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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1884)
8 OMAHA DAILY BEE- SATURDAY , 12 1881. i THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morningt July 121 LOOAL BREVITIES , In the dlttrtct courtboforo Juilr o Norllle yesterday , OonUnt , charged with ember zlloff money from MrY timer's , plowlot guilty. guilty.Tboro Tboro U no doubt that the Athletic Tour * nament to-d y , M well M the Turn-Fes } in general , will bo the greatest success of the 43 aeon , Foropaugh'B advertising car Is In the ctty nod Is the center of attraction for the small boys , all of whom wo anxion * to Rot an oppor tunity to carry water to the sacred white ele phant In pollco court yolordny Dan Callahan - han , the olil ofTcndor , was up for drunken- ness. The judge looked him squarely In the faoo and said , "Fifteen days In the county jail on broad and wator. " AllBociellM taking part In the Tumor- feat parade this morning nrn requested tA bo at Germania Hall at 8:45 : o. in. sharp. All Turner societies will bo on hand at 8:30 : a. rn. sharp * One of the boll boys at the Mlltard hotel ThnrsJay oTonloff undertook to take a friend to his room with him after 11 o'cloclr.contrary tothornlca of the house. The night clerk protested and the bell boy Insisted , whore , upon the clerk forcibly ejected the parties from the houfce. The friend was arrested and the boll boy will bo arrested to-day. The I'arnam street contractors doslro nl Itroporty-oirnere between KIghtoonth ant Twentieth streets on Farnam , to remove the ! fences and stairways which are out In the street , that the work of grading may not In nny way bo Impeded. This Bhould bo done a once so that the work can bo done with al all possible hasto. Frank Thompson was arrested last niRhl for being a confidence man. Officer Donovan was standing upon the corner of Eleventh and llarnoy streets , dressed In citizens clothes and having upon his vest a grand' army badge. The "con" man took him for a sucker and at tempted to "work" him , whereupon Donovan nrrested him and lodged him in jail , Many of the business houses in the city are docked with both American and Gorman flags , In honor of the mooting In this city of the KIghtccnth Turner Festival of the Mto- -sour ! valley. In front of II. Klgutter's store is a large banner , upon which was painted the words , "To the Victor the Oliro Wreath. " Thursday Mllea Waybright broke a pane of glass inono of the windows in Black's sa loon , corner of Thirteenth and Centro .streets , from which ho stole a bottle of wlno and a box of cigars. lie was so elated over his SUC CORS that ho sat right down upon n boor keg and proceeded to got gloriously drunk. After becoming thoroughly full ho wan discovered by a policeman and wan taken to jail. Yes terday ho was chanced with larceny and his case was continued. There was qulto a laughable case in Judge llenoko's court yesterday afternoon. The col ored man , Fieldwho was arrested the preced ing day on a charge of larceny as bailee , wan brought into court for trial , llo had no at torney , neither was there any attorney for the tity , but Field marched In and deliberately naked for a jury trial. It staggered the judge , but ho finally recovered and appointed Depu ty-Marshal Gorman as attorney for the do fcndant and a by sUuder as attorney tor thn tate and the two improtntu lawyers wont al it to empanel a jury from the crowd of spectator tater * . The work was .finally completed and n jury , composed of thrco white men and three colored men , wan empannolled. Court then adjourned and the case will bo taken up this afternoon. The Union PAdfio officials left yesterday at 9:31 : a.m. by n special train for n > tour of Inspection of the road. They will go on the O. A K. Y. road toStromsburg and will then go to St. Joe. The party consisted of Presi dent Adams , Managing Director AmoH , Oliver Anun , Mr. S. 11 , Galloway. Mr. Hugh Iliddlo , president of the Hock Inland , Mr. .Tacsb IMIckonsdorfor , chief engineer of the Union Pacific ; Mr. T. L. Ktmball , assistant general manager and Mr. 1' J. Nichols , general oral superintendent. The train consisted of n baggage car , Mr Klmball'a private car anc presidents car. Mr , S , II. II. Clark , gonoru oral manager of the road , will join the patty to-day. In the district court , before Judiro Neville yesterday , Mr. Smytho , attorney for Ga xolo , charged with the murder of Xorga , filcx a motion for a continuance of the case nnti the next term of the district court. IIo pro- Denied an affidavit signed by Gazolo elating that trio only two witnesses who wore prosenl In the room at the llmo of the shooting , Low la liagczacaluco and wlfo , havogono to Italy anil will bo absent several months , Ho further utatos that Xerga , on the night of the tragedy , abused him and advanced upon him with an open knlfo and attempted to stab him and that after repeatedly warning htm to keep back ho drew his revolver and abet alter hav- lug been backed into the corner of the room byergo. . IIo says that the man and liU wife now absent In Italy will testify that ho dl < : the shooting In self defense. John Cuneo , In whoso homo the shooting occurred and with whom the man and wife mentioned were stop 7 > lng , conoboratod the affidavit of Gaxolo by a similar one , and upon the strength of these aUidavlts , Judge Novlllo granted ; ho contlu nance. Wok do Moycr. It It now undisputed that Wlo Die May- cr'n OnlurrliOui-o Is the only treatment that will abfiolnUIy euro Catarrh fresh or Chronic. "Very efficacious. BamI Gould "Weeping Water , Neb. " Ono box cured mo .Mrs. Mary Keuyou , liUmarck , Dakota. " "I rottcred ins to the pulpit , Key , George 15 lUls.OblovIllo , N. Y. " "Onn box radically cured mo , Nov. 0 , II. Tnlilor , HO Noble ttroot , llrooklyn' " "A perfet cure after 'JO Tears suffering , J. D. McDonald , 710 Ilrnad way , N , Y. , &c. , &o. Thousands of teatlrao. nlals are received from all parts of the world ) * Delivered , 81.00. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's Iby luBlrnii (1 Tr atio , " with utatojnentti of the cured , walled free. D. li , Dewey & Co. , 112 Fultcn Street , N. Y tue-t.hura & sat-m&Sem Ladies should tullooi before uohig any preparation that iaapplied to BO delicate surface us the kin , Any cosmotio will At font Impart n beautifying r.rcotnud not .apparently injure the ekin , but in a very thort tinio llitlo blotches and ditcolouu < ions appear on the fuco which ccnclu aivcly show the poisonous drugs in that composition. It can bo wifely said the mere than two thirds of iho face powder contain these injurious ingredients. IVz zoni's medicated complexion ponur is not only abao'urely ' frco from nil dulotoriour matter , but il principal ingredient is nu active curative for oil diseusts of ( lie kin. It has stood the test of years. Bold 'l > y nil druggists. mo-eodyl STATK UAZZTTKKK &Bun PH'KOTQuy ' to bo hsucil in July , 8bl , prict gt CO. J. Jf. WoiJ'jr. pub- l er 120 p. J4tb St. , Omaha. GUT HEIL ThB Omaha Tnmcrs Receive Their Vis- Ming Bretto last A Pine Parade Through the Streets from the Depot to Gormania Hall. Tjnst KvcnliiR's Kntcrtalnmont. Thomombors of the Omaha Tarnor socie ty mot nt Clorrrmnla hall last evening nl 7 o'clock , nnd formed in procession to march to the depot , vrhoro they wore to moot their friends belonging to the asso- olationa of cities farthorjdown the valley , on the incoming train. The procession was headed by the musical union orches tra of this city , which discoursed swcol strains of music on its tray to the depot , and after it came the members of the Omaha society , one hundred strong. The various visiting societies were welcomed at the train by the reception committee of the Omaha society con sisting of J. ] . Kruohauf , Ed. Mauror , H. Haubons , Chas. Mot/ , Louis ilciin- rod , John Bawmor and Julius Nagl. The societies arriving on last evening's train wore those of St. Joseph , Atchin- son , Topeka , Marysvillo , Loavonworth and Kansas City. The society from St. Joe was accompanied by Pryora band of eighteen pieces , of that city , which is ono of the finest musical companies in this valley. Those members arriving on last evening's train are only the active members of these societies , or those ; who take part in the entertainment and ozor- cisca. They will bo followed to-day by the passive members who will ho fully two hundred strong , and bo accompanied by their ladies. At the depot the several societies formed themselves into a procession headed bp Frypr'a band. Then came the St. Joseph society , immediately followed by those of Atchluson and Topoka. The Musical ] Union orchestra came next , the Turner's of Omaha completing the procession. This procession then moved up Tenth street to Douglas , up Douglas to Fifteenth to Farnam and up Farnam to the hall. From the depot to the hall the bands alternated in dis coursing music through the streets. Both bands were finely uniformed nnd presented a most acceptable appearance im their march through the city. Gormania hall was tastily arranged for the occasion , and no pains had boon spared to make it look inviting and beau tiful. In front , and in the hall loading to the reception room , boughs of oak and maple were upon the Trolls. The main bail or reception room was brilliantly lighted , and most beautifully frescoed for the occasion. Loaning against the sides of the stage were the Hags nnd banners of the different societies taking part in the festival. The procossio entered the hall and the different societies seated themselves around tables loaded in anticipation of ihoir ftcomiug with all the delicacies that tickle a Gorman oalato. In ono corner were two kegs of the nut brown boor and when their contents were ex hausted other full ones took their places. At half-past nine Vhillip Andres , pros- dent of the Omaha Turners delivered the address of welcome to the visiting so cieties in behalf of his Omaha brethren. The speech was n very appropriate ono for the occasion and was responded to with cheers. The speaker concluded his romarlto by mentioning Alfred Myor of Atohinson as chairman of the evening. Mr. Myor was unanimously elected and taking the stand made a few remarks upon the law of prohibition in his state , and stated ho had lost his voice through its shameful effects. Ho then took his seat at the head of the center table and appointed Messrs. Haubons , Andres and Burmostor assistant chairmen to assist him in keeping order. Speeches and re sponses vroro then the order of the day. Mr. Hatshun , of the English Lutheran school , the several chairmen nnd Mr. Smith , of the Stadt theatre , who made a strong speech against prohibition and fin ished it by drinking a glass of beer nil made fitting and appropriate remarks. The various societies then arose and sang , 'Brothers let us join in recreation and joy. " After several other short speeches by members , the Omaha Turn er quartette took the stage and sang "Froo , holy and fresh makes life a com fort in this world , " nud nt the finish was long and loudly cheered. The various exorcises of speech mnk. ing , boor drinking nnd banqueting , called by the Germans , a Commoru continued until a late hour when the different eoci- otlcs separated to moot at 9 o'clock this morning. TO-DAY'S rnoaiiAMMj : . This-morning the visiting Turners , leadiiiR societies of Omaha , the city council , etc. , will moot .it Gormania hall , form in procession and march through the principle strootK of too city , SBhas , boon announced heretofore. In the afternoon the grand gymnastic tournament will take phco in the Union Pacific base ball park , the principle attraction of which will bo a match between the homo team and a club from Mexico , Mo. , claiming to bo the best nine in that state outside of St. Louis. In the ovoninct , Julius F. Ilarthun will deliver the festival oration in Gor mania hall. hall.HUNIUY'H HUNIUY'H ' I-UOUIUMMK. The gjmnastio tournament on Sunday will bo continued at llascall's park , nnd prizes will bo given in the following contests - tests : llunmng high jump , running broad jump , puttlogtho stone , polo vaultIng - Ing , rope climbing , running races , spear throwing nnd tug of war. Thcso prizes will bo aelivorod by young ladies of Omaha. The brass band of the Omaha musical union will bo in attendance on the ground nil day nnd furnish music for the occasion. CONVINCING. a ho proof j | thopuaaing Is not In chewing thoHtrlng , but In liming tin opiwrlunlty to test the artldo direct. BclaotorS Bccht , the DrurcUt * , lm > e a free trial buttle of Dr. lo- ! uiuiko'a Cough and Lung Syrup for each and c\cry ono who Is aflllcted with Coughs , Colds , Aatbmu , Consumption or any Lung Affection. Another Ueiitriuo Hey in the Pront , It will bo gratifying to the friends of Mr. Anatm Eliuby to learn that ho has jeon appointed nasistant cashier of the Firat National bank of Hod Cloud. This s a well merited promotion and shows that the services of a faithful and vfllciont : lerk nro justly appreciated , ADUOII came to Beatrice as a young lad about nine years ago , and is n brother of Mm. 8. 0. Smith , of this city. Ilia first businrs * experience was at lied Cloud , where he vrai employed as errand boy in the bank of Smith Bros. , au i has risen by gradual > romotion until now ho enjoys a position uf responsibility and trust iu the stron gest and most influential bank in the entire tire Republican Valley. [ Boatric Express. The above mentioned gentleman Li o brother of Mr. Ira P. Iligby , the popula and efficient clerk at the Paxton hole nnd Anson'a many friends in this city whore ho was born , will rejoice to learn of his good fortuno. 1 ALAEGE TBANSFEE , The Onmli * Street KnllxTnr Again la Sold , nd Bonded for $ .100,000 , Yostordfiy the deed from W. W Mnrah nnd wife to Guy Burton , S. II II. Clark nnd Frank Murphy , oxocuUu on Iho llth day of February last , \rhoro by a throo'fifthn interest in the otroo railway , waa convoyed to thono grantoou for § 150,000 wna. filed in the county clerk's office. Accomprnylng their conveyance voyanco Was another from Mnrsh , Olark nnd Barton , nnd their wives , nnd Frank Murphy to the Omaha Ilorso Railway company convoying all their interest in the franchise , the horaos , cars , tracks , turntables to the grantee for the sum o ? r > 93aoo. A third iiiHtrumont , n dcnd of trust also from the Iloroo Railway Company to Bon. Wood , as trustee , waa also filed. This conveyance sets forth that it Is made for the purpose of mining $300 , 000 , and that . ' 300 bonds of $1,000 each duo in IDOt , have boon issued thereon. By inquiry it was learned that n crrca , part of this last amount is raised for tno purpose of building and extending the linca of the company throughout the variouB portions of the city. What Wo Can Cure , ( JCL'H not Kndiirc If wo can euro nn aclia , or n gprnln. or a | > nln , or a Inmonosa , or a Imrn , or n lirulno , era a blto , by UBlncThuman' Kclcctrlc Oil. lot's do it. ThonW.Kcioitric Ull Is known to bo good. Lot's try it. A NEW GRAND JURY , Onn Application of Mr. Godwin Cer tain Gtinrgcato bo IIo-examined. Yesterday forenoon District Attorney Godwin made an informal application to the court for a now grand jury , which was granted. This is doomed necessary by the state in view of the several felon ies committed since the adjournment ol the last ouo. Two burglars caught in the act of robbing houses are now in jail , where they will languish until next Octo ber unless disposed of by this term oi court. It is also said the indictmonl against Henry , charged with murder in the first degree is also defective and that certain others will also bo reindictod. Sheriff Miller was busy yesterday after noon executing the order of the court to mmnion a now jnry , and lias the venire leaded wltn the name of Charles H. Oowoy. PEIISONAU Kmilo BohnfTur , of Grand Island , Is at tbo Metropolitan. Kd. S. Noble of Blnlr , in registered nt the Metropolitan. J. Jf. McCablo of Ilook Inland , is at the Metropolitan. T. V. Hnmlin of Ottawa , Kansas , in at the Metropolitan. J. B. iloynolda of Turra Haute , Ind. , in ut iho Metropolitan. J. A. Grow of Wycomore , in the ( rueat of ho Metropolitan. ChoB. S. H to verm of 1'oublo , Col. , in Bojourn- ng nt tbo Metropolitan. II. Hinksoii , of WtMt Point , In Stopping at .hu Metropolitan. M..II. HtafTord and wife of Dos Molne.H , aio fltopjiing nt tlio Mctropolitnu. 1' , II. Davia and wifu of Chicago , are the floats of the Metropolitan. Mr. Jong Hanson , n tailor in the employ of 0. A. LInilqulet , is the happy father of a thirteen pound boy who made his nppoaranco this iuet. BoinR thu fir t ho 'wtw unusually Avelcomo. IIorsford'H Acid Advantageous In Dyspepsia. Dr. G. V. DOHSKY , Piqtia , Ohio , says : "I have used it in dyspepsia with very marked benefit. If there ia deficiency of acid in the stomach , nothing affords more rol'of ' , while the action on the nervous system is decidedly beneficial. Kccklcss Drivers' * About half past eight oclock last eve ning quite a sorlons accident occurred at the corner of Thirteenth and Douglas streets. Mr. E. B. Chapman and his niece were drivingwcst on Douglas street in a buggy , when their vehicle was run into by ft road wagon , coming from the opposite direction and occupied by two drunken men. The horse driven by the drunken men was going at a high rate of speed when the vehicles collided Mr. Chapman's buggy was badly demoralized and himself ana companion were thrown to the eround. The lady was injured about the hond aud lost a gold breast pin. Mr. Chapman was also slightly in jured and lost n gold chain. The two drunken men are supposed to bo Graham Hardy and J. Swanson , the latter being thrown out and somewhat cut about the lioad. No arrests were made , while both fellows should have boon lodged in jail aud subjected to a heavy fine. fill ; Gcnrto Doil o Hponlcs. This gentleman lives in Kinporlmn , IV , ami sayB , "Ono of my jnoii , dutn. Louis , wjillo working In the woods sprained his uuklo 10 bad that ho could hardly hobble to the lumto. Used Thomas' Kcleotrlo Oil ami was ready for work tha next morning , 1 huvo never yet scon to peed n uioJIclno. " 11IKI ) . 8HULT/-In this city , July 10. a * 2 p. . , Aniilo , daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. D. tichultz , tHoi ! U months. 3'nnoral will tuUo pUce to-Jay , July 12 , ntlOa. rn. , from the resltloncu , L'13 North Twelfth utrcut. FrlouiU of the family lu- > ltwL _ Howlui ; Wild Outs. How many w sto their time and roaonrcos n foolish experiments , with nasty worthier uodlcliirs that can ne > erdo th m a whit of Kooil. If you nro ick Kin ! want help cet a reputable romiidy of eitabllihoil merit. The curatlvolrtuea ol Burdock Blood Bitter * ifttpiioter been quMtlnnod. For n enfoe. JleU circulatlou or a weak stomach they nro plsndid , The most stubborn and distressing canes of dyspepsia yield to the regulating and toning influences of Ilood'a Banana , ilia. Try it. TROTTED TO THE FINISH , Last Day ofiucSniniiierMeetlDpr ill Omaha DriylDEParfc Association , Plattoring Showing for the Firs Mooting A Pine Week of Sport , The Now Society nnd Mnnnfjomont to bo OonftrntulAtcilfor tbo Manner In Which the Meeting Has Boon Conducted , Yesterday closed the first mooting o the Omaha Driving Park association , ant the society cannot help but congratulate itself upon the successful termination o the races. It htuj been n mooting of pleasure throughout. The weather during the entire mooting , barring the first day which was fearfully hot , has boon all tha could bo desired , and the track wan in the best of condition. The attendance during the races was fairly good , thoupl not what it should have boon by any moans. The members of the association ma ; well congratulate themselves upon this their first mooting. They have lost som money , doubtless , but they did not ox poet ts make the first mooting a finaneia success ; hence are not in the least discouraged couragod ; on the contrary , are highly elated that the mooting "panned out * n well as it did. Tnis mooting should bo a sufiiciou guarantee to the citizens of Omnha tha when the Omaha Driving Park nssocia tion advertise a mooting , it can bo taken for granted that the races will bo on th square and no foolishness. Ono thing which haa characterized the meeting which has just closed is the fact that th best horse has been made to win his race and that is nil anybody could ask for. The crowd yesterday was much largo than on any of the preceding days anc were treated to some good races. In the 2:48 : class there were throe starters , Theodore , Ilex , and John I The horses were called promptly at 2 o'cloak. Theodore drew the polo , John I second place , and Box. third. The lioraes got away on the second attempt , with John I. slightly in the roar. Theo dore kept the load to the second turn when ho loft his feet letting Rex to the front. In this manner they trotted to the finish with John I. a bad third. Time , 2:30 : . The interest of the day centered In the Free-for-all race , in which there were four starters , Harry Veloi , vlth a rec ord of 2:24A : ; Flora P. , with a roiord of 2:24J : : Big Soap , with a record of 2:23 : ; and \Vill Cody , -rrith a record of 2:19J. : Handicap , Joe Daviea , Don and Long- "ellow were drawn. "Will Cody drew the polo , Harry Velox second , Flora P. third , ind Big Soap fourth. On the second trial the horaesworo | sent oQJwith BigSoap off his feet. _ On the first turn Will Cody went all to pieces and dropped back be hind , From this on the heat was with out especial features and the horses pass- ad under the wire in the following order : Barry Volox _ first , Flora P. second , Big Soap third , and Will Cody fourth. Time , 2:20j. : In the second heat in the 2:48 : class , ; ho horses got away on the first attempt , [ lex wont the front and bafllod all at- ompts of Theodore to head him. John [ . yraa practically out of tbo race. All lorsos trotted equaroly. They passed indor the wire in the following order : [ lex first , Theodore a good second and John I. , third. Time , 2:38. : In the second heat of the froo-for-all ace the horses got the word the second line they came down. Big Soap wont up m the first turn and dropped back behind the group. Will Cody nnd Flora P. were both lapping Harry Vclox on the pack stretch. Cody wna pushing hard for the first place when ho left his fool and wont into a bad break. This loal aim the heat for by the time ho was level there was a gap of a dozen open lengths between him and the foremost homo. From this on the heat was an easy ono for Velox who jogged under the wire winner , Flora P. second , Big Soap third and Will Cody fourth. Time , 2:28. : The third heat in the 2:48 : class was a pretty race between llnx and Thoodoro. fho horses got away together but John [ . broke on the first turn and dropped away back behind the other horses and lost steadily. On the back stretch of the second half milo John I. was far enough back to got the ilag , but his ariv- > r broke him up and run him in to save lis distance , but this the jndgoa would lot allow and distanced him for running. llox won the heat with John I. second. Time 2:301. : In the third heat in the froo-for-all class the horses were sent away with Velox under a break. Flora P. went up in the first turn and dropped back to the ourth placo. Will Cody shot to the rent and led the field to the half-milo > est , whore ho quit , and on the second urn on the second half milo Volox loaded him and trotted to the finish an easy winner. Will Cody had completely quit , and Big Soap boat him homo. The ilaces at the tinith wpro as follows : Velox first , Big Soap second , Will Cody third , and Flora P. fourth. Time , 2:28. : It was evident from the start that 3cdy was not played t" win , as ho was stuffed full and could not hold his gait. In the half milo and repeat , running 'ace , there were thrco otartors , Little- ollow , Duke Connaught and Corrilla. Oorrilla drew the polo , Duke of Con- mught second place , and Littlolollow outside. Mr. Hancock announced before starting hem that ono of the heats must bo run n 51 seconds or bettor , The horses were sent away at the first ttompt at the tap of the drum. Thu ) uko of Connaught shot to the front and kept the lead to the finish. Littlofcllow > nd Corrilla had it nock and nnck on the > aok stretch but u& thuy headed into the lomo stretch. Littlofollow passed the ; iare and boat her home byn half length. Time , 49 seconds. At the conclusion of the first heat in ho half milo race , the clouds began to oolc threatening , and many of the poo- do in carriages turned their horses lomoward. Twenty minutes time elapsed between ho first and second heats of the half nile running race , when the howcs were oady to start again. After getting nway lie Duke of Oonnauaht went to the front nd stayed there to the finish , with Lit Io Follow Bccoud , and Corrilla third. Time , filj In the running race , milu and repeat , there were only two starters , LUtloFeh low and Bright Light , Gen. Warren hav ing been drawn. Little Fellow won.botl heats in this race handily. flUMMAUY. 2:48 : CLASS inoTTiNo. Ilci . . . 1 1 Theodore , . 2 2 John 1 . 3 3di Time 2u1CJ , 2:38 , 2:38. nun ron AIL THOTIIXO. Harry Vclnx . , . . . 1 1 Flora I' . 2 2 ISoan . 3 3 Bill Cody . 4 4 3 Timo2:20J : , 8:28 : , 2:28. HALF MII.H AND nil'BAT nf.VHlNO. Duke of Connaught . 1 Mttlefcllow . 2 Corrilla . 3 Time 49 , 01J. MILS AND HKPKAT nOSNlKO. Littlofollow . 1 Time 1:47 ? , 1:52 $ . Upon the conclusion of the races yes terday afternoon the judges announce ! that they had suspended , for thirty days J , I. Wilson , the driver of Urbana Belle for holding her in a raco. * THE TUENEES , A Number of Thorn Hnvo Alromlj Arrived in the City. A number of the visiting Turners ar rived in this city yesterday and wor escorted by the commictoo , appointee for thai purpose , to their hotel. Laa evening a banquet and reception of members bers took place at Germania hall. A grand paraao will bo given at 9 o'clock this morning , and open-air cxcr cises at 1 o'clock on the bnao ball park followed by a ball game are on the pro gramme for the afternoon. The line of march for the parade this morning is the following : From Germauia hall. Nineteenth and llarnoy to Farnam , down Farnam to Thirteenth down Thirteenth to Jones , down Jones to Tenth , up Tenth to Douglas , up Douglas to Sixteenth , up Sixteenth to Jefferson square , countermarch on Sixteenth toonth to Dodge , march down Dodge to Fifteenth , down Fifteenth to Farnam and back to the hall. From 300 to 400 active and passive Turners and their friends are oxpectoc and moot of thoao outside of the active mombora will como on excursion trains to-day and stay over Sunday , taking in the ball and the picnic Sunday. THE SOCIETIES TAKING 1'ABT. The following societies will take pan in this morning's parado. City marahaland equad of police. Concordia singing society. Maonnorchor " " Swiss " Delegations from the fire companies. Buhomiam turner society "Jednota Sokol. " Turner societies from St. Joseph , Mo. Mo.Atchison Atchison , Kan. , Leavenworth , " Topeka , " Laworenco , " Maryavillo " Emporia , " Yankton Dak. . Omaha , Nob. , The musical union band , and Pyre's band from St. Joseph will frunish the music for the parado. SALOON SLUGGERS , Jack Qainlam and His Partners At- ( toiupt to Clean Out a Saloon. Last night about 11 o'clock the notor ious Jack Quinlan , with Tom Leonard md several other of his pals , went into IVIcClolland's saloon , on the northwest corner of Eleventh and Harnoy , for the purpose of whipping a Council Bluffs man named Shields , A general row onaued in the bar-room pistola , beer glasses , and pop bottles being used In discriminately. The police at length came in and put au end to the melee. Several were found to have boon wounded od but none seriously , A young man named Poland who was taking no part in the uiTray but was standing in the door it the time hau hia foot impaled upon a fragment of a beer bottle ; a carpenter named John Ward received a flesh wound in the forearm from a pistol ball , ind Leonard waa found to have received several wounds from a knife a.nd a beer jlass about the head nnd faco. The pro prietors and Tom Leonard were taken to jail. The McCIollanda were afterwards reloaded on bail. Absolutely Pusre. Hill powder never varies. A mancl of purencea , trength and wholesomencsa. IIo. o eooc omlcal than ho ordinary klndtaad cannot bo > ld in competition rlth the multitude of low test , short weight aluci cr ihosnhate iwKdem. Hold only In cans , IAKINU I WDr.Il CO SPECIAL NOTICES. jTDpeclala will Fosltlvoljrnot bo inserted laiotjs paid in advanco. TO I.OAN-M0118V. ONKYtoloantn Itc&l t-ittte by lUllou liroi- . , VI S17 louth IBtli bt. tOI-ll nOK KENT A live room oittage , oor , Sheridan [ ' ktrcetand I'ojipletona cnuo , 10,50 | xr mouth , Urkcr fc Mayuo 4S7-tf T O I.OAN-Krom 1200 to 11,000 ou good recurlty L Addiwu "K , I1" IKo olllco. (03-lPli k/T / ONBV to lain In lunis of 8'03 and upwards on VI Improved DouKlaa Co. f nni. 11. 0 , i'attrrton ; Co. , Iwil tsUto aud luau agent , ISth and Kurnam. k rONK Y loanol on chattels , not botuht , cut rate VI tloktt. Id. A. foruiau. 118 B. 13th St kyfONKY TO LOAH Tbf lowest ratoi ol tnUreet { VI U mt ' T ian fyonfty. 1HH Donyla W-tl J i/roMt / 'IV LOAN lunuuii ol RSUU. aaa onward VI O. r. Iarli and Co. , liwj aut wad Loia I cnU. UM Y unun St. CVS-U. | MERGELL & BOSENZWEIG , Practical Painters & Decorators , CAnnv Tiin MEGEST AND nxcffrnETAiT. STOCK OP WALL PAPERS AND DECORATIONS , 1515 Douglas Street , Omaha , HEIP WAHTBD. VV : JTANTE1 > Oula at81a > en Hotel , suutii JuthNt. B35.17 ] WANTED Dining room girl and laundry gttl a Boston Itcstaurant , 1414 Douglas. 37.14 ] " \TrANTKD-A girl lor general house work. In \ l qulro at A. I'atttteon I Jewelry store , or a * House Oeorgta ave , CO-12 Immediately , 2 good dining room glrli WANTED at.St Charles Hotel 1208 Harncybt. 6(2-1 ! ANTKD Uoy waiter at umaha House , Itarnei St , between 12th and 13th St. 48,14p I/"ANTED A dish washer at Scandinavian Hotel > llth St. & 34-12 [ 1"17ANTKD Two dish washers at once. Best wag YY p.ld , 1509 Farnam Ht. 6SM4p \ \ ANTED A llrst-clas gentleman correspondent , VV br a Hrst-clis * lady. Louisa , 099 Boo office. - Bontlfinoii tor front parlor tc WANTItD-Two , 1024 Douglil St. 12) lip "XV'ANTED-For Hopt. 1st , a drat claFD Enfjll'l ; T I teacher for the Herman-American tchuj ) , Aplj ( to 1'rof. HarihunRcrmanlaHall. C05-14 , " \T'ANTKD A flut-claes barlier. None other need V ) apply. Call at 1416 Chicago He. Cotaloy. OillOp " \\7ANIED A good butcher. No. other need ap. T T ply , corner 14th and Howard. 615-lOp AX/'ANfKO A good girl at 25U Douglas street. 401-tf (17ANTKD A girl for R family of four , that under vv stands bow to CODK , waih and Iron. ' > o other need npplv. Apply at once to 1409 Park Wilde ave , Airs. John W. Boll. tTO-tf \\rANTBD-A Blrl for general kltchcnwork , at 215 S.12th street. tCl-llp WANTKD-A barber , 709 B. lOta street , Omaha. 010-14p WANTED A etrl for ceneral housework at the Ocrminla House ; 1)10 S. 10th St 47M2p T\7ANTED A tnorouRh practical book-keeper do. IV sires books to open , close b lance or adjutt Merchant whoso lusinetB docs not Justify employ ment of permanent book-keeper , can harothelrbooks written up at Bmall oiponeo. Best references Ad dress "A. C. U. " care Stevens It Wllcox , 420 routh 13th. 473-11 WANTED First class jtlrl for general house-work Apply Ur. J. It. Bluovo 103 2ith street. 105-tf VJTANTKD A competent girl for general houee- VV work. Wages 20. a month. N. W. oor ISttt and Davenport. 314-U WANTED- girl In family of two , 10C4 farnam St. 293-tr TT7ANTED-LADJE3 OR GENTLKJI In city or V V country , to take nice , Uk'ht and pleasant work at their own homes ; $2 to $5 a day cosily and quietly made ; work sent by mall ; no canvassini ; ; no stamp for reply. Please addnea Ucllablo llan't'c Co. , I'lll- adclphla , Px 149 Imo Qlrl 'at 1540 Sherman avenue , lira. WANTED J. M. Counsman. 043 tf OiraATIOHB WAHTKD. " \TTANTED-A gentleman with normal training IV and oipericncowlshesan engagement as a teach er. Address "Normal , " this office. 43-12 * A Lady rf reflnoncnt and best of references would like a situation aa amanuensis , or to do copying. Address for ono week , H. W."B o olllco. fj22-17p " \T7ANTED By a young man late of Chatham Can- vi ada a dry eoodd rr frocery hand. Salary not io much an object as work ai I came out here for my health , hoping to b < i favored with iornctiIn . Ad dress Win. D. Foster , 022 S. 10th St. 431-14p A Lady with good references would like to act aa companion to some e'derly , or invalid ladv Ad dress "M. W , " Bee office for one week. 623-17p WAh'lKO Kituutlon by an expeilenced'horeo" and flrxt-clavi coachmun. of man - Bet > t icfor- enocs. Apply at Rev. Jcrgcaon , corner Hamilton and 1'ler Bta. x 632-15p TX7ANTED Situation an foreman on farm , am a i I practical farmer , can ! Sno rderenco , am strict ly temporato. Aduross "J. E. A. " Bee olQco. 337-lZp _ A Young married man wants situation aa book keeper , In wholesale establishment in Omaha. Addrcsj "C. " care Bee. 898-tI inOCELLAIJEOnB WANTS. Ono or two unfurnished rooms on the WANTED hill. References cichangod. Address "X. " Bee olllco. 647-12p WANTED Sot of books to keep , or any work to doevorJnga. Address "K A. W. " Hoe office. 492 lip - few flrtt claea table boarders at No. WANTED-A 1718 Dodgostreet , 4C9-12p \\7E offer In lots to suit purchuer , eight hundred VI choice Ion a steers. Ouo half year olcUl , balance two and three \earj old , and a good smooth bunch. 218-lm bTUANuE BUO'H , HIoux City , Iowa. TXTANTEU Boarders to know the St. Charles Ho- VV tel on llarnoy St. , between 12th and ISth wilt Btt up the best table board for $1 00 per week ol any 101130 in the city ol a correspond ] ! ' " price. i.3-H-tl FOB UEHT Houaeo ana 1011 KENT Furnished rooms , 10.21 Capitol aval 6M-17i > FOIl KENT A houeo of thrco rooms anil kitchen , 0348 , 13th Stbitwicn Jackton and Lca on- worth. MT-llp Oil KENT A furnished room. Inquire at No. F aseiilsiandUavcnworthSt. FF F OK It bNT Elegantly furnlshud parlor and bed room 22d aim Doilylas Ss Auo 4 rojma to loueo-keeplng. luquiro of W. V. Clark , corner IBt and Douglas. & 3t-14p ) OUSi : KOK UKNT Largo new hoimu with 1 room * , hath room , gas , city water , flue locallt , 15 mluutta walR frouil' . O near St. J tall- way to h completed Ibt Augutt (45 per month. Kc'crencc ' requiredAddruM hy letter , "U U. S. " Bee olUco [ 44-12 OIl 11EST FurnUhod roouia 105 N. 18th St. F HKN'T Tlirvo unfuri Ishe rooms and 1 sin- FOIl slu room furnished 1017 Cnlcizo. 609-tf ItKNT llooms In Crounee'u Block. oTll FOIl llltcheoclc , 513-tf F IOIl ItKNT A suite of roonu nlcolr ( urnithixl Iiujulro 1816 Cms utrget. tlB lip 1 .UH HU.VJ' Six roum eottaije , line location , hy I. JL1 T rctersen : B. K. cor , ISth and Douglu 617-t FOIl BEST A new S room houeo. Inquire Mn § KIloddU , 25th , boUoen paronport and Chicago treut. 4H3-lp If 0ll Ul'.NT-A back parlor clegant.y furnliihod 1 and adjoining bed room , ulth use of bath room. Also bid ruoui up stairs , Hiltable for ono or two Kea- Uuuien. Ic t lo&itlon Ui the city , (201'lo&aaLt Bt. 4DOII I Ttoll IthNT-FurnUhed rooms at Z > 27 DoJgo tit. L1 4D7-lmp KK.VT Nicely furnlthed roonu without board 18 ] 4 Daenport St. ir > OK ItKNT 111 hhhm'B &I addition , n w house , 4 L1 rooms , part of double home , full lot , 911 0) per lontb. Apply room 21 Omitha National IJank Dulld ntf , . Itfltf FOIl ) IKNT To roomn furnished for light housa iconlnj. Ueuuer'nlllock , cor. fthaoa Howard. IjlUlt KKfiT N.-utly . lltud up fcloro room msa at I1 813 south 14th St. , cpt > oilt I'ajtoa Ilotol. dstl- ablelocatlon , Imuieillto ] > o o lon. 4SO-12 l/bll nKNT WitirTJoiTii brgo front rboIrT'vnth L' bay iudotr , K J aud bath room , at No. 1718 etri'it. 4rt .IV 7Hlt HKNT-Uood ( tore on 13th and Hickory. US I ? per mcnth. Also roams. V. Huai o. 45S lip , KENT llirubhcd rooms lota Dodge Street. 419-llp 7IOIUIKNT. A furnUhcd back parlor for two tnr- J BOI B at 1011 U dgo itrc t uly7 , inn 1724 DcuglMbt. 43Stf 1IHST Ono ( -r.nil nouaru iilauo , Juiiuuc 1 cf Kdtioimaud Eiicksou. 410-tf OIl I1EJJT Hon e and Urge birn , ' l'i > r -i hurtes. Aue lot. Wo. U. l.bui > . , . u , teltphone Ml. 4u-llp HKST Two choice tuit of . -o room * lu Full Uro n' block , ri < oUUl1aiU'a ) ' ll tel. Inquire it room No. 7idOoor. Are prepared to do wor OUTSIDE TIIR CITS In nny branch , On Short Notice HOUSE , SIGN , N AND FRKSCO PAINTING , DEC01UTIN } FOR nKNT-FtirnUhed room * , first houw we l o the Hcr&U office. Abe a flte room house br liatnc parties. 417-llp TilOU JIENT New house nlUbl * for h tel or tm > JO lly bnnrdlng house , J5 rooms. Dotlnbto location lUrkT & JUjno , ISth Mid I'arrnm. 4:3 u f7\OH \ HENT One teed lr twm house | 2S. per iw . X1 .II. Hitchcock. jjgj.K FOR nKNT HOUM S rooms peed repair. Nloo yard , cletcrn water , Kent 15 i > or month 1411 l' tk WUJfl avo. Apply to Jno. W. Dell , Drufirtit , 10th St. 1S5-U FOR UKNT Ono etoro { n Crounio' Block , O. U. llltchcock. WO-U FOIl llOT-Plano. Inquire at Edholm & Brick- ton's. 803 tf OR nENT-Roomsln Nebraska National Bank Building. Host < Jc lrablo olllcea In tbo dtj. buppllod with hydraulic elevator and boated by iteom. Apply at Bank. 82 < j.u [ 7 OR RENT Furnished rooms on the north-wwt -1 cor. 13th and Capitol UTOUUO , formerly Crr.hMi- . ton House. 189 U FOP. BALE. FOUSAtB-Boardlnpr houso.futnlturo and flxlurff , &U complete. Inquire at 10 a. loth .St ' 625-lTp FOIl 8ALK Ono of lh- > fin * * retail ifroctry Btandt In Omaua.oAiicr must ICATO city. Address "A. W. " this olllco. 124-14 FOlt SALE A iilco gentle horto , nowInggf , Slnu Icon's nnkc , harn 8 siddla , etc. , cheap , lu qulrout 12i ; lUionportSt. MMSp F OR , ouepoolandonobllllRrd table , both lu Rood oruor. appljr at 012 H. 10th St. t43-17p FOR HALi-ooil : ! , roHnblo hirse , suitable for family or ilratt nirpodcs. Inquire hct' lu and 12 a. m. , oraddrojB M L. Smith , 200 N. 16th street TOR SALE 185 acres Parpy comity land * 12 mile * JL' from Omaha. Will t ko umaha property In part pujmcnt. Call on or BUdrosa II M 1'arlsU , j-apllllon. 803-1 Dp FOR BAtE Elevator rhr p. 1416 lUrnoy trit-i M4-12p OHinNC , 1IOHICK < S : CO. HARE CHANCE A now and useful patent lor A tale cheap. For full particulars call atj. A. Turner.V Co' hmplojmont olHco , cornerTcnth and lUrnuy etrcota. BlO-llp I poll SU.K 1&0 takei one laigo .work mare , ' double ect harness , one twohoreo wagon. All In good working ordor. U. K. Copson , Itth ano I'-dflo street. M8-lp > TjlOR BALK A pin \ ting olllco suitable loranmall JP nowtpaper or job otllco. Will soil for cish or ex- changofor OuiaLa City property. Addrcaj' X. Z. IV * lice ollicu. 48g.ti I7IOR BALI ! A good confectionery , cigar station- C ? or\ and now depot. Apply or address "A. C. U. care Tirrcll and Cook , city. 476-llp SALE Ouo of the boat Biuinou Lota and FOR BuildingIn Teknu.ah , Neb. ( country teat ) . Address , C. W. Conklln , Tekamah ; or , Wlrt & Duguottc , Wholesale fancy aroccrs.UouncJl Bludi. ; 462-14 FOR BALK A few choioo young ; bug y and wort honed. Mayno & Barker , 81. Mar'a > Teru barn. 458-tf FOR SALE Sp'olal Bargain. Corner lot , Mxl42 , street car line , 2 housea , ISth and Grace street * . 423-llp 8ALK Large lot on Park avenue. Also house FOR and lot near bt. Mary'a avenue. Inquire 422 Con. rent street. 437-lmp SALE Thrco ol the boat lots In Ilanscom FOR place at a bargain If Bold toon. Potter & Gobb , 1515 Foruam. 031-U FOR SALK Sheep , a lot of line Colorado grades containing ol 800 on OB , 2 , S and 4 yeara old , abouteoojearllngaatd fiOolambs. The ewes will shear about 6 pounds For further Information ad dress Ulday Co. , Ualglcr , I ) . & M. U. K. , Neb. 933-lmp FOR SALK-Anlco cottairo an > full lot , half bloct eouth of Milton RogerV residence , on 19th street. Inquire of M. Leo , Grccor , 22d and Le&enworth. . 917-lm TT'OR SALE Clieapoat house and lot In Omaha , In J ? Potter's addition , S root ! . ? , well , SOD barrel cis tern , on two Iota , 100 le..t fioni by 130 teat deep , tor 82,050. I'ottcr t Cobb , 1610 Farnam Btieet. 463-tf SALE Cheap lots la Shinn's 2J addition. J ? Klrkwood end Tlalaview. Totter & Cobb , 161E 423-tl OR SALE Two second hand plunog , at Edholin JU & Erickson'H llnslo Store on 16th St. EUO-tr FOR , SALE Two open Booond-nand bugf loa and ono deUvery wagon , cheap , at 1310 llarnoy St. 833-tf MISCELLANEOUS. 'pAKK.N tjl" One ilark roan pony'horae and e\io\ \ and Dumb Institute. /TPAKEN UP-Last April , rod and white joarllnit _ l heifer. Owner can htvo eame by calling at II. dhaug , cor. 24th and Mason , and rat locr chaiueti 645-5t-le k TjIllST-CLAS3 table board $4 00 per week , K. W. JL' corner 17th and Capitol avo. 511-ICp ESTUAYED-Durlnc the night of Tuesday , July Sth , fiomSSJ street and .St. Mary'a avenue , a ight sorrel pun > , v , 111 to himl leg * and white face , jrand on hlnu Io ( not \ety plain ) . Anyone returnIng - Ing him or srlUnir Inlorraatloo as to hid whuioibouta will bo suitably reworded by calling at 1.8 H. 14th itreet. H. A. Kcstor'u 1'ulnt Shop. REWARD Strajtd on Juno21thblaokponj , white face , ruano reached , bad on halter. : 'rank Uabonnab , U. P. Coil Card. S. 13th Direct. 137-lIp fT\ \ HURRAY haa good posturing. Spring water. JL S rpAKKN Ul'-llay 24th , 1884 , at my plnco , 1 horse , JL sencl cnlor , and one pony bay mare , black tall , brand mark un kip. Owner can have eare by prov ing property and paying charges , rhl'llp ' Ca 8ldy. 093-6w-cow qpAKEN UP-On he 24th Inst at Pries' Lnho. neat JL I'lorence , a ll'ht bay mire white on face and legs , 4 jours old , lightly shod , branded on left quarter. Owner can roco > cr by paying for tbU advertisement and othei e'jargea and proving ownership. Prlti Bros. , Florence , neb. 203-la 6 r T3UIVY vaultn , sinks , and coespoola cleaned with JL sanitary cleaner , tiatl'factlon guaranteed by r. U. Abel , ( suixo.aor to J. M. Smith , ) box 378. 239-lmp OF THE OMAHA , NEB. The scholastic year oonimenooa on the Firrt MT.1 > NbiDAYln Kcptotnbor The cuuno of luttiuctloo embraces all the Elementary and higher hram be > of a finlehed education. Uilljronoo uf HdlB'lon Is no obstacle to the admlsilon of youn ; ladled. Pupil * are received at any tlma of the year. CiTTcimi pay. able In advance , Including Hoard , Waahlii ) . ' , Tuition In English aud Frencb , use of bojLu. I'Uoo , ptr Boislon of five motuh' , 3I50.CO EXTRA CnAROIiS-DnwIng , lUlntln.- , German , Harp , Violin , UulUrand Vouil Uuelc. roqtilred from all persons unknown o thu IntUtutlon. I'ur fuithor Informttiou apply tu he LAUYHUI'KKIOR. jyll tatts HMKEN SPRING VEHICLES ! C\ Uvlcit rlilnu * e'll ' | made , tlaotfaii eaiy with one nr ounwlth . wun.hMlnw. IBI The Blirllltfl eiiglheii and horlen nrrardlni IJ ( be wrUln ilr v. Koually well adapted to rousn conntri oadii and line drifts of cltlon. Manufactured uj oldbyallt iHlpadluyrarrlajrenutlderf and Dealtri lenry Tluikeu. l > alul - . M. Ixiiila. Jio ABQOn BUGGY CO.