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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1884)
THE OMAHA : DAILY ; K FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , MONDAY MORNING , JULY" M , 1884. NO. 22. The LoBflon Papers Elcyaling GlcyeM to that Posilioii. All Very Sanguine That Ho Will bo Eleotodi As aEobuko to the Irish nnd the "American Jineoi" George Jones Says the N , Y , Times Will Support Cleveland , All Europe Becoming Alarmed Over the Cholera , An Exodus From Paris Feared- America Will Hardly Escape , A Foreign Syndicate Formed to Control the D , & E , G , Eenewod War Between Franco , and China Almost Inevitable , England CharscdlVltli Urging China to l lghl Irving Bmuiucta Do Young. GHE/VT / BRITAIN FOK GROVEU. TioKi.Ki ) OVEII CLKYKLAND'H NOMINATION . Special Dispatch lo THE BEX LONDON , .Inly 13. The English prer - has received Cleveland's nomination with marked cordiality. The Times publishes n Ihreo-col- ntnn telegram from Chicago , giving the plat form nearly verbatim , a document winch all the journals hero regard as on frco trade and other points. The Times editorial ly eulogizes Cleveland and declares his record is honorablo. It considers Ihal as governor ho has discharged the duties of that dillicult position with intcg ity nnd courage and pun ished moro Ihan onca tha corrupt forces which muster in the gilded lobbies of Albany. "AMKUICAX JINOOISH. " The Daily Newa and the Standard aerea that the result at Chicago is satisfactory. The fonnor Bays thai the democrats , hivinu ; bro ken with their long and mischievous tradition' , have put themselves in harmony with the re forming spirit of the times. It believes Ulaine's defeat would glvo satisfaction to tha world on account of his "jinzoUm , " and concludes that Cleveland wilt in all probability bo elcctad , for reasons greatly to the credit of the American public , because ho moro worthily represents the probity , peed sense and aludicu mo'der.uioa of the American people. The Dally Telegraph points out that the Ulr.lno organs ia America are turning "En glish criticism on their favoiito lo parly u'o. it remarks tint tliis ia n frlalo and should bo a worn-out p ilitical trick , but presumes that it may secure Irish votes , notably in Now York , where Cleveland has done himself undying honor by assisting to break "THK IIIIIEUNIAN KING" The Pall Moll Gazette , i.ftsr predicting Cleveland's election , observes that the Attempt to curry favor wilh the Irish by printing ns republican campaign documents every expres sion of English opinion adverse to the "Grout American . ) uwo"liavo been bn barefaced as.lo provoke Americans. It says they do not wont to have a president sent to Washington by the men who brought dynamite to London. I'All.VELI/H IJIABOL1CAI. SCHKMK. II 'is teporUd the I'arnellite members of par liament me considering a project to interfere iutha preterit prchidoulial cimpiign iu Iho interests - terests of Jilaiuo It is said that the general fueling umoug these members favors advising Iho Irish oleclors in the United States to vote for Mr. I51aino. George Jones , proprietor of the New York Times , who was a fellow-passenger with Cliiis- tine Nllsson on the Gallia which arrived at Liverpool yesterd , carne up to London to day on a spncial train v.'liich brought the prima donna In an interview ho said : "Whon I heard of the ni'm'nation of Gtovcr Cleveland - land 1 paid , Thank God ! I believe Clovo- land'rt election to the presidency ii certain. Tflo Xow York Times nhttll huppoit him. I have cublod Iho Times lode so. " 8CODRGBAN1) SOAKR. THK KXOIIUS PROM rMAU.Smr.K.S. Special DicjiatchtoTiiK BKK. LONDON' , July 13. Ilin probable that 1UO- , 000 peoplolhavo left \f H ill s nluco thu out break of cholera and tl.o distress consequent upon such an abnonral exodus from thai city and Toulon and particularly In the outly. ing districts , which depended almost solely loroxistenco on their uro. n trade -ii pitiful. It is now feared that u HIMII.AIt I'ANKI IX I'AIIIH is eminent , many wealthier families having already made arrangements to depart at the first bign of tha disease. Mutiy prominent newspapers in Germany are urging the gov ernment to recall Dr. Koch , FO that ho maybe on hand lo advise IIH own pou { > li iu tlio _ hotir of peril. Dr. Koch remains firm In his al ready oxprc-sod opinion that the cholera poard TIIItOUailOUT KUllOI'E. It has taken so firm a hold in such large centres of communication an Mjreilliy and Toulon , thai ho btllove.1 it must run its COUIKO during the summer throughuut con tinental Kurnpo. lie s ys that America , if great vigilance U exerasuu In ipioranlino pre cautions , will probably escape , but holda out no hope for countries insulated simply by tochinlcul frontier line * . IN KNOLAMD rroat uncrsinps ) beginning lo manifest itself in tlm largo cities bec-mao of tha ncgligenco of the authoiitirs In taking the ncKoi-sarv pre cautionary measures iig.iiiiHt tha introduction of the iilagiio. It is uraed by prominent pliTEiVlans anh ether siientists tlul the confl. donco resulting from ICngand's insular posi tion is misplaced , and that witlion the innct perfect sanitury inspoctlon HIIIIH incoming Ycsbel from a Medltnrranoan port will slip in and bring cholera with all iU attendant hor. jors. I'OIITUJAI , AI.AIIWEI ) , The cholera ncnro has attaokcd tlio court at Lisbon , and tha K I UK of I'urtuifidiH dUiitiudtfd from his piojoetud visit to Vichy. The entire cabinet united in the reinoiiBtranco against the visit , roprotontirgthut n nijourn at a. fa < hlon- able watering plautin tlio intddld of .Franco would bomost imprudent at thin tinio when tholora lion spiead t < i so ni. iy parts of that re public and mny at uny moment make its up- Vichy , AND t'lHNA , W\ll U.VAVOIIUUUl. Special DUpatch to TUB JlKH , Lo.vno.v , July la. China uinintainn her llmter In Iicr dispute vfith l''r nco over the alleged violation of th Ki er-Tain treaty at Lamtson. Kranou is firm and determined. JCext week the nutter will bo dccidwl , and the question of war or peace belweon Iho two nations will be resoUod , TIIR KNdl.ISH MIDDUN'O. French newnpapers openly declnrnlhAt there is good Kround to suspect that Kncland Is secretly inciting Chl n to fight , in the hope of detracting the Krench iieoplo from Ung- llsh designs in Kgypi. ENOIjANl ) . A roilEION SYSDICATR TO CONTIIOI. THK I ) . AND U , 0 , LONDON , , Tuly 1,1. The Kngllsh , Dutch and Scotch holders ofDenvcr & llio Grande BO- curilios have combined for the purjioso of ob taining Independent representation in the future mnimgemonl of Iho affairs of the road. The great mnjorily of this syndicate pxpres * gratification ever Iho appointment of .Mr. Jackson as receiver of the company , THR cuor . All the root crop- * have been greatly bone- Tiled and wheat is in n very promising condi tion. Crop prospecls llmmp.hout Ku lnnd are most oncnuraging. Ilains liavo proved the salvation of tlio gra3 , and n good hay crop is assured. iiivixn AND ni : vousii. Jfr. Irving entertained Mlcnaol Do Young , ) f S tn 1'V.ineitco , nnd a select ] > arly of his Knglii-h and American friends nt-o bamiuot lastoM'nlng. QUKKN VICTOHIi'rt itKI'irANT. : Loxnoh1 , July 13. Kit g John , of Abys- iniu , sent Queen Victoria an elephant as a token of amity. _ OllANOR OL'TIIAOIH. UELPAHT , July 13.During the Orange demonslrallon yeslorday near Carrlck hill an Oraiifoinanshol a Catholic. The police arrest ed the Orangeman , buthe wai rescued. 1'ight- Ing ensued , and at lost accounts , although the mayor had interposed , tlio fighting continued. NATIONALISTS ATTACK OHANOKJIKS. WHITK HAVKN. July Kl. The Orantco pro cession was returning yo lorday lo Clcaton- town near hero , when it was attacked by nationalists. Serious fighting followed. A telegraph boy was killed and several persons injured , llovolvers and swords were used , atones thrown and windows smashed. Police armed with swords finally dispersed the riot- crs > _ _ _ _ _ _ EGYl'T. A KIC.HT WITH MAH1U NKAlt. Special Dispatch to TUB BKK. LONDON , July 18. The opinion is gaining ground hero that a fight with Mahdi is close at hand , and , though the news is conlradicled the general belief is thai Iho mudir of Dongo- la has sold Ihe pass. . GOUIjD'S GRIP. The Directors IIOOHOII It from tlio Mercantile Trust Company , AVlioso Stock He II UA Hypothecated to Save "Western Union. Special Di.spalch lo Tan BEE. NEW YOHK , June 13. There was a report to the effect that Jay Gould had been request- cd to gat out of the Mercantile Trust company by his fellow directors nnd stock holders , the alleged reason for such action being that Gould's connection with the company is detri mental tn its best interests , At the office of Trust company Air. Montgomery said ho did not know whochor Gould had transferred his stock. 'But ' if any nuch transfer was made you would not , an treasurer , know of it ! " was nuked. is $4000,000 , par value , 100 and 110 bid. 16 pays S p.r ( cen per annum , Gould nnd his as sociates owned lain than the majority of Iho stock. The equitable Life Insurance company owns a majority of the shares. Gould went into the company about two years ago nt tlio earnest tolicitation of several larco stockhold ers. Ho became a director and caused at first n very large increaho in the company's busi ness through accounts of himself and friouds and the corporations with which hu is iden tified. Gould's friends deny that ho has had largo loans from the company since the recent great declines in tha stock market. Thcra was a great deal of talk in Wall street .13 to Ihe cir cumstances of the alleged retirement of Goulk from the Trust company. It Boomed to bo tiken for gi anted in the gossip of Ihe hlrcet that this operator had got out of Iho com pany. "Tho only question wa.s"asa broker put it , "whether lit ) walked out or was curried. " It was said tluc Gould lud received lar < ; loans from the Trust company during the past week in stock collaterals in order to as sist him in keep ! n r up the price of Western Union , Missouri I'-uitio und other stocks. A SK -2itS HINS. Ills Forgeries Trnnopiro to the Amount ol'$15OOO. CINCINNATI , O. , July 12. The formal in vestigation of affairs of the late W. H. McGill , the railroad president who suicided recently , disclotes a still moro fraudulenl paper. Il is now found that ono note for $7,000 had been repeated eight limes ; another now id known to have several copies in existence , on all ol whiJi McGill obtained more. The cdtalu id estimated ut 872,000 , and S'2,000 ' of psrsoual property. The remainder mostly railroad se curities. The fraudulent papers , HO far dia- covciod , amount to nearly § 1 Dakota's Convention. LAKKI'AHK IfontL , LAKIC MINNETONKA , Minn. , July I'Mombomof the Dakota ter ritorial committee nra In HasIon hero to-day to fix a data for n convention , to nomiuatu territorial delegates and select a now territo rial cofmnittea They will brobably select Aberdeen as the place and about the middle of September as Iho lima of Iho convention. CREAM SHOpp. Given ffalnm oraiiylnjurloiu tnbiitimccscun L > o found In AndrqwBi Jqarl Baking Powdor. . Is ! * > 'Ivc ' ly PL ) RE , Di ln endorsed , anil tostlmonlaU rruifveUlramelinli cheinWsusH. DiumlluyH.Jtos- Ion : M. DelafouUtliio , of t'lilragu ; and llode , itihuiiilco. Never wild In bulk. - 1. 2S7 , n tua < JS. CLEVELAND JTHE CLEAVER , All the Elements combining Against ttc Bntralo Monopolist , President Arthur Assorts That Ho Cannot Carry Now York , Explosion of the Ridiculous Story That Arthur was Sulking , Kelly Still Glum and Predicting Cleveland's ' Defeat , A Leading St , Louis Democratic Paper Knifes the Mominoes , Democratic National Coimiilttocmoii hi the K co of the Civil Service Liuvtt. AUTiiuit. wii.i,8urrcmT IH..MXK , or COUIISK. Special dispatch to Tin : UF.K. WASIIINCITOS , July 13. Statements have boon telegraphed from hero to the effect tlmt President did not Intend to RI > out of his way much in favor oMho election of lUninu and Lo- giui ; that ho was personally friendly to Gov ernor Cleveland and would not do anything iiRuinst him in the coming campaign These statements have sought to make it appear tint the president sulked because ho wi > s not re- nomiimtcd nt Chicago and tlmt ho wns person ally unfriendly to Bhino. Nothing could bu further from the truth.and . your corroapondonl has authority from the president himself to deny thorn. President Arthur , who is ns well posted in Now York politics as any ouo c.iu ho , says ho is satisfied OLBVKLANI ) CANNOT CAllllY BKW YOIIK. "Neither can ho" said the president , "ho elected. Hcsides the labor paity tliero are other powerful interests against Cleveland , and all fair minded persons In Xew York know it , and are Ires to admit it. " President Arthur , said that while it was not expected ho would go around the country making speeches at rross-roadu , ho would do all in his power for the perpetuity of the re publican party , and the success of iU candi dates. In tins desire HIS CA1IINKT AUK SOLID. and democrats will find it out a ; BOOH as the campaign begins in oariitst. Republicans everywhere will fight it out on Ideas to bo promulgated in the letters of acceptance of lilaino and Logan. They have no fear that Indiana will go Democratic , and even dem ocrats admit tlmt the republicans now have beat chances of carrying Ohio in October. The only question with ropubli ana now is what will bothesizo of the majority they will got Ohio by in October. They antieitnto it will bo by such a largo one thatharrtly anything else will bo he.vrd of in the campaign. STILL NOX-COSlSllTTAt. Special Dispatch to THE BEE. NKW YORK , July 13. In response to an in quiry of John Kelly as to what Tnnmmny would do as to supporting Cleveland , the great chief said : "I cannot answer for Tam many now. The next meeting of the general organization will not be held until the first week in September. By that timotho report H of the sub-committees and district committee will bp in , and wo will know just the nonti- mont is. If the Tammany voters do not want Cleveland , it I'M not likely that they will Jo anjthing for him. " "now inn nim.xn like the nominalionjof Cleveland * " "I had an interview with Butler , " replied Mr. Kelly , "jmt heforo leaving Chicago , and ho told mo the ticket would lie defeated _ in MniBochusatts by at least 25,001) ) majority. Cummitigs , who was present when I was talk ing with General Butler , Bald that the Worcester district would bo lont. Both these gentlemen told mo that HENIJIUCKH , WURMAN Oil DATAHI ) could have won in that state. " "Do you think the sentiment in Now York city against Cleveland haj cha-ig-'d much ? " "I do not , but I have not had any advices from New York since the nominations were mado. I came uway from Chicago too noon to hear from my cistern friends. " "Will yon advlno the Tuiumanr peojilo to take any nlitnd against Clevolmid V" "That 1 cannot answer now. " "WILLjoi ; sui-rour THK TICKI : ? ? " " 1 said heforo goinj ; to Chicago I would dose so pcrhonally. " Mr. Kelly docs not care to lay hifl plans too fully buforo thu public. CIVIL. SKItVICK. HEMOCIlAT.H I.VTIIKIIl OWN THAI' . Special Dispatch to Tin : JiKic. WASHINGTON , July 13. In making up thcii notional committee , the democrats have c'vl- doutly overlooked the fact that the civil Her \ioo laws apply tot' em as well ns to the republicans publicans , for they have named as members ol that committee Senator Joiuix , of Louisiana , and Uans mi , of > 'onh Cnrolm.i , and Hojiro dontatlvo lUrbour , of Virginia , The law provides that uny nonat''r , rcpro tentative or other official of government , win shad directly or Indirectly re.eiio political contrilmnotiH fiom any other toimtor , jupro- KuntativiMir other elli iui , is punishable ] by o line of tffl.COO and three ycam' iinuri'onmont , Under tun Uw Kinsinii , Jnu.iiiaiiil Itourbon can bo HOLt to the ueiiltunliury if they or uny of their colloaxuos conttibiito to the oxpoiuet of the campaign , A MIMSOimi ltMT/L' . THE HT. LOUIS CIIUONICLIC C'UIb CLKVltLANI ) , Special Dispatch to Tc * > I'1. Sr. Lours , July 13. Th-3 Zmnln ; ; Chronicle , ouo of the loading democratic papers of the fitute , Hays that the nomination of Clnvvland it inmatinfiictory aid that it w ill notnuppurchim. it hulled him in ncolumn und u half of double leaded vitriol , CINCINNATI SOUR. Special Diap.itch to thu Bci : . CINCINNATI , July lit , Them has been m ; in Miiiient hero toward funning a Cleveland itud Logan club. In fact thu nomii ntiui'H ' , e < ; far from awakening intlmnwam , huvu fallen dead iht. _ m EXOUliSION TKICIIOHH. Illvor Btcnmi'r Colliclo IIclo\v 81. Jjouls Almoiit a Horror KM ) In Duiit'i- . HT. Loud , July 19.-What might have l > cou a terrible calamity , involving the IU s of Mvornl hundred ixKiplp , hut which fortu nately resulted in no caudtmlllcy , occurml on the river HOIIIU twenty miiei below thu city , ubout 0 o'clock last night , Thu ttcunicr Charlen Morgan , with between four and ( ivii hundred exeumoniiiU on board , hud gone down the river during the foiimoun , and on thu return trip , when In the neighborhooil of JlortuSlioo bend , colliilul with the screw utosmiT Central City nrmdnhlp , cutting ; her down and nho noon iuiik , but her crow mid allen on hoard weie tufely taken elf , The excitement uu the Morgan WHS very Steal for ft lime , but when it WM definitely novvn llio simmer was not injured , the peo- lo became calm , and Rovcrat lumrs Utcr wore nndedattho wharlin thl city. The cap tain o ( the Central City n ys ho blow a whistlu hrfuro the boats fttntck , but th pilot of the MorRin asictts ho did not l.Jor It , and the tiight being dark and heavy , nnd a utorm rag ing nt the Umo , ho did not too the little slo.ini er till ( on lota to avoid hor. and K'M ahl the Control City had not been showing the proper light * . m XO I1KNDUICK9 , The Ntxvnl IJurcnu FrnuilR Tlio Sec retary DcnlOH 801110 of IIcndrlolcH1 AsscrtionB And fliows AVhat Frnudavcro Conitnltlcd wore DyaPi-moorntkept lit Ollloo Ty Doniocrntfl. WAHIIINOTOX , Jnly 13. Hrcrclaty Chandler - ler has written the following Utter to Thomas A , HondrickH with regards JD fraud * in the navy department rrfened to by Inttor In his speech at Indianapolis Saturday night : WASIUNHTON , July 13. ITcihurabia Thomas A. Hondrlck' , Indianapollii , Ind. Sir : AC.III- ilidiUo for vice-pres'dent should rprak uitli divcnt fairntHfi. In your speech nt Indianap olis la t Saturday night you tn.ulo tatcm < nts from \vhichyou muant that thn public should believe that it nppoaml by testimony that THK KlIAUD.-i In the bnrrnn of medicine ciidt surgery , of this dcpattmont , amnuntctl dating the last year to S63OUO ; that I was info'med of HOIUO of thf.-io outrages a year Wo ; thut utter I was Informal of thesa frnudi 1 dihillo\cd them because - cause members of congrcsrf had rrcomtncmlod ttiu continuance ) of the chief of bureau ; anil that I took uo adequate notion concerning them. Whereupon you demanded the cl''o- lion of a president who would Irvottigato the condition of the books nnd biing all guilty parties to trial. TO 1I1K CONTIUHV OP AI.ti 1HI8 I testified that the suspected vouchers com menced as for back as Juno , 'JUt , 1880 , al though a ( mall voucher was paid as late as January " 5th , 1884 ; thatwhlloan anonymous letter of about a year ago ch.trzcd drunkou < ness upon Chief Clerk Daniel Corrigan , which the chief of the bureau , Dr. Philip S , Wales reported to mo A'as not trii" , I had no Information leading to fiaujs until Dccombei or January last ; that I determined simulta neously with the beginning of tlio Investiga tion to have a new chief of the bureau in place of Dr. Wales , whoso term was to eipiro Janu ary 2lith , and also a now chief clerk ; that great opposition to the change wr-i.mado by TUEMOCItATIO HKMBKIIS 01' CO.N'GIIESS , bi\t \ I ] ) erslstod and Dr. Wales went out on that ditto , and Cortigan was put out Kdbruv ry4th ; and thatth/ ) investigation of the frauds and the atitst of the guilty have since proceeded with duo diligence. It Is true that I htatfd thu recommendations * for tha joap- polntment of Dr. Wales , who I found In ollicc when Ient in , April 7th , 18S2 , but thoj were of such n character as to fully justify me in believing that the affairs of hia bureau had been well administered. ' [ .Socrutaiy Chandler hero givcS'tho unmet of a largo number of senators and represen tatives who recommended the ic.ippoiiitinuut of Wales , and continues : ] BPEAKnil OAHLIflLE , Senator M criierson , and clhers. of the moat Iirominent of these gentlemen , who demanded Dr.V's. . ro-appointmcut wore wiVli you iu the convention , and could tavo inf'nned you that ho hod berne a good Jroputntion ; l at thn law required that tlia chitf of the bureau should bo a naval surgeon , and placed U'o'moJicul ox- ponditurcs in hi' hands ; thi ; > Mi was in n < sensa a political oib'ce , but that * ; > , o had anj politics i . , . ' / L f \ UK WAN \imiovir\'r , > - and that any attempt to make political cap ! tal out of frauds for which thlti ni'-il ! surgeon , who Is their intlmata friend , is solely rcspon siblp , would bo dioiig < miiouH and unfair , That they did not succeed in keeping Dr , Wales , and his chief clerk , Corrigan , In oflici is very unfortunate. Very HespectfuUy , W K. CllA.vnLKll. FOUIl STOIIY And a Mlraciiloua Number of Hnlr Breadth EscapeH from Horrible - riblo Dent lie. - NKW YOHK , July lit. The inmntoa of i four-story tenement , No UIO.T Second avenue wcro arouaed early this morning by the alam of firo. The llniiioj broke out In the basement and communicating with the dumb waiter am shaft , as well as the ntairway , reached ovcrj lloor and filled tha whole lioiiso with ilensi clouds of Binoku , The building was without fire escapes. The windows in thu front of tin houfo appeared to bn the only means o cscupc. The who of James Moirls , who lived on tin third lloor , leaped from thu windouMo tin awniiiDT and rolled into tun street , Deceiving HO vcru injuries , llo husband thru > vr tha tub ; after her. It was caught by n neighbor us i dropped from the awnlug and was uninjured Morns himself made hia way down In safety John McMuhon , who liven on the top floor attempted to lower hi < wife and baby fron the window by means of shectu tied together but the fabric gave way and the wnmun am child came crashing down upon the awning which broke beneath their weight. Mr.-i. Mi Million fell upon the sidewalk and was pickei up IUICOIIH : ioiiH , with her skull fractured um arms broken , htsldos receiving tuworo interur injuries. The infant lodged upon the awnlni und wasnnlinrt , McMuhonldmsrlf clamboroi down from window to window. ijouis Tnndon and vlfo , who occuplci rooms on the second lloor , jumped from th window Into thn yaid below , ilr . Tundoi fell upon BOIDO btonu utcpj and had her urn broken. Jacob licllz , a butcher , wrapped his bab ; up In n blanket and drnppad It from th third-story window into tha arms of n mai standing In the yard. Tha child's hum Htruck the rdiouldor of the ipan and wn knocked out of chape , licit/ and wifaexcapoi by means of a ladder provided by ncljrlibort ItllHO lillll. ( lAUCHHATUIIDAl. At Cincinnati Cincinnatis 1C ; Baltimore At NViifhington National IJnloiiH 10 ; CJn cimutia lii. At Milwaukee Milvvaukoo It Ft , W ynuC At .St. Paul , Minn. MuaWegons U : Si Paul 2. At IjoulHvillH Iuui/ivill / < 'l : Alleghanys 1 At Clo\ eland KuffaliM 7j Clovclands , At MfnjrapolUMinnoipolii -1 ; Baginaw t , C'.itlfd on account of darkness , At Dutroit-Chl ugox fi ; DotroiU C. At Htillwater iiay Citya U | Stillwaters U. At llobton JtnttouH 1 ; I'rovldcnca 1. At ( idncy Xoenino on aocuunt of ruin. At New York Now York I ) ; Philadelphia " At Toledo -TolciloH 3 ; Athlctloi 7. At Haltlmoru St. Loub I'nlunn ; ] ) Mt ! inoio 0 , At ln-Jianapolia--Iiidianapolls ) ; Aletropol i'.lH.HK. At ColninbuDCuliiinhus - ; Warhington 1 , At. St. Louis lirookltn 12 ; St. honl * lr , At Poorlu , 111 - i'toria U ; Tnrre Hiiutu 1 At Phlladolphiu Union Koytituiiui 13 KaiiHau City 7. KU.SIlAY (1AJIKU , At Cimlniintl-Cliicliiii-ati ' . ( ; lUltlmoiu 2 , At St. houls llrooklyn 0 ; Kt , JMuh 11. At Indianapolis - -Indianujjolls ; Metiojiol- At Louisvlllo Louisville 4 ; Allegheny 0 , Tlio Oo-An.Vroii-I'loaao. CHICAGO 12. T/io / bix , July day yu-ai-ynu- jilottHo walking iimluh c1cnoil .to-night with only a fair attendance , The finalworcd were ; Vint-lin. Shoot W , Oil- , Krohno-10' ' . The nlfalr was not a fi nancial ntccoM , ns the mania appears to have lied out in Chicago. IOCOMOT1V1CS LOOK HO11NS. With IlioltoRiiltora U.XO , Knglnecr Killed niul n Nnmlicr or Otlicffl Injured , WAHHINOTON , July 12. At about half paU ight this ocnlnp , nstrein No , 7 front Mar- insburg , Welt Virglnnduo al WnohliiRton al < :12p : , m , wnsonteilngthocityon a Y switch , t collided \\lth tinin No. 12 , west bound fmm inltlmnro and duo at Wnsldngton at 8:30. : Train No , 7 was twenty-four minutes Into , but ho other train was on tlmn. The woit bound rain had shown n white light whi'ii a red dm ihould hnxobtrii shown to detain It until the ithor tniin hud safely passed the switch , Michael Hiicy , the engineer nt the Martins- mrg traiu was killtxl. and Ids fireman , Holo- nan KoglerMH ludly injured. The onglneer Mid Qroinnn ol thu ( itlicr train OIC | H-I | \\ith light injuries. No ono else was killed. The njitreducron1) follow : aiAVM ) DAILY , Piltslmrg , express ageutbad- y Injured in the leg. JAMK-4tALA.\un ( ! : , I'ittKbnrg , legs broken. it. A. TUCKKII , Wttshington , slightly in- mod. The baggage master 11. G. , hurt in- ernally. Tlio wreck of the rolling stock was unmpleto .nd it almost n mlrnclo tint so few pcixnns \oroinjurcd. The engines were locked to- jethcr and the pistengor car completely tov- ired them. The loss to tbo companyls heavy. A UUBIi TO A DOimntt DI3ATH. Two Tcvng Friends Vntt Out and Kill Knult Ollior Iu a Third Story Hotel Kooin. DALLAS , Texas , July 13. W. II. 13edo ; and iiowio , in n room iu the third ntory of the Nn- .ional , fought n duel to the death to-night with pistols. Shots were heard , the room jrokcn into and both found dead , the pistols of each lying by their side. Both were shot In ,1m heart nnd head , Shortly prior to the duel they were devoted friends. A fo\v minutes jeforo the tragedy they had qua-roled. Ono washe-ird to say "Damn you , I'll kllljyoii. " Soon niter they retired to the room , when the shots were hoard nnd thn announcement mads .hat both were dead. The tragedy creates ; rcat excitement , hundreds of poopht vur- rounding thu hotel , The cauxo Is unknown to this hour. Anotlior Duel SAN ANTONOH , July 13. To-day at I.or.ior station , on the Southern Pacific , a duel , thirty paces , was fought between Lieutenant Cun ningham , commander of the Scminolo jcouts , anu n railroader named Daly. Pistols were used and three shots were uxchangod. Cun ningham was wounded in the log. When known in the camp that Cunningham win wounded several SomiuolcH armed themselves and sought to ussassinato Daly , but were re strained by Cunningham , The duel was the result of n drinking bout. JHSASTUOUS FIHE. A Family of Four Ilitmcd ( o Dnnlh at Bradford. BliAm-OUI ) , Pa. , July 12. The most disos- troua lira In the history of Bradford occurred yesterday morning , by which four persons were burned to death , nnd .four nthors badly Injured , i b iood fatally , and ton buildings destroyed , Tlio fire originated In the bakorv of Mrs. Charles Koibly and spread so rapidly that May and Lizzie lltihly , two nnd six years old respectively , nnd atvedlsh servant , irl woro-Bulfocatod'nnd biirnod to n crisp. M'rs. Keibly , in her olforta to rescue her babes was terribly burned and died In n eliort tlmo after being taken from the burning building. Lena Corwltz and Mary Tonpoy were asleep when the ( ire broke out and escaped by jump ing from the window , lioth were severely In jured and Miss Tonpoy , itls thought will dio. John Hoi don and II. ( Jorwltz were also badly hurt. The latter Is father of Mrs. Itoibly. The buildings destroyed were stores and woroframo ; Ions 912,000. Clmrlos Itoibly , husband and father of the victims , wlm drowned two weeks 0150 , and by the fire to-day the millro family were swept from the face of tbo earth , A FIENDISH. PATH Ell. to OutriiKO Ills D/iii htor , no Slaughters ller niul SululdcN , COOHIIOKHN , Pa. , July 13 John May , a ( lOrmanHlioemakcr , aged-II ) had n sixteen- year-old daughter , an invalid in her bed chamber. Karly this morning , ho m ido im proper propoi-nls to her. lioing repulsed ho went into his shop and got n two-odgjul knife ; leturnlng ho hacked her frightfully , ii.Hiding Bovonteeii wounds , and atabiied himself fifteen tnniK in tha heart. ISoth nro dead PlllLAIjLplIAJuly | 1J. Li//lo May.stabboil by her futher In her bedroom yesterday , djeil this morning. The father , who stabbed him self after the assault upon his daughter , was buried to-day. MOlMjAW'S MAKTYKS. Itcim'.t of I ho IniiuoKl on tie ! Dead o Cliioliinntl'u IMotH , CINCINNATI , Oliic , July 12. Coroner croft has on Jed the Investigation on tlio Ixxlic of the persons killed In the late riot. Hi enumerates ( iftythreo whoso bodies hoiowod of these hu finds Cajitain Desmond was Killei by unknown portons in the mob ; ono man ( joot7 , shot himself accidentAlly ; another named Smal/ , was unlawfully shot on Kundaj afUirnoon by the inllitnry , and all the othem were justifiably killed , tl.ov having failed Ui obey tha coinmand of th slinrilf to dinpnrso. Care for the Children ( 'hllilron feel the dcMllty of Iho changing tcasons , even moro than lululls , ami tlioy become - como cross , peevish , anil uncontrollable. . The blond should bo cle.iiiKcd ; uul Iho system Invigorated by the usuof Hood's riurnupurllla. " Last Spring my two children were vacci nated. Boon after , they broke all out with rim- nlng Bores , siHlrondfnl I thought I t-lionhl them. Hood's Haraaparilla cured Ihoin com- plctcly ; and they have been honllhy over Bluer. I do fool tlmt Ilootl's ri.irsuparllki saved my children to mo. " linn , U. L. TnoJU'HO.v , Weil Warren , Mas.s. . Purify the Blood Hood's HamaparlHa la chnr.iutorlzed by tlireo peculiarities : 1st , tlio comMnottun of remedial agents j 2J , the jirojuirtloHi 3d , Iho jirocrsi ut Bt'curlni ; the ncllvo moillcliml ijiialllk'H. ' Tlm result Is n niodlclna of tiinisual btri'iigth , effecting cnro.1 hlthorto tinktiowii. ticnd for bonk containing ovliloncu , "Mood's Sirsatiarllla tones up my oysteiii. imtllles my lilood , tiharpons my umiollu ! , and woms to maku HID ovor. " J , 1' . Ttioui'MoK , ItvtUblorut Deeds , J.oiudl , Mass. "Mood's Hamapnrilla boats all othorn , and U worth Us weight In Kohl. " I. JUim UTo.v , 13U Hank Street , Now York Clly. ood's Sarsaparilla Bold by ; tII drutKlsts. JI j HI ! for ( .S. Made only by 0.1. HOOD & CO , , Lowell , Mass. L IOO eDoaos _ Ono Dollar. A DOLOROUS DUET , TlnirinananflllcnilrMsDisgnisGTliGir FcoliD2S in Worfls , 5y Spaoohos Srittmlay Evoninclit Their Homosi Pho Rod Bandana Hero Protests That Ho is not Sorolioadod. But Speaks Very Bitterly of "a Few Mon" at Chicago Of Whom 'It Would bo Sheerest Hypocrisy to Express Approval , ' Icmli'loks TnlkN at ludlnnnpollH HH 11' on Him Alone Dopondcd Trluiupli. TIHJUMAN. TUB IIF.I ) IIANHANA WIT WITH TKAm . Coi.DMiit'rt , O. , July 12. NodenmuBtration" wciohudhoro till Judge Thurman arrived inmo to-night , when ho was metal the depot ty Kou < rl thousand people with hands , n lib- tal display of hindanas and n grand display if lire works all over the city. Carriages were u waiting fur himself nnd party , decorated with tligs , nnd behind these people fell iu line \\ith\\lmt torches could bo gtthercd , and nest of them bom ing roil handkorchiofs. The ino of march was a continuous roar of demon- Btrations und biilliant displays of fire works. THUUMAN'H TALK. On arrival at Thnrnnn's residence , the cx- Honntor rene in his carriage nnd said : My friends and neighbors : I would not be a human being and would have no hmrt in my bosom if I were not deeply touched uy this expression of your kindness and regard. I know thai you were my friends ; that you would greet mo and take mo by tlu > hiuul on my return ; but that you should show such narked demonstrations is beyond all expecta tions. Kor ono who Is not , and never expects , o bo , anything but a pritalo citizen , it is In- lead moro than could have been anticipated. Therefore , I express lo you most sincerely my ; ratitudo. This repay * mo for any dixap- lolntmont you may think I feel ; but let mo .ell yon sincerely I nm NOT A DIHArrOlNTIil ) Oil BOUEIIEADUII MAN. L hava met with roversas in thu past , hut always tried to keep a level head. 1 nm hap- iicr and I feel belter In the midst of this re- olcing by my friends than had T received the lomlnatlon. I was in no sense a candidalo , h'or n year or moro I ha\o said I was mil and would nut bo a candidate and that All 1 asked if thu world was to bo lot alone , lint the world saw lit o linvo it otherwise. Your state convention inada mo n dolcgnto to the latiunnl convention of the democracy , and after 1 arrived nt ( Ihicago HO many of my rinnds sahKhoy were bound toprcHSinynan.o or nomination and earnestly a. kcd mo to con sent to their efforts and I had not tin ) ho.ut .o resist them , I am not hero to THUOW COLD WATCH m anything that 1ms brenldone. I will not go ever the proceedings of the convontiniij but 1 will fay Ihal 1 know that your nominee ? aru honorublo men , and that BO far ns Cleveland land nnd HcViilrieks thj'inselveHarociuicornci thuro wivs nothing docfl but that which win honornblo in brlugine rhout the result. Then was a fnw men there of whoso action ! It would bo the sheerest hypocrisy in mo to oxprcsi np jirovnl , but I can II vo without their support ind I hope they can \i\o \ without m no. l out nominations wort ) fuirly made. It ii impoit- siblo to gratify all In such matters ; there will dw.iys bo thoBo who an ; dlsuppointod bocnuo if a fulluio to noinin.ito their friend , but there should bo 110110 at the prcm-nt time. The convention was the grandest over bold on nrth , and the nominations were made by sn urge majorities and amid mich cnthusi ism , n- , n inspire conlidonce. Lot us go to work niul redeem this country from the iron ruin in wlncl it linK fallon. The pooplu nro tired of tin present power , and with patriotic motives at ( 'arnest work , wo will live to HCO thii country In tlio hands of Dial parly of roforn which was once small but which is now tin party of the people from ono end of the lam to the other. THK OLD IAN W1CA1IY. The speaker horn said ho was weary ; thai h had I een traveling HIICH li\o o'clock , and Inn been kept n prisoner at Chicago for a week b ; thoio who wore molting in to HBO "tho eli man. " And pointing to his liomontoad be i Ido which his carringa sto id , ho raid : "I : ui particular unxioiu now to got Into that hou < thorn , nnd BCD an old lady who la waiting fo mo. " THK TAILi WAG8. AN I.VIOTIHTIO TALK IIY HltNIIIIIUKH. INDIANAI'OLIH , Ind , , July 12. A largol ; Attended democratic mooting , to ratify th nominations of Cleveland nnd HendrickH , wa held hero to-night. Ifendrlcks and McDon aid wuro escorted to the plucu of speaking b ; the now political labor organi/-ition known a the "Autocrntu. " The meeting wns called t order by Austin H. lirown , nnd Win , II English was made cluirmun. Mr Hondrick WM received with a bu-st of genniniiontluinl asm , which nocmcd to insjiiro him , and h spoke with moro than h H mual oasn and flu onuy , ] Iis remarks wcro as follows : "M ; follow citi/.onH : You ura almost us mad a they were at Chicago , [ Oreal cheering. ] thought they would not utoii up there nt all and I thought there was no limit to thu crotvi of people there , but I find there Is a largo crowd , nlmost , hero. I am very much niicuin lUjedund delighted to meet > on on this occn Hion. Vim coma to colohratu and to expreh your npjiroyal of tlio nemiiutlons that wer mndo at Chicago , 1 am plod that you are ecu dial In this expression , This ! H A ( IIIKAT YKAIl WITH US. Kvory fourth yiiar wn elect Iwo jjrcal ollicer of the government. Thin year is our gnu year , and every man , whatever his party us socmtiotiH , is culled upon to ri'C'nslder nl ipustlons upon which hn Is dinpoaml to act and , ha\Ing roconsidertil , then to cast his vo * in favor of uhal lie bolloves to bo right , Th domociaoy of Indiuna appointed moono of th delegate to thu convention al Chicago , Hptml u wcok In attendance In that city , am now I lotiirn to Hay a few things to you , aui only a few things , in regard to that com on tlon. It wo.s thu largest convention ever hole in America. Never uuu uich an nueemblugi of people focn before. It was u coiuontioi marked In its character for eobriety , delibern tlon and purposes. It ( elected two men ti curry its banner , und , leaving that con \onlinn dint trohig out heforo the nooplo , tin question Is , Will ym help cairvtlio hannci ! [ Croat cheeiing and crlos of "Wo will do it. " I do not oxH'ctI | I hut o no light to expect thai I will L-Hoapa the critjcism , and it maybe the Blander , of the opposite p.irty. I ) iav < ; not in my lifo suffortd very muili from thut , but 1 conn ) buforo you , democrats , conuorva- tlvcs , iiidepandents-all men wlio\vi _ h tonv ktoro thii govcrnnieiit to the position It occu pied befoul UICHO corrupt timcx , and to all Mich men I muko my appeal for your euppoit for the high ultico for nhich I IIAVK IIKKN NOJIINA1KIJ by the democracy at Chicago. JroatcliecrH. ( ! ] ( iuvLTimr ( . 'Joxilund is thn unmineii for presi dent , u mun pronioti.'il to that ollico by the Inrgeat majority over deciding ( in election in that ntatu , lie U man of ofctahlinhod hon esty of character and if you will okct him to thu probldimcy of tlio llnlt l .States you will lot hoar of Ntar-routes in thu iKistol ser\lco of hn rountiy under hU administration. Chi ITS. J 1 will toll 3 ou what we needdoiu - ocrutt and reimblicana nllku will agrto upon lhal-wo need lo have Iho hooks in llin gov ernment olllecs opened for otaminatton. [ Chpors , and crlos of "thftt'fl It. " ] Do you think men in thii nee never ylold to f > " > . lallon ? [ Laughter. ] It is only two & ago thai on oof Iho secrelarics at W _ \ was called before u senate cnmmllloo t ( W in regard lo Iho conditions of hia dop i _ and In lhat ilopftrtmont was the bu M medicine and surgery. In that dep an nxAintnntton was being had by i e- committee , and it wan ascertained by E the secretary thai sits at the head of ri partmont thai Iho defalcations fount ! Iho last year , as far M hud been ts was $03,000 , anil when risked about Hi i I thai ho had received n lellcr a year ! t forming hint of some of these outrage ) hu i slinilumoiiinco somebody had coi i and told him there were franda golj i the service , but Iho members of congress hail recommended continuance of the head of tlio tntroin with Mich earnestness that ho thought it must bo all right , anil now it turned out thnl Iho publlo were Sli,1,000 out ; how much moro no man , I expect , can now tell. Hut ttllATlHTIlK IIKMKI1TJ To have n president that will appoint hcadi 1 bureaus tint will investigate tha books , nd bring all the guilty parties to trial , diners nnd crlos of "That's it"J 1'cllow 7eii' , 1 believe that for such duty as Uiis , for he purpose of maintaining the United Stall's ; overnmonl for Iho people of this country , X cm cimnicnd \mirconlidonco Governor Cleveland , of Now 'York. [ Greal cheering ] . Nol long slnco there wcra troubles in the local government of tlm city of Itulfalo and the con servative people of thai clly nominated Grover - ver Cleveland as n candidate for mayor , not upon a party ticket , but upon a citizens'ticket , with Iho duty rwigiied to him of correcting ' : ho evils tlmt prevailed in the government of iho oily of ImtFiilo. lie was elected and en- Uwd upon his tlutius of tha ollico nnd made .ho correction In the tnanngincnt of Iho offices oE ,1ml city so clearly , HO well defined , that the tooplo of Xcw York took hint tip and _ made lint governor of thai slale , and that is the , voy ho conins before vou now. [ Cries of 'llurnxh for Cleveland , " ] lie who corrects all the nvlls In a bad administration nnd who joes from that sor\ico Jnto the affairs of the itnto government and makes corrections there , vill tnen slop in national order and proceed- ng into tha affairs of another government ind bring about i of onus Ihero. [ Great cheer- in ? ] . My fellow-citizen * . I did not Intend to peak this long to vou. [ Loud cries of "Go ihoad nnd keep it uji. " ] The convention at 2hicngo dltl not realize ull Ihal wo expected. 7or mytclf , , I HAD NO EXPECTATION'S. In no respect , in no sense , was I _ a candl- lalo for any ollico whatover. Wo did not re- ili/o ull that wo expected , but I bclievo that ii the fate of humanity almost ovorvwhoro and mdor every circumstance ; but wo have real- 7od thai llial should encourage its to make an iltnrt for good government. [ Cries of "That s thi ) beginning. " ] Not that I want the oillco .o which I nm nominated , for you know that [ did not desire Ihal , bul somebody must bu nominated for M'CO president to run on thu ticket with thu candidate for president , anil when the ticket is presented to you , you are called upon to pass _ judgment upon It in re spect lo its merits throughoul. [ Cheeis and Ci'ies of "Yes we'll support it. " ] That is the question , will you support it ? [ Cheers nn J cries of "Wo will. " ] And in asking you that piustlon , 1 want to atk you another , do you tot , nil of you , democrats and republicans , joliovo that thii affairs of the government have jeen long enough in the hands of onu set of nen , [ crlos of "wo do"J and do you not all iollo\o that wo have reached n poiiod when , here ought to bo a change ? [ Cries of "Wo do and will have it. " ] I don't ask that all bo aimed out. lhat Is not the Idea. If a man lias done his duty well and faithfully : if ho has jiol used Iho powers of his ftollico to ] disturb , \\Q \ rights of the people ; if he has not furn ished monov to coinipt elections ; if ha lu > s * imply confined himself to tha ilutioa of hi" ollice , I am. not clamorlig for his olliclal blood , , but , my follow citizens , of thucn ono. hundred anci iwcinty thousand men that cow ( ill official position In the country'wn havo'no ' tiulit to supposefrpiU. . nll that ' has1 taken" ' place tlmt Ihey are nil "honest , [ CliccrH''hnd ' * laughter. ] and the only way that wo can"'ilo- > now is to % IIAKI : A CIIANOI : . A month ago everybody supposed _ that all ho employes in the bureau of medicine and surgery wcro honest , and now , at the very iiwt of Iho examination , il turns out that they nro not. But what is the remedy 1 1'ut them out and put honcsl men in , [ Cheers , and cries of "That'll it. " ] Wo cannot do that it wo leave the same president and heads of depart ment * and heads of bnrpnim In. I have uvory f ailh that this ticket will bu elected. [ Crirs of 'So ' have I."J 1 think 1 know BometUini * about Indiana. [ Cheers and laughter. ! Wo will probably eland hero togelher won't wet [ Crloa of "You bet 1" ] and ibis banner of lib erty , of right , of justice , of fair government , that has been in the hand of Cleveland and liendrlekH , shall bo carried and placed In glo rious triumph on top of the national capitol In > foveinbor next , [ Great cheering and ales of "Wo will put it there. " ] Shall this bo the iwoplo's banner ? [ Cries of "It is" ] You liavu uo inlorcst except In good government , too , anil 1 think I have none. I have lived n good while , i have tried to Hccuro your con fidence , anil to preeorvo It , [ cries of "You huvo It , too. " ] AM. I AHK OFOU your support nol for myso'f , but for your selves , and for your children und all thu peo- > o thai are inlorosted In good government. ( ChoiM 1 Now , 1 have Broken longer than I intended. [ Cries of "Go on"and "Wo are not tired of you. " ] 1 know that who i any of my republican friend * , who are intending to stand by tha r party still IpriRor , ehall foe this numerous crowd hero to-night , they will think that thu doom of their fate has coma ut last. [ Cheers anil laughter. ] Why , I happened up Bit cola few weeks ago , il was just niter ISlaino anil Logan wnro nominated , nnd I saw a little gathering of very hontsl and honorable peo- pla behaving themselves oxiccdingly well and very quiet , and General Harrleon was deliver ing a speech about the nomination ) at Chica go , [ loud laughter , ] and really , if you were to bring that crowd hero and drop it right down amongst you , you would not mien it nt all , [ unut cheers and laughter. ] What does It meun7 It moans that people mean to have reform , [ cheers , ] nnd Uut ia the watchword that IB written upon every democratic banner. It wnu written upon thu democrats' banner eight > ears ago , and Tildon nnd Hendricks carried that banmr , [ cheers ; ] but reform was defeated by defeating the right of tlio people to elect lliuirown ruler * , fcheors , ] and whit is thu consequence ? There lias been no reduc tion in the public expenditures. Although thu wur ia passing furttior and further away from us , clill this republican party makes no reduction in public expenditures , Shall wo Iwuil ? ( Shalt wo luvu good government ? Shall wu have clnup government ? Shall wo have lower ta\fn ? They toll us that the gov ernment can bo well car it'll on for $100- 000,0)0 loss thin is now collected from the public. 1C CLKVKLAKII nhall conm into thu presidential olliru T bo- linvo ho n 111 bring the expenditures down to Iho Intt dollar thut will support the government , economically administered [ cheers ] , and then , when liu does thut , lie will have nconinplinhotl whit ( lonoral Jackson said was the duly of iiny government. A government has not tlio right to collect a dollar from the txioplo ex cept what i noccsdory to mo't tlm pnblio service. [ Chccra and ciios of "tha 'a right. " ] Whatever a government nteiU she has a right to come to mo or to you or to all of ns uml make t pay for it , but when she gets all that ; ho needs for economical administration , aha las not tlit ) right to take another sixpence out of .our pocket , and tlmt ia all wo oak. When this Ik kit ehall wave m tilumph , that idea will bo established iu thla country. [ Clieeru , ] I thunk you my much for the attention you iiivo given me , 1 ask simply that , as citl/ens ntervstod In all that intercuts any of us , time you will glvo your attention to this campaign ui'i never cease jour efforts until yourdemo- LfAtlo banner , with the democratic ) principles if reform and cheap govnamont , in fountl waving in nil the Kiw above your head. " Chit-is ] At thoclosnof H end dcka'speech 12x-Sen > itor McDouuld was lutroducnl anil poke jriolly. Loiog followed by D. 8 , Goodllm ; ind otlicr local > i > eakerii and the meeting ad. oiircod , tit