chemists N. SCHUEZ , OFFICK OVEN ASlKtUCAN EXPRESS. 4JOUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA ' BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchanl No .S3 Pearl Street Council Bluffs , tonn Justice of the Peace Omaha and Council ISlutfr. 'VoAj catato collection agency , Odd Follows Mod 04 er Hiving : ) Dank. TROD. OPFICTIB , OFFICER & PUSES Connell BluSo la. sfa6//sf/ecr 185t Dealers In Foreign anil omcstlo Exchange an IIr > nfl Swnrltl As there are many So-Called Veterinary Sureoom In this city , who are practicing their quackery or our people , I deem It but justUe to say that I del ) any ot them to produce a diploma , or credentials , adlcatlng that they are graduates of any \ctcrlnart nstltuto , and I do hereby caution the publij trains' ouch quacks , aa I am the Only Known Gradual E IN WESTERN IOWA. Office & 125 ' Pharmacy , B'dway , AT BLUE BABN. T. J. CADY , M. D. , V. S. At -well-known Establishment OP P. FILBERT J. . , 209 Upper Broadway , the Of Council Blufla. Notice our reduced Price List. Wo gi > o IB pounds Extra O Supar for . . . . . .81 00 11 pounds Granulated Suear . 1 00 26 pounds Choice Oatmeal . 100 25 pounds Navy Ic..n9 . 1 00 20 pounds Bi-st Bulk Starch . , . 1 00 12 pounda Carolina llice . 1 00 12 pounJo Choice I'rums . 1JOO 25 bars Buffalo Soap . 1 00 Extra Lake Trout , ) r pound . 09 Ziorriliard'a 1'Iug per Ib . 40 1 dozen Mackerel . 15 Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt . 2 BO 10 pounds Glncor Soapj . . . . . . 1 CO tlO pounds h .mloy . . . 100 ( utallonkcg Syrup . 1 70 Wfite Fish , per kit . 80 Mackerel , tierklt . 10 Dates , per pound . 10 30 3 pound cans Standard Tomatocd . 1 00 All kinds Cnliforuli Fruits . pouudLuak'a Standard 4 for . 1 00 T T."B" . All grades , according to quality , 15o to 80o per pound. Vfa also carry a full line of Men's , Ladles' and CWUrcn'a fiuo Shoes and Uea't Flno Boots at very lo * prices. AHo a full line o [ Tinware and ( jenpral racrcha&dbo. Call on 114 nnd be com inccd that you can tuto money > y dealing with us. Uoodd delivered free In any part of the city. I/i a word , wo am bound to eel ! and challenge all audanle competition In tliU county. J. I1. KILBKIIT' ' 209 u , erBroadjray Eailway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times of the arrival and do- rirturt of trains by central Btandard time , at the locul depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton mln ULCS earlier and arrhe ten minutes later , CHICAGO , HOBUNtiroM AND quiscr , tBAVB. Chicago Express 9:00 a in C:35 : p m 0:4D : a m Faxt Mall. 7:00 pro f.5 . : a in ( "Mail and F.xprces , 73pm 12:30 : pm Accommodation. S.60p in "At local depot only. KANSAS CITT , BT. 109 AND COUNCIL BI.07M. tOOfi a m Mall and Kxprcss , ] 7:0& p m 66 pra ' Pacific Express , C:60pra : CUIOAOO , MlLWAUKl.a AND BT. PAUL. 0:05 : 1. m : Zfi p m Exprean , 9:16 : a m Exprcsa , 6:65 : p m CU1CAOO , IOCS IBLAND AMD rAOfflC , 6:30 : p m AtUntlo Express , 9.05 ft m 9.25 a m Day Express , 6:64 : p ru 7:30 : p m "Dos Uolnes Acoommodatlon , 0:05 : p m At local depot only.l WABABIl , BT , LOUIH AMD rAClfJO. ' 0:66 : a m Mull , 4:45 : p'm 4:50pm : Cannon Ball Ulam ; * AI Transfer enl cinoAoo and KORrnwuniur , 0,60 p m 5:25 : m 1'aclflo Express , 0:05 : a m tioox cm AMD PACIMO , r : o p m St. Paul Eipregj , 8:60 a m 1120am Day Express 8:60 : p m 8,00 p m Wiwtorn Express , 8:86 : a n 11:00 a m Pacific Express , 4:40 : p ta 7:40 : a m Local Express , 0:64 : a m _ _ _ Mncoln Exprens , 1210 ; a m At Trantfer only. D0MMT TRAMS TO OMAHA. Tx > ave-7:20-8:3o-9:30-io:30-ii:40a. : : : : : m. iSo-:3 : : 8aO-4SO-6:30-flSO-ll06p. : : : ; m Sunday 930-lllO : a m. lSO"8:30-:30-0:30-llG5 : : ; p. m. Anlvo 10 mln te le/uro | pa\ini : tlrao THIS DELTorltegenra-e tor Is made exprceuly tor the cure of derangements 1 of the generative organa , IThi-ro Imio mistake about IthU Instruinent , the con * V tlnuous stream of ELEC- TKIOITY iKirmeatlnir f throuehtheparUiuustieu. tore them to healthy action Do not confound this with , , , * . . , _ Electric Belts advertised to cure all alls from head to oe. It Is for the ONE spec- Iflo purpose. For clrculrs giving full ; infonnatlon , addrewi Cheerer Kltctrlo Ktlt Co. , 1G3 Waalilnrftou fat , Chicago. DUFRENE& MENDELHON. I ? -BEMOTED TO .OMAIIA NATIONAL BANK UUILDIN3. COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. Ofllcor O'ltrion while getting off street car on lower Broadway yoatordr took n tumble nnd rolled over in tli mud. For ft fact ho don't drink. A telegram last evening Ma Duncan , manager of the Duncan hotel i Burlington , stated that the first case m dor the now prohibition law was decide in favor of defendants. A Democratic.lublleo Must Evening List evening the democrats had a gran jubilee over the nomination , there boin boti iiros , speeches , street parades , ot ( Congressman Pusoy arrived homo whic added to the enthusiasm. lie \ras re reived nt the depot by n delegation c citizens with the Bavarian band and oi cortoa to his residence. A very larg parade was made nlong Broadway nn then was more hurrahing and other o > prossions of enthusiasm than was over be Toro shown on any occasion _ of the kin ind the streets were kept in nu upron until nftor midnight. IOWA 1TI03IS. A Sioux City brewer calls it "Largoi inc. " DCS Moines druggists will | test the no' pharmacy law. The ealoono of Dunlap [ dispense po ; and soda with a stick. Carroll haa decided to issue $1,000 ii bonds to build waterworks. The Cedar Ilipids Gazette haa sovora thousand corkscrews for sale. The Y. M. 0. A. of Dos Moines tall of putting up n § 50,000 building. The now school of the feeble mindct institute at Glcnwood will cost S.,500. ! ! The Davenport Gazutto of the 8th Days "Not a saloon in the city , at present , shows any indication of closing up.1 The Dos fllolnes Ltnsood Oil company , with a capital of § 75,000 , has been incor porated , to begin business this month. A Davenport brewer offers to boal prohibition by supplying ground malt , hops and a receipt for making beer foi SL50. The now and elegant hotel Calfax , at Colfax , will bo formally opened on Tuesday the 15th inst. Schuylor Colfax will deliver an address. President Knapp , of the Iowa agricul tural college , will deliver an address at the next state fair , to bo hold in Dubuque - buquo in September next. It is expected that the work of enlarging the government building at Dos Hoinoa will begin by the luth inst. The appro priation amounts to § 140,000. Woodbury county's share of the per manent school fund of the state is § UO- 83 , ' ! . The total fund is $4,019,842 53 , which is an increase over last year of 5189,441.55. Judge David Borer , of Burlington , died there last Monday. Ho was born in Virginia in 1800. Ho was attorney for the 0. B. and was the author of aov- oral law works. Louis Marks , a young Dos Moines boy , was drowned in the Des Moines river while swimmintj last Sunday. A com panion named Bohon was nearly drowned in his efforts to reocuo Marks. The Polk county board of supervisors tin the 5th inst. unanimously granted the Des Moiuos big distillery a permit to manufacture intoxicants. The applica tion of two Dos Moines brouorips to make beer was postponed by a majority rote. rote.Clifford Clifford Brayton , of State Center was Irownod a few days ago , while bathing , it Bassott , Nob. Ho was in the drug business at State Center until about a pear ago , when ho sold out to join his brother in Nebraska in the cattle busi- iess. His body arrived at State Center m the 7th inst. , where his mother and nany relatives reside. , JOE OUsniNG'S K/VltiUOAD. YNcw Hampshire Man ivhoso Check Brought Him Much , 3t. Louis Globe-Democrat. "Joo Gushing,1' ' said a railroad man to i Globe-Democrat reporter yesterday , 'used to own a mill on a certain railway ij ) in Now Hampshire , and it was an al- uighty big mill too. Well the railroad ; ot to squeezing Joe pretty hard. They old him lio'd gut to ship over their line > r shut up his mill , nnd they proposed to ihargo him any rate they wanted to. At aat Joe couldn't ' stand it any longer , "hero was another railroad six milua iway , and ono day ho wont to BOO the ; enoral manager of the other road , and ifFered to build a line 'cross lota' from his nill if ho was guaranteed certain reason- iblo charges forall time to como. Ilia > Her was accepted , and inside of twenty- bur hours Joe had COO men nt work , ihpveling down hillo , filling up valleys , Bridging steams , and laying rails and tics. Cho oflioials of the road that had boon jutting the blocks to him wont to BOO lim , and offered to carry his stuff for the : oat of transportation if ho would aban- Ion his project , but Joe promptly ro- 'used them. In a few months he hnd his : oad completed , and ho has been using it ivor sinco. "Now , the fun of the thing is that as icon as everything was in working order lee wont to Boston and had a lot of printing done , and before many days svery railroad official in Auiorica received m elegantly engraved annul pass , inclosed n a neatly printed circular. The front ) f the pass road as follows : " 1881. JoKCusui.vo'uBxHD. 1881. " 'Pass ' Mr. until December ! 1,1881 , unless otherwise ordered. " 'No. . JOK CIJHIIINO , President. On the back was printed this unique sentence : "This pass is not tranaferablo. The person accepting and using it thereby assumes the right to travel and transport baggage over this road , whenever ho pleases , and at the risk of Joe Gushing , who will bo financially responsible for all ilamago to person or property , Incurred while oo traveling , ' The circular was headed by a map of the road showing the location of the mill ind the length of the lino. It said in jubstanco : "Sly road is only six miles long , but it is perfectly solvent , payroll its interest charges and taxes , and is a Irst-class property in every respect. I herewith send you an annual pass and nvito you to HBO my line at any and all times at my own risk. If you should ceo 1t'to , extend to mo in return the courtesy rf an annual pans over your road I shall greatly appreciate it. Yours. 'Jon " "Well , sir , the roan's cheek was so onormouB that the ofliciala of nearly every road in America laughed over the thing ind sent him a pass , and I hear of him uvery now and then'in different places all over the country mine his annual * . " Crnay Ijullt nml OroAtn. 1'ntr Allco Hs ulthln hebowrr , A tienclvo slindo upon her brow ; In nil tlio In ml the sweetest flower , Why pines she lonely now ? Slio gnzQ ) ont upon the street , A gay procoRMon moots her oyot Of cnvallersnml maidens awoet , Who go to buy. And as they pani her ono by ono , She notoi within tlmt joyoui bnml ; 1'ull ninny n knight to her well known , And suitor for her Imiul , Hut ono or two hort month * neo , And not a mridon in the Innd ; Could longer Hat of suitors show , Than lovely Alice Brand. Hut , oh , nlns ! ono fulfil Jr.y , A dreadful mnulti nolzod the maid ; In four her nut ton Had nwny , JhoroM not ono who stnyod. Sho'd tour the lining from tholr hata " Tholr boat silk 'korchlof.i glio would ta Cut piocoa from tholr ( ilk cravats , Her "crnjy quilt" to make , And no her tonrn fell In a etronni , O'or her end fnco , of smiles boroftr She wcopa bocnuso to buy , She Ima not ono bonu loft. -Julio [ i : . Berkley. THE MYSTERIOUS MESSAGI CHAPTER I , ItY TUB SKA Break , break , break , On thy cold , gray stone * , 0 son ! And 1 u my tongue cinild niter Tiiu thoughts that nrlso In mo. "I wonder what is bobbing up an down in the ] water over yondorl" an Mabol Maythrop to her cousin , Gcorj ; Grafton , as they stood on the beach t Coney Island watching the waves com tumbling in. "Your eyesight must bo bettor tha mine , " ho said ; "for 1 can't sou an } thing but some water-soaked beings wh. look like a lot of submerged scarecrows Where is the object that attracts you attention ? " "Ripht over thoro. See ? It is coin ing this way , " oxcliimod Mable. Do tr and got it , wont you ? " George looked down at his peaked toed , patent leather shoes , then at th roaring surf and then at Mabel. " 1 believe she only wants to test m ; love , " ho thought ; "but I'll bo hange ! if I spoil my shoos just for a woman" whim. " Meanwhile the object upon whicl Mabel had fixed hur gaxe bobbed uearoi and nearer until it was almost withii roach. "Now , Geortjo , you can pull it in witl vour cane , " she said. "Well , that's better than wading ir ifter it , " ho remarked , leaning over and stretching out his walking-stick. In his frantic endeavors to capture the floating irticlo ho slipped and fell headlong intc the surf. With a cry of disway he scrambled up , seized the object and Hunt it at the feet of the young lady. "Why , it is a bottlol" she ox- : laimcd. "Yes , a confounded old bottle , "bitter- iy retorted her companion , casting a rue ful glance at his wet feet and drenched trousers. "I might have bought a bet tor ono than that at the hotel and saved tnyaelf from getting wot. " "Well , George , " she said , laughing , "as you'ro neither eugar nor salt yoi wont molt. Of course I'm sorry for you but if y u go up to the hotel you can dr ] yourself in the laundry. I'll wait hon till you como back , if you don't utay to < long. ' i George dowartod grumbling , and vowct that ho would never bo such u fool as take < : ako Mabol to the beach again , unless InTern Torn a water proof suit and u pair of rub 3or boots. "It was very foolish of mo to pul 3oorgo to so much tronblo , " mused Ma < jel , "just for the sake of on old soda1 ivator bottle ; but something seemed tc , ell mo that I must do so. Horeaftoi I'll ' never have any faith in my impuls- IB. " She looked for n long time at the hot- ; lo , when suddenly she saw that it con tained something. Picking it up she 'ound the top sealed with wax bearing a jocuhar monogram. She held the bottle ip and oaw that inaido was a curious- ooking package wrapped in white paper ind stamped with the same monogram vhich was on the wax that covered the : ork. She took up a horseshoe which lay lose at hand and broke the bottlo. The ) ackago which foil out bore this inscript- on : "May fato'pcrmit thee to full in prop- ir hamK" Just as she was about tw break the oal George returned , dry us n bone and ross as a boar with a sere head. "Well , did you fiinda prixa package in hat bottlof" ho growled. "You can BCD for yourself , " nho re- 'lied ' , pointing to the bits of broken glass u the beach. "Just what I expected , " ho muttered. 'I don't mind doing you a favor , Mabol , lut I draw the line at fishing for second- land-soda-water bottles in the surf with > ut a scalp-not. " "Then do mo the favor to take mo lomo , " she naid , "for I'm tired of hear- ng you growl. " ii.Mabol said not a word to George about ho precious package alio hold in her iand , but as soon as she got a chauco lipped it into her pocket. ON THK OCKAN. William Walaton stood on the dock of n out-going steamer with a soda-water lottlo in his hand. When In the dis- anco ho discried along the hori/.on the atnt wliito line which ho know was Jonoy Island ho throw the bottle over- loard , 'What folly ! " ho exclaimed. "And ot I'm a believer in fate to some oxtont. Vho knows but what my message may each the right person after all ? " So saying , ho went into the smoking abin and joined a party of jolly card- ( layers. William Walston was a rich young lachelor , rather romantic , hut possessed if sound common sense. Ho had retired rom the produce business witn a fortune vhich ho more than doubled by success- ull speculation in Wall street. Ho was mo of the few who know when to "got iut , " and the consequence was that ho i ad nothing to worry him nothing ox- opt the thoughts of matrimony , Like nany a wealthy young man with noth- ng to do , ho imagined that if ho could ind a proper mate his happiness would 10 assured , Ho was now on route for England , for no other purpose than to ; ot rid of himself , as it wore , After an exceedingly short voyage ho > rrivod at his destination , and for many veoks , wandered aimlessly amid tha 'inns and palaces of the land on whoso cingclom It Is said the sun never sots , ilthough the aforesaid orb often looks lown upon sights that must make it fool iko setting , never to rise again , "I can't stand this , " said Waleton one day , M ho noticed ho was being follow by a Scotland Ynrd detective , "t I Hove that somebody saw mo throw th bottle overboard find reported mo to t police. By Jovol they must take mo f n dynamiter. " The moro ho thought of the matter i stronger became his conviction , so 1 finally decided to return to Ne York. On the return trip ho made the a quatutauco of Major Maylhrop , a wen thy wine merchant , who lived in Brool lyn. Their acquaintance noon riponc into friendship , and before they ronchc port the Major extended Mr. Walston cordial invitation to call , lie said notl Jng about his daughter , however , RS 1 determined to make inquires about tli social standing of Wnlston as soon as li could couviontly do so. When they arrived at the pier th Najor gave him n card which ho hurrloc ly took from his pocket and said : "Thoro is my address. Call on m some night next week. " Walston bade him good-by and too cab forhis hotel. "llollol" ho exclaimed , as ho drew card from hia pocket ; "what's tin's ? " It bore the name of "Miss Mabc laythrop. " A MK.I.SACII : FROM THK URG1 * . When Mnblo arrived homo from th > each she bade her cousin good-by am ; old him not to call that evening as sh 'olt too tired to entertain him. Ho wa nly to glad to got nwny , fur his shoe , voro filled with snnd and his heart witl iorrow. Ho plainly oaw that his fair coil in cared no moro for him than if ho hat lover oxhistod. Mablo wont at once to her room , am ras so curious to see the contents of tin _ ackago which came to her in such i mysterious manner that she could scarce ly wait until her maid left the room With trembling hands she broke the sea and unrolled the outside wrapper. Withii was n small box containing a magnificon diamond ring. She gazed r.t it with grca astonishment and admiration. Exami ning it closely she discovered that tin same monogram which was impressed 01 the seals was engraved on the inside Justthnna paper which she had no previously noticed fluttered to tin floor. She picked it up and road ai follows : I'crclinnco this mcasago from the pen May moot the eyes of ouu whoso heart , Will yenrn as inlao does now tor thee ; Whoso voice will warmly wolcotno mo And pay , "My love , why should wi part ! " Tnko then this talltmanlc r ng , Which now into the eoa I fling lu hopes it limy fruition briug. "Well , this is utmost as wonderful at anything in the Arabian Nights , " said Mabol. "Poor fdllowl Ho must bo aw fully anxious to find some ono to lovo. Goodness ! How Cousin George would growl if ho know what 1 found in that old opttlo on the beach. 1 won't show it to him , anyhow , because he's a hateful old thing. I'm not going to tell anybody about it. Lot mo think. " She tried on the ring and found it fitted her perfectly. She gazed at it in admira tion for several minutes , us if in deep thought , and then exclaimed : "Ah , I have itl The inspiration has como at last. " KISMET. William Walstun awoke the next day in a queer frame of mind. The card which the genial major unwittingly gave him still lay on the bureau and seemed as much a puzzle to him as over. "Pohawl" ho exclaimed , "how stupid I ami Why , that must bo his daughter's name. Mabol May thorp I wonder if she is as pretty as her name ? If I should meet her don't propose to toll her that I was fool enough to throw a diamond ring overboard in hopes that some fair maid might find it and fall in love with the idiot who wrote the ridiculous verse accompanying it. Wouldn't it bo a good joke if some old fisherman or colored cook found it ? It would servo mo right for my foolishness. The next few days ho devoted to busi ness connected with his property , and then ono morning ho made up his mind to call on Major Maythorp. Ho found the address in a directory and BOOH reached the handsome residence on the Heights. The Major was delighted to lop him and introduced him to his laughter , Mabel , with great ceremony. For the old gentleman was wise in hia lay and generation , and had found out til about his ocean frlond beforehand. When Walston told him about the : ard of his daughter the Major protond- ) d it wan e. joke , and luughod heartily > vor it. Ho spent such a pleasant ovo- ling that ho determined to call often , if nvited. Mabel was quite charmed with lor father's friend , und made up her nind when they became bettor acquaint- id to toll him of her message from the ica ; for oho had long ago given up all lopoa of over hearing from the sender. Ono evening Mr. Walston said : ' 'Miss Maythorp , wont you favor mo vith some music ? 1'loasosing something low , if you can. " Mabel's oyps sparkled aa she took her oat nt the piano. . "I will sing yon a song which neither 'on nor anybody else over hoard. 1 com- > oscd the music but tli. ) words must wvo boon written by old Neptune. " "Why , how did you got thorn ? " asked iValston. ' Oh , they came to mo from the briny loop , " she gayly replied. Walston started and turned palo. "No , it is simply impossible , " ho hou ht. "Sho could novpr have found that bot- , lo. I only wish it were so. " His thoughts were interrupted by the ) roludo to the song , and than in a low , iweot , thrilling Cbno she sang : IVrchanto the iruHmtgo from the Hen May moot the uyou of ono whoao heart Walston sprang formard and aoinod her lands. "Miss , Mablo , where did you find hose words ? " ho exclaimed in an agitated roico. "From the sea , I told you. Why , Mr. iValstou , what is the matter ? " Ho was BO palo that she was frightened ind offered to go for her father. "No , no ! " said ho ; "I want you and rou alone. " Like the small boys who swap jack- cnivos , each thinking the other has the ) cst of the bargain , they exchanged itories and kisses. Mablo wears the diamond ring on her ingagoinont linger and ein s her sweet- loart's first song ovury evening ho calls , Her cousin fJoorgo has gone west for ; oed , as ho says the emcll of salt waUr ; ivoa him the heartburn , and ha has ligned the temperance pledge , as the tight of u soda-water bottle breaks him til up. Hunt's [ Kidney and Liver ] Ilomedy is no "hit or mien" compound or old wo man's mixture. It is prepared by a jcnontifio pharmacist , with a full knowl edge of the powers and virtues of each jngrodiont in the class of diseases which it cures. It is purely vegetable and can not harm the youngoat child or the most feeble invalid. CAPITAL PRIZE $76,00 WLTickota only S5. Shnros In Proportlonn "K'tdohertby efrtVv that ue tuferviit t\ t ingenintt forallthr JonfMjand Stml-Annu -rainngt < tf the LoMitiana SUte Mterv Cotnpon .in < ( nperson inanagt and control fA Drain'n thenuflvtt , and that tht tarns ate conduettd tn konntv.Sairneit. and in yooil/aith touard all t > a fiM , and tff authoritt the company ta tins ( Ait w 'Moatr , u\tKfac-e\in\l'i tf cur ttgnaturtl OKajAi in ( ti adKrtaemtnti. " OUMlMtOXIl * Louisiana state Lottery Conany , InooryorMoil In ISM lor ! S yours by the I or education * ! ntul ch.irlUMo pnrpo e with * cu | IM of 81. 000,000 to which n reserve ( und ot on C'0,000 Mt tiltioo boon ftjiloil. ! ! } n overwhelming ; populnr rote Itt fr neh'i ' ITM made a part of the present iUt oonttltut'o lUonlod Uooembcr 5J , A. U. 1870. The only Lottery over voted on and on domed by the people of any Stato. It never scales or postpones. Ita grand slnglo number drawings wll takt place monthly. A nplomlul opportunity to win n Fortune 1'tfth Grnnil Drawing Clnsa 0. in the Academy omy of Mutilc , Now Orlains , Tuosdny , Jnl1 intli , 18SJ 170th Monthly ilrnwinK. CAPITAL PRIZE , 575,000. 100,000 Tickets nt Vivo Dollars Each. Frno tlotifl , In Fifths in proportion. LIST OF I'lUZlCS. OAVITAL riUZR . 8711,00 ! do do . do do . 10,001 OF ? 8ooo do SOOO . 10,0 10 do 1000 . 10,001 to do boo . 10,001 100 da 200 . SO.CCH 800 do 100 . BO.OW 600 do DO . 26 001 1000 do 2o . ! ! 6KK ArrROSHUTiQN rHtziu. B Approximation prfoca oi fTtO . 0,7K 0 do do 600 . i.UH 0 do da SCO . 5,261 1SS7 IMzot , umoiuitlnu to . J2WtCI Application ( or ratce to oltilia ehould ba r.uvje cnlj to the olHoo ot the Company In Kow Orloann. For further Information wrlto clearly Rlrlug ( al Mlilross. Unko 1 * . O. Money Orders pajubla ui ( fcddrcss Uczlstciod Lattera to NEW OHLEANa NATIONAL UANK , New Orleano , T * . I'ostAl Notes and ordinary letter ? by Mall or Ki prow ( all sums of 85 and upwards by llxproiia at ou : expense ) to MA. DAUrniN , orM. A. DAirPHIN , Now Orloano t . 007 So\cnth tit. , Wnph'hKton , D. 0. Bee Hive Photograph STTJDZO , 213 North IGtli Street. Uemcmbor that my Photographs tro Inspected beforalirlngdclUcrod Irom the Iii ! : : JIIVK PHOTO- QKAPll STUDIO usHurln ? o\cry-l body perfect eatiafactlon. rilOTOOHAPIIEB use ot the term " Hhoi Line" In connection \\lth tlu TTnu corporate uamo of a Krontrond , coiiveyo an Idea of list what required by the traveling pub He a Short Line , ( Julck Tlrni and the beat of nccommod * < > tlonfl all of uhlch ro ( urn ihed by the groatcat ralluay In America. fjHICAGO , | | lL WATIKEE And St. Paul. It owns and operate ! over 4,600 mllea of Northern Illinois , Wlflconsin , Ulnnooota , Iowa Dakota ; and ax ta main linen , branches and oonneo tlona reach nil the ercat busuieea centres of the tforthwest and Far West , It naturally aniwon thr lescrlptlon of Short Line , and Beet Route between Chicago , Milwaukee , fit. 1'aul and Minneapolis Chicago , Milwaukee , LaCrossopnd Wlnona , Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellcndala Chicago , Milwaukee , Kau Clalro and Stlllwater * Chicago , Milwaukee , Waueau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Iloavcr Dam and Oshkonh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukneha and Oconomowoa Chicago , Milwaukee , U&dlson and Pralrlodu Cblon Chicago , Mllnaukoo , Owatonna and Falrlhault. Chicago , IH'liilt Junes ; I'lo ' and Mineral 1'olnt. Chicago , Klgln , Hockford and Dubuque. Chicago , Clinton , Kock Island And Cedar lUplJi. Chicago , Council llluds and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Kloui Falls and Tankton Chicago , Miluaukto , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rook Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and UlnnoapoH * . rullirnn 8 copers and the Finest Dining Cars In liu n rid nro run cm the main lines of the CIIIOAOO , iHL\VAUKEKANDBT. PAUL ItAIMVAYandeverv ttcntlonls paid to passengers by courteous oinployen > t tbe Company. > . S. MBIIRILL. Gen'l Manager. A. V. It , CAHPIlNTKn , den1 Pass. A t. r.T. Cr.AItK , Oen'l Sapt. 01CO. II. HEArFOHD. ABs't Ocn'l. I'asa. Aut PRINCIPAL LINE I'HOM nv WAV oi4 01IAHA A1ID LI1ICOL1T TO DEHVSE , Oil VIA CANSAQ CITY AND ATOIIIS01I to DEimSB 'onnitctlnr ; In Union Inpotn ) ut KnnwisClly , Oiimh.i anil Don vur with lliiouuli tiiilns ( or Ami oil points In the Cicut W joiincotlni ; In Cmml Union Dopolut Clilciio ( with llirouHli trolnx lur NJKW YOJIJC , JlOti'fON , And nil Kastiirn Cltlos. Atl'norln with tliioiiKh tntlim lur ImUnnii- ; ) lla , Oliicliiiiutl , ColiiiiiliiH , mill nil potntN fn : ] i Soutli.Kixat. At ht. l.otila with tluon li .mlnti for all polnti South. Ulciinit ; Duy Couches , I'uilor Cur , with Ho. llnlni ; ChiilrH ( nci > ts lieu ) , Kinoldiii : C'nrH with lovolvlnt ; UhuliH , I'ulliniiii ritliici ) Hk.ilii JIIPH mid tlio liimouH u. II , , tQ. Dining Curd nn dully to nml f tain ( ililcnio " " ' 1 Kiinaiw'llyc JhlcnKoand Council llluflHOhlriiK < > i" l J'1'1 MollH.'H , ClllCUh'O , Ht. JOHt'Jlll , AtVlllHOII Illlll I'ojieku without clmiiK , Only thiuiigh llnu -uniiliiK thulr own tmliiH bclwicu ( Jhlciio | Mncoln niul Dcnvor , nnd Olilcngo , Kuiihiih Jlly und Denver. TliiuiiKh cui liotwuun Inulunupolla mid Counull IlluIlK , vlu 1'curlu OOINO rVOHTII AND HOIJTII. Hnlld Tnilna ut KluKUiit Duy Couches mill I'lilliiiiin I'nlaciiSleuiilm ; CiiiHiiKiniii iliiily ti ; ind fioiu bt. I.ouln ; vlu Ilitnnlbul , ( Jnlncy Kookulc , llnrlliiHton , rodur Itiipldaiiiid Allieil Lcaloht. 1'iiul und Minneapolis ; IMilorCiin rt-ltli ItccllnluK iimlis ; to und Jioin Ut. mil I'corhu OnlyoiHicliaiiHOOf ciu-H Ijetwcen H. I.uultjund DCH Moines , Iowa , Lincoln , No binslia , nnd Denver , Colomdo. It la also the only ThioiiKh Line bttwecu BT. LOUIS , MIU1TEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL , It la known nu the ure t TIIKOlKill OAU I , INi : of Ainurlca , und in unlveitully iiihnlt' led to IHI tlio Finest E uipticd Railroad in the World foi all classes of Travel. Through TIclcctH vlu this line fur wxlu at u3' It. H. coupon ticket ulIiceD in the UnltudBtutoi uia ( yiiiiadu. V. J. I'OTTKK , J'KKOKVAI. LOWKI.I , , VIw-l'ict.liUca.Minttr , Ola " THE CHEAPEST PLACE 1JN UMAHA TO BUY Ono of the Best and largest Stocks in the United State ? to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER .ELEVATOR , [ ENDORSED BY FRANZ LTSZT. ] BOSTON , March lit , 1831. K M PIANO CO nnxTiK x-Yoiir Instruments. Orand.Hquixro nnd Upright , are really nohls and u uivillj I ( ) . boiutr uf toneaiul flnldli. Allow mo to aongratulato vou on your sterling prour OUSTAVK SATTKH , RECOMMENDS ITSELF. ITSELF.SOLE SOLE AGENT , Doduo Street , Omaha , Neb HAS THK IiA.uaHSTAXl ) CHK.Vl'KST HI KEROSENE AND GASOLINE STOVES ALWAYS ON HAND. Ilcntlqunrlors for tlio Celebrated Wroughb-Iron DKUVKKKD TO ANY I'AHT OF T11K CITY Oil THK DEPOTS. G15 mid 017 North Kith St. , lot. California nnd Webster. may Sl-il eoil.weow-Im IT IS THE NAME OF THE TOWN WHEEB I Where They Gan Enjoy Pure Air fa Water ! And all of the good and pleasant things that go to make up a com- ileto nud happy existence. The town of South Omaha is situated south of the city of Omaha m the line of the U. P. Railway , nnd it is less Jhan ; 2 miles from the [ ) muha post oilico to the north line of the town site. South Omaha is nearly 1 miles north and south by 2J coat and west , and covers an area of nearly foursquare miles , ' The stock yards ore at the extreme southern limit. Nearly 150 lots have been sold And the demand is on the increase The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion. The 300,000 beef pocking house is progressing finely. The § 110,000 Water Works are keeping pace with i he oilier im provcinents , and the Hotel and Exchange Building will bo erected at once TlieB. & M. and Bolt Line Railways have a largo force of men at work and will , in connection with the Hi P. Railway , have n union depot near the park at the north end of Iho town. Suitable grounds will be. L'urnished for Church and School purposes. , Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never bo cheaper than they arc to-day. 33T'Apply tttfho Company's office , cor. of 13th and Douglas 'streets aver the Omaha Saving's Bank. Assistant Secretary , HENRYJOBBER JOBBER OF EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 1118 FARNAM STREET , . . OMAHA , NEB Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand , HOBO , Braau and Iron Flttlrtp , Eimino Trhnminw , Mining Machinery , Bolting tonm Packi"g nt wholoaalo arid retail. HALLADAY AVIND-MILLS , CHURCH ANW SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. The Palace Hotel of Denver. dor , Seventeenth and Lawrence Sta Ilooru T6o to $2.00 per day. BpecUl Halts by tha Month. THE FINEST TABLE IN THE WEST. Don ducted on the Americap and European Piano. S ,