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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1884)
THE OMAHA 'DAILY BEE-SATURDAY JUL ? 12 , 1884 , 6 THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morninp1. Jtilv 12. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Uy CirrlM - - - - - - - cents per wee * - - - - " * - 810.00 p r ycM OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Hoar Broadway. MINOR MENTION. See J. Roitor's spring goods. There Bcomn to bo a difficulty in got- ling enough buttermilk to supply the pa trons of the bars. The marshal.from Rod Oak was hero yesterday and arrested a man on the charge of burglary , the follow having broKen Into some place and got a suit of clothes. The work of tearing away commenced nt1 the Presbyterian church yesterday , preparatory to the building of the now church. About half past uino last evening a false alarm of fire was sent in. The democrats claim it was done to break up their jubilee. The Mothodiata are tearing down one corner of their church , and are to build it up so that it will bo safe. Then they will occupy the building. Peter Bochtolo'a hotel instead of being run on the European plan has been made a ? 2 a day house , a remarkably low rate considering the excellence of the accom modations given the public tlioro. The flurry of wind which cnt across the central part ot the city last evening ia reported to have done some damage. A piece of sidewalk was blown across the 0. B. & Q. track and a child was somewhat injured. Chief Skinner has arrested Fay White * nd E. D. Olaronco on a telephone from from Ida Grove to the effect that they had disappeared with thrco mortgaged hones. The marshal found the animals .yesterday afternoon and took the men and horses back. Every young man in this city ia invited to attend the social meeting and bible study at the rooms of the Y. INI. 0. A. this evening at 8 o'clock. Both ladies and gentlemen will bo welcomed at the gospel service hold at the same place on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The republican county convention is called to moot hero August 8 , to cheese nlno delegates to attend the republican atato convention , to be hold in Dos Moines , August 20 , and nineteen dele gates to attend the congressional conven tion to bo hold in Atlantic , 1884. The case of Ashley , the barber , charged with stealing razors and a pair of ehooa from a fellow-barber , has boon continued until next Monday. The case against Davis for hitting Ashley for not returning the property on demand was dismissed. II There will bo a special mooting of the , board of trade this evening , for the pur pose of taking action in regard to occur ing the location of the Soldiers' Homo in Council Bluffs. This is a matter of im portance to the city and the mooting called for such a purpose should bo large ly attended. The Harlan papers speak in very com plimentary terms of the oration delivered there on the Fourth of July by Jacob Suns , of this city. Council Bluffs can furnish the surrounding towns with some pretty atrong oratory , and Harlan got Bomo of the best of it when it secured Sims. Prof. Cooper , of Council Blnffr , was in Harlan on Tuesday , for the purpose , we understand , of buying the Tribune. Wo would regret to see one so eminently qualified as Bro. Walker for journalism retire so soon from the field , but in Prof. Cooper ho would find an able successor , Shelby Co. Republican. Two men , giving the names of Thomas JtlcDormott and John Ituddy are under arrest on a charge of getting two suits of clothes of Spetman Bros , , under the false pretense that they were working for J. J. Brown. They wore found afterwards on the dummy train bound for the west , and wore pulled oil and de tained in jail. \ \ C. Heck nnd 0. ( ! . Lanstrup , who were arrested for resisting an oflicer on the Fourth of July , were given a hearing before Justice Abbott yesterday , and were discharged , the evidence proving an alibi. Either the court or the police ofll cors are evidently making many mistake ! of late , for none but innocent men seen to bo arrested. Clark "tho fiend " ' , newspaper , hasn' got over the Fourth yet , but keeps lirini Itoman caudles and squibs at the BEG It seems to iritato the newspaper Cone that while Tin : BKB was getting the now of the convention over the wires am getting out fresh bulletins , ho was kop busy serving up the plates shipped fron Ohicago to fill up the alleged telograpl columns. The well known Davy Mottaz nov worn an elegant 9125 gold watch , whicl he got in a peculiarly lucky manner , am yet not wholly lucky. An Ohio tobacci firm , P. J. Sorg & Co. , offered prizes t these returning the tin tags on pieces c plug tobacco , a farm going to the one re turning the largest number of tags , an smaller prizes to others. Mottaz acci inulated and returned 2,00 ? of thea tags , and wan given the sixth prize , tli watch which he now carries , An Omali man is said to have secured the farm. Builmall lotla railroad tickets cheap 1 nil points. SEAL of North Carolina Tobacco is tlj POLITIOAL POTPOUBRL Some of tlio Street - Corner Talk About Hio OnnRrcBSiorml Knee. The question as to who is to bo the republican nominee for congress from this district will bo nettled In the course of a month now , the convention for that purpose being called to moot in Atlantic August 13 , The republicans , and in fact the democrats nlso , are proceeding upon the concession that Congressman Pusoy will bo ronominated by the democrats , and that ho will accept. The fact that Mr. Pusoy will poll n heavy vote in Council Bluffs in comparison with any ontsido candidate , causes many to look to Council Bluffs for a can- dldato on the republican side of the house. The talk now prevalent hero Is that George F. Wright , of tftis city , who has boon conceded to bo an active candidate , is virtually off the track. Ho has boon looked upon as one of these liable to cap ture the nomination. Lieutenant Gov ernor Manning is being talked of as an nctivo candidate and it is confidently pro- dieted by his friends and admirers that ho will got this county and that ho hof already strength in Shelby and Audubon counties , although Audubon has instruct ed in favor of John Y. Stono. From the present it Booms that the contest in the convention will bo mainly between thcso two Manning and Stono. Lafo Young's strength seems to bo con fined now largely to Caaa county , his own own homo. That county having declared in his favor , Chdrchill , whoso name was mentioned two years ago , nnd has been whispered occasionally since , will prob ably not come to the surface. ' Colonel Sapp seems to bo out of any active consideration. It is understood that in case of a contest In the conven tion ho may bo agreed upon nnd thus got the nomination , and would doubtless accept if thus nominated , but ho docs not seem inclined to make any attempt to aocuro the nomination. Montgomery county may laver Moore and press his claims somewhat , but at present tlioro seems no strength de veloped for him clsowhoro. The talk about John W. Chapman seems confined to the wordy discussion in which the Nonpareil claims ho is not a candidate and the Glebe claims ho is at work on the sly. If at work at all , it is , of course on the sly , but the fact scorns to bo that the discussion is simply a by play to keep him from being forgotten altogether. Major Anderson is simply prancing about on the outside watching a chance for getting sweet revenge on these who so bitterly fought him two years ago. Ho la supposed to bo friendly to Stone , and is partially led to this probably by the deslro to sop Young defeated , aa Young fought him BO fiercely in the last campaign. There may bo and probably will bo many changes in the situation before the convention moots , and THK BIK will en deavor 1o give the talk and prospect from time to time without favor , fearor frenzy. In connection with the mention of Lieu tenant-Governor Manning's name the Carroll Herald published at his old homo : The fact that ho has not boon identi fied with any of the factions of the dis trict , and that his nomination would thoroughly unite the party , is perhaps the strongest argument in his lavor. The Herald is not published in the Ninth district , andjit must bo doomed presump tuous for us to make any suggestions con- corning'too choice of a standard-bearer in the coming congressional contest. But slnco the name of Governor Manning has boon BO prominently suggested by papers in that asstrictj it cannot certainly bo out of place for us to contribute something from our personal knowledge concerning him , a knowledge gained through years of intimate acquaintance during the time ho made Carroll his homo. This wo can say that in every public position ho has boon called upon to fill , Mr. Manning has moro than mot the expectation ! * of his warmest friends. As the representative in the legislature from this district , when it comprised three counties , for two terms , ho ranked as ono of the ablest and most efficient members of the house , and not only served to their entire satisfaction the in terests of his constituents , but gained a state reputation which , when ho was named in connection with the nomination for lieutenant governor , made him a strong candidate from the first. Elected to this responsible ofllco , his reputation for ability was increased and it is univer sally admitted that no moro capable and impartial ollicial over occupied the presi dential chair in the sonata. To-day there is not a man moro generally known and admired by the republicans of Iowa than Governor Manning. In the lost state iloctton ho ran over 4,500 ahead of Gov irnor Sherman , find was chosen by ho largest majority of anyone on ho republican ticket. His record i public and private Ufa is uro and unassailable. Should the re- ublicans of the ninth district procure iim to lend the fight upon the congros- .ional . ticket , they would have a candi date who , untrammelled by faction , would unlto the party and load it on to glorious victory. On the stump ho would bo a power , and no man the demo crats could select would bo able to sustain himself in joint debate. In common with the republicans of Carroll county , whore Mr. Manning has lived the best years uf his life , wo should bo most sincerely - coroly glad to BOO him nominated for congress in the ninth district. Such a ticket would win , nnd win so grandly that the opposition would bo completely demoralized. Wo do not know that Gov. Manning will bo n candidate for the ollico , but judging from the support al ready assured , wo should say that should ho decide to outer the lists ho would ntnnd an excellent chance for success , Hyiuimttiy , At a mooting of the board of directors of the Council Blulfo Y. M. C. A. , Jioli on Monday evening July 7 , 1881 , a com mittco was appointed to draft resolution ! concerning Mr. Thomas M. Gowdy The following have boon prepared ; Whereas , The death of Mr. Thoma M. Gowdy has boon an occasion of grio iu our city and other cities , and Whereas , Wo desire to. place on recon 'aomo testimonial of our young friend am member , therefore bo it Ueeohod , That in his death our assc cjntion linn lost a true friend and ou city a resident whoio upright life has bee an honor to himself and us. Kscolvod , That our memories uasoc a .od with his life ; personal as well anputi lie. and in time to come our romombranc of him will bo pleasant and fraternal. Resolved , That , while wo mourn hi early death , wo unite in gratitude to God that ho has given us such n sample ol practical Christianity. Resolved , That wo deeply sympathize with the relatives of Mr. Gowdy. Resolved , That these minutes bo on- torcd in the minutes of our association , published in the dally papers , and a copy sent to the immediate relatives. Signed by TUB BOAHD OF DIIIECTOIIS. ANOTHER SOARE , An Informer Piles Another Complaint , Then ( Jots FrlRhtcnccl > ml Skips. Yesterday there was another little flurry about enforcing the prohibitory law. A man named 11. T. Dennis wont Into Justice Abbott's court and express , od a deairo to file an Information against Peter Kuhn for violating the prohibitory law. An information was accord. Ingly drawn up , and sworn to by Dennis. Justice Ab bott then told him to got the names of his witnesses , and when _ they wore given in a warrant would bo issued. The man said ho would got the names of the men ho saw drinking there , and started out to do BO. The news BOOH spread and with it the report that the prosecution had boon started rather maliciously on account of the fact that Dennis is a paint er and Kuhn is in the same trado. After the information had boon filed Dennis got bactly scared ou account of aomo throats in ado agaiint him , and two men pave him a chase , just for "a bluff" ovi- dontlv. At last accounts Dounis had ta ken n train to got of town. A. Unrtl. In vlow of the fact that it has boon generally reported and widely circulated that I have been employed to prosecute all caaoa in Council Bluffs for the viola tion of the prohibitory lawa of the state , 1 dcsiro to say that such report is not true. I hava not boon employed to prosecute any cases of that nature , nor have I boon consulted. Whenever I am retained in any case I always dis charge my duty conscientiously , to the best of my ability , without fear or favor. WM. SEAJW. PEKSONAIJ. E. ] ) owling has returned from his Chicago trip. trip.W. W. I ) . KvaiiB , of Mahora , wns at Bcchtclo'n yoaterday. W. B. Cuppy , of Avocn , was In the city yesterday. J. S. Cook , of lied Oak , was nt the Pacific hoiiBO yesterday. L. C.Baldwin lias returned from a visit to hia western cattln ranches. John Junfolf , of Port Washington , Wis. , arrived at the Ogdcn yesterday. Tom Carlifllo , of Missouri Volley , was in the city yesterday and nt Bcchtelo's. M. K. Mcllonry , of Gencsoo , 111. , od at the 1'ncific house yesterday. Hon. John Y. Stone-of Glonwood , was ( in the city yesterday looking after the congres sional contest n little. A. T. Flicklnger han returned from Buchan an county , whcru ho left his wifu nnd baby who will make n moro extended visit. Prof. Farnham nnd wife , of the Nebraska normal xchool , left yesterday to attend thoXn- tlonal Teacliors'a association at Madison , Wis , W. D. Cocke , of Cocku & Morgan , has re turned from his oaatcrn trip , where he haa been nftor moro goods. 1l\o boxes , cases and barrels arc now beginning to arrive. Soiiiotliuin lor Nothing. Until further notice wo give to each twentieth customer his purchase , what ever the price or vnluo of the same may bo. Our cashier will keep an accurate record of every transaction , 'and when the twentieth sale of any amount is made the purchaser will bo presented with the samo. Wo have adopted for the present this system of advertising because it gives our patrons instead of the news papers the five per cont. which it cost us. Clothing retailed at wholesale prices. Hata retailed at case prices. Furnishing goods , trunks , bags , timbrel- as , etc. , etc. Every twentieth customer presented with his purchase. METCALI' Buos. COMMEROIAIj , COUNCIL BLurra UAKKKT. Wlioat No. 1 milling , 70@SO ; No. 3 G5@ 70rojectod50. ; Corn Local purposes , 40@45. Oats For local purposes , 85@40. Hny 510 00@12 00 per ton ; baled , DO@GO Rye 10@45o. Corn Meal 1 UO per 100 poundfl. * Wood Good supply ; prlcoa at yard * , C 00@ 700. 700.Coal Coal Dollvorod , Iiard , 11 50 per ton ; soft , 5 00 per ton Lard Falrbank'a. wholesaling at 93c. Flour City flour , 1 C0@3 80. Brooma 2 U5@3 00 per doz. LIVK BTOOK. Cattle Butcher cows 3 75@4 25. Butcher atoors 4 50@5 00. Hogs 100@4 23. ruonuoK AND FBUITS. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co , , corn , mlsnioh merchants , 533 Broadway. Poultry LIvoold hem , 7c ; epring chickens , 2 25@3 00 per doz. ; ll\o txirkoyu , 'Jo. I'eachos-J 1ms. lex , 1 00. OranKos 5 00@0 00 per bor. Lemons 0 00 per box. Bananau 2 00@3 00 per bunch. Butter Creamery , 20c ; rolls , choice 910c. UPTRS ISo po dozen. ChcrricH § 2 50 per bushel. Vegetables 1'otatoeB. 1 C0@2 00 per bbl ; nloim , 76oj cahba o , COo per dor- ; applet * , 3 bu bor , 7Bc@L 25 ; Beana , ] B0@2 25 per SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special ft vcrtlMmouU , luo M test , Found , To Loin. Per Silo , To IlontYant > , Boird , cto. , will bo Inserted ( n this column at the low ate ot TKN CUNTS I'EH LINE for the Ont Insertion and F1VK CENTd mi LINK for each lutxequenl n Bortlon. Lone adtertliementi at ouroffioe , No. . 'earl Street , near Broadway WANTS. \\7"AKTKD A KOuJ Tinsmith for general work In it country hoi > . AildroM W. W. Loomli , t D - > IJ llradluv A. Oo' ntlloe , Coimcll llluff. , la JtOt. " \ \ 7ArTKIlly a married mau , ngcd iO , ultintloi T ' In a uhoKwjIo or total ! Kiocery an counter m i or traveling Mlcumm. Had IB yean fip'rlenco 1'ir.t clus rifcretiMB. Addreua "J. 1) . , " loll HroaiU aytoiincU _ ! Illu ffn. WANTED-A Unit-claw brick mouKlor , Aimly ti ( J. htraub , on ro.vl to I > . and 1) . In.Ututo. or t Max Mohii.JLJru.totiJIouiKi. _ _ WANTbD A ultuit'lon In liotul kitchen. DuITo juldruts IK'0 bill tt eiiuo.JJoiincinilulIii ; _ \\7ANTKU A lluittli > ii uy a tinner , fall uTud J V ilivr * 1U1) thjuioiniv , Council lllurf. * . VV/AMUU. I'unltloii a ciiilii r * or nr iiuul I ) ' ' , MpcrieuceJ litnd , capable of doing liljowi rciulrlujr. Htrcil > | Addwm 8. , Ila oiilCT , I'uumll Uliig . _ A J7ANTC U Kh a hundred iileoea of Untclu T T necoiid'haud carjiet and two hundred tiestln ; A. J. MANUEL. 8 \V AMTKO fc ry lioayuTcuunUl tlluff to tuk > V Tuillna. loll ercd by currier at only tweut , IP01' 8.A''li Aruia | mnn irtuiiUyto t < i\ Into k'k'HIm-itv ami iiroUulilo liuilnuai mi can U-ruJK. A well ( MtiUUlieil lukory In Council lllufl . J1 ° J tu" ? " ' < > ' iilllujr. AddrMi 0. II J. , cllloo , Courull Illufff , ACIENTU-UJ n and Keutletuen u n make On u. wais ly , * < ; UluJf "le "Clismplou llosot Btrecther " and roulne Doanl. JleUlli at ! tt Any Udy cau do up a line ehlrt without a wrlakl and glnu It u ulcely Uie U > tlauudrle can. Addrei ' ° ' < * IC ° ' 1 L" offl ' 0 o ROLLER RINK 10E CREAM PARLOR. Tftnght by PnoF. SCHNOOU Tuesday nnd Friday evenings from 830 ; to 10:30 : o'clock. IllNK FOn KENT AT $15.00 I'EIt N10HT. trLARCEST FLOOR IN TOWN. F. H. MARTENS , Prop'r. j.n. TATE. WAUHKN WIIITH' ' T fiLTZH -WIHCiariEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 1'rtcUco In Btato and Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Room 9 , Schugart's Building , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. For Sale. The Presbyterians of Council Bluffs of- or for sale a lot of Seats , Windows , Carpets - pots , Lamps , Stoves , Gas Fixtures , Ta il en , Pulpit , a now roof , inside Shutters , etc. , now in the church building before it a taken down to make way for their now louse of worship. The above articles are in good condition and will bo sold rea sonably. For prices and particulars call on THOMAS OFFICER , Council Bluffs. Mrs , H , J , Hilton , H. D , , PHYSICIAN & SUKG-EON , 322 Middle Brovd-vay. Council BlnCa. R. Rice IvI. D. p I Uppnn or other tumor * removed without the knife or drawing o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES < * * * , * * Over hlrtyymsl expcrlenoo Offlco No. l'c r trcct , Council Illufft. /HTConculUtlon / trco ICE ! ICE I ! ICE ! ! ! For pure river Ice pnlronlto the blue wngoni ml- lifactlon Kuarantecd. Lcaro orders at No. iS South Main street. Telephone No. B4. MUL1IOLLAND & NICHOLAS , WANUPACTUKKR Of GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES. WINDOW CAPS , FINIALS , ETC. 416 latla CBtx-oot , OMAHA . ST" . NKlinASKA ACOB SIMS. R. P. CADWELXi SIMS&CAOWELL , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA * Offleo , Main Street , Rooms 1 and Shugart * . Me * Haliou'a Block. Will practloo In Btato and edettl jourta BEST "QUALITY. New dcslRns In Bntln nml ' ' finish , wlthimmc , 10 ct . rVo offer $100 f or a pack of cards 'any nicer work , or prettier etylcs. _ 'Samplei/ree. Eislo C rl TToris. Hew Haves. Ct. BAZA We have begun this week a Special Sale of Children's Dresses. To close this stock out we have marked them 25 per cent less than Regular Market Prices. You can buy a good Scotch Gingham Dress , -well made , fast colors , from 75 cts. up. The stock consists of Gingham , Chambray , Seersucker and Linen Suits , made in the Latest Styles and Cheaper than the goods alone can bo bought for. Towels ! Towels ! Towels ! Good all Linen Towel , lOc , worth ? 0c. Good all Linen Damaslc Towel , 12jc worth 2-So. Good all Linen Hack Towel 20 ; , worth SOa Good all LInen Honey Comb 25c , worth 40c. Good all Linen Huok Towel 25c , worth 40c. Hood all Linen Oat Meal Towel 25c , worth 40a. Good all Linen Damask Towel , (0 Inches long and 24 Inches wide at ! 6C. This tow el would be > cry cheap at COo. Come early and get gome of them before they are all gene , as wo cannot replace the goods. Great Bargains In Table Cot era , Nankins and Stand CoTors , Table Covers In Hod , Gcrnranand Damask , beautiful patterns , 3 yardslong and 2 yards wide , S2. < 0 , worth double the money. Dariralns ID Bed Spreads. A full line of Ladles' and Misses' Rubber Circulars , fiom $1.25 up to the \cry beet goods manufactured by the Sterling Rubber Co , ' Dusters. Hosiery ! Hosiery ! Hosiery ! Tlilnweck cheaper than over. Coma and look at the stock and cominco yourself that wo are offering tbo greatest bargains In hosiery over shown n Council Blufli. Our line ot Gents' Goods Is complete and cheaper than the eame goods can bo bought west of Chi cago. Mcns' and BoyB1 Shirts with reinforced linen bosom , linen bands , and well made , 6Cc. Gunts' LMo Thread Shirts , Gents' Balbrlggan Shlrta. Ocnta' India Gauze Shirts , 350 and up. Gen'a' Socks , Collars , Culls , Ties , and Handkcr chiefs. Handkerchiefs from Sic apiece up. Fast colors. A good colored bordered handkerchief Sc. A good colored bordered handcrchlef , lOc. Wa have a pure linen Ladies' Handkerchief , hem stitched , test colors , lCc.and the best handker chief c\cr soli ! forL'Oi1. A full line of Tcarl Buttons In sizes from 18 up to 28 from G to 103 par dozen. Thcso buttons or o o oed dear pearls and not chipped. WE RECEIVE GOODS DAILY AND OFFER TEE at tlie Loiest Prices OOCKE & MORGAN , NEW OPERA HOUSE BAZAR. Best Kentucky Barrels and Half Barrels. AGENTS FOR " Fine Pnt Phowinfr tlio rlllD ulll UHtJWlllE Ulu "BGG , " and "Rival" Cigars. The Best Nickel Goods Offered , We Guar antee Our Assertion. Give Them Trial Order. WIRT & DUQUETTE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA DR. JUDD'S ELECTRIC BELT. 3,000 Electric IJelta Bold In tbo Month ot June by us. Agents Wanted ! IlefmnceAiiy of the bujlncw hou o In Council JlIulU. JUDD & SMITH 1'ropiletors. 10 BROADWAY . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS. MRS. S. J. NORRIS , 105 Main Sb To "bo sold regardless of cost for the next two HATS. weeks to make room for . Fall Goods. AtTWEUDA , 317 Broad-wav. Council Bluffs H.H. HORNE & CO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN m i Wo make a specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA we ] YA11A CIGARS. All Oigara gold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted aa represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I C52 Broadway , H. H. HORNE&CO. , I COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOMjEH , Afita , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 nnd 0 Main street , COUNCIL Bturrs , - . . - ' IOWA. Ventilated Three Inch Part , ON VEGETABLE LA.CE , L T * M a J Switches , ( nil long hair ) $2.00 8-i.OO. $ SOOiid upwards. Coquetts nnd Hair Ornaments Given. Away. M&S. D. A. BENEDICT , No. 337 Broadway Council Bluffn urtalns , In Lace , fl'b , Turcoman , Etc. Oil clothsHattlngs ] , LinoleumsKtc hoioest and Best Selected STOOK in the WEST. jomo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our line , hoapost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the C'ty. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies. NOB. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - ( COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Best $2 a day House in the West Centrally Located. Sample Rooms , First Class Table , All Modern Conveniences. Reduced Bates to Regular Boarders. ETSDME OP J Perfect Fitting , Best and Cheapest. Fine Linen Collars arid Cafts. To. 71 Foiinh Street Council Bluffs , Zovra. Furniture and appointments all new. Noa. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff Waves three inch part 65c , Ooquetts lOc each , Switches SltOkfLO each. Hair ornaments given with every pur chase. All kinds of hair work promptly attended to. Waves made of Ladies' comhings at 50c per inch. ALL KINDS OF MRS. J. J GOOD 29 Main Stree ESTON HOU EVEHYTIIlNaJIISTCIWVSS. . Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ICE CREAM. WATER ICES /iJMJJ " O/vtoror to Tla.0 2Ew.t > lic > . 104 Broiulway. 1 f Ifcalj Hi all Hours , Council Dlufla. r 1 UNDERTAKER Metalic Caskc-ts and Wootlin Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATOJNDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 3XTo. 1 3NT. 504 Main Street , Council Bluffs. MANUFAC'lUUKU OK : S , AND SATCHEL SAMPLB CASES n specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps , Twenty Years Experience. - Impairing Neatly Exec uted WHOT.r.3ATK HATSC3APS BtJGEGLO ES nd 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLDFFS.IOW